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***********Welcome To Adamsland*********** Tour Guide

Page 2: The ***********Welcome To Adamsland*********** Tour Guide · Tour Guide. 1 -----Tour I----- Site: I Who are We? 1 The Strawman Contract- a. Straw is a dead and dried up plant that


-----Tour I-----

Site: I

Who are We?

1 The Strawman Contract-

a. Straw is a dead and dried up plant that is hollow, yet useful to those who depend on the

sustenance and fuel it still offers. The term strawman is the concept of any person in the flesh

and blood, but is considered to be ‘dead’ due in part to consenting to an artificial identity

handed to them by their “legal guardians”. The strawman is the living dead, or rather, the

individual whose identity is artificial, whose self-identity is made up.

b. When we were born to parents as our legal guardians who are themselves ‘subjects’ under a

government providing them protection to be placed on that same level of protection they have

from that same government, we were required to have a registered identity to serve us as our

ticket to go about in the society under its [the government’s] jurisdiction. Whosoever excepts

the traditions of their “parents” [which is a legal term], taking upon themselves the names of

their kin, and the religion of their forefathers, i.e. taking up the first name and the last name

given to them (title), to wear the attire of the culture the person is surrounded by, that person

is a strawman for consenting to the system and ideas of those who are leading him or her.

c. Rather than figuring out who we are individually, we are given some artificial claims that we

are whom our parents and their government dictate. At the hospital, babies are born and

provided an identity. The babies grow up with the identity they are given. They are literally

registered at birth. Though they may become Artisans, Managers, Lawyers, and Doctors when

they grow up, they become so under the identity given to them when they were born.

d. Without all of the legal documents on which we are individually, we are but ‘beings’ taking

up space, walking and talking dirt, using up fuel and leaving behind evidence of our existence.

Because we have taken up the imagined identity of others, we are only going along with an

identity that isn’t actually real. The documents and contracts we sign, we are using our

strawman name, sealing the deal wherever we go. Understanding [under-standing] our rights

is to “stand under” them as a strawman consenting to the laws and regulations that provides

our rights. Still, the identity question follows us along our life’s journey.

e. There are multiple paths to choose from and take that this strawman figure we take on will be

responsible for. We also have multiple choices to choose from in staking out our identity as

individuals. Whatever we do, it is our strawman figure taking on the responsibility of being

the identity of our actions that will be shown to other straw people responsible for their own

identity’s actions.

f. Choosing our identity is a right when we are considered adults, but often, choosing our identity

amongst a mob of opposing identities can and often does lead to some unjust consequences.

Some countries and laws exclude individuality as a right. Individuals suffer because of those

laws/policies against individuality. So the individual hides among the masses that are going

along with everyone else as seemingly one organism. This is where the identity of the

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individual is given forcefully to them at birth. Though they have their own individual name,

they still are clothed and surrounded in the same likeness in attire.

g. Unlike other systems, governments, and the multiple laws regulating the lives of the individual,

the identity question to keep us individually safe from those oppressive systems, governments

and laws, is to reclaim through digging into our past who we collectively are. The die-hard

individual wants to be free, but without protection from the collective masses to be free to be

an individual, choosing the right path can quickly add up to deadly consequences for them as


h. If someone is interested in becoming a Monk, for example, life surrounded by those who

oppose Monks can lead to dire consequences for that individual. Where Monks are accepted,

the individual can find sanctuary to freely become a Monk. To be a Christian in a world

dominated and ruled by anti-Christians, the individual seeking to become one is treading on

dangerous grounds. The question is, who are we if we are artificially given our identity at birth

to find ourselves surrounded by customs that are also artificial, for they change over time?

i. Putting the artificial strawman identity we are given aside, to figure out who we truly are

collectively and as individuals, can be understood more when we look back at our history.

Individually, we exist for no more than a few decades. Collectively though, how long can we

go? To recapture our past, we must agree to go back into history as far back as possible, further

than the birth of a nation, further than the birth of a religion and civilization. The past we should

go back to in order to figure out who we are should be to the earliest of written records. It is

from then on that we have the evidence to show who we collectively and individually are.

j. The records of the past show how important identity seeking is. Surrounding the earliest of

record keeping peoples, there were others whose identity was unique from themselves, both of

whom aimed to keep their own unique identities from being destroyed by the other. Looking

back into the past for seeking our identity, we are taken through many identities along the way

that our kinfolk took. For most of us, we are rooted in the anciently known Roman civilization,

to go back further as citizens of Greece, and inhabitants of Egypt. But our journey back in time

to pinpoint what we are takes us further back, far back to a time when the Mesopotamian

civilization kick started us forwards in an otherwise identity-less existence. The first records

still shows us today an ancient quest to claim the identity and reason for our existence. Our

journey to claim what we are must be to dig even further than the first written records, for we

are found to have come a long way, further than any written record can prove.

k. What does make more sense is to claim for ourselves the archeological past of where our

ancestors have taken us by looking into the first and foremost ideal they saw more clearly than

just customs and courtesies. Who were they physically? The past provides us excellent

understanding of our current identity when looking at how they viewed themselves physically

unique from the beasts of the field.

l. Those uniquely modeled as descendants of White America, White Europe, White Africa, White

Asia and White Middle East, shares the similar features to where it seems there is a Race factor

to consider looking into. The Assembly for Adamic Redemption Movement (AARM) claims

to provide the sanctuary for those who today can derive from the branch of bipedal thinkers

responsible for developing the first civilizations and eventually putting one of their own on the

Moon and having taken upon themselves the title, ‘White Race’.

2 The Identity Question-

a. The identity question has always followed us since our earliest known beginnings on up to our

time. “Who are we?” Questioning our identity for thousands of years as far as records of our

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past today shows [such as through history], our People had wandered the surface of this planet

in constant curiosity as to why we are here. And together, for thousands of years, we members

of the so-called ‘White Race’ tried to make sense out of our existence. Whether the quest for

our identity today, as it was in the past, is over religious reasons, political, social, etc., we gave

names to ourselves for identification purposes; we even listened to those who before us, led us

to conclude that our past is still up for grabs. This is because there are many interpretations to

our identity through the looking glass of history. Discovering for one’s self as an individual

where in the many variations of existence we all individually belong, whether it’s religious

identity, political, cultural, or racial, is a life’s journey. We have oftentimes even clashed along

the way in our sojourn with other Nations within our same Race in discovering who we are.

This again is because of the many diverse opinions that spawned off of the main question as to

our true identity.

b. Who are we?

c. Oftentimes, the fear of getting the answer wrong has resulted in us getting harmed by those

doing much thinking and caring over this question to where violence is often the resort when

survival deems it necessary for them as our opposition. Records of the past shows that Folks

do get harmed for being of the wrong identity, because the opposition has made up their mind

as to who they are, and who they do not want to be. This entails us that those they harm [Us]

aren’t the ones they want to be.

3 Identity Is In Constant Change-

a. The truth behind this identity question is that we have always wondered who we were while

living on in our lives. Identity seeking is an endless journey. We all make choices every day,

which determines where we go and how and with whom we will get there. Whenever we notice

something we do not identify with, or like, for something we do like, adjustments are made to

allowing us access to those pleasures.

b. Despite how much we try to hold on to old ways or customs and courtesies, moving on to adapt

or die amid the competing races around us, who are unsatisfied towards our identity, has caused

our identity of ‘self’ to wander throughout the Ages. However much we try to look at ourselves

along the lines of culture exclusively, ignoring our existing racial identity, we are brought to a

conundrum. Whether we claim to actually be that culture from that past, or the culture from

that one, and make adjustments and attempts to shelter back into those cultures however we

make possible, identifying how to go about recalling the traditions and cultures of the past are

obviously impossible when we consider those who are attempting to do so today. Compared

to our racial identity, our cultural identity is quite difficult to pin point. Above all of this nit

picking as to who we are, or were, or could be, leaves us to wondering why after thousands of

years hasn’t their ever been an Era like that of Greece, for example during 300 B.C.E, ever

repeat itself as it was once it dissipated to becoming the fashions and fads of 299 B.C.E? Just

like 1989 C.E died out with the coming of 1990 C.E fads. There hasn’t been an Era repeated

in its exactness after another replaced it. If identity means to being set in one way, then why is

it not evident that unchanged identity exists?

c. Since the beginning of recorded history, the humankind have transformed from this to that,

never to again step back into the very ways their Forebears had experienced. Rome was Rome,

while Greece was Greece. Never did the two civilizations fully merge. Never did the Romans

exactly capture the Greek model of civilization, even though the Greeks left the Romans

knowledge of their past. A modern admirer obsessed with going back to the Egyptian Era, for

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example, still hasn’t an exact idea as to how the original Founders of that civilization thousands

of years ago lived.

d. Traditionalists are eager to preserving the old ways, though, without an exact idea of how the

original Founders thought and perceived the World. Exactly how any thinking yesterday can

be duplicated today in its exactness and entirety is unheard of. This inability for us as

‘individuals’ to creating a society from an, ‘Oneness’ in idea, is also unheard of. This is

observed when the Floridian tries to emulate the Californian; the Floridian will emulate the

‘Californian’ ‘Floridian style’. Furthermore, the Greeks today want to rule Greece, Italians

today want to rule Italy, and Brazilians today want to rule Brazil. But still, left-wing Greeks

and right-wing Greeks bicker on how to rule Greece, right-wing Italians and left-wing Italians

bicker on how to rule Italy. And again, the bickering between the right-wing Italians and the

left-wing Italians are issues on just how to serve in the best interest of their own identity, as


4 Seek Those Like Unto Our Own Selves-

a. The reasons behind this struggle for who we are is that, there is a certain character found in

how one person deals with another person, through tolerance, using the power of the mind to

survive. There is a character in dealing with the less educated archaic wisely, instead of

stooping down to their level using savage rage in physical and emotional impulse. Such is the

dilemma we face between the identity seekers of those who do not and will not ever share our

own quest for our own identity peacefully. This shows the levels of being at how diverse in

levels of understanding we can be to our own self-identity.

b. Identifying who we are is but the basic example of our need to find ourselves, and find those

like us to be safe from the violence that results in identity seeking individuals physically trying

to put ours out of existence. It’s the same need for all creatures fit to survive in a diverse World.

Where one baby Wildebeest within minutes of being born on the open African Savannahs is

able to stand up on all four limbs to run from predators, it must also quickly learn who friend

and foe is at the same time. A Wildebeest unable to understand the identity of itself quickly

wanders towards a pride of Lions will it just as quickly become their next easy meal.

5 Choices Have Consequences-

a. Who we are shows up in our choices in our daily lives. Choices we make are consequential.

Every day we make them! Where we get our next meal, what our next meal will be, how we

will get that next meal and where we can relieve ourselves from our next meal safely, is every

creature’s mode for survival. Being able to identify ourselves with others, we have the trust in

being able to sit by them during our next meal protected. This is an important means for the fit

to survive in. This ensures the fact that they won’t take our next meal. This is why existing

requires the essential task to identifying oneself into the right fold.

b. This is how to tell an, us vs. them existence around us to avoid our own doom: those who hurt

us are not with us. Those who are against us are not for us. Plain and simple!

c. Having witnessed for ourselves where we fit in, where we are safe and where we are not,

sticking to our own who will more than likely protect us from a shared opposition, the concept

of country was born. The concept of country is another subject covered further in this Tour, as

it is related to claiming a habitat for the purpose of protecting the youth from those outside

who do not share the same identity as ourselves.

d. Although it is the country that makes the people, it is the people who make the country’s

society. The resources and space to be free to live on can serve beneficial to the People within

that country depending upon the geography. But the point here is made that each and every

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country’s territories, and the flags that bears their names, are a concept of a people who shares

a similar goal and a willingness to live side by side without harming others within that same

country. They are to be seen saluting the banner that unites them.

e. We further observe, and therefore accept, that a country is held together by racial similarities

far more than those that are unifying only along cultural lines. This is why the Italian and Irish

during 18th Century America lacked much resistance to coexist next to each other’s

community, and why they took up arms against the non-White Amerindians west of them.

Though the two nationalities, Italians and Irish, bickered, they continued to strive to live on

side-by-side, working amongst themselves. Where Spaniard and Englishman shared bases

against the “knuckle dragging thugs of the jungle”, as they both would have put it in those

days, progress continued between those two Nations of one Race as they united from members

of the other race. And along the way, our ancestors kept on wondering who we are, and where

we came from as they looked west, reminded through the looking glass of racial understanding

and perspective, that we are children of one Race.

f. Despite the past existence of a united Nation within our Race throughout World history, having

quarrels and bickering of course was inevitable, while at the same time, the bond between us

along the way was far too great to divide when faced with those who hate the Race of our

Nations. What united us back then was what made our Nations unite to fight together in battles

against others identifying themselves differently. And despite the differences between Nations

within our same Race, we together have in the past come together when Race identity was the

factor in a battle and nothing more. These groups united by the sight of their own identity, as

observed by our own individual senses, i.e. with our eyes, ears and smell, as seen when a Negro

shares the same race identity as another Negro of another nationality during Black History

month in the United States of America. This is why Jews of all sects all over the Globe come

together against Nazism.

6 United As One Race-

a. Our unity lies in our identifying ourselves as people against an opposition working against us

to benefit their own selves. This unity we strive for in life isn’t just to keep ourselves free, but

it’s a unity that will keep our Race and us, wholly, alive. Murders still happening every day in

neighborhoods that are supposed to mean community, as community is to mean family, as

family is supposed to be security, just proves how divide is imminent. For thousands of years,

wars have never ended. This proves that this same struggle we face ahead of us is just as vicious

as it was when it started since the dawn of time.

b. We children of the White Race, as an excellent example, are living relics of a people for having

survived thus far in our time. By miraculous reasons, this same Race showed up upon this

planet and whipped the World before us into order from chaos, or at least in many instances

tried to. History tells us that this effort of ours to win is not going to be one easy task. But since

our legacy reaches further into our past, by looking at the many thousands of years of our racial

development through the many Nations our Race gave birth to, we see our enemies along the

way trembled.

c. Like listening to our great grandparents’ own story to pick up the wisdom of our elders, we can

learn how to deal with a continuously changing and competitively dangerous world that does

not like how we identify ourselves. And through our ancient ancestors, our great, great, great…

grandparents, we should keep in mind, the great Nations that were built have inspired

generations along the way as to who we are, and what we can become. These Nations of our

same White Race our ancestors gave birth to have been available for us to study, like picking

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up the wisdom of our own beloved grandparents. The ancient wisdom of our ancestors’ very

own Civilization stretches far into our past. And thanks to members of our Race today for being

curious to look back, we have our legacy uncovered for us in Nations long ago passed on,

leaving another in their stead with the same story as depicted in their own history.

d. Our journey as a People, in exploring our past, begins with evidence that stretches back some

six to eight thousand, even as far back as 300 thousand years ago! Our Identity is through

archeological discoveries still being made today that are helping us develop our conclusion as

individual members of a Race of creative warriors and builders of civilization.

Site: II

We are Adamites!

1 Our High Society’s Dilemma-

a. There are distinct characteristics to the way in which we all act that could tell us who and what

we are based on what we do individually, how we look, sound and smell, and the

accomplishments we have achieved together.

b. Just as a good egalitarian would claim that non-Whites are good at using minimal earth-stuff in

their society in order to create a simple non-complex society, the egalitarian would also claim

the simplicity of the non-White indigenous population of Earth humans as clean and as earthly

for this planet; while on the other hand, naming Us the loud noisy inhabitants of this planet.

This is because we as a Race [according to many of these same egalitarians judging the non-

White indigenous populations as having less taken from this planet to add to their simple way

of life] are judged and recognized as creating a ruckus by our loud bulldozing of the landscape,

concrete pouring, structure building, and people thriving societies.

c. Our societies therefore, when compared to the non-White indigenous aborigines to this planet,

are more complex, as our People have taken what this planet has to offer us to our advantage

for a more convenient lifestyle. And many of these same indigenous peoples (supposedly

innocent of keeping that which is in the Earth alone), have risen out of the jungle to take total

advantage of our ‘high society’ Civilization.

2 Our Ancient Struggle-

a. We are Adamites! We are a People whose ancestors goes back to the time of Adam, or to put

it another way, the Adam, or Adamites, which means, “to turn rosy in the cheeks”, “to turn a

plush color”, “able to blush, and to show blood in the face”. This is the same Adam as described

in writ from the Book of Genesis, and is recorded throughout the Ages in other records.

Whether this ‘Adam’ refers to a group, rather than a single individual, and whether this Adam

entered into existence some 300,000 years ago, or eight thousand years ago, or even six

thousand years ago, is not a factor here, for to us, Adam means, “a physical character belonging

to us uniquely from the pre-Adamites”.

b. The pre-Adamic world are those who are non-White, as they are the original inhabitants of this

world, as we touched down upon this planet arguably as Adamites some 300,000 years or so

ago. Pre-Adamites, as historical and scientific records shows, are the Aborigines to this planet,

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meaning, they were here before us. Therefore, we, who are members of the White Race, so

name ourselves after our first racial progenitor, Adam, the title of ‘Adamites’.

c. We also hold true to the belief that our Adamic Race is a new Race upon this planet, the next

level of Becoming. We therefore believe that this planet Earth was and has been, before our

Race arrived, inhabited by many other races. These races that roamed this planet before Us are

the pre-Adamites who are known as the Aborigines, or ‘Original’ inhabitants to this planet;

therefore, they are the Old World Races.

3 Records Of Origin-

a. Finding us in action to create is how to notice the Adamite. We are a powerful Force in a

growing Civilization. In fact, as observed through looking to the past, and commonly known

amongst Us, “wherever the Adamite goes, Civilization grows”! That is how to mark our

existence in any given territory we are left to work on our own in without interference from

other races. It is our gift as a People to be who we are. As noticed by many millions of people

around the world in Our historical records—“wherever the White Race has gone, when left alone, no matter the location, It has managed to build a sprawling civilization within a few generations”! And with a place we can be free to claim our own existence in,

will we be safe to boast of our accomplishments as a People without others getting offended

for not being Us. This will bring much peace to the Race issue waging outside of our Adamic


b. Even though Nations within our one Race struggled to cooperate fully in the development of

assimilating into American life, for example, the outcome of our struggle to get us unified is

seen today in that we are still here to claim our presents together; Spaniard with Englishman,

Brit and Scot, Iranian and Irish. Our People included during the Colonial days of America, not

only one nationality within our Race to participate in Colonial life, but included all Whites into

this great and glorious endeavor. And here we are today from many different national origins,

yet united as one Movement, one Adamic Race.

Site: III


Industry and Progress


Guns, Bombs and Germs

1 Unity Makes A People-

a. To acquire knowledge, for any individual, there has to be two means to it. Either the means is

for good, or it is for bad. Knowledge for good would mean that it would be used in the

construction of a progressively industrious reason, while to use knowledge for the worst would

be to use it to destroy.

b. Herein this Era, we are bombarded with excuses as to why such and such knowledge is bad,

so any oppressive regime believes it has the excuse to suppress it from public reach. Progress

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for the commoner means that they are catching up to the elite; and thus, class struggles are

prevalent in any such society sharing two dividing classes.

c. But in our society, the one we want to have for ourselves, which is obviously a united one,

class division is but a tool to divide and conquer a people. Division causes war, while unity

makes a people close and together in strength against other opposing Forces that won’t go

along with the progress of the united society.

2 Internal Conflicts Divide-

a. Historical records show us today that the opposite of coexistence is conflict, which means war.

In war, the youth caught in the crossroads are almost always involved, and are thus threatened

to being harmed by the opposition. Where war is a normal occurrence for any society, so too

is despair, anarchy, decay, disease and poverty. War is not a sign of a Country at peace. A

world at war is a world that lives to destroy, not a world fixed to growth and unity for our own

racial progression.

b. Civilization cannot afford the kinds of activities that are observable in our Time if it is to

survive on any given Land. We have already witnessed riots, which were all very racial in

nature, and caused by race, and executed by our racial opposition; we have witnessed one too

many racially motivated hate crimes occur upon us also. There have been famines upon people

who have used the outcome as a racially motivated issue to further a racial agenda, even.

c. Those of us who wonder what such famines became a racial issue were, think Hurricane Katrina

and the Haiti Earthquake.

d. Even racial privilege divides! There are racial initiatives set for one race, but not for the other.

Such benefits includes for example, Blacks, or Mestizos, whereas Whites who ask for the same

benefit to having a University for Whites or even so much as a Scholarship program, becomes

an outcry in the same non-White communities across the Globe that have such privileges to

speak out as a race. Such social rights or privileges that exists between the races today that

shows inclusion to one people and not the other causes war. The Internet is a war zone, seen

as the channel for hatred where individuals rally around one race against the other.

e. The World is a battlefield of racial hatred. And this is why we Adamites are to act like the

responsible heirs of this Land we so have in mind to claim as our Homeland of inheritance in

order to better custodian this planet being scoured by the aftermath of war. Looking around at

the blood being spilled, as war machines crash over our planet, our progress requires that we

act now to steer our own existence to one of promise through being life conscious caregivers,

not Earth destroying warmongers!

f. The United States of America has become fragmented to where even the States overflow with

internal enemies working to tear it down. The Race War, with its race riots, hate crimes, civil

disputes, ethnic and tribal genocide are all events in any civilization that shows chaos, rather

than order. At least two ethnic groups are involved with these kinds of issues any community

suffers. Such are the very events that tears between what used to be and seem one peaceful

community. With any one of the activities in one community, two societies are observed

adding to the fuel of the great divide. One group has what the other group wants. The stronger

of the two desperate groups usually tries to get it! Where groups of distinct races even in size

seeking social autonomy stumbles on the same land, civil wars and ethnic conflicts are

imminent. This is caused, as both groups do not want to assimilate. Thus, wars or rumors of

wars are a major issue in causing the clash able to create the great divide of the Civilization.

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3 As The World Collides-

a. Today in our society, wherever diseases and poverty are found, so too will a lacking in Whites,

as non-Whites pour in.

b. It is a tragedy that we are witnessing an increase of these Aborigines to our societies that were

once flourishing before they arrived. Instead, the advanced and noble People of an advanced

society that accepts to take these Aborigines into the Civilization witnesses it quickly decay in

a matter of one decade, even. And with the fall of our own societies to these Aborigines, gang

activity rises as their numbers rise.

c. Between the scuffles of these gangs rising, so too does everything that stands as the poison to

civilization’s social progress and morality! Instead of building up the Civilization’s community

and spirit, the Third World races are tearing down the very neighborhoods that once held

safety, security and peace. One sad story after the other happens to be those neighborhoods on

Liberal and Conservative Television Stations of a non-White world suffering to live in the

called slums or ghettos of the Streets of the U.S.A. One sob story after the other seems to

present no happy end in sight. The natural ecology of the blood soaked land these non-White

gangs are smashing to bits through their mindset on war is what we today are witnessing,


d. Our own youth are caught in the middle of the battles of gang violence! And within these

warring communities, social decay, disease, poverty, violence, all seems to be a daily

occurrence in these non-White enclaves. This is a problem because the record of this shows

that they are bringing us down as a people, as they multiply.

e. Despite the growing numbers of our People discovering this all out for themselves, mega media

industries have suppressed any of this news from us while giving this knowledge to the

growing non-White world. The measurable factor of this is seen in the decaying of our high

society as they infiltrate Our Civilization. This is because they leave one slum to create another

where we Adamites pack up and head for higher ground, literally! The major players involved

begin with the major power structure able to rally other societies within the Country and

without, to support them in this war effort against Our Civilization.

f. The opponents of our People throwing out words of “hope,” “unity”, “change,” and “forward”

haven’t fixed. Murders are still happening! Child molestation is still a huge problem!

g. Our opponents are in fact hurting us! Not only is our opposition softening up the Judges to let

them criminals off easy to rape Our Civilization again, the murder rate and child molestation

rate are both increasing wherever our society is riddled with the pre-Adamite. The act is

homegrown terrorism, concocted by a political elite!

h. And as the World collides because of this corruption and further divide, our unity will grow

and pick up the reigns and enter in an Age of transition where we will again find Redemption

for our Adamic Race.

4 The Opposition Within-

a. In looking at the folly of this downward spiraling of Our Civilization wherever it succumbs to

the pre-Adamite, we [members of the great Adamic Race] are not exempt from being included

as a part of the problem. This is seen when We stand by watching as they, our racial opposition,

continues to degrade our Country within down to a Third World from hence these non-Whites

came. For, rather than continuing on with the progression of Our Civilization, Streets crumble

beneath the crumbling structures around, as the gutters are littered with piles of trash through

unchecked concern for Our resources.

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5 Why We Unite-

a. So what are We, children of the long-standing legacy as Adamites to do about the decaying

down of our World? Our opposition would tell us obviously not to do anything. They will tell

us that we “would be wasting our time, as too many have already been lost”. They would tell

us that our “opposition is too great, that we might lose our job, or worst, get harassed and

sentenced to scrutiny, or jailed!” They will tell us all of the negative things, instead of ways to

build Us up. No matter what, our enemy hates Us and is out at work to destroy Us by destroying

our unity, or any sense of it.

b. To combat this decaying down of Our Civilization, we must stand up and resist and put forth

our time to getting involved as responsible heirs to the Land we inherited by a People that

proved already to being creators, and not the destroyers we are witnessing through the non-

White world. We unite to be that society which aims to bring peace to the World through the

knowledge of industry and progress, not guns, bombs and germs.

c. What unity will do against the injustices waging on against our People is the buildup of the

strength of our Race through securing our Homeland to prevent witnessing Our own genocide.

It’s the only way we can shape our World to become safe from the world at war around us.

This is because the world wages a war that is ruining our own ecology, and has set us back

from progressing. It is through our great divide that allows the enemy to take advantage of our

unawareness to their hideous deeds, as they sweep us from within our own Country. We know

through history that the way they set us back or hold us down is observable in almost any

decaying society where the voice of the enemy has grown louder than the opposition. It is seen

in the fact that, there in their possession lies a social plan that aims to move us forward only as

fast as the slowest members of the society are capable of moving.

d. Race has grown in the United States of America to mean everything for the non-White, while

our White Race is their burden. While our Race exists, there remains for them an obstacle

along their path to progression. So their remedy to climb is to get rid of Us. Nationality and

culture obviously for these non-White groups are secondary to their racial unity, as seen when

groups like the New Black Panther Party, together with the Nation of Islam and the Coalition

of Black Churches are able to unite when racially motivated to do so. Therefore, race is seen

as a physical characteristic to them too, like us, which is not reversible or changeable as

nationality and cultures are.

e. The races are absolute for all, as race is physical and nationality and culture is metaphysical.

While nationality and culture can be hidden, as anyone can undress, our skin is wrapped around

our racially structured bones. This very racial observation is seen in the differences between

special privilege rights set for races that do not apply to the White boys dressing like the Negro

while acting like the Negro, as it doesn’t even apply to the handicapped.

f. There have always been individuals born into our high society who suffers with learning

disabilities, or physical handicaps preventing them full participation. But these same

handicapped individuals haven’t been included into the same genre of grouping as the non-

White world. Even while society has given birth to the handicapped, Our Civilization still

continued to expand.

g. It was not until the non-White world moved in to Our Civilization, either after we freed them

upon us, or let them loose, or opened our flood gates to pour in the oppressed non-White world,

did we even begin to include slowing down our progress for them. This move to slow down

our progress was only to satisfy them as a special group to be dealt with, with special policies

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to fit into their own social strata. And because they are moving at a much slower pace than we

to progression, we have to wait, as they creep along through life.

h. Instead of buying guns to hunt, or to practice the right to bear arms in self-defense, these

criminals in society are using them on others within the same society; thus, causing more anti-

gun law initiatives. Because they are throwing violence unto Our neighborhoods, more policies

are being passed to combat this crime wave. This is why we are less free as the non-White

world moves in bringing their mindset on gang (tribal) activity with them from hence they

came. More policies are made to combat them, rather than just taking them out of the picture

all together so as to rid ourselves of their purpose to destroy Us.

i. For the sake of Civilization, what seems better to remedy its decay because of a people bringing

it down for having less moral standards [whatever that means] than Us? Should there be more

legislation made to pass a bill to act as a temporary medication, which are the new policies and

policies on top of the old, or added to them to prevent criminals? Or should We remedy the

declining standards of Our Civilization brought about by a corrupt people by removing the

cause altogether, by removing them from Us? Think of the Abolitionist in terms of abolishing

any perceived act of injustice to a group or people. Abolitionism once was the movement to

end slavery in America. The revival of today’s Abolitionist should begin the movement to end

the forceful act of injustice upon our Adamic Race by forcing the worst elements of society

living among us to go elsewhere.

j. The solution for any such cancer to anybody is to quickly remove it from the area to eliminate

the continued degradation occurring upon its surface. By doing this, the natural cycle of life

will again return and replenish the fragile ecology. And this is exactly what our youth should

be brought into this World in. We should focus on bringing them into Our civilized World of

freedom and unity, not focused on creating for them a Country in bondage, choked by [broken]

laws, and surrounded by savagery.

k. A World which focuses on moving forward, achieves the spiritual strength needed to a planet

whose life is redeeming itself healthily, rather than it all failing on down into decay and

annihilation wrought by a people incapable and unwilling to help us manage it.

Site: IV

Resource Management


Resource Essentialism

1 The Struggle Persists-

a. Because of the abundant water supply found and secured by Our ancestors upon this planet,

followed by the abundant sources of food and shelter they were able to obtain, Our species, the

White Adamic Race, has been on the rise in our growth and racial progress. Our life-giving

planet has been as a great care giving womb for our Race, in so much that giving back all we

use to recycle on to our future generations is necessary to the future survival of our People.

This planet provided for our Kind life and all that helped us grow; we are at her service to keep

her up on her tasks by managing our own World better to help her help Us.

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b. For any growing society, the responsibility of the working force to provide for the food and

security in a growing competitive World, acquiring the needs while our opposition lurks to

stop Us has become our basic everyday struggle. While our resources are being exhausted

faster than it is being replenished, we look to the cause and find a world of need and want

without any idea on how to get it.

c. Our People have been able to solve many of the World’s problems to where Nigerian tribal

leaders look to our knowledge of Civilization to survive, more than they do their own

government, which too depends on the outside civilized World for aid. Many of the so-called

Third World Nations are from a race that has all too often relied on the so-called First World

because of the folly of their own people unable to unite. This is because corrupt government

officials will horde or rape the land bear of resources for their own lust to power, not for the

people, but power unto themselves. They lack seeing individualism responsibly.

d. Unlike our racial opposition today where our White Adventurers left the Nation’s countryside

in search of goods elsewhere long ago, still, whatever they discovered, they brought back and

shared the information to their Civilization we today have now inherited! And this is how our

People have been able to branch out. Working together to build the Civilization as individuals

is the mindset of this, our noble People.

e. All of this activity to survive that persists in all organisms upon the surface of a planet teaming

with life and death, shows us that a struggle persists amongst all of them to find their own piece

of real-estate wherever the chance is possible. If they do not persist to struggle, they become

homeless and more vulnerable to the predation of the more elite organisms seeking them out.

This is why all organisms fight to defend their habitat from predators. This is why there are

both predator and prey on this planet. Organisms, as observed through Science, struggle to

claim a place to find refuge in for their own one mission, to procreate and to add to the kind

where others compete for the same territory to benefit their own.

2 The Opposition Of Our People-

a. Wherever one life form finds security within its own piece of real estate anywhere suitable for

its young ones on this planet, whether it is under a blade of grass, highest and most secure cliff

side, or the deepest most part of the Ocean, generations are able to grow within such haven

secured by their Forebears. This is because of their unity that provides them with the numbers

to resist predators that stalk the loners of the world.

b. Most of us are here because we were born in or around this beautiful Country of ours, and grew

up because of the choices and fight in our ancestors. They brought us here unscathed at a time

they had to find and make it for themselves amongst the competing races surrounding the same


c. The root of our Race has reached deep into the history of this Land. And within the security of

these magnificent and diverse places that our environment is, that they had captured for Us,

the rise of this same youth has now come of age to take back the reigns of our destiny to control

our time here on Earth. We unite to redeem our Homeland for our Race’s benefit with or

without the permission of our racial opposition!

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Site: V

The Stand Off

1 The Warning-

a. From our own life experiences, we are taught along the way many things that are quite startling

when we capture it happening before us and begin thinking about it. For our youth, they will

grow up knowing about not only past wars and battles, all of which could have been

catastrophic for the conquerors (who got to write their own history to tell about their conquered

foe on the battlefield), but they will come to know of rumors of future wars too.

b. From personal experiences we have in our lifetime and in our Civilized World, we have been

warned of some coming wrath that will occur in the near future called by several names, all of

which have the same destructiveness behind them. Such household names commonly

promoted by many of today’s fear mongering groups and their leaders are: the Armageddon,

Rapture, Nuclear Holocaust, Police State, Government round up, FEMA Camps, Depression,

Civil War Two (in the U.S.A.), Fourth Reich, Race War, and World War III. The list of events

of wrath to come soon goes on and on as to our uncertain future plight.

c. Leaders [our Leaders] are telling us of the coming break up of our Country, even! We hear of

the “Red” Chinese threat, when during last century, we feared the Soviets. Our Leaders drilled

us to prepare for the worst. Those of us from those Cold War years can recall days in the

classroom where the drills occurred to straighten out our thinking. We heard the ringing of the

alarm sound as we were ordered to “duck and cover” underneath our desk! Some of us

experiencing these drills knowing why they were practiced, feared the possibility of an actual

war with the Soviet Union occurring. This fear kept us up with the possibility of there in fact

being an attack from Soviet Russia.

d. For years, growing up with the possibility of the threat of the many examples, such as the

Rapture, Armageddon, a Nuclear Holocaust, Civil War Two, Race War, surely we would want

to know how such possibilities might arise. For the sake of surviving through such events,

surely we would want to be prepared to withstand even the beginning of any threat to an Era

of destruction.

e. For those who are tired of the many possible outcomes to our uncertain future, to then succumb

to giving up interest in the effort of providing security to the community against these supposed

wraths, only to thus drop their guard from looking around, have they at the same time given

up offering security to their neighbor. Giving up on preparing against any such possibility of a

future catastrophe during their own lifetime, because of where they got to grow up in, is

common today where a generation has never experienced such past that war torn Countries

have recently experienced.

f. Most Americans, for example, have never seen war, never experienced a depression and never

experienced a Regime-change occur in their lifetime. This doesn’t mean it can’t happen to

them. They just want to pretend mostly that it won’t, for the peace of mind to live in peace.

g. The idea that the United States of America is bankrupt, that there in fact is a Chinese threat

that wants to move in to take its place, that many World Powers do in fact have a nuclear bomb,

that wars from rumors of wars have come to pass, that there have been genocides, that Empires

and Nations do and have fallen, the dilemma we possibly could face are seemingly more certain

when we list such events occurring in our time, which signifies its potential.

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h. The growing numbers of another ethnic group and race that is changing the census of the

United States of America, as more illegal immigrants enter its borders, thus changing the face

of this Country, is but the ways of changing times. Riot after riot (war), also shows an internal

struggle where control of our Country was lost. This is but the accepted reality within the Black

population when they do not get their way, as observed through Black America’s inner cities.

i. There is much talk today about a coming Race War. There is growing concern with the

developing stories of an ongoing Race War in the Southern California City of Los Angeles

between the Black and Brown races. How much more fomented this Race War between them

can get, is rather irrelevant when looking at this Race War as a warning for our People that it

could just happen to Us. How far from home it hits us creates the urgent desire within each of

Us to prepare against it. Lessons from the past are replete with examples of how to deal with

all of these possible calamities being wrought upon Us today.

2 The Race War-

a. What are we to do about these most certain events unfolding all around us? Are we to just go

to work feeling the security that our National Guard is ready to defend us when shit hits the

fan? Are we to give the burden of this threat of war over our heads to our children? Are we to

ignore this calamity until it hits us, and then react? Do we just turn the other cheek when

bombarded with the rivaling hatred upon Us, growing ever more as our People settle into the

night on their comfortable couches? While our People sit behind the 3DTV tube while

watching end-of-days movies such as 2012, and Armageddon (which are but hints and

reminders for possible events to occur sometime in our future), similarly equally catastrophic

events are occurring today. These events have been targeting these ignorant members of

society blindsided for millennia. These are events that are being aimed at them while they only

trip on what they see in the tube. While they sit idly by, our enemy is outside as the have-nots

lusting for Our defeat. And we must come to recognize the remedy against this burden

developing within Our Civilization in any given location that will save Us.

b. The answer for our ancestors who brought us here after having in fact suffered the same

questions for their own self-preservation before, and have been faced to act to win (and win

they did!), is to repeat their same quest for survival their ancestors took before them. We act

now against the growing threat upon Us today, our youth tomorrow won’t have to suffer.

c. The history of racial and ethnic conquest teaches us that only the ways of the primitives lose all

foresight to struggle and thus fail miserably to fulfill any objective to success. And to eternal

extinction they go! Oblivion takes with it all who so fails to hold on to the straight and narrow

of life in this called “Race War”.

d. Having throughout time wherever our Race (so ambitious to growing, yet so easily sucked into

the world, that in itself stands against progression) fell into the hands of those struggling for

power, we have the recorded proof as to how this took place and why.

e. There are many individuals today who disagree with us and will continue to oppose us in our

own racial endeavors, just as every one of us has an opposition to keep us moving along in our

own continuous journey through life. Our past shows us that there will always be opposition.

Wherever we have gone throughout our racial sojourn, our Race has always met its match. It

is as if a pairing off from good old Mother Nature herself has been enabling Us to keep on

climbing alongside those who are matched to make Us move further and faster under the desire

for security they want to take should we in securing peace in our time, fail. They take what we

lose; we are forced to find a match we can individually overcome below the step we lost to the

more dominant. So, down the pyramid of power we go until we desire to climb and win. Our

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match is met throughout life in our time, so too are those who do not wish Us the right to

existing tomorrow.

3 Our Sacred Right And Duty-

a. Just as all living organisms struggle along life with an opposition, the climb for the right to

exist has been the greatest endeavor of every life form. Where the human kind fights equality

within the human realm, the still mysterious universe is nurturing the threat to the existence of

our entire Earthly human population. And with this struggle within the races of the World, will

it grow to take on and overcome against all possible threats lurking still around us all.

b. History teaches us that only the tolerant succumbs eventually to the intolerant. For it is the

intolerant who has devoted to the cause of fitting the structure of life to that which is most

pleasure-some. It is the tolerant that will tolerate succumbing to the intolerants’ quest in

fulfilling this need.

c. We Adamic racialists feel strongly that it is our sacred right and duty to stand against Our

opposition. It is through Our opposition that has become our greatest stumbling block to Our

own progression. This opposition of ours believes that We haven’t the right to speed up in our

own advancement and aim for progress. Today, this massive push against Us is already

recorded in our time as ready proof to show the World that Our progress has indeed slowed

down. Times are different from the way it used to be for our People. While the Third World

only complains for “more” that they did not have before, We complain for having “less” then

what We had yesterday.

d. It is not fair or polite to complain in the same society where Third World peoples are aiming

to achieving too. We are told to tolerate this transformation of our Power, to become their

power. Society has pushed us away from allowing ourselves to getting too close to achieving

victory where they [our opposition] continue to aim in getting for themselves. This is due in

part because we have for too long allowed others to force Us into submitting to slowing down

for the weaker individuals who are included into a whole class of their own. This class is known

as the ‘minority class’. This class is a status, and it gives every one of them privilege to Our

Civilization that we have to face scrutiny to obtaining. Such privileges are the right to

progression as an individual, and as a People.

e. Several growing political groups in many major Cities, on the other hand, are stalking our Race

across America today. These non-White races individually are far fewer in numbers when

compared to ours in politics and in many other high levels of society. But still, when these

same individual minority groups unite to then gang up against us (Blacks with Chicanos, Jews,

Whites, Asians, Mulattos, Mestizo, Homosexuals etc.,) only then is it obvious that our numbers

do in fact show inferior to theirs. To reverse this growing trend in the United States of America

now is also looking like a struggle between David and Goliath, although we know who won.

f. Thus, we know just who we are as an identity! We are a People whose role on this planet is to

achieve in seeking the pace of life needed for the journey upwards towards progression.

Wherever we find opposition, our ancestors then showed Us how to overcome. They showed

Us by example through them that achieving victory comes through struggle. This is why they

[our ancestors] were able to make for themselves and for Us, Countries in which to determine

their own Laws, and to set the pace in life in accord to their will, rather than being forced to

tolerate in working for a Welfare State by the planet’s Aborigines ganging up on Us.

4 The Spectrum Of Social Unity-

a. Our will is to act as the redeemers of an ancient legacy. This ancient legacy is Our drive

forwards in a world looking to the backwards past. And while those individuals within our

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Republic who are aiming to stop Our progression have unleashed the enemy without to become

the enemy within, We therefore are here today Northwest of the standoff developing all around

Us. This standoff is between growing new ideals developing in several parts of the United

States of America, aimed to breaking it off into new Sovereign Nations, States, Nation States,

Territories, or just Countries without the need of the, or a Constitution (this means the United

States of America will not exist within them).

b. Those who live in those areas when this happens could be stuck in them without outside help.

Those more fortunate might get to leave. Those fortunate may get out of dodge and seek refuge

in safer Countries. But all in all, the people of the Americas will get more choices to pick their

government. Some of the new Countries will not be democratic to allow its inhabitants any

right to choose to leave alive. Some will rule with an iron fist. Such sad experience for the

unlucky has proven possible because it is happening today in many Countries around the world

where the people do not have freedom to choose what to say in public. We should expect any

outcome that happens elsewhere around the World to happen where the people most commonly

have kept the tradition.

c. Look to the law of attraction as a part of the uniting factor today to discover where the ills of

any group in society come from! Such observation will give Us today a decent prediction as to

how any people will be treated as subjects to a reigning people, or how they will rule. People

of the same mind do attract each other to themselves, just as “birds of a feather flock together”.

Gangs are a prime example of getting an idea what they will do to a community when in control

by how they are right now and how they have been conducting in the past.

d. Any people can be viewed by looking into this spectrum of social unity. Those who are yearning

to go back to “the old ways” they have in their heritage who are the same people, as literal

distant cousins sharing their genetic compatibility with those who wish for the same, are

seeking a better more secured place for themselves, not for others [the outsiders]. They build

their world through social unity to get along, and to feel the bond strong enough to defend one

another. And when united to rule, there are some important things to know before one considers

falling to their power. For example, the Aztec traditionalist yearns to go back to his Aztec

roots, which consists of the religion of human sacrificing. We can expect this people rooted in

the Aztec way to go back to human sacrificing soon after they get their power back, just as We

could expect an Inquisition as soon as the Catholic Church takes over, or some similar kind of

Holocaust should the Nazi Party again take control.

5 Racial Opposition-

a. While we look to the present at how much further we have in store for Us in the near future

based off of what we can see from Our past, our attention should be placed upon the growing

trends of major Cities throughout this Republic. In looking, we observe that this Era has

become the most violently divided Era of all times in our Country, second to the many warring

tribes of pre-Columbian Amerindians (so-called American Indians). We have the former

United States of America broken up into North, East, South, Southwest, Midwest, West, and

Northwest. Within each of these locations are the still dividing groups, all of whom seeks to

greatly change the Country to fit in with their own agenda. The Southwest part of the United

States of America is divided into little enclaves of ethnic communities weary of outsiders. This

is true in that a literal Race War, between both the Black and Brown races have captured

National attention. Democracy un-checked allows for the dividing up of our Country to the

highest bidders able to pay for votes and win elections. Ethnic groups, together with their racial

kin, each are focused on making Our ancestor’s Civilization a World where our People and

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Our Civilization are eradicated to benefit the growing non-White world. They are doing this


b. The South is witnessing its own dilemma, while the East at the same time is witnessing a major

struggle between the growing tribes through the Wall Street thugs. Since Wall Street took over

our Nations’ financial structure, giving them power to lay down the laws through dabbling into

the Country’s resources to determine the range at which Our money is spent—and at the

expense of the unborn—a majority of U.S. Americans have felt the burden they have brought

upon all of us.

c. Added to our dilemma is the path at which other parts of the American Continent have

succumbed to where few White men, women and youth dare venture into. The Chicago gang

shows a trend of Black racialism at the most radical level, as Blacks dominate the political

scheme of one scandal after the other. Hollywood politics likewise has shoveled enough moral

filth unto the youth this past millennium to show where they stand on the issue of morality.

With a ‘black list’ of theirs that is social and political in nature, politics in Hollywood has

become one sided on issues. It has become so bias to diverse views to the extent that anyone

not with them on any one particular issue, are recorded on this ‘black list.’ Anyone ‘black

listed’ is then forever band from working in Hollywood.

d. The Wall Street thugs are included into being racial as they are also very pro-Israel, as they too

are very pro Jewish. They have also let the American people down for hindering the financial

security of the Country’s future youth. Trillions of dollars we didn’t have to spend were spent!

Today, the United States of America is over 16 trillion dollars in debt! Where has all of the

money gone? Hundreds of millions of American people want to know.

e. Each of those political fronts to their scheme for world domination that they would love to take

hold of, are racial. The Hollywood politicians are wholly pro-Israel, almost bias on left-wing

and right-wing orientation when they do not support Jewish interests. The continuity of our

People is the least of their concern, as Hollywood is well known to being left-wing leaning and

almost wholly pro-Jewish. Anyone opposed openly to any of Israel’s war policies in the Middle

East is quickly silenced in Hollywood as an “Anti-Semite”. It is a sight to behold where

Hollywood politics is leading our People. It is loud in its support for Jewish “this and that”,

but silent and almost pushy when it comes to the decaying of Our racial well-being.

f. Chicago politics too has a racial tint to it. From the Mafioso Sicilians of the past who worked

the Streets in the early parts of the 19th and 20th centuries having been chased out in order to

make way for sprawling Mulatto and Black metropolis today, Chicago politics has become

what it is. It has become an avid supporter of left-wing and right-wing initiatives, one after the

other—as long as it is not aligned with our own racial posterity.

g. Marxism has found its place in the crumbling façade that once gave birth to men and women

of the Noble Class. In 2011, the Justice Department has declared Chicago the number one most

corrupted City in the United States of America. It now has become the City of turmoil and

much gang activity. It is confusing to wonder whether the Blacks from Chicago are coming

out of the Street gangs or whether they are from a radical Marxist front such as ACORN, like

the first Black President of the United States of America, as the money trail between them,

shows. Either way we see it, the Chicago gang is stepping up to the plate in this struggle to

inherit the power of Globalization. For it was through this Chicago gang that tweaked

democracy in New York State to stop an election from benefiting our People.

h. And this is our case in point. Cumulative voting is a system of voting available to around fifty

communities deemed special communities across the United States of America. It is associated

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to many as ethnically bias, as it takes from the very principles of democracy, being majority

rules. But when the vote of the majority is in favor of Whites, then social engineering comes

in to rig the turn out. This is where ‘cumulative voting’ comes to the forefront of democracy.

i. The case in point is shown when a New York community of non-White Hispanics found power

to work the White people of New York State, allowing for the one Non-White Hispanic vote

to count for six times that of one White candidate running for the same Office. This sabotage

on democracy allowed for the Non-White Hispanic to win the election. This move against us

was unconstitutional, and racist; yet, this just goes to show the ready need for us here to use

such actions against us as ready evidence against them.

j. Another case in point to this unity of the races is ‘race politics,’ such as the Congressional Black

Caucus (CBC) and its closed-door policy to all non-African Americans, non-Blacks, or non-

Negroes. Such Caucus [organization] is open only to so-called, “people of Color”.

6 Telling Signs Of Collapse-

a. The ball is already rolling against our People in the very democracy that our Forebears founded,

and goes to show also what just happens when a generation lets loose their own slaves upon

the Civilization their own Forebears created for them, the same Civilization We inherited. As

the saying goes, “never let a rattlesnake go free in your room!” The trend of decay as soon

as they are let lose to being free to lay waste upon us has become our greatest stumbling block

in Cities they take over, like Chicago, Illinois and Detroit, Michigan, for example.

b. It is common to hear in our day the citizenry crying foul where one scandal arises after the

other. With the help of Hollywood politics, and the Chicago gang, and the Wall Street thugs at

work for their own political motifs that are obviously Third World in nature, the power from

Washington D.C. shows some lose bearings.

7 Identity Crisis- a. The 44th president of the United States of America switched sides all of a sudden with his

allegiance to a great part of the Country. Not only has he gone from campaigning as a bi racial

individual back in 2008, to switching instantly to being a member of the Black race after being

elected, as a member of the Chicago gang, he has taken sides with the Wall Street thugs. He

has also appointed only members of Wall Street to give him financial advice on matters ranging

from States, National and International. Forget that there are experts in the field of agriculture

in the Midwest, or in the South; forget that there are industrial experts in places like Detroit;

forget experts from Silicon Valley. His policies lies along whatever the Wall Street thugs offer.

But still, more and more Latinos, Blacks and Jews have risen in ranks, carrying more baggage

full of scandal than the Hollywood politicians have complained about. From the Association

of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) scandal this Chicago gang member

created, to his controversial place of birth, or his true biological father’s identity [which is still

up for debate (and a case the State of Arizona has taken very seriously)], alongside his

apologetic kowtowing campaigns to other World leaders for America’s folly in the past, the

United States of America is witnessing a rise in race favoritism.

b. Take these three examples the First Black President of the United States of America has given

us during three separate occasions with regards to the race issue in America during his recent

time in Office:

1) Recall the first of the three incidences when White Cambridge Police Officers in Cambridge

Massachusetts arrested a Black Harvard Professor in 2009 outside of his home. The first

Black President of the USA said the “Police acted stupidly.”

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2) And recall thereafter that same year in 2009 when during the Music Television Awards

ceremony, a Black Hip-Hop Artist, who once by the way commented a few years prior on

national television that, “George Bush doesn’t care about Black people!” interrupted

Awardee and White Country Pop Singer, Taylor Swift. This Black racist walked up to her

on stage, and grabbed her microphone to declare another Negro R&B singer as having a

better video. The first Black President of the USA called him a “Jack ass”, thus boosting

the ratings of the Negro Hip-Hop Artist by being the one artist on this planet to have the

number one most powerful Office holder (supposedly) to broadcast to the world and

further, to an endless journey through the airwaves his presents, thus making him an even

more powerful individual.

3) Last but not least, recall the Not Guilty verdict of the murder of a 17 year old Negro kid

from Florida shot by a non-White Hispanic community watch activist after calling him

“…creepy ass Cracka…!” [A derogatory phrase for a White individual used by the Black

race], the first Black President in the USA commented that “If I had a son, he would have looked like…” the murdered Black kid.

c. Added to this case against our racial opposition should be the 2011 orders to the U.S.

Department of Justice under the first Black President of the USA to lower Police Recruit scores

for Blacks in Dayton, Ohio.

d. Now the first Black President of the USA has a Black, or rather, a Mulatto buddy he gave the

position of Attorney General to, who not once, but twice turned down possible landmark cases

of which involved the New Black Panther Party, that soon thereafter would announce to a

crowd of Black people that “If you want freedom, you going to have to kill some Crackers…your going to have to kill some of their [referring to Our White] babies.”

Because the first Black President of the USA [many people believe] subscribes to the same

racist Black Liberation theology as the first Black Attorney General of the USA, the rise of the

Negro against our People has been an increasing sight for White victims.

e. During the 2008-voter intimidation allegation issue against the New Black Panther Party for

wielding clubs at a voting booth to keep White voters away from outvoting the first Black

President of the USA and the first Black Attorney General of the USA, the outcome marked

the show of things still to come. The first Black Attorney General under the First Black

President of the USA dropped the charges against them. Furthermore, when the same New

Black Panther Party announced publicly for the bounty and reward of anyone bringing forth

the non-White Hispanic for the murder of the same Florida Black kid shot to death [who would

have looked like the first Black President of the USA’s son], the first Black Attorney General

of the USA did not pursue the possible federal level crime against the New Black Panther Party

for raising a bounty themselves.

f. These two ‘firsters’ of the Black race had already given us in the Adamic Race a preview of

more race favoritism directed to Blacks instead of Us to light. Seeing this for young Blacks

already opens the door for more Blacks to unite against Us for their own progression, to at the

same time prevent us from climbing. From the looks of the ‘firsters’ of the Black race, the

racial conflict in the USA is not improving. It shows an attempt of redeeming the Black race,

if their place of power they claim in the past, ever existed.

8 Our Right To Progress-

a. Because we [members of the Adamic Race] have the right to progress, and because of the

obvious war that involves every race on this planet, individuals are fast choosing sides. Those

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who resist the Chicago gang are quickly labeled as right wing extremists, so too are those

resisting Hollywood politics and the Wall Street thugs. Today, those who oppose any attempt

to disrupt the progress of our People are labeled right-wingers, as if the left is against us—to

the contrary!

b. The aborigines to this same planet that our Forebears of the past found the riches of the World

on for our racial progress today, have used the dividing up of ideas in ideology that are nothing

more, against something as real as race. While the right wing and the left wing are only ideals,

our People exists to claim all willing participants of this great mission to secure us, where it

has fallen into the hands of a people seeking our destruction, a place of refuge for our own next

of Kin.

Site: VI

Reclamation of Our Inhabitation

1 Forbidden Archeology, And Our Forbidden History-

a. Before us in our time, the World stage is in a debate stirring in circles between scholars,

researchers, and people who just flat out want to know the truth concerning the subject of

archeology in the Americas, and those who want the past silenced.

b. A variety of clues have been unearthed and uncovered by Archeologists and diggers of artifacts

and monuments found all over the American Continent, that suggests the so-called natives

alive and around the finds today are not the original inhabitants and architects, as once

previously thought by Western and Eastern societies. Only through the true Aborigine’s view

of this Continent, before Christopher Columbus, and now of course, the Vikings, is history

closed and kept secret and well-guarded, and for good reasons for themselves as a people.

c. There is a conflict between those who record and write history. The conflict between written

histories is where the title Forbidden Archeology has been termed to the study of Archeology

staking claims to historic sites where evidence to debunk history taught in the same circles

protecting the truth from being told is occurring. Because, not only are these structures and

events of the past being studied, telling a much different story written about and told by

yesterday’s Archeologists and Historians, the finds are proving their historical view of the

Americas as only half truths.

d. The finds here upon this Continent the further we dig and piece together what was left by

ancient builders of civilization upon this Continent, predating the arrival of Christopher

Columbus’s landing and the Viking settlements [which even predates Columbus by about 500

years], are the remnants of evidence left over from earlier ancient Whites having lived here, or

visited herein as far back as nine thousand years ago. Whatever the truth concerning the past

upon this Continent is, while the World argues over these finds, skeletal remains are also being

unearthed and recovered for research of members of our Race who lived here thousands of

years ago.

e. There is amazing evidence that refutes the claims today that we as Adamites are an invading

Race upon this Continent, which we are told to believe we haven’t the right or place to be here.

We are told by the cult following against what they call “Forbidden Archeology” that We

should all “Go back to Europe!”

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f. The bone make up within the body of our Race is unique unto us. Amazing new finds have

been occurring all over this Continent telling us as a Race that we are where we belong. These

finds have been made in the southernmost tip of South America, up through Central America,

and into the Eastern United States of America and Pacific Northwest, of bones of ancient

inhabitants upon this Continent of the same one Adamic Race that yet again walks upon it

today. The same Race we belong to are imprinted into a window of several thousand years of

struggle against the people that chased them out and who’s descendants today are forcing the

silence of our racial Kindred from being known from within the grave on this American


g. We can see our racial opposition as the same racial opposition our Race for thousands of years

faced, wherever we are told to hush up about these truth-telling finds. This is because of the

status our racial opposition gave us as a Race, which is a negative one. We have been deemed

as the invaders of a people who claim to have discovered this Continent first, that they are the

only ones to have lived here free from our Race, until of course the Vikings landed around

1000 C.E. and then Christopher Columbus and crew, in 1492 C.E.

h. We on the other hand believe (because of the developing new finds here on this American

Continent), that we have the right to re-ignite our power upon this, our Promise Land, as a

Home-Coming after once having been eradicated by the same forces working to silence us


i. Today we have a mighty opportunity to reclaim our piece of the World’s Globe for our united

racial redemption upon this American Continent. Where we are nationally and culturally

diverse, and individually drawn to unite together as one Race, our racial opposition will have

no influence upon our youth to lie to.

j. Our Race, our youth, our World, is once again unified upon this Continent through the

individuals whose origins are of nationalities from Europe, Middle East and throughout Asia,

who are of the same Race that are being found here upon this American Continent to have been

buried hundreds and thousands of years ago. Today, we have the evidence that speaks for us

as a Race with a history upon this Continent. Our reclamation of our inhabitation is precisely

due in part; that we believe this evidence of archeological sites of our vanished Race concludes

our relationship to this Continent. It is a discovery worth more than the price of all the gold in

the World. For the ruins and burial sites we are uncovering tells us that we, children of Adam,

do have a stake in this claim upon this very American Continent. And how to bind our Race to

reclaim our choice bastion for ourselves here, is found in the many Nations of our one Race

coming together as a part of this redeeming effort.

Site: VII

One Race, One World, and how We will Keep It

1 Our United Nations-

a. When Nations of the same Race unite, there are bound to be rough edges as a result. But in the

new mix between the two merging Nations, huge possibilities have historically proven

beneficial for them in securing their World from a cruel and savage world.

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b. Long ago, two Nations within the same Race, Anglos and Saxons, merged to become the

Anglo-Saxon alliance. Together, they built the British Empire. Merging two Nations of the

same Race to become stronger has shown to make a people less divided. But even Nations

outgrow themselves, shown as the British stretched far out into the far reaches of this planet.

It was in the called New World that our people built a continuation of our concept of society

that can take us back to the Fertile Crescent that was ancient Mesopotamia, as the Anglo-Saxon

British touched what we have named, the American Continent. That journey into our past

shows us as the progenitors of a six to eight thousand (plus) years old tradition called


c. But old alliances do not always last in holding together what they once in the past created, for

it was the Anglo-Saxons, now in this New World against the Anglo-Saxon British of the Old

World that engaged head on against each other as two Nations within the same Race alliance

were forced apart where two vast Oceans divided them.

d. Together, as Anglo-Saxons from Britain against Anglo-Saxon Americans were torn apart by a

new social divide in the late 18th century, they gave rise to new achievements and new

discoveries. This divide is what achieved another branching out of the Bloodline as well to this

New World. And this occurred in front of the World stage. e. The Anglo-Saxon Colonies were caught in a decision-making opportunity of which would

determine the security of their own lives, literally! This decision was to come out into the

Streets and into battle formation to resist the tyranny of the more powerful British Anglo-Saxon

Elites. Either way, to resist their racial Kin so as to build the New World up to be free, or to

take up the fight and attempt to at least try, would surely risk lives had they not resisted and

revolted. They had to even request the aid from the French, which was still relying on members

of the same Race.

f. Not yet a World Superpower towards the end of the 18th Century, the American Anglo-Saxons

waited as British King George III set his British Redcoats upon the New World Colonies, as

he set them sailing in from England. Once they arrived ashore and rode into the Colonies on

horseback or marched in on foot, the turn of a new Century was then born. Upon the arrival of

the dispatched British Forces, the Americans appeared to have awakened suddenly. The

outcome won the Americans that anchor to boost the ego of the liberated. This is because the

liberators, which was through the Federal government of the East Coast Block of the United

States, pushed out the British World conquest as a Superpower. This outcome is why our

ancestors were able to move onto much greater social endeavors, taking civilization with them

across the vast wilderness of the American Continent.

g. Our Race’s historical endeavors have proven productive and proactive in building the needed

sanctuary for a healthy High Society. Such that our ancestors created before us are read about

and explored by us individuals looking into the past. These sanctuaries our ancestors created

for us were the ancient Mesopotamian, ancient New World civilizations in the Americas, Pre-

Egyptian civilization, Persian civilization, Indus Valley civilization, Greek civilization, Roman

civilization, onto the more modern era civilizations.

h. All of our ancestors throughout their constructing of their civilization have had an audience

from the outside who watched as our Race developed them. Such examples of a world audience

appeared again during and after the Colonial days, when along the eastern parts of the

American Continent, into what became the Industrial Revolution, the world on the outside

stood and watched as our People had built out of those two Eras another thriving High Society.

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i. The legacy of our Race shows us today that it wasn’t an easy endeavor for our racial Kin to

secure a sanctuary to build our Civilization. To build one High Society after the other took

even bloodshed after resisting oppression from an overly tyrannical government that wished

to suppress any further progress made by our developing Race. The non-White world watched

as our People kept the British (a World Superpower then) at bay after fighting off their tyranny

under absolutism over our People, that no other Race under their heel managed to do

themselves in the past.

j. Winning the New World for our American Anglo-Saxon Kin against the British Anglo-Saxons

had literally given rise to the ego needed for our People to progress. It set us on the World

stage as a rising Superpower. The success story of our racial Forebears past in wars has shown

that from it, the people are secured against the outside Forces waging war on the weaker

societies. It shows precisely that the oppressors move onto those weaker societies after failing

to oppress the strong ones.

k. Thus, our Foremothers and Forefathers as our Forebears secured us our World to one of power

because of our fighting spirit to unite Our Nations against oppression!

2 The Golden Age-

a. Similar to the history of America’s egoism in having gained its independence through war that

allowed it to boast of self-praise worthiness, the classical Greeks also saw a similar burst of

patriotism towards the Athenian and Spartan States for having put a stop to Persia’s

Imperialistic drive in 451 B.C.E.

b. This victory over the greatest Empire of that time, that was the Persian Empire, the Greeks

experienced a High Society occur afterwards known today as the Hellenic Period or Classical

Greek Period. This Period gave rise to the creation of the Acropolis, and the Greek statues of

marble, the arts and achievements known to the World as the Golden Age of Greece. This also

is the Era that the Greeks gave birth to the Olympic Games in. This is how the New World,

likewise, became what it was soon after the war against the greater British Empire in 1776

C.E., of which there would still come many more wars thereafter.

c. The United States of America played a big role in the expansion of our People across the globe

in the 21st century, almost 2,450 years after the Golden Age of Greece. Rather than having

spread out aimlessly without any direction or plan across the vast stretches of country and

Oceans, government has guided us along the way. Government gave us, our People, light in an

otherwise dark and savage world. Government along the path of our racial sojourn also built

Global connections in many ways and has been great for us in allowing for the greater

participation of the whole Race. It allows us as participants in the building up of our united

Home Front to be united under an Internationally Global Federation of one Race.

3 War And The American Way Of Life-

a. Ancient wisdom teaches that, when we know a system is corrupt, it is an act of courage to be

right when the government of that system is wrong. Another wise warning by an anonymous

Internet post proclaims that, “When exposing crime is treated as committing a crime, you are ruled by criminals.” Common sense tells us that at such a time a system should become

too big for it to defend its own people that system no longer is in control. Therefore, it should

be every generation’s patriotic duty to adhere to Thomas Jefferson’s famous statement, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

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b. To carry on what our Forefathers created through their unity, through their efforts in securing

for us this day Our Civilization, our aim is to press onwards to achieving progressive results to

Our development.

c. To carry on Our six to eight thousand year old tradition of government along the rest of our

seemingly endless sojourn, rather than letting it go to the world of savagery, that has always

been within our own existence, is a traditional way of living for our Race. This tradition of

living has been our rise to power over the institution-less and directionless existence of a world

lost to anarchy and war, and the tyranny that tried to hold Us down. We face a growing dilemma

evidently aimed at stopping our continuing progress. These are ethnic gangs that oppose us

today! And they continue waging war against each other within our communities even, and

without any end in sight! Such divide between the non-White worlds in one civilization are not

healthy for any society. Instead of aiming to include warring individuals to the benefits of

welfare in our Civilization, our unity as a whole, as a Race, Nations with Nations, would lead

us to a promising future of stability and progress.

d. While our wars were for self-preservation for the greater good of our People and Civilization,

what is in a fight if everyone tribe and individual comes in fighting for their own ego? Such is

what we see in the violence of today. While we fought and continue to fight for our Race and

Our Civilization, we are witnessing a darker world struggle in chaos through what today

Sociologists refer to as ‘Gang Warfare.’

e. These warring factions of gangs in our neighboring communities today are nothing new. We

must not lose our will now through becoming too sensitive to the offended enemy trying to kill

us. Our Forefathers too saw the same savagery when they observed the same warring factions

of tribes along their way westwards. Surely the members of the Aborigine Red race weren’t

willing to approve of the migration of our People west. And unlike the divide that created the

warring strife amongst the Red race tribes, the divide between our People was seen as rather,

an addition to our diversity, to help in shedding light on new and enlightening perspectives in

a New World for our People.

f. The Red race allied with the British to force our American Forbearers into the Atlantic!

g. Then came the conflict the young Government dreaded, the War of 1812. It changed the tide

of yet a possible defeat. While one of the authors of the Constitution of the United States of

America witnessed the sacking of Washington D.C. by the British Forces, nicknamed the

Redcoats, the outcome took a rather bazaar turn in our racial stand to hold on to the New World

and drive westwards.

h. Our ancestors drove on despite their own individual differences from other Whites north, south

and west, and pushed the dispersed resistance amidst the tribes of the Red race into sovereign

territories today called, Indian Reservations. Then our ancestors, who together under the New

World alliance making up all White Nations, had carved a Republic, and crossed a whole

Continent from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean.

i. After driving across a whole Continent in conquest for more security, and through the resisting

Red race, the Country of our Race, then divided between Anglo-Saxon North and Celtic South,

pulled together again after a bloody Civil War that lasted from 1861 C.E., to 1865 C.E. But

this war between two Nations within the same Race helped eventually keep the New World


j. The United States of America has engaged in 5 declared wars, and fought wars in countries

without even declaring war. Brought into one war after the other, since victory against the

British occupation was accomplished, along with the American Civil War of 1861 to 1865

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[1898 saw the Spanish-American War; 1916 to 1918 saw World War I; and 1942 to 1945 saw

World War II; 1950s to 1991 saw the Cold War against the Soviet Union; 1950 to 1953 saw

war in Korea; 1954 to 1975 saw war in Vietnam; 1990 saw the first Gulf War; 1992 to 1994

saw war in Somalia; 1995 saw war in Bosnia; 2001 to 2012 saw war in Afghanistan; 2003 to

2011 saw War in Iraq; and 2010 to 2011 saw war in Libya], has set the record straight in that

war is a part of the American [Our] way of life. The war profiteering has made the belly of

those individuals leading the war effort fat with the loot and spoils thus far made.

k. The terrible past experience of our Race having suffered the massive economic depression last

Century in the Stock Market crash of 1929, and the later Recessions both in 1987 and 2008, to

2011, just shows us the folly of these materialists. But through our racial unity, the Republic

holds together into the 21st Century. Where the claims of materials brought in by the spoils of

the continuous war efforts, then onto our current Century and Millennium, our People have

grown thin. Millions have perished in wars of the past and with them, the blood of our Race

too fell closer to ruins.

l. Our own society today in our time has shown us a people quick to take on the next person who

does wrong. Pulled by two paths these people could take (the pacifist approach and the type to

revenge where wrongs have been made), only the true avenger will inflict harm on the true

pacifist. We see this latter approach against our opposition, in that, Folks are quick to sue or

place harm upon them, only to so much as to hurt the opposition. Regardless of the children

“revenge” harms, the accusers are only satisfied after the opposition is crippled or utterly

destroyed, even if the children or youth are caught in the crossfires. This is all but a part of the

war we have waged upon each other. This is a war against our own selves, in our own society.

m. War is seen as the major cause of misery, genocide and hate. Whole generations are slaughtered

in its bloody path. But after all of these years of one war after the other, when shall we again

trust in experiencing just one generation of peace, if it has been witnessed by every generation

since the first war that secured our Republic on the World stage?

n. While war wages on outside of our Republic, and while past presidents send Our youth to

battles in distant foreign Countries that are non-White, race riots and other race conflicts are

being waged within its domestic Home Front. While there in Iraq, Shiites and Sunnis fight in

the same community of the same Country, in Afghanistan, tribes there too are in conflict

fighting to the death. Not only is the United States of America up against the two wars waging

on outside, as it is up against a conflict of suffering ethnic groups in the villages of both

Afghanistan and Iraq that are experiencing bloodshed under tribal warfare, it is also facing a

growing conflict within its own Home Front.

o. The scene of races and ethnicities killing each other within the same parcel of land, as Black

Street gangs [who are of the same race] fight each other in the same suburban Streets of Los

Angeles, offers us a glimpse of what is to come when we allow individuals set on an agenda

which calls for the extermination of others for being different. Such activity may not be serious

to some, but to others, the mission of racial superiority out ways the pacifists.

p. And so, here we are thus faced with a similar war before us. Such that we are experiencing is

growing out of the weakening of the United States of America as it crumbles beneath the feet

of the Chicago gang, Hollywood politics, and the Wall Street thugs who are tearing down the

stars and the stripes over a weaker ambition and weaker care to secure peace in our time. These

three political groups, among many others alike, are working together as a Force against our

Republic, against our values, and against the existence of our People. This has happened to us

so much so that we have found our struggle within the walls of the Great Northwest Rockies

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and Sierra Mountains on up through the mountain ranges leading us to the tip of Alaska. And

while we take up our position here against the growing world of Black Liberation Marxism

and Anarchy in the Streets of Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles (because Washington D.C.

has been silently overtaken by this growing new shadow government, all for the sake of

feelings and emotions of others over the continuity of our Race), the rounds have been

chambered and the bolts locked to the rear, while we aim at one another in this day’s modern

standoff between us and them.

4 Our Race And The World Stage-

a. From the resources of this same planet that are available to everyone, the rest of the world that

lived on it before our Race came into existence did almost nothing with it. For thousands of

years, hundreds of thousands of years even, they have lived on top of the same resources that

are available to build a high society.

b. The planet we are on is rich with resources! But non-Whites would be an ancient world forced

to watch on as our Race, the New World, brought the Old World further on towards

advancement and modernization called Westernization, to then take up a leading role in today’s

drive towards Globalization.

c. The process in which our Race took to get from an Industrial Age to a Post-Industrial Age, that

is Globalization, achieved step-by-step criteria that led us to the top of the struggling pyramid

of power. It took conquest under a unified people determined to win. Our Race used the same

planet that supported the Stone Age races for thousands of years. And rather than aiming to

cause genocide upon our White Race for being the driving force in this called Manifest Destiny,

our ancestors pressed onwards. This shows us that they praised our existence. And it shows

they understood well the racial uniqueness of the races surrounding them in their drive

westwards. There weren’t special privilege rights set for the pre-Adamic races being subdued

along the way. It was through a wall of White men and White women that pressed onwards

through them that secured us our Civilization. It wasn’t until they let loose their own slaves

upon themselves and left open the flood gates to Third World races, and began reading and

listening to another race, that our Civilization began to take on a whole new transition. And

this transition has become the obvious regime change from one Race [Ours] to become the

battle for the 21st Century involving all races and Nations struggling for the power for the

benefit of their own unity.

d. Our Race is still the great mentor of the races! It has climbed through the struggles of everyday

life with the same resources underneath our feet that has laid in wait for the benefit of a people

able to grasp its most useful capabilities.

e. Since the appearance of our Race on the World stage, it has proven to being the great developing

and creative People along the way.

f. Between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, called the Fertile Crescent (that is the land of ancient

Sumerian civilization to present), our records shows great achievements in using the land to

aid us in building greater tools to achieving the necessary means required for constructing

civilization. This civilization creating ability that showed up in time from around six thousand

years and perhaps 300,000 plus years ago, is with us in today’s metropolis and towns in our

great Pacific Northwestern Civilization.

5 A Bloody Legacy-

a. There is nowhere for Us to flee should all else fail far off in Washington D.C., when the evil

doings of the mobs from the Chicago gang, together with the Wall Street thugs and their fellow

Anti-Adamite Egalitarians swindle minds against our liberty, and together march forth towards

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Our Establishment. Our sanctuary is here! And we shall hold on to these parts of this planet

even as our opposition forces come marching in to rape our own Northwest Home Front to

feed their failing world and collapsed power. We must remember the legacy our ancestors left

us! It is a legacy telling us who we are, and Our mighty potential to resist through unity when

the world united against Us does decide to swarm in to try and strip us from Our right to


b. A place We shall refer to as our Home Front is where our Race will get to benefit the fruits of

the labor through the deeds of our predecessors. For it was through them, the ancestors of our

Race that helped shape our World to be one where we could be born as the Superpower, and

not into a World under oppression. Therefore, our fellow Kin then, thousands of years ago

sacrificed their lives for their next of Kin, us. And while we today seek for the reclamation of

our inhabitation, we look back at our records of development and see that we are a pedigree of

a People who have been active participants in modeling society with the promise of hope,

security and justice for all under the sanctuary of government and civilization. In such effort,

war has been the bloody legacy to get us to that point.

----Tour II----

Site: I

Lessons from the Roman Empire

1 How Rome Fell-

a. The Roman people in 509 B.C.E. founded the Roman Republic. The Roman Empire was

established through Augustus Caesar in 27 B.C.E., after the Republic (Laws of the People) fell

following the assassination of Julius Caesar in 44 B.C.E. This evinces the whole of the Roman

World to be broken into two Empires, the Western Roman Empire, and the Eastern Roman

Empire. The Western Roman Empire, established where the Italian Peninsula and Hispania

[Spain] were located, fell in 476 C.E. It wasn’t until the Ottoman Turks sacked and destroyed

the capitol city Constantinople in the year 1453 C.E., when the Eastern Roman Empire also


b. Rome in name lasted for about two thousand years [something like 1,962 years] as a way of

life for most of the Mediterranean World, in so much that the Mediterranean Sea was called

the Roman Lake. The two thousand years Rome lasted can be broken up into two parts; the

first 941 years it lasted on the Italian peninsula, to last another one thousand years before fading

away, elsewhere. Furthermore, Rome’s roughly two thousand years it lasted as an idea, in

identity, can be viewed into two phases. The first phase is when Rome was a Republic. That

phase lasted only for about four hundred sixty-five years before it fell into the hands of the

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elite few who molded Rome into an Empire before it would fade away well over one thousand

years later.

c. The heritage of the Roman government didn’t end in Rome—far from it. In fact, Rome’s

Empire, as most people do not know, ended in the Country that is known today as Turkey.

Back then, before 1920 C.E. (the year Turkey was given to the old Roman World), it was

Anatolia, better known as the Byzantine Empire. Constantine was the Roman Emperor who

converted to Christianity and relocated the Roman capitol to Constantinople on Anatolia in

330 C.E., the Eastern Roman Empire. It was there where Rome centuries later faded and was

eventually subdued in 1453 C.E., by the Ottoman Turks under the Turkish Sultan, Mehmed.

d. Sultan Mehmed was the great, great, great, great grandson of the architect who dreamed up the

Turkish Empire while it was still under Roman rule. The name of his Forebear was Osman, in

which the Ottoman Empire was named after centuries later.

e. The Byzantine Empire was the Roman Empire and is not common knowledge today, because

it is not often taught that the Roman Empire fell in the city of Rome itself before it as an Empire

depleted. We know that Rome was first destroyed in Rome itself, to then take its last stand on

the very same land that witnessed the fall of Troy. And Anatolia itself, being the same land the

Greek conquerors turned away from, is the legacy of arguably the greatest transfer of power

from one Country to the next. Even though the Roman Republic was founded in Rome itself,

on the Italian peninsula, it continued until its fall in another distant land as an Empire,

remarkably on the same Country that gave birth to the founding bloodline of Rome many

centuries before, on Anatolia, in Asia Minor.

f. What was it that drove the Caesar, or Emperor of the greatest Empire to move from the Country

it was founded in? Just as Aeneas led his people away from ground zero that had become of

the City of Troy at the hands of the Greeks, and just as earlier exodus’ had occurred where

certain doom awaited the people who stayed behind, Rome was witnessing an internal collapse

as the whole world had their eyes set on the richness and glory of Rome.

g. Rome was now the ‘world’ by the time Constantine became Caesar. And the Capitol City itself

while on the Italian peninsula was by then corrupted to the core. Already with a history of

villains rampant throughout the Senate and a traditional Republic by then lost to centuries of

imperialism, cleaning up Rome meant war, as the people in Rome along the Tiber River lost

the foresight of such unity to keep seeing the Roman way. This we know because history has

it that the whole Italian peninsula would fall to separate rivaling states, or territories suffering

from ailments and disease, famines and declined to the point of becoming what we know today

as the Dark ages of Europe.

h. It was this loss in Roman unity that opened the doors for other forces to move in. At once,

taking advantage of this most vulnerable state of the Romans, the Visigoths, led by Alaric I,

ransacked the very city of Rome on August 24th of 410 C.E. From a Republic, to a divided

people with Kings, Princes, Marquis, Counts and such royalties and their estates, Italy would

become a divided country for another five hundred years before it became one nation under

Italy, arguably in the year 1861 C.E.

i. The rest of the surrounding countryside that used to be under Roman rule went on to form into

other individual sovereign countries. Since the fall of Rome even, up until present times, those

countries too would rise to greatness and fall to ruins to becoming whatever people, or peoples,

of the time along the way made of them. There are now today just about fifty separate countries

scattered about the entire Mediterranean, Europe and the Middle East that used to be under the

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control of Rome. They too will continue to evolve into mightier countries, or fall to other

mightier countries still.

2 The Fall Of An Empire-

a. Now let us take a look at Washington D.C., the capitol of the United States of America, and

consider all of our vast networks of communication, technology, and travel of the 21st century,

compared to the life span of the Roman World. We can compare Washington D.C. to Rome as

a case in point. This is because it is there along the East Coast that the Republic was founded

on. Washington D.C., or the District of Columbia, in such a short amount of time compared to

Rome, has slowly but surely become one of the most decedent and degenerate parts of the

country since President D. Eisenhower created the Negro enclave there in the South East part


b. Over time, with all of the glory of Western innovation in technology, communication and

speedy travel, good towns raised more greed to become the sprawling metropolis mega centers

of commerce under a Monetary System of greed and materialism within 150 years. Time

proved the decaying down of standards towards human life and environment as technology

shifted from steam power, to space flight and the World Wide Web, known as the Internet. As

the World gets greedier, it is unified by the very lifestyle surrounding the innovations of

modern times. As the human population grows and grows, dependent on technology without

even knowing how they are made, it will become the useful driving force in the growth of

commerce and trade. And where there is commerce and trade, there will always be some bad

apples in the mix.

c. The event of September 11, 2001 C.E. was one where the East Coast was hammered by an

opposition Force that proved capable of chiseling away that now depleting world along the

Atlantic. And while the Negro population there in Washington D.C. are kept in an enclave,

they are unified against the very progenitors of the bloodline that took theirs from Africa.

d. The Negro population there in Washington D.C. have separated themselves from the American

way of life and the New World, as we children of Adam observe, as they are unified by this

hate against us to change the country to their own liking. United by race, the Negroes in

Washington D.C. have marched united often to unite with other united Negroes from Negro

enclaves in other Cities all across the Globe. And using this same Negro temperament and

passion, as observed in Black Africa today, America’s inner city Blacks have struggled as to

just who amongst Black Power is ruthless enough to lead Black America.

e. As tribal violence is observed there in Black Africa, here on this same American Continent the

Negro is observed as a part of the growing greed and struggle for power as all other nations,

creeds, tongues, cultures, religions and races are, but more so with emotion, as observed

through the growing gang violence in the Black Ghetto. It is obvious to see where the USA is

most vulnerable to collapse when looking at corruption as a major factor in the fall of Empires.

f. The point in showing this portion of history is to show that, even though the City of Rome fell

from the very system that saw its creation, that was the Republic form of government, to

becoming an Empire, the legacy of today’s United States Republic lives on elsewhere. While

Washington D.C. fails to even grip itself together as a welfare District, a uniting people are

growing eager to establish our sanctuary where we know we are bound by the safety of our

numbers, as true to the Republic, for which We stand, away from the center that is witnessing

their own failure. And though the Eastern States lose out on a ravaging world for world

dominance through violence and trickery (rather than through honest coordination), our Pacific

Northwestern States are beginning to realize that we are the majority able to give the same

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spirit in this struggle to be our own Power passed down to us by our Forbearers. We today are

here as that same power to give to our next of Kin, as we are their Forbearers, for we are now

here and not there because of the enveloping events tearing Our Civilization down, beginning

in our racial oppositions’ enclave.

3 Failed Rhetoric-

a. When there is a predator out to kill us, and knowing there is no one else to rely on to protect

us from it, the best and most practical mode for our survival is, to either not let it get near us,

or not let ourselves get near it. For that matter, there seems to be too many predators run amuck

in the United States of America, for the record of growing fear amongst its citizens is telling,

in that every week on its news channels, there is one occurring tragedy after the other.

b. If government is supposed to be the steering of a civilization, and civilization is the vehicle of

a people, then what is a man or woman to see in a government that seems unable to steer the

civilization, besides mistrust and contempt? If civilization is the vehicle, then when the vehicle

is a bus, for example, full of predators, who on the outside would ever want to climb aboard?

The allegory of the bus as the vehicle filled with hate and with danger, while the bus driver

[government] has seemingly no control of the direction it is to take, is similar to the situation

being shown to current events gatherers today.

c. U.S. Americans are growing more agitated with the continuing circumstances of one tragedy

after the other unfolding (seemingly without end) to where they are growing fearful and more

desperate for any way out of it. Leaders of the U.S.A continue claiming that somewhere and

sometime in the near future, the success of the “Great American Experiment” will occur, that

someday, whenever that is, “America will overcome”. Who in their right mind would believe

in a government that is so overwhelmed every day, every year, every decade, and every century

in war with constant examples of anything but progress in its own security? Who amongst the

sane would continue going along with the same “We shall prevail” rhetoric day by day, year

by year, and decade by decade in a civilization, while reminded by its leaders every day, every

month, every year and every decade, for centuries, of the added constant wars, the constant

depressions, the constant assassinations, the secret deals and cover-ups, dishonest leaders

misleading the masses, and domestic terrorism and schoolyard massacres, continuing to occur?

Where is the United States of America going if the objective of “social progress” is failing, as

we are reminded of it everyday with another act of violence?

d. Thus, leaders of the U.S.A continue proving anything but a certain future of security for its


4 After The Madness-

a. The Roman Empire fell first on the same parcel of land it was founded on to continue elsewhere,

to then fade. Trailing behind their example it seems, the District of Columbia today too will

plunder beneath the madness of waiting recipients of a people dependent on the failing system.

By this time, the failing system is in need of people to depend on. When a system loses those

people it depends on, who are dependent upon a failing system instead, the system obviously

will have no base or foundation to continue, leading to its most likely collapse.

b. When the collapse of a World Superpower occurs, it could go gradually, or it could go hard.

When Rome fell, the World surrounding it succumbed to whatever powers were able to take

hold. The Visigoths sacked the city of Rome, and surrounding nations from the Near East to

Britain rose to reclaim their own country at the same time. When the United States of America

falls in Washington D.C. (a likely event), the place to be at that point in time is anywhere else

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but there. Like Rome, which was sacked by a whole nation outside of Rome’s jurisdiction [the

Visigoths], Washington D.C. will probably succumb to being sacked also.

c. Adamites there, and surrounding suburbs in Maryland and Virginia at the time of the fall of

the United States of America do not have to fall with it. When the United States of America

falls, the Adamic Race elsewhere does not have to fall with it.

d. Americans today are suspicious of a coming collapse of the United States of America. Our

Adamic Race must consider the reasons why Americans today would find the inevitability of

a collapse of their own United States of America so likely. And when that does occur [the fall],

our Race must rise up separate of all other powers, and aim also to eventually become another

Power [the first Global Hyperpower] in place of another failed and fallen World Superpower.

Site: II

A Place We call Home

1 Beyond The Collapse-

a. From the review of a Nation’s civilization long ago passed on to the next Nation to take their

place in location, it is a matter of fact that no Nation of Adam was able to keep one parcel of

land to call a Country to administer all levels of government within for more than about 500

years without being succumbed to outside races taking notice to move in. Once the world

outside catches on to the glory and greatness developing within a Country from an outstanding

working force, produced by a Nation of our Adamic Race (like all ears catching the latest news

on finds of a gold mine) will it then send in their nations from far off distant lands to move in

for the taking to begin.

b. History shows us from our tour through the Ages that our Race’s Nations have been on a

constant maneuvering about throughout the World, from Sumeria, to the Akkadian civilization,

to Babylon, due to this event. We learn by tracing the past that our Race stood as one in times

of antiquity to create a high society. The consequence of unaccountability to our works (as

shown in our past and current dilemma) has proven destructive. As we can see within our trek

through the history of the World within 200 years, the recorded history of our own Western

Civilization is suffering a fast changeover of Powers, a literal Regime Change taking place,

whether it is a change We can believe in or not—change is inevitable!

c. Placing the Sumerians as the one people who created the first known civilization, they

continued to move on to fresher and greener pastures. They left the world they built within

2,000 years to their next of Kin who all went on as the Race witnessing the growing ruins to

become ravaged by those who answered to the call to plunder the glory and riches of their time

in Sumeria.

d. About two thousand years is what it took for Sumeria to fall. Sumeria lost its value by the time

the Race (our Race) gathered together and moved on elsewhere. This mass exodus over time

depleted the old civilization to fall to ruins. This is because of the knowledge on how to build

them were passed on to generations of Adamites thereafter, leaving a worldly people to ravage

it to further ruins without them. With them went as well the elite architects in civilization and

the knowledge and the Power of Adamites before them to continue on with the ability to not

only ‘think’, but also to ‘do’ as well.

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e. Our ancestors took with them the knowledge of civilization to us today. Because of the

knowledge and ability to use this Power we hold within our veins, Our ancestors would leave

one location to build the next civilization elsewhere, taking the Family bloodline with them.

f. Our ancestors had continued to follow the trek of their forebears before them who all began

leaving ‘The Land Between Two Rivers’, taking civilization with them to get passed on to

generations that would eventually become the Scathian civilization, Egyptian civilization,

Persian civilization, Greek civilization, Roman civilization, and our modern Adamic


g. In the midst of the decaying civilization amid the waves of the world flocking to it, are the

Elite architects left the land. From the moment they built them as prosperous havens for their

youth and our ancestors, the world dove in on them. From then on, after the world engulfed

our doings in modern development after we left them, a whole new façade took over.

h. The world with no clue on how to carry civilization on allowed the developments our People

left to decay and dissipate from society, thus, leaving the worldly inhabitants with only the

ruins. Time for them was given to continue on and graffiti up all over the abandoned ruins for

their own records, while somewhere else, the ancients who built them have created new and

more powerful civilizations.

i. And so it is today a divided and more primitive world, as war looms over the ruins of ancient


j. Here we are today as Adamites ready to carry on, to become the next level of consciousness at

a Time without end, and leave Washington D.C. as ruins for the growing pre-Adamic gangs to

graffiti their records as another example of the same fate of life our Race faces as we look


k. The elite do not stick around to experience the growing ruins out of their decaying society, as

observed in the case of our Sumer ancestors’ choice to move further inland. For they observed

that it was cheaper and far safer to move onto far off distant lands than to stick around and

struggle against these warring tribes to maintain the civilization.

l. As observed today in any society where one ethnic group takes over the society of another, are

a people who would take advantage of the Era. The first known case-in-point here in this record

shows that the Semitic Akkadians had moved in next door to the ruins of our Race’s first

Civilization (after the great Deluge [flood]) within the Fertile Crescent.

m. Elsewhere in far off distant lands outside of the Fertile Crescent, our Race’s Nations were

beginning to unite clan by clan into tribes that would again become mighty nations. While after

the fall of Sumeria, as the White Sumerian population migrated elsewhere, the Semitic peoples

multiplied and took their place in Mesopotamia. By this time, added layers of centuries of life

on top of our ruins had already begun to develop.

n. Then, time expired for the Akkadian civilization too. Just as the fate of all societies competing

for land would only go to the majority, or minority in power over the countryside, the Ages of

civilization in Mesopotamia was to be replaced by the Babylonians plotting their Empire just

outside of the Akkadian ruins to the south.

o. It was there that the Akkadian legacy of power would end. The rise and fall of civilizations

from ancient Sumeria on throughout the course of around 6,000 years onto our times is shown

to us when we look into their history. They show us just how a great civilization, an Era, and

Age, a World they created as a People as they focused on that objective were for the duration

of their own Power in Mesopotamia, to eventually succumb to another world.

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p. Archaeological records would put the history of Babylon upon the world stage as soon as the

Babylonian influence came to Power. By then, the Babylonian world would come to pass on

top of about, two layers of known civilizations [Sumeria and Akkadia].

2 Global Adjustment-

a. It would be the fall of Babylon that would mark the turning point for a major World adjustment

to occur across the globe. This global adjustment is shown to us by the many Babylonian

artifacts to be found scattered throughout the many regions of the globe over the course of

4,000 years. Such event in antiquity suggests to us today of a global connection being

developed thereafter. It was the occurrence of the fall of Babylon from a united World to a

divided World that ensured its legacy only to live on in ruins to be carried off within the heart

and mind of each refugee who would re-shape the Worldviews to come around the globe.

b. Babylon fell to thus greatly impact the World around the globe where it otherwise never

reached before the event. The elite of Babylon were now refugees around the globe. Not only

would the World view of Babylon reach out to other races and cultures receiving these refugees

into their territories they already occupied, but no sooner than after Babylon fell to ruins, did

the globe receive a great many more waves of united peoples akin unto themselves, who took

to the long trek out of Babylon to build civilization elsewhere. Where the refugees of Babylon

went, they spread what information they knew with them.

c. And it came to pass that the fall of Babylon was to become a great historical marker we can

observe where massive waves of refugees took to seeking for a better, more convenient and

safer life from the sprawling Mesopotamia. Several historical waves, or massive migrations of

peoples leaving that world, exist through looking into the history of the World.

d. As massive waves of Mesopotamian inhabitants began flooding out across the globe, the World

had no choice but to stand up and behold them moving in and from all directions for a new

adventure of exploitation to take on.

e. Migrants from one area to the other (if united in one focused location, and if within any thriving

civilization) could look startling for the receivers. It is not comforting for the elite custodians

of the civilization to witness these waves of migrants or immigrants take refuge into any

civilization where they have never taken part in the building process.

f. The famous exodus of the Israelites out of Egypt was a part of this constant display of global

adjustment, as was the Boxer Rebellion in northern China, leading to a wave of Chinese

migrants to the United States of America to work on the Railroads. Though they are examples

of a people fleeing oppressive situations, both the Israelites and the Chinese took two distinct

paths. The Israelites destroyed the Philistines and Canaanites in order to secure their Holy Land

there in Jerusalem. The Chinese on the other hand fled the country of China to settle in with

an already growing civilization known as the United States of America. We observe this global

adjustment wherever we see waves here of Third World immigrants seeking refuge from

government tyrants. Global adjustment is when the Eastern Europeans fled the Soviet Union

before, during and after it fell in 1991 C.E. to enter into the United States of America as

refugees. Such that global adjustment is can be observed at how the World looks to the

American Continent as the land for refugees of the World.

g. Massive waves of immigrants and migrants are both into and out of a civilization to add to the

mix of what stirs the World around this planet. The decisions a people makes to unite to ensure

self-preservation through a massive exodus from one location to the next, they take on a quest

to find their places of refuge as participants along a constant path through global adjustment.

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h. A global adjustment is occurring all of the time for all existing creatures and land formations.

Just as the angle of repose for land upon our planet Earth is at a 33-degree angle before another

adjustment is due to settle the land, the drive for self-improvement pushes the competition

within us to new levels. Where the elite within a failing metropolis are told by the writings on

the wall to leave, they become refugees.

i. Ancient history shows us a global adjustment occurred out of the fall of Babylon. As refugees,

suffering along the voyage to avoid the wrath and torment that befell upon the inhabitants they

left behind in the region along the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, the struggle for self-

preservation would drive them to eventually land wherever they were accepted, wherever they

were safe in. And wherever they would find solas and acceptance in, they kept within their

understanding of a land called Mesopotamia that outlived the Worlds that rose and fell there.

3 Relocating Our People-

a. While the ancient World saw the real-estate on Mesopotamia as a gold mine, our ancient elite

class of ancestors saw the need to relocate our People. This is true we know because our People

continued to build ancient civilizations far off elsewhere. Knowing that the Fertile Crescent

[that is Mesopotamia] was far too hostile to recreate a new civilization, our Race had packed

up and moved on to new and far off distant lands.

b. Just like a wise Sheppard moving his herd away from a pride of Lions, Constantine, during his

30+ years reign as a Roman Emperor (306 C.E.-337 C.E.) foresaw the ruins being created out

of the aging Roman Empire on the Italian peninsula. He relocated the Capitol onto what land

he felt was safer from the failing World of Rome itself. But where he relocated Rome’s Capitol

was obviously in a land that was vulnerable to the older, distant savage worlds that had

swallowed Sumer up thousands of years prior.

4 Relocating The Capitol-

a. Our Forefathers and Foremothers were our Forbearers. Our Forbearers who were the

Forefathers and Foremothers to our laws, to our mannerisms, customs and traditions, the

progenitors of our racial physical being, all left us a blue print of a government to give us a

better life. They gave us a Land with divided plots uniquely set in accord to their climate, their

capability to growing, and the features that sets them apart from other lands nearby, with names

to represent their unique character. When we think about the Washington state (for example),

the trees, the power of the majestic mountain peaks and deeply chiseled valleys and coastline,

we, sons and daughters of our Forefathers and Foremothers know that it resides on the opposite

end of the Country the capitol of this current Republic itself was established on.

b. On one coastline, on a Continent more than 2,800 miles wide, our Forbearers named the capitol

after the General who led the fight for this Republic to becoming the first President, George

Washington. The name given to the District of Columbia, Washington, is in a location that,

like the Roman capitol succumbed to over time, is being ravaged by the world. All eyes are

upon it. The World has already witnessed its vulnerability to attack and take-over. We, the next

of Kin to this great master plan of civilization, with the past records to look back on today, sees

the Power out of Washington D.C. failing.

c. Today, Washington D.C. is one of the most corrupted Cities on Earth. Observed by visitors as

a resting ground for ghettos, tourists and crooks, its crime rate equals to, and rises above most

crime-ridden places on this planet. The murder rate is equal to and in some parts, worse than

Iraq’s, or Afghanistan’s social conflicts. Communities are wrecked with crime, as it resembles

a Third World slum than it should the capitol of a World Superpower. Even the same coastline

that this corrupted area of the USA is on, has many Cities that have grown up with it to have

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been swallowed by the same degenerate peoples that are destroying the infrastructure of

Washington D.C. today.

d. For the planners of our Country’s States to name the State, “Washington”, over two thousand

miles away from the growing masses pulling the institutions down around the capitol of the

Republic in the District of Columbia, shows us that the legacy of this great plan for our People’s

civilization rests with the People in the same state that bears that name. Furthermore, Oregon

Country, and Northern California belongs to a tradition for many who resides within them as

having the legacy of liberty as envisioned and penned by Thomas Jefferson, James Madison,

Benjamin Franklin, to name a few, who authored our traditional pact for freedom through

guaranteed individual rights.

e. Important amongst them is Thomas Jefferson, Author of The Declaration of Independence. It

is through him as one of the Founding Fathers of this Republic that has ensured us today’s

experience to live free. The two areas of this one Republic that stretches thousands of miles

[again after one of our Founding Fathers] opposite of the Country the capitol was founded on,

enforces our position in this struggle to preserving our People’s freedoms. For Washington

state and Jefferson state are but neighbors along the great Pacific Northwest of the United

States of America.

5 The Way To Our Racial Redemption-

a. Our new beginning starts where we are most free as a Race from the savagery of the world.

Freedom to mug an innocent civilian is more prevalent in areas where our Country is already

lost to savagery. Any all Black ghetto shows a crime rate where the people cannot seem to

defend themselves from within. Surrounded by gangs, they have succumbed to slavery, for

they are at the whims of the thuggery most prevalent in that community. Where they shun our

White population outside, they shun our heritage of freedom and liberty through the order of

civilization. They are the enemy within!

b. These slums taking hold of our communities throughout the World today are a developing

weapon in our Republic, a literal Trojan horse being built within our Country on the grounds

of ‘love’ and ‘unity’, while they continue to grow in numbers against us in the name of

‘equality’. There is little to say about the order in the ghetto, accept that there is almost none

to observe. Driving through an all-Black ghetto in the United States of America is as dangerous

for our People as Iraq’s Fallujah is for a convoy of U.S. peace keeping Forces.

c. The American Continent is getting restless for war. Already, the crime rate has exceeded to the

boiling point to cause the downfall of order where only a decade ago, our youth were safe in.

No longer are we free in areas of our Country. For us to wait for a friend of ours in most any

Black community, certain danger awaits us. We experience the Police drive by with awe at our

presents in an otherwise dangerous place for us.

d. This is our Country we are fast losing ground in. And we are forced to make a decision that

will determine our future forever. That decision gives us one of two choices, peace, or the other

way, violence. And so there is the other way, or there is our way, the way to our racial

redemption. And we should breathe in for a sigh of relief because here in this Country, right

here, right now, we get to make that decision! e. It is our position to be safe on this planet, which means moving away from the ground zero of

crime wherever it has gripped this Republic. Our Federal Republic states are fast depleting

throughout America, fast becoming enclaves of disaster for our People. The rate, at which this

decaying down of our Republic is happening, shows itself within the span of just one single

decade—even less in many areas. Because of this, because of the failing system that is only as

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strong as the people believe in it, and those enclaves of disaster do not, it is our position as the

next of Kin to this tradition of civilization to carry it on to our next of Kin. For We are their

Forefathers and Foremothers, and We are just as mighty as we have been for thousands of

years. We are the added layers of strength given to us through the bravery of our Kinfolk to

redeem their People [our People] from the decaying down of our Cities in Our Civilization.

f. Our need for a Country to be safe in is important! This stands true for our People in all other

Countries today. The youth of a secured and united Country are safe from harm, more so than

any un-unified one.

g. For us to stand apart by class without any other understanding of the knowledge that is here to

show us how so very close we are, the enemy who wants Our Land to become their country

for their youth, their wars and suppressive laws, are united by the need to unite as a race of

their own. This they do while they untie Our bond from each other by marking us into classes,

while screening Our racial closeness at the same time, to instead unite themselves.

6 The Dividing Factor-

a. To compare what we need to secure us in our Country, we look to current boundaries made up

to keep a people together.

b. The British Empire showed unable to maintain their power by telling their submitted peoples

in far off distant lands to think and be British. India was too far from Britain, with so many

races, nations and languages in between to think about being British, for India had border

problems with Countries that the British did not have on Britain.

c. Our needs and resources must be already held within our parcel of territory to keep us unified.

The language too must keep us together. Our unity lies in one language, and cannot overlap or

cross over into a territory where language and customs becomes too great of a dividing factor.

Realistically, we cannot claim to have our Homeland stretching from Alberta, Canada to

Brazil. That would force the unification through 4 different languages, and many more customs

and cultures along the way. Also, there are several un-free Countries that will set us back

miserably along our sojourn to get us that deal for our Country, with time being a factor as


d. The place we call home within our collapsing Republic throughout the span of this Continent

is to be where we are most safe. Obviously we aren’t safe in, and around or near New York,

or Detroit, or Chicago, and D.C., where the decay is most prevalently seen. Our Homeland

must be within the area of this Continent where we are most secured!

e. We also must keep in mind that Our habitats’ range within the realm of being Adamites must

be in relation to our memory. The size of our Country must remain within the capacity of our

People’s memory. Realistically, it must not exceed where we are able to forget each other. This

means that we have to be realistic about how vast our habitat and Safe Block will be for us, in

order to educate our youth in. Just as it is unrealistic to found our Capital in Harare, Zimbabwe

to lead our People in Liberia, Africa, where we are up against an obvious wall of Black

opposition, it is equally unrealistic of us to found a Country Block that spans throughout the


f. Like there is a territory for a pride of lions and a pack of wolves that only exceeds where they

are able to roam to keep it secure, we are bound to our own territory to being sizeable to fit

ours. History tells us the realistic size of our Homeland to being no bigger than what the United

States of America, the British Empire, and the German Third Reich had created for themselves

in recent times. Just as we view how the old and ancient World were bound to being, for the

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most part, about the same size. Ours will measure up to the needs of our growing-strengthening


Site: III

Introduction to the Coming Race

1 A Racially Conscious Government-

a. There is a growing wave of consciousness sweeping within the Adamic World of the 21st

Century. Such is a racial consciousness of the Adamic Redemption Movement united to reign

over the future of this Land.

b. What the future of this Land will be is shown in the growing consciousness of one Race seeking

refuge from a growing dilemma of non-White-social-decay through the entitlement programs

being organized today elsewhere. Instead of standing up against the growing population of

non-Whites seeking entitlement handouts there, throughout the Southwest, Midwest, East, and

South of the failing United States of America out of a decaying and crumbling Washington

D.C., our People are packing up their own belongings in order to begin a better life anew here

along the Pacific Northwest.

c. Today, no other land is witnessing more migrants of our one Race than the Pacific Northwest


d. Since our Race moves away from danger, expecting to leave the same masses that are causing

the trouble there, our Race is at the same time expecting the same degenerate population not

to follow them here. This is why our Race is ready for the needed government, led by the

Adamic Race, that will stand up for Us against the races seeking entitlement programs in place

of providing a better future for Our youth and progeny of our Race. This is why our Race is

ready for a government that will stand up for the Race.

2 Unity Now-

a. All too many noble members of our Race are aware of what the future Pacific Northwest Home

Front will look like for our racial opposition to have any say in the matter. Our Fellows envision

a Country where free Whites from every and any national background, any political affiliation

and any religion can express their greatest of personal endeavors, and to decide on either a life

in unity (collectivism) with others like unto themselves, or a life of seclusion away from society


b. How this new White Republic upon this land shall come to pass, as believed by our same noble

brothers and sisters, is (unfortunately for our racial opposition) through bloody struggle [if

such is the only means to securing us here] in a Global Racial Holy War (RaHoWa). What the

movement body of our racial Homeland will look like to those willing fighters on our side is

still an un-established decision at the same time.

c. Today, massive waves of our People continue to pour in to settle this land hoping this future

government will protect their individual well-being and personal property. But still, despite the

unsettled decision for what this government should and will look like, Folks of the White

Adamic Race are arriving here unto our beloved Pacific Northwestern Country.

d. Folks say the decision for organizing this government will matter when it is needed, that

tomorrow we will decide. But Our youth, being narrowed down to the minority amidst a

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growing racial opposition asks us now, “when will that be?” Shouldn’t that government be

ready ‘now’ to take on the most important needs of a Country of diverse members of a mighty

Race before it is too late? The individual needs of our Race tell us that it should.

Site: IV

Welcome to Adamsland!

1 Pacific Northwest Home Front-

Map Figure 2: Adamsland Illustrated

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a. To those of our Kin who favor this Land in the Pacific Northwest as a place of refuge, as a

Homeland away from the failing system to the east and to the south, the Assembly for Adamic

Redemption Movement (AARM) is the Government of the United States Republic of

Adamsland devoted to welcoming them all to partake of the fruits available here in. AARM

welcomes all Noble White People to the Home Front of one of planet Earth’s-foremost-

endangered-species, the Adamic Race!

b. The Assembly for Adamic Redemption Movement claims the Pacific Northwest. Adamsland

is the name given to this People. It is the claim of the United States of the Adamic Race able

to stand as a minority against any standing army opposing our path to prosperity here.

c. The borders of Adamsland surrounds Northern California for the beauty of its diverse ecology,

its massive and monumental landscapes, for the Pacific Coast’s cool winds. Adamsland is a

sanctuary for those Adamites who are in Oregon Country, and the State of Washington for the

beauty of the sharp jagged coastline’s scenic splendor. Adamsland is the sanctuary for those

Adamites who resides within the deep lush evergreen forests blanketing over the Mountains,

stretching all the way to the tip of Alaska that also extends around such states as Idaho,

Montana and Utah. The Adamic Race also has the Sierra Mountains to enjoy the majesty of

the great Yosemite National Park. The Border of Adamsland stretches eastwards above the

Death Valley Desert to span north of and over and away from the City of Los Vegas, and

continues eastwards just south of Utah [Deseret state] to claim the City of St. George. Southeast

of St. George is the Colorado River. It is there that our Borders will follow along as our Adamic

Homeland [‘Adamsland’] shall claim the Land west of the Colorado River. Adamsland is the

claim for those Adamites north eastwards around Wyoming, on into a bit of South Dakota for

the claim of the Black Hills [wherein the Mount Rushmore Monument shall stand as long as

Our Race exists], to continue northwards up through North Dakota to claim all of

Saskatchewan and the Northwest Territories, to include all of the Land west. There are but a

few reasons our People are drawn to the Pacific Northwest. Among those reasons stands the

call for Adamic Redemption here within the majesty of this Land.

d. We Adamites here today, as racial Redemptionists, stand forth to claim to all of our Kinfolk

of the World this Land for all members of the Bloodline. We claim this Land as the resting

place for our fragile youth, and we unite as one People in order for Us to individually be free

and enforce to maintain that right!

2 Our Choice Bastion-

a. Mission number one for the White Adamic Race is to stand our ground, and arise to build up

our Homeland here to allow us that path leading up towards our own individual well-being,

and wholly, our racial progression. This is why we are pressing forwards through those who

wish for Us to parish in this cause for racial preservation, ensuring individual preservation and

Us wholly, safer and more certain.

b. We Adamites as the new comers upon this planet have therefore created the social construct

of the Country of ‘Adamsland’ to give us a sanctuary to be free, to negotiate amongst ourselves

and to move on in our own worthy mission in fulfilling each task we were born to take on.

c. So here within the security of our mountain walls, we claim our choice bastion in order to keep

Our own posterity and Our own will power in tacked to continue on in Our aggressive climb

that is to reach the next level of Becomings!

d. We are focused to accomplishing this task in securing this sanctuary We call “Adamsland”

through the unity of which shall make Us a Force of its own to move on at will, in

accomplishing Our much needed endeavors to advance further out into the Cosmos. This will

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also give the rest of humanity competition needed to focus on positive endeavors too, instead

of focusing on the drive to weapons of mass destruction and war.

3 Adamic Society-

a. Adamsland is the name of our Adamic Homeland, which is located along the Pacific Northwest

Coast of the American Continent. With such features as the Sierra Mountains, Cascade

Mountains, Rocky Mountains, Nevada and the Great Desert Basin, coastal cliffs, beaches and

dunes, rivers and lakes, tall evergreen forests, dry arid steppes, lush and fertile valleys and

more; Adamsland is home to millions of Folk, who like Us, looks forward to life in a secure

and beautiful Country.

b. Here in our Northwestern territory, that is Adamsland, we have the same exact dilemma that

our Forebears faced in times past. We face the wall of opposition to Our wonderful tradition

to respect Our individuality that was brought along with us in Our existence throughout the

Ages. We face the wall of opposition to our well-being that is ‘government’ and ‘civilization’.

We have witnessed the World beyond the rugged walls of this Adamsland go from unified

Nations within our one Race, to then become one of total social divide and economic decay

within the turn of just one Century. This decay is seen in an Era where Pre-Adamic or Anti-

Adamic Egalitarians and their anarchic cousins push the warring tribes elsewhere throughout

the World upon us to tear our tradition of civilization apart.

c. One Country at war for example, that has never seen stability and prosperity, are sprayed upon

our Civilization like missiles upon one standing building. What good has come out of the drive

for the melting pot that has shown only decay?

d. To our ready knowledge of a whole people involved in wrecking our Country, we know that

we, as defenders of our Race, focused on maintaining this, Our Homeland, are not rioting on

our Cities to make known Our presents. With the growing population of these non-Whites into

our Country, we have become less unified, and more involved with combating the crime wave

they brought to our Home Front.

e. Our youth are valued in Adamic society! They should grow up in a safe World structured by a

cause for racial redemption. They should be provided free access to education. They should be

allowed a World to live with easy access to free activities for the well-being of their physical

development. They should be taught to be responsible heirs to their post in life, which we

believe is the right to individual liberties.

f. While Our racial opposition has grown in might to determine where we raise Our youth, they

are likewise telling them to unite with them against Us to finish all Adamites off from


g. The Country called Adamsland shall be a hub for a driven People struggling to aim towards

the ever-continuous climb to progression by unifying ourselves as that People enlightened to

the task of securing it for our Adamic youth in, while keeping out all racial opposition.

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Site: V

Adamsland 1 Settling Our Race-

a. Where We shall settle our Race to grow and prosper in is shown through illustrated maps

rendering where we are presently located as individuals in relation to them.

b. These Figures (Map Figure 1: for example) listed as follows, are pictures of different

illustrations of an overhead view of Adamsland and surrounding Countries:

Map Figure 1: Adamsland and the Globe

Map Figure 2: Adamsland Illustrated

Map Figure 3: Adamsland and Exterior Forces

Map Figure 4: USRA-States and Regions

Map Figure 5: The United States Republic of Adamsland

Map Figure 6: USRA-Sunrise District and other areas

2 Map Figure 1: Adamsland And The Globe-

a. Looking down on our Country from this rendition of an overview of Adamsland and the Globe

is what our Adamic Race shall inherit. It is Earth, and Our only Home.

b. There is danger found here on this planet. Securing a piece of this planet for the sake of having

a safe place for Our youth to rest in peace from a growing opposition, remains a part of our

constant struggle. Our racial Redemption Movement has claims on the Pacific Northwest of

the American Continent, for nothing stands to be of more concern to Us than the security of

our People to help our Adamic brothers and sisters there outside of Our choice bastion, through

having our own platform to help them there from here in Adamsland.

c. We have the luxury of possessing the Northwest Pacific coastline. This is a very valuable point

along our tour. All the way up around Alaska, the fishing industry shall benefit us. Marine

power thus will continue as a priority for Our racial well-being. With a vast Ocean that is the

Pacific Ocean at our shores, seafaring progression will continue. We will continue to progress

in Our knowledge of the still to be conquered mysteries of the Ocean’s waters.

3 Map Figure 2: Adamsland Illustrated-

a. The overview of this illustration is a rendition to the scaled aerial view of the existing maps

[Google Maps, National Geographic Political Territories Map and from the basic illustrators

imagination and knowledge of the land].

b. Green colors in the illustration represents vegetation, while the color hews of brown represents

soils and other geographical characteristics of our Planet. The white areas show either sand or

the Great Salt Flats next to the blue Great Salt Lake. Other lakes and other bodies of water are

also colored blue. The black lines represent major routes about Adamsland, to major cities that

are all labeled by dark black or gray dots or smudges.

c. The red outside of the overview illustration is what stands to be outside of the Adamic Home


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Site: VI

Federally Independent States and Their Major Cities

1 Our Federal Government-

a. The definition of federalism is two or more governments’ sharing of powers over one

geographic location under one governing representative. Federalism is also a system based on

democratic rules and institutions.

b. The Adamic State is a government institution with either an independent bureaucracy,

Executive, Legislature and Judicial Branch, or it might include them all. Adamsland will have

Federally independent States making up (under the pretexts of our Law), a Federal system of

government to include Our own bureaucracy, Our own Executive Branch, Our own Legislative

Branch and Our own Judicial Branch.

2 The United States-

a. The locations displayed on this Map Figure 2 of Adamsland, zigzagging from top left, to right,

to left, to right, until the southeastern most part of Adamsland, renders:


Yukon Territory

Northwest Territory

British Columbia






Oregon [Jefferson]

California [Jefferson]

Nevada [Deseret]

Arizona [Deseret]

Utah [Deseret]

Wyoming (to be renamed)

Nebraska (to be renamed)

South Dakota (to be renamed)

North Dakota (to be renamed)

b. These are names of States currently belonging to the two governmental bodies of Canada and

the United States of America at this writing.

c. The Cities all represented in this illustration in alphabetical order are:



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Citrus Heights





Great Falls

Idaho Falls










Prince George

Prince Rupert

Rapid City





Salt Lake City





St. George




d. The Adamic Race is a diverse People scattered throughout these diverse locations; therefore,

Adamsland is a Country of free men, women and children of all religious, social, cultural,

national and political affiliations included into the full benefits of life and full equality in

participation rights of this Government.

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3 Exist And Advance-

a. Any man or woman who does not support the rights to individual sovereignty through the

vehicle of civilization these states and cities represent, is an enemy of individual progress; and

therefore, are against the youth of that civilization creating People.

b. It is because of this need for our freedom that is beneficial to a Race suited for breathing the

freedom of speech. To freely think and excel as great thinkers and doers, as the same

descendants of the People who built the first known aqueducts, the first coliseums and

amphitheaters, the first rockets to send the humankind to outer space, and stretched out over

the World establishing civilization along the way, means our opposition has no power over Us.

c. We aim to use those examples to accomplish new feats for the youth, to benefit the next

generations here in Adamsland. That is truly what makes for our People to be free and to build

civilizations to exist and advance in, possible!

Site: VII

Adamsland Has a Republican Form of Government

1 Protecting The Rights Of The People-

a. A ‘government’ is defined as a body of people coming together to set and administer public

policy, to exercise executive, political and sovereign powers through the customs, institutions

and laws within a State, or united States.

b. The concept of the Republic is a system of government that is there for us to use. There are

benefits in a republic for the Citizens to use if they know how to use the system for it to work.

Those who are ignorant of the concept of ‘republic’ are slaves to their lacking in knowledge to

this fact. The republic is only as strong as the people in it and of it, are able to go along with

it. The Republic therefore is used for the individual against the lawless.

c. There are other types, or forms of governments that are listed throughout history. They are

confederalism, federalism, unitary, aristocratic, democratic, and theocratic, among many

others in between.

d. The republican system is a legislative system of government, and is a form of an authoritarian

system to enforce the codes, or Laws benefiting and protecting the rights of the People.

e. A Republic is a form of government that is led by the People, who are elected from amongst

the People. The Latin phrase, res publica translates to “a public affair”. This is why Benjamin

Franklin replied to a woman who asked him what type of government the Constitution was

bringing, “A republic, if you can keep it.” What he meant in his comment was that, Republics

are a form of government only suitable to a society mature enough to brace it. A society mature

enough to brace it means the People have to be united and willing to participate in the system

through peace talks, negotiations, conflict management, civil obedience or even civil

disobedience, and the willingness to suppress the lawless destroyers to the laws.

f. Republics offer a free government, so long as the people, through democracy, or rather

coordination, are united to that objective.

2 Upholding The Republic-

a. The history of the republican form of government goes back to two thousand five hundred

years ago to the time of the ancient Greeks, although they themselves aren’t considered as

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having practiced the republican concept. It was the Romans, who a couple of hundred years

later would adopt the philosophies of the republic the Greeks picked up.

b. The republican form of government followed our racial Elites from the ancient past unto our

time as the noblest way in governing Our collective whole in order to provide the protection

of individual rights to its Citizens. Here in Adamsland, we insist on carrying on and upholding

that same noble tradition to secure Us our posterity here along the Pacific Northwest.

Site: VIII

A Coordinated Democracy

1 For The Greater Good-

a. Freedom is only available to those people united to claim that right through their aim to enforce

that for themselves. Even then, they may have secured themselves their land, but it is through

a noble people that freedom is enjoyed.

b. Our Race has [and should have] the discipline to individual rights without destroying the greater

good of civilization.

2 The Ochlocracy (Mobocracy)-

a. Democracy is usually degenerated into ochlocracy, which is mob rule. Democracy is not a part

of human evolution, but is rather an imagined product of civilization. Democracy presents

civilization a great danger. First, mobocracy or rather ‘mob rules’ is never a guarantee for

freedom. Democracy presents civilization the dangers and the glorification of mediocrity, the

choice decision in ignorant rulers failing to recognize the basic facts of social evolution,

universal suffrage in the hands of the less educated and more ignorant, an indolent majority,

slavery as a public opinion—and the majority is not always right! Democracy is quantity over

quality. It is a political tool for power. It is not a person. It has no feelings! Democracy is four

Wolves outvoting one Sheep to be their dinner.

b. If democracy is so good, and so effective in governing, then why is it not applied in corporations

and businesses? The fact of the matter is with democracy, it is a system of selecting leaders

who are selected by the elite. The Leaders of world democracies are selected beforehand for

the people to decide, and by the people in control of the elections. Businesses are authoritarian

dictatorships. The United States of America under the UNITED STATES is run as a

corporation because it is a corporation. It has a hierarchal structure that works from the top

down and is in no way structured horizontally. The elite therefore, do not believe in the same

democracy they parrot to the masses.

c. Thus, as the records of past events shows, American democracy once kept the Negro slave out

of our daily lives. And we used it for that; yet, today, the world outside of our World thinks

that democracy must include everybody, regardless of whether the vote excludes a whole

group. That is not democracy if even a vote cannot work to determine who participates and

who doesn’t, or rather, who stays and who leaves!

3 The People’s Democracy-

a. Though the word democracy does not appear in the U.S. Constitution, our sovereign Republic

states will come to pass under the care of a coordinated democratic government by the People,

not peoples. This means that it is through a united People, rather than divided peoples that

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holds together the concept of one Republic, one Country; as outlined throughout the Articles

of Redemption (as provided at the end of this Tour Guide).

b. The concept of the coordinated democracy used to elect Assembly Leaders in the Assembly

for Adamic Redemption Movement (AARM) is broken into two English words, coordinated

and democracy. Democracy is ruled by the majority vote of the people. There are many kinds

and variances of democracy. There is ‘direct democracy’, where every aspect of society is

voted upon and given to the winning voters for a time up until the next vote makes the change.

There is ‘representative democracy’, where the People vote for representatives to make their

decisions. There is ‘liberal democracy’, where there is no discrimination against voters, where

all of the people vote. There is ‘meritocratic democracy’, where the people vote for

representatives of specific areas of society by having the knowledge to be qualified to vote.

And there is coordinated democracy, where [similar to meritocratic democracy] the people

vote for representatives of specific areas of society, such as a work-skill and talent.

c. As a coordinated democracy, the people voting are coordinated by a strict program to follow

along in order to vote, which entails them to be of the same government. In a coordinated

democracy, political parties are obsolete, since parties are obviously independent, resistant

factions and follow another program. The members, or Citizens of the Government of the

United States Republic of Adamsland (USRA) shall therefore select all Leaders in this

government. The coordinated democratic Government is of the People and by the People;

therefore, it does not imply multiple peoples.

Site: IX

The United States Republic Of Adamsland (USRA)

1 Our Representative Government- a. In carrying on this heritage of democracy, we do so behind the protection of federally Districted

states to form a united Republic. This Country of ours along the Pacific Northwest shall

henceforth be titled, the United States Republic of Adamsland, USRA for short.

b. There are individuals today willing to participate as Citizens of this Republic who shall be fit

for Service to defend Adamsland. Adamsland shall remain a Free Land for Adamites. Adamites

in Adamsland shall have representation through the Citizenry conscious of one Republic of

federally united states.

c. In order to ensure us that all Citizens of the united states are protected under Law to the same

Constitutional rights led under the First President of the United States, General President

George Washington, our Government will remain a Republic to enforce the standard. This

means that Adamsland shall be a Country united by Law for individual justice found in the

guarantee of the Articles of Redemption.

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Site: X

The Assembly for Adamic Redemption Movement (AARM)

1 To Ensure Liberty And Justice-

a. To enforce the standard of liberty and justice for all, and to maintain that justice is made for

peace in a diverse World, as outlined in the U.S. Constitution and the Articles of Redemption

for the United States Republic of Adamsland, AARM will be at the forefront to ensure this

upon the whole of the Government of the USRA. And Citizens in Adamsland will grow out of

AARM to steer the Government of the Country as a Republic.

b. Open to the public for all Adamites within the Federally sovereign and protected united states

of Adamsland, AARM is at the forefront of the Race. AARM stands for the Assembly for

Adamic Redemption Movement. AARM is at the forefront of the Adamic Race to place a

government based on values that are determined by Our own Race within the coordinated

democratic process of building a more secure and prosperous World for Our youth, with the

secured promise for a secured future.

c. Through AARM, our Race will find the sanctuary it needs to raise a mighty and noble youth

in. This is because of the method to which we apply ourselves to secure for us a promising

future for them—it is through active coordination We are able to meet that common goal for a

united Cause to secure Us that promise.

2 An Adamites Only Government-

a. The Assembly for Adamic Redemption Movement today is the next coming Power to inherit

this Era as the governing organization within this vast Country deciding over the territory, also

known as the Pacific Northwest. It is a racial Movement taking root at the forefront of this

effort for our racial redemption. Placing an Adamites only Government here, in and along the

Pacific Northwest is essential in this Redemption Movement’s mission upon this Land.

b. Leading the charge to bring the Race together under the liberty and freedom to grow and

improve is the Assembly for Adamic Redemption Movement (AARM). And through AARM,

through Our unity, Our Country shall forever be given the title and name of the Forebear of

our Adamic Race, Adamsland.

3 Four-Tiered Government-

a. AARM itself is a government body of the Adamic Race to serve as a functioning machine with

specific parts set for specific duties apart from other parts that all act independently, yet for the

pace needed to mobilizing our People under one Movement.

b. AARM is a four-tiered Government. Each tier is responsible for specific duties. And AARM

is led by all of them.

c. At the head of the Assembly for Adamic Redemption Movement shall always be the Supreme

High Council over the selected Council of the Board, before the elected Executive Ranks of

the Assembly Chain of Command and the appointed and elected General High Council

Conference. Through these four levels of AARM, the individual Citizen in Adamsland will

have representation for personal justice.

d. It is the Chief Judge of the Supreme High Council, with the Power of being the last remaining

signature for any Instruction, Order and bill to an Article and Section therein, for Assembly

dissemination, who swore into oath to provide the two pillars of AARM [that are the Assembly

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and the Movement] the needs in building for Adamites all over the World the Global Rally-

point for the Adamic Race.

e. The Chief Judge receives advice and council from the Supreme High Council, as the Supreme

High Council will take advice and council from the Council of the Board. The Council of the

Board guides down the bill agreed upon through the Movement’s elected Office in the

assembly of Adamsland. The Supreme High Council coordinates with the Council of the Board

to guide the financial and economic responsibilities of AARM.

Site: XI

Introduction to The Program to AARM

1 A Manifesto For A Dialectic Government-

a. Any added Instructions and Orders to AARM, anything added to the Articles of Redemption

and its Sections are to be published to the state Citizens in the United States Republic of

Adamsland through the Assembly for Adamic Redemption Movement (AARM). The Program

to AARM (these words within these pages) is the publication available to the state Citizens on


b. The Program to AARM Manifesto shall be distributed weekly throughout the World to the

active Movement participant of each Assembly. It is a Manifesto on how to steer the

Government of the United States Republic of Adamsland. Contained within The Program to

AARM are the current topics of the week on which the Movement will focus on. The

Redemptionist will know current issues of the times, and together with other fellow

Redemptionists, remedy for a solution where problems arise.

c. There is also a plan laid out within The Program of Instructions and Orders to AARM to give

us elected servants to the People through our concept of a ‘coordinated democracy’ of Folk

obedient to the Laws under a Republic of federally independent states.

d. These are the Instructions and Orders that will give us our elected Officials of the Executive

Branch [Clerks, Second Councilors, First Councilors, Zone Assembly Leaders, District

Leaders, Regional Directors, State Governors, and the President of the Assembly] to administer

the needs of the Assembly. This, The Program of Instructions and Orders to AARM found in

this published ‘The Program to AARM’, is how the creation of our Executive Branch will

come to pass.

e. It is the Executive Branch that builds and leads the Assembly for the Movement to gather and

grow. Through the growth of our areas [Zones, to Districts, to Regions, to States, and unto

Federal level], our Movement will show to be well read and learned in the Instructions and

Orders to AARM, in order to improve on a more perfect Union. It is within The Program of

Instructions and Orders to AARM, that the Adamite will have the proper guidance to show our

method to accomplishing the construction of our mighty Republic of Federally united states of

Adamsland here along the Pacific Northwest.

f. The objective of this Government is to improve upon its past. This means that AARM is

dialectic. Elected Leaders of the Assembly, through the voting membership of the Citizens on

Adamsland, shall lead the Office of each executive Decision with The Program of Instructions

and Orders to AARM as the official guide to that objective.

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g. Within The Program to AARM are not only the Instructions and Orders to AARM, but included

will be the reminder and Address of the weekly Program of each Assembly led by this

Government to keep it moving towards perfection.

Site: XII

How to Use The Program of Instructions and Orders to AARM

1 Our Plan Of Action-

a. The individual Redemptionist should begin immediately the task of reading and getting to know

how to implement this grand plan, the Instructions and Orders within The Program to AARM.

How to steer this Movement of Adamic Redemptionists in order to aim forwards into a secured

future, is laid forth in The Program of Instructions and Orders to AARM found in The Program

to AARM.

b. It is important for the reader to begin the mission of uniting with those who (as well) are

devoted to building up Our Movement and have read and studied how to initiate this Work in

uniting our People. These Instructions and Orders within these pages are the necessary tools

We will use to fix Our own World by using it to improve our selves. Through these Instructions

and Orders, we will build up Our unity through coordinating together this grand plan to provide

our Race the Redemption We need for Our racial survival.

c. There is a process that is being conducted when we coordinate through our unity in obedience

to these Instructions and Orders to AARM. It is through the spirit of our will, found within our

unity that has evinced our growing numbers in this Pacific Northwest to show promise in

securing for ourselves our Order unto the World.

d. While Our opposition is working together in their own sphere of being, to destroy Us, We are

united as Adamites against them by using these Instructions and Orders to complete Our

objectives in securing Us our Homeland. When we follow this Program, we will grow

personally, the leader will develop within us, and We will come to witness our own personal

growth needed to accomplish securing Our future Home Front.

2 Twelve Steps Of Merit-

a. The pathway for Our racial redemption here on Adamsland shall come to pass once enough

individual minds are active participants to the work effort in attending a united Movement of

racial fellowshipping. Building AARM to become the Power fit to provide the foundation for

our unity on Adamsland will be done through several steps. The individual who desires to

improve on Our own World may come unto Our cause through activism. Merit will tell the

World the worth of any soul. Inclusion onto Our Adamsland through becoming a Citizen to

the Republic states of Adamsland shall occur after the individual has fulfilled their first

obligation that AARM shall provide.

b. This is an orientation to improve awareness unto our fellow Kin about the concept of our

Homeland Adamsland. In creating this Country, Adamsland, our activism into a Movement of

fellow Racialists shall take shape after individual Redemptionists accomplish 12 necessary

steps. Those steps the individual Adamite are to take to building Our foundation to Adamsland

as a United States Republic of Adamsland (USRA), are listed as follows:

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1. Establish a network through active communication with other Adamic Redemptionists.

2. Receive an Orientation Invitation from an AARM Representative and Sponsor. 3. Receive the ‘Welcome to Adamsland’ orientation and Tour. 4. Attend and complete the seven Seminar Assemblies for the seven Articles of

Redemption. 5. Swear into an oath of affirmation to ‘The Program to AARM’ and ‘The Program of

Instructions and Orders to AARM’. 6. Complete the ‘Welcome to Adamsland’ placement registration list that will set the

Redemptionist into one of the three Prime Director Organizations that are the Security Council (SC), Branch on Progressive Development (BPD) or the United States Territorial Armed Forces (USTAF).

7. Exercise to become active in the Organization. 8. Become a Pacer, by receiving the rank marking called ‘Redline’. 9. Graduate from two years of service in one of the three ‘Prime Director

Organizations (PDO)’. 10. Take and affirm “Yes, i do” and “i swear” in an oath to become a state Citizen on

Adamsland while upholding no higher allegiance over the Race other than the allegiance to our Almighty Creator of Heaven and Earth, and strive to serve our United States Republic of Adamsland through the support of the General Assembly of our Adamic Race.

11. Be a good Citizen and an effective contributor to the Adamic Redemption Movement for five years.

12. Through the Vote of the individual Redemptionist in the Movement, any qualified Citizen to the United States Republic of Adamsland may run in any election for Office.

3 The Foundation Of Our Republic-

a. The Program of Instructions and Orders to AARM is the method at which these 12 steps are to

be completed. These 12 steps will lead us through The Program to AARM each week to

creating our awareness, our Organizations through the Supreme High Council, and our Council

of the Board.

b. With these organized levels of AARM, as found in The Program of Instructions and Orders to

AARM, the creation of the elected Executive Branch will develop to guide the Assemblies of

the Movement to create the General High Council Conference. Together, with a functioning

four tiered or leveled Movement through the Assembly’s Supreme High Council, Council of

the Board, Executive Ranks of the Assembly Chain of Command and the General High Council

Conference, the foundation of our Republic of Adamsland rests. And The Program of

Instructions and Orders to AARM is the model this Adamsland needs to provide that sanctuary

for the Adamic Redemptionist Movement to grow and to prosper in.

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Site: XIII

The Sovereign Citizen

1 United Individuals-

a. The concept of ‘Sovereign Citizen’ sounds like an oxymoron when read without the two terms

[‘sovereign’ and ‘citizen’] being well defined to consider any sense to it. How can some

individual be ‘sovereign’ and yet comply with being a citizen at the same time? Isn’t the

sovereign free from all responsibilities and obligations the citizen instead accepts and goes

along with? Aren’t the two in conflict with each other? This Site is to define what Sovereign

[C]itizen for Adamsland is compared to a [c]itizen to clarify that contradiction.

b. The first Black Attorney General appointed by the first Black United States President issued a

statement pointing Sovereign Citizens in the USA as extremists and to consider them as a

domestic terror threat to National security. So it is no surprise that the Sovereign Citizen

movement is taking a real hit by local, state and federal law and policy enforcement. Sovereign

Citizens are hardcore individualists, and in the mind of others, they are hardcore anarchists.

Which goes to show that the United States law and policy enforcers have to resort to

interrogation tactics to find out who amongst the roughly 318 million United States citizens

are Sovereign Citizens. This is done, not by sight—as the USA is an ideological corporation

not set on race—but is instead aimed at making sure someone is ideologically compatible to

the policies of the Central Government. This means that the People are judged on what they

believe in, the ideas they come across, the books they read, the political, social, religious and

spiritual path they are taking; and therefore, the USA is proven to being only for those with the

right thinking, regardless of their race. Which means that the only way to tell who is right in

the USA is to interrogate each individual regardless of race to find out who amongst them all

are a Sovereign Citizen.

c. Human individuality has proven to conflict with human collectivism in the past in cases where

free thinkers are taken before their peers for thinking outside of the collective whole, and

threatening the collective goals set by dead men. Without the dead men to judge the

freethinking individuals, living men interpret the rules written in the past to determine if the

individual is a threat to the collective cause. Individuality and collectivism has otherwise

conflicted for that matter throughout the ages. The winner in the struggle between individuality

and collectivism ruled in favor of the latter in that numbers stands significantly mightier against

the un-united, disorganized, and or often leaderless individuals.

d. Because Adamsland is a racial sanctuary for the Adamic Race, and is not set on ideological

dogma to become a Citizen, there is no policy or law forbidding the Sovereign Citizen for that

matter. It is the goal of the Citizen to protect the collective Cause for Adamic redemption from

the collective cause of those against it. It is therefore a matter that the united Citizen of

Adamsland comes to understand, that the individual sovereign be just that, a sovereign! A

sovereign in the sense of the word is an ‘independent freethinker’, and ‘traveler’, whether

claiming to stand against a cause or for it, change one’s mind, or sticks to it.

e. But it is considered by others that once an individual, as a sovereign, joins a cause similar to

others aiming for one common goal, whether one individual wears yellow and the other wears

red; when one of the two joins the other in a common cause, the person then ceases to be a

sovereign, and instead, becomes a team player in a collective cause.

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2 Citizen vs. citizen-

a. Unbeknown to a great many “American” United States citizens today is the objective in every

official federal text. Key terms and definitions are so important to the interpretation of texts

that the authors, whether they were lawyers or legislatures, had to provide the most precise

meaning of every key term to the reader for the author’s objective to be met. How one word in

a sentence is placed can change its whole meaning; for example, the word ‘nail’ is used in both

salon programs and carpenters’ manuals. One word can be used to represent two completely

different topics of discussion.

b. The Washington D.C.’s Corporate Government has provided a 200,000+ pages Code of Laws

of the United States of America [USC] as such a text with key terms and definitions, with

precise meanings. In 28 USC 3002 –Definitions:

(15) “United States” means—

(A) a Federal corporation; (B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; (C) an instrumentality of the United States.

c. One such central part of the key terms and definitions used to interpret the objective of the

federal texts is the Black’s Law Dictionary. In Black’s 6th Edition:

Artificial persons. Persons created and devised by human laws for the purpose of society and government, as distinguished from natural persons, corporations are examples of artificial persons.

d. Past federal cases ruled by the U.S. Supreme Court has defined resident, citizen and Citizen

in the U.S. v. Anthony, 24 Fed. 829 (1873) case:

“The term resident and citizen of the United States is distinguished from a Citizen of one of the several states, in that the former is a special class of citizen created by Congress.”

e. There is a major distinction between both the “Citizen” and “citizen”. For example, the

Corporate citizen as defined in Black’s 6th Edition is a: Corporate status in the state of

incorporation…. The citizen is therefore bound to codes and has far less rights than the

sovereign and Citizen. The citizen, bound to the code, has to comply with added regulations

not protected by the Constitution.

f. The citizen belongs to the UNITED STATES Corporation headquartered in Washington D.C..

They are not protected by the Constitution, and adhere to a contract that forces the citizen to

pay into it.

g. The UNITED STATES Corporation demands the citizen to pay a tax on just about everything

in their life; to pay insurance for just about everything in their life; to pay for registering just

about everything they buy; to pay into a system they are not given access to; to pay into the

debt system—and since the UNITED STATES Corporation is more than

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$17,000,000,000,000.00 (Trillion) in debt that is not backed by gold and silver, every citizen

too is in debt, and therefore by definition, they are slaves.

“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject [slave] to the jurisdiction thereof [master], are citizens [“subject”] of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.” Emphasis added. (Amendment 14, SECTION 1, THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA)

h. The Citizen as a “sovereign” is not in debt, and is not included into the UNITED STATES

Corporation. The “Citizen” is a sovereign in the “United States”, protected by the “Constitution

for the united states of America” of 1788, while the “citizen” is a subject of the “UNITED

STATES” Corporation, regulated by codes and regulations to the Amendments of “THE


fact, who has the sure rights and privileges of the Declaration of Independence and Bill of

Rights, while the United States citizen is subject to a corporation and its privileges, and is not

even protected by the federal Constitution for the united states of America.

i. Using a Social Security Number issued by the UNITED STATES Corporation, consenting to

a ticket they write, paying a bill using their money, and being afraid to escape their shackles,

keeps the individual in slavery. Consensual slavery is granted by the 14th Amendment and the

UNITED STATES Corporation, but not by the Declaration of Independence, Constitution for

the united states of America and the Bill of Rights. In SECTION 4 of the 14th Amendment slavery

is defined as:

“The validity of the public [Social Security numbered citizens] debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned, but neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave, but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.” Emphasis added.

j. Because the individual consents to slavery under the codified Amendments [these are the pages

of codes used by law/code enforcement] of the UNITED STATES Corporation, they are not

protected by the Declaration of Independence, Constitution for the united states of America

and Bill of Rights. ‘Stockholm syndrome’ is the cause when a master has emotional control

over the slaves, and that same syndrome has claimed a great many of Adamites from escaping

the debt and adherence to the mountain of regulations and codes their master piles upon them.

k. Adamsland is the sanctuary for the Citizen free from institutional slavery, and is protected by

the Assembly for Adamic Redemption Movement. The United States must redeem the Adamite

from institutional slavery through the long process of education to free the individual from the

prison surrounding them for adhering to consent to be a slave by acknowledging to go along

with a master. The United States is available to provide them sanctuary from a master aimed

at keeping them ignorant of the freedom they could escape to only if the individual wishes to

partake of that long, rigorous process towards that freedom in becoming a free Citizen of the

United States Republic of Adamsland.

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3 Sanctuary For The Sovereign Citizen-

a. Redemptionists are the spearhead of our massive mobilization Force to creating a secured

Home Front under the care of our tradition of government to steer Our Civilization against the

collective cause against it and us. Here in Adamsland, our Redemptionists will become the

noble and loyal Citizens to stand between foreign invader and the future of our Adamic youth.

The sovereign Citizen is a freethinker and traveler without intent on destroying our Civilization

and the Race of men, women and children creating it. Being free to think is accepted by our

collective Cause, while the individuals uniting are no longer sovereigns. The sovereign Citizen

of Adamsland has access to the benefits of our Laws and the benefits to their own self. This

means, they may join any cause without their own individual mindset and intent on destroying


b. Our Pacific Northwestern Civilization here, We call “Adamsland”, shall be governed by Citizen

Adamites only, who are free to the benefits of individualism. Furthermore, the government

managing this Civilization is to be organized by men and women servants to the People of

Adamsland and only in the interest of Adamites everywhere throughout the Adamic World.

c. Our servants will follow the necessary model that will give Us that grand foundation to establish

our Adamic Home Front. These servants to the People will be charged by Oath to lead as called

upon, merited, or elected servants of the Assembly for Adamic Redemption Movement. The

[S]overeign Citizen or [s]overeign Citizen has the right to remain active or to become inactive.

Incentives are awarded to those who do consider their active role to this Government, while

this same Government protects the inactive with the same rights, ensuring that all Citizens are

provided the same protection throughout the Adamic World.

4 For A Secure And Prosperous Adamsland-

a. To provide for the Citizen the security for a secure and prosperous Adamsland, the Legislative

Branch will also grow out of the GHCC.

b. The General High Council Conference (GHCC) shall hereby develop out of the eleven states

in Adamsland.

c. The Legislative Branch is split into two Houses known as the Senate and the House of

Representatives. The Judicial Branch will be completely staffed once Adamsland is secured

by the formation of the eleven (11) states. The GHCC is completed as an organization after the

Legislative Branch [that is the Senate and the House of Representatives, together forming

Congress] and the Judicial Branch [that is the Supreme Court] are fully staffed.

d. Through the GHCC, the Movement will have representation to stand before the Supreme High

Council during all General Assemblies every eight months. This is to receive Instructions and

Orders signed by the Chief Judge of AARM.

e. The Executive Ranks of the Assembly Chain of Command are elected to represent the Assembly

and the Zones, Districts, Regions, States, and Federal level responsibilities. Through these

areas, the funds could be sent to the Organizations in the Movement for the individual Citizen’s

training, preparation and growth to benefit the active Adamite and to provide for the protection

of the sovereign Citizen.

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Site: XIV

International Affairs

1 Only In Our Best Interest-

a. Our definition of internationalism is an ideology based on the idea that cooperation between

peoples and nations is of the best interest for the whole of our Race.

b. We define Globalism to mean our policy-making in commerce and institutions across the


c. The Assembly for Adamic Redemption Movement (AARM) is therefore International within

our Race, Global to the World; and the World is all life that is healthy, positive, and good for

Us, all earthling inhabitants in cooperation to Our Laws. The world is therefore, Our World’s


2 Our Global Endeavor-

a. Globalization is on the rise! While our United States Republic of Adamsland will by all means

be a sovereign alliance of countries for a free Adamic Race, this does not exclude us from

participating fully in International affairs. International trade with neighboring Countries will

benefit humanity as a whole. It is by this, that We strongly believe, we have the responsibility

of leading this Global endeavor.

b. But rather than pressing for International issues through government, Our Cause will stand

forth to work with other races sharing this same planet on a purely individual basis. We

therefore organize a government that is the Assembly for Adamic Redemption Movement, to

be a sovereign Government to lead the United States Republic of Adamsland, and to avoid

involving itself with foreign affairs in any way shape or form.

c. Participation in this Globalization is to rather be left to the individual sovereigns of the Land

to freely (under regulated jurisdictions [precious metals and minerals accounted for and

restricted from leaving Adamsland] to protect our Home Front from infiltration into this Land

where it may not belong to all Citizens of Adamsland) trade for goods to benefit themselves


d. The responsibility of the individual will determine the outcome of this Global effort for

International trade and World peace.

e. Free economic, and personal freedom shall be enforced under the Laws set through Our

established Articles of Redemption of the United States Republic of Adamsland. No wars,

therefore, shall be waged by any group, between two parties and more, within or without our

Country based upon the premise of commerce and trade, social and identity.

f. Individuals or parties shall not violate in any way, through physical harm & etc., the good will

and free right of trade between two individuals and parties.

g. The International and Global community should be united with Us in the advancing drive

towards new accomplishments in striving towards the creation of Space Shuttles and Space

Stations instead of weapons of mass destruction. Justice and peace likewise amongst our

International community and Us here should help to keep wars out of Adamsland.

3 Adamic Global Hyperpower-

a. The status of World Superpower is the government with the power to enforce its presence and

maintain security in any country that is not a Superpower. Superpowers have a great influence

on the International community. They are a step above a Great Power [Great Britain] and have

the advantage over them as global hegemon. Today, geo-political strategists claim there is only

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one World Superpower [U.S.A]; a second Superpower [China]; and Rising Powers [European

Union, Russian Federation, India, and Brazil].

b. Today, members of our Race are leaders Globally. Today, our Race looks up at the Adamic

brothers and sisters they sent to outer space. And our Race, represented by the Astronauts We

have perched above our Cities and the planet We rest on, looks down from the high ground of

World achievement. And where We stand on the World stage of Power is at the top, as leaders,

as the trendsetters, the pace setters of a conquest of the races of the world. It is Our aim in this

Movement to achieving more for our own Kind by protecting Our achievements we already

have accomplished today.

c. Which leads Us to our primary objective as a Race. It is Our goal as a racial Redemption

Movement to continue as a World Superpower to further bringing our Race together against a

possible genocide for the objective to becoming for ourselves a Global Hyperpower.

d. The greatest of Nations and World Empires came out of the womb of our White women, our

racial Matriarchs. It is our objective to secure for Us a World in which they can find the

sanctuary where our Race can continue to propagate safely. It is here, that the People of

Adamsland will grow as an International Race through these Matriarchs, as our racial

Redemption Movement continues to provide the needed resources to build with as leaders in

space flight and technology.

e. Our Country Adamsland today is limited in resources that could be found throughout other

parts of the Globe. The need for resources through trade from a Global community will work

towards Our objectives to drive our Race forwards here in Adamsland surrounded by an Old

World falling backwards into the Stone Age from hence they came.

f. AARM will only work with members of our International community [meaning, with members

of our Race] in order to obtain the resources available in other parts of the Globe via our leading

power in space. Thus, to become the Global Hyperpower we aim for, it is essential that AARM

drives the Adamic Race further and faster to space, to obtain total space flight superiority than

any and all other Countries on Earth.

4 The Propagation Of Our People-

a. As controversial as it is to claim that ‘might is right,’ that we have so far covered, wherever

We are, we must strive to succeed by helping those of Our own who have fallen short of that

climb. Wherever possible, our presence should be ready to witness against all injustices, to

serve wherever needed using Adamsland as the sponsor to achieving the task accounted for.

And even though we are here to unite in Our own Country, We promote the propagation of our

People to help Us reach out into the many regions of the World Globe to partake of the global

societies in order to gather all and any necessary knowledge for us to adapt to perfect, to benefit

Us in a growing changing environment. Furthermore, as we look to the past to look to the

future, Our legacy has always been, since our Fertile Crescent Valley ancestors pushed man,

women and child forwards, as the “model” for civilization.

b. Our policies today are seen throughout the World as the foundation of a working thriving

society, although none have been as successful in steering the government as coordinated as

Our unified Adamic Race has.

5 A New World Race-

a. There is no doubt about it, no secret; our Race must take total advantage of this aim for

globalization! AARM is an advocate for our New World Government to be achieved. And any

leader of a people who denies the best for each follower by denying them the security that

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always comes out of Power, are only fooling them all by allowing the Power through numbers

to go to someone else with the aim for control of theirs.

b. We are therefore (We believe) heirs to this modern day struggle to keep Our estate for Our

youth to carry on as members of a New World Race on a planet where an Old World of races

are struggling for control of the same living space. The Old World races want our habitat,

which includes our Adamsland. AARM is the barrier between the Old World and our Race in

this struggle for living space. And just as a good biologist would agree that an environment

could only take so much of one species for the balance of nature to occur, Adamsland has only

room for one Race, ours!

6 Adamic United World Order-

a. As we hold on to our New World of advancement, the rest of humanity failing will always

have a model to base off of for them to succeed. Should they fail, the World will see the contrast

between our Race and those Old World races of savagery.

b. This Country Adamsland is our Bastion to build up our own United States Republic through

Our Adamic United World Order. Such is the philosophy behind our Redemption Movement.

Through this Redemption Movement, and through free international trade for resources it

provides, and economic security we seek, our Race wholly will grow in this struggle for Global


Site: XV

South of the Border

1 Aztlan-

a. There are primary points to know south of our Adamic Home Front. South of Adamsland today

is the Chicano and Mestizo country called “Aztlan”. Aztlan is characterized in the illustration

of Map Figure 1, Map Figure 2, Map Figure 3, Map Figure 4, Map Figure 5 and Map Figure 6

by the color red, and to also represent all that is outside of Adamsland. Therefore, the color red

marks the southwest called “Aztlan”, and is an area that excludes operations conducted by the

Assembly for Adamic Redemption Movement.

2 Other Surrounding Locations-

a. A brief tour of the major manmade and natural geographic features around the exterior parts

of the countries [states] of Adamsland is provided only in this writing. The following tour

presents what is not in Adamsland for the reader to know.

b. The Southwest Pacific Coast of California is Aztlan. California, down to Baja California is

rendered with the San Francisco Bay, including the Cities of San Francisco and Oakland.

c. Interstate 5 and Highway 99 both runs along the closest to Adamsland’s southwest border. The

City of Stockton, and then south of that is the City of Modesto, followed by the City of Fresno

and then the City of Bakersfield. These four Cities along Highway 99 shall be major markers

for Folk fixing to head north or east to Adamsland along the southwest.

d. Our Sierra Mountains are viewed from the Valley to the west as the reminder of our majestic

Homeland for all who wish to flee the coming wrath of time the land will in the near future

come to experience; for, just east of Bakersfield, California is the southwestern most edge of

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Adamsland. Any further south will lead the individual further away from it, as the southwestern

most edge of Adamsland is the Sequoia National Forest.

e. Aztlan also encompasses the Cities of Los Angeles and San Diego.

g. Also considered south of Adamsland and east of its Sequoia National Forest is Aztlan’s Death

Valley. And further east of Aztlan across the Death Valley is the City of Los Vegas. The

Colorado River runs southwards along the eastern parts of the Grand Canyon, with Los Vegas

on the west side. The Grand Canyon is depicted on the overview of each map in red signifying

its location in Aztlan south and southwest of Adamsland.

h. The Aztlan boundaries that are south of Adamsland are south of the Colorado River, up until

the border of Colorado state or territory. The Colorado militia has the power to inherit the land

as the rulers, independent from all other powers once the Central Government’s power

federally over the state from Washington D.C. dissipates. The Colorado militia will further

continue on with keeping their Colorado pride and heritage the presence of Power in the area,

while Aztlan will take on their role as the hegemon of their southwest.

3 Their Racist Rhetoric-

a. Aztlan will not have any influence to sway the masses to accept their racist rhetoric under their

claim for ‘Brown Pride’ here in Adamsland. This is because the Assembly for Adamic

Redemption Movement will keep our racial opposition out of Adamsland. Other exterior

governments will also aim to keep the Aztlan influence from their borders. The power of the

Aztlan Forces thus will fail to have any influence over governments and social policies

anywhere else outside of the Southwest. They will be limited to only the Southwest.

Site: XVI

Other Exterior Territories

1 Adamsland And Exterior Forces-

a. The main route eastwards connecting the outside of Adamsland to its border is I-80 East/West.

The route of I-80 East/West leads the traveler not only into Adamsland, but it also leads them

to other Highway routes leading to Colorado Country, and to Denver. And so Colorado

Country is the direct neighbor of Adamsland to the east, south, and southeast, while Aztlan is

the neighbor of Adamsland south, southwest and west.

b. Directly east of Adamsland, we are taken into the territory wherein the Lakota/Sioux [Lakota,

Dakota, Nakota, Sioux] Nations are located. This location is in present day North Dakota and

South Dakota. Today we are also familiar with southeast Wyoming, of which is a state of the

United States of America, ruled out of the District of Columbia and Philadelphia. The District

of Columbia, as is Philadelphia, is located too far away from these parts to be shown on the

Map Figures provided in this Tour.

c. North of the Lakota/Sioux Country rendered on Map Figure 3 is the current Country of

Manitoba, which thus concludes all features sharing the American Continent with the borders

of Adamsland.

d. For diplomatic resolutions, our northern territories span to the northern most part of our planet

at the northern summit of our planet Earth. Such shall be the title of the Arctic location

Adamsland’s northern seas shall be, in order to allow for Global communication.

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e. The western parts (that are not illustrated in full on this overview of Adamsland) are the

territories under the government of the Russian Federation.

f. Further southwest of Adamsland are the territorial locations of several Asian Pacific Countries.

Site: XVII

Our Natural Land Fortification

1 The High Ground-

a. The military term fortification means, a defensive wall or other reinforcement built to withstand

an attack from the other side by an opposing Force.

b. The Sierra Mountain’s range is as a giant castle wall fit for a mighty racial Homeland, as shown

in the illustration colored in dark green on Map Figure 2; therefore, Adamsland is a Country

that is rich with altitude, as it is the high ground of Our planet.

c. The Sierra Nevada range connects to the Cascade Mountain’s range, which then connects

eastwards with the Rocky Mountain’s range.

d. All three Mountain ranges completely drape around the desert Basin of Nevada.

e. The Nevada Basin in turn slopes downwards in elevation southwards into the lowest point on

Earth on land, the Death Valley, which is across our southern borders in the territory belonging

to the Aztlandic people. Such natural land formations around our Country, Adamsland, creates

Our natural land fortification against exterior opposition Forces.

2 Land-Locked With Aztlan-

a. Map Figure 2 provides a visual of an overall view at our basic land forms which provides Us

with a natural geographical protection from the enemies of Adamsland without from easily

infiltrating Our borders.

b. Such natural land fortifications that serves as Our defenses against invasion from those south

of Us, is the River mouth along the coast just south of Jenner, California, which runs from east

to west into the Pacific Ocean. Across this River is the northwest corner of Aztlan. Space

divides Our Land from the Southwest. This is an area heavily patrolled by our own Security

Forces, as our Country is land-locked with Aztlan in our heavily protected Park named the

Bohemian Grove. Connecting this location further eastwards are points enroot to today’s

Sacramento International Airport, and beyond further eastwards south of Rio Linda and

McClellan Airfield on up west of Watt Avenue, cutting eastwards again south of Antelope

Road along Elkhorn Boulevard, past Interstate 80 into our next tour of Our Adamic Home front

provided in Map Figure 6.

c. Across the Valley of Northern California [the State of Jefferson] that is rendered on Map Figure

2, are the several Cities of Adamsland. Following the Adamic City of Antelope Road

eastwards, as shown on the illustration, are as follows: Carmichael, Citrus Heights, Fair Oaks,

Orangevale and Folsom. These are major border Cities of Adamsland connected to the south

of Aztlan’s Cities: Sacramento, Rancho Cordova, Gold River etc., as rendered also on the same

Map, but southwards from Adamsland:

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USRA-And Other Areas Outside

1 Touring The Exterior-

a. Here, as shown in Map Figure 3: Adamsland and Exterior Forces is a rendered overview

map of Adamsland in solid green, with its ocean ways and seaways colored in solid sky-blue.

This map overview is to show the possible lines drawn in by the Forces present and next in

line to Power upon the regions that will surround Adamsland after a sudden collapse of

Washington D.C., brought on by a social or economic apocalypse.

b. Such that is illustrated here in this Map Figure 3 is only a possibility, as current Regimes hold

military power in these locations. But when such Powers in Washington D.C. needed to hold

the people together weakens and the current leaders in the regions surrounding Adamsland

fails to hold them under one flag and one law, independent Countries will pop-up as soon as

they are offered the opportunity.

c. Other territories already present today are illustrated, such as the Russian Federation, depicted

by a white patch representing its Ocean territories in relation to Ours, which is northwest and

west of Our territories.

d. South of the Russian Federation, west of us, is the Asian Pacific, in solid yellow. And because

of the observable tug-o-war being waged in the Bay Area, U.S.A today, with the Asian

community controlling the port, a stand-off is for certain to take place where the ‘want’ of a

united people to maintain their presence upon the area (as the San Francisco Bay is a strategic

location for International power and trade), the Brown race has its own plans in conflict to

Asia’s strategic plans for control. Race is a matter fact and life between both the Brown and

Yellow races in the Bay Area. Attached to this Asian control of the Bay Area is Hawaii. Thus

a social conflict could be the case there between the Brown and Yellow races.

e. What becomes of the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific is but an up for grabs struggle between

the Asian Pacific and American Pacific. Yellow Asians, aligned with San Francisco Bay Area

Asian-Americans already are likely to find a standoff against la [Brown] Raza of Aztlan, as

struggles to racially dominate in population to hold political and military control develops

between them, while Washington D.C. weakens or collapses. Militarily today, gangs in the

Bay Area will fall in that line for the use of other governments willing to finance these

individual recruits to fend off all opposition in the surrounding area.

f. Surrounding the Bay Area is a greater population of Chicanos loyal to Aztlan. This is why the

Bay Area will go to one united people. Whichever of the two most dominant ethnic or race

groups wants the Bay Area, such as the Brown Chicano, or Yellow Asians, the two Races have

their own program ready for the people stuck or caught within its borders. Yellow Americans

in great numbers are loyal to Yellow Asians and are a mighty presence in the Bay Area. But

the Brown Chicano is also heavily present in the same area. They are well funded, well

populated, both in social presence and political participation. This means that the two-

ethnic/race groups will struggle for control of the Bay of San Francisco and Hawaii as a link

across the Pacific to Yellow Asia. Such takeover of the South Pacific is a happening dream

come true for our racial opposition as the Yellow Asians multiply in population in the Bay

Area. Hawaii and the Bay Area together would make for a better trade post for Yellow Asians,

with their Yellow American cousins providing American imported sustenance to a growing

Asian populous, in which China and the rest of Asia are focused on in America’s 21st Century.

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g. The yellow area with cross hatches marks where the Asian Pacific/Aztlan struggles might be

taking place sometime in the near future. The boundary for this possible new territory will

most likely be kilometers around the Bay Area in today’s California that runs southwestwards

towards Hawaii, around the southern part of the Main Island to include it in with the Asian-

American Pacific territory, as an Asian Pacific Triangle for commerce. This line is linked

northwestwards with the Asian Pacific Ocean. Such is what might happen, as illustrated in the


h. Should the Chicano Southwest take the Asian American opposition out or merge, the color

brown on Map Figure 3 represents the territory of their Aztlan. Such is the symbol the yellow

crosshatched portion of the map shows. It shows that the whole area could be included as all

of Aztlan. The mainland, to include this southern neighbor of Adamsland colored in brown,

starts across the River south of Jenner, California. The southern valley of California will be in

their possession. The mountains, foothills included, belong to Adamsland. Aztlan, as shown in

brown, spans across the valley, cutting south along the outermost of the foothills of the Sierra

Mountain Range to the southwestern most corner of the Sequoia National Forest onwards

around the northern range of the Death Valley.

i. The color green shown in Map Figure 3 represents the borders dividing the valley of southern

California from the mountain walls of the Adamic Home Front, beginning at the foothills until

as far as Bakersfield, and cutting eastwards bordering the Sequoia National [Federal] Forest

from Adamsland’s Sierra Mountain Range. Death Valley is the dividing wall between our two

peoples [Adamites to the north and pre-Adamites to the south], acting as a giant geological,

geographical, ecological, and environmental death trap for southern invaders attempting to

travel up north towards Us. Further, two military Bases occupied by our U.S. Forces will act

as Our first line defense against an ensuing southern invasion, such will also be beneficial for

both of our two peoples.

j. Continuing eastwards, Aztlan is south of Adamsland’s St. George, Utah [Deseret state]. Thus,

border control is essential in the task to secure them. The border runs east, just at the Colorado

River and the Grand Canyon. It is there that Aztlan touches borders with other supposed

Countries, independent one from the other as rendered, sharing this map illustration.

k. The Legend left of the map shows that the white shape with green lines pointing northwest is

an independent Colorado protected by the well-funded, well trained and organized Colorado


l. Further, Aztlan continues east until it meets with another well-funded, trained and organized

people of Texas. The Southwest of Texas obviously will fall to Aztlan Forces. But Texans

(having their own Texas Power Grid) will have secured themselves in an enclave that is shown

by the following white shape with a red outline. Both Colorado and Texas obviously will be

independent. With four Power Grids in the United States of America [the Eastern Power Grid,

the Western Power Grid, Adamsland Power Grid, and the Texas Power Grid] Texas most likely

will stay a Republic. Thus the Republic of Texas could be one such title of that country after

the collapse of power in Washington D.C. occurs.

m. The two independent Countries will have a neighbor, which the illustration in blue, with a dark

blue outline shows. Such independent Countries from the mentioned Countries on the map are

not sharing borders with Adamsland. If it is an aggressive Country, the Colorado militia and

the footsteps of the Rockies that begin in the center of the Country of Colorado will serve as

Our first line protection. Added to Our security further into the Rockies flows the Colorado

River dividing Us from invasion from the east.

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n. Northeast of both Colorado Country and the other independent Country shown on the same

map will be a Country occupied by the Lakota/Sioux Nation. This territory consists of many

tribes of the Plains peoples who began hunting and gathering inside the Plain’s Basin after

acquiring Spanish horses before the Anglo-Saxon Manifest Destiny westwards. Such drive

westwards is what our Adamic Race paved; thus, aiding Us today to find security and a place

to find refuge in a Land dedicated to Our racial Forbearers. But down in the Great Plains east

of our Mount Rushmore National [Federal] Park in Our Black Hills, South Dakota [to be

renamed], the independent Lakota/Sioux Nation will find their place of refuge. The red solid

shape on Map Figure 4 represents this territory. Their southwestern border meets Colorado’s

northeastern corner, taking central and eastern Nebraska, central and eastern South Dakota,

and central and eastern North Dakota. Their borders runs north until it meets the independent

Country/State of Manitoba, Canada. Their northern border cuts east along Manitoba and North

Dakota to continue onwards.

o. Manitoba in Canada is a shared Country between English speaking and French speaking people

to the east, not shown on the map. Border patrolling will serve as a procedure to establish a

secured Country from invaders from the east.

p. Northwards, which is represented in solid orange, as shown on the bottom of the Legend, is

Nunavut. The Tundra is a vast desert serving as a harsh landscape for any peoples. Training

will be a focused part of our security measure and will take place all over the area. Secured

patrol Posts and Forts will bind our Forces throughout Adamsland to protect Our Civilization

and People from invasion out of this northeastern part of the globe rendered on the map in


2 Map Figure 5: The United States Republic Of Adamsland-

Map Figure 5: The United States Republic Of Adamsland

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a. Map Figure 5 shows only the outline of an illustrated rendition of the overview map of

Adamsland and the USRA waters.

b. The light blue renders, as shown west, northwest and north of Adamsland, the Waters that will

be secured by the Assembly for Adamic Redemption Movement (AARM).

c. North of Adamsland, and south of the northern seas above Adamsland in green is rendered on

the map to be one of our states, called Alaska (at the edge of our Adamic frontier next to the

Russian Federation). This is shown on Map Figure 3. The Alaskan Ring of Fire Islands (a net

of active volcanoes stretching west, each standing high above the Ocean waves as our bridge

to the Bearing Straight which connects to the Russian Federation) serves as our first line

defense from any possible invasion coming from the west of us.

d. The landmass on Map Figure 5, shown colored white, east of Alaska, is Northwest Territory

with two other states directly below it.

e. The gray area represents the state called British Columbia. This state is rendered by the color

gray, while at the center of Adamsland territories is almost entirely all mountain ranges making

it a wall against invaders who would attempt at using the shores of the Pacific as a route of

attack. Such mountains will serve as a fortress wall for the valley and steppes to its east. The

inhabitants within are able to find refuge because of the many places where the land forms a

natural protection from those who oppose Our existence.

f. Though much of Adamsland is mountainous, the area/state represented in this map colored

purple is vastly flat. Alberta and Saskatchewan combined [both to be renamed as one state], as

shown on Map Figure 5, is colored in purple. It’s useful for cattle, farms and it is a parcel of

land heavily secured by active, well-armed, trained and battle ready security Forces about the

rugged terrain. The two combined territories, as one State government, is a first line defense

against invaders from the east. Note: The purple rendered on the map representing one state is to

combine the one major ethnic group of our People, of White Ukrainian descent. But a majority speaks

English, as it is the national language under Canadian law of that territory at this writing.

g. Each state provides its own purpose in the ultimate task of providing the welfare and security

of our Adamic Race here in Adamsland.

h. Much more populated are the seven southern states in Adamsland. They are all specifically

placed to serve several important tasks for the Country. As Alaska is great for the fishing

industry and many other resources, all other states will have their own cash crop in this great

contributing of resources. The seven southern states in Adamsland are heavily populated with

urban and suburban Folk who are equally capable to network with the four other states to the

north in commerce and trade.

i. The other state colored in lime-green is the rendition of the outline of the State of Washington.

j. The red area on Map Figure 5 renders the State of Jefferson. Jefferson state is the southwest

state in Adamsland. Its very shores connects with the shores of Aztlan directly to our south.

The USRA waters [our Pacific Northwest Ocean] begin at Jefferson state at Jenner, at the

center of the west side of the state. This location is heavily populated and well secured by both

natural defenses, like rugged mountains, and by human made fortifications. Such as our wall

of opposition against the world outside of our Adamsland is given that added help due to the

heavy mountain ranges that makes up a major percentage of our defenses. In addition to our

defenses, our heavily populated State of Jefferson is heavily patrolled by a very well prepared

people familiar with the land inside and out.

k. The yellow area on this Map Figure 5 is a rendition of the current State of Nevada [to be

renamed]. This is a state centered in a dry erred climate that has made it a desert basin.

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l. The state, as shown colored in sky-blue, or ocean-blue, is the State of Deseret, formally known

as the State of Utah.

m. The orange area directly north of this State of Deseret shown on Map Figure 5 is another

independent state in Adamsland to be named by the Citizens who are residence of the USRA,


n. The aqua-blue area to the north of the state rendered on Map Figure 5 is another independent

state to be named by the Citizens of Adamsland who live there.

o. The center of Map Figure 5 shows the midnight-blue color to render where the only state in

Adamsland is completely surrounded by other states in Adamsland. From the Map Figure 5,

we see that all other states in Adamsland are exposed to exterior Forces occupying other

Countries surrounding us.

3 Arrow Of Direction-

a. Located at the bottom right hand corner of Map Figure 6 shows the arrow of direction pointing

north towards the pole to show where each location on the map is related to the other.

4 Map Figure 6: Sunrise District of Adamsland-

a. Map Figure 6 is an overview map of the Cities (and soon to be cities) of Antelope, Carmichael,

Citrus Heights, Roseville, Orangevale, Fair Oaks and Folsom, California. These Cities, as seen

in this colored rendition of the areas in Adamsland are shown to be at a close distance to the

area southwards that is colored in deep red. It is between the two locations on the map, the one

illustrated in colors at the top of the map, and the red zone, which is divided by the American

River flowing westwards separating our Country from the south. There, a line is drawn in. This

is seen starting at the bottom of the right side going westwards, to the top left hand corner as

shown on the map. This line is the border between two world communities living side by side,

one non-White Hispanic, Chicano, Brown World under Aztlan, while the top illustrated side

is the Latin, Alpine, Hispanic, Mediterranean, Nordic, Persian, Irish, Italian, Catholic, etc.,

White Adamic Homeland, Adamsland.

b. In our view represented on Map Figure 6’s top left hand corner is Elkhorn Blvd. As shown, it

takes us in between both the Aztlan City of North Highlands to the south, and Adamsland’s

City of Antelope to the north over the train tracks on further southeast across U.S. Interstate


c. It is there just east over I-80 where Greenback Lane begins.

d. Heading eastwards just over I-80 on Greenback Lane is where we come to Arcade Creek

running north to south. It is there where we follow the border of our Country Adamsland

southwards following the creek directly Devecchi Avenue. There we tour east directly across

Auburn Boulevard.

e. Crossing over Auburn Boulevard at the northern corner of where Manzanita Avenue begins,

to run south, is where our border continues along. It follows along southwards until it runs into

Fair Oaks Boulevard just one block west of California Avenue.

f. It is here along California Avenue where our border continues south to the American River.

g. This is the point at which Adamsland’s border takes us north of the American River, guiding

us northeastwards.

h. Traveling along the north side of the American River, we come Sunrise Boulevard Bridge.

There, we continue along the north side of the American River.

i. It is along the north bank of the American River that Adamsland is on.

j. Up river, we trace our southern border along the City of Fair Oaks until we come to Nimbus

Dam. The whole facility of this Dam is in Adamsland, thus bringing us across the River.

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k. Very important it is to know for the viewer is the aerial view of how our territory jumps across

the American River just at the west side of Nimbus Dam Bridge. The next land linkage after

the Sunrise Boulevard Bridge is established south, eastwards as shown on the overview, as it

connects with the El Dorado 50 Freeway. Because of the limited space offered on the map,

only so much to our view is here:

Map Figure 6: Sunrise District of Adamsland

5 Adamsland and the Globe-

a. Adamsland and the Globe, as shown in Map Figure 1, are divided by four colors.

b. The Green colored region is Adamsland.

c. The light blue color is the Pacific Ocean belonging to the People of Adamsland.

d. The red color represents everywhere else but Adamsland by land.

e. The dark blue represents, Oceans, Seas and Rivers We have no authority over.

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Map Figure 1: Adamsland and the Globe

Site: XIX

Here in Adamsland!

1 Current Powers-

a. Presently, Adamsland sits geographically as an enclave and as an occupied Country. The weight

upon Adamic sovereignty here in Adamsland as an occupied County is not only under one

Power, but rather, two. One of those occupying Forces is a World Superpower! Call that a

dilemma, or consider it a prime example of our future posterity as the next rising Superpower;

for it does not take a system to make a Superpower, but the people leading that system. The

two Powers presently in control on Adamsland are, the United States of America [THE

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA included] and Canada. Canada is a member of the

Commonwealth of Great Britain, which includes other members i.e. South Africa and

Australia. And Our People, members of the Adamic Race, still have control over those two

government systems.

b. Though the two occupying Powers reign on Adamsland today, they do not rule the United States

Republic of Adamsland (USRA) and its Government, the Assembly for Adamic Redemption

Movement (AARM). And the two Powers reigning on Adamsland today will not last forever.

One day, when the two Powers do dissipate, when they disappear, another rising Power will

take their place. Whether people want to believe that the next Power is being formed today, or

if it will be formed tomorrow is only left to guessing. And whether they want to believe that

rising Power will occur here on Adamsland or elsewhere is their own investigation—AARM

is forming to be that next Power.

c. Out of Great Britain, once a World Superpower, there arose another World Superpower under

the title, the United States of America. History is replete of Powers rising out of the weakening

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Power. So it would make perfect sense that the two current Powers of the World, Great Britain

and the United States of America, combines to become the Global Hyperpower of a United

States Republic of Adamsland, and Home Front to and for the Adamic Race. To make sense

out of this, this tour should outline the current Powers, Great Britain and the United States of

America. This is because Great Britain and the United States of America still have governing

powers over much of Adamsland.

d. We must remember that when entering Canada while traveling along the Pacific Northwest

from Jenner to Anchorage, the rule of law is distinct from our Adamic Law. Canada [Canaan-

da] is still ruled by an Aristocratic Monarchy, and Adamsland is a meritocracy, where leaders

are chosen within the bloodline of all aristocratic bloodlines of Adam, but instead of power

going from father and mother to son or daughter, it will go to the best among the Race. The

bloodline of all aristocratic families of the Adamic Race shall remain fortified by a strict

Program for racial redemption, and shall continue as a right, for we do pride our worth, our

bloodline. We also know that the best for our Race’s government is through the best among

the Race, and is not always found only in one immediate family and in one individual.

e. The UNITED STATES Corporation is not far off from the aristocracy ruling Canada because

it is ruled by family dynasties instead of one family. Today, Americans are obsessed with

bloodlines and the aristocracy. To provide a clearer understanding of the current position of

the UNITED STATES Corporation, using the concept of New Aristocracy as the term to show

the evidence of how dynastic families are able to rule in the United States today, let us look at

the past and current trends of passing World Powers.

f. Patriots would have it that the Revolutionary War bringing about the United States of America

stopped the Aristocracy, to found a government “of the People and by the People”, not a

government of dynastic families. We often think about the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers and

the Kennedys when recalling the power of ruling families still alive and well in America. And

when it comes to the top Office of the government of the United States of America, the

presidency, the New Aristocracy can still be pointed out.

g. First to the thrown of the called “New Aristocracy” in the presidency of the United States of

America was President John Adams, followed by his son President John Quincy Adams. Then

came President Theodore Roosevelt and his cousin, President Franklin Delenore Roosevelt.

Then came President John F. Kennedy and his powerful family of Kennedys. Then came

President George Herbert Walker Bush, followed by his son President George Walker Bush,

President William Jefferson Clinton and his wife, Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham


h. Now compare both Canada’s ruling “family”, and the ruling “families” of the United States of

America at the way the interests out of the media are hand in hand. Take into account that the

American media used “Royal Family”, “Royal Visit” and “Royal Wedding” when referring to

the current events of the times in their talking points. Take into account the celebrities today,

striving to make up for not being a direct line of the Aristocracy by forming their own

Hollywood dynasty, as they consider themselves superior to everyone else on the outside.

i. Adamites need not feel left out of the loop in Adamic Law, for in it, we too are members of the

bloodline! That reason should be reason enough to unite British with German, Danish with

Ukrainian, Irish with Latin, and Hispanic with Russian to have our United States Republic of

Adamsland here in Adamsland. Adamites in the UNITED STATES Corporation, in the

Commonwealth, and further, the World should consider Adamsland the Bastion for Adamic


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2 A Future Secured-

a. We have every right to Our Cause for Adamic redemption. We are therefore focused on

maintaining for ourselves a future secured with the promise set through our duty, that tomorrow

will be another day of freedom. We honor the right for life to go on in its own accord. And We

shall persist to guard that right!

b. Our aim must be known to all Kindreds, Tongues, Nations and races that We will not destroy,

but instead focus in bringing to life the passion to being righteous in all of Our endeavors,

which in turn shall and will benefit the rest of society and the International community.

3 Our Racial Struggle-

a. There is much peace here in the Pacific Northwest today. How long we can keep this peace

depends on our ability to keep it a Land wherein the Adamic Race holds on to the Power. This

peace we are experiencing in our time shall be, so long as We are not in any way physically,

mentally, emotionally and even spiritually scathed by those who are lusting over the desire to

act against Us here. What this means is that, our right to peacefully and rightfully assemble has

not been attacked by an opposing element within and without Our Home Front. Therefore,

Hollywood, New York, conflicts of the South, the problems along the southern U.S.A border

and California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas are all but concerns of those who are not

focused on Our posterity along our borders here in Adamsland. Our fellow Adamic Kin in

those locations outside of our Home Front are welcome to joining Us here in Our sanctuary, to

enjoy Our safe bastion, and to enjoy the posterity of life in this secured Land.

b. Here in Adamsland, we have to focus on how we should feel and live. We are not concerned

with the external problems concerning the conflicts in Iraq even, or in Afghanistan where our

Race is not caught in the middle and threatened to harm. This is because we see the conflicts

observed today as a war against terrorism, and not a war against Islam, because We are not at

war against Islam. We observe this World War on terrorism still undefined; therefore, we orient

Our aim as but racial.

c. This struggle taking place on a planet where dumb and genius people are mixed in to one

society, there is a struggle waging on between both Arabs and Jews as they both are competing

members of the same root race through the bloodline of the Ishmaelite for the power of the 21st

Century. It was through this lineage that roamed about this planet before the dawn of Our

existence that approached our People in order to explore and partake of our beautiful heritage

of civilization. They were rather brute primitives to Our racial Kinfolk back then, and they are

brute primitives to us today. Our ancestors taught them civilization then, and We are still ahead

of their world as we continue to lead by example through our Assembly for Adamic

Redemption Movement to follow our ancestors’ lead, who taught them [the Children of the

Ishmaelite] civilization.

d. Both Arabs and Jews use religion and fear to sway the World against their ethnic heritage, the

road map to who they are and where they themselves came from. They were and are but

cousins, spawned from one ancient peoples of the Old World. Now they are struggling amongst

themselves like rivaling siblings in a dysfunctional family looking at one another as an enemy.

e. The struggles between Semitic Jews and Arabs are but an Age-old problem between those two

peoples. We are not involved with the struggles between religions, as we observe only Our

racial redemption. We shouldn’t get involved and concerned at the troubles developing

globally, because again, in Adamsland, we have directed Our attention on only matters that

pertains to Our Republic and to those of our Race throughout the World and not on ways to

get involved with others in conflict with their neighbors and other races.

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3 At A Necessary Pace-

a. To understand how important it is that We begin our great work in this Cause now and here in

Adamsland, We must comprehend how fast time really is when observing the decline of our

Adamic Civilization. We can view the outcome of our World through the exhaustive outcome

Our racial opposition has suffered upon our Race within the past few decades. We can observe

changes to Our Civilization around the multiplying population of our own racial opposition

within the course of one year, five years, and ten years; and how fast time has shown changes

to the façade of Our Civilization because of them—one day passes by, followed by two, then

three days, and those blindsided by the spectacle of lights and festivities happening on the tube

or in the stadium, and the enemy unites and multiplies. Then a week jolts by before we realize

where our time during then went as the enemy still unites. Weeks turn into months, months

turn into years, and our enemy has developed within and has infiltrated many facets of Our

society. Years have and will turn into a decade to thus change the face of our Civilization to

become the ruins so many of our own in the past had succumbed to.

b. Time is therefore, all that is needed for the enemy to deliver their final blow before We, in the

society Our Forefathers and Foremothers raised Us in, finds ourselves subservient before them.

c. At a necessary pace in this Cause to unite here in Adamsland, We together can accomplish

many great things for our Country, for our Race. From a tiny idea, to a big project, the more

We put into this task to achieving our goals to redeeming Our racial Homeland here in

Adamsland, generations after Us will get to inherit this master Plan.

d. Therefore, We must continue on with our racial endeavors, as time is ongoing and doesn’t stop!

Eras come and go, as they always have for our Earthly experience. While the Nations over

other Countries bicker at their neighbors and wage war, they will bring each other down; others

will take their place. Those who fall by the waste side, others too will take their place. Because

We are focused on Our own progress, and worry not about Our failing neighbors, We will

become that People who will eventually and essentially (as observed in Our racial history) take

their place. This is only so through our individual understanding to this fact. Also, we must

always remember that wherever our People go (whether it be in today’s ravaged Haitian side

of the island in the Caribbean, or in a desolate dessert basin, or on the steppes of a wild frontier)

when left alone to be free, We have always managed to build civilization.

4 To Let Our People Go-

a. The Chinese on America, and on Europe have China on Asia to be Chinese; the Jews on

America and on Europe have Israel to be Jewish; and the Adamic Race on America, on Europe

and on Asia has Adamsland to be Adamites. Power, not restraint, will keep China for the

Chinese, Israel for the Jew, and Adamsland for the Adamite.

b. The Chinese today have claim to China. They pride to having had it for thousands of years.

Today they use that as their record to have their right to China as their real-estate, as the Jew

claims to have had Israel for it to be Jewish real-estate.

c. Adamites do not and should not consider any land as legitimate grounds based on tradition,

and having had it for a few thousand years. The world and its history is a battlefield of regime

changes. The Chinese and the Jews are latecomers to their real-estate when compared to the

distance of time in-between when those countries they claim today were inhabited by other

peoples and earlier hominids and the so-called modern humans of today. It is not tradition that

earns the people the right to a land; it is power, the ability to use force to keep it!

d. Adamites recognize that Adamsland is only for Adamites so long as the desire and might

through force allows that. This means that there is no argument in defending a right to land

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through tradition and being first, between Us and others. Thus, Adamites do not consider the

argument that America belongs to the Amerindian for being first a logical and reasonable


e. The Chinese built a wall to prevent themselves from losing China to the Mongolians. The Jews

(in their religion, found in their holy records within the Old Testament) hold the history of the

Israelites held captive in ancient Egypt as an exemplar of their position as a people today when

Moses commanded the Pharaoh by saying, “Let my people go!” The Israelites discovered their

worth, and then they united enough to pack up and head out to safer ground. They met

challenges along the way of course. But in the end, they left Africa to establish the 12 Israelite

Kingdoms along the Mediterranean in the Near East.

f. The Adamic Race is in a similar experience today of being held captives to debt, to codes, to

taxes, to registrations and regulations, to lawsuits, to credit, to fines, to tickets, to jurisdictions,

to laws, to restrictions, to statutes and to the ignorance of the bondage they are in under the

web of the UNITED STATES Corporation. Adamsland is the Homeland for the free Adamite.

It is the Promise Land, the last Bastion for our self-rule to keep us free from being threatened

to a system’s debt and its possible economic collapse. The Pharaoh did not accept the Israelites

their sovereignty, and the Mongolians did not accept the sovereignty of the Chinese. They all

had to do more than talk about their existence in freedom; they had to fight for it.

g. No World Superpower is going to let another group, or faction rise within its own borders and

replace it. King George III felt the same as the Pharaoh did when trying to stop the Israelites

from fleeing, and sent his soldiers to the New World to disarm the 13 Adamic Colonies through

the attempt at confiscating the guns from “the People”.

h. The Adamic Race on Adamsland is not going to rise up either without the pressure of the

current Powers. Neither is the Adamic Race going to escape the debt being owed back without

being able to secure that right by force. Sometimes systems need to be torn down and

remodeled or restructured for “the People” to keep stagnate governments from becoming too

overbearing. Sometimes, a government “of the People, by the People, and for the People”

needs to be dismantled by the People in order to investigate it for reproof and for revision, as

a slash and burn method to keeping the Race’s Country in the hands of a government for “the

People and by the People.”

i. Time will only tell how the events will unfold before we finally get at a real chance to strip

ourselves from the current dilemma of being in a debt system that is holding “the People”

hostage as slaves and to shake free from the smothered hopes and dreams by a failed and

corrupt government. Our Forebears experienced that during their lifetime. They saw a World

Superpower pounce upon them in order to kill them all for their dissent.

j. The torch of victory was passed on from those fighting men and women of our glorious racial

past, from Kin to Kin in the struggle to maintain Power, from the mighty Sumerians, Scathians,

to the Egyptians, Greeks, Latins, Romans, Vikings, Celts, Franks, Normans, Scots, to the Brits,

Anglos, Saxons, Germans, to make the united Adamic Race in North and South America, unto

our established Adamsland today. The greatest of the thinkers and doers of the past have

continued to press on together for greener and safer pastures for liberty, and Adamsland is that

testimony of their long sojourn to get us to our current position of Power as leaders in World

achievements. And Adamites of the New World united the 13 Colonies and established the 13

original united states of America because of that long journey our Race had taken.

k. Documents our Forbearers had drafted from time to time goes to show us the system of

governments of ours’ are constantly evolving, as literal torches to show our path to World

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Power. Though government has changed over the course of time, our Adamic Race is still

united to carry the torch of World Power with thousands of years of experience. Our Forebears

were great record keepers. From stone tablets, to papyrus, to paper, laws against oppression,

and the promise of our inalienable right to individual sovereignty have been handed down from

generation to generation.

l. Sometimes the slash and burn of a failing system does not take bloodshed. Regime changes

can often be peaceful. The transfer of power from General President George Washington to

President John Adams was the first record of a peaceful regime change known that did not

involve the persecution or injury on the prior Power stepping down.

m. How the USRA will achieve that rise to Power is a matter only time will tell. The Adamic Race

must use cooperation to overcome the necessary restructuring of the system that works best to

provide order through unity and security, through power. We should consider the possibilities

for our racial redemption our Forebears left us in writing.

n. Each generation that got to have access to their own government got to write their own

government to act as their own social contract and decree of freedom to identity. This United

States Republic of Adamsland is that system in waiting to receive the torch of Power and

promise in record and continue our record-keeping legacy for our next of Kin to carry on.

Site: XX

Articles of Redemption Seminar Assembly

1 The Seminar Assembly-

a. All Adamite Redemptionists herewith must go through a course of action to prove merit, in

order to obtain the security and services provided by the Assembly for Adamic Redemption

Movement (AARM). The Adamite must follow through with the process of sponsorship from

a qualified AARM representative during the course of action to prove their merit.

b. The sponsors are the representatives guiding the Adamites through their introduction into

AARM after the Tour of Adamsland. The next step the Adamite takes after receiving a

Welcome to Adamsland Tour is the Seminar Assembly.

c. The Seminar Assembly is designed to orient the Adamite with the Articles of Redemption. This

Site: XX is that approach needed to tell the story to the Adamite of the journey it took for the

Articles of Redemption to come to fruition. This Site does not need to be issued to the Adamite

during the Seminar Assembly verbatim, but it does need to be covered before going into the

Articles of Redemption itself as an introduction. Therefore, this Site is available to introduce

the Adamite to the past events leading up to the Articles of Redemption.

d. This Site is to provide both the student and the teacher of the Articles of Redemption the

necessary factors leading up to its design. The reason to show this history of the “social

contract” is to provide the Adamite with evidence of the journey that it took for us to live as a

free and united People. Our Forbearers had created a Country free enough for us today to have

the Articles of Redemption come to light to our Adamic World. The history of our Race is the

history of the freedoms we have today. And although the historical events covered in this Site

might not stand accurate, it is the mission of the Assembly for Adamic Redemption Movement

to piece together the events of the past and combine every other reference available to connect

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the history of our Adamic Race past, present and future. This Site is here in order to show

Adamites all over the Adamic World the possible path the Adamic Race of the past took to

give us the legal right to our social contract today, the Articles of Redemption.

e. The Adamic World is the history of the Adamic Race, and all that is good for the Adamic Race,

and that which is a part of the creative endeavor of the Adamic Race. The Cosmic Law rules

the Adamic Race. Our ancestors gave us members of the Adamic Race laws to guide us in

what they have carried on from their Forbearers called “civilization”. The history of

civilization is the history of the Adamic Race. Thus, our racial sojourn must be shared to our

Adamic Kinfolk through the Seminar Assembly, of the social contract found in Adamic Law,

and how the Articles of Redemption came to be.

2 Origin Of The Social Contract-

a. The social contract has enforced the rule of law for thousands of years. Contracts today, like

they have been according to the thousands of years of recorded history, are agreements between

two individuals whether through the form of a constitution, a declaration, article, code, policy,

statute or regulation.

b. There are many laws or policies for the social contract to enforce. The recipe of the laws or

polices creates the many systems of government to choose from. There are land laws protecting

a monarchy, a corporation, and laws protecting the streets, there are laws protecting revenue,

and there are laws of the seas. Laws are seemingly everywhere, i.e. laws of nature, cosmic law,

admiralty and maritime laws and human rights laws. If someone lives under a monarchy, there

is a set of laws to keep it. If someone lives in a republic there is a constitution to maintain that.

c. Government code enforcers keep the peace through force, rounding up those who go astray

from the law and are brought back in line as subject to the contract. And not all contracts have

to be in written form. They are often verbal contracts. Reciting the “Pledge of Allegiance”, and

saying, “yes” or “I do” to an authority enforcing the King’s will seals the deal of a bound

contract. Contracts can be bound verbally using the correct combination of words to unlock

the code to enforce the contract between two parties. Thus, the deeds and actions the subject

does when the code enforcer demands it keeps the King’s authority legit or destroys it. The

social contract is bound once an individual consents to the debt incurred to the debtor for

simply saying the proper replies to a verbal offer from the code enforcer. When an individual

identifies to being subject to the social contract, the code enforcer enforces the law for the


d. Contracts can be waivered peacefully. But it wasn’t always like this without a fight, because in

the past, people were literally “subjects” against their will to a “sovereign” who literally owned

their debt. That sovereign was a king, a queen, or an emperor [King of kings] who had complete

and absolute power over all subjects.

e. Known contracts written on clay tablets go back to the Sumerians 6,000 years ago. History in-

between then and now is full of powerful individuals and families wielding insurmountable

powers over their subjects just for being born to enforce the social contract.

f. Our Adamic Race would evidently witness since Sumeria, the rise and fall of thinkers and doers

in astronomy, in science, in mathematics, in architecture, in military, and in technology. Some

of them along the way through time had laws preventing access to all of the answers, while

other laws protected others in their search for it. And even though they were men and women

enlightened to their craft, they lacked the concept of the social contract thoroughly to free

themselves from the oppressors’ rise from time to time.

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g. Adamites would become the generations witnessing 3000 B.C.E. on through to handing down

the recorded events of the past. Adamites since went through Egypt, then through 5th century

B.C.E. Greece where great thinkers of democracy and the republic, such as Plato [author of

The Republic], would develop. Adamites of the 4th century B.C.E. on through to 27 B.C.E.

would witness, and then record the rise and fall of the Roman Republic. Adamites of the first

century C.E., on through to the 5th century C.E. would witness its eventual collapse as the

Roman Empire in the west, giving rise to the Dark ages of Europe.

h. It is there during the Dark ages Europe where a one-world government again would reclaim

the region to subdue the People under the authority of kings and princes. It was under the

monarchy reestablished in Europe who worked to suppress the great thinkers and doers in

astronomy, in science, in mathematics, in architecture, in military and in technology, enslaving

the People of 5th century on to the 15th century.

i. But the age of the thinker and doer was not destroyed during the Dark ages, for they were

forced into hiding to preserve the truth for the future to redeem. It took them to the courts of

the oppressor to out-power the most aggressively tyrannical monarch, and give rise to the

vibrant Adamite.

j. The spirit of our Race cannot be suppressed, and eventually a generation will break free. The

last time Europe saw this kind of enlightenment of their freedom was about 1,700 years prior

in the founding of the Roman Republic. The Dark ages of Europe now lay behind those living

in the Renaissance, as a historic reminder of what their own parents and grandparents went

through years before. Math and other sciences were again a growing knowledge amongst

Europeans; literacy was beginning to take hold of the free minds of men and women looking

further into their own identity. Books that were once outlawed a few decades ago were now

available to be read by free and literate children whose grandparents were illiterate slaves.

These children grew to make decisions that would bring the people closer in to understanding

their own identity as sovereigns that kings began worrying about.

k. The Renaissance from the 14th to the 17th centuries developed out of the spark of freedom one

particular generation witnessed in Italy. This was at a time the Arabs of the Middle East were

beginning to take advantage of a sleeping Europe. The Mongolian advance was put to a stop

in Europe’s backyard by the rise of the Huns, Viking conquests, and the still intact Eastern

Roman Empire on Anatolia. But once the generation of hybrid Mongolian and Arabs took to

the scene as Turks in southern Anatolia, the new foreseen danger to Europe was to awaken our

Adamic Kinfolk to rise up.

l. Spain began their defenses along the Isle of Gibraltar against the advancing Arabs across the

Strait of Gibraltar from Africa. That happened while Italy became the hub of great thinkers

and doers in astronomy, in science, in mathematics, in architecture, in military, and in

technology, to spread to the far reaches of Europe and spark the age of enlightenment. Because

of this, European Adamites were able to keep the Arab and Turkish advance inwards from

closing in any further.

m. It was the age of enlightenment in 17th and 18th century Europe where the Adamites began

witnessing an age of reason that drew them to unite in question on the legitimacy of the social

contract. This thinking within our Race stopped the advancing Arab and Turkish invaders. This

not only kept away the advance of foreign invaders into Europe, this also led to revolts leaving

the Dark ages of Europe behind them. Thinking comes from the greater perspective found only

in a free people, and Adamites all over Europe acted on what they thought that no emperor was

able to contain.

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n. Once societies no longer had to be secret from the tyranny of a Dark Age king, free and open

Lodges and clubs shot up from major European cities and towns and out into the open. The

People once more began questioning their identity as free men and women alongside those

who considered them as “subjects”. Kings were being over-thrown by the freed subjects,

Barons were chased out, and power to the People was beginning to take hold all across Europe.

The end of the Dark ages thus, was the signal that the new dawn of a new age of enlightenment

was alive.

3 New World Rising-

a. The reality of the social contract was able to reach the minds of the People in Europe towards

the end of the Dark ages. And already, a King John of England in 1215 took notice of it. He

witnessed the signs of a growing consciousness of freedom amongst an enlightened English

people, leaving him with only one of two choices; he either had to act through compromise or

face hundreds of thousands of opposing “subjects” attempting to break away from the ruling

Dynasty and overthrow him.

b. The Magna Carta was issued in response to a King’s ability to read the writings on the wall of

a growing class of literates beginning to take hold of the worth of the “individual”, and the

power that comes with it.

c. The Magna Carta is Latin for “Great Charter”, and though granted on June 15, it was originally

created on June 19, 1215 in Latin, and issued to the people of England that same year. What

enforced the social contract, titled ‘Magna Carta’, were the disgruntled feudal barons gathered

by Archbishop Stephen Langton to get Pope Innocent III and King John in 1209 through 1212

to agree to limit their powers. The Magna Carta also gave future Kings and Queens of England

certain powers (to be bound by law), and protection for the “freeman” from their unjust laws

and punishments through unjust trials and unjust land seizures.

d. The uncodified document was an inspired work for the later American Colonists who saw it as

a symbol of hope and influence for the greater constitutional documents, articles and

declarations to be along the way.

e. The Magna Carta continued to inspire the hearts and minds of the growing developing

consciousness of Europe’s Adamites by the time John Locke in England stood in shock at

Puritan reformist Oliver Cromwell’s sentencing and beheading of King Charles I in 1649. The

Italian born Adamite of the Renaissance, Niccolo Machiavelli already left the literate World

of the Enlightenment with his writings in The Prince in 1512-1520, outlining the answers to

the unfolding event before Locke’s eyes in 1649 [that power is achieved by force, and force is

achievable by the cunning will of the victor].

f. In John Locke’s own works, the Two Treatise of Government in 1680, came the outlined reality

between the slave and master phenomenon for the People to realize. John Locke would also

leave works for later social contract thinkers and researchers, such as Jean Jacques Rousseau,

who wrote The Social Contract in 1762; and Thomas Paine, who helped inspire the Americans

through his own writings, Common Sense in January 10, 1776, and to claim their independence

from King George III seven months later on July 4, 1776.

g. The American Adamites had won control over their own part of the New World by forcing the

King and all other powers to recognize that. Adamites in Old World Europe were at the same

time, uniting in the cause against another King to acquire theirs. The New World Adamite won

a war against King George III to receive their independence in 1783, just as Adamites in France

were uniting for their own revolution against the French King to establish theirs.

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h. Along the way, both American and French Adamites decided as a People to unite by the rule

of law. The American Adamites would continue to choose their form of government, and the

French Adamites would continue to choose theirs. The objective of the two governments were

to hold them as one united People together along a World at war between the collective and

the individual, sovereign and slave, faithful and logical, ignorant and enlightened, using what

already is available to meet that objective. Our present estate is based upon the understanding

of our Forebears to the recorded documents that enforced the inalienable rights that no King

or family dynasty could take away.

i. The events leading up to the First American Revolution spanned the course of several thousand

years of our Adamic history. Along the way, Our Race experienced both freedom and slavery.

Kings, Emperors, Caesars, and other titles of power to reign absolute master over all, also held

our Race captive from time to time. Looking to history at the rise of our Race from an

oppressive Power, involves the People’s enlightened view of the ‘social contract’ and

themselves as the “individual”.

j. Recent history is the story of our Race’s victory over oppressive Powers. Our ancestors

experienced a “Dark ages” as a telling example of what the possibilities are for Us. From a

Dark ages Europe, to the Renaissance, then into the Age of Enlightenment and Age of Reason,

our Race developed the understanding of the social contract to design and create the many

great documents we have obtained along the way.

k. The rise of the European Renaissance empowered the People to shake free from their shackles

and redeem their individual identity through the show of force, the Magna Carta was the

absolute proof of that. Thanks to our ancestors of the Dark ages, also called the Middle Age,

they paved our way to obtain our own current social contracts. The Magna Carta opened the

door to the developing Power of the People that gave rise to the parliament of the growing

Commonwealth of Great Britain, and eventually becoming a World Superpower. But the

Magna Carta did not free Our Race enough. It would be ‘Great Britain the World Superpower’

that would face the yeomen and militiamen and women of the New World enlightened to their

own self-identity and self-worth, and the Magna Carta and English constitution that ignored

that. The rise of a New World republic out of rebelling subjects against a King of a World

Superpower signaled the potential power of the People the Aristocracy was beginning to catch

on to.

l. Some kings would learn this lesson, while others would not. History repeats itself when the

People forget it; it reminds us of those consequences kings and queens face when they ignore

the past and their present surroundings. While the New World won their victory in 1783 against

the King of Great Britain, with all of the great minds of the past to look back on as that iron

rod to hold onto, the King and Queen of France in 1793 ignored the events of the past and

present. They both faced the same fate as King Charles I 144 years prior to their own execution.

m. The Adamic Race has reason to value the history between the New World and Europe for

leading to the circumstances experienced by others during the progress of social contracts. The

sacrifices our ancestors made developing the social contracts to what they are today are

available to us because of them. We cherish the present freedoms we have today because of

those of the past. And though we cherish our present liberties and present Adamic World, we

do so not without honoring the memory of the events of the past, and the lives that were a part

of the creation of the more improved social contracts. The celebration of the “Declaration of

Independence” on the “4th of July”, marking the day of Our independence from a World

Superpower under one King, is not only forever a part of Our Adamic World history, it is

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telling that the path of “treason” is the risk freemen and freewomen are willing and ready to

take against tyranny.

n. A shift of Power occurred in the New World while Europe experienced the shift of Power

occurring in theirs. That shift of Power was taking place between the French King and Queen,

and their “subjects”. History points us on how that change came to pass.

o. France was a Great Power of its time under King Louie XIV and King Louie XV. They enforced

their powers upon their “subjects” successfully; and they lived and died under a mighty France.

Just one event and one man and woman would take their place to change all of that.

p. Louie Auguste was the first-born son to King Louie XV of France in 1754 to wield prestige,

and power over it. Louis Auguste was also married to Marie Antoinette, a beautiful Austrian

Archduchess in 1770. And together they inherited the French thrown in 1775.

q. King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette ruled the French Monarchy during the years

1774 to 1792. Within that time, the United States was fighting King George III of Great Britain

in the New World. France and Britain were also bitter rivals. The French saw and considered

the Americans as potential allies in their revolt against Great Britain. So the Colonist

revolutionaries got King Louis XVI to provide funds from an already dwindling French

treasury Marie and friends were taking from the French people. During this time, the French

were beginning to experience the debt and approaching revolution of their own.

r. Only power is derived from the hearts and mind of the people when the King is at the thrown.

The Magna Carta opened that door to the people on what lies behind perceived power of Kings

and dynastic families, and the absolute wisdom they received watching their subjects around

them getting desperate for freedom.

s. The lessons found in the Magna Carta had already been available to King Louis and Queen

Marie Antoinette while they were at the thrown in France, and the people around them were

already enlightened to their own self-worth and power. But the French King and Queen

remained so ignorant of the lessons before them and all around, that a rising French Republic

to rid of the Monarchy was also in the very American revolution they helped finance against

King George III. The French King and Queen did not see that the same Americans they

provided aid to were also aiming to abolish the Monarchy and establish a Republic. The same

unity against the monarchy gathering in the New World began taking root in France as King

Louis stood ignorantly by. He was so ignorant of the growing Republic within his own France

that his escape from the People’s momentum was too late.

t. France’s treasury was to be sucked dry, leading it further into debt by the King and Queen.

That was the final straw for the French people to accept. A King and Queen lost to the material

things of the world forgot to care for their subjects. The French people were starving while the

King and Queen spent their treasury further into debt. The King and Queen were out of touch

with a raging France surrounding them. Because the French King ignored the past, and the

understanding of social contracts, the writings on the wall were ignored. The French people

revolted. The revolt was so huge in participation that their rival King George III was in no

position to an afforded opportunity to attack it if he wanted to.

u. Then once the people of France closed in on the King and Queen, and giving them no place to

go, the People arrested all loyalists to the monarchy, tried them in their court for acts against

the good of the French people, and sentenced them all to death. In 1793, both King Louis XVI

and Marie Antoinette were also among those put to death by the guillotine.

v. The People of the New World defeated the King of Great Britain in 1782, wrote their own

social contracts, and established a government for their own. The French people that same year

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destroyed the power of an eight hundred year old family Dynasty, to eventually establish their

own French Republic.

w. The National Assembly of France voted on August 4, 1789 to end feudalism, and created the

social contract titled, Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen. Had Louis Auguste

looked into the role he played, and had he relied on those who had his position prior, instead

of on material things, he might have found that shining example other Kings before him knew.

Instead, a French dynasty was lost when a spoiled boy chose to never grow up.

4 The Rule Of Law- a. The Adamic Race revolted against the Kings and Queens of France and Great Britain and won.

The debate of the time in the New World and Europe was pertaining to the laws. Ending unjust

laws to live the rule of law was foremost on the minds of the People, wherein they would have

access to the security against man-made laws. Through the rule of law, our Race was free from

the unequal treatment of leaders using laws they stood above against them as subjects to the

laws. Adamites in the New World committed to free themselves from the unjust laws of the

Old World often ruled by monarchies, dynasties, emperors, kings, princes, barons, evil sheriffs

and tribal leaders. With the rule of law, American Colonists could live under a system of

government that would enforce all to live within the law. But what that rule of law should look

like was an ongoing debate amongst them.

b. Open debate on just what that rule of law ought to be was risky in the monarchy our Racial

Forbearers faced in the war for the New World. They knew they wanted to establish the rule

of law—an already ancient concept carried on from Aristotle and through the Roman Republic.

The rule of law was the objective of Adamites in the New World during their resistance against

the monarchy. It was part of their objective when they declared their independence on July 4,

1776, from all man-made and unjust laws. Finding the preferred rule of law for the new and

independent states was the ongoing debate of the time.

c. In contrast to the ‘divine right’ of kings, and the ‘rule of man’ is the ‘rule of law’. Whereas,

divine right of kings and the rule of man is their being a chosen one to stand above the law; the

rule of law enforces that everyone is equally held liable according to the law, including kings.

The rule of “Law…’ Aristotle pointed out during his life in Greece between 384 B.C.E. and

322 B.C.E., ‘…should govern that any one of the citizens: upon the same principle, if it is advantageous to place the supreme power in some particular persons, they should be appointed to be only guardians, and the servants of the laws.” John Adams

said in 1780, of the rule of law that it means to establish “a government of law not of men.” d. The rule of law was to improve, using past documents in record to better their own, with added

wisdom, the progress of the social contract seems to have improved over time. The Magna

Carta was the standing model document of its time for the great minds of the New World. But

it was nowhere near enough to the developing pioneers in social contract theory; it was not

enough for the People.

e. The Magna Carta encouraged government ruled by a monarchy. New World social contract

theorists implemented a system of government for the People free from monarchies.

Government should be structured to protect the People from themselves. Government must be

structured to prevent too much power given to those in service in the government.

5 Government For The People-

a. Constitutions and declarations were beginning to inspire men and women around the World as

promises that no one person be given status above the law. Laws written by the People, and

for the People were to constitute a radical social movement of the time. The government of the

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People and by the People at best should write a government bound by a constitution. The

constitution is the document outlining how the government should be constituted.

b. The united colonies of the New World already sent Congress to meet in New York on October

19, 1765 to publish the Declaration of Rights. The Second Continental Congress (the essential

government of the United States from 1775 to 1788) published the Declaration of Rights again

at Philadelphia on October 14, 1774. The publication of the Declaration of Rights allowed a

peak inside of the gathering storm approaching the tyrannical World Power under a King.

c. The Declaration of Rights Congress published while at New York addressed to the People of

the New World their current standing under the King as “His subjects”. The Declaration of

Rights at New York gave the New World ‘13 points’ of declared rights and grievances, setting

the standing relationship between the King of Great Britain and the American Colonies.

d. Under the King of Great Britain, Adamites in the New World were not getting the equal

treatment the British were getting in Britain. The Colonists were being treated as if the Crown

was occupying, instead of allying with them. This treatment of New World Adamites by the

British only drove the wedge further between them. The tone of The Declaration of Rights at

New York, though written in the utmost respect to “His Majesty” suggested the boiling point

the King was not going to let get out of control. The second Declaration of Rights 9 years later

at Philadelphia showed the Congress in New York was being ignored, and that the King was

still mistreating New World Adamites. It also showed the King could not stop the gathering

storm he was creating.

6 Declaring Independence-

a. Congress was leading government affairs while King George III ignored the petition of

grievances they sent. Back in June of 1775, Congress had assembled the Continental Army

and the continental currency, and by July of that same year, a post office.

b. In April 1776 the American Revolutionary War had begun. Great Britain and the United States

of America were officially at war. And a month later, in May 1776, congress issued a

recommendation for the states to write their own constitution.

c. With the new Continental Army, by June 14, 1776, Congress appointed General George

Washington as commander-in-chief of the army to lead the war effort against a tyrannical


d. On July 1, 1776, three months after the war had begun, Thomas Jefferson delivered his first

draft of the Declaration of Independence to Congress. The Declaration of Independence was

accepted on the next day July 2, 1776, and immediately stood to be the greatest living document

for the People of the united states, backed by a standing army led by General George

Washington. All of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, and all who would support

it were committing treason against the Crown, expressing in their heart and mind as freemen

and freewomen of the New World what inalienable rights are that no King has the authority to


e. The Colonies uniting to stand for their independence were New Hampshire, Massachusetts

Bay, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland,

Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia; the only states to have signed the

Declaration of Independence. The thirteen Colonies united in Congress once and for all in their

declaration for independence, to form a Union and to protect their livelihood with force.

Yeomen and women were finally united in 13 States to chase the King’s government out into

the Atlantic Ocean.

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f. Reason for the Revolutionary War for independence was outlined in the Declaration of

Independence. The Declaration of Independence has since been a radical document, telling the

People that it is their duty to rise up against any tyranny, that if their government should stop

being for the People, it is their duty to rise up against it, and replace it with a government that

will work for them,

“—That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness”, and “…when a long train of abuses and usurpations pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

g. Thomas Paine urged the Americans to recognize the promise upon standing for independence,


“We have it in our power to begin the world over again. A situation similar to the present has not happened since the days of Noah until now. The birthday of a new world is at hand, and a race of men, perhaps as numerous as all Europe contains, are to receive their portion of freedom from the events of a few months.”

h. It was Thomas Jefferson’s understanding of the rule of law that he would pen in the Declaration

of Independence the standard to wipe the slate of government clean for the New World to draw

upon. The publication of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776 signaled to the New

World the end of talking about the grievances against the King, Congress decided to enforce

the rule of law. The King of the World Superpower refused to obey the rule of law; the People

believed the right to rebel to restore the rule of law were justified.

7 A More Perfect Union-

a. The Articles of Confederation was published to begin its campaign throughout the 13 new

states in 1778, two years after the Declaration of Independence was issued. During this time,

the Constitution outlining the federal government was still on the drawing board and an

ongoing debate. The thirteen Colonies separated from Great Britain, and were then organized

to be a confederation of states in the Articles of Confederation. This new government that

developed out of a liberated People was still not enough to deliver them to greatness, but it did

provide them the government that would evolve into a greater freer, more open one of the

People, by the People and for the People.

b. The confederate government system of the thirteen states gave them their own right to currency

and their own right to language. This model also weakened their unity when deciding on

foreign threats, leaving one state free to conquest other states outside of the confederacy.

c. The lesson of confederated alliances is in the destruction of the Amerindian Powhatan

Confederation during the same era and same region as the Confederation of the United States

of America. The Powhatan Confederation, among other Amerindian tribes and nations, during

this time, decided to side with the British King.

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He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us and has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions (The

Declaration of Independence [27]). The Red race united in a confederation of tribes to

cause the many obstacles our Founding Fathers and Mothers experienced to gain

independence. The United States of America had chosen to face their opponents, which

led them to fight both a British Monarchy and an Amerindian confederation.

d. The confederation that was used in the United States had a more intricate model than the model

used by the Powhatan Confederation, which relied on verbal ques and less cooperation

amongst the tribes to unite. Congress had the power to administer a confederation of states

under the Articles of Confederation, which outlined a strong legislative branch with a weak

executive and judiciary. The Powhatan Confederation developed no such systems.

e. The Executive Branch was nothing more than a debate behind the scenes of Congress and the

states. The states had executive power, and the debate to unite them under a more powerful

central executive branch was ongoing on the Floor of Congress. There was one Continental

Army, but the confederated states were responsible for their own soldiers. Thus, the Articles

of Confederation remained an open debate in need of greater unity of the People against

government tyranny.

f. The leap forward for Adamites of the New World was a government free of kings, princes and

barons. The lineage to get these pioneers of liberty a government of the People, by the People

and for the People came from struggle. The Articles of Confederation was the outline of a

government free of kings, princes and barons. And though the Articles still stirred the debate

of a more perfect union, the debate was not interfered with by the privilege of birthright. The

division between Adamites was erased in the Articles of Confederation, giving the legislating

power to the People of merit, instead of a birthright. It was the first constitution drafted by the

Continental Congress. And in mid-1777 it was sent to the states and fully ratified in early 1781

to guide each of the united but sovereign states.

g. It was the Articles of Confederation, the first Constitution, that outlined the government of the

Continental Congress during the Revolutionary War between the 13 united states of America

and King George III of Great Britain. But the Articles of Confederation lasted only until March

4, 1789 when the more powerful United States federal Constitution was put into effect to

replace it.

h. Before then, the Articles of Confederation provided for a government with a strong legislature

led by Congress, a weak executive led by the 13 united states, and a weak judiciary. The

Articles of Confederation even made the union of states no more than a “league of friendship”.

8 Balancing Power-

a. The uprising of the Colonists against a World Superpower earned them the right to determine

their own government. From this time on, just what type of government provided the more

perfect union was an ongoing debate in Congress and among the 13 states.

b. Under the Articles of Confederation, the states were less united in facing common threats,

leading to a more perfect union found in a more perfect document still being debated over by

the People. What that preferred document should describe is the way in which government

ought to be constituted. Should there be a new King in place of the old? Should there be more

centralized authority, or more state sovereignty? Should the powers of government rest on a

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Congress, with a weak executive and judiciary, or should there be a balance of power, vested

in a government united by shared powers between the legislative, executive and judicial

branches? The debate also was to include the ideal system outlined in the Constitution

providing for, not the balance of power, but separation of power between the executive,

legislative, and judicial branches. These were the arguments planners of the new social contract

would put down on paper to fix a Confederation Congress that was corrupt and bankrupt.

c. The English constitution was a bulwark of customs, precedent, and statutory law. It did not

deliver the New World government the recipe needed to liberate the People. “Subjects” have

a master. In this New World government, the People aim to abolish the master and slave, and

enforce that the principles of “equality” and “justice for all” to be representative of this

government’s program. The principle objective of this government should also be free of

privilege and birthrights, such as monarchies, theocracies and empires. The English

constitution violated those principles to where the People of the New World suffered under it.

d. The ongoing debate in the failing Confederation Congress and amongst the 13 states was on a

more perfect union. The Articles of Confederation was ineffective in uniting the 13 states, and

the English constitution outlines a monarchy. The new government of the People, by the

People, and for the People also needed to be stronger to take on a World Superpower. Each

state needed to remedy the dividing factors between them in order to unite in common cause

to win their independence and maintain it at the same time.

e. The fully united states Congress would pursue the remedy against other Powers seeking

aggressive interests against the New World government, by opening debates for a stronger

executive branch to join an equally strong judicial branch next to the equally powerful

legislative branch, a concept barrowed from Charles-Louis [de Secondat, Baron de La Brede

et de] Montesquieu. This balance of power was an idea favored strongly after the revolution,

and was viewed most practical and most reasonable to the Federalists.

f. General George Washington at the time commanded the Continental Army to see those debates

provide for the best outcome to the American People. A Federalist himself, he arrived early on

May 14 to witness the called 1787 Philadelphia Convention. The leader of that Convention

was 37-year-old James Madison. A part of the Convention was Alexander Hamilton, John Jay,

Benjamin Franklin and others.

g. Much has been written on this part of history. What should the government look like to take

on a dangerous world? The direction of the united states at this point met the crossroads. The

turning point here for the united states would be a new government to take on for a time the

role of an “experiment” as it is said. For a time, not even the framers knew, this experiment

will set forth on a continuous journey that would mold into either another tyranny, or a weak

mass of states with broken laws; or it might take on a lively, vibrant, adventurous and just

People, those seeking to improve and give aid and thanks to everyone and everything; thus,

beneficial to the Cause for liberty and justice for all. The end result of this debate would be a

new government, and the new government would reflect the will of that People.

h. Thus, the debate drove on. Every supporter to the Cause was in on the discussion. Thomas

Paine’s famous book, Common Sense, was being shared and recited with the Declaration of

Independence Thomas Jefferson authored, providing the iron rod to a more just government.

i. The revolutionaries of 1776 believed powers of government must be weakened to protect the

foundation of liberty. Having a strong central government was not the objective, and it did not

seem necessary, especially right after obtaining their independence from an overreaching

British central authority. Liberty and order was the objective for the new government. For the

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new government to take on a global threat, it had to be a powerful government. And though it

was not an objective, past concerns are forgotten, and a more central government to bring the

states closer to unity seemed necessary after all. The framers of the new government also

wanted to rid of big government, yet keep it close to home at the same time. This meant a small

government operating on a local level.

j. The debate that took place in Congress and amongst the confederated states was the creation of

a federal government. For that to be achieved, government would be in the form of a federal

union. Federalism is the division of power between the central federal government and the

union of states. In this federal government, there would be a balance of power found in equally

powerful members of the executive branch, the legislative branch and the judicial branch; as

Congress’s legislature would become bicameral with two Houses, one becoming the Senate

for the states, while the other becoming the House of Representatives for the individual. The

adoption of the new government was to be a Republic of federally united states. But this

government, Madison would assert, should give more power to the individual of the People

than to the states. He would later champion the debate in The Federalist Papers #39 in the

balance between a bilateral legislature comprising a Senate for the free and independent states,

and the House of Representatives for the People.

k. There were to be eighty-five essays published under the pseudonym ‘Publius’ in New York

newspapers between October 1787 and May 1788, and later published as a collection of those

works called The Federalist Papers. Fifty-one of the 85 Federalist Papers were written by

Alexander Hamilton, a Lieutenant Colonel in the Continental Army in 1777, and James

Madison responsible for 29 of the 85 essays, and John Jay responsible for having written 5 of

the papers. Together, they laid out a clever model pointing out the failures of the Articles of

Confederation and the benefits of a federal republic.

l. Alexander Hamilton argued in favor of a big government and therefore argued for a strong,

powerful national government. He also wanted to get rid of the states and elect a president for

life. Hamilton was also in favor of keeping the citizens in urban centers. Becoming the first

Secretary of Treasury, he was the one responsible for the debt plan, creating the debt system

stacked upon the citizens of present day UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

m. Having contributed the most essays to the Federalist Papers, Hamilton stands out as the leading

contributor to a stronger judicial branch. He wrote of the judicial branch in Paper No. 78 that,

in a monarchy it is an excellent barrier to the despotism of the prince: In a republic it is a no less excellent barrier to the encroachments and oppressions of the representative body.

the executive not only dispenses the honors, but holds the sword of the community. The legislature not only commands the purse, but prescribes the rules by which the duties and rights of every citizen are to be regulated. The judiciary on the contrary has no influence over either the sword or the purse, no direction either of the strength or of the wealth of the society, and can take no active resolution whatever.

n. The mighty Republic will have many factions, thus the United States would always experience

the rise of factions. James Madison proved capable of delivering the system of government in

relation to factions. To meet the reality of the factions, the government must allow them all

access; therefore, the government should have to be divided by pursuits, passions and

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individual interests with equal power to check each other in a balance of power. It was in

Federalist Paper No. 10. p. 54-55, written by James Madison that made mention on remedying


There are two methods of curing the mischief of faction: the one, by removing its causes; the other, by controlling its effects.

There again are two methods of removing the causes of faction: the one, by destroying the liberty which is essential to its existence; the other, by giving every citizen the same opinions, the same passions, and the same interests.

o. Madison also wrote, “Liberty is to faction what air is to fire…” In remedying the political

climate of factions in government, Madison argued was for certain a reality, and that there

were going to be rising factions in government, he proposed dividing power was important.

This meant that the factions needed to be divided, but treated equally at the table of unity and

accepted in the Republic. In Number 51 of the Federalist Papers, Madison pointed out the need

for a control on democracy, a tool of the majority to get power, and the need for protecting the

people against the majority by having a strong republican form of government. In a republic,

the majority will have no power to oppress the minority.

p. The large and diverse national population was a guarantee of freedom, Madison pointed out.

Factions were telling of the diversity available to a free People. The republican form of

government itself must be divided also to prevent factions taking too much power. Madison

devised a system of government that provided for an equal distribution of power between the

legislative branch, executive branch and judicial branch. The need to allow for the radical

factions on all extremes was to keep a Republic in the hands of the People from falling into a

majority faction led by another king.

q. John Jay was a Delegate to the First and Second Continental Congress, and the 1st Chief Justice

of the Supreme Court, serving between October 19, 1789 and June 29, 1795, and the 2nd

Governor of New York, serving between July 1, 1795 and June 30, 1801. His major

contribution as such, to include being the 6th President of the Continental Congress, led him to

greatly set the fashion of U.S. foreign policy.

r. Participation in the Federalist Papers published in newspapers across the thirteen States, John

Jay argued to keep factions under control. He wrote in support of the advantages of a strong

centralized government under one union, and of the dangers from foreign wars, influences, and

aggression. In THE FEDERALIST No. 2, Jay stated in support of a strong union:

“To give this one connected country one united people—a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and customs, and who, by their joint counsels, arms, and efforts, fighting side by side throughout a long and bloody war, have nobly established general liberty and independence.”

s. And just as there are factions, Hamilton, Madison and Jay faced opposition for their support of

Federalism. Thus, the defenders of the confederacy were not willing to go off into the night

without first attempting to defend what already is because of a bloody world war costing 35,700

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lives in battle between the years 1775 and 1783. The Articles of Confederation were a symbol

of that bloody world war.

t. Radical new changes to the current system took radical new decisions. The debate was on, and

without anyone dying over it. The search for the best government was finally a free and open

debate, without anyone getting punished for any one standing position, on any one of the

present issues. The uncreative title for the opposition of the Federalists published their plan for

the New World as “Anti-Federalists”.

u. The debate was clear-cut, with two sides, yes or no, for or against, pro-Federalist, or Anti-

Federalist. The decision was left without any injury or harm on the losers and winners, and all

decisions were protected along the way. The opposition between the Anti-Federalists and

Federalists gave the People choices, and allowed for dialogue towards that more perfect union.

Individual authors under various pseudonyms opposing the pro-federal Constitution for a

federal union of states in 85 papers outlined their opposition in The Anti-Federalist Papers.

The Anti-Federalist Papers is a compilation of opposing issues to refute The Federalist Papers

in the order it was written. Thus, “Paper Number 10” of The Federalist is opposed by “Paper

Number 10” of The Anti-Federalist Papers.

v. The drafters of the Constitution knew they wanted a representative government. The question

was how many representatives from each state? The delegates favored Connecticut delegate

Roger Sherman’s plan. He proposed a two-chambered, or bi-cameral Congress comprising a

Senate and House of Representatives. He proposed each state sends an equal number of

representatives to the Senate and one representative to the House for each 30,000 residents in

that state. This is what became the Connecticut Compromise of 1787—two Senators for each

state regardless of population, in other words, the “Great Compromise”.

w. The States were able to vote for the government of the new Union. Whether to keep but modify

and revise the Articles of Confederation, or to radically create a whole new federal government

would be drawn out as choices between two rival states. New Jersey and Virginia would offer

their own plan for this new government.

x. The two rival ideas became known as the New Jersey Plan and the Virginia Plan. The “Small

State” New Jersey Plan resembled more like the confederacy, and gave equal power to an

assembly of small states instead of power to the people. The “Big State” Virginia Plan

supported the three-branch government composed of equally powerful executive and judiciary,

with a two-chamber “bi-cameral” [two-House] legislature.

y. The states agreed for secrecy to be allowed as part of the creation of this government. Delegates

of the states would meet in closed meetings to discuss secret plans for a new government. It

seemed then, as if a new government would be born out of secrecy. But how appropriate it was

for a democratic republic to conduct secret meetings was considered in the developing new

government. A free and open government, or a closed and secret government was on every one

of the planners’ own mind at the time. The framers considered for a strong representative

government based on the republican values that were not democratic. Secrecy was the ability

of rivalries to debate the issue for the most logical solutions without scrutiny on the way to

reach that objective.

z. At the end of the debate, two plans, and two arguments decided upon by two states, and no one

getting hurt along the way was revolutionary. Democracy was finally taking its course in the

New World for the creation of a new federal republic. A new kind of revolution was taking

place to get us there. This kind of revolution was to be through debate, using the best logic and

reasoning, instead of muskets and canons.

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2a. Hamilton, Madison and Jay won the debate. James Madison wrote the Constitution for the

united states of America in less than twelve months. The system of government he would write

reflected all of the ancient and present wisdom of men and women of the social contract. James

Madison understood history and the lessons our ancestors sought to convey in political

philosophy and law, the power of factions and rise of the majority. He authored the

Constitution of the United States of America to be structured as a New World republic with

federally united states to be led by a strong central government with three equally powerful

branches of power. This was the plan to spread the factions out so much that none are able to

intervene in each other’s affairs; therefore, the executive has no role in the legislative branch

as the legislative branch has no role in the executive branch.

2b. The Constitution was ratified in 1788 by all of the states except Rhode Island and North


9 Slavery Continues-

a. The federal Constitution was finally here by 1789! And General George Washington became

the first elected President of the new federal United States of America; Alexander Hamilton

became the first Secretary of Treasury; John Adams became the Vice President; and Thomas

Jefferson became the first Secretary of State. The republic of free and united states was in

effect. But there were issues that would be so taboo during that time; the boiling point of its

reality would be left to the future generations to deal with. Even though the United States of

America was born, slavery would not die within it.

b. The issue of slavery was the matter between a King and his subjects. The People revolted

against that King in 1776, facing the opportunity at forming their own government. Finally,

the New World is advanced by the ordinary individual deciding life or death against a World

Superpower that they were going to live and die free in their own government. Now how free

this government ought to be was the debate. How could a government advocate for “liberty”

and “freedom” to a People with slaves?

c. The states knew they would forever hold the tainted past of having had Negro slaves shipped

to the New World against their will from the African Continent. For being an enlightened

people to their own circumstances in the New World as “subjects” under a tyrannical master,

it was the reality of slavery that became another issue our Adamic Kinfolk were ready to take

on. They had since 1619 C.E., when the first Negro slaves were off-loaded from ships to work

in the British colonies to turn them back from our Adamic World; yet, they would let the issue

of slavery to the generations far off into the future to deal with.

d. Already along the Atlantic coast of 1788, the Adamic Race was placing Negro slaves into the

territory of the Amerindian. The same Adamites aiming to control Negro slaves while battling

the Red race along the Appalachian Mountains were now in a war with a World Superpower

responsible for having set up the circumstances occurring between the Negro, Red race and

themselves. The New World government should have nothing to do with slavery, let alone the

slave trade, and should be designed to reverse the horrid existence of all forms of slavery i.e.

debt, class, religion, contracts, culture, tradition, and the wedge between government and the

individual. The New World federal Constitution was the hopeful recipe to make all of that


e. At the time, having slaves was already a debate among the architects of the new government

that all references to slavery were directed as a threat to individual sovereignty, and the

People’s inalienable right to travel about a free land. It was therefore popular at the time to

design a government that outlined what those inalienable rights are. But telling would be that

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most did not have desire to include women, the Red race, nor the Black race into the

government, let alone to be citizens. These three groups, at the time of ratifying the

Constitution to the United States, would continue to be treated separately from the White male

for the rest of their life.

f. Generations would grow and die leaving another generation to come and go to be replaced

with other generations. Along the way until the latter end of the 19th century, the Black race

would be committed to slavery along the Atlantic Coast of North America and all throughout

the South. The Red race would still face the advancing White Race westwards and placed into

“Indian reservations”, and women would only win their passage into a “free” society in the

20th century.

10 Laws Today-

a. The framers of the federal Constitution knew what kind of government they sought to establish.

What they did establish in government was a system capable of taking on the course of time

beyond the rise and fall of other nations and governments to come. The federal United States

of America has outlasted a couple of centuries, though it involved several wars in between.

War has in fact allowed for a People’s independence, and would find a deep-rooted place in

their government’s 225-year history. The stewards of the federal Constitution would

experience 5 declared wars, thousands of battles, experiencing nearly 3 million deaths in those

battles, with many other issues along the way, all in order to keep it.

b. With every new generation, the confederate Constitution of 1778, and the federal Constitution

of 1788 were considered still incomplete, and was not enough to support the growing mighty

Power, for the Bill of Rights was implemented into the Constitution in 1791. But that was still

not enough; for, many other amendments would be added to them—and layers of added

regulations and statutory laws, as well. The federal Constitution though, stood to be that social

contract a People would resort to during the event of a conflict. And there would be many

conflicts to come.

c. The United States of America would leave a legacy through becoming a World Superpower.

As such, there would be many crises along the way towards that achievement. The issues of

slavery, state’s rights, Federalism vs. anti-Federalism, individual rights, economics and foreign

policy all would build up in momentum enough to stir a conflict between two factions that

would be remembered as the Civil War.

d. The Confederate South revolted in 1861, and the Union North engaged to bring them back. In

1865, with a death toll between both sides numbering 613,222, the Union North succeeded in

bringing the South back to the federal government. The issues of slavery, of state’s rights, of

Federalism and anti-Federalism, individual rights, economics and foreign policy were still in

the hands of the federal government to decide—as the federal Constitution was still in effect,

the social contract of the United States of America.

e. Of course, if one issue were resolved in the United States, another issue would arise. There will

always remain issues for the United States. Since the Civil War, obtaining women’s rights

through the women’s suffrage movement, Black Civil Rights, Gay Rights, issues of pro-life

vs. pro-choice, gun control, right to bear arms, border security and immigration; all stirs the

conflicts among the People of the United States of America. The People are seeking constantly

to make themselves a freer people, by freeing every member within the Country.

f. In-between those many struggles to make the People freer were the course of action government

has taken to provide them with the security they demand as well. Years of added layers of

amendments, laws and regulations, policies, programs, fines, curfews, statutes, and roadside

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check-points surrounds the federal Constitution to where freedom is overshadowed by the

People’s fear and lust for more security. It is the price of security that often results in the cost

of freedom.

g. Today, the People are no longer protected from law and oppressive policies, but are instead

caught in a literal spider web of the laws and regulations strangling their mode of travel, to

property, and their individual rights. And still, freedom fighters in the United States of America

claim to be the patriotic vanguard to a “free society”.

h. What is a free society? What measures a free society? Debate continues as to what signifies a

free society. A free society for some individuals means to be free of “undesirables”, free to

rob, free to cheat, lie and to commit crimes without punishment. Others define free society as

one that allows everyone the equal opportunity to rise in wealth and power. Most patriots of

freedom agree that freedom is not measured by the layers of added laws and regulations,

policies, jurisdictions, restrictions, and an over exertive central government. Most would agree

that a Constitution is no good when it is kept from the People by layers of added laws and

regulations, policies, jurisdictions, restrictions and an over exertive central government. The

Constitution is hence its ratification in 1788 smothered by 225 years of added layers of laws

and regulations, policies, jurisdictions, restrictions and an over exertive central government.

The Code of Laws of the United States of America [USC] contains 51 titles in over 200,000

pages. To have a book of policies/codes as big as the Federal Government has, implying the

example of what society has to abide to, seems to be smothering the free society, or rather,

keeping society from becoming one.

i. The federal government today is unlike what it started out as in 1788. It is no exaggeration that

the United States is what it is today because of what took place over the course of hundreds of


j. Laws are a product of the creator. There are God’s laws, and there are man-made laws. The

People of the United States have since tried to define those laws. In doing so, they have labeled

laws into common law, Roman law, canon law, Sharia law, natural law, environmental law,

civil law, statutory law, code law, regulatory law, administrative law, employment law,

securities law, tax law, land law, maritime and admiralty law, among many others.

k. Thus, in order to obtain the right laws, our Forbearers have established a New World system

of government. The federal government was set up to provide a system of communication and

decision-making for a People divided into factions with self-interests. That New World system

of government consists of People in service to provide the best in the People’s interests rather

than the interests of only a select few.

l. The Federal Government is held up by the federal Constitution. But that federal Constitution

is a document still debated over. Today, the debate for a more perfect union continues in

balancing power among factions. The factions require a balance of power, and the balance of

power requires dualities. Enabling the balance of power, using dualities, had kick-started the

United States of America to continue to the present day. The first of the dualities to keep the

balance of power was the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists; today, the balance of power in

the United States of America is the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.

m. The framers of the federal Constitution designed what they viewed as a division of powers to

keep factions divided, but united in a bicameral Legislature vested in two Houses to check up

on each other. This is the checks-and-balance in government the “spirit of 1776” [as outlined

in the Declaration of Independence] sought to outline in their constitution. The supreme power

of the three branches of government in the Articles of Confederation went to the Congress.

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Today, the Congress is composed of two Houses, one Senate and one House of

Representatives. With separate, but equal powers are the one executive branch, and one judicial


n. The separation of powers in the government of the United States has been the foundation

holding up the union of states. Since the federal Constitution of the United States was ratified,

major players sought to engage in the federal government to steer it towards their own liking.

There are as many ideals as there are participants, but to get into the circle of lawmakers, the

message must still fit the interests of the time. It is the political participation of all citizens that

determines the direction of the government, and it is the credibility from the people that makes

the government’s lawmaking legit. Patriots of freedom and of liberty keep hold to their rights

that are looked to as “inalienable rights” in determining what law making is to stand in

compatibility with those inalienable rights that are untouchable to all powers.

o. There are 50 states of the Union, or United States of America. The United State of America

covers 6 time zones [Hawaii Time, Alaska Time, Pacific Time, Mountain Time, Central Time

and Eastern Time], with over 318 million citizens to provide services to. Those citizens are

concerned for their safety [security], and for the guaranteed protection of their inalienable

rights. In protecting those two needs, the citizens have entrusted the Federal Government to

ensure those needs are met.

p. The New World Adamic Race on North America has created the New World Federal

Government of the United States of America to provide the best solution to the many problems

between the many factions fighting over the lawmaking power of the country. The Federal

Government, also the US Government, is divided among three powers. These three powers are

divided by, one Executive Branch, one Legislative Branch and one Judicial Branch. The

Constitution for the united states of America describes the role of those three branches of the

Federal Government.

q. First described in the federal Constitution is Congress with a bicameral legislature made up of

the two Houses, the ‘Senate’ and the ‘House of Representatives’. The federal Constitution

gives Congress the power to coin money, legislate and make laws or take them. But the two

Houses are separated by precedence, and they can compete for what laws are to be made or


r. The United States citizen has the constitutional right to join Congress by campaigning for either

House [Senate or House of Representatives] to make or take laws after winning an election.

The House of Representatives is a 2-year term for the citizen, and has the role as district

representative. The other House the citizen of age can join is the Senate. Each State is

guaranteed two Senators regardless of size and population of the state. Senators each serve two

terms, and each term is six years.

s. When the individual Adamite has an issue to take on with the Federal Government, the

Representatives is that first line of contact. The House of Representatives currently has 435

voting members to take on all griefs and concerns from their constituencies to decide in an

Assembly for a piece of legislation that would be passed by their vote to go to Congress. It is

in Congress where the Senate, with 100 voting members, either accepts the legislation

proposal, or they can introduce their own bill or legislation proposal to the Floor instead. When

both the Senate and the House of Representatives meets in Congress, they can vote for or

against any proposal either House delivers. Together, both the House of Representatives and

the Senate will debate for the best proposal while united in Congress to agree or disagree.

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t. The legislation process does not end there with Congress. If a piece of legislation in Congress

shall reach at least a two-thirds majority of the vote in each chamber needed for the law to be

passed, then it will be up to the Executive Branch and the Judicial Branch to decide. Once

Congress decides on a legislation proposal, the Executive Branch comes in to either accept, or

deny it, or they may decide to present their own proposal on the Floor of Congress instead.

u. The Constitution includes the opposition to the proposal made by Congress by providing the

Executive Branch to the debate. The chief executive of the Executive Branch is the President

of the United States of America (POTUS). The President is also the Commander-in-Chief of

the Armed Forces. For two terms, each term at four years, any citizen of the United States of

America, of age and other qualifications, can be the President. The President has veto power.

If the President does not like a proposal from Congress, then it will be vetoed [meaning void].

The President can introduce his or her own proposal in its place, and Congress can vote on this

proposal by either rejecting it or accepting it into law.

v. During all of this maneuvering between Congress and the Executive Branch, the Supreme

Court Justices of the Judicial Branch are exercising their judicial oversight powers. Any

proposal that does not violate the federal Constitution is allowed to pass by them. But once a

legal issue occurs involving the federal Constitution, 9 appointed Supreme Court Justices,

presided over by one nominated Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, have the power of judicial

independence to make unbiased judgment. Theirs’ is a nonpartisan position for life, appointed

by the President to strictly interpret the federal Constitution’s original objective and meaning,

while establishing methods of judicial interpretation and judicial oversight.

w. The Supreme Court makes sure the federal Constitution works. There are three levels of the

Judicial Branch to handle all disputes among all citizens; whether those disputes are over

administration law, civil law, security law, and every legal code, ordinance, policy, restriction

etc., created by each of the branches of government. There are three of them to make what can

be separated as executive law, legislative law and judicial law, each the creation of that single


x. There are citizens active in the judicial system to protect against lawbreakers in the many

regions of the country. The judicial system is an intricate cobweb of rules and regulations it

has to apply to for three levels of the Federal Government, to provide them their services. And

to keep issues local, the three levels of the judicial system maintain the outreach to the three

levels of the Federal Government.

y. The highest court of the Federal Government is the Supreme Court. Below the level of the

Supreme Court, are the lower courts, such as the State Supreme Courts. The State Supreme

Courts each have at least two lower courts, while almost every state has three levels. There are

the trial courts, and superior courts that might be under review by the appellate courts, and the

higher State Supreme Court, which can be under review by the U.S. federal court system to

hear cases involving violations of federal laws, the Constitution, admiralty, bankruptcy and

other federal issues.

z. There are many court systems. For example, the trial courts, U.S. courts of appeals, or appellate

courts, U.S. district courts, civil courts, divorce courts, and the United States federal courts.

There are courts for distinct issues. There are courts that deal with tax, courts that deal with

international trade, courts to deal with federal claims, courts to deal with foreign intelligence,

and courts to deal with bankruptcy. The United States has to deal with and solve many issues,

thus the many different courts for the many different issues between the many different


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2a. The Federal Government deals with the many factions of power on the federal, state, and local

levels. The State has one Governor, and one House in the legislature specifically to represent

it in Congress, to provide services to the many levels of the Federal Government. Each State

has jurisdiction over federal Districts, Counties, Zones, Cities, and Towns. Each federal

District has a number of citizens residing in it, each with their own interests. In the State are

Counties with the Sheriffs, and with Cities protected by the Police Department.

2b. The Federal Government is described in the federal Constitution. From the same government

came the many statutes, codes, ordinance, laws, regulations, policies, jurisdictions,

amendments, acts, and titles smothering the federal Constitution. Today, obtaining freedom in

the Constitution is only possible if the People could get to it. The framers of the Constitution

intended to define those freedoms as inalienable rights from the man made laws in the form of

civil rights and voting rights.

2c. The definition of inalienable is the same as unalienable, meaning “un-leanable and unable to

transfer”. There are differences between what an inalienable right is, and what constitutes

privilege, and civil rights. Inalienable rights cannot be surrendered. They are free any time. For

example, the right to travel is an inalienable right for a free man or free woman. But when

traveling, the privilege to partake of the People’s labors is a given privilege, and is often given

in the form of a civil right.

2d. The inalienable rights listed in the following are smothered underneath the layers of codes,

statutes, regulations and the agencies and departments enforcing them etc., keeping the citizen

from easily obtaining access to any of them. The right to travel has some obstacles along the

way, the Adamite must be aware of. Code enforcers are on patrol to keep the rule of law and

to enforce the codes and regulations, to keep the People uniform to the system. Code enforcers

go about on patrol to remind the People of the Powers that be, and to reclaim the herd of the

Federal Government back to the fold. Some (few) Officers enforcing the law only deal with

traffic level violations, along with the many codes, ordinances and regulation violations. They

are so oblivious to the intent of the federal Constitution; they transform inalienable rights into

a crime. Therefore, the Adamite must know how to avoid these policy enforcers as obstacles

about along the way during their travels and how to overcome them when one is met.

2e. Government serves the purpose of protecting our inalienable rights that are listed and described

in the following. The Adamic Redemption Movement must know what the inalienable rights

are in order to protect themselves. The following are the basic and inalienable rights the code

enforcers are constantly seeking to tax or stand by in wait as a check-point between the Federal

Government and the citizen, and as an access toll for all citizens to meet every year, every

month, each week and every day:

Travel and movement rights- Is traveling a privilege? Is it a right? Does having a driver’s

license, car registration and insurance, and DUI/DWI checkpoints violate the Citizen’s

inalienable right to travel?

The Adamite should answer those questions and consider to themselves whether

they have the right to travel safely from danger.

The surety of a safe passage from one dangerous geographical location to a safe

one will always be uncertain. There are dangers individuals and families are likely to

experience while traveling away from the ground zero of danger. They have the right to a

safe passage towards safety. Any obstacle to a fleeing individual with his or her family is

an enemy against their right to travel to safety. Any traveler knows the risks involved on

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the open plains, arid deserts, or in a bad part of a city or town. Travelers are fleeing those

areas for their life. Tis, the road rage on the roads include people that are trying to survive

their journey to their next safe destination.

It is true that the right to travel is guaranteed only through the assured protection

against the elements, geographical calamity, and other travelers and drivers; for the right

to travel is shared with the right to die. And there are many ways a traveler can die.

The right to travel is available to the Adamite, but the road to freedom and assured

protection to travel is another matter. Traveling involves uncertain situations along the

way, for the dangers of travel vary according to geographical location. There are floods,

mud and rockslides, bridges destroyed, and road reparations needed for the travelers to take

into account. The People have created for themselves a government designed to provide

for those services that would make for travelling safer from those obstacles. And the People

are the ones paying into that government. The government is a creation of the People of

the united cities and states to travel back and forth between and about them without those

obstacles threatening to take their life.

Unfortunately in the United States of America today, traveling is under attack.

There are less and less places to travel to. The freedom of movement, mobility rights and

the right to travel on public land is being violated. When land is owned, only that owner

and guests have the right to travel on that land. Public land for roads and highways

dissipates when the land is claimed and kept from the People. In the United States of

America, that guaranteed right to travel is enforced by a government also. But under a free

government to protecting the right to travel, the space to move is greater.

Government is the People’s provider of those safe roads and highways. The People

of that government providing the services for their roads and highways should maintain

their power in that government from erasing that relationship between them. When the

government no longer provides services to those roads and highways for the People, the

right to travel for them is met with another obstacle.

The federal Constitution ensures the right to travel. Under the Privileges and

Immunities Clause, Article IV, Section 2, Clause 1:

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.

The Supreme Court ruled that the Constitution guarantees that ‘Citizens’ (not

‘citizens’) have the fundamental right to freedom of movement. Freedom of movement

was defined in Paul v. Virginia, 75 U.S. 168 (1869) as:

“the right of free ingress into other States, and regress from them.”

Advocates for the right to travel note that licensing to drive requires the surrender

of their rights, and are now instead “subject” to the rules and regulations of commerce and

trade. Their Constitutional right to travel hence is not protected when they are driving.

Driving is not considered inalienable. For there is a distinction between traveling and

driving that affects the right to movement of all Adamites.

Travelers must know the difference between driving and traveling. Driving is what

requires the license, whereas the right to travel is an inalienable right no power can take.

The right to a safe travel for work and aid a neighbor, the right to travel in commerce, and

the right to travel for leisure is an inalienable right. But the government is not given the

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authority to protect the freedom of movement. The right to travel for unspecific reasons is

a right; driving for commerce is not. Both travelers and drivers are sharing the same roads

and highways available by the People’s government who all expect their roads and

highways to be well maintained and safe for them from the many obstacles. There are the

geographical circumstances and other dangerous travelers and drivers causing troubles on

the roads and highways the government is looking out for. Law enforcement is therefore

out to keep the peace, looking out to prevent travelers and drivers from violating the rights

of other travelers and drivers.

The debate on the right to travel continues, for only in a free and open society

providing for a free and open country to its Citizens and their right to movement is the

competing factions using the same roads and highways under the same one government.

And even though the question of the right to movement remains in debate, the state Citizen

in the United States of America has the inalienable right to travel about on public land, so

long as there are no damages and harm inflicted upon both others and public property.

Under an over reaching and overbearing government, land titles and regulations, as

such, have limited the access of land for the People. Travelers are being stopped on the

roads and highways used by drivers providing the government funds for its services. Thus

again, layers of regulations, statutes, and other laws are smothering the right to travel for

more and more People still ignorant between the right to travel and the privilege to drive.

Government code enforcers, as Law enforcement Officers, are looking to ticket

code breakers. They as the government’s code enforcers and keepers of the peace are out

on patrol to ensure order is enforced on the People’s roads and highways. The Adamite

Citizen must know their own relationship with the society they are in, and whether their

right to travel is granted in order to avoid a driving ticket.

When the code enforcer pulls someone over, there are going to be a variety of

outcomes. The code enforcer will ask for some form of identification. They have the right

to ask for it. Those who are pulled over should have had a plan ready. One is having the

three pieces of IDs [a Driver’s License is requested, along with insurance and registration],

the other is having a license, but no insurance and registration, the third is having a travel

pass, and a Green Card and or a Visa. And those who claim to be a Citizen are given the

option to provide the code enforcer evidence of their inalienable travel right.

Every Citizen and code enforcement Officer should maintain a copy of the

government’s declaration of the right to travel found in the federal Constitution. Other

documents are also available to provide the code enforcer the Citizen’s constitutional right

to movement, such as:

“The claim and exercise of a Constitutional right cannot be converted into a crime (Miller v. U.S., F.2d 486, 489).”

“The state cannot diminish rights of the people (Hertado v. California, U.S.

Supreme Court 110 US 516).”

Those who are stopped during their travels by a code enforcer must maintain respect

for the Officer’s duty to keep the peace and maintaining road and highway safety. The

respectable traveler must have the plan of action beforehand to avoid the obstacles during

their travel. The identification paperwork should be correct, and there should be available

copies in file so as to give one copy to the code enforcer unwilling to return them.

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The citizen, unlike the “Citizen”, will most likely be treated as a “subject” claimed

as property of the UNITED STATES, especially as a driver. The license issued by the State

gives the driver permission to conduct commerce using the roads and highways. The

license of a driver makes that person subject to the tax code, to the UNITED STATES

Corporation. When driving, business is being conducted, thus requiring a tax.

Those who have three State and federally issued IDs, and are citizens of the

UNITED STATES, and have been given a “driving” ticket are going to pay the fee for

violating the policies, rules and regulations of commerce; and thus, for interfering with

commerce they are fined. But those who are traveling have their inalienable right of

movement protected for them to proceed. How that traveler follows through with using the

roads and highways with other travelers and drivers is what the outcome of their sojourn

will entail.

Land rights/right to land and property rights- In Land Laws, the right to use, exclude

and regulate land intersects property rights, international law, contract law and many other

laws. Mineral rights, water rights, right to housing, land usage claims, squatting and

occupation, land ownership claims, land use for movement, title disputes, common law

jurisdictions, indigenous land rights, to name a few, are the disputes among the factions

governments have to take into account. Land is used for financial gain and capital, for food,

water, shelter, resources and recreation. The government of the People, by the People and

for the People must keep the land to keep those uses in their control.

Different cultures have their own unique set of codes, policies, laws, and systems

to conduct government to get gain of the right to land and property. When the Adamic Race

was in route along the Atlantic Coast due west towards the Pacific Coast, the Red race was

already on the land. The Red man that our Adamic Kin met along the way to the Pacific

Coast were separated into tribes that were themselves a people often at war. The Red race

was arguably liable to the warfare it imposed upon the land and the other people using the

land long before our racial conquest towards the Pacific.

Land disputes have been the leading cause of the clash of civilizations in the past

as they are the leading cause of war today. The controversial right to property was among

the added conflicts of interest between the framers of the federal Constitution and the

Negro slaves considered to being “property”. The stain of that past dispute remains in the

mind of the Black race, compensation has been among the present day disputes between

the Federal Government and Black landowners as a consequence. The framers of the

federal Constitution decided on a plan to deal with that type of dispute. The Adamite has a

responsibility to know of the many land law disputes to avoid the rules, regulations, codes,

jurisdictions, title rights, access restrictions, and the many firms, agencies, departments,

groups, governments and individuals out to stop trespassers and to get individuals to

consent to their rules and to take advantage themselves of the same system.

The Adamite must also know where to stand. The German has Germany to stand

on to be German, the Chinese have China to stand on to be Chinese, and the Adamite has

Adamsland, located along the Pacific Northwest Coast to stand on to be Adamites. Where

land claim is declared, the People are subjected to submit to the powers that have higher

stakes in that country. The many states in a Union of states have power over their own

territory claimed by the State, while the Federal Government has declared all of the states

within its jurisdiction for the People to be individuals, whether they wish to be individually

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German, Chinese, or Adamite. Therefore, the Federal Government controls the United

States of America, as described by its federal Constitution to protect the inalienable right

of the People’s property rights.

The Federal Government has the power to enforce the right to property and the right

to regulate what goes on upon its property by enforcing the right of the People to be secured

in their homes. The state Citizen is free from their own government’s claim to all of the

federal land jurisdictions in the telling message of its Bill of Rights. Its Amendment III of

The Bill of Rights declares:

No soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

This is the example of the rule of law framers of the federal Constitution considered

in protecting the People from the King’s men. The Third Amendment declares the

inalienable right of the People to be secured in their own homes, their own right to housing,

and right to property no soldier, even during war time shall violate.

The amount of information to address land right issues is immense. There are many

tactics for governments and individuals to use to maintain ownership of land as property.

There are titles, contracts, deeds, and there is power to enforce the claim.

The right to land should be considered as an inalienable right maintained by the

force of a government’s military power. The United States of America has since 1776

claimed that right to land it has through the force protection of a powerful Federal

Government. The right to land for a people could only be given to those governments with

the power to obtain the land for themselves.

It is the law to conquest that drives the powers to the many land claims, causing the

many conflicts occurring today. This same law to conquest land is an ancient law, and has

always been a law leading to the rise of past Great Powers.

Conquest law existed in the United States of America and Canada during 1776, as

it exists today. It is this law to conquest that allows for the strongest of people’s able and

willing to enforce their claim, the standing right to all land. The right of our New World

Race to obtain our living space has even been under the law of conquest since our recorded

history six thousand years ago. The right to protection of property is exercised under the

protection of the Federal Government for winning that right to conquest.

Government is created by the People to enforce the right to property is protected.

The Federal Government is the product of that People whose ambition to claim this land

was immense enough for them to have power over it.

The Federal Government has outlined the United States of America into

jurisdictions. Those jurisdictions are the townships, cities, counties, zones, districts, states

and Federal levels. All of the disputes inside those jurisdictions in the lower 48 States are

examples of the many factions the Federal Government is containing from becoming a civil

war. The level of jurisdictions allows the buffer between the direct disputes and the

outcome of clashes of the People with the Federal Government itself. Jurisdictions of the

federally united states divide the powers that be among and between the People and their

government; and so, the States are to deal with the disputes and clashes before the Federal

Government is forced to step in.

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Law enforcers make a living to protect the interests of their own side of the

argument on who are the rightful stewards of the land. Adamites should acquire the

awareness of those advocates, in order to protect our own claim to our Adamsland.

Knowing the many arguments, systems, laws, policies and jurisdictions, etc., prepares the

Adamite for the many lawyers, judges, code enforcers and interest groups whose objective

is to make their own land claims. The power of the Federal Government is there to solve

the argument on land rights from becoming a war.

The land that belongs to the People is the land that is their sanctuary from other

lands already claimed by other governments. The argument of who’s got the right to be

stewards of the land, is why there are court systems with laws, codes, jurisdictions, policies,

deeds, titles, and contracts to give attention to. The Federal Government protects the People

of those jurisdictions within the protection of the federal Constitution, in order to keep the

cobweb of rules and regulations, policies and disputes created by competing factions.

Therefore, Adamite landowners must know where they stand.

Landowners should never give heed to, nor give consent to any form of inspection,

and should always remain in the legal realm of their inalienable right to property, without

falling subject to losing it to those agencies, departments, firms, corporations and

individuals whose goal is to take control of the land. Amendment IV of The Bill of Rights


The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated.

Land rights and property rights are the inalienable right to obtain, possess and

utilize land and property at one’s discretion without the intent to impede on the rights of

others. The federal Constitution also protects the right to property. Patriots of the federal

Constitution claims it protects the right to property and land rights as inalienable rights.

The same federal Constitution declares the United States government as the protector of

the Peoples’ right to the land upon which the States are united. The federal Citizen is the

steward of that federal Constitution, and is in turn protected by it under Amendment V of

The Bill of Rights that no Citizen:

…be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation [being paid

for a loss, injury or debt caused by another party]. (Emphasis added).

If the people are not given their inalienable right to the land, they are either subjects

on it, or they are exempt from living on it. The federal, or state Citizen is guaranteed the

constitutional protection from all lesser laws, i.e. local land and State disputes, only if that

individual knows how to get it—they are on their own to find out how to succeed in

standing up for their rights. And the spirit of 1776 is in their past to show them what to do.

Right to contract- What is a contract? It is an agreement between two or more persons

entering into the objective to voluntary binding of obligations. What gives the right to

contract? First and foremost, the federal Constitution for the united states of America itself

is a contract to the People. The framers of the federal Constitution knew the importance of

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the right to contract in the pursuit of economic freedom, stability and prosperity, and so

created one. And though free enterprise is the only right that pertains to contract, the liberty

of the social freedom is granted to the Citizen to make or even break contracts in the telling

objective of the federal Constitution. The framers of the Constitution inscribed into the 5th

Amendment, ‘No person…shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property…’ to ensure

the “person” the right to determine their own life, their own liberty, and their own property.

The 14th Amendment reminds us again that no ‘State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.’

The United States Federal Supreme Court made judicial decisions to stop local,

state and federal governments from imposing on the Citizen’s fundamental right to

contract. We have the right to own cattle, and other animals, but of course not other people.

The right to acquire through contract is an inalienable right. It is used to reach our life’s

objectives and to fulfill our dreams. And the right to contract is used for the need to protect

and defend family and property, for land use, leases, renting, purchases, building, zoning,

digging, assisting, protecting, inquiring, etc., and can therefore even be violated by fraud,

and counterfeited quality of an expectation.

Even though the Federal Government has jurisdiction over all factions within the

federal Constitution, protecting the inalienable right of those factions to contract is its

responsibility. And the right to form contracts is the right for individuals and parties to do

so without government restrictions.

The right to contract is an inalienable right; the right to contract with employees,

minimum wage, government restrictions, government price fixing, and government law

making are not inalienable. Disputes over contract laws are between what constitutes the

inalienable right to contract vs. the civil right to contract. Knowing the differences are

crucial all individuals must know.

Disputes over contract laws causing for the local government to step in before the

Federal Government, means there is an issue that must be resolved to protect Citizens and

citizens during their pursuit of happiness. The citizens are conducting commerce for the

UNITED STATES Corporation; the Federal Government is keeping the peace, and

stepping in between disputes only when they become federal and constitutional matters.

The Federal Government was created to protect the inalienable rights of its Citizens

(and citizens) against the abuses and fraud other individuals and parties inflict upon in

contract laws.

Harming others is a crime. The Federal Government protects the Citizen from

‘tortfeasors’ [those who inflict harm on others in civil law]. Thus, laws, codes, regulations,

ordinances, are a few ways governments protect the People from other people. Federal and

State laws are legislated to prevent citizens from breaking the law; and thus, the contract

created between them and the Federal and state Governments are necessary.

There are occurring disputes between two contracting individuals that governments

are at service to solve. If any contract were to conflict with the economic interests of the

more powerful bureaucracy, even the federal Supreme Court has to take heed.

Legal and court issues are swarming in contract law violations. To protect the

individual from violating the cobweb of contract laws, local, state and federal level

jurisdictions have devised the system to provide the Citizen with the clear route through.

Local contracts have to follow the city or town ordinances. The State contract

requires the citizen to register their property, and to obtain a license issued by the State (or

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state) to drive (in commerce), and the Federal jurisdiction in contract laws issues the

oversight of all contract laws in the Unites States.

Binding into a contract takes knowing what contracts are to have a safe passage

through the cobweb of legal issues, and to avoid state and federal level punishments. There

are many policies in contracts issued by the State and Federal governments. Social security,

car insurance, permits, registrations, are effective by the contract between the citizen and

agency and or entity. Thus, contracts take planning, law, organization, negotiation,

communication, all to prevent conflict of understanding and of interest from becoming

state and federal issues.

11 Another Day In Infamy-

a. The Assembly for Adamic Redemption Movement itself shall be the Government to help the

Adamic Race know where to stand in a World surrounded by the many jurisdictions in contract

laws. There are private contracts, consumer contracts, contractual freedom and contractual

slavery. There are contracts in the jurisdiction of local laws, contracts in the jurisdiction of the

state and States laws, and there are contract laws dealt with at the federal level.

b. Today there are contracts in the jurisdiction of corporate law that competes and [possibly]

super-cedes the United States of America itself—even the Federal Government that governs

it! This all started in the United States of America soon after the American Civil War of 1861

to 1865.

c. Various events unfolded in the Federal Government after the American Civil War—one having

been a move on part of the United States Congress of 1871.

d. The year 1871 on the 21st of February will forever stand in infamy for patriots of freedom. It

was that year on that day of that month in the United States of America when the UNITED

STATES OF AMERICA was created. The Forty-First Congress designated in the “Acts of the

Forty-First Congress” the infamous “Act of 1871”, Section 34, Session III, chapters 61 and

62 “An Act To Provide A Government for the District of Columbia.” e. There in the states of Virginia and Maryland were ten square miles set aside for the District of

Columbia to serve as the [corporate] headquarters for the United States jurisdiction. When the

smoke cleared, THE UNITED STATES Corporation was born.

“The United States Government is a foreign corporation with respect to a state”

Volume 20: Corpus Juris Secondum, (P 1785: NY re: Marriam 36 N.E. 505 1441 S.Ct.

1973, 41 L. ed. 287)

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all that part of the territory of the United States included within the limits of the District of Columbia be, and the same is hereby, created into a government by the name of the District of Columbia, by which name it is hereby constituted a body corporate for municipal purposes and may contract and be contracted with, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, have a seal, and exercise all other powers of a municipal corporation not inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of the United States and the provisions of this act. (District

of Columbia Organic Act of 1871. 3rd Session., ch. 62, 16 Stat. 419, enacted 1871-02-


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f. The organic constitution [Constitution for the united states of America] was of the People, by

the People, and for the People of the United States of America. The same generation witness

to the American Revolutionary War, created for themselves a “federal” government.

Generations would take to the stage of the Country’s political scene; they would make their

policies, to eventually hand over power to the next generation.

g. There would not be peace along the way between then and 1871 for the created Federal

Government of the United States; for, a generation of Congress known as the “War Hawks”

would call for the War of 1812 between the United States of America and both Great Britain

and the Powhatan Confederacy, among other Amerindian tribes and nations. The generation

witness to the American Civil War 50 years later would implement into existence a “corporate”


h. Now there are two constitutions, the organic Constitution for the united states of America and


constitution for the incorporated UNITED STATES OF AMERICA now headquartered in the

designated District of Columbia.

i. This all means that there is a new player in the United States of America each and every Citizen

is going to compete with. Some would call this new player “Big Brother”, others a downright

“bully”. To the Citizen, this new “kid on the block” (so to speak) is going to forever change

the face of the government of the People, by the People and for the People. This new

constitution used by this new Big Brother becomes the social contract provider for generations

to come, leaving the old one to the Citizens already enlightened to the entire history of this

Republic and where they stand today.

j. This new “de facto” [meaning: without official or legal status] government arrived on the land

as a victorious Emperor to rule over the inhabitants of the new realm. And while this one

generation, exhausted from the Civil War just behind them did not pay attention to their elected

representatives; the Forty-First Congress opened the city’s golden gates to the world, and the

beast proudly entered to claim our Adamic World.

k. Immediately, the inhabitants were in open arms of this new power. The UNITED STATES

Corporation would issue contracts, in the form of [birth] certificates, to all American

inhabitants to receive the benefits of the services that having one provided them. Within the

terms of the agreements that come with this [CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH (for example)]

are “policies” in the place of Laws.

l. Thus, eventually, the more people were born into the UNITED STATES Corporation to be

citizens, the less laws enacted, the more “public” policies took over in the form of an “Act”.

The code enforcer wearing a uniform [suit] among today’s citizens is an “actor” enforcing

codes and statutes—which all falls under the Act.

12 The Constitution, If You Can Get to It-

a. There on top of the Constitution for the united states of America are the added layers of policies

in the form of ordinances, statutes and regulations that Adamites must familiarize themselves

with on what they all mean. These policies are what the code enforcers of the United States of

America are using to collect their revenue.

b. The laws of the Federal Government of the United States of America centers on Court Opinion,

State Laws, the US Code, and the U.S. Constitution as interpreted by the Federal Supreme

Court. Getting into a cause that violates any of such contracts is a cause for the law enforcers

to either warn not to further engaging in, or issue a fine, to possibly charging for breaking the


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c. Just who the code enforcers out to get the code breakers and troublemakers are throughout the

UNITED STATES Corporation’s jurisdiction, is just as important to know as knowing the

policies they are using to nab the citizen code breaker. The code enforcers are the Sheriff,

Police, Deputy, Highway Patrol, Mounty, Magistrate, Judge, Lawyer, Prosecutor, Defense

Attorney, Congress et al., Representative, Senator, and they are the Executive and the

Bureaucrat with the power of a $623.0 billion (2008 official) budget for 2.8 million strong

(2009 official) United States Armed Forces (USAF) Service Members.

d. These 318+ million citizens are all subjects to the UNITED STATES Corporation, defenders

to a select few only known at the very top of the corporate ladder. And only a select few seem

to stand above the law at the top. They wield in their power protected by the citizen, who in

turn remains subject to an ignorant state of where they stand. The citizen is subject to the

UNITED STATES Corporation. And today, there is a wall of willing defenders, all guided by

the cobweb of polices and bureaucratic red tape keeping the citizen from the Constitution.

e. There are many ways in which these citizens are punished with a penalty when layers of policies

are added over their inalienable rights, which are taken from them for the security and services

the UNITED STATES Corporation in exchange. Getting a phone call from one of its agencies

that requires the citizen to proceed with a demand from the code enforcer day by day, week by

week, month by month, and year by year to file as a citizen worthy of credit, and of benefits

from the corporate bosses, is an act to get them under control.

f. The questions remain on why a People would succumb to the powers of a master. Even slaves

can be patriots of their own subjugated state. Does this imply that patriots of freedom look to

support the People’s United States Constitution, only so long as they do not violate the long-

standing practices of the states, while respecting the decisions made through the current

national majority, as well as what would be good for the society, and as long as it is all

acceptable through the good wisdom of society’s wisest? The answer is found in their 200,000+

pages book of regulations in the Code of Laws of the United States of America they continue

to blindly obey without question.

g. Or do patriots of freedom step back and outside of the box of all the mumbo-jumbo of statutes,

and regulations smothering the federal Constitution for the many flaws and contradictions

among the many levels [jurisdictions] of society, and the many administrations, agencies, and

legislative bodies as overlapping powers?

h. In what way, in what stratagem do the citizens reclaim status as a People, and to become

Citizens to obtain their inalienable rights? If the average American citizen can claim their

Constitutional rights, then how do they respond to the many statutes, ordinances, codes,

regulations and etc., created through years of accumulated policies keeping them from it? At

this point, the citizen must know the limits of their rights. Does the citizen have civil rights, or

inalienable rights, or both? These are the same choices the framers of the Federal Government

back in 1776 had to ask and think about as well.

i. True rights will never conflict. Our Adamic Race must therefore know what those contradictions

are. The differences are between what are “inalienable” rights, and that which is considered a

“civil” right.

j. The Constitution defines inalienable rights, while the United States Code defines policies. The

debate continues between masters and slaves on just what distinguishes those rights apart, as


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Inalienable Rights: right to travel, right to property, right to contract, right to self-

ownership, right to access food and water, right to life, right to marry, right to privacy,

freedom of speech, freedom of press, right to bear arms, pursuit of happiness, right to

prosperity, free enterprise, right to remain silent, right to religion, right to education, right

to healthcare, and freedom of association.

Privileges: driving and transporting, equal representation, participating in a government

[voting], and access to its services and securities.

k. The pursuit of happiness is often interfered with by the very government created to protect that

right. The right to prosperity is violated when the government demands it from those who

obtain it, while a mountain of bureaucratic red tape restricts free enterprise for those successful

and independent contractors able to obtain success for themselves.

l. For the citizen to exist in commerce under the UNITED STATES Corporation, to remain silent

has been taken for treason, and the right to religion, education and healthcare has been intruded

upon by overbearing regulations and government oversight. Constantly reminded of “The-

Powers-That-Be” in the United States of America, citizens are being herded around like cattle

subjected to the grid they must stick to while in commerce for the UNITED STATES


m. To keep the herd together, specific key terms and acts are used to re-enact or reinstate a

contractual agreement. The government eventually comes to find a reason for everyone to

submit to the choices they made in the past by going about collecting verbal ques from the

citizens to keep them locked into the system. The 2010 U.S. Census listed for the citizen to

mark the religion, race, nationality and number of individuals in the household. Such method

of keeping the citizen locked into the system is among the method of signing checks, receipts,

commercial agreements, etc., used to bind the citizenry. The right to healthcare and the right

to vote has been provided the citizen without their own consent through a vote, all because

they are in actuality employees to the UNITED STATES Corporation, and do not have

constitutional rights. And the right to participate in government does not free the subjected

citizen from the contract either. There still is a cobweb of policies and code enforcers keeping

them bound to it.

n. Today, the Assembly for Adamic Redemption Movement aims to free the Adamic Race from

this great adversary to their freedom. Tomorrow’s Adamic World shall come to pass through

the enlightenment of every individual of their right to make their own choices. They can

continue on with their relationship with this UNITED STATES Corporation, and remain in

debt to $17,000,000,000,000.00+, all to acquire its security and its services, or the Adamite

can get out of debt, and stop using its services to obtain their freedom.

13 Adamic Redemption-

a. Selling one’s life to the UNITED STATES Corporation is done when an individual accepts the

terms and services it provides. Amazingly, this inalienable right to contract gives the individual

the right to contract into slavery! Thus, through contractual slavery, the individual becomes

subjected to the terms and services of the master. The code enforcers keep up with herding the

citizens about to steer clear from under the Corporation’s penalty. Breaking a contract under

any circumstance is often punishable as a crime; therefore, the master’s code enforcers enforce

the contract laws wherein the slave stands.

b. When an Adamite in the United States of America and in Canada consents to a contract using

their artificial self that was given to them at the time of their birth (for example), and they

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obtain the goods and services provided to them as a citizen from the UNITED STATES

Corporation, or as subjects to the Commonwealth, they in reality, as subjects under citizenship

(or non-citizen subjects) do not literally own those goods and services. This means that if a

citizen or subject using their artificial self, their corporate name, JOHN DOE (for example), as

opposed to their natural name, John Doe (for example) to obtain a car or a house through the

UNITED STATES Corporation or the Commonwealth, they do not actually own them. All

citizens in the United States of America have all of their goods under the control of the

corporate government as long as they maintain their birth certificate, voter’s registration,

Social Security, driver’s license, and thus contracts intact between them and the UNITED

STATES Corporation.

c. The citizen’s freedom to obtain inalienable rights seems to be lost when considering the piles

of policies in the form of regulations, statutes, ordinances and the army of code enforcement

officers about. How to gain access to the right to travel, and the right to property, the right to

obtain their inalienable rights at that, seems lost under years of accumulated contract deals


d. When a citizen or subject was born to either the UNITED STATES Corporation, or the

Commonwealth, they were really placed into the contract the moment their legal guardians

signed them up for it. Ever since the citizens were able to say their given name locked in as an

artificial code word for a person involved in commerce, and when they learned their given

Social Security number, and their signature to sign commercial contracts, and to learn how to

go about obeying the policies smothering their constitutional rights, the services provided to

them did not make them any safer, any wealthier, and any freer.

e. For the same system of government to keep someone locked into broken promises means the

terms and services of agreement of the contract were violated. And to consider getting out of

the contract is a right treated as a treasonous act. The path to revoke, or renounce the status as

a corporate [c]itizen of such a powerful Corporation is not a smooth one. It is an unbeaten path

because there are few services available to escort the individual away from the shame of

slavery. The UNITED STATES will promote that it is unpatriotic to resist their powers. It will

even threaten the individual with Federal scrutiny. Then again, the citizen must ask, under what

obligations do they owe the UNITED STATES Corporation’s $17 plus trillion debt that proves

to show a system’s failure?

f. Once the corporate citizen is out of the terms and services, and the obligations set between

them and other citizens, having paid off their debts, the process of revoking one’s citizenship

is still going to be rough. The citizen must proceed towards their next obligation—standing

their ground, and to know that objecting to consent to slavery is not treason!

g. The citizen must accept the road ahead to keep the ground upon which they stand. There are

going to be threats made of Federal action. Local, and state agencies are going to come

knocking, summons are going to be made, suits are going to be filed, and the citizen will be

served to face the penalties for disrupting commerce, and for violating their terms and


h. The UNITED STATES Corporation today has an army of code enforcers about to intimidate

the citizen back into submission. Patriots of freedom must realize, the UNITED STATES

Corporation is not the Federal Government! The UNITED STATES Corporation is not led by

a federal system of government, nor is it led as a democracy, nor as a republic; but rather, as a

corporate government led by a select few billionaires with the power to buy their loyalty. The

UNITED STATES Corporation is therefore what it is, a corporation based upon the philosophy

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of a corpratocracy. In fact, the UNITED STATES Corporation seems to tell the Federal

Government what to do. Thus, the Federal Government and the UNITED STATES

Corporation are two separate entities. This implies that the UNITED STATES Corporation has

become a power not even the Federal Government can control.

i. The citizen can change all of that! The Federal Government has been of the People, by the

People, and for the People since the spirit of 1776, while a secret group has ruled the corporate

government of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA with secret allies and secret enemies

since 1871.

j. Hence, the secret government of the UNITED STATES Corporation in our time has been

involved in the act of secretly keeping all citizens under their surveillance while leaving the

gates open to the enemies of the Federal Government. Furthermore, the need for more

corporate slaves to provide the Corporation the needed commerce has been shown through

their lack of consideration on how to become a citizen. Take the example of what it takes to

become one.

k. The floodgates of the United States of America for citizenship were opened to the world with

the following help wanted ad, not to acquire the qualified, willing, daring, and brave, but to

instead invite a different consciousness of sort. In a poem engraven on a tablet within the

pedestal on which the statue of liberty stands on Liberty Island, in the middle of the New York

Harbor of Manhattan, New York, the help wanted ad reads, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”

l. It is not a mentally healthy consciousness for us to have thinking we are the wretched refuse,

huddled masses, and poor. The psychology of the message is telling of a completely different

philosophy than the Adamic Race should have. In leaving the invitation to the world such

Trojan horse of a poem for the United States of America, as “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses…” promotes the wretched refuse of every teaming shore to come to


m. Added to the dilemma the citizen should consider while the UNITED STATES Corporation is

in power, is the lacking of local, state and federal aid to protect citizens along the U.S. border

from the drug cartels in Mexico. This just goes to show what the message is implying to those

citizens witnessing a government considered disobedient to the rule of law. The rule of law is

violated when the Constitution is no match for “the Great and Powerful” UNITED STATES

Corporation. The UNITED STATES Corporation has shown to reject border laws while

enforcing its own policies upon its subjected corporate citizens.

n. The corporate government enforces policy, never allowing the citizen close to their inalienable

rights. Often, violations are made because of the citizen’s ignorance of a policy. Inevitably, the

citizen is going to get hit with a fine, not for breaking the constitution’s law, but for violating

the many areas of policy in one of the Corporation’s many jurisdictions.

o. The UNITED STATES Corporation sends the message on how it reacts to the citizen taking

too much time away from it when the code enforcer comes knocking at the door and there is

no answer. Being a patriot today is a dangerous act for a citizen. Being self-sufficient today is

being deemed as an act of extremism, a label scrutinized as an act of suspicion and much

content. It thus seems today that there is nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, the best we can do

is to know where we stand.

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p. If Adamite Redemptionists want to redeem their inalienable rights, they must stand their ground

when told to participate in commerce. They must know what inalienable rights they have at

the same time. The rough road ahead is not going be without some obstacles. Knowing the

terms of services and agreement with the UNITED STATES Corporation is to know it is truly

an illegitimate [de facto] government they are not going to let rule over them. It is not a federal

crime to revoke the status of citizenship, because again, the UNITED STATES Corporation is

not the Federal Government!

q. There is a way out of the mess for the Adamic Race. The Assembly for Adamic Redemption

Movement is that guide for all Adamites to have in order to escape their shackles. AARM shall

provide the Adamic Race the guidance needed to stand free, to travel about without

interference in the commerce of other corporate entities, and to get gain for their own pursuit

of happiness. AARM shall provide the Adamic Race the path of redemption to enjoy their full

right to access their inalienable rights. AARM not only shall provide the Adamic Race their

inalienable rights, it shall also be their government they have control over.

r. Whether Adamites want to redeem their own selves from being subjected to the obligations

accrued upon through years of contractual agreements to the UNITED STATES Corporation,

the citizen has another option to guarantee them their freedoms. Patriots of freedom are on

high alert for the sake of keeping them. The Assembly for Adamic Redemption Movement not

only shows the Adamic Race what their rightful choices in law are; it provides them the

services of security to exercise their inalienable rights also.

s. Parties should have the right to apply the principles and terms of their relationship with those

they enter into contract with. And the UNITED STATES Corporation has incurred a 17 trillion

dollar reason why citizens should revoke their contract with it.

t. The Assembly for Adamic Redemption Movement is of the People, by the People and for the

People, and shall press for the inalienable rights back to the Adamic Race. AARM shall also

provide the protection to the Adamic Race the freedom to choose whom to contract with as an

inalienable right. The right to land is monitored and easily taken by predatory banks and other

interest groups; and AARM shall obtain the whereabouts of these predatory administrations

forcing their policies over our inalienable rights.

u. This journey for the Adamic Race to obtain its freedoms is not a traditional issue, or a moral

issue, but a constitutional obligation. The United States has been hijacked by a secret society

of billionaires! They will not let us free without putting up a fight, which explains why they

keep us from the constitution defining what our inalienable rights are. Knowing about the

inalienable right to travel, to property, and to contract is wise knowledge for the Adamite

Redemptionist to behold. They are wise to know where they stand. But there is a greater

inalienable right the UNITED STATES Corporation does not want out of the bag.

v. Forming a contract is a right for individuals and for groups [as in corporations] to form without

government restrictions. When the individual no longer meets the terms of services in the

agreement, then getting out of it is necessary. Among the inalienable rights to travel, to

property and to contract, is the inalienable right to void contracts.

Right to void contracts- The Adamite must be aware that they are surrounded by policies,

and that in them is the inalienable right for others to accept verbal consent as a contract.

Once in a contract, the holder must know the terms, and how to use the contract.

By accepting the services of the UNITED STATES Corporation, inscribing one’s

artificial name to a Form W-4, IRS Form 1040, accepting and endorsing a check, accepting

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to check off as a citizen in any other Form, they have not only accepted the services of the

corporate government, they have accepted the services to be subject to the UNITED

STATES Corporation. These are the contracts that establishes a person as a United States


The Social Security contract is a notorious contract. The Social Security application

[Form SS-5] is attached to the adhesion contract to mean one cannot alter the contract. The

individual has the right to agree on the terms, but once in, the contract is locked, because

that person cannot alter their standing in it. The State contracts are also a way the citizen

is subjected. The citizen is subject to the UNITED STATES Corporation, which thus owns

the debt the citizen is in.

Patriots of freedom and liberty today are oblivious to a freer World in which to live

in; and for them to be shy to access more than they have now goes to show a real issue the

New World is in today. Any violation against commerce is punishable by a fine, jail, and

confiscation of the driver’s “privilege” to obtain a license. Keeping themselves subject to

a life under privileges has come with the price of their own inalienable rights in return.

Have the People traded in their freedoms and liberties for security and services instead?

The Assembly for Adamic Redemption Movement is about redeeming the spirit of

1776. In that, is an Adamic Race enjoying not only the security and services government

provides, it has what it takes to enjoy the responsibilities that come with freedom and


Our Race is united to set the individual free from not only government contracts,

but to also escape from the contracts they can no longer support. The Adamic Race must

know their option to either establish unincorporated contractual organization agreements,

Pure Trust Organizations, and other trusts, instead of with the UNITED STATES


Contract disputes are over contract law violations. The Redemptionist must

understand that provisions require the individual to be put into a contract knowingly and

willingly. When a contract is made under unknowing terms the contract is considered an

act of fraud and may be nullified.

The Contract Clause applies to state legislation, not to court decisions. The Contract

Clause not only applies to state legislation, it also prohibits state governments from

enacting any laws impairing the right to contract laws, Article I, section 10, clause 1:

No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or Grant any Title of Nobility.

One should not be contracted into working certain jurisdictions created to violate

their inalienable rights without them revoking their natural selves. Freedom to contract is

the right to choose with whom to form or deny a contract. And the state has no right to

violate contract rights. Yet, the courts today are interfering with contracts made to provide

the more powerful bureaucratic system the more desired right to commerce.

The Supreme Court looked at the Contract Clause in relation to the state, implying that:

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1) The state regulation must not substantially impair a contractual relationship.

2) The State “must have a significant and legitimate purpose behind the regulation, such as the remedying of a broad and general social or economic problem (459 U.S. at 422-23).”

3) The law must be reasonable and appropriate for its intended purpose.

14 In God We Trust-

a. The framers of the federal Constitution had designed the Federal Government to be free of

religion after the lessons learned during Middle Age Europe. The framers of the Federal

Government inscribed the Establishment Clause into the First Amendment of The Bill of

Rights: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion… to protect

the People from religious persecution. This does not make the laws inscribed into the federal

Constitution purely of man’s imagination. The framers of the federal Constitution knew what

laws were inalienable and which laws were derived from man. They knew laws from God

could not be taken away from man. So they placed God’s laws into the federal Constitution

that are inalienable to us, meaning, we were born with them.

b. We can assume man did not create this planet. We can also assume that man did not create the

animal world. We can even assume the laws of nature are not man’s creation, and neither is

man. Assuming that it is true, man is not greater than the Creator that did create this planet, the

animal world, and the laws of nature; man cannot take away the laws of the Creator without

being exposed to the consequences. To acknowledge there is a creature in existence that is

greater than us, and that is the creator of the Universe, bestower of intelligence, is to hold that

it is through the Creator that our existence upon this planet is endowed unto us also.

c. God as Designer and Creator of the laws of the Universe is to claim a master over all laws

derived from humankind, and that no law of man stands above God’s laws, nor does man have

the authority to take away God’s laws. The following laws are inscribed in The Declaration of

Independence to set apart God’s laws that no man or women can infringe upon:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

d. These unalienable rights endowed to us by our Creator are not civil laws, nor are they civil

rights. Civil rights are state privileges. Both civil rights and civil laws are man’s laws. Voting

in a government is not a God given right, for example. The government does not have to allow

voting rights. Civil rights therefore, cannot negate inalienable rights.

e. The difference between right and privilege are the differences between God’s laws and

manmade laws. Rights are inalienable to the natural [God’s creation] man. Privileges are

derived from man and can be taken away from artificial [citizen, person and subject] man. The

right to vote for example is a privilege; the right to life and happiness is an inalienable right.

f. The laws of nature are cosmic laws. Man cannot alter the cosmic laws of the Creator. Man is a

creature of God; therefore, when a man admits to living under God’s laws, their laws will never

supersede them. Everything that man does is within the laws of the cosmos, as God’s laws are

cosmic laws that cannot be taken away. Mankind can create laws and can take laws, but not

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God’s laws i.e. cosmic law, nor can mankind escape it either. The federal Constitution lays out

those laws we were born with that came from God as inalienable rights.

g. The right to travel, the right to land, the right to life, are examples of our inalienable rights

endowed by our Creator, and man does not have the right to alter God’s laws. They can only

be kept from enjoying the rights to them. Man can rid of his own laws, i.e. the role they play

in their own government—they can never rid of God’s.

15 Two Worlds Colliding-

a. Comparing and contrasting a global consciousness between old and new ideas coming to a

crossroads has involved both the unwilling and the willing towards the balance of power. The

unwilling to accept the reality as nothing more than a conspiracy, and the willing to call it a

conspiracy combined has kept the debate and conflict alive and well today. The conflict is

between Adamites of the New World consciousness, and those of the Old.

b. Most of us during our life have been bombarded with all sorts of conspiracy theories. Such

conspiracy theories are cover-up conspiracies involving secret groups with a secret agenda,

who act secretly to conspire against secret enemies. And during our life we are taught of this

conflict of two Worlds colliding, the Old World against the New World. Time under a “New

World Order”, opponents claim, is nigh where evil dictators conspire to enslave the masses in

a global shakedown of terror and oppression. So, if indeed there is a New World Order (NWO),

then that would mean there is an Old World Order (OWO) also. And if we are to expect a New

World Order in the future, then we must be experiencing the consciousness of an Old Word

Order today. Thus, two Worlds are colliding in front of our very eyes.

c. Now we must know how to recognize the two sides of this collide in order to not get caught up

in-between them. To make sense of two Worlds colliding, and to consider further action in

maneuvering out of the way of the two colliding Worlds, the Redemptionist must realize there

are several differences between the New World Order and the Old World Order to recognize.

d. First and foremost, it is important to clarify for the distinction between both “New World” and

“Old World” governments with the called “One World government”. The One World

government could go both ways, i.e. in the hands of the OWO, or into the hands of the NWO.

e. The One World government could either be under the OWO, or it could be under the power of

the NWO; therefore, since we are under an OWO, what can we say about the New World

Order? By comparing today’s events, with the events of the past, we can shape the Old World

Order’s structure to give us a better understanding as to what the New World Order is all about.

Furthermore, persons whose career it is to state claims on what the NWO is, have their

definition of it explained in their authored books, articles or videos found in bookstores and

libraries world-wide, on television and the Internet.

f. The sources tell us that there is supposed to be a philosophical, political, theological, social and

scientific New World Order ahead in the future that the Old World Order advocates are

preparing against. Advocates for the New World Order claim that the Old World Order has for

thousands of years already enslaved humanity through religious “submission” and superstition,

inflicting gender and race oppression, and slavery through the concept of hereditary

“birthright”. In an Old World Order the saying goes, “it’s who you know, not what you know.”

g. The leaders of the OWO are positioned in power we today recognize as the family dynasties

i.e. the Monarchies and the Abrahamic Faiths. The Abrahamic Faiths are the Christians,

Muslims and the Jews. They all together rule this current OWO. (Note: When a father as a

Corporate CEO should give his eldest son his position instead of giving it to the best, that is

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OWO thinking.) While the OWO has been in power for thousands of years, they ruled on the

basis of superstition i.e. "mythos", "faith" and "tradition" (a God ordering Abraham to kill his

own son, advocates of the NWO remark, “is what the psychopathic test of ‘faith’ looks like”).

People who followed tyrant leaders for fear of losing their own value amongst their friends,

family and their community if they disobeyed the ruling power of the OWO, were reminded

of those who were punished for their intellectual curiosity. While the OWO has been in power,

the Adamic Race saw and suffered through the "Inquisition", the "Crusades", "Witch Trials",

"dynasties", "slavery", "inequality", "hereditary privilege" and other hideous acts throughout

history. Advocates of the NWO claim those horrific eras upon our Race to remain the standing

legacy of Old World consciousness and outcomes.

h. This leaves us a list of those who support the Old World Order. They are the Emperors, Kings,

Queens, Princes, Dictators, Popes, Elders, Reverends, Bishops, Pasteurs, Caliphs, Clerics,

Rabbis, Religious Crusaders all involved in, Inquisitions, Sharia Law, Abrahamic Faiths

[Islam, Judaism, Christianity], theocracies, monarchies, dynasties, corporatocracies,

kleptocracies, Zionism, war between Islam, Judaism and Christianity, submission, blood

sacrifices, and slavery.

i. The legacy of the Old World Order is already so corrupted, and so tainted (and they know this)

that they focus on a sinister NWO to be. Yet, their OWO, advocates of the NWO claim, is

already viewed to being the monster it really is and has been. Together, the OWO elites are

scared of losing their power, so they are united to defame the NWO, using the power of their

controlled media to stir up their supporters. They know their time is almost up. Advocates of

the Old World Order claim the NWO is a One World government ruled by another emperor or

king; yet, they of the OWO are for their own Pasteur, King, Queen, Emperor, or Pope to rule

the world if they ever got that chance.

j. The One World government can either go to a King, a Pope, a Sultan, an Emperor or a Queen

forcing upon the "subjects" of the World to obey, solely on the basis of mythos, faith and

tradition (OWO); or it could go to a Council of World representatives positioned based on their

“merit”, sharing power making policy based on logic, reasoning and the scientific method


k. Advocates of the New World Order claim their want to free humanity of a World in which calls

for them to “submit” to a God without being able to prove why, exactly. Advocates for the

New World Order seek a meritocratic government free of submission. In a meritocracy the

saying goes, “it’s what you know, not who you know.” In the New World Order, advocates

claim, humankind will prove their merit to get gain rather than inheriting it.

l. Exactly who are these advocates of the New World Order?

m. Former U.S.A. President George H. W. Bush announced to a World audience, “We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations a new world order—a world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful—and we will be—we have a real chance at this new world order…”

n. The “We”, conspiracy theorists are caught up believing in, is that the infamous ‘Illuminati’ is

at the forefront of the New World Order. Other infamous groups believed to be involved to

create a New World Order are the global elites—but the true advocates have claimed their

mark in time. Their place in history will remain in these records because they are the apparent

enlightened ones, responsible for having established today’s rule of law.

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o. Such influential men throughout history leading the charge for a New World Order

consciousness were, King Solomon, Pythagoras, Plato, John Locke, Freidrick Nietzsche,

Emmanuel Kant, Hegel, Carl Jung, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Benjamin Franklin and

George Washington. Suspected supporting groups of the NWO are said to be the Druids,

Illuminati, the Dao, Knights Templar, Rosicrucian, Jesuits, Freemasons, Mormons, Jehovah’s

Witnesses, Jacobins, the Constitution for the united states of America, the Declaration of

Independence, Bill of Rights, federalism, the Republic, and the “Spirit of 1776”.

p. Advocates of the New World Order claim government must be founded upon science and logic

instead of faith and superstition and unchecked traditions. Science is fact, and is proven time

and time again, they claim, but in the past, religious leaders suppressed it as Satanic non-

sense—take the Inquisition during the Dark ages, for example, when men and women were

burned at the stake as heretics! Galileo Galilei is another example of a man imprisoned by the

Inquisition. He was sentenced to life in prison on June 22, 1633 for going outside of Church

doctrine in his writings. We also mustn’t forget the Witch Trials during the earliest part of

Salem, Massachusetts’s history, and the present Honor Killings of young girls stoned to death

by their relatives for going outside of Sharia law. These acts of punishment are what the

advocates of the NWO claim to be the laws of the Old World Order. The advocates for the

NWO claim to have been the leaders in science, while the advocates for the Old World Order

stood in their way. Because of the dangers against advocates of the NWO by advocates of the

OWO in power was so great in the past, anyone then who didn’t want to face a death sentence

had to go underground to learn and teach science.

q. Men and women in the past had to hide from a Superpower, mostly one that was led by a

chosen national deity against any kind of opposition. And to the advocate for a New World

Order, how can anyone on earth prove that for certain? Such was the type of questioning that

lead to one’s own death sentence under the Old World Order governments. Anything said

contrary to the “will” of this deity was to get back in line or face eternal damnation and

execution at the hands of the Faith-Holders to their God. This led to the rise of Secret Societies

that were often clubs where men and women were free from the death-sentence as the

consequence of their quest for knowledge based on logic and reasoning.

r. Today’s conflicts are on whose ideas are freer, safer, and scientific. Old ideas versus new ideas

are common clashes where they meet. Take democracy, aristocracy and meritocracy vs.

anarchy; science vs. religion; and individualism vs. collectivism as opposing ideas. The New

World Order system, advocates claim, is to provide the synthesis of democracy and

meritocracy; the synthesis of science and religion; and the synthesis of individualism and


s. The signs are telling; the New World Order is on the rise! It is recognized in the "Republic",

"merit", "equality", and the “scientific method” using “logic” and “reasoning”, and “facts” to

determine policy. The philosophical, political, theological, social and scientific New World

Order and the theological, aristocratic, Abrahamists of the Old World Order advocates are

rising up against one another. Advocates for a New World Order claim that the Old World

Order has, for thousands of years, enslaved humanity through religion, through slavery,

through the concept of birthright and blood sacrificing. The Advocates of the Old World Order

claims the New World Order will be anti-Christian, anti-Muslim and anti-Semitic. Advocates

for the Old World Order claim that, under the NWO there will be an un-private World full of

surveillance cameras. They also claim advocates for a NWO in the past were involved in the

French Revolution and the death of the French Aristocracy; American Revolution and the

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founding of a non-Aristocratic Republic; Russian Revolution and the death of the Russian

Aristocracy [of which the NWO valiantly agrees].

t. Thus, the New World Order meets the Old World Order in the 21st Century. Today’s conflicts

rising between science and religion is the conflict between the Old and New World Orders.

Islam, Christianity and Judaism are defending their oppressive past to claim an oppressive

future under the New World Order. The New World Order advocates claim the damages are

already done on the part of the Abrahamic religions [who are at war amongst themselves].

u. Freedom from religion and freedom of religion is a choice for the individual to make. Whether

that individual wants to be part of a religion, or an individual, is said to be a part of the colliding

of both the Old and New Worlds’ interpretation of what that means. In the past, farmers and

animal herders have collided over territory; in the United States of America, the political

conflict is when both Republicans and Democrats, and the right-wing and left-wing collide;

war is often telling when Western Civilization collides with Eastern Civilization; when Worlds

collide, what is to be the outcome then? The conflict between the New World Order and the

Old World Order in our time will determine whether we have those choices. And if the New

World Order is coming and is a system of evil dictators enslaving much of humanity and

committing genocides, what makes that any worse than the past already replete of every

tragedy imaginable?

v. The best remedy for peace between factions under one government, advocates claim, is a system

reflecting the New World Order model. Their claim for a New World Order is Global

Meritocracy, a World where the People accept "logic" and "reasoning", using the scientific

method (NWO), instead of "tradition", "feelings" and the basis of "faith" to win arguments

(Old World Order). Using logic and reasoning, the People can come closer at least to

understanding why this planet is so important and so very fragile. Those who "submit" to their

religion, or their "faith" on the grounds of tradition and faith, advocates claimer, should have

no place in this New World Order; for the opposition’s role in killing the World on the grounds

of "tradition" and the "faith" that their God told them to "subdue" the Earth, or rather, "the

beasts of the field", has no basis in a World of logic and reasoning.

w. This planet is not ruled by the New World Order consciousness just yet, advocates would

admit. This is why the Old World fights in behalf of their God they never have ever even

seen—all on their basis of "faith" that their God is better than all other Gods. While they fight

their holy wars, our Adamic World is caught in the middle, and are forgotten about to be


16 The Guarantee Of Freedom-

a. The foundation of freedom is evolving, as we have covered in this Tour. For the past several

thousand years, and from what we have covered in this Welcome To Adamsland! Tour, we are

still perfecting our Union and our form of Government. That is why it is safe for this Adamic

generation to come forth with a more perfected document to outline for Us a freer World in

which we can express our full potential as individuals, protected from the heavy handed elites

in the United States of America; because THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES

OF AMERICA of theirs’ has not protect the People’s individual rights at all! Thus is why we

have before us the Articles of Redemption.

b. The Articles of Redemption is a social contract in Trust for the Adamic Race only. It is to claim

the role of Adamic Law and Adamic Government only.

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c. The Articles of Redemption are derived from the Constitution for the united states of America

and Bill of Rights composed and written by their Authors, James Madison, and John Jay, and

ratified by the Continental Congress in the years 1788 C.E., and 1791 C.E..

d. Our Articles of Redemption are our individual and Race based Government to secure Our

guaranteed freedoms and right to exist here upon this Pacific Northwest, we name for

ourselves, “Adamsland”.

e. The Seminar Assemblies are for the man and woman wishing for a freer more heavily guarded

life and future, free from the debt system of the United States of America. The Seminar

Assemblies are set up to educate those individuals who have already accomplished their

Welcome to Adamsland! Tour and are ready to seek Citizenship into the United States Republic

of Adamsland through gaining an understanding of the Articles of Redemption.

17 To A Peaceful And Secured Civilization-

a. With the new understanding of this grand idea of action for a remarkable People, that is found

in the United States Republic of Adamsland, all qualified individuals in favor are welcome to

join in on the twice-weekly Seminar Assemblies available to orient us closer to piecing

together this master plan for Our racial redemption.

b. There are seven days of Seminar Assemblies, with three hours each day to cover the seven

‘Articles of Redemption’. Completion of these Seminar Assemblies will show one has received

the seven Articles of Redemption from a qualified representative of AARM. Each individual

will then graduate with a Recognition Certificate that will be valid for up to eight (8) months.

Within the window of this eight months, each certificate will allow the bearer to travel with

others who are involved in the quest to racially redeem our People back to Our rightful

Homeland to a peaceful and secured Civilization, to help Us build Adamsland for tomorrow’s

Adamic youth.

Site: XXI

Announcement for Further Study

1 The Path To Our Racial Redemption-

a. Along with the seven Articles of Redemption outlining the United States Republic of

Adamsland (USRA), each individual will have completed the current model and example of

our recipe for our redemption in this The Program to AARM Manifesto. In this Program are

seven (7) Parts of which will thoroughly guide the individual through the path to our racial


b. The list of priorities to keep Us up on our continuous sojourn in progressing through personal

and racial growth goes on! Those who are focused with Us, as members of Our one Race, are

found Worldwide. Though we are one Race, we come in many diversely individual and unique

forms. Whether we are community oriented or not, family is Our understanding and common

bond. The families of our Race includes a World community made up of all and more of those

cultures and Nations that left Us the mark into Our past as a People of Noble Blood.

c. Through furthering the study of this debate on who We are today as a People and as individuals,

we shall find further proof of Our Power within.

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d. Upon finding out that We are our own Power, and we have the right to exist as an Enlightened

People to prove that we are (as we self-identify with the Adamic Race as individual Adamites),

We will be ready to stand up for Ourselves against all opposition. Deciding individually on our

own that we are free to prove ready for our Republic that is of the People, by the People, and

for the People, We now stand united today on this great Country of countries we call

“Adamsland”, to prepare for the action required of us to getting others to help them help us


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***********Articles Of Redemption***********

For The United States

Republic Of Adamsland

Article. I.

Section. 1. Preamble-

a. In Order to form a more perfect Union for Adamic Posterity upon this Land of the Pacific

Northwest, to secure the future of our People, We are united upon the whole Space of this

Land, upon which we name Adamsland, to establish Justice for our individual and racial well-

being, and to establish Security in that right.

b. Through this established Government, we aim to ensure Domestic Tranquility for the common

Defense of our People’s Liberties, to travel upon the vast expansion of this Land, Oceans, Seas,

and Air as Sovereigns herein.

c. In Order for us to manage our own lives here upon and within this Land, we establish this

Government a Republic form for the right of its Citizens to associate in Commerce, and

promote the general Welfare for All.

d. We the People establish this Union, to secure the Blessings of Liberty to Ourselves, we choose

the Powers herein the design of these Articles of Redemption to form a United States Republic,

to provide this People a Federal Government of the People, to provide for our Posterity.

e. We, united as One Race, do ordain and establish these Articles of Redemption for its Citizens

in the United States Republic of Adamsland. We the People of these United States Republic

do so in sacred Oath of Unity to form this established Government, assembled under the pretext

of Our Laws heretofore, and shall establish hence for Our next of Kin to inherit.

Section. 2. Role of This Government-

a. In Order that this Government serve the People, ensure the security of our next of Kin, to

defend the Republic states, the right of the People to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

No part of This Government may alter the right to a well-regulated Militia, being necessary to

the security of a Free State, wherein no Soldier, man, woman, person or group shall, in time of

peace, nor in time of war, be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, but in

a manner to be prescribed by Law.

Section. 3. Restrictions of Government-

a. We ratify this Government through the General Assembly to protect the right of the People to

establish these Articles of Redemption, ensuring no Power shall make a law respecting an

establishment of empire, religion, nationality, party, dynasty, alliance, or prohibiting the free

exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of press; or the right of the people

peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances shall not be


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Section. 4. War Powers-

a. No Part of this Government may for any reason whatsoever be suspended, or held from

functioning for any reason for any time; and no State may for any reason for anytime suspend

their government’s role in providing the rights of the People outlined in these Articles of

Redemption; therefore, the safety of a writ of habeas corpus shall not be denied the Citizen of

these united states.

Section. 5. Criminal Proceedings and Condemnation of Property-

a. No man, woman or person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime,

unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or

naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall

any man, woman or person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life

or limb; nor shall be condemned to a public or private for profit Confine; nor shall be compelled

in any criminal case to be a witness against himself or herself, nor be deprived of life, liberty,

or property, without due process of Law; nor shall private property be taken for public use,

without just compensation.

Section. 6. Seizures Searches and Warrants-

a. Herein these Articles of Redemption of these united states, the right of the People to be secure

in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall

not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or

affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to

be seized, to include the duration thereof.

Section. 7. Entitled Privileges and Immunities-

a. The Citizen in each state shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the

eleven states.

Article. II.

Section. 1. Qualification of Representatives-

a. The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by

the People of the Eleven States.

Section. 2. State Representatives-

a. No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of twenty five

Years, and been less than seven Years a member and Citizen in the United States Republic of

Adamsland, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of the state in which he or she

shall be chosen.

Section. 3. Appointment of Representatives-

a. The Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States, which

may be included within these united States, according to their respective Numbers, which shall

be determined by adding to the whole Number of Citizens and adding the numbers of present

civilians. The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of

Congress of the United States Republic of Adamsland, and within every subsequent Term of

ten Years, in such Manner, as they shall by Law direct. The number of Representatives shall

not exceed one (1) in a District in each State. Each Citizen shall have one Representative, or

as determined through manner of legislation and Vote of the Citizens before a General


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Section. 4. Vacancies-

a. When vacancies should happen in the Representation from any State, the Executive Authority

thereof shall issue Writs of Election to fill such Vacancies with any Qualified Citizen resident

of that State.

b. If Vacancies happen by Resignation, or otherwise, during the Recess, or Business-as-usual of

the Legislature of any State, the following General Assembly of the state Citizens of

Adamsland may make temporary Appointments until the next Meeting of the Legislature is

assembled, which shall then fill Vacancies. The Process of election to occupy a vacant Seat in

the State’s Legislature is from among the Citizens of the State of the Legislature Seat vacant.

The Citizens of that State shall issue a Report on the necessary need to complete the Assembly

with a fully occupied Legislature through election to fill such vacancies: Provided, That the

Legislature of any State may empower the executive thereof to make a temporary appointment

until the people fill the vacancies by election as the Legislature may direct.

Section. 5. Officers of the House—Impeachment-

a. The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the

sole Power of Impeachment of Elected Assembly High Council Leaders.

Section. 6. Number of Senators-

a. The Senate of these united States shall be composed of one Senator from each state and one

Senator to represent the State Legislature thereof, for Six Years; and each Senator shall have

one Vote, and each vote counts before the sustaining Citizens of the General Assembly.

Section. 7. Classification of Senators-

a. Immediately after the first Election, they shall be assembled in Consequence of the first

Election; they shall be divided as equally as may be into three Classes. The Seats of the

Senators of the first Class shall be vacated at the Expiration of the second Year, of the second

Class at the Expiration of the fourth Year, and of the third Class at the Expiration of the sixth


Section. 8. Senate Leaders-

a. The Senate elects and sustains amongst themselves, and before the rest of the Citizens for the

United States Republic of Adamsland at a General Assembly, three Senators when one Seat or

the other is vacant. These three Senators serve in the Senate for an extra Two Years, and serve

after their Seat in the State Senate is filled in from among the Citizens of the State of

Adamsland. There is one elected Senator to serve as Secretary of the State; one Senator elected

to serve as the President pro tempore of the Senate; and a Senator voted in as the Senate Clerk.

Section. 9. Election of Senators-

a. This Article shall not be so construed as to effect the election or term of any Senator chosen

before it becomes valid as part of the Government of the Republic.

Section. 10. Qualification of Senators-

a. No Person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained Age twenty-five Years, and been

seven Years a Citizen for the United States Republic of Adamsland, and who shall not, when

elected, be an Inhabitant of that state for which he or she shall be chosen.

Section. 11. President of the Senate-

a. The Vice President of the United States Republic of Adamsland shall be President of the Senate,

but shall have no Vote, unless they are equally divided.

Section. 12. Officers of the Senate-

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a. The Senate shall select their other Officers, and also a President pro tempore, in the Absence of

the Vice President, or when he or she shall exercise the Office of President of the United States

Republic of Adamsland.

Section. 13. Trial of Impeachment-

a. The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose,

they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States Republic of

Adamsland is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without

the Occurrence of two thirds of the Members present.

Section. 14. Judgment on conviction of Impeachment-

a. Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and

disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States

Republic of Adamsland: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to

Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.

Section. 15. Congress-

a. All of the legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States

Republic of Adamsland, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.

Section. 16. Election of Members of Congress-

a. The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be

prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but Congress may at any time by Law make

or alter such Regulations, except as to the Place of choosing Senators.

Section. 17. Sole Judge of Qualifications of Members-

a. Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members,

and a Majority of each shall constitute a Quorum to do Business; but a smaller Number may

adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to compel the Attendance of absent Members,

in such Manner, and under such Penalties as each House may Provide.

Section. 18. Journals-

a. Each House shall keep a Journal of its Proceedings for File accessible to the Citizens of the

United States Republic of Adamsland, and from time to time publish the same, excepting such

Parts as may in their Judgment require Secrecy for a time; and the Yeas and Nays of the

Members of either House on any question shall, at the Desire of one fifth of those Present, be

entered on the Journal for File.

Section. 19. Adjournment-

a. Neither House during the Session of Congress, shall, without the Consent of the other, adjourn

for more than three days, nor to any other Place than that in which the two Houses shall be


Section. 20. Compensation—Privileges-

a. The Senators and Representatives shall receive a Compensation for their Services, to be

ascertained by Law, and paid out of the Treasury of the United States Republic of Adamsland.

They shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of Peace, be privileged from Arrest

during their Attendance at the Session of their Respective Houses, and in going to and returning

from the Same; and for any Speech of Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in

any other Place.

Section. 21. Disability to Hold Other Office-

a. No Senator or Representative shall, during the Time for which he or she was elected, be

appointed to any civil Office under the Authority of the United States Republic of Adamsland,

which shall have been created, or the Emoluments whereof shall have been increased during

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such time; and no Person holding any Office under the United States Republic of Adamsland,

shall be a Member of either House during his or her Continuance in Office.

Section. 22. Congress to Meet Annually-

a. Congress shall assemble at least once in every year, and such meeting shall begin at noon on

the 3d day of January, unless they shall by law appoint a different day.

Section. 23. Mode of Passing and Enacting Laws-

a. All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate

may propose or concur with new Actions of Instructions and Orders, including new or added

Articles or Sections as on other Bills.

b. Funds of this Government, secured by the Council of the Board, issues every Bill which shall

have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, and shall, before it becomes a Law,

be presented to the President of the United States Republic of Adamsland through the General

Assembly; if he or she approves he or she shall sign it, but if not he or she shall return it, with

his or her Objections to that House in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the

Obligations at large on their Journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If after such Reconsideration

at least two thirds of that House shall agree to pass the Bill, it shall be sent, together with the

Objections, to the other House, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by

at least two thirds of that House, it shall be past up to be approved or rejected by the majority

vote of the General Assembly. Thereafter the approving signature of the majority of the Senior

Council Leaders, with the Signature of the Senior Chair Leaders will an added Article or

Section become a Law. But in all such Cases Yeas and Nays shall determine the Votes of both

Houses, and the Names of the Persons voting for and against the Bill, Article or Section, shall

be entered on the Journal of each House respectively through the General Assembly Citizens

participating. If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten Days (Saturday and

Sunday excepted) after it shall have been presented to him or her, the Same shall be passed up

through the Instructions and Orders of the General Assembly to be a Law, in like Manner as if

he or she had signed it, unless Congress by their Adjournment prevent its Return, in which

Case it shall not be a Law.

c. Every bill, Article, Section, Instruction, Order, Resolution, or Vote to which the Concurrence

of the Senate and House of Representatives may be necessary (except on a question of

Adjournment) shall be presented to the President of the United States General Assembly; and

before the Same shall take Effect, shall be approved by him or her, or being disapproved by

him or her, shall be re-passed by at least two thirds of the Senate and House of Representatives,

according to the Rules and Limitations prescribed in the Case of a Bill.

Section. 24. Congressional Powers-

a. Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the

Debts and provide for the Common Defense and general Welfare of the United States Republic

of Adamsland; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United

States Republic of Adamsland;

b. To borrow Money on the credit of the United States Republic of Adamsland;

c. To regulate the Government’s Commerce with foreign Sovereigns and foreign Nations, Tribes

and Governments through our Embassies, and among these several States, including civilians

both Foreign and Domestic;

d. To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization unto Adamites, and uniform Laws on the subject

of Bankruptcies throughout the United States Republic of Adamsland;

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e. To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights

and Measures;

f. To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United

States Republic of Adamsland;

g. To promote the rehabilitation or excommunication of all detainees and prisoners to their

respective aspects;

h. To monitor and have oversight of all Confines, detainees and prisoners;

g. To establish Post Offices and post Roads;

h. To promote the Progress of Science, Technology and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times

to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;

i. To constitute Tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court;

j. To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on and in land, in or from the air or in

and on the high Seas, and Offenses against the Law of Nations;

k. To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures

from Land and Water and from or in the Air;

l. To raise and support the Armed Forces, but Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a

longer Term than two Years;

m. To provide and maintain a Navy and an Air Force;

n. To promote and provide for the defense of our skies from Invasion by maintaining a Space

Program to establish a Space Defense Force;

o. To defend our Borders and our Land by fortifying both above and below it;

p. To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land, air and naval Forces;

q. To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections

and repel Invasion;

r. To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of

them as may be employed in the Service of the United States Republic of Adamsland, reserving

to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the

Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

s. To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding

ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress,

through the General Assembly, may become the Seat of the Government of the United States

Republic of Adamsland, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the

Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts,

Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards and other needful Buildings on Land, Sea or Air;--And

t. To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the forgoing

Powers, and all other Powers vested by these Articles of Redemption in the Government of the

United States Republic of Adamsland, or in any Department or Officer thereof.

Section. 25. Congress Assembled In-Session-

a. The Senate and House of Representatives of the United States Republic of Adamsland, through

Congress assembled In-Session, are to enforce these Articles, and through the General

Assembly, to protect the Sovereign and Citizen in the United States Republic of Adamsland,

all, or any of which Articles, when ratified by three fourths of the said Legislature, to be valid

to all intents and purposes, as part of the said Articles of Redemption.

Section. 26. Proposing and Adopting Amendments-

a. Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose to the

General Assembly the corrections needed to these Articles or Sections of this Government,

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Instructions and Orders, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several

States, shall call a Convention for proposing these, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all

Intents and Purposes, as Part of these Articles, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths

of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode

of Ratification may be proposed by Congress; Provided that no Amendment or corrections

which may be made prior to the Year two thousand twelve shall in any Manner affect these

Articles of Redemption; and that no State, without its Consent shall be deprived of its equal

Suffrage in the Senate.

Section. 27. Compensation of Members of Congress-

a. No law, varying the compensation for the service of the Senators and Representatives, shall

take effect, until an election of Representatives shall have intervened.

Section. 28. Limitations on Powers Granted to the United States Republic of Adamsland-

a. Congress is to enforce the Regulation of Goods and Services into these United States Republic

of Adamsland whereby: The Transportation, exported from or importation into any State,

Territory, or possession of the United States Republic of Adamsland for delivery or use therein

of intoxicating liquids, or chemicals, or biological forms in violation of the laws thereof, is

hereby prohibited.

b. The Migration of Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think

proper to admit, shall be prohibited by Congress, with a Tax or duty imposed on such

Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person.

c. The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of

Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.

d. No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.

e. No Capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census or

Enumeration herein before directed to be taken.

f. No Tax or Duty shall be laid on Articles exported from any State.

g. No Preference shall be given by any Regulation of Commerce or Revenue to the Ports of one

State over those of another: nor shall Vessels bound to, or from, one State, be obliged to enter,

clear, or pay Duties in another.

h. No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by

Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public

Money shall be published from time to time.

i. No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States Republic of Adamsland: And no

Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the

Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatsoever, from

any Emperor, King, Prince, or foreign Sovereign or foreign State.

j. No Patent for ownership of that which derives from the Flesh shall be granted, made, nor

accepted in any way to any Persons, Administrations, Agencies, Corporations, Departments,

nor any other Group in these united States and Its jurisdictions.

Section. 29. Congressional Oversight-

a. Congress shall have power to enforce these Articles by appropriate legislation.

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Article. III.

Section. 1. Executive Power Vested in President—Term of Office-

a. The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States Republic of Adamsland.

The President of the United States Republic of Adamsland shall also be the President of the

Assembly. He or she shall hold his or her Office during the Term of four Years, and, together

with the Vice President, chosen for the same Term, be elected, as follows:

b. The Citizens of these United States Republic of Adamsland will send their choice of one

Candidate for one Seat each for the Executive Branch, and will begin placing a ballot at the

Local level before the first Mass Assembly to be counted by the President pro tem in Congress.

The Candidates with the highest votes for that time shall receive an approval mark by the

President pro tem in Congress to receive votes from the Citizens to be counted by the second

Mass Assembly. The Candidates who shall receive the most votes shall have the time to

Campaign for votes to be counted and announced at the Third Mass Assembly. Whichever

Candidate for an elected Seat has the most votes by the Fourth Mass Assembly; the President

pro tem will count them in for the election to the office by the next General Assembly.

c. No person shall be elected to the Office of the President more than twice, nor shall any person

serve in two terms as elected to President one term after the other. There must be a term at least

in between a Citizen elected to President for the first term, and no person who has held the

Executive Office of President, or acted as President for more than two years of a term, to which

some other person was elected President, shall be elected to the Office of the President more

than once. But this Article shall not apply to any person holding the Office of the President

when this Article was proposed by Congress, and shall not prevent any person who may be

holding the Office of President, or acting as President, during the term within which this Article

becomes operative from holding the Office of the President or acting as President during the

remainder of such term.

Section. 2. Salary of the President-

a. The President shall, at stated Times, receive for his or her Service, a Compensation, which shall

neither be increased nor diminished during the Period for which he or she shall have been

elected, and he or she shall not receive within that Period any other Emolument from the United

States Republic of Adamsland, or any of them.

Section. 3. Oath of Office of the President-

a. Before the President of the Assembly elected enters into the Executive duties of this office, he

or she shall take the following Oath of Affirmation: --“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of the President of the Assembly for Adamic Redemption, and shall to the Best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Articles of Redemption to these United States of the Republic of Adamsland.”

Section. 4. Commander-in-Chief-

a. When the Armed Forces are deployed, Service Members at the rank of Colonel shall be

employed by the Legislature, and the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the eleven

States shall employ the rank of General.

b. The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States Republic

of Adamsland, and of the Militia of the eleven states, when called into the actual Service of

the United States Republic of Adamsland; he or she may require the Opinion, in writing, of the

principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any Subject relating to the Duties

of their respective offices, and he or she shall have Power through the General Assembly, to

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sign for a grant of Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States Republic of

Adamsland, except in Cases of Impeachment.

Section. 5. Treaties and Appointments-

a. He or she shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make

Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he or she shall nominate, and

by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, Diplomats,

other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the States Court, and all other Officers of the

United States Republic of Adamsland, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided

for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment

of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or

in the Heads of Departments.

Section. 6. Filling Vacancies-

a. The President shall have Power given through the General Assembly to fill up all Vacancies

that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions, which shall expire

at the End of their next Session.

Section. 7. Congress Provides for Acting President-

a. If, at the time fixed for the beginning of the term of the President, the President elect shall

have died, the Vice President elect shall become President. If a President shall not have been

chosen before the time fixed for the beginning of his or her term, or if the President elect shall

have failed to qualify, then the Vice President elect shall act as President until a President shall

have qualified; and Congress may by law provide for the case wherein neither a President elect

nor a Vice President elect shall have qualified, declaring who shall then act as President, or the

manner in which one who is to act shall be selected, and such person shall act accordingly until

a President or Vice President shall have qualified.

Section. 8. Message to Congress—Adjourn and Call Special Session-

a. The President of the Assembly shall from time to time give to Congress Information of the

State of the Race before the General Assembly, and recommend to their Consideration such

Measures as he or she shall judge necessary and expedient; he or she may, on extraordinary

Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between

them, with Respect to the Time of adjournment, he or she may adjourn them to such Time as

he or she shall think proper; he or she shall receive Ambassadors and Diplomats and other

public Ministers; he or she shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and shall

Commission all the Officers of the United States Republic of Adamsland.

Section. 9. Impeachment of President and Other Officers-

a. The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States Republic of Adamsland,

shall be removed from office of Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, Fraud,

or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Section. 10. Judgment on Conviction of Impeachment-

a. In case of the removal of the President from Office, or in consequence of his or her death or

resignation, the Vice President shall become President.

Section. 11. Vacancies-

a. Whenever there is a vacancy in the Office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate

a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of

Congress at the next General Assembly.

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Section. 12. Declaration for Discharge-

a. Whenever the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker

of the House of Representatives his or her written declaration that he or she is unable to

discharge the powers and duties of his or her office, and until he or she transmits to them a

written declaration to the contrary, such powers and duties shall be discharged by the Vice

President as Acting President.

Section. 13. Assuming Acting President-

a. Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal Officers of the executive

departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President

pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written

declaration that the President of the Assembly for the United States Republic of Adamsland is

unable to discharge the powers and duties of his or her office, the Vice President shall

immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

b. Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the

Speaker of the House of Representatives his or her written declaration that no inability exists,

he or she shall resume the powers and duties of his or her office, unless the Vice President and

a majority of either the principal Officers of the executive department or of such other body as

Congress may by law provide, transmit within four days to the President pro tempore of the

Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the

President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his or her office. Thereupon Congress

shall decide the issue, assembling within forty-eight hours for that purpose In-Session. If

Congress, within twenty-one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress

is not in session, within twenty-one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by

two-thirds vote of both Houses of the Legislative Branch that the President is unable to

discharge the powers and duties of his or her office, the Vice President shall continue to

discharge the same as Acting resident; otherwise, the President shall resume the powers and

duties of his or her office.

Section. 14. Electing a President-

a. These Articles of Redemption to the Citizens for the United States Republic of Adamsland

shall be laid before the General Assembly wherein Congress assembles In-Session. It is the

Outcome of these General Assemblies, that it should be the vote of the Citizens of the United

States Republic of Adamsland, chosen in each State by the People thereof, under the

Recommendation of its Legislature, for their Assent and Ratification; and that each Convention

assenting to, and ratifying the Same, should give Notice thereof to the United States Republic

of Adamsland in Congress assembled and In-Session before the General Assembly. It is the

ratification of the Articles, the United States Republic of Adamsland in Congress assembled

should fix a Day on which the Election should occur to assemble the Citizens to vote for the

President, and the Time and Place for commencing Proceedings under these Articles.

b. That after such Publication the Election should be appointed, and the Senators and

Representatives elected: That the Citizens should meet on the Day fixed for the Election of the

President, and should transmit their Votes certified, signed, sealed and directed, as the Articles

of Redemption and Instructions and Orders requires, to the Secretary of the United States

Republic of Adamsland in Congress assembled, that the Senators should appoint a President

pro tem of the Senate, for the sole Purpose of receiving, opening and counting the Votes for

President: and, that after he or she shall be chosen, Congress, together with the President,

should, without Delay, proceed to execute these Articles.

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Section. 15. End of Terms-

a. The terms of the President and Vice President shall end at noon on the day following the

General Assembly the election was held and confirmed for the new President and Vice

President, and the terms of Senators and Representatives shall end at noon day following the

General Assembly the election was held and confirmed for the new Senators and


Section. 16. State Held Elections-

a. The President of the United States Republic of Adamsland, Vice President, Governors, local

Assembly Leaders, all Executive members of this Government, Representatives and Senators

shall be elected from among the several States in accord to their respective voters, counting

the whole number of persons in each State voting, excluding civilians not taxed.

b. When the right to vote at any election for the choice for President and Vice President of the

United States Republic of Adamsland, and members of the Executive, Representatives in

Congress and Judicial Officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied

to any of the male and female inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and

Citizens for the United States Republic of Adamsland, or in any way abridged, except for

participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in

the proportion which the number of such male and female Citizens shall bear to the whole

number of male and female Citizens twenty-one years of age in such State.

Article. IV.

Section. 1. Courts—Terms of Office and Salary of Judges- a. The judicial Power of the United States Republic of Adamsland shall be vested in one Supreme

Court, and in such inferior Courts as Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The

Judges, both of the Supreme Court and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices of one term of

twelve (12) years during good Behavior, and shall, at stated Times, receive for their Services,

a Compensation, which shall not be diminished during their Continuance in Office.

Section. 2. Cases That May Come Before United States Courts-

a. The judicial Power shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under these Articles of

Redemption, the Laws of the United States Republic of Adamsland, and Treaties made, or

which shall be made, under their Authority;--to all Cases affecting Ambassadors, Diplomats,

other public Ministers and Consuls;--to all cases of admiralty and maritime Jurisdiction;--to

Controversies to which the United States Republic of Adamsland shall be a Party;--to

Controversies between two or more States;--

b. The Judicial power of the United States Republic of Adamsland shall not be constructed to

extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States

Republic of Adamsland by Citizens of another State, or by Citizens or Subjects of any Foreign


Section. 3. Jurisdiction of Supreme and Appellate Courts-

a. In all Cases affecting Ambassadors and Diplomats, other public Ministers and Consuls, and

those in which a State shall be Party, the Supreme Court shall have original Jurisdiction. In all

the other Cases before mentioned, the Supreme Court shall have appellate Jurisdiction, both as

to Law and Fact, with such Exceptions, and under such Regulations as Congress shall make.

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Section. 4. Trial of Crimes-

a. The Trial of all Crimes, except in Cases of Impeachment; shall by Jury; and such Trial shall

have been committed; but when not committed within any State, the Trial shall be at such Place

or Places as Congress may by Law have directed.

Section. 5. Treason—Definition and Conviction-

a. The crime of Treason against the United States Republic of Adamsland shall only consist in

levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort, and

suspending the Articles of Redemption. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the

Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

Section. 6. Punishment-

a. Congress through the General Assembly shall have Power to declare the Punishment of

Treason, but no Attainder of the Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, Forfeiture except

during the Life of the Person attained.

Section. 7. Fugitives From Justice-

a. A Person charged in any State with Treason, Felony, or other Crime, who shall flee from

Justice, and be found in another State, shall on Demand the executive Authority of the State

from which he or she fled, be delivered up to be removed to the State having Jurisdiction of

the Crime.

Section. 8. Mode of Trial in Criminal Proceedings-

a. In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by

an impartial jury of the State and District wherein the crime shall have been committed, which

District shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and

cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him or her; to have

compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his or her favor, and to have the assistance of

counsel for his or her defense.

b. The accused Citizen shall be provided Safety until proven Guilty in the Court of Adamic Law

and has the right to face the Party or individual accuser of such crimes for the crime to be tried.

Section. 9. Trial by Jury-

a. In Suits at and in Adamic Law inscribed as the Instructions and Orders of the General Assembly

and the facts at and in law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right

of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined

in any Court of the United States Republic of Adamsland, than according to the rules of the

Instructions and Order to include the facts at and in law.

Section. 10. Bails—Fines—Punishments-

a. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual

punishments inflicted.

Section. 11. Certain Rights Not Denied to be People-

a. The enumeration in these Articles, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage

others retained by the People.

Section. 12. State Rights-

a. The powers not delegated to the United States Republic of Adamsland by these Articles, nor

prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the People of


Section. 13. Disqualification for Public Office-

a. No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elected to President or Vice

President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States Republic of Adamsland,

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or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an

Officer of the United States Republic of Adamsland, or as a member of any State legislature,

or as an executive or judicial Officer of any State, to support the Articles of the United States

Republic of Adamsland, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or

given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of at least two-thirds

of each House, remove such disability.

Section. 14. Full Faith and Credit-

a. Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial

Proceedings of every other State; And Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in

which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof.

Article. V.

Section. 1. Qualifications of Voters and of Electors; Poll Tax-

a. The right of the Citizens for the United States Republic of Adamsland to vote shall not be

denied or abridged by the United States Republic of Adamsland or by any State.

b. The right of the Citizens for the United States Republic of Adamsland to vote in any primary

or other election for President of the Assembly or Vice President, State Governor and Their

local Leaders, or for Senator or Representative in Congress, shall not be denied or abridged by

the United States Republic of Adamsland or any State by reason of failure to pay any poll tax

or other tax.

c. The right of Citizens for the United States Republic of Adamsland, who are eighteen years of

age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States, nor the General

Assembly or by any State on account of age.

d. The right of Citizens for the United States Republic of Adamsland to vote shall not be denied

or abridged by the United States Republic of Adamsland or by any State on account of sex.

Section. 2. Appointment and Number of Presidential Electors-

a. Each State shall vote, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, their choice, equal

to the Senators and Representatives to which the eleven other States may be entitled in

Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit

under the United States Republic of Adamsland, shall be voted into Office while in the Office

of another.

Section. 3. Made of Electing Presidential and Vice President-

a. The Citizen Electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by ballot for President and

Vice President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same State with

themselves; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and in distinct

ballots the person voted for as Vice-President, and they shall make distinct lists of all persons

voted for as Vice-President, and of the number of votes for each, which lists they shall sign

and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the Government of the United States Republic of

Adamsland, directed to the President pro tempore of the Senate;--The President pro tempore

of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, at the General

Assembly, open all of the certificates and the votes shall then be counted;-- The person having

the greatest number of votes for President, shall be the President, if such number be a majority

of the whole number of Electors counted; and if no person have such majority, then from the

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persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as

President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But

in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by States, the representation from each State

having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-

thirds of the States, and a majority of all the States, and a majority of all the States shall be

necessary to a choice.

b. The person having the greatest number of votes as Vice-President, shall be the Vice-President,

if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed, and if no person have

a majority, then from the two highest numbers on the list, the Senate shall choose the Vice-

President; a quorum for the purpose shall consist of at least two-thirds of the whole number of

Senators, and a majority of the whole number shall be necessary to a choice. But no person

constitutionally ineligible to the Executive Office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-

President of the United States Republic of Adamsland.

Section. 4. Time of Choosing Electors and Casting Electoral Vote-

a. Congress may determine the Time the Citizen casts his or her name on the Ballot, and the Day

on which the Electors shall give their Votes; which Day shall be the same throughout the

United States Republic of Adamsland. But if Congress is undecided by the Time the Seat in

Government is due for the Elected, then the General Assembly will issue an Order for such

Date instead.

Section. 5. Qualifications of President-

a. No Person except a natural born Adamite in Adamsland, and who is a Citizen for the United

States Republic of Adamsland, at the time of the Adoption of these Articles of Redemption,

shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office

who shall not have attained to the Age of forty Years, and having been born a Resident within

the United States Republic of Adamsland.

Section. 6. Congress Has Power Over Unusual Elections-

a. Congress may by law provide for the case of the death of any of the persons from whom the

House of Representatives may choose a President whenever the right of choice shall have

devolved upon them, and for the case of the death of any persons from whom the Senate may

choose a Vice President whenever the right of choice shall have devolved upon them.

Section. 7. Elections and Congressional Oversight-

a. No Foreign and Domestic Endorsements and, or Funds from Foreign Heads of State,

Dignitaries, Agencies, Interests Groups, Parties, Collective Causes and Individuals also, shall

be accepted and included into the Event of the Election of this Government whatsoever.

Congress is charged by the General Assembly to enforce this Article and secure the Assembly

against Foreign and Domestic interference to the election process of this Government.

Section. 8. Citizenship-

a. All Adamites born in the United States Republic of Adamsland and have served this

Government for two Years no more and no less before age Eighteen (18) are Citizens without

the access to voting in any election of the Assembly. All naturalized in the United States

Republic of Adamsland and subject to the Jurisdiction thereof are Protected by these Articles

of Redemption and this Government wherein they have given their oath to serve and protect

and are civilians herein to serve this Government for two-years for Citizenship of these United

States Republic of Adamsland. Until the Adamite Citizen is of age eighteen Years at least,

having served in this Government for no more and no less than two years of Active Service,

of which Congress provides for, voting rights in elections to the Assembly are to be reserved.

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After the civilian serves two Years of Active Service to these United States of the Republic of

Adamsland wherein they reside by the time they become the age of eighteen years, having

sworn in an Oath and Affirmation to uphold these Laws, may they enjoy all of the Incentives

it offers equally as a Citizen of Adamsland, except in participating in elected Offices in the

Assembly, which are reserved and open to only those who are Qualified Citizens with more

than seven Years under the Oath and Affirmation to these Articles of Redemption.

b. An Adamite has to prove through Merit, after becoming a Citizen for seven years, no less and

no later, to campaign or run for an elected Office of the Assembly.

c. No State shall make or enforce any Law, or Laws, which shall abridge the privileges or

immunities of Citizens for the United States Republic of Adamsland; nor shall any State

deprive any man, woman, or person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of Law;

nor deny to any man, woman, or person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the Laws.

Section. 9. Cap on Public Debt; Slavery-

a. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, or ownership of a Citizen’s or civilian’s debt, neither

shall the Sovereign Citizens and civilians accept debt in favor of servitude except as a

punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the

United States Republic of Adamsland, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Section. 10. Republican Form of Government-

a. The United States Republic of Adamsland shall guarantee to every State in this Union a

Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on

Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened)

against domestic Violence.

Article. VI.

Section. 1. Power Prohibited, Absolutely-

a. No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and

Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender

in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the

Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.

Section. 2. Powers Concerning Duties on Imports-

a. No State shall, without the Consent through Congress, lay any Imposts or Duties on Imports

or Exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing It’s inspection Laws: and

the net Produce of all Duties and Imposts, laid by any State on Imports and Exports, shall be

for the Use of the Treasury of the United States Republic of Adamsland; and all such Laws

shall be subject to the Revision and Control of Congress.

Section. 3. Powers Permitted With Consent of Congress-

a. No State shall, lay any Duty of Tonnage, Keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter

into any Agreement of Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War,

unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.

Section. 4. Billeting of Soldiers, Persons or Groups -

a. No Soldier, man, woman, person or group during a state of emergency, or at times of peace

may be attached to, assigned to, allied to, nor joint or affiliated with Foreign Troops and their


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Section. 5. Powers Permitted With Consent of Congress-

a. No State shall hold Elections, grant Conventions, Conferences, Assemblies, gather in secret or

open Meetings, issue Writs and bill proposals, new legislation, unless in the same language

used to ratify these Articles.

Section. 6. Admission or Division of States-

a. New States may be admitted by Congress into this Union after being favored and sustained

before a General Assembly; but no new State shall be formed or elected within the Jurisdiction

of any other State; nor any State, be formed by the Jurisdiction of two or more States, or Parts

of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned, as well as of

Congress during a General Assembly.

Section. 7. Transparency of States-

a. No State shall conduct closed, or secret Meetings near, or within the State, nor shall the Citizens

for the United States Republic of Adamsland be held from the Activities subject to the States,

nor shall Officials elected to a State close letters, Reports, or writs without the consent and

signed approval of the General Assembly, or in times of emergency declared by the General


Section. 8. Territory-

a. Congress, through a General Assembly, shall have Power to dispose of and make all needful

Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States

Republic of Adamsland; and nothing in these Articles shall be so construed as to Prejudice any

Claims of the United States Republic of Adamsland, or of any particular State.

Section. 9. Cap and Privileges on Public Debt-

a. There shall be no validity of debt accepted upon the Citizen for the United States Republic of

Adamsland, and there shall be no public debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties

for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, unless validated according to the Law of

Just Compensation. Neither the United States Republic of Adamsland nor any State shall

assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the

United States Republic of Adamsland, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave;

but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.

Article. VII.

Section. 1. The Public Debt-

a. All Debts contracted and Engagements entered into, before the Adoption of these Articles, shall

be as valid against the United States Republic of Adamsland under these Articles, as under the


Section. 2. Income Tax—Congress Given Power to Law and Collect-

a. Congress shall have power, through the General Assembly, to law and collect taxes on incomes,

from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without

regard to any census or enumeration.

Section. 3. The Supreme Law of the Land-

a. These Articles, and the Laws of the United States Republic of Adamsland, which shall be made

in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of

the United States Republic of Adamsland, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the

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Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Articles of Redemption or Laws

of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

Section. 4. Oath of Office—No Religious Test Required-

a. The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State

Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, of the United States Republic of

Adamsland, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support these Articles; but no religious

Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or Public Trust under the United

States Republic of Adamsland.

Section. 5. Condition of Ratification-

a. These Articles shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an Article or Section to

any part of these Articles of Redemption by the vote of the Citizens to the United States

Republic of Adamsland through and before the General Assembly of the eleven States, as

provided in the Articles of Redemption, within seven years from the date of the submission

hereof to the State by Congress.

Section. 6. Ratification of Eleven States Required-

a. The Ratification of the Conventions of these eleven States and satellite Embassies in Foreign

Lands shall be sufficient for the Establishment of these Articles between the States so ratifying

the Same.

Section. 7. Consent of this Generation-

a. Most of the Articles of Redemption for the United States Republic of Adamsland were selected

and ratified as a model of governance during Convention and the Unanimous Consent of the

Founders of the Old Republic States on the Seventeenth day of September in the Year of our

Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven, which ratified the Original Constitution

for the united states of America. It is through these established Articles of Redemption that

secures for Us the same Liberties the Signers intended through their Drafting of the Original

Constitution for their Generation, leaving us to decide for our own Laws wherein we shall

preside to prosper during ours. It is through these Articles wherein the laws are set for the

Adamite Citizen of this Generation to carry on that same right to self-determination and self-

rule through the guaranteed Unity of the Independent United States Republic, of which is

carried forth upon this Adamsland. We, the Citizens of this Republic of Adamsland, endeavor

In Witness, whereof We have hereunto subscribed our Names alongside the Original Signers

of the Constitution to carry on the Legacy of this Noble tradition.

Section. 8. Declaration of Public Confidence-

a. The General Assembly of these United States Republic of Adamsland, having at the time of

their adopting these Articles of Redemption, expressed a desire, in order to prevent

misconstruction or abuse of its Powers, that further declaratory and restrictive Clauses should

be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in this Government, will best

ensure the beneficent ends of its institution:

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Declaration of Independence

By Thomas Jefferson

Action of Second Continental Congress, July 4, 1776.

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, —That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, —That whenever any Form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness, Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Government long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. —Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world. [1] He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good! [2] He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.

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[3] He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only. [4] He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures. [5] He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people. [6] He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the Legislative powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within. [7] He has endeavored to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands. [8] He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary powers. [9] He has made Judge dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries. [10] He has erected a multitude of New Officers, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance. [11] He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures. [12] He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to Civil power. [13] He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation: [14] For Quartering large bodies of armed troops among us: [15] For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States: [16] For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world: [17] For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent: [18] For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury: [19] For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences: [20] For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighboring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies: [21] For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Government:

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[22] For suspending our own Legislature, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever. [23] He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us. [24] He has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people. [25] He has at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to complete the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & Perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation. [26] He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands. [27] He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions. In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people. Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our British brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends. We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.

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OF THE UNANIMOUS DECLARATION According to the Authenticated List printed by Order of Congress of January 18,



Button Gwinnett

Lyman Hall

George Walton

North Carolina William Hooper

Joseph Hewes

John Penn

South Carolina

Edward Rutledge

Thomas Heyward,


Thomas Lynch, Jr.

Arthur Middleton


John Hancock

Samuel Adams

John Adams

Robert Treat Paine

Elbridge Gerry


Samuel Chase

William Paca

Thomas Stone

Charles Carroll of



George Wythe

Richard Henry Lee

Thomas Jefferson

Benjamin Harrison

Thomas Nelson, Jr.

Francis Lightfoot


Carter Braxton


Robert Morris

Benjamin Rush

Benjamin Franklin

Jon Morton

George Taylor

James Wilson

George Ross


Caesar Rodney

George Read

Thomas McKean

New York

William Floyd

Philip Livingston

Francis Lewis

Lewis Morris

New Jersey

Richard Stockton

John Witherspoon

Francis Hopkinson

John Hart

Abraham Clark

New Hampshire

Josiah Bartlett

William Whipple

Matthew Thornton

Rhode Island

Stephen Hopkins

William Ellery


Roger Sherman

Samuel Huntington

William Williams

Oliver Wolcott

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Sapere Aude