“the voice” newsletter of the united church of...

The United Church of Mapleton PO Box 413, 201 Troendle St SW Mapleton, MN 56065 “The Voice” Newsletter of The United Church of Mapleton 201 Troendle Street SW; PO Box 413 Mapleton, MN 56065 July 2015 Address Service Requested “The United Church of Mapleton is a Christian fellowship of mission, worship, and faith formation dedicated to the Maple River community.”

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The United Church of Mapleton

PO Box 413, 201 Troendle St SW

Mapleton, MN 56065

“The Voice” Newsletter of

The United Church of Mapleton

201 Troendle Street SW; PO Box 413

Mapleton, MN 56065

July 2015

Address Service Requested

“The United Church of Mapleton is a Christian fellowship

of mission, worship, and faith formation dedicated to the

Maple River community.”


9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m. Coffee & Fellowship

9:00 a.m. Nursery Care

www.unitedchurchmapleton.org [email protected]

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat




4 Independence Day

5 9:00 a.m. Worship with Communion and Loaves

& Fishes Collection

10:00 a.m. Coffee Hour


7 6:30 a.m.

Men’s Breakfast in Good Thunder


7:00 p.m.



10 11 8:30—10:30 a.m.

Community Breakfast at St. John Lutheran

12 9:00 a.m. Worship 10:00 a.m. Coffee Hour

13 7:00 p.m.

Women’s Fellowship

14 6:30 a.m.

Men’s Breakfast in Good Thunder


7:00 p.m.

Board of Trustees

16 17


1:00 p.m. Marian and

Sean Mallory’s Renewal of Vows Open invitation to church to attended

19 9:00 a.m. Worship with

Youth Center Collection

10:00 a.m. Coffee Hour 1:30 p.m. Amber and Kyle Fritz Bridal Shower


21 6:30 a.m.

Men’s Breakfast in Good Thunder





26 9:00 a.m. Worship 10:00 a.m. Coffee Hour VBS 6:15—8:15 p.m.

27 VBS 6:15—8:15 p.m.

28 6:30 a.m.

Men’s Breakfast in Good Thunder

VBS 6:15—8:15 p.m.

8:00 a.m. Newsletter

articles/reports are

due into the church

29 VBS 6:15—8:15 p.m.

30 VBS 6:15—8:15 p.m.


July 2015

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Phone: (507) 524-3141

Church Financial Envelope

For privacy and ease, please make

a notation on the front of your envelope:

c/o Financial Secretary. Thank you!

Prayer Chain

If you have a prayer request, please call

Karen Stanton at (507) 327-8168 or Joyce Johnson

at 524-3727. Please let them know your prayer

request, including the name of the person to pray for

if applicable, and whether or not you would like your

request included in the church’s public prayer list or

if you’d prefer the request be kept privately within

the prayer chain.

Loaves & Fishes Food Shelf

Sunday, July 5th, 2015 we will collect

donations for the Loaves & Fishes Food Shelf.

Please consider giving monetary gifts and/or

non-perishable items to this meaningful mission.

The Maple River Youth Center

Sunday, July19th, 2015 the Coffee Hour and

Collection jar will go towards helping support our

local youth at the youth center.

The Voice The Newsletter of The United Church of Mapleton

July 2015

Page 3

How to Contact Pastor Ashley

Pastor Ashley’s cell phone number is

(507) 381-8199 and her email is

[email protected]. Her usual weekly

schedule includes these times and places. Monday

Sabbath. Tuesday 9:00 -11:00 a.m. church office,

noon-1:00 p.m. Preaching Text Study Group, 3:00-

5:00 p.m. The Well Youth Center. Wednesday 9:00-

10:30 a.m. The Windmill Restaurant (Location for

Community Office Hours will change occasionally

and be announced here). Thursday 9:00 a.m.-noon

church office, 2:00-3:00 p.m. Church Bible Study.

Friday Sermon writing. At other times, she may be

making pastoral visits or be serving elsewhere in the

community. Please feel free to contact her for a visit

or meeting!

Sign-Up for Lay Readers and Ushers

Please sign-up on the sheet posted on the

bulletin board outside the main office. Thank you

in advance for your service.

If you would like more information, please

contact Marian Mallory or any member of the


Date: July 5 July 12 July 19 July 26

Greeters: Robert and Geri


Wally and Joyce


Mabelle Larson David and Roberta


Coffee Hour: Diaconate Women’s


Youth Center Bd. of Christian


Head Usher: Dave and Kathy


Dave and Kathy


Emmit Johnson and

Sharon Shuck

Page 4

In Our Prayers

Our church prayer list includes:

Those with ongoing health concerns: Norma Baack, Kathy Cramer, David Keller, Stan Solie, Marge

Walters, Lloyd Mitchell, Jack Madsen, Jaine Firstbrook, Aubrielle Howley

Family members and loved ones who are ill

Traveling mercies for our members, family, and friends

All those who are grieving and mourning

The 2015 American Baptist Churches, USA Biennial Mission Summit, to be held June 26-28 in

Overland Park, KS.

The 2015 United Church of Christ General Synod 30, to be held June 26-30 in Cleveland, OH.

Kathy Cramer, who recently fell and broke her hip, and will be having surgery this week at

St. Mary’s Hospital of Rochester

The prayer requests and praises shared with the congregation during last month’s worship

services include:


For the folks in Texas, that they may be sustained in their time of need

That the Holy Spirit be present as we meet today

For God’s guidance as we seek to prepare for the future of The United Church of Mapleton

For my friend, Janie, who will have breast cancer surgery on the 16th. She lost both of her parents last


For the family of Don Fezler

That God would help our nation to follow Christ and move away from racism and bigotry to love and

respect for all


At the 96th birthday of Irene Cumming on Friday, May 29th

To God for this wonderful, caring community and for the life of Karl Ducnason

To the Lord for this community of faith. I love each and every one of you!

To God for the singing of Marissa, Sheila, and Laura

And praise for wonderful grandchildren. My heart is full!

For our daughter and three grandchildren who are coming to our home for the next week

To God for blessing us with a new great-granddaughter, Adelaide

Of happiness and thanks for a safe and healthy birth of Braxxton Fredrick to my great niece, Abby

Fredrick, born June 21st, 2015. God bless them!

The prayers and sympathies of The United Church of Mapleton are extended to the family and friends

of Don Fezler, longtime United Church member and husband of Darlene Fezler, who passed away on

Saturday, June 20th, 2015.

Page 5

Pastoral Relations Committee

The Pastoral Relations committee (PRC)

exists to foster healthy and clear communication

between pastor and congregation. PRC meetings are

a regular and confidential means of support and

accountability for the pastor.

PRC members keep their ear to the ground in

the congregation to help keep the pastor in-the-know

about possible issues or concerns, and they can bring

constructive and addressable concerns to the pastor

from the congregation.

Our PRC members are Laura Fritz,

Warren Alleven, Joyce Johnson and

Joe Samuelson.

Pastoral Care Connections

If you or a family member is ill, in the

hospital, is homebound, would like a pastoral care

visit for any reason, or would like to be added to our

weekly prayer list, please let the church know!

Feel free to contact Pastor Ashley, a Deacon,

or the church office to let us know so that we may

serve you.

Pastor Ashley’s phone number is:

(507) 381-8199 and the church phone number is:

(507) 524-3141. Thank you!

Sunday Morning Wheelchair Assistance

If you are in need of wheelchair assistance

on Sunday mornings, please let us know by calling

the church office at (507) 524-3141 ahead of time to

make arrangements or you may have an usher assist

you on Sunday morning when you arrive at the


There is a ramp located on the east side of

the church which can be utilized by parking in the

east parking lot. If it is too difficult for you to push

a wheelchair up the ramp, please feel free to contact

an Usher or Deacon for assistance.

Summer Vacation Bible School

This summer our ecumenical VBS will be

held Sunday, July 26th—Thursday, July 30th from

6:15—8:15 p.m. at St. John Lutheran Church and St.

Teresa Catholic Church. Registration forms may be

found at local businesses around town and from the

office bulletin board.

Community Closet

The Closet is open Tuesdays and

Saturdays from 9:00 a.m.-noon. If you have

a non-profit group that would like to take

advantage of profits from the Closet, please call Gay

Rice at (507) 524-4040 for more information.

The Planting of the Garden of Eatin’

Planters: Geri Howieson, Carolyn Becker,

Pam Foster, Sheila Samuelson, (not pictured) Pastor

Ashley Whitaker

Free Community Breakfast

On the second Saturday of each month,

everyone in the community is invited to a free

breakfast held at St. John Lutheran Church from

8:30—10:30 a.m. Hope to see you Saturday morning

July 11th!

Loaves & Fishes

Loaves & Fishes open hours are

from 3:00-6:00 p.m. Tuesdays and

9:00-noon on Saturdays. We are

always in need of volunteers to work

a few shifts at the food shelf.

Contact your food shelf board

member for details. They will be so

glad to hear from you!

Maple River Youth Center

June hours: Wednesdays and Thursdays from 2:00—

5:00 p.m. July hours: Tuesdays, Wednesdays and

Thursdays from 1:00—4:00 p.m. Activity: “Models”

will be held every third Thursday of each month.

Senior Dining and Meals on Wheels of Mapleton

You are invited to dine at the Town

& Country Leisure Center! Nutritious and

delicious Meals are served daily, Monday

through Friday at 11:30 a.m. The cost of a meal is

$4.00, as a suggested donation for those 60+.

Low-salt and diabetic meals are available. Stay

afterwards to play cards or games and to enjoy the

company of others.

Meals on Wheels is also available for those

who wish to eat at home. Call Darlene at (507) 524-

4868 for more information or to reserve your meal.

Meals are being furnished by Maple River

School, Mapleton. You may also look for us on


Invitation to a Renewal of Marriage Vows

In celebration of our 25the wedding

anniversary, we will be renewing our vows on

Saturday, July 18th at 1:00 p.m. at the United

Church of Mapleton. Following the service, we will

be hosting an open house reception at Daly Park.

This is an open invitation to our church family and

we hope you will be able to join us! Sean and Marian


Page 6

Bridal Shower Invitation

You are cordially invited to attend a

Bridal Shower honoring Amber Wilde, bride

to be of Kyle Fritz on Sunday, July 19th at 1:30 p.m.

at the United Church Fellowship Hall. Amber is

registered at Target and Kohl’s. The couple would

also enjoy receiving Menards gift cards. Amber

would like to have you bring a favorite recipe.

Mission Committee Report

Our America For Christ/Strengthen the

Church Mission Offering ended on June 30th and we

want to thank everyone who gave to this wonderful

mission. The theme for this year, “Discipleship: A

Journey of Grace,” based on Titus 2:11-13 is a

wonderful reminder that Jesus’ public ministry was

all about connecting and caring for people in need.

This is one way we can show that we also care about

people in need. Thank you for caring.

Respectfully Submitted,

Roberta Ward, Mission Chairperson

Thank You!

I would like to thank those of you who

donated and worked at the Town and Country Days

Silent Auction. Thanks to the Quilting Ladies, Pat

Carter, Mabelle Larson, Delbert and Ella Conrad for

your lovely items and Mary Beth Fritz, Ruth

Cumming, Louise Webb and myself who worked the

2-one hour shifts so that we could receive the profits

from the items that were bid on. We received

$331.20. Thanks so much!

Joyce Johnson, coordinator

Women’s Fellowship

The Women’s Fellowship meeting was called

to order by President Louise Webb on June 8, 2015

at 7:00 p.m. There were 8 members present.

Devotions: Mary Beth Fritz gave devotions from

Isaiah 45:29 on our Pledge of Allegiance and

Romans 8:31. Louse read the Secretary minutes from

the May meeting. Minutes were approved as read.

Sunshine Committee: Mabelle reported that she

sent out 6 birthday cards and 1 sympathy card.


Discussion was held on a bridal shower for Amber

Wilde and Kyle Fritz.

We will help with the wedding reception for the

daughter of Marian and Sean Mallory on August

22nd at Daly Park.

A motion was made and seconded that the Women’s

Fellowship will buy the remaining pew cushions.

Our next meeting will be held on July 13th. Mary

Beth will serve lunch. Circle #1 will serve Coffee

Hour on July 12th.

Joyce Johnson has received several items for the

Town and Country Days Silent Auction. The shifts

we needed to provide workers for are filled.

Meeting Adjourned.

After our meeting we rolled cloth bandages and

Linda Whitney served us a delicious dessert.

Respectfully Submitted,

Louise Webb, Acting Secretary

Page 7

Official Board Report

April 29th, 2015

The meeting was called to order at 7:25PM by

Moderator Dick Dietz. The following were present at

the meeting: Dick Dietz, Pastor Ashley Whitaker,

Delbert Conrad, Keith McCutchen, Gary Fritz, Joyce

Johnson, Dave Byram and Jola Walker. A Quorum

was not present. Correction (It was later determined

there was a quorum present.)

Pastor Ashley offered an opening prayer.

The Secretary's report from the annual meeting was

read by Dick Dietz. Approved

The Treasurers report was presented by Keith

McCutchen. Approved

It was noted that a Visionary Committee that had

been planned actually never occurred.

It was decided to sponsor Sam Shubert for Senior

recognition in the Mapleton Messenger. Correction

(It was later decided to also sponsor Annekathrin

Schubert for Senior recognition in the Mapleton


Dick Dietz from the Trustees presented a power

point presentation of a plan for a Capital Campaign

to finance all the repairs needed in the next few years

which would not be handled by our regular income.

This plan would need the congregation's approval.

The Board approved the calling of a congregational

meeting on June 7, 2015 to hopefully approve this


The Church Board adjourned the meeting at 8:50 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Delbert Conrad, Church Clerk

Trustee Report

May 20, 2015

Attendees: Dick, Dave, Sean, Ron, Keith, Gary

Absent: Lisa, Patrick

April Secretary’s Report read: Approved Dave,

Seconded Ron

Treasurer’s Report: Monthly Expenses column added

to reports. Church giving via Pay Pal was at 3

participants, but is now at 2. Approved Gary,

Seconded Sean.

Pew Cushions: $850 left in fund, approximately

$1600 to finish the church. Will reassess finishing

the remaining pews and how to finance it.

The church elevator is to be inspected next week.

Foundation Recommendations: (possibilities) Will

grant $100,000 to capital campaign, contingent on

congregational vote; may finance a loan at a lower

rate than from a bank; articles of foundation stipulate

to not disperse more than the principal monies of the

foundation, though it is not at the moment known

what the principal initially was – this will be

determined; foundation articles may allow a loan/

investment to be given.

Plans B and C for the capital campaign are to be

outlined in case the initial plan is not implemented.

Informational Meetings: 5/27, 5/31, 6/3

Congregational Meeting: June 7th

Updated Campaign scenarios are in the Dropbox.

To be decided if it would be more adventitious to

have a “general contractor person” or have a “group

deciding body” for the construction aspect of the

capital campaign.

Needed to get – detailed quotes from contractors,

making sure that it’s an “apples to apples” quote.

Bids are to be emailed to all trustees for an

(immediate) response on thoughts of such bids, and

state preferences.

June money counter: Dick

Vacuum cleaner purchase to be put in next year’s


Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Gary Fritz, Acting Secretary

Page 8

United Church of Mapleton

Congregational Meeting

6/7/2015 – 10:25 AM

Seeing that a quorum was present, Moderator

Dick Dietz called to order the United Church of

Mapleton congregational meeting at 10:25 AM.

The meeting was called by the Official Board on

April 20th, 2015 to consider a proposed Capital

Campaign by the Board of Trustees.

Pastor Ashley Whitaker led the invocation.

Motion to approve the proposed agenda was

moved by Jack Madsen and seconded by Geri

Howieson. Motion carried.

The clerks report from the April 20th Official

Board Meeting was presented by visual aids (Power

Point slide). A correction offered by Pastor Ashley

Whitaker to add Annakathrin Schubert’s name to

those sponsored by the church for Maple Rivers

Senior recognition in the Maple River Messenger.

Annakathrin is the German foreign exchange student

hosted by the McCutchen family. Motion to approve

the clerk's report with the correction by Joyce

Johnson and seconded by Doug Fritz. Motion


The Moderator indicated that Keith

McCutchen, Treasurer, was unable to attend the

meeting. The Treasurer's summary report was from

the May20th Trustee’s meeting was presented on a

slide by Dick Dietz. Motion by Dave Byram and

seconded by Tim Madsen to approve the treasurer's

report. Motion carried.

There was a short discussion on of the

parking lot project status being changed to indicate

replacement instead of repaired. The question was

deferred until the Capital Campaign question was

voted upon.


Page 9

The following three questions were


1) Should we sell the parsonage at this time?

Motion by Jack Madsen and seconded by Tim

Madsen that we do NOT sell the parsonage at this

time. Discussion opened. Motion carried


2) Should we consider selling the church building at

this time? Motion by Jack Madsen and seconded by

Warren Alleven that we do NOT consider selling the

church at this time. Discussion opened. Motion

carried unanimously.

3) Should we consider repurposing the church at

this time? Motion by Doug Fritz and seconded by

Sue Prenzlow that we do NOT consider repurposing

the church at this time. Discussion opened. Motion

carried unanimously.

Next was a visual presentation by Dick Dietz

on the proposed elements of a Capital Campaign

needed to cover the expense of repairs and

improvements needed on the church and parsonage

in the near future. Proposed Projects were rated in

the order by severity and necessity, by the Trustees,

to pursue the mission and ministry of the church.

Following was an extensive discussion including;

limiting the amount of money that the Trustees could

spend on any one particular project; the necessity of

certain projects, and the projected costs of individual

projects. The consensus was the Capital Campaign

would not move forward in a timely fashion if the

congregation voted on every project.

Moderator Dietz indicated that weekly

Campaign updates would be offered at Sunday

services by members of the Trustees, and that anyone

would be welcome to attend monthly Trustee

meetings to voice their concerns or to individual

Board of Trustee members.


Dave Byram made a motion that we authorize

a capital campaign to facilitate repairs and

replacement projects defined and prioritized by the

Trustees with a goal of raising $245,000 and ending

the pledge drive by Sunday, September 13th 2015.

Motion seconded by Hugo John. Motion carried

unanimously by voice vote.

Joe Samuelson made a motion that we

authorize the Trustees to manage the 14 projects and

engage in financial vehicles that the Trustees, deem

necessary and prudent to fund and complete the

projects of the Capital Campaign. Motion seconded

by Ronald Conrad. Motion carried unanimously by

voice vote.

There will be a meeting of the Foundation to

consider aspects of the Capital Campaign funding

following this meeting.

Motion by Randy Cummings and seconded by

Patrick Pfeffer to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,

Delbert Conrad, Church Clerk

Page 10