the top *7* reasons why i hate the word selling plus the top *7* reasons why i love marketing!

PLUS… The Top *7* Reasons Why I LOVE Marketing! *7* Reasons Why I Hate *7* Reasons Why I Hate the Word “Selling” the Word “Selling”

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Post on 07-Aug-2015




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Page 1: The Top *7* Reasons Why I Hate the Word Selling PLUS the Top *7* Reasons Why I LOVE Marketing!


The Top *7* Reasons Why I

LOVE Marketing!

*7* Reasons Why I *7* Reasons Why I Hate the Word Hate the Word

“Selling” “Selling”

Page 2: The Top *7* Reasons Why I Hate the Word Selling PLUS the Top *7* Reasons Why I LOVE Marketing!

#1 Reason Why I Hate the Word Selling:

Not Caring

For most people, the word "selling" has a negative connotation, and they don't believe the sales person cares about them. This teaching is not about sales people. It's about the mindset of a person focused solely on selling. Selling is not caring for your customer.

Page 3: The Top *7* Reasons Why I Hate the Word Selling PLUS the Top *7* Reasons Why I LOVE Marketing!

#2 Reason Why I Hate the Word Selling: Self-Centered

When someone focuses mainly on selling, they become self-centered instead of customer centered. They are only concerned about what they can do to increase their commissions, daily sales, etc. Your customers will never respect this type of behavior. 

Page 4: The Top *7* Reasons Why I Hate the Word Selling PLUS the Top *7* Reasons Why I LOVE Marketing!

#3 Reason Why I Hate the Word Selling: Buy Now or They are Gone


If you don't buy immediately from most sales people, you will never hear from them again. Why? Because they are focused on selling and making the sale instead of building client relationships. 

Page 5: The Top *7* Reasons Why I Hate the Word Selling PLUS the Top *7* Reasons Why I LOVE Marketing!

#4 Reason Why I Hate the Word Selling: Fine Print

Have you ever agreed to buy something based on the promises or guarantees of the sales person? But when it's time to pay and sign the dotted line, the tiny fine print is much different from what the sales person told you. This is dishonest! They are trying to trick you into buying.

If you are marketing an ethical product or service, then you shouldn't have to trick your customers to invest in your business. 

Page 6: The Top *7* Reasons Why I Hate the Word Selling PLUS the Top *7* Reasons Why I LOVE Marketing!

#5 Reason Why I Hate the Word #5 Reason Why I Hate the Word Selling: Selling:

Fake Smile and Cheesy AttitudeFake Smile and Cheesy Attitude

One major reason that I can't stand the word "selling" is because of the sales people with fake smiles and cheesy attitudes. They pretend like they care about your wants and needs as a customer, but the moment you let them know that you aren't buying anything, they become instantly disinterested in you.

Don't fall for this! You can tell if they aren't genuine. 

Page 7: The Top *7* Reasons Why I Hate the Word Selling PLUS the Top *7* Reasons Why I LOVE Marketing!

#6 Reason Why I Hate the Word Selling: Talk Too Much

This one speaks for itself! Most sales people focused on selling don't shut up! They talk, talk, talk, and then talk some more! They really believe that the more they talk, the more you buy. It's just the opposite.

They should close their mouths and listen to their customers so they know what you really want. 

Page 8: The Top *7* Reasons Why I Hate the Word Selling PLUS the Top *7* Reasons Why I LOVE Marketing!

#7 Reason Why I Hate the Word Selling: Scripts

One of the most annoying things about the selling mindset is the use of scripts especially when you can tell when someone is reading from a script. Here's a major tip. Just talk to your customers. Listen to their wants and needs. Throw away the script!

Page 9: The Top *7* Reasons Why I Hate the Word Selling PLUS the Top *7* Reasons Why I LOVE Marketing!

Now, You Know the *7* Reasons that I Hate the

Word Selling. Let Me Share…

The Top *7* Reasons Why I LOVE Marketing!

Page 10: The Top *7* Reasons Why I Hate the Word Selling PLUS the Top *7* Reasons Why I LOVE Marketing!

#1 Reason Why I Love Marketing: Specialist in Solving a Problem

Your marketing should be focused on what problem your product or service can solve for your customers.

How will your product or service change your customers' lives? You may not think this is possible, but think about it. When you become a specialist in solving the problems of your customers, your business will skyrocket!   

Page 11: The Top *7* Reasons Why I Hate the Word Selling PLUS the Top *7* Reasons Why I LOVE Marketing!

In my book, *17* Highly-Guarded Strategies to Close Every Sale Guaranteed Plus How to Combat the Fear of Closing, I dig deep into how to be a true problem solver. Grab your FREE copy of the

book at

Page 12: The Top *7* Reasons Why I Hate the Word Selling PLUS the Top *7* Reasons Why I LOVE Marketing!

#2 Reason Why I Love Marketing: 2 Reason Why I Love Marketing: Opportunity to Create Extraordinary Opportunity to Create Extraordinary


You have endless opportunities to create extraordinary experiences for your customers. What is an extraordinary customer experience? It's something that will make your customers remember you forever.

Page 13: The Top *7* Reasons Why I Hate the Word Selling PLUS the Top *7* Reasons Why I LOVE Marketing!

Many times, it's something small that would be insignificant to someone other than your client. Other times, it's simply creating an enjoyable experience when your customers invest in your product or service.

Take advantage of every opportunity to create extraordinary experiences for your customers!

Page 14: The Top *7* Reasons Why I Hate the Word Selling PLUS the Top *7* Reasons Why I LOVE Marketing!

#3 Reason Why I Love Marketing: Actively Listening

An important part of marketing your product or service is actively listening to your customers. This is something that most sales people don't do.

Page 15: The Top *7* Reasons Why I Hate the Word Selling PLUS the Top *7* Reasons Why I LOVE Marketing!

Think back to the last interaction that you had with a customer. If you talked more than they did, then you must change that. You will be surprised how much your customers will love that you listen to them. 

Page 16: The Top *7* Reasons Why I Hate the Word Selling PLUS the Top *7* Reasons Why I LOVE Marketing!

In my book, *57* Must Use Words in Every Piece of Marketing You

Do for Your Business, I share more about the power of the

marketing word “listen”, which is word #7 of the *57* words. Grab

a FREE copy of the book at

Page 17: The Top *7* Reasons Why I Hate the Word Selling PLUS the Top *7* Reasons Why I LOVE Marketing!

#4 Reason Why I Love Marketing: Learn

When you actively listen to your clients, you will learn EXACTLY what type of product or service they want and you will be able to effectively recommend your product or service to meet their needs.

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Learning more equals earning more in business! Not just earning more income, but earning the respect and loyalty of your customers. Make a habit of listening to your customers and learning what they really want! 

Page 19: The Top *7* Reasons Why I Hate the Word Selling PLUS the Top *7* Reasons Why I LOVE Marketing!

How to actively listen is of one of the strategies that I share in my

book, *17* Highly-Guarded Strategies to Close Every Sale Plus

How to Combat the Fear of Closing. Grab your FREE copy of

the book at

Page 20: The Top *7* Reasons Why I Hate the Word Selling PLUS the Top *7* Reasons Why I LOVE Marketing!

#5 Reason Why I Love Marketing: Qualified Lead

Despite what most business owners and entrepreneurs think, not every human being that can fog up a mirror is a qualified lead for your business.

Page 21: The Top *7* Reasons Why I Hate the Word Selling PLUS the Top *7* Reasons Why I LOVE Marketing!

Who is a qualified lead for your business? It's someone that is interested in your product or service. They are experiencing a problem in their lives that your product or service solves.

Page 22: The Top *7* Reasons Why I Hate the Word Selling PLUS the Top *7* Reasons Why I LOVE Marketing!

Qualified leads ARE NOT on a list that you buy off of eBay for $5. If they do not personally give you their information, do not call them. Cold calling is annoying and intrusive, because you are calling leads that are not interested in your product or service.

Page 23: The Top *7* Reasons Why I Hate the Word Selling PLUS the Top *7* Reasons Why I LOVE Marketing!

There are thousands of qualified leads that are interested in your product or service. Call them! 

Page 24: The Top *7* Reasons Why I Hate the Word Selling PLUS the Top *7* Reasons Why I LOVE Marketing!

#6 Reason Why I Love Marketing: Notoriously Known For

What are you notoriously known for in your business? For instance, I'm known for extreme customer service and testimonials. Anyone that enters my business atmosphere is confident that they will receive extreme customer service that is backed by hundreds of rock-solid testimonials.

Page 25: The Top *7* Reasons Why I Hate the Word Selling PLUS the Top *7* Reasons Why I LOVE Marketing!

What are you known for in business? Make sure it's something positive that you want to be known for and not anything negative like poor customer service, cheap products, etc. Be notoriously known for excellence in your business! 

Page 26: The Top *7* Reasons Why I Hate the Word Selling PLUS the Top *7* Reasons Why I LOVE Marketing!

Word #15 in the *57* Must Use Words in Every Piece of Marketing You Do for Your Business is *Real People

with Real Results*. You can grab a copy of the book for


Page 27: The Top *7* Reasons Why I Hate the Word Selling PLUS the Top *7* Reasons Why I LOVE Marketing!

Real People with Real Results…

My Marketing Actually Works!My Marketing Actually Works!

"Since I've been coaching with John, I have now know how to deliver extreme customer service to my clients, and my clients are confident in me. I am confident in myself and know I am worthy of success. My marketing actually works and believe it or not, I do no advertising! My income has exploded, and my business has grown over 1,000%!“ - Carol Grant, Lawyer, Florida

Page 28: The Top *7* Reasons Why I Hate the Word Selling PLUS the Top *7* Reasons Why I LOVE Marketing!

Real People with Real Results…

Over 50k Per Month, was Astounded!“Getting coaching from John Di Lemme was THE BEST THING we could have ever done for our business and for ourselves personally. We earn more in a month then we used to earn in a year sometimes. When we first hit 10K/month I was amazed. When we hit over 50k per month, I was astounded. And yet we are JUST getting started! We couldn't be happier with our business growth but even more so our personal growth. We're so grateful we found the DDG team!” – Christen Adolfi, Real Estate, New York

Page 29: The Top *7* Reasons Why I Hate the Word Selling PLUS the Top *7* Reasons Why I LOVE Marketing!

#7 Reason Why I Love Marketing: Lifetime, Long-Term Customer

I would rather have 50 lifetime, long-term, loyal customers than 400 YouTube subscribers or Facebook likes. Focus on building REAL relationships with your customers not superficial relationships that have no value. Your customers want a relationship with you!

When you build lifetime, long-term relationships with your customers, they will support you and your business forever! 

Page 30: The Top *7* Reasons Why I Hate the Word Selling PLUS the Top *7* Reasons Why I LOVE Marketing!

Discover How to Take Your Closing and Marketing to the Next Level and Explode Your Bottom Line


Grab a Hold of the *17* Highly Guarded Strategies to Close Every Sale

Guaranteed Plus How to Combat the Fear of Closing Book & Audio Book for


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