the team group - spring edition

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Page 1: The Team Group - Spring Edition

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Property Sales page 4

Holiday Rentals page 11

Property Services page 19

Spring Edition

Focus on Nerja page 2

Page 2: The Team Group - Spring Edition

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NEw OfficEI am delighted to announce that we made the move to our brand new, purpose built, larger offices at 77 Calle Carabeo by the end of March without a problem, we even managed to coincide the opening with Telefonica´s help to ensure all our telephone lines and internet connectivity functioned normally from day one! All contact details remain the same, the only thing to have changed is the location!

ThE MarkETAccording to Government figures the number of resale properties sold in quarter 4, 2012 in Nerja compared with the same quarter in 2011 showed a 27% increase which is very positive and we continue to see a steady increase in interest from Northern European countries particularly from Scandinavia. Interestingly, the findings from the CBRE real estate investor survey 2013 reveal that Spain is one of the few countries where interest this year is higher than it was last year, in the case of Spain interest has almost doubled, albeit from a low base.

As a more general indicator of trend, according to an article from the Move Channel in February 2013, the British have been the biggest spenders in Spain during 2012 with a total spend of 1.46B euros up 12% from 2011, followed by the French up 16.6% at 515M euros and the Scandinavians up 17.5%.

Team España, the property sales division of the Team Group have sold more properties and had more offers accepted in the first quarter of 2013 than quarter 1, 2012. So whilst price stabilization might be here or at least in sight, the fact that interest in Spanish property continues to strengthen leads me to think the property market could well have experienced its darkest days.

Some frequently asked questions:-what is an Energy Performance certificate?Energy Performance Certificates or as they are properly called, Certificado de Eficiencia Energética (CEE), are documents which willshow how energy efficient your home is displayed as a rating from A to G. Much like the stickers you see on things such as fridgefreezers, washing machines or air conditioning units, it gives the property a standard energy and carbon emission efficiency grade from‘A’ to ‘G’, where ‘A’ is the most efficient and ‘G’ is the least efficient. who Needs an Energy Performance certificate in Spain?

After 1st June 2013 every domestic property for sale or long term rent needs to have an Energy Performance Certificate, This does not apply to properties that are currently rented out on a long term basis. These only require a certificate when a new tenancy is agreed. will i be able to rent or sell my house without an EPc in Spain?

No after 1st June 2013 you will be required by law to present your Energy Performance Certificate when your property is for sale or longterm rent. When you sell your house the Notary will need the original certificate and when you rent your house the tenant will have to begiven a copy of your certificate.

Team España, the property division of the Team Group have appointed an accredited assessor to undertake and grant Energy Certificates. We will be contacting all vendors in due course, however in the meantime if you would like further information on this forthcoming legislation please contact anyone in the sales team. rENTalSAt the risk of repeating myself, rentals continue to go from strength to strength. Whilst most of our big villas in the country are completely rented in the peak months the rentals team have seen a trend towards town centre and beach holidays where the dependence on a car is less and rental properties close to town centre amenities and attractions is where most of the demand is.

Teamstar Holiday Rentals philosophy is simple in that they want to be accountable to owners for every aspect of the rental process. This includes providing the owners with a pre season inventory (including photos and not just listing items), using the same cleaning, pool and gardening teams, providing laundry services, maintenance and repairs, essentially a one stop full service agreement. Business continues to come from a wide geographic spread with the French being the most notable newcomer to the market.

If you would like to discuss either property sales or short term holiday rentals then please call in or phone any member of our team.

Geoff Cheshire, Managing Director,The Team Group.

NEw MarkETiNgIn order to capitalise on the increase in enquiries we have launched 2 new web sites, and the latter is in Swedish language specifically to target the Scandinavian market whilst specializes in country properties.

NEw MaNdaTOry ENErgy lEgiSlaTiON SOON TO bE iNTrOducEdThere seems no doubt that the Spanish government will soon introduce an energy performance certificate in line with most of the rest of Europe. The certificate will be required to be provided by all vendors and landlords renting for 4 months or longer. Although it should have been approved last January, the government has finalised the details of this certificate, which will be obligatory and will come into effect from June 1st 2013 as confirmed in the official Gazette of the Government of Spain (Boletin Oficial del Estado), on 13 April..

The only buildings that are exempt from this law will be protected buildings and monuments, those that are used as places of worship, and rental properties which are rented for less than four months at a time, among others. The objective of the certificate is to allow the energy performance of buildings to be evaluated and compared in order to promote highly energy-efficient buildings and investment in energy conservation.

The cost of the certificate is yet to be set and the governing body ASECE (The Spanish Association for the Promotion of Building Quality) believes that it will range from between 250 to 400 euros. However, it emphasises that the price will vary depending on the size of the property as well as supply and demand. It seems there will be no pass or fail and all properties will be assessed on a grading system A to G.

The individual carrying out the works must have completed a special government training course on Existing Building Energy Certification, and trained in the specific software designed to issue the certificate. They will be certified with the National Association of Energy Certifiers which allows them to be a CEE certified assessor.

According to recent surveys, as much as 60% of Spain’s housing stock has no energy efficiency measures of any significance. Housing is responsible for around 17% of the country’s energy consumption, so greater energy efficiency at home could save Spain a significant amount in energy bills (and bring it into line with European standards). Along with classifying the energy efficiency of every building, the new certificate also contains recommendations for improvements in energy efficiency. · · · · tel: (+34) 95 252 7300 · · · · tel: (+34) 95 252 7300

Ny obligatorisk Energilagstiftning kommer snart att införasDet tycks inte finnas något tvivel om att den spanska regeringen inom kort kommer att införa ett Energicertifikat i linje med resten av Europa. Certifikatet kommer att krävas av alla som säljer sina fastigheter och även hyresvärdar som hyr ut sina fastigheter 4 månader eller längre. Även om det borde ha godkänts i Januari måste regeringen slutföra detaljerna i detta certifikat, som skall vara obligatoriska och kommer att träda i kraft den 1 juni 2013 vilket bekräftas i den officiella tidningen av den spanska regeringen (Boletín Ofi-cial del Estado), den 13 april 2013.

De enda byggnader som är undantagna från denna lag är speciellt skyddade byggnader och monument, de som används för andakt, och hy-resfastigheter som hyrs ut mindre än fyra måna-der i taget. Syftet med intyget är att möjliggöra byggnaders energiprestanda och skall utvärderas och jämföras i syfte att främja energieffektiva byggnader och investeringar i energihushållning.

Kostnaden för intyget är ännu inte satt och det styrande organet ASECE (Den spanska förening-en för Främjande av Byggnadskvalité) anser att det kommer att variera mellan 250 till 300 euro. Man betonar dock att priset kommer att variera beroende på storleken på fastigheten samt till-gång och efterfrågan.

Individen som utför detta arbete skall ha genom-gått en särskild statlig utbildning och man får även utbildning i den specifika programvaran för ändamålet. De kommer att certifieras med Natio-nal Association of Energy Certifiers som tillåter dem att vara en CEE-certifierad bedömare. Det verkar inte blir någon godkänd eller underkänd, alla fastigheter kommer att bedömas med ett betygssystem från A till G.

Enligt färska undersökningar har så mycket som 60% av Spaniens bostadsbestånd inga energi-effektiviseringsåtgärder av någon betydelse. Bostäder svarar för cirka 17% av landets energi-förbrukning, så större energieffektivitet i hemmet skulle kunna spara Spanien ett betydande belopp i energikostnader (och få det att överensstämma med europeiska normer).

Tillsammans med klassificering av energieffekti-viteten i varje byggnad innehåller det nya certi-fikatet också rekommendationer till förbättringar av energieffektiviteten.

Några vanliga frågor: -Vad är ett Energicertifikat?

Energicertifikat eller som det heter på spanska, Certificado de Eficiencia Energética (CEE), är ett dokument som kommer att visa hur ener-gieffektivt ert hem är och detta framgår av ett Kreditbetyg från A till G. Ungefär som de klis-termärken du ser på exempelvis kylskåp, frysar, tvättmaskiner, luftkonditioneringsaggregat etc. Detta visar er fastighets energistandard och koldioxidutsläpp med graderingen från ”A” till ”G”, där ”A” är den mest effektiva och ”G” är den minst effektiva.

Vem behöver ett energicertifikat i Spanien?

Efter 1 juni 2013 måste alla inhemska fastighe-ter som är till salu eller långsiktigt uthyrda ha ett energicertifikat, detta tillämpas dock inte på fastigheter som för närvarande hyrs ut på lång sikt. Dessa kräver endast ett certifikat när en ny uthyrning sker.

kommer jag att kunna hyra ut eller sälja mitt hus utan ett EPc i Spanien?

Nej efter 1 juni 2013 kommer du att krävas en-ligt lag att presentera ditt Energicertifikat när din fastighet är till salu eller långsikt hyrs ut. När du säljer ditt hus kommer Notarien att be-höva det ursprungliga intyget och när du hyr ut ditt hus måste hyresgästen ges en kopia av ditt certifikat.

Team España, mäklardelen av Team Group har utsett en ackrediterad bedömare att genomföra och skriva ut Energicertifikat. Vi kommer att kontakta alla aktuella fastighetsägare i sinom tid, men under tiden om du vill ha mer informa-tion om denna kommande lagstiftning kontakta någon i säljteamet.

Nytt kontorJag är glad att kunna meddela att vi i slutet av mars utan problem nu flyttat till vårt nya större kontor på Calle Carabeo nr 77. Med Telefonicas hjälp fungerade alla våra telefonlinjer och in-ternetuppkopplingar normalt från dag ett! Våra kontaktuppgift förblir desamma, det enda som har förändrats är vårt läge i Nerja!

MarknadenEnligt regeringens siffror visades en ökning med 27% av antalet sålda begagnade hus under 4de kvartalet 2012 här i Nerja jämfört med samma kvartal 2011 vilket är mycket positivt och vi fort-sätter att se en stadig ökning av intresset från de nordeuropeiska länderna, särskilt från Skandina-vien. Intressant att påpeka är resultatet från en undersökning av CBRE Fastighetsinvesteringar 2013 som visar att Spanien är ett av de få länder där intresset i år är högre än det var förra året, intresset för Spanien har nästan fördubblades, om än från en ganska låg nivå.

Som en mer allmän indikator på trenden, enligt en artikel från Move Channel i Februari 2013, har britterna varit de största spenderargruppen i Spanien under 2012 med totalt 1.46 miljarder euro, en ökning med 12% från 2011, följt av fran-ska medborgare med 16,6% och 515 miljoner euro och de skandinaviska länderna med 17,5%.

Team España, mäklardelen av Team Group har sålt fler fastigheter och hade fler accepterade anbud under det första kvartalet 2013 än samma kvartal 2012. Känslan av att en stabilisering av fastighetspriserna börjar närma sig även om vi inte är där riktigt än, fortsätter att stärka min tro

på att den spanska fastighetsmarknaden kanske har upplevt sina mörkaste dagar. Ny marknadFör att kapitalisera på ökningen av förfrågningar har vi lanserat två nya webbplatser, och den senare på svenska som specifikt riktar sig mot den skandinaviska marknaden. Samti-digt har vi fokuserat på mer lantliga bostäder.

uthyrningMed risk för att upprepa mig, hyresmarknaden fortsätter att gå från klarhet till klarhet. Medan de flesta av våra stora villor med lägen mer utanför Nerja är helt uthyrda under högsäsong har vår hyresavdelning noterat en ökande efter-frågan mot mer centrala lägen och även strand-lägen där beroendet av bil är mindre och med mer närhet till närservice av alla slag.

Teamstar Holiday Rentals filosofi är enkel, vi vill vara ansvariga inför ägarna under hela hyres-prosessen. Detta inkluderar bl.a. att ge ägarna en Innehållsförteckning inkl fotografering av lösöret i bostaden som vi hyr ut åt dom och att vi använder samma serviceteam när det gäller rengöring, skötsel av swimmingpool och even-tuell trädgård. Team tillhandahåller även tvätt-service, underhåll och reparationer, i huvudsak ett ”one stop” fullserviceavtal. Våra kunder fortsätter att komma från en stor geografisk spridning med Frankrike som den mest anmärk-ningsvärda nykomlingen på marknaden. Om ni vill diskutera fastighetsförsäljning, vän-ligen ring Team Group och tala med mig, Hans Kjellström på telefon 95 252 6051 eller E-mail: [email protected]

Han Kjellstrom, Scandinavian Sales.

Page 3: The Team Group - Spring Edition

team españa · · · · tel: (+34) 95 252 7300

up toE150,000

NErJa Karaoke, live entertainment and sports bar / nightclub. Recently refitted with a high level of equipment including HD Sky TV, giant screen HD projector, LCD HD Monitors, surround sound system, a very reliable business with leasehold available.

Price 39.950 euros ZTM3548

NErJa A great starter property, a one bed apartment on the 2nd floor in the centre of town close to the beach, shops and bars, furniture included. Lift.

Price 69.000 euros ZTM4006

TOrrOX A quaint 2/3 bed townhouse in the heart of Torrox, close to public parking and main square, roof terraces, sea views, a/c.

Price 120.000 euros ZTM4015

TOrrOX PuEblO A 2 bed townhouse with good access, totally refurbished, fitted kitchen, sea and mountain views.

cOMPETa Modern 1 bedroom apartment, walking distance, central heating, furnished, rental potential.

Price 73.000 euros ZTM3825

TOrrOX Park A 2 bed apartment in Torrox Park, just 5 minutes from the coast and a short drive to Torrox pueblo, close to all amenities and a stones throw away from communal tennis courts and swimming pool.

Price 99.000 euros ZTM4024

Price 74.950 euros ZTM3581

burriaNa An underground double garage below a 1st line beach side apartment block, own escritura and power supply, 25m2.

Price 26.500 euros ZTM4032

NErJa Well presented 1 bed apartment on popular urbanization, south facing terrace, sea views, communal pool, fully furnished.

Price 97.750 euros ZTM3774

caPiSTraNO VillagE A very well presented 1 bed apartment, south facing sea views, modern fitted kitchen, quality double glazing, new bathroom. Ready to go.

Price 120.000 euros ZTM4004

TOrrOX cOuNTrySidE A quaint small country cortijo, with excellent access off the Frigiliana / Torrox road, 2 beds, mostly furnished, outstanding sea and mountain views.

Prices towards 115.000 euros ZTM3764

TOrrOX Park An excellently presented 2 bedroom apartment, fully furnished, good sea views, close to communal pool. Price includes Ford Fusion car and garage.

Price 110.000 euros ZTM2310

NErJa A well presented 2 bed townhouse in the Parador area of Nerja, close to Burriana beach and a near the communal pool.

Price inc. furniture 149.000 euros ZTM3997

NErJa A centrally located 2 bed apartment with sea views close to the seafront, communal pool, furnished. Good on road parking close by.

frigiliaNa A very well presented spacious 2 bed apartment, close to old town. Sea views, communal pool & gardens, furniture included.

Price 120.000 euros ZTM4001


team españa


up toE250,000

caPiSTraNO Playa 2 bedroom apartment, very good access, due south sea views, 2 balconies, fully furnished, great rental history.

Price towards 167.500 euros ZTM3356

NErJa A fully furnished reformed 3 bed townhouse, close to parking and communal pool, 20 mins walk to Burriana beach, furniture included.

Price 175.000 euros ZTM3994

caPiSTraNO VillagE An attractive 3 bed townhouse, 2 baths, south facing terrace, sea views, private garden, mostly furnished.

Price 185.000 euros ZTM3977

NErJa West of town in a popular urbanisation, 3 beds, large roof terrace, great sea views, close to communal pool and beach, fully furnished.

cOrTiJO SaN rafaEl An opportunity to buy a plot of 2000m2 in one of the most sought after residential areas between La Molineta and Nerja. All licenses paid and town hall permission granted to build a 400m2 villa. Project available for perusal.

Price 175.000 euros ZTM3754

burriaNa A smart 2 bed apartment, close to beach and communal pool, living / diner opens onto terrace and communal lawned area, fully furnished, great rental with secure parking.

Price 190.000 euros ZTM3819

Price towards 180.000 euros ZTM3175

NErJa Situated just west of Nerja on a popular urbanisation, 2 beds, sea views, communal pool, close to the beach, private parking, furnished.

Price 190.000 euros ZTM4018

NErJa A spacious 2 bed, 2 bath apartment in the Parador region, private parking, communal pool, gardens, fully furnished, excellent rental.

Price 199.950 euros ZTM4010

fuENTE dEl badEN A very well presented 2 bedroom town house between Fuente del Baden and Capistrano village, large south facing terrace, sea views, good parking, furnished.

Price 199.000 euros ZTM3990

MarO A spacious 3 bed detached villa on an established urbanization, car port, large roof terrace excellent sea views.

Price 195.000 euros ZTM3998

la ViÑuEla An attractive 4 bed detached villa with pool, garage, car port, beautiful views, furnishings negotiable a/c throughout.

Price 239.000 euros ZTM3964

baViEra gOlf A spacious, three bedroom townhouse overlooking the 8th green of the golf course and only two minutes drive to the beach. Rear terrace garden and huge basement garage.

Price 220.000 euros ZTM4028

frigiliaNa cOuNTrySidE An attractive villa in the heart of the countryside, approx 2.5ks by a mostly concrete track, level plot of 1,000m2, 2 beds, 2 baths outstanding sea views, private pool, furnished.

Price 229.000 euros ZTM3989Price 140.000 euros ZTM4030 · · · · tel: (+34) 95 252 7300

burriaNa A south facing 2 bed apartment on the 2nd floor with partial sea views. Terrace, communal pool, good parking close by, a short walk to the beach. Some furnishings included in the price.

Price 154.350 euros ZTM4031

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team españa


up toE350,000

NErJa A great opportunity to buy an excellent building project, plans already outlined, currently 2 beds, 2 baths, big storage, large plot, good situation, sea views.

Price towards 255.000 euros ZTM3726

NErJa Close to Burriana Beach, a roomy 2 bedroom, 2 bath apartment south facing with a large terrace. Gardens and pool. Furnished.

Price 260.000 euros ZTM3278

TOrrOX A spacious family residence, 5 beds, 2 bathrooms, ideal guest accommodation, 8x4 private pool, integral garage, sun terraces, double glazing, wood burning stove, high speed internet. Sold furnished.

Price 299.000 euros ZTM3491

NErJa A large townhouse on a popular urbanization. 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, south facing terrace, 50m2 roof terrace, sea views, communal pool and gardens.

NErJa A 3 / 4 bed townhouse, 2 baths, 10 minutes walk to the Balcon, close to shops and all amenities, large roof terrace, 360 degree views, good on road parking.

Price towards 275.000 euros ZTM4027

SayalONga Villa with separate guest apartment. Main house 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Apartment living/sleeping area and bathroom, pool, double glazing, completely furnished.

Price 309.000 euros ZTM3948

Price towards 299.000 euros ZTM4002

alcauciN An attractive 2 bed villa of 105m2 on a plot of 599m2, 2 beds, 2 baths, 30m2 roof terrace, 8x5m pool, private but rural setting, close to shops.

Price 250.000 euros ZTM4013

algarrObO A very well presented 3 / 4 bed villa, high above the coast, 2,500m2 plot, 145m2 constructed, 7x3m pool. Outstanding views, mostly furnished.

Price towards 299.995 euros ZTM3787

TOrrOX Park A spacious 2 bed villa with a s/c I bed apartment close to the beach, village, shops, communal pool and tennis courts.

Price inc. all furniture 325.000 euros ZTM3984

NErJa Uniquely positioned 2 bed apartment presented in excellent order close the Balcon with views over Salon beach. Close to everything!

Price 320.000 euros ZTM3999

TOrrOX , cOMPETa cOuNTrySidE A well presented 3 bed villa set in olive groves and grape vines. Large terrace and pool, outstanding sea and mountain views. A/c, Furniture negotiable.

Price 319.950 euros ZTM4021

frigiliaNa A large family house, in a prime location in the old part of the village, could be converted to commercial premises, or a small guest house. Flexible accommodation, 3 beds lots of original features, terraces, pool.

Offers over 300.000 euros ZTM3481

alcauciN An impressive villa set amongst the countryside just outside of Alcaucin, 4 beds, large pool, sunny terraces, lake views.

Price 325.000 euros ZTM3864

frigiliaNa Between Frigiliana & Nerja, detached Cortijo, large rustic style living room, 4 bedrooms.3 bathrooms, private swimming pool, terraces, garden and fruit trees, sold furnished.

Price 325.000 euros ZTM2996

up toE450,000

iZNaTE A large villa with outstanding 360º views above Iznate, 4 beds, 3 baths, private pool, Jacuzzi, large garage, workshop, gas central heating, fully furnished.

Price 375.000 euros ZTM3840

OuTSkirTS Of NErJa A spacious 3 bed villa, one of a small collection of upscale villas, internal lift, lawned terraced gardens, private pool, large garage.

Price 375.000 euros ZTM4007

cErrO gOrdO A 400m2 plus luxury villa building project on a plot of 1,000m2 with outstanding views. All licenses obtained, excellent access.

Offers invited ZTM3440

NErJa An attractive 3 bed, 2 bath villa on a small urbanisation, private pool, garden, garage, sea views, fully furnished.

MarO Tastefully redesigned and refurbished townhouse, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, garden, pool, close to Balcon de Maro and beach, good parking. Large roof terrace, sea views. Some furniture included.

Price towards 375.000 euros ZTM3493

lakE ViÑuEla A 3 bed villa in an outstanding location on the shores of Lake Viñuela. 2,000m2 plot, villa of 150m2 ,garage, attractive gardens. Adjoining plot of 1,800m2 available under separate negotiation.

Price 399.000 euros ZTM3836

Price towards 395.000 euros ZTM3778

NErJa A quiet position . A well appointed detached villa in its own gardens with a private swimming pool and garage. Great views and many features.

Price 369.000 euros ZTM3894

bENaJarafE alTO This attractive luxury villa is set in the sought after area of Benajarafe and has stunning views to the sea and the mountains. The house is built to high standards and has 3 garages.

Price 399.000 euros ZTM2173

frigiliaNa A spacious detached 4 bedroom villa in the Frigiliana valley, good access, south facing sea views, pool, easy to manage garden, furnished.

Price towards 399.950 euros ZTM3755

ladEra dEl Mar An attractive detached 3 bed villa, 2 bath, south facing sea views, private pool, fully furnished, garage, strong rental history.

Price towards 399.000 euros ZTM3823

bETwEEN TOrrOX aNd calETa A substantial 4 bed villa just off the coast road, sea views, lots of terraces, pool, garage, many quality features, partly furnished.

Price 399.000 euros ZTM3799

NErJa An outstanding contempary designed 3 bed villa with a host of cutting edge features including electrically operated under floor heating, security systems, ultra modern kitchen. Furnished.

Price towards 450.000 euros ZTM3348

NErJa A sound investment - a unique opportunity to buy a genuine penthouse of some 128m2 additional large conservatory of around 100m2, a total of around 650m2 footprint including terraces, sea views, parking.

Price guide 400.000 euros ZTM4020

algarrObO cOuNTrySidE A large villa of 345m2, plot of 952m2. 2 bedrooms in main villa, self contained bedroom, self contained one bed apartment, additional room to convert. Lots of terracing, sea views, private pool.

Price 425.000 euros ZTM4014 · · · · tel: (+34) 95 252 7300 · · · · tel: (+34) 95 252 7300

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team españa


team españa


up toE550,000

TOrrOX / frigiliaNa A superbly located villa on a plot of 5,655m2, outstanding views, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, private pool, a/c, double glazed.

Price towards 460.000 euros ZTM3730

NErJa A spacious 4 bedroom villa on a plot of 1,200m2, large pool, attractive gardens, 2 garages, a short drive to central Nerja, pristine gardens.

Price inc. furniture 475.000 euros ZTM3621

NErJa cOuNTrySidE A large 3 bedroom, 3 bath villa of 155m2 on plot of 6,700m2, large garage, private pool, sea views, fully furnished, strong rental potential.

Price towards 483.000 euros ZTM3511

frigiliaNa VallEy A very well presented 4 / 5 bed rustic style villa on a plot of 2,500m2, outstanding sea views amongst pine trees. Private pool, OFCH, strong rental history.

NErJa A large detached family villa, on a plot of 8,000m2, sea views, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, pool, private parking, fully furnished.

Price towards 475.000 euros ZTM3543

cOrTiJO SaN rafaEl An established detached villa between Nerja & Frigiliana, 3 large bedrooms. Attractive pool area, mature gardens, 2 integral garages.

Price guide 498.000 euros ZTM3703

Price 479.000 euros ZTM3781

la hErradura A 4 bed, 4 bath villa a short drive to the seafront at La Herradura. Large south facing terraces, sea view, large private pool, sold furnished.

Price towards 450.000 euros ZTM3685

NErJa Stylish 3 bed villa in an attractive residential area east of Nerja, light and spacious accomodation, winter garden, private pool, gardens, car port, GCH, Sea views.

Price 490.000 euros ZTM3913

frigiliaNa A large attractive refurbished villa with flexible accommodation comprising 1 self contained studio, a 1 & 2 bed apartment and a large 2/3 bed top floor apt, 6/7 beds in total. Outstanding village and sea views.

Price guide 549.000 euros ZTM3976

cÓMPETa Beautiful rustic villa, great views, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms plus stables, paddock, fruit trees and storage.

Price 515.000 euros ZTM3931

TOrrOX cOuNTrySidE A large attractive 5 double bedroom villa on a plot of 2,873m2 with magnificent sea & mountain views. Flexible accommodation, 3 large reception rooms, terraces, conservatory, large pool, double garage.

Price 499.000 euros ZTM3600

cOMPETa Business for sale or properties with flexible accommodation for up to 20. 2 country villas & 4 log cabins, going concern, private pool.

Price towards 549.000 euros ZTM3369

frigiliaNa An individually rustic styled villa with pool on a plot of 7,000m2 above Frigiliana 4 bedrooms, 4 baths en-suite, gas central heating, water decal system, garage, part furnished.

Price towards 549.000 euros ZTM3604


la EXOTica A spacious 4 bed villa just a short walk from Nerja on a plot of 1,200m2, terraces, gardens, pool, garage, sea views, furnished.

Price towards 590.000 euros ZTM3924

TOrrOX / frigiliaNa cOuNTrySidE A very well presented villa of some 250m2 on a plot of approx 7,000m2, outstanding 360 degree views. Lots of terracing, private pool, large garage, some furnishings negotiable.

Price 590.000 euros ZTM4022

bETwEEN NErJa aNd frigiliaNa A spacious and very well presented cortijo. 3 / 4 beds, 3 baths, lots of terracing, large pool, jacussi, attractive gardens, double garage. Outstanding mountain views.

algarrObO / SayalONga A villa of substance & real character, 4/5 beds, 5,300m2 plot, pool, stables, outbuildings, mature gardens, good access.

Price unfurnished 580.000 euros ZTM3661

NErJa A well presented spacious villa. Close to Nerja but in the countryside. Private drive,1000m2 plot, 3 beds, 3 baths, lawn, pool, terraces, sea views.

cOrTiJO SaN rafaEl A detached villa in sought after location, s/ c apartment, 2 large bedrooms, 2,700m plot, 2 garages, large pool, mature gardens, fully furnished.

Price 550.000 euros ZTM3558

NErJa Cortijo San Rafael, Frigiliana. Comfortable 250m2 villa on 1,670m2. Gas central heating, sea and mountain views. Large pool, attractive gardens.

Price 599.000 euros ZTM3916

NErJa A pristinely presented 4 bedroom,4 bath villa, large south facing terraces, landscaped gardens, private pool, double garage, sea views, a/c, double glazing throughout and much more.

Price 625.000 euros ZTM3732

la hErradura A very well presented and charming 3 / 4 bedroom villa on a small select urbanization, outstanding sea views, private pool, garage, gardens close to town centre and beach.

Price 595.000 euros ZTM3739

NErJa A 5 bed 5 bath detached villa with private pool. Superb design features, outstanding decor, double / treble garage.

Price guide 749.000 euros ZTM3441

cOrTiJO SaN rafaEl A large detached villa, 4 bedrooms, mature landscaped gardens with private pool, open and sheltered terraces, sea and mountain views, solar under floor heating.

Offers over 750.000 euros ZTM3748

la MOliNETa A superbly located detached villa with views down the Higueron valley to the sea, 240m2 on a plot of 2,500m2, 3 beds, 3 ensuite baths, garage, gardens, 9x5m pool, solar alarm, a/c. Part covered 100m2 south facing terrace.

Price 725.000 euros ZTM3752

cOTObrO A spacious villa overlooking the bay towards Marina del Este. 2/3 beds in main house and a large self contained one bed apartment. Quality features, garage, pool, lots of south facing terraces with sea views, good access.

Price towards 650.000 euros ZTM3806

TOrrOX cOSTa One of very few 3 / 4 bed private villas with a large pool and gardens, very close to the beach. Integral garage, quality furnishings included, strong rental history. Many features.

Offers towards 695.000 euros ZTM3704

VEraNO aZul, PuNTa lara One of a small collection of large upscale villas, 3 beds, pristinely presented, fully furnished, garage, private pool, sea views, close to beach. Room for massive internal conversion.

Price towards 650.000 euros ZTM3800

Price 645.000 euros ZTM3700 Price towards 649.000 euros ZTM3763 · · · · tel: (+34) 95 252 7300 · · · · tel: (+34) 95 252 7300

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team españa teamstar holiday rentals · www. · tel: (+34) 95 252 7300

frigiliaNa An outstanding tastefully furnished 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom country villa in the hills behind Frigiliana, with a private pool, only 15 minutes drive to the beaches and Nerja, with breathtaking views to the sea, overlooking fruit trees and the beautiful Andalucian countyside. A completely private hide away, with all the luxuries, yet within easy reach of bars & restaurants. Heating, air con. and internet on a ‘pay as you go’ basis. Car recommended.

ref: r8708




la hErradura An outstanding villa overlooking the bay of La Herradura, self contained apartment, garage, spacious terracing, pool, gardens. Close to beach.

Price guide 825.000 euros ZTM3687

algarrObO Impressive luxury villa, just outside Algarrobo pueblo. 3/4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, cloakroom, pool, sauna, great views.

Price 850.000 euros ZTM3895

NErJa / frigiliaNa An impressive villa in Cortijo San Rafael, south facing 2,000m2 plot, 5/6 bedrooms, central heating, large pool, terracing, 2 garages, mature garden.

Price unfurnished 975.000 euros ZTM3554

NErJa A large 3 / 4 bedroom villa in excellent decorative order plus a self contained 1 bed apartment situated between Capistrano Village and Fuente del Baden.

cOrTifO SaN rafaEl A recently built villa, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, ac/ heating, double glazing, very large garage, camera entry system, private pool and gardens.

Price guide 870.000 euros ZTM3512

cErrO gOrdO One of the most spectacular locations, flexible accommodation 4 bedrooms, large roof terrace, some of the best views in Spain.

Price 990.000 euros ZTM4000

Price 885.000 euros ZTM3424

PuNTa lara alTa A brand new 3 bedroom villa of some 240m2 on a plot of 5,000m2, plot and pool to be completed, outstanding sea views, lots of terraces, fantastic project for completion.

Price guide795.000 euros ZTM4029

frigiliaNa A pristinely presented villa between La Molineta and Frigiliana. 4 beds, 4 baths, games room, sea views, gardens, large pool, casita, fully furnished.

Price 975.000 euros ZTM 3504

cErrO gOrdO Above La Herradura with outstanding sea views looking along the coast westwards to Nerja. Superb large new villa, 270m2 4 bedrooms / 4 bathrooms and much more.

Price 1.150.000 euros ZTM3031

cOrTiJO SaN rafaEl A well located substantial villa of some 295m2 in a private setting of 2,200m2 with sea views towards Nerja and the Costa Tropical. 5 bedrooms, 3 en-suite bathrooms and a guest bathroom with a large 10x5m pool.

Price 999.950 euros ZTM3883

cOrTiJO SaN rafaEl, frigiliaNa / NErJa A substantive 5 bed villa with a sizeable guest house of 175m2 set in attractive gardens including a 2000m2 area for possible building. Large private pool.

Price 995.000 euros ZTM3461

chiMENEa A villa in one of the best locations in Nerja, panoramic sea views, 3 beds in main house plus a separate 1 bed apartment. Beautiful gardens, large heated pool, gardens & fully furnished.

Price guide 1.300.000 euros ZTM3683

cOrTiJO SaN rafaEl An impressive large villa, Arabic design features, large atrium hall, 3 beds in main house, 2 large apartments. Attractive gardens, pool. Fully furnished.

Price guide: 1.175.000 euros ZTM3775

cErrO gOrdO An impressive villa on El Nogal, outstanding location, 360º views, large terraces, open plan design, quality appliances throughout.

Price guide 1.300.000 euros ZTM3865 · · · · tel: (+34) 95 252 7300

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teamstar holiday rentals · www. · tel: (+34) 95 252 7300

frigiliaNa Almazara, is situated in the heart of La Molineta, cradled in a valley with spectacular views to the sea and mountains. In days gone by Almazara was once the olive mill which formed part of the La Molineta hamlet. In recent years Almazara has been

ref: r0305 ref: r0276

ref: r1148 ref: r1508


respectfully and tastefully renovated to offer its visitors the comfort of a modern lifestyle whilst experiencing a unique slice of Andalucian history.

NErJa A stunning, spacious, light, 3 bedroom villa with a private pool designed in an open plan style in an elevated position above Nerja with breathtaking views to the sea and mountains. Only a 10 minute walk to the beach and less than a 5 minute drive to Nerja. Air conditioning and internet on a ‘pay as you go‘ basis. The villa is located a 5 minute drive up from the coastal road of Nerja.

frigiliaNa A lovely 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom air conditioned villa furnished to the highest standard with a private pool in the hills of Frigiliana with breathtaking sea and mountain views across the Torrox and Nerja valleys to the coast, which is a 20 minute drive away. Very private position approx 3 minutes from the Torrox - Frigiliana road. (A/C in 2 bedrooms in main house, 50 euros a week, pre-

NEar NErJa A luxury 5 bedroom villa with private pool and gardens, a couple of miles west of Nerja, located in an elevated position less than a 10 min drive to Nerja and the beach, with outstanding views to the mountains and sea.

Large terraces with various tables and chairs for outside dining, as well as outside sofas, sun loungers, and built


in BBQ. Car recommended.

book). Car recommended.

NErJa A modern spacious 4 bedroom villa with private pool, located in a popular and beautiful development, with outstanding sea and mountain views.Approached from the coast road just a few minutes drive west of Nerja town. This villa enjoys sun all day and is ideal for large families / groups of friends looking for a relaxing / active holiday.

ref: r1042

ref: r0265

frigiliaNa A luxury 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom villa in the hills behind Frigiliana, with a private pool, only 15 minutes drive to the beaches and Nerja, located on the Torrox / Frigiliana road with breathtaking views to the sea, overlooking fruit trees and the beautiful Andalucian countyside. A completely private hide away, with all the luxuries one is looking for, yet within easy reach to bars and restaurants.Car recommended.

NErJa A large luxury 3 bedroomed 3 bathroom detached villa in the Urbanisation of ‘Balcon Punta Lara’ (west of Nerja), with private pool, large south / southeast facing terrace, BBQ, balcony and outstanding views. A couple of minutes drive to the beach and less than a 5 min drive to Nerja town centre. WIFI on a

NErJa A spacious, beautifully appointed, modern 3 bedroomed villa, well furnished and equipped with private pool, large terraces and porch which provides shade during the hot summer months. Built on two levels, with a bathroom

on each level, this property offers comfortable living accommodation and delightful ornamental gardens


with a variety of fruit trees.

‘pay as you go’ basis.

ref: r0280

ref: r1008

The nearest beach and restaurant is just a couple of minutes drive or approx. 10 minutes walk down the slope. Secure parking. Internet and air conditioning available on a 'pay as you go' basis.

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teamstar holiday rentals · www. · tel: (+34) 95 252 730014

frigiliaNa A luxury 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom villa in the hills behind Frigiliana, with private pool, only 15 min drive to the beaches and Nerja, located on the famous Torrox / Frigiliana road with breath taking views to the sea, overlooking fruit trees and the beautiful

ref: r1013

ref: r0279 ref: r3308

Andalucian county side. A completely private hide away, yet within easy reach to bars and restaurants. (free wifi internet) Car recommended.

frigiliaNa A luxury spacious 5 bedroom, 5 bathroom detached villa with private pool in the sought after location of Cortijos San Rafael. Stunning views to the sea, mountains and Nerja. This beautiful villa offers high standard luxurious accomodation throughout. Less than a 5 min drive to Nerja and its many beaches.Internet WIFI included on a 'pay as you go' basis. Car recommended.

NErJa A beautiful detached well appointed 2 bedroom villa in a quiet cul de sac on the eastern side of Nerja, feels like you are holidaying in luxury in the Spanish countryside even though it is within minutes of the town and beautiful beaches. The property is set in stunning grounds, is totally secluded and enjoys uninterrupted panoramic views over olive groves to the sea which is less than a mile away.

frigiliaNa A tastefully furnished 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom country villa behind Frigiliana, with a private pool, only 10 min drive to the beaches and Nerja, located just off the Torrox / Frigiliana road with breathtaking views to the sea, overlooking fruit trees and beautiful Andalucian

countyside. A luxury private hide away, within easy reach to all facilities. Air conditioning and internet charged on


a ‘pay as you go‘ basis. Car recommended.

WIFI on a 'pay as you go basis'.

ref: r1064

NEAR NERJA Luxury 3 bedroom penthouse in the stunning urbanization of Calaceite, with a 81m2 south facing terrace, situated between Nerja and Torrox, 400 metres from the beach. Underground private parking with a lift to the apartment. Fully air conditioned. Furnished to the highest standard.Access to two shared pools. 24 hour security and reception desk. A/c & Internet on a “pay as you go basis”.

teamstar holiday rentals · www. · tel: (+34) 95 252 7300 · www. · tel: (+34) 95 252 7300


Ref: R1019

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teamstar holiday rentals · www. · tel: (+34) 95 252 730016 · www. · tel: (+34) 95 252 7300

teamstar holiday rentals · www. · tel: (+34) 95 252 730016

NERJA A modern contemporary open plan 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment in the heart of Nerja, overlooking the famous Salon beach. With a south facing balcony, fully equipped new kitchen, this apartment is ideal for anyone wanting to be near the beach and

Ref: R0282

Ref: R0272 Ref: R1578

the centre of town only a minutes walk from bars, shops and restaurants. Air conditioning and internet on a ‘pay as you go’ basis.

NERJA A brand new 2 bedroom Penthouse apartment in the centre of Nerja, a few minutes walk from Torrecilla beach with the most fantastic private roof terrace, approx. 120 m2 with 360 degree view to the sea and mountains. Air conditioning throughout and WIFI internet charged on a ‘pay as you go’ basis. With private underground parking and the lift straight up to the front door to the top fifth floor.

NERJA A spacious, bright 2 bedroom apartment with uninterrupted sea views in a quiet residential and holiday area about a mile west of Nerja and a 10 minute stroll to the beach. An unusually large south facing sunny terrace which provides ample room for eating out and relaxation. Communal pool and gardens only a short walk away.

NERJA A spacious modern one bedroom penthouse with access to a shared pool in an elevated position above Burriana beach. Outstanding views to the sea and mountains from the large private terrace.

Air conditioning and internet is available on a ‘pay as you go’ basis.

( For 4 people ). Internet on a “pay as you go basis”.


Ref: R1318

teamstar holiday rentals · www. · tel: (+34) 95 252 7300 · www. · tel: (+34) 95 252 7300

NERJA A 2 bedroom apartment in the beautiful urbanisation of Capistrano Playa. Stunning views from the large terrace over the lake and beach. 5 minutes walk from the beach. Fully air conditioned on a pay as you go basis. This

Ref: R0290

Ref: R1077 Ref: R1066

apartment is approached via a number of external steps. Internet on a 'pay as you go basis'.

NERJA A centrally located, beautifully appointed and refurbished, two bedroomed apartment in the attractive Acapulco Playa development, renowned for its great central location, beautiful communal gardens and swimming pool. Bars, shops, restaurants less than a minutes walk away. Stunning views to the sea, mountains and the Balcon de Europa.

NERJA A modern, stylish, clean and spacious, 2 bedroom apartment with large south west facing terrace, located in a small development less than 5 minutes walk from Burriana beach with its many shops, bars and restaurants. A/C installed throughout - heating and cooling - on a ‘pay as you go’ basis.

NERJA A bright, modern, centrally located, two bedroom third floor apartment within 2 minutes walk to the beach. Edif Coronado is renowned and popular for its great central location, communal gardens and swimming pool. Bars,

shops, restaurants are less than a minute´s walk away. A car is not necessary. Internet on a 'pay as go ' basis.


Ref: R1061

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teamstar services

Pool Maintenance Gardening Services

Building Services Laundry Service

These are not any old BBQ`s these are Teamstar Services BBQ`s! So much time is spent outdoors why not go to town with an imaginative design - we guarantee a unique design to fit the look and feel of your home in the sun. How about a 'Summer House' great for entertaining and keeping in the shade during the summer months and by building a concrete table that doubles into a fireplace makes for a memorable BBQ in the mild winter evenings.

Our housekeeping team ensures that bed linen, towels and general laundry are delivered to our holiday rental properties and that our laundrette know well in advance laundry and linen requirements. We also undertake end of season, curtain, carpet, sofa, quilts and pillow cleans.

Most of our rental properties have access to either communal or private pools. Communal pools are managed by the community and as such we do our best to ensure the water is maintained to an acceptable level through holidaymakers feedback and observation. In all cases private villas are managed by our own team who undertake to clean once a week and twice a week in peak season in order to maintain and measure the correct Ph and chlorine levels.

teamstar holiday rentals · www. · tel: (+34) 95 252 730018

Teamstar Services har direct kontakt med svensk myndighet när det gäller svenskt RUT-avtal och kan därför erbjuda samma förmånliga erbjudanden som ni kan åtnjuta i Sverige när det gäller er fastighet här i Nerja med omnejd.

renovering – underhåll – TillbyggnadNi är välkomen att diskutera era behov per E-mail eller besöka vårt kontor på Calle Carmen nr 4 i Nerja. Ni hittar oss på gågatan ett 20-tal meter från Balcon de Europa till höger om kyrkan. Vi talar svenska.

From maintaining simple gardens and terrace plants to landscaping, building terraces and dry stone walls, our team of professionals know what they are doing, from maintenance work to designing and building an attractive fruit producing Mediterranean garden. Our team also maintain a number of larger community gardens in and around Nerja. · tel: (+34) 95 252 7300

teamstar holiday rentals · www. · tel: (+34) 95 252 730018

NERJA A luxury two bedroom apartment, in an excellent location 100 meters from Burriana Beach, with its beachside bars, restaurants, shops and supermarket. Superb central location, 60m2 of terrace, with views to the beach, sea and mountains. (Air

Ref: R1023

Ref: R0289 Ref: R4308

conditioning and heating are available on a ‘pay as you go’ basis, charged separately). Internet on a 'pay as you go' basis.

NERJA A newly renovated two bedroom apartment 160 metres from Burriana Beach and only a short walk to the Parador and Nerja town centre with shared pool from there you can enjoy fantastic views to the beach, bars shops, supermarkets, Fantastic location! A/C in both bedroom included in the price. Internet on a ‘pay as you go’ basis. (approx. 13 p.w.)

NERJA In an idyllic setting, this three double bedroom frontline apartment is furnished to a high standard. It has uninterrupted sea views and the added advantage of a communal pool and landscaped gardens. It is located in the much sought after Carabeo area of Nerja, and within easy walking distance of all amenities. Internet on " pay

NERJA A spacious well positioned modern 3 bedroom, townhouse with a large terrace and garden, built in BBQ, 10min walk to Burriana beach and within easy walking distance to town with great views to the sea. (broadband internet access). This well

furnished south facing townhouse is located less than 1km from of Nerja town centre and an 8 min walk to Burriana beach. Internet on a 'pay as you basis'.

as you go " basis.


Ref: R1004

Page 11: The Team Group - Spring Edition

Property sales:

www.teamespana.comNerja, C/ Carmen 4 – alongside the church on the balcon

tel: (+34) 95 252 7300 – mob: (+34) 69 675 4724 fax: (+34) 95 296 6116

moc.ytreporp-dnalni.www Competa, Avenida de la Constitucion 27, corner of the car park

tel: (+34) 95 255 3498 - mob: (+34) 69 767 9656

Part of the

Property sales:

Nerja, Calle Carabeo 77tel: (+34) 95 252 7300 - mob: (+34) 69 675 4724

fax: (+34) 95 296 6116

Part of the

team group



aLA HERRADURA A large 3 bedroom town house, plus a studio apartment and integral garage. In all 4 beds, 4 bathrooms, 2 kitchens. Great sea views. Large communal pool, paddle tennis, Price 290.000E ZTM3489

Visit us at our new officesat Calle Carabeo 77

NERJA A centrally located 2 bed apartment with sea views close to the seafront, communal pool, furnished. Good on road parking close by.

Price 140.000E ZTM4030

NERJA A well presented 2 bed townhouse in the Parador area of Nerja, close to Burriana beach and near the communal pool. Furniture included.

Price 149.000E ZTM3997 · · ·