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1 The Temple Prayer By Paul Yonggi Cho

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The Temple Prayer By

Paul Yonggi Cho


David Yonggi Cho (Formerly Known As Paul Yonggi Cho) Is A Korean Christian Minister. He Is

Senior Pastor and Founder Of The Yoido Full Gospel Church (Assemblies Of God), The World's Largest Congregation With A Membership Of 1,000,000 (As Of 2007).

Cho Still Conducts Two Out Of The Seven Services The Church Holds A Day; They Are So Heavily Attended That People Often Must Arrive An Hour Early To Have A Seat.

The Temple Prayer

By Paul Yonggi Cho

“This Prayer Was Taught Many Years Ago, At That Time Pastor Cho Had Over 700,000 In His Congregation.”

The prayer I use most is the temple prayer. Everyday I use the temple prayer three or four times. Even this morning before I came to this service, I prayed according to the temple prayer. This prayer is so effective,

The most important thing is to pray more than 30 min. To one hour every day.

First, you must get people to pray for at least 30 min., then one hour. I say 30 min. By compromising with the westerners. And orient, I say one hour, no compromise. But with westerners, I give some leniency.

In Gethsemane Jesus commanded his disciples to pray one hour. "Can’t you be awake one hour with me together in prayer so that you may not fall into temptation?" Because the disciples could not pray for one hour, they fell into temptation. So one hour is actually the basis for our prayer.

How can you pray for one hour? If you pray the freestyle prayer, you cannot pray for one hour. Usually people do not have a definite and desperate goal and say it over and over again, and so that is another problem.

If you do not pray the ripple prayer everyday, it's not very tasty. The more you pray, the better you feel about the temple prayer.

One day, I was praying the, saying,”Oh lord, I now should know how the wonderful forms of prayer so that I can pray over and over again without feeling any fatigue." like lightning, God said, "pray according to the temple prayer." instantly, the whole plan of temple prayer was revealed to me.


During the Old Testament when the Israelites came out of the wilderness, God showed Moses how to build the temple through which the Israelites would come and worship the lord. God strictly told Moses to build the tabernacle according to the plan, which he saw on Mount Sinai. So when Moses came down from the mountain, he built the tabernacle in the wilderness.

Holy Israelites were commanded to come and worship God only at the tabernacle. They were not permitted to worship God outside of the tabernacle.

This tabernacle is attempted type of worship which God wants. God said, "You are the temple of the holy ghost. You are the tabernacle of the Holy Spirit. The tabernacle has disappeared but now you are the tabernacle. You are the tabernacle in which Holy Spirit dwells."

So, when you plan your temple, your physical being, in your imagination you must go through the tabernacle and worship God according to God's plan.

The Brazen Altar

When you approach the tabernacle, you find the Brazen Altar where the priest killed the animals, sprinkled the blood, and burned the flesh to forgive the sins of the people. All the people who had committed sin had to bring animals to the tabernacle. As soon as they stepped into the courtyard of the tabernacle this all the Brazen Altar were God judge sin by killing the animals. They laid their hands upon the animal on confess their sins. Then in front of their eyes, the priest killed the animal, sprinkled the blood on four corners of the altar and import out the blood and burned the flesh.

This is the type of the cross of Jesus Christ. In the Old Testament, they all started worship God at the place of the brazen altar.

Likewise, when you pray, we must start from the cross of Calvary. This is very, very powerful prior. I always pray according to this tabernacle prayer more than three times a day. This prayer gives me power so that I can easily carry out my ministry among 700,000 people as well is my foreign mission evangelism.

Every day you must come to the cross of Jesus Christ as many times as possible. There you worship the lord. There you see God judging your sense Jesus Christ. Just as God judge the sin of Israel through the animals, Jesus judges your sense through Jesus Christ. This is a very serious thing.

I come to the cross and worship Jesus Christ saying, "Dear Jesus Christ I worship your blood. I thank you because your blood forgave all of my sins. All of the sins that I have committed and all of the sins which I’m going to commit in the future. You have forgiven me eternally".


Pray this prayer: "Jesus, I worship you because through the blood you have delivered me from the power of Satan and the world. You move to the kingdom of Jesus Christ. Now I’m living in your son’s kingdom through the blood of Jesus Christ."

Only the blood can set you from the chains of Satan and the world. Now I have cast out all the influences of Satan and worldliness from my life and the Holy Spirit has taken it all out of me. I'm living in the kingdom of the beloved son by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ. I am in the kingdom of the son of God and the Holy Spirit leads and guides me. Jesus Christ moves me and takes care of me. I praise him because of the blood.

Praise the blood of Jesus Christ because that blood declares to me that I was completely freed from all kinds of sickness and infirmity.

I pray, "Jesus through the stripes which you received in the Court yard of Pilot, all sickness and diseases have been taken away since 2000 years ago. I declare that because of the blood of Jesus Christ blood speaks better than the blood of Abraham, and so I praise you. I praise you for divine healing through the blood of Jesus Christ".

Then I pray, "Dear Jesus, through your blood I have been redeemed from the Adamic curse. Because of Adam the earth was cursed. The earth was to bring forth thistles and thorns. That is a symbol of all the failure in life."

"Oh God, you took our curse upon the cross. Because the bible says that Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law making our curse for us for it is written cursed is every one that hangs upon a tree that the blessings of Abraham might come upon the gentiles."

"So through your blood I am completely delivered from the curse. I'm delivered from failure and poverty. I am free from the curse. I have the blessings of Abraham. I am a blessed person."

I very strongly confess the point that I am a blessed person because many people are living in failure consciousness. They live in poverty circumstances. Before they get rid of their consciousness us they can never move on to Jesus Christ.

Jesus was rich but he became poor for you so that you might be rich in Jesus Christ. So you must really saturate your mind within we didn't the blessing of Christ. We should worship Jesus about that point I must declare that point powerfully. You must say "by his stripes I am healed. By his cross I’m delivered from the curse".

When you we have the blessing of God in your heart, many times God will perform tremendous miracles in your life. From an unknown source, blessings will flow to you. So you must claim that blessings because you are a blessed people. You're not a cursed people. You are blessed people so only the


blessings will come and dwell with you. The curse will not dwell with you any more.

Next I pray, “Dear Jesus, through your blood I am delivered from death and hell. Jesus, you died and you are resurrected. You conquered death and hell. You brought the glory of the kingdom of heaven. By the blood of Jesus Christ I am completely delivered from death and hell and am now living in the glory of Jesus Christ. I am a member of the kingdom of God. I have eternal kingdom in the so praise God because of the blood. I worship Jesus and praise him because of the blood".

For me, it usually takes 5 to 10 min to praise God for the blood. You really praise the blood of Jesus Christ, you feel so free because the Devil's all leave. The Devil is afraid of the blood of Jesus Christ. So when you really worship the blood of Jesus Christ point by point, the Devil leaves and you feel the refreshing presence of the Holy Spirit powerfully in your life.

When you worship the blood, you see the devil flee. When you worship the blood, you see the Holy Spirit, and dwell within you. So it is very necessary to start your worship through the blood of Jesus Christ.

If you're worshiping without the blood, then that worship is not very powerful. Only the blood opens the door for you to come near to the lord with boldness. That is the reason in tabernacle worship God always wanted the people to come to the brazen altar.

First the sacrifice, then the approach to the lord. Without sacrifice, you cannot approach the lord. Jesus Christ offered the eternal sacrifice for us so we don't need to bring in animals. Jesus is our sacrifice, our eternal sacrifice. We worship him over and over again. By your worship, we are offering sacrifice to Jesus Christ, to our heavenly father.

The Laver

In the courtyard, you move from the brazen altar to the Laver. The labor is full of water. Before the high priest entered the holy place, he washed his hands and feet. He was cleansed and sanctified.

After the blood, comes purity and sanctification, so that my worship as I stand before the Laver, I can see water in it.

The Laver is made of glass. The women had bronze looking glasses which had been gathered together and melted down to make the Laver. This symbolized God looks into your consciousness. When you stand before the Laver, you see yourself reflected in the glass. You are a true being, so confess your sins and wash yourself clean.


As I stand before the Laver, I pray for God to make me a righteous person because righteousness bills me up. Righteousness bills my church, righteousness bills our society, and righteousness builds a nation. If you lose righteousness in your heart, you lose everything. As a minister, when we lose righteousness, we lose our ministry.

In a home, if you lose righteousness, the home was broken. In society, if you don't have righteousness, and all kinds of sin and iniquity arises, so society is broken. In the nation, if the leader loses righteousness, and of the leader does immoral kinds of polluted acts, then the whole nation is in disarray. So, I pray. "Oh God, make me righteous through your grace. Heavenly father, make me truthful. Please help me not to live in lies. Let me not tell lies. That may be a truthful person before you and before other people."

Then I pray, "Heavenly father, make me a faithful person, loyal to God. Make me very faithful and loyal to God".

When I read in the scriptures about David, I wondered for a long time about God saying that David is after my own heart. I said to myself, in the world I think I am better than David. He committed adultery, he tried to hide the adultery, and he killed. He committed the most agree sin. Still, God said, David is after my own heart, and I will fulfill my desire through him. I said, quote how come? Of course, David committed a very, very serious sin, but that is an ethical problem between human beings, but David was definitely faithful to his heavenly father.

Look at the 10 commandments. Four commandments are concerning the relationships between God and human beings. The other six commandments are moral and ethical commandments. When you are committing a moral and ethical sin, God can forgive, but if you sin against God, you're finished. No hope.

David committed an ethical sin and confessed, and God forgave him, but David never never never committed any sin against God. He kept the first four commandments very seriously. Do not have any other Gods before you. Do not bow down to idols. Do not call God's name in vain. Keep the Sabbath day holy. That is a contract between God and human beings. David kept this contract absolutely, without any compromise. That is the reason God loved David.

But in ethical and moral things, David failed many times. He confessed and God forgave him.

So, I pray: "oh God, let me not break God's laws, so that I will be loved by you. Make me very faithful and loyal, especially as far as the 10 commandments are concerned."


Then I go to my personal sanctification. "Father, make be holy and sanctified." if I lose holiness in my life, then I loses respect.

When you have a big or small church, the church has no policeman or military police who say, "if you will obey me, I’m going to shoot you with a missile, or I am going to run you over with a tank." no in church you don't have that kind of thing.

You can only rule people at the risk of the people. If people respect you, love you, and then your word has power. Once the people lose respect for you, then you have no power.

In my church, I can do tremendous things in our people accept me because they respect me. But if I would ever lose the respect of the people then I would be unable to control my church. This big church would then be in great confusion.

If you lose holiness and sanctification in your life, you can never never receive respect. Especially in the kingdom of God. You may be very talented, you may have accomplished tremendous things in the past, but once you lose sanctification, you are finished. This is a very very serious thing.

So, the devil tried his best to get ministers and Christians so that they will lose their sanctification. We must pray before the lord every day because in our own strength, we can never, never live a victorious life. So, we must receive the grace of God every day and pray: "father, sanctify me. Father, sanctify me in your power." so, I pray this point every day.

Jesus asked us to pray to God, "lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil." every day we must pray this prayer. If you don't pray everyday, you are exposed to temptation and attacks of the devil.

Then I pray, "Father, give me grace to forgive and love." sometimes you can forgive, but you can't love. Loving is very difficult. To love you must put yourself on the cross many times.

There are many places in the bible it says to forgive. When you pray, if you have anything against anyone, forgive.

One lady, with facial paralysis, came to me. I had prayed for her many any times but nothing happened. She had received medical treatment, but could not be cured. In desperation she came to me crying, so I prayed with her once more.

The spirit spoke to my heart, I said, "sister, do you have anything against anybody?" she said, "Yes, I hate my in-laws. My father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-in-law, and sister-in-law. We're all living together as a family, and I serve him like a slave, but they mistreat me. I have deep-seated animosity against them."


I said, "You must forgive them." she cried say, "I can never love any of them. They treat me like a slave. I have done everything for them, but they show me no appreciation. I can't love them".

I was shocked. I was at a loss to know what to do. So I prayed, "Lord, if I was in her shoes, I would not love the in-laws either. What can I do to help her?"

The spirit spoke to my heart, "Look in the bible again, I ask you to forgive." I was enlightened. That is right! That is true! So I told her, "you don't need to love your in-laws, but you should forgive them. After forgiving, if you have any strength left over, then try to love." she wiped the tears from her eyes and smilingly said, "pastor, I can at least forgive, but I can't love them." "Okay, that is fine, just forgive them".

So she prayed, "father, in the name of Jesus Christ I forgive my father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-in-law and sister-in-law, through the blood of Jesus Christ, I forgive them, so forgive me".

As she prayed this prayer, I was looking at her. Suddenly her face was healed; I was shocked to see that forgiveness and had such power. Humanly speaking I cannot easily forgive and forget, and so every day I forgive all those who have wronged me in the name of Jesus Christ.

So, every day I pray, "Father, if you give me any more strength, then I will love them." I pray every day for the father to help me forgive, then help me to love them. You

Next I pray: "Father, make me a very humble and meek person." Humbleness and meekness are very very important. When you have a harsh heart: God is not pleased. Many homes are broken because the husband or wife has a harsh heart, and say harsh words.

I counsel with young people. I tell them, “Girls, when you marry have a relationship with your date lasting more than six months. Find out if your husband to be has a lenient, sweetheart, or a narrow, harsh heart".

To the males I say: "When you find a wife, don't look at facial beauty. That won’t last too long. If that girl has a sweet, soft heart been inside the beauty increases every day. If the girl has a harsh heart and attacks her husband every chance, and responds with harsh words, then you're going to live in hell during your marriage."

A soft and beautiful heart is very important. I pray: "Oh God, let me be very soft and loving in my heart toward my Christians." Many pastors are failing because they are pounding upon their people. They condemn the people and break their spirit. In that way you cannot have a good ministry.


I have always been a very tender and careful with my people, even if they have been very bad. Some of them really tried to destroy me, but I have been very tenderhearted toward them, loving them. It is not easy, many times I would've liked to call upon the lord to send lightning and destroy that person immediately. I say, "Oh God, you store up so much lightning without using it." I feel that kind of spirit in my stomach, but still I must control myself and the tenderhearted and speak kindly.

Through that kind of attitude, I can keep the 700,000 people content. We have never had any division at all. We have around 700 elders and 50,000 deacons. You can just imagine how much of a headache I have. I have no time to rest because I have problems coming to me from every direction, but I still should not answer them with harshness in my heart. I should be very sweet, tender and loving.

So, I pray every day for God to give me this kind of spirit. If I don't pray, I can't have this kind of heart attitude. My nature is not sweet. My nature is very judgmental, but God changed my heart through this prayer.

Then I pray, "Oh God, help me to live according to the measure of faith you gave me. Don't make me proud. Make me living according to the measure of faith you gave me."

God has given each person a measure of faith. We should know the measure of faith and live according to that major. We should not go beyond the means that we have.

Many, many people are discontent because they go beyond their earnings of their salary. They purchase so many things without considering the money they have. In that sense, credit cards are a curse. In using credit cards, payments must ultimately be made. Credit cards are very handy to use, but payday comes all too soon. Let me always say, "Let me not use a heavy heavenly credit card," many people are using heavenly credit card, beyond their faith.

For example, they build a church beyond their financial strength. They become corrupt. Even in purchasing church facilities, they buy very expensive organs, panels, pa systems, and use a heavenly credit card. Then when they are unable to pay, many of them come to me saying, "Please help me to pay this heavenly credit card," that is my trouble all over Korea.

I always say, "Oh God, let me live according to the measure of faith you gave Me." sometimes God gives me a tremendous measure of faith.

Recently, a golden opportunity came my way, and I turned it down. The amazing thing was I could hardly imagine it in my mind but when I was praying, I would have jumped in to this situation and accepted the money, but I would've been in deep trouble because I do not know how to use this money. I would have no time to carry out my worldwide evangelism. I should build a


university. I should build a big hospital. I should build an old folks home. I should build some special facility.

For 20 years, I have been involved in building. All through my life, I have been building. Churches, prayer mountains, etc. Etc. These items take a tremendous amount of strength out of you; you can't have peace because nowadays people are cheating so much in the technical world and construction. If you don't pay close attention every moment, people will cheat you and it becomes costly, so you are living in the present tense and you have constant indigestion. You should carry "Tums" everyplace, (Tums is a medication for upset stomach).

Think of this, in my prime time, I am carrying out world evangelism. If I have that much money, I should spend it. I can't put that money in the bank. To spend the money, I would be bound in Korea, carrying out the tremendous work this project would involve. I would have wasted the rest of my life on the construction site.

So, God gives me wisdom to turn down propositions. If I could share that money with others: I would accept it, but they would not agree to this, they told me "you and you alone must use this money". So, I finish my prayer of sanctification at the Laver in this way.

Golden Candlestick

After the sanctification process, I marched into the holy place. As soon as I enter the holy place, on the left side is a seven branched golden candlestick. As I stand before the golden candlestick, it is shining in the holy place. In the holy place, there is no other light shining except this one.

As we step into God's holy place, we should never let any light, and one the light of the Holy Spirit. In knowing the bible, you can't have any light of archaeology, philosophy or history, etc. In the holy place, never let any sunlight comes in. Only the golden candlestick shines in this Holy Place.

As far as God's work is concerned, we must only depend upon the Holy Spirit. You should not depend upon your education, theology, philosophy, or history. That kind of thing destroys the revelation of God.

So I stand before the candlestick and pray this way: "Dear Holy Spirit, I recognize you. I welcome you. I adore you. Thank you for being in my life you is my senior partner. You are the Spirit of God, and the Spirit of Jesus Christ. You are the spirit of wisdom. You are the spirit of understanding. You are the spirit of counseling. You are the spirit of power. You are the spirit of revelation of the word of God you are the spirit of reverence which gives me power to reveal God. So help me now. I cannot do anything without your anointing. I depend upon you. I worship you. I thank you."


One Baptist minister strongly protested the same, quote when I listen to your lecture I feel a red light appear in my heart." I responded, quote I have a full green light in my heart." Quote no," he said, quote I have a red light." I asked, how come?" He said, "Throughout my theological training, I have never been taught to pray to the Holy Spirit, I was only taught to pray to God and to his son, Jesus Christ. But I was never taught to pray to the Holy Spirit." I said, "You are foolish because in your case, God is not trying God. God is the father, God is the son, and God is spirit. They are all God.

Moreover, Jesus asked us to pray to the Holy Spirit. In the Bible all read the Jesus Christ as his disciples to pray to the Lord of the harvest to send more laborers. Clearly, Jesus was not the Lord of the harvest. He would have chosen the laborers himself, but Jesus prayed to the Lord of the harvest so that he would send more laborers. Jesus was not the Lord of the harvest and heavenly Father was clearly not the Lord of the harvest.

Then in acts 14, you read that the Antioch Church with Paul and Barnabas was gathered together fasting and praying. The spirit spake, "choose Paul and Barnabas for my work. Ministry is the work of the Holy Spirit.

So, the laborers to work in the harvest were chosen by the Holy Spirit. "Choose Paul and Barnabas for my work." Work of the harvest belongs to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Lord of the harvest. So Jesus prayed to the Lord of the harvest, the Holy Spirit, so that he may thrust in more laborers.

Moreover, when you read first Corinthians 12:13, you see where you can have fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Without talking to one another, it's impossible to have fellowship. Fellowship is very important.

I am trying to learn French because I want to have fellowship with the French people. I don't think that I would ever willingly preach infringe. However, when I go to France preach, afterwards all the old gentleman, ladies and sick people, come up and want to personally talk with me. If I don't talk back to them, we have no fellowship.

The same thing is true in Japan. When I first went to Japan, I could not speak any Japanese. When I preached in English, all the Japanese grandmothers, grandfathers, and sick people would come up and talk in Japanese to me. I just stood there. There's no fellowship. I've is treated as a foreigner. I was not one of them.

I started studying the Japanese language very hard then I was given the ability to speak Japanese will he. What a time of fellowship I have now. I could talk with Japanese. I could cry with you. I could touch them. I could pray with them in the Japanese language. We could have deep fellowship together. I was loved very much. Japanese treated me as one of their own.

Learning a language is very import. You must know how to communicate with people. If you don't talk to the Holy Spirit, then you will be a stranger to,


and the Holy Spirit will be a stranger to you. The Bible very clearly, and sister have fellowship with the Holy Spirit.

When I stand before the golden candlestick, I pray to the Holy Spirit, "I love you, I admire you, I depend upon you, and I can't handle this situation. You are the one who has all the power. Let's go together. Let's go dear Holy Spirit."

Even today before I came here, I said to the Holy Spirit, "let's go, let's go, dear Holy Spirit. I am going to lecture to these brethren who came from foreign countries. Let's go together."

The Shewbread

When I finish my worship in front of the golden candlestick, I turned to the right side where the shewbread should be every morning; steaming hot shewbread is for God. Fresh shewbread is placed on this table every day.

Shewbread is a symbol of the word of God. You can't live with yesterday's work of God. You must say, "Yesterday I studied so much that today I can live on that study." No, every day fresh new steaming shewbread must be spread. Every day you must have a new revelation of God in your heart. You must read the word of God every day. I say to the Lord, "Lord, I envy the word of God. I admire and love the word of God I long after the word of God. I've read, I study, I believe, I act, I thank you, and I want to teach this word of God. So, Lord give me a fresh new revelation in my heart. My heart is panting for the word of God. Please give me new revelation."

When I pray In This Way, God always gives me a revelation. I have been in my ministry for 38 years but even now, I struggle for the next Sunday's message. My wife does not understand my heart. She says, "You have been ministry for 38 years. When you open your mouth, the word of God just flows out of your mouth, so why do you worry?" I answer, "you don't understand me."

I am dying every week for a new message. For 38 years I have been dying for the message. God would not give me two or three messages at one time. God only gives me daily bread, weekly messages. So I am forced to pray every week for the message. Every week I cry, think God kissing the message for the word of God.

It's not easy to receive the word of God. Many ministers are failing in their ministry because they are presenting stale message so people cannot eat. But if the pastor really praise and brings a steaming fresh, delicious, juicy message from the word of God, then people would come to his church.

So, don't give up on old bread. Always ask God to give you new bread daily.


Incense Altar

When I come to the center, there is the incense altar. They burned incense here 24 hours a day. The sanctuary was filled with incense. The incense is praise and prayer to the Heavenly Father.

I come to this place and pray, "I really appreciate you. You delivered me from sin. You delivered me from worldliness. You delivered me from sickness. You delivered me from the curse. You delivered me from death. You are the God who is the foundation of my life. You're the purpose of my life. You are the value of my life. I worship you, the God who created the heavens and the earth and all things in them. I worship you. I thank you."

I sing praises to the Lord, and then I began to speak in tongues for a long time. When you can express yourself in your no language, the best way is to revert to tongues. I come to the heavenly Father at the incense Altar; I speak in tongues for about 20 or 30 min. That helps me.

Ark of the Covenant

Now, I see the curtains part. When Jesus Christ said, "It is finished", the veil between the Holy of Holies in the Holy place was torn apart. God opened up the Holy of Holies and invited people to come and. Through the blood of Jesus Christ, we cannot enter the Holy of Holies were God's throne is.

I walked into the Holy of Holies and see the Shekinah glory. I see the throne of God. I see the Ark of the Covenant.

In the Old Testament, God gave the Ark of the Covenant. Once a year the high priest brought the blood and sprinkled it on top of the golden plates of the Ark of the Covenant. That purchased Israel one Whole year as God's chosen people. Notice one point very clearly. The high priest would come, and make a yearly covenant with God through the sprinkled blood, God chose Israel as a chosen nation for one more year, but that blood only covered one year.

When the Israelites personally committed any sin, then they should come to the brazen altar and offer the element of blood every time. That was a personal relationship between them and God.

But as a nation, the high priest would come and make a covenant with the blood.

Jesus Christ shed his blood and sprinkled his blood on that golden plate in the holy of holies. The blood of Jesus is eternal, and his covenant is eternal. So when you cast the blood of Jesus Christ, your salvation is eternal. You are eternally forgiven. You are eternally declared righteous. You are eternally saved. You are eternally blessed. That is the difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament.


In the Old Testament, through the blood covenant, the people were beloved by God for one year. Every year, freshly, the high priest would go into the holy of holies and renew the covenant with the blood of animals. We don't need to do that now.

Jesus Christ went once, and His covenant is eternal: His sacrifice is an eternal sacrifice: His blood is eternal blood. So when Jesus went into the Holy of Holies for us, he made a new covenant with God, and that covenant covers eternity, from eternity to eternity.

Whosoever trusts in the Lord Jesus Christ has a covenant with God eternally. The covenant is forgiving your sins without setting any conditions. That makes your righteousness without any conditions, and gives you salvation without any conditions. All you have to do is believe in God.

When you sin, then every day you must confess your sins. That is your permanent relationship between God and you. Through Christ's sacrifice in the Holy of Holies through the blood, you are eternally saved. If you don't renew your fellowship with God, every day confessing your sins, then you will not have intimate fellowship with God. This is very very serious.

When I was born into my family, I was born and named Cho. That is all. I can't become cam again. I was born in chose family so I am Cho. That cannot change. Still I must obey my parents to have fellowship with him. If I don't have fellowship with him, even though I am Cho, they won't give me any other thing. They feed me, but they won't answer my other requests. When I have good fellowship with them, then they give me everything, but if I don't have fellowship, then they will always help me.

Through Jesus we are saved, but every day we must confess our sins and keeping good fellowship with Jesus Christ.

When I come to the holy of holies see the blood of the Ark of the Covenant, I am in the presence of God. I am right in front of the throne of God. There I pray all things I want to receive from the Lord and thank him for them. I pray, "I am eternally forgiven. I'm eternally declared righteous. I am eternally saved. I am eternally blessed by his blood covenant. I think you dear heavenly father, I am now your family member is my father. I am his child and I joy in the triune God. I am living in the holy of holies. Father, now I have many requests I want you to hear them and help me."

So when you come all the way through to the presence of God. There you can spend many hours if you would like to offer your heart to the Lord. Many people, when they come into the presence of God, just want to ask him to do things for them. But it takes a long procession through the brazen altar, the Laver, the golden candlestick, through the shewbread, through the incense altar, then into the holy of holies. This is the process to approach the heavenly


father. To approach the heavenly father, you must take time to go through this procession step by step.

Every morning it takes me one hour to pray according to this tabernacle prayer. When I have finished his prayer, I feel the fullness of the Holy Spirit, during the daytime, after lunch, I pray according to the tabernacle prayer. In the evening before I retire, I can pray according to the tabernacle prayer.

This prayer is according to God's plan, and God clearly accepts the prayer offered through this tabernacle prayer. So, I am convinced in my heart this prayer gets results. Don't worry about regular prayer.

Generally, we who live in the middle class don't have very many things to ask of God. We have clothing. We have food. We have a home. We have a family.

So, when you want to pray more than one hour, you don't have any words to say. My people say, "Pastor, when I pray for 10 min., there is nothing left to speak." I asked them, "What do you do then?" "I only say, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah," that is not a prayer. That is praise. Praise is good, but you must still pray to release your spirit.

You must learn a different way to approach God and repeat that form again and again. I call this prayer the jogging course. We invest many prayers along the jogging course: Free prayer, Goal minded prayer, Ripple prayer, the Lord's Prayer, the Tabernacle prayer.

When you jog, you must know the course ahead, and then you can jog properly for 30 min., one hour, two hours or three hours, etc. So when I pray, this tabernacle course in prayer, it takes me one hour. If I want to pray another prayer I add a Lord’s Prayer. Then, I pray relationship prayer, but this takes too long to explain at this time

So, I just feed many forms of prayer and can now pray one hour, two hours, three hours, four hours, or five hours. However, if you don't have these definite prayer forms, you are confused and can't play well. By understanding all the forms of prayer, you can and one prayer form to another.