the washington star - digifind-it · 2015. 12. 3. · 3,271.riot-1; wnrreli c c

3,271 .riot-1<>; Wnrreli c c<|iiiilllii crjjilCM W(( nit 1, I'-.r jlltity new AA/ i 1 tslywn *ix n No • I'tllHr IAAA -.the lIlH-l AA* « IHWl J i.iiH-.i tAAAA/ THE WASHINGTON STAR Cweekly circulation - Ut UlC *CCOllll U r g - , lit New way Into (unibliltitt (i licity ry «eek, (unb unit uf publicity. WWV^^w 32XI) YEAU-NUMIJEli 31. WASHINGTON, WAUREX COUNTY, N. J., THURSDAY,'JULV 27," 1899. SUBSCRIPTION: $1.50 PER YEAR A SUCCESSFUL EVEXT. i J (if Nurse ntKl Mryeii! IIntcH nt the Washington l-'lehl Day, In itnvU- (•ttstown, Cretitly Kiijoyecl. The first mcing event of tho neason at tho 1 laekotUtown Driving I'nrk wan tho Washington Field Day on Saturday afternoon last, uiulor tbo nunpicoH of 1'r. Cox of this borough, tho ICHHCU of tiio park, and the Washington Cycle Club. Notwithstanding tho fact that it was tho ilrst endeavor along these lines, tho ovent was a marked HUCCDHS in practically every particular, prov- ing not only a Hourco.of pleamiro to all Crocker wan n closo ftacomh Tho other participants eamo over the lino in tho following ordur: Alhert Hurd, Samuel Snyder, 0. CUllbrd Losoy and William Pulir. Thero wero thrco entrieH in tho one- nit lo opon, namely: Cornelius Alter and ChnrlcH M. Smith of WnflhliiKtoh, ami George ivinoiiHoof HacltottHtown. Tlio diwtancn was made in '2','Y.i, Alter winning witti tho..utmost owe, with Iviuioufio in pnoond placo. Then) WUH special interest manifest- ed in tho half-milu tandem race. Only two pairn entered, CicorgoCrockorund Alhert JJiml; William Croekor and Siinford Joltnston. The last two won irtedby iijjeiii'rmml'rieiiil'or two on the uutslik*. The rmrfu rncw* wuro entirely tinder tho siipurvbkm of Dr. Cox, who deserve* the thanks oTnll who are fund of sports of llii» kind, for h<- riuvotvil much (Imu nwl rnn Uiuru<kof(.iiiisli1cr»ljlu inss and with m> expectancy uf pmJU. l'rcsitk-nt A. J. Craltof the Cycle Club hml charge of the (irrnn«om«iitsf(.r and the .starthit; <»f the bicycle met* which proved such u dflhlht- fidVeainre of tliu aftem jnn't*program. Kiilly half tliu attendance wt-ri: Wash- nitton ]iL'o()le. N\:Xi-ly'_'iMl excursion tick- its were s'ttd liurc for the noon, trains alone. Other* went up livforc- and after by train, wliileu number ilrovinimi nearly KB-MODKLEJ) OI'EttA HOUSE. l'ln> Kxtenstlvif AlU'rutlcms In tin-New Biinlc liitllilluu WVM I'IMI-T Way • Twill l><< 1'ifio-Diite. Tho alterationH being niado to the LOXU TRAINS IIAN(.*KIIOL>. •nances Tit ken to Incrensi* (tie line; nu-aniiit's !''rcl»ht Tntlllc-Clil- Kaymoiul Dupuy, tiio newSupcrin- HOWLKV I)iSCllAK*ilCI). t- Tlie .Swindler'!* TreKy W'W; liuUu I". W. Collins Not to Push tlie Clinrsc opem houso In tliu Washington Hank I temlent o f t h o J1 - * l: - division or bulMlng are proRrcHsIng rajiiclly. Tho th<; l-Mknwamm railroad, Is it nephew n * " e» • 1 j ,.ptl,,. ...ii 1 , „!• 11.,, 1 11- lit '• -p stage IIIIH been torn away in tho old hall and the carpenter* aro taking cut tho Moor of tho hull, .excepting that part which is to he used aa the basoot'n balcony. This makes tho hail just thirty-two feet in height. Tho balcony oxtendn around from tiio Broad street tfthowifo of the lato Dr. Alien'; of Lafayette. Something" Itko a dozen years ago he ma<lo a visit to Suswex county, but it was little dreamed at that time that ho would he willed to the responsible position he h:in been chosen to 1)11. We understand that he (ieorgo \V r . itowloy, tho uliek swind- ler who purports to bo a publisher of Plalnlleld.and whosearreatatlloboken was noted in thcao columns last week, WAH arraigned before Recorder Stnn- ton in that city last Thursday morning. Ho had been lucked up the day before on complaint of F. W. Collins of IIo- boken, formerly of Washington, who charged, him with obtaining money extend* around from tiie Broad street »Woorthobuiklln K toward tho stage j lsllv<!r f sooi '!' B«ntlfman nnil Is ..I- \ unilor false pretences, b rei "'5' becomiiiB popular not only: Atlhhi Coll on both Hides. Tho partitions on the rei "'5' ing not only,, source of ple.Ls.iro to nil ,, ylraill , , v ,, il0 ,>„ . S pt,ta,orJndpnrH,.|panNhntam™n» in 1:7!, Thelropponents wero greatly „,, ljiwlU , , 1 i i ,,|,,,,«, r i |M ,, ll |,«ir«-li«.-lv »*«..... floor ur. Wing ,m,,,ov«l au.l of cronllnB a greater interest In horses, I "'^,"» "'«' r0 " 0 " coml)llln - Caterer T. .1. lluwcll o r .l,.ek,tl»tn»,, there will be a clear view of the stage u llon wl " ul o f l o w « e:lr ll t f I . from un \ p popular, not only: AtlheheariuK Collins testiHwl that hi.rtl,.. P ,,tron- about a year ago, while living in Wash- nnd of Inciting a greater amotint of good naturcd rivalry among lociil wheelmen. The very high tomperaturo and su- porabiindunco of humidity was doubt- less a combination of elements that kept a good numborof people of neigh- boring towns and villages from attend- ing. Tho attendance, however, was up to expectations, tlioro having heoii between six and seven hundred people present. All soemed to thoroughly enjoy tho program presented, which comprised threo horse races and several bieyclo races. Tho Hports had been advertised to commence at ono p. m., hut from vari- ous causes the lirst raeo did not come oil'until two o'clock, when tho starter, Mr. I Iorat;o Stokes, called tho entries l.—Nuwton Hentld. I ingtor, ho waB swindled out of & by Ion wheel of low gear. Mr. Aller was booked to break tiie track record of i.I-', later understood to be '2-M. Ho did not attempt tho feat for two good and sullicient reasons: Thero was no ono present to pace him fast enough and tbo track was far from being in favorablo condition. Tho llftli bieyclo event was a half- mile race -opon to Washington riders only. There wero tlvo participants, tlie names of which aro here given in the order they finished: Charles M. Smith, William Christine, Manstlold lSoworsaud AlbertUuttl. Victor Dailoy WHH run into by the latter and Dailoy wan thrown. Although uninjured ho did not attempt to re-mount. Tho time in thin race was 1:1S. iiirt'amuiiil thelmlf- >p(iii to all. Thurc were Th inilc track ami in tlie lirst raeo into placo by tho vigor- |})l(P entries nami-lv- !•'. W. Lord, I-:. Lord otiH sounding of the gong in the judges'I l!ld s> VvX'A of x*wton, and (kor»oK:i- fltand. Mr. Charles UittenhouRo of! ,M. ,,r ih.-k.-iWmvn. Th..-y finished in Hackettstmvn and Messrs. J, Van Bosw tin- unliT naim-d, the winner crossing the andChas. I. Stryker of Washington j lint: in i:is. •' olHciated us judges. Thc score cards named four on tried I'roliabty tiif » teri'd in tin- third I open t.. road horse* pucted Unit in tiiis ht: less than t»:n entriv hulf Unit iiiimtm\ I- i nt tru whli'h was ly. It hml been ex- thert' would not raci t, Imt there was W but owing to a stable) accident sustained by W. i). Gulick'H protty bay mare, Miss Creigbton, thero were but three, namely : Maycoast, a bay maru by Nut- coast, driven by Irving Cox; I31i/.a W., a chestnut niitro by Reputation, driven by Joseph IJ, Klot/-; and Lticj* King, j »]M- tlie Cii>u \vti,h Samuel niiyilcr \vli<> over which Joseph Ktwencrunn drew \ tmM il lllltdl K^dhig by Marry Wayne. the reins. AH soon as this npeodv trio " ;tlllL ' (1 S:iil " r> wuh l irohrthI . v nw ~ t ' xi " l *l ) - . . . . , ' . • I ti'iu noiusiif the live coiUesimiLs bad ever circled tho track in the warming up | . , , ... , . process, it waH seen that MayccMwL wiw | ^ ^ mmt:ly. Piortlt ^tmit mar, by not in her usual good condition, being Wrimmt Abdullah, owned and driven by a littlo lame; however, aho trotted two | Williani liarKui; Little Main!, a l>ay inure of the tlireo heutrf, being withdrawn within tlie grounds. (jeorcu L. Mlt-rswas in chnrt-e of the soil drinkHstiiml and disimsed of I.jcnsis. llis.sak-s would hav<- 1 ..,..• n double had it not ruined nnd had he not been liandi- cupped for the curly want of Ice nnd ne- cessary things for serving. Thecrowd nnd llu- Interest manifested nmilull tjvldeiil that if Washington bud a (leHlnttilu track It would be liberally put* Irving O»x is saiil to he ' developing splendid tact wn driver. It was jtrciilly' regretted that HhfpJl" Mnckty did not enter It is fast sorrtl All- (lailitti in the first or second race. The ^cntli/man wlioshailuain puMC-ssion ol' Dr. L*»x*rf i:il/a \V. for a roml mare will be the envy of niiinv lovt-rs of good horse flesh. Joe Husi-'iicrain i.s pardonably proud of lii.s bay mare, Lmr.v Kinir. lie believeMslio can lit'Mt Kti/a W. at k-ast threeutit nf live, anil ii match may soon tnkt* place. Kverybiiily, hcr.-al.oiits at k-ast, was dis- appoin'tcd Mr. (.Uillck'.s Alias CrclRb- ton fnik-d to apiieur fin the track. She is pretty and .SIK- is very fast. Although Or, Cox's ISetlv Hrw-zf WHS no mutch for SU-llii IS , Nhw^teiiptitlwell and dimved that tin Then; were a lliej was lots of speed in he la rye number of Iadii seemed as much ter- seoi'e card but .Stewart Warne failed ti IT Hnnilower, a line, yuuni; black mare j .)ni_sijnt -m ty Prince. TNH wn.-. like-j vsU(ll .,;;,„. 111C[1, There will [d'obuhly be another event of this HIM in ubu.iit three weeks. KIIIKSIKN'S D.VV, SKIT. tiSTH. just before the third. Her ability was known to be such tlia: tliu race had been conceded to her before the start, but she made a poor showing even in third place. Tliu lirst and fastest heat was taken by Lucy King. It was an- nounced from the judges' stand that the time was 2.~A)\. The second heat was taken by KW7.11 W., but at 11 gait two seconds slower. Tho third heat WHS aluo won by Kliza W. in 2.5i'j—the best two in tlireo. After every heat in the races thero was a bieyclo event, giving pleasurable variety to the program. Tho tji'st, was a one mile, race—open to Washington riders only. There, wore' six entries, and the order of Vinisli was aa follows:... Howard L-'ritts, Wm. Chris- tine, L'eter Aagiuivd, San ford Johnston, Robert Anidt am} Goo. Crocker. It : was a very protty raeo, all tho p;irt.Ici- pauLs apparently doing their best. The time made was *J:10. .1 :ui<l ilrlven by William .Stevenson: .•<iwiif(lby.Iohn Chiirk'.s Curling (Iray Aland, a yray C. Wellei ud driv brown horse M. Snyder, vned and ilrlveu I This last entry c:i [ a rl Mil d driven by Win. Hockuti- afiirue of tliu whole :v, lor it Ls < from under tho end of tiio balcony on I Tho complaints of Morris & Essex Uowlcy through an advertising scheme Hide. Tho balconv ; omplo ^ osof the I-ickawauna Huilroad |and when tho latter called on bin: tiio Uroad will bo supported by iron posts. The seating capacity of tiio hall will bo greatly inereuaed. Thero will be room for perhaps -200 people in the balcony and over twico that number on tho main floor, which in lUxliii feet. The new stage will bo IS feet deep and 10 feet wide and will be of sue!) a height from the itoor that the audience will not pain their necks in watching tiie performers. The stage opening at tho footlights will bo 20 feet wide. The old entrance to thohull will now lend into tho balcony and thero will be two entrances to tho parquet on the second iloor—ono by menus of double doors near tho Hroad street end and another to the right of tiie stairway and over the drug store; tho latter will be the main entrance. The dressing rooms, etc., will be situated to the right of the stage looking west. The work is being done by Aaron Petty under tbo supervision and ac- cording to plans drawn by Mr. Robert M. Petty, vice president of tlie bunk. When the work is finished tiio vast improvements mado will readily be noted and appreciated by our people. The hall will be far safer in case of lire or panic, it will bo better ventilated, tnury cuiiimudiuuu and will be heated by steam and lighted with electricity. When tho carpenters and plasterers which may come to a serious* phase !>(>• fore long, include one ttpccilkation which demands some immediate con- sideration. It is claimed tbnt in econ- omizing freight traille, tiie company lms increased tiie length of trains, and, while retaining about tho same num- ber of men for each train, thp number of trains is reduced. Tho long trains, it is asserted, break in two on the sharp curves, and thus endanger nil tratlic, as well as the train Iiands immediately concerned. This is n matter which goes beyond the question of employes' grievances, and touches the nafetyof tho whole traveling public.—Newark Call. An old brakeman of the Morris & Kssex paid the otlier day: "I guess you'll see this striko business going further, and it may come here. We can't stand the present plan. Wo are being moved from our homes to take new runs: the freight trains are being made so long that brakemen can't work safely; wo ceii't talk to an ctllcer on the road tiio way we used to when there was trouble; the runs nro harder with no more money; we have to work Sundays now, and men are bunded without a word."—Newark Call. ThblLackawanna miners are organ- izing and will present a list of grievan- ces to the officials of the company demanding bptter pay and improved j have done their alwtro the painters will conrli ti ons o f lnbor. | be given a chance. New scenery of The plan adopted for increasing the A CniiHl Slm.t Dfinonstratlon-Visi-ian up-to-date kind is to be purchased, the frei ht bligineg . s o f t h e Delaware, tors III III! Dllicil—>lil | more and hotter seats will be provided j !,„„];„„,„„„ „„(! Western IMMMII-I' for All. | ami In general tho whole outfit is to | cnmp" nnJ . i, b e i n!r carried out. In •The committee IwviiiR chnrRe of the I be "'"'"(.'•"P" '""' something the town jparsna , K", e nf chla ,,]„„, General Super- arrangements for the grand panicle of i tho firemen, which is to be held here on Thursday, September 2Sth, are pushing their work with energy, and the success of tho occasion now ap- pears to be assured beyond all doubt. Tho invitations were sent out a few days agp and already several of tiie thirteen companies invited, have ac- cepted. Tho others have the matter that the rake- cannot trot a mile in live ininnle^.. Whatever induced tlie owner to enter her is a mystery; probably,donu in the spirit ofajoke. Hoekenbcrry had made a waiter that he would cotne in lirst. He did s<>. but the horse was compelled to run cvi'i-v vird of tht' coiuse uid oven then under consideration and all will nrob-1 , . - 1 ,-l t t ,.e n 1 i ,. -r 1 s I ably take part. This will make in all! s "' 1 1", or e ", ch >"^ \ u'm . i J r r o l l'l,;r»\vlMdM,md:lMvi.-0n|rourteo,.conM.anie3 in line each with!™ 11 ^ and lh, n,™will, Brc,.t ««.-, tin. Ii,™ b,i,, s tl.uir ap,,araUl9M ami most of them ! re f«' 01 ™. «<"»P»"'« &u;i...A.iax came in ..second, .Gray Maud ju .j,|, n hand. can well be proud of. Vice President Petty has already jintentient Russell and Supprintendent nf Transportation J. M\ Daly wero in •eek'to confer with the •I Plate Railroad re- y j o f Trnnqpo booked several companies for th* re- ! Bllffn | o las modeled opera house, which will be L rae[als of theNickrl Plate Railroad re- opened in October by the U'aa-Wash \gar(lilHr tho through fVeight schedule artists Being on the main line of the which is being arranged between two artists. Being on the main line of the Lackawanna and in the middle of the circuit, plenty of good shows can be secured. Manager Petty will do busi- ness on a percentage basis, unlike the previous owner who preferred a stated One nigiii stands rt popular priced week roads. The I.aekaw.inna-Xickel Plate route is the shortest in miles between Xew York and Chicago, with the ono ex- cfiption of the Fort Wayne or Pennsyl- vania, but in the matter of time the contemplated operating improvements wilt be. the quickest, [t is proposed MiLle'Mitiul : f?!frthV"iii":ikiiits "11". LOl'Mt'lVU. '.was tin rent contest ; horses. Flora took the lend froi rt and held it nil through. Tim l.ittk; Maud behaved very badly. ed manner. If ho had not. uil with bv llnekenh wiU be . tho f|Uicke3t , [ t i s proposed ! stands will also be on the list. Every -that the time s ,,., n be ollIy thirtv w lor comedy tragedy ami l1 T]|(] vi3iU for comedy, tragedy and melo- j hours.' The Xiekel Plate" is under the guests of the Washington Fire Depart-1 d m f' will bo auited during the season mme i nflnenee that the Laokawanna mpulv ! a n d t h0 revivnl o t t h 0 tlrama hore Wll! ' N, vi/.,- the A'anderbilW and tl^ro can mpanies will be tlie j guests of the Was' '• v ment, which'"lias arranged to supplj lllenti whie l, arranged to supply ! ; ^ Mi,vi/..,tl.eanderbilt, and: th«r0 can ti,,. lr imior OT,lt8 | n Fitt9 . Bank imtl i b e a boon t 0 t h u lown - " will attraut jb e n 0 ,| mlbt thM tho desired seheilulo Amermau's halls. Dinner and supper I l Jeo l )le from "" t r °, f , to ™'"> A «Iroulnto J will go through. This will add won- will be serve.! to the guests therein. I ore mon ^ F o k s n K t ° lv " . w " « ot clerfully to the freight business of the Wednesday afternoon nnd endeavored to work tho game on him u^aln, he at once recognized tho man and caused ills arrest. Recorder Stanton was about to die- charge Rowley for lack of jurisdiction when the Hayonne police telephoned that ho wan wanted there for several swindle!', and tho recorder thereupon remanded tho prisoner until Friday to await tlie arrival of the liayonne police. Nonoof tho Uayonnc victims put in an appearanco on Friday and the pris- oner wiia consequently discharged. Thc Hoboken Observer Bays that Collins, who at tlrst announced that he would go to Washington and prefer charges ugainet Rowley there, was ap- pealed to by the prisoner's wife, a young and very handsome woman, and tho would-be complainant gallant- ly replied that he would not prosecute him. Collins informs us that he consented not to prosecute- Rowley further upon tlie promises of his wife and their law- yer, E. W. Kirk, that they would either see that the directories were put up in Washington or refund the money received in payment therefor. Tlie lawyer also returned Collins his two dollars. ... No ono ever expects to see tho prom- ised directories or tho money paid for DEMOCRATS CONFER.""" MIVH Cliniitfcil— Devlin Deposed—Mr. llrynn's I<"IIt(M'fi Pru|io- sltloNS. The Democratic National Executive' Committee met in Chicago last Thurs- day. Mr. IJrynn wan present as ho held proxies for Michigan nnd .South Dakota. He took no activo part in tho sessions of the committee. Littlo be- yond routine business was done. Sec- tion '2 to 10, inclusive, of the rules wero Htricken out. Ex-C> over nor W. J. Stone of St. Louis W.IH elected vice chairman, to relievo Ciinirman Jones of the administration ufd«lail»; John I. Martin of Missouri was chosen as sergeant-at-arms of tho committee at the next convention, and Len. II. Wagner of Now York was ap- pointed first assistant sorgeant-at-arras. P. J. Devlin, editor of tho National ressi Jiureau of tho Committee, was deposed for tho part ho took in tho laat Mayoralty contest in Chicago, when, in hiB olllcial capacity, he espoused tho candidacy of ex-Governor Altgeld against Carter IT. Harrison. In tho evening n monster mass meet- ing,was held in tho Auditorium. It was addressed by Senator Tillmnn, Mr. Bryan and others. Mr. Bryan said in part: "In speaking in Chicago I am em- barrassed by the fact that tlie advo- cates of the Chicago platform are divided into two camps. It is not my nisiness to establish a secret service in order to ascertain what Democrats are most devoted to the principles Bet forth n the last party creed. All Chicago platform Democrats look alike to me, and, instead of trying to drive any professed believer in that platform out of the party, my aim is to BO impress upon all Democrats the importance of the triumph of Democratic principles that all local differences .will bo lost sight of in the determination to restore tiie Government to the foundations laid by the fathers. CON'CEKXINO SILVKR. In the brief time that I shall speak to you I desire to condense what I have to say upon three subjects into a few cards therein. Rowley is again at lib- brief propositions: erty to ply hia nefarious business, in- "First — President MeKinley, by stead of being behind the bars. This sf!! Ure^n?e^ f.iet' will bo regretted by all nf Tin-: l Bifiinliil Convention of tlie Orj;an|/.a- tlon—I'olyKiunlst Iiulierts Opi>oae<l —Resolutions Adopted. Tiie fourth biennial international convention of the Epworth League met in Indianapolis on Thursday last." The convention was held in two Bec- tions, ono gathering in a large tent and the other in ToniHnson Hall. The ayerace attendance during the sessions was" estimated" "at 10,000. ' "'Hugh' Dougherty of BlulTton, Ind., presided over tiie tent meeting and Frank 31. Barbour of Evanaville, 'Ind., ..over,the tossed the gold standard to be unaatia- factory. "Second—The failure of the Com- mission tosecure international bimetal- lism proves that bimetallism can be restored only through independent action. "Third—The gold standard is main- tained today, not because the American people desire it, but because a few English financiers, by controlling the policy of England, control, through the Republican party, the financial policy of the United States. "Fourth—If the increased production of gold in the Klondike and the impor- tation from Europe have increased the volume of money and improved times, it is.evident that more money ..makes- better times, and the times could bo still further improved, and the im- provement made permanent by the restoration of bimetallism, which '" nuke silver ag well as-gold all. lie had followed ChristinoclosolyJ 1 * 1 ''?'''] tho whole distance and it was not until within ihi'oo or four rod a of the wire meeting in the hall. Tho cuHtonia'rjM available"for coinage. addresses of welcome and responses "Fifth—If it was more difficult to .. . .„ ,..,, (i-ieieLr.,fpy wt.,. o made uniiiitiiin tlie parity-between-gold and— 0 ** * =' ' j silver when the supply of silver was Sunrise meetings were held every increasing, it must now be easier to morning during the convention, maintain this parity, since the supply President MeKinley sent a coii g rata-| of 6°Uijh™^ latory telegram. Addresses were j nQn the trust question ["suggest the made by leading Methodists and many j following propositions for your consid- inte rest ing papers wore read j erson: ..-- 11 . . ,.•""- : ' "First—The trust is a menace to the Tho following resolutions were; welfare of the people of the United 5 adopted: "Resolved, that wo con- \ States, because it creates a monopoly i that he attempted to pass him. Then, K,.|\,i-\V,LSl,l.iRton.-i>)>-i»m,S|mll ook resklenco upotl wl , ich wiU bo j •m«-,th Insi,. A .-ouple '"'^^^ Israloc , . Mayor D . lKe8) tho Common stiu-iiMM poinL Will. C'liriHtlnu Sink ivheels l>fi-aine niixtMl IIJI, with tl: Council, diHtingmslied guests and rtie result lluitClirialhiu was ruiiiforutl iinuon- jmlRes of tho piivado. the Mabe! Florence Company ; Field ; car will reach Scranton at 2:30 in the Igratiilate.the country on tho passage j aw 8";«p to |SfJfVnlimTe™ Soie? & Hanson's, Ciorton'a, Guy Brothers' | morning, but occupants will not be ! of the Anti-Canteen act, which so ac -1 ^^X'nves and hlppiiiesB of con- -• - - ' juvakonod until such hour aa they may I enrately represents the wiU^of the | aumer3 , employes and producers of and Gns. Sun's minstrels, Hob^on's Uncle Tom's Cabin and Littlo Trixie designate. Returning, this enr will bo by a beautiful spurt, Krltta whoolecl j^joVw fur dTji*tur*!*Iiell whvii he ajraln took j ' The company making the best ap- [ "' iil alau llul .d Uie boui'ds. ' about Chriatino npparoutly with' groat jt«ttin tniek, but tuu liitc'ttiimiko any kind pearanco^in lino will bo awarded onqj The owners of the building are t ; ready.for occupancy at Scranton early American people. Its nullification by j raw material. Attorney-tieneral GriCf picked at I with painful solicitude viewed \ "Second —The President appoints' nnrl" P\*p"r in 1the'Attorney General, and, if he de- ''"" t '^ t - r IU "! sires, can sueure an Attorney General and 'was qiiiio badly injured. Tho entries were: Stella B, a bay maro by Ked Hall, driven by Mr. ECLoU; Itotty .Breeze,"a bay maro by iJritvatk', driven by Mr. Cox; mid Inwroneo King, a bay gelding by Loland). King, driven pleted yet, but a hirg< Cliristino iifth. | eqiuvalent will, doubtless, be reported, i '. limn hull' tho people j -phe 3Ub-comiiiiUec?* are: - ' ! i) ]i>a tlii; L't-ouiids feariiifr tho approach. iiijj shtiwer, nml It ijcfjiui raining ln.»i'ort! all hiul passed through t h e f. 1.;. I'ourlliiuul n.v this l 1 Short Vacation at; (,'oriilsh'ri. brulgos and wator supply ; "M'o regard fcho election of a poly-1 "Fifth —The Republican party is on ttto M. & K., has been uppointed to j Ej.uiiist to Oongross by the State of j powerless to extinguish tile trusts so l i l th t t ftlh th Trniisiinrtntioii—nilI,CiU'per.ter,DyriKs. 1 Superintendent A, F. Florcy has an- j. AUvenisiiifiniHlprintins-rikiiine^Ucetl, i nouncod a closing down of the Corn- 1 Hill. , I j9ii piano and organ works for a week : the same oilice for the entire road. gui the trusts ftinilsh tho monoy Ke b " c «» P 1 "'^ »' ! L'tiih us an indignity olVercd to ervery i ! on S ! American eitixe.'i and an .insult .to. the ! |'S'.tuctityij:ind purity ot\;tho Christian | . ' ..AOAIX^I' IMPERIALISM. home. Weprotest against tlie election \ "In the IMiilippiiio question certain preaching storm there wore but two from the amount, r t e e i m l i n i-ntrancu let's ' Table help-Uvrnw U Smitl, J K joKter to take tho annual inventory of Icicfod t o r u n i t 3 aimu . u excursion on hoiita U-ottod in LhlH nice and in both ; to the Kroniuls and «r:mtl stand. . S|llilll &. ot , smatcs. j slock and to overhaul tho machmory. | Tuesday, August ^nd, to Uoekawny ^^emUnur.iiorse^eume'iu:^ : -AlH8ie4l,\u;sm»tlV^:-C;Sintor;^ilrod.;jTwo; wceUs^time order named'. Tho "actuai timei "niado IsUii ci>si i i 1 •;•" ^15,' "iT'ti *l * a" \v I ii ] i "tiiuV HcV-i j > t io r ]" "uiii!—Oar peri tor. Hill, Snyder. " | it"is iuirdiy pfobuuie- ttiiit-iL will be \ 'Satisfautor^yntis liavo been aecurod " : wits 2:-I2A' : infMr^Monu'i' ^toki>s rlM . .4 I I I I LU4I IIOIHll.1 l.'V<'JVL.'t n I I I li;ft [I AlMh >_FL'<V. 1^. ''small mutter for Stolhi U. Sli'o had I and demand that _'-inivoIvt J -.d_r: *" !~"••' 1 Fii'»t-—Tbere are but two soifrcGs of 0110 i government—force and consent—mon- whosu lite is so repugnant to Christian j archies being founded' upon force, ^iu^nlaki^ ,..u\^.,-., Vrt ^. H,.f Jri ;i nn...^H.ii..nHi«r.i J ? on - co ? M - 6r . ts 1 tllilt - a11 eovornmenta^, \_. 1.1.-.11 .,.\. .. !i 1 (ler[V0 tl]en , uat powers- from Ihu con-- . lap mbe vah vnlueil ii gone but a low rods aftor loaying tho j"|, ( , ; , t ,.,],,,, n ,h polo before nho was in lirst placo which j ]n t _, )fl {h-u,^ ( she inaintainod with groat case. . Hetty jlt | )lliS[, Jiroezo \\'i\n secured only recently by —13ircor i fi^TT^i fTfiliirpTi tm^i iJ-^wluj^-O'TViy' her second race on thotrack. Htclla H. alap .Dr. Cox!a/ uroi)orty,._ Uuvronct) King wftH:ovidoutly put in to make- a i'09poctal)Io nuuihor of coiiteslanta. ,, Afcer tho first hoafc.ol* tbo second " horao ratio there-wati a quavtfli'-milo 1 wheel cViiUcat ia'whichr i ,only...AVashing- ton ridera participated. In thin aa in . the former race Howard JTritts won : ~"witlrcomparative liaso, although Wm. hind in Ililing ordure, they"continuo to young pc-ople's, .socioties, both loonlly ]sent of tiio ml tit ?lf» ami Hi •allied al, Si. road nu'o I ho prizus woru l!«l.ll flOiUHlll Illp Ml! tu tin: llvo-nijle nice Lliuro prizes costing $">, T- nnd ?1. Ii! the (inc-iiiili; opon ilio ; Wii.sliinf>ton monthly for the present to j for nutny moiHhs on full time or ovor- i tf h i h j d h f li d meet. purH iy bo re linvi"(i «yo itefects which j did h I D j o; and a ehancio for ivurcalioi) and Sci,,llo,5w,..l,d,iimtobeam.raclow , etc. Dr, I pinnsuro is very much desired. B}. tl , 0 tim0 tho period is committees having charge of tlie aiTangomeiUs aro "Uncle" Charlie Ohnat.ino and William Clino of this place, Andrew Beam of Port Jlurriiy, Joseph Mitchell.and K. N. cost ?io. . v uu^mw.^ •."^•j^ '"""-'' •"",^,^; jut aneiul, tlie new four-^tory addition Colo of Itackettstown, John Nix, In tliu liiill-iiilUs open tho valuos wore- v"',^ 1 ^Va^Jt^111 o»o^\vho n.ictV. 11 is norvlcus. I to the factory doubtless will have been Broadway, L. D. Heller of Stov JSundSi!. -•• Uuinay'hotomKlat.theSi.ClojHlUoteloiij^pipte,! n'ml fully ready for occu- Ville and Gsorge.H.-Miller and Sa JrfglSl^ SV. 0 " 9Ild ' I T nlh ^m&&* Ipancy.- ?•" :- -- , - •—--:• pjltunt of Philli^burg. ... ' , y •jLii'g"em'o'ula,could_uot^.bo.-madQ.forJ.JiJ*JI'I^Li i J,i. ,.„_,, ranj«. ^_S2^»<•-• holding tho li)0i. convention at San Francisco, tho mooting place would bo changed. On Sundayr night the convention atljournod/it ( , : " " ITavo,yci" writiiiK paper nt; 10 cents a box? ' " ' right ought to bo free, they should l^o" inimecliiuely assured of our nation's in- tention to giyo them indepondencoaH soon as a stable government con bo established. "Fifth—Tho Filipinos, having fallen intff'onr hands by accidout of \yar, niio.iL..-_lio!C.jwlil(!li. wo should bedoaltwltnaccording to Amor--' --- S . A ^ ° x & Snd'Sn JoSd |can Principje 8 and notonlUBlVen V ndcuircs for only 25c.-tho best .inilciienileiire, bnb protected from out- be found in the county. Warren County Drugstore - t •-• • '" • 3 t. atdo intoribronco while they work out their own destiny." ",(.»•

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  • 3,271.riot-1;

    Wnrreli cc(>•fore long, include one ttpccilkationwhich demands some immediate con-sideration. It is claimed tbnt in econ-omizing freight traille, tiie companylms increased tiie length of trains, and,while retaining about tho same num-ber of men for each train, thp numberof trains is reduced. Tho long trains,it is asserted, break in two on the sharpcurves, and thus endanger nil tratlic,as well as the train Iiands immediatelyconcerned. This is n matter whichgoes beyond the question of employes'grievances, and touches the nafetyoftho whole traveling public.—NewarkCall.

    An old brakeman of the Morris &Kssex paid the otlier day: "I guessyou'll see this striko business goingfurther, and it may come here. Wecan't stand the present plan. Wo arebeing moved from our homes to takenew runs: the freight trains are beingmade so long that brakemen can'twork safely; wo ceii't talk to an ctllceron the road tiio way we used to whenthere was trouble; the runs nro harderwith no more money; we have to workSundays now, and men are bundedwithout a word."—Newark Call.

    ThblLackawanna miners are organ-izing and will present a list of grievan-ces to the officials of the companydemanding bptter pay and improved

    j have done their alwtro the painters will c o n r l i t i o n s of lnbor.| be given a chance. New scenery of The plan adopted for increasing the

    A CniiHl Slm.t Dfinonstratlon-Visi-ian up-to-date kind is to be purchased, t h e f r e i h t b l i g i n e g . s o f t h e Delaware,t o r s III III! D l l i c i l — > l i l | more and hotter seats will be provided j !,„„];„„,„„„ „„(! Western

    IMMMII-I' for All. | ami In general tho whole outfit is to | cnmp"nnJ. i, b e in ! r carried out. In•The committee IwviiiR chnrRe of the I b e "'"'"(.'•"P" '"" ' something the town j p a r s n a ,K", e n f c h l a ,,]„„, General Super-

    arrangements for the grand panicle of itho firemen, which is to be held hereon Thursday, September 2Sth, arepushing their work with energy, andthe success of tho occasion now ap-pears to be assured beyond all doubt.

    Tho invitations were sent out a fewdays agp and already several of tiiethirteen companies invited, have ac-cepted. Tho others have the matter

    that the rake- cannot trot a mile in liveininnle^.. Whatever induced tlie ownerto enter her is a mystery; probably,donu inthe spirit ofajoke. Hoekenbcrry had madea waiter that he would cotne in lirst. Hedid s. but the horse was compelled to runcvi'i-v vird of tht' coiuse uid oven then under consideration and all will nrob-1 , . -1 ,-l t t ,.e n 1 i ,. -r 1 s I ably take part. This will make in all! s"'11",

    or e",ch >"^ \u'm . i J r r o l l'l,;r»\vlMdM,md:lMvi.-0n|rourteo,.conM.anie3 in line each with!™

    11 ^ andlh, n,™ will, Brc,.t ««.-, tin. Ii,™ b,i,,s tl.uir ap,,araUl9M ami most of them !

    ref«'01™. «A «Iroulnto J will go through. This will add won-will be serve.! to the guests therein. I ™ore mon^ F o k s nK t ° l v " . w " «ot clerfully to the freight business of the

    Wednesday afternoon nnd endeavoredto work tho game on him u^aln, he atonce recognized tho man and causedills arrest.

    Recorder Stanton was about to die-charge Rowley for lack of jurisdictionwhen the Hayonne police telephonedthat ho wan wanted there for severalswindle!', and tho recorder thereuponremanded tho prisoner until Friday toawait tlie arrival of the liayonne police.

    Nonoof tho Uayonnc victims put inan appearanco on Friday and the pris-oner wiia consequently discharged.

    Thc Hoboken Observer Bays thatCollins, who at tlrst announced that hewould go to Washington and prefercharges ugainet Rowley there, was ap-pealed to by the prisoner's wife, ayoung and very handsome woman,and tho would-be complainant gallant-ly replied that he would not prosecutehim.

    Collins informs us that he consentednot to prosecute- Rowley further upontlie promises of his wife and their law-yer, E. W. Kirk, that they wouldeither see that the directories were putup in Washington or refund the moneyreceived in payment therefor. Tlielawyer also returned Collins his twodollars. ...

    No ono ever expects to see tho prom-ised directories or tho money paid for

    DEMOCRATS CONFER."""MIVH Cliniitfcil— Devlin Deposed—Mr.

    llrynn's Ifi-aine niixtMl IIJI, with tl: Council, diHtingmslied guests and rtieresult lluitClirialhiu was ruiiiforutl iinuon- jmlRes of tho piivado.

    the Mabe! Florence Company ; Field ;car will reach Scranton at 2:30 in the Igratiilate.the country on tho passage j aw 8";«pto |SfJfVnlimTe™ Soie?

    & Hanson's, Ciorton'a, Guy Brothers' | morning, but occupants will not be ! of the Anti-Canteen act, which so a c-1 ̂ ^ X ' n v e s and hlppiiiesB of con-• -• - - ' juvakonod until such hour aa they may I enrately represents the wiU^of the | a u m e r 3 , employes and producers ofand Gns. Sun's minstrels, Hob^on's

    Uncle Tom's Cabin and Littlo Trixie designate. Returning, this enr will boby a beautiful spurt, Krltta whoolecl ĵ joVw fur dTji*tur*!*Iiell whvii he ajraln took j ' The company making the best ap- [ " ' i i l a l a u llul.d Uie boui'ds. 'about Chriatino npparoutly with' groat jt«ttin tniek, but tuu liitc'ttiimiko any kind pearanco^in lino will bo awarded onqj The owners of the building are t

    ; ready.for occupancy at Scranton early

    American people. Its nullification by j raw material.Attorney-tieneral GriCf

    picked at I with painful solicitude

    viewed \ "Second —The President appoints'nnrl" P\*p"r in 1 the'Attorney General, and, if he de-' ' " " t'^t-r IU"! sires, can sueure an Attorney General

    and 'was qiiiio badly injured. Thoentries were: Stella B, a bay maro byKed Hall, driven by Mr. ECLoU; Itotty.Breeze,"a bay maro by iJritvatk', drivenby Mr. Cox; mid Inwroneo King, abay gelding by Loland). King, driven

    pleted yet, but a hirg<Cliristino iifth. | eqiuvalent will, doubtless, be reported, i'. limn hull' tho people j -phe 3Ub-comiiiiUec?* are: - ' !

    i) ]i>a tlii; L't-ouiids feariiifr tho approach .iiijj shtiwer, nml It ijcfjiui raining ln.»i'ort! allhiul passed through the f.



    n.v this l1

    Short Vacation at; (,'oriilsh'ri.

    brulgos and wator supply ; "M'o regard fcho election of a poly-1 "Fifth — The Republican party ison ttto M. & K., has been uppointed to j Ej.uiiist to Oongross by the State of j powerless to extinguish tile trusts so

    l i l th t t ftlh thTrniisiinrtntioii—nilI,CiU'per.ter,DyriKs. 1 Superintendent A, F. Florcy has an-

    j. AUvenisiiifiniHlprintins-rikiiine^Ucetl, i nouncod a closing down of the Corn-1 Hill. , I j9ii piano and organ works for a week

    : the same oilice for the entire road.gui

    the trusts ftinilsh tho monoyK eP»b" c«» P1" '^ »'

    ! L'tiih us an indignity olVercd to ervery i !o n S

    ! American eitixe.'i and an .insult .to. the !|'S'.tuctityij:ind purity ot\;tho Christian | . ' ..AOAIX^I' IMPERIALISM.home. We protest against tlie election \ "In the IMiilippiiio question certain

    preaching storm there wore but two from the amount, r tee iml in i-ntrancu let's ' Table help-Uvrnw U Smitl, J K joKter to take tho annual inventory of I cicfod t o r u n i t 3 a i m u . u excursion onhoiita U-ottod in LhlH nice and in both ; to the Kroniuls and «r:mtl stand. . S | l l i l l l & .o t , smatcs. j slock and to overhaul tho machmory. | Tuesday, August ^ n d , to Uoekawny^ ^ e m U n u r . i i o r s e ^ e u m e ' i u : ^ :-AlH8ie4l,\u;sm»tlV^:-C;Sintor;^ilrod.;jTwo ;wceUs^timeorder named'. Tho "actuai timei "niado IsUii c i>si i i 1 •;•" ^ 15,' "iT'ti *l * a" \v I ii ] i "tiiuV HcV-ii j > t io r ]" "uiii!—Oar peri tor. Hill, Snyder. " | it"is iuirdiy pfobuuie- ttiiit-iL will be \ 'Sat isfautor^yntis liavo been aecurod

    ": wits 2:-I2A':

    infMr^Monu'i' t̂oki>srlM • . . 4 I I I I L U 4 I I I O I H l l . 1 l . ' V < ' J V L . ' t n I I I l i ; f t [ I A l M h >_FL'



    S O 0 in o Proof Dlocpinrr \t\ ARO does uot necessarily meani Oi OI !S 3 Ulcat DtcSSing 10 feebleness ami i l l h e a l t h , aminearly nil of the sickness nmongIf PlUDO T h o m oklorpeoplecanbeiivoiiliHl. Most eMorly11 UlfuO I llulll people* nre very sibeeptible to illness,

    but it is wholly utm«'*»s>yirv-. lly kwp-Dlnnri anrf 1 ifo i n S their blood pure they t-nii fortify themselvesD1UUU QlIU Lllui so n$ to escape tlm'tMuurths uf the aihm-nU

    from which they suiter so generally. S. S. S. iswinch will keep their systems voting, by purifying the blood,

    thoroughly removing nil wuHU^uccutn illations, and import*ing new Mrengtli iinil life to tlio wliulo .ln.Jy. It increasesthe npt'Otito, biiilili* up the CIIITKU'S. ami sends new life-trivimtbltiOiltlirmiiihoUt tho entire

    Local Correspondence.j ST15 \VA UTS VI IAJ 13.

    Anunibero!' our «portlmr l"r«tvrnIty^«t- j ^ Theblrthcuiysof Mr.nnd Mrs. James K.A u Hportlns: i n i u ytondetl the races at l!ueketl*toivn lastSaturday.

    Merchant Yvonintis bus laid upwitlt an i-uliirgi'd lace, the result of.indent molar.

    The birthdays of Mr rs. James K.Uiirbcr oc. Wo unilwmluiHl Iho Washington mid * Tlittiiiuw'iSurliNewton teams will cross hats on Saturday i ty !• u ,,,i i !,,

    [at WiulihiQton. CansUlenihle rivalry ^ - MJ. „„"! Mn,UH hotwem these two teams and n'jj Mr| H1,a Mrs; flaVrv WHfer ami" two chit-oxvitlimffiuiic.h expected-^ A^miuiber^t : , ,^ of lWon: M'rs.. Vincent Smith and

    ^iirc; Mm Ccof Wctiknivkuu


    i i-h " t"v o c c i"> >- i i tf. -ism fsA

    Mr. Vimnattn is n.rssssis:ative of Jit.

    Saturday Half Holidays.Be^innin^ July Sth anj Juriiu July anJ August this Store

    closes SuturJays at i ; noon. Open KriJay evenings.

    "EMPRESS" PETTICOATS—Sole Newark Agents.

    PARISIAN DRESS COMBS—Sole Newark Agents.

    MATTELUTZ UNDERWEAR—Sole Newark Agents.

    ALMOND SCENTED 1 Q , v v , . . •VIOLET BOUQUETS , S o l e * w a l k A - e n t i -

    SELLESKY DRESS SHIRTS—Sole Newark Agents.

    No Agents or Branch Stores Anywhere.Free Deliveries.

    Mai! Orders Carefully Filled.

    707-721 Broad St.

    . ill for a number uf months. She is nt her j Sili'uie Jiowcra onhrdamaL-fiiKiies bo n<; Home on JJepue .street. j p r o m p t l y reiuly to spread the truth

    1.' Wf• A jiil delivery was frustrated by the. mvnit wivh patience the result.11nnwv discovery on the pan oj MW, ..\-otwUhstniidIriB the ibrco heat th«! Mac-key, daughter ot the Sheriil.of aplot • b H s e m ( J I l t o f the Uthcran church wans to break out bv cut tins: the window liars. nflMitWtnh]v tllli..i mi ̂ titimiov uiinri The plan was io no out last Saturday nieht:- ?. « V S -

    bM»™>" »»«rbut Miss Maekev chanced to sou ttic men '.,„-,,. n1- ,|,,7

    jut work and thev were soor. put in their • K™. , „ ; • „ - iI cells where tliev'cnn do no harm. They ; | " ' . ' ' ' r .I miinaccd to Ket hold of a few case knives . ffc*"}\A otheland making tfcein into «,iw-= th.-y ;; nuVkin^irec

    crea" on "it wliteh the

    • iron Imrs worf in n "condition n« tnbre ikiofVwitha little effort. The Sheriil 'undo Hthorough search of the jail and found two

    lor three snws that they liad m a d e o u t o f , . , , - ; • • - ,-,- - — ,with which they did the work, killed within u year, "oncjer n t h

    devolves, hitd he en inriut'utiiMhle in thei"L-ITUI tt. and dvsurvc till lliu uivu t i l i ng «aUubout them on nil sides.

    Sjx KansiiMSheritl'i hsive been shot nn

    | to saw iron again very soon. . ; ;.i Aaron Hildebrant, son of John Hlldu-! "'g .'.?

    and e\'ery •/.ird cla.-sod ;is summer croods, and much

    in this Cut-Price Sale. We desire to have a

    Everv artivi

    that is not, is includ

    thorough clearance and are willing tn make a sacrifice in order to ac-

    complish it. The reason of protit selling is p;tst; the^season of sacri

    iice is here. We'll sell f

    An inspection will satisfy

    than the actual cost of manufacture.

    Do not forget-he very he s«rmun conveying the charge to the c .gram with1 grace and skill. The entire j pregntion, and in the evening the He1program was cleverly executed. j John 0. Voder was formally installed "-

    Paul T. Fairclo and family have takenl Holstch, m»Mlon for tho , .mm ( r . ^ a l ^t i to^rod^MookSpoS ti

    t]n» was swung to the hreeze at James ceremonies ns meaning «omethins moinine's residence, nenr Rockshnrg, Ttie^- j than the mere fact thnt a pastor had betSeg: ,_ _.__ „, __

    day evenins, by the niembers of the P. O, chosen.S. of A. of Belvidere, and the Rev. Mr.Brooks made the address.

    Drs. Locknrd and Beesley were absentlust week attentling the sessions of theState Dental Association at Asbury P&rk;

    The Rev., Mr. Anderson of Westlield, and |Ai

    HOPJ5.Mrs. Snover and two children, of Bit:

    got", arc visiting her sister, Mrs. Chest'McCain.- .

    Miss Sitdie VanHon; arriveda young student from Drew Theolokicnl I MM " » S«idie_\ anllorn arrived in low

    Seminary named" Armstrong, bave -been ^Ionday evening.andMiss C.trrieAiinHoispending a few davs with the Rev. Mr. °» Tuesday evening of lust week.Brooks and wife,

    The Rev. Henry Druen gave .1 receptionlast Friday evening tot lie young men of the1st Presbyterian church, and a most de-lightful season was spent together.

    , There will be a harvest home on ti grounds of tlie M. E. church August Kit:' to which all are cordially invited.

    Mrs. Kate Kirkhutf and Jennie Dmof JSast Orangti; visited relatives here oviSunday. • .

    ilrs. Farley.Mack and daughter, of Dver, is at her mother's, Mrs. Louise Hiidi

    . brant.A startling incident, of which Mr. John ; The T. A. Seals fninlly are nt Gladston

    Oliver of'l'hiladelphia was the subject, is j visiting Mrs. Seals' mother, Mrs. Apgar.narrated by him as fellows: "1 was in a, Mr mid Mrs Ira Tlaun siient n few da

    asyse: susiss,,, SZAZS; \ £?BTsSlSSS^^

    l (lie C n



    nd Inflammatory DiseasosCured by



    i-iivi'ry li«i* ii"*nIn llelli-vuv H o -fllltlll, I'lll'U.l.'l-Mnryliiti-1 lie '

    tkl myijilr'tl iviiKl'MA'ns

    WM. A. HTltYKKR,No. '.1) K. Wnalilogton Avc.N

    Hit*nt HIP iitnrvfloiit ri'tnM

    m.l.Tfili Kn>iK-li,Mn1k-iil I)

    vr< xIlS

    MiiltlnnirP.Mli A|.rll. ISCinml-' lifiv nt ilm ho^|>ltnli|, wlinr—-cil ii>- me, luivlni;l, I ln-rob)1 tvi->>iiiinouil U liti-ni.

    D»- K. I-- ItOtiKIlS.

    ULAlltSTOWN.Mr. and Mrs. Alvln NowniiUi of Mt.Tinon jusftyd Moiulay with friends here.)r. JoluiNon'.H futiilly nre enturtitiuEiif;uip:uiy this week..Icci'her Kd^erton iriHiidilud a line to his wdl equlttped livery «table.We arc sorry to say dhoetnaker Sllker Isthe tick lint.

    ;runk I'iock of Mt. Uase, P.i., spentrt of last week here.

    I'nricrtakur Hull' undo n business tripTrnutftii lint week,

    The price of potatoes has droppedfl. 10 to 51.00 here.

    Mrs. Mary liicu itnd fainlly of Mt. Her-on spent Situnluv and Suudnv with her

    its, Mr. and Airs. Mat look.Miss Josephine Y, L'rLsmnn in spendingiis ivoek with her cnuid in other, Mo.Ijrnin It tick,n t HniueAburg.Miss Grace Walton of Flntidcn is spend- \ijj a few days with -Miss Kltm Logiiu. j ,1I.


    Hev. K. II. Coiiklin and fiiniily ypunt n | iN",i"-ry >'jupleof diiys lust week In town renew-jr"ig old acquaint a ticc>-- " - ' - : . . - • . ' : : •

    A cistern is hieing built at the MarbleHill scliool house. .

    To Cure n Cold in One DuyTake Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.All druggiata refund money if it fails tocure. 25c, The genuine has L. B. Q, oneach tablet. • :""' , i

    A^Crr^[rsbuTyrthuivintemlent of the Lacka\vitnlion a visit 011 Fridny l

    ATti»tiiriior(iriesigiifurrtlflhoil for rill own

    l l t l

    uhiilns Ilca


    A Revolution in the Treatment ofRECTAL DISEASES.

    Piles radically and permanently cured in a few weekswithout the knife, cutting, ligature or caustics, and withoutpain or detention from business.

    Fistula completely cured without the use of an anaes-thetic, confinement,^ bed or pain. Fissures, ulcers and allother rectal diseases are treated with an unfailing success bv

    Dr. E. B. Lighthili,Specialist niiil Expert in rectal diseases of every name

    and nature.

    No, 563 Broad Street, Newark, N. J,The testimony of Mr. James M. Fitts, awell known resident of Washington, N. J.TO THE AFFLICTED:

    For many years my wife suffered from n very sovoro roctal trouble. Shohad protruding piles of a vory painful character and a fistula which ponelratodby ii number of clmnnoln dcop into tho tissues of tho fleHh. She did not have aday's comfort during all theao yenra and many a day she aufl'ered actual tor-turo. Wo tried everything for her relief but ' to no permanent purpose, andconsidered hor-caao as almost hopelcHs, when fortunately our attention was di-

    'rectod to tho wonderful success tn mich.cases of Dr. LighthlU of Xo. 5(!0 Broad t member of Congress, voted for resolutionsSt., Newark, X. J., the celebrated specialist of roctal complaints, and placed ""'' ' " ' " " " • ' - ' - - " • - -her under liia professional care. Dr. Lighthili proved himself fully up to hisreputation, for I am most happy to stato that ho effected a complete and per-manent cure of the entiro trouble. Tho chango which this euro efl'octed in mywife's health and spirits ia'simply wonderful. Sho feels like her former selfonto more, and indeed like a new woman. Wordscannot express tlio gratitudewo feel to Dr. Ughthill, and to make his skill moro widely known this state-

    WAKlll 'S W I I K A T I J Y ' H WISDOM.I HOC that my editorial friend of tho Tid-

    ings still Hilda intense satisfaction abusingme, loilng no opportunity of hurling limy direction such cholcn epithets as"irnltor," "copperhead" and tho like. Yogod?! hut how hu doeslny it on. All whooppose him aro liars nnd knaves, and tohim there is naught but goodlinewi, godli-ness and ItoiIncsH in tho policy of imper-ialism. Truly, a valiant and strenuous aknight, full of theatrical heroics nnd tear-ing pawiloii to tntturs, :IH with IIIH pen henppcnN to prejudice and spurious patriot,[sin. With Mich ii puissant literary war-rior on Itn stall', tho powers tlistt he shouldImvo Illtio. difficulty In arriving at tho"({lory crowned height*" on schedule timewithout losing a collar button in tho as-cent.

    iMy opponent hns uindo up his mind thatMicro is no mjtiiu nor reason In anyonewho holdsdlilorent views from himself ontho question of the present national pol-icy. He is not to be convinced that he IsIn tho wrong by any IUCHIIH. AH a matterof fact, newspaper controversy seldomchanges the opinions of the participants,and Is only vnluiiblc became of the publicIntercut excited in thu discussion. } differfrom my critic In that .I am not so".not'1 In my anti-imperultstic notions thatnothing on earth can change them. Whenthey are proven wrong I have no furtheruse for them.

    Talking of "traitors" which, nowadays,means anyone "agin the government," re-minds me of a history of the1 Mexican Warwhich t WHS reading the other day. Inot surprised to learn from it that our flagwas hoisted it) Mexico nnd likewise "hauleddown" when tho war terminated. Thereis precedent, there-lore, for "hauling dowthe iUg." May It always be hauled downin any place where It 1ms no right to be!I was much surprised, however, to learnthat one of the noblest men the world everHaw—Abraham Lincoln—who WHS then a

    ment in given so that othor sutlbrcrs may bo benefited thereby.JAMES M. FITTS.

    Hundreds of testimonials of cures in desperate casesfrom prominent residents of Newark and vicinity can beseen at Dr. Lighthill's office.

    which Implied that the Mexican War wasunjust and begun contrary to the Constitu-tion—just «s the present war was. Mr.Lincoln also spoke In favor of these reso-lutions and condemned President Polk'swar policy. In'effect,'he said the Presi-dent was' responsible for the blood shed in

    . Unit war. This speech was made Jan. 12,! ISIS, hofore the treaty of Guadalupe, Hidal-

    yo. Though Congressman Lincoln votedsupplies fur the wnr, he always maintainedthai the wnr was wrung.

    If Abraham Lincoln was H "traitor"ii glad of It. If Mr.

    Office hours until September 1st, from 10 to 3 on Mon-day. Wednesday and Friday.

    Dr, Lighthili desires it to be distinctly understood thathe has nothing to sell or to send. A personal application isindispensable for treatment, advice or terms.

    Special Millinery SaleAT THE PEOPLE'S EMPORIUM,

    We will positively close out our entire stock of hats,

    both trimmed and untrimmed, at cost prices.

    TRIMMED HATS—We have some very stylishtrimmed hats from S2.50 to S.(.oo each. You may

    ~ = : •have-any of thoe:;il $1.99 each. - -'.- -.-•—-.;-:•.—--.••.-

    UNTRIMMED HATS-Kvery untrimmed hat will

    ! j.( )( )( >( I< Ii I

    3 E. Washington -We. (. 12 Broad Street.

    Great JulyReduction Sale.


    !vSuitS"ffo\v;:?i2;::"::;'--"-:J-~7-:-";;:1 •-""--••---•--

    ^ilihlFSkirTsfZ^^White-Pique.Skirts, 98c, $l.25.f$l.49, $1-98 t o . M - M SShirt Waists," 25c, 50c, 9Sc, JI.25 and $1.98.

    s^5Ac,J75^9'8c;ii$i::25.and..$l..9.8^.White Lawns, 5c, 8c, 10c, 12 !-2c, and 15c.Colored Lawns and Organdies, 3c, 5c, Sc and 12 l-2c.

    JOarperater,, Below the Square. Northampton Street,

    t ns one, too. My compliments to the PortMorris correspondent of the Dover IronKru.

    1 atn not booming any particular lire in-surance company, for I believe in boom-ing "11 good ones, anywhere and every-where, This is the golden age of life in-Niiraiicti ami it is right it should be. Therichest men in the world carry insuranceas mi investment, or as a legacy that can-not bo touched by their creditors. Poormen curry insurance chiefly for the pro-tection to their inmilies and largely for ihu.investment value. At one lime life in-surance was of no pecuniary advantage tothe insured. Today such liberal optionsare nllowed-'by the companies that a policycan be turned into cash at almost any

    j time. Rates are lower than ever mid noI man can afljrd to remit in without thisprotection. The man who says "insurancedoetm'tamount to much,'1 will never be ac-cused of knowing too much.

    "When the husband and father is dead,the kind words and oilices of sympatheticrelatives «nd friends are gratefully re-ceived. The eloquence of the officiatingparson at the funeral wilt long be remem-bered, and tho floral, expressions of condo-lence will have withered and been destroy-ed long before they have been forgotten.But when the sorrowing guests have de-parted and the head of the home has been

    { placed in his narrow grave, and the poorweeping widow, dollarless, with severallittle children hanging onto her dress be-gins in think nf the future, there is nothingthat.wi!! do her niore good-than "FT checknf f»ond sizn from an .insurance company.Of course, money cannot heal brokenhearts or buy pence of mind and happiness;but it Is very handy to have around and Iknow many widows who will say so. Thehusband who neglects to insure his life isthoughtless and cruel—that is, unless hehas made other provision for his family.Get insured by all means in some goodcompany, and keep it up. It pays.


    "nif'.N'iit Wabble /Good returns from advertising are se-

    cured in the •.saints manner'as other pro-fitable results are attained in any line ofhuman eilbrt—that is, by keeping at it.Sporadic trials of the advertising columnsof oven thu bctit newspapers bring only in-tttniiitluiit gains. ••• A. hoop .•which -wabblesin its rotations over the ground docs not,ol course, follow a straight line, nnd thetradesman will discover by observation andexperience'that in tho •niattci1. of; :uh*er Us-ing- he must be ns regular and systematicns in the management of other depart-ments of his establishment if he be anxiousto keep on the direct road to success.


    List of real estate transfer's lodged forrecord at the County Clerk's olllce sinceJuly 1-V1BD3: •

    Wm. 13. Ribble and wife to ElizabethSf.runk, of i'a ha quarry, dated August 1,1SIIS, convuys land In Pali»quarry; consid-eration jjao.'oo.

    Enos E. B. Bcatty ami wife to EdcarStone, of Greenwich', dated April 2, 1S07,conveys lot in Stcwartsville; consideration

    * James Inghiim, ex'r, ot" iila., to D. \\\IItigerty, of Phillipsbnrjr, dated July !Jtl&H), ctirtve.v.H lot in PhiMipsbtirg; eonsid-

    . Oiniel W. Kiigoi'ty and wife to S irsih E.Willevor; ol' J'hiilipsiHVrgr uiiU-dMiil.v-ISi-1S99, conveys property Jn__._i*h.11 ipsbiir^;COilSltii'rftliO!!1-*!;̂ '̂̂ ——™™^?!̂ -:--̂ -—---I:1.", Wm. A. Ackleyr-Adiii'iS to Siiufer C.Siller and"wifu:of!;.Alsrirls_Co.,..dflted July17, '"ISiKt,"" conveys " property "livilackeUs-tuwn; consideration fV-'oO.

    FredT. Dunmont,ex'r,et ai., to Clws. B.Brady, of PhiMpflliurK, dated Junu 2U, lSllfl,

    Edward W. Aimer and wife to IMiuheLuigh, of Sussex Co., dated July II, 1SS11),convoys •prnpertv in Independence; con-sidcraiion ;i,aiO.

    Elizabeth P. McISlriitb. to Perry Mc-Elrath and Wm. Runkle,'1 dated Dec, 21,1SS1, conveys lnncUn Franklin; considera-tion £1.00. ' '"""

    Maircio Unvlor and husband to Jos. Voor-hees^of Washington Tuwwiliipr ,dated

    EASTON, PA.e e o g

    Mnrch 21, 1Si)!t, conveysntiHldctriition $100.

    lot In Oxford;

    OXFORD.CharlcH It. Poolc of Dover, who secured

    tlio position as fore tn an of tho carpentergang of the company, has moved IIIH familyinto Ills residence ut Jonestown.

    Charles Blessing of Dover Is happy.His wife nnule him n present of a buywhile visiting at the home of Marx Bless-ing,

    Henry Snyder nf Easton was in town onHnttiri)nY, vltiiiinu iiln i>nronls, Mr. iwdMrs. John Snyder. '

    Mr. nnd Mr*. O.T. Schnrrer of Washing-ton were visitors [n town on Sunday, uttho parental home.

    The now company on Saturday afternoon

    A X D K U S O N .Ilerman Mowder hoi. inoved back from

    Dover HIKI is II gain work in ir for bh futlior,Wm. II. Mowder. ^

    Alfred Canfielil. Jr., of Xfbraskii hanbeen spending a few days with A. O. Van*sickle. Alfred IH only tun years old, andmade the trip from the Wostnlone.

    Anderson expects to surpass anything oftho kind yet tx-en held with Its nnnualharvest home on Alluust 2^rd. Good musicand several new features will bo added anattractions to mnko the event a novel andentertaining one.

    Hubert Hendershot has been makinc ex-temlve improvBinunlH on tho school iiou.suto be completed Tor thu fall term. MissHeld ofllopo hns ngaln been engaged anteacher.

    Mr«. Carrie Shufcr of New York andMrs. Charles Ilummer ot'i'orlColden wereTho now company on Saturday afternoon. - - — ---•; -,-,-" "o."~ r~ f~

    paid all ofitnemployestheirsomi-monthly the gut-Hts of Mr*. John Sharer one dayw»igea. The men were paid at the main last week.lll L b ivd 5110 d y d " " ' "ollice. laborers received £1.10 a day midcarpenters ;1.10 n day.The employes of the Eastern Mining

    .on.pat.y received their pay on Saturdaylast after waiting nearly live weeks. Themen would havo ccntcd working at noonif their innuey had not been forthcoming.Ucnoral Manager Kctcham rcas7 for eachframe, half cash down, and failing to com-ply with the demand he will keep thephoto. He should be arrested.

    S. B. Stihvell of Scraoton, who has beenin the employ of the D., L. & W. R. R. formany years, IHS been removed.

    Edward Winters, a constable of Hopetownship, was arrested on Saturday foran attempted assault on the wife of Win.Read of Hope. He give bonds for bis ap-pearance at the September term of court,

    The remains of Sophia, the little nine-month-otd daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. Aug-ust Fensky of Brooklyn,were brought herefor burial on Monday. The funeral .ser-vices took place at the home of FrankKohn, Rev. Bayliss oiliciating. The bodywas interred in the Hill Side cemetery.

    Brooks Chambers of Parkville, L. I., wasin town on Saturday and Sundav, the guestof her friend, Miss Sadie Wilkinson.

    Barber Scholz has improved his shop onWall street with the painter's brush. Healso has placed a large red and white pole' I front. _ ' i. . ':

    We are sorry to state that our old towns-man, Wm. R. Call, js not improving inhealth, but is sinking fast. His friendsfear the worst.

    Liberty Council, Xo. 11. Jr.O. U. A. M.tinitiated a candidate on Tuesday eveningand received two propositions.

    IJalthcas'Scharrcr"" secured "his formerposition as carpenter with the new coiii-pany. "He will move hi 5 family .hero fromDover next:week.

    Thomas Bannan has moved his familyhere from Dover, lie having secured apostion at carpentering. He was a formerresident here.

    Dots CuiVee Agree WIU.%You'.'If not, drink Grain-O—made from pure

    grains. A lady writes: "The first time Inade Grain-0 I did not like it but after

    using it for one week nothing would to go back to cofl'ee. It nour-ishes and feeds the system." The childrencan drink it freely with great benefit. ItIs the strengthening substance of puregrains. Get a package to-day from yourgrocer. 15c. and 25c.

    J 1 A K K S B O U O ,Win. Sexton and Mr. and Air*. Wm. Et.

    Clnrk were at the Warrenwood House overSunday.

    Ef.rl Soverel of East Orange is spendingsome time with relatives here.

    Miss! Edith Rice was the guest of herfriend, Miss Anna Young of Brighton, partof last.week... ^t,. • . ...

    Miss Lucy Mott has a new Columbiabicycle.

    Mr. and Mrs. Charles Case wore withMr. and Mrs. Edward Gurris from Satur-day until Monday.

    Many of our people attended the Har-" * the Yellow Frame church

    any of ourHome at

    Fid ilast Friday night. A largo crowd was inattendance from Newton, Blairstown, Dan-ville and other villages. Tho DauvilloBand furnished tho music and the grubbag and gypsy fortune teller kept tho peo-ple amused whilo they were not busy atthe. refreshment tables. It was a very suc-ccsiifi:!-."lUir,' thu,lid proceed:; .ait:cu..t!u£.tofUS.

    Mitchell's woods cverv afternoon this

    the charge of UevsrMr7L1owis~o['J6l.iiSoris'hurc, J. W. Addy of the Yellow Frame and13..A; McLiuiry. of Marksboro. Revs.Mr-Chapman ol1 HnckettHtoiv'n and Dr. Uutlerof Bluirstowu will also take part, in the

    .eetings. -;..̂ .-»

    nre*"sfo"""o~llllISldc~HouSGToncouple of weeks.

    Mjss Edith Little of Newton spent Sun-day1 with her parents. '•.

    Mrs. Oberg and Mrs. Hennion nnd chll-1.dren returned to their homo in PiUcrsonon Wednesday last after a two weeks' stnyat the Hillside House.

    Rev. John G. A-lily will occupy the pul-pit of our church nextSnndny morning.•--Ay;-A. Van Hoi n and Miss Nina C. Wi'- ;"'luk were guests of Miss Linnio ttpo-nt-—*

    LOXG BKIDGKW, E, Cummins, a former resident of

    your town, has been spending the pastweek at Vienna and thid place renewingold acqjaintances.

    Moses Applegate has been somewhat in-disposed for some time.

    G. /..Williams' saw mill, which hadbeen standing idle for some time, resumedoperations last week.

    Sovcral of our boys are training tn enterthe bicycle races at Ne.» ton on the 29th.

    Mrs. George Pool hits so far recoveredher health as to be able to go out.

    Stephen Schooley has disposed of sometlfty bushels of line potatoes at a goodprice.

    Austin Ho well' of Vienna and WillieBurrows of Rochester, N. Y., the latterthe guest of the former, made a trip toJohnsonsburg Sunday afternoon on.theirwheels.

    Mrs. Arnold and grandson of Belviderehave been the guests of her.daughter, Mrs.Charles Monroe, at Mendville.; ._ , ; ~ ^

    Wm. Staples, who has been very sick for-some time, is slowly improving.

    Mrs. Daisy Teel, who has been criticallyill for some time, is slightly on the mend.

    MissSlockboWer of Brighton has beenvisiting her parents for some' time, Mr.and Mrs. Wm. Staples.

    ANTHONY.Moco Hitdcbrant spent .four ..days . at

    Orange with his parents. ....Harry Beatty has returned home after a

    iix weeks' sojourn on the mountain.Mary Nunn is seriously ill at this writing.Lawrence Frills/with a large truck load

    of friends, called on his son-in-law'••'Henry jlast Thursday in anticipation of namingthe now heir.... Mrs. Anna Fritts spent Wednesday withher mother, Mrs. Elsie Lance. "" ~

    Mr. mid Mrs.,. Edward Sntphen anddaughter, Laura, spent ''Friday at Alex.Anderson's.

    Lemuel Gardner of R&atyestown is visit-ing friends over the mountain.

    Jos, W. Burd lost'a valuable young horselast Thursday^frotii colitj...... Jerr.v.;Miirl.att has cut

    1! and thresheil hiswheat oir theBentty 'farm. IIo has sibushels. "̂

    Alex; Anderson and son DanieV havebeen busily engaged in locating tho newpipe lino for the Junction Water Co.

    SOME MEN THINKThat fretting over busi-ness affairs will chanceresults. Don't fret; itwill do no good. Theman whose business isprotected, through a iioodsi>;ed Life Insurance pol-icy in THE PRUDEN-TIAL., can obtain morecredit in business. Hisassociates are protectedagainst loss.

    Write for information.Home Office TVl A - P f i i / I A t l f i n ] Insurance Co.Newark. N.J.I l i t 1 1 U U t 11 l l d l of America.JOHN F. DRYDEN,' Pre.ldtnt. LESLIE D. WARD, Vice PreVt.EDOAR K. WARD, 3d V. Pres't and Counsel. FORRE5T V. DRYDEN, Secretary,,M. .M. HESSINflER, A.


    never attempt to moot argument withargument in regard to tlio McKinley


    • ,'• MOST1IS TO JVSK i.'w, 3.J7I.

    CM*». L.STRTHIK. EDITOR iuo Pnofn\tron


    I YEAR $1.50; 6MO5..75C. 3 MO5. 40c,

    It wnsan irotiiciirfato which madeColonel Bob IngoMoU the son of uclergyman.

    Why not arbitrate the Philippinedifficulty? Or is arbitration a methodof fcjttlement to be used only when we.think it will be a hard job to lick theother fellow'.1 .

    The Philadelphia Time* estimatestbiit about 5150,000,000 will bo spentabroad this summer by "Aiuuriuittourists. This will swell tlie nation';exports and make some people fcelpgood—those people wliu

    i di

    g p p believe inthe nation sending away more than Itreceives in return.

    The reports about the situation ithe Philippines sent from Manila minthave been lies of more than ordinarymagnitude to so shock the eleven cor-respondents or eleven imperialist pa-pers that they had to publicly protest b>means of a tlrou:id robin." One oftheir correspondents represented theNew York Sun, n paper whose devo-tion to the Administration blinds it toall faults hi the object of its adoratiou.

    CAN AKKOItl) TO UK IIMC.MTV.It is reported on• (lie unt lwity of a

    Wall street circular which recentlyoflcrod 300 shared of D., 1.. A U\for sale that "the road after pay inginterest on all bonds is earning *Jl percent. 0:1 its capital atoek." The .Chic-ago Public remarks:

    Thut is evidence of the prosperity ofowners of this stock, lutt what ttbout theprosperity of those ptioplc who have tolost- the.s« enormous dividends whichothers net'! For some out; mu^t themNo business can earn 21 per cent, unitsfattened with a legalized privilege, and tin

    • i'ut"of 'legalizedprivileges• must be frivilout of the unprivileged. If the Delaware£'Liu:kawiiiiiia railroad is eariiin- 21 pecent, it is not because the owners of thtroad are serviceable to that riegret.', but be-cause tiie riffht of way oi the road ;them a legal advantage.

    The residents of Washington cangive testimony that some of iiiper cent, has been "fried" out of themin the shape of discriminating rates 0fare. In other ways the road is consistent with the Yamlerbilt motto, "thepublic be d d" 1:1 its attitudetoward the communities through whiclit runs and which are touched by nocompeting line. There will come iday of reckoning) for this road tunothers of its kind when the peopleawake to the importance of ejectinglegislators who. will be honest witl•them.

    The resignation of Secretary Algerhas called forth more popular upthan anything he has ever done.

    Some soldiers of the Tenth Pennsylvania Regiment have sent four skullsof Filipinos to friends in Washington,Pa., and vicinity. The skulls werese-'cured from bodies of men killed by thtPennsylvania boys. Is this an evi-dence oi* civilized warfare'.' Do thiadvocates of imperialism endorse tin.sort of thing?

    We are at a loss to "diagnose" thomeaning of a recently published artlclientitled "An Object, Lesson in Protec-tion." We are also at a loas to know bywhat process of reasoning the embryistatesman on our contemporary arrivesat the conclusion that the present Ad'niiniM.r.ition be credited with the. revival 'if Oxford.. . .,

    Editor Minderrmiti of the Dover IroiKra calls our attention tu a blunder W\made a few weeks ago when, we reI'erred to Garrison, tho noted abolition-ist, as being opposed to the retentionof the Philippines'. As CliirriSson hasbeen dead about twenty years theassertion loses its point. It w;is a re-,lutivQ of the deceased Garrison, a son,we believe, who made a speech oppos-ing annexation. We thank our friend

    ..of-the Dover .Bra for setting us right,us tneS'fAU aims at HecimicyT™

    An "idiot editor," says the Cincin-nati Enquirer, asserts that Aguinaldobases his hope of success on the moralsupport of the Democratic party, and,

    —adds-tho. En q u irevj, _ .._„____'7, "From the ffttastTlIevelopm tints it"

    would appear that Aguinaldo must b<:>..dnpandiii(t chiefly on the lassitude of

    tho administration at Washington andthe lies which have been sent homeabout the conditions at Manila. Thefault lies iii the war management by_the administration. Anybody who

    '"tries tbaniftiltTanywhoro else, and es-pecially to a political party, is mani-

    M festly a. fool or a villian."1 *j place.

    Kofciid 11. Mollneux, churnedThat citiM of wind-jabbing editorswho provide over tho little cross road,boilor plnte ndvocates of iinperialisui :ti]citd by thu Now"York CJniiid jury.


    EX-AM n Joseph I,. Chatnberllti* I a * * . . . . . . . . — . _ A 1. . .has purchased of Lambert Humphrey tbo

    '*nion Hotel property In FIcmliiRtoti. Mr.imperialistic greed—but just yell "cop-1 Ciminberlln will take iios^cssion Auji. 1st.

    It is amusingto ĉe how near other nuTchatits try to

    to ;i brand ot llour similar to mine.

    getting rid of over $100,000 of itn fundsis bardlv a just sentence. And withgood behavior tins sentence will bo ru- numbers *Jii,-l50 chapters wtiii n mombur-

    1 ' exceedliiH l,T50,WH). There aro sovor-H) Th nro severin otherduced to live years. This, in addition j Ĵ f11* |°*«*-'«JJ

    nK *•"*>•to a line of S'J.OOO, h the punishment of | t'ountries?^ ° "Cashier Valentine of the Perth Atnboy j The Stony Hrook Paper Company hasbmtlc i piirchnhed the Kdcn Mill properly, near

    A rtPtlleni'he Philippine

    ipnt which nhould give to'- faeture prutteijonrd. ; [our price lor.

    :tutee e m y pound of the Jnmes M. l:ittsLily White Flour and the prfce is the sutneas charged by others lor interior graJe$2.00 per cwt.

    THE CRACKERS we wll aw the productof the American Bakery ;uU are not

    .'. Always fresh, an

    isonlv5olb.estroyed by the lire which resulted,h i u l f f0i» about one

    Hence there must be some more kill-1 The streeting.-- Philadelphia Record,

    iu town are ot* the s:ime »ni;ility andr ICIIIKIV. Whilel tended with much rioting. Attempts havui the pruJucl i>f Ihc

    ! been miidc to wreck the street car com- j ̂ ^ ̂ .^.^ v o u nme , n i r p r j a . i # , l l rbeen culled out to preserve i Gallons Uil, 40c.

    5 O.'illons ija^iline. 65c.We cannot repress a smile at the: »>Hitln have been culled out to preserve

    lurid and picturesque ninlignancy of [ ° T S BrMneion Chronicle, estnblishecl inthe editorials in our local contempor-ary. What cine fan be

    nml the oldest puper in Cumberland As ««'oj a Hoot Heer Extract :is any youmore f»r, we sell at 8c.

    , „ . . , --,plitnatloii lo I tidyor the possessor of that patriotism , not naturalize*! Aiiit'iicuns.which is nil Wool mid a yard wide. '• Common wash blue diluted in water is iBut he may change his mind somo of; J» ̂ ffViVc'in/ki'fw '̂TliV A l t o i m X ' ! ' ;'these days. Helms done it before. \ IJeViiocnit Uys " lint H^mnn*" in* ihl.t c'itv

    entirely str>iM"' ravages of the diseasein a large tloeU in a low tlavs bv the use ofit.

    •Articles of incorporation were tiled withthe Jjei:riiliiry of ̂ tuU- ln>t wttk liv the

    TI1K KKKl- 'CT O F T I U S T S .From True AMKT1'*UI, Tr.

    • ••tiily al̂ out une-h:ill tlui ordinary qitor ;t Jrawinu, They :ire tree liitm a

    Uilternlioii'anJ ^oloriiii; matter.O . \ O . Hkln-st Blend, 60c U\Ko S;t l-'urmosa OHwii;. 50c Ib.Ko .Mi Mi\eJ( i w n :mJ Black. 50c ll\

    Our JtmtiAt the nicttiiip of the Southern Hurd- J \\lv •̂ •«-'reUrv ot MuU- lu>t wt«k, liv the, ^.^

    ware Jobbers' Association, held at Atlantic j Comtllui'S'wliIHi iii"?nu Sori'k'O'capital j Our Welcome Coiiee.City recently, the President, Mr. Charles [.stock o!1 '-:JII,(«K) The company U to j Java,H. Iredeli. referred to New .Jersey us the ; ooerate a railrumi three miles 111 lenprtli in ! Our Potto Rico O»t':ee


    ionic ot tlio trusts ami eoiiMjlirfitUoii.,, and ! • ' i u r i l : ' county.a*.* or hta l,lotijr wilHt be

    re f s .hiswith the presunt drill oi, n i l li (,>

    Trv liism when yousUvt'!Hl;5T.

    affairs, b e f o r e i n d i v i d u a l i t y in t h e n d t n i m V I ••'een l y n o h e d tr»j;t'ther w i t h lot i r of t l i e i r ; \Vt> ! i : i w I ' I I U T -4r;!,!tj- ;it 10c . 12c :\nd

    Irnlion nt' vniir himttnIX WCTL' ! ' '""" " I 1 " 1 - 1 , 0 , ° , . " " . "*" ' " s : Urcndfully mutilated ln-rorollie in t i im-f ! 20c. n-ihrn's lust a> z ! ;i> >.".! p:ivartick?' And upon till" quc«twn Inuig1" killtci l,y tho mob. I ra,,.P ,,,.onu of tho most important elements of; Snrnli* Unrnwt-ll Klliott lias won mi t-n-: ' , ", ,the Issue of tun trusts. I! very Inch oil vied place In tlie minck of renders WHO AnJ t!lra :K;I;U yi'll m.iv Iv >l|.i:t,ilprosress In AuieHcan manufactures |,,,s ] lpvu simply, dhsot mid hcnutifiil ;ii;tiii|i. C:«Mk'J I m.>J«. Try Uur OiliMmia K«-.been mude by und through thut rivalry! ' ^ i,,,",^"n^c'l'ViiUiosMhiin"'" For'tiit'^s i Plnllis. he;t\->' syrup, and >y.\[y 15c tor .md competition which sought to intro*{ Vassals." the c -..duce ne«- I'eatures of an economic or [ Uppincott " for .*artistic value into tlie product put upon( Auyustino Fnithe market. In pottery, ior instance, I

    ' novel ol'tliy " Ne

    onsot•-lmpe,«ie?orntinn, eixlurniiro keeper in thu smuc town.nit have plnye-1 a part in which Hval cau»|it and Aneiwino !f«v

    f h h i ̂ j»"ire of abduction it mi

    > of MnrrNtown15-year-o'd Jennie

    ilauuhtur of a store-(haveTfaev were' , ,bail 'on the!*111*'

    'ii three-pounJ c:in.We mi^ht ^ii tm ;iikl fill (li;^ pa;vr un

    .inning thtr t̂»«U things uv liav^.lnitvW >;tti>iieple wlio use good judgment in

    it is sBenjamin S. Maxham

    piiilantlirophist, is duiid.Tlie Milford Lender bis opened a free

    reading niom in its oflice.At'coffl Htalistics, only one persi

    James M. Fitts,35 E, Washington AVQ.


    A genuine ''Bentlcy'1 Fountain ;

    Pen, two £GM banJ^. 14k pen. war-

    ranteJ two years,

    $1.5O..Uo nut pay" a i.uicy' \y;\ct ior a

    name. This pen will neither skip

    nor teak, or money will be refunJeJ,

    A founiain pen is a convenience to

    every one—


    CHAS, M. WILLIAMS,Opera House Pharmacy.

    PHILIP BATY,Practical Tin and Sliuei Iron

    Sanitary Plumbing,Steam aud Hot Air, Heating.

    out of 200,000 is klllud by lightning aiinu- Many people wlio use good judgment m.,11.. ' other mutters; pay no attention to this

    \il .. . . ,- • , _„_ nuisance. It would \w -A good law if thoseThe crop ot oats in Kaists is JJO lwce | W,JO t h r o w j ^ , , op o t h o ^ rubijish in the

    ttiat 10 cents per busimi is me prospeuLuc ; s t r e c t nu,i l 0 ,m< for the duniazc theirprice. ' --•.•••• - • • .--v.:.™:. -•..,..„.».-.-;( Cnreiesihc!Ms-iii!iy

    ;-'miiiMv™A)iotiic-r - f rui t f l i !. Andrew Cflrnegie thinks Gcnern] Miles ic^{jse nf. accidents is one team beingshould he sent to Manila t6-:uiidHUu Ilyl.L- j "niioivSi tbTiriveimsi^u.i.Ui.:.'^a:-»rs|^crt- ,_. _ _ ,, ,„, „„ „,„„„.„ ,ing there. «, '-' j tlint no sensible driver would ior n monijtnt

    thin yuar'B wheat crop, nsugaitmt Cht pro- j The timu to'stiirt "a liiwii'is in"A"ngustV " " T " ""•"""'•ductoflMtS. „ [Make tlie ground tlnq in July nnd let, it " " *

    Andrew Shtiwftcr, a Franklin, Furnace bave an opportunity to start the weeds.Hiiiiill-hoy, wtis drowned in Franklin Pond -i'ilell w o r[j j t . u1]0 nc;ain in August; useon the 115th inst.

    Devore of Rockawav and

    day und were ninrriJohn A.: Apsur, nn old • and respected

    •esident of Clinton, died in that town onthe Kith inst. in hia GSlth year. „_ _r.:"Thuodbre Harding, a prosperous Ijatiib-.ertville farmer, dropped dead in that townon Monday from heart disease. ;

    Elihu Root, tho noted corporation lawyeror JN'eiv. York, bus been appointed Secre-tary of War. He has accepted.

    Mexico bought 200 organs ar.d 21fi pianosIn tbo United States Inst year, A. pood.percentaco of tliem were made in tliia

    i-ooti aslies and rake the soil line. 'Sowlie lnwn grass seed nnd the rains will ci

    ... , ( n n i i t c 6 n t n r & v « rriel.ies, but one, of the best grasses for alawn is Kentucky blue grass. The grasswill make considerable growth before win-.Leiiunl"ui:OoiiVi-wc-llc-sublisltGcl:-D0"nuLmow it in the spring until it is at leastthree •inches high, and do not cut it Looclose. •

    The annual Ilarvest.Homoof theaprucoHun Lutheran church will'be hold uponthe church grounds on, Thursdny. Awgnst,17th, afternoon and- evening. There willbe music and spunking. Everybody isinvited. 7-20-5t.

    Uehiein Building,


    the Oculistfrom Eastern

    visits Washington . ( x ;J

    Second Friday Monthiy, 2 to 5 p. nu,

    at St." Cloud Hotel.' Free EyC'Examlnatii


    The Big 15-DAY

    Glearance Salo'- Begins on Tuesday Morning, Aug. 1st, and Ends on Tuesday

    Night, Aug. 15th. You are personally invited to attend.

    THE SOLE AIM AND OBJECTof this sale is to reduce stock. To reduce stock quickly means price reductions—big pricereductions. We have made these reductions, made them honestly, made them intelligently,made, them with the single purpose of making this sale go down into history as a merchan-dising event of the.utmost importance.. We want to throng this storo with satisfied buyersduring the entire period of the sale. We want our public to feel that this is the supremeselling effort of a most successful season. Printed promises prove nothing. We ask youto lit each item to what we say about it: you'll need no further proof of our earnestnessin this matter.

    Hill's anJ Fruit of Loom BlouclieJ Muslin, fie.LaiKustLT Ginghams, 5c.12.' inches, 81-2e"iTTpuri:liase;Qf

    Ir SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. 3Best California Hams, 8c Ib.24 1-2 lbs Best Family Flour, 49c.10 Ib Kit Salt Mackerel, 93c.Best Bologna, 7c Ib.

    Best 50c Teas, any flavor, 35c Ib; 3 lbsfor $1.00.

    Best Breakfast Cocoa, 17c can.' Graino, 14c Ib; 2 lbs for 24c.


    Formerly Straus & Stiner.WASHINGTON, N. J.

    r Farm-for•= Rent:.-- -,A farm, i p acres, adjoining l£:iston,

    lJ;i., lor renfion shares. '1 he land is hij;li-Iv imprnveJ'linJ very proJuctive. LameIniilJiilKS: ice liouse and up-to-date milkhouse. Stabling lor twenty cows alul aprolitable milk Inis'mess eslablislieJ. Atpresent carriej on by the owner, who, MJesireJ. would sell the stock to a tenant.A tenant must be .iJivi-jnikl able to larratproperly." iJossessionj;ive]rA[iiii I. njuu.

    L-i::::.-.:.lj.:̂ i,p]v-tC>;--:"-:''o i OKiiS- ' -QNO,-.•- .•-' ' '. . PliiHipslnirK, N. .1.


    """Designer of features" ;fh"d"tactal'up1~

    ""wiiiskersTanci hair trimmed in allthe languages. .•

    Manufacturer of Mediterranean'sea-foam and hydraulic shampoo.

    Shaves 10 order executed on short.,notice, with free hospital advantagesand no extra charge for drayage.

    Over the First National Bank.

    A= Word- to -Mother-Si--;—We liiul we lHi|.^t"utfi^any Children's Fancy Suits on hand, and •

    iivorder to move thonrquickly we offer you choice of about two hun-dred linely made anil trimmed Suits in Vestee, Juniors and Sa.ilorsN.attlie following ^ireat discount:

    - ; - ; - •-•-•••: : A l l O! O l i r -i',1 .CO S U i t S a t .: 7 5 ' ' . ; . . . - . - ^ 1 . . , . . ^.::...^

    "...J.:5°,r$2T75, 5".oo".

    n (, ( < (

    3.oov'Suits at 2.2;.4.00 " " 3.00.''5.00 " " 3.7;.


    Also about 40 pairs of Wasli lJ;ints in check's, stripes and plain r '~

    crash, in sizes 3 to 4 only, at two pair for 25c, instead of 2J C II P:l'r-

    BRYANT,TheClothier and Furnisher.

  • II



    The Celebrated Scranton CoalAT 11KTAIL.

    D, KVJ.l ClntAt Hi


    i 3 , KV.nttxl Clint**, nt

    N W l lAt H i . , I,, ,v W, it, H. Klnvnttxl Clint**, nt

    bond of Hr«l right huttd Htreut ubuv« Now Wlntl-porllnti ' l .

    (Imtu $ t.0>> iiuEgg. , , . . . . , . . . -l.nOi>L>s i u v © l i i i «

    iuiit,3.oo, '5.35, '3 . \a, *T.iri|7.1-1,'S.W, 1>. III.

    KHOM NKW YOHK.Arrlvn nt Wti»lilii8t*m-*6.!i5, •" . :» . 10.10, 1H.-J.-1,

    ILL1. MI..Vi, IL. in. \!Ar>, •:lil'), ti.a'., ii.15, T.:i:), •H.'.f),"10. IS, '11.5*1, (,, in.

    l.ivivn AVuriiilnjjtftii f->r Emtoii—t.'i*, lO/JS,•11.5.'i, it. 111. 3.«*f, ti.1T, ?.:((, [•. til.

    I.ORVU Wnithliiu'lon f..r S.:niiiti»ii-17.:i.i. 10.i',,

    •'11.55, Ik. III. *3.«i,*i.S5, ".U'3. MU.H, • 11.50,1,. in.

    I.i-fivf f«.r Jit net luit ~7.&', !!).«),1. Vrrlvi>fnjuliw inn

    JUUp. ill..1 utiotUn*—, I1..W, a. in.

    tvl ' thus rim AMf.

    KXTKA SL'NDAVTIIAINS. •Itiiui u> itHiw trniim whl.'li rmnliiHy,uiiik- Sini'liy tmlii- luiVL- been | iu luu:

    vtm NKW voiiK.

    A draft for *3,noo( the iimonnt .nf tin

    Thiwo employees of the Lchifjh Vnlleyd f i

    eyesight have been notified to get glasses ;or hutid in their resignations. \

    Tlie laborers nt the Terra Cotta wor-'S,1

    havu had their wagen iiicrensed from ;l.'i"»:to f him per tiny. Purely further evidunsc \ "* '"""of the law ol' supply mid demand. : Lliartt |B

    Jr., tlie wenltliy Xcw Yorker who piir-ebiised the handsome Hcranton home-stead at Oxford several weeks ago, hn.fdetermined to locate a woolen mill In the

    The Wonder Cornet Hand of Belvidorefford

    0'mWornblo complaint in Ox-ver the low wages paid labtirers nna

    clir , „ „ , . Ulc I1(!W COI11|inIiy f , . ,„ „lIs now under the leadership nt I W . C. B. f I | n (1 r M p c c t i v c i y . Our corre*M. Uemminger of lilair-stown who was ; r l o n t (Um noi s t l l l t ! U l 0 i(1

    formerly in tlio 13th Regiment Band. :• m o u l d ( ! r H n I l d o U l ( j r U | S i d c ni(.clinnIcH.J. S. Klverson is the uiammer of the Ox- ; U c c o n t p ( ) l ) s Io i l c h a n K ( M t alleeting persons

    ford plant and not J. S. Albertson as re- J n U l U a « . t i o n Hro >iiJs :U|

    just as low pricings as anybody \NICE BUYING: \

    ARMOUR'S POTTl-D Ml-ATS. '••Il.-im and Tongue, quarter pound. ;c. ;

    uxt Thursday even-] j j,,i"f jwunJ. I'O.

    OLD O'I-AM

    "riockey1' Doollttle Is working in tliepiiino room at Cornish's for a few days.

    Dr. llnrnoii liiwHuluuttd " Yeast*' JIS the^utijcct of tliy morning sermon' nt theMelItodtat church next Sunday.

    J. ltoss Lake IIIIH trmk'd n (jmy lmrxt*1

    and a bny horsu for it handsome team ofijnys, with Theodaru J, .Smith of Asbury.

    S. T. Ilt-uvers has resigned his positiont for the Prudential In-suniit Co.

    Tlie company will now keep but threengcnUs here.

    Delinquent Tax Collector Andrews isstill doing i>n"t>ctive work in bringing dc-Huquents to time. Several were made tosettle their taxes this week.

    George I*. Snyder 1ms ordered an ex-pensive, up-to-dnte steam peanut roasterfind corn popper. George says it will beatAnything ever seen >u this neighborhood.

    : Uiils for Hie privileges of the Odd Fol-lows'I'icnic, to be huld nt Oxford on Au-gust 17th, will be-ructiivt-'d by mail tiulilnext Thursjdav by J. \V. O'Bryan of Ox-ford.

    Harry A, Thompson, who fins been driv-ing J .B . Hampton's delivery wngun, 1msresigned tlmt position unrt bus taken uposition in the action room at Cornish'sfactory.

    We have received the initial number ol"the Tattler, " Cappy " Sitgreaves' politl-tical paper. To those who relish the chiir-

    rr~~ ac;cri5t!crbrfc:'-::jc:::!"o:'-Kd!tor.-i:!tgre? will be of refreshing interest.

    Joseph Dcliibore of,South Unston nndMiss Gertrude Scott of Wnshington weremarried on Wednesday night of lust weekat tlie parsonage of the First Presbyterianchurch, Pliillipsbitrg, by the llev. V. V.Schelly.

    The feature in which the 'STAR differsfrom its local contemporaries in the great-est degree is local correspondence. Itpublishes on mi average about I!0i) to the Clinton library for the purchase ! lute George Wiidrick, died at the homeof books. Mr. Voorhees has been generous ' of her nephew, Sir. Cornell Itartio o V g pto tlie library before as well as to other; near Hope, on Friday evening, aged T'Jproject-s'for the benefit of Clinton. ] years and 3 months. She had been in poor

    The STAU so fur excels in news gather-! health for some time, and then heart trou-iitg—whether in town or country—as to S ble set in and caused her death. Funeraladmit of no comparison. Every issue con-': services were held in the M. E. church attains from 2i to 30 columns of matter, al-1 II('I»C Tuesday morning at II o'clock, Re-most entirely of a local character. | Mr. Hitgerty oflleiating.

    Owing to the fact that Dr. England will i The annual union picnic of the Sundaybeawayon his vacation during August,! schools of Franklin township-ahvayscommunion Kerviccs at the Presbyterian j pleasant and successful nttairs-wM bechurch will be held next .Sunday, with ! l i e l d t h i s >>eiir '» t l i c w o 0 l l s about 100 yardspreparatory service tomorrow-Fr iday- j south of Taylor's Grove, and about twoeveiiin". } miles south of Ilroadwuy, on Thursday

    •Speciiil Master hi Xlinncery Nicholas i - « ' • A"s 'f, 3,r^. T " " ';"" ' ' SP™'SS

    H»rrb 1.1 hi.-, report, recently lilecl. advises j s o h l ) 0 ' ""^""^ll"3 J™'- ^°Howard Hulsizer, 1S5 West Washingtonavenue.1 7-27-2t.

    WASHIN-O AXD Inoxisc done at homoby Mrs. Ellis Fox,7S Hornbaker street, l t

    Foil HALE— Celery plants, at WarrenStreet Lfreenhouse. l t .

    FOK SAI.K CHEAP—One heavy draughtborne and one farm or road horse. G. '/'.Williams, Danville, y . J. 7-20-21.

    Foil RKNT—Five rooms at Xo. (il Riilroad avenue. Al. S. Runyon. tf.

    Foil RI-:NT—House near depot. JamesIL Johnston. 0-20-tf.

    WASTEi1)—Girl for general housework at13S Uelvidere avenue. 7-20-tf.. Two rooms to rent on Broad street. In-

    quire at this olllce. •SATCHDAV, .HM,V 251th— Administrator's

    sale of desirable Hunk tuitl other stocks inUnion Square, Pliillipsbarg, commencingnt 2 an p. in. List embnices IS shares Phil-lipsburg National Bunk, 13 shares FirstNational Hank of Ha.ston and 10 sharesPeople's Water Company of Phijlipsburg.Jr.coh"VV.;.piiM«i"H\iiiiiiiistrat6r'bf;Dayid 1\Cline, deceased.

    FAKM FOK SALIC—T will oiler nt privatesale until Aug. 1,1S99, a farm of (in acres atKarcsville, known as the John Ketchamfarm; if not sold by^that time it, will thenhe ottered that day at public sale at Jos.Anderson's hotel, Port Murray, at 2 o'clockp. m. Call on or address Walter Karr,agent, Karrsville, X. J. 7-HMtt.

    FLAT FOK HKNT—Seven rooms nnd batliadjoining my residence, Mrs. S, A. Kib-ble.

    FOR SALE—A desirable property onGrand iiveiute; house contains eight rooms;all modern improvements; terms easy.Apply to Win. (.•i.Crevuling, First NationalBank Building. ti-22-tf.

    lives Rros of all kinds, let out on theinstallment plan. R C. Snyder, Washing-ton. " " • '-.

    Foit Hi:NT—House on Wesi Johnstoniti-oci; llvu ruonii). Mrs. Belle MuNally. .

    " :%. Q :- (l-l-tr.FOUSALIC^-A Hrndlev cart in tirat-class

    coiulitiof^. W. W. Christine. tf.FOR GOOD BREAD use Cramcr'a Flour.

    Go to G. S. aiattison's for crayon andpicture (Values, 10 Taylor street.

    Foil RicST—llouso on .Broad street.Mrs. I.ydia Jolinston. t, ' 3-Ki-tf.

    FOP. RI-̂ X-T—RnrrniK on'Vseconri . iioor... alNo. ifi East Wn-shingtoiravemie." Applyto Jacob WoIIer. ' .

    . KAixisu NUIWE.—Miss Annie- Duflbrd,medical, surKicariiiid obstetrical nursing.Address—WnHhinacton. N. J. 7-23-tf

    Ensign Boice,

    :, , Frank Sknlla, the tailor, has had thogood fortune to become associated with ]?.

    _ __i S> Stevens, the clothier. Ho will h.0 RH-- : •slgiicVi Jvsection of the big•ciotiiiiig'HtortT

    for cutting and tUting for custom trade,\vhilothe work rooms will, bb"ioonl.ed in

    1 tho third door of the same building, which, is now boing comfortably and noatly.Uttcd

    up for the purpose. Mr. Skallu wilrmovchis bciitibcs from the second story ol'.thoIllbblo building next week. It Is undor-

    ^ stood that Mr . Stevens will furnish tho.,,„,' necessary funds to push tho business, and

    have Heuorul supervision. »* j ^ _

    Oxford, who was arrested some timu ago | P o u n,. : .v r-store room fornioriy occu-.'for drawiiifr n widow's pension to which I pied by John Hisler. James H. Johnston.j slio WM not entitled, was sentenced last j F o u itKSTjrSmnll hrawo on Taylor street

    Essex county penitentiary. __She...iriotliij'rof TbinmyBurroiiglis' who burglar-ized' Hayes1 drug store in Belvidere lastfall and is now serving a three years' sen-tence for that crime.

    Cover your jellies with pure paral'ine.It will preserve them- perfectly and canbore-used next year. Best and cheapestarticle for the purpose. Warren Co. DrugStore. 2t.

    '.9.-J™.- EOIlSAIji'li—Pn.riii,nr-tl2;..porO«, good-forqrain or dairy; goodVmUdinKts; good waterin barn and house; fruit of all kinda. Alsoii wood lot of 12 acres of Hue young.timber.Also good brick house and'lot of HOVCIIacres. All for anlo by D. \V. Fronie, atthe Brick House-, near tho SunimerlleMchurch. P. O. addresf, Oxford, N. J.- Foit SAU:.—Two-horse Auburn steel axle-Wagon, now and complete; also ono Crown

    , grain and fertilizer drill. 11. Johnson Aj Son, Boatycfltown, N. J.

    Made from puref t t

    Safegqards the-foodagainst alum* f.

    Alum baking jwwckrs arc the greatestmenacers to health of tlic present day.

    Vf '•'••""ROVAI DAKINQ POTDER CO.."^EW VOHK. • r.

    ! :ull cre.-nn, rich, sharp, low price (r»r thisi|U;ili!y, i6c.Only store-in this oitv wh':^ ymi ,::wi

    buy tliis quality.

    l-'aucy Lemons, thi! J D « H , 20c.

    Koul Beer ri.\Luk(, «i!I in;tkei«;iii'*li>, 5c.'

    \\':ildorf Catsup, 10C. :

    1 Ib C:»n H;ildnn PowJi-r ;IIK! >nw nitn-J'spoon, IOC. :

    (MIOJ CniKlfiKfd Milk. -;c :

    Wiisliliin Powder, lull 1 Ib p:u-k:i«f. 5c.

    H;ini|Mon's Sunshine Soap,3c cnUe;? for ;c. •

    Two l.-tr^eVncks Table Salt, i c i

    IVanut Mutter. 10c jar. :

    AX COST!Gasoline;andOil Stoves.

    !. To closu out the entire stock quickly, we have decided to sacrifice! the profit on every gasoline and blue tlame oil stove in our store. All:jure new and ivc- believe- them to be the best made. Our judgment isI honestly based upon several years' experience as dealers.

    j Reduction on Gasoline Stoves.i Those that were S8.50 now S6.75.1 . . . . . . . 6 5 0 .. 4 8 5• " " " 5.50 " 3.90.

    Profitless Prices on Oil Stoves. .



    Mrsl Bradish. of Detroit, Wrote

    Mrs. Pinkham and Tells the Result,



    Set; our new anil up-to-date line

    of .

    Organdies, Dimities, IndiaLinens, English Long jCloth and Lawns, jUNDERWEAR-tho pr ies t slup-j

    ed and perfect made kind for both!

    men and' women. TUe.-e

    art not t 11

    About Our HosieryWe could say a good deal, but

    words would fail to convey to your

    mind the merits of our line. A

    personal examination on your part

    will prove highly satisfactory to

    both of us. • Ask to see our stock.

    You need not

    [lUjTER TO MRS. NNXIU1I SO, Si.jic]

    "At lout two years ago I bopnn to rundown uiil soon bcenmu ulnuut u WIVL'IC.X lost "aiy niipctUc and bt-jrnn to lo-oilesh; my btooil was impoverished and1 hsid to loa ve our store.

    " Thu doctors puvu me a littl« tonic,out I steadily tfretvivoriiramU'oiisiiltcilanother doctor. Ik- helped mo in someways, but my heartaches continued, anilI bewail to hiive night sweats ami myrest was so (lUmrued that 1 wtmlii IKIVOhysteria mid would cry ami worry overbuMUL'ss matters nml my pimp health.

    l*FiuuUy,h«s»iiMt»ioltiiif ifontli.butwith DO Wnetit.' This was u year ajro;no otu' can ever know what a winter ofmisery I spont. "WmiM bloat aftereatiujr ami WHS troubled with palpita-tion of heart and white.-. Hiivint.' ix-u.lby happy chance of your medic int.-, 1

    : bought it and wrote for your advice,i and before having tini-lu-d the Hr>t• bottU'of T.yilia K. rinkhain'I Compound, the hysterics nearly stopped1 and I slept bmmdly.

    111 iis(....u. ., -,tions. Cost is not considered when our stock is too heavy.;irc staturs, •' truest for n few d:iys of lior (jraiitlinothur; 1 « . i I i • i j •» *ii

    Mr. and Mrs. T.ovvis B. Morriilof Vienna Mrs. Susan Beck. | COIlie lu UlU' J u l y Cleai IHg SUlO a n y d a y , It Will p a y yOU tOpassed ^"uday in town al the homo of Mrs. Annie Cumtiiins of Nowton WHS in ! i " - . .Mrs. Merrill's pirents.Mr. nndBerry.

    John Gerlinrt of Allamuchy Is stoppingat the home of his nephew, [̂ tt̂ eim Pitten-;er, for a few dnys.

    Walter Cutzler of Phtllipsbnrg was theguest of Constable Piticuger one day In&tweek.

    William Wolfe is spending a coupleweeks ut the home oi Ills son John, at1

    Little Ferry, X. J.Jacob Fulmer has been employed as

    , boss carpenter nt the mines! of the Eastern ,Iron'OreCo. He ciunineneed workMoii-j

    town a part of last week.George Walters is Improving the np-

    penrnncu of the lower part of town by cut-ting tho willows oil'the island.

    These hot days nro the joy of the proprie-tors of the boarding homes,

    Mrs. Frank Mingle made a brief call onher crandmother one day last week.

    Frank Smith passed riunday with Jlr.and Mrs. Peter Davenport.

    ffA"^ f°r wekent.. He has



    t Walnut Valley Saturday n i g tMr. and Mrs. Jesse "Van Syckle passed

    Sunday with his parents,b B k i d

    day morning. i v ^ ' C T h a U nititH shlftl Miss Carrie Myers of llelvlderewill bo put on at the .mine* this week, entertained by Mrs. Aimed* Beck,making work for some ten or twelve more | Quite a crowd attended the festival heldmen. j at Walnut Valley Saturday night.

    Misses Jennie and Kitty Hedhefler ofBelleville, N. J., have been spending theptist two weeks with trie tub In this place

    i and vicinity". Thevekoeet to return homeI this week.

    Miss Olive Ayers, who was stricken with jdiphtheria whi!" on a visit at the home ofher aunt, Mrs. E. B. Pittenger, nt Phillips-

    I burg, we are pleased to note, tins entirely1

    | recovered and is expected home this week.We are Informed that the work of pros-

    pecting for cement, neur Snrepta, will becommenced at an early date. Severalfarms have been leased In that vicinity,imong which are two belonging to RobertJralg of this phice. That this new enter-irisc In this vicinity will prove to be airotHnblo one, is sincerely hoped.

    buy for future needs.

    3.CC0 yards 1-cst Lancaster Ginghams at t;C per y.irj. j

    i .ccoyarJs Fast Colored Calicoes at 3*1;. ' yarJs Gray Prints at .;c per yarJ, js.ccc yards best Indigo Blue Prints at 3c \

    fur yard. " • ' " ' ' - • . '.' - „ !i .ccoyarJs yarJ-wiJe Unbk'aclicil .Muslin \

    at 3?.:c per yarJ. Is.oco yarJs ext»a tine'UnMeachoJ .Wuslin !

    nt .|j.-c. worth •'>:. \special barRaiiis in Stuvtingf nnJ Slioets. ;Z.ISM 'yariis of tine' yaril-wiJc Bleached jtusiiit at 5C worth 7c per yard.We advise all to tak

    Jacob B. Beck is doing considerableditching on his newly purchased property.

    George I.ommnson of Belvidero was anller in town one day hist week.Frank KInney of ICnowlton passed Sun-

    day with his parents. ,There was ft larger attendance than usual t=?*1"

    : nt the meeting held at Henry Beck's last' One lot of Orgatulivs to close at ice. wortli

    Men's Furnishing Department..Hen's £i!fc Front Shirts, 49;..Hen's Silk Front Shirts, 55c.Men's Silk Front Shirts. 75c.Men's Silk Front Shirts, St.oo.liarg.'i:ns in Uuit'rwear.SuspenJers, -• pairs lor ;=c.Susi-enJers, extra .(uality. 23c.

    Suit and Skirt Department.Crash Skirts—See our special at 50;.Another lot ;tt 75c, Ko»d seller.Navy Duck Sliitt,-i rows white trinuniiiK.

    idvantaBO of these 1;lt e.ic.'worth 51.J5,nces.asHK'y win I-K ntuch hlglierbtcron.: '*• K- Skirts—Hull width.

    Wash Goods Department.

    One lot of OrganJies to dose at jc, worth'

    I'. N. Mtms—run wiuin. n.3u. Buttonb;Kk. Another lot uf that threat selk-r, TI.9SAll-Linen Plain ^kirt.

    \VRAI'Pl:l*S., 75c and

    Now is the iimefor

    Lap Dusters,

    Fly Nets, Ear Tips,

    We have a fine selection: also

    All Kinds of Harness jand Whips , Machine Oil , Axte Grease . I

    Etc. ; in fact, all kinds of gooJs kept i n a j

    well regulated harness store—at the lowest

    possible pricei. A ;a!l will convince you.

    •S/T. VA'NNATTA.


    ^ i

    The winners oi both the

    j first and second prizes in the

    y t h g (races on the Fourth rodea Fa rmer W a n t s I wheels bought of Christine.

    . , fV -VT i.- 1 Just now we are having ain the way of Farm Machinery, i °

    Plows, Wagons and Castings special Sale of

    is supplied upon the most fav-

    orable terms at the old estab

    out.Mrs. T. S. Van Horn of Itoseville is v|nlt-m relatives in this vicinity.A chnpterof the "All Souls Guild'1 hasten organized in tix. Jumps' church.Miss Augusta Van Atta and Mr. \V. Van

    Nalts will Vernier 11 duot in the St. James'church next Sunday evening. The servicewill be festival choral, being in the octaveof the patron saint, St. James.

    The llrst tloor lieams of the new M. H.clinpel hitvf been laid. The members oftho Uidies' League are vt-rv nutive in earn-ing the thoiijiind dollars pledged by them.One lady 1ms made ten dollars in knittingand selling wash cloths.

    Miss AimieS. Karrisentertainiiiir MissesMabel and Edith Southard of Baldwin.Long Island.

    Kree of CliargAny adult sutfuring from a cold settled

    on the breast, bronchitis, throat or lungtroubles of any nature, who will call alP. N. Jenkins1' Warren County Dru« Store,

    i or at M. H. Albright's, Junction, will beiresented with a sample bottle of

    tsosehees German Syrup, free of chargeOnly one bottle given to one person, amnone to children without order fronparents.

    No throat Or lung remedy ever had suchti sale as Boschee's German Svrup in allparts oF the civilized world. Twenty

    I years asio millions of bottles were RivenI away, and your druggists will tell you itssuccess was marvelous. It is really thonly Throat and Lung Remedy generallyendorsed by physicians. One 75 cent hottie will cure or prove its value. Sold ' "all druggists in this city.

    lished \

    Washington I

    e tot of Organdies to close at 6c, wortli

    ni me meeting uviu m. in.ui,* u^i , n ., ...„*Sunday afternoon. There is some talk ofholding a campmeetlng here.

    Win, Snyder, a Conductor on a streetcar in New York, came home Tuesdaynightsufferinc from a number of bruisesand a lame leg. The strike was the causeof It all. His car was stopped by the

    George R. Smith is greatly improving! strikers and a stone just grazed bis eye.ha^om^propen în til* place by [ S ^ ^ J S ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

    police. IJames Hull"of Polkville is painting the

    school house., Sunday last was an unusually dull day.

    iallv. -Neveruieiess, niuc" UU^-WBUIV. I There were no services held either in thertined that this valuable property will be morning or in the evening.>ueofthe many to start the wheels of In-1 Oscar Smith passed Sunday with rein-lustry at some future date. 1 tiVes near Johnsonville.

    srectliiga thirty-foot porch.Tho report that the Pcquest furnace

    near this place wan to be repaired and putin blast, Is still the topic of much rumor,ilthougti we have heard ot* nothing olli-:mlly. Nevertheless, much hope Is enter-t i d t h t ttits valuable property will be

    UPPKH 1IAWMONV.. I Indigestion brings distress after eatingMrs. Garret Quick and daughter Uilu of', with heaviness and deadness of thestoni-

    Dunellen are spending two weeks with I nch, sick headache, weary nnd tired feel-Mrs. Quick's mother, Mrs. Lucinda Miller, j i»K that is not relieved by rest, unhealthy

    Leonard O« lost his bfc horso ta, „ .„ ^ ^ S ^ A ' ^ S ^ ^ ^irom inuut.ii^.1. . ^ , Tuese are but few of the symptoms of in-

    Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gardner of south digestion and dyspepsia. To multitudesEastoii visited his sister, .Mrs. Ueo. Lorn-1 w n o thus sutler Mother Seigel's Cnra-uia-son, a tew days last week. 1 tive Svrup has proved a help and a bless-

    Miss Nora Snverconl of Phillipsburg was [ iug. Price tiOc. ami 30c. a bottle. It willthe guest of Miss Jennie Riley on Sunday.'cost you nothin" to try it. Sitiuplu free.

    Mrs. Charles Uamsev and son Allen are ^ C B S A. J. White, No. 40S, 188'Duanevisiting relatives in Lawrence, Mass. | fat-> > e w » o r k -

    25C anJ 37.':C.One lot vi imj'ort'-'J Dimities at 17c. were

    One lot of tine .Madras at i2h'c, were 25;.Oik- lot ol Crash Suiting at sc ttiaiie to sell

    at ice.Linens for Skirts—u!;c. :oc. :it and 39c.

    July Bargain Sale of Boys'

    Wash Suits.

    We have divided our entire stock in two ;Jot1; to close quickly.

    Lot \!o Linens. reJuced to31c.

    u n e iut vj-ceiit TaMe Linvtis, reiltice.! t o

    One lot ;j-CtfiH Table Linens, revluced t o

    One lot Table Linens, reduced to 79c.

    Buy all you want at these prices.

    Call daily- It will pay you.

    Wm. LaubachMr. "and Mrs. Howard Rice and Missj

    Anna Itice of Eafcton spent Sunday with tMr. and Mrs. Joseph Mackey. i

    Mrs. Garrison of Belvidere visited herdaughter, Mrs. Chris. Eugler, last Thurs-day.

    Mr. and Mrs. Ira Cline of Button Wood ;Mr. and Mrs. IraCltne 01 muiori MOOH; -*•?••-• :r."".visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Freeholders will take somCar hart on Sunday Knrtl l 0 f f l S t driving over th

    Georce Kiefer is entertaining his i a d v Harvey Davis'store.- - - I Lebanon Township Co

    GLKN .GAUUXlilt.The roads of Lebanon township will |

    soon be crowded out of existence by thebriar and bush trust.

    There is no doubt but that the Board ofFreeholders will take some action in re-

    he iron bridge nt

    P A .

    friend from Canada.Mrs. kiefer is very sick at the home of

    her daughter, Mrs. Jesse Itaub.

    R. Q. Bowers, Jr., Proprietor.

    ! These are standard makes

    of 1899 patterns, warranted in

    every respect. Come early if

    I you want one—only a few

    I left.

    W. W. Christine.

    COLUMBIA..• Miss Jes°ie Bowers is visiting her gnuparents, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Snyder,Knowlton.

    George Hummer is visiting relatives ithis place.

    .^MiwMnrtha Shnfvr of Oxford was tl._gnfst 6f-iitr'tuiishiV~-Mino HlaiicliC •Vroom,last week,

    Mrs. KobinKon of Brooklyn is the guestof Mrs. J.H. PiiJ'.-r. . "

    Andrew It. Hriiglc-r has fjone to Newarkwltere ho has secured a position.

    Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Kdnionds andchildren ofHlairsiuwn.made !( slun-t visitwith their aunt. Mis. A. M. Yeomans.

    There wns no service here last SundayI mvinir to the absent of our nuiu'stur.

    Lawrence ICvans and bis'sister, MissViririni'i, are visiting Mrs. B. F. Howey ather hoint) Ijelnw Trenton.

    Ii. Frank ICast is on the sick list.Misses Cyrene and Blanche Hurt well,

    both teachers iTI New Yuri; St:ile, art;s, pen din:,' their summer vacation with Hev,nnd Mrs. J. II. 1'ipur.

    The E|iwonh l.eimue will be in chargeof James Dietrich iiuxt Suiulay; topic—••Thu flood l'ai;t"—I.nku 10: 3S.

    Mr. and Mrs. Depuc Roseberry and com-any of near Hazen visited Mr. and Mrs.l A l t T d yuidtt Atney last Tuesday.Miss Edith Hofl" is visiting her grand-

    parents, Mr. and Mrs Samuel Heil ofPhillipaburg.

    Those on the sick list are: Mrs. AbramDepue, Levi Raub, Ralph Pittenger, Mrs.Matilda Weaver and Mrs. Arnzi Miller.

    The many friends of Mrs. Amzi Millerare gltid to henr she is cnnyalescont. ...-..• ...™.

    The Presbyterian Sunday school willpicnic ut Island Park on Wednesday, Aug.2ti. The Rocksburg and Pleasant Grove

    j Sunday schools are invited.

    •What might have been"—if that littlecough hadn't been neglected—is the sadreflection of thousands of consumptives.

    1 One Minute Cough Cure cures coughs andI colds. F. N. Jenkins, Warren CountyDrugstore.

    To HorseOwners.

    Mv time and that of my helper isnow Riven up entirely to the shoe-inc of horses and small jobbing.The work in these branches hasso increased lhat I have beencompelled to give' up wagon re-pairing and the like. The conse-quence is that my horse shoeingIs giving more satisfaction thanever before, for I am making a

    • spedaUUidvof ihenrt. . . . . . .

    Broad Street.

    County Driis Store

    Pelvic Truss Holds Rupture

    FranF V a n l p l l TBilliardand Pool

    BahrBSiiilirfg;: Next UoortF Post iOffice. ,,l

    Four Splendid Tables—^Courteous Treat-ment—Full Stock of \i}nt: Cigars andTobacco. ':>

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *********


    iVost SVuniilucton Avo,: «.WH9H1U_SIOII;N, .1. • *

    Von cinubiLtlm wltli It 011. een-repairlnctheJunction road. :" '' "• I

    Harvey Davis hud a half-barrel of newcabbage and a cheese outside of his storea few nights ago. The cabbage disappear-ed but the cheese didn't.

    The Band went to Fine-sville Saturday.Though the potato tops look healthy

    ;he potatoes are few and small.

    The farmers arc gathering their oats inhay fashion. The straw is short but theheads are well illled.

    During the Henderson sale 011 the H)th,Jewton Alpaugli's son George was badly

    .mrt by being run down by Oacar Harrisonwhile lie was speeding a horse that was upTor sale. Tlie horse fell' on the boy andHarrison was thrown from tho Risr. Theboy was enrried into Dr. Hunt's olticc andan examination showed that no bones

    broken. He was then taken home.

    Frank liters of Phillipsbihis vacation in" this ""'

    Rev. C. G. Bicke-1, wile and sister ofSpruce Uun visited Geo. C. Apg«r mid fam-ily Monday.

    H. Keifer r,ancc arid family spent Tues-day at Cokesbury with his parents.

    Miss Lenora O'Brien of Brooklyn isspending the, summer with G. C. vVpgiirand tatnily,

    Peter Bunii has started to build a largehou«e on his farm at Bunnvale.

    Proposnls or bids for building the new;liool hnuse will be received nt tlit uilice

    and Mrs. Saand llai-rv,

    m wasuel 1'ry and sons,f W P

    uel 1ryof Wan

    I luicL-Mrs.

    [ is .spending

    Mrs. .lumes D. Itushaiui daughter Klsiispent last ^Thursday with Mrs. ltalpl

    Mr.'"ami'""ti'ip. 'Mills.'vWhittlese, "

    nCr Min' tlVstHct c'lerlt'. jolin H.̂ Nunii, .Saturday. . . . . " "

    NVinneldStrnble:Df Hiyh Bridge find MissJennie Smith of Spruce Hunwere nmrrled...t t!i» vinrsnnjme at S[)rii(;e l!un lust Sat-urday evening by Revi C.'U.Ulckel. - -

    Farmers are in the midst of their oatsharvest and report th« r-rop very good.

    David Bird of Bnnnvale has opened, atobacco'j-r'jsicicriiji!.---

    round posts for fencing. ,.

    ui duuplwith Mr

    .jir. iiud .MO ...-, vWhittL.,daughter Olga o'f Trentoii arc aJ. Manning UusVs for a few wcuks.

    Misses Ada Smith and Lizzie Melroy n.itocksburg spunt Sunday lit Joseph !!•Hush's.

    Mrs. .Joseph Cook entertained a party oiyoung people al her home on Thursdaj

    the -Metl;

    vl t .

    Them will bo mi service idist chapel next Ssiiii(l»y

    Chester aiidMissLizKie/ereSuudav visi t Al

    P O U T M U K l t A Y .

    Harvey Gn'rey.of Ilnbokcn was tlie guestof his parents'at Cherry Tree Bend overSunday. ••„ ...

    Jep Little, an employee at the TerraCptU Works, is now abl« to nib up lifter aTyrlliiaht'aiillucsr-'.'-Hii illnesi- wtiscauseil•jy inhuling gas wliilu at work, :

    John Oiborn of New York city was en-tertained over Sunday by his mother, Mrs'.~amuH Osborn.

    Leon Canileld and son of Nebraska lire..pending the wcclcwith vcx-Judf-iu Cun-tielcl.

    The social held in the basement of theBaptist church Saturday night was a sue-

    &s and a pleasant ufliur.Aaron';Fisher of Bluiratown was theicst of his grudmother, MM, ISmnine

    We're Clearing Out # / / |Summer Suits,

    (Blues and Blacks not included.)

    5*5 : ' . .

    H Prices sharply reduced throughout the entire

    i | | store. Closing-out time. Your opportunity.

    p | The most complete line of Hats, Caps and Furnishings.

    Hi Al! newand desirable. -• "

    ffi Odds and ends in the Shirt Department. They are al-

    ^ riirht and tile price will attract you.

    I p An early call will convince you that we will save you

    p j money. The stock must ^o and yen should be one of the

    P | benefited.

    I , f\ S: Stevens.HI Popular Clothing at Popular Prices,

    256 5th Ave.

    Our Platinlim Portraits areUnsurpassed. Call and examine.

    : = R A T E S , = M

    Try Allen's KooMCasfi. ^ 'A powder to be shaken into tho shoes.

    .Your feet feel swollen, nervous and. hot,and get tired ensily. If you have smart-ing feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot-Kftso. Tt cools the feet and innkes walk-ing easy. Ciir^s swollen, sweating feet,ingrowing nails, blisters and callous spots.Relic'vug corns ui/d bunions of all pain andEtves rest and comfort. Try It to-day.Sold by ail druggists and HIIOO stores for25c Trial package FRER. AddressAllan S. Oluifated, LoUoy, N. Y.

    gUCSt Ol tllS gnUUUULUi;!, . m o , .^..lianghart, over Saturday and Sunday.

    . Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Searlbss of ..Orange•ire passinn a plouHimt, week with Mr. andMrf. Fred Searfoss.

    M^'il^inFrv^Hi-niimrn^! tWIiH" ny-.I.Kiijf, Cunliold ami Hev. Mr.,itnrs -it \1 • ah p , rs A t « " were outriding liwf Monday in tl.eotors.itAh.ill Baait,.ti formor's ri-rt the horse took fright at a!

    ~ " " ' I passing train, and apririfjin^ forward suil-dunly the ex-Judge- was thrown ovorbourdbiit iibtiirthu-lfunfiiijarc;!.---..- ...• • .

    James Smith and Hoscoe ami II own I'd, ofBerwick, J'ii., iire..siy'iidin« n lew wtekswitli.Mr.T.inV^i.rsrT: S. Smith.

    •"""• V/altur Miller of Notcon?? is passiny n,forttiif^ht with his grandparents ^ l thisplace.•-'i\iiMS'C»Viit itliiy--'llniiir.rctiiv.:itti!^ho!!ie/.»!••Siilurday after 1111 extended visit with he

    '•• ••»•' » 'Tir nnrf- Mi-s. Jo l in Miller-JtViuid aunt,'I)r. anat Netcong.

    Mrs. John Miller,

    George Wyducr is the happy father of ayoung son.

    Miss Klla-Hnd'.iberr.y of High liridgei\'ns cntcrtliiiuid on S-Unrdny and Sundayby-Mrs. AVKI. Wydnnr. .

    Miss Jlpllie and Uurtis James of Doveiare spending- a lew weelis wilh their

    A TlKinsiind TuiiKiiosUould.not express tho ropturo nT Antilc

    15. Springer, of 1125 Howard St., Phila-delphia, I'a., when she found that Dr.^Kinal^-Nnw... Discovery... for,, (Jpnati nipt ionhud conipliitely ciired" bor r,oi'a~iiiitjkin!i

    I cough that for many years had Hindu IHua burden. All other remedies nnd doctorscould (jive her no help, but sho says oi'this'ltoyiil Cure—"it soon removed the

    .pain in my client .mill I can now sleepI soundly, something I can scarcely remem-ber doing before, IfeulliJiC! .sounding it.*)praises throughout tho Universe." Sowill every cine who tries Dr. King's NewDiscovery fur any trouble of the Tbrout,

    4. Price 50c., nnd §1.00.arc spending ii lew weeks wll|i uieir I Discovery lor any iroumo >., ..... ^ ,cmimiiK, Miss. AUnu i\m\ Hurlis Unncc. . Olicat or TiiiiiR», Price 60c. nnil 51.00.

    Mr, and Mrs. Stewart: M>)k'l'_ nnd iTriiil Ijottles free a l R N. Jenkins'Wnvrondaughter tinsscd SmHliiy.-1.vil]|-t!ii:j:lni'in.!|.'H] County t)flie Store; every bottle t;uurun-

    ircnta, .Mr. and.Mj??j&oli Miller. J teed. " - '.- 'Countteed.

    of any mcrcaiitiie, ;conSir:has much to .Jo with its growth,

    stability anil reliability. A liberal amount of/ready money

    unJ a ourtcl financial ratin« secures the best' tlie market af-

    fords, secures it quickly and upon the most favorable terms. .

    A merchant who can «rul;:does take advantage of all dis-

    "'•'/'••'counTfl!^. 'tition, sell very low and at the same time realize a fair profit.

    Although not extensively":"b1e5Vedr:witir:the«lfiil^

    commodity, we are fortunate enough to be able to reap for

    ourselves and customers .Ahese advantages, which, coupled

    rVifJi a large and varied staP^OajLenabled us to build and

    ^^ScSl^Taife^mflfo^^" «• You are inspect our stock and learn il there is not

    0 money saving in purchasing at the •

    WashingtonW. D. Gulick, Proprietor.

    L.UImber Yard.


    JSLOO31SI1UUY.Mra. Wm. Uanghart nnd little daughter

    of Junction spent part of lust week withMm. Levi Klcliiine.

    MI^ tloiihx'in n {nn*»t of Mr, nnd Mrx..J. V. Willever.

    Mr. and Mrs. Jolm A. Knlit. of Brooklyn,spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jume-t L.Smith.

    Mix* Uzzie Petty h tho KUCM or Mr.and Mrs. Harry SfncJufr nt Warren fhperAll Us.

    Joseph HOIIHOI of Howling Green, Ohio,has returned to JIIH home alter a twomonths'visit with relatives En thiH placeand vicinity.

    Jas. II. Willever is Hpendlng n few weekswith friends at Sklppaek, Pa.

    Mr. and Mrs. II..I. Met/, are entertain-ing Mlti licsnie Hummer of I'hillipslmrg.

    Mr.s. Elin McCrea and Miss Flora Me-Crea are viHltlng with reintivcMitt Norton.

    ICriiuHt Willever spent Sunday at HighBridge. :

    Dr. Allen moveit to Pattennurg on Ttim-day lat»t, where he will practise medicine.

    l'ro.Hidingj:ider Smith occupied the M.•i:. pulpit on Sunday morning last. HUalso addressed the tinhbutli School In theafternoon.

    A number of young people attended aHarvest Home ;tt Mt. Pleasant Thurs-diiy night. JU-IUII a lluu tjniu.

    Mrs. Henry I'ox returned to her homeon Hutiday after a two weeks' visit withher parent1*.

    C. H. Williamson and John Welch visit-ed Itrolhor Rod Men at Califou on Thurs-(tnyi'Vf'iiln.jIimi, Mr. Williamson havinglieen called there to Install the otllcers ol'tlie tribe at that ptneu.

    Mkilnnnrv exercises will he held in theM. I-:. Sunday school next Sibhatli after-noon at 2:W». A eordinl invitiition is ex-tended to nil interested.

    Mrs. Kdward Anderson and Mrs. MarthaShannon of Hit/luton, I'a., are the guests oftlielr ni'iny I'riimds in town.

    Douj,'lan Vllet, who had his foot .severelyinjureti at tho Vulcanite Cement works, indoing nicely at the Kistoii Hospital, whereho \H being treated.

    Our boys and the Rauhnvillc hoyw crossedbats on Saturday afternoon last nt Ctirpen-tersvitlu. The game wns brought to asudden end by Hobert Tinuiimii, catcherfor liloomshury, (jetting hl» linger broken.

    The trustees of the M, K. church nrejhaving their church remodeled and en-1larked. Tlie spire has been taken down jandalielfrv with other adornments willtake itM plnco. Sixteen feet will be added!to the rear of the church, the lloor ole-1vntcd two leet at tlte front aud the seats |arranneil iiia.syml-cirele. It is the inten-ittonul'tlie tniHtees nnd congregations to!have tli bone of the ilucst churches in this:vicinity. George Stamels is superintend-1

    ing the carpenter work-Mr, and Mrs. George IIUIIHCI attended

    tlie funeral of Thomas Manner at Anburyon Friday afternoon.

    Mr. and Mrs, Edward Slierrer of IMiil-,lipsburg, and Mrs. Mary Hupler of this!place attended the funerai !' their broth-!er. Win. Bidders, at Long Maud City on;Sunday last. Mr. Sidders was well knownhere, he having spent his boyhood in thisvicinity. He was a member ot tlie MusonicJ.odge of this place, several members ofwhich attended the last Had rfteH.

    Mrs. Sloan Hulsizer spent part of jweek at Pattenbur^ where she WHS called !bv Liiu.suriijits illiiusri of her father, Peter 'Sliropv:

    Theo. Mellick has been wearing a verybroud smile over the little «raml dmiirhterthat arrived at his home last week. The Inrotid parents are Mr. and Mrs. William IFulmer. _

    .JUNCTION.iMis.1 Lizzie Stuble, of High Bridge, and

    Miss Mabel Uwis, of Dunt'lluu, wuru tho.guests of Lewis Warwick on Sunday.

    Miss Mary Dalrymplc is passing a coupleof weeks with her pareiH.iat Springtown.

    Miss Mabel Young is visiting her brotherat Benson hurst, L. I.

    Walter Crater and sister. Miss Xcllie,arevisiting relatives at Newark.

    Tlie W. C. T. IT. will hold a temperancemeeting iu the M. E. church on Sundayafternoon at t o'clock. Rev. Charles liiklt,-,of Spruce Hun, will deliver the address..Everyone Is invited,

    Mrs.'A. L. Moore, .of Philadelphia, iiwith her mother, Mrs. R. Wolverton,

    A shocking accident occurred lust Satur-day evening at the C. R, It. crossing on

    . JjklUniEin'N.Hill. A coal train divided atthe crossing ami tliu engineer backed UiVtrain just as Georgn, the l(i*y ear-old son ofFred VanArsdalt!, was crossing. Thebrnkonum shouted to the boy, but ho stoodstill, apparently bewildered, and wasstruck by the cur. His mother, who hadwitnessed the accident, run, caught himby the arm and tried to pull htm away, buthe was crushed to death. The funeral ser-vice was held on Tuesday afternoon at theborne, ami was conducted lw Rev. II. IJ.JDare, of the Baptist church. Interment inthe Baptist cemetery.

    A hack load of Odd Fellows drove to•Qimkertown last Saturday to attend a pub-lic installation of the lodge at that place.

    Mrs. A. WaUIinait and daughter Edna,of Jnrsiiv Citv, passed Sunday with A.Waidman. * \

    About twenty members nf the Daughtersof Liberty drove to Ilackettstown on Tuos-•day to visit tlie Daughters of Unit placo.

    Charles Metz, of Somervilte, moved intothe house vacated by Mrs. llcllcins Ins!w e e k . • . " ' - • •

    A number of our young people attoudeilthe harvest home at the Lutheran church-in Glen Gardner lust, Saturday evening. ,

    The funeral service of Mrs, Joseph Mow-

    •"• :;Thnr.Bdiiy evening;'nt $ o'Hne.k, Dr".Eiig.laud, of Washington, officiating, as thepastor, Dr. Umberger, was called away by

    --•the death of :i relative..The.remains worn•taken tho next mornini: to Luxor tie county,.i'a., stir interment. The fumily returnedon Monday of this week.

    Mrs. Frank Maxwell and daughter, MissHattio, of Jersey City, wore in tow