the western democrat. (charlotte, n.c.) 1863-12-01 [p ]. · western democeat, chaelottje3, n. c....

WESTERN DEMOCEAT, CHAELOTTjE3, N. C. Short Almanac for jftQ" Carriage & Wagon Shop. The subscriber, successor to Mr Charles Overman in the Carriage and Wagon making business, respectfully informs the public that he T will promptly execute all work entrusted to him, and he solicits a share of pub- lic patronage. REPAIRING of all kind will be particularly atten- ded to and done at short notice on reasonable terms. Send your work to Overman's old stand and give me triRl A. II. CRfiSWELL. Charlotte, Jan'y 13, I8C3. y CONFEDERATE GOVERNMENT, Jefferson Davis of Mississippi, President. Alex H Stephens of Georgia, Vice President. J. P. Benjamin, of Louisiana, Secretary of 'State. James A. Seddon, of Virginia, Secretary, of. War. C. G. Memminger, of South Carolina, Secretary of the Treasury.. . S. R. Mallory, of Florida, Secretary of theNay. .Tbo3. H. Watts, of Alabama, Chief of the Depart- ment of Justice or Attorney General. J. Hi Reagan, of Texas, Postmaster General. The President serves six years. . JANUARY TO COTTON PLANTERS. I bave been appointed by the Secretary of the Treatury, Chief Agent for the purchase of CoUon for the Confederate Government within the State of Nortb Carolina, and will pay for the same in 7 per cent Bond or Cash. - Sub -- Agents visiting the different parts of the btate, buying in my came, will have written certificates of appointment. ' ''' By order of the Secretary of the Treasury, all Cot- ton purchased by myself or my agents, on and after the 18th day of March, 1863, will be paid for in 7 per cent Bonds or Cash, and not 8 per cent Bonds as stated in a former advertisement. Up to that time, however, the 8 per cent bonds will be furnished as stated. Patriotic citizens are now offered an opportunity to aid the Government by selling to it their Cotton rather than to private capitalists. - ' LEWIS S. WILLIAMS. Charlotte, March 24, 1863 tf Wilaingion, Charlotte & Rutherford MEMBERS . OF THE. FIRST PERMANENT CONFEDERATE CONGRESS. - ' SENATE. THE CONFEDERATE TAX-BIL- Ii. The following is a summary ef the Tax-Bi- ll which was passed by' the Confederate Congress on the 20th of Aprii, 1863: . It imposes a tax of eight per cent, upon the value of all naval stores, salt, wines and spirituous liquors, obacco manufactured or unmanufactured, cotton, wool, flour, sugar, molasses, syrup, rice, and other "agricultural products, held or owned on the first day of July next, and not necessary for family consumption for the unexpired portion of the year 18G3, and of the growth or production of any jear preceding the year1803; and a tax of one per cent, upon all moneys, bank notes or other cur- rency, on bandar on deposit on the 1st of July next; and on the value of all credits on which the interest has not been paid and not employed in a business the income derived from which is" taxed under the provisions of this act: provided, that all moneys owned, "held or deposited beyond the limits of the Confederate States shall be valued at the current rate of exchange in Confederate Treasury notes. The tax to be assessed on the 1st day of July, and collected on the 1st day of October next, or as may be possible. Section 5th imposes the following taxes for the year ending the 31st of December, 18G3, and for each year thereafter : Bankers shall pay" $500. Auctioneers, retail de alers, tobacconists, pedlars,cattle brokers, apothe 9 16 23 SO c n 20 27 6 13 20 27 - On and after Monday the 5th of May, 1863, the Par-seng- er Train will run on this Road (Western Divi aion) daily, Sundays excepted, as follows : 3 10 17 24 31 4 14 21 2S 7 14 21 2S 4 U IS ALABAMA. I MARCH GOING WEST: ARRIVE: LEAVE: 7 30 A. M. 8 20 . 9 00 " " 9 30 " 10 05 " A.M. i it t APRIL 8 15 8 C5 9 25 10 00 10 45 THE POLISH WOMAN'S PATRIOTISM. 'fiuwloika, open the window; I desire to die in the . und of the church bells." - Suwiuiika had not courage to obey. She look- ed pensively at ber mother. "My daughter, is not this the Sabbath? The hour of prayer baa come. Uelp- - the old mother to prostrate Jtc"rsclf before our good God'and, 2ious child, the young woman helped her mother kneel. "Suwloiska, I implore thee my daughter, open the window, in order thai I may hear the hymns of the church." She opened the window on the public square, in which the church was situated, and then returned and sat down at the feet of her silent mother. "Suwloiska, I do not bear the sound of the .bells." . "Not hear !" "It 13 the cannon." "Yes, mother, they have come down from the steeples of the church takill the Russians." "God is with us." The mother listened again. . "What has happened, my daughter? not a chant, not one voice in the church. What is our priest doing?" "lie ha turned soldier." "Let us pray to God 'for him. He has prayed for us often enough. It was he who blessed thy marriage, my daughter. Oh, well do I remember it. Thou wert beautiful; I had dressed thee my- self. Then the bells rung out joyfully. Then on thy knees, before the altar thou didst promise fidelity to thy Suwloiska." "I have kept my oath," replied the young wo- man, blushing with pleasure. The aged mother pressed the v hand of her daughter closely in hers but suddenly starting, ehe exclaimed in a shrill voice, "Where is thy wedding ring?" ."I have given it away," said the daughter, hold- ing down her head. "Suwloiska, has God reserved such affliction for my old age! Oh, my daughter, who has caused Wm li Yancy Clement C Clay. ARKANSAS. Robert W Johnson, Charles B' Mitchell. FLORIDA." A E Maxwell, J M Baker. GEORGIA. Benjamin H Hill, II. V. Johnson. LOUISIANA. Edward Sparrow, T J Semmes. MISSISSIPPI. Albert G Brown, James Phelan VIRGINIA. PRODUCE AND PROVISIONS. The undersigned entered into a on the firM d5y of August for the purpose of carrying on tht Grocery and CommUsion Business, at the old stand of M. D. L. MOODY, opposite the Court-Hons- e, Charlotte, N. C; and hope by faithful personal attention to share the patronage of the public. BQTStrict personal attention given to the sale of Produce and Manufactured articles of all kinds when consigned to us, and money advanced when desired. - Orders from a distance for Goods when accompanied by cash or Charlotte references will be promptly filled. The HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for every arti NORTH CAROLINA, George Davis, Wm T Dortch. SOUTH CAROLINA. Robert W 'Barnwell, James L Orr. TENNESSEE. Langdon C Haynes, Gustavus A Henry. TEXAS Louis T Wigfall, W S Oldham. KENTUCKY. H C Burnett, William E Simms. MISSOURI. John B Clark, R S Y Peyton. Total number, 26. Charlotte, Tucka8eege, Brevard, Sharon, Lincolnton, Cherryville. GOING EAST: t Cherryville, Lincolnton, Sharon, Brevard, Tuckaseege, Charlotte. ARRIVE: LEAVE: 11 30 A. M. 12 25 P. M. MAY P. M. ii (t u" 15 50 20 53 45 12 12 1 1 2 it it 12 55 1 25 2 00 caries, photographers, and confectioners, ijpoU, and 2 per centum on the gross amount of sales made. Wholesale dealers in liquors $200, and 5 per t of sales. Retail dealers in cle of general consumption or use. M. D. liquors, $100, and 10 per centum on gross amount of L. MOODY. , PRITCHARD. m 9 16' 23 SO 6 13 20 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 3 10 IT 24 31 H. M Aug 24, 18C3 3ra RM T Hunter, A T Caperton. JUNE -- I JULT - HOUSE. Thomas S. Bocock, Speaker. sales. Wholesale dealers in groceries, goous, wares, merchandize, etc., $200, and 2 per centum. Pawn brokers, money and exchange brokers $200. Distillers, $200 an 2tf perentum. Brewers, $100, and 2 per centum. Hotels, inns, taverns and . eating-house- s first class, $500; second class, $300; third class, $200; fourth class, $100; fifth class, $30. Every house where fo'od or refreshments are sold, and every boarding-hous- e where there shall be six biarders or more, shall be deemed to be an eating-hous- e under this act. r 4 6 6 8 11 12 13 ll xl 18 J9 20 21 22 25 26 27, 28 23 - - 1 2 Z 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 15 . 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 23 26 -- 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 15 10 17 18 15 22 23 24 25 G 29 30 31 . - l 9 5 6 7 8 5 12 13 14 15 1G 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 20 27 28 31 12 3 4 7 8. 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 28 . 29 30 1 2 5. 6 7 8 9 13 13 14 15 10 19 20 2122 23 26 27 28 29 30 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 80 31 - 12 3 6 7. 8 9 10 13 14 15 10 17 20 21 22 23 21 27 28 29 30 1 4 5 0 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 25 20 27 28 29 - 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 ' 22 23 24 25 20 29 30 12 3 ' 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22- - 23 21 27 28 29 30 31 ALABAMA. 4 11 IS 25 6 W Chilton, 7 David Clopton, 8 James L Pugh, 9 E S Dargan. 3,700 BOXES OF THE SOUTHERN HEPATIC PILLS Have been, ordered in one day: Wherever known their use continues. Without puffing, they have gained ground by their real valae. "g-Mo- re than five hun- dred persons are known to have been cured by these ' Pills.-- a This excellent family medicine is recommended by the proprietors as good for Diseases of the Liver. His correspondents say that they also cure Billions Rheu- matism, Pneumonia, Chills and Fevers, Billions Fevers, Piles and Worms. They are a perfectly safe medicine. Peter Vaden Esq., of Dinwiddie county, Ya., after describing remarkahle cures in his family of Billious Rheumatism and Pleurisy, says: "My Doctor's bill has been heretofore from $175 to $200 per year. I have Thomas J Foster, Wm R Smith, John P Ralls, J L M Curry, Francis S.Lvon, Commercial brokers or commission merchants' Fare, six cents per mile. Soldiers going to and re- turning from the army, half fare. Passengers are re- quired to make the proper change, as the Ticket Agent cannot furnish change for every one. A Freight Train leaves Cherryrjlle for Charlotte at 7 o'clock, A M, on Mondays, and returns sane day. For Passenger Trains transporting Freights, 50 per cent to the tariff rates of freight willbe added. V. A. McBEE, Master of Transportation. Lincolnton, May 25, 1863. NOTICE TO DEBTORS. . All persons indebted to the Estate of Patrick J. Lowrie, deceased, are requested to call and make im- mediate payment to SAML. P. SMITH, Dec 30, 1862 Attorney for Executrix. Prospectus of the DAILY STATE JOURNAL, On and after the 1st day of November, fhe State Journal will be published Daily, Tri-week- ly and Weekly. The Daily State Journal will contain all the news received up to the latest hour before mailing, and will consist of two editions daily. The Morning Edi- tion will contain the news by the evening mails, and ail telegraphic news up to 10 o'clock the previous AUGUST - - . ARKANSAS. Felix J Balson, 3 Augustus H Garland, Grandison D Royster, 4 Thos B Hanly. Hilton. FLORIDA. 1 James B Hawkins, 2 GEORGfA. used then (these pills) for n.? family, which consists of $200 and 2 per centum. Theatres, $500 and 5 per centum on all receipts. Each circus, $100, and $10 for each exhibition. Jugglers and other persons exhibiting shows, $50. Bowling alleys and billiard room's, $40 for each alley or table registered. Livery stable keepers, lawyers, physicians, surgeons and dentists, $50. Butchers and bakers, $50 and one per centum. All persons engaged, or . intending to engage, in any business named in the 5th section,' shall, within sixty days after the passage of the act, or at the time of beginning business, and on the 1st of Janu- - SEPTEMBER 6 William W Clark, 7 Robt P Triune. Julian Hartridge, C J Munnerlyn. Hines Holt, A.H Kenan, David W Lewis, 8 L J Gartrell, 9 Hardy Strickland, 10 A B.Wright. KENTUCKY. OCTOBER I ary in each year thereafter, register with the dis-- f trict collector a true account of the name and resi-- , 1 7 8 14 15 21- - 22 28 29 4 5 11 12 18 19 25 26 2 3 9 10 16 17 23 24 30 81 0 7 13 14 20 21 27 28 4 5 11 12 18 19 25 20 night, and will be supplied to city subscribers and sent by the morning jnails North and Ea the Evening Alfred Boyd, John W Crockett, H E Read. George W Ewing, J S Chrisman, T L Burnett, 7.H W Bruce, 8SS Scott, 9 E M Bruce, 10 J W Moore. 11 R J Breckinridge, Jr., 12 John M Elliott. Edition will be printed at 3 o'clock p. m., and will contain the additional news by telegraph up to 2 o'clock p. m., and Will be sent to subscribers by the trains west and by the Fayetteville mail. Thus sub Pi a 1 NOVEMBER thee to forget, to such an extent, thy duties as a wife? That ring, the token of an eternal covenant between Suwloiska and thee, what hast thou done with it? To wbom hast thou given it?" "To Poland!" and she raised her head with con- fidence. . "Our husbands are soldiers; our church bells have been melted into cannons; our collars, our ear-ring- a, our pearls have been bartered for muskets. Vc wives had no longer anything to give, and, nevertheless, Poland kicked powder. Well, there are six thousand of us already who have, for our country, made a sacrifice, of the only property which remained to us, that which a wo- man esteems. of all ornaments the most precious in the world, our marriage rings. We have given them up to purchase powder." The aged mother slipped from her finger the golden covenant which she had thought she should - never part with; and, after having kissed it repeat- edly, she. wiped her eyes and said : "Suwloiska, take this ring; let it bo sold with thine. Go, my daughter, tell our victory; for the country in which wives sell their wedding rings to make powder is free. Perish the Russians; now, Suwloiska, open all the windows. I desire to die in the sound of the ennnon." The people of the Confederate States have an example in the conduct of the Poles which should .encourage them in their struggle. We are not half as destitute as the Poles, j scribers, no matter in what directi they may Iie, LOUISIANA, Charles J Villiere, 4 Lucien J Dupre, Charles M Conrad, 5 John F Lewis, Duncan F Kenner, 6 John Perkins, Jr. DECEMBER dence of each person, firm or corporation engaged or interested in the business, with a statement of the time for which, and the place and manner in which the same is to be conducted, &c. At the time of the registry there shall be paid the specific tax for .the year ending on the next 31st of Decem- ber, and such other tax as may be due upon sales or roceipts in such business. Any person failing to make such registry and pay such tax shall, in addition to all other taxes upon his business imposed by the act, pay double the amount of the specific tax on such business, and a like sum for every thirty days of such' failure. Requires a separate registry and tax for each business mentioned in the 5th section, and for each place of conducting the same; but no tax for mere storage of goods at a place other than the registered place of business. A new registry required upon every change in the place of conducting a regis- tered business, upon the death of any person con- ducting the sajne, or upon the transfer of the busi- ness to another, but no additional tax. MISSISSIPPI. 5 H C Chambers, 6 O R Singleton, - 7 E Barksdalef John J McRae, S W Clapp, Reuben Davis, Israel Welch. eighteen wnite ana coiorea, ana nave not caueu in a Doctor. This is a great.saving. They certainly are the best family medicine ever discovered. Rev. -- John W. Potter, of Greene county, North Caro- lina, liad suffered twelve years from a diseased liver, which the physicians had not been able to cure. He says: "I commenced taking the Hepatic Pills with no confidence in them. They acted like "a charm on me. From that hour I have improved. I have persevered in their use, until now, by God's blessing, I am well and hearty. I had a negro man who, as I believe, was saved from death by a dose of these Pills. My Doctor's bill was ai.nually from $100 to $200, but I have had no use for a physician since." Col. Jchn Wright, of Goldsboro, N. C, (Aug. 14, 18tV2,)s8fs: "I have used tlie Southern Hepatic- - Pills in my family here, and also on my plantation in Ala- bama, and always with success. I have a valuable servant girl who had been a long time under treatment for consumption, without receiving any benefit. Al- most in her extremity I was indtrced lo try the Hepatic Pills. Tl.ey were giv,en according to directions, and she is nov well, entirely restored by them. A similar case occurred among my servants in Alabama. For liver and lung diseases I have perfect confidence in them." Full directions and other certificates will be found on the wrapper of each box. Price, $1 50 a box. For SI 5 a dozen boxes will be sent, by' mail, free to' any part of the Confederacy. Still gi eater discount to Druggists, or others buying by the gross. Not'less than a'dozen need be ordered. Retailed generally by the Druggists, and in Charlotte X. C, by F. SCARR. The adJress of the Proprietor is GEORGE W. DEEMS, Wilson, N. C. Aug 10, l'8G3 WANTED, 20,000 Staves, At the C. S. Distillery (formerly owned by M. & E. My- ers) at Salisbury, N. C, as follows : To be of White Oak timber, clear of sap; Staves 31 inches long, from 4 to 6 inches wide, and 1 inch thick; Heading 24 jnches long, from 8 to 10 inches wide, and 1 inches thick. 700 Staves and 300 Heading to a thousand. Higltesf market price will be paid. Address, JAS. T. JOHNSON, Med-Purvey- or, C. S. A., July 6, 1863 Charlotte, N. C. will have the news up to the depar' 4 o She mails. Arrangements bave been made to irocuie telegraphic news from all parts of the Confederacy, expressly for the State Journal. General news by mail will be promptly published. The Markets will be fully re- ported. Reliable Correspondents will be secured in the Army and elsewhere. The Legislative Proceed- ings will be reported daily by competent Reporters. The State Journal will be essentially a newspaper. Terms: For the Daily 6 month3, $10; 3 months $6; 1 month, $2. For the Tri-Wee- ky 6 months, $5; 3 months, $3. For the"weekly, 6 months $3. Advertisements for the Daily will be insertedJn the Tri-Week- ly free of charge. This is an inducement which cannot fail to attract the attention of advertisers. The above rates apply only to the daily paper. Ad- vertisements will be inserted in the Weekly paper at the usual regular rates, viz: One dollar per square for the first insertion, and twenty-fir- e cents for each sub- sequent insertion. Address, JOHN SPELMAN, Editor and Proprietor, Oct. 21, 1862 Raleigh, N. X3 MISSOURI. 5 WW Cook, 6 Thos W Freeman, 7 Thos A Harris. WHEAT ! John Hyer, Casper W Bell, George W Vest, A II Conrew, NORTH W?fH Smith, Robert R Bridgers, Owen R Kenan, T D McDowell, Archibald Arrington, CAROLINA. 6 Thomas S Ashe, 7 James R McLean, S William Lander, - 9 BS Gaither, 10 A T Davidson. To the Farmers of llsStli Congressional Dis., IV.C The subscriber Is prepared to pnrchaie tie ntv crop of Wheat at the highest market price. Furnnri will find it to their advantage to cull at tbe CHA- RLOTTE STEAM MILLS before selling. Jan'y 1, 1863 tf JXO. WILKES. Quinn's Rheumatic Remedy Has effected cures of Rheumatism that wtrccorn'ulml hopeless, certificates to prove which can be ibilittd The suffering are invited to give the medicine tril. Orders addressed to the undersigned at Charlotte wil receive prompt attention. W. W. QVINX. April 10, 1860. Price $1 60 per Lottie. Office of Post Quartermaster. 8th Dist.. - ' Jll A KLOTTIS, N. C., Oct. 5, 1863 CAROLINA. 4 John McQueen, 5 James Farrar, SOUTH 1 W W Boyce, 2-- Porcher Miles, 3 W D Simpson 6 L Ai Ager. TENNESSEE. 7G W Jones, 8 Thomas Menees, 9. J D C Adkins, PEA MEAL W00D-W0R- R and BLACKSMITIIING. The subscriber is prepared to do all kinds of Wood- work and Blacksmithing, such as making and repair- ing Wagons and Buggies, Horse-shoein- g, Ac." Ilia Shop is at his residence, nearly opposite Mr.W-- Phifer's dwelling, and he also has a Blacksmith Shop, on the back-stre- et in the rear of the Mecklenburg House. He solicits a share of public patronage, and feels confident he can give satisfaction both in workmanship and charges. Give him a trial. J. H. PROPEST. January 1, 1863 - 1 JTHeiskell, 2 W G Swann, 3 WH Tebbs, 4 E L Gardenshire, 5 H S Foote, 6M P Gentry. 10 Bullock, 11 David M Currin. We keep at our Steam Flouring Mil in this v1ir Pea Meal for feeding cows and stock. Also, we U" en hand at all times, Family,. Extra, Superfine ri coarse Flour. We warrant our family flour. Corn Meal and Qritt can always be had at the mil - J. WILKES k CO. Every person registered and taxed is required to make returns of "the gross amount of sales from the passage of the act to the 30th of June, and every three months thereafter. A tax upon all salaries, except of persons in the military or naval service, of 1 per cent when not exceeding $1,500, and two per cent upon an excess over that amount. Provided, taxes shall be imposed on the salary of any person receiving a salary not exceeding $1,000 per annum, or at a like rate for another period of time, longer or shorter. The tax on annual incomes, between $500 and $1,500, shall be five per cent; between $1,500 and $3,000. five per cent on the first $1,500 and ten per cent on the excess; between $3,000 and $5,000, ten per cent: between $5,000 and 10,000, 12i. per cent; over $10,000 fifteen per cent.; subject to the following deductions: - on incomes derived from rents of real estate, manufacturing and mining establishments, &c, a sum sufficient for necessary annual repairs; on incomes from any raining or manufacturing business the rent (if rented) cost of labor actually hired, and raw material; on incomes from navigating enterprises, the hire of the vessels or allowance for wear and tear of the same, not ex- ceeding ten per cent.; on income derived from the sale of merchandize or any other property, the prime cost, cost of transportation, salaries of clerks and rent of building; on incomes from any "other occupation, the salaries of clerks, rent, cost of labor, material, &c; and in case of mutual insurance com- panies the amount of loss paid by them during the vear. Incomes derived from other sources are sub From questions which ore askdl me almost daily, I deem it necessary to make the following notice : The articles taxable under the tax in kind law are : Wheat, Corn, Oats, Rye, Buckwheat, Irish and Sweet Potatoes, Beans, Peas, Rice, Sugar, cured Hay and Fpdder, Molasses made of cane (not uf sorghum), Wool, Ground Peas, Cotton, Tobacco and Bacon. Farmers are allowed-t- o reserve 50 bushels sweet po- tatoes, 50 bushels Irish potatoes, 50 bushels wheat or 100 bushels corn (but not both), and 20 bushels beans and peas together. After taking out the above named reserve, farmers will be required to deliver to my Ajrents the tenth of all that remains of their this year's productions. Should anything have been consumed before delivering the tenth, farmers will estimate the Amount as nearly as possible and deliver accordingly. Corn will not bo. received until it is in good market- able condition, dry and of course must be shelled by the farmer. We do not receive Tork for the very good reason that we cannot take care of it ; but we require Bacon, and only six lbs. " for every hundred lbs. of Pork slau- ghtered. ' Depots ostablishcd as points of delivery, and Receiv- ing Agents, are as follows : SALT FOR SALE. T have on consignment 2,000 bushels SALT I Jan'y 1, 1862 TEXAS. 4 Wm B Wright, 5 Malcolm Graham. We store 1 John A Wilcox, 2 Peter W Gray, from the celebrated "Clausen and to arrive, 3 Claiborne C Herbert, 6B F Sexton. COTTON SEED WAHTED. The undersigned will pay the highest cash price for Cotton Seed, at their Oil Works, five miles south-ea- st VIRGINIA. of Charlotte, at Isaac N. Alexander'?, mills. STEPHENS k WHISNANT. Dec 3, 1861 tf 9 William Smith, 10 Alex R Boteler, 11 John B Baldwin, 12 Walter R Staples, 13 Walter Preston, 14 Albert G Jenkins, 15 Robert Johnson, 16 Charles W Russell. 1 MRH Garnett, 2 John R Chambliss, - 3 James Lyons, 4 -- Roger A Pryor, . 5 Thomas S Bocock, G John Goode, Jr, 7 James P Holcombe, 8 Dan'l C Dejarnette, BLANT0N DUNCAN, Columbia, S. C, (Formerly of Kentucky) is prepared to fill orders to any extent in Engraving and Printing BANK NOTES, Total number 107. Bills of Exchange, &c. Engravings upon. Ste or Stone. ject to no deduction whatever. Large supplies of Bank Note and other paper will be n J Wolfe. George Cross. J W Morrow. II A Hunter. R C Cooke. James C Cannon. K A Propst. W J Mills. The term of the present Congress expires the the 22d of February, 1864. Elections for new mem- bers will be held in this State on 4th Nov., 1863. Monroe, Union county, Charlotte, Mecklenburg county, Pineville, " " Davidson College" 11 Ilarrisburg, Cabarru3 county, Concord, " China Grove, Rowan county, Salisbury, " " Rowan Mills, " kept. August 5, 1862 WATCH AIYD CLOCK TA Allison. Payment of Staler Bounty due Deceased Soldier Executire Department, North Carolina, Adjutant Generals Office, Raleigh, Oct. 17, lfeti2 J General Orders, No. 9. The following regulations are published for tbe in- formation of those persons wishing to draw bountj of deceased soldiers, in accordance with an ordinance of the Convention ratified the 22d day of February, 1 REGULATIONS. 1. Tbe payment of bounty to the repreenttiTe tf deceased soldiers is bated upon tbe certificate of tbe commanding officer of the company, who w ill rtnte lk time of the enlistment of the soldier, tbe date of hit decease in service, the amount of bounty alrend (kid by the State, and the company and rcgiuicut to Liib he belonged. 2. The claimant will make affidavit before a mfi'-trat- e that he or she is the next of kin to the drrtord, according to the provisions of the foregoing ordimcc of the Convention, and that there it no other ptrion entitled to make claim. ' Tbe affidavit of tie claiaiact must be sustained by that of one ditintcreited viurM, that the facta stated are correct within Lis n pl- edge, and that he baa jio interest in the claim. Tj magistrate administering the oafb will certify to b credibility of the witness, aud tbe clerk oi the Count; Court will certify, under seal, tbat be is an authorized and . - acting magistrate. 3. If tbe claimant or claimants be minors, r7nifBl will be made te the guardian, upoa tbe production tr tbe proper certificate under tbe seal of ihe Corl bis appointment and tbe sufficiency of bis bono ti claim to be proved by bim as in other caiei. 4. A bounty of fifty dollars, deducting tl. that may have been previoufcly paid, is due to an Y"' sons who may have volunteered for three years or u war, and to all persons mustered into or rcalnutBd service under the provisions of tbe Conscription W if i. li 5 1 s. ; i - v. y 3 f 3 1 1 Catawba Station, Catawba county, nenderson Sherrill Newton " " M L McCorkle. BY J. IS. KERR, Proprietor. AL Shnford. Hickory Station, " Lincolnton, Lincoln connty, a., EVERY ACCOMMODATION afforded thi of he Charlotte Hotel. Jno E Boger, Works," Charleston. Equal in quality to any import- ed. Parties wishing a supply will do well to call on the undersigned before purchasing elsewhere. STENHOUSE & MACAULAY. July 6th, 1863 REIIOBOTII EUKNACE, LINCOLN COUNTY, N. C, . THREE MILES EAST OF JRON P. O. The proprietors nnnounco to the public that thi3 Furnace is in full blast, and will make castings of all kinds to order. Also, Pig Iron is made and offered for sale. ' SHIPP & REIXHARDT. Jnly 6, 1PC.3 3m-p- d NOTICE. I am prepared to cast machine irons of all kinds, hollow-war- e, salt pans, kc. Orders solicited Terms Cash. I will exchange Iron for Bacon, corn,. cloth, or pro- visions of any kind. J. W. DERR, July 1st, 1863. Spring Hill Forge. Executive Department of North Carolina,') Adjutant General's Office (Militia,) C Raleigh, Oct. 17, 1863. J General Orders No. 19 The Militia- - Officers- - in each county litre the Guard for Home Defence Das been or may hereafter be fully organized, will turn over to the commander of the lat- ter all arms, accoutrements and ammnnition in their possession belonging to the State, taking receipts for the same. By.order of Gov. Vance: R. C. G ATI. IN, Oct. 27th ' Adjutant General. NEW GOODS. Just received, and will be MADE TO ORDER, or SOLD BY THE YARD, . Super. West of England Black Clftths; Siin Fiuished Black Doeskin Cassimeres: j1 SIKES & GRAY having commenced the Watch and Clock Making business in Charlotte, in the Parks Braiding, nearly opposite Kerr's Hotel, will be found ready to repair Wathe?. Clocks and Jewelry at short notice and on reasonable terms. Also, Engraving neatly and handsomely ' executed. All work warranted for twelve months. SIKES & GRAY. Feb 17, 1803 yr At this Bo'fi is keftt the line of Dailr Brevard's Station, Gaston connty, Dallas, " " Cherryville, Shelby, Clcaveland connty, W A Abernathy. J F Pegram. J B Fulton. E C Webb. stages irom unarlotie u Asheville. Oct. 1, 1861. J. B. KERR. All joint stock, companies and corporations shall pay one-tent- h of the dividend and reserved fund annually. If the annual earnings shall give a profit of more than ten and less than twenty per cent on capital stock, one-eigh- th to be paid; if more than twenty per cent, one-sixt- h. The tax to be collected on the 1st of January next and of each year thereafter. A tax of ten per cent, on all profits in 1862 by the purchase and sale of flour, corn, bacon, pork, oats, hay, rice, salt, iron or the manufactures of" iron, sugar, molasses made of cane, butter, weolen cloths, shoes, boots, blankets and cotton olotbs. This is not to apply to regular retail business. . Each farmer after reserving for his own use fifty bushels sweet and fifty bushels Irish potatoes, one hundred bushels corn, or fifty bushels wheat, pro- duced this year, shall pay and deliver to the Con- federate Government one-tent- h of the grain, potat- oes,.- forage, sugar, molasses, cotton, wool and tobacco produced.. After reserving twenty bushels peas or beans he shall deliver one-tent- h thereof. Every farmer, planter, or grazier, one-tent- h of the hogs slaughtered by him," in cured bacon, at the rate of 60 pounds of bacon . to 100 pounds of pork 1 i i i n The Celebrated Female Pills. These Pills do not cure all dieaeh but they are war ranted to cure Lueoreah, or While that dreadful scourge to female health, happiness and usefulness. They are not- - -- stented and are no numbug, but are prepared by a North Carolina physician of high standing a ad of Farmers are hereby notified to deliver at any one of" tbe above named depots, except Hickory Station and China Grove, all tbeir tithes as soon as convenient, whether the assessment has been made or not. The above named Agents' receipts will be held good bv myself. The Agents at Hickory Station and China Grove will give notice when they are ready to receive S. M. FINGER, Capt. & P. Q. M. 8th District. Octobers, 1863 tf " """ BRITTON'S . BLUE-BLAC- K WRITING FLUIDr, .Manufactured by J. E. BRITTON, Charlotte, N. C. . long experience in me treatment oi iemaie diseases. All that is necessary to convince you of their efficacy is WANTED One hundred pounds Canthari Vittalm or POTATO FL.Y. It resembles the Spanish Fly, but is smaller is usually found on sweet potato vines about the end of July or beginning of August is collected in the morn- ing and eveniug by shaking the insects from the plants into hot water. They are then carefully dried in the sun. A liberal "price per.pound will be paid for them JAS. T. JOHNSON, Medical Purvevor, May 20, 1863 tf Charlotte, N. C. Dr. JAS. M. HENDERSON Offers his Professional Services to the citizens of the surrounding community. He has located at the late a fair trial. For particulars, see wrappers. Price $1 per box. . For sale at the DRUG STORES. Jan. 15, 1861 yr By order of Governor aoce, one ptr cent upon me vaiue oi an neat cattle 1 J ... 1 SUPERIOR 8BW1NO SU,K- - The subscriber basjast received an nvoice off veiybest ITALIAN SEWING SltK, which he offer JOHN VOGEL, Practical Tai The subscriber is manufacturing atCharlotte, N. C, an article of WRITING INK superior to any that has uurssrs, in u if not usea in cultivation, ana seg, to be paid by the owners of the same, beeves sold to be taxed as income. Trustees, guardians, &c, are responsible for taxes due from estates, &c, under their cdntrol. lor, respectfully informs the citi- zens of Charlotte and surround 3J to the public at 1J cents per stein. yet been offered to the Southern public. residence, of his rather, v. si. Henderson, dee'd. twoL j. s. rmLLirs. it March 3, 1863 This-JN- K is of a Blue-blac- k color, and will not mould or thicken, nor will it corrode a steel pen. Tests having been made with this Ink, both in the C. R. Taylor' VIRGINIA PRINTING INK ESTABLISHMENT. hnglish Uiey Cloths, a fine article for Confederate Uniforms; Also, Confederate Staff Buttons. - " J- - S. PHILLIPS. March 3, 1863 tf MERCHANT TAILORING. un and in water, and they have proven snch, that the subscriber feels confident in offering it to dealers as n ing country, that be is prepared to manufacture gentlemen V clo- thing in the latest atyle and at fhort.notice. His best exertions will be given to render satisfac- tion to those who patronize him. Shop opposite Kerr's Hotel, next door to Brown k Stitt's store. Jan. 1, 1863. tf Corner of Adams and Leigh streets, All hospitals, insane, deaf, and charitable asy- lums, churches, schools and colleges are exempt from taxation. This act to be in force for two years from the ex- piration of the present year, unless sooner repealed; but the tax on naval stores, flour, wool, cotton! tobacco "and other agricultural products of the growth of any year preceding 1863. imposed in the first section, shall be levied and collected only for the present year. n Tt TavvrkT TnV Ifani mites norm oi vnarioiie. Feb 17, 1863 y-p- d " " COPPERAS. TAYLOR k ASBURY are now prepared to famish by the ton or otherwise, a fine article of Copperas, superior to any English offered in market. Druggists and Apothecaries supplied with a chemically pare article. Address . TAYLOR 4 ASBURY, May 5, 1863 Charlotte, N. C. "GARRETT DAVIS." This celebrated thorough-bre- d Horse, can still be rer, takes pleasure in announcing to ib'to" Press that his Ink Factory is now in sncceiifui i ration in tbe manufacture of every description ' w. The undersigned having located two doors south of the Mansion House, Char- lotte, N. C, is prepared to fill all orders in his line of business, such as Military and Citizens' Clothing, Caps, Lace But- tons, ' Ac, kc. A liberal share of the patronage of the public is respectfully solicited, as all mg Ink, which be is prepared to tumi-ab- le terms. News, Book and Job Inki of erery" tion always on band. I found at my stable in Charlotte. For particulars ap- - Orders, promptly attended to. g Tl JJ K- J- orders entrustea to my care will h superior article. The sun will not deface its color, but gives to ft a brighter one, and by putting the manu- script written with it in water, it will give it a deeper blue-blac- k color. It will be found that it will not run,' and parts writ- ten with it becoming wet will not be injured or defac- ed in the least. . Jt is purely a chemical article, and those procuring this Ink will get imi article that time will not deface, but which will give it, instead, a more permanent and lasting quality. 3fanuscript3 written thirteen years ago, (and which have been exposed to the sun and air since that time,) with Ink manufactured from this receipt, are as bright ,and as good to-d- ay as when first written. - Dealers will be supplied on as liberal terms as possi- ble. ' - - This. Ink can be four d for retail at the Daily Bulle- tin office, where the subscriber will be pleased to wait upon patrons. Enquire for Britton's Blue-Blac- k .Writ- ing Fluid. " Wlnle'ril? orders are solicited, and nil of them will be promptly filled Addrass J. E. BRITTON, Jiug. 21, 18C3. Charlotte, Mecklenburg Co., tf. 0. "ply to the undersigned. R. RABB. Jnne 30, 1863 3m-- pd ISTew Slioe Sliop. W. W. QJJINN & CO. CantwelPa Tnttltf of lbi. THE SOUTH CAROLINIAN, Published Daily and Tri-week- lj. COLUMBIA BANNER, A Weekly Family Paper. COLUMBIA S. C. This is the Largest Family Paper in the South, and is offered to the domestic circle for News and Political Intelligence. "The Tales and Stories which are offered to the readers of the. Banner are the efforts of Southern Genius, which it is a pleasure to foster. Original Sketches, Literary and Scientific Essays, and Misce- llaneous Selections, regularly make their appearance in its columns. For months: Daily, $10; Tri-Week- ly, $S; Weekly, $6 per annum. In advance. Papers stopped when sab-gcripti- on expires. Feb. 1, 1862 R. W. GIBBES, Proprietor. During my absence in tbe Mm' ''ieilringrop- - Office 1. C. Iron District.) Charlotte, July 6, 1863. f SCRAP IRON WANTED. I wish to purchase soft Scrap Iron for this Department. Persons having large or small quantities on hand will please apply at once to this office. The Iron to be delivered at some point on the Railroads. v WM. COOK Jolr 6- - tf . Genl.Agt. N.C.Iron Dist. " ;,, WTfCir persons indebted to FULL1NGS k SPRINGS nna?COant' e hereby, notified to call np0n. Gner, ex-sheri- ff, and mak immediate settle J- - M. SPRINGS. "February 3, 1853 tf' promptly and faithfully rilled. T have competent workmen, and can compete with any other establish, meat in giving a "good fit,'' ud I warrant my work to give entire satisfaction. Mr. R. M. ROBINSON, an experienced cutter, is en- gaged in this establishment, and he will be pleased to wait ypon his friends. . J. A. CALDWELL. June 16, 1163 y-- pd State, in Virginia, subscribers ana q Mrl. tabl- es of the above work, can obtain ww well, Raleigh. m m t or 0therwii. All persons Indebted to me, tn? re"4; requested to pay her. I will bold be A dcduC. Respectfully inform the public that they are manufao taring BOOTS and SHOES of all kinds, in the build- ing under the Western Democrat Printing office. Tbeir work is pat up in the best style by experienced work- men, and will be sold at less than .75 per cent profit. Orders will receive prompt attention. Terms, cash. Also, Shoe Pegs and Lasts for sale. W. W. QUINN k CO. Charlotte, Dec Jj 1862. Price or single copies t0 fn t?-- f . tion will be made to tnose w CAN "BLANK DEEDS, Warrants, Ejectments, See, or sale at this Officy. Camp near Norfolk, July 30, 1861.

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Page 1: The Western democrat. (Charlotte, N.C.) 1863-12-01 [p ]. · WESTERN DEMOCEAT, CHAELOTTjE3, N. C. Carriage & Wagon Shop. Short Almanac for jftQ" The subscriber, successor to Mr Charles

WESTERN DEMOCEAT, CHAELOTTjE3, N. C.Short Almanac for jftQ"Carriage & Wagon Shop.

The subscriber, successor to Mr Charles Overman inthe Carriage and Wagon making business, respectfullyinforms the public that he T will promptly execute allwork entrusted to him, and he solicits a share of pub-

lic patronage.REPAIRING of all kind will be particularly atten-

ded to and done at short notice on reasonable terms.Send your work to Overman's old stand and give me

triRlA. II. CRfiSWELL.

Charlotte, Jan'y 13, I8C3. y


Jefferson Davis of Mississippi, President.Alex H Stephens of Georgia, Vice President.J. P. Benjamin, of Louisiana, Secretary of 'State.James A. Seddon, of Virginia, Secretary, of. War.C. G. Memminger, of South Carolina, Secretary

of the Treasury.. .S. R. Mallory, of Florida, Secretary of theNay..Tbo3. H. Watts, of Alabama, Chief of the Depart-

ment of Justice or Attorney General.J. Hi Reagan, of Texas, Postmaster General.

The President serves six years. .


TO COTTON PLANTERS.I bave been appointed by the Secretary of the

Treatury, Chief Agent for the purchase of CoUon for

the Confederate Government within the State of NortbCarolina, and will pay for the same in 7 per cent Bondor Cash. -

Sub --Agents visiting the different parts of the btate,buying in my came, will have written certificates ofappointment. ' '''By order of the Secretary of the Treasury, all Cot-

ton purchased by myself or my agents, on and afterthe 18th day of March, 1863, will be paid for in 7 percent Bonds or Cash, and not 8 per cent Bonds as statedin a former advertisement. Up to that time, however,the 8 per cent bonds will be furnished as stated.

Patriotic citizens are now offered an opportunity toaid the Government by selling to it their Cotton ratherthan to private capitalists. - '

LEWIS S. WILLIAMS.Charlotte, March 24, 1863 tf

Wilaingion, Charlotte & RutherfordMEMBERS . OF THE. FIRST PERMANENT



The following is a summary ef the Tax-Bi- ll

which was passed by' the Confederate Congress on

the 20th of Aprii, 1863: .It imposes a tax of eight per cent, upon the value

of all naval stores, salt, wines and spirituousliquors, obacco manufactured or unmanufactured,cotton, wool, flour, sugar, molasses, syrup, rice, andother "agricultural products, held or owned on thefirst day of July next, and not necessary for familyconsumption for the unexpired portion of the year18G3, and of the growth or production of any jearpreceding the year1803; and a tax of one percent, upon all moneys, bank notes or other cur-rency, on bandar on deposit on the 1st of Julynext; and on the value of all credits on which theinterest has not been paid and not employed in abusiness the income derived from which is" taxedunder the provisions of this act: provided, that allmoneys owned, "held or deposited beyond the limitsof the Confederate States shall be valued at thecurrent rate of exchange in Confederate Treasurynotes. The tax to be assessed on the 1st day ofJuly, and collected on the 1st day of October next,or as may be possible.

Section 5th imposes the following taxes for theyear ending the 31st of December, 18G3, and foreach year thereafter :

Bankers shall pay" $500. Auctioneers, retailde alers, tobacconists, pedlars,cattle brokers, apothe






- On and after Monday the 5th of May, 1863, the Par-seng- er

Train will run on this Road (Western Diviaion) daily, Sundays excepted, as follows :
















7 30 A. M.8 20 .

9 00 " "9 30 "

10 05 "



8 158 C59 25

10 0010 45

THE POLISH WOMAN'S PATRIOTISM.'fiuwloika, open the window; I desire to die in

the . und of the church bells." -

Suwiuiika had not courage to obey. She look-

ed pensively at ber mother."My daughter, is not this the Sabbath? The

hour of prayer baa come. Uelp- - the old motherto prostrate Jtc"rsclf before our good God'and,2ious child, the young woman helped her mother

kneel."Suwloiska, I implore thee my daughter, open

the window, in order thai I may hear the hymnsof the church."

She opened the window on the public square, inwhich the church was situated, and then returnedand sat down at the feet of her silent mother.

"Suwloiska, I do not bear the sound of the.bells." .

"Not hear !""It 13 the cannon.""Yes, mother, they have come down from the

steeples of the church takill the Russians.""God is with us."The mother listened again. .

"What has happened, my daughter? not achant, not one voice in the church. What is ourpriest doing?"

"lie ha turned soldier.""Let us pray to God 'for him. He has prayed

for us often enough. It was he who blessed thymarriage, my daughter. Oh, well do I rememberit. Thou wert beautiful; I had dressed thee my-self. Then the bells rung out joyfully. Then onthy knees, before the altar thou didst promisefidelity to thy Suwloiska."

"I have kept my oath," replied the young wo-

man, blushing with pleasure.The aged mother pressed the v hand of her

daughter closely in hers but suddenly starting,ehe exclaimed in a shrill voice, "Where is thywedding ring?"

."I have given it away," said the daughter, hold-ing down her head.

"Suwloiska, has God reserved such affliction formy old age! Oh, my daughter, who has caused

Wm li YancyClement C Clay.

ARKANSAS.Robert W Johnson,Charles B' Mitchell.


A E Maxwell,J M Baker.

GEORGIA.Benjamin H Hill,II. V. Johnson.

LOUISIANA.Edward Sparrow,T J Semmes.

MISSISSIPPI.Albert G Brown,James Phelan


PRODUCE AND PROVISIONS.The undersigned entered into a on the

firM d5y of August for the purpose of carrying on thtGrocery and CommUsion Business,

at the old stand of M. D. L. MOODY, opposite theCourt-Hons- e, Charlotte, N. C; and hope by faithfulpersonal attention to share the patronage of the public.

BQTStrict personal attention given to the sale ofProduce and Manufactured articles of all kinds whenconsigned to us, and money advanced when desired.- Orders from a distance for Goods when accompaniedby cash or Charlotte references will be promptly filled.

The HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for every arti

NORTH CAROLINA,George Davis,Wm T Dortch.

SOUTH CAROLINA.Robert W 'Barnwell,James L Orr.

TENNESSEE.Langdon C Haynes,Gustavus A Henry.

TEXASLouis T Wigfall,W S Oldham.

KENTUCKY.H C Burnett,William E Simms.

MISSOURI.John B Clark,R S Y Peyton.

Total number, 26.




ARRIVE: LEAVE:11 30 A. M.12 25 P. M. MAYP. M.








12 551 252 00

caries, photographers, and confectioners, ijpoU, and2 per centum on the gross amount of sales made.

Wholesale dealers in liquors $200, and 5 pert of sales. Retail dealers incle of general consumption or use.

M. D. liquors, $100, and 10 per centum on gross amount ofL. MOODY., PRITCHARD.











H. MAug 24, 18C3 3ra RM T Hunter,A T Caperton.




HOUSE.Thomas S. Bocock, Speaker.

sales. Wholesale dealers in groceries, goous,wares, merchandize, etc., $200, and 2 per centum.

Pawn brokers, money and exchange brokers $200.Distillers, $200 an 2tf perentum. Brewers,

$100, and 2 per centum.Hotels, inns, taverns and . eating-house- s first

class, $500; second class, $300; third class, $200;fourth class, $100; fifth class, $30. Every housewhere fo'od or refreshments are sold, and everyboarding-hous- e where there shall be six biardersor more, shall be deemed to be an eating-hous- e

under this act.

r4 6 6 811 12 13 ll xl18 J9 20 21 2225 26 27, 28 23

- - 1 2 Z 4 58 9 10 11 12

15 . 16 17 18 1922 23 24 23 26

- - 1 2 3 4 58 9 10 11 12

15 10 17 18 1522 23 24 25 G

29 30 31. - l 9

5 6 7 8 512 13 14 15 1G19 20 21 22 2326 27 28 29 30

3 4 5 6 710 11 12 13 1417 18 19 20 2124 25 20 27 2831

12 3 47 8. 9 10 11

14 15 16 17 1821 22 23 24 2528 . 29 30

1 25. 6 7 8 9

13 13 14 15 1019 20 2122 2326 27 28 29 30

2 3 4 5 69 10 11 12 13

16 17 18 19 2023 24 25 26 2780 31

- 12 36 7. 8 9 10

13 14 15 10 1720 21 22 23 2127 28 29 30


4 5 0 7 811 12 13 14 1518 19 20 21 2225 20 27 28 29

- 1 2 3 4 58 9 10 11 12

15 16 17 18 19' 22 23 24 25 20

29 30

12 3'6 7 8 9 10

13 14 15 16 1720 21 22- - 23 2127 28 29 30 31





6 W Chilton,7 David Clopton,8 James L Pugh,9 E S Dargan.


THE SOUTHERN HEPATIC PILLSHave been, ordered in one day: Wherever known theiruse continues. Without puffing, they have gainedground by their real valae. "g-Mo- re than five hun-

dred persons are known to have been cured by these'

Pills.-- aThis excellent family medicine is recommended by

the proprietors as good for Diseases of the Liver. Hiscorrespondents say that they also cure Billions Rheu-

matism, Pneumonia, Chills and Fevers, Billions Fevers,Piles and Worms. They are a perfectly safe medicine.

Peter Vaden Esq., of Dinwiddie county, Ya., afterdescribing remarkahle cures in his family of BilliousRheumatism and Pleurisy, says: "My Doctor's bill hasbeen heretofore from $175 to $200 per year. I have

Thomas J Foster,Wm R Smith,John P Ralls,J L M Curry,Francis S.Lvon,Commercial brokers or commission merchants'

Fare, six cents per mile. Soldiers going to and re-

turning from the army, half fare. Passengers are re-

quired to make the proper change, as the Ticket Agentcannot furnish change for every one.

A Freight Train leaves Cherryrjlle for Charlotte at7 o'clock, A M, on Mondays, and returns sane day.

For Passenger Trains transporting Freights, 50 percent to the tariff rates of freight willbe added.

V. A. McBEE,Master of Transportation.

Lincolnton, May 25, 1863.


All persons indebted to the Estate of Patrick J.Lowrie, deceased, are requested to call and make im-

mediate payment to SAML. P. SMITH,Dec 30, 1862 Attorney for Executrix.

Prospectus of theDAILY STATE JOURNAL,

On and after the 1st day of November, fhe StateJournal will be published Daily, Tri-week- ly andWeekly. The Daily State Journal will contain all thenews received up to the latest hour before mailing, andwill consist of two editions daily. The Morning Edi-tion will contain the news by the evening mails, andail telegraphic news up to 10 o'clock the previous


Felix J Balson, 3 Augustus H Garland,Grandison D Royster, 4 Thos B Hanly.


1 James B Hawkins, 2GEORGfA.used then (these pills) for n.? family, which consists of

$200 and 2 per centum.Theatres, $500 and 5 per centum on all receipts.

Each circus, $100, and $10 for each exhibition.Jugglers and other persons exhibiting shows, $50.

Bowling alleys and billiard room's, $40 for eachalley or table registered. Livery stable keepers,lawyers, physicians, surgeons and dentists, $50.

Butchers and bakers, $50 and one per centum.All persons engaged, or . intending to engage, in

any business named in the 5th section,' shall, withinsixty days after the passage of the act, or at thetime of beginning business, and on the 1st of Janu- -

SEPTEMBER6 William W Clark,7 Robt P Triune.

Julian Hartridge,C J Munnerlyn.Hines Holt,A.H Kenan,David W Lewis,

8 L J Gartrell,9 Hardy Strickland,

10 A B.Wright.KENTUCKY. OCTOBERI ary in each year thereafter, register with the dis-- f

trict collector a true account of the name and resi-- ,


7 8

14 15


2228 29

4 5

11 12

18 19

25 26

2 3

9 10

16 17

23 24

30 81

0 7

13 14

20 21

27 28

4 511 12

18 19

25 20

night, and will be supplied to city subscribers and sentby the morning jnails North and Ea the Evening

Alfred Boyd,John W Crockett,H E Read.George W Ewing,J S Chrisman,T L Burnett,

7.H W Bruce,8 S S Scott,9 E M Bruce,

10 J W Moore.11 R J Breckinridge, Jr.,12 John M Elliott.

Edition will be printed at 3 o'clock p. m., and willcontain the additional news by telegraph up to 2o'clock p. m., and Will be sent to subscribers by thetrains west and by the Fayetteville mail. Thus sub




thee to forget, to such an extent, thy duties as awife? That ring, the token of an eternal covenantbetween Suwloiska and thee, what hast thou donewith it? To wbom hast thou given it?"

"To Poland!" and she raised her head with con-

fidence. . "Our husbands are soldiers; our churchbells have been melted into cannons; our collars,our ear-ring- a, our pearls have been bartered formuskets. Vc wives had no longer anything togive, and, nevertheless, Poland kicked powder.Well, there are six thousand of us already whohave, for our country, made a sacrifice, of the onlyproperty which remained to us, that which a wo-

man esteems. of all ornaments the most precious inthe world, our marriage rings. We have giventhem up to purchase powder."

The aged mother slipped from her finger thegolden covenant which she had thought she should

- never part with; and, after having kissed it repeat-edly, she.wiped her eyes and said :

"Suwloiska, take this ring; let it bo sold withthine. Go, my daughter, tell our victory; for thecountry in which wives sell their wedding rings tomake powder is free. Perish the Russians; now,Suwloiska, open all the windows. I desire to diein the sound of the ennnon."

The people of the Confederate States have anexample in the conduct of the Poles which should

.encourage them in their struggle. We are nothalf as destitute as the Poles, j

scribers, no matter in what directi they may Iie,LOUISIANA,

Charles J Villiere, 4 Lucien J Dupre,Charles M Conrad, 5 John F Lewis,Duncan F Kenner, 6 John Perkins, Jr.


dence of each person, firm or corporation engagedor interested in the business, with a statement ofthe time for which, and the place and manner inwhich the same is to be conducted, &c. At thetime of the registry there shall be paid the specifictax for .the year ending on the next 31st of Decem-ber, and such other tax as may be due upon salesor roceipts in such business.

Any person failing to make such registry andpay such tax shall, in addition to all other taxesupon his business imposed by the act, pay doublethe amount of the specific tax on such business,and a like sum for every thirty days of such' failure.

Requires a separate registry and tax for eachbusiness mentioned in the 5th section, and for eachplace of conducting the same; but no tax for merestorage of goods at a place other than the registeredplace of business. A new registry required uponevery change in the place of conducting a regis-tered business, upon the death of any person con-ducting the sajne, or upon the transfer of the busi-ness to another, but no additional tax.

MISSISSIPPI.5 H C Chambers,6 O R Singleton,

- 7 E Barksdalef

John J McRae,S W Clapp,Reuben Davis,Israel Welch.

eighteen wnite ana coiorea, ana nave not caueu in aDoctor. This is a great.saving. They certainly arethe best family medicine ever discovered.

Rev. --John W. Potter, of Greene county, North Caro-lina, liad suffered twelve years from a diseased liver,which the physicians had not been able to cure. Hesays: "I commenced taking the Hepatic Pills with noconfidence in them. They acted like "a charm on me.From that hour I have improved. I have perseveredin their use, until now, by God's blessing, I am welland hearty. I had a negro man who, as I believe, wassaved from death by a dose of these Pills. My Doctor'sbill was ai.nually from $100 to $200, but I have had nouse for a physician since."

Col. Jchn Wright, of Goldsboro, N. C, (Aug. 14,18tV2,)s8fs: "I have used tlie Southern Hepatic- - Pillsin my family here, and also on my plantation in Ala-bama, and always with success. I have a valuableservant girl who had been a long time under treatmentfor consumption, without receiving any benefit. Al-

most in her extremity I was indtrced lo try the HepaticPills. Tl.ey were giv,en according to directions, andshe is nov well, entirely restored by them. A similarcase occurred among my servants in Alabama. Forliver and lung diseases I have perfect confidence inthem."

Full directions and other certificates will be found onthe wrapper of each box.

Price, $1 50 a box. For SI 5 a dozen boxes will besent, by' mail, free to' any part of the Confederacy.Still gi eater discount to Druggists, or others buyingby the gross. Not'less than a'dozen need be ordered.

Retailed generally by the Druggists, and in CharlotteX. C, by F. SCARR.

The adJress of the Proprietor is GEORGE W.DEEMS, Wilson, N. C.

Aug 10, l'8G3

WANTED, 20,000 Staves,At the C. S. Distillery (formerly owned by M. & E. My-

ers) at Salisbury, N. C, as follows :

To be of White Oak timber, clear of sap; Staves 31inches long, from 4 to 6 inches wide, and 1 inch thick;Heading 24 jnches long, from 8 to 10 inches wide, and1 inches thick. 700 Staves and 300 Heading to athousand. Higltesf market price will be paid.

Address, JAS. T. JOHNSON,Med-Purvey-

or, C. S. A.,July 6, 1863 Charlotte, N. C.

will have the news up to the depar' 4 o She mails.Arrangements bave been made to irocuie telegraphic

news from all parts of the Confederacy, expressly forthe State Journal. General news by mail will bepromptly published. The Markets will be fully re-

ported. Reliable Correspondents will be secured inthe Army and elsewhere. The Legislative Proceed-ings will be reported daily by competent Reporters.The State Journal will be essentially a newspaper.

Terms: For the Daily 6 month3, $10; 3 months$6; 1 month, $2. For the Tri-Wee- ky 6 months,$5; 3 months, $3. For the"weekly, 6 months $3.

Advertisements for the Daily will be insertedJn theTri-Week- ly free of charge. This is an inducementwhich cannot fail to attract the attention of advertisers.

The above rates apply only to the daily paper. Ad-vertisements will be inserted in the Weekly paper atthe usual regular rates, viz: One dollar per square forthe first insertion, and twenty-fir- e cents for each sub-sequent insertion.

Address, JOHN SPELMAN,Editor and Proprietor,

Oct. 21, 1862 Raleigh, N. X3

MISSOURI.5 W W Cook,6 Thos W Freeman,7 Thos A Harris. WHEAT !

John Hyer,Casper W Bell,George W Vest,A II Conrew,


W?fH Smith,Robert R Bridgers,Owen R Kenan,T D McDowell,Archibald Arrington,

CAROLINA.6 Thomas S Ashe,7 James R McLean,S William Lander,

- 9 B S Gaither,10 A T Davidson.

To the Farmersof llsStli Congressional Dis., IV.C

The subscriber Is prepared to pnrchaie tie ntvcrop of Wheat at the highest market price. Furnnriwill find it to their advantage to cull at tbe CHA-RLOTTE STEAM MILLS before selling.

Jan'y 1, 1863 tf JXO. WILKES.

Quinn's Rheumatic RemedyHas effected cures of Rheumatism that wtrccorn'ulmlhopeless, certificates to prove which can be ibilittd

The suffering are invited to give the medicine tril.Orders addressed to the undersigned at Charlotte wil

receive prompt attention. W. W. QVINX.

April 10, 1860. Price $1 60 per Lottie.

Office of Post Quartermaster. 8th Dist..- 'Jll A KLOTTIS, N. C., Oct. 5, 1863CAROLINA.

4 John McQueen,5 James Farrar,

SOUTH1 W W Boyce,2-- Porcher Miles,3 W D Simpson 6 L Ai Ager.

TENNESSEE.7 G W Jones,8 Thomas Menees,9. J D C Adkins,


W00D-W0R- R and BLACKSMITIIING.The subscriber is prepared to do all kinds of Wood-

work and Blacksmithing, such as making and repair-ing Wagons and Buggies, Horse-shoein- g, Ac." Ilia Shopis at his residence, nearly opposite Mr.W-- Phifer'sdwelling, and he also has a Blacksmith Shop, on theback-stre- et in the rear of the Mecklenburg House.

He solicits a share of public patronage, and feelsconfident he can give satisfaction both in workmanshipand charges. Give him a trial.

J. H. PROPEST.January 1, 1863 -

1 JTHeiskell,2 W G Swann,3 W H Tebbs,4 E L Gardenshire,5 H S Foote,6 M P Gentry.

10 Bullock,11 David M Currin.

We keep at our Steam Flouring Mil in this v1irPea Meal for feeding cows and stock. Also, we U"en hand at all times, Family,. Extra, Superfine ricoarse Flour. We warrant our family flour.

Corn Meal and Qritt can always be had at the mil- J. WILKES k CO.

Every person registered and taxed is required tomake returns of "the gross amount of sales from thepassage of the act to the 30th of June, and everythree months thereafter.

A tax upon all salaries, except of persons in themilitary or naval service, of 1 per cent when notexceeding $1,500, and two per cent upon an excessover that amount. Provided, taxes shall beimposed on the salary of any person receiving asalary not exceeding $1,000 per annum, or at a likerate for another period of time, longer or shorter.The tax on annual incomes, between $500 and$1,500, shall be five per cent; between $1,500 and$3,000. five per cent on the first $1,500 and tenper cent on the excess; between $3,000 and $5,000,ten per cent: between $5,000 and 10,000, 12i. percent; over $10,000 fifteen per cent.; subject to thefollowing deductions: - on incomes derived fromrents of real estate, manufacturing and miningestablishments, &c, a sum sufficient for necessaryannual repairs; on incomes from any raining ormanufacturing business the rent (if rented) cost oflabor actually hired, and raw material; on incomesfrom navigating enterprises, the hire of the vesselsor allowance for wear and tear of the same, not ex-ceeding ten per cent.; on income derived from thesale of merchandize or any other property, theprime cost, cost of transportation, salaries of clerksand rent of building; on incomes from any "otheroccupation, the salaries of clerks, rent, cost of labor,material, &c; and in case of mutual insurance com-panies the amount of loss paid by them during thevear. Incomes derived from other sources are sub

From questions which ore askdl me almost daily, Ideem it necessary to make the following notice :

The articles taxable under the tax in kind law are :

Wheat, Corn, Oats, Rye, Buckwheat, Irish and SweetPotatoes, Beans, Peas, Rice, Sugar, cured Hay andFpdder, Molasses made of cane (not uf sorghum), Wool,Ground Peas, Cotton, Tobacco and Bacon.

Farmers are allowed-t- o reserve 50 bushels sweet po-tatoes, 50 bushels Irish potatoes, 50 bushels wheat or100 bushels corn (but not both), and 20 bushels beansand peas together. After taking out the above namedreserve, farmers will be required to deliver to myAjrents the tenth of all that remains of their this year'sproductions. Should anything have been consumedbefore delivering the tenth, farmers will estimate theAmount as nearly as possible and deliver accordingly.

Corn will not bo. received until it is in good market-able condition, dry and of course must be shelled bythe farmer.

We do not receive Tork for the very good reasonthat we cannot take care of it ; but we require Bacon,and only six lbs. "

for every hundred lbs. of Pork slau-ghtered.' Depots ostablishcd as points of delivery, and Receiv-

ing Agents, are as follows :


have on consignment 2,000 bushels SALT I Jan'y 1, 1862TEXAS.

4 Wm B Wright,5 Malcolm Graham.


1 John A Wilcox,2 Peter W Gray,from the celebrated "Clausenand to arrive,3 Claiborne C Herbert, 6 B F Sexton. COTTON SEED WAHTED.

The undersigned will pay the highest cash price forCotton Seed, at their Oil Works, five miles south-ea- st


of Charlotte, at Isaac N. Alexander'?, mills.STEPHENS k WHISNANT.

Dec 3, 1861 tf

9 William Smith,10 Alex R Boteler,11 John B Baldwin,12 Walter R Staples,13 Walter Preston,14 Albert G Jenkins,15 Robert Johnson,16 Charles W Russell.

1 MRH Garnett,2 John R Chambliss, -

3 James Lyons,4 --Roger A Pryor, .

5 Thomas S Bocock,G John Goode, Jr,7 James P Holcombe,8 Dan'l C Dejarnette,

BLANT0N DUNCAN,Columbia, S. C,

(Formerly of Kentucky) is prepared to fill orders toany extent in Engraving and Printing BANK NOTES,

Total number 107. Bills of Exchange, &c. Engravings upon. Ste orStone.ject to no deduction whatever.

Large supplies of Bank Note and other paper will be

n J Wolfe.George Cross.J W Morrow.II A Hunter.R C Cooke.James C Cannon.K A Propst.W J Mills.

The term of the present Congress expires thethe 22d of February, 1864. Elections for new mem-bers will be held in this State on 4th Nov., 1863.

Monroe, Union county,Charlotte, Mecklenburg county,Pineville, " "Davidson College" 11

Ilarrisburg, Cabarru3 county,Concord, "China Grove, Rowan county,Salisbury, " "Rowan Mills, "

kept.August 5, 1862


Payment of Staler Bounty dueDeceased SoldierExecutire Department, North Carolina,

Adjutant Generals Office, Raleigh, Oct. 17, lfeti2 J

General Orders, No. 9.The following regulations are published for tbe in-

formation of those persons wishing to draw bountj ofdeceased soldiers, in accordance with an ordinance of

the Convention ratified the 22d day of February, 1

REGULATIONS.1. Tbe payment of bounty to the repreenttiTe tf

deceased soldiers is bated upon tbe certificate of tbecommanding officer of the company, who w ill rtnte lk

time of the enlistment of the soldier, tbe date of hitdecease in service, the amount of bounty alrend (kidby the State, and the company and rcgiuicut to Liib

he belonged.2. The claimant will make affidavit before a mfi'-trat- e

that he or she is the next of kin to the drrtord,according to the provisions of the foregoing ordimccof the Convention, and that there it no other ptrionentitled to make claim. ' Tbe affidavit of tie claiaiactmust be sustained by that of one ditintcreited viurM,that the facta stated are correct within Lis n pl-edge, and that he baa jio interest in the claim. Tjmagistrate administering the oafb will certify to b

credibility of the witness, aud tbe clerk oi the Count;

Court will certify, under seal, tbat be is an authorizedand . -acting magistrate.

3. If tbe claimant or claimants be minors, r7nifBlwill be made te the guardian, upoa tbe production tr

tbe proper certificate under tbe seal of ihe Corlbis appointment and tbe sufficiency of bis bono ticlaim to be proved by bim as in other caiei.

4. A bounty of fifty dollars, deducting tl.that may have been previoufcly paid, is due to an Y"'sons who may have volunteered for three years or u

war, and to all persons mustered into or rcalnutBdservice under the provisions of tbe Conscription W





s. ;






1 1

Catawba Station, Catawba county, nenderson SherrillNewton " " M L McCorkle. BY J. IS. KERR, Proprietor.

A L Shnford.Hickory Station, "Lincolnton, Lincoln connty, a., EVERY ACCOMMODATION afforded thi

of he Charlotte Hotel.Jno E Boger,

Works," Charleston. Equal in quality to any import-ed. Parties wishing a supply will do well to call onthe undersigned before purchasing elsewhere.



. THREE MILES EAST OF JRON P. O.The proprietors nnnounco to the public that thi3

Furnace is in full blast, and will make castings of allkinds to order. Also, Pig Iron is made and offered forsale. ' SHIPP & REIXHARDT.

Jnly 6, 1PC.3 3m-p- d

NOTICE.I am prepared to cast machine irons of all kinds,

hollow-war- e, salt pans, kc. Orders solicited TermsCash.

I will exchange Iron for Bacon, corn,. cloth, or pro-visions of any kind.

J. W. DERR,July 1st, 1863. Spring Hill Forge.

Executive Department of North Carolina,')Adjutant General's Office (Militia,) C

Raleigh, Oct. 17, 1863. JGeneral Orders No. 19

The Militia-- Officers- - in each county litre the Guardfor Home Defence Das been or may hereafter be fullyorganized, will turn over to the commander of the lat-ter all arms, accoutrements and ammnnition in theirpossession belonging to the State, taking receipts forthe same. By.order of Gov. Vance:

R. C. G ATI. IN,Oct. 27th ' Adjutant General.

NEW GOODS.Just received, and will be MADE TO ORDER, or


Super. West of England Black Clftths;Siin Fiuished Black Doeskin Cassimeres:

j1SIKES & GRAY having commenced the Watch and

Clock Making business in Charlotte, in the ParksBraiding, nearly opposite Kerr's Hotel, will be foundready to repair Wathe?. Clocks and Jewelry at shortnotice and on reasonable terms. Also, Engravingneatly and handsomely' executed. All work warrantedfor twelve months. SIKES & GRAY.

Feb 17, 1803 yr

At this Bo'fi is keftt the line of DailrBrevard's Station, Gaston connty,Dallas, " "Cherryville,Shelby, Clcaveland connty,

W A Abernathy.J F Pegram.J B Fulton.E C Webb.

stages irom unarlotie u Asheville.Oct. 1, 1861. J. B. KERR.

All joint stock, companies and corporations shallpay one-tent- h of the dividend and reserved fundannually. If the annual earnings shall give aprofit of more than ten and less than twenty percent on capital stock, one-eigh- th to be paid; ifmore than twenty per cent, one-sixt- h. The tax tobe collected on the 1st of January next and ofeach year thereafter.

A tax of ten per cent, on all profits in 1862 bythe purchase and sale of flour, corn, bacon, pork,oats, hay, rice, salt, iron or the manufactures of"iron, sugar, molasses made of cane, butter, weolencloths, shoes, boots, blankets and cotton olotbs.This is not to apply to regular retail business. .

Each farmer after reserving for his own use fiftybushels sweet and fifty bushels Irish potatoes, onehundred bushels corn, or fifty bushels wheat, pro-duced this year, shall pay and deliver to the Con-federate Government one-tent- h of the grain, potat-oes,.- forage, sugar, molasses, cotton, wool andtobacco produced.. After reserving twenty bushelspeas or beans he shall deliver one-tent- h thereof.

Every farmer, planter, or grazier, one-tent- h ofthe hogs slaughtered by him," in cured bacon, at therate of 60 pounds of bacon

. to 100 pounds of pork1i i i n

The Celebrated Female Pills.These Pills do not cure all dieaeh but they are war

ranted to cure Lueoreah, or While that dreadful scourgeto female health, happiness and usefulness. They arenot- - -- stented and are no numbug, but are prepared bya North Carolina physician of high standing a ad of

Farmers are hereby notified to deliver at any one of"tbe above named depots, except Hickory Station andChina Grove, all tbeir tithes as soon as convenient,whether the assessment has been made or not. Theabove named Agents' receipts will be held good bvmyself. The Agents at Hickory Station and ChinaGrove will give notice when they are ready to receive

S. M. FINGER,Capt. & P. Q. M. 8th District.

Octobers, 1863 tf" """


BLUE-BLAC-K WRITING FLUIDr,.Manufactured by J. E. BRITTON, Charlotte, N. C.


long experience in me treatment oi iemaie diseases.All that is necessary to convince you of their efficacy is

WANTEDOne hundred pounds Canthari Vittalm or POTATOFL.Y. It resembles the Spanish Fly, but is smaller isusually found on sweet potato vines about the end ofJuly or beginning of August is collected in the morn-ing and eveniug by shaking the insects from the plantsinto hot water. They are then carefully dried in thesun. A liberal "price per.pound will be paid for them

JAS. T. JOHNSON,Medical Purvevor,

May 20, 1863 tf Charlotte, N. C.

Dr. JAS. M. HENDERSONOffers his Professional Services to the citizens of thesurrounding community. He has located at the late

a fair trial. For particulars, see wrappers. Price $1per box. . For sale at the DRUG STORES.

Jan. 15, 1861 yrBy order of Governor aoce,

one ptr cent upon me vaiue oi an neat cattle1 J ... 1 SUPERIOR 8BW1NO SU,K- -

The subscriber basjast received an nvoice offveiybest ITALIAN SEWING SltK, which he offer

JOHN VOGEL, Practical TaiThe subscriber is manufacturing atCharlotte, N. C,an article of WRITING INK superior to any that has

uurssrs, in u if not usea in cultivation, ana seg, tobe paid by the owners of the same, beeves sold tobe taxed as income.

Trustees, guardians, &c, are responsible fortaxes due from estates, &c, under their cdntrol.

lor, respectfully informs the citi-zens of Charlotte and surround3J to the public at 1J cents per stein.yet been offered to the Southern public. residence, of his rather, v. si. Henderson, dee'd. twoL j. s. rmLLirs.itMarch 3, 1863This-JN- K is of a Blue-blac- k color, and will not mould

or thicken, nor will it corrode a steel pen.Tests having been made with this Ink, both in the C. R. Taylor'


hnglish Uiey Cloths, a fine article for ConfederateUniforms;

Also, Confederate Staff Buttons.- " J-- S. PHILLIPS.March 3, 1863 tfMERCHANT TAILORING.

un and in water, and they have proven snch, that thesubscriber feels confident in offering it to dealers as n

ing country, that be is preparedto manufacture gentlemen V clo-thing in the latest atyle and atfhort.notice. His best exertionswill be given to render satisfac-tion to those who patronize him.Shop opposite Kerr's Hotel, nextdoor to Brown k Stitt's store.

Jan. 1, 1863. tf

Corner of Adams and Leigh streets,

All hospitals, insane, deaf, and charitable asy-lums, churches, schools and colleges are exemptfrom taxation.

This act to be in force for two years from the ex-piration of the present year, unless sooner repealed;but the tax on naval stores, flour, wool, cotton!tobacco "and other agricultural products of thegrowth of any year preceding 1863. imposed in thefirst section, shall be levied and collected only forthe present year.

n Tt TavvrkT TnV Ifani

mites norm oi vnarioiie.Feb 17, 1863 y-p- d


TAYLOR k ASBURY are now prepared to famishby the ton or otherwise, a fine article of Copperas,superior to any English offered in market. Druggistsand Apothecaries supplied with a chemically parearticle. Address . TAYLOR 4 ASBURY,

May 5, 1863 Charlotte, N. C.

"GARRETT DAVIS."This celebrated thorough-bre- d Horse, can still be

rer, takes pleasure in announcing to ib'to"Press that his Ink Factory is now in sncceiifui i

ration in tbe manufacture of every description ' w.

The undersigned having located twodoors south of the Mansion House, Char-lotte, N. C, is prepared to fill all ordersin his line of business, such as Militaryand Citizens' Clothing, Caps, Lace But-tons, 'Ac, kc.

A liberal share of the patronage ofthe public is respectfully solicited, as all

mg Ink, which be is prepared to tumi-ab- le

terms. News, Book and Job Inki oferery"tion always on band.

I found at my stable in Charlotte. For particulars ap- - Orders, promptly attended to. gTl JJ K- J-

orders entrustea to my care will h

superior article. The sun will not deface its color, butgives to ft a brighter one, and by putting the manu-script written with it in water, it will give it a deeperblue-blac- k color.

It will be found that it will not run,' and parts writ-ten with it becoming wet will not be injured or defac-ed in the least.

. Jt is purely a chemical article, and those procuringthis Ink will get imi article that time will not deface,but which will give it, instead, a more permanent andlasting quality.

3fanuscript3 written thirteen years ago, (and whichhave been exposed to the sun and air since that time,)with Ink manufactured from this receipt, are as bright

,and as good to-d- ay as when first written.- Dealers will be supplied on as liberal terms as possi-

ble. '- -

This. Ink can be four d for retail at the Daily Bulle-

tin office, where the subscriber will be pleased to waitupon patrons. Enquire for Britton's Blue-Blac- k .Writ-

ing Fluid." Wlnle'ril? orders are solicited, and nil of them will

be promptly filled Addrass J. E. BRITTON,Jiug. 21, 18C3. Charlotte, Mecklenburg Co., tf. 0.

"ply to the undersigned. R. RABB.Jnne 30, 1863 3m-- pd

ISTew Slioe Sliop.W. W. QJJINN & CO.

CantwelPa Tnttltf of lbi.

THE SOUTH CAROLINIAN,Published Daily and Tri-week- lj.

COLUMBIA BANNER,A Weekly Family Paper.


This is the Largest Family Paper in the South, andis offered to the domestic circle for News and PoliticalIntelligence. "The Tales and Stories which are offeredto the readers of the. Banner are the efforts of SouthernGenius, which it is a pleasure to foster. OriginalSketches, Literary and Scientific Essays, and Misce-llaneous Selections, regularly make their appearance inits columns.

For months: Daily, $10; Tri-Week- ly, $S; Weekly,$6 per annum. In advance. Papers stopped when sab-gcripti- on

expires.Feb. 1, 1862 R. W. GIBBES, Proprietor.

During my absence in tbe Mm' ''ieilringrop- -

Office 1. C. Iron District.)Charlotte, July 6, 1863. f

SCRAP IRON WANTED. I wish to purchase softScrap Iron for this Department. Persons having largeor small quantities on hand will please apply at onceto this office. The Iron to be delivered at some pointon the Railroads. v WM. COOKJolr 6- - tf . Genl.Agt. N.C.Iron Dist.

";,, WTfCir

persons indebted to FULL1NGS k SPRINGSnna?COant' e hereby, notified to call np0n.Gner, ex-sheri- ff, and mak immediate settle

J- - M. SPRINGS."February 3, 1853 tf'

promptly and faithfully rilled. T have competentworkmen, and can compete with any other establish,meat in giving a "good fit,'' ud I warrant my work togive entire satisfaction.

Mr. R. M. ROBINSON, an experienced cutter, is en-gaged in this establishment, and he will be pleased towait ypon his friends. .

J. A. CALDWELL.June 16, 1163 y--pd

State, in Virginia, subscribers ana q Mrl. tabl-es of the above work, can obtain wwwell, Raleigh.

m m t or 0therwii.All persons Indebted to me, tn? re"4;

requested to pay her. I will bold be A dcduC.

Respectfully inform the public that they are manufaotaring BOOTS and SHOES of all kinds, in the build-ing under the Western Democrat Printing office. Tbeirwork is pat up in the best style by experienced work-men, and will be sold at less than .75 per cent profit.Orders will receive prompt attention. Terms, cash.

Also, Shoe Pegs and Lasts for sale.W. W. QUINN k CO.

Charlotte, Dec Jj 1862.

Price or single copies t0 fn t?-- f .tion will be made to tnose w CAN

"BLANK DEEDS, Warrants, Ejectments, See,or sale at this Officy. Camp near Norfolk, July 30, 1861.