the west virginian (fairmont, w. va. : 1914). 1919-04-24 ... · lining and will resume sein...

pijii WpK; Engagement Will Be BjP^Foir 'Miners at Monm** first time since its organiiWj&ttoa the Moose band of Fairmont S®pH?SBce®t. a pdbllc engagement on erenlog when the organiza;^wk-wfll play for the miners at Moi 'jpoogHh. For some months the band RM^feK»4e3ng faithfully and its IfpUeleDcy grew rapidly. Among the |fti*Ni»e a nnmlber of well seasoned, 'imtslclans who have had years of ex| Itie Ixiid some bkne ago made ap| pMcation. to Join tho American Federjgfijffbtt of Musicians, becoming affflliat- E;.ve4 wWb He union from the etart. W. J| jttfL .Gaxiow. leader, will be In charge. Ki/altere will be eighteen men In the orThe organization will hold a rehears ,V'«| at Moose Home on Friday evening o'clock. Recently the Moose ivBand secured a drum on which is raftttnated, "Moose Band, Fairmont, W. pVa." A large Moose Head Is In the ifTlBVdnnont Lodge, 9, Loyal Order of SyMooae, last evening received eleven K^'t'kPPlications. Thirteen candidates i' ;.';|rere initiated. IIMANNINGTON | . Easter Program. ^' .Following is the program rendered K -by the Jericho Union Sunday school j-ptt Baster Sunday: Song, All Hail the E: ./Power of Jesus Name. Prayer, Rev. B^ ^lacldbnrn Hall. Welcome by class of I' jfWs. - Beading, Mrs. Lee Hawkins. Bong, Union choir. Easter Message, tj^tojrrttae Kennedy. Welcome Home K iwyfl, Katherine Oliver. Song, ^3®*d,.«WMte and Blue, Class of Girls. BlWmft^Christ'B Victory Fay Clayton |MlGrace Hots. Song, Flat Run chair. i&QRIVbat a Wondrous Story, Elizabeth /Children Can Serve Their Mlllster.Belva Eddy. At Easter Time. Clayton. Solo, James F. I E^rautorei- Dialogue, Katharine Ken»p»dy and Loristtne beveil. Song, Union ^jMtivtte. Mr. and Mrs. Wild Hawkins, ^PctL' Viotoria Webb and Thomas McMitaxt. . Easter Llllies, Pauline Peer tjSOttg.Hs Rose, Class. Legend of the IPijfStftr' LllMes, Doris Clayton. Duet gSaMjittrfce S. Blake and John Mclnturf. JtSbng, Flat Run Choir. The Floral Esfflifow.- Class. If I Were a Flower. Au atog-Metz. Song, I Do, Margaret Haw ilmjvGladys Ritchie and Bonnie Mc Emm/ The Resurrection, Ethel Mcfflnure. Dialogue, Kenneth Hall and MfW-fas Carringer. A Loving Word, Bon Bmti'iMcltiturff. Song, Flat Run choir. Stomttuytm. Virginia Mclplturff. God l^feter/Pprgets His Child, Margaret EfcMubwe. Song, Quartette Helen Haw>J5dag, Mary Jobes, John and James Mc§3nturf. Easter Bunny. Guy Toothman, ajSwer Cheer. Gladys Ritchie. Read®nfc; Flossie Eddy. Sewing Seeds, KnVhite Class. Love, Mary (Hawkins., ReoHaition, Kenneth Hall. Easter Day, Irene Mercer. Recitation, Bernita KchOlson. Praise Hitn, Katherlne Betz. Recitation, Edgar Mercer. All idl.'tifl Easter Mary Mclntire. EasBrBell.' Grace Metz. Take Him Down gun'the Cross, Beatrice Willard. The BTWd. Sylvia -Michael. Easter Mis pnary, Vera Boutwdl. He Rolled Kg? Stone Away, Mrs. George HawSolo, Russell Floyd. Let the HaSfeof:glory Pass, Class. Goodnight BoMafae Kennedy. Farewell, Bernita BRnralson. Talk, Rev. Blaokburn Hall. Barog/ God-Be w ithYou Till we Meet f Gypsy Rover* i make up the cast fot Gypsy Rover" which is the Central school auditw (Friday) evening rtlon of Miss Helen Red acters know their parts ess toward the play io y. The beat of music ted by the high school ie attendance will, no The play begins at Imdsalon of 15c and 35c other Dies. Fry has returned from e he was called by the tbsequent death of bis « from a fall on a stairiys ago. Anniversary, r Lodge No. 54, I. 0. O. mnhrersary services lit 3uffalo Street on Satur-pril 26. Good speakers mred and the public is Bd. ter Program. ces at the M. E. church ere very attractive and were large. The rttend ay school was 411 and the largest for many hursday (this evening) College Glee Cluh will tg of music at the church 1:15. There are twentyroung ladies in the party be under the direction 2. Muzzy. The ooncert be an Inviting one and toe Is expected to be pres air is to be given under X the Epworth League. iumea Practice. J. Leahy, who has been Martin's surgical dlvlsS. army arrived home lining and will resume se in Mannlngton. cm Overaeu, of Washington, Pa., ao r Ma son, Captain C. £). to wears two stripes for ifce with the U. S. mednre in the city on Tueeto Annabelle to visit the Alter. ute to Germany, latives here from Sargent mes, a Mannlngton boy i with the U. a Railway foape states that he .!. has left Verdun on a trip that will land him at OoMent, Germany. Buys Residence. T. 8. Rymer has purchased the T. M Wise residence in Howard street and will, in the neaT future move bis family there. Colored Chureh, The colored mission church is hold-j ing meetings in the old Baptist church building in Beatty avenue. Local People Wed, A marrta'ge license has beeoTlsftued by the county court for William C, Lu'ghtner and Miss Genevieve Morgan, both of Mannlngton. From Overseas. Arch Hess, recently returned from overseas service arrived here yesterday for a short furlough with his parents. Son ill Mrs. Charles F. Pitrer of Brookside has been called to Pt'Hsburgh by the :11ness from influenza of her son Clydo Pitzer. Personals, Mr. anfl Mrs. John G Shaw of New- burg havd been called here toy the death of the former's uncle Jesse Shaw of Grangerille. Guy S. Furbee was a business visitor in Fairmont yesterday. Mrs. Miller of Strasburg Va.. who 'has Hen the guest of her daughter, Mrs V. E. Flowers n': Water street left last evening for Fairmont where she will virit her son, Attorney C. E. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. John Deaigler have rei turned from a visit with relatives of the latter at Moatsville, Barbour county. this weelc for Yale, Oklahoma where the will visit her brother, Marcus McLaughlin and family. Fred A. Priohard left last evening for a business visit in Pittsburgh. J. A. Mason and B. E. Mitchell are attending a Masonic meeting in Wheel ing. John Dell of Fairmont was a busU neas visitor here yesterday. The Misses Naomi Hcffner. Mary Gaugban, Lettie Ryan, and Lucy Dean of Fairmont attended the dance in Eagle's hall here on Tuesday even'ng. Mrs. D. S. Jones and son BjJIy } e guests of friends In Wheeling. Miss Louise Wells has returned to fchcol at Wheeling after a visit with her parents here. Rev John Beddow has returned from a business visit in Mound9v He. Miss Alma Syfcert who attends school at Marietta, Ohio, spent Easter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Sybert in Buffalo street. Miss Mary Seamons of Morgantown is the guest of her sister, Mrs. H. J. Matthews in Locust street. Miss Mildred Snodgrass has returned from a visit with friends nl Grafton. C. C. Wells was a business visitor in Wheeling yesterday. The Misses Mona and Nina Simon have returned to their home In Fairmont after a visit with Miss Blanche Adamson here. T. M. Higga tpefet Sunday with relatives in Mou'ndsville. Jesse Shimp is out again after a severe attack of influenza. Miss Madge Ferry was home from Fairmont for Easter with her parents. Miss Lena Prichard has returned to Pittsburgh after a visit here with her parents in Pleasant street. Mrs. W. L. Mtlbhell was a visitor in Wheeling on Tuesday. Mrs. j. R. Burt was a visitor in Fairmont yesterday. Master Bernard Nutter has accepted a, position at the H. G. Anderson store. « Knew Them Both. The young instructor on board a Vn44lAeV«m «nn n aninloa uriiiou uabiioouijj was giviug a ies son in grammar. "What are the two principal parts of a sentence?" he asked. There was to answer for a moment then one of the tars said: "Solitary confinement and bread and water.' .Boston Transcript They Are Sure What Thfj^Are Recommejaed For kCAPOMENE TJfBt|TS.AREf \ Mt. W. A. KBzberger writes: V'l wish to stale that I ami' using ^qur. Jbdomene Tiolets, 4a demons ^ablets, tie favor- iteWrpcriptlop of a treat phy- sicfta are recomncJnded to nerlns, wons-out, tiled people withistomqp troublj and liu IMa uy^onle to |he various vital 'organs and sAm restore health and strength! Sold by druggists everywhere in sealed tubes..Adv. \ TOE WEST VIRGINIAJ1, FAlBMO^r THPRSP « \ The DeadWeig a Vacant Lc ( i / \ ' Sec this vacant lot; perhaps it is yjurliot/P t\t*A cnmp T-Tnndrprls nr TVin l kWn liHr v w A * w»iAV»4 w%*w V* - r yj from which you are not receiving alo Is it good business to let moneyjlp i can be so easily made productive^ \ ^ It is actually worse than idle mojieyj stant, annual source of axpe collector attends to that. Is it good "be tax on property that is profitless to yc Furthermore, this city actually needs You are holding a piece of ground wl: turned into some one's residence. 1 you are under moral obligations to the And by allowing your property to lie, 1 unimproved, you are hindering the enl 1 property values in your neighborhoo suffer still another loss. This company Speedway Ter dustrial distric man who serio a call at the of Greater Fairr L . . , ... Give It a C 1 Work f< ]k\W Build a house upon that vi V V / ^rom an exPense *nt0 an 4 owning idle land which b Ml will have valuable property source of income. HHMS57 _ « wnc 01 me greatest necas c WZ.z^ ^ k need of homes. Read the oj the publishers of the Ailan J*; ject of building conditions 'W** >' "The best authorities at United States is short on of buildings. As a whole, Per cent underbuilt." y This being the case, don' actually losing by not bui inand for hom^s is so gr< 1 - rents are higherUhan ever rflt Oi build a hous^jrad rent it? _ \ By buildjdg on that vacan J|| fhe vajtfe of all real estat< you^pwn along with the r< Buil^ now\ Authorises si Jtes economically tod^ as at lot. In it yc/ yefix foreseen, ids of Dol/s ekt of pgofit. J i\ 1/ idle wjfen it lit p a con- J k '.'7 erl I ' * asj ine tax ^ o this extent - offers very choice homesites in their welTltfto race properties adjoining the fast growing >t. nf Fnirrnnnt. TVipv will rn-rmpmtp with ? usly desires to "own his own home" and sugg 'fice for full information. Qont Investment ( 0 AIRMONT HOTEL BUILDING TELEPHONE 295-R. 1 . - "V (""ruE Toii-vcw ssvmu ITO/ S To pot Yauk ' : Yl y YHNOCNBfcW MOUTH V-1 voo ; | - 1 * */ 'I !! ;. V; ^v-'V-'i*/''&-''". '-'" '" $$>- '*.'. ; si fy*. '£fc '&>{'* * > "' .i'*i£ ;>;> .. ;. | .Chance to I yr You I icant lot and convert it I asset. Then instead of rings you nothing, you I d which will always be a II >f America today is the )inion handed down by \tic Monthly on the sub- this time state that the practically all character , this country is Forty t you see that you are Id'tng? Because the de2at at'the present time, before. Why don't you t lot you are increasing 2 in the neighborhood, est* > :afe that yorf^can build ^hy futui^time that cart / / 1§\ ..,. Jh! fit ?i < j in- r********** ( foqcwjW iny ^^.,. - mm est ;--| -''A Company ::| H \|

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Page 1: The West Virginian (Fairmont, W. Va. : 1914). 1919-04-24 ... · lining and will resume sein Mannlngton. cmOveraeu, of Washington, Pa., ao r Mason, Captain C. £). to wears two stripes

pijiiWpK; Engagement Will Be

BjP^Foir 'Miners at Monm**

first time since its organiiWj&ttoathe Moose band of Fairmont

S®pH?SBce®t. a pdbllc engagement on

erenlog when the organiza;^wk-wfllplay for the miners at Moi'jpoogHh. For some months the band

RM^feK»4e3ng faithfully and its

IfpUeleDcy grew rapidly. Among the

|fti*Ni»e a nnmlber of well seasoned,'imtslclans who have had years of ex|

Itie Ixiid some bkne ago made ap|pMcation. to Join tho American Federjgfijffbttof Musicians, becoming affflliat-

E;.ve4 wWb He union from the etart. W. J|jttfL .Gaxiow. leader, will be In charge.Ki/altere will be eighteen men In the orThe

organization will hold a rehears,V'«| at Moose Home on Friday evening

o'clock. Recently the MooseivBand secured a drum on which is

raftttnated, "Moose Band, Fairmont, W.pVa." A large Moose Head Is In the

ifTlBVdnnont Lodge, 9, Loyal Order ofSyMooae, last evening received eleven

K^'t'kPPlications. Thirteen candidatesi' ;.';|rere initiated.

IIMANNINGTON |. Easter Program.

^' .Following is the program renderedK -by the Jericho Union Sunday school

j-ptt Baster Sunday: Song, All Hail theE: ./Power of Jesus Name. Prayer, Rev.B^ ^lacldbnrn Hall. Welcome by class ofI' jfWs. - Beading, Mrs. Lee Hawkins.

Bong, Union choir. Easter Message,tj^tojrrttae Kennedy. Welcome HomeK iwyfl, Katherine Oliver. Song,^3®*d,.«WMte and Blue, Class of Girls.BlWmft^Christ'B Victory Fay Clayton|MlGrace Hots. Song, Flat Run chair.i&QRIVbat a Wondrous Story, Elizabeth

/Children Can Serve TheirMlllster.Belva Eddy. At Easter Time.

Clayton. Solo, James F. IE^rautorei- Dialogue, Katharine Ken»p»dyand Loristtne beveil. Song, Union^jMtivtte. Mr. and Mrs. Wild Hawkins,^PctL' Viotoria Webb and Thomas McMitaxt.. Easter Llllies, Pauline PeertjSOttg.Hs Rose, Class. Legend of theIPijfStftr' LllMes, Doris Clayton. DuetgSaMjittrfce S. Blake and John Mclnturf.JtSbng, Flat Run Choir. The FloralEsfflifow.- Class. If I Were a Flower. Auatog-Metz. Song, I Do, Margaret HawilmjvGladys Ritchie and Bonnie Mc Emm/The Resurrection, Ethel Mcfflnure.Dialogue, Kenneth Hall andMfW-fas Carringer. A Loving Word, BonBmti'iMcltiturff. Song, Flat Run choir.Stomttuytm. Virginia Mclplturff. Godl^feter/Pprgets His Child, MargaretEfcMubwe. Song, Quartette Helen Haw>J5dag,Mary Jobes, John and James Mc§3nturf.Easter Bunny. Guy Toothman,ajSwer Cheer. Gladys Ritchie. Read®nfc;Flossie Eddy. Sewing Seeds,

KnVhite Class. Love, Mary (Hawkins.,ReoHaition, Kenneth Hall. Easter Day,Irene Mercer. Recitation, BernitaKchOlson. Praise Hitn, KatherlneBetz. Recitation, Edgar Mercer. Allidl.'tifl Easter Mary Mclntire. EasBrBell.'Grace Metz. Take Him Downgun'the Cross, Beatrice Willard. The

BTWd. Sylvia -Michael. Easter Mispnary,Vera Boutwdl. He RolledKg? Stone Away, Mrs. George HawSolo,Russell Floyd. Let theHaSfeof:glory Pass, Class. GoodnightBoMafae Kennedy. Farewell, Bernita

BRnralson. Talk, Rev. Blaokburn Hall.Barog/ God-Be w ithYou Till we Meet

f Gypsy Rover*i make up the cast fotGypsy Rover" which isthe Central school auditw(Friday) eveningrtlon of Miss Helen Redacters know their partsess toward the play ioy. The beat of musicted by the high schoolie attendance will, no

The play begins atImdsalon of 15c and 35c

other Dies.Fry has returned frome he was called by thetbsequent death of bis« from a fall on a stairiysago.

Anniversary,r Lodge No. 54, I. 0. O.mnhrersary services lit3uffalo Street on Satur-pril26. Good speakersmred and the public isBd.

ter Program.ces at the M. E. churchere very attractive andwere large. The rttenday school was 411 andthe largest for many

hursday (this evening)College Glee Cluh will

tg of music at the church1:15. There are twentyroungladies in the partybe under the direction

2. Muzzy. The ooncertbe an Inviting one andtoe Is expected to be presair is to be given underX the Epworth League.iumea Practice.J. Leahy, who has beenMartin's surgical arrived home

lining and will resumese in Overaeu,of Washington, Pa., ao

r Ma son, Captain C. £).to wears two stripes forifce with the U. S. mednrein the city on TueetoAnnabelle to visit theAlter.ute to Germany,latives here from Sargentmes, a Mannlngton boyi with the U. a Railwayfoape states that he

.!.has left Verdun on a trip that willland him at OoMent, Germany.

Buys Residence.T. 8. Rymer has purchased the T. M

Wise residence in Howard street andwill, in the neaT future move bis familythere.

Colored Chureh,The colored mission church is hold-j

ing meetings in the old Baptist churchbuilding in Beatty avenue.

Local People Wed,A marrta'ge license has beeoTlsftued

by the county court for William C,Lu'ghtner and Miss Genevieve Morgan,both of Mannlngton.

From Overseas.Arch Hess, recently returned from

overseas service arrived here yesterdayfor a short furlough with his parents.Son ill

Mrs. Charles F. Pitrer of Brooksidehas been called to Pt'Hsburgh by the:11ness from influenza of her son ClydoPitzer.

Personals,Mr. anfl Mrs. John G Shaw of New-

burg havd been called here toy thedeath of the former's uncle Jesse Shawof Grangerille.Guy S. Furbee was a business visitor

in Fairmont yesterday.Mrs. Miller of Strasburg Va.. who

'has Hen the guest of her daughter,Mrs V. E. Flowers n': Water streetleft last evening for Fairmont whereshe will virit her son, Attorney C. E.Miller.

Mr. and Mrs. John Deaigler have reiturned from a visit with relatives ofthe latter at Moatsville, Barbour county.this weelc for Yale, Oklahoma wherethe will visit her brother, Marcus McLaughlinand family.

Fred A. Priohard left last eveningfor a business visit in Pittsburgh.

J. A. Mason and B. E. Mitchell are

attending a Masonic meeting in Wheeling.John Dell of Fairmont was a busU

neas visitor here yesterday.The Misses Naomi Hcffner. Mary

Gaugban, Lettie Ryan, and Lucy Deanof Fairmont attended the dance inEagle's hall here on Tuesday even'ng.

Mrs. D. S. Jones and son BjJIy } eguests of friends In Wheeling.

Miss Louise Wells has returned tofchcol at Wheeling after a visit withher parents here.Rev John Beddow has returned from

a business visit in Mound9v He.Miss Alma Syfcert who attends

school at Marietta, Ohio, spent Easterwith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A.Sybert in Buffalo street.Miss Mary Seamons of Morgantown

is the guest of her sister, Mrs. H. J.Matthews in Locust street.

Miss Mildred Snodgrass has returnedfrom a visit with friends nl Grafton.C. C. Wells was a business visitor

in Wheeling yesterday.The Misses Mona and Nina Simon

have returned to their home In Fairmontafter a visit with Miss BlancheAdamson here.

T. M. Higga tpefet Sunday with relativesin Mou'ndsville.Jesse Shimp is out again after a severeattack of influenza.Miss Madge Ferry was home from

Fairmont for Easter with her parents.Miss Lena Prichard has returned to

Pittsburgh after a visit here with herparents in Pleasant street.

Mrs. W. L. Mtlbhell was a visitor inWheeling on Tuesday.

Mrs. j. R. Burt was a visitor inFairmont yesterday.Master Bernard Nutter has accepteda, position at the H. G. Anderson


Knew Them Both.The young instructor on board a

Vn44lAeV«m «nn n aninloauriiiou uabiioouijj was giviug a ies

son in grammar. "What are the twoprincipal parts of a sentence?" heasked.There was to answer for a moment

then one of the tars said: "Solitaryconfinement and bread and water.'.Boston Transcript

They Are SureWhat Thfj^AreRecommejaed For

kCAPOMENE TJfBt|TS.AREf\ Mt. W. A. KBzberger writes:V'l wish to stale that I ami' using^qur. Jbdomene Tiolets,

4ademons ^ablets, tie favor-iteWrpcriptlop of a treat phy-sicfta are recomncJnded tonerlns, wons-out, tiled peoplewithistomqp troublj and liu

IMa uy^onle to |he variousvital 'organs and sAm restorehealth and strength! Sold bydruggists everywhere in sealedtubes..Adv. \




The DeadWeiga Vacant Lc

( i

/ \ '

Sec this vacant lot; perhaps it is yjurliot/Pt\t*A cnmp T-Tnndrprls nr TVin l kWnliHr v w A * w»iAV»4 w%*w V* - r yj

from which you are not receiving aloIs it good business to let moneyjlp

i can be so easily made productive^ \^ It is actually worse than idle mojieyj

stant, annual source of axpecollector attends to that. Is it good "betax on property that is profitless to yc

Furthermore, this city actually needsYou are holding a piece of ground wl:turned into some one's residence. 1you are under moral obligations to the

And by allowing your property to lie, 1

unimproved, you are hindering the enl1 property values in your neighborhoo

suffer still another loss.

This companySpeedway Terdustrial districman who serioa call at the of

Greater Fairr


. .

, ...

Give It a C1 Work f<

]k\W Build a house upon that vi

V V / ^rom an exPense *nt0 an 4

owning idle land which bMl will have valuable property

source of income.

HHMS57 _ « wnc 01 me greatest necas c

WZ.z^^ k need of homes. Read the ojthe publishers of the Ailan

J*; ject of building conditions'W**>'

"The best authorities atUnited States is short on

of buildings. As a whole,Per cent underbuilt."y

This being the case, don'actually losing by not buiinand for hom^s is so gr<

1 - rents are higherUhan ever

rflt Oi build a hous^jrad rent it?

_ \ By buildjdg on that vacan

J|| fhe vajtfe of all real estat<

you^pwn along with the r<

Buil^ now\ Authorises siJtes economically tod^ as at

lot. In it yc/ yefix foreseen,ids of Dol/sekt of pgofit. J

i\ 1/idle wjfen it

lit p a con- Jk '.'7 erl I ' *

asj ine tax ^

o this extent


offers very choice homesites in their welTltftorace properties adjoining the fast growing>t. nf Fnirrnnnt. TVipv will rn-rmpmtp with ?

usly desires to "own his own home" and sugg'fice for full information.



1 . -"V (""ruE Toii-vcw ssvmu ITO/S To pot Yauk


: Yl y YHNOCNBfcW MOUTHV-1 voo

; |


1 *

*/ 'I!! ;. V;̂v-'V-'i*/''&-''". '-'" '" $$>- '*.'. ; si fy*. '£fc '&>{'* * >

"' .i'*i£ ;>;>.. ;. |

.Chance to Iyr You Iicant lot and convert it Iasset. Then instead ofrings you nothing, you I dwhich will always be a II

>f America today is the)inion handed down by\tic Monthly on the sub-

this time state that thepractically all character, this country is Forty

t you see that you are

Id'tng? Because the de2atat'the present time,before. Why don't you

t lot you are increasing2 in the neighborhood,est* >:afe that yorf^can build^hy futui^time that cart

/ /


..,. Jh! fit ?i < jin- r********** (foqcwjWiny ^^.,. - mmest ;--|


Company ::|
