the web wizard’s guide to html chapter three colors, patterns, and inline graphics

The Web Wizard’s The Web Wizard’s Guide to HTML Guide to HTML Chapter Three Colors, Patterns, and Inline Graphics

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Page 1: The Web Wizard’s Guide to HTML Chapter Three Colors, Patterns, and Inline Graphics

The Web Wizard’s The Web Wizard’s Guide to HTMLGuide to HTMLChapter Three

Colors, Patterns, and Inline Graphics

Page 2: The Web Wizard’s Guide to HTML Chapter Three Colors, Patterns, and Inline Graphics

Chapter ObjectivesChapter Objectives

Demonstrate how to add colors to a Web page

Explain how to add background patternsHow how to add images to a Web pageExplain the use of relative addresses for

image filesInvestigate the interplay between design

decisions and bandwidth consumption

Page 3: The Web Wizard’s Guide to HTML Chapter Three Colors, Patterns, and Inline Graphics

Background ColorsBackground Colors

The bgcolor attribute inside the body tag is used to specify a Web page’s background color:

<body bgcolor=“black”>

Bgcolor values can also be expressed in hexadecimal notation:

<body bgcolor=“#AA33CC”>

Page 4: The Web Wizard’s Guide to HTML Chapter Three Colors, Patterns, and Inline Graphics

Web-safe ColorsWeb-safe Colors

Different computers and computer monitors may display the same hexadecimal color very differently

216 color codes are “safe” in the sense that they are displayed identically or almost identically on all computers

Page 5: The Web Wizard’s Guide to HTML Chapter Three Colors, Patterns, and Inline Graphics

Background PatternsBackground Patterns

The background attribute inside the body tag is used to specify a background pattern:

<body background=“water.jpg”>

All background patterns are repeated like tiles to fill up a Web page’s background

Page 6: The Web Wizard’s Guide to HTML Chapter Three Colors, Patterns, and Inline Graphics

Inline ImagesInline Images

The src attribute inside the img tag is used to add an image to a Web page:

<img src=“donut.gif”>

GIF and JPG are the most commonly used file formats for inline images – browsers only recognize GIF, JPG, and PNG image formats

Page 7: The Web Wizard’s Guide to HTML Chapter Three Colors, Patterns, and Inline Graphics

Image AttributesImage Attributes

The align attribute positions the image and enables text to flow around an image

The height and width attributes scale the image to any size you like

The alt attribute allows you to describe the image in text for browsers that can’t display the image

Page 8: The Web Wizard’s Guide to HTML Chapter Three Colors, Patterns, and Inline Graphics

Flowing TextFlowing Text

Use the align attribute to make text flow alongside an image:

<img src=“donut.gif” align=“left”>

positions the image on the left side of the page and allows text to run down its right side

Page 9: The Web Wizard’s Guide to HTML Chapter Three Colors, Patterns, and Inline Graphics

Relative PathsRelative Paths

The src attribute for an image file retrieves images from the same directory as the HTML file containing the img tag:

<img src=“donut.gif”>If you want to retrieve an image from a

different directory, you can add path information to the file name:

<img src=“pix/donut.gif”>

Page 10: The Web Wizard’s Guide to HTML Chapter Three Colors, Patterns, and Inline Graphics

Bandwidth LimitationsBandwidth Limitations

Image files consume more bandwidth than text files

Users who access the Internet via telephone lines will have to wait for image files that are 100KB or larger

Whenever possible, use image files no larger than 30-40KB

Page 11: The Web Wizard’s Guide to HTML Chapter Three Colors, Patterns, and Inline Graphics

Battling Bandwidth LimitationsBattling Bandwidth Limitations

Always specify height and width attributes for all your images so the browser can “work around” each image while it is downloading

Don’t put any large images at the top of a Web page

Use interlaced GIFs and progressive JPGsUse the 1x1 image trick (with caution)