the transcription factor sox6 controls renin expression

The transcription factor Sox6 controls renin expression during renal artery stenosis Mohammad Saleem 1 , Luz Saavedra-Sánchez 1 , Pierina Barturen-Larrea 1 , Jose A. Gomez 1* 1 Department of Medicine / Clinical Pharmacology Division, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN *Corresponding Author: Jose A. Gomez, Ph.D. Department of Medicine Clinical Pharmacology Division 2220 Pierce Ave, 502 RRB Vanderbilt University Medical Center Nashville, TN 37232-6602 Phone: 615-332-3332 Fax: 615-322-5303 Email: [email protected] Kidney360 Publish Ahead of Print, published on March 26, 2021 as doi:10.34067/KID.0002792020 Copyright 2021 by American Society of Nephrology.

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Page 1: The transcription factor Sox6 controls renin expression

The transcription factor Sox6 controls renin expression during renal artery stenosis

Mohammad Saleem1, Luz Saavedra-Sánchez1, Pierina Barturen-Larrea1, Jose A. Gomez1*

1Department of Medicine / Clinical Pharmacology Division, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN

*Corresponding Author:

Jose A. Gomez, Ph.D. Department of Medicine Clinical Pharmacology Division 2220 Pierce Ave, 502 RRB Vanderbilt University Medical Center Nashville, TN 37232-6602 Phone: 615-332-3332 Fax: 615-322-5303 Email: [email protected]

Kidney360 Publish Ahead of Print, published on March 26, 2021 as doi:10.34067/KID.0002792020

Copyright 2021 by American Society of Nephrology.

Page 2: The transcription factor Sox6 controls renin expression


Key Points

Sox6 controls renin expression increase induced during renal artery stenosis

having a new function in renovascular hypertension.

Sox6 knock out in Ren1d+ cells inhibited renovascular hypertension and kidney

injury induced by renal artery stenosis.

The results presented in this manuscript point out to a new transcriptional

regulatory network in renal artery stenosis controlled by Sox6.


Background Renal artery stenosis (RAStenosis) or renal artery occlusion is an

intractable problem affecting about 6% of people over 65 and up to 40% of the people

with coronary or peripheral vascular disease in the Unites States. In RAStenosis, the

renal renin angiotensin aldosterone system (RAAS) plays a key role, with renin

recognized as the disease driver. Renin is mainly produced in the kidney and in this

study, we will determine a new function for the transcription factor Sox6 in the control of

renal renin during RAStenosis.

Method We hypothesize that knocking out Sox6 in Ren1d positive cells will protect mice

against renovascular hypertension, and kidney injury. To test our hypothesis, we used a

new transgenic mouse model the Ren1dcre/Sox6fl/fl (Sox6 KO). In this mouse, Sox6 is

knockout in renin expressing cells. We used a modified two kidney one clip (2K1C)

Goldblatt mouse model to induce RAStenosis and renovascular hypertension. Blood

pressure was measured with tail-cuff method. Renin, prorenin, Sox6, and N-GAL

expressions levels were measured with Western blot, in situ hybridization, and

immunohistochemistry. Creatinine levels were measured with colorimetric assay.

Page 3: The transcription factor Sox6 controls renin expression


Results Systolic blood pressure was significantly lower in Sox6 KO two weeks after

RAStenosis compared to Sox6 WT (Ren1dcre/Sox6wt/wt). When stenosed kidneys were

compared, renin, prorenin, and N-GAL expressions levels in the kidney were lower in

Sox6 KO compared to Sox6 WT mice. Furthermore, creatinine clearance was preserved

in Sox6 KO compared to Sox6 WT mice.

Conclusions Our data indicate that Sox6 controls renal renin and prorenin expression

and as such has a new function in renovascular hypertension induced by RAStenosis.

These results point to a novel transcriptional regulatory network controlled by Sox6.

Page 4: The transcription factor Sox6 controls renin expression



Renal artery stenosis (RAStenosis) is a common condition in patients suffering from

atherosclerosis (1) and affects 5% of hypertensive patients (2). Progression to severe

stenosis is well documented and leads to hypertension and kidney damage (3,4).

RAStenosis is implicated in causing renovascular hypertension. Seminal studies

demonstrating the link between vascular perfusion to the kidney and the development of

hypertension remain fundamental to the field of blood pressure research (5,6). Goldblatt

two kidney one clip (2K1C) animal models facilitated the discovery and elucidation of

the role played by the renin angiotensin aldosterone system (RAAS) in renovascular

hypertension (6). We used a modified 2K1C mouse model to study renovascular

hypertension during RAStenosis (5,7). In this model, the renal artery in one kidney is

clipped to reduce blood flow and as a result contralateral kidney (non-injured)

compensates to maintain blood pressure homeostasis (5). This phenomenon increases

the synthesis and release of renin in stenosed kidney. Since the discovery of renin

about a century ago (8), renin has been implicated in hypertension, cardiac hypertrophy,

and related cardiovascular diseases (9). RAAS initiates signals involved in renovascular

hypertension, acute kidney injury (AKI) and chronic kidney diseases (CKD) (10,11).

Renin is mainly produced in the kidney and renal renin, being the rate-limiting protease

in RAAS, is the key driver of renovascular hypertension during RAStenosis (12). The

treatments for renovascular hypertension targeting RAAS are effective controlling

hypertension, but may cause deterioration of kidney function (13). Moreover, the clinical

trials targeting renal vascularization to improve disease outcomes failed to show any

improvement in renal function, cardiovascular events or mortality when added to

complete multifactorial therapy (14-16). Therefore, it is imperative to find new

Page 5: The transcription factor Sox6 controls renin expression


therapeutic targets to regulate renin expression and renovascular or resistant

hypertension during RAStenosis. The exact molecular and genetic mechanism of

renovascular hypertension caused by RAStenosis has not been completely defined yet

and warrants further investigation.

We recently reported that knocking out Sox6 in renin expressing cells inhibited the

increase in renin expression during sodium restriction and dehydration (17). Sox6 is a

member of the Sry (sex determining region Y) subfamily Sox D proteins (18), which

activates or represses gene transcription through association with multiple transcription

factors (19). It binds with other members of Sox family such as Sox5 and Sox9 during

chondrogenesis (19). Moreover, Sox6 binds to various cofactors to regulate diverse

cellular functions during embryonic development and adulthood (20-22). The renin

promoter possesses the binding site for Sox6 (17) within super-enhancer region (23). In

addition, Sox6 has been associated with hypertension in humans (24,25); however, no

mechanism has been described. We hypothesized that Sox6 controls renin expression

increases in the kidney during RAStenosis and its knockout specifically in Ren1d

positive cells will contribute to protecting mice against renovascular hypertension and

kidney injury induced by RAStenosis.

To define the new function of Sox6 in the control of renin expression and renovascular

hypertension during RAStenosis, the Ren1dcreSox6fl/fl and Ren1dcreSox6wt/wt mice were

used. This animal will be used to define a Sox6 function in renin regulation in the kidney

and measure the impact of Sox6 ablation in Ren1d positive cells on renin expression,

renovascular hypertension and kidney injury during RAStenosis. The results from this

study suggest that knocking out Sox6 in renin expressing cells contributes to protecting

against renovascular hypertension. Moreover, kidney function is preserved, and kidney

Page 6: The transcription factor Sox6 controls renin expression


injury markers are attenuated in the Sox6 KO stenosed mice. Our data indicate that

Sox6 is a new transcription factor controlling prorenin and renin expression in the kidney

during renovascular hypertension.

Material and methods

Animals: Mice were housed and cared at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center

(VUMC) Division of Animal Care following the National Institutes of Health (NIH)

guidelines and the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, US Department

of Health and Human Services. All animal procedures were approved by the VUMC

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee prior to starting the experiments.

Ren1dCre (26) and Sox6fl/fl (27) were crossed to obtain Ren1dCreSox6fl/fl mice in the

C57BL/6 background. The resulting mice Ren1dCreSox6fl/fl do not express Sox6 in

Ren1d+ cells. All the animals used in the in vivo studies, were maintained on a 12-hour

light / 12-hour dark cycle at an ambient temperature of 24°C and 60% humidity. Six

weeks old Ren1dCre/Sox6fl/fl (Sox6 KO) mice and the Ren1dCre/Sox6wt/wt (Sox6 WT)

control littermate mice weighting 20 to 24 g were used in this study. At the physiological

levels, the Sox6 KO and WT littermates did not show any significant differences in body

weight, physical appearance or movement, food consumption, or urine volume.

Electrolyte composition in plasma and urine was similar in Sox6 KO and WT littermates.

The precise number of the animals for Sox6 KO and WT littermates are reported in the

figure legends. Male and females were included in the study to determine sex

differences. The sequences of the primers for genotyping are: Ren-Cre, Ren1d Cre

Primer: 5’-GAA GGA GAG CAA AAG GTA AGA G- located in the Renin promoter; Cre

Primer: 5’–TTG GTG TAC GGT CAG TAA ATT GGA C- 3’ located in Cre. Ren1d,

Ren1d Cre Primer: 5’-GAA GGA GAG CAA AAG GTA AGA G- 3’ located in Renin

Page 7: The transcription factor Sox6 controls renin expression


promoter of Ren1d and Ren1c; Ren1d and Ren1c and Ren2 Primer: 5’ –GTA GTA GAA

GGG GGA GTT GTG- 3’ in Renin 1st intron of Ren1d and Ren1c and Ren2. Sox6fl/fl,

Forward Primer: 5’-GTC ACT CAG AGG TTA CTA TGG TG-3’; Reverse Primer: 5’-TTG


Blood pressure measurement: Blood pressure was measured using tail-cuff method

following recommendation for precise measurements previously reported (28). Blood

pressure was measured for two consecutive days one week before the surgery (Figure

1A). After surgery, mice were rested for one week to recover from the surgery and blood

pressure was measured again for two consecutive days in week one and two after

surgery. First and second day blood pressure measurements were averaged and

reported. Three reading were recorded for each mice each day. N= stenosed, WT 15,

KO 14; sham WT 9, KO 9.

Surgical procedure: The modified Goldblatt 2-kidney-1 clip (2K1C) murine model of

renovascular hypertension was established by placing a polyurethane cuff on the right

renal artery following a method reported previously with some modifications (29,30).

Briefly, we used a small segment of polyurethane tubing, sliced lengthwise, to act as a

cuff to produce a constriction around the right renal artery [MRE 025, Braintree

Scientific; internal diameter (ID) 0.30 mm; outside diameter (OD) 0.63 mm; wall

thickness, (WT) 0.16 mm]. According to Lorenz et 2011, the use of conventional U-

designed silver clips induces a low success rate of hypertension (40-60%) because the

clip design laterally presses the artery, triggering a few constrictions. Since placement

of a plastic cuff would result in constriction in two dimensions (constriction) rather than

one (flattening), as with a metal clip. Due to the variability in the levels of hypertension

obtained with the conventional U-design silver clip, Lorenz et al 2011, have successfully

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used a rounder-design polyurethane tubing to initiate renal artery stenosis in mice, that

discard all these disadvantages. Therefore, we used polyurethane round plastic tube to

constrict renal artery to generate Goldblatt 2K1C mouse model. After a subcutaneous

(SC, Dose: 5mg/kg BW) injection of ketoprofen, mice were anesthetized with a mixture

of ketamine (dose: 100mg/kg BW) and xylazine (dose: 10mg/kg BW) with

intraperitoneal (IP) injections. The tube cut open lengthwise and placed around the right

main renal artery approximately equidistant between the aorta and renal bifurcation.

The cuff was closed and held in place with two sutures. Sham mice underwent the

same procedure, but the cuff was not placed. A subcutaneous (SC) injection of

ketoprofen (Dose: 5mg/kg BW) was given after 24 h as post-operative analgesia.

Urine and blood collection: Individual metabolic cages (MMC100, Hatteras

Instruments) were used for each mouse urine collection. To collect urine, metabolic

cages were set in a separate surgery room with 12 h light/dark cycle. Each mouse was

placed in an individual cage at 9 am in the morning for 24 h urine collection without food

supply. Water was provided ad libitum. Next day at 9 am, mice were placed back in their

respective original cages and urine was collected and put on ice. Urine was centrifuged

at 1000g at 4oC for 10 min. Urine was aliquoted in Eppendorf tubes and flash freeze in

liquid nitrogen and stored at -80oC for the biochemical analysis. For blood collection,

mice were euthanized, and blood was collected by puncturing heart with a syringe and

processed with anticoagulant EDTA. Plasma was obtained by centrifugation at 2100g

for 10 min at room temperature (RT). Plasma was aliquoted in Eppendorf tubes and

flash freeze in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80oC for further analysis.

Creatinine measurements: Urinary creatinine was measured by colorimetric assay kit

(Item # 500701, Cayman Chemical). Urine was collected as mentioned above.

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Creatinine is a breakdown product of creatine phosphate. Urine creatinine clearance is

an index of kidney function impairment and deterioration (31). Urine was diluted 10X.

Prepared standards and diluted urine samples (15 l each) were added in the

designated wells and reaction was initiated by adding 150 l alkaline picrate solution.

Alkaline picrate solution develops yellow/orange color. Covered plate was incubated on

a shaker for 10 min at RT. Plate cover was removed and initial absorbance (Iabs) was

measured at 490 nm. Developed color was destroyed by acidic solution and plate again

was incubated for 20 min on a shaker at RT. Absorbance was again measured at 490

nm (Fabs). The difference in the color intensity before and after acidification is

proportional to the creatinine concentration (31,32). Subtract the Iabs from Fabs to get

corrected absorbance. Plot the adjusted absorbance of the standards as a function of

the final concentration of creatinine from provided Table 1 in the booklet. Creatinine

concentration of the samples was calculated by using the equation obtained from the

linear regression of the standard curve substituting adjusted absorbance values for

each sample. Creatinine (mg/dl) = [sample absorbance –(y-intercept)]/slope. The

obtained values were multiplied by sample dilution.

Western blotting: Western blot was performed as previously described (17). Briefly,

kidney tissues were minced with a razor and homogenized with tissue tearor (model #

985370, BioSpec products Inc.) following manufacturer’s instructions. Homogenates

were lysed with lysis buffer (RIPA buffer, Sigma, cat #: R0278, 1X protease inhibitor

cocktail Sigma, cat# P2714, 1mM PMSF, RPI, cat # P20270) and sonicated for 30 s

(10sX3, with one 10 s interval between each sonication) followed by centrifugation for

16000g for 20 min at 4oC. After supernatant collection, samples were prepared in RIPA

buffer, 1X Laemmli buffer (Bio-Rad cat #1610747), and 10% beta mercaptoethanol (Bio-

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Rad cat #1610710). Samples of 30 g protein were loaded in the gels. Tissue lysates

were resolved on 8–16% Tris-glycine gels (Bio-Rad cat # 456-1063) by SDS/PAGE.

Gels were transblotted onto polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) membrane for 2 h at 4oC.

Thereafter, membranes were blocked with 5% milk in TBST at RT for 1 h and probed

with respective primary antibodies overnight at 4oC. After three washes with TBST

(3X10 min), membranes were incubated with corresponding secondary antibodies

conjugated with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) (anti-mouse ref# W4028, anti-rabbit ref#

W4018) followed with TBST washes (3X10 min). Chemiluminescent reagent clarity

Western ECL substrate was used (Biorad cat # 1705062) to visualize protein bands

using Bio-Rad image station. Protein bands were quantified and normalized with the

house-keeping gene beta actin (Sigma-Aldrich cat # A1978) using software integrated

with the image station. Primary antibody dilutions used were: 1:100 for renin (Santa

Cruz Biotechnology, Cat # sc-137252), 1:1000 for N-GAL (Abcam, Cat # ab63929) and

1:5000 for beta actin (Sigma Aldrich, cat # A1978). Secondary antibodies (Promega)

dilutions were used at 1:500. Renin band position and specificity was determined by

using a renin peptide from Santa Cruz (cat # sc-137252p) in a competition assay with

the renin antibody (cat # sc-137252). In addition, renin antibody specificity and

distinction between prorenin and renin bands in Western blot were determined based on

commercial recombinant renin (R&D Systems cat # 4277-AS) and prorenin (AnaSpec

cat # AS-72174) Western blot analysis (Figure S12). The monoclonal primary antibody

used for the detection of renin from Santa Cruz Biotechnology recognizes prorenin and

mature renin. Ours and previous studies used commercial recombinant prorenin and

renin to confirm that upper band (~50 kDa) and lower band (~40 kDa) belong to

prorenin and renin respectively (17,33,34). We found that there are two distinct bands

corresponding to prorenin and renin in the western blots of mice kidneys after low

Page 11: The transcription factor Sox6 controls renin expression


sodium and furosemide treatment (17). To determine what protein each band

represented, we used a competition assay and commercially available recombinant

prorenin and renin in Western blot experiments as described in methods and (17).

Similarly, we detected two distinct bands of prorenin and renin in Western blots during

RAStenosis. Using the similar approaches of competition assay and commercial

recombinant prorenin and renin we determined that these two bands belong to prorenin

and renin.

Immunohistochemistry (IHC): IHC was performed by following previously published

protocol (17,35). Briefly, kidneys were perfused-fixed with 10% neutral buffered formalin

solution, dehydrated in graduated ethanol series, and embedded in paraffin. Kidney

sections were cut at 10 M thickness. Histo-Clear solution (catalog no. HS-202,

National Diagnostics) was used to deparaffinized the sections and permeabilized with

0.2% Trioton X-100 at RT. Thereafter, sections were blocked with 5% BSA-PBS at RT

and incubated with primary antibodies prepared in 1% BSA-PBS overnight at 4oC. Next

morning, sections were washed with PBS (3X5 min). After three washes, sections were

incubated with fluorochrome-conjugated secondary antibodies for 1 h at RT. Anti-renin

(10 g/ml, R&D systems AF4277), anti-Sox6 (1/1,000, ab30455, Abcam), and anti-

aquaporin 2 (1/1,000, ab15116, Abcam) primary antibodies were used. The specificity

of the Sox6 antibody were determined with tissues from Sox6 KO mice. In addition, a

Sox6 peptide competition assay was performed with Sox6 peptide (ab30530, Abcam) to

determine the specificity of the Sox6 antibody. The secondary antibodies were prepared

in 1% BSA-PBS (1/500) and were chosen based on the primary antibodies and Alexa

fluor fluorophores (ThermoFisher). DAPI was used to counterstain the nuclei.

Page 12: The transcription factor Sox6 controls renin expression


Fluorescent in situ hybridization (ISH): Expression of Sox6, renin and alpha-smooth

muscle actin (α-SMA) mRNAs were studied using RNAscope® Multiplex Fluorescent

Reagent Kit v2 (Advanced Cell diagnostics, ACD, Biotechne Newark, CA, USA) for

fluorescent in situ hybridization following manufacture’s protocols (17). Briefly, kidneys

were perfused-fixed with 10% neutral buffered formalin solution, dehydrated in a

graduated ethanol series, and embedded in paraffin. Kidney sections were cut in 5m

thickness. Sections were de-paraffinized in histo-clear solution (National Diagnostics

Cat# HS-202), dehydrated in absolute ethanol at room temperature (RT), followed by

blocking of endogenous peroxidase with RNAscope H2O2. Tissue was retrieved by

boiling in target retrieval solution (ACD Biotechne) at 100-104oC for 15 min, then treated

with protease plus at 40oC for 30 min. Target probes (designed by ACD Biotechne: Mm-

Ren1-O1, Ref # 558571, Mm-Sox6-C2, Ref # 472061-C3, Mm-α-SMA) were hybridized

for 2 h at 40oC, followed by a series of signal amplification (Amp 1-3) and in between

washing with RNAscope wash buffer (2X2min). Renin, Sox6, and αSMA mRNA probes

were assigned to channels HRP-C1, HRP-C2, and HRP-C3 respectively. HRP-C1

signal was developed using RNAscope® Multiplex FL v2 HRP-C1 with Opal 520

fluorophore (PerkinElmer, Ref # FP1487001KT) followed by blocking with RNAscope®

Multiplex FL v2 HRP blocker and in between washing with RNAscope wash buffer.

Similarly, HRP-C2, and HRP-C3 signals were developed with Opal 650 (Ref

#FP1496001KT), and Opal 570 (Ref # FP14001KT) fluorophores respectively. HRP-C1,

HRP-C2, and HRP-C3 channels were assigned to renin, Sox6, and α-SMA probes

respectively. All hybridization steps at 40oC were performed in a HybEZ Hybridization

System (ACD, Biotechne). After the completion of RNAscope assay, tissue sections

were counterstained with DAPI incubating for 30 s at RT, followed by mounting with

VectaMount mounting medium (H-500, Vector laboratories, Burlingame, CA, USA) and

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drying slides overnight in the dark at RT. The tissue sections were viewed with Nikon

Eclipse Ti, (Software NIS-Elements AR 4.40.00 64-bit).

Randomization and blinding: Two separate blinded investigators carried out counting

of the glomeruli containing renin and Sox6 double positive cells, and renin and

aquaporin 2 (Aq2) colocalization in connective tubules (CNTs) and collecting ducts

(CDs). Investigators were blinded with respect to animal identifiers and group

assignments. Values were averaged between the two blinded investigators.

Statistics: Two-way ANOVA was used for experiments with three or more conditions

followed by Tukey’s tests for comparisons between individual groups. A p-value equal

or less than 0.05 was considered significant. All statistical analyses were performed

using GraphPad Prism 8.2.


Effect of Sox6 knockout on blood pressure control during RAStenosis induced

hypertension. To determine the role of the transcription factor Sox6 in blood pressure

control, a Sox6 knock out in Ren1d+ cells mouse was used, the Ren1dcre/Sox6fl/fl (Sox6

KO mice) (17). Two weeks after the surgery, Sox6 WT mice exhibit significantly higher

systolic blood pressure (SBP; Figure 1A and B) when compared to sham Sox6 WT and

sham KO mice. Sox6 KO did not develop high blood pressure after two weeks of

RAStenosis. These mice exhibit systolic blood pressure (SBP; Figure 1B) similar to

sham Sox6 WT and sham KO mice. Analysis of blood pressure in male and female

mice showed no differences due to sex (Figure S1).

Effect of knocking out Sox6 on renin expression control during renovascular

hypertension induced by RAStenosis. Renin is mainly produced in the kidney and

Page 14: The transcription factor Sox6 controls renin expression


catalyzes the production of angiotensin I (Ang I) from angiotensinogen, which is the rate

limiting step in the production of the vasoconstrictor angiotensin II (Ang II). To determine

the effect of Sox6 on renin expression in the kidney during RAStenosis, renin and

prorenin proteins were measured in kidney cortices from 2-weeks study using Western

blot, as described in the method section. When stenosed kidneys were compared, the

expression levels of prorenin and renin were significantly higher in Sox6 WT compared

to Sox6 KO mice (Figure 2, A - C). The increase in renal renin expression caused an

increase in systolic blood pressure in Sox6 WT mice (Figure 1B). When sham kidneys

were compared, the expression of prorenin were significantly higher in Sox6 WT

compared to Sox6 KO mice (Figure 2, D - F). However, in sham kidneys, the expression

of renin was not significantly higher in Sox6 WT compared to Sox6 KO mice (Figure

2D). When prorenin and renin expression was analyzed by sex, there were no

significant differences detected (Figure S2).

Initial effect of knocking out Sox6 in Ren1d+ cells on renin expression control

during renovascular hypertension induced by RAStenosis. To determine the initial

effects of Sox6 on renin gene expression during RAStenosis (Figure 3A), renin and

prorenin expression levels were measured in kidney cortices after 3-days of RAStenosis

using Western blot. When stenosed kidneys were compared, the expression levels of

prorenin and renin were significantly higher in Sox6 WT compared to Sox6 KO mice

(Figure 3, B - D). When sham kidneys were compared, the expression levels of renin, or

prorenin were not different comparing Sox6 WT to Sox6 KO mice (Figure 3, B, E and F).

The levels of renin and prorenin expressions in contralateral kidneys in sham animals

were similar in both Sox6 KO, and Sox6 WT mice (Figure 3, B, E and F). We did not

find differences in prorenin and renin expression due to sex (Figure S3).

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Effect of knocking out Sox6 in Ren1d+ cells on renin expression and

juxtaglomerular cells recruitment during renovascular hypertension induced by

RAStenosis. To establish the expression of renin, and Sox6, and their colocalization in

the kidney, immunohistochemistry (IHC) was performed. Renin expression was higher

in stenosed kidneys from Sox6 WT mice and exhibit JG cell recruitment along the

afferent arteriole (Figure 4A upper panel). Increase in renin expression as well as JG

cell recruitment was inhibited in stenosed kidney from Sox6 KO mice (Figure 4A, lower

panel). The number of glomeruli showing renin and Sox6 co-localization and JG cell

recruitment were significantly higher in Sox6 WT than in Sox6 KO mice when stenosed

kidneys were compared (Figure 4, A and B). Moreover, the number of glomeruli with JG

cell recruitment were significantly higher in stenosed kidneys from Sox6 WT, and Sox6

KO compared to the contralateral kidneys from Sox6 WT, and Sox6 KO mice (Figure

4B). Except in few glomeruli, renin expression was not detected in contralateral kidneys

from the stenosed Sox6 WT, or Sox6 KO mice (Figure S4, upper and lower panels, and

figure 4B). In sham mice, expression of renin was detected in both kidneys (sham and

contralateral) from Sox6 WT mice, however there were no differences in renin

expression between the kidneys (Figure S5, A and B, upper panels). For quantification,

three hundred glomeruli were counted per kidney in sham mice. The number of

glomeruli expressing renin were significantly higher in both sham and contralateral

kidneys comparing to respective kidneys from Sox KO mice (Figure S5C). Next, renin

expressions in the connective tubules (CNTs) and collecting ducts (CDs) were

measured using aquaporin 2 (aq2) as a marker for the CNT and CD regions of nephron

(36). We found that renin expression colocalized with Aq2 both in CNT and CD in

stenosed kidney from Sox6 WT mice (Figure 4C upper panel). Renin expression was

significantly lower in the stenosed kidney from Sox6 KO mice (Figure 4C lower panel).

Page 16: The transcription factor Sox6 controls renin expression


For the quantification, about one hundred cells in both CNTs and CDs were counted per

kidney to see renin and Aq2 colocalization in both stenosed and sham mice. When

stenosed kidneys were compared, we found a significant increase in colocalization in

Sox6 WT compared to Sox6 KO mice (Figure S5D). In sham kidneys, we did not detect

any colocalization of renin and Aq2 in both Sox6 WT and Sox6 KO mice. Similarly, CNT

and CD renin and Aq2 colocalization in contralateral kidneys were not detected; neither

in Sox6 WT nor in Sox6 KO stenosed, or sham mice (Data not shown for sham mice).

There were no differences in the parameters analyzed above due to sex (Figure S6).

Effect of knocking out Sox6 on renin mRNA expression and juxtaglomerular cells

recruitment during renovascular hypertension induced by RAStenosis. To

determine the expression of renin, Sox6 and SMA mRNAs, fluorescent ISH was

performed in kidneys after 3 days of RAStenosis. The number of glomeruli containing

JG cell recruitment were significantly higher in Sox6 WT than Sox6 KO mice when

stenosed kidneys were compared (Figure 5, A - C). Expressions of renin mRNAs or JG

cell recruitment were not detected in contralateral kidneys from stenosed Sox6 WT, or

Sox6 KO mice (Figure S7, upper and lower panels). In sham mice, expression of renin

mRNA was detected in both sham and contralateral kidneys from Sox6 WT while were

absent in both kidneys from Sox6 KO mice (Figure S8, A and B, upper panels, and

lower panels). When three hundred glomeruli were counted per kidney in sham mice,

the number of glomeruli expressing renin mRNA were significantly higher in both sham

and contralateral kidneys comparing to respective kidneys from Sox KO mice (Figure S

8C). We did not find any differences in renin mRNA expression due to sex in the

stenosed animals (Figure S9).

Page 17: The transcription factor Sox6 controls renin expression


Effect of knocking out Sox6 on acute kidney injury during renovascular

hypertension induced by RAStenosis. Next, we evaluated the effects of knocking out

Sox6 in renin expressing cells in RAStenosis induced kidney injury. We measured the

acute kidney injury marker Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) using

Western blot. When stenosed kidneys were compared, the expression levels of NGAL

were significantly higher in Sox6 WT compared to Sox6 KO mice (Figure 6, A and B).

Also, the levels of NGAL expressions in stenosed kidney from WT Sox6 mice were

significantly higher than contralateral kidneys of both Sox6 WT and Sox6 KO mice

(Figure 6, A and B), and differences were not attributable to sex (Figure S10).

Effect of knocking out Sox6 on urine creatinine clearance during renovascular

hypertension induced by RAStenosis. Urine creatinine clearance determines kidney

injury and function (37). Urine creatinine clearance after stenosis was significantly low in

Sox6 WT compared to Sox6 KO mice (Figure 7, A and B). We analyzed data based on

sex and found no differences due to this biological variable (Figure S11). The levels of

creatinine clearance were similar in Sox6 WT sham and Sox6 KO sham mice and were

higher compared to stenosis Sox6 WT mice (Figure 7, A and B). Furthermore, the

creatinine clearance in stenosed Sox6 KO mice was like sham operated mice (Figure 7,

A and B).


In this study, we used the Sox6 KO mouse model to determine the function of Sox6 in

renovascular hypertension and kidney injury induced by RAStenosis. We used a

modified two kidney one clip (2K1C) mouse model (7). A number of previous studies

using various animal models have shown that stenosis in the renal artery is a strong

stimulator of renin overexpression and release. In turn, renin promotes kidney injury

Page 18: The transcription factor Sox6 controls renin expression


(7,38). Renin being the rate-limiting enzyme in RAAS is considered the key driver of the

renovascular hypertension (12,39). Our data indicate that renal renin and prorenin

overexpression, and JG cell recruitment along the afferent arteriole were inhibited in

stenosed kidney of Sox6 KO mice, and these mice were protected against renovascular

hypertension, and kidney injury.

RAStenosis causes an increment in the prorenin and renin expression in the kidney of

wild type mice and knocking out Sox6 in Ren1d+ cells halted that increase resulting in

inhibition of hypertension and kidney injury. Sox6 knock out in renin expressing cells

reduced both prorenin and renin expression; inhibiting the production of angiotensin II

(Ang II) mediated by renin, ameliorating renovascular hypertension and kidney injury

induced during RAStenosis. Renin is synthesized as pre-prorenin and transferred into

endoplasmic reticulum and the signal peptide is cleaved off during transfer and then

prorenin is directed to the Golgi apparatus (40-43). Renin is secreted by a regulated

pathway in dense core vesicles, while prorenin is secreted by both constitutive and

regulated pathways (41).

Renin is synthesized as pre-prorenin and transferred into endoplasmic reticulum, the

signal peptide is cleaved off during transfer and then prorenin is directed to the Golgi

apparatus (40-43). Protogranules containing prorenin and proteases (prohormone

convertases, cathepsin B) in an acidic environment (pH 4-6) necessary to cleave off the

pro-segment pinch off from the trans-Golgi network. These Protogranules will become

renin granules for the regulated pathway. (40,42,44). Renin is secreted by a regulated

pathway in dense core vesicles, while prorenin is secreted by both constitutive and

regulated pathways (41). The sorting of renin to the regulated pathway is not very

efficient in the JG cells and only 25 percent of produced renin is directed to dense core

Page 19: The transcription factor Sox6 controls renin expression


secretory granules, while 75 percent is secreted as prorenin by constitutive pathway in

clear vesicles. According to some reports, some prorenin is glycosylated and directed in

dense core secretory granules in regulated pathways meaning 25 percent of renin

contains some percent of prorenin in secretory granules (40-42,45). Here we show that

during RAStenosis, prorenin and renin protein expression increases in the kidneys of

wild type mice. The increase in prorenin correlates with is continuously released by the

constitutive pathway into circulation (40-42). In the kidney, the majority of pre-prorenin

synthesized in JG cells represents prorenin before the secretion into circulation whether

it is secreted by constitutive (in clear vesicles) or regulated pathways (in dense core

vesicles). We found a significant increase in both renal prorenin and renin in

RAStenosis. Concordantly, there was an increase in systemic blood pressure reflecting

the effects of renal renin increase into circulating RAAS. Changes in renal perfusion

cause prorenin and renin to be continuously synthesized during RAStenosis (42). All

these factors add to the fact that prorenin is the predominant content processed and

secreted by JG cells during renal stenosis and other chronic stimulation for renin

release. Moreover, recently published reports are in consensus with our prorenin and

renin bands intensity and position as these researchers show intense band density for

prorenin than renin in mouse and rat kidney tissues in Western blots (33,46,47).

We recently reported that ablation of Sox6 in Ren1d+ cells inhibited renin expression

increase and JG cell recruitment during sodium restriction and dehydration (17).

Previous studies reported that this process involves the trans-differentiation of vascular

smooth muscle cells (VSMC) (26). Moreover, we reported that adult kidney harbors

mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) which differentiate into JG cells and participate in JG

cell recruitment (35). In the current study, fluorescent in situ hybridization (ISH) data

Page 20: The transcription factor Sox6 controls renin expression


show that the number of renin+ cells and JG cell recruitment increase in stenosed

kidney from Sox6 WT mice, and significantly inhibited in stenosed kidney from Sox6 KO

mice. ISH data also show the co-localization of renin and Sox6 expression in stenosed

WT kidney and absent in stenosed KO kidney. ISH data was corroborated by

immunohistochemistry results. We used specific probes for alpha-smooth muscle actin

to see if renal VSMCs in the afferent arteriole trans-differentiate into renin expressing

cells and participate in JG cell recruitment. Our data indicate that VSMCs trans-

differentiate into renin+ cells and participate in JG cell recruitment. The trans-

differentiation process was absent in stenosed kidney from Sox6 KO mice. These data

indicate that Sox6 modulates JG cells recruitment induced by RAStenosis.

It is a well-established fact that during renovascular hypertension, the function of the

stenosed kidney deteriorates and, due to glomeruli injury, excretion of nitrogenous

waste products decreases (48). As mentioned above, ablation of Sox6 in Ren1d

positive cells inhibits the increase in renin expression, the key driver of renovascular

hypertension which produced kidney injury in RAStenosis. Concurrently, our data show

that creatinine clearance was significantly diminished in stenosed WT mice while

preserved in Sox6 KO mice, suggesting the preservation of glomerular filtration rate

(GFR) and kidney function in Sox6 KO mice. Renovascular hypertension is known to

damage kidney due to changes in kidney perfusion, rarefaction of tissue, and thereby

some kidney injury markers expression changes (49). Neutrophil gelatinase-associated

lipocalin (N-GAL) is the most studied biomarker of AKI (50), therefore, we measured

NGAL expression in kidney tissues. NGAL expression was increased in stenosed

kidney from Sox6 WT and was inhibited in stenosed kidney from Sox6 KO mice. This

data suggests that knocking out Sox6 from renin expressing cells is protective against

Page 21: The transcription factor Sox6 controls renin expression


kidney injury (NGAL expression) and preserves kidney function (urine creatinine

clearance) in Sox6 KO mice during renovascular hypertension induced by RAStenosis.

The data presented in this report support a new function for the transcription factor Sox6

in the regulation of renin and prorenin expression, blood pressure, and kidney injury

during renovascular hypertension induced by RAStenosis (Figures 7C). This study

shows that Sox6 contributes to the regulation of renin expression in the kidney during

RAStenosis which is the main theme of this study is. Moreover, analysis of data based

on sex indicates that the differences in the parameters presented here are due to Sox6

actions in the Ren1d+ cells and not due to sex. Future studies are needed to define the

function of Sox6 regulation of RAStenosis induced oxidative stress in the kidney.

Defining the new molecular pathway controlled by Sox6 may lead to a new therapeutic

target to treat renovascular or resistant hypertension, kidney injury and associated

cardiovascular diseases.

Page 22: The transcription factor Sox6 controls renin expression



All authors have nothing to disclose.


Research was supported by NHLBI Research Scientist Development Grant

(1K01HL135461-01) to J Gomez.


We would like to thank Dr. R. Ariel Gomez for kindly providing the Ren1dCre mice, Dr.

Monique Lefebvre from the Cleveland Clinic for generously providing the Sox6fl/fl

transgenic mice.

Author contributions

M Saleem: Formal analysis; Investigation; Methodology; Writing - original draft

L Saavedra-Sánchez: Investigation; Writing - original draft

P Barturen-Larrea: Data curation; Investigation; Writing - original draft

Jose Gomez: Conceptualization; Formal analysis; Funding acquisition; Investigation;

Methodology; Project administration; Resources; Supervision; Writing - review and


Supplemental material:

For the summary of all the results from stenosed and sham mice, please see the table 1

and 2 respectively.

This article contains the following supplemental material online at:

Figure S1. There are no significant differences in systolic blood pressure between

males and females within each group in stenosed mice.

Page 23: The transcription factor Sox6 controls renin expression


Figure S2. There are no significant differences in renin and prorenin expressions

between males and females within each group in stenosed mice.

Figure S3. There are no significant differences in renin and prorenin expressions

between males and females within each group in stenosed mice in acute settings.

Figure S4. Knock out of Sox6 in renin expressing cells does not affect renin expression

in the contralateral kidneys during renal artery stenosis.

Figure S5. Knock out of Sox6 in renin expressing cells inhibits renin expression.

Figure S6. There are no significant differences in co-localization of renin and Sox6

expression between males and females within each group in stenosed mice.

Figure S7. Knock out of Sox6 in renin expressing cells does not affect mRNA levels of

renin expression in the contralateral kidneys during renal artery stenosis.

Figure S8. Knock out of Sox6 in renin expressing cells inhibits renin mRNA expression.

Figure S9. There are no significant differences in JG cell recruitment between males

and females within each group in stenosed mice.

Figure S10. There are no significant differences in JG cell recruitment between males

and females within each group in stenosed mice.

Figure S11. There are no significant differences in creatinine clearance between males

and females within each group in stenosed mice.

Figure S12. Competition assay with renin peptide, and recombinant prorenin and renin

experiments using Western blot show the antibody specificity and positions of distinct

bands of both proteins respectively.

Page 24: The transcription factor Sox6 controls renin expression



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Page 29: The transcription factor Sox6 controls renin expression


Table 1. Results at a glance in stenosed mice

Parameters Sox6 WT Mice Sox6 KO mice

Blood pressure Increased blood pressure Protected against high

blood pressure

Prorenin and renin expression

Increased in stenosed kidney

Repressed in contralateral kidney

Inhibited in both stenosed

and contralateral kidneys

JG cell recruitment Increased in stenosed kidney.

No JG cell recruitment in

contralateral kidneys

Inhibited in both stenosed

and contralateral kidneys

Co-localization of renin and Sox6 expression

Increased in stenosed kidney.

No co-localization in contralateral


Inhibited in both stenosed

and contralateral kidneys

N-GAL expression Increased in stenosed kidney.

Fainted expression in

contralateral kidney

Inhibited in stenosed


Fainted expression in

contralateral kidney

Creatinine clearance Diminished Preserved

Page 30: The transcription factor Sox6 controls renin expression


Table 2. Results at a glance in sham mice

Parameters Sox6 WT Mice Sox6 KO mice

Blood pressure Normal Normal

Prorenin and renin expression

Did not increase in both

sham as well as in

contralateral kidneys

especially with IHC and


Hard to detect in both

sham as well as in

contralateral kidneys

especially with IHC and


JG cell recruitment No JG cell recruitment in

both sham as well as in

contralateral kidneys

No JG cell recruitment in

both sham as well as in

contralateral kidneys

NGAL expression Fainted expression in both

sham as well as in

contralateral kidneys

Fainted expression in both

sham as well as in

contralateral kidneys

Creatinine clearance Preserved Preserved

Page 31: The transcription factor Sox6 controls renin expression


Figure 1. Specific knock out of Sox6 in renin expressing cells protect mice against

renovascular hypertension induced by RAStenosis. (A) Schematic representation of

experimental design for 2-week study. Blood pressure was measured one week before

and two weeks after surgery by tail cuff method. Blood pressure was measured for 2

consecutive days each week. (B) Systolic blood pressure. N= stenosed, WT 16, KO 14;

sham WT 9, KO 9. Data are presented as the mean ± SEM. P values calculated with

two-way ANOVA followed by Tukey post-hoc test. **P< 0.01, *** P< 0.001 comparing all

samples to Sox6 WT RAStenosis.

Figure 2. Specific knock out of Sox6 in Ren1d + cells inhibit renin expression in the

stenosed kidney during RAStenosis. Two weeks after renal artery stenosis surgery,

kidneys were harvested, and Western blot was performed. (A) Representative Western

blots images showing levels of prorenin/renin expression in stenosed mice. Beta-actin

was used as a loading control. (B) Densitometric analysis of renin protein bands. (C)

Densitometric analysis of prorenin protein bands. (D) Representative Western blots

images showing levels of prorenin/renin expression in sham animals. (E) Densitometric

analysis of renin protein bands. (F) Densitometric analysis of prorenin protein bands. To

show the specificity of antibody, we performed the experiments using commercially

available recombinant prorenin and renin proteins and renin peptide. Results are shown

in supplementary file figure S12. N= stenosed, WT 10, KO 5; sham WT 9, KO 9. Data

are presented as the mean ± SEM. P values calculated with two-way ANOVA followed

by Tukey post-hoc test. *P<0.05, **P< 0.01 comparing all samples to Sox6 WT


Figure 3. Specific knock out of Sox6 in Ren1d + cells inhibit renin expression in the

stenosed kidney acutely. (A) Schematic representation of experimental design for 3-day

study. Three days after surgery, kidneys were harvested, and Western blot was

Page 32: The transcription factor Sox6 controls renin expression


performed. (B) Representative Western blots images showing levels of prorenin/renin

expression in stenosed and sham mice. Beta-actin was used as a loading control. (C)

Densitometric analysis of renin protein bands. (D) Densitometric analysis of prorenin

protein bands. (E) Densitometric analysis of renin protein bands. (F) Densitometric

analysis of prorenin protein bands. N= stenosed, WT 16, KO 11; sham WT 4, KO 4.

Data are presented as the mean ± SEM. P values calculated with two-way ANOVA

followed by Tukey post-hoc test. *P<0.05, **P< 0.01, ***P< 0.0001, comparing all

samples to Sox6 WT stenosed kidney. *P<0.05, **P< 0.01.

Figure 4. Specific knock out of Sox6 in Ren1d + cells inhibit renin expression in the

stenosed kidney during renal artery stenosis. Three days after surgery, kidneys were

harvested, fixed and immunohistochemistry was performed. Representative

fluorescence microscopy images. (A) Upper panel is showing renin (green), Sox6 (red)

and DAPI (blue) expressions in stenosed kidney from Sox6 WT mice. Similarly, lower

panel is showing the expression of renin and Sox6 in stenosed kidney from Sox6 KO

mice. Arrowhead shows renin expressing cells; asterisk is showing the colocalization of

renin and Sox6. Scale bar 50 µm, magnification 60X. G= glomeruli, AfAr= Afferent

arteriole. Circle is depicting glomeruli location, N= 4. (B) Quantification of three hundred

glomeruli per sample with co-localization of renin and Sox6 expression along the

afferent arteriole. N= stenosed, WT 5, KO 5; sham WT 4, KO 5. Data are presented as

the mean ± SEM. P value calculated with two-way ANOVA followed by Tukey post-hoc

test. ***P< 0.001, ****P< 0.0001 comparing all samples to Sox6 WT RAStenosis.

Specific knock out of Sox6 in renin expressing cells inhibits renin expression in CNTs

and CDs in the stenosed kidney during renal artery stenosis. Three days after surgery,

kidneys were harvested, fixed and immunohistochemistry was performed for renin and

Aq2 colocalization in CNTs and CDs. Representative fluorescence microscopy images.

Page 33: The transcription factor Sox6 controls renin expression


(C) Upper panel is showing renin (green), aquaporin 2 (aq2, red) and DAPI (blue)

expressions in stenosed kidney from Sox6 WT mice. Similarly, lower panel is showing

the expression of renin (green) and aq2 (red) in stenosed kidney from Sox6 KO mice.

Arrowhead shows renin expressing cells; asterisk is showing the colocalization of renin

and aq2. Scale bar 50 µm, magnification 60X. G= glomeruli, AfAr= Afferent arteriole, N=

stenosed, WT 5, KO 6; sham WT 5, KO 6.

Figure 5. Knock out of Sox6 in Ren1d + cells halt renin mRNA expression increases

and JG cell recruitment along the afferent arteriole in the stenosed kidney. Green

staining represents renin mRNA expression; magenta, Sox6 mRNA; red, α-SMA mRNA;

blue, nuclei. Representative microscopy images of stenosed kidneys from (A) Sox6 WT

mice, and (B) Sox6 KO mice. Scale bar 10 µm, magnification 90X. G: glomerulus, AfAr:

afferent arteriole. (C) Quantification in situ hybridization analysis of three hundred

glomeruli per kidney with renin mRNA expression along the afferent arteriole. N=

stenosed, WT 6, KO 5; sham WT 6, KO 5. Data are presented as the mean ± SEM. P

calculated with two-way ANOVA followed by Tukey post-hoc test. **P< 0.01, ***P<

0.001, ****P< 0.0001 comparing all samples to Sox6 WT RAStenosis.

Figure 6. Specific knock out of Sox6 in renin expressing cells protect kidney against

injury. NGAL was measured using Western blot in stenosed, and sham mice. Three

days after surgery, kidneys were harvested, and Western blot was performed. (A)

Representative Western blots images showing levels of NGAL expression in stenosed

and sham animals. Beta-actin was used as a loading control. (B) Densitometric analysis

of N-GAL protein bands from stenosed mice. (C) Densitometric analysis of N-GAL

protein bands from sham mice. N= stenosed, WT 8, KO 6; sham WT 3, KO 5. Data are

presented as the mean ±SEM. P calculated with two-way ANOVA followed by Tukey

Page 34: The transcription factor Sox6 controls renin expression


post-hoc test. **P< 0.01, ***P< 0.001, ****P< 0.0001 comparing all samples to Sox6 WT


Figure 7. Specific knock out of Sox6 in renin expressing cells preserves creatinine

clearance. Creatinine was measured with a colorimetric kit following manufactures’

instructions (A) Creatinine analysis from two-week study. N= stenosed, WT 7, KO 10;

sham WT 10, KO 8. (B) Creatinine analysis from 3 days study N= stenosed, WT 12, KO

11; sham WT 9, KO 7. Data are presented as the mean ±SEM. P calculated with two-

way ANOVA followed by Tukey post-hoc test. *P< 0.05, **P< 0.01 comparing all

samples to Sox6 WT RAStenosis. (C). Schematic representation of the function of the

transcription factor Sox6 in the regulation of renin expression, having an effect on

hypertension, and kidney damage during renovascular hypertension induced by


Page 35: The transcription factor Sox6 controls renin expression


Blood pressure


Urine and blood collections,

kidney harvest

Renal Artery Stenosis

0 7 14 15

Blood pressure

Blood pressure Urine collection


Time (days)


Figure 1

Page 36: The transcription factor Sox6 controls renin expression



Sox6 WT Sox6 KO

β actin






Sox6 KO Sox6 WT




Sox6 WT Sox6 KO










37 β actin











Figure 2

Page 37: The transcription factor Sox6 controls renin expression


Urine, blood collections,

kidney harvest Renal Artery Stenosis

0 2 3

Metabolic cages

set up

Time (days)


Sox6 KO


Sox6 KO


Sox6 WT


Sox6 WT


β actin



M.W. (kDa)







Figure 3

Page 38: The transcription factor Sox6 controls renin expression















6 K




























Renin Sox6 Merged

C Renin Aq2 Merged

AfAr AfAr *


* *




AfAr AfAr



Figure 4

Page 39: The transcription factor Sox6 controls renin expression

Renin Alpha-SMA Sox6





ney S

ox6 W






AfAr AfAr






















ney S

ox6 K



Figure 5

Page 40: The transcription factor Sox6 controls renin expression



Sox6 KO


Sox6 KO


Sox6 WT


Sox6 WT



Sox6 KO


Sox6 KO


Sox6 WT


β actin





42 50





Figure 6

Page 41: The transcription factor Sox6 controls renin expression


Renovascular Hypertension

Kidney damage



Figure 7