the teddington society newsletter t i d i n g s€¦ · the teddington society newsletter t i d i n...

THE TEDDINGTON SOCIETY NEWSLETTER T I D I N G S Helping to make Teddington even better Number 162 Autumn 2013 Recognise this? See page 12 Letter from the Chair The Teddington Society will be celebrating its 40 years of existence with a party at the Landmark centre on 5 th October. It will be an evening of fun and entertainment. Since the first small beginnings in 1973, the Society has had the objectives of safeguarding the character of Teddington as a friendly place in which to live and work, and to enhance the natural and built environment of the town. My earliest recollections are of being part of the History group and painstakingly helping to make a record of Teddington’s buildings. Since that modest beginning, many splendid people have devoted time and energy to opening their gardens, arranging events, commenting on planning proposals, removing graffiti and litter and improving parking facilities as well as the enormously successful publication of our magazine “Tidings”. We have also, through our various activities (especially “Teddington in Flower”), been able to raise funds which have contributed to many local charities and good causes. The current executive committee is no less dedicated than its predecessors and our commitments have progressively increased to include the successful Teddington Fair this year for the first time and the 150 th Anniversary Celebrations of the Railway Station. I am enormously grateful to all the members of the Executive Committee and the other helpers who rally round on so many occasions to ensure our continuing success. Jenny Hilton Contents: From the Editor 2 Volunteers wanted 2 Membership matters 3 New Members 3 Exec. Committee Report 3 Tidings Schedules 3 Station Anniversary - Part 3 4 Reports from the Groups 5 Village Fair 8 Teddington In Flower 9 Police Liaison Group Report 10 Midnight Pyjama Walk 10 Great Fire of Teddington 11 Stickmaking 12 Teddington River Festival 12 NPL Advanced Metrology Lab 12 Teddington Sub Aqua Club 13 New Book review 13 Horse Rangers Donation 13 Business Exchange 14 Quiz Corner 15 Events 16 The Teddington Society The Teddington Society The Teddington Society The Teddington Society 40th Birthday 40th Birthday 40th Birthday 40th Birthday Celebration Celebration Celebration Celebration Saturday October 5th Saturday October 5th Saturday October 5th Saturday October 5th Landmark Landmark Landmark Landmark Arts Arts Arts ArtsCentre Centre Centre Centre 7.30 7.30 7.30 7.30 pm pm pm pm to 11.00 to 11.00 to 11.00 to 11.00 pm pm pm pm Tickets £15 Tickets £15 Tickets £15 Tickets £15 Bring yourself and your friends and Bring yourself and your friends and Bring yourself and your friends and Bring yourself and your friends and join us for an evening of fun and c join us for an evening of fun and c join us for an evening of fun and c join us for an evening of fun and celebration elebration elebration elebration Welcome drink and nibbles Hot Buffet (from 8.30 pm) Entertainment Live Music Raffle Pay Bar please book your tickets for the birthday celebration by please book your tickets for the birthday celebration by please book your tickets for the birthday celebration by please book your tickets for the birthday celebration by 15 September using the b 15 September using the b 15 September using the b 15 September using the booking form inside ooking form inside ooking form inside ooking form inside

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Page 1: THE TEDDINGTON SOCIETY NEWSLETTER T I D I N G S€¦ · THE TEDDINGTON SOCIETY NEWSLETTER T I D I N G S Helping to make Teddington even better Number 162 Autumn 2013 Recognise this?


T I D I N G S Helping to make Teddington even better

Number 162 Autumn 2013

Recognise this?

See page 12

Letter from the Chair The Teddington Society will be celebrating its 40 years of existence with a party at the Landmark centre on 5

th October. It will be an evening of fun and

entertainment. Since the first small beginnings in 1973, the Society has had the objectives of safeguarding the character of Teddington as a friendly place in which to live and work, and to enhance the natural and built environment of the town. My earliest recollections are of being part of the History group and painstakingly helping to make a record of Teddington’s buildings. Since that modest beginning, many splendid people have devoted time and energy to opening their gardens, arranging events, commenting on planning proposals, removing graffiti and litter and improving parking facilities as well as the enormously successful publication of our magazine “Tidings”. We have also, through our various activities (especially “Teddington in Flower”), been able to raise funds which have contributed to many local charities and good causes. The current executive committee is no less dedicated than its predecessors and our commitments have progressively increased to include the successful Teddington Fair this year for the first time and the 150

th Anniversary Celebrations of the Railway Station. I am enormously grateful

to all the members of the Executive Committee and the other helpers who rally round on so many occasions to ensure our continuing success.

Jenny Hilton

Contents: From the Editor 2

Volunteers wanted 2

Membership matters 3

New Members 3

Exec. Committee Report 3

Tidings Schedules 3

Station Anniversary - Part 3 4

Reports from the Groups 5

Village Fair 8

Teddington In Flower 9

Police Liaison Group Report 10

Midnight Pyjama Walk 10

Great Fire of Teddington 11

Stickmaking 12

Teddington River Festival 12

NPL Advanced Metrology Lab 12

Teddington Sub Aqua Club 13

New Book review 13

Horse Rangers Donation 13

Business Exchange 14

Quiz Corner 15

Events 16

The Teddington SocietyThe Teddington SocietyThe Teddington SocietyThe Teddington Society

40th Birthday40th Birthday40th Birthday40th Birthday CelebrationCelebrationCelebrationCelebration Saturday October 5thSaturday October 5thSaturday October 5thSaturday October 5th

Landmark Landmark Landmark Landmark ArtsArtsArtsArtsCentreCentreCentreCentre

7.30 7.30 7.30 7.30 pmpmpmpm to 11.00 to 11.00 to 11.00 to 11.00 pmpmpmpm

Tickets £15 Tickets £15 Tickets £15 Tickets £15

Bring yourself and your friends and Bring yourself and your friends and Bring yourself and your friends and Bring yourself and your friends and join us for an evening of fun and cjoin us for an evening of fun and cjoin us for an evening of fun and cjoin us for an evening of fun and celebrationelebrationelebrationelebration

Welcome drink and nibbles Hot Buffet (from 8.30 pm)

Entertainment Live Music Raffle Pay Bar

please book your tickets for the birthday celebration byplease book your tickets for the birthday celebration byplease book your tickets for the birthday celebration byplease book your tickets for the birthday celebration by 15 September using the b15 September using the b15 September using the b15 September using the booking form insideooking form insideooking form insideooking form inside

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We know that many of you would like to get more involved in Society activities. The responses we’ve had so far calling for volunteers has been magnificent – the Station group, PLG reporting, library volunteers, Communications team - provided we don’t ask too much. From our appeals last time, the library has extra volunteers to deliver to the housebound, and Teddington Bowls Club had almost 40 for their Open Days (many from reading Tidings) and they now have at least 7 new members.

This time we have some specific requests:

(1) The Planning Group is looking for additional members (see p.7);

(2) We’d like to add to our back-up team for delivery of Tidings (see p.3):

(3) Our Riverside & Open Spaces Group is seeking new members (see p.6)

(4) Our new Communications Team has met a couple of times now and we would welcome some more members to join this friendly group and share the coffee/tea/biscuits/cake (and toss around new ideas). We’re particularly keen to look at how we keep in touch with members and how we can increase our social events. No experience necessary – just ideas wanted.

If you’d like to put your toe in the water for any of these things, or would just like some more information, let me know and I’ll pass it on to the appropriate people. STOP PRESS The Teddington Riverside Artists was formed at the behest of the TedSoc some 21 years ago. The artists are still willing but their coordinator has had to step down. It would be tragic if Teddington loses it’s only Art Group who encompass all regardless of ability. Is there anyone out there who can help – maybe even on a shared basis? Either contact me or Marcia Hughes on 8977 7232 – PLEASE HELP!

Mike Woods

Teddington Society 21 Teddington Park Teddington TW11 8DB

Registered Charity No. 802026

Vice-Presidents Roger Avins John Demont Joan Freeman

Chair Jenny Hilton [email protected]

Vice Chairman Sheena Harold [email protected]

Secretary Josette Nikiforou 020 8977 9037


Treasurer Sally Howland 020 8977 9404

Publicity & Promotions (incl. Gardens) Sheena Harold 020 8977 2700

Newsletter Editor Mike Woods 020 8977 5642

Minutes Secretary Mike Lloyd 07552 760 992 Membership Secretary Jenny Michell 020 8977 0772 [email protected]

Events Organiser Angela Carvill 020 8977 0167

CONVENORS Corporate Liaison Bhavna Patel 020 8977 3793

Environment Geoff Howland 020 8977 9404

Historical Research Ken Howe 020 8943 1513

Planning Brian Lane 020 8943 0811

[email protected] (first contact only)

Riverside and Open Spaces Ann Sayer 020 8977 9495

Roads and Transport Brian Holder 020 8977 1579

Communications Team

Mike Woods 020 8977 5642

From the Editor

Celebrating 40 years

A milestone for the Teddington Society - 40 years ago some local residents decided that “strength in numbers” was good advice and so, in 1973, the Teddington Society was born. The Society has made its presence felt and our 40

th anniversary supplement will tell you all

about our achievements over that time. If you have any memories, photos, etc from 40 years ago that you would like to share with us, please send them to your Editor.

And don’t forget to come and join the fun at the Landmark on Saturday 5

th October. Renew old acquaintances, make new ones,

reminisce about the “good old days”. In particular, we would like our newer members to come along. You can be sure of a warm welcome. If you don’t know anybody at the beginning of the evening you can guarantee that you will have made a lot of new friends by the end.

Tell Us Your Stories

We regularly print articles from our Groups but not very often from individual members. But many of you have interesting tales to tell. On p.12 this time is an article from Tyrell Marris. I had no hesitation in finding space for it. What I’d like is more from you – our members. Don’t worry about not being a writer – we can always help. So what about it? Who’d like to keep the ball rolling – even if it’s just an idea?

[email protected] tel: 8977 5642

Copy deadline for the next issue is 20th October


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MEMBERSHIP MATTERS Thank you to all those members who have renewed their membership, sent standing order forms for subsequent years and have sent in Gift Aid forms. Thanks also to those people who have updated their details and supplied us with their email address. If you have an email address and are NOT receiving the newly introduced Teddington Society Calendar every month please email [email protected] so we can add you to the mailing list.

Only 26 residential members have not responded to correspondence along with a few of our corporate members.

The subscription rates went up this year after many years at a lower level, consequently we would like those who pay by standing order to change these to reflect the new subscriptions ready for January 2014. All members who have supplied us with an email address and who need to make a change will be emailed a reminder during September.

Subscription rates for 2013 and 2014:

Individual £7 Joint/family £11 Senior £4 Joint senior £5 Postage for Tidings £2.50

Corporate Membership £25 (unchanged) Jenny Michell

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORT One of the requests from the membership survey we undertook was that members would like to have a brief report on what the Executive Committee has been discussing. Obviously some of those things will appear in the Group reports and in other contributions that appear in Tidings. What we have below are those issues that are not covered elsewhere.

This is our first offering. If you would like more information on any of the issues, let me know and I will pass it on to the right quarters. More importantly, if you would like to add your thoughts or suggestions to our discussions, PLEASE LET US KNOW - we need your input.

If you want to contribute but would prefer not to be identified to the Committee, just let me know and I will convey your comments to the Committee – with no names, no pack drill.


(1) Feedback from our AGM (as on some previous occasions) was that the sound quality for the guest speaker was variable because of the use of a hand-mike and the display screen was so low that most people could not see all or even most of the display. These issues need to be addressed for future AGMs.

(2) Numbers attending the AGM and the New Year Party seem to be falling. On the other hand, over 100 members come to the Xmas Lunches and some of the visits have to be repeated because they are oversubscribed. Is it the nature of the talks, reluctance to turn out on a cold winter’s evening, not knowing people or other factors?

(3) A documented procedure on charitable donations has been discussed and adopted by the Committee so that the whole process becomes more transparent. All proposals for donations must be supported by a written case which has to be discussed and agreed by the whole Committee. This must be done before fund raising begins. We

also need to keep our reserves at a reasonable level.

(4) Similarly, there is now a documented procedure and guidance on the maximum level of expenditure that can be committed without discussion and approval by the whole Committee.

(5) As well as restructuring the Committee meetings so that they concentrate on issues and avoid being a talking shop, the Committee intends to devote one meeting a year to set out a forward plan for that year.

(6) The need for a map of Teddington or an additional community notice board to be put up in town is being discussed. Options, costs, etc will be explored.

(7) A new membership leaflet is being designed.

(8) A 40th Anniversary Supplement is planned and

committee members are producing copy for this. Input from members will also be appreciated.


We welcome the following new members:

Mr & Mrs Heaver Rob Williams & AnneMarie Berggreen

Miss Jenny Clayton

Mr & Mrs Borchard

Mr Small

Mr David Smith

Miss Giang Nguyen

Mr & Mrs King Jamie Hutchinson & Elspeth Rendall

Tabitha White

Mr & Mrs Bullock

Mr & Mrs Aggarwal

Mrs Niamh Mugford

Vicky Phillips & Richard Lupo

Mr & Mrs Musson Mr Kearney & Mrs Woolf

Distribution of Tidings Occasionally, some of you get your copy of Tidings some days after your friends and you ask if you have missed out. You haven’t of course but the distribution of Tidings depends on volunteers and there can always be hiccups (holidays, illness, etc.). Normally we’d expect to get Tidings to the delivery teams by the 10

th of the month (Feb,

May, Aug, Nov) but please be patient if you don’t get it immediately – we are all human. Of course, if we have a back-up group of volunteers we can call on occasionally to help us out, that would really help. So if you could offer to help, please let our Membership Secretary, Jenny Michell, know and she will coordinate with our Distribution Secretary, Belinda Heal.

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Queen Victoria was an early visitor to Teddington station, travelling from Windsor in the splendid state saloon, accompanied by the Prince and Princess of Wales en route to Claremont at Esher to visit Marie, the former Queen of France. The Morning Post on November 15th 1864 records that the departure from Teddington station of the Queen, still dressed in deep mourning, was witnessed by a large number of spectators.


Part 3: The Railway Arrives …And so the good people of Teddington had their own train service - no more trekking to Surbiton or Twickenham! The first of the roughly hourly services left Teddington at 06.50 reaching Waterloo at 07.36. City workers had a direct service as some trains ran to Ludgate Hill (City Thameslink).

With the opening of the line from Kingston to New Malden in January 1869, steam operated trains now ran a service round the loop - Waterloo to Waterloo, and did so for another 45 years.

1864 saw Fulwell added to the railway map as the Thames Valley Line opened to Shepperton. Although it was not until 1901 that Shepperton trains were routed to London via Teddington – to this day a number of Shepperton trains each way to/from London are routed via Richmond. At about the same time, smarter trains fitted with electric light appeared; the journey to town still taking around 45 minutes – still with a small steam tank engine at the front.

For forty years, the LSWR (London & South Western Railway) had no serious competition for its services. Its monopolistic attitude might also be described as complacent. In 1901, London United Tramways started a service from Hammersmith via Brentford to Hounslow and by April 1903 the trams were running to Teddington. In a copy of the fight that the railway had incurred in the 1830s, after a long legal

battle with Kingston Council, the first tram rolled over the river into that town in March 1906. The electric tramcars were quiet and clean; they also ran along High Streets where they could deposit or collect their passengers much nearer to their homes or places of work than the railway did: Worse still, tram fares undercut those of the railway! These plush new trams enticed so many people from the trains that LSWR receipts dropped 60% on the Hounslow route. The ever monopolistic LSWR

management took several years to respond.

The LSWR was already heavily committed to major projects such as extra tracks between Clapham Junction and Waterloo and the huge rebuilding of Waterloo Station itself. The way to recapture the local passenger market was to electrify (literally and figuratively) the suburban services.

In January 1912, a new General Manager, Herbert Walker, realised the predicament, rapidly investigated and sought approval to electrify the South Western's entire suburban network. 600 volts DC power was supplied to trains using a third-rail system fed from a company-owned power station at Wimbledon (on the site of the current train care depot).

The first electric service using 3-coach trains between Waterloo - East Putney - Wimbledon ran in October 1915 and by the start of 1916, electric trains were running to Teddington, Shepperton, Richmond & Kingston.

Elegant new-age green trains with gold lined panelling, in marked contrast to the dark chocolate and salmon pink of their (steam-hauled) predecessors, conveyed 1

st and 3


class passengers. Best was the new timetable. Six trains an hour via Kingston, four round the loop and two to Shepperton, and four via Richmond. The journey from Waterloo was advertised to take 30 minutes, comparing favourably with the 37 minutes taken by some of the trains today and slicing fully 15 minutes off the timing of the steam-hauled service.

The LSWR's independence ended with the Railways Act of 1921, which combined it with the other two major railways in southern Britain forming the Southern Railway. Under the Southern, Teddington acquired a much improved waiting room on the Station Road side and a roof to the footbridge. The service continued much as it had in 1916 – even the 1940 'emergency' timetable shows 4 trains per hour each way to London

Post war, the nationalisation of the railways brought little noticeable change; even the new trains which appeared in the 50's had the same compartment layout as their predecessors. The 70's saw the closure of the goods yard, where Hall & Co and Comforts had their coal merchant businesses (the latter’s office now occupied by Teddington Cheese). As all local signalling came under one control centre at Feltham, colour light signals replaced semaphores and lots of local signal boxes were closed and demolished as well as level crossings at Somerset Road and Bushy Park Road (where the footbridges are today and the old posts for the gates are still visible!).

The next change saw new trains from the mid-1980s with air suspension and power doors: If you look at the old posters on the stairs to the Teddington-bound platform at Richmond, you will see a poster dated 1986 telling people how to open and close the doors. You may laugh, but it hadn’t changed in the previous 125 years or so!

And to the future: 10-car trains will be with us in a few months easing the morning and evening crush; our beloved 1980s trains will be refurbished internally and have their electrical equipment modernised; Waterloo will gain a platform 20 during 2014 and the low numbered platforms will be lengthened in the foreseeable future. 12-car trains? One day possibly. New trains? Wait 15-20 years…

150 years of improvement? Maybe. Nowadays the waiting room offers rather nice coffee and snacks, we have a taxi firm on the premises and the South West Trains staff are exceptionally helpful and courteous. However, the toilets in which to dispose of surplus coffee are long shut, and the train service is slower and less frequent than that of 97 years ago. That's progress!

Terry Bray and Nick Lewin

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Ken Howe 8943 1513 [email protected]

Since the last newsletter, we have been heavily involved with the 150th Anniversary of the opening of the L&SW railway extension of the line from Twickenham to Kingston and the opening of Teddington Station. The picture above show our local MP, Vince Cable, unveiling the commemorative plaque in the booking hall.

Although the day did not run to the original plan - we could not get a ride-on railway in Station Road despite obtaining Council permission and SW Trains would not allow the model steam railway to be set up on the car park in Adelaide and Victoria Roads – however, the alternative venue of St John Ambulance Hall proved to be the ideal setting for the Tinmen Street railway and they did us proud. This was more than just a Group achievement as many members of other groups were pulled in to give their help and contribute to what turned out to be a very successful day. Who can forget Alan Hopgood (right) in period dress at the Station. Corporate members The Park Lane Riding Stables and The Park Hotel pitched in and the Salvation Army band played all afternoon. Especial thanks go to Sheena Harold, Brian Holder and Pamela McCutcheon.

The picture below shows our colleagues from SWT joining the celebrations and without whom the day would not have been possible.

The library approached us to arrange a talk on the coming of the railway to Teddington and at the same time, I tried to extend this to Hampton Wick library. At Teddington we organised a small exhibition to accompany the talk which was fixed for 25th June. It was sold out about a week beforehand and I agreed to give a repeat talk on 2nd July. This was also a sell out and I understand about 20 people in Teddington and Hampton Wick have their names down if a third talk should happen. The exhibition was taken to the St John's Ambulance Hall on Sunday 30th June and video footage shows several people reading the panels. Hampton Hill could not mount a talk but have prepared a very good exhibition which will run until the end of August. They have also produced an excellent commemorative booklet, priced £3.00 and available from the library. We are in the process of doing the same and will probably arrange a further talk at the end of August, when our brochure should be available.

Alan Benns has also produced two excellent videos. One is of the unveiling and the second shows the Tinmen Street railway in operation. Well worth a visit at: (Unveiling) (Tinmen)

The massed ranks awaiting the unveiling

The Tinmen explain the finer details

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Our usual enquiries seem very mundane by comparison and include a history of the Riding Stables

(above) in Park Lane, an enquiry about the Wells family of Arlington Road from a relative in Tasmania, the spelling of Bushy or Bushey Park and how it came about and the Teddington connection to a book "Our Indian Summer in the Far West" by Samuel Nugent Townsend, published in 1880; this one from the USA.

Some of our Group have been working with the Planning Group to form a Directory of Buildings of Townscape Merit. This is based on the Borough list of such buildings and using our own 1973/7 Road Survey. A lot of legwork is involved. We are not even half way through the roads and will probably be working on this until the end of the year.

Looking ahead, we are examining the files of the late Valerie Sullivan who was recording and researching the names of all the fallen of the armed forces from Teddington on all of the war memorials. We hope to be able to produce something to fall in with the Heritage Lottery Fund initiative of publishing something to commemorate the begining of the First World War. We are also planning a third history board for the western end of town but this is in its very early stages.

Riverside & Open Spaces

Ann Sayer 8977 9495 [email protected]

We are in search of new members. If you are interested in the riverside and Teddington’s open spaces we would like to hear from you with your ideas, interest and

perhaps practical effort.

For 51 weeks of the year the Riverside Group cleans the Drawdock beside Teddington Lock footbridge and the surrounding area. On the 52nd weekend (in June) the Environment Group comes in en masse and spreads far and wide over to the Ham bank to carry out a bigger litter pick. It makes for a very enjoyable occasion in a lovely spot.

This year the Drawdock has a larger than ever area of wild plants. The enormous spherical heads of the Angelica and now the striking Purple Loosestrife flower spikes have been a joy to wild flower lovers. Do you like such a wild area there? We would like to hear your opinions.

It seems likely that the appearance of the riverside may change over the next few years. Haymarket Media Group which owns Teddington Studios is losing its Pinewood tenant and is planning to consolidate all its operations into a new building on the Richmond College re-development site. The emerging concept layout is shown below.

Haymarket has owned the Teddington Studios site since 2004 and currently has 650 staff based there. The new scheme is for 3 blocks of flats and a small number of houses to be built. A riverside walk would be included, possibly featuring plaques similar to those at present on the Broom Road frontage. There have already been two open sessions at the Landmark where residents have been invited to make comments on the scheme. Please make your views known as future occasions arise. Visit


Michael Foss Contact point: Brian Lane 8943 0811 or email to [email protected]

Teddington Riverside

Members may have seen in the press the proposed developments on the Teddington Studios site. More details are given in Ann Sayer’s Riverside and Open Spaces report above. This proposal raises many questions and we will be contacting Haymarket’s planners. We would also welcome input from other members of the society.

Sainsbury’s Store

In the last two issues of Tidings we commented at length on this application. It finally came before the Council’s Planning Committee on 25

th July. The Council’s planning

officers had recommended a refusal, on the change of use to a foodstore, on traffic and parking grounds. Because of the far-reaching implications of the scheme we decided to speak at the Planning Committee meeting, and did so alongside a barrister engaged by the ‘Say NO to Sainsbury’s’ campaign, which mounted a massive campaign to mobilise opposition, and Alison Davey of the Teddington Business Community.

The barrister, Juan Lopez, focused on the traffic and parking implications. The Society’s arguments were essentially those already set out in the Spring & Summer

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issues of Tidings: the danger to the historic core of Teddington with its Listed buildings, and the threat to the vitality and the very existence of our remarkable range of independent High Street shops with their fine Victorian frontages. We have conclusive evidence that the store could attract as many as 7-10,000 customers a week, so its impact would be huge. The society does not oppose the implantation of a Sainsbury’s store per se, and has suggested alternative sites – where it is situated is the issue.

The application was REFUSED UNANIMOUSLY by the Planning Committee.

Teddington School

In conformity with the Council’s policy of creating sixth forms in its secondary schools an application (reference: 13/1365/HOT) has been submitted for Teddington School (below) to build a sixth form block, facing onto Trowlock Way. Whilst we consider that the new building will marry quite well with the main school buildings, we are concerned at what seems a very inadequate Transport Plan, given that the number of pupils is expected to rise

from 1220 to 1440; staff numbers are scheduled to rise by only 10, an implausibly low number. We believe on-site parking provision needs to be thoroughly reviewed in order to minimise the already serious problems of parking in neighbouring streets.

High Street

We have for some time been unhappy with the state of both the pavements and the carriageway in the High Street. We planned to take this up with the council, and Lo! TfL is funding a complete relaying of both elements of the streetscape, from Langham Road to Elmfield Avenue.

Planning Group

Although the group has very healthy numbers, we would welcome new members. Anyone interested should contact Brian Lane ([email protected]).


Sheena Harold 8977 2700 [email protected]

Teddington In Flower

What with the awful weather at the beginning of the year and June 2nd being on top of half term it was not the best Sunday to choose and next year we'll go on a week to June 8th. However it was a bright sunny day when 9 gardens opened for us: Kitty Wass, Dick & Gilly Hughes, Caroline & Peter Sayer, Janet & David Pollock, Alan Drake, Helga & Michael Foss, Nick & Ruth Fenton & our Chair, Jenny Hilton. They put on a fabulous floral display for us all. Sian Morgan and Caroline Sayer found

gate sitters who risked sunstroke collecting money. Maria Pemberton designed a lovely poster and Alan Benns went round photographing all the gardens. His pictures will be on the website. Cllr Clare Head represented the Mayor of Richmond and visited all the gardens culminating at St Mary's Parish Church for Evensong when the Bishop of Kensington blessed the new oak doors at the Vestry entrance, South Porch and West End. The church gardens looked particularly lovely for the Rt. Rev. Paul Williams' visit. June Demont raised £400 from church teas. which is going as usual to Home-Start Richmond. Our gardens raised nearly £1000 which will go to 3 good causes: Community Gardening courses for Teddingtonians at Strawberry Hill House, establishing a Plant Nursery for the Woodland Gardens in Bushy Park and buying a solar panel for Teddington School. We hope you approve our choice.

Elmfield & Jubilee Gardens

Some work has been done in Jubilee Gardens in front of the Travelodge Hotel. When planting is completed and we can see what the new, more open scheme looks like, there will be more discussions with the Council. This is all being funded with development money. Work should begin shortly improving Elmfield Gardens by removing some unnecessary fencing, opening up the seating area and grassing the brick extension in front of Harlequin House towards Elmfield Avenue together with a lot of new planting. The Parks Department has given us a flower tower again. The Planning Group think little Art Exhibitions could be held there and we agree. Perhaps you can think of other uses.

Richmond In Bloom

Again affected by the weather, entries were a little down this year and a great deal of colour was missing when we judged in June. However there were entries from Teddington whom we wish well for the Awards Night in October. London In Bloom judging took place in July when I showed the judges just how pretty Waldegrave Road and the High Street looked. How well we do in LiB will affect our entry for Britain in Bloom which is the highlight of the competitions. This year, hanging baskets are being provided by Continental Landscapes as part of their LBRuT horticultural contract.

Hampton Court Palace Flower Show

Our Corporate members were well represented at Hampton Court by Squires Garden Centres as well as Mela Mela and Elements (see page 14). Colin & Sarah Squire won Silver Gilt for their Miniature Old English Garden in the Floral Marquee. Colin has exhibited and won medals every year since it started. Next year Gold?

Permanent Fir Tree

An application was made to the Council for an 18ft evergreen Norway spruce tree to be planted in the triangular deciduous wood next to the Methodist Church. This is council land not church land as many may think. The application was turned down as being totally unsuitable. We support the Teddington Christmas Lights Committee in wanting to light two living trees at the apex to match those in Elmfield Gardens & Jubilee Gardens in order to unite the whole town in Christmas spirit.

(Group reports continue on page 10)

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VILLAGE FAIR? NO, FABULOUS!! The Village Fair was a triumph for the triumvirate who organised it - the Society, the Parish Church and Landmark Arts Centre. We worked with so many helpful and willing volunteers that our first joint venture was a SUCCESS! Very often it's not a case of what you know, but who you know and between us we knew practically everyone in Teddington and how they rallied round. We drew on the experience of our 5 Lions, who’d worked on the Fair for several years. A big thank you to Brian, Pip, John, David and Graham. The Church & the Landmark generously gave their share of profits to us giving us a fair amount to donate to the St. John Ambulance in Park Road.

Sheena Harold

Our task was to inject something a little different into the

event - an outdoor theatre show. Worldwide performers,

Scarabeus Aerial Theatre, had a new family show based on

a French children’s book – La Tempesta. The glade of trees

in the gardens made the perfect natural theatre space.

Street theatre is free to watch & expensive to mount, so

we are indebted to Gosling Foundation, Haymarket Media,

Lensbury, National Physical Laboratory and Byrne Group

for donating funds to ensure the show could go on. We are

already looking at potential shows for next year! Thank you

to all the volunteers who helped steward the show and

clear up afterwards.

Lesley Bossine, Manager at the Landmark

The theme this year was quintessentially English with

bunting and traditional games. There was a huge amount of

support from local organisations, including the Teddington

Lifeboat crew and Park Lane Stables. The abundance of

stalls and activities, coupled with excellent pre-event

organisation ensured an impressive turn out. In fact lots

of smiling parents and some tired crying children were still

enjoying the Fair well after the 5pm 'final curtain'. Hats

off to the organisers and see you there next year

Rev Joe Moffatt

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St Marys Church

Kitty Wass,52 Somerset Road

34 Kingston Lane

Alma Cottage

78 Cambridge Road

59 St Winifreds Road

21 Teddington Park

18 Teddington Park

20 Teddington Park

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TEDDINGTON POLICE LIAISON GROUP (PLG) Dedication to duty: All present had torn themselves away from a very exciting Wimbledon men’s semi-final match in order to attend the meeting at Elleray Hall on 3 July 2013!

Three priorities have been set for the next 4 months

• Burglary - with particular emphasis on non-residential burglaries - sheds and garages (mainly tools and cycles). High visibility patrols continue with emphasis on expanding Neighbourhood Watch Schemes: Alice and Sandeep are making vast improvements on numbers of members. If you’d like to join a scheme, please contact your local SNT.

• Anti-social behaviour, especially by cyclists. Since the last meeting 5 tickets have been issued for anti-social behaviour by cyclists in the town. ASB is often linked to

school holidays and the neighbourhood team adjusts its shift patterns accordingly. The team are aware of groups gathering around Udney Hall Gardens and Cloisters Close

as well as near the Youth Club in Church Road. They are monitoring these and ask the public to report any concerns immediately.

• Crime prevention (specifically advice on leaving tempting items on display in cars, shops & homes). PCSO’s are visiting shops to emphasise that prevention is better than theft, encouraging use of the Town Link radio system and contacting car owners, asking them to remove items before someone else does.

Mo Mott & Judith Schomberg

You may recall last year our stalwart Committee member, Ann Sayer (r), put most us to shame and completed the Midnight Pyjama Walk in support of the Princess Alice Hospice. Having raised over £500 in donations last year, Ann has unselfishly decided to let others have the honour this year.

For this second year, back by popular demand, the walk is keeping the PJ theme. So, the organizers are looking for both walkers and sponsors. For the walkers, don’t forget your onesies, PJs and favourite teddy! Although it’s not compulsory. There are two routes, either 8 or 12 miles, going through the streets of Kingston, Teddington and Richmond and crossing the 3 bridges in those areas. Both routes start and finish at St Mary’s University College. If you want to take part or offer sponsorship for the walks which start at 10.00 pm on Saturday 7

th September, just

visit or call Chris or Julie on 01372 461855 or email [email protected].

(Group reports continued)


Geoff Howland 8977 9404 [email protected]

The Spring and early Summer has seen the TEG Group out and about Teddington in their yellow tabards litterpicking in and around the Railway Station on 27 April (as part of the GLA Capital Clean Up project), which earned a piece in the Richmond and Twickenham Times, in the vicinity of Cambridge Road, Teddington Park Road and Stanley Road on 8 June, and the ever popular Riverside pick on 21 June.

The group was busy all day at the Teddington Village Fair on 16 June litterpicking throughout the day and clearing up the site at the conclusion of the event (right).

John Roxby, a stalwart TEG member, provided drinking water at the fair for our carniverous canine quadruped friends which was much appreciated by them and their

owners and I am pleased to report that John designed and built a Mark II watering system for use at future events and that an even improved Mark III version is in the planning stage.

The yellow tabards have also been out clearing up the re-cycling sites at Cedar Road, Elmfield Avenue and Tesco's car park. However this task is a little like painting the Forth Railway Bridge - the site will be cleared up and looking tidy but within a day or so will resemble a bomb site. .

Roads and Transport

Brian Holder 8977 1579 [email protected]

No report received this time

Good News items

• A suspect for four linked non-residential burglary offences has been identified by using DNA traces found at the scene.

• At a local bank, an attempted fraud was foiled when the bank were suspicious and immediately called police. Although the offenders escaped when they saw police arriving, the crime was foiled.


Every week, fraudsters are still trying to get bank account details from local people, especially the elderly and vulnerable. The police advice is:

• NEVER give your bank details over the phone when someone has phoned you.

• The police would NEVER ask for your bank details over the phone.

• If you suspect a 'scam' please report it to ActionFraud on 03001 232 040 or enter the details at

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“Never before in the history of Teddington has there been such a disastrous fire as the one which broke out at the Town Hall in the early hours of Tuesday morning”

These were the opening lines of the report in the local press of the fire which took place on the night of 29 December, 1903. The building which went up in flames was a somewhat grandiose construction in the Causeway erected in 1886 by a Mr. W.G. Collier, who was a local resident and property speculator. The main feature of the building (named the Town Hall by the owner) was an imposing entrance at the junction of the Causeway and Middle Lane. The structure was described in the press report as being “of red brick with highly ornamental and carved dressings and was without doubt one of the prettiest and most artistic buildings in the town”.

This sad conflagration took place at the end of a period of fast expansion for Teddington. Since the railway came through in the 1860s, the population had increased tenfold and public services were hard pressed and expanding. In 1867 a Local Land Board took over the duties of the Vestry regarding these services and, in turn, in 1894, handed them over to the newly formed Teddington Urban District Council. This UDC only lasted until 1937, however, when it amalgamated with Twickenham, but traces of its existence can still be seen on some manhole covers which bear its name (there are two examples in Middle Lane).

Against this background Mr. Collier saw an opportunity to build himself a

speculative investment providing offices for the rapidly expanding Local Authority and, at the same time, providing a centre for the expanded community’s broader social needs. The building was completed in 1886 and provided office space for the Local Board. The greater part of the ground and first floors, however, were given over to recreational uses including a ballroom, a theatre (known in 1900 as the “Bijou Theatre of Varieties”) and shops on the Causeway frontage. In addition, the top floor provided a public hall for 1400 people. Fortuitously, as it turned out, the public hall was never licensed for public use and so was empty at the time of the fire.

At the time Mr. Collier built his town hall there were limited options for the provision of a public building in the centre of Teddington. In 1892, however, the situation changed as Elmfield House came on the market. After extended deliberation and much lobbying on behalf of Mr. Collier to extend the Board’s offices in the Town Hall building, the Board decided to buy Elmfield House and the purchase was completed in 1894. The newly formed Urban District Council took up occupation in its own freehold building in the following year.

We now return to the night of the fire when our breathless reporter records that “Mr. A.J. Wells junior was holding one of his dances in the Bijou Theatre section and at about ten minutes to ten one of the party …. gave the alarm. Fortunately there were three firemen at the dance …and without troubling to change their dress they at once commenced their attempt to extinguish the blaze”.

Unfortunately, the single elderly steam-powered pump and one manual pump available to them was inadequate and it was not until the fire pumps available at Twickenham, Richmond, Surbiton, Esher, Kingston and the Dittons arrived that eleven pumps - six steamers and five manuals - were available for use.

Our intrepid reporter continues “It is not usual for firemen to discharge their duties in evening dress but necessity and the firemen know no law. Their costumes provoked not a little merriment amongst their confreres”. Despite their efforts the building was completely gutted.

The after shock of the fire rumbled on in the UDC minutes for several years. In February 1904 the Chief Fire Officer reported that his fire engine, acquired in 1884, was quite inadequate for its purpose and proposed purchasing “An improved patent double cylinder vertical expansion steam engine capable of discharging 350-400 gallons per minute throwing a jet of 160 ft.”

Later that year Mr. Collier drew up plans to rebuild his dream and, concurrently, entered into negotiations with the Council to sell part or all of the site to them. The details of these negotiations and their outcome are not clear in the UDC minutes, but in December 1906 a minute appears stating that the proposed new Town Hall is “too costly”. Whether the insurance cover of the building was inadequate to cover the full cost of a replacement building or whether Mr. Collier just took the money and invested it elsewhere is unclear. The outcome

was that Teddington Urban District Council remained based at Elmfield House until amalgamation with Twickenham in 1937 and the site remained only partly redeveloped until recent times.

Gilly & Dick Hughes

(Photographs courtesy of Richmond Local Studies Collection)

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WHAT’S YOURS? Living in Teddington, we have many nearby places to enjoy. Country-like, there are Bushy, Richmond and Home Parks and culturally, there are plays to see at The Richmond Theatre, the Orange Tree and the Rose. Music too, and yet more entertainment at The Landmark Centre, the former hospital theatre at Normansfield and at Kingston Church. Those are a mere selection. But, as we age, infirmity increases and our mobility decreases. Then, it’s good to have an un-strenuous home based hobby, something creative, as an alternative to the relaxations offered by newspapers and books, TV and radio, CDs and DVDs, computers and their cousins.

Some people enjoy cooking or gardening, so transforming a necessity into a creative hobby. Teddington residents who open their gardens for others to admire are sharing their skills and enjoyment.

My hobby is Stick Making, the craft of stick “dressing” as the British Stickmakers Guild calls it. As a Member of the Guild, my only qualification is to pay the modest yearly subscription. For that I receive a regular magazine consisting mostly of Members’ letters giving advice, describing their

own sticks with photographs of their amazing creations.

By comparison my sticks are not prize winners but that is not what matters. My hobby is my relaxation, my creativity, my alternative to the passive home based things and to the no longer easily reached outside ones. What’s more, my sticks help me to get out and about to those farther off places.

The photographs show what can be made from a windfall or garden-grown lengths of wood, using a truly sharp whittling knife, various small metal files, fine abrasive papers and oil or wax to finish off.

It would be really interesting to read about other Teddington Society Members’ hobbies. What’s yours?

Tyrrell Marris

Photo left: Right hand, the first walking stick I carved. Left hand - a staff to push up or pull down sash windows; the top has a carved face, the other end a brass hook. Both are Box wood (Buxus sempervirens) with the bark stripped off, then smoothed and waxed.

Photo top: a carved face on my first walking stick.

Photo right: Cotoneaster walking stick with a natural handle and a Holly stave, both cut from our garden. The bark is left on, slightly smoothed and then oiled to

give a glossy durable finish. The popular Teddington River festival returns this year with a variety of events for all the family: below are just a few. For more information, please visit their website at

Lock Island & Towpath Manor Road Rec

Live music Stalls and games

Face painting Model lifeboats

Pimms Bar Trampolines

Boats in the Barge Lock incl. NPL Rockets

Thames Venturer & Mary Gabriel Bouncy castle

Craft & Community Stands BBQ & refreshments

Historical displays

On the River

RNLI river rescue demos Lifeboat Station

Have a go at kayaking & skiffing Explore station & lifeboats

Boat trips to Richmond & Kingston Dress up in lifeboat kit

Mini boat rides Tea, coffee, cake

NPL Advanced Metrology Laboratory

On 24 January, a £25M investment in a new Advanced Metrology Laboratory at NPL was announced. The AML will provide a unique scientific environment, enhancing NPL’s reputation as a world-leading centre of excellence in developing and applying the most accurate measurement standards, science and technology available.

The new facility will be located adjacent to Bushy House on a site currently occupied by the unused Maudslay Building and will also use the Darwin Building.

Planning permission is expected to be granted in 2014. Site preparation has started involving ground works and removal of the Maudslay Building. A display of proposed plans should be on display in Bushy House on Sat 21

st and Sun 22



We hope to tell you more about the AML in a future edition of Tidings.


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One of the groups that supported the Village Fair was the Teddington

Sub-Aqua Club (TSAC). TSAC, formed in January 1997, is now well established with over 50 members. They meet regularly at Teddington Pools on Wednesday nights for training and afterwards (for social relaxation) at our Corporate member, the Teddington Royal British Legion. They actively train and dive throughout the year and run at least one entry level diving course. The club also offer “Try Dives”; this is a session on an aqualung in the safety of the pool with one of the TSAC instructors A very successful annual event is when Wendy Dorgan’s swimming

group joins them. Wendy (pictured top right with some of her group & TSAC members) manages a group of people from a variety of backgrounds such as Aspergers, Autism, Downs, Muscular Dystrophy. The club has technical divers who pursue more adventurous diving. Typically this will involve the use of twin cylinders, trimix or re-breathers. They also have at least one major overseas expedition or diving holiday each year. Locations previously visited are: Malta, Norway, Caymans, Red Sea, Ireland, Scotland, Lanzarote. They are also active socially, at restaurants, wine tasting, quiz nights, tenpin bowling, etc. Membership is made up of males/females of various ages; minimum diving age is sixteen with no upper age limit. New members are always welcome: you can get more information from their website at: (currently being updated )

Horse Rangers for a Day

Young carers are children and young people aged 4-18 who have inappropriate caring responsibilities for a family member. Some care for up to 50 hours a week (that's outside of school time!) leaving no time for childhood. Freya Morrell from Richmond Young Carers Service said, “The very adult experiences faced every day by young carers, such as hospital visits, helping with medication, witnessing a loved one in pain, looking after younger siblings or taking on household responsibilities, often lead to children becoming angry, upset, withdrawn, fearful and feeling isolated.”

Thanks to the donation from the Teddington Society, the Horse Rangers were able to make a real difference for six vulnerable young people. Sheena Harold and Sally Howland came to see these 6 Young Carers being a “Horse Ranger for a Day”. After preparing their ponies, they took a trek in Bushy Park, recharged their batteries with a well-earned lunch of pizza and juice before grooming and bathing their ponies – there may have been some children who got a good hose down as well!

This setting works so well for them because they are in a small group, so even the most vulnerable, nervous children can feel secure and relaxed. A child who starts the day in a state of anxiety is laughing and playing by the end of the afternoon giving them a vital respite and an opportunity to grow in confidence and self-esteem, as well as just being kids for the day.

At the end of the day, Sheena and Sally presented the Young Carers with certificates, rosettes and genuine horseshoes to recognise their achievements and for them to remember the day by. For some, this day will be a solitary bright moment of freedom in a long summer holiday, and it is thanks to the Teddington Society’s donation.

For more information on Horse Rangers, please visit

Anna Horton Horse Rangers Development Manager




Garth Groombridge was born into a long-established Teddington family. His photos of Teddington, Twickenham and Hampton have never before been published.

The author gives the reader an interesting ‘walk’, both pictorial and also informative going from Hampton Road, Teddington, via Kingston and Hampton Wick to St Margarets, finally finishing up at Hampton Road, Twickenham.

Priced at £14.99, the book is published by Amberley Publishing and has an ISBN number 978-1-4456-1610-0.

Further information is available from Alice Crick at email: [email protected] or at their website

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BUSINESS EXCHANGE Corporate Members at Hampton Court

For those mad dogs and Englishmen who were brave enough to suffer the blistering heat during the Hampton Court Palace Flower Show, some may have even managed to reach the furthermost reaches of the site and entered the Vintage Festival Marquee. One of the central displays there was a joint collaboration between two of our Corporates, Mela Mela and Elements, and the Teddington florist Jo Butler, with their Vintage 1950s Garden Party. Pictured above are Mona and Chloe (dressed by Mela Mela, hair styled by Elements, florally decorated by Jo Butler).

Happy 21st Birthday – Ajay & Bhavna

at La Casa del Habano

Our Corporate Group convenor and human dynamo, Bhavna Patel, celebrates with husband Ajay after 21 years of trading in Teddington.

Many of you may recall that, in 1992, they took over the newsagent and tobacconist shop in Broad Street when it was known as Broadweighs. Renaming the shop as Hava Havana in 2002, the shop increasingly specialised in cigars and its confectionary ranges, including the luxury Belgian chocolates.

One of the requirements for cigar lovers is the chance to test the flavour and the public smoking ban necessitated a change of venue. Relocating to their present shop on the High Street in 2008 allowed them to provide a private smoking room where customers could sample products on the premises. At that time they also took on the Cuban franchise of La Casa del Habano and are now the only destination shop for these Cuban cigar ranges in the UK. The franchise of course requires Ajay to visit many countries whilst leaving Bhavna to “mind the shop”. Both of them did, however, visit Cuba in 2001 when they had the opportunity to meet Fidel Castro.

As well as the shop, Bhavna is also our energetic Corporate Group convenor who does sterling work both for the Teddington Society and as Chairman of the Christmas Lights Committee. She is a key figure in the various charity events organised amongst our shops and businesses in the town. (whilst Ajay “minds the shop”)

Many happy returns to Ajay and Bhavna on your 21 years and we look forward to many more.

We thank all our Corporate

Members for their support


British Maritime Technology

Broom Water Association

Byrne Group


Diners Delight

Dragon Toys

Eaton Publications

Edward Giles


Elleray Hall

Fairwater House Residents Assn

Financial Planning Group

Fun Factory

Gillian Million


Haymarket Publishing

Kagan Moss & Co

Kindle Stoves

Kitchen Sync

Landmark Arts Centre

La Casa del Habano

Lensbury Club

Malo Clinic Teddington

Mela Mela

Milestone Residential


National Physical Laboratory

Nova Fortuny

Park Hotel

Park Lane Stables

Parsonage & Co

Roger Sutton & Co

Royal British Legion

San Marino Mail UK Ltd

Shambles Bar & Restaurant

Sidra Patisserie

Sims Opticians


Squires Garden Centre

Stepping On Out

Stevens Tyres

Stone Rowe Brewer

Stoneydeep Residents Assn

Strawberry Hill House

Studio 148

Tamesis Club

Teddington Artists

Teddington Bowling Club

Teddington Cricket Club

Teddington Riverside Artists


The Tree Agency

TW11 Magazine




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QUIZ CORNER Our previous WordSearch puzzle was based on the Olympics. This time we continue with a sporting theme. I don’t suppose many of you missed the Andy Murray match – and what a great new women’s champion in Marion Bartoli (our picture shows Marion and Andy at the Championship dinner). Now that you’ve all come down from that high, a chance to relax with our WordSearch based on seeded players at Wimbledon. We’ve taken 28 of the top seeded players and put them into our WordSearch grid – with one exception. The 28 are listed alongside the grid. All you have to do is to tell us which one of the 28 does not appear in the grid. All correct answers go into the hat and the first drawn out wins the first prize. Teddington Society mugs to the 2

nd and 3

rd drawn.

The first prize this time is a meal for two courtesy of one of our latest Corporate members, Moiduls in the

High Street. No guarantees though that the dancers or the Elvis impersonator will be there when you dine.

The Players

Solution and Winners – Issue no. 161

Congratulations for all the correct entries we

received. The answer we were looking for was:

PARK HOTEL First out of the hat and lucky winner of the

meal and wine for two at the Park Hotel was:

Sam Gresham

2nd and 3rd prizes of Teddington Society mugs to:

Elisabeth Marris and Howard Dix

Crossword answers were: Across:

7. Dalmatian 8. Panic 10. Stalking 11. Native 12. Stew 13. Elephant 15. Goodbye 17. Terrier 20. Sunshade

22. Earn 25. Strict 26. Tutoring 27. Sewer 28. Beanstalk


1. Malta 2. Amulet 3. Stairway 4. Dangles 5. Fletcher

6. Prevented 9. Knee 14. Volunteer 16. Despised

18. Erecting 19. Beatles 21. Anti 23. Rarity 24. Uncle

HOW TO ENTER: Simply send your answer to: The Editor, 152 Broom Road, Teddington TW11 9PQ or by email to [email protected]

Make sure you give your name, address and phone

number. Entry deadline: Monday 14th October

Good luck. Open to all members

c v b r g i c i r s t e a e a

i r a n u a e w c s o t v a s

n a r n i s s a I a g n o s t

o l t i a s a q b l n e p o e

a v o k n e h c u y l v a p p

r s l c d w a i l e m i r h h

c c i a e i c v k a t a a a e

o p a i r e y o o o d h h m n

o r e n s i e k v r r a s p s

d i a z o r r o a y a i n t r

s i m o n e r j c s d k i o o

r e s w b f e d e r e r a n v

i d c r n r u s o t s a a m u

u r e o g i q i h p v e e h v

a k r v i n c i z a r r e e c





























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Page 16

Printed by Woodgate-Loydor Ltd

2 Elmfield Avenue, Teddington TW11 8BS


� Friday September 6th

Litterpick at 16.30 covering the area of Kingston Road (from Ferry Road towards Hampton Wick), Langham Road and Kingston Lane. Meet at Parish Hall, Langham Road.

� Wednesday September 18th

and Friday September 20

th. Tours of the new Broadcasting House in London.

Please will everyone who booked for tours on either of these two days pay as soon as possible. We need to secure the places otherwise the BBC may cancel. This is now urgent. Please call 8977 0167 if you wish to check. With our increased allocation, they can accommodate all who have already booked but they are not going to hold places unless paid for. Cost of the tour is £10.75. Please make cheques payable to the Teddington Society and send to Angela Carvill, 3 Chadwick Close, Teddington TW11 9BH.

Tours start at 1 pm. The BBC is at Portland Place, a few minutes walk north of Oxford Circus. You can have a snack and drink at the BBC canteen before the tour or call at one of the many cafes nearby. Give yourself plenty of time.

� Wednesday September 18th

Re-cycling site clean up for Cedar Road, Elmfield Avenue and Tesco's. Meet at 18.30 at Cedar Road car park.

� Saturday and Sunday September 21st

and 22nd Open House London.

Another great opportunity to take a look inside hundreds of buildings – 250 will be taking part by opening their doors this year – and all entrances are free.

There’s a huge choice from the Foreign and Commonwealth’s magnificent offices in Whitehall to the new Roca London Gallery (below left) at Imperial Wharf which was designed by Zaha Hadid. There will be many special events including “Maggie’s Culture Crawl”.

A more local venue that will be open on this weekend is Bushy House on the NPL site. There will be a display there of the proposed plans for the Advanced Metrology Laboratory (see page 12).

Information on all of the Open Houses is on the website at The booklet with full information should be available at the local library from mid-August at £7.50. � Saturday October 5

th Teddington Society’s 40


Anniversary Party at the Landmark Centre from 7.30 pm. (See insert and front page)

� Saturday November 9th

Litterpick at Teddington Hospital War Memorial at 10.00.

� Thursday November 21st

& Friday November 29th

Two dates from which to choose for our Annual Christmas Lunch at Merits Cookery School, Richmond College. If one lunch proves too popular you will be offered the alternative day. We very nearly filled the restaurant on both occasions last year, so do come again

to encourage the young chefs and s a m p l e t h e i r d e l i c i o u s f o o d . Please make your choice from the menu enclosed and send to Angela Carvill (address on enclosure).

3 course lunch will cost £8.50 – coffee and wine extra – (we pay at the table). The college and car park are off Egerton Road, which is off the A316, Twickenham.

Booking for visits is essential

Call Angela Carvill on 8977 0167

Coffee Mornings


Peg Woffington’s Cottage 167 High Street, Teddington

from 11.00 am

Friday August 16th

Wednesday October 16th

Tuesday November 12th

Come and enjoy Tony and Betty’s coffee and cakes

and meet other members of the Society

New members always welcome


Living in and loving Teddington? Want to help us preserve our unique town?

Then join us in the Teddington Society

Membership details from Jenny Michell

email: [email protected] tel: 020 8977 0772