the winning file of ankit for steam epariksha april 2014

1.What will you do while Soot Blowing? MANDATORY Raise the boiler firing rate Lower the boiler firing rate ok Do nothing 2.Steam at 45 t/hr, 60 bar, 510 C. What can be the configuration of astern turbine? One Curtis of 4 row 2 curtis of 2 row each ok 6 rows 10 rows 3.For astern running, direction of turbine is reversed by- MANDATORY QUESTION Admitting steam to a separate turbine connected to same shaft of one of the ahead turbine 4.During maneuvering , how is condenser vacuum kept low? Throttling one or more air ejector valve to reduce air ejector steam Allowing air from glands ok Cooling water output 5.During maneuvering , Y is condenser vacuum kept low? To Prevent distortion of rotor ok 6.During Preheating ,vacuum is kept minimum why? To Prevent distortion of rotor ok 7.Why is vacuum kept high in condenser (MCQ- MORE THAN ONE) Steam condenses at lower temperature Steam flow is directed towards condenser Max heat is utilised Steam entering condenser hits condensate at bottom readily It is apparent that the greater the vacuum obtained, the lower will be the temperature of the steam. The lower the temperature of the steam in the condenser, the more heat we have available for conversion into mechanical energy in the engines. After the steam leaves the exhaust section of the turbine, it enters a condenser, where it is cooled to its liquid state. The process of condensing the steam creates a vacuum, which then brings in more steam from the turbine 8.Why is Vacuum condenser used? MANDATORY QUESTION

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  • 1.What will you do while Soot Blowing? MANDATORY

    Raise the boiler firing rate

    Lower the boiler firing rate ok

    Do nothing

    2.Steam at 45 t/hr, 60 bar, 510 C. What can be the configuration of astern turbine?

    One Curtis of 4 row

    2 curtis of 2 row each ok

    6 rows

    10 rows

    3.For astern running, direction of turbine is reversed by- MANDATORY QUESTION

    Admitting steam to a separate turbine connected to same shaft of one of the ahead


    4.During maneuvering , how is condenser vacuum kept low?

    Throttling one or more air ejector valve to reduce air ejector steam

    Allowing air from glands ok

    Cooling water output

    5.During maneuvering , Y is condenser vacuum kept low?

    To Prevent distortion of rotor ok

    6.During Preheating ,vacuum is kept minimum why?

    To Prevent distortion of rotor ok

    7.Why is vacuum kept high in condenser (MCQ- MORE THAN ONE)

    Steam condenses at lower temperature

    Steam flow is directed towards condenser

    Max heat is utilised

    Steam entering condenser hits condensate at bottom readily

    It is apparent that the greater the vacuum obtained, the lower will be the temperature of the

    steam. The lower the temperature of the steam in the condenser, the more heat we have

    available for conversion into mechanical energy in the engines.

    After the steam leaves the exhaust section of the turbine, it enters a condenser, where it is

    cooled to its liquid state. The process of condensing the steam creates a vacuum, which then

    brings in more steam from the turbine

    8.Why is Vacuum condenser used? MANDATORY QUESTION

  • preventing steam from becoming liquid at the end of turbine ok

    easy air and non condensable gases removal

    High Efficiency

    Ease of Flow

    9.If steam pressure is reduced at inlet of heat exchanger then- MANDATORY QUESTION

    Steam temp increases ok

    Steam temp reduces

    Steam temp remains same

    5 What effect does lowering the steam pressure have?

    a) The steam temperature rises

    b) It has no effect on the temperature but increases the latent heat

    c) The steam temperature falls

    d) The total heat in steam increases

    10.If a h/e stops working what does that signify?

    Steam inlet pr is low

    Steam inlet pr is equal to or less than steam outlet pressure.

    What is the prime cause of stall in heat exchangers?

    a) Not enough steam pressure upstream of the control valve

    b) The heat exchanger pressure is equal to or less than the backpressure

    c) The heat exchanger is undersized

    d) The condensate discharges to atmosphere

    @ spirax sarco Stall is the reduction or the cessation of condensate flow from the heat exchanger,

    and occurs when the pressure in the heat exchanger is equal to, or less than, the total backpressure

    imposed on the steam trap.

    11.For same inlet pressure of steam, steam flow rate reduces for bigger heat exchanger because-


    More surface area for heat exchange

    Steam pressure is less and so enthalpy of evaporation is more

    V/v inlet is small

  • Evap. temp. Low

    3 For the same heat load on two heat exchangers, why is the mass flowrate of steam

    always less in the exchanger with greater heating surface?

    a) Because the control valve is smaller

    b) The steam pressure is less and so the enthalpy of evaporation is more

    c) Because there is more heating area in the oversized exchanger

    d) The steam pressure is less and so the steam will be drier

    12.What happens to steam pipeline size after pressure reducing valve MANDATORY QUESTION

    Reduces since steam volume is less at lesser pressure

    Increases since steam volume is more at lesser pressure ok

    Remains same

    6 The steam pipe after a pressure reducing valve is likely to be:

    a) Smaller than the upstream pipe because of the smaller volume of low pressure steam.

    b) The same size as the connection to the plant.

    c) Larger than the upstream pipe because the volume of the low pressure steam is


    d) The same size as the upstream pipe because the flowrate through each pipe is the


    13.Where do u take bleed steam from? (MTOA)

    HP Turbine + LP Turbine

    After LP

    Crossover Pipe ok


    14.Boiler efficiency is determined by NON MANDATORY

    Fuel injected and shaft power

    Heat input and power

    Steam pressure ....... ok

    Steam flow n heat input

  • 15.In BCC system which has feedback from steam pressure, feed forward is provided from

    Dump steam

    Condensate temp ok

    Steam flow rate

    16.In single element feed control system if value of steam flow increases, then feed water flow


    Increases ok

    No change


    17.Shrink and swell compensation?

    feed fwd

    feed back ok

    feed fwd and feed back

    cannot be compensated

    18. Preheating of turbine is done by

    Gland steam


    Aux stop valve

    Main ahead stop valve

    19.Preheating of steam turbine is done slow and prolonged to- (MCQmore than one)

    Allow uniform heating of turbine casing

    Maintain gap between moving and fixed blades

    Reduce differential temperature within casing

    Reduce the gap between moving and fixed blades.

    20.Why do we open steam v/v slowly? (MCQmore than one) MANDATORY

    prevent water hammer

    prevent thermal shock doubt

    drain condensate

    see whether any leaks

    21.More reliable method of testing Steam trap

    Sight glass

    Gauge glass ok

    Temperature sensing device

    Integrated steam trap sensor or separate chamber got on net

    22.Why is steam trap not checked by temp sensing device MANDATORY QUESTION

  • It is expensive

    It is injurious to health ok

    Temp of steam changes with pressure

    Temp of steam and water is same got on net

    23.How many pockets in labyrinth seal of HP and LP Turbine MANDATORY QUESTION





    24.In gravity type LO system, pressure sensing device is provided to MANDATORY

    Ensure enough LO pressure at turbine

    Ensure adequate lubrication of turbine

    Both A and B

    Neither A nor B

    25.Advantage of regenerative(there are moving parts) air preheater over recuperative(no moving

    parts) air preheater?........

    Less bulky

    More corrosion resistant ok

    Easier to manufacture

    Doesnt allow air temp to rise to an abnormal level

    26.Why is air preheater used/WHY IS AIR PREHEATED? MTOA MANDATORY QUEST

    For better combustion

    Boiler Efficiency improves

    To prevent thermal shock to furnace ok

    To prevent corrosion

    27.In Reheat cycle boiler,reheat steam after passing through _____ and ______ is taken back to

    boiler and reheated before entering subsequent stages of ahead turbine MANDATORY QUESTION

    Superheater ,HP turbine

    Economizer, Astern Turbine

    Superheater, economizer ok

    Superheater, attemperator

    28.Why is air heater in uptakes more prone to fire (MCQmore than one) MANDATORY

    More oxygen

    High temperature

    Soot deposit

    Proximity to furnace

  • 29.Economizer tube material?

    CI gill section ok

    Mild Steel/Low Carbon steel

    30.Whre is deaerator in a 4 stage feed heating system

    At 1st stage of discharge of condensate pump

    At 2nd stage feed heater

    At 3rd stage ok

    At 4th stage before entry to boiler

    31.Position of Deaerator at top? MANDATORY QUESTION

    To provide NPSH required

    32.How is air removed from condenser? (MCQmore than one)

    by cooling down the steam

    by using steam in the air ejector ok

    using water as a motive fluid for air ejector

    daltons principal of partial pressure (this option may or may not be correct depending upon

    what is written in the question)

    33.How does air ejector remove air?

    Uses steam

    Uses cooling water ok

    Uses condensate

    Improves cooling water flow

    34.Function of ejector in a condenser is (MTOA) MANDATORY

    To allow steam to pass through to eject air

    To allow feed water to pass through to eject air

    To allow cooling water to cool

    To allow cooling water to pass through to eject air

    35.What information is provided on safety valve (MCQmore than one

    Lifting pressure

    Capacity-flow rate ok

    Reseat press

    Standard no

  • 1 Which of the following information is not normally included on the safety valve marking plate?

    a) Set pressure

    b) Relieving pressure

    c) The relevant standard number

    d) Information relating to the capacity of the valve

    36.Why safety valves are in pair (MCQmore than one) MANDATORY

    One is at a higher pressure than the other

    One is at a lower pressure than the other

    One cant handle all the steam flow

    If one fails, other will open

    37.When safety vv is overhauled,the end of the spindle is MANDATORY

    Rigidly connted to vv lid

    is lapped in the recess of the valve seat after grounding the seat by carborundum paste


    Kept detached from vv lid while assembly

    38.What type of reduction gear used in turbine? MANDATORY

    double helical and double reduction

    Single helical ok

    39.What type of reduction used in turbine?

    Helical ok

    40. Flexible coupling in turbine is installed between

    turbine and pinion ok

    41. If before you take over the watch, you see that there is no water level in the gauge glass,what

    will u do?

    Inform duty engineer

    Secure the fire ok

    42.Purpose of economizer?

    To increase Main propulsion plant efficiency ok

    To reduce the size of boiler

  • 5 What is the purpose of an economiser ?

    a) To cool boiler exhaust gases to below dew point

    b) To reduce the amount of energy required in the production of steam

    c) To enable more steam to be produced from a boiler

    d) To utilise heat from boiler exhaust gases

    43. Sea water is leaking in condenser then? (MCQmore than one)

    Chloride content increases

    Vacuum falls

    Condenser temp increases

    Condenser temp decreases

    44.What cant be used as IG on LNG Ships?

    IG from boiler ok

    Pure Nitrogen from shore

    45.Why is steam line occasionally drained before entering the ahead turbine (MCQmore than one)


    To allow steam to come out

    Water in steam can damage blades of turbine ok

    There is a possibility of water hammering

    46.Where is steam drain from FO tanks lead to

    Observation tank ok

    47.Steam line is drained to

    Prevent water hammer ok

    Remove dirt in line

    48. ESRD Boiler(ESD type with reheat) , reheated tube is protected by.gas damper (fill in the blanks)


    49. How many gauge glasses are required and why at different levels? MANDATORY QUESTION

    2,for compensating rolling-pitchng

    50. When load decreases, what happens

  • Fuel decreases at a rate faster than air

    51. When the boiler load is increased air is increased first and then fuel and vice versa. Why?


    part of feed fwd control

    to avoid incomplete combustion

    fast response

    for stablity

    52.Chloride test-what all is added and what is the color?

    N/35 of silver nitrate;reddish brown

    53.Why is hydrazine handled properly?

    Toxic n carcinogenic ok

    54.What will happen if hydrazine is added to Low Pressure bOiler?

    Reduces oxygen

    Breaks down to ammonia

    Copper Nitrate

    55.What is done in high pressure boiler to remove oxygen? MANDATORY

    Hydrazine added ok

    Sodium sulphite added

    Feed water taken to boiling point in feed heater

    All of the above

    56. In N/50 H2SO4, strength of conc is MANDATORY QUESTION

    1/50 of normality

    50 times normality ok

    50% of normality

    None of above

    57.What does N mean in N/50?

    Normality ok

    58.Purpose of blowdown valve? (MCQmore than one........ not sure about this)

    To remove deposits

    To empty the boiler ok

    Legal requiremen

    Fill up the Boiler

    59.Blowdown sequence

  • Open ship side then boiler side ok

    Open boiler side then ship side

    60.HP turbine is entirely impulse-reaction type MANDATORY QUESTION

    True ok


    61.Steam Bleeding from HP Turbine increases the turbine speed MANDATORY QUESTION



    62.Manoeuvring can be done for more than 2hrs continuously



    63.Does bleeding steam improve efficiency of plant



    64.In Reaction turbine, Pr. Drop takes place in the nozzle and in the blades



    65.Are all the sodium salts soluble?



    66. HP Turbine gland is not sufficient for LP turbine gland pocket in low load condition?



    67.What is open feed system?

    Where u allow air to enter

    Where u dont preheat the water

    68.What is closed feed system?

    Where u dont allow the air to enter ok

    Where u preheat the water

    69.Meaning of cross compounding? Mandatory question

    HP n LP connection using a crossover pipe ok

  • 70.Purpose of attemperator and desuperheater?

    71.Disadvantage of regenerative and recuperative air preheater?

    Attemperator- maintains the superheat; desuperheater- reduces the temp of superheated steam

    72.Flow of cooling water through condenser?

    Axial OK


    73.Why is steam passed through a strainer before passing PRV? MTOA MANDATORY

    To prevent any impurity

    To prevent any insoluble impurity OK

    To prevent water from passing through

    Strainer Strainers arrest any dirt before it is able to pass into the pressure reducing valve

    74. In cross compound turbine, set of nozzle at beginning of HP turbine casing is spread over?


    An arc of periphery depending on no of sets of nozzles

    Entire periphery ok

    Abt 180 deg of peripehery

    Abt 270 deg of peripehery

    75. Gland steam in LP Turbine is required so that

    No air leaks in turbine

    NO steam leaks out of turbine



    76. Air is preheated in (MCQ- more than one) MANDATORY QUESTION


    Air heater OK

    Boiler Casing

    Air register

    77. Joint material between turbine is

    Chart paper

    Reinforced heat and pressure resistant Metal to metal contact

    Reinforced heat resistant


  • 78. Gauge glass is blown through for (MTOA)

    To ensure cocks are clear ok

    Correct level is shown

    To Ensure water level is above heating surface

    79. Chemicals are added in boiler

    As dissolved in small quantity and added to feed water going to the boiler

    As dissolved in small quantity and added to boiler in one shot

    80. In safety vv overhaul, the bottom side drain is

    Kept open

    Kept plugged

    Connected to a drain pipe

    Connected to a drain pipe and pipe is made clear

    81. Low Pressure steam is obtained from (MCQ--- more than one)

    Steam reducing vv

    Low pressure boiler

    Steam to steam generator


    82. 2 Feed vv is placed in series at the inlet of the boiler to-

    One is a non return vv which will prevent back flow of water in case the pipe ruptures

    Both can be used to control the feed flow ok

    Only one is used at a time

    83. Cooling water flow through the condenser (MCQmore than one NON MANDATORY

    Is just sufficient to take the latent heat away

    Is kept as high as possible to cool the condenser ok

    Cannot be adjusted as the capactity of the pump is the same

    Is adjusted commensurate with the outlet temp of the cooling water

    84. Outlet of the steam trap is partially chocked

    Capacity of steam trap will reduce ok

    Increased differential pressure on steam trap

    85. Pressure drop in steam distribution pipeline is due to MANDATORY QUESTION

    Frictional loss and heat loss

    Pipeline is meant for lesser pressure ok

    Pipeline is meant for higher pressure

    Due to distribution

  • 5 Which of the following results in pressure losses in distribution pipework?

    a) Sizing the pipes on low pressure instead of high pressure.

    b) Frictional resistance within and heat loss from the pipe and fittings.

    c) Sizing the pipes on start-up load of the plant.

    d) Large steam users.

    86. Feed water is preheated to

    Less thermal shock while entering furnace

    So that bleed steam can be used ok

    So that only latent heat is required from the boiler

    All of these

    87. Steam entering HP turbine is dry and superheated .Why? (mcqmore than one) MANDATORY

    It doesnt contain water which is injurious to blades

    It contains more enthalpy than saturated steam ok

    It doesnt condense readily in steam pipeline

    It doesnt condense till it reaches the condenser

    88. Steam turbine plant efficiency is increased by

    Bleeding steam in stages from turbine ok

    89.Protecting material on Economizer tubes is

    CI gills ok

    90. During warming up, the vacuum is kept at maximum


    False ok

    91. Boiler level control is

    Feed back with feed forward signal

    Feed forward control with feed back signal ok

    Only feed back signal

    Only feed forward signal

    92. NaOH reacts with : MANDATORY QUESTION



    NaCl ok

  • Na2SO4

    93. A combustion control system-air is always kept more than required during load changes :

    To avoid incomplete combustion

    For more stable operation @spirax sarcoTo ensure complete combustion, an

    amount of 'excess air' needs to be provided. This has an effect on boiler efficiency.

    For quick response

    Part of feed forward system

    94. Function of a nozzle is :

    to convert enthalpy into kinetic

    95. gland packing avoids steam leak at LP side and air leak at HP side of turbine?

    True ok


    96. gland sealing in LP turbine is required why?

    no air enters turbine

    no steam leaks from turbine ok

    neither of them


    97. Air is Preheated in boiler . why? (mcqmore than one) MANDATORY QUESTION

    To improve combustion

    To effectively utilise bleed steam

    To improve thermal efficiency

    98. Disadvantage of regenerative type to recuperative type is MANDATORY

    Heavy and occupies more space

    Less efficiency

    Easily corroded ok

    Leak through air seal

    99. During sea running conditions, direct contact type feed heater normally receives steam from:

    (mcqmore than one)

    Feed pump exhaust

    Bleed steam ok

    Pressure reducing v/v


    100. why weir is provided in remote water level indicator

    Steam is always there in the steam side

    water is always there in the steam side

    water is always there in the water side ok

  • Steam is always there in the water side

    101. Why phosphate is used in boiler?

    To reduce chloride

    To reduce alkalinity ok

    To precipitate sludge

    102. If water level increases in h/e what happens?

    Temperature fluctuates and causes corrosion

    Increases the pressure of steam ok


    2 What effects will waterlogging cause in some heat exchangers?

    a) None at all

    b) It increases the steam pressure in the heat exchanger

    c) It can cause swings in the temperature of the heated fluid and corrode the heat


    d) It increases the thermal performance

    103. Balancing of turbo feed p/p rotating part means?

    a) static balancing of rotor

    b) dynamic balancing of rotor ok

    c) hydraulic balancing the pump end

    d) all the above

    104. Manoevring vacuum low

    a) to have more steam

    b) control relative expansion in ahead turbine

    c) control relative expansion in astern turbine ok

    d) to allow less steam to circulate within turbine

    105. Hydrazine can be added in low pressure boiler



    106. Formula of Hydrazine


    Ques 107 During maintenance what happens to the valve lid edge MANDATORY QUESTION

    Its lapped and grinded by carbonised plate

  • Only grinded

    Not removed/ fixed on valve seat

    When it is assembled valve lid is put first

    Ques 108 Steam trap if exit is restricted what will happen?

    Differential pressure will increase

    Temp increase

    Temp of condensate released reduces

    Capacity reduces (depending upon options available, mark C or D)

    6 What is the effect of increasing backpressure on a bimetallic trap?

    a) It reduces the temperature of the condensate released by the trap

    b) It allows the trap to be used on a higher steam pressure

    c) It increases the differential pressure across the trap

    d) The trap must be the same size as the condensate drain line

    4 What is the effect of higher backpressure on a steam trap?

    a) None whatsoever

    b) It reduces the steam pressure in the heat exchanger

    c) It reduces the capacity of a steam trap

    d) It increases the differential pressure across the steam trap

    Ques109 Steam trap fails to operate in open position , what happen to the equipment before it?

    Efficiency increases

    Efficiency decreases

    The steam trap is lost

    The Equipment does not work

    What effect does a steam trap have when failed in the open position?

    a) It will stop the plant from operating

    b) It will loose steam and cost money

    c) Plant efficiency is maintained

  • d) Plant efficiency is increased

    Ques 110 what type of steam trap used on board?

    Thermodynamic type ok

    Ques 111 Motive fluid for air ejector in condenser?

    Lp steam doubt

    Ques 112 when the feed pump is not supplying water to the boiler then,

    It stops

    It churns in the casing ok

    It recirculates

    Ques 113 before taking watch from another watchkeeper you notice that the gauge glass is empty

    for the boiler, what do you do?

    Blow down the boiler

    Increase the feed flow to the boiler ok

    Inform the watchkeeper

    Secure the fire

    Ques 114 Condensate heating from the cargo tanks goes to the

    observation tank

    Ques 115 Reaction turbine has both fixed and free moving nozzles?

    True ok


    Ques 116 Outer gland pocket in steam turbine what it is used for? MANDATORY


    Exhaust of excess steam

  • Leak off of Gland (reeds pg-178, GJ Roy Pg-48, Taylor pg-60 ---all except Roy say that

    steam leaks from one pocket of gland to the other. In the end we are left with leak off.)

    Supply and exhaust

    There are two pockets in the glands fitted to all the ends of the turbine; the inner pocket is connected to the gland steam supply and the outer to the exhaust line . The

    HP turbine has to further inner pockets due to it having to deal with steam at higher

    pressures and hence increased leakage. The innermost pocket simply passes leakage

    steam back to the casing a few stages downstream, the next pocket passes the leakage

    steam to the HP turbine exhaust.

    When the engine is stopped the gland steam make-up supplies the system requirements. When the engine is in use the flow of steam to the supply pocket of the

    inlet end to the HP end reverses and the gland starts to supply the system reducing the

    quantity the make-up has to provide. At full power the only gland requiring steam will

    be the exhaust end of the LP turbine, the other will be either supplying the system or

    supplying themselves sufficiently to not require steam from the system.In this

    condition the make-up would be shut and the pressure regulated by the dump opening.

    Ques 117 In normal running condition HP gland steam is not sufficient for LP gland. Do we need

    external steam?



    Ques 118 what type of turbine is HP turbine?

    Impulse reaction


    Impulse ok


    Ques 119 How is the speed of turbo alternator governed?

    By governing the main steam valve

    By governing the aux steam valve

    By governor controlling the set of nozzle ok

    Something about set of nozzles

    Ques 120 why is steam drain from fuel oil heating lead to filter tank? (MTOA) MANDATORY


    a) Trap the oil

    b) Filter oil and insoluble impurity ok

    c) To watch if any oil coming with the condensate

    d) To cool the condensate in the condenser

  • Ques 121 Excess steam from hp gland cannot be supplied to the LP gland during normal running of

    the vessel? MANDATORY QUESTION

    True ok


    Q 122 LP Turbine is purely impulse turbine?

    True ok


    Q 123 What type of turbine is feed pump?

    Impulse ok

    Impulse reaction

    Q 124 Material of air heater for low temp. Corrosion? MANDATORY QUESTION

    CI Grills

    MS fins

    Glass or Enamel coating ok

    Electroplating of tin

    Q 125 Low vacuum during warming up period so that steam flows slowly


    False ok

    Q 126 What happens when bearing runs out of turbine?

    Severly damaged

    Flow of steam automatically stops

    Layers of white metal comes out (Reeds pg-142, Taylor pg-65.bearing damaged and being soft comes out.. contact of rotor with bronze sleeve and this alerts operator but no excessive vibration caused as offset due

    to bearing clearance already accounted for during axial alignment of rotor )

    Q 127 Markings on steam safety vv

    Set pressure

    Relieving pressure

    Capacity/flow rate

  • Std. no.

    Q 128 How does feed water control system regulate the feed inlet and compensate for large

    fluctuations of shrink n swell MANDATORY QUESTION

    feed fwd ok

    feed back

    feed fwd and feed back

    cannot be compensated

    Q 129 Advantage of Rotary cup burner MANDATORY

    High tdr

    Less maintenance


    Less complex

    Q 130 Hydrazine can be used in all boilers

    True ok


    Q 131 How is the content of chloride tested in boiler . MANDATORY QUESTION

    Titration by H2SO4

    Titration by silver nitrate ok

    By adding drops of silver nitrate

    Q 132 If HP Turbine breaks then what arrangement kept on continuing to reach the port?

    Desuperheated steam sent to the l.p turbine, flexible coupling removed ok

    Nozzle attached to flange on LP And steam supplied to it.

    Q 133 During overhaul of high lift safety valve how is the spindle attached to valve lid

    Rigidly so as to allow no movement. ok

    By a pin so that there is some movement between them. Found in safety valve survey(Loose pin is provided to secure valve lid and allow thermal expansion.)

    Q 134 Why boiler gauge glass is used in pair ? (MTOA)

    a) Legal requirement

    b) To compare readings of the two

    c) One show different viewing angle from other./ gauge glass cover d different area

    d) Only one is used at a time

    Q 135 What is inner pocket of gland used for MANDATORY

  • Exhaust


    Makeup and Exhaust of excess steam

    Leak off of steam

    Q 136 During sea runnin g conditions, direct contact type feed heater normally receives steam from


    a) Feed pump exhaust ok

    b) PRV

    c) Bleed steam

    d) Something ?????

    Q 137 why gauge glass blown peroidcaly?

    a)to check level

    b)visible range ok

    c)1 is standyby

    d)to clear cocks.

    Q 138 To prevent stm leak and air leak from/to turbines,they r sealed packed.

    a)true ok


    Q 139 bleed stm used for-

    a)heat fo

    b)heat feed water

    c)stm to stm generator

    d)use in evaporating plant for heating.

    Q 140 Hardest salt




  • Q 141 Direct Contact Feed Water comes in direct contact with

    1 Chemicals

    2 Steam

    3 air

    4 O2

    Q 142 Vac condensor P low

    1 condenstae level increases

    2 air ejector not working

    3 air leak

    4 cooling water througput decrease

    Q 143 how is condensor Pressure kept low

    1 By throttling

    2 allowing air via valve from valve connected onto the shell

    3 cooling water output

    4 via glands on turbine

    Q 144 what if steam trap fails open

    1. its expensive and steam lost ok 2. eff decreases 3. eff increases

    Q 145 Function of outer pocket

    a exhaust of excess steam

    b supply and exhaust

    c supply

    Q 146 Function of inner pocket

    a exhaust of excess steam

    b supply and exhaust of excess steam

    c supply

    Open feed system

    In the feed water tank we cool deed water reducing the vapour loss

    Feed water tank is used for heating feed water

    Q 147 shrink and swell compensation

    feed back only

    feed fwd

    feed back control with feed fwd signal

    Q 148 feed pump turbine type

  • impulse


    velcoity compounded

    impulse reaction

    Q 149 How blades are secured

    It will not come out by centrifugal force

    They dont touch each other

    It will not come out by centrifugal force

    All of the above

    Q150 Something related to scum blowdown (wording is quite clear)

    Q 151 Turbine heating should be in what drn




    Q 152 If LO pump of turbine fails then what happens

    Maneuvering vv closes instantly and alarm is actuated

    Maneuvering vv closes gradually after alarm is actuated

    Q 153 How is lp steam obtained onboard MTOA

    Using a steam to steam generator

    Bleed steam

    Lp boiler


    Q154 Speed of feed pump always remains constant



    Q155 Enthalpy of ecaporation of water

    540 Kcal/Kg

  • 2 Which of the following is the most reliable steam trap tester?

    a) A sight glass

    b) An ultrasonic listening device

    c) A temperature monitoring device

    d) An integrated steam trap sensor or separate chamber

    3 What are the operating principles of an integrated trap sensing system?

    a) Ultrasound detection

    b) Conductivity and temperature for leaks and blockages respectively

    c) Temperature sensing only

    d) Pressure sensing

    4 Why is it not feasible to rely on temperature sensing for testing steam leaks?

    a) Because it is too difficult

    b) Temperature sensing devices cost too much

    c) Because steam and condensate can co-exist at the same temperature

    d) Because saturation temperature varies with steam pressure

    5 What are the most convenient steam trap connections to consider for maintenance


    a) Screwed connections

    b) Flanged connections

    c) Socket weld connections

    d) Universal swivel connections

  • 6 Which of the following statements is true?

    a) Ultrasonic trap testers cannot differentiate live steam and flash steam

    b) A Spiratec hand held unit cannot indicate a failed closed steam trap

    c) Sight glasses cannot differentiate between live steam and flash steam

    d) All of the above