the us civil war. causes by the 1850’s, the us was divided between free states in the north and...

The US Civil War

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The US Civil War

CausesBy the 1850’s, the US was divided between free states in the north and slave states in the south. The south wanted slavery to spread west, but the north did not.

CausesAbolitionist: Someone who wants to stop slavery.

CausesThe population in the north was growing very fast, and most people lived in cities and worked in factories. These people did not understand why the south needed slavery. In the north there were many abolitionists.

William Lloyd Garrison

Susan B. Anthony Frederick Douglass

Question 1:

Did people in the north have any right to be angry at the south for slavery?

CausesThe underground railroad was a secret group of trails in which slaves would escape to the north states and Canada. Buffalo and Rochester NY were major stops along the way.

CausesIn 1859, abolitionist John Brown tried to free the slaves on his own by attacking Harper’s Ferry Virginia. This failed but showed that war would soon be the next step between the North and South.


Had I done this for the rich, the powerful, the intelligent, the so-called great, or on behalf of any of their friends -- either father, mother, sister, wife, or children, or any of that class -- and suffered and sacrificed what I have in this event, it would have been all right; and every man in this court would have deemed it an act worthy of reward rather than punishment.


The bible says that “when there are slaves- you are all slaves with them”. Now if it is necessary that I should give my life for your justice while there are millions in this slave country whose rights are disregarded by wicked, cruel, and unjust acts. -- I submit; so let it be done!


"I, John Brown, am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land can never be purged away but with blood."

Just before he was hung:

Question #2:

Knowing what you know about John Brown, do you think he is an American hero, or a violent villain? Explain why.


Secession: When states choose to leave the country they are a part of.

Causes In the presidential election of 1860, the southern states threatened secession if Abraham Lincoln was elected president because of his “Pro-North” and “Anti-Slavery” views.

Lincoln was elected because the north had such a large population. South Carolina was the first state to secede. Mississippi, Georgia, Texas, North Carolina, Virginia, Arkansas, Louisiana, Florida, Alabama and Tennessee were next.


The Civil War began at the Battle of Fort Sumter on April 12th 1861 in S. Carolina when the south took the fort from the north.

The US Civil War

Question 3:Do you think that states have the right to secede from their country if they think the country is unfair?