the wichita city eagle. (wichita, ks) 1881-03-24 [p ]. · st. nicholas how the i'ctcrklnsgave...

mAtoJHtm. ifa tfajk (WICHITA. KAJJ3A8. MARCH 84. 1861, CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. UTOBUCl C4JX. The m inber of the Republican Central Committee arc requested to meet at 10 o'clock a. ni., on the 9tu day of April, 1881, at Hum i. Uatton's office, for the purpoie of tbe representation of the different townships and wards, and to transact otber business of importance that trill come before tbeinectlng. It is bigbly necessary that every that ci try ton nship and ward should le rep- resented. J. F. Laccr, Chairman. MuutuY Meks, Secretary. Hon. I j Cstcrdaj-- . M. Dofllcmcycr was In tbe city Judge Campbell is absent, attending the courts in other counties. Work is progressing on T. W. Fuller' new business house on Douglas Avenue. W. II. Tull after an absence of eighteen months has returned to the - alley. J. A. Miller is u!ppiug fruit, etc., by ex. press, to Santa Fc in large quantities. At the tiuipcrunceenttrtainmcnt last Mon-da- y night, the music and othcrfcaturcs were cry fine. .Mr Kroli, the proprietor of the Wichita Sonp Factory, located on the west side of the lhir, died on Sundav. Under the new act tho Superintendent of Public Instruction in Sedgwick county will recc Iv c $1,000 per annum. Hcv. Price, who is located at Hj)csvillc, pi cached a ten Interesting discourse at the M. 1" last Sabbath. 'llicfuuiidiliontoDr. Itussell's new resi- dence Ii t' Jjuilt on the corner of Kmpo-ri- a Avenue and First street. The case of .John 51. Steele vs. A. F. Stan-le- v, icfcrrcd to Kos Harris a referee, opened in the- - couit room jcslcrday. ..I "Temperance, as taught by St. John of Ivans, is and St. John ot Jerusalem," at the Opera House nct Sunday evening. Tin; candidates for 3Iaj or drop off and dis- appear one b one, for one hundred cents for one v car's services is a oneness that lacks attraction. Sec ileetlon proelamatluii for tlu elty. l'vcrv cltj tax paver should read this proc- lamation, as it Involves an isuc of ?2,500lor sehool purpoes. S. I.. David-o- n A. Co.. "the old reliable" mom) luancrs, are out In a new ad., in which the) announce their ability to ofler moncv att'.ievcr lowest rates. Kate Clapton, the great star and fire artist, is booked for Wichita about the Dili of net month. 'I hero will be a great rush for if Kate should come. Jlo-ie- sijs his peaches are nil ri0'lit, and Ins lost none except the prtiiiaturc buds 13 killed tho firt frost last fall. And Moon sajs his Moon's Karl) is all ri'ht. Mil's Lucrclia 1". Hale will tell in the April St. Nicholas how the I'ctcrklns gave up their contemplated tup to Egypt, and, Instead, went on a Journey to a sugar-cam- p. Our friend II. J. Hills, one ol our oldest and ino- -t itizeiis, returns to the mountain this week, lie o'0t- - to Arkansas, Colorado. Maj he return loaded down with gold. N. X Milli r left last week, for Irwin, Col- orado, h r he will go into business. Mr. Miller was a gentleman of line eiilturc and dasiiial ta-t- e, and his removal is reunited by nun. Vdinorpicdiitb "a I ite spilng, hot mid dr. ." That the spring will be late has hippcncri. All lalu springs are hot, so the only tiling left for him to guess at is that It will l.e diy. 'Jhc tin inbiii of the Lotus Club will j,lv their benediet L'resdeiit a rci'iptiou at theli rooms on Friday night for which ileal imitn-tio- m have been isiitd to the members. It will be a pb iint affair uo doubt. Jk.r.-- , ICukwood. Ilium and lUiti left Saturday with a large oullit of wagons, Icainx and eamp ipilpagc, overland trip to TcMsandliiek. '1 hey go to purchase one tliou-m- d bead of yearling' wblih thoy will raise to a marketable age. Coiigrtssiu in ltyau sends us word that the Department has already run outol seeds, and that he can get uo more for this m Any paitiiswho have ordered and got uo i turns uuy know that the siod were i li.iu-U- d before their turn came. ".Mary, (iiirin or iot," is the subject ol the si coiiil ot Mrs. Oliphant'n storie-o- f I'ng-li-.- )) ijutt n in M. Xichol i". It willbubeliti ill April and tun through two iiiimbci, aul will llval in inlcrrst the article on l.ady Jane Griy. so iJiannlngly told In tbe March Issue. I.iiuti ii.nut (icorce I'. Harris was elected api tin of ;l.p cavalry cotnpiti, n Ca)tIn Cli tries 'I lioiupxin, lesignid. George V. was ut out for a nulltiry ollior, ami will mil.c a popular coiutii Hiding olllct r. Clinton Lawrence was c luted to fill the liciiteuani v. Our friend Robert C. llcaiu returned from Washington list wck, looking will, having tboioiighty enjoy id the winter at the Capi- tal. He still holds hi position in the gov- ernment printing olllte, and will probdtly tike the train next Mulid ly morning on his ictiirn. Mr G. II. Garduitr and hi estimtbli' wilo leave Mghancfor Ivine, Illinois, this vetk, win re they will reside for a time, the remove being iaucd by the death of Mr. Girdiinr's f itlnr. whoe istate he gois to settle up. Mr. Gnrdincr'o 3lulvanc Items 'will ! l!llsll. The vVt Waco Horse Thief Association which h i bom nignuircd now about a ar is in spltndid worklng.orde. audits membci-shi- p I'lithuslistle. The AVato asociition mean busuuss nud horse theives will keep cle ir of the iicighborliood. See card of the regular nuetlngs. Msrs. UiiniicllX Roys, the enterprising Mici'c-o- r to the old pojmlir land and loin agency of J. M.Steele, till our tciders this week what they are prepared to do in the way of land-- , insurance and money lonning Till,-- , firm i tlioroughi'ily relliblo and III all rtspert-- . Stums Mound nursery has located a branch two bbuk- - eat of the depot. Have bought sev ernl ni res. and will mike it hereafter their sile ground. They will keep it well flockul with home-grow- n tree, and thoc desirirg to take advantage of the lavonble sea on for planting should see them. Tbe JT.Vr-cVia- n says that an average of l.OH well-to-d- o Germans arc arriving in Xcw York diily . being an unprecedented number in the Iiistorv of iuiiuignlion. Xincty per cent of this vat llou is bound for tbe agri- cultural rclnnn f the Wct. but Kansas will get lew , If any. of them. Spring opened for the twentieth time again undij night, which turned Into one or the coldest snows of tbe winter. Hut it was sott and roll of water, and nearly all disap- peared the next d n. Xobody grumbles at tbe se imtookrd for lite now stonn, for they are full of extra life for the wheat. Tickets are now on silc by Agent Peiree for all points on the Pacific coast First-cla- ss tlckcti to San Francisco and other Cal- ifornia points are $101 ; second class, $73, and emigrant, $47.ri0, from Wichita. "You pay synur money and takes v our clioiec ' It takes nearly twie'e aslorgato 3?ew York or Boston T. II. Stevens, in writing us from Anthouy. touching railroad matter, under date of March 1Mb says: "That wheat is looking cry tine ami that the EvgiVs prediction of a big crop year will ttaiid good. Itwasralu-In- g that lay. The new mills at Anthony are giving entire satisractinu to the people and proprietors.' The delights of close competition is now bc'ngo' joyed by our dealers. The two ex- press companies have been cuttiug and slash-lu- g rates at such a rate that produce, chick-cgn- s eggs, and In fact about cv cry kind of goods, are being shipped to the markets of the mountain mines cheaper than by freight. Tbe express business is simply immense. nnimmuiM. After se era abort!- - c effoi . a mass meet- - io was called last night wh 'ch nominated W B. Smith for Mayor to run Uncle Billy Grelfensteln. Won't we enjoy It though, Uking friend Deacon by the hand, (providing he is elected), and indulging in a hearty growl about unnecessary txpense and extravagances of the administration. Who would have dreamed it! We all like Uncle Barney a a class-lead- er and a b eacon light in the church, but as "His nonor the Mayor!" think of it. The town la full of woe, The summer's full of snow, And Barney is on the go ; The world to an end mutt come In eighteen hundred and eighty one. HI mho-ja- m. Mrs. Susan A. Tolcr departed this life on Sunday last and was burled on Monday. She had reached almost "three score years and ten," full of j cars ot varied experience, but died surrounded by friends at the homo of her son, II. G. Toler, of this city. She was born In King William county, Virginia, on the 24th day or June A. V. 1812, and was married in the city of Richmond in 1830. Her husband was afterward elected the first Know Nothing Mayor of that city. In the year 1836 they emigrated to KausasCity then a small village or steamboat landing. There, ten yeais later, she lost her husband. She was the mother of two sons and two daugh- ters. The eldest daughter is still living in Kansas City, the other one in Xcw York. The oldest son Is in business at Liberty, Mis souri, and tbe youngest, well known to our business men. makes his home in Wichita, but travels for Oglcbay & Sons, vvbolesalo groccrs, of Kansas City, Missouri. In her last illucss the aged mother bore up under her affliction as only they who arc prepared fr such a change can All thatlov inghands eould do or loving hi.irls could suggest was done for her in tlio last hours, but she pasted aw ay pcicefully at 3 o'clock Sunday after- noon, a day of bright, soft sunlight and full of promise of the spilng ctatnal upon tile other s'lorc. "Dcatb, thona tlufliillc 'thLife s little " sirnrfiLiu cirmu. One year ago a young man by the name of McCraw came Irom Michigan to Kansas w tth ouc thousand dollars in his pocket with w hlch to purchase land. While in Wichita he fell in with one Count Roberts. Roberts claimed to have two friends by the names of Jim Moreland and Diek Baker, r. ho w as at that time at.Marion Center, and induced young Mc(J raw to accompany him over there, and they would furnish him teams free ofcoit and show him the country. They (Uoberts and McGraw) went to Marion together. Im mediately upon their arrival there they sctto work to beat the young man out ofhis money. Failing in this, they arranged to have Roberts take him to the country. AVhen out about twenty miles from tovrn Daktr and Moreland came up to them on, both men m tsked. and commenced shooting off their pistols. Robert', titidcistaudiiig the play, jumped out of the wagon auu away, while the other two went through McGrav. taking his money and watch and chain, and left him biokc. He came to Iturliiigamuaud engaged work on a farm. He informed a few peisons about the aftalr, and stated that lie recogniz- ed the robbers. Moreland and Itaker, hear- ing they were act used of the crime, followed MiGraw to where ho was at work, kidnap- ped him, took him, as he supposed, before a magi'lrate, and, at the point of their revolv- er, made him sign an afildavit exonerating Ihcm. Young MiUraw returned to Michi- gan, and his frauds plnecd the nutter in the bauds of Detective Cole, of this city, who, after three mouths hard work, has succeeded in landing the whole outfit in jill was captured at Wichita, Moi eland at Cald will, and linker in southern Xcw Mexico. Detective Cole also captured a spotter for the guig. by the name of PciMu", who attempt- ed to send a cipbci Utter to .T:m Moreland, at Caldwell, warning I im to 'skip" that the ollieirs wile afttr him. Mr. cole ha the letter and the key wbluli be compelled Per- kins to disgorge after his arrest. The cap- ture of these parties bids fair to open up some oilier important matters which will be given to the publV a they develop. TBS WATIK-MIU- . TO BE EEB3ILT. XotwithstaiidingWIcliiti hoat the flnct flouring mill in the bt ite she In been unfor- tunate in tint line, in that she ha lo- -t no les thin three of these valuable manufacto- ries by fire-- . The losses ol the water-mi- ll and .1. C. Frakcr's mill were especially re- gretted by both eity and county. We are ghd to announce that the wntcr-mi- ll will be rebuilt. Col. II. W. Lewis, President or the Farmers &, Merchants Hank, who Is the own- er of the site, dam and franchises, informs us that a wa foimcd this week between lIicMc'srs.Dcffenbaiigli Bros., own- ers of the Ionic Mill, at Ottawa, Illinois, nnd him-il- ! for the purpose of building and ope- rating a hrgc grist mill at the site of tlii old water-mi- ll on ChNholni Cieek, a hilf mile eat of the depot. The mill vv ill be "a four run," provided with all the modern improve- ments mdacipicit or one hundred turrets of new proiess flour per day. An elevator wilt be built in connection with the milk tor b nulling win at expeditiously. The new tin n puts into the buines JJ.'.tlfl which has aire uly been plnuked down and which mc in buiiii-- s, and tin y lnvc plenty more in if it should be leipured. Mr. F. O. I.add, well known n one of the lie- -t mlll-- lights in the Wet In been onplovcd to supei intend the work ai.d a soon a bis plans are completed the machinery and lumber will be brought on and the superstructure erected as rapidly as money .vol labor will do it. 'I he dim will be thoroughly repaired, but not raised to it former height by several feet, as the cleaning out of the race, as they propose, and the iutro tuctiou of improved m ichiuc-r- r will not require near the amount of water forme i ly used by the turbine. In Iiet, a turbine wheel of eight horse-pow- will tiko the place of the three old-styl- e mechanical power. It I expei ted tint this new inill vvlb be complet- ed and ready for business by the time the piescnt crop of wheat is re uly for mirket, say the middle or July. As wc have often said, if Wichita holds her prestige as the leading city or this section her people must encourage manufacturers and no line I bet- ter suited in our surroundings and produc- tions thin tint of flour. There Is room fora dozen lirst-cl- .i mil! iu this couutv, and then wheat bv the hundred of thousand of buhc!s would continue to be shipped. Wc w'sh the iicw enterprise success as will all people. While pissing A'ey ' shoe store the ether day wc noticed one of the large transfer wagou of the city bieklng up to the side- walk, loaded with boot and shoos. Later in the diy we called to sec the stock opened out. About the first thing we discovered was several dozen small boxes, each one con- taining a pair of the cclebratinl Hurt hoe. There were two style, one known a the California lit, tbe other tho French lat. After seeing these hocs oue will notbe hap- py until be has a pair broad bottoms, low heels, the best ol" ttock, and msnufnetured iu the besi possible ni inner. lie bas alo the celebrated Gcisecke, rg & Co.'s Shex-- , whle-- h is becom- ing very popular in the trade. Mr. Alerts the oldest established shoe dealer In tbe city, having been constantly in buiue for alout nine year, anJ i thoroughly ported in re- gard to the needs of tul market. His stock of laidieV Shoes W elegant anything from the dainty little "golden slipper" to tbe pliln "common scnc" shoe. In fact, he Is prepared to suit, let it be man, woman or child, both in style, fit, and whit is most Im- portant, in prices, lie bas also quite a large stock of Hats, which be is selling out at less than cost, having concluded to go out of that line. Ths"l. O. LV held its closing exercises last Friday evering. conducted by Miss Einm-- e Cook, who has been Its teacher for the pat six mouths. Judging from the conduct of the pupils and superiority of the exercises. I should class Miss Cook with the be.t of Sedgwick county. After the c, con- sisting of songs, two well executed dia- logues, Cinderllla'' and "Xoblrsnen In Dis- guise," a finely presented declamation by Miss Davidson, and various recitations, etc., C. S- - Eichholtz made a few appropriate re- marks In behalf of their estimable teacher, as alsv did J. Carotliers. The large assembly cd. I ti. Tbe election la Greenwood coaatyesUie bonds for tbe Gould roC wMck took place Tuesday of last week, carried by an abaoat unanimous vote. The city oi Eureka cart but twenty ne votes against it. Liberty township, In Woodson county, defeated the bonds by a small majority. The vote in But- ler county will occur next week. We would like to inquire what the late Hump Legislature did with reference to tbe levy for state school tax. Did they leave the matter unattended to, and are tbe school to ran along for another two yeari after tbe crippled fashion of tbe last two yean r We can find nothing in tbe Hat of acta remedy- ing tbe flaw pointed out by tbe supreme court. The quartett rendered prior to the lecture at Russell Hall, last Wednesday Bight, by .Messrs. Caldwell A Copley, Mrs. Strong and Miss Ella Fuller, with Mrs. Copley at tbe piano, was very fine indeed, as also was the piano solo by Miss Hueon. To-nig- (Wed- nesday) the musical exercises will be repeat- ed b some of tbe, ladies and gentlemen who hav c heretofore contributed, including a new feature consisting of a v iolin and piano duet by Mr. Frank and Miss Huson. There is considerable talk about who shall fill the city offices for the next year. As it Is not a party fight, ail the Eagle has to say is that whoever Is elected must make up their minus to retrench on expenses Not only will official salaries have to be cut down, but sidewalk and street appropriations must be curtailed and police force cut down. Tbe eity, under the temperance law, will have at least 88,000 less revenue than formerly. Major Burr was up from Rockford on Mon day looking as handsome as ever and full of life. He informed us that Iiubbell Hern sold his farm last week to J. C. Highc, of Ford county, Illinois, who paid 02,000 for the place. Hern goes to Brown county In this State. He also told us that W. H. Whaley had sold his place to Albert Law, considera- tion 81,000. Major says everything down bis way seems promising. The lecture of Hon. D. B. Emmcrt In be- half of the Ladies' Christian Society, sub- ject, Joan of Arc, took very many people by surprise. Few w ere aw arc that be had served a time on the public rostrum and were un- prepared, probably, for tbe finished manner of his delivery. Everybody was delighted with the exciting and romantic history of the w onderful maid vv ho led armies of men to death or victory. Hon. II. C. Slu-- s, of Wichita, was in the city Tuesday and paid us a social call. Hen- ry read law under Congressman Joe Cannon, of Illinois, at Tuscola, then took Greeley's advice and "went west" and built a town that is he is helping to do It. He ornament ed the State Senate for four years and will do so lor four years more, and then lookout! lie may go to Washington from one of the uevv Congressional districts. A better man culil not be selected. Auqut ta Republican. Rev. II. Winslow Abbctt leaves with bis family for his new field of labor next Tues- day. II W aged father writes him a congrat- ulatory letter, warmly endorsing the resolu- tion and action of the professor. We were in error last week in stating that the Profes- sor had the ministry . The truth is he has never been disconnected since he first entered, having during the years when president of the university maintained his conference and ministerial relations. A row occurred at Richard Farmer's sa- loon and outfit in West Wichita Friday night list that would have dono uo discredit to the "long bom days." The amusements of the eveuiug consisted of drinking and dancing and head-I- n caking. One Ed. Piper struck another, Geo. Sexton, over the head with a beer class lav inc him un for renairs. The Roberts next day- - rumor had It that Sexton had died ef his wound whereupon Piper was prompt ly arrested and confined in which confine- ment be awaits result. Sexton did not die nor is lie likely to, from that scrape. 'I he bombastic Wendling lectured for the Methodist folks last Saturday night. We were surprised that after having lectured here once, the men who heard him thcu should engigc him again. Wc take great pleasure in helping along the enterprises of any and all of our churches, charitable so- cieties, schools or libraries, but wc can't af- ford to praise a persou or thing wanting in merit. This Wendling Is an oratorical squirt, an elocution iry dandy, whom to bear more than once means uauca a scanorial bird, who only prates other people's ideas, as every intelligent man knows. 'lhc increasing popularity of the stores in England has furnished the text to Charles Barnard for a brief article in Sirlbncr for April, entitled, "The Shoppers' Hebcllion." lie points out the effect which tlii. successful English movement has already had on this side of the water, aud predicts a more thoiotigh revolution in the present re-- I itions of shopper and shopkeeper. The simc number will have an account of the new ap irtmcnt-hous- c system, now meeting with much Tavor in Xcw York. It will bcaceompantcd by estimates and dia- gram. A new time table went into cUVct on Suu-di- y lor theSmta Fe. The mail and passen- ger train arrives here at 9.10 a. m, hut leaves for the north ut 5.41 in the afternoon, an hour earlier than under the old arrangement. The accommodation train leaves here for the north at :!" p. in., unking connection with the M tin line at Xcw ton for the east ami for the mountain, and arrive here from the north at 11.10 p. in. The regular freight ar-ri- here at 11.10 a. in., from the south and in Ives here from the north at 4 05 The ac- commodation traiu carries au express mail. Mr. Xixon L'lllott r ports rather discour- aging Ufws touching the peach crop. He says a wide am' thorough examination sat- isfies him that the largest per ccut. of peach bud, except iu very sheltered localities, arc dead. Many orchards vv ill y icld none. He ays tlic damage has been done by no partlc-ul- ir cold snap or frcrze, but that the very continued cold ha gradually cooked the bud. About the yards in the eity there arc many tree that are yet all riirht, but these are protected by the shelter of the buildings. The disaster his reached all portions of tbe com try, the bet evidence of which is the fact that canned peaches took a jump of seve- nty-five cents per dozen last week. The annual report of the St. Louis & San FrancNco Railway Company, just issued, shows the gross earnings for 1S.-- 0 to have been $i,ftl8,3T0. or an Increase over tbe gross revenue of the pi cvious year ot 9lJKS,Va. 1 hsUurpUis earnings for the car amount to (1, 01.142. Thecompiny wilt this year pay its tir-- t dividend since Its organization in lsTtl. The company has acquired 195.591 share of the capital stock of the Atlantic Jfe Pacific Railroid, and has transferred and de- livered 97,7!5 shires to the Atchison, Topeka A. Santa Fe Railroid, a called for under tbe agreement for the joint extension of tbe ic .1 Pacific railroad. Mesr. Hyde, Corbett and Kramer don't believe in the navigability of the Arkansas river. They went out the other day to take in a lot of ducks by going up the Mjr river in a wagon about eigntor ten miles and haul- ing a boat in which to floit back. They had figured it down tine before starting and were going to float down at the rate of jttl seven miles an hour, provided tbry were not load- ed too heavily with ducks. After hunting awhile they started bnck in their boat. They got stuck on about thirty -- five sand-bar- s, which they got over only by two of them getting out and coming the "push and pull" game at each cndtfthclrdug-out,withIIyd- c inside manipulating tbe oar. They got about half way back and then walked the rest of tbe way into town, getting in between 11 and 12 o'clock p. m. Proceeds of bunt one little duck. Tbe Kansi, Arizona & Pacific (Gould's road) coips of engineers and assistants, some fifteen in number, In charge of Colonel A.C Titus, reached town lat Thursday. The line from the wct line ot Payee township is almost an air line, striking the corporate limits near tbe junction of the Santa Fe and 'Frisco lines, thence cutting diagonally across the north and west part of town, reaching the bank ot tbe river at Captain George . Harris reserve, north of the bndge. The line cuts up some valuable . then turned tbelr laces homeward well nltis. nf liis ronrlusion we hive not hn 8. T. Jones, Esq., one of seven who were the irst to explore and surrey the cannons of the Colorado Barer, and other portions of the Rocky Mountains, will lecture this, Wed- nesday eyenlng, at Russell Hall, on tbe sub ject ot "The Cannons of Colorado." Tbe abject b certainly a very interesting one, and those who hav e heard it pronounce it of more than ordinary interest. This closes the present it cture course, and those who hare tickets, aa well as those who have net. will not hare occasion to regret their at- - daace. We bare tbe following items from El Paso: Tbe Grange elevator has been sold. Tbe of- - Icerfofthe organization, "Who have been carrying tbe liabilities for several years, felt very much relieved when released from tbe responsibilities, cares and anxieties that bare necessarily been connected with tbe first grain warehouse that was ever erected in Wichita. J. Hout Minnich will soon take charge of and convert the same into a first class flouring mill and elevator. He will also purchase a residence in tbe city, and be- come one of tbe permanent citizens of the metropolis of southwest Kansas. Minnich bas rented two of bis farms, and has one more, with 100 acres under cultivation, to rent. See bis ad. in another column. Tbe Campanari concert, given In behalf of tbe ladies of tbe Catholic church, was a jam, very many being unable to obtain a seat. Tbe music was of course splendid. The pro- fessor informs us that in the near future he will present an oratorio, whose role will em- brace the best performers and musicians in tbe city. The music has already arrived, and practice commenced. It will be a splen- did thing. NWBLXM SOLVE). To lJu Editor a A Eaglt. Seeing a problem given by "Jeff," in your issue of March 3d, I giv c the follow Ing solu- tion for publication : A board 12 feet long is 1C inches wide at ouc end, and tapers to a point. If cut in two equal parts w hat w ill be the length of each part? 12 feet square equal 114, and 144 divided by 2 equal 72; and the square root of 72 equal 8.485 feet plus, which equal the longest piece ot board, and 12 minus 8.4S5 plus equal 3.515 feet, which equal shortest piece of board. C. H. Logax, Sedgwick, Kansas. To tit Editor oftht Eaglt : There will be a Sabbath School Convention held at the Good Riv cr school house, April 1st, at 10 o'clock a. m. All Sunday school workers are cordially and earnestly invited to bring baskets and attend. J. II. Buitbox, President. C. W. Wood, Secretary. MARRIED. In this city, on the 17th Inst., at the resi- dence of the bride's sister, by K. B. Jevvett, Probate Judge, Mr. George Kruucrt and Miss Lizzie Sauer, ail of this city. "It la not virtue, wisdom, Talor, wit. Strength, comeliness of tbape, or amplest merit, Thai woman's lore can win; Hut what Is It, hard i It to say, harder to hit " Albeit our friend George is liberally en dowed with all these, he yet won a star among the fairest and sw cetest. What more could we add, except that a happiness like the flow of a beautiful river shall be his and bis bride's, hedged in by a trust and love itcrual. , V 1 n. u . In this city, on the 21st Inst , at CJ p. ni , or pneumouia. Xlna F., youngest daughter of 11. W. aud Ella Ke ndle. aged 2 years and 7 months. Angelic form of tender birth, Brief trust to mortals givcu ; Too sweet to live, too fair for earth ; An angel now In heaven. Mrs Lent, of Lincoln tow nship, March 22, 9 o'clock a. m., of consumption. OF TEK OLD SETTLERS ASSOCIATION. The follow ing are the by-la- of the Old .Settlers Association as changed by the Hoard of Directors at their last meeting, and will govern all their actions until the next annual meeting : ARTICLE I. This Association shall be know c as the Old Settlers Association of Sedgwick county, aud its place of business Wichita, Kausas. ARTICLE II. Its purpose shall be to preserve a correct history of the early settlers of Sedgwick county, Kansas. ARTICLE III. The officers shall consist of a President, Vice President, Treasurer and Pecretiry', to be elected at tho auuuil reunion of the As- sociation. ARTICLfi IV. Claute 1. The President shall preside at all meetings and counter-sig- n all orders draw n on the Treasurer. Clauiei. The Vice President in the ab sence of the President shall attend to such duties as might devolve upon bim. Clautr 3. The Treasurer shall take ch irge of all money, ornntcnal that belongs to the Association, giving his receipt for the simc, andmay be required to execute a good anil sufficient bond for the perfornnncc of the same, to be approved by the Executive Board. Vlauie 4 The Seerctary sh ill keep a cor- rect rccorel of the proceedings of the Assoc- iation, also of the Evccutivc lloird, receive all money, receipt for the same, and turn it over to the Treisurcr and take his receipt. IKTICI E V. At each annial election the President elect- ed shall appoint three members who shill iu connection with the other officers of the al ion constitute an Kvccutive Board. ARTICLE VI. The Executive Boird shill transact all busi- ness or the all bonds, audit and allow all claims and ortlcr the pay mentor the same. ARTICLE MI. The three members of the Executive Hoard nppointed by the Pre-idc- nt shall constitute a finance committee, vvhoe dutic- - shall be to examine and report upon all claims against the Asoociitiou ; examine and report upon the books, and vouchers of the Sccretiry and Treasurer annually, and in cac or a vacancy in the office or Treasurer hall take charge ol his books, accounts, and takethc assets In his bands until another Treasurer is elected or appointed. VRTICLEMII. The President shall have power to fill any vacancy in the Executive Board caused by death or otherwise, by appointment, subject to the approval or a msjonty or siid Board. ARTICLE I. The annual reunion or the Association hall be on the 22d of February, unless ald day comes on Situnliy or Sunday, when the Executive Board may set a day. article 1. All persons shall be eligible for membership who settled in fcedgwick county, Kana, prior to January, 1372. Sxc. 2. All persons who may Intermarry with old settlers shall be eligible to member- ship in this Association. VKTICLE XI s Before any person can become a memberor tbi-- t Association he shall file with the Sccre-tarja- n application made according to the frta prescribed by the Kvecutlv c Baanl. ARTICLE XII. The Executive Board shall have power to erae any name from the records of the As- sociation which may be Illegally or falsely registered, and may demand urh proof as they may deem requisite. --VRTICLE XIII. These by-la- may lie changed or amend- ed at any annual meeting of the Association by a tw v otc. AT RUSSELL HALL, Wednesday Night, March 23d. S. V. JONES, EsQ. Will deliver the fourth of course of four lectures under the auspice of the Christian Church or Wichita, ou Wednesdar night. March 23, 1SSI. Subject "The Canons of Colorado." Admission Single ticket, 15 cents. WICHITA HOUND NURSERY. Three Milee Southeast of Wichita. We have located a branch Xumrv on but J? ttiytmt ' tKO boc,:, " fPoU propertr pretty badly, runs through j I a wfll be our sale ground hereafter. We ouiy three or four buildings. Colonel Titw bas been lookiag over the ground and streets . "--" ,or we "ve ao Jf au out- - In the east and iottth tide ot town also, bnt I g'3t J "' Sti-- X Bao. inform. A car load or Silverware and Cocks coae la( U at Kami's Jewelry store. 52-- 1 w in nf ' trt -- rr-?f stoi KKHADTOtG UXCAtXXB X AT TBS POT-- Andre wsM DavUA DunlapM FosterM HUbishS MartlnM SheamsJ WardD WalkerM BaleaWS CookX EransC GreenT HoraerDW HerndonGW JacobySB LemnkeH MlsklesWQ MartinM RodolfLB SImmonsJ SauthWD ThompsoaJK irmaa UFFICZ AT?WKMTtA. . , . ' T- -l ' " WranTA, March H, Utt. LASIBS' MT. Walker DexterM EvmmAG HlgxiasAE HattanX Wateab&rgerLH WardE WiUonJ WilsonK GXXTB' IMT. - --- - CarsonWW CeleTL FosterDP ' M HobsonXT HinsteyD JacobaM JacobsW MorganAD MeyerMJ PowenJE SatuderW Smith CF SbeaauL HemlyftVachoa i To obtain anr of these the aDDlieant must call for "Ad vertised Letters," and giro, tho date Of this Ust.,, jHL If not called for in one month they will be sent to tbe Dead Letter Office. Letters are not advertised nntll ther have remained in this office one week. M. M. Muxpock, Postmaster. SPECIAL NOTICES. Annottncemmts. J. M. Allen a candidate for to tbe office of Councilman from tbe Third ward. W.F. is a "v is candidate for tbe office of City Attorney. W. G. Hobbs announces himself as a can- didate for to the office of Justice of tbe Peace. Ed. Grady Is a candidate for tbe office of Constable at tbe ensuing April election. A. B. Wright is a candidate for member ol the School Board in the Second Ward. I am a candidate for Justice oi tbe Peace, at the April election. W. W. Thomas. We are requested by the many friends of Gov. Glenn to announce bim as a candidate for Police Judge. Upon earnest solicitation of a number of friend, I bare consented to become a candi- date lor at Councilman for tbe Second Ward, at tbe ensuing election. P. Gktto. Please announce tbat I will be a candidate for to the office of City Treasurer, in the ensuing election. C. KlMMKKLK. Please say tbat I am a candidate for re- election to the office of Constable at tbe next election. J. L. Cooper. Chas. Hatton is a candidate for to the office ot City Attorney. D. A. Mitchell is a candidate for re election to the office of Justice of the Peace. Fred. Ilannum is a candidate for election to the office of Police Judge. Please announce that I am a candidate for to the office of Constable at the next election. E. W. Bowman. II. T. Kramer is a candidate for to the office ol school treasurer. At this urgent request of many voters, Mr. Mike Ziinmcrly announces himself as a can didate for as Councilman from the 1st ward. Julius Junkermann is a candidate tor Jus- tice of the Peace at the ensuing spring elec- tion. We arc authorized to announce the name of M. C. McLaiu as a candidate for Justice ot the Peace. For Silverware, go to Kassel'a. 62-- tf Lost. On the west side, near the residence of K. E. Lawrence, a thibet shawl with silk fringe. The finder will please leave it at this .office. Annual Heating'. The annual meeting of the Sedgwick County Agricultural Society, to elect officers and directors, will be held in Eagle Hall, Tuesday, April 12, at 2 o'clock, p. m. Every stockholder is requested to be present. M-- W. P. Stem, Secretary. The finest line of Silverware ever seen, is at Kasscl's jewelry store. 62-- tf Be Careful. You might as well wear a nice, easy fitting Shoe as a homely, poor fitting Shoe. See Alcy. 52-- tf At Less Than Cost. Hats, at AIey'. W-- tf Clocks ! Clocks ! ! They can not be coun- tedso many at Kassel's, v ery cheap. Just go and sec. 62--tf Cattle Herding. Tyler and Morgan vv ill take contracts for herding cattle cows and yearlings in one herd and steers in another. Good range, water, and shade, on JSinnescah three miles south-ea- st of Clearwater. Terms, fifteen cents a head per month. TYLEB. A MORGAN'. Boone, Sumner County, Kansas. 51-- tf Silverware. Silverware at Kacl's a large quantity. Go to sec it. 62-t- f Wanted. An agent to sell the Howe Sewing Midline in Sedgwick county. Address n. W. Poxn, 62-- lt Fort Scott, Kansas. This week. Don't forget it. Kasicl. 62--tf At a Bargain. Valuable city property residence, resident and business lots for sale at a great sacrifice. 62-- tf II. J. MULLER. Artichokes. Seed artichokes for sale at Corbctt's. 61-- lt Way Down! We have now another lot ot Maculj's History of England, five volumes bound in cloth, which we are selling at 2.00 per set. Come soon or they- - will nil be gone. Harding & Gownv. Go to Kissel's tor a nice line of Clocks, cheaper than ever have !ccn sold In Wichi- ta 52-- tf seed artichokes for sale at Corbett's. 52-- lt The Burt Shoo, At Alcy, and don't you forget It, 5S-- tf Moon's Early Peach. The celebrated peach known as tbe Moon's Early Seedling, is now In tha market for the first time. Parties wishing to secure some ol these trees will find It to their interest to call at tbe delivery ground of the Koe mil "urcrr, outh Ide of Douglas Avenue, In Wichita, where trees one and two years old can be had while tbe limited supply UsU, or at tbe farm or A. Moon, three miles east of El Paso. This peach is without donbt tbe earliest peach grown. This peach U large tine flavored and ripens In this latitude la June the middle of June on the upland ten days earlier than tbe Amsden June or tbe Alexandria. 5t U T. Moox. We would call attention to our superior facilities for supplying libraries with stand- ard and new bok. HakU Gowpr. 1'resh ntw buckwheat fidnrattbeFaratr A Merchants Mills. Try it. 30-t- f itoses! Roses! Ail who desire foe reset i.d otber ahrab-bcr- y. can procure them of Be at exactly tbe retail price list of tbe Dengee tt Coaard company, Wert Grove, Pa. lawactisf a their local ageat lathi city, a4wiUaip by express. Tbe plants win be Urgar aad atroegcrtbaacaa be slipped fey saaO. Tbe Diamond list a specialty. Xrr thirty ntf tastead of sctcb. 1. B. CdTXX. 4Mf. : THE PHILADELPHIA STORE! - 4 - f i, i wi Ufc s.J C' w ," in DRY GOODS, To Loan eay terms. 4&&i OUR S1 (9. J Improved Land in Sedgwick county nt low rates. Also Improved Farms for sale or trade. City Property for sale on Represent following LONDON oldest Insurance Company doing business in the United States rears old. of Newark, Jersey. of Pari. vott want to Buy or Sell Don't Fail to Call at R Corner Topeka Douglas Avenues, Wichita, Kan. T. L. AU Ot tbe popular magazines and all tbe leading dally papers In the West on our newsUble Fresh new buckwheat flour at the Farmers k Merchants Mills Try it, Call on Prof. Fiekelssen for Fire and Life Insurance. Stf The Best Bheep Dip xntke World. The celebrated Scotch Dip, for sale by D. Hays Co., agents. SO-- tf Mana k Waddell have for sale a flrst-cla- u livery stable, with the relllng stock and horses; rolling horse ry at be bought, leased. uo k Waddell have sale cheap. some choice Decoration art paper hangings In large stock at Harding k Oowdy's. Vt! very fine decoration paper hangings io ceilings, walls stairways at Harding k Gowdy's. " Allea' Coffee Boas Eating Boom, oa Douglas Aveaue, atiniititd wltb cltT aed agricultural papers, whew farasert oth- ers are always welcomed. The tables be supplied with best market aow. It. K. AXXXX. For best cf GoW Pea aad Pea-rf- U la State, go to Harding Gowdy'a, door ot P. GoW Pen, aS styles. Fiae holder la Ivory, ceBuJold rabber. AJ ta "GrafUe." beat pea aaade. 17--tf A large 'off featr altebe aad gloasy it ton, at lira. G raafa Baaar. as-t- r Abt Book, agifae, or aerioBl of aay palHietr UK y waat, caB Bawiasi UlMlaMBrH!MrHr!r k NEW.EAGLEBUILDING. ,5W sS7- - - iJk' -- liWJ . 4 C5 r&lQ&nwi, X.. ta. . 1 ... 3 ' 'B "&; v& eri tWEjAE NOvrlECEIVING iot5(t fey. h.sjal A&r rVS mtju aftvjw, s v - .fc" - m. , "V vw tat ' , WZk. f.Ka" ., -l a J - ol!WSrm-- i !!& .!? aSSi HSf "j- - NEW SPRING STOCK! t- - NOVELTIES every Department CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES. BLIAS fc KJLTZ. $1,000,000 Ou HTSTJHiAlsrOE. the Companies : ASSURANCE COKI'ORATION', the 160 MERCHANTS INSURANCE COMPANY, New METROPOLE INSURANCE COMPANY, If Property, or Borrow Money, The CAN SAW Land Office, anr. NIXON. M-t- f ncrrington's. 30-- tf a-- -.t. aext O. large yajter buttrr and jellies In bulk, ot every description, at tbe rcllsbte bmjw- - of 47--tf Eacill Uliss. The "Cute" I tbe clgsr with al For sale at Magiil HIIm. Apples! Apples! Wholesale prices Apples M cents, pota- toes 75 ctats, choice apples ."IJ ctsts, extra dri'd teaches 7 II. 1). If AMMOVt) & Co. Occidental IHock, North Main ."treat. A Card. Geo. G. Matthews Is cl'x'ns out hl JeweJ- - or the stock and can l Stock and will sell wboleul cost for and tbe stable 49-l- f j to days aad mistake. Mr.Mattlxwi ib Mann for farms 44--U and Some and aed warm mad wrfl aad will the tie the rtoek tbe north gilt, aad Ue fountain ever anann of se Fruit only fata. dried cent. i es to engage In the real rctatc btufne nd I will still make WichiU hi. borne 47--tf Call and te their cew stock of fi'iugi, dacSoes, borders, cmlie, tt, at ftvtf lixKVlSdtC.OTVV. The realization of our Idral cigsr, ' for sale at Magiil k Wirt. For Sale. froalfecrn Bed OsU aad TeHow 8tl Corn-Dee- re eb Irea Itram Plow and Cultiva- tor, J0 each, if catted for xwc. 0 J. B. Mtjrrcmx, Ferris, Ualoa Towarttp- - Stili a few hundred VatittU of Vegetable on feaad. Alo a fise lot ot good. rrUtU Gardes W, Urtpt Viae. Kerry Hfiht, Pie rUm, Asparagus Ilasst, AsparafV Ptaatx, Caulpa Trees, ctr. If you orti any of tie above, please addrrt a eard to or tt It. Msaaaa, crtsxjairt at BSaea' grocery; W. M.Patt , J PBOFEHIOXAL P1AXO TCXER ASD KEPA1REK. LaavieratXea4 k Frria' mU atarr. &4f Thtra-- k 4r'ertXaffK -- Cmu" nttmee. Tf C-- Ni I X. - -- . " 1, r v i jas XT OTTK P33TH JLNJSTJLXn REDUCTION ntwe: MONDAY? JANUARY 3, 1881 RV ijrfjt Jfri V - - 1 . - as i..-- . -! ' ? H miwammss, rerrbOilr tnnvt ok mau nktt ut TUaUitt! ratbtj)hTuptiewpUobBtswMttatf,WMtMe waUwM tl:ttiet f mr stock of m a? URY GOODS, SOOTS JkJSTD S3E03DS. V k Mt and fresh. No old warm aat iroada. -- - r-- J U W Am ofcrkMr new jrooila at verj- - mck Wkw tMr Tatos. lieae wiahlag te aMeJr witli the balaace.of their wteter wrtit, w Bad fa to save money. A SMALL LIST OF INDUCEMENTS: Dre Gootli, extra good, raloo redHccd from 14 1 ie etwtf. " " 3 te IS eeata. All Wool Motnic, Ib Black, Plum aad Browtw, good ral-w- , re- duced from 35 to 25 ceata. All Wool 36-lac- h Cashmere for 40 ceata, cheap at 90. LadieVaad ChUdrcaa' Woolea Kalt Wear, Canlifwi Jacket, Ulstcrctte, Kubia, Hood, LegViaa. Scarlet FlaBBela, Heavy Twilled, reduced from .10 to 20 ceata, ami from 35 to 25 cents. Cantou Flannel, at SW, 81-- 3, 10,121-2- . aad 15 cent, all extra eood value. ThoBest Four-Butto- n Kid Glove, (warranted.) la Kansas, for la fttiy- - 'r irr- Felt Skirts, an enormous stock, at much leas Utaa coat. Kill Glov ck in Color and Shade, In 6 and 10 Hooka. Gent' Full Assortment. One l.ot .Japanese Ware, lew than one-ha- ir their orlfl- - nnl cost. In Boot and Shoe wo oflcrinjr the same laduceHteat. Idtea' Shoes, worth 1.50, for $1.00. it Mens' Boot from $1.25 tialrto the finest French calf. Child. Misses and Boy' at extraordinary low price. All our Immense stock nt corresponding tlgurcx. Those that come first secure the best bargains. Under the Big" Horse 8hoe. GEO, UsTHTES 5c CO. For Rent or Sale. I desire to rent a farm ot liV) acres. I(l un der cultivation, for spring crop, ('' acres plowed); plenty of stock water. Will tell at private sale one feed mill, Corn Shelter and Horse Power; and A. S. Hodge's Header, two Harrows, oue Corn Cultivator, Stirring Plows, and other farm Implements too numerous and tedious to mention. Also a number of Mrood Bows, and about ten thousand seedling Peach Trees. For further particulars Imjulre at my resi- dence near K.I Paso. M-l- nr J. Hour MtNMt'll. Flax Seed to Loan. Farmers wlsbtng to sow Flax Seed, will please call at once on Itlrlisnlt Itodgfrs, Wichita. Kansas. The cheapest place In tin) city to buy mil- linery and fancy ffoods, l Mrs. !. V, Orsnt's Bazar, 37 Main street. 32-t- f Niagara canned good', "conceded by all to lie the best,' at 47-- tf Mauii Hum. Fifty tine human hair for site at cost, all colors and at Mrs. Oram's Ilazar, So. 37 Main street. Mf Hats and bonnets latest styles and pt-tcr- flirapcr thn elsewhere In tb city, at Mrs. L. V. frant', . 37 Main trct. 32-t- f Hedge Seed. Kids, switches shades, Hedge 8eed Allen k Tuckvr hate jut received a quan- tity of choire new Hedge iecd, ttlicct from the growers In Texa, warranted to itovr. .VMf .Mien k Tucker have In stock s fult line nf grass seeds, coniistlng of Bed and White Clour, Altlke and Alfalfa Clover, lllu Grass, Orchard lira", and Timothy new crop. &0-- tf Lasdretb's celebratdl (iarden cd In bulk, at Allen k Tucier's. .'A-t-f For Sale. A well established gt"T tiulac. In gfiod location, with g'd trade, satUfsctory reason for selling given. r Information, apply to this oBier. 43-t- f A specialty o ilae WaUli wortr and Jew- elry repalrfn; tt KaU. & America bent fire cents tiftr, "Cut'," tt 47-- tf MiitlxHf.l. Greatest Bargaias of the Age ! I, to lrnrlbls part of tbe county, d offer tttd will kII or trade for lite tVtt't, (calve aad yoaajt cattle preferreit) of wy share of tk ta tbe 13 l'o Tin licp-n- y, at such great redoHloJw ltt yoJ rsn't r(st trade, er buy. lo hste tml Un ot tbe tery flaest badd trres, 6I J.WO of the nufbacter ttrftij will sell the Utter variety t filW per Jil, (Mitrrtd at D I'im. IlrcMf tall ad is aad leat e or snj your order at once. Also mm J. 1. Ce trsi ltorae power ai irptnior In r'od repair; lo eltwr ttrm twpteineBt, et, te Jro. Hem, 13 t't,, Ka. Feb-1- 7, 1, 47-- tf CI!tmi pafrd Jebes, sjlresl -rs, cherries, al 47tf VLxr.iu. k I!u, CTB4uneeteJ Hairwork. Xo f lit f4w wderye-a- r wacb ebaias, breutpias, esrslois, etc Wbes Jtm wool sataxUda; la tar UAlAnf J?rrtrs4, eon oa X. liuum, 54-t- f 7S MrfiJ Street, For ptrt tiw jr.ett5ee Me?rr fit Mniltr, iHe 4 Uti mt to tbe of the tacc Xe-V- CmriT, y-t- f 43 Mtlo Jftevet- - 11. C. Mij iH lUrt yaccg bort-b-vr ba tor il. Ai9 ne ttasr KerVsMrc ptX- - il-- U Mass k W)kK rejrreeent tW feKosfJfcf iartarc eoasavair AaMtira trvt, ft (. L09U; FUtaasa' FujkJ. of rrtmvi ro; L'siaa, of Ua Tntm. 49Mf MMa1T14tkrs wsm ,&n4H lo- - ajral ty svvi iox L' i. &j-- Z TT 2.00. for 110. $.1.00. for $2.00. l-- mmr j -- A. S ' IriV '. v That Uruimter, all kinds Kacts. vf MUM ? ."Si - ft "r - Xa-;- M . or ' v ' ' -- &,&& o. m' de114 all of at . are a VV ear s l. of wisldag It a I I k t Ua u i .' k -- A, V V- - ! Next to Post OSes. done at ACHHrVBHINTS IN PHOTOORAPHT. The New QeUtia Process Tea Times More Rapid thaa the Ordisary. flood negatives made Inttantausoiitly. Haldwln'a llallery and test thn silrccssful worklors ol the most tapld process known In Von will Uo pleased with tbe llfeilk expression, tvt abort an exposure makes It possible to Ktt lnli the photograph. tu-- tt Money to Loan. Money to loan mi gol real estate security. Interest lower than ever. Also ou chattel and personal security, tfouie choln br Rains In farms, either cash time, or trd, for the next thirty days. WV M. Mswjr. il-- 't Multan. Kansas. 1 hate two flrsi-el- f allrer mines near Al- pine, which I will w II half or full Inter. 't In, for card, or rest estate la or ae AVIchlU. "" Alpine, Colorado. Mann i Wadded are prrpare) to furnish Abstracts of Title to any property la Hedf wick county, and write deels and roort; m. An Immense new to:k of wll paper r. relteil at Hardin; k f'odjr', next door ne.rtli of potforoVe. M Notice to Plant Shade Tn .Notlre l hereby zite n to a tproperty awa er and srent to planttree aspcr oftlloscM .No. ran. Parties falling to plant striie oa ad afur the 1st day of April, lJ, th diy wilt pro-cee- d 10 ratorti th ordlnabee M, Chairman trl Cosnmllfee. W'IcIjiU, Kso , March 15, J!. Cheap Farm Loans. TTo bato a fund of tlOiH9 Ut plte oa cbolr farm eurtly, for of w fite jrr time, al etUI rtlrm, tbe rooney in Itr'tt trvu tbe Kat, onyoi ntntiag a rara lon wilt do well u. eU . r ut, t en, and were lamrabie lernv. Ht'XXt.f Hilt. Jta le, 1I. tH-- tt For Sale. 1 bv for ! we tnHJiloo-U-- l w Ono," Ceoe bull lf, elfe.1 by teok tl 7U, Oue pair etMrke (teyrar-- u!; r.'Mr xrrf, Om family nttUs horse. T tolls, tbr yer, x. 35 Ytut't tolSnz :bV14ska. Oie I, rWle wa,fofi, Ob Jbn Ileeftr tijlty ,tlrer a4 JfaJr, Oae mower. Oar borrww aod fioOea City iJkf raltitator. Tea b'j. My fssotly tfl.Utst U aim Ut !. lav fr f . Witkrr Abi-H- t, Kasjria Av au, ir 4er tttk ot Cb Orraua JMoVf (H.tCburU., rrr7lilllfoLTLlMT' ttemelvea Engraving GRAND Takejour Photograph XlMNCaLT, 9fcUl Notke. Ost tt tie reU of hU wWTb Hm fOrnUt ot tb teiUA &Mm of fsW 5ewTesJBl, wfeUti U1 tsm nU lies la May, TVrr wIU U atUA d jtlrn riitim0 pbtkeJ, a4 B ptnin 4 r4 et tO 0l.srtW Ut a tnfj isattj taWry e It tTe ettoB rreetv tts aVtf nUtV m if U to twlttbytyt ll-t- f tt4tnQkGiWT. vsvosv n XttrJtrtr7giirmltttrflism-enufi-Wnm- anitiilia la WfsajMi taratv b, isiK WM4 at WttUa J Ug amm ) At KH Uf of Ma. A. V. Vt,tri9mtitMnKtn.nmmHp.m out J.C

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Page 1: The Wichita city eagle. (Wichita, KS) 1881-03-24 [p ]. · St. Nicholas how the I'ctcrklnsgave up their contemplated tup to Egypt, and, Instead, went on a Journey to a sugar-cam-p


ifa tfajk(WICHITA. KAJJ3A8. MARCH 84. 1861,


The m inber of the Republican Central

Committee arc requested to meet at 10 o'clock

a. ni., on the 9tu day of April, 1881, at Hum

i. Uatton's office, for the purpoie of

tbe representation of the differenttownships and wards, and to transact otberbusiness of importance that trill come before

tbeinectlng. It is bigbly necessary that every

that ci try ton nship and ward should le rep-

resented. J. F. Laccr, Chairman.

MuutuY Meks, Secretary.

Hon. I

j Cstcrdaj-- .M. Dofllcmcycr was In tbe city

Judge Campbell is absent, attending thecourts in other counties.

Work is progressing on T. W. Fuller' newbusiness house on Douglas Avenue.

W. II. Tull after an absence of eighteenmonths has returned to the - alley.

J. A. Miller is u!ppiug fruit, etc., by, to Santa Fc in large quantities.

At the tiuipcrunceenttrtainmcnt last Mon-da- y

night, the music and othcrfcaturcs werecry fine..Mr Kroli, the proprietor of the Wichita

Sonp Factory, located on the west side of the

lhir, died on Sundav.

Under the new act tho Superintendent ofPublic Instruction in Sedgwick county willrecc Iv c $1,000 per annum.

Hcv. Price, who is located at Hj)csvillc,pi cached a ten Interesting discourse at theM. 1" last Sabbath.

'llicfuuiidiliontoDr. Itussell's new resi-

dence Ii t' Jjuilt on the corner of Kmpo-ri- a

Avenue and First street.

The case of .John 51. Steele vs. A. F. Stan-le- v,

icfcrrcd to Kos Harris a referee, openedin the-- couit room jcslcrday.

..I"Temperance, as taught by St. John ofIvans, is and St. John ot Jerusalem," at theOpera House nct Sunday evening.

Tin; candidates for 3Iaj or drop off and dis-

appear one b one, for one hundred centsfor one v car's services is a oneness that lacksattraction.

Sec ileetlon proelamatluii for tlu elty.l'vcrv cltj tax paver should read this proc-

lamation, as it Involves an isuc of ?2,500lorsehool purpoes.

S. I.. David-o- n A. Co.. "the old reliable"mom) luancrs, are out In a new ad., inwhich the) announce their ability to oflermoncv att'.ievcr lowest rates.

Kate Clapton, the great star and fire artist,is booked for Wichita about the Dili of netmonth. 'I hero will be a great rush for

if Kate should come.

Jlo-ie- sijs his peaches are nil ri0'lit, andIns lost none except the prtiiiaturc buds

13 killed tho firt frost last fall. And Moon

sajs his Moon's Karl) is all ri'ht.Mil's Lucrclia 1". Hale will tell in the April

St. Nicholas how the I'ctcrklns gave up theircontemplated tup to Egypt, and, Instead,went on a Journey to a sugar-cam- p.

Our friend II. J. Hills, one ol our oldestand ino- -t itizeiis, returns to themountain this week, lie o'0t- - to Arkansas,Colorado. Maj he return loaded down withgold.

N. X Milli r left last week, for Irwin, Col-

orado, h r he will go into business. Mr.Miller was a gentleman of line eiilturc anddasiiial ta-t- e, and his removal is reunitedby nun.

Vdinorpicdiitb "a I ite spilng, hot mid

dr. ." That the spring will be late hashippcncri. All lalu springs are hot,

so the only tiling left for him to guess at is

that It will l.e diy.

'Jhc tin inbiii of the Lotus Club will j,lv

their benediet L'resdeiit a rci'iptiou at thelirooms on Friday night for which ileal imitn-tio- m

have been isiitd to the members. Itwill be a pb iint affair uo doubt.

Jk.r.--, ICukwood. Ilium and lUiti leftSaturday with a large oullit of wagons, Icainxand eamp ipilpagc, overland trip toTcMsandliiek. '1 hey go to purchase onetliou-m- d bead of yearling' wblih thoy willraise to a marketable age.

Coiigrtssiu in ltyau sends us word that Department has already runoutol seeds, and that he can get uo more forthis m Any paitiiswho have orderedand got uo i turns uuy know that the siodwere i li.iu-U- d before their turn came.

".Mary, (iiirin or iot," is the subject olthe si coiiil ot Mrs. Oliphant'n storie-o- f I'ng-li-.- ))

ijutt n in M. Xichol i". It willbubelitiill April and tun through two iiiimbci, aulwill llval in inlcrrst the article on l.ady JaneGriy. so iJiannlngly told In tbe March Issue.

I.iiuti ii.nut (icorce I'. Harris was electedapi tin of ;l.p cavalry cotnpiti, n Ca)tIn

Cli tries 'I lioiupxin, lesignid. George V.

was ut out for a nulltiry ollior, ami willmil.c a popular coiutii Hiding olllct r. ClintonLawrence was c luted to fill the liciiteuani v.

Our friend Robert C. llcaiu returned fromWashington list wck, looking will, havingtboioiighty enjoy id the winter at the Capi-

tal. He still holds hi position in the gov-

ernment printing olllte, and will probdtlytike the train next Mulid ly morning on hisictiirn.

Mr G. II. Garduitr and hi estimtbli'wilo leave Mghancfor Ivine, Illinois, thisvetk, win re they will reside for a time, theremove being iaucd by the death of Mr.Girdiinr's f itlnr. whoe istate he gois tosettle up. Mr. Gnrdincr'o 3lulvanc Items

'will ! l!llsll.The vVt Waco Horse Thief Association

which h i bom nignuircd now about a aris in spltndid worklng.orde. audits membci-shi- p

I'lithuslistle. The AVato asociitionmean busuuss nud horse theives will keepcle ir of the iicighborliood. See card of theregular nuetlngs.

Msrs. UiiniicllX Roys, the enterprisingMici'c-o- r to the old pojmlir land and loinagency of J. M.Steele, till our tciders thisweek what they are prepared to do in theway of land-- , insurance and money lonningTill,--, firm i tlioroughi'ily relliblo and

III all rtspert-- .

Stums Mound nursery has located a branchtwo bbuk- - eat of the depot. Have boughtsev ernl ni res. and will mike it hereaftertheir sile ground. They will keep it wellflockul with home-grow- n tree, and thocdesirirg to take advantage of the lavonblesea on for planting should see them.

Tbe JT.Vr-cVia- n says that an average ofl.OH well-to-d- o Germans arc arriving in XcwYork diily . being an unprecedented numberin the Iiistorv of iuiiuignlion. Xincty percent of this vat llou is bound for tbe agri-

cultural rclnnn f the Wct. but Kansaswill get lew , If any. of them.

Spring opened for the twentieth time againundij night, which turned Into one or the

coldest snows of tbe winter. Hut it wassott and roll of water, and nearly all disap-peared the next d n. Xobody grumbles attbe se imtookrd for lite now stonn, for theyare full of extra life for the wheat.

Tickets are now on silc by Agent Peireefor all points on the Pacific coast First-cla- ss

tlckcti to San Francisco and other Cal-

ifornia points are $101 ; second class, $73,and emigrant, $47.ri0, from Wichita. "Youpay synur money and takes v our clioiec ' Ittakes nearly twie'e aslorgato 3?ew Yorkor Boston

T. II. Stevens, in writing us from Anthouy.touching railroad matter, under date ofMarch 1Mb says: "That wheat is looking

cry tine ami that the EvgiVs prediction ofa big crop year will ttaiid good. Itwasralu-In- g

that lay. The new mills at Anthony aregiving entire satisractinu to the people andproprietors.'

The delights of close competition is nowbc'ngo' joyed by our dealers. The two ex-

press companies have been cuttiug and slash-lu- g

rates at such a rate that produce, chick-cgn- s

eggs, and In fact about cv cry kind ofgoods, are being shipped to the markets ofthe mountain mines cheaper than by freight.Tbe express business is simply immense.

nnimmuiM.After se era abort!- - c effoi . a mass meet--

io was called last night wh 'ch nominatedW B. Smith for Mayor to run UncleBilly Grelfensteln. Won't we enjoy Itthough, Uking friend Deacon by the hand,(providing he is elected), and indulging in a

hearty growl about unnecessary txpenseand extravagances of the administration.Who would have dreamed it! We all likeUncle Barney a a class-lead- er and a b eaconlight in the church, but as "His nonor theMayor!" think of it.

The town la full of woe,The summer's full of snow,And Barney is on the go ;The world to an end mutt comeIn eighteen hundred and eighty one.

HI mho-ja- m.

Mrs. Susan A. Tolcr departed this life onSunday last and was burled on Monday. Shehad reached almost "three score years andten," full of j cars ot varied experience, butdied surrounded by friends at the homo ofher son, II. G. Toler, of this city. She wasborn In King William county, Virginia, onthe 24th day or June A. V. 1812, and wasmarried in the city of Richmond in 1830.

Her husband was afterward elected the firstKnow Nothing Mayor of that city. In theyear 1836 they emigrated to KausasCity thena small village or steamboat landing. There,ten yeais later, she lost her husband. Shewas the mother of two sons and two daugh-ters. The eldest daughter is still living inKansas City, the other one in Xcw York.The oldest son Is in business at Liberty, Mis

souri, and tbe youngest, well known to ourbusiness men. makes his home in Wichita,but travels for Oglcbay & Sons, vvbolesalogroccrs, of Kansas City, Missouri. In herlast illucss the aged mother bore up underher affliction as only they who arc prepared

fr such a change can All thatlov inghandseould do or loving hi.irls could suggest wasdone for her in tlio last hours, but she pastedaw ay pcicefully at 3 o'clock Sunday after-noon, a day of bright, soft sunlight and fullof promise of the spilng ctatnal upon tileother s'lorc."Dcatb, thona tlufliillc 'thLife s little "

sirnrfiLiu cirmu.One year ago a young man by the name of

McCraw came Irom Michigan to Kansas w tthouc thousand dollars in his pocket with w hlchto purchase land. While in Wichita he fellin with one Count Roberts. Roberts claimedto have two friends by the names of JimMoreland and Diek Baker, r. ho w as at thattime at.Marion Center, and induced youngMc(J raw to accompany him over there, andthey would furnish him teams free ofcoitand show him the country. They (Uobertsand McGraw) went to Marion together. Immediately upon their arrival there they scttowork to beat the young man out ofhis money.Failing in this, they arranged to have Robertstake him to the country. AVhen out abouttwenty miles from tovrn Daktr and Morelandcame up to them on, both menm tsked. and commenced shooting off theirpistols. Robert', titidcistaudiiig the play,jumped out of the wagon auu away, whilethe other two went through McGrav. takinghis money and watch and chain, and left himbiokc. He came to Iturliiigamuaud engagedwork on a farm. He informed a few peisonsabout the aftalr, and stated that lie recogniz-ed the robbers. Moreland and Itaker, hear-ing they were act used of the crime, followedMiGraw to where ho was at work, kidnap-ped him, took him, as he supposed, before amagi'lrate, and, at the point of their revolv-

er, made him sign an afildavit exoneratingIhcm. Young MiUraw returned to Michi-

gan, and his frauds plnecd the nutter in thebauds of Detective Cole, of this city, who,after three mouths hard work, has succeededin landing the whole outfit in jillwas captured at Wichita, Moi eland at Caldwill, and linker in southern Xcw Mexico.Detective Cole also captured a spotter for theguig. by the name of PciMu", who attempt-ed to send a cipbci Utter to .T:m Moreland,at Caldwell, warning I im to 'skip" that theollieirs wile afttr him. Mr. cole ha theletter and the key wbluli be compelled Per-kins to disgorge after his arrest. The cap-

ture of these parties bids fair to open upsome oilier important matters which will begiven to the publV a they develop.


XotwithstaiidingWIcliiti hoat the flnctflouring mill in the bt ite she In been unfor-tunate in tint line, in that she ha lo- -t no

les thin three of these valuable manufacto-

ries by fire-- . The losses ol the water-mi- ll

and .1. C. Frakcr's mill were especially re-

gretted by both eity and county. We areghd to announce that the wntcr-mi- ll will berebuilt. Col. II. W. Lewis, President or theFarmers &, Merchants Hank, who Is the own-

er of the site, dam and franchises, informs usthat a wa foimcd this weekbetween lIicMc'srs.Dcffenbaiigli Bros., own-

ers of the Ionic Mill, at Ottawa, Illinois, nndhim-il- ! for the purpose of building and ope-

rating a hrgc grist mill at the site of tlii oldwater-mi- ll on ChNholni Cieek, a hilf mile

eat of the depot. The mill vv ill be "a fourrun," provided with all the modern improve-ments mdacipicit or one hundred turretsof new proiess flour per day. An elevatorwilt be built in connection with the milk torb nulling win at expeditiously. The newtin n puts into the buines JJ.'.tlfl which hasaire uly been plnuked down and which mc inbuiiii-- s, and tin y lnvc plenty more in

if it should be leipured. Mr. F. O.I.add, well known n one of the lie- -t mlll--

lights in the Wet In been onplovcd tosupei intend the work ai.d a soon a bis plansare completed the machinery and lumberwill be brought on and the superstructureerected as rapidly as money .vol labor willdo it. 'I he dim will be thoroughly repaired,but not raised to it former height by severalfeet, as the cleaning out of the race, as theypropose, and the iutro tuctiou of improvedm ichiuc-r- r will not require near the amountof water forme i ly used by theturbine. In Iiet, a turbine wheelof eight horse-pow- will tiko the place ofthe three old-styl- e mechanical power. It I

expei ted tint this new inill vvlb be complet-ed and ready for business by the time thepiescnt crop of wheat is re uly for mirket,say the middle or July. As wc have oftensaid, if Wichita holds her prestige as theleading city or this section her people mustencourage manufacturers and no line I bet-

ter suited in our surroundings and produc-tions thin tint of flour. There Is room foradozen lirst-cl- .i mil! iu this couutv, andthen wheat bv the hundred of thousand ofbuhc!s would continue to be shipped. Wcw'sh the iicw enterprise success as will people.

While pissing A'ey ' shoe store the etherday wc noticed one of the large transferwagou of the city bieklng up to the side-

walk, loaded with boot and shoos. Laterin the diy we called to sec the stock openedout. About the first thing we discoveredwas several dozen small boxes, each one con-

taining a pair of the cclebratinl Hurt hoe.There were two style, one known a theCalifornia lit, tbe other tho French lat.After seeing these hocs oue will notbe hap-

py until be has a pair broad bottoms, lowheels, the best ol" ttock, and msnufneturediu the besi possible ni inner. liebas alo the celebrated Gcisecke, rg

& Co.'s Shex-- , whle-- h is becom-ing very popular in the trade. Mr. Alertsthe oldest established shoe dealer In tbe city,having been constantly in buiue for aloutnine year, anJ i thoroughly ported in re-

gard to the needs of tul market. His stockof laidieV Shoes W elegant anything fromthe dainty little "golden slipper" to tbepliln "common scnc" shoe. In fact, he Isprepared to suit, let it be man, woman orchild, both in style, fit, and whit is most Im-

portant, in prices, lie bas also quite a largestock of Hats, which be is selling out at lessthan cost, having concluded to go out of thatline.

Ths"l. O. LV held its closing exerciseslast Friday evering. conducted by Miss Einm-- e

Cook, who has been Its teacher for the patsix mouths. Judging from the conduct ofthe pupils and superiority of the exercises.I should class Miss Cook with the be.t ofSedgwick county. After the c, con-

sisting of songs, two well executed dia-

logues, Cinderllla'' and "Xoblrsnen In Dis-

guise," a finely presented declamation byMiss Davidson, and various recitations, etc.,C. S- - Eichholtz made a few appropriate re-

marks In behalf of their estimable teacher,as alsv did J. Carotliers. The large assembly

cd. I ti.

Tbe election la Greenwood coaatyesUiebonds for tbe Gould roC wMck took placeTuesday of last week, carried by an abaoatunanimous vote. The city oi Eureka cartbut twenty ne votes against it. Libertytownship, In Woodson county, defeated thebonds by a small majority. The vote in But-ler county will occur next week.

We would like to inquire what the lateHump Legislature did with reference to tbelevy for state school tax. Did they leave thematter unattended to, and are tbe school toran along for another two yeari after tbecrippled fashion of tbe last two yean r Wecan find nothing in tbe Hat of acta remedy-ing tbe flaw pointed out by tbe supremecourt.

The quartett rendered prior to the lectureat Russell Hall, last Wednesday Bight, by.Messrs. Caldwell A Copley, Mrs. Strong andMiss Ella Fuller, with Mrs. Copley at tbepiano, was very fine indeed, as also was thepiano solo by Miss Hueon. To-nig- (Wed-nesday) the musical exercises will be repeat-ed b some of tbe, ladies and gentlemen whohav c heretofore contributed, including a newfeature consisting of a v iolin and piano duetby Mr. Frank and Miss Huson.

There is considerable talk about who shallfill the city offices for the next year. As itIs not a party fight, ail the Eagle has to sayis that whoever Is elected must make up theirminus to retrench on expenses Not onlywill official salaries have to be cut down, butsidewalk and street appropriations must becurtailed and police force cut down. Tbeeity, under the temperance law, will have atleast 88,000 less revenue than formerly.

Major Burr was up from Rockford on Monday looking as handsome as ever and full oflife. He informed us that Iiubbell Hern soldhis farm last week to J. C. Highc, of Fordcounty, Illinois, who paid 02,000 for theplace. Hern goes to Brown county In thisState. He also told us that W. H. Whaleyhad sold his place to Albert Law, considera-tion 81,000. Major says everything downbis way seems promising.

The lecture of Hon. D. B. Emmcrt In be-

half of the Ladies' Christian Society, sub-ject, Joan of Arc, took very many people bysurprise. Few w ere aw arc that be had serveda time on the public rostrum and were un-

prepared, probably, for tbe finished mannerof his delivery. Everybody was delightedwith the exciting and romantic history ofthe w onderful maid vv ho led armies of mento death or victory.

Hon. II. C. Slu-- s, of Wichita, was in thecity Tuesday and paid us a social call. Hen-

ry read law under Congressman Joe Cannon,of Illinois, at Tuscola, then took Greeley'sadvice and "went west" and built a townthat is he is helping to do It. He ornamented the State Senate for four years and willdo so lor four years more, and then lookout!lie may go to Washington from one of theuevv Congressional districts. A better manculil not be selected. Auqut ta Republican.

Rev. II. Winslow Abbctt leaves with bisfamily for his new field of labor next Tues-day. II W aged father writes him a congrat-ulatory letter, warmly endorsing the resolu-tion and action of the professor. We werein error last week in stating that the Profes-sor had the ministry . The truthis he has never been disconnected since hefirst entered, having during the years whenpresident of the university maintained hisconference and ministerial relations.

A row occurred at Richard Farmer's sa-

loon and outfit in West Wichita Friday nightlist that would have dono uo discredit to the"long bom days." The amusements of theeveuiug consisted of drinking and dancingand head-I- n caking. One Ed. Piper struckanother, Geo. Sexton, over the head with abeer class lav inc him un for renairs. The

Roberts next day-- rumor had It that Sexton had diedef his wound whereupon Piper was promptly arrested and confined in which confine-ment be awaits result. Sexton did not dienor is lie likely to, from that scrape.

'I he bombastic Wendling lectured for theMethodist folks last Saturday night. Wewere surprised that after having lecturedhere once, the men who heard him thcushould engigc him again. Wc take greatpleasure in helping along the enterprises ofany and all of our churches, charitable so-

cieties, schools or libraries, but wc can't af-

ford to praise a persou or thing wanting inmerit. This Wendling Is an oratorical squirt,an elocution iry dandy, whom to bear morethan once means uauca a scanorial bird,who only prates other people's ideas, as everyintelligent man knows.

'lhc increasing popularity of thestores in England has furnished the text

to Charles Barnard for a brief article inSirlbncr for April, entitled, "The Shoppers'Hebcllion." lie points out the effect whichtlii. successful English movement has alreadyhad on this side of the water, aud predicts amore thoiotigh revolution in the present re-- Iitions of shopper and shopkeeper. The

simc number will have an account of thenew ap irtmcnt-hous- c system,now meeting with much Tavor in Xcw York.It will bcaceompantcd by estimates and dia-gram.

A new time table went into cUVct on Suu-di- y

lor theSmta Fe. The mail and passen-ger train arrives here at 9.10 a. m , hut leavesfor the north ut 5.41 in the afternoon, an hourearlier than under the old arrangement. Theaccommodation train leaves here for thenorth at :!" p. in., unking connection withthe M tin line at Xcw ton for the east ami forthe mountain, and arrive here from thenorth at 11.10 p. in. The regular freight ar-ri-

here at 11.10 a. in., from the south andin Ives here from the north at 4 05 The ac-

commodation traiu carries au express mail.

Mr. Xixon L'lllott r ports rather discour-aging Ufws touching the peach crop. Hesays a wide am' thorough examination sat-

isfies him that the largest per ccut. of peachbud, except iu very sheltered localities, arcdead. Many orchards vv ill y icld none. Heays tlic damage has been done by no partlc-ul- ir

cold snap or frcrze, but that the verycontinued cold ha gradually cooked thebud. About the yards in the eity there arcmany tree that are yet all riirht, but theseare protected by the shelter of the buildings.The disaster his reached all portions of tbecom try, the bet evidence of which is thefact that canned peaches took a jump of seve-

nty-five cents per dozen last week.

The annual report of the St. Louis & SanFrancNco Railway Company, just issued,shows the gross earnings for 1S.-- 0 to havebeen $i,ftl8,3T0. or an Increase over tbe grossrevenue of the pi cvious year ot 9lJKS,Va.1 hsUurpUis earnings for the car amount to(1, 01.142. Thecompiny wilt this year payits tir-- t dividend since Its organization inlsTtl. The company has acquired 195.591

share of the capital stock of the Atlantic Jfe

Pacific Railroid, and has transferred and de-

livered 97,7!5 shires to the Atchison, TopekaA. Santa Fe Railroid, a called for under tbeagreement for the joint extension of tbe ic

.1 Pacific railroad.

Mesr. Hyde, Corbett and Kramer don'tbelieve in the navigability of the Arkansasriver. They went out the other day to takein a lot of ducks by going up the Mjr riverin a wagon about eigntor ten miles and haul-ing a boat in which to floit back. They hadfigured it down tine before starting and weregoing to float down at the rate of jttl sevenmiles an hour, provided tbry were not load-

ed too heavily with ducks. After huntingawhile they started bnck in their boat. Theygot stuck on about thirty --five sand-bar- s,

which they got over only by two of themgetting out and coming the "push and pull"game at each cndtfthclrdug-out,withIIyd- c

inside manipulating tbe oar. They got abouthalf way back and then walked the rest oftbe way into town, getting in between 11

and 12 o'clock p. m. Proceeds of bunt onelittle duck.

Tbe Kansi, Arizona & Pacific (Gould'sroad) coips of engineers and assistants, somefifteen in number, In charge of Colonel A.CTitus, reached town lat Thursday. Theline from the wct line ot Payee township isalmost an air line, striking the corporatelimits near tbe junction of the Santa Fe and'Frisco lines, thence cutting diagonallyacross the north and west part of town,reaching the bank ot tbe river at CaptainGeorge . Harris reserve, north of thebndge. The line cuts up some valuable .

then turned tbelr laces homeward well nltis. nf liis ronrlusion we hive not hn

8. T. Jones, Esq., one of seven who werethe irst to explore and surrey the cannonsof the Colorado Barer, and other portions ofthe Rocky Mountains, will lecture this, Wed-nesday eyenlng, at Russell Hall, on tbe subject ot "The Cannons of Colorado." Tbeabject b certainly a very interesting one,

and those who hav e heard it pronounce it ofmore than ordinary interest. This closesthe present itcture course, and those whohare tickets, aa well as those who have net.will not hare occasion to regret their at--daace.

We bare tbe following items from El Paso:Tbe Grange elevator has been sold. Tbe of--Icerfofthe organization, "Who have beencarrying tbe liabilities for several years, feltvery much relieved when released from tberesponsibilities, cares and anxieties thatbare necessarily been connected with tbefirst grain warehouse that was ever erectedin Wichita. J. Hout Minnich will soon takecharge of and convert the same into a firstclass flouring mill and elevator. He willalso purchase a residence in tbe city, and be-

come one of tbe permanent citizens of themetropolis of southwest Kansas. Minnichbas rented two of bis farms, and has onemore, with 100 acres under cultivation, torent. See bis ad. in another column.

Tbe Campanari concert, given In behalf oftbe ladies of tbe Catholic church, was a jam,very many being unable to obtain a seat.Tbe music was of course splendid. The pro-fessor informs us that in the near future hewill present an oratorio, whose role will em-

brace the best performers and musicians intbe city. The music has already arrived,and practice commenced. It will be a splen-did thing.


To lJu Editor a A Eaglt.Seeing a problem given by "Jeff," in your

issue of March 3d, I giv c the follow Ing solu-

tion for publication :

A board 12 feet long is 1C inches wide atouc end, and tapers to a point. If cut intwo equal parts w hat w ill be the length ofeach part?

12 feet square equal 114, and 144 dividedby 2 equal 72; and the square root of 72 equal8.485 feet plus, which equal the longest pieceot board, and 12 minus 8.4S5 plus equal 3.515feet, which equal shortest piece of board.

C. H. Logax,Sedgwick, Kansas.

To tit Editor oftht Eaglt :There will be a Sabbath School Convention

held at the Good Riv cr school house, April1st, at 10 o'clock a. m. All Sunday schoolworkers are cordially and earnestly invitedto bring baskets and attend.

J. II. Buitbox, President.C. W. Wood, Secretary.


In this city, on the 17th Inst., at the resi-dence of the bride's sister, by K. B. Jevvett,Probate Judge, Mr. George Kruucrt andMiss Lizzie Sauer, ail of this city."It la not virtue, wisdom, Talor, wit.Strength, comeliness of tbape, or amplest merit,Thai woman's lore can win;Hut what Is It, hard i It to say, harder to hit "

Albeit our friend George is liberally endowed with all these, he yet won a staramong the fairest and sw cetest. What morecould we add, except that a happiness likethe flow of a beautiful river shall be his andbis bride's, hedged in by a trust and loveitcrual., V 1 n. u .

In this city, on the 21st Inst , at CJ p. ni ,or pneumouia. Xlna F., youngest daughterof 11. W. aud Ella Ke ndle. aged 2 years and7 months.

Angelic form of tender birth,Brief trust to mortals givcu ;

Too sweet to live, too fair for earth ;

An angel now In heaven.

Mrs Lent, of Lincoln tow nship, March 22,9 o'clock a. m., of consumption.


The follow ing are the by-la- of the Old.Settlers Association as changed by the Hoardof Directors at their last meeting, and willgovern all their actions until the next annualmeeting :

ARTICLE I.This Association shall be know c as the Old

Settlers Association of Sedgwick county, audits place of business Wichita, Kausas.

ARTICLE II.Its purpose shall be to preserve a correct

history of the early settlers of Sedgwickcounty, Kansas.

ARTICLE III.The officers shall consist of a President,

Vice President, Treasurer and Pecretiry', tobe elected at tho auuuil reunion of the As-

sociation.ARTICLfi IV.

Claute 1. The President shall preside atall meetings and counter-sig- n all ordersdraw n on the Treasurer.

Clauiei. The Vice President in the absence of the President shall attend to suchduties as might devolve upon bim.

Clautr 3. The Treasurer shall take ch irgeof all money, ornntcnal that belongs to theAssociation, giving his receipt for the simc,andmay be required to execute a good anilsufficient bond for the perfornnncc of thesame, to be approved by the ExecutiveBoard.

Vlauie 4 The Seerctary sh ill keep a cor-rect rccorel of the proceedings of the Assoc-iation, also of the Evccutivc lloird, receiveall money, receipt for the same, and turn itover to the Treisurcr and take his receipt.

IKTICI E V.At each annial election the President elect-

ed shall appoint three members who shill iuconnection with the other officers of the al

ion constitute an Kvccutive Board.ARTICLE VI.

The Executive Boird shill transact all busi-ness or the all bonds, audit andallow all claims and ortlcr the pay mentor thesame.

ARTICLE MI.The three members of the Executive Hoard

nppointed by the Pre-idc- nt shall constitute afinance committee, vvhoe dutic- - shall be toexamine and report upon all claims againstthe Asoociitiou ; examine and report uponthe books, and vouchers of the Sccretiry andTreasurer annually, and in cac or a vacancyin the office or Treasurer hall take charge olhis books, accounts, and takethc assets In hisbands until another Treasurer is elected orappointed.

VRTICLEMII.The President shall have power to fill any

vacancy in the Executive Board caused bydeath or otherwise, by appointment, subjectto the approval or a msjonty or siid Board.

ARTICLE I.The annual reunion or the Association

hall be on the 22d of February, unless aldday comes on Situnliy or Sunday, when theExecutive Board may set a day.

article 1.All persons shall be eligible for membership

who settled in fcedgwick county, Kana,prior to January, 1372.

Sxc. 2. All persons who may Intermarrywith old settlers shall be eligible to member-ship in this Association.


Before any person can become a memberortbi-- t Association he shall file with the Sccre-tarja- n

application made according to thefrta prescribed by the Kvecutlv c Baanl.

ARTICLE XII.The Executive Board shall have power to

erae any name from the records of the As-sociation which may be Illegally or falselyregistered, and may demand urh proof asthey may deem requisite.

--VRTICLE XIII.These by-la- may lie changed or amend-

ed at any annual meeting of the Associationby a tw v otc.


Wednesday Night, March 23d.S. V. JONES, EsQ.

Will deliver the fourth of course of fourlectures under the auspice of the ChristianChurch or Wichita, ou Wednesdar night.March 23, 1SSI.

Subject "The Canons of Colorado."Admission Single ticket, 15 cents.


Three Milee Southeast of Wichita.We have located a branch Xumrv on

but J?ttiytmt ' tKO boc,:, " fPoUpropertr pretty badly, runs through jI a wfll be our sale ground hereafter. Weouiy three or four buildings. Colonel Titw

bas been lookiag over the ground and streets . "--" ,or we "ve ao Jfau out--

In the east and iottth tide ot town also, bnt I g'3t J "' Sti--X Bao.inform. A car load or Silverware and Cocks coae

la( U at Kami's Jewelry store. 52-- 1 w

in nf' trt -- rr-?f stoiKKHADTOtG UXCAtXXB X AT TBS POT--

Andre wsMDavUADunlapMFosterMHUbishSMartlnMSheamsJWardDWalkerM


irmaaUFFICZ AT?WKMTtA. . , .'T--l '" WranTA, March H, Utt.





WilsonKGXXTB' IMT. - --- -

CarsonWWCeleTLFosterDP ' MHobsonXTHinsteyDJacobaMJacobsWMorganADMeyerMJPowenJESatuderWSmith CFSbeaauLHemlyftVachoa


To obtain anr of these the aDDlieant mustcall for "Advertised Letters," and giro, thodate Of this Ust.,, jHL

If not called for in one month they will besent to tbe Dead Letter Office.

Letters are not advertised nntll ther haveremained in this office one week.

M. M. Muxpock, Postmaster.


Annottncemmts.J. M. Allen a candidate for to

tbe office of Councilman from tbe Thirdward.

W.F. is a



candidate for tbe office

of City Attorney.

W. G. Hobbs announces himself as a can-

didate for to the office of Justiceof tbe Peace.

Ed. Grady Is a candidate for tbe office ofConstable at tbe ensuing April election.

A. B. Wright is a candidate for member olthe School Board in the Second Ward.

I am a candidate for Justice oi tbe Peace,at the April election. W. W. Thomas.

We are requested by the many friends ofGov. Glenn to announce bim as a candidatefor Police Judge.

Upon earnest solicitation of a number offriend, I bare consented to become a candi-date lor at Councilman for tbeSecond Ward, at tbe ensuing election.

P. Gktto.Please announce tbat I will be a candidate

for to the office of City Treasurer,in the ensuing election.


Please say tbat I am a candidate for re-

election to the office ofConstable at tbe nextelection. J. L. Cooper.

Chas. Hatton is a candidate forto the office ot City Attorney.

D. A. Mitchell is a candidate for re electionto the office of Justice of the Peace.

Fred. Ilannum is a candidate for electionto the office of Police Judge.

Please announce that I am a candidate forto the office of Constable at the

next election. E. W. Bowman.

II. T. Kramer is a candidate forto the office ol school treasurer.

At this urgent request of many voters, Mr.Mike Ziinmcrly announces himself as a candidate for as Councilman fromthe 1st ward.

Julius Junkermann is a candidate tor Jus-tice of the Peace at the ensuing spring elec-


We arc authorized to announce the nameof M. C. McLaiu as a candidate for Justice otthe Peace.

For Silverware, go to Kassel'a. 62-- tf

Lost.On the west side, near the residence of K.

E. Lawrence, a thibet shawl with silk fringe.The finder will please leave it at this .office.

Annual Heating'.The annual meeting of the Sedgwick

County Agricultural Society, to elect officersand directors, will be held in Eagle Hall,Tuesday, April 12, at 2 o'clock, p. m. Everystockholder is requested to be present.

M-- W. P. Stem, Secretary.

The finest line of Silverware ever seen, isat Kasscl's jewelry store. 62-- tf

Be Careful.You might as well wear a nice, easy fitting

Shoe as a homely, poor fitting Shoe. SeeAlcy. 52-- tf

At Less Than Cost.Hats, at AIey'. W-- tf

Clocks ! Clocks ! ! They can not be coun-tedso many at Kassel's, v ery cheap. Justgo and sec. 62--tf

Cattle Herding.Tyler and Morgan vv ill take contracts for

herding cattle cows and yearlings in oneherd and steers in another. Good range,water, and shade, on JSinnescah three milessouth-ea- st of Clearwater. Terms, fifteencents a head per month.

TYLEB. A MORGAN'.Boone, Sumner County, Kansas. 51-- tf

Silverware.Silverware at Kacl's a large quantity.

Go to sec it. 62-t- f

Wanted.An agent to sell the Howe Sewing Midline

in Sedgwick county. Addressn. W. Poxn,

62-- lt Fort Scott, Kansas.

This week. Don't forget it. Kasicl. 62--tf

At a Bargain.Valuable city property residence, resident

and business lots for sale at a great sacrifice.62-- tf II. J. MULLER.

Artichokes.Seed artichokes for sale at Corbctt's.

61-- lt

Way Down!We have now another lot ot Maculj's

History of England, five volumes bound incloth, which we are selling at 2.00 per set.Come soon or they- - will nil be gone.

Harding & Gownv.Go to Kissel's tor a nice line of Clocks,

cheaper than ever have !ccn sold In Wichi-ta 52-- tf

seed artichokes for sale at Corbett's.52-- lt

The Burt Shoo,At Alcy, and don't you forget It, 5S-- tf

Moon's Early Peach.The celebrated peach known as tbe Moon's

Early Seedling, is now In tha market for thefirst time. Parties wishing to secure someol these trees will find It to their interest tocall at tbe delivery ground of the Koe mil"urcrr, outh Ide of Douglas Avenue, In

Wichita, where trees one and two years oldcan be had while tbe limited supply UsU, orat tbe farm or A. Moon, three miles east ofEl Paso. This peach is without donbt tbeearliest peach grown. This peach U largetine flavored and ripens In this latitude laJune the middle of June on the uplandten days earlier than tbe Amsden June ortbe Alexandria.

5t U T. Moox.

We would call attention to our superiorfacilities for supplying libraries with stand-ard and new bok. HakU Gowpr.

1'resh ntw buckwheat fidnrattbeFaratrA Merchants Mills. Try it. 30-t- f

itoses! Roses!Ail who desire foe reset i.d otber ahrab-bcr- y.

can procure them of Be at exactly tberetail price list of tbe Dengee tt Coaardcompany, Wert Grove, Pa. lawactisf atheir local ageat lathi city, a4wiUaipby express. Tbe plants win be Urgar aadatroegcrtbaacaa be slipped fey saaO. TbeDiamond list a specialty. Xrr thirty ntftastead of sctcb. 1. B. CdTXX.










s.J C'





To Loaneay terms.






Improved Land in Sedgwick county nt low rates. AlsoImproved Farms for sale or trade. City Property for sale on

Represent following

LONDON oldest Insurance Companydoing business in the United States rears old.

of Newark, Jersey.

of Pari.vott want to

Buy or Sell Don't Fail to Call at

RCorner Topeka Douglas Avenues, Wichita, Kan.

T. L.

AUOt tbe popular magazines and all tbe leadingdally papers In the West on our newsUble

Fresh new buckwheat flour at the Farmersk Merchants Mills Try it,

Call on Prof. Fiekelssen for Fire and LifeInsurance. StfThe Best Bheep Dip xntke World.

The celebrated Scotch Dip, for sale by D.Hays Co., agents. SO-- tf

Mana k Waddell have for sale a flrst-cla- u

livery stable, with the relllng stock andhorses; rolling horse ry atbe bought, leased. uo

k Waddell havesale cheap.

some choice

Decoration art paper hangings In largestock at Harding k Oowdy's. Vt!

very fine decoration paper hangingsio ceilings, walls stairways at Harding

k Gowdy's. "Allea' Coffee Boas

Eating Boom, oa Douglas Aveaue,atiniititd wltb cltT aed

agricultural papers, whew farasert oth-

ers are always welcomed. The tablesbe supplied with best market aow.


For best cf GoW Pea aad Pea-rf- U

la State, go to Harding Gowdy'a,door ot P. GoW Pen, aS

styles. Fiae holder la Ivory, ceBuJoldrabber. AJ ta "GrafUe." beat

pea aaade. 17--tf

A large 'off featr altebeaad gloasy it ton, at lira. G raafa Baaar.


AbtBook, agifae, or aerioBl of aaypalHietr UK y waat, caB BawiasiUlMlaMBrH!MrHr!r k


iJk' --liWJ . 4 C5

r&lQ&nwi,X.. ta. . 1 ... 3' 'B "&;

v& eri




h.sjal A&r rVS

mtju aftvjw,



- .fc" - m. , "Vvw tat ' , WZk. f.Ka"., -l a J -

ol!WSrm-- i!!& .!? aSSiHSf "j-



t- -

NOVELTIES every Department





HTSTJHiAlsrOE.the Companies :





Property, or Borrow Money,

The CAN SAW Land Office,anr.

NIXON.M-t- f


30-- tf

a-- -.t.

aext O.



buttrr and jellies In bulk, ot everydescription, at tbe rcllsbte bmjw- - of

47--tf Eacill Uliss.

The "Cute" I tbe clgsr with al

For sale at Magiil HIIm.

Apples! Apples!Wholesale prices Apples M cents, pota-

toes 75 ctats, choice apples ."IJ ctsts,extra dri'd teaches 7

II. 1). If AMMOVt) & Co.Occidental IHock, North Main ."treat.

A Card.Geo. G. Matthews Is cl'x'ns out hl JeweJ- -

or the stock and can l Stock and will sell wboleul cost forand tbe stable 49-l- f j to days aad mistake. Mr.Mattlxwi ib





aedwarm mad wrfl


the tie

the rtoektbe


aad Uefountain ever


of se




i es to engage In the real rctatc btufne ndI will still make WichiU hi. borne 47--tf

Call and te their cew stock of fi'iugi,dacSoes, borders, cmlie, tt, at

ftvtf lixKVlSdtC.OTVV.

The realization of our Idral cigsr, '

for sale at Magiil k Wirt.

For Sale.froalfecrn Bed OsU aad TeHow 8tl Corn-Dee- re

eb Irea Itram Plow and Cultiva-tor, J0 each, if catted for xwc.

0 J. B. Mtjrrcmx,Ferris, Ualoa Towarttp- -

Stili a few hundred VatittU of Vegetableon feaad. Alo a fise lot ot good. rrUtUGardes W, Urtpt Viae. Kerry Hfiht,Pie rUm, Asparagus Ilasst, AsparafVPtaatx, Caulpa Trees, ctr. If you orti anyof tie above, please addrrt a eard to or ttIt. Msaaaa, crtsxjairt at BSaea' grocery;


KEPA1REK.LaavieratXea4 k Frria' mU

atarr. &4f

Thtra-- k

4r'ertXaffK--Cmu" nttmee. Tf


Ni I X.

- -- . " 1,


v i






RVijrfjt Jfri V



1 . -

as i..-- . -!' ? Hmiwammss,

rerrbOilr tnnvt ok mau nktt ut TUaUitt!ratbtj)hTuptiewpUobBtswMttatf,WMtMe waUwM tl:ttiet f mr

stock of




kMt and fresh. No old warm aat iroada. --- r--J U W AmofcrkMr new jrooila at verj-- mck Wkw tMr Tatos. lieae wiahlag te aMeJr

witli the balaace.of their wteter wrtit, w Bad fato save money.


Dre Gootli, extra good, raloo redHccd from 14 1 ie etwtf." " 3 te IS eeata.

All Wool Motnic, Ib Black, Plum aad Browtw, good ral-w- , re-duced from 35 to 25 ceata.

All Wool 36-lac-h Cashmere for 40 ceata, cheap at 90.LadieVaad ChUdrcaa' Woolea Kalt Wear, Canlifwi Jacket,

Ulstcrctte, Kubia, Hood, LegViaa.Scarlet FlaBBela, Heavy Twilled, reduced from .10 to 20 ceata,

ami from 35 to 25 cents.Cantou Flannel, at SW, 81-- 3, 10,121-2- . aad 15 cent, allextra eood value.ThoBest Four-Butto-n Kid Glove, (warranted.) la Kansas, for

la fttiy--


Felt Skirts, an enormous stock, at much leas Utaa coat.Kill Glov ck in Color and Shade, In 6 and 10 Hooka.Gent' Full Assortment.One l.ot .Japanese Ware, lew than one-ha- ir their orlfl--

nnl cost.In Boot and Shoe wo oflcrinjr the same laduceHteat.Idtea' Shoes, worth 1.50, for $1.00.

itMens' Boot from $1.25 tialrto the finest French calf.Child. Misses and Boy' at extraordinary low price.All our Immense stock nt corresponding tlgurcx.

Those that come first secure the best bargains.Under the Big" Horse 8hoe.


For Rent or Sale.I desire to rent a farm ot liV) acres. I(l un

der cultivation, for spring crop, ('' acresplowed); plenty of stock water. Will tellat private sale one feed mill, Corn Shelter andHorse Power; and A. S. Hodge'sHeader, two Harrows, oue CornCultivator, Stirring Plows, and other farmImplements too numerous and tedious tomention. Also a number of Mrood Bows,and about ten thousand seedling Peach Trees.For further particulars Imjulre at my resi-

dence near K.I Paso.M-l- nr J. Hour MtNMt'll.

Flax Seed to Loan.Farmers wlsbtng to sow Flax Seed, will

please call at once on Itlrlisnlt Itodgfrs,Wichita. Kansas.

The cheapest place In tin) city to buy mil-

linery and fancy ffoods, l Mrs. !. V, Orsnt'sBazar, 37 Main street. 32-t- f

Niagara canned good', "conceded by all tolie the best,' at

47-- tf Mauii Hum.

Fifty tine human hair for site atcost, all colors and at Mrs. Oram'sIlazar, So. 37 Main street. Mf

Hats and bonnets latest styles and pt-tcr-

flirapcr thn elsewhere In tb city, atMrs. L. V. frant', . 37 Main trct.

32-t- f

Hedge Seed.



Hedge 8eedAllen k Tuckvr hate jut received a quan-

tity of choire new Hedge iecd, ttlicct fromthe growers In Texa, warranted to itovr.


.Mien k Tucker have In stock s fult line nfgrass seeds, coniistlng of Bed and WhiteClour, Altlke and Alfalfa Clover, llluGrass, Orchard lira", and Timothy newcrop. &0-- tf

Lasdretb's celebratdl (iarden cd In

bulk, at Allen k Tucier's. .'A-t-f

For Sale.A well established gt"T tiulac. In

gfiod location, with g'd trade, satUfsctoryreason for selling given. r Information,apply to this oBier. 43-t- f

A specialty o ilae WaUli wortr and Jew-elry repalrfn; tt KaU. &

America bent fire cents tiftr, "Cut'," tt47-- tf MiitlxHf.l.

Greatest Bargaias of the Age !

I, to lrnrlbls part of tbe county,d offer tttd will kII or trade for lite tVtt't,(calve aad yoaajt cattle preferreit) of wyshare of tk ta tbe 13 l'o Tin licp-n- y,

at such great redoHloJw ltt yoJ rsn'tr(st trade, er buy. lo hste tml Unot tbe tery flaest badd trres, 6IJ.WO of the nufbacter ttrftij will sell theUtter variety t filW per Jil, (Mitrrtd atD I'im. IlrcMf tall ad is aad leat e orsnj your order at once. Also mm J. 1.Ce trsi ltorae power ai irptnior In r'odrepair; lo eltwr ttrm twpteineBt, et, te

Jro. Hem, 13 t't,, Ka.Feb-1- 7, 1, 47-- tf

CI!tmi pafrd Jebes, sjlresl -rs,

cherries, al47tf VLxr.iu. k I!u,

CTB4uneeteJ Hairwork.Xo f lit f4w wderye-a- r wacb ebaias,

breutpias, esrslois, etc Wbes Jtm woolsataxUda; la tar UAlAnf J?rrtrs4,eon oa X. liuum,

54-t- f 7S MrfiJ Street,

For ptrt tiw jr.ett5ee Me?rr fitMniltr, iHe 4 Uti mt to tbeof the tacc Xe-V- CmriT,

y-t- f 43 Mtlo Jftevet- -11. C. Mij iH lUrt yaccg bort-b-vr

ba tor il. Ai9 ne ttasr KerVsMrcptX- - il-- U

Mass k W)kK rejrreeent tW feKosfJfcf

iartarc eoasavair AaMtira trvt, ft(. L09U; FUtaasa' FujkJ. of rrtmvi

ro; L'siaa, of Ua Tntm. 49Mf

MMa1T14tkrs wsm ,&n4H lo- -ajral ty



L' i.

&j-- Z


2.00. for 110.$.1.00. for $2.00.



--A. S ' IriV

'. v


Uruimter, all kindsKacts.


? ."Si-

ft "r -




' v '

'-- &,&&





of at.


aVV ear






a I






i .'k

-- A,




Next to Post OSes.

done at


The New QeUtia Process TeaTimes More Rapid thaa

the Ordisary.flood negatives made Inttantausoiitly. Haldwln'allallery and test thn silrccssful worklors olthe most tapld process known In

Von will Uo pleased with tbe llfeilkexpression, tvt abort an exposure makes Itpossible to Ktt lnli the photograph.


Money to Loan.Money to loan mi gol real estate security.

Interest lower than ever. Also ou chatteland personal security, tfouie choln brRains In farms, either cash time, or trd, forthe next thirty days.

WV M. 't Multan. Kansas.1 hate two flrsi-el- f allrer mines near Al-

pine, which I will w II half or full Inter.'t In, for card, or rest estate la or aeAVIchlU.

"" Alpine, Colorado.

Mann i Wadded are prrpare) to furnishAbstracts of Title to any property la Hedfwick county, and write deels and roort; m.

An Immense new to:k of wll paper r.relteil at Hardin; k f'odjr', next doorne.rtli of potforoVe. M

Notice to Plant Shade Tn.Notlre l hereby zite n to a tproperty awa

er and srent to planttree aspcr oftlloscM.No. ran.

Parties falling to plant striie oa ad afurthe 1st day of April, lJ, th diy wilt pro-cee- d

10 ratorti th ordlnabeeM,

Chairman trl Cosnmllfee.W'IcIjiU, Kso , March 15, J!.

Cheap Farm Loans.TTo bato a fund of tlOiH9 Ut plte oa

cbolr farm eurtly, for of w fite jrrtime, al etUI rtlrm, tbe rooney inItr'tt trvu tbe Kat, onyoi ntntiag a raralon wilt do well u. eU . r ut, t en,and were lamrabie lernv.

Ht'XXt.f Hilt.Jta le, 1I. tH-- tt

For Sale.1 bv for ! we tnHJiloo-U-- l w

Ono,"Ceoe bull lf, elfe.1 by teok tl 7U,Oue pair etMrke (teyrar-- u!;

r.'Mr xrrf,Om family nttUs horse.T tolls, tbr yer, x.35 Ytut't tolSnz :bV14ska.Oie I, rWle wa,fofi,Ob Jbn Ileeftr tijlty ,tlrer a4 JfaJr,Oae mower.Oar borrww aod fioOea City iJkf

raltitator.Tea b'j.My fssotly tfl.Utst U aim Ut !. lavfr f . Witkrr Abi-H- t, Kasjria Av

au, ir 4er tttk ot Cb Orraua JMoVf(H.tCburU.,





Takejour Photograph


9fcUl Notke.Ost tt tie reU of hU wWTb Hm

fOrnUt ot tb teiUA &Mm of fsW

5ewTesJBl, wfeUti U1 tsm nUlies la May, TVrr wIU U atUA d

jtlrn riitim0 pbtkeJ, a4 B ptnin4 r4 et tO 0l.srtW Ut a tnfj isattj taWry

e It tTe ettoB rreetv tts aVtf nUtVm if U to twlttbytyt

ll-t- f tt4tnQkGiWT.vsvosv n

XttrJtrtr7giirmltttrflism-enufi-Wnm-anitiilia la WfsajMi taratv

b, isiK WM4 at WttUa JUg amm ) At KH Uf of Ma. A. V.Vt,tri9mtitMnKtn.nmmHp.m
