the watchman and southron.(sumter, s.c.) 1902-05-21. › lccn › sn93067846 › 1902... ·...

¡£&*t«red a^tàe Pott Office at- Sumter S : Second Oatt Mutter. NEW A¿VEm^MÉÑTsT B. J. Chandler-Ocr' Suits. __Jenkins Bros.-New Home* Sewing rMachine. ^ W. P. Baskin-County Summer \'School. "--JP5*?*0: of Br. John E. Furman- ^W- vB- Burns-Longman & Martinez sBaintsL PERSONAL. gMSss Daisy Scott has returned from FreanMellet was in the city g&torday, i^arSsto3^ ^fco?i>^e^>e"1 gone to ï Alice Stubbs has returned from gp&arlesion. ;. . K^Dr. W. B. Alford has returned g^pm Charleston. I ¡¡¡¿3^ J. C. Scott, of Charleston, was ; in the city Monday. I (¡J^i- >nd Mrs. Abe Levi, of Man- Igning, are in the city, ipi Br. George Bick returned from I i^^Cabtarieston Thursday. j Ä^Mrsv M. S. Burgess went to IgCîhaxleston yesterday. j ^^3kfr. Ashleigh Mood is spending a j ~ few days in <3harleston. ;Mr. W. J. Young, of Remberts, j ga^nt Saturday in town. " j WÉ0&&-& R. Creech, of Bishopville, ^: was in th© city Monday. j ff£&k and Mrs. H. M.. Stuckey arriv¬ ed in the city Thursday. j s Mrs/ T. H. Bick, Jr., of Columbia, i?vwas mthevcitry last week. * fl Mr. T. S. Stuckey, of Lee County, j spent Monday in the city. I f Br. R. Y. McLeod, of Bishopville,. ¡prcas in. the city yesterday. j 0> -Street Commissioner H E. White j ghas gone to the Exposition. Mr. Pat Gallagher has returned I from a visit to the Exposition. I Rev. W. J. McKay,, of the Brick g^phurch, was iiithe city Thursday. j f-i /Mrs, Tu. B Durant went to Charles-1 : ton Saturday morning for a week's! ^^ay. f--Mr. E. T. Windham returned Thurs- ||gay morning from a visit to the) ^Ssposition. ^páíessrs. L H. Moses and L C. g^fcranss left last night for Old Point Comfort, Ya. j v ; .Mrs. G. H. Hurst and children j went to Charleston yesterday to spend f several days j Mrs Marie C. Baker and children j Ixave'returned. to their horne in Abbe- | f ville County. j Mrs. J. S. Cunningham, of Indian- town, is visiting her son, Mr. B. W. I p^Ouimjn^iám. j g ' Br. BeLorme and Rev. H. H. Coving¬ ton attended the Docesan Convention j fin; Georgetown. / Miss Alene Smith, of Whitesville, ?0$.- C., is in the city, visiting Miss j ^Marnie Brinkley. j ^Mr:C. G. ^Rowland went to Charles- *p¡on yesterday to spend ¡a few days, j /seeing the Exposition, : I-J'/ Br. J. W. Babcock, of Columbia, j f was in the city last Thursday. He I Ifeame to attend Capt. White's funeral. É¡ÍMr. Jos. C. Scott, of Charleston, ^passed through the city last week on I IgMs way to his plantation at Wisacky. j :/'f Rev. Shirley Hughson returned f last Friday to Westminister, Mary- j fland, to resume his evangelistic work. Miss Katie Eddings returned to her home Sunday, after a week's visit to I ¿ the family of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. j j- Hough. Rev. H. H. Covington has returned] ;v ¿rom Georgetown where he has been I -attending the Annual Council of the j ^Diocese. I f Miss Hoyt, of Greenville, who has ' been the guest of Mrs. C. L. Stubbs I ^*;for two weeks, returned home Monday morning. j Br. S. C. Baker went to Comm- bia Monday night to attend the meet- i ing of the State Board of Medical I ^Examiners. i I Miss Hattie Sanders and her sister, : Mrs. Loyless, and several child ren of j :p. Mr. Sanders, of CoUeton, are visiting ¿.-?Mrs. lowry. j ? Col. J. Harvey Wilson passed through j the city yesterday for Columbia, to at- ] tend the State Democratic Convention I which meets today. I Ï Mr. W. L. Moise is in the city for £;& few days stay. He is connected with Bradstreet's Commercial Agency, with headquarters in Savannah, Ga. j f- Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Green have l gone to Asheville, N. C. Mrs. Green f has been sick for some time and the I " trip is for the benefit of her health. Miss Gartrelî, of Atlanta, who has j 1 been visiting the family of Mr. M B. Randie went to Charleston Thursday, j 9 from whence she will go to Atlanta. I Mr. J. C. Dove of Dovesville, spent Sunday in the city. Mrs. V Bove, who has been visiting here, re- I turned home with him Monday morn¬ ing. I Messrs. G. W. Bick, J. H. Levy, i H. L. Scarborough, Altamont Moses i and J. M. Knight have gone to Green¬ wood, to attend the annual meeting of the Grand Lodge, Knights of Pythias. The friends of Mr. Burdette Booth who came home recently from Clem¬ son College sick with typhoid fever, will be pleased to learn that he has re¬ covered sufficiently to leave the in¬ firmary. : Dr, R. Sidney Cauthen, of Kershaw, r is in the city for a few days stay. Br. Cauthen has many friends in this city, where he lived for several years when connected with the Atlantic Coast Line. Miss Moneta Osteen entertained a number of her young friends Monday evening in honor of Miss Nell Weigle, of Augusta, Ga., who has been her guest for the past week, and who returned to her home yesterday to the regret of many friends that she made while t here. First Lieutenant Georsre E. Rem- j bert, of the Governors Guards^ Co- j lumbia, has been elected Captain to ¡ succeed Capt. Beal who resigned be- \ cause of change of residence. \ DEATHS. j Mr. Robert Jones, who has been an J invalid for several years, died last ; Thursday morning near the Factory. J He leaves a wife.and two children. Miss M. A. Doyle, a relative of Mrs. O'Donnell and Mrs. Tuomey, died last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Annie P. Monaghan, where she has been living. The funeral was Held at St. Joseph Chapel Thursday after¬ noon at 5 o'clock. Funeral of Mr. White. A large and sympathetic congrega tion assembled last Thursday to 'pay the last tribute of respect to Mr. Anthony "White. Beautiful, earnest, and ¿ouching was the pastor's dis¬ course, "Arise ye and depart; for this is not your rest, " were the appropriate words chosen. A long procession followed the .remains to the cemetery. The floral offerings were exquisite and abundant, and completely hid the mound. The pall bearers were, active : Messrs. J. L. Havnsworth, W. M. Graham, B. G. Gibson, R. D. Lee, E. L Manning, and C. G. Rowland. Honorary : J. J. Bossard, W. F. B. Hansworth, E. W. Moise, John Reid, W. J. Barrett, D. R. McCallum, M. R. Wilson, W. J. Anderson, J. B. Roach* and D. Jas. Winn. ATTEMPTED SUICIDE. Mr. Willis Sanders .Shoots Himself Through Chest Mr. Willis Sanders made an unsuc¬ cessful attempt to commit suicide last Friday night. He went into the Sumter Pharmacy about 10 o'clock* that night and a few minutes afterwards shot himself through the chest with a revolver. His purpose was to shoot himself through the heart but the bullet was deflected by a bone and missing the heart" passed through the body and lodged in the back where it was found and removed by the doctors. The wound is quite a serious one. but as the bulleMnjuxed none of the large blood vessels of the chest it is thought that he will recover in time. The reports from Mr. Sanders have been quite favorable, and he is now thought to be out of danger. RELIGIOUS. The proposed series > of meetings at 'Bartlette Street Church this week have been postponed. Rev. W. B. Olivers, who was to do the preach¬ ing, is detained because of the ex¬ treme illness of some of his members. The prayer meeting will be as usual on Thursday at 6 p. m. Pastor. Revival services are being held this week in. Magnolia Street Church. To¬ night at 8.15 o'clock Rev. Jas. W. Kilgö.will preach. Col. Wallace is in the city today. We regret to learn that Mrs. N. W. Edmunds is quite sick. Mr. T. B. jenkins, Jr., left for Charleston yesterday afternoon. Dr. Haskell DuRant, of Bishopville, is in the city. Mr. Julius Xi. McCallum, of the First National Bank, went to Charles¬ ton yesterday afternoon. Mr. C. G. Rowland is now occupy¬ ing his handsome new residence on Broad Street Mr. .A. Heckhiemer, the ; "Pants King, " of Baltimore, is in the city on business today. Mrs. W. K. Greenfield, of Colum¬ bia, is visiting her brother, Mr. F. A. Tradewell, who is quite sick. Among the visitors to Charleston yesterday were Mr. W. H. Seale, Dr. A. J. China, Mr. and Mrs. Bennett, Miss Law and Miss Lucile Hughson. The friends of Mr. Sheppard Nash will be pleased to learn that at last ac¬ counts from him at Asheville, N. C. he was improving rapidly. OFF FOR THE-EXPOSITION. The Trails O/owded Yesterday and To¬ da /-Many More to Go. -'dp *re already moving on Charleston ic Wagener Day. Yester day afternoon tue trains were crowd ed, every train carrying several extra coaches, filled to their utmost capacity, and tonight and to-morrow hundreds more will leave this city for Charles¬ ton. This morning 160 tickets were sold by Ticket Agent China, and the Ben- nettsville train brought in more than a hundred passengers from up the road who joined the Sumter crowd and went on through to Charleston. The Northwestern R. R. also brought in a large crowd from Camden and the upper part of the State. If all sec¬ tions of the State send as many visi¬ tors to the Exposition as Sumter and the tributary territory there will be gathered together at the Ivory City on Wagener Day the largest crowd ever assembled in the State. Among the number who went to Charleston this morning were the following : Mr. George D. Shore and family, Mr. and Mrs. Grenville DeLorme, 'Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Cunningham, 33." R. Sanders, C. E. Stubbs, Jr., B. ' G. Gibson, J. McF. Spann, J. D. Craig, Robert Keels, Misses Bessie- Keels, Maggie Bradford, Maggie Bradham, Annie Kennedy, Nonie Blanding, Addie Auld, Theo. Gregg, Mrs E. W. Hurst aud children, Mrs. Clara Rey¬ nolds, Misses Helen Willeford, Annie Stubbs, Katie Reid, Mr. H. T. Edens and family. Wagener Day Souvenir tickets to the Charleston Exposition have been placed on sale at Osteen's and Knight's book stores and the commit- tee consisting of R. 1. Manning, N. j G. Osteen, Altamont Moses and J. M. j Knight also have the tickets for sale. All who are planning to visit the Ex- position on Wagener Day shonld pro- j erne a souvenir" ticket before leaving ¡ home, and those who do not expect to j revisit the Exposition but wish to j have an artistic souvenir of Charles- ton's great show should get one of the Wagener Day tickets. S. M. A. AND F. S. COMMENCEMENT. The Program of Events of Commencement Week. The Sumter Military Academy and Female Seminary will have the first annual commencement on June 1st to 4th. Handsome souvenir invitations have been issued and the friends and patrons of the institution are looking forward to the exercises with a great deal of pleasure. The following is the program : SUNDAY, JUNE 1. ll a. m. Commencement Sermon, Rev. H. H. Covington, Sumter, S. C. 4.30 p. m. Joint Meeting of Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. Address. Hon. W. D. Upshaw, Atlanta, Ga. MONDAY, JUNE 2. 10 a. m. Elocution Contest. 11 a. m. Declamation Contest. 4 p. m. Military Contest. 8.30 p. m. Annual Celebration of the* Gagner and Timrod Literary Societies. Address, Hon. Thos. F. Brantley, Orangeburg, S. C. TUESDAY, JUNE 3. 10 a. m. Ready Speaker's Contest. 11 a. m. Contest for the Brown Medal. 4 p. m. Annual Class Meeting. 8.30 pi m. Annual Drama and Con¬ cert. -Y,¿ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4. 10.30. a m. Graduating Exercises. Address, Hon. S. G. Mayfield, Den¬ mark, S. C. 3 p. m. Reception. Graduates Literary Department : Capt. C. Capers Smith,. Charleston, S. C.: Capt William M. Smoke, Aiken, S. C. Commercial Department : Stenography, Ben D. Edwards, Orángeburg, S. C. ; Miss Eva McClain, Sumter, JS. C. ; * Miss Lyn Nettles, Florence, S. C. ; Miss Lizzie Smoot, Darlington, S. C.^ Bookkeeping: Walter R. Mathis, Clarendon, S. C. ; Julian D. Wilder, Sumter, S. C. A Lawn Party. The Timrod Literary Society of the Sumter Female Seminary will give a lawn' party at the Seminary, Wednes¬ day afternoon, from 5 to 8 o'clock. Light" refreshments will be served, in the interest of the Society. The young people of the city are most cordially invited to be present. Meeting of U. D. C. Mrs. Agnes Bogin will have the next meeting of the U. D. C., at the residence of Gen. E. W. Moise on Wednesday, May 21st, at 6 o'clock p. m. Gold Medals Awarded by Charleston Exposition. The Telephone Mfg. Co. of Sumter, S. C., (old company) receives one gold medal for "Telephone Instru¬ ments," which of course includes every part of the telephone, such as transmitters, receivers, generators, hook switches, lightning arrester, wood work, finish etc, . one gold medal for Switchboard and Appli¬ ances, and one medal for Protective Devices. The Sumter Telephone Mfg. Co., re¬ ceives one gold medal for Transmitters and Receivers, and one for Switch¬ board and Appliances. These awards speak exceedingly well for these two competing companies, and Sumter should indeed feel proud of two such progressive and money making enterprises. The Laundry Closed. Owing to the inability to dispose of the waste water from the Steam Laundry, Mr. O'Brien, the proprietor, reluctantly decided to close the laundry from and after last Saturday. The waste water has been discharg¬ ed into a large dry well, but the ground having become water soaked, there has been recently a constant overflow from the well. There being no sewerage system for carrying off the water and as the rules of the health department forbid emptying any kind of waste water into the open drains and ditch es. Mr. O'Brien had no other alterna¬ tive than to close the laundry and dis¬ continue business. The many satisfied patrons of the laundry will regret the closing, and will hope that Mr. O'Brien will decide to remove the laundry to outskirts of the city where there is natural drain age and will resume business in a short time. The removal of the laun¬ dry from the city would be a distinct loss, and even if another laundry should be established in the near future it will be difficult to find a man to manage it so satisfactorily as has Mr. O'Brien. IS YELLOW POISON in your blood ? Physicians call it Hala rial Germ, lt can be seen changing red Mood yellow under microscope, lt works day and nigh t. First, it turns your com¬ plexion yellow. Chilly, aching fsensations creep down your backbone. You feel weak and worthless. >M ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC will stop the trouble now. It enters the blood at once and drives out the yellow poison. If neglected aod when Chilis, Fevers, Night-Sweats and a gen¬ eral break-down come later on, Roberts' Tonic will cure you then-but why wait ? Prevent future sickness. The manufac¬ turers know all about this yel¬ low poison and have perfected Roberts' Tonic to drive it out, nourish your system, restore appetite, purify the blood, pre¬ vent and cure Chills. Fevers and % Malaria, lt has cured thous- .jj ands-it will cure you, or your i*' money back. This is fair. Try ;j| it. Price. 25 cents. jSl CUKES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS, mf gT gog Best Coujih Syrup. Tastes Good- Use fgg tS in time Sold bv drocjiists. KB fyfe; fcS*< A Somier Boy Chosen. At a recent meeting of the athletic association of the South Carolina Col¬ lege, Mr. R. 1. Manning, Jr., of Sum¬ ter was selected manager of next season's baseball team. Mr. W. L Cogburn, of Edgefield, was elected by the team as captain. To Address the Juniors. Mr. J. Frank Pate has received and accepted an invitation to deliver an address before the Junior Order of United American Mechanics at Brook¬ land, the thriving little town across the river from Columbia, on July 3, on which occasion an elaborate cele ¬ bration will-take place. - A fish'story from Lee County is that on yesterday Mr. W. W. Hearon caught in a trap in Lynches River 365 fish, all large enough for use, and some extra size. Summer Resort Folder Southern Railway-Much valuable information ; mailed free to any address upon ap¬ plication to Agents, Southern Rail¬ way. W. H. Taylde, Ass. Gen. Pass.' Agent Atlanta, Ga. , R. W. Hunt, Div. Pass. Agent, Cahrleston, S. C. Will Reduce Rafe of Interest. Rock Hill, May 20.-The National Union bank of this city with Mr. W. J. Roddey as its president is an up- to-date institution. It' proposes to lead the State of South Caroilna in a reduction of the interest rate. Mr. Ira B. Dunlap, the assistant cashier, leaves in a day or two for a ten days' trip to northern cities where he will visit leading banks and study their methods. A rate of 7 per cent, will at once be made by this bank, and the management hopes within 12 months to bring the figures to a 6 per cent, basis. The County Summer School for teachers will open in this city on Monday, June 2nd. The chain gang will complete the work on Cemetery avenue within two weeks, s Some of our citizens are talking of buying the miniature railway now in operation at the Charleston Exposi¬ tion for the purpose of establishing a suburban railway line in'this city. There are six petitions on file at the Post Office Departmnet for the estab¬ lishment of Rural Mail routes radiat¬ ing from this city. Several if not al- of the proposed routes will be establ lished this summer or early falL Notice- to Telephone Subscribers. Subscribers will please add to their, directories the following numbers : 255 Barwick, J. M., Res. E. Liberty. 257 Bradwell Jacob, Meat Market, Dingle, near Main. 47 Kennedy, T. B., Res. Magnolia. 252 Sumter Drug Co., drugs, Main and Liberty. 256 Whilden, J. E. Res., Church. The Sumter Telephone Co. CANDIDATES' CARDS The cards of candidates for county and State offices will be inserted in this column countinuously until the Primary Election for Five ($5) Dollars, payable cash in ad¬ vance. STfpT. OF EDUCATION. We present to the voters of Sumter county at the primary election the name of S. Dwight Cain for the office of County Superintendent of Education. Mr. Cain is thoroughly qualified, and has been con¬ stantly engaged in teaching in this, his native county, and Richland, the past six years. Friends. Estate of T. B Fraser, Dcc'd. AU creditors of T. B. Fraser, deceased, who have not already filed their claims with me, will please do so on or before May 27th, 1902. D. M. YOUNG, Administrator. May 7-3t. Master's Sale.; BY VIRTUE of a Decree of the Coura of Common Pleas for the County of Sumter in the State of South Carolina, in the case of Andrena Moses against Robert J. Melton, Levy J. Melton, Emma James, Jeannette Melton, Felicia Mel¬ ton, Virginia Melton, Manson Melton, John Melton, Frank Melton, Levy Melton. Jr, Cora Lee Melton, Hallie Q. Melton, Marion C. Melton, Ona Belle Melton, Robert J. Melton, Jr., and Marion Moise, I will sell at pub¬ lic auction to the highest bidder at the Court House in the City of Sum¬ ter, in said County and State on sales- day in June, 1902, being the second day of said month, during the usual hours of sale, the following described real estate, to wit: "All that piece, parcel or tract of land with three buildings thereon, situate and being in- Swimming Pens Township, in the County of Sumter, State aforesaid, containg sixty-seven and one half acres, more or less : and bounded on the northeast by lands now or formerly of the estate of J. W. Rembert: on the southeast by lands now or formerly of Alex Favor: south¬ west by road leading to Sumter, S. C., and northwest by lands of Martin : the said tract of land being fully repre¬ sented bv a plat thereof, made by J. W. Nichols, D. S., Jan. 9th, 1874. and recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Sumter ¡ County in Book V. at page 514. " Terms of sale, cash. Purchaser to j pav for papers. H. FRANK WILSON, Master for Sumter County. May 12, 1902. I ©ur -Salts} $ FROM TEN TO EIGHTEEN DOLLARS | *-:-----û M are undobtedly as good, or even ^ better, than any we've ever sold 4^ at the same prices. In blue and ^ black Serges we have a large va- ^ ^ riety : full-lined, half-lined, and ^ ^ unlined. ^ THE IDEAL SPBING and STJM1CEB SUIT # *- ^ is the blue or black half-lined £ Serge. Our Serges from Ten Dol- - lars up to Sixteen-fif ty are guar- anteed to give perfect satisfac- ^ tion. Regular, Slim and Stout J? jj] cuts. Sizes 33 to 44 In Regular ^ jj* cut, 34 to 42 in Slims, and 37 to jj* 46 in Stouts. Serge 9oa*s and S Vests unlined $4.50 to $7.50. % I D. J. CHANDLER, | f CLOTHIER AND FURNISHER, f vi »|« »i« 4* ^ 4* .j* *|* 4* »£. »j. 4* *f* *f* *f* *f*3^ WEEK MAY - 26, - IS At Our Store. UNUSUAL VALUES IN ALL LINES, .»Afc ^ . -^-.£1. fi ^^^^^^^^ 2 £ Ak Buttons can be Torn off riihsr i* " *¿ Wearing or IVashinç. - . W GQ TT.c Moth«'» Friend doe* away entirely hmd «rich the scwinjj oo of Suttons. I: it <upp::oJ LU .aih aa ldjiisWile belt, which w oj.-nly taken . Off when the wai»t JI wa>he«l he button* arr C* riveted on the nett. coooçuentty cm no: ba fora OÍ. either >:> » w*¡thiil£ o.' irjii'«ij# Is the original detachable-belt Shirt Waist. You wash the Waist brit not the buttons. Best Bovs' Waist erer made. Extraordinary Inducements in Boys' and Girls* Wearables» Bring the Children* & SUMTER, «. C.

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¡£&*t«red a^tàe Pott Office at- Sumter S:Second Oatt Mutter.

NEW A¿VEm^MÉÑTsTB. J. Chandler-Ocr'Suits.

__Jenkins Bros.-New Home* SewingrMachine.^ W. P. Baskin-County Summer

\'School."--JP5*?*0: of Br. John E. Furman-

^W-vB- Burns-Longman & MartinezsBaintsL


gMSss Daisy Scott has returned from

FreanMellet was in the cityg&torday,i^arSsto3^ ^fco?i>^e^>e"1 gone to

ï Alice Stubbs has returned fromgp&arlesion. ;. .

K^Dr. W. B. Alford has returnedg^pm Charleston. I

¡¡¡¿3^ J. C. Scott, of Charleston, was

; in the city Monday. I

(¡J^i- >nd Mrs. Abe Levi, of Man-Igning, are in the city,ipi Br. George Bick returned from Ii^^Cabtarieston Thursday. jÄ^Mrsv M. S. Burgess went toIgCîhaxleston yesterday. j^^3kfr. Ashleigh Mood is spending a j~ few days in <3harleston.

;Mr. W. J. Young, of Remberts, jga^nt Saturday in town." jWÉ0&&-& R. Creech, of Bishopville,^:was in th© city Monday. jff£&k and Mrs. H. M.. Stuckey arriv¬ed in the city Thursday. j

s Mrs/ T. H. Bick, Jr., of Columbia,i?vwas mthevcitry last week. * fl

Mr. T. S. Stuckey, of Lee County, jspent Monday in the city. If Br. R. Y. McLeod, of Bishopville,.

¡prcas in. the city yesterday. j0> -Street Commissioner H E. White jghas gone to the Exposition.

Mr. Pat Gallagher has returned Ifrom a visit to the Exposition. IRev. W. J. McKay,, of the Brick

g^phurch, was iiithe city Thursday. jf-i /Mrs, Tu. B Durant went to Charles-1

: ton Saturday morning for a week's!^^ay.f--Mr. E. T. Windham returned Thurs-||gay morning from a visit to the)^Ssposition.^páíessrs. L H. Moses and L C.g^fcranss left last night for Old PointComfort, Ya. j

v ; .Mrs. G. H. Hurst and children jwent to Charleston yesterday to spend

fseveral days j:¡Mrs Marie C. Baker and children j

Ixave' their horne in Abbe- |fville County. j

Mrs. J. S. Cunningham, of Indian-town, is visiting her son, Mr. B. W. I

p^Ouimjn^iám. jg ' Br. BeLormeand Rev. H. H. Coving¬ton attended the Docesan Convention jfin;Georgetown. /

Miss Alene Smith, of Whitesville,?0$.- C., is in the city, visiting Miss j^Marnie Brinkley. j^Mr:C. G. ^Rowland went to Charles-*p¡on yesterday to spend ¡a few days, j/seeing the Exposition, :

I-J'/ Br. J. W. Babcock, of Columbia, jfwas in the city last Thursday. He IIfeame to attend Capt. White's funeral.

É¡ÍMr. Jos. C. Scott, of Charleston,^passed through the city last week on IIgMs way to his plantation at Wisacky. j:/'f Rev. Shirley Hughson returnedflast Friday to Westminister, Mary- jfland, to resume his evangelistic work.

Miss Katie Eddings returned to herhome Sunday, after a week's visit to I

¿ the family of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. jj- Hough.

Rev. H. H. Covington has returned];v ¿rom Georgetown where he has been I-attending the Annual Council of the j

^Diocese. If Miss Hoyt, of Greenville, who has' been the guest of Mrs. C. L. Stubbs I^*;for two weeks, returned home Mondaymorning. jBr. S. C. Baker went to Comm-

bia Monday night to attend the meet-i ing of the State Board of Medical I^Examiners. i

I Miss Hattie Sanders and her sister,: Mrs. Loyless, and several children of j:p. Mr. Sanders, of CoUeton, are visiting¿.-?Mrs. lowry. j? Col. J. Harvey Wilson passed through jthe city yesterday for Columbia, to at- ]tend the State Democratic Convention Iwhich meets today. IÏ Mr. W. L. Moise is in the city for

£;& few days stay. He is connected withBradstreet's Commercial Agency, withheadquarters in Savannah, Ga. j

f- Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Green have lgone to Asheville, N. C. Mrs. Green

f hasbeen sick for some time and the I"

trip is for the benefit of her health.Miss Gartrelî, of Atlanta, who has j

1 been visiting the family of Mr. M B.Randie went to Charleston Thursday, j

9 from whence she will go to Atlanta.

I Mr. J. C. Dove of Dovesville,spent Sunday in the city. Mrs.

V Bove, who has been visiting here, re- Iturned home with him Monday morn¬

ing. IMessrs. G. W. Bick, J. H. Levy,

i H. L. Scarborough, Altamont Mosesi and J. M. Knight have gone to Green¬wood, to attend the annual meeting ofthe Grand Lodge, Knights of Pythias.The friends of Mr. Burdette Booth

who came home recently from Clem¬son College sick with typhoid fever,will be pleased to learn that he has re¬

covered sufficiently to leave the in¬firmary.: Dr, R. Sidney Cauthen, of Kershaw,r is in the city for a few days stay.Br. Cauthen has many friends in thiscity, where he lived for several yearswhen connected with the AtlanticCoast Line.Miss Moneta Osteen entertained a

number of her young friends Mondayevening in honor of Miss Nell Weigle,of Augusta, Ga., who has been her guestfor the past week, and who returnedto her home yesterday to the regret of

many friends that she made whilet here.

First Lieutenant Georsre E. Rem- jbert, of the Governors Guards^ Co- jlumbia, has been elected Captain to ¡succeed Capt. Beal who resigned be- \cause of change of residence. \

DEATHS. jMr. Robert Jones, who has been an J

invalid for several years, died last ;

Thursday morning near the Factory. JHe leaves a wife.and two children.

Miss M. A. Doyle, a relative ofMrs. O'Donnell and Mrs. Tuomey,died last Wednesday at the home ofMrs. Annie P. Monaghan, where shehas been living. The funeral was Heldat St. Joseph Chapel Thursday after¬noon at 5 o'clock.

Funeral of Mr. White.

A large and sympathetic congregation assembled last Thursday to 'paythe last tribute of respect to Mr.Anthony "White. Beautiful, earnest,and ¿ouching was the pastor's dis¬course, "Arise ye and depart; for thisis not your rest, " were the appropriatewords chosen.A long procession followed the

.remains to the cemetery. The floralofferings were exquisite and abundant,and completely hid the mound.The pall bearers were, active : Messrs.

J. L. Havnsworth, W. M. Graham,B. G. Gibson, R. D. Lee, E. LManning, and C. G. Rowland.Honorary : J. J. Bossard, W. F. B.

Hansworth, E. W. Moise, John Reid,W. J. Barrett, D. R. McCallum, M.R. Wilson, W. J. Anderson, J. B.Roach* and D. Jas. Winn.


Mr. Willis Sanders .Shoots HimselfThrough Chest

Mr. Willis Sanders made an unsuc¬cessful attempt to commit suicide lastFriday night. He went into the SumterPharmacy about 10 o'clock* that nightand a few minutes afterwards shothimself through the chest with a

revolver. His purpose was to shoothimself through the heart but thebullet was deflected by a bone andmissing the heart" passed through thebody and lodged in the back where itwas found and removed by the doctors.The wound is quite a serious one. butas the bulleMnjuxed none of the largeblood vessels of the chest it is thoughtthat he will recover in time.The reports from Mr. Sanders have

been quite favorable, and he is now

thought to be out of danger.RELIGIOUS.

The proposed series > of meetings at'Bartlette Street Church this weekhave been postponed. Rev. W. B.Olivers, who was to do the preach¬ing, is detained because of the ex¬treme illness of some of his members.The prayer meeting will be as usualon Thursday at 6 p. m. Pastor.

Revival services are being held thisweek in. Magnolia Street Church. To¬night at 8.15 o'clock Rev. Jas. W.Kilgö.will preach.

Col. Wallace is in the city today.We regret to learn that Mrs. N. W.

Edmunds is quite sick.Mr. T. B. jenkins, Jr., left for

Charleston yesterday afternoon.Dr. Haskell DuRant, of Bishopville,

is in the city.Mr. Julius Xi. McCallum, of the

First National Bank, went to Charles¬ton yesterday afternoon.Mr. C. G. Rowland is now occupy¬

ing his handsome new residence on

Broad StreetMr. .A. Heckhiemer, the ; "Pants

King," of Baltimore, is in the city onbusiness today.Mrs. W. K. Greenfield, of Colum¬

bia, is visiting her brother, Mr. F. A.Tradewell, who is quite sick.Among the visitors to Charleston

yesterday were Mr. W. H. Seale, Dr.A. J. China, Mr. and Mrs. Bennett,Miss Law and Miss Lucile Hughson.The friends of Mr. Sheppard Nash

will be pleased to learn that at last ac¬

counts from him at Asheville, N. C.he was improving rapidly.


The Trails O/owded Yesterday and To¬da/-Many More to Go. -'dp *re already moving on

Charleston ic Wagener Day. Yesterday afternoon tue trains were crowded, every train carrying several extracoaches, filled to theirutmost capacity,and tonight and to-morrow hundredsmore will leave this city for Charles¬ton.This morning 160 tickets were sold

by Ticket Agent China, and the Ben-nettsville train brought in more than a

hundred passengers from up the roadwho joined the Sumter crowd andwent on through to Charleston. TheNorthwestern R. R. also brought ina large crowd from Camden and theupper part of the State. If all sec¬tions of the State send as many visi¬tors to the Exposition as Sumter andthe tributary territory there will begathered together at the Ivory Cityon Wagener Day the largest crowdever assembled in the State.Among the number who went to

Charleston this morning were thefollowing :Mr. George D. Shore and family,

Mr. and Mrs. Grenville DeLorme, 'Mr.and Mrs. D. W. Cunningham, 33." R.Sanders, C. E. Stubbs, Jr., B. ' G.Gibson, J. McF. Spann, J. D. Craig,Robert Keels, Misses Bessie- Keels,Maggie Bradford, Maggie Bradham,Annie Kennedy, Nonie Blanding,Addie Auld, Theo. Gregg, Mrs E. W.Hurst aud children, Mrs. Clara Rey¬nolds, Misses Helen Willeford, AnnieStubbs, Katie Reid, Mr. H. T. Edensand family.Wagener Day Souvenir tickets to

the Charleston Exposition have beenplaced on sale at Osteen's andKnight's book stores and the commit-tee consisting of R. 1. Manning, N. jG. Osteen, Altamont Moses and J. M. jKnight also have the tickets for sale.All who are planning to visit the Ex-position on Wagener Day shonld pro- jerne a souvenir" ticket before leaving ¡home, and those who do not expect to jrevisit the Exposition but wish to jhave an artistic souvenir of Charles-ton's great show should get one of theWagener Day tickets.


The Program of Events of CommencementWeek.

The Sumter Military Academy andFemale Seminary will have the firstannual commencement on June 1st to4th. Handsome souvenir invitationshave been issued and the friends andpatrons of the institution are lookingforward to the exercises with a greatdeal of pleasure.The following is the program :

SUNDAY, JUNE 1.ll a. m. Commencement Sermon,

Rev. H. H. Covington, Sumter, S. C.4.30 p. m. Joint Meeting of Y. M.

C. A. and Y. W. C. A.Address. Hon. W. D. Upshaw,

Atlanta, Ga.MONDAY, JUNE 2.

10 a. m. Elocution Contest.11 a. m. Declamation Contest.4 p. m. Military Contest.8.30 p. m. Annual Celebration of

the* Gagner and Timrod LiterarySocieties.Address, Hon. Thos. F. Brantley,

Orangeburg, S. C.TUESDAY, JUNE 3.

10 a. m. Ready Speaker's Contest.11 a. m. Contest for the Brown

Medal.4 p. m. Annual Class Meeting.

8.30 pi m. Annual Drama and Con¬cert. -Y,¿

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4.10.30. a m. Graduating Exercises.Address, Hon. S. G. Mayfield, Den¬

mark, S. C.3 p. m. Reception.Graduates Literary Department :

Capt. C. Capers Smith,. Charleston,S. C.: Capt William M. Smoke,Aiken, S. C.Commercial Department :

Stenography, Ben D. Edwards,Orángeburg, S. C. ; Miss Eva McClain,Sumter, JS. C. ; * Miss Lyn Nettles,Florence, S. C. ; Miss Lizzie Smoot,Darlington, S. C.^Bookkeeping: Walter R. Mathis,

Clarendon, S. C. ; Julian D. Wilder,Sumter, S. C.

A Lawn Party.

The Timrod Literary Society of theSumter Female Seminary will give alawn' party at the Seminary, Wednes¬day afternoon, from 5 to 8 o'clock.Light" refreshments will be served, inthe interest of the Society.The young people of the city are

most cordially invited to be present.Meeting of U. D. C.

Mrs. Agnes Bogin will have thenext meeting of the U. D. C., at theresidence of Gen. E. W. Moise on

Wednesday, May 21st, at 6 o'clockp. m.

Gold Medals Awarded by CharlestonExposition.

The Telephone Mfg. Co. of Sumter,S. C., (old company) receives one

gold medal for "Telephone Instru¬ments," which of course includesevery part of the telephone, such astransmitters, receivers, generators,hook switches, lightning arrester,wood work, finish etc, . one goldmedal for Switchboard and Appli¬ances, and one medal for ProtectiveDevices.The Sumter Telephone Mfg. Co., re¬

ceives one gold medal for Transmittersand Receivers, and one for Switch¬board and Appliances.These awards speak exceedingly well

for these two competing companies,and Sumter should indeed feel proudof two such progressive and moneymaking enterprises.

The Laundry Closed.

Owing to the inability to disposeof the waste water from the SteamLaundry, Mr. O'Brien, the proprietor,reluctantly decided to close thelaundry from and after last Saturday.The waste water has been discharg¬

ed into a large dry well, but the groundhaving become water soaked, there hasbeen recently a constant overflow fromthe well. There being no seweragesystem for carrying off the water andas the rules of the health departmentforbid emptying any kind of wastewater into the open drains and ditches. Mr. O'Brien had no other alterna¬tive than to close the laundry and dis¬continue business.The many satisfied patrons of the

laundry will regret the closing, andwill hope that Mr. O'Brien will decideto remove the laundry to outskirts ofthe city where there is natural drainage and will resume business in a

short time. The removal of the laun¬dry from the city would be a distinctloss, and even if another laundryshould be established in the nearfuture it will be difficult to find a manto manage it so satisfactorily as hasMr. O'Brien.

IS YELLOW POISONin your blood ? Physicians callit Hala rial Germ, lt can be seenchanging red Moodyellow undermicroscope, lt works day andnigh t. First, it turns yourcom¬plexion yellow. Chilly, aching

fsensations creep down yourbackbone. You feel weak andworthless.

>M ROBERTS' CHILL TONICwill stop the trouble now. Itenters the blood at once anddrives out the yellow poison.If neglected aod when Chilis,Fevers, Night-Sweats and a gen¬eral break-down come later on,Roberts' Tonic will cure youthen-but why wait ? Preventfuture sickness. The manufac¬turers know all about this yel¬low poison and have perfectedRoberts' Tonic to drive it out,nourish your system, restoreappetite, purify the blood, pre¬vent and cure Chills. Fevers and

% Malaria, lt has cured thous-.jj ands-it will cure you, or youri*' money back. This is fair. Try;j| it. Price. 25 cents.


gog Best Coujih Syrup. Tastes Good- Use fggtS in time Sold bv drocjiists. KB

fyfe; fcS*<

A Somier Boy Chosen.

At a recent meeting of the athleticassociation of the South Carolina Col¬lege, Mr. R. 1. Manning, Jr., of Sum¬ter was selected manager of nextseason's baseball team. Mr. W. LCogburn, of Edgefield, was elected bythe team as captain.

To Address the Juniors.

Mr. J. Frank Pate has received andaccepted an invitation to deliver anaddress before the Junior Order ofUnited American Mechanics at Brook¬land, the thriving little town acrossthe river from Columbia, on July 3,on which occasion an elaborate cele ¬

bration will-take place. -

A fish'story from Lee County is thaton yesterday Mr. W. W. Hearoncaught in a trap in Lynches River 365fish, all large enough for use, andsome extra size.

Summer Resort Folder SouthernRailway-Much valuable information ;mailed free to any address upon ap¬plication to Agents, Southern Rail¬way.W. H. Taylde, Ass. Gen. Pass.'

Agent Atlanta, Ga., R. W. Hunt, Div. Pass. Agent,Cahrleston, S. C.

Will Reduce Rafe of Interest.

Rock Hill, May 20.-The NationalUnion bank of this city with Mr. W.J. Roddey as its president is an up-to-date institution. It' proposes tolead the State of South Caroilna in a

reduction of the interest rate. Mr.Ira B. Dunlap, the assistant cashier,leaves in a day or two for a ten days'trip to northern cities where he willvisit leading banks and study theirmethods. A rate of 7 per cent, will atonce be made by this bank, and themanagement hopes within 12 monthsto bring the figures to a 6 per cent,basis.

The County Summer School forteachers will open in this city on

Monday, June 2nd.The chain gang will complete the

work on Cemetery avenue within twoweeks, s

Some of our citizens are talking ofbuying the miniature railway now inoperation at the Charleston Exposi¬tion for the purpose of establishing asuburban railway line in'this city.There are six petitions on file at the

Post Office Departmnet for the estab¬lishment of Rural Mail routes radiat¬ing from this city. Several if not al-of the proposed routes will be establlished this summer or early falL

Notice- to Telephone Subscribers.

Subscribers will please add to their,directories the following numbers :255 Barwick, J. M., Res. E. Liberty.257 Bradwell Jacob, Meat Market,

Dingle, near Main.47 Kennedy, T. B., Res. Magnolia.252 Sumter Drug Co., drugs, Main

and Liberty.256 Whilden, J. E. Res., Church.

The Sumter Telephone Co.

CANDIDATES' CARDSThe cards of candidates for county and

State offices will be inserted in this columncountinuously until the Primary Electionfor Five ($5) Dollars, payable cash in ad¬vance.

STfpT. OF EDUCATION.We present to the voters of Sumter

county at the primary election the nameof S. Dwight Cain for the office of CountySuperintendent of Education. Mr. Cainis thoroughly qualified, and has been con¬

stantly engaged in teaching in this, hisnative county, and Richland, the past sixyears. Friends.

Estate of T. B Fraser, Dcc'd.AU creditors of T. B. Fraser, deceased,

who have not already filed their claimswith me, will please do so on or beforeMay 27th, 1902.

D. M. YOUNG,Administrator.

May 7-3t.

Master's Sale.;BY VIRTUE of a Decree of the

Coura of Common Pleas for theCounty of Sumter in the Stateof South Carolina, in the case ofAndrena Moses against Robert J.Melton, Levy J. Melton, EmmaJames, Jeannette Melton, Felicia Mel¬ton, Virginia Melton, Manson Melton,John Melton, Frank Melton, LevyMelton. Jr, Cora Lee Melton, HallieQ. Melton, Marion C. Melton, OnaBelle Melton, Robert J. Melton, Jr.,and Marion Moise, I will sell at pub¬lic auction to the highest bidder atthe Court House in the City of Sum¬ter, in said County and State on sales-day in June, 1902, being the secondday of said month, during the usualhours of sale, the following describedreal estate, to wit:"All that piece, parcel or tract of

land with three buildings thereon,situate and being in- Swimming PensTownship, in the County of Sumter,State aforesaid, containg sixty-sevenand one half acres, more or less : andbounded on the northeast by landsnow or formerly of the estate of J.W. Rembert: on the southeast by landsnow or formerly of Alex Favor: south¬west by road leading to Sumter, S. C.,and northwest by lands of Martin : thesaid tract of land being fully repre¬sented bv a plat thereof, made by J.W. Nichols, D. S., Jan. 9th, 1874. andrecorded in the office of the Registerof Mesne Conveyances for Sumter ¡County in Book V. at page 514. "Terms of sale, cash. Purchaser to j

pav for papers.H. FRANK WILSON,

Master for Sumter County.May 12, 1902.

I©ur -Salts}$ FROM TEN TO EIGHTEEN DOLLARS|*-:-----ûM are undobtedly as good, or even

^ better, than any we've ever sold4^ at the same prices. In blue and^ black Serges we have a large va- ^^ riety : full-lined, half-lined, and ^

^ unlined.

^ THEIDEAL SPBING and STJM1CEBSUIT#*-^ is the blue or black half-lined

£ Serge. Our Serges from Ten Dol- - j£lars up to Sixteen-fifty are guar- j£anteed to give perfect satisfac- ^tion. Regular, Slim and Stout J?

jj] cuts. Sizes 33 to 44 In Regular ^jj* cut, 34 to 42 in Slims, and 37 to j£jj* 46 in Stouts. Serge 9oa*s andS Vests unlined $4.50 to $7.50. %

I D. J. CHANDLER, |f CLOTHIER AND FURNISHER, fvi »|« »i« 4*^ 4* .j* *|* 4* »£. »j. 4* *f* *f* *f**f*3^

WEEKMAY - 26, -


At Our Store.


. -^-.£1. fi

^^^^^^^^ 2 £Ak Buttons can be Torn off riihsr i* " *¿

Wearing or IVashinç.-

. W GQTT.c Moth«'» Friend doe* away entirely hmd

«rich the scwinjj oo of Suttons. I: it <upp::oJ LU.aih aa ldjiisWile belt, which w oj.-nly taken p» .

Off when the wai»t JI wa>he«l he button* arr C*riveted on the nett. coooçuentty cm no: bafora OÍ. either >:> » w*¡thiil£ o.' irjii'«ij#

Is the original detachable-belt Shirt Waist.You wash the Waist brit not the buttons.

Best Bovs' Waist erer made.


in Boys' and Girls*Wearables»

Bring the


&SUMTER, «. C.