the use of comic strips to improve students’...

i THE USE OF COMIC STRIPS TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION (A Classroom Action Research of the Eighth Grade Students of SMP N 1 Kledung in the Academic Year of 2017/2018) A GRADUATING PAPER Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd.) By: NURUL FAJRIYAH NIM.113-13-117 ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTEMENT TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION FACULTY STATE INSTITUTE FOR ISLAMIC STUDIES (IAIN) OF SALATIGA 2018

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(A Classroom Action Research of the Eighth Grade Students of

SMP N 1 Kledung in the Academic Year of 2017/2018)


Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a partial fulfillment of the

requirements for

the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd.)














Have more than thou show,

Speak less than thou know,

Lend less than thou owe,

Ride more than thou go,

Learn more than thou throw,

Set less than thou throw,




This graduating paper is dedicated to:

My beloved parents Sumarmi and Ponadi, who always love and support


My beloved brother Muhammad Zaenal Arifin.

My big family and all my friends that supported my education.




Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin, all praise to Allah SWT, the Most Gracious and

the Most Merciful who always bless and help the writer so the writer can finish

the graduating paper. Bless and mercy is upon great Prophet Muhammad SAW

for his guidance that leads the writer to the truth.

However, this paper will not be finished without support, advices, help and

encouragement from several people institution. Hence, the writer would like to

express special thanks to:

1. Mr. Dr. Rahmat Haryadi, M.Pd, the Rector of Institute of Islamic Studies

(IAIN) of Salatiga.

2. Mr. Suwardi, M.Pd, the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga.

3. Mrs. Noor Malihah, Ph.D, the Head of English Education Department.

4. Mr. Dr. Ruwandi, S.Pd, M.A, the counselor of this paper, who gives great

attention, suggestion and guidance for this paper from beginning until the


5. All of lectures and staff of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of


Salatiga, July nd


The writer

Nurul Fajriyyah

NIM. 113-13-117



TITLE ..................................................................................................................i

ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTE .................................................................ii

STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION ................................................................iii

DECLARATION ...............................................................................................iv

MOTTO ..............................................................................................................v


ACKNOWLEDGMENT .....................................................................................vii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................viii

LIST OF TABLES ..............................................................................................xi

LIST OF APPENDIXES .....................................................................................xii

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................xiii


A. Background of the Study .........................................................................1

B. Problem Formulations .............................................................................3

C. Objective of the Study .............................................................................3

D. Significance of the Study ........................................................................4

E. Hypothesis and Success Indicator ...........................................................4

F. Research Methodology............................................................................5

G. Outline of the Graduating Paper ............................................................6


A. Review of Literature ..............................................................................11

B. Reading

1. Definition of Reading .......................................................................12


2. The Purpose of Reading ....................................................................13

3. The kinds of Reading ........................................................................14

C. Reading Comprehension ........................................................................17

D. Recount Text ...........................................................................................21

E. Comic Strips ...........................................................................................26

F. Evaluation Criteria ..................................................................................29

G. Minimum Competence Criteria ..............................................................31


A. Description of Teaching and Learning Process in Cycle I .....................32

B. Description of Teaching and Learning Process in Cycle II ....................33


A. Data Analysis

1. Cycle I ................................................................................................35

2. Cycle II ...............................................................................................45

B. Discussion55

1. Cycle I ................................................................................................55

2. Cycle II ...............................................................................................62


A. Conclusion ..............................................................................................69

B. Suggestion ...............................................................................................70



List of Table

Table 2.1 Description of Students‟ Achievement ...............................................29

Table 4.1 students score of pre-test I ..................................................................36

Table 4.2 Criteria of Students‟ Reading Comprehension of pre-test I ................37

Table 4.3 Students‟ Score of Post-test I ..............................................................39

Table 4.4 Criteria of Students‟ Reading Comprehension of Post-test 1 .............40

Table 4.5 The Result of Pre-test I and Post-test I ...............................................41

Table 4.6 Students‟ Score of Pre-test II ..............................................................45

Table 4.7 The Criteria of Students‟ Reading Comprehension of Pre-test II .......47

Table 4.8 Students‟ Score of Post-test II .............................................................48

Table 4.9 Criteria of Students‟ Reading Comprehension of Post-test 2 .............49

Table 4.10 The Result of Pre-test and Post-test II ..............................................51

Table 4.11 Observational Checklist of Teacher of Cycle I .................................60

Table 4.12 Observational Checklist for Student of Cycle I ...............................60

Table 4.13 Observational Checklist for Teacher of Cycle II .............................64

Table 4.14 Observational Checklist for Students of Cycle II .............................65


List of Appendix

Appendix 1 Lembar Konsultasi Skripsi

Appendix 2 Surat Penunjukan Pembimbing

Appendix 3 Surat Keterangan Penelitian

Appendix 4 School‟s Profile

Appendix 5 Students Observation Sheet

Appendix 6 Lesson Plan

Appendix 7 Students‟ Worksheet

Appendix 8 Documentation

Appendix 9 List of Certificates Score

Appendix 10 Curriculum Vitae



Nurul Fajriyah. 2018. The Use of Comic Strips to Improve Students‟ Reading

Comprehension (A Classroom Action research of the Eighth

Grade Students of SMP Negeri 1 Kledung in the Academic year

of 2017/2018). Graduating Paper. English Education Department.

Teacher Training and Education Faculty. State Institute for

Islamic Studies Salatiga. Counselor: Dr. Ruwandi S.Pd., M.A

The objectives of this research are to explore the improvement and identify

the significant improvement of the students‟ reading comprehension of the eighth

grades students of SMP N 1 Kledung in the academic year of 2017/2018.

The approach and technique of this research was Classroom Action

Research (CAR). The subjects of the research were 30 students of the eight grade

of SMPN 1 Kledung. The research was conducted in two cycles by which each

cycle consisted of planning, acting, observation and reflecting.

The result of the research showed that there is an improvement of

students‟ reading comprehension in recount text. It can be seen from the result of

the score, in cycle I in which post-test is higher than pre-test (59.34 ≥ 53.34) and

in cycle II (74 ≥ 52.67). The t calculation is 8.96, showing that to higher than t

table (2.04). So, alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and null hypothesis (Ho)

is rejected.

Key Words: Comic Strips; Reading Comprehension; Recount Text




A. Background of the Study

English is an international language, it was used in various aspects

of life such as in culture, economics, business, politics etc. In many non-

speaking English countries, English becomes a foreign language or second

language. In Indonesia, English is a foreign language. It is taught from

elementary school up to university level.

The four basic skills which should be studied are speaking,

listening, reading and writing. Reading is one of the skills which should be

mastered by students. Reading is essential factor to improve the readers to

third another skill. In addition, it brings some benefit for students. Students

get more additional knowledge which has not gained from teacher

explanation. Reading skill is important in learning, so that student must be

trained to have a good skill in reading.

In reading there are some skills to be mastered by students Based

on Educational National Curriculum of 2004, there are many texts that the

junior high school students need to master. Those are descriptive, narrative,

spoof/recount, procedure, report, and anecdote. In other word, students

have to comprehend well those kinds of text. On this research the writer

will be focus on recount text.

Based on the syllabus of SMP, in reading comprehension the

students should comprehend some aspects, such as general information,


specific information and recognizing word meaning. By comprehending

them, the students will easily comprehend all of the content of text.

Based on reality, on the examination items those content are texts.

It means that, if students did not understand the text content student would

be difficulties to finish the test items. When students did not comprehend

well would be missing communication so they would be failed on doing

examination. So comprehension skill is necessary for students.

In fact students‟ comprehension is too low. Based on students

national final examination score of SMP N 1 Kledung, major of students

get score under KKM in English subject. It means that purpose of teaching

reading is not successful. In other hand student has a law interest with

reading subject and reading is not habit for Indonesian. “According to

UNESCO research in 2006 show that Indonesian reading interest at the

lowest position at the Asian while International Educational Achievement

recorded Indonesian students reading ability are lowest in the ASEAN

region” (Ngainun, 2013:4).

There are some factors which make students reading

comprehension is too low. In the reading classroom many students are

bored with reading activity. It decreased students‟ motivation. In learning

reading, the students have difficulties to understand major content of text

because of minimize their vocabulary mastery and they got difficulties to

convey the meaning of the whole paragraph.


In solving the students‟ difficulties in reading comprehension,

using interest strategy or authentic media will help the students‟ active in

teaching and learning process. Comics are one of the instructional media

which can be used in teaching reading comprehension in the classroom.

Many studies have shown that comics provide excellent researches for

students who struggle with readingcomprehension. Smith (2006:6) states

that Comics are powerful aids for the students who excel at visual learning

or have short attention spans. There are two kind of comics, these are;

comic book and strips.

Based on the reason above, the writer takes a title of this paper


READING COMPREHENSION (A Classroom Action Research of the

Eighth Grade Students of SMP N 1 Kledung in the Academic Year of


B. Problem Formulations

1. How can comic strips improve students reading comprehension?

2. Can comic strips improve the students reading comprehension


C. Objectives of the Study

1. To explore the improvement of using comics strips in students reading


2. To know the significant improvement of students reading



D. Significance of the Study

The writer hopes the result of this study, firstly for the writer and

the English teacher at SMP Negeri 1 Kledung., by implementing this study

is expected to enhance their knowledge and become more creative and use

various media in learning reading text at classroom. The second is for

students, it is expected to improve their reading comprehension ability and

their reading interest. The third is for institution of SMP Negeri 1 Kledung,

Temanggung, it is hoped to get advantages for improving the education

quality. The last is for the other researcher, in which the results are hoped

as an alternative suggestion and additional information to do further study.

E. Hypothesis and Success Indicator

The researcher proposes a hypothesis: using comic strips in teaching

learning process in English subject can improve the students‟ reading

comprehension at the eighth grade students of SMP N 1 Kledung in the

academic of year 2017/2018.

The success indicator of this research is taken from the passing grade

(KKM) of English lesson in SMP N 1 Kledung. The passing grade is 70

and the target of the passing grade is 85%.

F. Research Methodology

1. Research Approach and Technique

This study categorized into classroom action research. The aim of

this was to show the process of improvement of the students reading

process. The step done by the researcher and collaborators were


identifying the problem occurring in the English teaching and learning,

planning, and carrying out the actions, observing, and reflecting on the

actions implemented in the study (Kemmis& Mc. Taggart, 1998; in

Burns, 2010:7).

Classroom action research is the process through which the

teachers collaborate in evaluating their practice jointly, raise awareness

of their personal theory; articulate a shared conception of values; tryout

new strategies to render the values expressed in their practice more

consistent with the educational values they espouse; record their work

in a form which is readily available to and understandable by other

teachers; and thus develop a shared theory of teaching by researching

practice (Elliot, 2011:10).

From the definition above, the writer concludes that classroom

action research is the research that be done in the classroom by doing

teacher in teaching learning process to know the students situation in

the classroom when they were in teaching learning process. This

research has been done by repeat the cycle until findings the result of

study show that there are improvements at the classroom.

2. Subject of the Study

The subjects of the study were the students of VIII B class of SMP

Negeri 1 Kledung. The VIII B class consisted of 30 students.They were

15 girls and 15 boys.


3. Procedures of Research

This research used some steps in each cycle. The steps are follows:

a. Planning

The researcher prepares some instruments which is supports in

the teaching learning process, as follow:

1) Preparing material, making lesson plan, and designing the

steps in class action

2) Preparing sheet for classroom observation

3) Preparing pre-test and post-test items

b. Action

The researcher implemented the classroom action research with

the activities below:

1) Giving pre-test

2) Teaching reading using comic strips as media

3) Giving occasion to the students to ask any difficulties or


4) Asking the some question orally and giving post test

c. Observation

Observation is one the instruments in collecting data. As a

scientific method, observation could be systematically used to

observe and note the phenomena investigated like the students

felling, thinking, and something they do in teaching learning



d. Reflection

Based on the result of observation, the researcher makes

an evaluation to the students during teaching learning process.

The researcher and the teacher will discuss the result of the

research in each cycle. After finding the result, the research

will decide or design the next cycle.

4. The Techniques of Collecting Data

The researcher collects data are as follows:

a. Test Instrument

The test instrument is important role to collect data. In this

research, there are two kinds of test, they are pre-test and post-test.

The researcher uses test in order to measure the students‟ reading

comprehension. Pre-test used to know how far students‟ competence

before reading using comic strips. Then, post-test is used to see how

far students‟ competence after reading comic strips.

b. Documentation

The researcher needed documentation to know the students situation

in teaching and learning process.

c. Observation

The researcher was do observation in class with classroom

action research. The researcher not only observe just one time, but

also in every meeting. The function of observation is to know how


far the action that they achieved. This method also uses in finding

concrete data easily and directly.

d. Field note

Field note refers to various note recorded by scientist during or

after their observation of a specific phenomenon they are studying

5. Research Instrument

In this research, the data were collected using some instruments. Those

are described as follows:

a. Observation checklist

The observation checklist was to check the procedure of actions

implemented by the teacher and the researcher. The researcher

also might give comments about the teaching learning process or

suggestions for improving the implementation on the next


b. Reading comprehension test

The instrument was used to know the progress students‟ reading

comprehension during the action. The test consisted 10 items of

multiple choice.

6. Technique of Data Analysis

The technique of analysing data uses mean and T-test scoring.

The students are scored by the pre-test and post-test. After the students

are given pre-test, then the researcher uses comic strips as authentic

material in the teaching reading comprehension. In the last session, the


students are scored by t-test to obtain the valid data which shows whether

the research is success or not. In the final process, the researcher

compares the collecting data from cycle I and cycle II. To know the

whole result of this study, the researcher uses mean, SD (Deviation

standard) and T-test of the scores. In this case, the collecting data is able

to be counted as the following formula:

a. Mean

M =


M = Mean of students‟ score

∑x = The sum of students‟ score

N = The total number of students

b. SD (Deviation Standard)




SDD = Deviation Standard for one sample t-test

D = Difference between pre-test and post-test

N = number of observation in simple

c. T-test

t0 =

To knows the significance between pre-test and post-test. T-test the

formula below:

t0 = T-test for the differences of pre-test and post test


SD= Deviation Standard for one sample t-test

D = Difference between pre-test and post test

N = Number of observation in sample

7. Outline of the Graduating Paper

This study consists of five chapters. Chapter one is introduction.

It involves background of study, statements of the problem, the objective

of the research, the significance of the study, hypothesis and indicator

success, research methodology and outline of the graduating paper.

Chapter two is theoretical framework. This chapter consists of the

Review of the previous research, definition of comic strips, the kind of

reading and teaching reading. Chapter three is research implementation.

The next is chapter four, its talk about research finding and discussion.

Chapter five is closure. It consists of conclusion and suggestion.




A. Review of Literature

Improving the Eleventh Grade Students‟ Reading Comprehension

by Using Comic Strips was conducted by Fitriyah (2015). In this thesis she

focuses on the use comic strips to improve students reading

comprehension. According to her, comic strip was able to improve the

eleventh grade students‟ reading comprehension at SMA UNGGULAN

BPPT Darus Sholah Jember 2014-2015 by identifying the generic

structure, grammatical features, comprehending word meaning, sentence,

paragraph and text.

The second research was done by Mahir (2016). Using

Newspaper Comics Strips to Improve Reading and Writing Among Muet

Band 1&2 Year 1 Students of Faculty of Quran and Sunnah studies,

Universitas Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM). This journal recorded indicating

the use comic of strips had improved reading and writing among USIM

Year 1 students who enrolled in ECP (English for Communicative) course

in their second semester.

The last research entitled, The Effect of comic strips on EFL

Reading Comprehension, by Merc (2013). The purpose of this study is to

investigate the effect of comic strips on reading comprehension of Turkish

EFL learners. The result of this study showed that that all students with a


comic strip effect, regardless of proficiency and text level, performed

better than the ones without comic strips.

B. Reading

1. Definition of Reading

Reading is the process of finding meaning in written characters or

symbols and of interpreting and analysing text (Lynn and William,

1985:12). In addition Anderson et al. (1985) defined reading as the

process of making meaning from written texts. In other word reading is

process finding meaning of word or symbol in printed text.

Morreillon (2007:17) state that reading is making meaning from

print and visual information. But reading is not simple. Reading is an

active process that requires a great deal of practice and skill. In reading

there are interaction between the reader and the text. The reader gets of the

meaning may be not same as the meaning of the writer to convey the text.

It means that, the meanings of the texts are draw by reader may be not

same with other reader interpretation.

From the theories above, it can be concluded that reading is

process to get a meaning from the text. Between the reader and text have

some processes that are used to assign the meaning from written symbols

in the text. In this process the meaning are conveyed by the writer and the

reader is not still same, may be different from the other readers reading in

the same text.


2. The Purpose of Reading

The purpose of reading according to Grabe and Stoller (2002) in Febriani

(2011:10), it has been classified into four purpose, they are:

a. Reading to search for simple information and reading to skim

It is common reading ability, here the reader scan the text to find

out a specific piece of information or specific word. Meanwhile,

reading to skim is the strategy to form the general idea using basic

reading comprehension and guesses the important point.

b. Reading to learn from text

It happens in academic and professional context, it also requires

remembering the main idea and the supporting idea, making a

relation with the reader‟s knowledge. This activity could bring

stronger inference because it is to help remember information.

c. Reading to integrate information, write, and critique text

This skill needs critical evaluation where the reader integrate and

decide the information that she/he wants. Then, it involves abilities

such as composing, selecting, and making critique from the


d. Reading for general comprehension

It can be done by fluent readers very fast and automatically in the

processing word, and effective coordination in many process of the



3. The Kinds of Reading

Mikulecky and Jeffries (1996:1) classified the kinds of reading into four

kinds as follows:

a. Reading pleasure

Reading for pleasure is the reader read a text whatever he/she

wants. It could be fiction or nonfiction. This activity brings the

reader enjoy and fun.

b. Reading Comprehension Skill

Reading comprehension is the activity when the reader‟s brain,

the text, and the reader‟s eyes can engage strongly to build a

connection. Next, this condition makes the reader studies about

what she/he reads and remember about it.

c. Thinking skill

In thinking skill, when the reader reads an English Text, he/she

is forced to think English. Then, the reader must know the

complexity of the text such as the length, English syntax, and

English semantic and or logical connection.

d. Reading Faster

By reading faster, the reader will be efficient and become more

enjoyable (Mikulecky and Jeffries, 1996:1).

According to Harmer (2007:99) there are two kinds of reading related its

purpose, those are intensive reading and extensive reading. Those are

explained as follow:


a. Intensive reading

In notion intensive reading, Harmer defined that reading

activity focuses to learn composition of the text which is the

variants of the text depends on the purpose of the reader.

Palmer (1964) note that “intensive reading” means that the

readers take a text, study it line by line, and refer at very moment to

the dictionary about the grammar of the text itself.

In the other word intensive reading is reading text activity by

reading the whole text to get more detail information. In intensive

reading, the kind and the content of text have to on the reader

interest. The purpose is the reader comprehends well the text and

they have high motivation to finding the details information.

Intensive reading has advantage for low level readers,

intensive reading is possibly the fastest way to build vocabulary.

Some foreign language students are able to successful add 10 or

more comprehension words per day. Additionally, reading difficult

material forces a learner to develop strategies for dealing with texts

that are too hard to read comfortably (Risdianto, 2012:65).

b. Extensive reading

It is the view Palmer (1964) that “extensive reading” is

considered as being reading rapidly. The readers read books after

books. Its attention is paid to the meaning of the text itself not the

language. The purpose of extensive reading is for pleasure and


information. Thus, extensive reading is also termed as

“supplementary reading”.

Extensive reading is an approach to language learning,

including foreign language learning, by the means of large Amount

of reading. The learners view and review of unknown words in

specific context will allow the learner word‟s meaning, and thus to

learn unknown words.

In conclusion extensive reading is reading activity by reading

glance text or rapidly to add information. The kind of text usually

various and time to read is brief.

There are some roles of extensive reading in language learning.

1) It can provide „comprehension input‟

Krashen argues that extensive reading will lead to

language acquisition, provided that certain predictions

are met.

2) It can enhance learner‟s general language competence

3) It increases the students‟ exposure to the language.

4) It can increase knowledge of vocabulary

5) It can lead to improvement in writing

6) It can motivate learners to read.

7) It can consolidate previously learned language

8) It helps to build confidence with extended texts

9) It encourages the explanation of textual redundancy


10) It facilitates the development of prediction skills

(Risdianto, 2012:39-43).

C. Reading Comprehension

1. Definition of Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension is a process of readers understanding

toward reading text to get some information. Efriza et. al (2013:66)

stated that reading comprehension is a process of understanding of the

reader to catch all of information in a text. Reading comprehension is

also a process of analyzing and evaluating of the writer opinion in

written text to get some ideas. So reading comprehension is a process

of readers understanding the whole information from the text including

the writer opinion.

Reading comprehension is a process that involves memory,

thinking abstractly, visualization, and understanding vocabulary as well

as knowing how to properly decode (Ness, 2010). In short reading

comprehension is brain process to create the meaning of the text.

Klingner et al. (2007:8) define reading comprehension as a

complex process involving interaction of many components. Those

components are readers, their background knowledge, their reading

strategy, the text, their interest in topic and their knowledge of text

types. In addition Maoore said that comprehension depend not only on

characteristics of the reader, such as prior knowledge and working

memory, but also on language processes, such as basic reading skills,


decoding, vocabulary, sensitivity to text structure, inference, and

motivation. Those components interact with one another in

comprehending printed text. When inference appears in those

interactions, the readers find difficulties in their reading


In conclusion reading comprehension is a brain process

involving several component which those components are interact one

to another to create the meaning of the text. Those component are

mainly from the reader, text and the knowledge.

As readers mature in their comprehension skills, they are able to

progress efficiently from the stage of learning to read to the ultimate

goal of reading to learn (Yovanof et al., 2005). There are some

problems why the readers are difficult to rises the reading goals;

a. Student have not truly mastered reading fluently,

b. Lack of prior experiences or a lower Socio- Economic


c. Vocabulary

2. Reading Comprehension Strategies

To become reader who has reading comprehension well. We

should know the reading comprehension strategies, they are;

a. Identifying the purpose in reading

Efficient reading consists of clearly identifying the purpose in

reading a text. By identifying the purpose in reading before reading


a text, the readers know what they are looking for and can weed out

potential distracting information (Brown, 2001:306).

b. Using efficient silent reading technique

Silent reading is appropriate for intermediate and advanced

students. This strategy leads the students to try inferring meaning

from context. It is also the best practice to make the students

become efficient readers (Brown, 2001:306).

c. Skimming and scanning the text

1) Skimming

Skimming is a reading strategy in which the readers quickly

run their eyes across a whole text (Brown, 2001:306).

According to Lynn and William (1985:15) skimming a text is

reading quickly to get just the gist of a work rather than all the

information it has offer. The strategies are obvious. Read the

texts, table of contents, chapter headings, preface, and index.

By skimming the text, the reader will be able to predict the

purpose of the passage, the main topic, or message, and the

supporting ideas.

2) Scanning

Scanning is quickly searching for some particular piece or

pieces information in a text. The purpose of scanning is to

extract specific information without reading through the whole

text. The reader can use this strategy to look for the detail


information in the text such as looking for the names or dates,

finding the definition of a key concept, and listing a certain

number of supporting details (Brown, 2001:306).

d. Guessing

In this strategy, the students try to guess the meaning of the words

when they are not certain or they do not know the meanings of the

words, a grammatical relationship, a cultural reference, content

messages, and infer implied meanings (Brown, 2001:306).

e. Questioning

This strategy allows the students to have practice in making

questions and then answering by themselves. The question that

should be made is those which can arouse their awareness of what

they read. These will represent whether they have understood the

text or not.

f. Making prediction and inferences

Predicting means that the readers are using their

background knowledge to negotiate meaning of the text. They

connect their background knowledge with the information from the

text. In inference, the readers have to find some of the clues, than

combine it to their background knowledge and past experiences to

interpret the meaning of the texts.

Those are the strategies for having good reading

comprehension. The strategies go in line with the two processes,


bottom-up and top down procedures. The reader starts reading by

having the first strategy which is identifying the purpose in reading

and end with capitalizing on discourse markers to process

relationships. The strategies above are highly required for reading


4. The Process of the Reading Comprehension

There are three process of constructing meaning of the text are

presented below:

a. Bottom-up processing

Bottom-up processing views the process of reading as

phonemic units. In bottom-up processing, the reader must recognize

a multiplicity of linguistic signal such as letters, morphemes,

syllables, words, phrases, grammatical cues, and discourse markers

(Brown, 2001:299).

b. Top-down processing

In top-down processing, the reader involves their

knowledge of syntax and semantic to create meaning of the text

(Goodman, 1967; in Purniati, 2014:29). The reader constructs

meaning by bringing their early though to the text being read.

c. Interactive processing

Interactive processing is combination of top-down and

bottom-up processing. In interactive processes, the reader predict

the probable meaning of the text, then moving bottom-up processes


to check whether that is really what the writer says (Nuttal, 2005:3;

cited in Brown 2001:299)

D. Recount Text

1. Definition of Recount Text

Recount text is a text that tells about past experiences or events. It

can be based on the author‟s personal experiences (not always factual)

or historical events. Recount text tells the reader about something that

happened. It can be story (a fictional) recounts or (factual) recount.

Recount text is recall and reconstructs events, experiences and

achievements from the past in a logical sequence (Hyland, 2009:5; in

Purniati, 2014:35)

The purpose of recount text is to inform or to entertain the reader.

There is no complication among the participants. The details in the text

can include what happened, who was involved, where it took place,

when it happened and why it occurred.

Recount text tells about a specific person or event. It is organized

as a series through time. If want to present about person the content of

text is biography from famous person such as athlete, hero, artist,

leader etc. other recounts may present a topic through series of time.

In conclusion recount text tells about past experiences or events

and specific person it can be factual or fictional story.


2. Types of the Recount Text

Sue Stubs (2009:8) in Purniati (2014:36) describe that types of recount

text are:

a. Factual recount

Factual recount is concerned with recalling events

accurately. It can range from an everyday task such as a school

accident report to a formal, structures research task such as a

historical recount. The emphasis is on using language that is

precise, factual and detailed, so that the reader gains a complete

picture of the event, experience or achievement. Extended

description, emotive language and unnecessary details are out

of narration are used to give credibility to the information

presented. Those examples of factual recount are report of

scientific experiment, police report, news report and historical


b. Literary or imaginative recount

Literary recounts entertain the reader by recreating the

events of an imaginary world as though they are real “A day in

my life as family pet”. For example: emotive language, specific

detail and first person narration are used to give the writing

impact and appeal.


c. A procedural recounts

A procedural recount is records the steps taken in

completing a task or procedure. The use of technical terms, an

accurate time sequence and first person narration (I or we) give

credibility to provided information.

d. A biographical or personal recount

A biographical recount told the story of person‟s life using

a third person narrator (he, she, they). In the case, of an

autobiography, first person narration (I, we) is used. It is usually

factually accurate and record specific names, times, places, and

events. A purely factual, informative biography, however,

would lack the appeal provided by personal responses and

memorable anecdotes. There is often an evaluation of the

subject‟s achievements in the final section.

3. Generic Structure of Recount Texts

Recount text has three parts; there are orientation, events, and


a. Orientation

Orientation supplies the background information needed to

fully understand the retelling. It establishes the time, setting and

who or what is participating. The audience needed to know when

the event occurred, who was involved, what happened, where the


activity or event took place and sometimes what the reason was

for the event.

b. Events

In this part the writer tells the reader about the important

event in the order that key happened. And it is important that

students are given adequate guidelines scaffolds to assist with the

structure of their writing. Students should focus on detailing who,

what, where and when.

c. Re-orientation

Reorientation means conclusion, according to Bremer and

Sedley (1993) in Purniati (2014:38) states that conclusion to the

end of the basic form is one simple variation of the pattern.

Reorientation at the end and in this part the writer can give

personal opinions about the topic or event

4. Language Feature of Recount Text

Language feature of recount text explained by Munn (1999) in Purniati

(2014: 40), there are as follows:

a. Use proper nouns and pronouns identify people, animals, or

things. Example: Mr. Lawrence, the postman.

b. Word families are used to build topic information. Example:

smoke signals, drums, telephone, television.

c. Varied action verbs are used to build word chains. These may be

synonym, antonym or repetition.


d. Descriptive words add details about who, what, when, where and


e. Adverbs and adverbial phrases sequence events in time and

indicate place. Example : on 26 June 1984

f. Texts are written in past tense to retell past events. Example: she


g. Conjunctions (when, but) to combine clauses and connective to

sequences events (first, then, finally) are used.

h. Evaluative language is used in factual and personal recounts.

E. Comic Strips

1. Definition of Comic Strips

Comic strips are visual also contributes to improving

communicative competence. In a comic strip, life-like situations and

expressions are used in spoken, colloqiall language: for instance, idioms,

reduced forms, slang, and expressions that require shared cultural

knowledge (Csabay, 2006:25). Comic strip can be defined as “a series of

pictures inside boxes that tell a story” (Liu, 2004; in Merc, 2013:57).

According to McCloud (2006) in Harwaningsih (2014:24), comic is

a literature of drawing. Comic strips are a composition or other images in

purposeful sequence and they have an aim to convey information and

visual response in the view.

Comic strip is combination of cartoon with a story line, laid out in a

series of pictorial panels across a page and concerning a continuous


character or set of characters, whose thoughts and dialogues are indicated

by means of "balloons" containing written speech. The comic strip form

can be employed to convey a variety of messages.

2. The Strengths and Weakness of Using Comic Strips

a. The strengths of uses comic strips

Comics can play a powerful, influential role in the English

classroom, and have a positive impact on the learning abilities

many students. “Comics can provide a powerful media between

literature and visual entertainment” (Smith, 2006; in Nuarita,

2015:3). Students need to see and experience the learning before

it makes sense personally. If teacher add a variety of media into

the classroom, they significantly raise the possibility of reaching

all students (Tileston, 2004:137).

According to Drolet (2010) as cited in Harwaningsing,

(2014:25) the use of comics in language classrooms helps to build

skills in vocabulary, reading, critical thinking, problem solving,

listening, speaking and writing. It means that using comic in

language classroom can solve the students‟ problem such as

minimize of vocabulary, with pictures on the conversation or text

description can help the reader to guessing the meaning of the

difficulties vocabulary.

The using of comic in educational for the purpose of

motivating, young reader to become recreational readers enabling


them to expand their vocabulary knowledge, to engage their

imaginations, to inspire a love of reading. Krashen argued that

free voluntary reading is the most effective tool available for

increasing a child‟s ability to read, write, spell and comprehend,

providing compelling supportive evidence through the

accumulation of years of research from many different countries.

The Functions of visuals in reading comprehension;

1) Representation: visuals repeat the text‟s content or

substantially overlap with the text.

2) Organization: visuals enhance the text‟s coherence.

3) Interpretation: visuals provide the reader with more

concrete information.

4) Transformation: visuals target critical information in

the text and re-code it in more memorable form.

5) Decoration: visuals are used for their aesthetic

properties or to spark readers‟ interest in text (Liu,

2004; in Merc, 2013:55).

In conclusion using comic strip in the classroom contributes

students‟ ability. Comic are authentic media that a combine image

and text, it is builds students skills in finding the text meaning and

students vocabulary. In other side comic strips can entertain the

students so raised student motivation to reading text and building


students love of reading. It is appropriate strategy to increase

Indonesian reading interest.

In teaching learning teacher should using variety media to

make students impressed and raised the student motivation. It can

significant raise the students achievement. Using comic in the

classroom is one alternative media that teacher can use in the


b. The weakness uses comic strips

1) Students need computer access.

2) Limited range of facial expressions.

3) Need more time to search or to make comic strip (Nugroho,


F. Evaluation Criteria

To evaluate students reading comprehension the researcher use the

description criteria as follow:

Table 2.1 Description Criteria Students’ Reading Comprehension

Assessed Target Advanced






Below Basic




Answers mostly



evidence from


Answer usually



evidence from

the text.

Answers include



evidence from

the text.

Answer do not

include any


evidence from

the text.

Implicit Answers are Answers are Answers are Answers are not



mostly related

with the text

usually related

with text.


related with the


related with the


Main Idea

Identification of

main idea with

extensive use of



Identification of

main idea with

considerable use

of supporting


Identification of

main idea with

adequate use of




identification of

main idea with


supporting detail

Interpretation Answers are

mostly correct





Answers are

often correct





Answers are


correct and




Answers do not

reflect accurate


of topic

Bourne High School

Score: the correct answer X 10

Table 2.2 Reading Comprehension‟s Indicator

No Assessed Target Indicators

1. Explicit information To find explicit information in the text by

using Right there Question

2. Implicit information To recognize implicit information in the

text by using Think and Search Question

3. Main idea To recognize main idea in a paragraph by


using Think and Search Question

4. Making prediction To make prediction in a text by using

Author and You Question

5. Interpretation To interpret the contain of the text using in

my own

G. Minimum Competence Criteria (KKM)

Minimum Competence Criteria (KKM) is a set of minimum that

must be achieved by the subject teacher. It determined before a school is

started. To determine the students‟ achievement, teacher has to fine any

criteria by itself.

According Asmani (2010:197) every subject are based on the

following criteria, there are explained as follow:

a. Minimum Competence Criteria (KKM) should be set in the first

academic year

b. A Minimum Competence Criteria (KKM) is determined by MGMP

(Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran) depend on school institution.

c. It showed in scoring number from about 0-100.

d. School institution determined a Competence Criteria (KKM) under

completeness study maximum.




A. Description of Teaching and Learning Process in Cycle I

The researcher use comic strips to improve students reading comprehension

in teaching and learning process. The procedures as bellow:

1. Planning

The activities in planning are as follows:

a. Preparing English syllabus, lesson plan and material.

b. Preparing the teaching aids.

c. Preparing sheet for classroom observation.

d. Preparing pre-test and post-test items.

2. Action

The researcher implemented the classroom action research with the

activities below:

a. Giving pre test

b. Teaching reading using comic strips as media

c. Giving occasion to the students to ask any difficulties or problem

d. Giving feedback

e. Asking the student some question orally

f. Discussion the answer together

g. Teaching recount text material


h. Giving opportunity to the student to ask the difficulties or problems

i. Giving feedback

j. Giving post test

3. Observation

a. Observing the students attention and activities in the classroom

b. Observing the teacher activities

4. Reflection

a. Analysing the finding data of this cycle

b. Discuss with the teacher about the finding of the research

c. Make a conclusion of cycle I

B. Description of Teaching and Learning Process in Cycle II

1. Planning

a. Preparing lesson plan for cycle II

b. Preparing the material

c. Preparing sheet for classroom observation

d. Preparing pre-test and post test

2. Action

a. Giving pre-test

b. Reviewed the previous lesson

c. Giving warming up

d. Teaching reading recount text using comic strips

e. Giving opportunity to the student to ask the difficulties or problem


f. Giving feedback

g. Discuss the text

h. Giving post-test

3. Observation

a. Observing the students attention and activities in the classroom

b. Observing the teacher activities

4. Reflection

a. Observing the students attention and activities in the classroom

b. Observing the teacher activities

c. Analysing the data of this cycle

d. Discussing the finding of the research with the teacher

e. Compare the result data of cycle I and cycle II




In this chapter, the writer analyzed the data gathered from the action

research activities. The data was obtained from the teaching learning process and

evaluation. The aim of the analysis is to measure the improvement of thirteen

students‟ reading comprehension by used comic strips in recount text. In the

research the data consist of 5 comic strips in recount text.

A. Data Analysis

1. Data Analysis in Cycle I

a. Pre-test and mean score of pre-test 1

The researcher began the research with collected information

and the data from the teacher. The researcher interviews the teacher

about of the technique, the student problem and score in reading.

The researcher do simple interview on October 28nd

2017 with

Mrs. Mutinah, S.S. as English teacher in SMP Negeri 1 Kledung. The

teacher recommended the researcher to conduct the research in VIII-

B, because the class has a problem. On the teacher‟s information,

when reading activity the students lazy to read and feel bored. Even

the teacher using discussing method and pair a group, the student talks

own self about outside the material. And the main problem is the

minimize students vocabulary and the students answer the question of

reading subject carelessly.


Before applied the comic strips, the researcher wanted to know

the students reading comprehension of recount text first by using pre-

test on February 28nd

2018. In the pre-test, the researcher use multiple

choice questions are usually on examination question and did not use

visualization media to easier the reader to done the question. It‟s is

purely their own reading ability. This stage was intended to know the

students reading comprehension ability before using comic strips.

In this test, the students were asked to do multiple choice

questions in recount text form. The pre-test followed by 30 students

from VIII-B class. Based on result of the pre-test, the student‟s

reading comprehension ability was poor.

Table 4.1 Students Score of Pre-test I No Name Pre-test 1

1 ADG 60

2 AFD 40

3 AMDS 70

4 ANTU 50

5 AYS 50

6 ABDL 60

7 BGI 50

8 DST 60

9 DFT 60

10 DMKT 50

11 EGS 40

12 EPMD 50

13 FJFN 50

14 FWDYN 50

15 GLTS 50

16 IHF 60

17 KFRN 40


18 NFA 50

19 NDO 60

20 NVLN 50

21 PLT 60

22 PS 40

23 RRN 70

24 SF 30

25 SRFH 50

26 SSI 50

27 VA 60

28 WDK 60

29 WNR 70

30 YHN 60

∑ 1600

Table 4.2 Criteria of Students’ Reading Comprehension of Pre-test 1

No Score Grade Number of Students

1 100 Advanced -

2 80-90 Proficient -

3 70 Basic 3

4 ≤60 Below Basic 27

The mean of pre-test I





55.34 is the result of pre-test mean. 1660 is total of pre-test and 30 is

total of students.

From the table of pre-test score above, it can be seen there are

three students passed the minimum required standard 70. There are

only 3 got average level and 27 students at below basic level.

From the result above, it shows that mean of pre-test was 55.34.

It was not passed the minimum passing score, there are many students

was still got low scores in reading recount text.

There are some factors that make students get low scores and

can passed the minimum required standard when doing pre-test. In the

very poor level there are five students, they are AFD, EGS, KFRN,

PS, and SF. The first from AFD problems, he is got 40 scores. It

means he could answer six questions correctly from ten questions.

When the pre-test task, he did not reading the text and question

seriously, but he talk a lot with his friend, Abu. The other factor is his

limited vocabulary and lazy to open the dictionary. Its factors are

same that happened with KFRN and SF. Kefin got 40 scores and SF

got lower scores in his class, 30 scores.

The factors that make PS and EGS got poor level is they didn‟t

understanding with the meaning of text and question. They looked

seriously when did the task and diligent to open the dictionary.


b. Post-test and mean post-test 1

Table 4.3 Students’ Score of Post-test I No Name Post-test 1

1 ADG 60

2 AFD 60

3 AMDS 80

4 ANTU 60

5 AYS 40

6 ABDL 70

7 BGI 60

8 DST 70

9 DFT 40

10 DMKT 60

11 EGS 70

12 EPMD 50

13 FJFN 70

14 FWDYN 40

15 GLTS 60

16 IHF 60

17 KFRN 40

18 NFA 80

19 NDO 60

20 NVLN 60

21 PLT 50

22 PS 60

23 RRN 60

24 SF 60

25 SRFH 60

26 SSI 70

27 VA 40

28 WDK 80

29 WNR 50

30 YHN 60

∑ 1780


Table 4.4 Criteria of Students’ Reading Comprehension of Post-test 1

No Score Grade Number of Students

1 100 Advanced -

2 80-90 Proficient 3

3 70 Basic 5

4 ≤60 Below Basic 22

The mean of post-test 1




59.34 is the result of post-test mean. 1780 is total of post-test

and 30 is total students.

Mean of pre-test = 55.44

Mean of post-test = 59.34

Mean of pre-test ≤ than post-test

There is improvement of students‟ reading comprehension

trough comic strips between pre-test 1 (before the action) and the post-

test 1 (after the action). From the result above, it shows that the mean

of the post-test 59.34 there is improvement but it was not passed the

minimum passing grade.

In this post-test session in cycle I, there are improvements on

student reading comprehension scores than pre-test scores. It is show

by good level, there are eight students. It means that there are eight


students passed the minimum passing grade. On the pre-test, before the

teacher began the lesson use comic strips there are three students at

proficient level.

The results of post-test show the improvement students score.

The students are got good level and passed the minimum passing grade

are AMDS, NFA and WDK. They are got 80 scores. On the pre-test

there is nothing students was passing grades. Five students got good

level too, but they are did not pass the minimum completeness criteria


c. Standard deviation of cycle I

Table 4.5 The Result of Pre-test I and Post-test I No Name Pre-test 1 Post-test 1 D D


1 ADG 60 60 0 0

2 AFD 40 60 20 400

3 AMDS 70 80 10 100

4 ANTU 50 60 10 100

5 AYS 50 40 -10 100

6 ABDL 60 70 10 100

7 BGI 50 60 10 100

8 DST 60 70 10 100

9 DFT 60 40 -20 400

10 DMKT 50 60 10 100

11 EGS 40 70 30 900

12 EPMD 50 50 0 0

13 FJFN 50 70 20 400

14 FWDYN 50 40 -10 100

15 GLTS 50 60 10 100

16 IHF 60 60 0 0

17 KFRN 40 40 0 0


18 NFA 50 80 30 900

19 NDO 60 60 0 0

20 NVLN 50 60 10 100

21 PLT 60 50 -10 100

22 PS 40 60 20 400

23 RRN 70 60 -10 100

24 SF 30 60 30 900

25 SRFH 50 60 10 100

26 SSI 50 70 20 400

27 VA 60 40 -20 400

28 WDK 60 80 20 400

29 WNR 70 50 -20 400

30 YHN 60 60 0 0

∑ 1600 1780 180 7200

Based on the table above there are three students got high

improvement, it is 30 scores. There are SF from 30 became 60, EGS

from 40 become 70 and NFA from 50 to 80 scores. It means both

students passed the minimum scores 70 on post-test of cycle 1. SF can

get 60 scores that had improvement 30 scores because he more paid

attention with the texts on comic strips and looking the images detail.

In addition EGS and NFA were so seriously in doing the task, and

understanding one by one word on the task. It is become one of the

factors they got improvement on doing the post test.

From the population of the class five of them got improvement

20 scores, they are AFD and PS from 40 scores to 60, FF and SSI

from 50 scores to 70, and the last WDK from 60 scores to 80. On the

post-test session WDK was active asked the teacher when she did not


understand with the question and so seriously read the question and

text on the comic strips.

Meanwhile there are five students too who are stayed on their

score on pre-test and post-test. They are ADG, IH, KARN, NDO and

YHN. KFRN still got 40 scores and the four other still on 60 scores.

KFRN still get same score and lower score in his class because he still

talk a lot with their friend and did not read seriously the comics strips

and the questions. He also did not listen well the teacher explanation.

The next from Abu factors that make he still got same score is when

teacher ask distribute the post-test task he had many activities such as

looking situation on the school yard and had permission to go to toilet.

It is so spent time so he did not finish the task carefully.

After the technique was implemented to students, to know the

whole results of this studied, the researcher continued by hypothesis

test. Hypothesis test in this studies calculated using t-test technique.

From the data above, the teacher calculate SD pre-test and post-

test of cycle 1 below:

SD = √

SD = √

SD = √

SD = √


SD = √ = 14. 28

Calculated of T-test value

After calculating deviations standard, then the researcher

counted t-test (t0) calculation using the formula:

t0 =

t0 =

t0 =

t0 =

t0 =

= 2. 264

1) Calculate of df

df = n-1

df = 30-1

df = 29

2) Consult with t-table

With df= 29, the value of t-table with level of significant

0.5% is 2.045.

3) Comparing t-test with t-table


From the result data above, ascertainable that the cycle 1 t-

test value is 2.264 and t-table value is 2.045. Because the result of

t-test ≥t-table = 2.264≥ 2.045. So, the alternative (Ha) was

accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. It means that

there is significant difference between pre-test and post-test.

2. Data analysis cycle II

a. Pre-test and Mean Score of post-test 2

The teacher ask the students to do exercise about recount text as

a pre-test in Cycle II

Table 4.6 Students’ Score of Pre-test II No Name Pre-test 2

1 ADG 40

2 AFD 40

3 AMDS 70

4 ANTU 50

5 AYS 60

6 ABDL 80

7 BGI 40

8 DST 60

9 DFT 50

10 DMKT 60

11 EGS 60

12 EPMD 40


13 FJFN 60

14 FWDYN 30

15 GLTS 40

16 IHF 70

17 KFRN 30

18 NFA 60

19 NDO 60

20 NVLN 30

21 PLT 70

22 PS 50

23 RRN 60

24 SF 30

25 SRFH 70

26 SSI 60

27 VA 50

28 WDK 50

29 WNR 60

30 YHN 50

∑ 1580

Table 4.7 The Criteria of Students’ Reading Comprehension of Pre-test II


No Score Grade Number of Students

1 100 Advanced -

2 80-90 Proficient 1

3 70 Basic 5

4 ≤60 Below Basic 24

The mean of pre-test 2



M= 52.67

53.67 is the result of pre-test mean. 1610 is total of pre-test and

30 is total students. From the result above, it shows that the mean of

pre-test was 53.67. It was not passed the minimum passing score,

there are many students was still got low score in reading recount text.

There are five students got good level, ten students got average, six

students got poor level and nine students got very poor level.

The student got highest score is Arif. He got 80 score, it is got

improvement than pre-test score of cycle I. He got 60 scores on pre-

test 1 and 70 score on post-test of cycle 1. It is mean that he

continuously got improvement in each task. Furthermore, on good

level also got improvement. There are 5 students got basic level,

before that on cycle 1 there are 3 students at basic level.

Next, on below basic level there are 24 students. The nine

students are ADG, AFD, EPMD, GLTS, BGI got 40 scores and


FWDYN, NVLN, KFRN and SF got 30 score. In this case, there are

six students got low score than pre-test score of cycle I.

b. Post-test and Mean Score of Post Test 2

Table 4.8 Students’ Score of Post-test II No Name Post-test 2

1 ADG 60

2 AFD 60

3 AMDS 90

4 ANTU 50

5 AYS 70

6 ABDL 90

7 BGI 50

8 DST 80

9 DFT 80

10 DMKT 70

11 EGS 80

12 EPMD 80

13 FJFN 70

14 FWDYN 70

15 GLTS 80

16 IHF 80

17 NFA 50

18 NDO 80

19 NDO 80

20 NVLN 70

21 PLT 80

22 PS 70


23 RRN 80

24 SF 90

25 SRFH 100

26 SSI 80

27 VA 70

28 WDK 60

29 WNR 80

30 YHN 70

∑ 2220

Table 4.9 Criteria of Students’ Reading Comprehension of Post-test 2

No Score Grade Number of Students

1 100 Advanced 1

2 80-90 Proficient 15

3 70 Basic 8

4 ≤60 Below Basic 6

The mean of post-test 2



M= 74

74 is the result of post-test mean. 2220 is total of post-test and

30 are total students.

Mean of pre-test = 52.67


Mean of post-test = 74

Mean of pre-test ≤ than post-test

There is improvement of students reading comprehension

through comic strips between pre-test 2 (before the action) and post-

test 2 (after the action). The average was 74. There are 24 students

passed the minimum passing grade, a student got advanced level 100

scores, she is SRF. She got improvement 30 scores from pre-test of

cycle II, it is 70 scores and 40 scores from pre-test of cycle I 60

scores. Based on observation on her class, she is active students and so

paid attention when the teacher explanation the material.

Therefore, there are 15 students got Proficient level. Three

students got 90 score, they are SF, ABL and ADS. SF got significant

improvement score from 30 to 90 score, It means the deviation is 60.

In this look enthusiastic and when the teacher distributes the comic

strips and the post-test sheet he paid attention.

During the observation and the result of two post-test, ADS still

got stable and rising score. The first post-test he got 80 score and 90

score on post-test of cycle 2. On the pre-test he got same score, it is 70


On the basic level there are 19 students. Meanwhile, on the

below basic level there are three students, he is BGI got 40 score. He

got lower score in his class and got lowering score from pre-test 2 and

Post-test of cycle 1. The pre-test 2 score is 50 and 60 on the post-test


of cycle 1. Next, there are three students got average level and three

students got poor level.

c. Standard Deviation of Cycle 2

Table 4.10 The Result of Pre-test and Post-test II No Name Pre-test 2 Post-test 2 D D


1 ADG 40 60 20 400

2 AFD 40 60 20 400

3 AMDS 70 90 20 400

4 ANTU 50 50 0 0

5 AYS 60 70 10 100

6 ABDL 80 90 10 100

7 BGI 40 50 10 100

8 DST 60 80 20 400

9 DFT 50 80 30 900

10 DMKT 60 70 10 100

11 EGS 60 80 20 400

12 EPMD 40 80 40 1600

13 FJFN 60 70 10 100

14 FWDYN 30 70 40 1600

15 GLTS 40 80 40 1600

16 IHF 70 80 10 100

17 KFRN 30 50 20 400

18 NFA 60 80 20 400

19 NDO 60 80 20 400


20 NVLN 30 70 40 1600

21 PLT 70 80 10 100

22 PS 50 70 20 400

23 RRN 60 80 20 400

24 SF 30 90 60 3600

25 SRFH 70 100 30 900

26 SSI 60 80 20 400

27 VA 50 70 20 400

28 WDK 50 60 10 100

29 WNR 60 80 20 400

30 YHN 50 70 20 400

∑ 1580

2220 640 18200

The result of post-test showed that there are 50% of population

of the class got score passed the minimum competence criteria. It is so

significant than the result of pre-test of this cycle only one student was

passed the minimum competence criteria. Although the students‟

mean not passed the minimum competence criteria.

Based on the table, the high deviation is 60 and the lower

deviation is 0. The student got highest deviation from pre-test to post-

test is SF, on pre-test he got 30 score and on the post-test he got 90

score. During he did the task he look enjoy and so seriously reading

the comic strips.


There is one student which the pre-test and post-test result is not

got improvement or the result score is same. She is ANTU who get

same score of the cycle two and got improvement 10 score on cycle 1.

From the test answer, she did not read the text carefully so she did not

answer the question correctly. In addition the minimize vocabulary

mastery and lazy to open the dictionary are factors which make she

got mistake in answering the question. She done the task is faster too.

From the data above, the teacher calculate SD pre-test and post-

test of cycle 2 below:

SD = √

SD = √

SD = √

SD = √

SD = √ = 12.30

Calculated of t-test value


t0 =

t0 =

t0 =


t0 =

= 8.966

1) Calculate of df

df = n-1

df = 30-1

df= 29

2) Consult with t-table

With df=29, the value of t-table with level significant 0.5% is


3) Comparing t-test with t-table

From the result data above, ascertainable that the cycle 2 t-test

value is 8.966 and t-table value is 2.045. Because of t-test ≥t-table =

8.966 ≥ 2.045. So, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and

null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. It means that there is significant

difference between pre-test and post-test.

B. Discussion

1. Cycle I

Cycle I was conducted on Wednesday, February 28nd


followed by 30 students as participant of the study. Teaching learning

process was presented step by step. In this activity, the teaching learning


process was conducted by teacher and the researcher as the observer

during the teaching learning process.

a. Planning

In the planning procedure, the researcher shared with the teacher in

every activity. The activities for planning before giving treatment such

as the researcher identified the teaching-learning design such as

arranging lesson plan to guide the teaching-learning process which was

using clustering technique, developed learning activities, prepared

learning source and instrument, research instrument and


b. Acting

The action of cycle I was done on Wednesday, February 28nd


The teacher implemented the teaching learning process based on the

lesson plan which has been made. Teacher began the lesson plan which

has been made. Teacher began the lesson with greeted “Good morning

everybody?”.Students answer the teacher greeted enthusiasm “Good

morning mom”. After that the teacher asked “How are you today

guys?”.“I am fine thank you and you?”students‟ answer. “I am very

well thank you” the teacher‟s response.

After greeting teacher checked the students attendances. After that

the teacher aimed the students to the material that will be learned

(recount text). The teacher giving the explanation of the goals and the

activities that day and gave the pre-test to the class. “Ok guys, before


we start our lesson, I will give you pre-test. Are you ready?” teacher‟s

asked. The students‟ said “Yes, miss”. The teacher instructed the

students “I have multiple choice exercise, please done the exercise

correctly”. “ Yes, yes” students’ responses.

When the students were doing the test, she walked around the class

to check the student‟s task. When students do their task, student active

to ask when they did not understand or there are not clear with the

question. “ Can I open the dictionary miss?” student asked to the

teacher when the student started do the worksheet. The other student

asked “Miss, yang nomor 9 itu yang mana yang digarisbawahi?”.

“Miss, yang nomor 10 itubagaimana?”students‟ asked. After the

students finished, the teacher ask students to collects their task.

The next activity, the teacher distribute the students comic strips

and asked the students to looking the material. After that the teacher

reading aloud the text and ask the students to follow her. When

finished reading the texts together, the teacher asked the students to

read by turn. It is aimed to know the students fluency.



The next activity, the teacher asked to the students to underline the

difficult vocabulary. After that, the teacher asked a question “What

the difficult vocabularies are you found?”. Students response with

mention difficult vocabularies “Noisy miss!”, “Unfortunately”,



After that the teacher discussed to the students about the difficult

vocabularies and then the teacher asked the students to understand the

comic. After a few minutes, the teacher gave some question orally

based on the comic and asked to the students to answer. Teacher asked

“Where is Abu went on the long holiday?” (For easier to the students

understand the text, the teacher gave name to the writer Abu. Abu is

the one of male students are talking a lot in the classroom). Student

answer the teacher question orally “To uncle Hirsan house”. After

that the teacher gave next question “Where is uncle Hirsan Live?”.“

In Nagoya city” students‟ answer.

The teacher continuous to discussed the whole content of the text.

The next activity is explained and remembered to the student about

the kind of text and the generic structure of recount text. This material

had explained by teacher at first semester, so in the second semester

recount text material was repeated only.

Next the teacher gave the task and asked to the students to reading

the text and the question carefully. During the student finished their

task, the teacher around the class and looking the student task and

helped the student got difficulties. After the students finished their

individual task, the teacher asked them to change their worksheet with

their friends. Before corrected the task, the teacher gave opportunity to

the students to share their opinion related to the lesson that day. “What

do you think about the class today? Are you enjoy with the lesson ?


Are you happy?” teacher asked to know how students‟ impression

learning using comic strips as media. The student answer the teacher

question enthusiasm “Yes, Miss. I enjoy it and I was happy”.

After that the teacher gave question to know students‟ opinion

about the difficulties level of the test. “The test was easy before use

comic or after used comic?” teacher asked to the teacher. Students

answer cohesively “After used comic, Miss. There is image so it easy”

The last activities in this meeting was correct the task together.

After correct the task together, teacher asked to the students to submit

the worksheet. The teacher did closure and gave student motivation.

c. Observing

The observation was done by the researcher during teaching

learning process. In the first meeting it was followed by 30 students.

The researcher observed by using observation checklist. In this cycle,

the interaction between the teacher and the students ran well. The

students looked enjoy during teaching learning process.

Table 4.1 Observational Checklist of Teacher of Cycle I

No Kegiatan Guru Keterlaksanaan FaktorPengha

mbat Ya Tidak

1 Memulai pelajaran dengan mengucapkan salam,

menanyakan kabar dan berdoa

2 Mengecek kehadiran siswa

3 Apersepsi

4 Menginformasikan tujuan pembelajaran dan

memotivasi siswa


5 Memberi informasi mengenai suatu konsep

yang akan dipelajari, penjelasan tentang recount


6 Guru menjelaskan tentang generic structure dan

language feature recount text

7 Guru mengrahkan siswa dalam mengerjakan

latihan, memberikan bimbingan dan bantuan

bila diperlukan

8 Guru menanyakan kesulitan siswa selama

proses kegiatan belajar mengajar

9 Refleksi

10 Guru menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran

pada pertemuan berikutnya

11 Doa penutup

Table 4.12 Observational Checklist for Student of Cycle I

No Kegiatansiswa Keterlaksanaan FaktorPengha


Ya Tidak

1 Menjawab salam, berdo‟abersama

2 Menjawab absensi

3 Mengikuti kegiatan dengan baik

4 Mendengarkan penjelasandan mengemukakan


5 Mendengarkan penjelasan atau bertanya

6 Mendengarkan penjelasan atau bertanya

7 Mengerjakan tugas dengan baik dan bertanya

bila ada kesulitan

8 Memberikan pendapat tentang kesulitan-

kesulitan yang dihadapi selama pelajaran


9 Mengikuti kegiatan refleksi

10 Siswa mendengarkan dengan seksama

11 Berdoab ersama


d. Reflecting

The reflecting that was done by researcher about the activity during

the teaching learning process. In this cycle there were many students

faced the problems such as difficulties to differentiated between

generic structure of recount text and narrative text. Another problem is

there were students still unfocused and difficulties to understand the

text and the question.

In this cycle the result mean score of post-test are higher than pre-

test but the mean score still too low. In the cycle I shows that the pre-

test score is 55.34 and post-test score is 59.34. It is too low and too far

from minimum passing grade so the researcher and teacher decide to

continue the next treatment to fix the problems. The teacher and

researcher decided to use comic strips again to make the students more


2. Cycle II

Cycle II was conducted on Thursday, March 1th

2018. This cycle

followed by 30 students. Teaching learning process was presented in many

steps. As in previous cycle that the researcher as the observer and the

teacher who conducted teaching learning process.

a. Planning

The researcher with the teacher begun by identified the problem

and the alternative to solve the problem, the researcher arranged and


improved the lesson plan based on the teaching material. The researcher

prepared the teaching aids and research instrument.

b. Acting

In cycle II, the action done at Thursday, March 1th

2018. The steps

of this cycle were same as before. There were pre activities, main

activities and post activities. In the pre activities the teacher greeted the

students, prayed, reciting the holly Qur‟an, checked the students

attendance, reviewed the previous lesson and explained the goal and

benefit of the lesson, and told the activities which were going to do by

the students.

The teacher started the action with greeting “Assalamu’aikum

warahmatullahi wabarakatu”. “Wa’alaikum salam warahmatullahi

wabarakatuh” students‟ greeting response. The teacher continuous the

greeting “Hallo guys, how are you today?”. “I’m fine thank you, and

you?” students‟ said

After that the teacher reviewed the last material about the

recount text, the generic structure of recount text and language

feature of recount text. Next for build their vocabulary mastery,

teacher wrote “GRAND FATHER” on the board and asked the

students to write vocabularies used character on “GRAND FATHER”

words in a minute. In this step the students are enthusiastic, they

wrote on their paper and after finished they wrote on the white board.


The students found many vocabularies and different each

other. Therefore students and teacher correct the students written by

look at the dictionary. This activity concluded as warming up


After the situation of classroom was cheerful, the teacher

distributes the comic strips and discussed its content.




The teacher asked to the students to reading a lot one by one. After

that the teacher asked to the students to understanding the meaning of

text. The student so enthusiastic to found the meaning and analyzed

the generic structure of text. In addition the teacher asked to the

students to identify the generic structure of recount sentence.

The student looked so seriously did the task. Here, the students did

the task with friends beside them. Some students still consulted to

their dictionary when they found difficulty in vocabulary. The other

students asked their friend when they found out difficulty in

vocabulary and grammar. In this case, the male students were noisy.

They said that they was so hungry. Meanwhile the female student still

enjoyed did the task and active to make question to the teacher.

After students finished, the teacher and student discussed the text.

The teacher gave opportunity students to share what they found in the

text and showed the result of their text identified.

In closing the teacher distributes the post-test question. The

students immediately did the task. The teacher was around the class

and reminded the students to read carefully and choose the correct

answer. After the students finished the task, the teacher asked to the

students to submitted the task. The result of the students task would be

taken as latest post which also the last meeting in this observation

because the next week are middle test of the second examination so

the observation can‟t repeatedly.


c. Observing

As follow up previous cycle, students and teacher activities ran

well. In this cycle the students work are better than the previous

meeting. It means that there are improvements on the students

reading comprehension.

In the cycle II, the researcher also prepared field not for techer and

students activities. The results are below:

Table 4.13 Observational Checklist for Teacher of Cycle II

No Kegiatan Guru Keterlaksanaan FaktorPengham

bat Ya Tidak

1 Memulai pelajaran dengan mengucapkan

salam, menanyakan kabar dan doa

2 Mengecek kehadiran siswa

3 Apersepsi

4 Menginformasikan tujuan pembelajaran

dan memotivasi siswa

5 Mengingatkan kembali materi yang

dipelajari pertemuan sebelumnya

6 Guru memberikan dan menjelaskan materi

7 Guru mengrahkansiswa dalam

mengerjakan latihan, memberikan

bimbingan dan bantuan bila diperlukan

8 Guru menanyakan kesulitan siswa selama

proses kegiatan belajar mengajar

9 Refleksi

10 Guru menyampaikan rencana

pembelajaran pada pertemuan berikutnya

11 Doa penutup

Table 4.14 Observational Checklist for Students of Cycle II


No Kegiatansiswa Keterlaksanaan FaktorPenghambat

Ya Tidak

1 Menjawab salam, berdo‟a bersama

2 Menjawab absensi

3 Mengikuti kegiatan dengan baik

4 Mendengarkan penjelasan dan

mengemukakan gagasan

5 Mendengarkan penjelasan atau merespon

pertanyaan yang disampaikan guru atau


6 Mendengarkan penjelasan atau bertanya

7 Mengerjakan tugas dengan baik dan

bertanya bila ada kesulitan

8 Memberikan pendapat tentang kesulitan-

kesulitan yang dihadapi selama pelajaran


9 Mengikuti kegiatan refleksi

10 Siswa mendengarkan dengan seksama

11 Berdoa bersama

d. Reflecting

The reflecting that was done by the researcher and the teacher

about the activity during the learning process in cycle II. The students

were enthusiastic and focused on listening although some of them

still make noisy but they be brave to ask question to the teacher if

they did not understood yet.

The result of cycle II is 85% students passed the KKM (Minimum

competence criteria). The mean of post-test II is 74, it is better than

mean of post-test of cycle I. On cycle II the mean of post test showed


significant improvement from 59.34 to 74 so the teacher and the

observer decided to end the observation.




A. Conclusion

In this chapter, the writer presents some conclusion on several

points of views of implementing using comic strips as media to improve

reading comprehension in recount text of eighth grades students of SMP

Negeri 1 Kledung in the academic year of 2017/2018.

From the result observation, evaluation and reflection of the

implementation of the action, the writer concluded that:

1. The use of comic strips as teaching media can improve students

reading comprehension of the eighth grade students at SMP Negeri 1

Kledung in the academic year of 2017/2018. It is relevant with the

data of mean score in pre-test and post-test in each cycle. Mean score

of post-tests are higher than the pre-test. In the cycle 1 showed that the

pretest score is 53.34 and the post test is 59.34 and in the cycle 2

showed that the pre-test score is 52.67 and the post test is 74. It means

that there is significant score after applying comic strips as a media in

teaching reading recount text.

2. The use of comic strips as a media was significantly improved the

students reading comprehension. It was proved with the t-test

calculation which is higher than t-table in each cycle. In cycle 1 the t-

test calculating 2.264 higher than t-table, 2.045 and in cycle 2 the t-test

calculating 8.966 higher than t-table 2.045.


B. Recommendation and Suggestions

Based on finding in this observation, the researcher would like to

give recommendation and suggestion as follows:

1. For the teacher

a. Teachers are suggested to be more creative in a class and

explain the lesson clearly. The teacher should improve their

ability in teaching English and choose the best media or

strategy to solve students‟ learning problem.

b. The teachers are expected to continue teaching the students

with various approach, method, technique and medium in

the next teaching learning process.

c. The use of comic strips in teaching English is

recommended. It will makes students interest to learn


2. For the students

a. Students are suggested to read English text not only the text

book but texts from another source such as magazine,

comic strips, comic book, novel etc.

b. Students should be more active in learning process.

3. For the other researchers

After knowing that the use of comic strips can improve

students reading comprehension in recount text, the researcher


hopes this research can be used as a reference for the other



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Nama Sekolah : SMP Negeri 1 Kledung

Alamat Jalan : Raya Wonosobo-Parakan KM 11

Kecamatan : Kledung

Kab / Kota : Temanggung

No telpon / HP : 0286 3320132

1. Nama Yayasan ( bagi swasta ) : -

Alamat Yayasan & No Telp : -

2. NSS / NSM / NDS : 201032308105

3. Jenjang Akreditasi : A

4. Tahun didirikan : 1998

5. Tahun beroperasi : 1998

6. Kepemilikan Tanah : Pemerintah Desa

a. Status tanah : Hak Pakai

b. Luas Tanah : 6.360 m 2

7. Status Bangunan : Pemerintah

a. Surat ijin bangunan : -

b. Luas seluruh bangunan : 2.040,315 m 2

8. Data siswa selama 4 (empat) tahun terakhir




Pendaftar (

Calon Siswa

Baru )

Kelas 7 8 Kelas 9 Jumlah ( 1+2+3 )













Jml Rom




Jml Rom


2013/2014 64 64 3 60 2 41 2 171 8

2014/2015 75 75 3 96 3 122 2 232 9

20152016 69 69 3 72 4 64 3 264 10

2016/2017 62 62 2 89 4 108 4 259 10

2017/ 2018 106 106 4 60 2 90 4 256 10

9. a ) Data Ruang Kelas

Jumlah ruang Keterangan

Ruang kelas (asli) a* 3 ruang

Ruang lainnya yang digunakan untuk /sebagai ruang kelas b*

1 ruang

Jumlah ruang kelas seluruhnya 10Ruang

b ) Data Kondisi Ruang

Jenis Ruang

Jumlah Ruang

Jml Ruang yang kondisinya baik

Jumah ruang yang kondisinya


Katagori Kerusakan

Ruang Kelas 10 10 - -

Perpustakaan 1 1 -

Lab. IPA 1 1 -

R. Guru 1 1 -

R.Administrasi 1 1 -

R.Ketrampilan 1 1 -

10. Data Guru:

Jumah Guru / Staf Bagi SMP


Bagi SMP



Guru Tetap (PNS/Yayasan) 15 orang - Orang

Guru Tdk Tetap/Guru Bantu 3 orang - Orang

Guru PNS dipekerjakan (DPK) - - Orang

Staf Tata Usaha 3 orang - Orang

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP)

Nama Sekolah : SMP N 1 Kledung

Kelas/Semester : VII/II

Mata Pelajaran :Bahasa Inggris

Topic : Recount text

Alokasi waktu :

A. Standar Kompetensi


11. Memahami makna dalam essay pendek sederhana berbentuk

recount, dan narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar

B. Kompetensi Dasar

11.1 Membaca nyaring bermakna teks fungsional dan essay pendek

sederhana berbentuk recount dan narrative dengan ucapan, tekanan dan

intonasi yang berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar

11.2 Merespon makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sederhana

secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan


C. Indikator

Membaca nyaring dan bermakna teks essai berbentuk recount

Mengindentifikasi berbagai makna teks recount

Mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikatif teks recount

Mengidentifikasi langkah retorika dan ciri kebahasaan teks


D. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat:

Membaca nyaring teks recount sesuai pelafalan dan intonasi

yang tepat

Memahami isi teks recount

Mengetahui structure fungsional teks recount

Mengidentifikasi language feature dalam recount teks

E. Materi Pembelajaran

Materi recount text

A recount retells past events or experiences in the order they


A recount consists of three main part:

1. Orientation

This part gives details of: who/what/where/when/why

2. Events

This part retells what happened in chronological order. It

uses times connectives such as first, next, soon, after, that,

later, finally.

3. Re-orientation

This part tells the writer‟s comment about the events that

happened. It can also be said as conclusion of text.

Contoh recount text dalam comic strips

F. Metode Pembelajaran:


G. Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar

1. Kegiatan awal

Mengucapkan salam dan menyapa dengan ramah kepada

siswa ketika

memasuki ruang kelas (nilai yang ditanamkan: santun,


Mengecek kehadiran siswa (nilai yang ditanamkan:

disiplin, rajin

Guru memberikan sebuah warmer up untuk menstimulus

semangat siswa sebelum memulai pelajaran.\

Guru menjelaskan tujuan dan manfaat pembelajaran

Guru memberi gambaran tentang pelajaran yang akan


2. Kegiatan Inti

Guru memperlihatkan sebuah comic strips kepada siswa,

kemudian membuat pertanyaan pancingan tentang apa yang

mereka pikirkan tentang situasi dalam comic strips.

Guru membacakan text dalam comic strip dan meminta

siswa menirukan dengan intonasi dan pelafalan yang benar

Guru meminta siswa untuk bersama sama membahas

keseluruhan isi comic strips

Guru menerangkan struktur recount text

Siswa menegerjakan latihan soal recount text

Mendiskusikan hasil latihan siswa

3. Kegiatan Akhir

Bersama-sama dengan peserta didik dan/ sendiri membuat

rangkuman/simpulan pelajaran

Memberikan umpan balik terhadap proses dan hasil


Siswa diberi tugas rumah sebagai salah satu tindak lanjut

pembelajaran yang telah berlangsung

Menyampaikan rencana kegiatan pembelajaran yang akan

dilaksanakan pada pertemuan selanjutnya

H. Media/Alat/Sumber Belajar

Comic strips

Buku siswa

I. Nilai karakter

- Jujur - Tanggung jawab

- Disiplin -Kreatif

J. Penilaian

a. Jenis penilaian: Tes tulis

b. Bentuk penilaian: Multiple choice

c. Contoh penilaian

Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a,b,c or d!

d. Rubric penilaian

Setiap jawaban benar nilainya 10.

Nilai = total jawaban benar X 10

No Grade Qualification Range


Level Descriptor

1 A Excellent 85-100 The Student:

- Constructs meaning

identifying stated and

implied information, main

ideas and some supporting

details, in texts with

familiar and unfamiliar


- Interprets some aspects of

format and style, and

author‟s purpose for


- Engages with the text by

identifying ideas, opinions

and attitudes in the text and

making substantial

connections with own

experiences, attitudes and

points of view

- Show through

understanding of the

content of the text as a


2 B Good 70-84 The student:

- Constructs meaning

identifying stated and

implied information, main

ideas and some supporting

details, in texts with

familiar and unfamiliar


- Interprets most aspects of

format and style, and

author‟s purpose for


- Usually engages with the

text by identifying ideas,

opinions and attitudes in

the text and making sample

connections with own

experiences, attitudes and

points of view

- Show considerable

understanding of the

content of the text as a


3 C Average 55-69 The student:

- Construct meaning

identifying stated and

implied information, main

ideas and some supporting

details, in texts with

familiar and unfamiliar


- Interprets some aspects of

format and style, and

author‟s purpose for


- Occasionally engages with

the texts by identifying

ideas, opinions and

attitudes in the text and

making some connection

with own experiences,

attitudes and point of view

- Shows some understanding

of the content of the text as


4 D Poor 50-54 - Had difficulty constructing

meaning from stated and

implied information, main

ideas or supporting details

in texts with familiar and

unfamiliar language

- Has difficulty interpreting

aspect of format style, and

author‟s purpose for


- Make a limited attempt to

engage with the text by

identifying ideas, opinions

and attitudes in the text;

makes minimal

connections with own

experiences, attitudes and

points of view

- Show limited

understanding of the

content of the text as a


5 E Very Poor ≤ The student does not reach a

standard described by any of

descriptors above

Temanggung, Februari 2018


Guru Mapel Bahasa Inggris Validator

……………………………… ……….…………………

(NIP…………………………) (NIP…………………….)


Nurul Fajriyah

NIM. 113-13-117

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP)

Nama Sekolah : SMP N 1 Kledung

Kelas/Semester : VII/II

Mata Pelajaran :Bahasa Inggris

Topic : Recount text

Alokasi waktu : 2 X 30 menit

A. Standar Kompetensi


11. Memahami makna dalam essay pendek sederhana berbentuk

recount, dan narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar

B. Kompetensi Dasar

11.1 Membaca nyaring bermakna teks fungsional dan essay pendek

sederhana berbentuk recount dan narrative dengan ucapan, tekanan dan

intonasi yang berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar

11.2 Merespon makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sederhana

secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan


C. Indikator

Membaca nyaring dan bermakna teks essai berbentuk recount

Mengindentifikasi berbagai makna teks recount

Mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikatif teks recount

Mengidentifikasi langkah retorika dan ciri kebahasaan teks


D. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat:

Membaca nyaring teks recount sesuai pelafalan dan intonasi

yang tepat

Memahami isi teks recount

Mengetahui structure fungsional teks recount

Mengidentifikasi language feature dalam recount teks

E. Materi Pembelajaran

Materi recount text

A recount retells past events or experiences in the order they


A recount consists of three main part:

1. Orientation

This part gives details of: who/what/where/when/why

2. Events

This part retells what happened in chronological order. It

uses times connectives such as first, next, soon, after, that,

later, finally.

3. Re-orientation

This part tells the writer‟s comment about the events that

happened. It can also be said as conclusion of text.

Contoh recount text dalam comic strips

F. Metode Pembelajaran:


G. Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar

1. Kegiatan awal

Mengucapkan salam dan menyapa dengan ramah kepada

siswa ketika

memasuki ruang kelas (nilai yang ditanamkan: santun,


Mengecek kehadiran siswa (nilai yang ditanamkan:

disiplin, rajin)

Guru memberi gambaran tentang pelajaran yang akan


Guru mnyebutkan tujuan pembelajaran dan manfaat


Guru mengingatkan kembali pelajaran minggu lalu

2. Kegiatan Inti

Mengulas tentang materi recount text

Guru memperlihatkan sebuah comic strips kepada siswa,

kemudian membuat pertanyaan pancingan tentang apa yang

mereka pikirkan tentang situasi dalam comic strips.

Secara individu siswa menjelaskan informasi yang ada

didalam comic strips

Siswa menegerjakan latihan soal recount text

Mendiskusikan hasil latihan siswa

3. Kegiatan Akhir

Bersama-sama dengan peserta didik dan/ sendiri membuat

rangkuman/simpulan pelajaran

Memberikan umpan balik terhadap proses dan hasil


Siswa diberi tugas rumah sebagai salah satu tindak lanjut

pembelajaran yang telah berlangsung

Menyampaikan rencana kegiatan pembelajaran yang akan

dilaksanakan pada pertemuan selanjutnya

H. Media/Alat/Sumber Belajar

Comic strips

Buku siswa

I. Nilai karakter

- Jujur - Tanggung jawab

- Disiplin -Kreatif

J. Penilaian

a. Jenis penilaian: Tes tulis

b. Bentuk penilaian: Multiple choice

c. Contoh penilaian

Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a,b,c or d!

d. Rubric penilaian

Setiap jawaban benar nilainya 10.

Nilai = total jawaban benar X 10

No Grade Qualification Range


Level Descriptor

1 A Excellent 85-100 The Student:

- Constructs meaning

identifying stated and

implied information, main

ideas and some supporting

details, in texts with

familiar and unfamiliar


- Interprets some aspects of

format and style, and

author‟s purpose for


- Engages with the text by

identifying ideas, opinions

and attitudes in the text and

making substantial

connections with own

experiences, attitudes and

points of view

- Show through

understanding of the

content of the text as a


2 B Good 70-84 The student:

- Constructs meaning

identifying stated and

implied information, main

ideas and some supporting

details, in texts with

familiar and unfamiliar


- Interprets most aspects of

format and style, and

author‟s purpose for


- Usually engages with the

text by identifying ideas,

opinions and attitudes in

the text and making sample

connections with own

experiences, attitudes and

points of view

- Show considerable

understanding of the

content of the text as a


3 C Average 55-69 The student:

- Construct meaning

identifying stated and

implied information, main

ideas and some supporting

details, in texts with

familiar and unfamiliar


- Interprets some aspects of

format and style, and

author‟s purpose for


- Occasionally engages with

the texts by identifying

ideas, opinions and

attitudes in the text and

making some connection

with own experiences,

attitudes and point of view

- Shows some understanding

of the content of the text as


4 D Poor 50-54 - Had difficulty constructing

meaning from stated and

implied information, main

ideas or supporting details

in texts with familiar and

unfamiliar language

- Has difficulty interpreting

aspect of format style, and

author‟s purpose for


- Make a limited attempt to

engage with the text by

identifying ideas, opinions

and attitudes in the text;

makes minimal

connections with own

experiences, attitudes and

points of view

- Show limited

understanding of the

content of the text as a


5 E Very Poor ≤ The student does not reach a

standard described by any of

descriptors above

Temanggung, Maret 2018


Guru Mapel Bahasa Inggris Validator

……………………………… ……….…………………

(NIP…………………………) (NIP…………………….)


Nurul Fajriyah

NIM. 113-13-117


A. Cycle I

Students do the pre-test Students pay attention to the teacher


Students do the post test

B. Cycle 2

The teacher explained the purpose and Students do the pre-test II

wisdom of teaching learning process

The teacher around the class to check Students looking the difficult word

the students


Name : Nurul Fajriyah

Date of Birth : Temanggung, 28 Februari 1995

Gender : Female

Address : Kruwisan, Kledung, Temanggung

Email : [email protected]

Background of Education:

1. SDN Kruwisan, Kledung, Temanggung, graduated in 2007

2. MTs N Model Parakan Temanggung graduated in 2010

3. MAN Parakan Temanggung graduated in 2013

4. English Education Department, Teacher Training and Education Faculty,

State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga

Salatiga, March 22nd



Nurul Fajriyah