the trouble with naming

The Trouble With Naming (Yes, that’s the best I could come up with)

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Post on 10-May-2015




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A lightning talk first presented at the 9th annual (2014) Java Posse Roundup in Crested Butte Colorado


Page 1: The Trouble with Naming

The Trouble With Naming

(Yes, that’s the best I could come up with)

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IT [sic] is often said that there are two hard things...

“Cache invalidation



-- Phil Karlton

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But Why?

We know a lot about the former

It’s technical, and it causes horrible bugs

But doesn’t the latter cause horrible bugs too?

And code rot…?

And eventually madness…?

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So Are We Missing Something?...

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So Clearly we Don’t All Ignore It

But what’s the sales pitch?

Where’s the memo that Carl got that everyone else missed?

What’s the sizzle from a (beautiful? elegant?) name?

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“Call it what it does” - Simples

• C.f. Martin Fowler’s Workflows of Refactoring

• One of these is just refactoring to make something read more nicer isn’t it?

• But can we please have some detail about what “Cognitive Load” is?

PLEASE NOTE: I’m not slagging Martin off – he’s a super-bright guy and the workflows are excellent,

it’s just that I think we can take things further, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay further.

Seriously. I mean it.

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An Infographic From The Interwebs…

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BUT, is that just a reassuringly cold and scientific definition, a reduction perhaps of something that’s actually a bit soft and scary?

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Something subjective and therefore hard to define…

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and even worse…

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… and a bit like

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The Parti (Stolen from our “Real” Architect cousins)

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But Wait!

Haven’t we just stumbled upon the XP System Metaphor via a terribly circuitous route?

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But Wait!

Haven’t we just stumbled upon the XP System Metaphor via a terribly circuitous route?

Yup:o Source of nameso but also a source of conceptso and possibly solutions

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So go on, treat yourself.Think of a great name today