the villager - jun/jul 2010

JUNE / JULY 2010 Combined magazine for the parishes of Harlaxton, Denton, Hungerton with Wyville, Stroxton and Woolsthorpe by Belvoir Parish Clergy Priest in Charge—The Reverend Keith Hanson The Rectory, Harlaxton—Telephone: 01476 594608 Email: [email protected] Retired Priest Assisting—The Reverend John Bruce Telephone: 01476 561546 Email: [email protected] Parish website: VILLAGER

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Harlaxton Church Magazine published for the whole village


Page 1: The Villager - Jun/Jul 2010

JUNE / JULY 2010

Combined magazine for the parishes of Harlaxton, Denton, Hungerton with Wyville, Stroxton and Woolsthorpe by Belvoir

Parish Clergy

Priest in Charge—The Reverend Keith Hanson The Rectory, Harlaxton—Telephone: 01476 594608

Email: [email protected]

Retired Priest Assisting—The Reverend John Bruce Telephone: 01476 561546

Email: [email protected]

Parish website:


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From The Rectory

Introduction to the ‘Retired Priest Assisting’

Our Rector, the Rev’d Keith Hanson, has asked me to ‘introduce’ myself in

this edition of the ‘Villager’ so that you all know who this ‘Retired Priest

Assisting’ is and just what that strange title means.

Christine and I were married in 1963 and our daughter Clare arrived in 1974.

I have worked at a variety of places doing many types of work including

finance, agricultural show organisation and management, my own printing

business, office equipment sales, and finally computer software and hard-

ware sales, training and quality management—but in 1993 felt that God was

calling me to a more formal kind of ministry and so began the long haul (!)

to eventual acceptance, training, and ordination in 1998 (see below).

But yes, I am now retired; I finished full time paid ministry on 31st Decem-

ber 2008 after being Priest-in-Charge of St John the Evangelist in Manthorpe

for 3½ years. I was what is called a ‘Late Ordinand’, being ordained deacon

in 1998, and priest in 1999 – I had no intention of becoming a parish priest

(my younger brother was ordained at the age of 28). I was very settled and

happy as a Non Stipendiary Minister (NSM) at St Mary & St Nicolas Parish

Church in Spalding, and latterly as assistant curate in the Glen Group

(Pinchbeck St Mary, Surfleet St Laurence and West Pinchbeck St Bartholo-

mew) but God had other ideas about that!

Assisting? Well that surely doesn’t need any explanation, after having

attended Harlaxton church for several months and feeling very much at

home there, I offered my assistance and it was accepted. One of the joys of

ministering in a ‘retired’ manner is to be able to help out where needed and

not have the responsibilities of being parish priest for they are often stressful

and family draining.

And of course, once a Priest always a Priest – or to be more correct, once a

Deacon, always a Deacon – being a priest is a joy and a privilege, to be able

worship God and serve alongside His people in this very special way. But

I’m sure that you are asking a little more about the real me, who I really am,

where did I come from and why settle in Harlaxton?

I was born in 1941 in Spalding, joined the church choir on Palm Sunday

1952, and after I left the choir in 1963 I became a server where I was active

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for many years. Christine and I have both been involved in Church Youth

Work for well over 30 years.

Around 1980 we helped form a singing group in our church called the St Mary

Singers, it was about the time that the new services were beginning to show

their faces and our music reflected that era of change. The St Mary Singers not

only sang before and during worship for many years, they also performed at

various churches in the district taking as their motto ‘Singing Christ to the

World’. It was a four part harmony group and their range of music was wide,

but consisted mainly of modern music, embracing all that was best in that tradi-

tion including Iona and Taizé styles as well.

In the late 80’s after visiting the Taizé Community in Burgundy, we decided to

form a Taizé Worship Group, which is still running strong to this day. Its aim

was to offer the Taizé style of worship on a monthly basis to any church that

wanted to experience it, and we travelled far and wide in South Lincolnshire

doing just that. I have been to Taizé itself some five times and feel that it’s wor-

ship has a lot to offer our sometimes very busy lives.

After we moved from Spalding to come to minister at Manthorpe we had no

intention of staying here afterwards (it was after all only a relatively short

contract – 3½ years) so kept our house in Spalding and let it out. But after being

here for a couple of years we saw the benefit of moving here – we had made

new friends, but had still kept those precious ones we had at Spalding, and

Grantham had so much to offer. Our daughter lives in Peterborough and my

brother (also a retired priest) lives in Coventry (when he’s not in the south of

France – his second home!). So our closeness to the A1 and the main line

station means that we have easy access to our small family, my brother is

unmarried and our daughter has no children.

Now that we are settled in Welwyn Close (although outside the bounds of the

Parish and its undoubted glow) we feel very much at home and welcome in the

group whichever church we go to.

May God continue to bless you all as you grow in His love and serve the people

of this lovely rural part of Grantham.

John Rev’d John Bruce

. . . . . . .

In about the same degree as you are helpful, you will be happy.

Karl Reiland

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Denton News

Street Market

Despite variable weather: showers, sunshine—and to top it all, hail—the Street

Market was a huge success! The results were at least comparable with last


As always, it is difficult to thank everyone who helped and worked hard, not

only on the day, but for weeks and even months beforehand. Both the stall

bookings job and the treasurer’s role (although the treasurer’s assistant proved

very helpful) were undertaken very ably and successfully by new volunteers.

Thanks go to all the village hall volunteers, the school and the church. Also to

the folk who organised the stalls in aid of village funds: tombola, raffle, plants,

books, bric-a-brac, clothes, ice cream and hot dogs. The list is endless . . . Not

to mention the car parking and the hundreds of small things, which made the

event so successful!

As ever, the Denton Farming Company have our grateful thanks for the use of

the land for the car park.

Altogether, without the help and support of EVERYONE, this event would not

be possible. So . . . many thanks to all!

Summer Lunch

Once again Denton PCC will hold its ever-popular Summer Lunch. (See page

15.) Don’t miss this enjoyable event. Tickets available from PCC members.

. . . . . . . .

Editor’s Note

It has been interesting to learn more about John Bruce in the opening message of this issue of the magazine. Would anyone else be prepared to write a small autobiographical piece for the magazine—say half a page? Tell us all a bit more about your life and interests, past and present, aspects we might not already know. If you would also tell us what your favourite hymn is, and why, I promise to ask Keith if we can sing it at a service shortly afterwards! To contact me, see page 24.

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Harlaxton Village Hall Committee is looking for a Chairperson

Duties include:

* Attendance at Annual General Meeting in Spring

* Attendance at 2 (maximum) other meetings per annum

Person specification: Local member of the community

wishing to contribute

Please contact: Jenny Ross — 01476 573221

07976 512128

A Message from Eve Marshman

Dear Friends I would like to say a big “Thank you” to everyone who has sent me cards, good wishes, flowers and visited me. In fact, I’m over-whelmed by everything, but am so grateful for the wonderful friend-ship. My progress to me seems slow, but I’m told I’m doing very well, so I must be thankful and keep plodding on. Best wishes to everyone, and I hope to join you all again before too long.

And also one from Sue Taylor I too would like to thank all those kind people who have telephoned, sent cards and visited me since I have been confined to bed at home. Knowing that I am in your thoughts and prayers has been a great boost to my (sometimes) flagging morale—thank you all.

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W I Programmes

Denton WI

Wednesday 9 June Open Meeting

All visitors welcome

Illustrated talk on Sri Lanka

by Mr S Lovell

Sales table, Quiz, Raffle

Tea and biscuits

Wednesday 14 July Folk Art Painting

by Mrs A Freeman

Display: A small painting

Social Time: Mrs L Devine

Meetings held at 7.00pm in the village hall.

. . . . . . .

Harlaxton WI

Wednesday 16 June Open Meeting

Travels with my Camera

by Richard Adams

Hostesses: Margaret Crombie, Jean Lattimore

Flowers: Ann Hollingsworth

Wednesday 21 July History of Belvoir Castle

by Sally Ann Jackson

Hostesses: Molly Bridge, Lesley Holden

Flowers: Carole Harris

Meetings held at 7.15pm in the village hall.

. . . . . . .

Being taken for granted can be a compliment.

It means that you’ve become a comfortable, trusted element

in another person’s life.

Dr Joyce Brothers

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The Bishop of Lincoln’s Letter

It’s the Law!

von Bismark once said that laws are like sausages – you don’t want to be there when they are being made. But being there while laws are made is precisely what will be required of members newly elected to Parliament. And this raises questions about how Christians should relate to legislation and the law of the land. The standard response is that we do all we can to influence the legislative process by casting our vote, lobbying MPs and making the most of having bishops in the House of Lords – and then live as best we can with the out-come. On the other hand, there is a long history of civil disobedience on the part of Christians who refuse as a matter of principle to comply with the law, and are prepared to face the consequences. Each of these stances finds support in Scripture and the Christian tradition. But during the last Parliament we became aware of a third way whereby Christians campaigned to be exempted from certain laws because they were thought to conflict with Christian beliefs or threaten religious liberty. Former Archbishop George Carey even argued for cases involving Christian principle to be dealt with by specially chosen Judges who might be expected to under-stand the Christian point of view. What do you think? My own position is that we argue our corner when laws are being made but

don’t go in for special pleading in order to secure exemptions for ourselves.

Civil disobedience remains an option for Christians when law and faith are

in conflict, and many bad laws have been repealed as a result of peaceful

protest. But spending less time on securing exemption for ourselves so as

to concentrate on making laws which are for the well being of all, would not

come amiss.

+ John Lincoln

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Children’s Page

Please see page 13 for something else of interest to children

that is planned for this summer

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We will deal briefly with the chronology of the Bible. The thing to remember is that the farther back we go dates can vary. For 1000BC dates can be around 100 years out. The Old Testament is written by many different scribes from many different sources. Some of it is handed down from generation to generation. Events are often briefly recorded with only the important points being ‘remembered’. If you go to a football match you will retain the important points: the goals, the excellent saves by the goalie, etc. If you were asked to give a report of every minor tackle in the match, I guess you would not be able to do so. Another point to remember is that even our history facts are not always exact. The Battle of Hastings in 1066 never took place. Hastings was the reference point for the landing of William. The battle took place several miles away at the site of a village now called Battle. There is now some query about the actual field of one of the battles of the English Civil War. Some of the Old Testament was written ‘shortly’ after the events, within a generation. The events, for instance, in David’s life were written in ‘the records of Gad the seer and Nathan the prophet’, with some early events in David’s life in ‘the records of Samuel the seer’. 1 Chronicles 29 verses 29-30. these three were contemporaries of David and in fact involved in his affairs. An incident in the life of David is an interesting case in question, and can seem to throw events into confusion. The writer of the books 1 and 2 Samuel writes about David’s life as a biographer, giving us a fairly detailed account of the events in David’s personal, as well as royal life. Another writer, of Chronicles 1, writes about David as a historian/chronicler would, giving only the return of the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem by David, an important event in Israel, and David’s life. He then concentrates on David’s battles, victories and lists of men who were in David’s army and service, but not his private life. So we have two different viewpoints and chronology seems contradictory.

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In 1 Chronicles the historian gives the account of a war against the Ammonites and the capture of Rabbah by David’s forces. This takes three verses. The same event in 2 Samuel 11 and 12 is spread over two chapters. This is because the writer is a biographer and is inter-ested in recording an event which has no interest to the historian, David’s sordid affair with Bathsheba. The historian records only the war with the Ammonites and the capture of Rabbah. He does not even mention that David does not leave with his troops, but goes later. The biographer, however, is very interested. He starts with David send-ing his troops off to battle, noting that David does not go with them. He then goes into great detail of the affair, completing the whole personal story in a complete narrative. Only when the personal story is finished, does the biographer in the book of Samuel go back to complete the ac-count of the war. Historian’s record Biographer’s record

David sends troops, David sends his troops to war then within a month goes to then has affair with Bathsheba. Rabbah to lead the capture Recalls Uriah, Bathsheba’s of the city husband, from the battlefront. Sends him back to the battlefront to be killed. Bathsheba gives birth, the baby dies. David and Bathsheba marry and have another child, who will become King Solomon. All this has taken about 2 years. Only then does the biographer return to the battle and complete the capture of Rabbah, which you remember was one month after David sent his troops. The biographer wants to give a complete narrative and account of an episode in David’s personal life, while the historian is not interested. Two accurate viewpoints written with different purposes. No wonder some have problems understanding. We also run into problems when the writers are trying to run the histories of two kingdoms simultaneously. The books 1 and 2 Kings deal, in the main, with the two kingdoms formed when the united kingdom under David split into two: Judah, the southern kingdom, and Israel, the

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northern kingdom. In simple terms, at the split both kingdoms had, ei-ther by internal agreement or by infighting, their own king. The historian/s of the day attempted the impossible, to run the histories of the two kingdoms and their kings simultaneously, and this throws things into confusion. If each king came to the throne at the same time, lived the same num-ber of years, or ruled the same number of years and died at the same time, everything would be simple. But they didn’t. If every son were followed by his son, simple. But they weren’t. In one case, when the king died, his wife had ‘all’ her family murdered and took the throne. However, her sister saw what was happening and rescued and hid one of her nephews. Six years later—at 7 years of age—he is ‘assisted’ to the throne, and his ‘assistants’ execute his mother. One ‘simple’ example of chronological displacement. Hold onto your hats. 2 Kings 12 tells us that Joash, king of Judah, came to the throne in the seventh year of the reign of Jehu, king of Israel, and reigned over Judah for forty years and is then killed. The next chapter (13) tells us that in Joash’s 23rd year, Jehoahaz be-comes king of Israel. So we step back seventeen years. Jehoahaz eventually dies and while Joash (who was killed in chapter 12) is still alive and in his 37th year, Jehoahaz’s son, Jehoash, comes to the throne and reigns sixteen years. Then he dies in 2 Kings 13, but to all intents and purposes is resurrected in chapter 14, merely to give us a reference point for the accession of Amaziah, king of Judah, in the sec-ond year of Jehoash’s reign. Get’s complicated, don’t it?! And this happens often. The Biblical facts are correct (as we shall see when we start to consider the archaeology of the Bible in the next issue). We just have to ‘tease’ the facts into order. A final problem we have is actually down to Jewish ‘history’. All those kingdoms and kings can be confusing. Add to that the prophets for each kingdom! On taking over the Promised Land of Canaan, the twelve tribes of Israel took possession of a certain area for each tribe. they were governed by Judges, but the two tribes of the south and the ten tribes of the north were often at each others throats. They were united only in one thing;

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They wanted a king to rule them all. Eventually Saul was appointed as king, but the divisions never really healed. When Saul was killed, David became king and united the nation. This continued to the end of Solo-mon’s life, when the kingdom split again, each appointing its own king. Many kings followed each other, but the lack of strength in the unity ex-perienced under David left both kingdoms vulnerable to invasion. One kingdom fell to the Babylonians and the other to the Assyrians. I had my own problems with our British history. Vikings, Saxons, Celts, Normans; numerous kingdom divisions - Wessex, Mercia . . . Invasions, battles, dates, civil wars, the War of the Roses; Kings Canute, Ethelred (why was he unready, and for what?), Alfred (fancy burning the cakes), the Williams, the Richards, the Henrys, the Georges and . . Help! To read the Bible and understand it, we have to learn its language as children do their alphabet. Many of us who are long-term Christians are still learning its language as we study it. If you are encouraged to read the Bible use a modern translation. The text will be easier to understand. Help is available with difficult passages. If you belong to a different church, contact your own vicar or pastor. Or contact the ‘Villager’ and your enquiry will be directed, in confidence, to someone who can help.

Trevor Woodgate . . . . . . .

Children’s Summer Activity Day

In previous years

the Activity Days for children held at

Easter and Christmas have been very popular.

So something similar is being planned for

Wednesday 25 August from 11.00am—3.00pm

Children of primary school age

from all the parishes are invited

and will be asked to bring a packed lunch

Further details will be given in the next issue of the Villager

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Harlaxton School PTAHarlaxton School PTAHarlaxton School PTAHarlaxton School PTA

Come and join us!

Saturday 12 June




at 11.30am

(Run entrance fee = £3.50)

All ages welcome!

Summer BBQ

Hungerton Hall

Saturday 19 June

4.00 - 6.00pm

Salads and Ice Cream provided

Bring your own meat and drinks

Entry free

but donations please

in aid of church and village hall funds


(In past times)

Buffet Supper

hosted by Elizabeth Holmes

Saturday 12 June

6.30 for 7.00pm

Tickets £8 to include a soft drink

(If you prefer wine, please bring your own)

Forthcoming Events


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Friday 25 June 7.00pm

Harlaxton Sports & Social Club 7.00 for 7.30

Entry free Cash bar

St Andrew’s Church



Grantham Cricket Ground

Gorse lane

11 july 2010

12.30 for 1.00pm

Tickets £12.50


Sausage and Dash

Fun and Games

in the Rectory garden

Followed by a BBQ

Kick-off at 3.00pm

Saturday 10 July


£8 adults

£1 children

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Festival of Music and the Arts

3—17 July 2010

A bonanza of music from:

Jazz, R&B, Virtuoso performers, Swing, Organ,

Choirs, Quartet and Orchestral

Art exhibition by local artists


Workshops in Textiles

Flower arranging

Painting and Photography


A guided talk on our magnificent windows and tracery


invite you to their


on Thursday 15th

July 2010

from 10:30am to 12:30pm

at 5 Welwyn Close, Grantham

(just off the A607 opposite the Squash Club)

Cakes, Bring and Buy, Raffle etc.

Looking forward to seeing you there.

All Proceeds to Harlaxton Parish Church

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More Dates for your Diaries

(Harlaxton’s ‘Raising the Roof’

fundraising campaign) (further details nearer the time)

Saturday 4 September Barn Dance in the Nave

Harlaxton Church

featuring ‘That Band Again’

£10—includes supper

Saturday 16 October Murder Mystery Play

Harlaxton village hall

Includes supper

Price TBA

Saturday 27 November Concert at Harlaxton Manor

‘Cantari and Friends’ entertain

Price TBA

For advance tickets, please contact:

Keith Warner 01476 566988

Barbara Lawry “ 563272

Rev’d Keith Hanson “ 594608

Sue Taylor “ 574040

. . . . . . .

Morality is a personal thing. Each of us, through the teachings

of our childhood and our experience with others, has developed

an unwritten list of criteria of behaviour.

Too frequently I find that a person’s morality is a code by which

he believes others should perform towards him, rather than

a code guiding his behaviour towards others.

It is our actual day-to-day behaviour that determines

and defines our morality.


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Answers to last time’s crossword

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Clues Across

1 ‘Eloi, Eloi, lama — ?’ (Matthew 27:46) (11) 9 Joseph’s second son (Genesis 41:52) (7) 10 ‘No one sews a — of unshrunk cloth on an old garment’ (Mark 2:21) (5) 11 See 3 Down (3) 13 Cultivate (2 Samuel 9:10) (4) 16 Not firm or stiff (Proverbs 26:7) (4) 17 Jacob’s second wife (Genesis 29:28) (6) 18 On Her Majesty’s Service (1,1,1,1) 20 ‘As for us, why do we endanger ourselves every hour? — — every day, I mean that, brothers’ (1 Corinthians 15:30–31) (1,3) 21 The second son that Leah bore to Jacob (Genesis 29:33) (6) 22 Piece of work (Acts 20:24) (4) 23 The expensive perfume that Mary poured on Jesus’ feet at Bethany (John 12:3) (4) 25 ‘Come and — the place where he lay’ (Matthew 28:6) (3) 28 Vegetable identified by the Israelites in the desert as one they remembered enjoying in Egypt (Numbers 11:5) (5) 29 ‘But the — of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke it’ (Matthew 13:22) (7) 30 It happened to Paul three times (2 Corinthians 11:25) (11)

Clues Down

2 The second son that Leah’s servant Zilpah bore to Jacob (Genesis 30:13) (5) 3 Parents of Cain (Genesis 4:1) (4,3) 4 Abode (Luke 4:38) (4) 5 ‘Now faith is being sure of what we — for’ (Hebrews 11:1) (4) 6 ‘When they entered [the tomb], they did — — the body of the Lord Jesus’ (Luke 24:3) (3,4) 7 The last-named fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22–23) (4-7) 8 Woman who looks after sheep (Genesis 29:9) (11) 12 Looked at (Numbers 32:9) (6) 14 Form of address to married woman (3) 15 Baruch was so described (Jeremiah 36:26) (6) 19 Andrew told his brother Simon that they had found him(John 1:41) (7) 20 Where the Good Samaritan took the man attacked by robbers on the Jericho road (Luke 10:34) (3) 24 ‘This son of mine was dead and is — again; he was lost and is found’ (Luke 15:24) (5) 25 Pins (anag.) (4) 26 Large jug or pitcher (4)

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Wednesday 2 June

10.00am Denton Midweek Communion

Thursday 3 June

7.00pm Wyville Contemplative Prayer

Sunday 6 June First Sunday after Trinity

8.00am Denton Holy Communion

9.30am Harlaxton Open House

11.00am Woolsthorpe Holy Communion

6.00pm Stroxton Evensong

Wednesday 9 June

10.00am Harlaxton Midweek Communion

Sunday 13 June Second Sunday after Trinity

9.30am Harlaxton Holy Communion

11.00am Wyville Matins

6.00pm Denton Confirmation Service with

Bishop of Grantham presiding

Wednesday 16 June

10.00am Harlaxton Midweek Communion

Sunday 20 June Third Sunday after Trinity

8.00am Denton Holy Communion

9.30am Harlaxton Holy Communion

11.00am Woolsthorpe Morning Prayer

Wednesday 23 June

10.00am Harlaxton Midweek Communion

Sunday 27 June Fourth Sunday after Trinity

9.30am Harlaxton Holy Communion

11.00am Wyville Holy Communion

6.00pm Denton Evensong

Page 22: The Villager - Jun/Jul 2010

Wednesday 30 June

10.00am Harlaxton Midweek Communion

Sunday 4 July Fifth Sunday after Trinity

8.00am Denton Holy Communion

9.30am Harlaxton Open House

11.00am Woolsthorpe Holy Communion

6.00pm Stroxton Evensong

Wednesday 7 July

10.00am Denton Midweek Communion

Thursday 8 July

7.00pm Wyville Contemplative Prayer

Sunday 11 July Sixth Sunday after Trinity

9.30am Harlaxton Holy Communion

11.00am Denton Open House

6.00pm Wyville Evensong

Wednesday 14 July

10.00am Harlaxton Midweek Communion

Thursday 15 July St Swithun’s Day

Pray for no rain!

Sunday 18 July Seventh Sunday after Trinity

8.00am Denton Holy Communion

9.30am Harlaxton Holy Communion

11.00am Woolsthorpe Morning Prayer

Wednesday 21 July

10.00am Harlaxton Midweek Communion

Sunday 25 July Eighth Sunday after Trinity

9.30am Harlaxton Holy Communion

11.00am Wyville Holy Communion

6.00pm Denton Evensong


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‘Sing and Play in a Colourful Way’

Come along and join in the fun with a FREE taster session

BOTTESFORD Baptist Church on Mondays

HARLAXTON Village Hall on Tuesdays and Thursdays

CAR COLSTON Village Hall (near Bingham) on Fridays

From birth to pre-school age

Experience an interactive class of LIVE music

with quality instruments, puppets and colourful props

which stimulates your child’s imagination and builds confidence

There’s even time for a coffee and a chat afterwards!

Contact Tiffany

01476 574978 or [email protected]


Wednesday 28 July

10.00am Harlaxton Midweek Communion

Sunday 1 August Ninth Sunday after Trinity

8.00am Denton Holy Communion

9.30am Harlaxton Open House

11.00am Woolsthorpe Holy Communion

. . . . . . .

Hold a true friend with both your hands. (Nigerian proverb)

The first duty of love is to LISTEN. (Paul Tillich)

Hatred is blind as well as love. (Thomas Fuller)

The best cure for anger is delay. (Seneca)

We have grasped the mystery of the atom

and rejected the Sermon on the Mount.

(General Omar Bradley)

Page 24: The Villager - Jun/Jul 2010

Material for the magazine

Is always welcome:

reports from organisations, articles,

stories, poems, etc

Any item suitable for a

church-based magazine

will be considered.

To contact the editor,

see box alongside.

Closing date for material for the

August / September


20 July 2010

Telephone: 01476 563272

or Email

[email protected]



Friendly, Reliable and Regular

Call Steve for a free quote

Tel: 01476 590377 Mobile: 07762 815826

Marquee and Accessories HireMarquee and Accessories Hire

Ideal for your garden function, party or BBQ

• 12 x 6 metre white marquee with windows

• Red carpet available

• 5 x 5 metre dance floor available

• Crockery and cutlery for 100 place settings available

We can deliver and collect hire items and assist with the erection and dismantling

Profits are donated to charity via The Rotary Club of Grantham

All enquiries to:-

Irvin Metcalf [email protected] 01476 570800 Trotters Lane, Harlaxton

Page 25: The Villager - Jun/Jul 2010



Available for

Private lettings

01476 573221

Regular Whist Drives

Contact Numbers

Treasurer (Harlaxton) Frances Warner (566988)

Mothers Union Lesley Devine


Pastoral Care & Healing (Woolsthorpe) “

Tea & Chat (mums and toddlers) Carole Pearson (560782)

Pastoral Care (Denton) Gill Mitchell (870766)

Pastoral Care (Harlaxton) Barbara Lawry (563272)

Choir (Harlaxton) Merle Thomas (573359)

Bell Ringing Liz Carter (568097)

Church Flowers (Harlaxton) Sue Taylor (574040)

Prayer Circle Frances Warner (566988)

Sheila Finch (565086)


Available for private lettings

Great for children’s parties, etc Dance floor Kitchen

Disabled facilities Large grass area outside

Contact Gill Hoyes 01476 530511





07975 600892

Page 26: The Villager - Jun/Jul 2010


MARK HODSON PROPERTY IMPROVER The essential fixes for your contentment


FOR QUALITY AND RELIABILITY Please ring Home: 01476 419428 Mobile: 07986 990224 Email: [email protected]

Page 27: The Villager - Jun/Jul 2010


Page 28: The Villager - Jun/Jul 2010


PLUMB-TREE PROPERTY SERVICES Domestic Plumbing and Tree Felling

A reliable and certified local tradesman

Emergency callout available

Additional property needs undertaken including:

Hedge and Grass Cutting, Tree Stump Reduction

Fence Erecting, Painting, Shed Felting

Drains Unblocked, Gutters Cleaned and Repaired

General DIY—No job too small

References provided

Discounted rates for senior citizens

Telephone: 07745 473727 or 01476 579186


21a Belton Avenue, Grantham

Open: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sat urday

10.00am - 3.00pm

Books, Cards, CDs and Jewellery

Special orders taken

01476 564222

Page 29: The Villager - Jun/Jul 2010

H a r l a x t o n Picture Framing

1 West End, Harlaxton, Grantham NG32 1HE

Telephone: 01476 570594 Mobile: 07910 798537


Sam’s Traditional

Window Cleaning

I clean the whole of your window, not just the glass.

All windows washed and dried.

Windows cleaned to a high standard,

including the frames and sills

I also clean conservatory roofs and garage doors

I am a fully insured window cleaner

References available on request

I am not a five-minute flick over service

For a polite and reliable service, please give Sam a call

on 01476 405068 for your quote.

Page 30: The Villager - Jun/Jul 2010


Chris Ward CarpetsChris Ward CarpetsChris Ward CarpetsChris Ward Carpets and




Expert fitting

Free no obligation estimating

Quality & service assured

Over 10,000 patterns available

Home visits with patterns if required

Ample parking at showrooms








The Showrooms

26-28 Denton Avenue


NG31 7JL

Tel/Fax 01476 565202

Page 31: The Villager - Jun/Jul 2010


Page 32: The Villager - Jun/Jul 2010

CHURCHWARDENS HARLAXTON Mrs Susan Taylor Mrs Elizabeth Allison 23 Swinehill The Red House Harlaxton Trotters Lane Grantham Harlaxton 01476 574040 01476 564249

DENTON Mr Keith Hiley 2nd Warden Pendle position vacant Main Street Denton 01476 870501

HUNGERTON with WYVILLE Sir Francis Le Marchant Mrs Marion Webb Hungerton Hall The Flat Hungerton Hungerton Hall 01476 870244 01476 870374

STROXTON Mrs Betty Madge Mr Simon Embley Pondside Cottage Beckside Cottage Stroxton Stroxton 01476 530296 01476 530481

WOOLSTHORPE-BY-BELVOIR Mrs Lesley Devine 2nd Warden 19 Denton Lane position vacant Harston 01476 870795