the winners of gdt european wildlife photographer of the year 2016

The Winners of GDT European Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2016 Overall Winner Audun Rikardsen (Norway) 1

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The Winners of GDT European Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2016Overall Winner Audun Rikardsen (Norway)1

The frequently fascinating reproduction of birds, the dynamics of bird migration, their often dramatic fight for food, bizarre shapes and magnificent colours as well as their elegance on the wing: all this is what the photos in this category are meant to express.1. Platz/Winner - Klaus Tamm: Mrchenstunde / Story TimeBirds2

2. Platz/Runner up - Jon Andoni Juarez Garcia: Paare / Couples3

Rupert Kogler: Herbstrhythmus / Autumn beat4

Michel d'Oultremont: Gold / Gold5

Werner Bollmann: Hochseeballett / Marine ballet6

Mario Cea Sanchez: Perfekte Spiegelung / Perfect reflection7

Luke Massey: Kuckuck / Peek-a-boo8

Jan van der Greef: Schneller Jger / Fast hunter9

1. Platz/Winner - David Lloyd: Groe Katze im Schlammbad / Big cat mud bathMammalsFrom European hamsters to elephants, from blue whales to bats: the world of mammals is colourful and varied. This category calls for photos that express the animals character and individuality, that tell us about their behaviour or show them in their natural habitat.10

2. Platz/Runner up - Federico Veronesi: Elefanten auf ausgedrrtem Grund / Elephants on cracked soil11

Christoph Kaula: Hastiger Hamster / Hurry up, hamster!12

Esa Mlknen: Lemming / Lemming13

Alain Mafart Renodier: Schutz / Protection14

David Allemand - Tarnung / Mimicry


Andrew Parkinson: Drei sind noch lange keine Gruppe / Three is definitely not a crowd16

Ole Jrgen Liodden: Nach der Jagd / After the hunt17

1. Platz/Winner - Georg Kantioler: Europische Gottesanbeterin / European mantisOther AnimalsThe appearance and habits of reptiles, amphibians, insects, spiders and invertebrates are often quite spectacular. Here, photos are called for that draw attention to the character and beauty of these animals.18

2. Platz/Runner up - Juan Jesus Gonzalez-Ahumada: Tanz der Dunkelheit / Dancing in the dark19

Marcel Felber: Geisterkrabbe am Strand / Ghost crab patrolling the beach20

Christian Schmid: Nicht berhren! / Dont touch!21

Juan Jesus Gonzalez Ahumada: Der Schattenjger / The shadow hunter22

Javier Aznar Gonzlez de Rueda: Leben im Tropfen / Life in a drop23

Bence Mate: Fliegendes Herz / Flying heart24

1. Platz/Winner - Fortunato Gatto: Wenn Herbst und Winter sich treffen / When autumn meets winterPlants and FungiThis category aims to highlight the beauty and aesthetics of plants and fungi as well as their way of adapting to different habitats. This category looks for photos that, for example, play with light and the means of modern composition.25

2. Platz/Runner up - Dag Rttereng: Wollgras im Mitternachtswind / Cotton grass in midnight breezeCotton grass in midnight breeze26

Jrgen Moll: Farbtupfer am Fels / Splashes of colour on rocks27

Florian Smit: Magisches Licht / Magical glow28

Tim Hunt: Algenfarn / Fairy moss29

Ben Cranke: Unter dem Sternenzelt / Reaching for the stars30

Samuel Pradetto Cignotto: Hepatica nobilis / Hepatica nobilis31

Dorin Bofan: Unterbrechung / Disruption32

1. Platz/Winner - Paco Costa Cervera: Ein kleiner Sturm / Minor stormLandscapesThe topics in this category range from the cultural landscape at our doorstep to remote regions all over the world, from more detailed sights to overviews of habitats, from weather phenomena to the formative power of wind and water.33

2. Platz/Runner up - Luciano Gaudenzio: Die wilde Schnheit der Torrente Cellina / Wild beauty of Cellina river34

Rupert Kogler: Wespentaille / Wasp waist35

Stefan Imig: Felsen im Mondschein / Rocks in moonlight36

Sven Zaek: Mnder / Sweeping bends37

Kirsi MacKenzie: Stete Bewegung / Moving on38

Fortunato Gatto: Minimaoistisches Seestck / Minimalistic seascape39

1. Platz/Winner - Audun Rikardsen: Meerforelle unter Polarlicht / Arctic trout in northern lightThe Underwater WorldThe blue planet: 71% of its surface is covered by water. Oceans, rivers and lakes accommodate an infinite abundance of life. This category gives us an insight into a hidden world with its animals, plants and habitats both in fresh and salt water.40

2. Platz/Runner up - Cristobal Serrano: Unterwasserballett / Synchronized ballet41

Cristobal Serrano: Kunst in Rot / Red art42

Filippo Borghi: Symbiose / Symbiosis43

Willem Kolvoort: Wassergraben im Seekanne / Ditch landscape with fringed water-lily44

Magnus Lundgren: Delta-Jger / Delta hunter45

1. Platz/Winner - Tanja Dekker: Koexistenz / CoexistenceMan and NatureHumans interfere with nature in many ways. Photos that illustrate these interferences are the subject matter of this category: photographs which are thought-provoking, astonishing or simply make you smile quietly to yourself.46

2. Platz/Runner up - Ilona Szabo: Natrlicher Instinkt / Natural Instinct47

Remo Savisaar: Verrckter Auerhahn / Crazy Capercailie48

Ilkka Niskanen: Bootsfahrer / Boater49

Pascal Bourguignon: Zu Tisch! / Dinner is served!50

Bence Mate: Bedroht / Endangered51

Zenno Bloemendal: Rabenkrhe / Carrion crow52

Audun Rikardsen: HELP ME53

1. Platz/Winner - Fran Rubia: Optische Tuschung / Optical illusionNatures StudioThis category covers photos that deal with colours and shapes beyond mere representation. Here, photographers can express their individual point of view, aesthetic considerations and their love of photographic experimentation.54

2. Platz/Runner Up - Guilherme Limas: Mahlzeit / Lunch time55

Werner Bollmann: Gletscherfront / Glacier front56

Jose Pesquero Gomez: Spiralflug / Twisted flight57

Will Burrard-Lucas: Im Gefolge des Regens / Following the rain58

Hugo Wassermann: Herbstliche Lrchen bei Schneefall / Autumn larch trees in snowfall59

Mauro Tronto: Ordnung im Chaos / Systematic chaos60

Sergey Shanin: Wachkorallen / Soft corals61

Young Photographers to 14 years1. Platz/Winner - Carlos Perez Naval: Morgenlauf / Morning runYoung Photographers to 14 years62

Young Photographers to 14 years2. Platz/Runner up - Louis Pattyn: Steinbcke / Alpine ibexes63

Young Photographer 15 to 17 Years1. Platz/Winner - Thomas Hempelmann: Zaunknig / Wren64

Young Photographer 15 to 17 Years2. Platz/Runner up - Michael Shatenev: Ich krieg Dich! / Ill catch you!November 6, 2016 Kaohsiung Taiwan R.O.CAll photos were taken from GDT.Music : Secret Garden - Silence speaksTHE END65
