the virginia wine club the virginia wine journal virginia wine journal november 2014 volume 26, no....

THE VIRGINIA WINE JOURNAL November 2014 Volume 26, No. 4 The Virginia Wine Club 800.826.0534 [email protected] 17435 Louisa Road Louisa, VA 23093 Founded in 1988 by Berkley Mitchell, the Virginia Wine Club has grown with the Virginia Wine Industry. e goal of the club is to deliver a variety of high quality wine from across the Commonwealth. e club has grown with the industry. As a wine destination, if Virginia has not yet arrived, it is on the doorstep. Last week, CNN featured a story by Food and Wine Magazine writer Ray Isle outlining the reasons wine lovers must visit Virginia wine country. In the article he explains the challenges and opportunities, “What Virginia does have is a wide range of soil types and climates, in viticultural areas that range from the Chesapeake Bay to the Blue Ridge Highlands. Many of the best wineries are clustered in the Monticello American Viticultural Area near Charlottesville and in northern Virginia, either in the Middleburg AVA or nearby, but there are impressive wines being made all over the state.” As further evidence of the quality of Virginia wines, e Virginia Wine Summit last month opened with a blind tasting of eight wines; four from Virginia and four from prominent world wine regions. Two hundred of some of the best palates in the region had difficulty identifying the Virginia wines. To be fair this has not always been the case. We can trace back our wine history to the Jamestown settlers. ey had such hopes that Virginia would become a major source of wine for the British Empire, that in 1619 they signed into law a requirement for each male settler to plant and tend at least ten grape vines. Little came of it. Many know of omas Jefferson’s failed attempts to grow grapes at Monticello but few know of the time Charlottesville was home to the largest winery in the South. e Monticello Wine Company was a Charlottesville cooperative founded in 1873 by local grape growers. Its four-story winery had a capacity of 200,000 gallons, and was located at the end of Wine Street, near Hedge Street. e success of Monticello Wine Company brought Charlottesville to declare itself “the Capital of the Wine Belt in Virginia.” e company was best known for its Virginia Claret Wine, produced with Norton grapes— it “won a major international award in 1873 at the Vienna Exposition.” It shut down with the onset of Prohibition in Virginia, which took effect on November 1, 1916. It is generally accepted that the modern Virginia Wine Industry launched in 1976 when the Zonin family purchased the Barboursville Estate with the intent to grow Vitis Vinifera grapes in Virginia and make wine. Luca Paschina, Barboursville’s winemaker carries that dream on producing some of the “Old Dominion’s” best wine. In 1980 the enactment of the Virginia Farm Winery Law changed the regulations on wine sales for “farm wineries” to encourage brisk growth. It also created the positions of State Viticulturalist and State Enologist. e creation of these positions greatly encouraged the advancement of winemaking knowledge and techniques inVirginia’s wine country. When the Virginia Wine Club launched, often the only other way to purchase Virginia wines was to visit the wineries. Interestingly, even today, with expanded distribution and acceptance of Virginia Wine, the club continues to seek out new wines and wineries to bring to members. Working with President Stewart Reynolds, Neil Williamson chairs a tasting panel of wine lovers that annually tastes over 200 wines for potential inclusion in the wine club. ese rather sterile events include a great deal of tasting and spitting (isn’t the wine business romantic). Now in its 26th year, the Virginia Wine Club strives to deliver viticultural excellence and excitement with each and every shipment. Since 1988 we pack each box with care and attention to detail so you can share in the growth and excellence that is Virginia Wine. Fast Facts: • Holiday Wine Gift Promos • VA Wine Club over 26 years • 2014 A Great Harvest

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    e 26

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    The Virginia Wine Club


    [email protected]

    17435 Louisa RoadLouisa, VA 23093

    Foundedin1988byBerkleyMitchell,theVirginiaWineClubhasgrownwiththeVirginiaWineIndustry.Th egoaloftheclubistodeliveravarietyofhighqualitywinefromacrosstheCommonwealth. Th e club has grown withtheindustry.Asawinedestination,ifVirginiahasnotyetarrived,itisonthedoorstep.

    lastweek,CNNfeaturedastorybyFoodandWine Magazine writer Ray Isle outliningthe reasons wine lovers must visit Virginiawine country. In the article he explains thechallenges and opportunities, What Virginiadoes have is a wide range of soil types andclimates,inviticulturalareasthatrangefromtheChesapeakeBaytotheBlueRidgeHighlands.ManyofthebestwineriesareclusteredintheMonticello American Viticultural Area nearCharlottesvilleandinnorthernVirginia,eitherintheMiddleburgAVAornearby,butthereareimpressivewinesbeingmadealloverthestate.

    As further evidence of the quality ofVirginia wines, Th e Virginia Wine Summitlast month opened with a blind tasting ofeightwines;fourfromVirginiaandfourfromprominentworldwineregions.TwohundredofsomeofthebestpalatesintheregionhaddifficultyidentifyingtheVirginiawines.

    Tobefairthishasnotalwaysbeenthecase. We can trace back our wine historyto the Jamestown settlers. Th ey had suchhopesthatVirginiawouldbecomeamajorsourceofwinefortheBritishEmpire,thatin1619theysignedintolawarequirementfor each male settler to plant and tend atleasttengrapevines.littlecameofit.

    Many know of Th omas Jeffersons failedattemptstogrowgrapesatMonticellobutfewknowofthetimeCharlottesvillewashometothelargestwineryintheSouth.Th eMonticelloWine Company was a Charlottesvillecooperative founded in 1873 by local grapegrowers.Itsfour-storywineryhadacapacityof200,000gallons,andwaslocatedattheendofWineStreet,nearHedgeStreet.

    Th esuccessofMonticelloWineCompanybrought Charlottesville to declare itself theCapital of the Wine Belt in Virginia. Th ecompany was best known for its VirginiaClaretWine,producedwithNortongrapesitwonamajorinternationalawardin1873attheViennaExposition.Itshutdownwiththe onset of Prohibition in Virginia, whichtookeffectonNovember1,1916.

    It isgenerallyaccepted that themodernVirginia Wine Industry launched in 1976when the Zonin family purchased theBarboursville Estate with the intent togrow Vitis Vinifera grapes in Virginia andmake wine. luca Paschina, Barboursvilleswinemakercarries thatdreamonproducingsomeoftheOldDominionsbestwine.

    In 1980 the enactment of the VirginiaFarmWinerylawchangedtheregulationsonwine sales for farm wineries to encouragebrisk growth. It also created the positions ofState Viticulturalist and State Enologist. Th ecreation of these positions greatly encouragedthe advancement of winemaking knowledgeandtechniquesinVirginiaswinecountry.

    WhentheVirginiaWineClublaunched,oftentheonlyotherwaytopurchaseVirginiawineswastovisitthewineries.Interestingly,even today, with expanded distributionand acceptance of Virginia Wine, the clubcontinuestoseekoutnewwinesandwineriestobringtomembers.

    WorkingwithPresidentStewartReynolds,NeilWilliamsonchairsatastingpanelofwinelovers that annually tastes over 200wines forpotential inclusion in the wine club. Th eserathersterileeventsincludeagreatdealoftastingandspitting(isntthewinebusinessromantic).

    Now in its26thyear, theVirginiaWineClub strives to deliver viticultural excellenceandexcitementwitheachandeveryshipment.Since1988wepack eachboxwith care andattention to detail so you can share in thegrowthandexcellencethatisVirginiaWine.

    Fast Facts:HolidayWineGiftPromosVAWineClubover26years2014AGreatHarvest

  • Easy Short Ribs Braised in Red Wine Pairs with VWC Cabernet Sauvignon

    Serves 4

    INgredIeNts:1 Tblsp. unsalted butter1 medium onion, finely chopped1 large celery rib, finely chopped1 large carrot, finely chopped2 Tblsp. tomato paste2 Tblsp. all-purpose flour1 750-milliliter bottle dry red wine2 cups veal or chicken stock2 Tblsp. vegetable oil4 2-inch-thick, flanken-cut short ribs

    with bone (2 3/4 pounds)Salt and freshly ground pepperButtered egg noodles, for serving

    dIreCtIONs:1) In a large, enameled cast-iron casserole, melt

    the butter. Add the onion, celery and carrot,coverandcookovermoderateheatuntilslightlysoftened,about5minutes.Uncoverandcookuntilthevegetablesarelightlybrowned,about3minuteslonger.Stirinthetomatopaste.Addtheflourandcookfor1minute,stirring.Addthewineandvealstockandbringtoasimmer.

    2) Meanwhile,heattheoilinalargeskilletuntilshimmering. Season the ribs with salt andpepper, add them to the pan and cook overmoderately high heat, turning, until they arewellbrowned,about15minutes.

    3) Transfertheshortribstothecasserole.Partiallycoverandcookovermoderatelylowheatuntilverytender,about2hours.

    4) Transfer the ribs to a plate and remove thebones. Strain the sauce into a heatproofmeasuringcupandskimoffthefat.Returnthesauce to the casserole and boil until reducedto2cups,10minutes.Returnthemeattothesauce and simmerover lowheatuntilheatedthrough.Servetheribswitheggnoodles.

    Virginia Wine Club Viognier N.V.


    Viognier is historically grown in theNorthern Rhne valley. According legend,Roman Emperor Probus imported ViognierintoCondrieufromDalmatia(inpresent-dayCroatia) in 281 AD as a means of replacingthevineyardsdestroyedbyEmperorVespasian.The legend has it thatVespasian tore up theCondrieu vineyards after the locals revolted,a revolt which he attributed to drinking toomuchofthenativewine.


    The recently departed ODU ProfessorEmeritus Roy Williams opined TodayViognieris,Ibelieve,aniconfortheVirginiawineindustry.IwouldguessthatVirginianowproducesmoreViognierthantheCondrieu.

    The Virginia Wine Club Viognierpresents a medium straw hue in theglass. The aroma is fantastic with mango,summerpeaches,andahintofpinenutsallcontributing to the tropical bouquet. Thefruitforwardattackis justatouchthinnerthanthenosemighthavesuggested.

    The tropical tones continue on themidpalatewithcascadingelementsofpoachedpear, apricots, honeysuckle, orange peel andpeaches.Thefinishiscleanbutlingersslightlywith elements of vanilla, spice, and bananapulp.

    The Virginia Wine Club Viognier is anexcellent greetingwine forThanksgivingoranyholidaygathering.

    Wonderful with a cheese tray or spinachdipthecoolfruitinesswouldalsopairwellwithspicyAsianfoods.

    DRINK NOW through SEPT. 2016

    Virginia Wine Club Cabernet Sauvignon N.V.

    Cabernet Sauvignon is planted all overthe world in a myriad of climates. It isusedtoproducemuchoftheworldsmostexpensivewine.Itisalsousedtomakealotofinexpensivewine.

    Today, there are over 300,000 hectaresofthegrapeplantedallovertheworld.Thatismorethan741,300acres.

    InVitisViniferaterms,CabernetSauvignonisarelativelynewgrape.Atsomepointinthe17th century, French wine growers crossedCabernetFrancandSauvignonBlanctocreateauniquegrapewithspecialflavorsandtough,thickskinsthatmadeiteasiertogrow.

    Many cite the thick skins on theCabernet Sauvignon grape, and longmaceration,asthesourceoftheirCabernetSauvignonappealingflavorprofile.

    The Virginia Wine Club CabernetSauvignon is elegant in theglasswith adarkcrimsoncolorandafullyopaquecore.Aromasofvioletsandplumdominatethearoma.

    The bright attack is highlighted withbaked cranberry notes leading to theexceedingly smooth and refined midpalatewithhintsofstrawberryanddarkstonefruits.Thesmoothelegantfinishlingersnicelywithplum,pipetobaccoandcoffeeundertones.

    ThisstylishvintageisanexcellentexampleofthepotentialofVirginiaCabernetSauvignon.Itssmooth,lowtannic,structureallowsittopairwellwithavarietyofsavoryfareincludingbraised beef, roasted duck or Thanksgivingturkeyespeciallywithoysterstuffing.

    Blended from the best of the 2012 and2013vintagesthiswinewasbuiltfortoday,thiswinewill improve slightlywith limited cellaragingbutisalreadydrinkingquitenicelynow.

    DRINK NOW through WINTER 2016

    HOLIDAYWine Promos

    MEM10 10%OFF3-5MONTH






  • Macadamia Chicken with Orange-Ginger Sauce and Coconut Pilaf

    Pairs with VWC ViognierServes 4

    INgredIeNts:1 cup all-purpose flour1 cup coconut milk1 cup finely chopped roasted, salted

    macadamia nuts* (about 4 oz.)1 cup panko (Japanese bread crumbs) or

    other fine dried bread crumbs4 boned, skinned chicken breast

    halves (each 6 to 7 oz.)2 Tblsp. butter2 Tblsp. olive oil1 cup chopped shallots1 Tblsp. chopped ginger1 Tblsp. chopped garlic1 cup reduced-sodium chicken broth1/2 cup Viognier or other dry white wine1/2 cup freshly squeezed orange juice*

    (from about 2 oranges)Kosher saltfreshly ground black pepper

    dIreCtIONs:1) 1. Preheat oven to 375. Put flour and

    coconut milk in separate wide, shallowbowls.Inanotherbowl,mixnutsandpanko.Rinsechickenandpatdry.Sprinklealloverwithsaltandpepper.

    2) Put2tbsp.butterand2tbsp.oliveoil inalarge fryingpanovermediumheat.Dredgechickeninflour,shakingoffexcess;dipintococonut milk, letting excess drip off; thenpress into nut mixture to coat on all sides.Reservecoconutmilk.laychickeninfryingpan ina single layerandcookuntilgoldenbrownonthebottom,3to4minutes.Withaspatula,turnpieces(takingcarenottobreakoffnutcoating)andbrownontheotherside,2to3minuteslonger.Transferchickentoabakingpanandbakeuntilnolongerpinkincenterofthickestpart(cuttotest),15to20minutes.

    3) Meanwhile, wipe any scorched nuts frompanwithapapertowel.Ifpanisdry,add1Tblsp.eachbutterandoliveoil,thenshallots,ginger,andgarlic.Cookovermediumheat,stirring often, until beginning to brown,about 5 minutes. Pour in broth, wine, andorangejuice.Boiluntilliquidisreducedbyabouthalf,8to10minutes.

    4) Pourmixtureintoablenderand,holdingliddown tightlywith a towel,whirl until verysmooth. Return sauce to frying pan andadd1/4cupreservedcoconutmilk(discardremainder)andsaltandpeppertotaste;stirover low heat until hot, then pour into asmallbowl.

    5) Spoon Coconut Pilaf onto plates, top withchicken,andservewithsauce.

    *Chop the nuts by pulsing briefly in a food processor. Finely shred the peel from the oranges and save it for the pilaf.

    Editors Note:byNeilWilliamson

    IamthrilledthatthisshipmentmarksthelaunchoftheVirginiaWineClubprivatelabel.Overtheyears,wehaveoftenconsideredcreatingaspecialwineforourmembersbut,foranumberofreasons,theprojectdidnotmoveforward.EarlierthisyearwhenmydearfriendsDanlaymanandwinemakerBradHansenfromPrinceMichelVineyardsreachedoutwithacoupleofunbelievablewines,StewartandIknewthetimewasright.(FulldisclosureIworkedwithDanandBradintheearly2000s).AsIhavewrittenmanytimeswineisaboutaplacebutnotonlyaplaceaboutaspecifictimeinthatplace.TheVirginiaWineClubwinesareveryrepresentativeoftheirvarietals.Inadditiontotheprivatelabel,wehavealsobeenverybusyworkingonournewwebsite(tobeunveiledsoon).Inrecentweeks,IhavebeenvisitingwithwineriesofallsizesthroughouttheCommonwealth.IcantellyoutheVirginiawinetrailishopping.OneMondayafternoon,IranintoanotherfriendandVirginiaViticulturalVeteranVineyardConsultantChrisHill along theVirginiawinetrail.Itooktheopportunitytoaskhisviewsonthe2014Harvest.HeindicatedmostofhisclientswereabletobringintheirfruitpriortothelateOctoberrains.Chattingupotherindustrycontacts,IknowsomethathadfruithanguntilHalloween(thatsoundsscary).Whilethereweresomegrumblingsabouttherainsmostvineyardownersindicatedthattherewassignificantlylesswildlifepressureonthevineyardsthisyearascomparedtolast.Inaddition,winemakersseemtoberatherhappywiththequalityofthe2014harvest.OnewinemakerindicatedtomethathedidnothitthetextbookBrixlevelsbutfoundtheflavorprofilestobeunbelievable.Heworriedthatwinemakerswhowerewaitingforthenumberstoincreasemighthavewaitedtoolongtobringintheirfruit.Nowthattheharvestisinthebooksandthewineisinthewinery,themagicbeginsIknowIameagertotastethe2014vintages.Inclosing,pleaseremembertheVirginiaWineClubisamostexcellentChristmasgift.Calltheofficetogetdetailsonourspecialoffers.Asalways,butespeciallyinthisThanksgivingseason,thankyouforallowingmetobeapartofyourVirginiaWineJourney.RespectfullySubmitted,NeilWilliamsonEditor,VirginiaWineJournalChairman,[email protected]

    Racking wine:Rackingisthenextstep,aftertheinitialmorevigorousfermentation.Simplyputrackingissiphoningthewineoffofthedeadyeast,knownaslees,intoacleancontainer.


    Over time yeast and other sediment will precipitate out of the wine and settle to thebottom.Thecloudinesswilldissipatewitheachsuccessiverackinguntilitsnearlyclear.



    Source: Winemakers Academy

    Vincabulary (n.) Vin-kb-yoo-lehr-ee

  • Next Ship Date: Monday, December 7, 2014If youll be out of town, please alert us to hold your wine until your return.

    RapidanRiver,PrinceMichelVineyardssecondarylabel,hasbecomesynonymouswithwell-balanced fruit wines. The Rapidan River Peach is no exception. Presenting in the glass in asubduedgoldenrodhuethearomaislikesmellingsummerripepeaches,apricotsandhoneysuckledominatethenose.




    November Sweet Wine SelectionRapidan River Peach