the teachings of mahaanand

“We all are travelers of the same path ––the path of blooming consciousness” –– MahaAnand MahaAnand – the universal true eternal friend –the great preceptor, the great incarnation of God, the great teacher, the great sage of the new age. He is resident of true spiritual world. The meaning of ‘MahaAnand' is the great joy. MahaManas is another name of MahaAnand . The meaning of MahaManas is the CosmicMind! The teachings of MahaAnand (MahaManas) are very popular in the net world. To know about him and his teachings please visit– “As much a person is conscious about the mind, as much a person knows the mind, and as much a person has control over the mind,

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Post on 22-Dec-2014




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MahaAnand – the universal true eternal friend ! –the great preceptor, the great incarnation of God, the great sage of the modern age. He is resident of true spiritual world. Meaning of ‘MahaAnand' is the great joy. MahaManas is another name of MahaAnand . He has many more names to his devotees as--- MahaHansa, MahaJnan, MahaJan, MahaAnshu, MahaManava, MahaJeevan, etc. We know, he is existing always in all of us–his devotees and disciples, though he is living out of sight. He hardly ever comes in public. Most of times he stays in Himalayas. Even he won’t publish his photograph. “The Divine is in all, not in my Face alone”. We do not know what his age is. We see him as ever young. We are a few of the lucky men who stayed with him a few times. As a man he is an extraordinary, talented, wise, nobel-minded, humanitarian. But there will be some wrong if we see him as a common man. We, a few persons, know that he has extra ordinary supernatural good powers, which he prefers to hide. To us, He is God. You may get His Blessings in many ways without having to seek His fysical presence. By practicing ‘MahaManan’ and 'MahaSadhana’, He comes to you in unseen ways. By installing His picture (painted) at home or office, in open place, decorated with garland of flowers, increases peace, happiness and prosperity. Putting incense and a candle in front of His picture and by praying regularly twice a day, you will attain the fulfilment of your heart’s desire. By practicing these yoga you will get a more beautiful and peaceful life. For deepest self realization and self development, you will have to practice regularly. Your life will become more bright and delightful, being a member of ‘MAHA’ and being a follower of MahaAnand. Promote His ability to reach out to many. You can use any media, The modern world has much to offer in terms of broadcasting the message of universal peace and love. Remember: at any time, in any situation, when calling Him, silently muttering His name 'MahaAnand’ repeatedly, you may receive His benedictions. To know in details, please visit : &


Page 1: The Teachings of MahaAnand

“We all are travelers of the same path ––the path of blooming consciousness” –– MahaAnand 

MahaAnand – the universal true eternal friend –the great preceptor, the great incarnation of God, the great teacher, the great sage of the new age. He is resident of true spiritual world. The meaning of ‘MahaAnand' is the great joy. MahaManas is another name of MahaAnand . The meaning of MahaManas is the CosmicMind! The teachings of MahaAnand (MahaManas) are very popular in the net world. To know about him and his teachings please visit–

“As much a person is conscious about the mind, as much a person knows the mind, and as much a person has control over the mind, he/she is that much a Human being. The day, when you become the master of mind, then understand, that day, you become the Human being. In that sense, we are baby Human beings. Still now, we are not complete Human beings. First, we have to be Human beings, our apparent target is to become the Human beings”

––MahaAnand (MahaManas)

Page 2: The Teachings of MahaAnand

“Not only I but also all,

Going to the ultimate goal of destiny.

 Some in knowledge, some in illusion,

 Some know, some don’t know,

Actually we all are wayfarer of the same way.  

Destiny is from senseless to completely consciousness,

 Through the activities, and enjoyments.

 Through the experience of knowledge

 Continuous walk–––

None is stopped here,

 It is not also possible to stop---

 There is no way but go forward,

 Backward is untrue imagination.

 According to nature, situation and happenings

 Someone is at front some at back,

 Someone who is at back

 Don’t neglect,

Mind it; you also crossed the same stage once a time.

 Once a time,

 His conscious will come

 With powerful motion like storm.

 He also goes forward at complete consciousness

 With full knowledge.” ––MahaAnand (MahaManas)

Page 3: The Teachings of MahaAnand

Sadness– Hardship & Free from them–– MahaAnand ––

“This is true that, this great World System is not good for all living things, not suitable. But still I will say those who can accept this system, heartily can surrender himself/herself completely to this system, and can live nicely to greater extent. And this is also correct that, this worldly system does not want us to accept it completely, to surrender completely to it. It’s main purpose is to give us sadness – hardship – pain. If you can accept happily with the head bowed, the sadness – hardship – pains of this heartless – cruel system, then only, you can live well to a great extent ( if you want to know, what type is this greatly system, & why it want to give us sadness –hardship –pain, –you have to read our main religious scripture –MahaVad ).

Two category people accept this system, the first is, true followers of Knowledge Yoga– those who with the purpose of gaining true Knowledge, with the purpose to know the true form of this great worldly system, undergoes great sadness – hardship – pain – travels along road, after attaining true knowledge, realises that – there is no other way, than accepting this system, creatures have no independent role, s/he is only a part of this system ( due to independent feeling s/he may feel –s/he is simply a puppet of this system ) then, they accept it, without finding other alternative. If a person reaches more higher stage of Knowledge-Yoga, then s/he becomes one in spirit.

The other category, those who are followers of Devotion-Yoga, they do not want to know anything – understand anything. They do not understand ‘system’, they only know their dearest, wholehearted praying God (in own desired form, in own way). They surrender themselves to God, they are free form all burdens. Along with accepting the God completely, they heartily and easily accept his all activities or miracles. In other way they accept this great worldly system. They feel, whatever God does – all for the good. Whatever way he keeps, they are satisfied with that. They feel that, God is Examining their devotion – respect – faith – depending ness by giving in this examination. So “how mach sadness you give, I will never be separated form your lotus feet”. If a person passes this exam, s/he can gradually union with God.”

Why do the mind programming

Page 4: The Teachings of MahaAnand

“If you feel, mind is the cause of maximum of sadness, you can achieve beautiful, peaceful life by suitable ‘mind Programming’ (similar to Computer programming ). The wilful or deliberate sinner, that is, a person who is knowledgeable but works like un knowledgeable persons. ‘What is to happen will happen’, even after knowing this, the person whose mind does not accept this like a foolish person, as a result, experience sadness– hardship– un peacefulness, for him/her, to bring under control the mind, the only way is to do ‘Mind Programming’. The person, who wants to be an eternal lover, who wants to grow up as followers of Devotion-yoga, who wants to lead peaceful– joyful life by surrendering to God, but in spite of wanting this cannot be or do this properly due to bind in customs and restless mind, for them, ‘Mind Programming’ is the only way. The learning of ‘Mind Programming’ and practising should be taken or done from the only person who knows the truth or appropriate teacher or a true instructor preceptor. Mind programming, is a type of Yoga –it is also called– ‘Yoganidra’ or Yoga sleep. Many know it by the name of ‘Hypnosis’ or ‘self-hypnosis’. But those, who are not interested in doing ‘Mind Programming’, who are not sufficiently conscious about mind– for them, direct ‘Mind programming’ is not meant. Those who meditate or practice Yoga regularly for self-control, peace and good health, they do it indirectly through process of self-hypnosis. These processes are very good, but direct hypnosis process has better result with in a short time. Those who are not able to do ‘Mind programming’ by direct ‘hypnosis’ due to physical and mental state, structure, ill-health, for them indirect process are only good.” ––MahaAnand

God’s Message “I like more, the two to four Knowledgeable Devotee, compared to hundred thousands un knowledgeable blind devotee. After knowing me perfectly– after knowing my real form, who loves me, his love is desirable by me. All knowledgeable persons may have blind emotions which is the apparent price of love, but that is unlucky element. Many a times, this madness takes deadly form. So I tale all my devotees first know me (know moon – as the moon is like), know my real form, even after that, if you like– love as much as you like. That much is only the true love.

You all be lover of truth, be eager of real knowledge. Be life centred. This path is very painful, still this the only path. Think, I have to undergo the mixtures of yours sadness – hardship – pain. But there is no alternative; this is only law of the worldly system. If you

attain perfect knowledge – sufficient knowledge, then you will have no more pain, then you can enjoy forever endless happiness – pure peace. Proceed with the aim of attaining this

future’s happiness – with the hope of attaining endless peace. Never be diverted by Heaven’s false tales, do not run about like mads, by being bewildered by the false promises of religious-

business persons. That path is not life’s path. Proceed on the path of truth – knowledge.” – MahaAnand

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“One day a devotee told me that he does not want anything, only want to serve God. Then I asked him, what type of servant you want to become, – efficient servant or inefficient servant? – Low category servant, far off servant, high category servant, servant very close to God, – very favourite dearest? Listening to me, he felt uneasy, looked at me with open mouth. I explained him with example, let’s take for example – a special rich person, – he has many servants within his home and outside and at his working place. Some one work in his garden, someone looks after his vehicles, someone cleans his home, or someone supplies water for his bath – someone serves the food, someone messages his legs – hands – body. And some servants are there, who help him at his working place. There are present several categories of servants. High category servants who understand his master’s demand, desires and dislike ness, they understand the mood of master, the working style of master – understand the purpose of work – they are very favourite servants of the master. And so, you want to become which category of these. That devotee replied instantly, I want to become high category – favourite servant. Then I said to him, at first you have to gain knowledge about God. You have to understand his world, his demand, his working style. Along with that, you have known your self, according to your qualities and tendencies; you have to be fit for any of his special work or service. Like an inefficient servant, if you supply salt instead of lime, when asked for, he will surely not love you. So the first is, you know him and know yourself”

– MahaAnand

“As much as you gain control over your own body and mind, that much, the outer world, will be under your control. Your worldly joy and achievement depends on spreading the influence on your front person……Sadness-Hardship is partly physical and maximum mental. You can

be free mental sadness –hardship by making the mind self-conscious and well learned by attaining self-knowledge. You will be able to cure maximum part, the physical hardship-

diseases, with the help of mental power gradually” – MahaAnand

"We say and think externally, ‘happiness wanted’ but internally, beyond our knowledge, the opposite action takes place – there, some opponent party is sitting, he brings the

sadness by calling. So that we become sad, he thinks that way, does that type of work. In many thinks, he shows dissatisfaction, dislike ness, impatience, frustration, greediness, jealousy, hatred etc. Whatever are the creator of sadness, he catches that only always."

– MahaAnand

Page 6: The Teachings of MahaAnand

Cause of Sadness – Hardship “Our mind is responsible for maximum sadness – hardship. But if we minutely note – it can be seen, actually not mind, mainly responsible are deep rooted programs of our mind. Surely the physical structure within mind, ingredients, ill health, these are also responsible to a great extent. If you can change these appropriately, it you can do re-programming of mind or re-orientation you will grow up to be happy-joyful-peaceful. The past generation’s instincts (received at present), and the rituals , customs received, has covered our mind in such a way that, in maximum cases, we notice the sadness –hardship, –bad side, –it strikes our mind–we do not notice the good side of every subject – every incident in maximum time. As a result, we see more the sadness them happiness. Besides this, our boundless demands are the other reason. Actually, what is to be asked or what should we ask, we do not know. And the nature of becoming sad, if we do not get as per our demand, – if you cannot change this nature, you cannot be happy. What type will be our demands, and what should be done, if we don not get as per our demands, what should be done that time – regarding this, we should take appropriate lesson, and program our mind according to that, and make our body health and keep health – you can achieve happiness – peace – joy. As much ill fate may come in your life – you will never feel hardship. But this gaining lesson, this programming, all this depends on your luck. Those who can do this, they can surely achieve good luck. To learn the basic knowledge of the first lesson of this course, programmes is that, at first, you have to learn the clear knowledge of life, great life, true creation theory, luck. The great Guru MahaAnand’s educational programme regarding developed, happy, beautiful life is ‘MahaManan’ programmes.” – MahaAnand

“When your reaction is good or bad, for any others behaviour – its means, you feel that person, to be one like you, feel similar to you. You are give sufficient importance to him / her and you also expect equal or more importance from him / her. If someone’s happiness touches you, if the happiness is resonant in your mind, feel empathetic, then his sadness – his anti behaviour, will surely create negative reaction, sadness – hardship, anger – dissatisfaction, in your mind. Generally it is not possible that, people behaviour will only have good effect – only be happy – be joyful, will never be sad – will never have negative effect. If you are happy, you have to be sad also. Only a change can be brought to mind, with special programming. That also, not for all persons. If a person always remains the same at other’s good or bad behaviour, express good feeling, then either s / he is indifferent, minded or programmed minded or s / he is of unusual minded person.” – MahaAnand

“In reality, the path of moving in ‘Maha (great) life’ are not many – path is one, leaving behind the starting point, we all are progressing forward. This long path’s separate parts have separate names, different – different form – structure. We each person are in one – one part. In one – one part of this long path, some are moving sticking to left, some are sticking to right, or some are sticking to middle of road and proceeding forward. Consciously or

Page 7: The Teachings of MahaAnand

unconsciously we all are proceeding on the same path – towards the target of blooming of consciousness – blooming of Mind.” – MahaAnand

Self-suggestion (For my Students and devotees)Self-suggestion (For my Students and devotees)

“I will not accept sadness. I will not accept or give a place in“I will not accept sadness. I will not accept or give a place in mind, those which gives birth to sadness. The birth giver ofmind, those which gives birth to sadness. The birth giver of sadness is – un satisfaction, dislikeness, impatience, frustration,sadness is – un satisfaction, dislikeness, impatience, frustration, hatred, irritation, greediness, jealousy, anger, illusion,hatred, irritation, greediness, jealousy, anger, illusion, infatuation, aversion, ignorance, diseases etc. I will always beinfatuation, aversion, ignorance, diseases etc. I will always be self-conscious, always remain cautious of these relations. Notself-conscious, always remain cautious of these relations. Not give a place in the mind, to these. Among these diseases,give a place in the mind, to these. Among these diseases, unhealthiness are the main causes of sadness, I will remainunhealthiness are the main causes of sadness, I will remain cautious about these relations and try to be healthy.”cautious about these relations and try to be healthy.”

LOVE FOR GODLOVE FOR GOD “Real love develops between equals. A person of high category – the others person of low category, a person of high caste – the other of low caste, in that case, due to blind emotion, love may develop but does not achieve permanency. Or one way or one sided love may develop, but that does not lead to development of proper love relation. Love should be between equals. Those who love God or want to love God, or engrossed in love for God, it is applicable for them too. If you want to develop sweet love relation with God, first you have to know God in his true form and identity. If you have loved some imaginary form of God, then when you will know the real form of God in future, yours love’s base may shake. It may seem that soil is moving away from below your feet. And like mad, if you can remain engrossed with your imaginary God, if you do not expect any answer – any return from your real God, then you can remain happy surely. But that will be like one sided or false love or love of a penniless for the riches child. If you really want to love God, then after knowing the real form of God, you have to upgrade and prove fit, close to the stage of God.

For that, you have to pray whole heartedly to God so that you may become fit for his love. This is ‘MahaSadhana’. Do not possess this idea that God loves his whole creation and loves equally. In past days, God has created many such things, which was not up to his full satisfaction and he has destroyed all of them. As you like the good thing more, God is also the same. So you have to be good at first, so that along with others, God also can not remain without loving you. So pray to God, for attaining knowledge – consciousness, pray for to be positive, and along with that make efforts to achieve them. By seeing your efforts and hearing

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your prayers and being happy, if he loves you, eager to get your love, then on one side as he will help you to step up (develop), make you develop, similarly on other side, he will step down a lots. As a result equality will be created between both, closeness will be created and deep love relation will then develop.” – MahaAnand

Human Beings of the stage of childhood of consciousness.Human Beings of the stage of childhood of consciousness. 

“Those who believe with simple mind the different impractical stories of religion–think everything to be true, whatever you may call them but cannot say, and enough conscious and practical knowledgeable person. In correct sense, they are in the stage of childhood of consciousness. If child things own self to be a child, then no problem is there. But instead of that, he thinks own self to be matured–knowledgeable–everything-knowing, and then is created the problem. Not only that, this causes harm to own self, along with that, surrounding children and elderly persons are also harmed. If a child thinks own self to be a child, in normal law of nature, then, there is an effort in him to grow up and develop. S/he has to grow up to a great highness, step by step from the present stage – this program will gradually help him to step high gradually. Surrounding persons also come forward to help in his development. But, instead of that, if he things, he has grown sufficiently elder, and already developed, then nothing is to happen. Besides, commanding over persons or attaining of salvation, he has no other alternative, in front of him. In this situation, as much chaos, which is supposed to take place, – the normal path of gradual development, which is supposed to be blocked, that same happens in our society. Religion – country – everything have now taken the child’s (Child consciousness human beings) guise of knowledge, consciousness, under control and is the maturedness of these guised guardians. Brutal – evil doer – destroyer – robbers, they are also persons of childish consciousness; their mentality is also the same, but they are of very ill-formed mentality with excited, mad-like child or childish conscious persons. ‘Disguised or guised person’ this world is definitely not applicable for all, because many of them are grown up in consciousness–developed–do not have any idea regarding growing up to be a true human being. They are lead by innocence–blind emotions–false pride and wrong teachings and so do everything. Whatever they do due to ignorance and lack of right teachings, they think all of them to be correct and so they do. Only they are disguised or in a guise, are those who, in spite of knowing themselves to be mentally a child or a immature, for self-interest, for capturing the power, represents themselves to be a grown or aged person. They are very clever child or childish conscious persons. But their consciousness is comparatively a little more than a child.” – MahaAnand

“Though this world is not everlasting, find out, ever in these also, you will find some regularity – eternity and truth, if you are able to take shelter of that you will get the meet of immortality.” – MahaAnand

Page 9: The Teachings of MahaAnand

“For a person who is fully physically and mentally healthy, only that person can remain always happy. So care should be taken to keep physically and mentally health.” – MahaAnand

“How you are taking this world and its happenings, on that depends your condition – whether you remain good or not etc. depends lots.” – MahaAnand