the witch next door

By: Charlotte 6C

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Post on 14-Apr-2015




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This short story is about two girls named Kalie and Ali. They live all on their own in the smallest town in the country Down Berry. They live on the tallest hill in the smallest cottage. With there sad past they keep on going. Their is a new neighbour in town and they go and greet her with one of Kalie's warm fresh bread. It was a lovely day outside until they reached the mansion everything changed for a second.....


Page 1: The Witch Next Door

By: Charlotte 6C

Chapter: 1

Page 2: The Witch Next Door

“Cars, Boats and Bikes flying around everywhere, The Earth ruined”“Ali! Ali!!!” “huh!!”“Another nightmare?”“I think so!”“Poor poppet! you're sweating like you’ve just run a marathon! Come, I made some fresh brown bread...... Come ON!!! get dressed” Kaile shouted flapping around while jumping on Ali’s bed.

Kaile is Ali’s blonde stepsister but now she’s like her mum because Ali’s mother died last year and they have no clue where her father is. Kaile had lived on her own since she was 16 because of the tragedies in her family. When Kaile live with her wicked mother which was like a Wicked witch, she hated how Kaile dressed, Walked and ate she wanted to make her a proper lady when she was only 10. When Kaile was 11 she and her father couldn’t take not more acting like her servants so they ran away to the nearest town they could find: Downberry the plan was she’d live there her whole life hiding from her mother. Her and Kaile’s father built the cottage out of wood and with a few dollars they could afford beds and furniture. Foods and water was cheap in Downberry so they only needed a few dollars to build the small cottage. It took Kaile and her Father about a year to finish the house until Kaile’s father caught a sickness called: Patterbain a common disease in Downberry caused by lack of water and there are not many medicine to care for him, and they were all too expensive for them to buy just selling fresh fruits.

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The years passed and her father died. Kaile was strolling in the town two weeks after her father died when she found Ali when she was only 5 with her beautiful mother begging for money, Kaile was a spot on hunter now because all of the skills her father taught her when she was young and she thought she could take care of them, so she decided to show Ali and her mum her small cottage. Over the days Ali’s mum got weaker and weaker until her body took no more she had caught the sickness Kaile’s father got. Then it was only left with Ali and Kaile. Kaile and Ali live in the same cottage Kaile and her dad build, Perched up on the tallest green hill its old beauty attracts visitors so they have to be very careful. Downberry, being the smallest town in Capperia its known for their dangerous criminals..... well... sort of. The people there have legends of evil witches, Good wizards, Dragons,Serpents and pigs flying so they have to be careful.

Chapter: 2The smell of brown puffy bread filled Ali’s mouth as she stumbled down the crooked stairs, now she was dribbling all down her chin. Kaile was carefully placing two beautiful white napkins while staring at Ali like she was an alien from outer space. Ali finally reached the second hand table and sat down. “May I start?” Ali said whipping the slyvia of her face soaking the delicate napkin.“Yup!” kaile says sliding into her chair opposite Ali. She pulled out her knitted wallet holding $10 in it, out of her hand knitted satchel she always took to the market with her. Kaile had to ride her horse “Silky” every day to go to the market to sell her fresh fruits. She would always come home with around $10-$20 a day.

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“I’m going out to town to give our new neighbor some new fresh bread do you want to come ?” Kaile said packing some bread into her bread bag.“Sure!” Ali answered “We've got to walk then because Silky is ill so we need to walk her beside us, Ok?”“Yeah!” Ali said stuffing the third piece of bread into her mouth “Rodger!!!” She whistled and a strong German Shepherd came running out. Kaile had found him on the streets one day on her way home from the market and brought him home because she thought he could be useful for hunting, and she thought that Ali needed a friend besides her.

Chapter: 3

They were trotting along the rocky, dusty path until they came along a dark, black dusty mansion which looked as it hadn’t had a window clean in a long time. It had a sign on the gate saying “no trespassing or else”. They rang the doorbell “Ding dong!!!” it echoed through the house. Kalie tied up Silky to the gate, Silky was having a panic attack, while the doors opened on their own. “Woow!” Ali screamed “SHHH!!!” Kale hushed “Hello??? Anyone Home!!!” “Eeek! this is so scary!” Ali says jumping closer to Kale to a tight grip on her hand. “Ouch! Ali you're gripping too hard and plus I’m going to drop the bread so swap hands”“NO! I’m staying right where I am! Whoops!” Ali slipped and made Kaile drop the bread!“Ali! you are so annoying! why did you make me do that

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now we have no excuse to just invite our self in like we did”“sorry Kaile.... Now can we get out of here”“Yeah! its creepy, but..”There was a weird silence “But what Kaile” Ali said struggling to stand on her two legs.“I don’t know the way out”“OH NO!”The ancient doors opened again and a tall, beautiful young lady walked in that what seemed the main dining room.“Hide!!!” Kaile said jumping under the nearest blanket.“SHHH!!!” said Ali Whispered army crawling down the hall.“Yeah! no I want the fish to be raw and the chicken to be cooked for the dinner party” The tall lady took off her lether jacket and her scalf that looked like it was made out of a fox or a hare. “NO!!! I said the fish RAW an Ahh! forget it I’m having the richest people in town coming tonight so just do everything pretty and nice OK GOT IT!!!”“Sheesh!” Ali was terrified from the tall skinny lady.“BYE” The lady dropped the phone into her feathery handbag which looked as it had been a treasure of hers. She went to sit on the vampire shaped looking chair. Untill Ali went to scratch her head when she hit on of the vase full of red roses and it crashed onto the floor, But luckily the home phone rang so the lady had to get it because it was probably was one of her party guest.“Hello? Hello? daaa!!!” she slammed the phone down “Stupid teenagers!” She sat back down and took another phone out of the draw.“DINEO!!!! MY COFFEE!”

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A lady popped out of a door dressed in a maids outfit and holding a tray full of shortbread, sponge cake, Club sandwich, and a boutique of fruit. “Yes Mamm” she said stumbling down the hall “The coffee machine is broken Mamm” “Order a new one then, But find it in the Home lifestyle magazine! Oh! and make sure ITS EXPENSIVE!!!”“Yes mamm” Dineo stuttered while placing the diamond tray on the golden table “What would you like for dinner Mamm?”“I’m having a party tonight and some professional chiefs are coming to cook the meals”“Do I need to stay then?” Dineo said crossing her fingers“Ummm, Yes!”“HU!” Dineo whispered “Are you arguing with me?” the lady rasied her voice at poor Dineo.“No Mamm I’m just wondering what will I do then?”“Clean the floors, Scrub the deck Ahh! I’ll find something for you’“Mamm” Dineo said bowing politely and jogging away.

“Pissh! Kaile we have to get out of here or we’ll get in huge “Wait till she goes out!” Kaile Whispered “Alright! then”

“Tiro!” the lady shouted “Yes Mamm” And a little man waddled out of another door in a maids outfit.“There seems to be a broken vase out in the main dining room SO GO CLEAN IT UP!!!” “Yes Mamm!” so he ran off down the hall and came out with a dustpan and brush.

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Kalie didn’t know what to do nor did Ali the man was going to come to clean the vase up and they were going to get caught. Tiro went to clean up the vase when he saw Kalie. “Hello?” Tiro said stumbling to his feet “Hi!” Said Kalie also stumbling, up to the nearest chair to sit down.”we don’t usually have visitors at this time” Tiro said “I know”“What?”“No I mean.... Oh Sorry!”“Come I’ll show you they way out!”“But she’ll see us!”“Who will? oh you mean Madam Ghuzell?”“Yeah”“We’ll go out the back door!”“Ok” Kaile whispered scarcely.“Follow me! Come ON” Tiro said wondering out of the huge glass sliding doors. Then he peered back in just to check that Kaile and Ali were coming.

Chapter: 4

After walking through a posh hallway they reached a small door that lead to Tiro’s room. It was small moldy but sweet and warming. Unlike the halls and rooms of the mansion that lay outside the door.“On you go! Then” Tiro Said happily.“Thank you soo much! you saved us” Kaile pleased in delight.“Yeah thanks” Ali whimpered.

Ali and Kaile thanked Tiro and went round the house to get Silky.Until...... “Kaile Where's Rodger?” “Yeah where is he?” Just then they heard a loud barking in

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the distance and they raced around the house to see Rodger and a black Skinny cat! Madam Ghuzell was there standing in front of the dog and cat fight.Ali and Kalie stopped and watched Madam Ghuzell pulled her crooked finger out of her black coat and waved it in front of the fight Rodger and the black cat stopped “Binx! come inside you're acting like an animal” So the skinny cat limped into the Back door. “Shoo! stupid dog” And Madam Ghuzell slammed the door mumbling like a bee.“Kale did you just see what I just saw!”“Yup!” Kale replied still staring.“Rodger come on boy, we’ve had enough of that..... witch next door!”

And they walked back home and faded into the sunset.........