the ultimate war - agenda 21 - santa cruz - michael shaw 6-9-2010

1 Santa Cruz The Ultimate War: Globalism vs. America Presented by Michael Shaw President, Freedom Freedom Forum Santa Cruz County June 9, 2010 The War: Globalism vs. America I grew up in Orange County, California. When I was 10 Nikita Khrushchev visited Disneyland and said “We will bury you (America) without firing a shot”. Later in the year (1959) he repeated this statement at the United Nations while slamming his shoe on the table. I thought he was nuts! Yet today America is falling. We have not experienced a military invasion. Why are we falling? What is that

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Private property is under attack. Americans no longer feel confident that government secures the protection of their property. Instead, policies are being implemented, through our American government, which actually attacks the idea of private property. Globalist philosophy has swarmed all branches and all levels of American government.Is there a connection between globalism and the loss of our rights?Our leaders who are working for their own seat at the international table have convoluted the interpretation of the American Constitution. At the core, these Globalists seek to negate the political recognition of an individual’s unalienable rights – one’s natural right to life, liberty and property.


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Santa Cruz

The Ultimate War:

Globalism vs. America

Presented by Michael Shaw

President, Freedom

Freedom Forum

Santa Cruz County

June 9, 2010

The War: Globalism vs. America

I grew up in Orange County, California. When I was 10

Nikita Khrushchev visited Disneyland and said “We will

bury you (America) without firing a shot”. Later in the

year (1959) he repeated this statement at the United

Nations while slamming his shoe on the table. I thought

he was nuts!

Yet today America is falling. We have not experienced

a military invasion. Why are we falling? What is that

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Khrushchev knew that Americans have not yet figured

out or acknowledged?

Private property is under attack. Americans no longer

feel confident that government secures the protection

of their property. Instead, policies are being

implemented, through our American government,

which actually attacks the idea of private property.

Globalist philosophy has swarmed all branches and all

levels of American government.

Is there a connection between globalism and the loss of

our rights?

Our leaders who are working for their own seat at the

international table have convoluted the interpretation

of the American Constitution. At the core, these

Globalists seek to negate the political recognition of an

individual’s unalienable rights – one’s natural right to

life, liberty and property.

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There is a massive fifth column operating throughout

our government, supported by a huge and well funded

network of Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs)

that work to localize the globalist political movement.

NGO’s are organizations which are accredited by the

United Nations for purposes of implementing the

globalist Action plan labeled “Agenda 21, Sustainable


Remember the bumper sticker: “Think Globally; Act

Locally”? They were all over town when I moved here

in 1984. The slogan was created at the University of

Iowa and was deployed all over the country.

This was part of the call that was to prepare the

advance of Agenda 21 troops. And the advance has

been woven throughout society and spread across all of

the lands including Santa Cruz’s mountains, the

counties farmland and the cities.

Today, whether you know it or not, we are in a smart

growth bastion within a Wildlands Network zone.

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Increasingly, the lands are being put “Off Limits”. Your

elected officials make this possible by accepting

supposed globalist consensus.

The American Wildlands Network may sound or look

benign, but what you will discover are vast expanses of

land with interconnecting corridors between them

which are designed to take control of the land across

America including right here in Santa Cruz thereby

centralizing power over all of us.

As you will see later, open space expanses and

corridors are throughout the country. They are now

coming into formation, facilitated by the process of

public private partnerships. These partnerships have

been in formation for decades. Delving into this matter

is a separate address.

What I am going to do today is to define and illustrate

how globalism works to sublimate the foundation of

the American experiment. This sublimation is planned

to occur through implementation of a global to Local

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Action Plan referred to as Agenda 21, often times called

Sustainable Development, which I will explain.

Then I will give more illustrations of how the United

Nations’ Agenda 21 has invaded the county of Santa

Cruz. I will conclude by suggesting what it is that you

can do to expose and ultimately reverse this anti -

American curse that is swarming our town, this state,

all of the west and the entire country.

The Globalist attack:

i. The battlefield of the modern World War is over the

political recognition of unalienable rights. For

example, judicial recognition and protection of the

right to the use and enjoyment of property has been

largely abandoned.

Prohibitive zoning, open space mandates, resource

extraction limitations, conservation easements and

use prohibitions coupled with enforcement

provisions of such things as the Endangered Species

Act are all designed to chip away at the idea of

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private property. The ESA often nullifies a land

owner’s natural right to the beneficial use of

property. The courts have enabled massive

legislative takings of property use.

America cannot stand if the idea of private property

is not protected. As George Washington said,

“Private property and freedom are inseparable”.

The United Nations and the Globalists’ position on

individual land ownership are clear: Land is to be

held or controlled by government and its partners,

not individuals.

ii. There is an organized Globalist assault on the

individual and upon the system of government that

supports individual rights.

Global organizations such as the World Bank and the

World Trade Organization have taken control over

our nation’s trade policy.

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Multinational corporations work with global political

organizations to establish a unified global economic

system of distribution that works to implement the

stated goal set forth in the Earth Charter. That goal

is: “to equalize wealth within and between nations”.

Can a nation remain sovereign if it has bequeathed

its trade policy to foreign entities, in the name of


The 20th century saw a continuum of action designed

to lead us to where we are. Through the formation

of the UN and the internationalist organizations like

the World Bank, the World Trade Organization and

the Bank of International Settlements, an

infrastructure for world government has been

established. We are now within the grasp of global

governance. Today, this is euphemistically referred

to as “change”. Obama may seek to pound in the

final nail.

Why has individual liberty and national sovereignty

steadily eroded? One reason is because both political

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parties have supported nationalized education policies

that increasingly have indoctrinated youth into

accepting “global citizenship”. Both parties have

supported “new” economics: “public private

partnerships” in replacement of free enterprise and

social justice in replacement of equal justice.

Until recently, most Americans thought we could simply

“throw the bums out” when the federal government got

off track and elect the other party. But that is not


Both parties have spent America to the verge of dollar

oblivion. They both support essential tenants of

Globalism; meaning they both support the United

Nation’s action plan for world government known as

“Agenda 21”, the Agenda for the 21st century. Agenda

21 is also known as “Sustainable Development” which

uses environmental ‘protection’ as its excuse for

transforming our systems of government and


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What is Agenda 21?

Agenda 21 is a document that outlines the

implementation of Sustainable Development, which is a

comprehensive plan for the restructure of society and

the remake of man. After nearly 20 years of

implementation, I can report that Sustainable

Development policy is now pursued in every county in

the country!


4Presented by

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Agenda 21, Sustainable Development is the modern

battle field over future political-economics and more.

i. Despite its appearance as an environmental

movement, Agenda 21 incorporates decades of

U.N. world governance policies. Agenda 21 was

arranged for and disseminated at the Rio de

Janeiro UN Earth Summit in 1992.

ii. 178 nations signed on including George Bush,

the father, signing on behalf of the United


iii. The last 4 presidents have made

implementation of Agenda 21 the quiet

cornerstone of their administrations and every

federal cabinet department.

iv. The Department of State reports to the UN our

progress at implementation.

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Sustainable Development is an Action plan for the

implementation of a controlled society. The Plan is not

conjecture. It is laid out in three documents.

1. Agenda 21: the global plan. This is our County’s

plan - the Santa Cruz County “local” version of

Agenda 21. This is the UN’s global Agenda 21

program. To know Agenda 21 is to know the

political-economic program that is now the

path that America and the world is on. To not

know Agenda 21 means we will live by it.

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2. The Global Biodiversity Assessment Report

(1150 pages). To save the environment this

official document calls for a reduction of human

population to I billion people. In the alternative,

according to the U.N., a population comprised

of “peasants” may be designed that would

allow, 4 – 5 billion people.

3. The Earth Charter was authored by Steven

Rockefeller, Maurice Strong and Mikhail

Gorbachev and is taught in American schools.

They have all said that Earth Charter is to

replace the 10 Commandments. Do you

suppose these three characters climbed a

mountain and had the Earth Charter delivered

to them by God?

I’m going to share a Freedom Advocates tool for showing

the ‘warm and fuzzy’ terms that arise regularly. These

terms reveal Agenda 21 operating in your neighborhood!

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Defining and describing Sustainable Development:

The first time the term “Sustainable Development”

was used was by Woodrow Wilson while he was

President. There is no loss of irony that the man who

brought us the Federal Reserve, the income tax, the

League of Nations and the war to end all wars would

introduce to America the concept, which today, is a

synonym for world governance.

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Tenets of Agenda 21: Supporters of Agenda 21 use a

mantra reflected by the “Three E” pattern:

The Three E’s represent a summarization of Agenda

21’s blueprint.

The often repeated Three E concept looks and works like this:

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Presented by 7

The 3 E’s of Sustainable Development

• Environment

– Nature before man

• Equity

– Use sociology and the law to reengineer humanity

• Economy

– International redistribution of America’s wealth

– Replacement of free enterprise with government/business partnerships

Equity involves the general adoption of early 19th Century

French philosopher’s August Compte’s one world political

order to be engineered in accordance with his science of

sociology and informed by the principals of his creation:

the Positivist religion. Equity also involves replacement of

the American legal system of equal justice with the

globalist concept of social justice.

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The grandest threat posed by globalism is the Agenda 21

Global to Local action plan. This is where the rubber meets

the road. This is why the defense of America begins in your

neighborhood, hometown and broader community.

Recognition of this fact will compel the American people to

gain control of school boards, fire boards, Sheriff’s office,

water boards, city councils and Boards of Supervisors.

When Agenda 21 policy has been expunged from every

element of the public sphere in a county - that place, and

those that follow, will lead America’s recovery as the home

of the brave and land of the free.

It is important to understand Agenda 21 is not a left vs.

right fight.

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Copyright 6

The left and the right leadership work in what I call an

‘artificial dialectic’. An artificial dialectic is where an

arranged thesis is contrasted with an arranged

antithesis in order to produce a predetermined


Implementation of Agenda 21 comes through bi-

partisanship. Our need is to understand how both sides

of the political spectrum contribute to the Globalist

Action Plan.

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But first let’s contrast the American philosophy of

Individual Rights and the Globalist philosophy of

community rights. And then think about living in the

future we are heading toward.

Presented by 3

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There are three broad principles that underlie Agenda


The step by step program for the abolition of private


Education for global citizenship. Do you think the

notion of unalienable rights is presented in today’s

schools? Take notice of the number of young

Sustainablers, many of whom identify themselves as

“Globalist”. Universities are building a fifth column for

Sustainability - an army of young college graduates. For

even younger people there are the policies and

assessments of No Child Left Behind… All geared to

neuter the next generations understanding of liberty

and of the American experience.

The third driving principle of Agenda 21 is: Control

over human action. For instance, we see technological

advances used by government to monitor the

individual. We see this happening through federal

legislation that would direct biometric identification of

you displayed on your state driver’s license, the advent

of cameras everywhere, and government accessible

data bases that have everything about you that you

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now think is private. Ultimately Agenda 21 calls for an

85% reduction in human population.

I will focus my comments on the effort to abolish private

property, concerning land. First, what is private property?

Private property includes; your person, your thoughts

and your relationship to something. By relationship I

mean the power to use and enjoy that thing.

Private property can only exist where unalienable rights

are recognized. “All men are created equal, that they

are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable

rights…”. America is the only place where, only if for a

brief shining moment, unalienable rights have been

politically recognized. Now they are being ignored.

Recognition of unalienable rights is ignored as America

implements Agenda 21’s two land use programs called

Smart Growth and the Wildlands Network.

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Let me explain these programs with the help of this


…Defining terms:

“ Wildlands”: Removal of people and prohibition of

resource extraction. These areas are indicated in red. The

yellow areas are buffers to the Wildlands where public

private “partners” will engage in limited and controlled


“Smart Growth”: Stacking and packing human beings in

dense cities where people will depend on public

transportation. In the words of a Smart Growth advocate

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“it will be the people in cages with the animals roaming

freely”. Smart Growth areas are demonstrated by the black

dots concentrated on the coasts.

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The Y to Y corridor stretches the length of this

continent. These landowners are being particularly

pulverized. But private property is being abolished


The globalist political–economic onslaught happening

inside America has been because the West’s resource

base has been grabbed-up and locked-down. Forest

owners in the Santa Cruz Mountains know that. The

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attack on the Pajaro farmer’s water is designed for

battle till victory.

Dr. Michael Coffman has said that “According to

hundreds of NGO documents what is happening in the

Northern Rockies will eventually happen across

America”. Montana has fallen from 6th to 49th in per

capita income since the globalist control machinery

made it effectively unlawful to timber, mine, or draw

from vast deposits of oil there. Even ranching is being

forced down and out.

Modern American government tramples the

Constitution, while ushering world governance, as

Government and its business partners gain greater

control over the American land mass.

The Wildlands Network is a violation of Article 1

(Legislative Branch) Sec 8 (legislative powers) of the U.S.


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1. How does the federal government justify owning

much of the West’s land mass?

2. Why does the federal government direct

management on much of the rest of the western


3. The Department of the Interior – how did that

monster arise? What is the Constitutional

rational? There is none.

There is no Constitutional authority for Congressional

land management.

Constitutional authority for land ownership, is set out in

Article 1 Section 8: Congress has: “…Authority over all

places purchased by consent of the legislature of the

State in which the same shall be, for the Erection of

Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards and other

needful buildings.” There is no mention of the Rocky

Mountains, The Department of Interior or “Wildlands”


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The federal government needs to be reduced in size and

scope to Constitutional directives. It needs to happen


There is no authorization for the various federal forest

ownership or contemporary Wildlands bills that have

been processed by Congress.

Who is Congress working for?

Remember government powers are granted under the

Constitution – they cannot just be taken by a narrow

mob, with political front men, seeking power and

control over resources.

A second major attack on the Constitution is the

Congress’s delegation of its responsibility over trade


Congress has delegated authority over U.S. trade policy

to the World Trade Organization and to various multi

lateral trade pact organizations. This necessarily comes

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at the expense of sovereignty. The effects of

surrendering trade policy control include:

A disintegrating border; Example: NAFTA

agreement – 124 mile wide “International Zone of


Constitutional taxing authority (Article 1 Section 9)

becomes neutered. The Constitutionally intended

form of taxation – import and excise duties are

lost to the World Trade Organization’s so-called

“free trade” requirements. It is not free trade that

is being established; it is a managed global trade

control exercised over America. This policy is

designed to economically equalize nations in

accordance with the Earth Charter mandate to

equalize wealth within and between nations.

Managed Free Trade is designed to:

1. Implement the Agenda 21 directive to

institutionalize multinational corporate economic

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control in partnership with world government


2. Redistribute America’s wealth and in accordance

with globalist directives.

3. Neuter American sovereignty.

The modern trade regime results in manufacturing jobs

loss starting with a shuttling of resource extraction. The

consequence has been: production leaves the U.S.;

finished goods are then imported, often from slave

labor nations, always concentrating wealth into the

hands of global business partners of prospective world

government. Prince Charles established the Sustainable

Business Council with major multinational businesses.

Globalist corporate coordination has occurred.

The Sustainable problem is more than green.

One other major breach of Article 1 Section 8: The

Establishment of Central Banking within a world system

of Central Banking – the indispensable ingredient for

creating World Government. Congress has no authority

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to delegate an exclusive monetary system authority to a

third party. That is what happens when a Central Bank

like the Federal Reserve is formed. This accounts for at

least the financial aspect of the dilemma we face.

The existence of Central Banks, like the Federal Reserve,

allow for the printing of the money necessary to fund

the globalist movement while accounting for its

creation as debt owing from us. The monetary system is

designed to cause a financial collapse.

Central Banks are particularly dangerous given that they

are coordinated on top through the Bank of

International Settlements.

Remember when American youth were taught that it

was a good thing that power was not centralized and

coordinated? Oh, I wish it were that way!

o It needs to become that way!

o Restore the American Republic not a 15th Century


o Expose Sustainable Development.

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Attacking the Root:

How does Agenda 21 infect us locally? Why it is

important to understand how that happens.

How to recognize the patterns and tenants of Agenda


What it is you can do?

This is a list of modern day issues that beg the question;

‘Do we really live in a free society’?

Economic factors:

o Can we undue the phony fiat monetary system

and begin to operate with a system of honest


o Are we free to enter into free enterprise?

o Are we being subsumed by globalist multinational

corporate interests?

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Environmental entanglements:

Has the environmental movement resulted in

destruction of the unalienable right to the use and

enjoyment of property?

Has the environmental movement resulted in an

increasing loss of access to Wildlands and

widening prohibitions on resource extractions?

Does the environmental movement have an anti-

population, pro-population reduction thrust?

Social and judicial issues:

Is our social order being corralled and reshaped

into a collectivist society?

Is our system of justice being transformed from

equal justice to social justice?

Is private property being abolished?

The Globalist invasion is happening right under our

nose. Right here in Santa Cruz County!

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Let’s examine aspects of the ‘Local Action’ Plan:


This is the most vulnerable globalist organization

operating in America today.

Presented by 12

The full name is the “International Council for Local

Environmental Initiatives”. It is also called “Local

Governments for Sustainability”.

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ICLEI is an important NGO that:

Closely ties policy to man-made Global Warming

and climate change.

Has formed an international Congress filled with

our city and county representatives. This Congress

acts as a shadow World Government.

Directs Planning and other local agencies with

statutory and regulatory provisions that

implement Sustainable policy locally.

Local tax funds pay the contract fee. Globalist policy-

making is fully invaded upon ICLEI’s arrival. Santa Cruz

was one of the first but now it is not alone. 600 cities,

including Bloomberg led New York City, from all across

the nation, have ICLEI contracts. Local governments have

been hijacked by globalist operatives.

Each ICLEI city’s influence is expanded as ICLEI then

automatically steers Regional Air, and Water Boards, and

many other “regional” transformational governance


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Presented by 13


ICLEI has three contracts in this county and with another

175 other cities or counties in California. Here, ICLEI has

long high standing relationships with both the city and

county governments of Santa Cruz. ICLEI has a new and

more junior member, the city of Watsonville.

Article 1 Section 10 prohibitions: “No state shall enter

into any Treaty, Alliance or Confederation”. Neither may

a city. Ask: Is contracting with ICLEI treasonous – at least

in spirit? I think so. In any event, contracts with ICLEI

guarantee implementation of globalist political and

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economic policy. Drive city alliances with ICLEI out of

Santa Cruz and out of all of America.

Where’s the Sheriff?

Residents in Spokane, Washington and various cities in

the Colorado plains are taking on their city’s contract and

contact with ICLEI. We are tracking this information at

Now, let’s turn directly to:

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Does anyone smell collectivism?

Transition Santa Cruz is lead by Ryan Coonerty,

councilman and sometimes mayor. Transition Towns are

headquartered in Great Britain. What I want to do is

help make Santa Cruzan’s aware of the local infiltration

of globalist policy and help people understand how

globalist political-economic policy is instituted locally so

that we can escape its clutches.

A massive fifth column has been established right here

in Santa Cruz County. A key to understanding Transition

Towns is recognizing that the organization is founded

and operated out of Great Britain.

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Our sources in Great Britain inform us that Transition

Towns are a creation of the British Fabian Socialist

Society. One point in that regard: The London School of

Economics is Fabian based. The founders of the school

also were founders of the Fabian Society. Ryan

Coonerty has a Masters degree from the London School

of Economics. This all gives real meaning to the term

“British Invasion”.

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So much of the globalist invasion at the local level relies

on the man-made global warming fraud. The unraveling

of this masquerade has not yet hit the local scene.

Transition Towns and ICLEI are vulnerable if citizens

react soon enough. Now is the time.

Note how Santa Cruz city has appointed a “Global

Warming Czar”. Realization of the fraud of man-made

global warming scam has become the thrust of scientific


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Big surprise! Santa Cruz politics intends to recreate your


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What would our forefathers have thought had they

known we would entertain such nonsense!

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The Bio Diversity Assessment Report labels single family

housing as unsustainable. What we see with Transition

Towns is local action for globalist goals.

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Planned Communities may look nice. But what is behind

them? Planned communities are Smart Growth. The

local planning department is eager to pronounce Santa

Cruz a Smart Growth town. What that means is that we

are to live in tightly controlled environments, with high

density, without autos and subject to “smart” system


Smart Growth is financed in large part with federal

subsidies. Santa Cruz is recipient of 300 million federal

dollars for use in Smart Growth Development. The

County coordinated the assemblage of Aptos Village


This coordination put essentially the whole village into

the hands of Barry Swenson, Builders. Swenson is set to

receive $80,000 of subsidy for each “Affordable” 800

square foot apartment the Company builds. Other

housing developers have similar arrangements with the

county, including so-called non-profit housing

developers. Such is a prototype example of a public

private partnership.

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Another example of public funding through

“Affordable” housing programs of private development

is the Felton Faire in Felton. There are many such

arrangements in Santa Cruz County. This is how

development works in this County.

There are very many organizations in town that tie

policy to the globalist Agenda. Santa Cruz has been

operated as a prototype. That prototype comes with

financial muscle as the affordable housing program


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Ecology Action is another example of how public private

partnership builds its Action force though the use of

“non-profit” Corporations.

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This is a building that will house the Santa Cruz

Community Foundation. Community Foundations along

with major family and corporate foundations are the

financial underpinnings of Agenda 21. This new building

is across the street from Safeway in Aptos. The land use

program for the County often is facilitated through land

use and or easement acquisition entered into by the

Santa Cruz Community Foundation. Land all over the

county is being acquired by the Foundation and other

agents of the new, post private property, social system.

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Much more is planned. Be aware. Recognize the big


In referencing Foundations and their commitment to

Agenda 21 policies, there are few with the financial

clout and none with the degree local input than Packard

Foundation. This could the subject of a full night’s

seminar. Instead let me show you some posters hanging

at Packard’s Monterey Bay Aquarium.

This display is designed to affect children – A

continuation of the indoctrination occurring in school.

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A child is then ushered to the ‘Make a Wish’ table to “prove” their new world usefulness.

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There are very many organizations locally that promote

globalism – Sustainable Development. Some of them

include Action Pajaro Valley, Valley Women’s Club,

Santa Cruz Action Network, Santa Cruz Farm Bureau,

Local Chambers of Commerce and others.

Illustration of how democracy works is this:

Voters overwhelmingly rejected the coastal train

scheme in 2004. This year, the regional unelected

transportation authority, of its own volition, set about

to purchase the rail line – critical to the establishment

of a Smart Growth community. As James Madison said,

Democracy is as short lived as it is violent in its death.

Sustainable Development pretends to have something

for everybody. It does have something in mind for

humanity. Sustainable Development is an economic

system of public private partnership. Public private

partnership is the economic foundation for establishing

the slave society living under the principles mandated

by the policies of world governance.

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Mussolini called this same economic system

Corporatism and the world learned it as economic


What happens if people do nothing?

America becomes the land of the collected and home of

the enslaved.

What can you do?


Expose ICLEI – Traitorous? Inform and motivate

residents in local cities named earlier to take on their

city fathers. Counter-action to ICLEI is, I believe, the 21st

century ‘shot to be heard round the world’.

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Wouldn’t it be ironic if Santa Cruz helped lead the

restoration of America? Other cities have started that

process. Expose ICLEI! Visit FreedomAdvocates.Org to

study: the ICLEI Primer, The Consensus Process and

Agenda 21.

The ICLEI Primer now includes city Charter amendments

and a sample city ordinance ridding your town of its

ICLEI contract. You can find a lot valuable information at

our home page. There is a very deep reservoir of

information, documentation and tools needed to fight

for America’s survival. The fight begins with informing

more people about the nature of the battle and what is

at stake. Let help you in that


People in the mountains need to organize to expose the

connection between globalism and the Wildlands

network that directs land use policy in our forests. Over

time, we must cause the globalist concept of the

Wildlands Network to be abandoned – consider the


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Santa Cruz urgently requires a new political direction

with new political majorities. And you need them soon!

To win we must act at the local level. Think nationally,

act locally.

Another thing you can do is to recognize and neuter

local sovietization.

How to fight the Soviet onslaught: Attend the meetings

held by the kinds of organizations that I am discussing

this afternoon. If you attend, learn how to break the

planned consensus meetings operated through

“facilitation” with predetermined outcomes. This is a

simple study and very effective technique. Remember

this is a first line of defense. When successful, the door

opens for counter attacks by way of exposing the

globalist transformation.

Information is available at

regarding how a coordinated effort, undertaken by a few

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people, can break the local manufactured “consensus”

that serves globalist objectives.

Spread the information

Freedom Advocates Products

Presented by 39 Neighborhood tools – have been developed to help

regular people share the information produced by FA.

These are designed for wide distribution for purposes of

creating an informed public. Sun Tzu informed us that

you cannot defeat your enemy unless you understand


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Distribute Understanding Sustainable Development

Agenda 21. Let Common Sense prevail. Use our videos on

Community TV, circulate FA audios. Understand

Globalism–Agenda 21 Sustainable Development yourself

and then widen the circle. Let our tools help you.

The modern war is between Globalism vs. America.

Let me show an illustration that captures the contrast

between America and Globalism:

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It is important that you prepare yourself for the

ensuing onslaught. My advice for ordinary people,

understanding that there can always be exceptions, is:

Have barter

Have access to food, grow it, store it or become

part of an informed food collective

Have personal defense

Get out of debt if you can

And Join - in the defense of America!

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The old expression and bumper sticker, “Think Global

Act Local” can now take a meaning. This scheme has

been in the works longer than any of us have been


Tony Blair is a former chairman of the British Fabian

Society. George Bernard Shaw, a founding British

Fabian Socialist said “We will crawl like turtles for as

long as it takes. When we see the finish line we will

create a buzzing, whirling, confusion as we make our

dash through the clearing as we get to the other side”.

Ladies and Gentlemen, that whirling blast to the finish

line is what has begun to happen now.

There is welcome news gathering from within. The

globalists are stumbling all over themselves, the Global

Warming scam is crumbling, the fiscal and monetary

situations are becoming understood more broadly and

the Sustainable pattern advancing globalism is

becoming evident to many people.

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For that welcome news to serve the interests of a free

society, those who seek freedom must understand

what we are fighting against, if we are to defeat the

advance of tyranny. Understand Sustainable


We must also know what we are fighting for. Good

Neighbors defending each other coupled with a

renewing dose of equal justice are just what America


Only by winning the war undertaken by the globalist

machinery, brought against the independence of this

country and the independence of the individual, can we

earn a second coming of America, the land of the brave

and home of the free.

Thank you and may God Bless America.