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Thank you for downloading “The Ultimate Facebook advertising Guide: The

Simple, Fast, and Easy Facebook Ad Formula That Forces Buyers and Sellers to

Run to You...”.

If you’re reading this guide, you’re likely one of over a million real estate

businesses already using – or interested in using – Facebook’s advertising


Saying this, you probably fall within one of these three categories below:

1. You barely know where to start with Facebook ads. (If so, your mind is going to

be blown.)

2. You’re already running one or two Facebook ads. (If this is you, you’ll walk

away with some really good techniques to start getting cheaper ad costs.)

3. You’re already running ad campaigns and likely spending over $1,000 a month

on ads. (You’ll likely walk away with one or two nuggets.)

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In this guide, you will learn some of the things that are working now, and have

been vetted with thousands of dollars in ad tests. These techniques are working

across several different industries and are generating lead costs up to 50% lower

than what you normally can achieve with a “normal” ad (we’ll get into that later).

This is a tactical guide for you to implement in your business immediately.

So, let’s get started.

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Why Most Real Estate Professionals Struggle with Facebook Ads

There are 3 problems that most Real Estate Professionals struggle with when it

comes to Facebook ads.

First, people struggle with proper ad targeting by not understand your market.

And second, people are unaware or uninformed of their audience, their messaging,

which ad formats are working, and the importance of a “pattern interrupt”.

This also ties into HOW people are advertising. Often what happens, is that people

are “going for the kill” immediately (aka, putting up a Facebook ad that is either

selling a product or some other time-intensive activity such as a webinar).

Someone scrolling through their Facebook feed is not looking for a webinar to

attend or a strategy call application to fill out. These are very high-commitment

actions and your average Facebook user likely doesn’t know you or your message

and is not willing to give you an hour of their time immediately.

The way we handle this in our advertising is by using a 3-tiered funnel strategy that

incorporates different kinds of ads at each level.

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It’s called the Listen, Isolate, and Communication Method. Simply put, someone

on the Listen doesn’t know you and doesn’t even understand that they have a

problem yet. It’s your job to show them their problem. Once that person is in the

Isolate, they are getting to know you a little bit and understand that they have a

problem and are willing to invest time and resources into learning more about it.

Once they have all the information they need and realize that they have a serious

issue that needs to be solved, they move into the Communication. Here, all your

lead needs it the right offer and their objections to be handled and usually, you can

make a sale.

For more info on HyperLocal Domination, you can go here “Learn More” but

keep this concept in mind, because it reinforces how we do Facebook ads.

And the third problem most real estate professionals face is that, the Facebook ad

platform is maturing and getting more expensive.

Facebook Ads Are Getting More Expensive

The Facebook ad platform is maturing. It’s been around for nearly 10 years at this

point, and there are literally millions of users now (with more joining every day).

And with more people jumping into Facebook advertising, the demand keeps going

up, but the supply is staying the same.

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Of course, this means that the cost of advertising is increasing very quickly and it’s

going to get more and more difficult to effectively utilize Facebook ads as a small

business with a small business budget.

It does not mean it’s impossible. With the techniques you’re about to learn, it’s

completely possible to run Facebook ads that are not just successful, but profitable.

So, let’s talk about how to build a foundation for success before you ever run a

single ad (and if you’re already running ads, let’s confirm that you have these 6

pieces absolutely locked in).

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The 6 Fundamentals of Effective Facebook Advertising

If you miss these fundamentals, some of which we will go into more detail in this

guide, you are not going to see good results. Period. If you do not have these as

part of your Facebook advertising strategy, you’re dead in the water.

Audience: If you don’t understand who you are trying to talk to, you’re screwed.

Unfortunately, most real estate professionals online either don’t know their

audience, or they try to serve too many audiences. And if that is the case, then right

from the start, you’re screwed. Decide on one audience and get to know those

people. How they talk, what they like, what resources they like to consume. Then,

you can move forward.

Messaging: A lot of people struggle with this one. Messaging can be defined as

knowing how to talk or write to somebody in the right way to get them to take

action. You need to talk completely differently the first time you interact with

someone in a Facebook ad vs. the 4th or 5th. Otherwise, there will be a disconnect

and your ad performance will suffer.

Timing: If you are not at the right place at the right time - and if you’re not

showing the right ad at the right time - it will be difficult for you to get quality

conversions and sales. It’s one thing to get a click, but it’s another thing to get a

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conversion (i.e. someone completing the action you’re asking them to complete).

And it’s another animal entirely to get a sale. And at the end of the day, clicks and

conversions don’t matter if you can’t get the sale. Timing is a crucial part of this.

Social Proof: If you are just starting off, you may not have a ton of “social proof”

(this usually refers to testimonials, but for Facebook ads, it often refers to the

number of likes, comments and shares that your ad has). The more social proof that

you show in your ad, the better that ad is going to perform.

Omni-Presence: This ties in closely with the Hyper Local Domination METHOD

that was mentioned earlier. You must be in front of your lead and know exactly

where they are at in the buying experience. You need to take them from being

completely unaware of you (Listen), to understanding your process and solution

(Isolate), to trusting you and wanting to do business with you to solve their

problem (Communicate). You need to be in front of them throughout the entire

customer journey.

Long-Term Approach : If you’re not looking at the 90-day,180-day, or even

365-day ROI of your advertising spend, you’re playing the game wrong. If you

look at the long-term growth and you have a long-term approach for Facebook, it’s

going to work out much better for you. If you’re just looking for the next 30 days,

getting a return on your investment is much harder in that time frame. People need

to see you consistently show up to see you as an authority.

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If you understand these 6 components, then you will see a much greater chance of

success with your Facebook ads.

Now, let’s talk strategy and tactics :)

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The 7 Strategies You Can Use Every Day to Dominate Your Local Market… Even if You’re Newly Licensed

and Nobody’s Ever Heard of You

Strategy #1: Know Which Audiences to Target and How to Manage Them

There are three different types of audiences that you should be targeting on

Facebook: cold audiences, lookalike audiences, and custom audiences.

It’s probably obvious to you that the more money you spend on Facebook, the

better results you will get. What you must also understand is that the bigger your

audience is on Facebook, the better results you will also get.

Let’s look at each one of these.

Cold Audiences

If you’re just starting out, then the first ads you run will be to people who do not

know you or your company. We call this a “cold audience”. These people have no

idea who you are. They see your ad in their newsfeed and only see you as just

another company advertising on Facebook.

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Because of this, we must treat them a certain way so that they can become part of

our other audiences. Typically, our ads to these audiences are either just offering

value (such as advertising a video about the problem they face or a useful blog

article) or we are offering a very low commitment action such as an opt-in for a

small PDF guide.

Lookalike Audiences

With a lookalike audience, we are still dealing with mostly cold traffic, but we

have given Facebook an “ideal client” to mirror. Essentially, with a lookalike

audience, you show Facebook a group of people that you want to target. This may

be an email list that you have, or a custom audience within Facebook that you have

already built.

Then you show this audience to Facebook and you say, “I want you to look at this

group of people and give me another group of people that ‘look’ like them.”

The power of a lookalike audience is that you can target cold traffic more

effectively because you know that the people who will see your ad are at least

closer to your ideal customer than a completely cold audience that you have no

control over.

Custom Audiences

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Finally, we have custom audiences. These are audiences you create from your

email list, website traffic, engagement on Facebook, video views, or people who

purchased something from you.

Custom audiences are one of the most valuable aspects of Facebook advertising

that, if used correctly, can really impact the effectiveness of your campaigns. This

is because you can use this specific type of audience to retarget people. You can

retarget based on video views, visits to your business page, saved posts and much


Managing Your Audiences: The 5 Core Audiences

As you may have coached out, when you start to use these Facebook audiences, it

can get disorganized unless you have a system for properly management. To

properly keep track of who is who, you need a basic categorization system. Here

are the 5 basic core audiences you need to keep track of.

Cold Traffic

Cold traffic will always be your most expensive traffic. Because of this, the best

way to manage your cold traffic is to warm them up with what we call “audience

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building” content. This is a great way to get in front of your audience for a fairly

low cost.

This could be a video, or an article that doesn’t ask for an opt-in. One strategy

we’ve seen work really well is to use a 30-60 second video ad that has longform ad


What this does is allow you to get to a high level of engagement with people

watching the video, or reading the post. Facebook will notice this and give you a

higher relevancy score which will ultimately give you more clicks and a higher

click through rate (or CTR).

Again, the purpose of these “cold traffic ads” is to simply introduce yourself to the

audience and start building a foundation of trust. In this way, you can “warm up”

the audience which brings you to the next stage, warm traffic.

Warm Traffic

This is where you take advantage of the power of your custom audiences and

retarget them.

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Remember those inexpensive “audience building content ads” you got from your

cold traffic? Well, you can build a custom audience from those people who

interacted with your ad and then retarget that audience as a warm audience.

There are actually several different stages of “warm” audiences but for our

purposes here, the idea is that you are moving people from cold traffic, through

warm traffic, and onto to getting them inside of your funnel... which is where the

real magic happens.

Inside Your Funnel

The third type of audience is people who are inside your funnel. And, if you

understand Hyper Local Domination METHOD concepts , you’ll realize there are

three different phases to your funnel.

You will see completely different levels of engagement and interest from a

Listening to lead versus Isolating audiences or Communicating value to leads.

For example, running an ad to someone who has downloaded a guide but has never

gone to a webinar is very different from an ad to someone who attended a webinar

but didn’t buy the product. This is why you have to be thinking about where these

audiences are at in the marketing process and why it’s critical to properly track

them within Facebook.

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Potential Buyers

These are people that have been on your sales page but have not purchased. These

are the people that have been on your webinar but have not purchased. These are

the people that have visited your strategy call page but did not actually book a

strategy call.

These are your potential buyers. This is a very small micro-targeted group of

people that you can advertise to, but it will have an incredible return on investment

if you are able to send them the right message at the right time.

Value Ladder Buyers

The audience you need to manage properly is your customers. It seems obvious,

but you would be surprised at how many people are not running any ads to their


In your business, you may have lower end products and higher end products. Or,

you may only have one specific product or course, but eventually your top clients

will ask you for more. Why not offer them the chance to take the next step up your

value ladder? That’s what these ads are all about; showing your customers the

opportunity that exists for the “next step”. You can also call these “upsell ads”.

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Keep Track of Your Audiences

Now, it’s important to track and manage all these audiences, because if you don’t,

you’ll have all these audiences floating around and have no idea who’s who, and

end up advertising to the wrong people with the wrong message.

With this approach, however, the more people you have going through your funnel

and coming in contact with your brand, the cheaper your advertising is going to be.

Once this strategy is set up and in place, you should be able to spend less than 20%

of your entire ad budget just on retargeting. But that 20% will fetch a 200-300%

ROI on average. And it’s all possible because of the way you’re now able to

strategically manage your audiences.

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Strategy #2: Target Your “Audience Winners”

Here’s the secret about targeting: the more you know about your audience, the

better you can target them.

There are four main areas you need to consider when you are developing your

targeting on Facebook: Interests, Geography, Demography and Behavior.


Interests are simply the things people “like” on Facebook (public figures, books,

movies, music, etc.). Generally speaking, people rely too much on interests for

targeting but

they can be powerful if used correctly. The biggest mistake people make with

interests is assuming they know what their audience likes. Unless YOU are your

target customer, don’t assume they have the same interests as you.

Here’s the easiest way to understand interest: Call up five of your best customers

and have a conversation with them. Ask them questions like, “What are you

interested in?”

Don’t even make the conversation about business; have a real conversation with


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Understand WHAT they are interested in, what they do with their time, what

magazines they read, what celebrities they follow, what movies they watch. If you

do this enough, you will start to see a pattern.


Geographic targeting may seem irrelevant if you’re running an online business that

isn’t dependent on location. Many people blindly target the United States without

giving it much thought.

You may already know this, but Facebook now allows you to target not just by city

but also by zip code. There is a huge potential to see increased conversions by

doing a little research.

If you’re B2C, do some zip code research. If you’re B2B, do some zip code


Think about it. What if you targeted all the Caribbean Islands in January through

April and targeted those who live in the US but were visiting the Caribbean

Islands? (Yes, you can target people who live in a certain location vs. those who

are just passing through.)

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That way, you would know you are most likely targeting vacationing Americans

who are likely just sitting back and scrolling through Facebook while at the beach.

This is a powerful concept if you can properly apply it.


Then you have demographic targeting. This is age, gender, marital status, and

income level, etc...

Think about who your customer is. Maybe your ideal customer is a divorced

mother in her 40’s. Maybe it’s a married man in his 50’s. Or, perhaps, you want to

talk to parents of toddlers.

What kind of language can you change based on who you’re targeting? How do

your demographics affect your audience?


The next one is behavioral targeting. This can be similar to what we discussed

before about targeting vacationers in the Caribbean Islands. Chances are, if they

can afford a vacation in the Caribbean, then they are more likely an upper-income


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If your ideal customer is a business owner, who has a business Facebook page and

they’re interested in Tony Robbins, their behavior may suggest that they would be

interested in your B2B solution.

How Big Should Your Audience Be?

A typical question many real estate professionals have is, “How big should my

audience be?” Here are some tips to help you decide, though keep in mind that

nothing is set in stone with Facebook ads. These are just some suggestions.

If you’re going to a cold audience, the bigger the audience is at the beginning, the

better. For example, when we do Facebook video ads to a cold audience, we go to

a targeted audience of about 16 million real estate professionals.

Now, 16 million may not be applicable to you. Audience size is affected by both

your targeting and your budget. If you’re just starting out, and you are in a very

specialized niche, your cold audience may be 1 million or less. That’s a pretty good

place to be, however, if it’s only 100,000 than you may be too niched with your

targeting and should probably expand.


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Contrary to popular belief, Cost Per Lead (CPL) and Cost Per Click (CPC) are

largely irrelevant numbers. What you should be obsessed about is CPA, or Cost

Per Acquisition.

How much does it cost to acquire an actual customer?

The whole “cheap lead” thing? Forget about it. What you are looking for is how

much it costs to get an actual person to buy.

It feels great to have low cost leads and gain momentum with your campaign, but if

those leads don’t convert, then they’re actually the most expensive leads because

they never provide a return on investment.

How Do You Find Your Audience Winners for Real Estate?

The traditional way of finding winners is to go on Facebook and create new ad sets

for every single interest and behavior that you think fits your target audience and

run a bunch of split tests until you figure out which combination of targeting works


This is still a perfectly valid way of doing things, however, there are tools out there

such as Connect Explore that can simplify the process. These tools use software to

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“crawl” Facebook’s audiences and see which are performing best in your business

(yes, it’s a bit geeky).

But with targeting, you really need to figure it out by testing. Whether you use a

tool like Connect Explore, or test different ad sets directly in Facebook, the only

way you can nail your targeting is through testing. And, the amount of testing you

do ultimately is dictated by your budget.

If you’re spending less than $1,000 - $2,000 per month on Facebook ads, then you

should spend as much money as you are able in order to acquire data as quickly as


And you should view it like that: you are buying data. You are seeing how the

market is going to react to your messaging. This data is very valuable, and if you

understand it and are able to then translate that data into more specific targeting,

you’re going to be a lot closer to targeting your ideal client.

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Strategy #3: Use All Three Types of Advertising

Many real estate professionals don’t realize that there are 3 types of ads out there

that you need to utilize for an effective, low-cost lead generation campaign.

In terms of budgeting for your Facebook advertising, this is what you can use to

properly allocate funds toward the 3 different types of ads. Those 3 types are: lead

generation, audience building, awareness, and sales conversion.

Here’s where everyone goes wrong. Everybody does lead generation ads because

that’s what they’ve been taught. Everybody does sales ads those typically have the

highest ROI.

Not a lot of people run awareness ads, but they are so cheap to do. This is where

you can re-target your audiences for really cheap. Awareness campaigns could be a

PR push, or a content push, or a video. It doesn’t matter what it is as long as it’s

still relevant to people in your audience.

The other one is audience building, which was discussed earlier in this guide. This

is where you put valuable content in front of your audience in order to build trust

and establish authority.

How to Use All 3 Ad Types

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For your Facebook ads to be successful, they need to be running simultaneously.

The awareness ad helps you establish authority, so that your lead knows they can

trust you.

The audience building ad takes your cold audience, and it warms them up.

The lead generation ad gets them into your funnel and gives your lead the

opportunity to become a clients.

You don’t want to be in a situation where somebody downloads your lead magnet,

and then, the next time they are on Facebook, they’re just getting sold to.

Your job is to ensure that your audience is never feeling fatigued with ads, and that

you’re constantly serving them with new information. And you can only do that if

you’re utilizing the entire advertising pyramid, including awareness.

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Strategy #4: Use the Right Facebook Ad Objectives

There are four objectives for Facebook ads that we recommend right now: Traffic,

Engagement, Video views, Conversions.

While there are other types of objectives you can choose from, they’re irrelevant

for the purposes of this guide. Let’s look at each of these 4 ad objectives.


When you’re looking for a conversion on Facebook, you are looking for someone

to opt-in. You’re looking for someone that says, “Yes, I want your lead magnet. I

want what you are offering me.”

If you want to learn more about how to build highly effective lead magnets.

Conversions should be based on warmer audiences that know who you are and

what you’re about. This allows you to increase the click-through rate and relevancy

score. You want your leads to be at a point where, when they see a conversion ad,

it’s an easy yes.

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The second ad or objective type is traffic. If you just want to drive clicks and get

people clicking on & engaging with your stuff, then you want traffic.

This is not for conversions. This is not for getting email addresses. This is literally

just clicks. We want people clicking on our website or our article or viewing our

videos. As you can imagine, we typically use this for our audience building


Video Views

Video views ads are amazing. With this ad objective, Facebook places your ads in

front of people that are more likely to watch video.

Not everyone watches video, but those that do, watch a lot of video. And, video

views are some of the cheapest ads you can run. The beautiful thing about video

views is you can build a custom audience from people who watch your videos,

which you can retarget later.

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Engagement ads are not good for conversions; however, they are amazing at

establishing social proof. This means they’re really good for your awareness ads

and audience building ads.

With engagement ads, Facebook will place the ad in front of audiences that are

most likely to engage with your content by reacting, commenting, or sharing.

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Strategy #5: Use These Best Performing Ad Formats

There are five main ad formats: Image ads, Video ads, Canvas Ads, Carousel Ads,

and Slideshow Ads.

In our experience, the first three perform the best so let’s focus on those. However,

you should be testing all of them to see what works best for you and which ones

your audience reacts to the best.

Image Ads

Image ads, for the most part, still outperform anything else. The reason they do is

because they are normal, and people are used to them. (We will get into this in a

minute when we talk about the perfect ad format.)

And, honestly, there isn’t much more to be said about image ads. Obviously, you

need to watch out for how much text is on the image itself. Facebook suggests 20%

or less of the image should have any text on it.

Video Ads

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Image ads may perform the best, but video ads are usually the cheapest, especially

when run as Video View ads. There are four different types of video ads you can

and should use in your campaigns.


Generally speaking, it’s not recommended to run a selfie video to a cold audience,

or the list. Nobody wants to watch a selfie video of someone they don’t know.

You can use video for all of the different advertising types, but you need to know

when to use it. We would recommend them during the Isolate process and for

massive Communication, but probably not in the Listen process.

Professionally Produced

Professional videos can be good, but the problem with them is many people

automatically associated professional produced videos with slick marketing

campaigns. Thus, they are more likely to tune it out unless it is extremely


So, if you do this kind of video, make sure it’s very engaging and provides a lot of


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Animated videos are best when they are short and punchy, maybe even a bit

humorous. They typically work best when they go along with some good content.

We’ve seen the best videos that work in the Listen or audience building can be

short animated videos. But again, the more professional they look or feel, the more

likely they may not work as well.

Canvas Ads

Canvas ads are mobile only and they allow you to create beautiful experiences.

Recently, we ran a canvas ad test to a small audience of about 900 people. The ROI

was roughly $11,000 so they definitely can work.

Canvas ads allow you to put in interactive elements such as animation, product

catalogs, videos, GIFs, and more. And you build them with Facebook’s design

tool, no code required.

Canvas ads are killing it for audience building and sales.

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In audience building, you can use canvas ads to send leads to an article. The bene t

of using a canvas ad for an article rather than sending someone to a blog post is

that Facebook knows tracks things like how long the lead viewed the ad or how far

they scrolled down.

In terms of sales ads, it can work incredibly well because you can give them the

offer without taking them to a sales page. If you can make the transition from “buy

now” directly to a “sales page” Canvas ad, it makes it really easy for them to buy

on their mobile phone.

Short Copy Vs. Long Copy

A typical concern for real estate professionals is how long the copy should be for

the Facebook ad. Here are some ideas to get you started.

For audience building and awareness campaigns, use short form. If you’re doing a

sale, use short form. If you’re doing lead generation for during the Listing process,

use short form. If you’re doing lead generation for your Isolate campaigns or

pushing Communication, use long form.

If you do long form in all your ads, split test it with short form copy to see what

happens. Just remember that the higher commitment you are asking for, the more

information you need to give someone.

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Generally speaking, your shortest copy will be during the Listening process,

followed by longer copy in your Isolation campaigns, and likely your longest copy

in your Communication campaigns.

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Strategy #6: How to Create the Perfect Ad (The “Anti-Ad”)

The idea behind the “perfect” ad is to get to a point where the person doesn’t

realize it’s advertising. This means that you have to go out of your way to make

your ad not look like an ad. This doesn’t mean that you disguise it or go out of

your way to be deceptive, but you create something that’s incredibly valuable and

is just slightly different from what they’d expect.

You need to understand the importance of the pattern interrupt. Social media is not

a selling environment, and people have learned to tune out the ads. So, you need to

be able to catch people off guard so they can pay attention to you.

You also need to remember who you’re targeting. You have to have different

language, or a completely different style of advertising, based on whether people

are in the Listen, Isolate, or Communication stage.

The perfect ad is less about the right copy style and more about pattern

interruption, making the “anti-ad” and being able to know who you’re targeting

and when you’re targeting them.

The colder your audience is, the more you need to use a pattern interrupt in your

ads. If someone is in your Listen campaigns, you need to engage with them and be

relevant to them. They don’t know you, so you need to get their attention ASAP.

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On the contrary, someone in your Communication campaigns likely already knows

you and trusts you, so you don’t need as much of a pattern interrupt to get their


Understanding Their Mindset

Real estate professionals often forget that the people who see their ads are not just

potential leads and customers; they’re human beings how are emotionally

impacted. They are more than likely going through a painful time at some point in

their life, or business, especially if they are engaging with your ads.

The power of using the HyperLocal Method in your marketing funnel, and in your

Facebook ads, is that you can speak to the person from where they are at. If you

know they are in your Listen campaigns, they only have a problem-oriented

mindset, so you are going to use softer language.

If they are in the Communication campaigns, and they have a solution-oriented

mindset so you can be more direct with your copy.

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Strategy #7: Use Advanced Targeting Strategies

We’ve talked about targeting, but how can we take that concept to the next level?

Welcome to micro-targeting.

The power to micro-target people is amazing. You can create “sub-audiences” of

people who have interacted in specific ways with your content. For example, you

can send specific ad messages to people who have spent time on your sales page

but haven’t purchased. And as time goes on, you can collect this data and send

ultra-specific messages to very defined targets. It’s ad targeting on steroids.

Advanced micro-targeting is also very simple to set up and you can do it in a day.

This allows you to start layering your audiences.

You can take all the people that have visited your ‘Buy Now’ page and make a

lookalike audience in Facebook and target those people. The audience may be

smaller, but the chances of them converting are much higher, because you are

likely going to be more relevant to them.

When you see people talk about $4, $3, or even $1 leads (which is impossible with

cold traffic these days), this is what we are doing. We are using behavioral

targeting, micro- targeting, and layering to get these advanced results. But this

requires you, of course, to have a marketing funnel in place.

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The ‘Unicorn Formula’ That Ties It All Together

Now it’s time to put this all together. As we pointed out earlier in this guide, these

are mostly fundamental formulas required for any Facebook ad campaign to be

successful. On top of the fundamentals we introduced you to some more advanced

strategies that will skyrocket your success.

When you put it all together, it’s what’s called ‘The Unicorn Formula.’

You use the right targeting to build and manage the right audiences. You have the

right ad types and formats with the right message in those formats. You use the

right targeting, retargeting, and micro-targeting strategies, as well as layering your


That is success with Facebook advertising. That is the difference between a failing

campaign and putting together something that works.

Is there some complexity to this? Yes. But at the end of the day, if you implement

all of these concepts into your campaigns and you run ads to this, you have a much

greater chance of success.

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A well performing Facebook ad campaign cannot work unless you have a good

product, and a good funnel in place. If your product sucks, you won’t be

successful. Period. But in terms of generating warm leads that are ready to buy

from you, this works most of the time for the people that actually implement it and

are dedicated to it.

What Does the Future of Facebook Ads Look Like for Real Estate?

When it comes to the future of Facebook ads, it’s likely that the cost is going to go

up in the next 12 to 18 months.

In 2017, Facebook is approaching the point where their capacity to deliver ads is at

nearly 100%. When that happens, ad costs are going to go up. The same thing that

happened with Google ads will eventually happen with Facebook ads.

So, if you are reading this guide and you have not taken action in setting up

Facebook ads and an online marketing funnel for your business, you are already

missing out. The time to act is now.

How to Deploy This Properly and Profitably

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The most important piece of advice I can give you in regard to implementing these

concepts is to NOT deploy it all at the same time. Start from the top of your funnel

and work your way down.

In the Hyper Local Domination METHOD, start by building your audience and

getting them into your Listen. Then begin to build awareness and move them into

your Isolate. Then start your lead generation into your Communication, and

conversions into your sales process.

Of course, none of this matters if you don’t have a funnel that works. This is where

we come in. :)

Facebook advertising is only one aspect of your funnel, and is only one component

of a successful marketing campaign. You also need lead magnets, and landing

pages, and content, and email, and marketing automation, and sales technique, and

copywriting. There is a lot that goes into a proper marketing funnel.

So, we’ve put together a Free Facebook Group where we’ll show you exactly

how to build your automated lead generation system that brings leads into your

business day in and day out.

We’ll show you exactly how and where to plug in your landing pages for

maximum conversion and then take all those new leads you get and turn them into

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customers. You’ll learn all about how to put together compelling lead magnets that

people can’t wait to opt in for, and how to communicate that on your landing


We even give you downloadable landing page templates that you can customize

immediately for your business.

We’ll walk through how to craft irresistible emails that build strong relationships

with your leads and we give you email swipe les so you can implement this right


And, of course, we’ll walk through how to drive loads of traffic to your funnel and

how to pick the perfect conversion method for your business that will ensure you

are turning those leads into paying customers.

You’re Only 5 Days Away from Having a Solid Plan for Implementing Automated Lead Generation into Your


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