the vocabulary of jobs and professions in english and spanish van tang/t…  · web viewtower...

The vocabulary of jobs and professions in English and Spanish. Vocabulario del trabajo y profesiones en inglés y español ENGLISH SPANISH ENGLISH SPANISH lawyer abogado bookseller librero actor/actress actor/actriz sailor marinero customs officer aduanero doctor médico farmer agricultor mechanic mecánico builder albañil miner (thợ mỏ) minero architect arquitecto model (người mẫu) modelo consultant asesor instructor (người huấn luyện) monitor astronaut (phi hành gia) astronauta monk (thầy tu) monje air hostess azafata nun (nữ tu sĩ) monja dustman basurero nanny (bù vú) niñera Fireman bombero labourer obrero waiter/ waitress camarero/a office worker oficinista lorry driver camionero baker panadero singer cantante shepherd pastor foreman capataz hairdresser peluquero Butcher carnicero journalist periodista postman cartero fisherman pescador scientist científico pilot piloto Surgeon cirujano painter pintor cook cocinero politician Político driver conductor policeman Policía accountant contable caretaker Portero Servant criado teacher profesor priest (linh cura psychologist psicólogo

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Page 1: The vocabulary of jobs and professions in English and Spanish Van Tang/T…  · Web viewTower Bridge Saint Paul's Cathedral. Tower of London. Houses of Parliament Piccadilly Circus

The vocabulary of jobs and professions in English and Spanish. Vocabulario del trabajo y profesiones en inglés y español


lawyer abogado  bookseller  librero 

actor/actress actor/actriz  sailor marinero 

customs officer aduanero  doctor médico 

farmer agricultor  mechanic mecánico 

builder albañil  miner (thợ mỏ) minero 

architect arquitecto  model (người mẫu) modelo 

consultant asesor  instructor (người huấn luyện) monitor 

astronaut (phi hành gia) astronauta  monk (thầy tu) monje 

air hostess azafata  nun (nữ tu sĩ) monja 

dustman basurero  nanny (bù vú) niñera

Fireman bombero  labourer obrero 

waiter/waitress camarero/a  office worker oficinista 

lorry driver camionero  baker panadero 

singer cantante  shepherd pastor 

foreman capataz  hairdresser peluquero 

Butcher carnicero  journalist periodista 

postman cartero  fisherman pescador 

scientist científico  pilot piloto 

Surgeon cirujano  painter pintor 

cook cocinero  politician Político 

driver conductor  policeman Policía 

accountant contable  caretaker Portero 

Servant criado  teacher profesor 

priest (linh mục) cura  psychologist psicólogo

dentist dentista  psychiatrist psiquiatra 

shop assistant dependiente  receptionist recepcionista 

electrician electricista  watchmaker relojero 

employee empleado  reporter reportero 

bank clerk (nhân viên)

empleado de banco  priest sacerdote 

nurse enfermero  tailor sastre 

Page 2: The vocabulary of jobs and professions in English and Spanish Van Tang/T…  · Web viewTower Bridge Saint Paul's Cathedral. Tower of London. Houses of Parliament Piccadilly Circus

writer escritor  secretary secretario 

student estudiante  soldier soldado 

chemist farmacéutico  shorthand typist taquimeca 

plumber (thợ hàn) fontanero  taxi driver taxista 

Farmer granjero  technician técnico 

engineer ingeniero  bullfighter torero 

gardener jardinero  translator traductor 

jeweller joyero  salesman vendedor 

judge (quan toà) juez  vet veterinario 

shoemaker (thợ đóng giày) zapatero  Sarah & John Free materials

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Page 3: The vocabulary of jobs and professions in English and Spanish Van Tang/T…  · Web viewTower Bridge Saint Paul's Cathedral. Tower of London. Houses of Parliament Piccadilly Circus

 Kim Janssens,  teacher at Middenschool Mortsel (Belgium)

Study - House: buildings  

a bungalow a terraced house a farm house a semi-detached house

a villa a block of flats a caravan a skyscraper   

Study - Abbreviations 

UK United Kingdom

USA United States of America

a.m. ante meridiem (in the morning)

p.m. post meridiem (in the evening)

e.g. exempli gratia (for example)

Ave Avenue

Rd Road

St Street

Sq Square

Dr Drive

p pence

lb pound   

Study - London  

Page 4: The vocabulary of jobs and professions in English and Spanish Van Tang/T…  · Web viewTower Bridge Saint Paul's Cathedral. Tower of London. Houses of Parliament Piccadilly Circus

Trafalgar Square Buckingham Palace Tower Bridge

Saint Paul's Cathedral Tower of London Houses of Parliament

Piccadilly Circus Harrod's Covent Garden

Downing Street Regent Street London Eye

Big Ben Docklands

Study -   At the doctor's  

Page 5: The vocabulary of jobs and professions in English and Spanish Van Tang/T…  · Web viewTower Bridge Saint Paul's Cathedral. Tower of London. Houses of Parliament Piccadilly Circus

to have a cold to cut a finger to have a broken leg to have a headache

to have a black eye to burn a finger to have a fever to have a sore throat

to have a toothache to fall over to sprain an ankle to hurt an arm

a cough an injection a syrup a bandage

a prescription pills a plaster cast ointment

a plaster crutches a wheelchair a stethoscope

 an X-ray blood blood pressure  


Study - Jobs  

Page 6: The vocabulary of jobs and professions in English and Spanish Van Tang/T…  · Web viewTower Bridge Saint Paul's Cathedral. Tower of London. Houses of Parliament Piccadilly Circus

a teacher a typist a doctor a butcher

a firefighter a waiter a factory worker an electrician

an executive a nurse a baker an accountant

a mechanic a secretary a policeman a cook

a receptionist a carpenter a hairdresser a painter   

Study - Classroom 

 a pencil a ballpoint a fountain pen

a marker a ruler a protractor

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a setsquare glue a pencil sharpener

a stapler a holepunch a piece of chalk

a schoolbag a pencilcase tape

correction fluid a correction mouse a drawing pin   

Study - Animals 1  


an elephant a buffalo a dolphin a fox

a giraffe a bat a bear a monkey

Page 8: The vocabulary of jobs and professions in English and Spanish Van Tang/T…  · Web viewTower Bridge Saint Paul's Cathedral. Tower of London. Houses of Parliament Piccadilly Circus

a deer a hedgehog a hippopotamus  a kangaroo 

a llama  a lion a camel  a polar bear 

a rhinoceros  a tiger a whale  a zebra    

Study - Animals 2  


a crocodile a chameleon a snake a lizard

   a tortoise a turtle    



a spider a gnat a ladybird a caterpillar

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a bee  a beetle a fly  a dragonfly

   an ant  a butterfly  

Study - Animals 3  


a duck a woodpecker a penguin a robin

a pigeon an owl a parrot an ostrich



   a frog  a salamander  

Study - Animals 4  

Old MacDonald: farm animals and sounds

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a dog a cow a sheep a duckwoof moo baa quack

a pig a cat a turkey a donkeyoink miaow gobble eeh-aw

a hen a mouse a chick a goosecluck squeak cheep honk


Study - Quantities and containers  

a bottle a box a tin a carton

a bar a can a tube a jar

a bag a packet a slice a loaf


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a bucket a basket  

Study - Horoscopes 

capricorn aquarius pisces aries

taurus gemini cancer leo

virgo libra scorpio sagittarius   

Study - Weather  

sun a cloud wind rain

snow hail a thunderstorm lightning

fog a tornado a rainbow a temperature

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north east south west 

Weather outlook: exampleClick on the underlined words to find out what they mean.

The southeast of England will be mainly dry, although some parts might have some patchy rain later in the evening. There will be a mild wind. Maximum temperatures: 22°C.

The centre of England will have some showers in the morning with sunny intervals in the afternoon. There will be a moderate wind. Maximum temperatures: 19°C. 

The north of England will be cloudy at first, followed by brighter weather towards the afternoon. There will be a strong wind. Maximum temperatures: 20 °C. 


Study - Fruit 

an apple a pear an orange a banana

a peach a grapefruit a lemon a kiwi

a plum a melon a pineapple  grapes 

a cherry  a raspberry  a strawberry  gooseberries    

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Study - Vegetables  

a cabbage a cauliflower a salad a lettuce

a potato a cucumber a tomato a carrot

peas beans a sweetcorn a radish

sprouts a celery garlic an onion   

Learn English Vocabulary

Jobs and Work

Useful Vocabulary

Build Up

What do they do? Where do they work?

Page 16: The vocabulary of jobs and professions in English and Spanish Van Tang/T…  · Web viewTower Bridge Saint Paul's Cathedral. Tower of London. Houses of Parliament Piccadilly Circus

BarbersShave men's beards and cut men's

hair. They work in a barbers.

Barmen/women Serve drinks. They work in a bar, pub or restaurant.

Butchers Prepare and sell meat. They work in a butchers.

Chambermaids Clean and tidy rooms. They work in a hotel.

Chefs Prepare and cook food. They work in a kitchen.

Dentists Look after people's teeth. They work in a dentists.

Doctors Look after people's health. They work in a hospital or surgery.

Fishmongers Prepare and sell fish. They work in a fishmongers.

Flight attendants Look after passengers. They work in an airplane.

Hair dressers Cut and style people's hair. They work in a hair salon.

Judges Judge and sentence people. They work in a law court.

Lawyers Defend and prosecute people. They work in a law court and in a lawyers


Nurses Look after patients . They work in a hospital or doctor's surgery.

Opticians Look after people's eye sight. They work in an opticians.

Porters Carry other people's bags and

luggage. They work in a hotel or train station.

Receptionists Meet and greet visitors. They work in reception.

Sales Assistants Sell goods and look after customers. They work in a shop.

SecretariesArrange appointments, type letters

and organise meetings. They work in an office.

Surgeons Operate on people who are sick. They work in a hospital.

Vets Look after people's animals. They work in a veterinary surgery or vets.

Waiters/Waitresses Serve people food and drink. They work in a restaurant.

Leaving or Losing your job

There are many different ways to express leaving or losing a job.

To Leave Your Job:-

To resign | To quit | To leave your job = to give up a job or position by telling your employer that you are


To retire = to leave your job or stop working because of old age or ill health.

Page 17: The vocabulary of jobs and professions in English and Spanish Van Tang/T…  · Web viewTower Bridge Saint Paul's Cathedral. Tower of London. Houses of Parliament Piccadilly Circus

To Lose Your Job:-

To be dismissed | To be fired | To get fired | To be sacked | To get the sack | To get the chop | To get your

P45 | To lose your job = to be asked to leave a job, usually because you have done something wrong or

badly, or sometimes as a way of saving the cost of employing you.

To be made redundant = to lose your job because your employer no longer needs you.

Dialogue - Naturally Speaking

The job interview

John has a job interview for a Saturday job

Interviewer: So, you've applied for the Saturday position, right?

John: Yes, I have.

Interviewer: Can you tell me what made you reply to our advertisement?

John:Well, I was looking for a part-time job to help me through college. And I think that I'd be

really good at this kind of work.

Interviewer: Do you know exactly what you would be doing as a shop assistant?

John:Well I imagine I would be helping customers, keeping a check on the supplies in the store,

and preparing the shop for business.

Interviewer:That about covers it, you would also be responsible for keeping the front of the store tidy.

What sort of student do you regard yourself as . . . did you enjoy studying while you were

at school?

John:I suppose I'm a reasonable student. I passed all my exams and I enjoy studying subjects

that interest me.

Interviewer: Have you any previous work experience?

John: Yes. I worked part-time at a take-away in the summer holidays.

Interviewer: Now, do you have any questions you'd like to ask me about the position?

John: Yes. Could you tell me what hours I'd have to work?


We open at 9.00, but you would be expected to arrive at 8.30 and we close at 6.00 pm.

You would be able to leave then.

I think I have asked you everything I wanted to. Thank you for coming along to the


John: Thank you. When will I know if I have been successful?

Interviewer: We'll be making our decision next Monday, we'll give you a call.