the tau beta pi association - tau beta pi about recruit · civil eng. representative ismael de la...

The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: F-01 Recurring Project Project name: Officer Meetings Date(s) of Project: Biweekly on Mondays Project area: Chapter Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 20 Electees: 0 Hours spent on this project Organizing: 10 Participating: 20 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: As required by Bylaws, chapter officers met (mainly on Monday evenings) to discuss the plan to follow for the week in progress. On average, meetings took about 1 to 1.5 hours, except the first one of the semester where ideas for activities were brought forward and discussed. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: In order to offer activities and to better coordinate the initiation process, meetings were necessary to discuss both the activities planned for the following days and to keep up with the progress of the candidates. III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group? No) Chapter officer meetings are open to all members, but unless invited or directly involved with one of the activities, no other student organization participates in our officer meetings. Meetings follow the format established in our Bylaws, and are usually convened and run by the President. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: There were no expenses for the meetings. V. Special Problems: Booking a room to accommodate the officers is always a task, since our office is such a small room. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): Officer meetings were overall positive as the officers could plan ahead what their responsibilities in each activity were. In addition, it served to make decisions based on broad consensus and not just the consensus of a few officers. Although turnout was usually about 70%, the decisions made were consulted and agreed to by email and reflected the opinion and interests of the officers. Activities were also better coordinated and successful since all officers knew where and when to be, and what to do. VII. Index of Exhibits: 1. List of Officers

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Page 1: The Tau Beta Pi Association - Tau Beta Pi About Recruit · Civil Eng. Representative Ismael De la Paz Electrical Eng. Representative Arnold Irizarry Mechanical Eng. Representative

The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: F-01

Recurring Project Project name: Officer Meetings Date(s) of Project: Biweekly on Mondays Project area: Chapter Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 20 Electees: 0 Hours spent on this project Organizing: 10 Participating: 20 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: As required by Bylaws, chapter officers met (mainly on Monday evenings) to

discuss the plan to follow for the week in progress. On average, meetings took about 1 to 1.5 hours,

except the first one of the semester where ideas for activities were brought forward and discussed.

II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: In order to offer activities and to better coordinate

the initiation process, meetings were necessary to discuss both the activities planned for the following

days and to keep up with the progress of the candidates.

III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group? No) Chapter officer meetings are open to all members, but unless invited or directly involved with one of

the activities, no other student organization participates in our officer meetings. Meetings follow the

format established in our Bylaws, and are usually convened and run by the President.

IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: There were no expenses for the meetings.

V. Special Problems: Booking a room to accommodate the officers is always a task, since our office

is such a small room.

VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): Officer meetings were overall positive as the officers

could plan ahead what their responsibilities in each activity were. In addition, it served to make

decisions based on broad consensus and not just the consensus of a few officers. Although turnout

was usually about 70%, the decisions made were consulted and agreed to by email and reflected the

opinion and interests of the officers. Activities were also better coordinated and successful since all

officers knew where and when to be, and what to do.

VII. Index of Exhibits:

1. List of Officers

Page 2: The Tau Beta Pi Association - Tau Beta Pi About Recruit · Civil Eng. Representative Ismael De la Paz Electrical Eng. Representative Arnold Irizarry Mechanical Eng. Representative

List of Officers, Fall 2014: President Bryan Arroyo Vice President of Initiations Gabriela Toledo Vice President of Activities Tyrone Medina Corresponding Secretary Christian Hernandez Recording Secretary Arnaldo Lopez Treasurer Julian Ortiz Cataloger Vacant Public Affairs/Relations Alexander Millet Historian Joshua Gonzalez Webmaster Vacant Environmental Act. Coordinator Gustavo Figueroa Professional Act. Coordinator Juan Nieves Community Service Coordinator Darisabel Negron I.T.S. Coordinator Alexandra Garcia Civil Eng. Representative Ismael De la Paz Electrical Eng. Representative Arnold Irizarry Mechanical Eng. Representative Vacant Chemical Eng. Representative Vacant Industrial Eng. Representative Veronica Miguel Computer Eng. Representative Joel Corporan Advisors Josuan Hilerio Sánchez Dr. Evi De la Rosa Dr. Mayra Méndez Stephanie González

Page 3: The Tau Beta Pi Association - Tau Beta Pi About Recruit · Civil Eng. Representative Ismael De la Paz Electrical Eng. Representative Arnold Irizarry Mechanical Eng. Representative

The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: F-02

Recurring Project Project name: Officers’ Dinner and Networking Date(s) of Project: Aug. 28, 2014 Project area: Chapter/Social Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 5 Electees: 0 Hours spent on this project. Organizing: 0.5 Participating: 3.5 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: A night out to eat dinner and get to know the chapter’s new officers. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: This dinner was organized to get to know the chapter’s new officers. It was a social activity to establish a close bond between our officers so that we could work better together throughout the semester. III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) No The activity was organized by the Vice-President of Activities, Tyrone Medina. Our ITS Coordinator, Alexandra Garcia, suggested the restaurant (Costa Tio Mon) and a date and time was agreed upon. All the officers were invited by email through Google Calendars. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Everybody paid for their dinner and no other requirements were needed besides transportation to get to the restaurant. V. Special Problems: There were only 5 participants from a group of 20. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): Although just five made it to the restaurant and the food took pretty long to be served, everybody thoroughly enjoyed the food, got to know each other better, shared many ideas for the chapter for this semester and had a very nice evening. VII. Index of Exhibits:

1. Attendance List Attendance List:

1. Joshua Gonzalez Gaudier (Historian) 2. Tyrone Medina Velez (Vice-President of Activities) 3. Julian Ortiz (Treasurer) 4. Evi De la Rosa (Advisor) 5. Stephanie Gonzalez (Advisor)

Page 4: The Tau Beta Pi Association - Tau Beta Pi About Recruit · Civil Eng. Representative Ismael De la Paz Electrical Eng. Representative Arnold Irizarry Mechanical Eng. Representative

The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: F - 03

Recurring Project Project name: Member Meetings Date(s) of Project: Sep. 2, 2014 Project area: Chapter/ Social Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 17 Electees: 0 Hours spent on this project. Organizing: 1 Participating: 1.5 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: A member meeting was carried out during the semester to keep members

informed of upcoming activities. These meetings are also a requisite for those who wish to maintain

active status within our chapter.

II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: To inform our members of the upcoming activities

and to hear any concerns from them. This is part of the chapter’s commitment to be not just a chapter

for recruiting new members but also for the development of its active members. In this meeting

opportunities within the chapter (i.e. vacant officer positions) were also presented.

III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) No

Prior to the meeting, members were invited via email and Facebook. The Vice President of Activities

reserved a room, and a group of officers would be in charge of purchasing and serving pizza and

refreshments. The President was mostly in charge of preparing and giving the presentation with input

of the Vice-President of Activities.

IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: The only costs incurred are for pizza. Since meetings are held

during the campus’s “universal hour” which falls during the lunchtime period, the chapter always

provides pizza and refreshments.

V. Special Problems: Usually, low member turnout turns out to be troublesome even with meetings

announced with two weeks in advance. Low turnout translates into less members helping out with

chapter activities and in many cases, placement into inactive member status.

VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): Even with low member turnout, those that do attend

are always willing to lend a helping hand with chapter activities in some activities. The results of each

assembly vary depending on attendance: higher member participation usually follows a well-attended

member meeting. These meetings are our means of communicating with members face to face, they

are held at least once a semester when able.

Page 5: The Tau Beta Pi Association - Tau Beta Pi About Recruit · Civil Eng. Representative Ismael De la Paz Electrical Eng. Representative Arnold Irizarry Mechanical Eng. Representative

VII. Index of Exhibits:

Attendance List:

1. Julian Ortiz

2. Gabriela Toledo

3. Gustavo Figueroa

4. Hiram Ortiz

5. Christian Casanova

6. Adalgisa Lopez

7. Jasmine Figueroa

8. Arnold Irizarry

9. Arnaldo Lopez

10. Alexander Millet

11. Alexandra Garcia

12. Azaria Del Valle

13. Enery Lorenzo

14. Daniel Merced

15. Victor Rosario

16. Angel Cedeño

17. Tyrone Medina

Page 6: The Tau Beta Pi Association - Tau Beta Pi About Recruit · Civil Eng. Representative Ismael De la Paz Electrical Eng. Representative Arnold Irizarry Mechanical Eng. Representative

The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: F-04

New Project Project name: UNIV Presentations Date(s) of Project: Sep. 3, 10, 15 & 17, 2014 Project area: University/College Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 6 Electees: 0 Hours spent on this project. Organizing: 3 Participating: 1 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: Our University provides classes, coded UNIV, to freshmen where they learn about life in college and how to deal with the new challenges they will be presented with. Through this class we were able to present our society to the new students, what we do, what we stand for, and also motivate them to do their best so by their junior year they could be eligible to join our society. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The purpose of this activity is to promote our society and educate the newly enrolled students about what we are all about. III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) No The activity was organized by the Vice-President of Activities, Tyrone Medina. He set up meetings with the professional counselors who provide the classes, Dr. Madeline J. Rodriguez, Dr. Olga Collado and Dr. Maria Almodovar, and coordinated the days for which we were going to present. Some officers volunteered to help in the brief presentation so two officers could present for each section. Our public relations officer was given the task of updating and printing our chapter’s brochures to give out to the students. Tau Beta Pi bookmarks were also ordered to give out. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: The only cost that might have been incurred was for our chapter’s brochures, but they weren’t made on time. V. Special Problems: It was hard to get two officers per session, but we managed to do it for most of them. Our public relations officer took a lot of time in updating our brochure and wasn’t going to print them on time, so he didn’t print them at all. Also, although our VPA met with all counselors, Dr. Olga Collado (counselor to Industrial and Mechanical Engineering) referred to her student mentors to coordinate the activity, but they never answered, so we only presented to Civil, Chemical, Computer, and Electrical Engineering freshmen. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): Overall, the presentations went well and the counselors showed support and enthusiasm for our cause and helped motivate the students in joining us when they were eligible.

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VII. Index of Exhibits: Attendance List:

1. Tyrone Medina 2. Bryan Arroyo 3. Alexandra Garcia 4. Joel Corporan 5. Veronica Miguel 6. Stephanie Gonzalez

Page 8: The Tau Beta Pi Association - Tau Beta Pi About Recruit · Civil Eng. Representative Ismael De la Paz Electrical Eng. Representative Arnold Irizarry Mechanical Eng. Representative

The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: F-05

Recurring Project Project name: Internship Talk Series Date of Project: September 9, 2014 Project Area: University/College, Profession/Engineering Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 10 Electees: N/A Hours spent on this project Organizing: 2 Participating: 2 DESCRIPTION I. General Description: Internship Talk Series is forum-style presentation where students from

various engineering fields discuss their internship and co-op experiences in the industry. The speakers, chosen based on experience level, variety of work experiences, and general academic achievements, briefly explained their time as an undergraduate hire, and gave general advice on the process of finding opportunities without much experience. Topics such as how to portray yourself in front of a recruiter, handling a first interview, polishing a resume, and learning from mistakes during the job-hunting process were also discussed.

II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The purpose of the event is to expose students

that have not had internship, co-op, or even research opportunities to the experiences of their peers, and to help these people internalize their potential and prepare carefully and confidently for the UPRM Career Fair that was to be held on campus September 26th.

III. Organization & Administration: This activity was held solely by Tau Beta Pi and organized by

the ITS/RTS coordinator, Alexandra García, and Vice-President of Activities, Tyrone Medina. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: The room utilized was separated through the school officials,

therefore no location costs were involved. Lunch (pizza and soda) was provided to the attendants and speakers after the activity was over, and the total cost was about $45.

V. Special Problems: No problems were encountered during the organization and realization of this

activity. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results: All of the speakers are either active TBP members or candidates

this semester. The forum was very dynamic and the speakers were well prepared and had a fair share of experiences and good advice for the attendants. The public had a genuine interest in the subjects being discussed and many questions were asked to the speakers, which in turn Attendance was poor, which could have been a result of all the other extracurricular activities being held on campus that day at that same hour. The results of this activity were discussed among TBP leadership boards, and the “Research Talk Series” forum developed from it.

VII. Index of Exhibits:

1. Attendance List 2. Promotional Flyer 3. Pictures

Page 9: The Tau Beta Pi Association - Tau Beta Pi About Recruit · Civil Eng. Representative Ismael De la Paz Electrical Eng. Representative Arnold Irizarry Mechanical Eng. Representative

List of Attendance: Members:

1. Alexandra García 2. Tyrone Medina 3. Bryan Arroyo 4. Keishly Rosario 5. Arnaldo López 6. Alexander Millet 7. Gabriela Rodríguez 8. Eric Muñoz 9. Jehnsen Almodovar 10. Arnold Irizarry

Others: 1. Wigberto Maldonado 2. Naret Treviño Guzmán 3. Michelle Jimenez Nuñez 4. Luis Miguel Rivera Malavé 5. Alex A. Montenegro Torres 6. Julián A. Alicea Luciano 7. Carlos Sánchez 8. Wilfredo Montañez 9. Anthony Rivera de Jesús 10. Kevin Huang 11. Jonathan Ríos



Page 10: The Tau Beta Pi Association - Tau Beta Pi About Recruit · Civil Eng. Representative Ismael De la Paz Electrical Eng. Representative Arnold Irizarry Mechanical Eng. Representative

The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: F - 06

Recurring Project Project name: Fall Smoker Date(s) of Project: Sept. 11, 2014 Project area: Chapter/Social Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 15 Candidates: 63 Hours spent on this project Organizing: 8 Participating: 3 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: The chapter hosted its semiannual Smoker, an orientation event for

candidates to learn about Tau Beta Pi and to be sorted into groups. In this event, chapter officers

present themselves and explain the process for initiation. Smokers are the first activity geared

towards candidates and in it they have a chance to win one (1) point towards their point requirements.

II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: This event is the first step all candidates take on

their road towards membership. The idea is to learn more about what Tau Beta Pi offers them and to

split them up into groups which will form their team for the rest of the semester’s activities.

III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group? No)

This is one of our major events, and requires the participation of practically all the officers and active

members possible. The list of eligible students is made public, via e-mail, Facebook and Twitter, and

posted on bulletin boards throughout campus. This announcement also invites them to the Smoker.

The Vice President of Activities is in charge of reserving the room. The treasurer is in charge of

coordinating the purchase of pizza and refreshments. The Vice President of Initiation (VPI) runs the

Smoker itself; the VPI prepares a presentation that explains the association, benefits and the

membership process, and also runs an initial team-building activity and assigns the projects to each

group of candidates. A group of officers is at the door, handing out brochures and assigning

members to different groups and a series of members are assigned as mentors to each group, initially

tasked with helping them try to win the team building activity, but they also help their groups prepare

their assigned activity and sale throughout the semester. Several officers are pre-assigned as

mentors to an activity (Environmental, Community and Professional Coordinators, for example, will be

mentors of the groups who are assigned the environmental, community service and technical


IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Pizzas and refreshments at approximately $112.20 were the

only costs incurred.

V. Special Problems: The room we reserved did not have the auxiliary plug to connect the sound

equipment to the computer. We had to put the microphone in front of the computer speaker to hear

the music for the group activity.

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VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): After learning about all the benefits TBP has to offer,

candidates are more eager to work towards their membership, especially those who win the point.

Almost all candidates who attend the Smoker end up becoming members.

VII. Index of Exhibits:

1. Attendance List

2. Photos

Attendance List:


1. Gabriela Toledo

2. Joshua Gonzalez

3. Bryan Arroyo

4. Joaquin J. Guzman

5. Julian G. Ortiz

6. Alexander Millet

7. Arnaldo Lopez

8. Rafael Feliciano

9. Juan Nieves

10. Ilennis Heredia

11. Jacklyn Martinez

12. Adalgisa López

13. Stephanie Gonzalez

14. Edwin Herrera

15. Arnold Irizarry

16. Keishly Rosario


1. Angie E Cortes Lopez

2. Seaska I Perez Aviles

3. Christian J Colon Ortiz

4. Wilmarie Cosme Blanco

5. Carlos E Arboleda

6. Miguel A De Jesus

7. Yohanery Giboyeaux

8. Monica I Mercado

9. Yamira Rentas Vazquez

10. Ramon A Reyes Colon

11. Gladynel M Saavedra

12. Gabriela A Torres Torres

13. Maribel Torres

14. Michael G Carmona Soto

15. Gabriela S Salvat Davila

16. Christopher Vale Colon

17. Victor E David Cruz

18. Alexandra M Faulkner

19. Michelle M Gonzalez

20. Jimmy A Alvarado Torres

21. Isamar Amador Diaz

22. Dick E Arias Gonzalez

23. Jose L Colon Quintana

24. Jose J Correa Haifa

25. Hugo R Maysonet Garcia

26. Bryan A Pena Cruz

27. Ernesto J Perez

28. Lester E Sanchez

29. Ileana G Acevedo Munoz

30. Anibal J Echevarria Ruiz

31. Jonathan R Fernandez

32. Luis E Figueroa Toro

33. Hezael Gonzalez Millan

34. Jan Manuelle Leon Gil

35. Luis E Medina Garcia

36. Adrian E Perez Aybar

37. Ricardo I Ramirez Castro

38. Paulanicole Rodriguez

39. Yaritzmar Rosario

40. Jomayra E Sanchez

41. Samalis Santini De Leon

42. Omar A Vega Albino

43. Angel R Agrinsoni

44. Xaimara Correa Cruz

45. Lorelis E Gonzalez

46. Pedro L Hernandez

47. Jorge L Medina Sanchez

48. Carol A Rivera Martinez

49. Nelson J Rodriguez

50. Mariela C Bracete

51. Carlos A Herrera

52. Carlos R Morales Rivera

53. Orlando A Mulero Flores

54. Christian Negron

55. Andres G Ortiz Aquino

56. Anthony Rivera De

57. Frances A Ruiz Deliz

58. Jose R Santos Rosario

59. Harold D Torres Diaz

60. Alexis E Figueroa

61. Wigberto L Maldonado

62. Lewis D Rodriguez

63. Yorki G Serrano Natal

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Page 13: The Tau Beta Pi Association - Tau Beta Pi About Recruit · Civil Eng. Representative Ismael De la Paz Electrical Eng. Representative Arnold Irizarry Mechanical Eng. Representative

The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR-A Chapter Project Report Project number: F-07

Recurring Project name: Color Spirit, Test and Beta Hunt Date(s) of Project: Feb 21, 2014 Project Area: Chapter/Social Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 14 Electees: 50 Hours spent on this project. Organizing: 8 Participating: 6 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: The chapter organized its semiannual Beta Hunt, divided into two phases. In

the first phase (Color Spirit), candidates already assembled into teams are assigned one color

beforehand and must have brought as many articles of said color as they can. To be fair, the average

number of articles per person per team is calculated. The team (and candidate) with the highest

average (or most articles) wins a point towards their membership requirement. The second phase is

the Beta Hunt where 50 bents are hidden across campus. Candidates, already working in teams,

must find as many bents as possible. The winning team, determined not by the number of bents

found, but by the points assigned to each bent (depending on how far away from the starting point it

is), wins a point towards their membership requirements. In between the two activities, the entrance

exam is taken where candidates are given basic engineering problems and asked about the history of

Tau Beta Pi and our chapter.

II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: In addition to being a social event for candidates,

here they reveal their integrity by demonstrating how they follow the rules and how well they can

collaborate with one another. Honesty is also put to the test during the entrance exam; the few who

are caught cheating are seldom elected as members.

III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group? No) This event is organized primarily by the Vice President of Initiation. The VPI prepares the exam, and

explains the two competitions. Officers, group mentors and other members serve as volunteers to

count items for the Color Spirit, grade the exams, and monitor candidates as they race across

campus searching for Bents. The six representatives prepared one engineering problem each,

related to their respective major. The Vice President of Activities is in charge of reserving a room,

usually the Engineering Auditorium, well in advance.

IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Approximately $121.63 for pizza and refreshments. V. Special Problems: No special problems occurs

VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): This is one of the most memorable activities

candidates participate in. It’s where the chapter officers have a chance to know the candidates better.

Page 14: The Tau Beta Pi Association - Tau Beta Pi About Recruit · Civil Eng. Representative Ismael De la Paz Electrical Eng. Representative Arnold Irizarry Mechanical Eng. Representative

In addition, it serves to watch out for candidates who might not be model Tau Bates, whether

because they do not get along with fellow candidates or because they were caught cheating on the

entrance exam. Besides the formal parts involved, candidates and members have a lot of fun.

VII. Index of Exhibits:

1. Attendance

2. Team Photos


Members 1. Gabriela Toledo 2. Bryan Arroyo 3. Juan J Nieves 4. Francisco Vergara 5. Tyrone Medina 6. Ismael de la Paz 7. Josuan Hilerio 8. Arnold Irrizary 9. Alexander Millet 10. Arnaldo Lopez 11. Margarita Chi 12. Christian Hernadez 13. Joshua Gonzalez 14. Ilennis Heredia

Candidates 1. Michael Carmona 2. Carlos Arboleda 3. Jorge Medina 4. Gabriela Torres 5. Dick Arias 6. Christopher Vale 7. Jonathan ernadez

8. Jimmy Alvarado 9. Luis Medina 10. Anthony Rivera 11. Gabriela Salvat 12. Isamar Amador 13. Alexis Figeroa 14. Pedro Hernadez 15. Victor David 16. Monica Mercado 17. Lorelis Gonzalez 18. Adrian Perez 19. Gladynel Saavedra 20. Michelle Gonzalez 21. Hezael Gonzalez 22. Wigberto Maldonado 23. Carlos Morales 24. Paulanicole

Rodrigeuez 25. Anibal Echevarria 26. Jan Leon 27. Yaritza Rosario 28. Carol Rivera 29. Carlos Herrera 30. Wilmarie Cosme

31. Nelson Rodriguez 32. Omar Vega 33. Yamira Rentas 34. Frances Ruiz 35. Orlando Mendez 36. Ricardo Ferrao 37. Marible Torres 38. Angel Agrinsoni 39. Christian Negron 40. Ange Cortes 41. Xaimara Correa 42. Lester Sanchez 43. Ramon Reyes 44. Christian Colon 45. Jomayra Sanchez 46. Bryan Peña 47. Ernesto Perez 48. Andres Ortiz 49. Alexandra Faulkuer 50. Harold Torres

Page 15: The Tau Beta Pi Association - Tau Beta Pi About Recruit · Civil Eng. Representative Ismael De la Paz Electrical Eng. Representative Arnold Irizarry Mechanical Eng. Representative


Page 16: The Tau Beta Pi Association - Tau Beta Pi About Recruit · Civil Eng. Representative Ismael De la Paz Electrical Eng. Representative Arnold Irizarry Mechanical Eng. Representative

The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: F-08

Recurring Project Project name: International Coast Cleanup Day Date(s) of Project: Sep. 20, 2014 Project area: Community/Liberal Culture Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 2 Electees: 0 Hours spent on this project. Organizing: 0.5 Participating: 4 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: In an international coordinated event, organizations around the world undertook the task to cleanup several beaches and student organizations in Puerto Rico said ‘present’. Alongside other student organizations in campus, the chapter was assigned to clean up a strip of beach at Playa Almendros in Rincon. Metal, plastic and glass was collected apart for recycling. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: Exemplary character is shown not only in the academic field but also in how Tau Bates give back to the community. In this time when the environment is so important, events like these show how Tau Beta Pi members are well rounded members. III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) Yes We joined the Golden Key Honour Society and other student organizations for this event. Golden Key coordinated the event with the Scuba Dog Society and all other organizations, including us, promoted the event. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: No major costs were incurred. Trash bags and gloves were provided. V. Special Problems: Unfortunately, the chapter had a low member turnout with only two officers representing the chapter. It did not help that our university was hosting a major event called ECoS, were many of our members and officers were attending. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): In all, over 25 students from all the student organizations, led by Golden Key, participated and recovered over 10 bags of garbage. Even with just two officers as part of the Tau Beta Pi, their effort contributed to ensuring a cleaner strip of beach and more trees planted. VII. Index of Exhibits:

2. Attendance List 3. Pictures

Attendance List:

6. Hiram K. Ortiz Rodriguez 7. Tyrone Medina Vélez

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Picture 1 Courtesy of Golden Key International Honour Society

Picture 2 Courtesy of Golden Key International Honour Society

Page 18: The Tau Beta Pi Association - Tau Beta Pi About Recruit · Civil Eng. Representative Ismael De la Paz Electrical Eng. Representative Arnold Irizarry Mechanical Eng. Representative

The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: F - 09

Project name: Company Infosessions Date(s) of Project: Sep. 24-25, 2014 Project area: Profession/Engineering Number of persons who participated in this project Members: N/A Electees: N/A Hours spent on this project. Organizing: 5 Participating: 6 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: Various companies, including Dupont and General Electric, approached the

chapter with the intent to organize and host info-sessions for students, days before the annual Job


II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: In order to provide members and fellow

engineering students with opportunities in the field of engineering, info-sessions like these are a

necessity. Many opportunities to intern or for full time employment are offered in this kind of activity.

III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) No

The chapter was approached by various companies to organize this type of event. A group of officers took charge of reserving a room large enough to hold more than 50 students, and all the participating companies pledged to take care of any costs. The event was open to members and non-members, but the efforts were coordinated between the chapter and the mentioned companies. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Once the rooms were reserved, the companies took care of all costs incurred.

V. Special Problems: The costs incurred for Duponts Infosession were never reimbursed.

VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): The info-sessions were done successfully. They were full of students looking for job opportunities in the upcoming job fair later in the week, and many of them were chapter members.

VII. Index of Exhibits:

1. Promotional Flyers

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Page 20: The Tau Beta Pi Association - Tau Beta Pi About Recruit · Civil Eng. Representative Ismael De la Paz Electrical Eng. Representative Arnold Irizarry Mechanical Eng. Representative

The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: F-10

Recurring Project Project name: Company Night Date(s) of Project: Sep. 25, 2014 Project Area: Profession/ Engineering Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 4 Electees: 0 Hours spent on this project. Organizing: 1 Participating: 3 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: Before the fall semester job fair in campus, companies have a chance to

meet student organizations the night prior to the job fair in order to learn more about the various

student organizations. All associations set up a table with information about who they are and what

they do, and what awards, if any, they have won for their activities.

II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: Since companies start looking for prospective

students weeks before the job fair, the Company Night serves as a way to put forth their names by

explaining what Tau Beta Pi does and what it represents. It helps members get an edge in the job

application process and serves to meet other fellow Tau Bates.

III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) Yes The Job Placements Department in campus asked student organizations for their help in setting up

the area. In addition, various other associations were involved, so it was really a job for all the student


IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: No costs were involved this year for this activity. The poster

we presented had been printed a few years ago and it was made such that it is not time sensitive,

meaning it can be used in the future. As for personnel, the Job Placements department had asked for

up to 5 students to represent each student association. Four officers agreed to represent the chapter

at the table.

V. Special Problems: There were no special problems involved in the event. Everything was

coordinated by the Job Placements Department.

VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): This event served as a way to promote Tau Beta Pi to

several companies. Also, companies were given a proposal for sponsorship opportunities, wherein

the chapter agrees to organize activities on the company’s behalf in exchange for monetary support

of some sort.

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VII. Index of Exhibits: 1. Attendees 2. Copy of Proposal


1. Tyrone Medina 2. Bryan Arroyo 3. Juan Nieves 4. Joshua Gonzalez


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: F-15

New Project Project name: Pizza Night at Little Caesars Date(s) of Project: October 1, 2014 Project area: Chapter/Social Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 5 Electees: 40 Hours spent on this project (average per person) Organizing: 1 Participating: 1 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: A fundraiser held at Little Caesars Pizza. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: A fundraiser to help with Chapter expenses. III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group? No) Near the beginning of the semester, Veronica Miguel coordinated a fundraising event with a Little

Caesars close to campus. She forwarded the rules to the officers and we set a date. The event was

publicized early, we invited candidates as well, and coupons were prepared.

IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: There was no cost to the Chapter. We would get 20% of

participating sales; participating sales were those sales that presented a coupon. This fundraiser

made us $114.43.

V. Special Problems: Someone made way too many copies of the coupon to be presented, we are

currently using them as scrap paper but it would be wise to not order too many coupons. Other than

that, participation went well.

VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): Despite low member participation, candidates showed

up to save the day. It was one of the better company sponsored fundraisers we’ve had, because

although they required a flyer, we could hand these out at the door (unlike other restaurants) and it

did not require our participation behind the counter. We would definitely do this again.

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VII. Index of Exhibits:



1. Veronica Miguel

2. Bryan Arroyo

3. Gabriela Toledo

4. Julian Ortiz

5. Alexandra García


1. Jorge Medina

2. Nelson Rodriguez

3. Ricardo Ferrao

4. Andres Ortiz

5. Maribel Torres

6. Frances Ruiz

7. Yohanery Giboyeaux

8. Orlando Mulero

9. Angel Agrinsoni

10. Monica Mercado

11. Wilmarie Cosme Blanco

12. Gabriela Torres

13. Christian Negron

14. Alexis Figueroa

15. Harold Torres

16. Lorelis Gonzalez

17. Pedro Hernandez

18. Carlos Arboleda

19. Gabriela Salvat

20. Paulanicole Rodriguez

21. Carlos Morales Rivera

22. Jonathan Fernandez

23. Jan Leon

24. Xaimara Correa

25. Dick Arias

26. Alexandra Faulkner

27. Carol Rivera

28. Hezael Gonzalez

29. Jomayra Sanchez

30. Ernesto Perez

31. Angie Cortes

32. Lester Sanchez

33. Bryan Peña

34. Ramon Reyes

35. Luis Medina

36. Jimmy Alvarado

37. Anthony Rivera

38. Victor David

39. Adrian Perez

40. Yaritzmar Rosario

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR Alpha Chapter Project Report Project number: F-12

New Project Project name: “Recicla-RUM” Date(s) of Project: October 2, 2014 Project area: Community/ Liberal Culture Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 1 Candidates: 45 (Please attach a list of names.) Hours spent on this project: Organizing: 6 Participating: 4 DESCRIPTION:

I. General Description: Due to the lack of knowledge about the recycling activities in our University

of Puerto Rico of Mayaguez, it was decided to organize a recycling event of basic materials, such as

plastic and aluminum, as the environment activity.

II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: Promote the recycling activity in our University

and educate the students about the process and the materials of the recycling activity. This activity is

structured in order to achieve the community and liberal culture project part of the Tau Beta Pi as part

of the initiation process of the candidates.

III. Organization & Administration: (In conjunction with another group? _ Yes X No):

Due to concerns of how the environment is being impacted by the consumption of products and their

waste, Omar Vega took the initiative of promote the recycling campaign within the University of

Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus. Organizing the activity took approximately 6 hours including the

meetings and the communication of the entire group via the social phone application “Whatsapp”. The

promotion was handled by our marketing group composed of Wilmarie Cosme, who elaborated the

flyer, Lewis Rodriguez and Omar Vega, who designed and created the posters that were used to give

promotion to our activity. The leader of the yellow group, Paulanicole Rodríguez, ensured the success

of the activity by buying the trash bags for the collection of recyclable materials and by reserving an

area in the lobby of the Mechanical Engineering building.

IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Out of a $25 budget, only $5 were used to buy the trash bags

used for the collection of the materials.

V. Special Problems: The only problem we had to deal with was on how we could deliver the bags

with the recycled material to the respective recycle center in the Business Administration Building

facilities. We called a campus officer and he helped us by picking up and delivering the bags to the

recycle center at the campus.

VI. Overall Evaluation/Results: After finishing the “Recicla-RUM” recycling activity, we can say that

it was a complete success since we do not only pick up over ten full plastic bags but, also we had the

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opportunity to aware people about the importance of recycling. This time we collected plastic and

aluminum but, in a future, it would be great to recycle other materials as well.

VII. Index of Exhibits:

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Name Group Color 1. Gabriela Toledo Cabrea 2. Frances A. Ruiz Deliz

Member Green

3. Adrián E. Pérez Aybar Blue 4. Carol A. Rivera Martínez Yellow 5. Nelson J. Rodríguez Merced Yellow 6. Ramón A. Reyes Colón Purple 7. Omar A. Vega Albino Yellow 8. Lewis D. Rodríguez Sierra Yellow 9. Yaritzmar Rosario Pizarro Yellow 10. Dick E. Arias González Red 11. Jorge L. Medina Sánchez Orange 12. Jonathan R. Fernández Colón Red 13. Angel R. Agrinsoni Santiago Green 14. Gabriela S. Salvat Dávila Blue 15. Xaimara Correa Cruz Purple 16. Luis E. Medina García Red 17. Alexis E. Figueroa Sánchez Blue 18. Jimmy A. Alvarado Torres Red 19. Lester E. Sánchez Rodríguez Purple 20. Ricardo E. Ferrao Rodríguez Green 21. Isamar Amador Díaz Red 22. Seaska I. Pérez Avilés Red 23. Jan M. León Yellow 24. Carlos A. Morales Rivera Blue 25. Gladynel M. Saavedra Peña Blue 26. Orlando Mulero Flores Green 27. Wilmarie Cosme Blanco Yellow 28. Mónica I. Mercado Oliveras Orange 29. Pedro L. Hernández Acevedo Blue 30. Gabriela A. Torres Torres Red 31. Aníbal Echevarría-Ruiz Yellow 32. Ernesto J. Pérez Figueroa Purple 33. Maribel Torres Velázquez Green 34. Lorelis E. González López Blue 35. Harold D. Torres Díaz Orange 36. Carlos E. Arboleda Ramírez Orange 37. Hezael González Millán Blue 38. Michelle M. González Arias Blue 39. Angie E. Cortés López Purple 40. Jomayra E. Sánchez

Rodríguez Purple

41. Bryan A. Peña Cruz Purple 42. Christian Negrón McFarlane Green 43. Carlos A. Herrera Rodríguez Yellow 44. Ricardo I. Ramírez Castro Orange 45. Yohanery Giboyeaux Orange 46. Paulanicole Rodríguez

Caraballo Yellow

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: F-13

Recurring Project Project name: TBP Annual National Convention Date(s) of Project: Oct. 1-3, 2014 Project area: Chapter/Social Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 3 Electees: 0 Hours spent on this project. Organizing: 0 Participating: 50 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: The Engineering Honor Society Tau Beta Pi is a student association driven

by students. The National Convention is considered as the government of our association because

this is where changes for the organization are proposed and evaluated. Every Chapter is supposed to

send at least one voting delegate to represent its interests in the Convention. Tau Beta Pi Puerto Rico

Alpha had the opportunity of sending 3 persons to this Meeting.

II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: As mentioned before, the primary reason for this

Convention is to gather the decisions and interests of all the chapters across the nation. Our voting

delegate, Tyrone Medina, participated in the Petitions Committee.

III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) No

This activity was entirely organized by Tau Beta Pi Head Quarters.

IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Travel and housing expenses were covered by Tau Beta Pi

Head Quarters. Other expenses were reported by the attendees and, after approved, refunded by

Head Quarters according to Bylaw I, Sec.1.06

V. Special Problems: There were no special problems reported for this activity. One situation that

could give problems in future occasions may be that usually attendees make their flight schedule

separate. Although this has the advantage for the attendees to plan the flight according with their

agendas, it also gives the problem that new attendees may get lost throughout the planning process.

VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): This was an amazing networking opportunity for each

one of the chapter delegates. It is worth mentioning that the organization was great, as well as the

hotel and other services provided.

VII. Index of Exhibits:

3. Attendance List

4. Photos

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Attendance List:


17. Tyrone Medina Vélez (Voting Delegate)

18. Alexander Millet (Non-voting Delegate)

19. Evi De la Rosa (Advisor)


Picture 3 From left to right: Tau Beta Pi President, Larry Simonson, Voting Delegate, Tyrone Medina, and ex-president,

Dennis Negrón

Picture 4 From left to right: Our Advisor, Evi De la Rosa, Tyrone Medina, Non-voting delegate, Alexander Millet, and

Dennis Negron

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR-A Chapter Project Report Project number: F-14

Project name: Blue Team’s Movie Night_ Date(s) of Project: October 7, 2014

Project area: __ Community/ __ University/ __ Profession/ X Chapter/ __Education/

Liberal Culture College Engineering Social Prof. Dev.

Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 2 Electees: 25

(Please attach a list of names.

Hours spent on this project. Organizing: 4 Participating: 2.5


I. General Description: As part of the initiation process of the Tau Beta Pi, Mayaguez Chapter,

the blue team candidates were requested to plan and conduct a social activity. The activity that

was carried out was a movie night, where the thriller “The Forgotten” was presented in the room

“La Cueva de Tarzan” on the first floor of the student’s center. The purpose of the activity was to

give the Tau Beta Pi candidates the opportunity to meet and socialize.

At the end of the movie a trivia game was held. The questions were about the

movie and other random topics. In this part of the night everyone was separated by groups.

During the activity “La Cueva de Tarzan café” was open selling popcorn and beverages.

II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The purpose of this activity, was to connect

and interact with the others TAU BETA PI members. Beside the entertainment and the good time

together it provide different topics and ways to understand each other.

III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) ___ Yes __X_ No

In the course of the few weeks prior to the social activity, it was established that such

activity would consist of a “Movie Night”. Because the activity was to be carried out on October

7th, a Halloween oriented movie was appropriate for the occasion. Initially, movie options were a

few. However, it was decided that the movie to be projected would be “The Forgotten”. “The

Forgotten” was projected in a local café at the student center complex called “La Cueva de

Tarzán”. A room called “El Salón Tarzán” was also considered for this activity, but “La Cueva de

Tarzán” proved to be a better option because of its unique “vibe” and proper equipment to

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present a movie. It is previously established that Tau Beta Pi candidates are to earn points by

participating in the activities organized by the different teams. Initially, our activity was to award

one (1) point for assisting to the movie night and one (1) point for buying popcorn in “La Cueva

de Tarzán”. Afterwards, it was suggested that an extra point (1) was to be awarded if the person

assisted to the movie night with a costume. From there, the idea came up of creating a costume

competition. In the end, the idea of requiring costumes for points was dismissed and it was

decided that a trivia was to be done at the end of the movie. The trivia questions were about the

movie (“The Forgotten”) and general knowledge. A point (1) was awarded for participating in the

trivia and an extra point (1) for the group that won the trivia. In conclusion, a maximum of three

points could be obtained in this activity.

IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: For our activity we decided to use the “Cueva Tarzan” as a

viewing theater for the movies, we had a $30.00 expense for the renting of the space for that

time, the refreshments and all the food was provided by the establishment and the attendees

were able to buy what they decided to consume. The locale also provided the projection

equipment for the movie and the activity after the movie. No further expenses were needed for

the activity, the Material to be presented was made available from the members of the blue team

without monetary costs.

V. Special Problems: We did not encounter any problems due to the fact that we worked as a

team and we were able to execute the ideas which were chosen by votes.

VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): The social activity which consisted in a movie night

provided a nice relaxing environment and a great opportunity for the Tau Beta Pi candidates to

meet and greet with each other. The members not only had a great time relaxing and watching

a good movie, they also had to work as a team to answer some random trivia questions at the

end. This trivia which provided bonus points for the winning team was a total success and made

most of the candidates to stay through all the activity and as a consequence they indirectly spent

more time networking with other members. In general, the activity was very successful.

VII. Index of Exhibits:

1. Pictures

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2. Sample Flyers

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: F-15

Recurring Project Project name: Candidate Sales Date(s) of Project: October 7/16/23/29, November 4/10, 2014 Project area: Chapter/Social Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 14 Electees: 50 Hours spent on this project (average per person per sale) Organizing: 3 Participating: 6 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: Fundraising in the form of sales (hot dogs, sandwiches, nachos, soda, water, juice, doughnuts), organized by the candidates. A total of six sales were held, one for each group of candidates. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: As an additional requirement for membership, each group of candidates must organize and participate in a fundraising sale. The funds raised are meant to cover the costs of candidate activities. This leaves other funds intact and free for use in other, non-candidate/membership activities. III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group? No) Near the beginning of the semester, the Vice President of Activities reserved an area in the Stefani

Lobby, one day a week for 6 weeks (once per group). To reserve the lobby for ANY type of sale, we

are required to show certification from the Health and Sanitation Department. Each group was

assigned a specific day to hold their sale, and had a starting budget of $75 (most groups used less

than this); anything else purchased beyond that was covered by the candidates. Each group chose

what they wanted to sell, set its own prices and advertised their own sales. The treasurer would

prepare the cash box, before the event, providing enough change for larger bills. Most groups met

prior to the meeting and discussed what they would sell, divided tasks and set a schedule for the day

of the sale. This was an effective strategy, especially if they organized their sale weeks in advance.

IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Each group started out with a budget of $75 to purchase items they would sell. Most groups set a working time of two hours per candidate. V. Special Problems: Despite asking them to meet via Facebook and come to a consensus there, several groups delayed the process by insisting on meeting in person (a difficult task considering each group is comprised of people from different departments). This resulted in last minute advertisement and less participation than desired. However, all groups managed to meet and organize their sale. One group used a rather small pot for hot dogs and they had to scramble at the last minute finding another one to help meet demand. They also had a bit of problem with petty cash, which ran out unexpectedly. Most groups managed to use less than $50, or were OK using money out of pocket to

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cover any expenses over the budget, however one group expressed how inconvenient a $75 budget was. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): Sales turned out very well, in terms of revenue and turnout. A large number of members showed up to help the candidates with their sales, more than in previous semesters.. VII. Index of Exhibits:

1. Sample flyers

Sample Flyers:

HOT DOG SALE Lobby Stefani Building

October 29, 2014

Hotdog: $1.50 Agua$1.00

2 Hotdog y refresco: $3.00 Refresco: $0.50

Tau Beta Pi: Grupo Violeta

Venta de Nachos

16 de Octubre 10:30 – 12:00 pm

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: F-16

Recurring Project Project name: Advisory Board Meeting Date(s) of Project: Oct. 14, 2014 Project area: Chapter/Social Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 8 Electees: 0 Hours spent on this project Organizing: 0.5 Participating: 1 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: The Advisory Board held a meeting, open to the entire Executive Board, to

discuss ways to enhance the image of Tau Beta Pi on campus and attract more eligible members.

II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: This meeting was held to discuss ways to

enhance image and increase membership, fulfilling our mission to “mark in a fitting manner…”

III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) No

Our newest Advisor, Evi De La Rosa, and our Vice President of Activities, Tyrone Medina, returned

from the Convention full of ideas to improve membership numbers and the knowledge of Tau Beta Pi

at the University of Puerto Rico. Dr. De La Rosa called for a meeting, which was scheduled at the

convenience of the 4 advisors. All officers were invited (and actually, urged) to attend the meeting.

Tyrone reserved the room (per his duties).

IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: None.

V. Special Problems: Attendance was abysmally low. Scheduling was not the best (it was during

class hours, which unfortunately, was the only time the 4 advisors could attend), so perfect

attendance wasn’t expected, and many officers had to excuse themselves. However, several officers

did not show up nor did they excuse themselves. An agenda wasn’t prepared in advance, and while

not needed, few people had an idea what was going to be discussed in advance (it is possible they

did not understand the importance of the meeting).

VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): Despite low attendance, many good ideas were

shared and discussed. While there was a lot on the unofficial agenda, we covered a good portion of

ideas we could work on right now; for now, we will focus on taking action on the ideas shared.

VII. Index of Exhibits:

5. Attendance List, Excused Officers

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Attendance List:

20. Mayra Mendez, Faculty Advisor

21. Gustavo A. Figueroa, Environmental Activities Coordinator

22. Evi De La Rosa Ricciardi, Faculty Advisor

23. Josuan Hilerio Sanchez, Chief Advisor

24. Bryan Arroyo Fernandez, President

25. Tyrone Medina Velez, Vice President of Activities

26. Alexander Millet, Public Relations

27. Christian Hernández Negrón, Corresponding Secretary

The following officers were excused:

1. Alexandra García, ITS Coordinator

2. Gabriela Toledo, Vice President of Initiations

3. Stephanie González, Advisor

4. Darisabel Negron, Community Service Coordinator

5. Arnold Irizarry, Electrical Eng. Representative

6. Lemuel Perez, Chemical Eng. Representative

7. Joshua Gonzalez, Historian

8. Ismael De La Paz, Civil Eng. Representative

9. Joel Corporan, Computer Eng. Representative

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: F-17

Recurring Project Project name: Certificate & Key Distribution Date(s) of Project: October-December 2014 Project area: Chapter/Social Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 8 Electees: 29 Hours spent on this project. Organizing: 1 Participating: 0.5 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: Around 300 certificates dated from 1992 forward, and over 350 keys from the 1980s forward, have been taking space in our office. Continuing from last year, we made an effort to send our members their membership insignia this year. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: This project was designed to make sure all the members receive their membership insignia, as is the Chapter’s responsibility. In this way we properly “mark (our members) in a fitting manner.” III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group? No) Our Chief Advisor led this project. He requested an address list from Ray Thompson at HQ, and proceeded to verify that all the certificates we had were indeed from members. He also verified most of the keys, and returned the ones that were ordered for electees that were not initiated for a partial refund. We began the project by distributing keys from the past year that we had not been able to hand out at initiation. While most members had already come by the office to pick theirs up, we still had several keys. The representatives of each department were tasked with turning keys belonging to members of their departments; this alone allowed us to turn in about 12 keys. As for certificates and keys from prior years, we recruited the help of candidates. They would select a time they could come by the office, we would make sure someone would be there. The candidates would then bring envelopes and prepare them (write the address and stuff them with a letter and the certificate and/or key). They also had the option of bringing 10 stamps or $5 (for stamps) for an additional point towards their membership requirements. There were 138 certificates and/or keys belonging to members that did not have a valid address with HQ. We will ask for help from the Alumni Office next semester. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Since we’ve been able to send certificates for the price of two Forever stamps ($0.98) in the past, we decided to buy stamps and just drop the envelopes off in mailboxes, without visiting the Post Office. Keys sent on their own cost $0.49 (the price of 1 Forever stamp); the total spent was $149.61. By having candidates bring envelopes and stamps or money for stamps, we saved quite a bit of money (a total of $105 and 20 stamps). Also, two members sent donations totaling $15. V. Special Problems: Participation of the officers was low; Josuan had to cover a lot of participation hours. We had several candidates unable to participate because no one was in the office – we extended the project a few days just for them.

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A letter was included with the certificates and keys; as a student organization we are allowed 100 copies a week from the Department of Social and Cultural Activities, however, the person in charge of the Copy Office was seldom there. It took a while to get the needed copies, but it didn’t hinder our progress. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): We managed to send 172 certificates and 247 keys. Of those, only 20 certificates and/or keys were returned. Having candidates bring envelopes and stamps or money for stamps allowed us to save on these costs and made the project much more bearable. Certificate distribution helped create awareness of the importance of sending membership insignia to their respective members as soon as possible after initiation. We have made getting certificates and keys in time for initiation a priority, and do the best we can to turn anything left over from previous semesters in as soon as possible before they graduate. The next step in the project would be to send the remaining certificates and keys, and search for updated addresses of alumni members whose certificates and/or keys were returned to us. We plan on getting addresses from the University Alumni Office and work on their certificates and keys. VII. Index of Exhibits:Participation List

Members 1. Josuan Hilerio 2. Gabriela Toledo 3. Veronica Miguel 4. Arnold Irizarry 5. Stephanie González 6. Ismael De La Paz 7. Christian Hernandez 8. Tyrone Medina

Electees 1. Angel Agrinsoni 2. Orlando Mulero 3. Lewis Rodríguez 4. Gabriela Torres 5. Alexandra Faulkner 6. Michael Carmona 7. Michelle Gonzalez 8. Christopher Vale 9. Wilmarie Cosme 10. Carlos Arboleda 11. Ricardo Ramirez 12. Paulanicole Rodriguez 13. Bryan Peña 14. Gladynel Saavedra 15. Dick Arias 16. Xaimara Correa 17. Jomayra Sánchez 18. Gabriela Salvat 19. Frances Ruiz 20. Maribel Torres 21. Yaritzmar Rosario 22. Alexis Figueroa 23. Jan Leon 24. Victor David 25. Anthony Rivera 26. Seaska Pérez 27. Carlos Herrera 28. Wigberto Maldonado 29. Angie Cortés

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR-A Chapter Project Report Project number: F- 18

Project name: Talk: Personality and Team Work Date(s) of Project: October 16, 2014 Project area: Professional/University/College Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 3 Electees: 18 Hours spent on this project. Organizing: 1.5 hours Participating: 1.5 hours DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: The professional activity offered, was about personality and Team Work. The

invited speaker for this conference was Ph.D. Madeline J. Rodríguez Vargas, a Professional

Councilor of Computer and Electrical Engineering at our university, who had vast knowledge in this

area. She was invited to speak at this conference by one of the candidates, Xaimara Correa, because

of her knowledge in Team Work and personality relationship.

II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The purpose of this activity was to expand

knowledge about the importance of the relationship between the kind of personality with the team

work to the members and candidates. This is very useful when starting a professional career as an


III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group? No)

A group of candidates was in charge of preparing this activity. The first step was to invite a speaker to

perform at the conference. The group leader talk with the Professional Councilor, Ph.D. Madeline

Rodríguez which had the knowledge and she accepted to give the talk. Also the group leader

separated the classroom where the conference took place. The conference took about an hour and a

half. At the end of the conference, a question and answers section was given for the members and


IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: There was no cost involved in this project.

V. Special Problems: None.

VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): The talk was done successfully; the attendance was

very good, with a total of 22 persons including 2 members, and the Tau Beta Pi advisor. The

interaction between the speaker and the audience was great. The audience asked questions and

made comments.

VII. Index of Exhibits:

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Attendance List: MEMBERS:

1. Arnold Irizarry 2. Tyrone Medina 3. Juan J Nieves


1. Lewis D. Rodríguez Sierra 2. Yohanery Gibayeaux 3. Mónica Mercado 4. Seaska Pérez 5. Isamar Amador 6. Dick Arias 7. Ramón Reyes 8. Ricardo Ferrao 9. Gabriela Torres 10. Carlos Morales 11. Angel Agrinsoni 12. Orlando Mulero 13. Christian Negrón 14. Omar Vega 15. Xaimara Correa 16. Alexis Figueroa 17. Alexandra Faulkner 18. Léster Sánchez

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: F-19

Recurring Project Project name: Talk: The Process of Fundamentals of Engineering and Land Surveying Examination as a first step in becoming a Registered Professional Date(s) of Project: Oct. 21, 2014 Project area: Professional/University/College Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 17 Electees: 17 Hours spent on this project Organizing: 1.5 Participating: 2.0 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: An orientation about the process for the Fundamental of Engineering and

Land Surveying Examination and the importance to become a Registered Professional in the State

II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: Guide students who are about to graduate in the

field of Engineering and Land Surveying

III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group? Yes)

Tau Beta Pi, in conjunction with other organizations, organized this activity. The organizations and

societies that worked together were: the “Capitulo Estudiantil del Instituto de Agrimensores” (CEIA-

UPRM), “the Capitulo Estudiantil del Instituto de Ingenieros Civiles” (IIC-UPRM), the Puerto Rico

Water & Environment Association (PRW&EA), the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE-

UPRM), the “Asociacion de Contratistas Generals de America” (ACG), the Society of Women

Engineers (SWE). The Vice-President of Activities organized the event and reserved INCI’s

Auditorium. Each organization promoted the activity to its members.

IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: There was a cost of $70.26 for refreshments Krispy Kreme

Donuts and ice. We already had soft drinks left over from earlier activities.

V. Special Problems: The date of the event had to be change a few times because a big enough

room could not be found for the event.

VI. Overall Evaluation/Results: Talk went well. The students were very enthusiastic and interested

with the exposure. The room was appropriate for the attendees although a little too big. Next time a

room should be located in the main building of general engineering so it is more reachable for


VII. Index of Exhibits:

6. Attendance List

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Attendance List:

Name Association Candidate

1. Gustavo A. Figueroa TBP

2. Christian I. Figueroa Vega CEIA

3. Michael G. Carmona TBP X

4. Michelle M. Gonzalez TBP X

5. Christopher Vale Colon TBP X

6. Rafael Perez Cedeño CEIA

7. Bryan A. Peña Cruz TBP X

8. Alexander Millet TBP

9. Felix L. Santiago Collazo ASCE

10. Hezael Gonzalez TBP X

11. Pedro Hernandez TBP X

12. Lorelis Gonzalez TBP X

13. Erika Montalvo ASCE, CEIA

14. Wilmarie Cosme Blanco TBP X

15. Michelle Santiago ASCE

16. Juan L. Davila TBP, AICA

17. Glorimar Torres Pagan TBP, ASCE

18. Julitza Martinez Velazquez TBP

19. Azaria Del Valle TBP

20. Christian R. Casanova TBP

21. Katiria E. Esquilin

22. Maria Victoria Grant

23. Javier Maldonado TBP

24. Alexander Molano Santiago IIC

25. Christian Flores Carreras ASCE

26. Andres Matos Ortiz ASCE, IIC

27. Seaska I. Perez Aviles ASCE, IIC, AGC X

28. Teresita Salva Jimenez SWE

29. Veronica Santiago Torres SWE, ASCE

30. Roberto A. Sanchez Reyes ASCE

31. Carol Rivera Martinez TBP X

32. Jimmy Alvarado Torres TBP X

33. Luis E. Medina Garcia TBP X

34. Hector J. Rodriguez TBP, ASCE

35. Arshley K. Rey Torres ASCE, TBP

36. Keishla Vallejo Muñoz ASCE, TBP

37. Joan Geraldino Diaz ASCE, AGC

38. Gilbert Ramos Rodriguez TBP X

39. Josue Gonzalez TBP X

40. Alexandra Faulkner Colon TBP X

41. Manuel I. Garcia Cordova TBP

42. Andrea Cruz

43. Aslin Romero Estrada CEIA, TBP

44. Anthony Rivera De Jesus TBP X

45. Darwin Serrano Maldonado TBP

46. Christian G. Hernandez Negron AICA, CEIA, ITE, TBP, IIC

47. Freddy Rincon Osorio TBP X

48. Tyrone Medina Velez TBP

49. Tamara Rodriguez Diaz SWE, ITE

50. Evi De La Rosa TBP

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: F - 20

Recurring Project name: Election Meeting Date(s) of Project: Oct. 23, 2014 Project area: Chapter/Social Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 14 Electees: 0 Hours spent on this project Organizing: 0.5 Participating: 2 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: The election of new members for the fall semester. Mentors presented their

recommendations to the active membership, who in turn would vote (secretly) to grant or deny

election to 54 candidates.

II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: Required by the Constitution and Bylaws of the

Association, and the Puerto Rico Alpha Chapter Bylaws, the election allows us to discuss the

character of the candidates thus far, elect those candidates we deem worthy of membership into our

Association, and invite those elected candidates to membership in Tau Beta Pi, thus fulfilling our

primary objective, “to mark in a fitting manner…”

III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group? No)

All undergraduate students were divided into 6 groups (of approximately 13 each); each group had at

least one mentor, which helped them organize their activities but also served as the primary

evaluators of their character. A week before the meeting, the purpose of the meeting and the

importance of a fair and unbiased judgment of the candidates’ characters were discussed. Prior to the

election meeting, the mentors sent their recommendations to the Vice President of Initiations,

Gabriela Toledo, and she in turn made these recommendations available to the Chief Advisor,

Josuan Hilerio, who prepared an online form where the members would submit their votes. Members

were allowed to join in on the discussion via Facebook if they could not be present at the meeting

(their votes were tallied alongside the rest). Once quorum was established, the Eligibility Code was

read. During the meeting, each of the mentors discussed the merits of the candidates they believed

were worthy of membership, and also the reasons why they believed certain candidates should not

be elected as well. As per our Bylaws, members not receiving a favorable recommendation from their

members were purged and considered individually, whereas the rest of the group that received a

favorable recommendation was voted on together as one group. The VPI presided over the Election

with help and input from Advisors Josuan Hilerio and Stephanie González, as needed.

IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: No costs were incurred in this meeting. As always, election

was limited to active members of the Chapter.

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V. Special Problems: Meeting quorum was a concern; we declared a number of members inactive to

meet the quorum and continue. The meeting ran smoothly, although slow, given that most members

were present online, and online discussion was slow. There was a lot of waiting, but in contrast to

prior election meetings, the discussion was very cordial and we had very few purged candidates,

which made the election run fast.

VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): The election ran smoothly, with an honest and

respectful discussion of candidates. It was slow, but it did not go over two hours. We feel we have a

great group of candidates this semester and we’re eager for these candidates to join us as members

of Tau Beta Pi.

VII. Index of Exhibits:


1. Josuan Hilerio

2. Stephanie González

3. Gabriela Toledo

4. Julián Ortiz

5. Alexander Millet

6. Tyrone Medina

7. Arnold Irizarry

8. Edwin Herrera

9. Lemuel Pérez

10. Juan Nieves

11. Joshua González

12. Keishly Rosario

13. Gustavo Figueroa

14. Darisabel Negrón

15. Rafael Feliciano

16. Veronica Miguel

17. Alexandra Garcia

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR-A Chapter Project Report Project number: F-21

Project name: Massive recollection of goods Date of Project: October 28, 2014 Project area: Community/Liberal Culture Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 1 Electees: 8 Hours spent on this project. Organizing: 2 Participating: 4 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: “Hogar Estancia Corazón” is the founder of several community projects that

intend to improve life quality of the needy. They provide food, housing and basic needs to the

participants. The municipal asylum also provides basic needs to participants, mainly serving the elder.

Both institutions are localized in the chapter’s town, Mayagüez, and therefore, benefits our community.

For this reason, it was decided to plan a massive recollection of goods for both of them, including food,

basic healthcare items and hygiene. The items would then be categorized and delivered.

II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: In order to positively contribute to society and be

an exemplar member, the team wanted to make the difference by helping others. For this reason, we

wanted to organize an activity where many people can help others. As Dalai Lama said: "Our prime

purpose in this life is to help others."

III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) ___ Yes _X_ No

A two hours meeting was scheduled with the team to choose and organize the logistics of the

community activity. It was decided to make a massive recollection of goods for “Hogar Estancia

Corazón” and the Municipal Asylum of Mayaguez. Tasks were assigned to all members. Part of the

team communicated directly with both institutions, while the other part worked with the promotion of the

event and the logistic of the activity location. After communicating with the institutions and the

University, we obtained all the information necessary to complete the organization of the activity and to

promote it. A schedule of shifts for the activity was created. All the team members participated during

the organization.

IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: All the items recollected and donated to “Hogar Estancia

Corazon” and the Municipal Asylum of Mayaguez were provided by the candidates.

V. Special Problems: When deciding which activity would be organized, Operation Christmas Child

was chosen. However, this activity could not be performed since the chapter had already organized it.

Despite this, no major problems were reported. The activity flowed; members and candidates

participated and cooperated as expected.

VI. Overall Evaluation/Results: Successful massive recollection of goods. All the team members

attended to their assigned shifts and contributed to the recollection. Over 45 people, candidates and

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members of Tau Beta Pi, participated in the activity where the team recollect over 145 products. All the

products were delivered to both institutions.

VII. Index of Exhibits:

1. Flyer

2. Photo:

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: F-22

Recurring Project Project name: Salsa Night Date(s) of Project: October 24, 2014 Project area: Community/Liberal Culture Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 1 Electees: 10 Hours spent on this project. Organizing: 24 Participating: 3 DESCRIPTION:

I. General Description: The event consisted in a series of activities that would have to be performed

using salsa music. The first activity consisted in dancing. The second activity consisted in

singing/songwriting using salsa music, the participants would have to select a salsa background, write

a hort song related to a funny experience they had in college and sing it . The third activity consisted

on a trivia in which we played music and they had to guess the name of the singer.

II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: This activity demonstrated the candidate’s cultural

appreciation for their country, which is part of their exemplary character

III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) No

The decision to make our activity ‘Salsa Night’ was discussed in meetings on person about 3 weeks

before the deadline. During the meeting the main idea of the activity was established and then

everybody was assigned a task to be able to host the activity. The most important decision for this

activity was its location. Due to time issues, the only place available for us was the 3rd floor of the

Student Center. One advantage of this place was that it had a good sound system available but it was

open to the general public. The ‘Tarzan Room’ close to the cafeteria would have been the best place to

host the activity but it was already separated weeks before. Another place that also would work were

the ‘Cueva de Tarzan’ but the location has to be separated with two weeks of anticipation. By the time

we realized this, it was too late.

The assigned tasks were finally decided after the meeting and were posted on the Facebook page so

everybody knew what they had to do. Orlando Mulero was had to separate the ‘Student Center’ of the

university from 7:00 to 10:00 pm were the ‘Salsa Night’ was going to take place and also help for the

music. Frances Ruiz brought water and organized a trivia task during the activity. Angel Agrinsoni was

in charge of music control, Christian Negron brought snacks and Maribel Torres made the flyer for the

activity and brought some decorations.

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IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: For the purpose of this activity $15.00 were used for the place’s

decoration along with $14.00 for refreshments. The candidates in charge of the activity covered these


V. Special Problems: During the social activity, not one of the members wanted to participate in two

of the activities so we decide to do only one of them. The activity consisted in a trivia in which we

played music and then they had to guess the name of the singer.

VI. Overall Evaluation/Results: Although we were not able to perform all the activities during the

event the activity met the desired objectives. Some recommendations for improving this activity for the

future would do the activity in a local behind closed doors. Another would be to encourage students to

accumulate points differently or do the activity in days away from exams.

VII. Index of Exhibits:

1. Attendance list

2. Promotional Flyer

Attendance List:

1. Christian Negron McFarlane 2. Orlando Mulero 3. Maribel Torres 4. Angel Agrinsoni 5. Frances Ruiz 6. Yohanery Giboyeau 7. Lorelis Gonzalez 8. Pedro Hernandez Acevedo 9. Carlos E. Arboleda 10. Jimmy A. Alvarado Torres 11. Luis E. Medina Garcia 12. Gabriela S. Salvat 13. Gabriela A. Torres Torres 14. Gladynel Saavedra 15. Carlos R. Morales Rivera


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR Alpha

Chapter Project Report Project number: F -23


Project name: _Sport Activity_ Date(s) of Project: November 7, 2014 Project area: Chapter/Social

Number of persons who participated in this project Members: _0 (Please attach a list of names.)

Electees: _8

Hours spent on this project. Organizing: 1_ Participating: _3 DESCRIPTION: I . General Description:

This activity was a get together in Aguadilla Bowling center and mini Golf.

II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP:

The objective was to have the opportunity to socialize with the new candidates and promote


III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) No

The Orange group organized the activity by reserving the bowling alley and making the flyer. One of

the members call the bowling allay and reserved the space from 6:00pm - 10:00pm, while other of the

members made the flyers and send it to all of the members of the TBP.

IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements:

The entrance to the bowling alley was $6.42 per game and shoe rental, and the mini golf was

$3.25 per game.

V. Special Problems:

One of the problems was the transportation, because not all of the members have cars. But it was

resolved by carpooling, the members that didn’t had cars coordinate with one of the members to

meet at the university.

VI. Overall Evaluation/Results:

This activity was a success although only came 8 candidates, it was a really fun activity and we

had the chance to talk, play and know each other.

VII. Index of Exhibits:

1. Participation list

2. Promotion Flyer

3. Activity Photos

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: F-24

New Project Project name: Pretty Incredible: Engineering Week Date(s) of Project: Nov. 10, 12 & 14, 2014 Project area: Community/Liberal Culture Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 5 Electees: 0 Hours spent on this project Organizing: 2 Participating: 3.0 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: Pretty Incredible is a project focused on introducing the STEM fields to

young girls from elementary school. Presentations and projects are given to spark interest in the girls

and teach them about the different STEM fields.

II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The purpose of this project is to teach young girls

about STEM and motivate them to pursue these fields as they grow up. As members of TBP, this is a

great opportunity to encourage young girls to pursue engineering careers and make a difference in

the world while helping advance women’s participation in STEM fields, especially engineering.

III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group? Yes)

This activity was a month long project organized by Adrianna Matos, a Biomedical Science Student

from the University of Puerto Rico at Aguadilla. The month was divided into the four fields of them,

science, technology, engineering and math, one field for each week. Our members, led by our Vice-

President of Activities, helped organize, plan and deliver the activities for the engineering week.

IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Some materials were bought and some were donated by our

own members for the projects.

V. Special Problems: There were no special problems

VI. Overall Evaluation/Results: Overall the activities went great. The girls were very enthusiastic

about the week, learning about engineering and completing the projects. Many of them showed

interest in engineering and pursuing the field in the future.

VII. Index of Exhibits:

7. Attendance List

8. Photos

9. Calendar

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Attendance List:

1. Enery L Lorenzo

2. Virginia Noemi Luciano

3. Gabriela Toledo

4. Tyrone Medina

5. Gustavo Figueroa


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: F-25

Recurring Project Project name: Operation Christmas Child Date(s) of Project: November 10-13, 2014 Project area: Community/Liberal Culture Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 3 Electees: 3 Hours spent on this project. Organizing: 0.5 Participating: 0.5 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: We participated in Operation Christmas Child, collecting shoeboxes with presents (clothes, school supplies, hygiene items, toys) for children in need. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: As part of our mission to foster a spirit of liberal culture, this community service event gives members and electees the opportunity to prove their unselfish activity by giving to children in need. III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group? Yes) Our Community Service Coordinator, Darisabel Negrón, decided to get involved with Operation Christmas Child (OCC) as this semester’s community service project. She sent e-mails and collected boxes on certain days. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: No costs were incurred in this project. V. Special Problems: A group of candidates had originally chosen to do this activity and were told to choose something else (despite their Advisor’s suggestion that perhaps using their interest to promote the activity instead of having them participate in another activity). It is possible this reduced participation; not to mention the lost opportunity to promote the event. Department representatives were not helpful in promoting the event, although all the preparations were made the week prior. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): Participation was miserably low, only four people participated (aside from the two members providing support). Promotion MUST be done early, and there needs to be ways to integrate candidates and members in promotion of events of this caliber. This has been done successfully in the past, and can be done well in the future, but promotion, time and participation must increase. VII. Index of Exhibits: Attendance List

Members 1. Tyrone Medina Vélez 2. Darisabel Negrón* 3. Josuan Hilerio Sánchez* *Darisabel organized the event, Josuan stayed in the office to collect boxes.

Electees 1. Angie Cortés López 2. Carol Rivera Martínez 3. Rosemarie Santa González

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: F-26

Recurring Project Project name: Members & Electees Networking Night Date(s) of Project: Nov. 10, 2014 Project area: Chapter/Social Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 10 Electees: 16 Hours spent on this project. Organizing: 1.5 Participating: 2 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: Networking Night is a special meeting between officer members, candidates

and members in which positions within the officer team are presented. Candidates and members

have the opportunity to nominate themselves or others to occupy these positions. Once all the

nominations are presented, we convoke a membership meeting to select among the nominees for

each position by voting.

II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: This meeting is very important because it helps

the chapter, giving it a smooth transition between those that are going to leave their positions and

those who take them. Officer members are expected to talk to those present about the roles of their

respective position as well as their personal experience participating within that position.

III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) No

Our Vice-President of Activities set the date and reserved the local coffee house with the Department

of Medical Services. Our President and Chief Advisor prepared the agenda and presentation to be

given during the activity. A promo was made and shared via email and Facebook with our members.

Every officer helped giving the presentation and presenting each of their positions and their


IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: The costs incurred for this activity were about $40 for the use

of the coffee house “Café Colegial, La Cueva de Tarzan”.

V. Special Problems: During the activity changes for our bylaws were brought up to be voted upon,

but the candidates showed very little interest in this. This might have caught them off guard since this

part of the activity wasn’t mentioned in the promotions. This part took a lot off time from the actual

networking. Also, because in the coffee house we could not bring and offer refreshments to our

members and candidates, many of them left quickly which didn’t help much for the networking either.

VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): This activity was a fairly good one; however we have

room to improve. Things that we consider could help next time are to promote this activity more

aggressively and to try to schedule it in a date in which students are not so busy with exams, because

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that affects negatively their willingness to participate in a position of more responsibility. Also

refreshments are a must, especially if the activity is at night.

VII. Index of Exhibits:

Attendance List:


1. Gabriela Toledo

2. Christian Hernandez

3. Gustavo Figueroa

4. Josuan Hilerio

5. Joshua Gonzalez

6. Alexander Millet

7. Julian Ortiz

8. Tyrone Medina

9. Bryan Arroyo

10. Arnaldo Lopez


1. Harold Torres

2. Jimmy Alvarado

3. Seaska Perez

4. Carlos Herrera

5. Gabriela Salvat

6. Ricardo Ramirez

7. Paulanicole Rodriguez

8. Angie Cortes

9. Victor david

10. Anthony Rivera

11. Nelson Rodriguez

12. Michael Carmona

13. Luis Medina

14. Pedro Hernandez

15. Dick arias

16. Xaimara Correa

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: F-27

Recurring Project Project name: Research Talk Series Date of Project: November 13, 2014 Project Area: University/College, Profession/Engineering Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 1 Electees: 8 (List of names attached below) Hours spent on this project Organizing: 2 Participating: 2 DESCRIPTION VIII. General Description: Analogous to Internship Talk Series, Research Talk Series is a forum-

style presentation where students and professors from various engineering fields discuss their experiences in academia. The participants were two graduate students, Tau Beta Pi candidates, who gave an informal presentation on the research they perform at UPRM, and briefly talked about gains and obstacles of choosing to continue higher education.

IX. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: Even when our school is a highly competitive

research-oriented institution, many students still do not know about the research opportunities available. In many cases, research assistantships are door-opening opportunities for anyone because of the varied experiences they offer. The purpose of the event is to expose students to the various types of research and academic opportunities in our school, get to know graduate students that can provide guidelines on the process, and meet professors that can eventually become their advisors or research mentors.

X. Organization & Administration: This activity was held solely by Tau Beta Pi and organized by

the ITS/RTS coordinator (Alexandra García) and Vice-President of Activities (Tyrone Medina). XI. Cost & Personnel Requirements: There were no costs involved in the preparation of this

activity. XII. Special Problems: The activity conflicted with various research conferences and other academic

activities, therefore participation from professors and at least one undergraduate student (as speakers) was not possible.

XIII. Overall Evaluation/Results: Although we only had two presenters, they really did a good job

on their presentations and answered all the questions they were asked by the audience thoroughly. Downside was that there was little participation from the members and the public in general probably because there was a lot of other activities during the same time.

XIV. Index of Exhibits: The attendance list and promotional photo is included in the next page. List of Attendance: MEMBERS

11. Tyrone Medina CANDIDATES

1. Rosemarie Santa Gonzalez (speaker)

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2. Freddy Rincon Osorio (speaker) 3. Wigberto Maldonado 4. Michael G. Carmona 5. Paulanicole Rodriguez 6. Christopher Vale Colon 7. Ernesto Perez Figueroa 8. Ricardo Ferrao


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: F-28

Recurring Project Project name: Bent Polishing & BBQ Date(s) of Project: Nov. 19, 2014 Project area: Chapter/Social Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 6 Electees: 1 Hours spent on this project Organizing: 1 Participating: 2 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: The Chapter met to polish its Bent monument in front of the Engineering

Building and socialize with a small BBQ.

II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: This event was help with the idea of enhancing

our image on campus – by polishing the Bent and decorating it for Christmas, we would garner a bit

more attention to our monument, and hopefully, by extension, Tau Beta Pi.

III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) No

After a brief discussion, the Vice Presidents decided it would be best to leave the bent polishing in the

hands of members (instead of candidates as we’re accustomed to). Tyrone (Vice President of

Activities) set the date and asked around for a grill; Gustavo (Environmental Activities Coordinator)

offered a grill. The date was scheduled for November 19, because it was a state holiday falling on a

Wednesday, and participation was not expected to be affected. Tyrone prepared a flyer, and an

e-mail was sent out to members. The event was also announced on our Facebook page. Tyrone

delegated tasks.

IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: A budget of $30 was set aside for the BBQ. No other costs

were incurred.

V. Special Problems: Attendance was pathetic. The event was not announced to members via

e-mail until Monday before the scheduled event, and the event was announced on Facebook only

one week in advance. Only three people actually polished the bent (an Advisor, the President, and

an electee), while other officers who came by helped with the cleanup and other office duties.

VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): Participation could definitely have been better, but

lack of support from officers (the e-mail announcement was done by an Advisor, and Tyrone, who

had an interview, worked as much as he could up until the day of the event) and lack of enough

promotion was definitely not helpful. We accomplished only half of our goal, which was to polish the

Bent (decorating it for Christmas didn’t happen). However, it should definitely be attempted again,

because while attendance was low, we had the fact that it was a holiday and nearing the end of the

semester working against us.

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VII. Index of Exhibits:

Attendance & Participation List:

1. Tyrone Medina

2. Gustavo Figueroa

3. Josuan Hilerio

4. Bryan Arroyo

5. Arnaldo Lopez

6. Julian Ortiz

7. Freddy Rincon (electee)

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: F - 29

Recurring Project name: Officer Elections Date(s) of Project: Dec. 2, 2014 Project area: Chapter/Social Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 6 Electees: 16 Hours spent on this project Organizing: 1 Participating: 1.5 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: Elections for the Officer positions that would be open in spring 2015.

II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The purpose of these elections is to renew the

Officer Board, filling vacancies before they occur and providing members the opportunity to become

leaders of our Chapter.

III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) No

We requested nominations via e-mail about a week prior to the date. The Vice President of Activities

was in charge of the meeting, reminding everyone about the duties of the positions and counting

votes. Votes were held by show of hands as stated by our bylaws; nominees were escorted out of

the room while the rest of the body deliberated and voted on the new officers.

IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: There were no costs incurred in this activity.

V. Special Problems: We barely had active members show up to the meeting, so we had to declare

members inactive. Only some existing officers moved up/down the board and very few candidates

nominated themselves for open positions. Almost half of the positions were left vacant, although the

required ones were filled.

VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): Although member participation was low, the outcome

was satisfying. Some of the positions were filled during the election and the board was composed of

“old” experienced students with new, fresh students. The newly elected officers are eager to begin

and there are many plans ahead for the next semester.

VII. Index of Exhibits:

1. Attendance

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MEMBERS 1. Gabriela Toledo 2. Alexandra Garcia 3. Tyrone Medina 4. Joshua Gonzalez 5. Bryan Arroyo 6. Stephanie Gonzalez


1. Lester Sanchez 2. Yohanery Gibajeaux 3. Orlando Mulero 4. Christian Negron 5. Luis Medina 6. Maribel Torres 7. Carlos Morales 8. Anthony Rivera 9. Monica Mercado 10. Jorge Medina 11. Michael Carmona 12. Wigberto Maldonado 13. Jimmy Alvarado 14. Angel Agrinsoni 15. Pedro Hernandez 16. Ricardo Ramirez

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: F - 30

Recurring Project Project name: Initiation and Banquet Date(s) of Project: Dec. 4, 2014 Project area: Chapter/Social Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 9 Electees: 46 Hours spent on this project. Organizing: 20 Participating: 6.5 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: After an intense semester filled with activities for candidates, Puerto Rico

Alpha formally added 45 members to its roll book as part of the Initiation Ritual. Afterwards, the

Initiation Banquet was held for candidates and members to celebrate the newest members of Tau

Beta Pi. Members and their friends and relatives are invited to enjoy a wonderful dinner and a night

filled with music. In addition, the new chapter officers are presented.

II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The final step for all candidates on their road to

membership is the Initiation Ritual, which informs them of the requisites, history and objectives of the

organization. The banquet held afterwards was the final social event of the semester.

III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) No

The Ritual of Initiation is led mainly by the President and Vice President of Initiations. A group of

officers volunteers to decorate the ballroom and prepare the Banquet. Volunteers are requested from

the officers and membership for roles in the Ritual and to help with the preparation of the ballroom.

IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Several costs are involved as this is the biggest event in the

chapter. The biggest costs are the food and the ballroom rental (Casa Capitular of the CIAPR). To

save on expenses, the chapter decided to reuse the theme used in last year’s fall initiation. Due to it

being a social event, various drinks were bought to toast to a successful semester and to wish all

those present a great holiday season. Chapter officers took care of all the details of the event.

V. Special Problems: Member turnout for volunteers was low, so chapter officers had to take care of

all the details. To save money, decorations were reused and the Winter Wonderland theme

(previously used) was again the theme for the banquet. Not too many decoration items were set out

this time, but the ballroom managed to maintain its winter-like appearance.

VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): Members and officers alike commented on what

memorable events the Initiation and Banquet were. Not all members and initiated members

participated in the Banquet, but for those that did, it was one of the best (as commented by several of

them). The chapter took note and committed itself to repeat the feat the subsequent semesters. In

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addition, this initiation was well below the budgeted amount, ensuring that the next semester, the

officers would be financially set for their activities.

VII. Index of Exhibits:

*We do not take attendance at the Banquet. Not all members participate in both the Ritual and the

Banquet, so the total number reported at the beginning of this report only reflects the members

present at the Ritual: the initiation team and the new initiates.

1. Initiation Team

2. List of New Members

3. Photos

Initiation Team

1. Tyrone Medina

2. Bryan Arroyo

3. Joshua Gonzalez

4. Alexander Millet

5. Josuan Hilerio

6. Gabriela Toledo

7. Arnold Irizarry

8. Alexandra Garcia

9. Elmer Zapata

List of New Members:

28. Angel Agrinsoni

29. Jimmy Alvarado

30. Isamar Amador

31. Carlos Arboleda

32. Dick Arias

33. Michael Carmona

34. Xaimara Correa

35. Angie Cortes

36. Wilmarie Cosme

37. Victor David

38. Jonathan Fernandez

39. Ricardo Ferrao

40. Alexis Figueroa

41. Yohaney Gibajeaux

42. Lou Gonzalez

43. Pedro Hernandez

44. Jan M Leon

45. Wigberto Maldonado

46. Luis Medina

47. Jorge Medina

48. Monica Mercado

49. Orlando Mulero

50. Seaska Perez

51. Adrian Perez

52. Ernesto Perez

53. Ricardo Ramirez

54. Ramon Reyes

55. Freddy Rincon

56. Anthony Rivera

57. Carol Rivera

58. Paulanicole Rodriguez

59. Nelson Rodriguez

60. Yaritza Rosario

61. Frances A Ruiz

62. Gladynel Saavedra

63. Gabriela Salvat

64. Jomayra Sanchez

65. Lester Sanchez

66. Gabriela Torres

67. Maribel Torres

68. Omar Vega

69. Hezael Gonzalez**

70. Carlos Morales**

71. Lewis Rodriguez**

72. Harold Torres**

73. Christopher Vale**

**These members’ initiation was postponed to January 20, 2015 with approval of HQ.

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: F-31

Recurring Project Project name: Amendments to Chapter Bylaws Date(s) of Project: Nov. 10-18, 2014 Project area: Chapter/Social Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 15 Electees: 0 Hours spent on this project Organizing: 0.5 Participating: 0.5 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: The Chapter amended several of its Bylaws.

II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The Bylaws amended were focused on reflecting

more how the Chapter operates and eliminating ambiguity.

III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) No

Throughout the semester, the President, Vice Presidents and Chief Advisor discussed certain

changes that should be made in the Chapter Bylaws regarding active membership and officers. We

drafted amendments and after a discussion amongst us, we decided to present these proposed

amendments at the Networking Night. We began voting there, and although a quorum was not

immediately obtained, we collected votes via Google Forms over the following week until we received

results. Josuan, our Chief Advisor, counted votes and ensured quorum was met.

IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: None.

V. Special Problems: Participation was slow, as it took over a week to get the required votes. We

may have been too hopeful in having electee interest in Chapter affairs; we hoped by presenting

changes that would affect them they would speak up and share opinions, but they seemed

uninterested, at best.

VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): Although slow, we got the required votes to pass all

three amendments proposed. We now have a better definition of what an Active Member is at Puerto

Rico Alpha, and we eliminated several required positions (among them, Cataloger, Chapter

Representatives and Historian) from the Bylaws (this does not necessarily exclude them from existing

– they’re no longer required, is all). We also reduced terms for “Associate” Officers (the ones not

required by Constitution), allowing for more flexibility and adjusting to actual trends. The Bylaws were

sent to HQ and approved, and posted online.

For the future, this should not be introduced at the Networking Night – electees are not interested and

the time could be best spent interacting directly with the electees instead.

VII. Index of Exhibits: N/A

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: F-32

New Project Project name: Press Release and Radio Interview Date(s) of Project: Nov. 6 & Dec. 4, 2014 Project area: Community/Liberal Culture Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 3 Electees: 0 Hours spent on this project Organizing: 1 Participating: 1 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: Two interviews were made with “Prensa RUM” and “Foro Colegial” which

were exposed through an online news article and a radio program respectively. In these interviews

we were asked about Tau Beta Pi, our chapter, our purpose, members, activities, etc. Also, our

Chapter Project Award win from last year was mentioned and emphasized.

II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The purpose of this project is to help improve the

image of Tau Beta Pi and help the public know more about us and what we do.

III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group? No)

This activity was scheduled with the University's Radio Program prior to the date of transmission.

IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: There were no costs incurred.

V. Special Problems: There were no special problems.

VI. Overall Evaluation/Results: Both interviews went really well. A lot was explained about Tau Bet

Pi, our chapter and what it is that we do. Our first interview was featured in the home page of our

University’s website: This article was shared with

our members through email and social media, and a lot of more people were exposed to Tau Beta Pi

and learned about our society and our chapter. Although the radio interview also went well, the

feedback wasn’t appreciated as well as we can’t know for sure how many people heard it, though it

should have been a lot. The radio interview can be found here:

VII. Index of Exhibits:

10. Attendance List

11. Photos

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Attendance List:

6. Tyrone Medina

7. Josuan Hilerio

8. Dra. Evi De la Rosa


Picture 5. Tyrone, Evi and Josuan being interviewed by the University's Radio Program

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: F-33

Recurring Project Project name: Visit to Hogar Jesus de Nazareth Date(s) of Project: Nov. 8, 2014 Project area: Community Service Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 1 Electees: 0 Hours spent on this project Organizing: 1 Participating: 0 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: We planned a visit to the Hogar de Niños Maltratados Jesús de Nazareth

(Jesus of Nazareth Home for Abused Children), so we could do arts and crafts and play with the

children. Due to lack of response, we had to cancel the event.

II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: This was originally planned as one of the few

activities planned by the Community Service Coordinator, as part of our agenda of events.

III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) No The Community

Service Coordinator planned the event, secured a date and time, and kept in touch with the people

from the Home.

IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: No requirements, but there was a limit of 15 people. We

requested everyone planning to attend register via a Google Form.

V. Special Problems: The event was planned early and a date was set aside, but the Coordinator

failed to communicate details about the event until the same week, and promotion for the event came

very last minute. We tried to include candidates but the announcement came late, it was close to

midterms and by then most candidates had completed their requirements. Few people had

registered, so the event had to be canceled.

VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): We had to cancel. This could have been avoided if

the Coordinator had responded to emails that were sent weeks before the scheduled event, and

given time for the Chapter to promote the event. No email was sent to members and candidates were

informed last minute.

VII. Index of Exhibits:


Darisabel Negron (organized the event)

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: S-01

Recurring Project Project name: District 5 Conference Date(s) of Project: Mar. 28-29, 2015 Project area: Chapter/Social Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 3 Electees: 0 Hours spent on this project Organizing: 1 Participating: 24 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: Two delegates and the chief advisor went to the District Conference in

Orlando, FL. On the first day, the District Directors gave a few presentation on how to run their

chapters, and there was a chance to network with Alumni. The Chapters also got to showcase their

schools and activities. On day two, we had an interactive chapter exchange.

II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The District Conference is held to allow chapters

in the district to exchange ideas and learn from each other, and train incoming officers for the

upcoming year, helping them learn to run their chapters effectively.

III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) No

The District Directors organized the conference. We just had to book our flights and show up. We did

try and meet as a delegation a few times before the Conference, but we couldn’t. However, our Chief

Advisor met with us one on one and explained what we should expect and what we would be doing.

IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Expenses were covered by the district, we didn’t pay anything

out of pocket.

V. Special Problems: One of the delegates requested a flight but forgot to double check it and didn’t

realize it had been booked for the wrong month – this ended up costing the association more money

to rebook.

VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): The Conference was very helpful. We learned a lot of

ideas from other Chapters. The two delegates will be Vice Presidents next year and they learned how

to run the Chapter. Also, we won the District 5 School Spirit Award!

VII. Index of Exhibits:

Attendance List:

1. Victor David

2. Carlos Morales

3. Josuan Hilerio Sanchez (present as District Director)

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Group photo

Carlos Morales and Victor David, with the Spirit Award trophy.

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: S-02

Recurring Project Project name: Member Meetings Date(s) of Project: Jan. 27 & Apr. 30, 2015 Project area: Chapter/Social Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 25 Electees: 2 Hours spent on this project. Organizing: 2 & 2 Participating: 1.5 & 1.5 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: Membership Meetings are great opportunities to share ideas among the

members on how we as officer members can improve the way we serve them. In the other hand it is

also useful to present opportunities within the chapter, and take global decisions by voting. These

meetings were scheduled in a way that in the first one we presented the opportunities and

expectations for the members during the semester and in the second one we presented how we did

in relation to the goals.

II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: In the first meeting we presented important

dates, among them we mentioned Engineering Futures, Tau Beta Pi Day, and Scholarships

Deadlines. We also presented our new bent system for our members and voted on the ratification

ballot. In the second meeting we presented a progress report for the chapter and also elected the

officers for next semester.

III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) No

These activities were organized by our Chapter President and Vice-President of Activities. Members

and candidates were invited to participate using Google Mail and Facebook.

IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: There were cost incurred only in the first meeting in which

refreshments were bought.

V. Special Problems: The greatest problem that our chapter faces is lack of participation of the

members. This was also the major problem during the meetings. In the first we obtained a total

participation of 21 and in the second only 13 persons participated.

VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): Although the meetings went well, it was hard to figure

out what our members need or want form us officers since the participation was very low and there

was little to no feedback. The Bent system that was established and discussed in the first meeting did

elevate the participation of members throughout the semester’s activities, especially for those who

graduate in that semester. New ways to promote our activities need to be designed in order to

maximize our exposition to the members.

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VII. Index of Exhibits:

1. Attendance List

Attendance List:

27-Jan-2015 30-Apr-2015 Member Candidate

Anthony Rivera De Jesús X X X

Hiram K. Ortiz X X X

Jehnsen Almodovar X X

Carlos E Arboleda X X

Lizabel Rivera X X

Arnold X. Irizarry X X

Tyrone Medina X X X

Carlos R. Morales X X X

Gabriela Toledo X X

Elmer A. Zapata X X

Gustavo Figueroa X X X

Josuan Hilerio X X X

Ishar Rosado X X

Leishla Ramos X X

Angie E Cortes X X

Alexandra Garcia X X X

Sylmarie Davila X X

Christian Montes X X

Wilfredo Ortiz X X

Frances A. Ruiz X X

Victor David X X

Lester Sanchez X X

Angel Padilla X X

Fernando L Rivera X X

Pedro Hernandez X X

Paulanicole Rodriguez X X

Ilennis Heredia X X

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: S-03

Recurring Project Project name: Collegiate Reforestation Date(s) of Project: Jan. 24, 2015 Project area: Community/Liberal Culture Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 4 Electees: 0 Hours spent on this project. Organizing: 1 Participating: 5 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: As part of a coordinated event involving over 50 organizations from the

University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez, we undertook the task of the reforestation of one of Puerto

Rico’s wildlife preservation sites. Alongside the other student organizations, the chapter was assigned to plant trees around Laguna Cartagena in Lajas, P.R. Over 1,000 trees and plants were planted in the event. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: Exemplary character is shown not only in the academic field but also in how Tau Beta Pi members give back to the community and the environment. The conservation of our natural resources is of upmost important and the chapter said present to assist in a very important event. Events like these show how Tau Beta Pi members are environmentally conscious and well-rounded members. III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) Yes

We joined several student organizations for this event. Reforestación Colegial coordinated the event

with the National Wildlife Federation and all other organizations, including us, promoted the event. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: No costs were incurred. All the necessary equipment and transportation to the site was provided. V. Special Problems: Unfortunately, the chapter had a low member turnout with only four officers representing the chapter. It did not help that the activity was early in the semester and really early in the morning on a weekend. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): In all, over 500 students from all the student

organizations, led by Reforestación Colegial, participated and planted over 1,000 plants and trees.

Even with just four officers as part of the Tau Beta Pi, their effort contributed to ensuring more trees were planted. VII. Index of Exhibits:

4. Attendance List 5. Pictures

Attendance List:

8. Gustavo Figueroa

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9. Tyrone Medina 10. Alexandra Garcia 11. Hiram Ortiz


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: S-04

New Project Project name: Officers’ Dinner and Networking Date(s) of Project: Feb. 2, 2015 Project area: Chapter/Social Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 8 Electees: 0 Hours spent on this project. Organizing: 0.5 Participating: 4 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: A night out for dinner son that the new chapter officers get to know each other and share ideas. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: This dinner was organized as a social activity to establish a close bond between our officers so that we could work better together throughout the semester. III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) No The activity was organized by the Vice-President of Activities, Gustavo A. Figueroa. The activity was immediately taken because of its usefulness in previous years. Gustavo suggested the restaurant and a date and time were agreed upon. All the officers were invited by email, our officer’s Facebook closed group, and a WhatsApp chapter officers chat group. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Everybody paid for their dinner and no other requirements were needed besides transportation to get to the restaurant. V. Special Problems: There were no problems. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): The activity was a success. Although the food took pretty long to be served, everybody thoroughly enjoyed the food and shared very nice conversations from social aspects to professional ideas. VII. Index of Exhibits:

6. Attendance List 7. Photo

Attendance List:

12. Gustavo Figueroa (Vice-President of Activities) 13. Hiram Ortiz (Environmental Coordinator) 14. Tyrone Medina Vélez (President) 15. Elmer Zapata (Recording Secretary) 16. Ishar Rosado (Community Coordinator) 17. Lester Sanchez (Corresponding Secretary) 18. Frances Ruiz (Historian) 19. Carlos Morales (Professional Coordinator)

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: S-05

New Project Project name: Interview Tips Conference Date(s) of Project: January 11, 2015 Project area: Profession/Engineering Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 15 Electees: 0 Hours spent on this project. Organizing: 1 Participating: 2 hours DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: This activity was focused on providing our members with the tools for a

successful interview. The conference was conducted by Sr. Robert Rosado, procurement manager

from the Honeywell. The concepts presented include business etiquette and resume pointers.

II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: This event was conducted in order to provide

technical resources to the membership of The Tau Beta Pi Association. Tau Beta Pi members must

exceed in their area of expertise and the journey begins with professional development via

engineering practices; a successful interview is necessary for the opportunity of practice.

III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) No

Our speaker is a family member of one of our officers thus the connection with our resource was

easily made. All other resources were obtained by the Vice-President of Activities, Gustavo A.

Figueroa, while the food and beverages were provided by other officers. The date, time, and

promotion was discussed in an officer board meeting.

IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Little cost for snacks and beverages for the attendees were

required for the activity.

V. Special Problems: No problem was found.

VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): The audience was participating actively during the

conference, since Sr. Robert Rosado was very dynamic. In addition, the participants asked their

doubts at the end of the presentation, showing interest in the topics discussed.

VII. Index of Exhibits:

12. Attendance List

13. Photos

Attendance List:

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1. Gustavo A. Figueroa

2. Tyrone Medina

3. Ishar Rosado

4. Frances Ruiz

5. Wilfredo Ortiz

6. Alex Sierra

7. Oscar Chacon

8. Paulanicole Rodriguez

9. Carlos Arboleda

10. Jonathan Fernandez

11. Anthony Rivera

12. Joshua Gonzalez

13. Christian Montes

14. Kenneth Aviles

15. Alexandra Garcia


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: S-06

Recurring Project Project name: Advisory Board Meeting Date(s) of Project: Feb. 12, 2015 Project area: Chapter/Social Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 6 Electees: 0 Hours spent on this project Organizing: 0.5 Participating: 1 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: The Advisory Board held a meeting, open to the entire Executive Board, to

discuss ways to enhance the image of Tau Beta Pi on campus and attract more eligible members.

II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: This meeting was held to discuss ways to

enhance image and increase membership, fulfilling our mission to “mark in a fitting manner…”

III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) No

Tyrone Medina, President, called for an Advisory Board meeting. In addition to the Advisory Board,

the regular officers (Vice President of Activities, Recording Secretary and Treasurer) were invited to

attend. No agenda was prepared ahead of time, so it was more of an open topic discussion; the focus

was primarily on improving our image on campus and initiating more members, including alumni and

eminent engineers. Dr. Mayra Mendez, Advisor, reserved a room in advance for us. Baked goods

from the prior day’s event were brought to the meeting.

IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: None.

V. Special Problems: Dr. Mendez had to change the room at the last minute and her attendance

was intermittent because she was administering a test. This was not a major problem, however.

Several key members could not attend, despite the meeting being scheduled for the “Universal Hour”

(a period on Tuesdays and Thursdays when no classes are scheduled). There was no agenda and

therefore no sense of urgency to the meeting, either.

VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): While there was no agenda, this allowed for us to

speak freely. Definitely, a rough draft or suggested agenda should be considered for the future, to

give a purpose to the meeting, but the open topic discussion was very comfortable. We need the

presence of the VP of Initiations in these meetings! That position is responsible for the bulk of the

Chapter’s operations (initiating new members), and is a constant topic of discussion at these

meetings. We need to follow up on what was discussed at this meeting.

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VII. Index of Exhibits:

Attendance List:

1. Mayra Mendez, Faculty Advisor

2. Gustavo A. Figueroa, Vice President of Activities

3. Evi De La Rosa Ricciardi, Faculty Advisor

4. Josuan Hilerio Sanchez, Chief Advisor

5. Tyrone Medina Velez, President

6. Alexandra García, Treasurer

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: S - 07

Recurring Project Project name: Spring Smoker 2015 Date(s) of Project: Feb. 17, 2015 Project area: Chapter/Social Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 28 Candidates: 23 Hours spent on this project Organizing: 8 Participating: 3 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: The chapter hosted its semiannual Smoker, an orientation event for

candidates to learn about Tau Beta Pi and to be sorted into groups. In this event, chapter officers

present themselves and explain the process for initiation. Smokers are the first activity geared

towards candidates and in it they have a chance to win one (1) point towards their point requirements.

Also in this activity is promoted the confraternity of new candidates and members. Member present in

this activity received a bent award in other to maintain a record of active members.

II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: This event is the first step all candidates take on

their road towards membership. The idea is to learn more about what Tau Beta Pi offers them and to

split them up into groups, which will form their team for the rest of the semester’s activities. This

activity is key in order to obtain the sympathy and the attention of the candidates. Smoker is one of

the most important activities of the semester.

III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group? No)

This is one of our major events, and requires the participation of practically all the officers and active

members possible. The list of eligible students is made public, via e-mail, Facebook and Twitter, and

posted on bulletin boards throughout campus. This announcement also invites them to the Smoker.

The Vice President of Activities is in charge of reserving the room. The treasurer is in charge of

coordinating the purchase of pizza and refreshments. The Vice President of Initiation (VPI) runs the

Smoker itself; the president prepares a presentation that explains the association, benefits and the

membership process, and also runs an initial team-building activity and assigns the projects to each

group of candidates. A group of officers is at the door, handing out brochures and assigning

members to different groups and a series of members are assigned as mentors to each group, initially

tasked with helping them try to win the team building activity, but they also help their groups prepare

their assigned activity and sale throughout the semester. Several officers are pre-assigned as

mentors to an activity (Environmental, Community and Professional Coordinators, for example, will be

mentors of the groups who are assigned the environmental, community service and technical


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IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Pizzas and refreshments at approximately $114.49 were the

only costs incurred.

V. Special Problems: The room we reserved did not have the auxiliary plug to connect the sound

equipment to the computer. We had to put the microphone in front of the computer speaker to hear

the music for the group activity. We need to improve our technique to promote the participation of the

candidates. In this SMOKER we only received the attention of less than 20 % of the candidates in the


VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): After learning about all the benefits TBP has to offer,

candidates are more eager to work towards their membership, especially those who win the point.

Almost all candidates who attend the Smoker end up becoming members.

VII. Index of Exhibits:

3. Attendance List

4. Photos

Attendance List:


74. Gabriela Toledo

75. Belinda Hernandez

76. Hector Rodriguez

77. Yohanery Giboyeaux

78. Alex Sierra

79. Arnold Irizarry Rosas

80. Seaska I. Pérez Avilés

81. Leishla Ramos Rivera

82. Carlos E. Arboleda

83. Joshua Gonzalez

84. Darwin Serrano

85. Rafael Feliciano Rivera

86. Tyrone Medina

87. Elmer Zapata

88. Monica Mercado

89. Frances Ruiz

90. Edwin Herrera

91. Ishar Rosado

92. Carlos Morales

93. Hiram Ortiz

94. Paulanicole Rodriguez

95. Gabriela Salvat

96. Ilennis Heredia

97. Xaimara Correa

98. Pedro Hernandez

99. Harold Torres

100. Anthony Rivera

101. Alexandra Garcia


64. Leslie O Eaton Rosario

65. Noel Torres Alindato

66. Miguel A De Jesus

67. Julio F Diaz Sanchez

68. Pedro J Mundo Perez

69. Jiovanny J Muniz

70. Fernando L Rivera Diaz

71. Alexis A Vera De Jesus

72. Keyla M Del Valle

73. Angel L Millan Sayan

74. Rafael J Ortiz Vincenty

75. Brandon J Colon Curiel

76. Xavier Cordero Muniz

77. Luis J Cruz Perez

78. Inti Juan D Garcia Sierra

79. Angel L Padilla Viruet

80. Hector L Quinones

81. Liann I Ruiz Crespo

82. Carlos E Fernandez

83. Omar H Garcia Colon

84. Karen L Weintraub De

85. Edgardo J Ramos Rivera

86. Roberto L Anglero


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR-A Chapter Project Report Project number: S-08

New Project Project name: COOP and Internship program Info-session Date(s) of Project: Feb 17, 2015 Project area: Education/Professional Development Number of persons who participated in this project Members: _5_ Non-Members: _6_ Hours spent on this project. Organizing: _1_ Participating: _2_ DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: Info-session about Cooperative Education and internship program offerings, & benefits. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: To provide students with information regarding the Cooperative Education and internships programs. These provide the students with tools to be competitive, and stand out. At the end we shared the stories of students who already took advantage of it. III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) YES The activity was done in conjunction with ACM and Golden Key societies. Cooperative Program Director, Ellen Rios was the conference contact. It took less than an hour to arrange everything. Societies sent their respective information to be included in the flyers and helped with the promotion of the activity. The event was open to all students. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: There were no costs involved. V. Special Problems: There were no special problems. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): The info session was done successfully. There were no major problems. It was very easy to set up and the speaker provided the information needed to successfully participate in the Cooperative education and internship program. VII. Index of Exhibits:

1. Promotional Flyers

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2. Attendees 1) Gabriela Toledo 2) Carlos Morales 3) Anthony Rivera 4) Sebastian Quiros 5) Jose Sanchez 6) Gustavo Figueroa 7) Omar Vargas 8) Jonathan Romon 9) Jacklyn Martinez 10) Samir Candelaria 11) Julio Diaz

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR-A Chapter Project Report Project number: S-09

New Project Project name: Do’s and Don’ts for Resume Info-session Date(s) of Project: Feb 19, 2015 Project area: Education/Professional Development Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 3 Non-Members: 2 Hours spent on this project. Organizing: _1_ Participating: _2_ DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: Informative session to provide students with key resume tips. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: To provide members, candidates and other attendees with key tips in order to improve or create a good resume. To Increase the odds of the attendees to stand out and obtain interview opportunities at the career fair. III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) YES The activity was done in conjunction with ACM and Golden Key societies. Cooperative Program Director, Ellen Rios helped with the room reservation and conference contact. It took less than an hour to arrange everything. Societies sent their respective information to be included in the flyers and helped with the promotion of the activity. The event was open to all students. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: There were no costs involved. V. Special Problems: Lower than expected attendees due to several other activities running at the same time in different Campus locations. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): The info session was done successfully. There were no major problems other than participation, it was very easy to set up and the speaker provided with great resume tips for the attendees. VII. Index of Exhibits:

3. Promotional Flyers

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4. List of Participants 1) Michael Montalvo 2) Ishar Rosado 3) Tyrone Medina 4) Gustavo Figueroa 5) Eddie Caban 6) Carlos Morales

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: S-10

New Project Project name: Math/Science/English Tutoring Date of Project: From March 3 to April 22, 2015 Project area: Community/Liberal Culture Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 16 Non-members: 0 (Please attach a list of names.) Hours spent on this project. Organizing: 2 Participating: 48 hours DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: Our members and candidates offered to tutor middle and high school students of low economic resources in their classes for 3 hours each. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The purpose of this activity is to make an impact in our community. This shows that our chapter is committed not only to develop professionals but also leaders of our community. III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) Our K-12 coordinator (Victor David) prepared a Google Drive Excel document containing the dates from March 3 to April 22 (from Monday to Thursday) in which are members and candidate could offer to volunteer as a tutor for 3 hours. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: No cost were incurred. V. Special Problems: Pictures were not taken of this activity besides our K-12 coordinator. Next semester we have to give emphasis to this matter, in order to have a record to prove that the member or candidate indeed volunteered. In this occasion we had to trust the list in the Google Drive sheet and the person in charge of the component who wrote down the volunteers but not all of them. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): The activity was a total success. If was good for our members and candidate, to the organization where we volunteered (called Centro Universitario para el Acesso) and to us as an organization. We have an opportunity to make a difference, to share our knowledge and to motivate those young student to pursue a career in STEM. VII. Index of Exhibits:

1. Attendance List 2. Pictures

Attendance List:

1. Victor David 2. Michael Carmona 3. Maria Acevedo

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4. Sylmarie Dávila 5. Harold Torres 6. Luis Rivera 7. Ryan Torres 8. Angel L. Millan 9. Oscar Chacon 10. Enery Lorenzo 11. Brandon J. Colón Curiel, 12. Jonathan P. Machado 13. Belinda Hernandez 14. Gabriel Ruscalleda 15. Angel L. Millan 16. Belinda Hernandez


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR-A Chapter Project Report Project number: S-11

Recurring Project name: Color Spirit, Test and Beta Hunt Date(s) of Project: March 6, 2015 Project Area: Chapter/Social Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 14 Electees: 50 Hours spent on this project. Organizing: 8 Participating: 6 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: The chapter organized its semiannual Beta Hunt, divided into two phases. In

the first phase (Color Spirit), candidates already assembled into teams are assigned one color

beforehand and must have brought as many articles of said color as they can. To be fair, the average

number of articles per person per team is calculated. The team (and candidate) with the highest

average (or most articles) wins a point towards their membership requirement. Also, the candidate

with highest articles won an additional point. The second phase is the Beta Hunt where 50 bents are

hidden across campus. Candidates, already working in teams, must find as many bents as possible.

The winning team, determined not by the number of bents found, but by the points assigned to each

bent (depending on how far away from the starting point it is), wins a point towards their membership

requirements. In between the two activities, the entrance exam is taken where candidates are given

basic engineering problems and asked about the history of Tau Beta Pi and our chapter.

II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: In addition to being a social event for candidates,

here they reveal their integrity by demonstrating how they follow the rules and how well they can

collaborate with one another. Honesty is also put to the test during the entrance exam; the few who

are caught cheating are seldom elected as members.

III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group? No) This event is organized primarily by the Vice President of Initiation. The VPI prepares the exam, and

explains the two competitions. Officers, group mentors and other members serve as volunteers to

count items for the Color Spirit, grade the exams, and monitor candidates as they race across

campus searching for Bents. The six representatives prepared one engineering problem each,

related to their respective major. The Vice President of Activities is in charge of reserving a room,

usually the Engineering Auditorium, well in advance. A group of members were helping in the activity

with counting the articles in the color spirit; manage doubts in the test and in the distribution of bent

through all college.

IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Approximately $68.69 for pizza and refreshments. V. Special Problems: No special problems occurs

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VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): This is one of the most memorable activities

candidates participate in. It’s where the chapter officers have a chance to know the candidates better.

In addition, it serves to watch out for candidates who might not be model Tau Bates, whether

because they do not get along with fellow candidates or because they were caught cheating on the

entrance exam. Besides the formal parts involved, candidates and members have a lot of fun.

VII. Index of Exhibits:

14. Attendance

15. Team Photos


Members 15. Gabriela Toledo 16. Omar Vega Albino 17. Lizabel Rivera 18. Wilmarie Cosme 19. Jacklyn M. Martinez 20. Dick E. Arias 21. Belinda Hernández 22. Harold Torres 23. Jan Leon 24. Ryan Torres Ramos 25. Joel R. Corporan 26. Francisco Villafañe 27. Gabriela Torres 28. Keishly Rosario 29. Oscar Chacon Rosario 30. Tyrone Medina

31. Elmer Zapata

32. Monica Mercado

33. Frances Ruiz

34. Edwin Herrera

35. Ishar Rosado

36. Carlos Morales

37. Hiram Ortiz

38. Paulanicole Rodriguez

39. Gabriela Salvat

40. Ilennis Heredia

41. Xaimara Correa

42. Pedro Hernandez

43. Anthony Rivera

44. Alexandra Garcia

Candidates 1. Leslie O Eaton Rosario 2. Keyla M Del Valle 3. Liann I Ruiz Crespo 4. Liann I Ruiz Crespo 5. Omar H Garcia Colon 6. Luis A Rivera Santiago 7. Brandon J Colon Curiel 8. Xavier Cordero Muniz 9. Jonathan P Machado 10. Hector L Quinones

11. Mariela C Bracete 12. Edwin G Figueroa 13. Angel L Millan Sayan 14. Rafael J Ortiz Vincenty 15. Noel Torres Alindato 16. Jiovanny J Muniz 17. Luis J Cruz Perez 18. Juan D Figueroa A 19. Pedro J Mundo Perez 20. Fernando L Rivera Diaz 21. Alexis A Vera De Jesus 22. Angel L Padilla Viruet 23. Joel Florian Collazo 24. Edwin G Figueroa 25. Angel L Millan Sayan 26. Rafael J Ortiz Vincenty 27. Roberto L Anglero 28. Inti Juan D Garcia Sierra

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: S-12

New Project Project name: Serving breakfast to homeless people Date(s) of Project: March 8, 2015 Project area: Community Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 7 Electees: 1 Hours spent on this project. Organizing: 9 Participating: 4 1/2 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: TBP – PR Alpha joined the A.E.A.C (“Asociación Estudiantil de Apoyo a Comunidades) in their event “Ven a desayunar, yo invito” which consisted in giving breakfast to homeless people. TBP was in charge of providing the breakfast during this day. During this activity we also played dominoes, talked and danced with the homeless people. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: By making an outreach into helping others within our community, especially those who don’t have a house or the means for buying food. It teaches our future and current members to grow with the excellent and exemplary character that distinguishes the TBP. III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group? Yes) TBP’s community coordinator made a list of food, snack, articles that were needed for the activity. This was sent to the members and candidates in order for them to help donating some of it. A letter was also made in order to ask for business to donate some if possible (we were able to obtain free ice by this letter which was donated by Nadals Ice business). Menu consisted of sandwiches, cupcakes, cookies, coffee, juice, water, etc. The day before the activity we prepared the sandwiches and left them ready. Everything was brought to the place and then we served it and spent time with everyone. A lot of the communication between the societies was done by Alexandra García (787-365-5298) who communicated with the president of A.E.A.C. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: There was a budget of $70 but the majority of the articles and food were donated. At the end TBP only spent $50. Receipts are attached at the end of the report. V. Special Problems: No problems were confronted during this activity. The help of A.E.A.C made this activity more successful. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): It was a very pleasant activity. All the food was finished and the homeless people were very appreciative. They were happy that we spent time with them. For future references I would recommend to contact the business (such as supermarkets, etc) 1 month ahead of time in order to ask for donations. If done earlier we wouldn’t have to spend money or ask the members to donate. Nevertheless it was still a success.

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VII. Index of Exhibits: Participant’s list: Electees: 1. Rafael Ortiz Vicenty Members: 1. Tyrone Medina Velez – President 2. Gabriela Toledo - Vicepresident of Initiation 3. Lester Sanchez – Corresponding officer 4. Alexandra García - 5. Hiram Ortiz Rodriguez – Environmental Actv. Coordinator 6. Ishar Rosado Irizarry – Community Actv. Coordinator 7. Anthony Rivera de Jesus

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Artcle list:

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR-A Chapter Project Report Project number: S-13

Recurring Project name: Cold Stone Creamery Fundraiser Date(s) of Project: March 10, 2015 Project area: Chapter/Social Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 12 Electees: 16 Hours spent on this project. Organizing: 2 Participating: 5 DESCRIPTION:

I. General Description:

As an integral part of the continuing function of our chapter, TBP-PRA, the chapter must do activities for raising funds for the chapter.

II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP:

The main goals of this fundraiser were the following:

To provide an alternate

To increase participation of our members regarding chapter activities.

To familiarize this term’s candidates (electees) with chapter fundraising events (different to candidate group fundraisers)

III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) No

The treasurer, Alexandra Garcia, set up the fundraiser. The Vice President of Activities secured the personnel required to successfully execute the activity. The President, Tyrone Medina, was at the location at all time supervising the event.

IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: There were no costs. Three TBP members were required to be in the store at all times during the duration of the fundraiser. The Vice President of Activities created a signup sheet where both officers and members filled out the slots in which they were going to be working. The members that participated received a “bent” for their help.

V. Special Problems:

No problems were encountered during the execution of this activity.

VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific)

The VBA Seminar provided by the Tau Beta Pi’s “Yellow Team” was a success, since all prepared material was covered during the execution and all participants were able to complete the exercises correctly, with the help of the “Yellow Team” members. For future repetitions, it would be helpful to advertise activities during a longer period of time and with a broader audience in order to increase participation, since not was many people participated as was expected.

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VII. Index of Exhibits: i) Attendance Sheet

1) Gustavo Figueroa 2) Lester Sanchez 3) Sylmarie Davila 4) Enery Lorenzo 5) Tyrone Medina 6) Xavier Cordero 7) Jonathan Machado 8) Brandon Colon 9) Juan Figueroa 10) Rafael Ortiz 11) Ilennis Heredia 12) Glorimar Torres 13) Joel Florian 14) Mariela Bracete 15) Angel Millan 16) Jiovanny Muniz 17) Omar Garcia 18) Carlos Morales 19) Fernando Rivera 20) Gabriela Toledo 21) Luis Rivera 22) Elmer Zapata 23) Alexandra Garcia 24) Leslie Eaton Noel Torres 25) Alexis Vera 26) Monica Mercado 27) Inti Garcia

ii) Photos

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: S-14

New Project Project name: Restoration of UPRM Pre-K Play Area Date(s) of Project: March 13 & 27, 2015 Project area: Community/Liberal Culture Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 10 Electees: 0 Hours spent on this project. Organizing: 2.0 Participating: 6.0 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: Our chapter members took on the task of restoring a play area at our campus’ preschool. They planted decorative plants around the area and painted several houses where the kids would play to make it more attractive to them. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: Exemplary character is shown not only in the academic field but also in how Tau Beta Pi members give back to the community. There are many locations and people that could use of a little voluntary help with different projects that they would like to do. TBP Puerto Rico Alpha Chapter always looks for ways to give back to our community in any way we can find. By restoring the play area at our campus’ preschool we give the kids a new reason to be excited to go to school growing in them an interest in academics. III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) No The activity was organized by the Environmental Coordinator, Hiram K. Ortiz. The idea of the activity came during the fall semester but was postponed due to time restraints. Hiram contacted the school’s director and established the project and materials required. All the members were invited by email and our officer’s Facebook closed group. The activity took two days to complete due to the extent of work needed. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Some cost was required to buy the soil for the plants and some of the decorative plants (most were donated). The paint was provided by the preschool and each member brought their tools to paint. V. Special Problems: We underestimated the amount of time needed to complete the work and had to come for a second day to complete it. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): The activity was a success. The plants and newly painted play houses make the area much more attractive. During the activity our members also got to learn more about each other and share many ideas within their conversations. VII. Index of Exhibits:

8. Attendance List 9. Photo

Attendance List:

20. Gustavo Figueroa

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21. Lizabel Rivera 22. Wilmarie Cosme 23. Keishly Rosario 24. Jacklyn Martinez 25. Francisco Villafañe 26. Enery Lorenzo 27. Hiram Ortiz 28. Lester Sanchez 29. Oscar Chacon

Photo Before:

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: S-15

New Project Project name: Pi Day: Goofy Games Date(s) of Project: March 14, 2015 Project area: Chapter/Social Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 10 Electees: 0 Hours spent on this project. Organizing: 2.0 Participating: 3.0 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: A morning filled with fun games so that our chapter members can socialize and celebrate Tau Beta Pi day together. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The goofy games were organized as a social activity to celebrate the national Tau Beta Pi day and give our chapter members an opportunity to have fun and socialize with each other. III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) No The activity was organized by the Vice-President of Activities, Gustavo A. Figueroa. The activity was immediately decided upon because March 14 (3-14) is Tau Beta Pi day and the PRA chapter wanted to provide our members with an activity that could serve as a celebration of our national day. Gustavo suggested a 5K run first but the idea was disbanded for its complexity and replaced with the Goofy Games. All members were invited by email and our officer’s Facebook closed group. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Minimum cost was required by the chapter to buy tools for the games (tape, toilet paper, Easter eggs, etc.) and the food was donated by an alumni. V. Special Problems: There were no problems. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): The activity was a success. Our members enjoyed their Saturday morning playing games such as: musical chairs, egg relay race, three legged race, etc. and were able to socialize with a variety of members including two professors that are alumni of the Tau Beta Pi. VII. Index of Exhibits:

10. Attendance List 11. Photo

Attendance List:

30. Gustavo A. Figueroa 31. Lester E. Sanchez 32. Tyrone Medina 33. Darisabel Negron 34. Carlos R. Morales 35. Nayda G. Santiago

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36. Josuan Hilerio 37. Benjamin Colucci 38. Joel R. Corporan 39. Ilennis M. Heredia


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: S-16

Recurring Project Project name: Candidate Sales Date(s) of Project: March 12/24, April 9/14/21/30, 2015 Project area: Chapter/Social Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 5 Electees: 20 Hours spent on this project (average per person per sale) Organizing: 3 Participating: 6 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: Fundraising in the form of sales (hot dogs, nachos, soda, water), organized by the candidates. A total of six sales were held, one for each group of candidates. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: As an additional requirement for membership, each group of candidates must organize and participate in a fundraising sale. The funds raised are meant to cover the costs of candidate activities. This leaves other funds intact and free for use in other, non-candidate/membership activities. III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group? No) Near the beginning of the semester, the Vice President of Activities reserved an area in the Stefani

Lobby, one day a week for 6 weeks (once per group). To reserve the lobby for ANY type of sale, we

are required to show certification from the Health and Sanitation Department. Each group was

assigned a specific day to hold their sale, and had a starting budget of $75 (most groups used less

than this); anything else purchased beyond that was covered by the candidates. Each group chose

what they wanted to sell, set its own prices and advertised their own sales. The treasurer would

prepare the cash box, before the event, providing enough change for larger bills. Most groups met

prior to the meeting and discussed what they would sell, divided tasks and set a schedule for the day

of the sale. This was an effective strategy, especially if they organized their sale weeks in advance.

IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Each group started out with a budget of $50 to purchase items they would sell. Most groups set a working time of two hours per candidate. V. Special Problems: We need to make more promotion to the sales. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): Sales turned out very well, in terms of revenue and turnout. A large number of members showed up to help the candidates with their sales, more than in previous semesters.

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: S-17

New Project Project name: Engineering Workshop Date(s) of Project: March 28, 2015 Project area: Profession/Engineering Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 3 Electees: 0 Hours spent on this project. Organizing: 1 Participating: 8 hours DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: The workshop was led by WIE (Women in Engineering) and with the

assistance of 10 other associations, including TBP, they provided information sessions and

workshops focused on each engineering area that is studied at UPRM to high school students that

are interested in engineering. TBP was assigned to help out the chemical engineering department

with their sessions and workshops since it was one of the biggest groups. The session began with a

conference of what is a chemical engineer. We discussed the curriculum of the degree and the many

areas a chemical engineer can work on. Afterwards, the students were taken on a tour of the

chemical engineering building including the laboratory. Finally, the students worked on a workshop to

design a sand filter. A winner was chosen by taking into consideration the turbidity of the water,

filtering rate, and percent of recovery of the water source.

II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: Tau Beta Pi assisted in this great event to show

the high school students what it means to be an outstanding engineer. The Puerto Rico Alpha chapter

believes that the key to the future of the TBP is in the high school students that are just about to go

into college. By reaching out to them at an early time we motivate them to study engineering and also

excel at so that they can join TBP.

III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) Yes

The contact with WIE came from our Treasurer, Alexandra Garcia. Further planning was taken care

of by the Vice-President of Activities, Gustavo A. Figueroa. The food and beverages were provided by

WIE. TBP worked alongside AICHE to create the workshops that were provided to the students

attending. TBP discussed several aspects of the chemical engineering profession and designed the

evaluation process for the filter workshop.

IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: No cost was necessary for this activity.

V. Special Problems: No problem was found.

VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): The students were shy at first but once they began to

feel comfortable many good questions came and TBP with AICHE were able to answer all of them.

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Several students also came forward and asked about the process of becoming a TBP member and

we happily explained it to them.

VII. Index of Exhibits:

16. Attendance List

17. Photos

Attendance List:


16. Gustavo A. Figueroa

17. Ishar Rosado

18. Alexandra Garcia


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: S-18

New Project Project name: Interview Tips Conference Date(s) of Project: April 10 & 11, 2015 Project area: Profession/Engineering Number of persons who participated in this project: Members: 8 Electees: 7 Non-Members: 1 Hours spent on this project. Organizing: 4 Participating: 8 hours DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: In this activity we offered different modules of the Engineering Future

Program open to the community at UPRM. The modules presented were People Skills, Team

Chartering and Group Processes. The presenter was Eng. Cheryl Cheng.

II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: This activity was an opportunity to provide our

members and other students the resources they need to be successful in their careers. The

Engineering Futures Program provides those tools and thus the execution of these modules was vital

for our mission. Members, candidates and other students actively participated in these professional


III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) No

The Vice-President of Activities, Gustavo A. Figueroa, made the initial request to Tau Beta Pi HQ for

the speaker for the modules. Also he obtained all other resource for the activities (room, projector,

etc.). Catering for the event was also taken upon by Gustavo using a catering service used by our

chapter before in other activities

IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: We spent a total amount of $130.00 in this activity. The

majority of the cost came from the catering ($100.00); this was because we were expecting to have a

total of 25 attendees per module. The total expenses by the chapter were reduced by charging $5 to

all attendee that was going to eat. They were notified of this charge during the enrollment process.

We recovered a total of $40 making our final expenses $90.00.

V. Special Problems: The biggest problem with this activity was the number of attendees obtained.

Even though we tried to have a good promotion for the same, only 16 people finally registered for the

first day and 18 for the second. In the activity even less people appeared. We had 12 people on the

first day (Friday 10th) and 9 people on the second day (Saturday 11th). We think that factors that could

have a bad effect in this outcome could be that this activity was carried on a weekend and that we

could promote only on the week prior to the workshop. This situation also carried another problem,

we had a surplus of food. To resolve this we donated the excess of food to “San Cristobal Shelter”,

located in Mayaguez Puerto Rico.

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VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): We enjoyed this activity. The modules provided were

of great interest to all attendees and many of them reached out to us after the modules to ask when

we were planning on doing the rest of them. After taking this into consideration our chapter is going to

start providing the Engineering Futures modules every semester and providing the 5 modules in a

cycle every year.

VII. Index of Exhibits:

18. Attendance List

19. Photos

Attendance List:


19. Gustavo A. Figueroa

20. Tyrone Medina

21. Wilfredo Ortiz

22. Hiram Ortiz

23. Carlos Morales

24. Ryan Torres

25. Sylmarie Davila

26. Keishla Vallejo


1. Joel Florian

2. Fernando Rivera

3. Jiovanny Muñiz

4. Mariela Bracete

5. Xavier Cordero

6. Inti Garcia

7. Luis Cruz


1. Angelina Astela


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR Alpha Chapter Project Report Project number: S-19

New Project Project name: “Taller de Sistema de Autorriego, Huerto Casero y Reciclaje” Date(s) of Project: October 20, 2015 Project area: Community/ Liberal Culture Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 2 Candidates: 20 (Please attach a list of names.) Hours spent on this project: Organizing: 5 Participating: 2 1/2 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: Due to the lack of knowledge about the recycling activities in our University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, it was decided to organize an environment activity related to home garden using recycled materials. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: Promote the environment and recycling activities in our University and educate the students about the process of creating a home garden with material that are recycled. This activity is structured in order to achieve the environmental activity, part of the Tau Beta Pi as part of the initiation process of the candidates. III. Organization & Administration: (In conjunction with another group? _ Yes X No): Due to concerns of how the environment is being impacted by the consumption of products and their waste, Fernando Rivera took the initiative of promote the recycling event within the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus. The activity will be offered by a professor and element school teacher Rosa Ivette Díaz, were she will share her knowledge and experience of these other methods of reclycling. Organizing the activity took approximately 5 hours including the meetings in the university and the communication of the entire group via the social phone application “Whatsapp”. The promotion was handled by our vice president of initiation Gabriela Toledo via email. Who designed and created the posters that were used to give promotion to our activity. The leader of the green group, Fernando Rivera, ensured the success of the activity by separating a classroom for the activity and the other members Angel Padilla, Joel Florian and Alexis Vera help supply with different materials and recycle components needed.

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IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Out of a $50 budget, approximately $16 were used to buy the soil for planting the seeds provided, printing flyers and different material for the construction of home garden. V. Special Problems: The only problem we had to deal with was a small delay of time to initiate the activity due of lack of janitor. We called a campus officer and he helped us open the classroom that we had separated for this event. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results: After finishing the “Taller de Sistema de Autorriego, Huerto Casero y Reciclaje” recycling and workshop activity, we can say that it was a complete success since we helped and ensure to teach other people about the importance of recycling and the different methods that we can do to protect our mother nature VII. Index of Exhibits:

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: S-20

New/Recurring Project name: VBA Seminar Date(s) of Project: April 14, 2015 Project area: __ Community/ _X_ University/ __ Profession/ __ Chapter/ _X_Education/ Liberal Culture College Engineering Social Prof. Dev. Number of persons who participated in this project Members: _3_ Electees: _3_ (Please attach a list of names.) Hours spent on this project. Organizing: _2_ Participating: _3_ DESCRIPTION:

I. General Description:

A Visual Basics (VBA) Seminar was given in order help students familiarize with this the basic features of this powerful and very accesible programming tool. Although the seminar was open to the general public, it was meant to be particularly useful for students in any field of engineering. The relevance of this activity for engineering students lies in the fact that for, both, jobs in the industry as well as in the academia, programming is an essential skill for engineers.

The activity was carried out in the Industrial Engineering building’s computer lab, where it had been announced to be by means of the flyers created. One of

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the three “Yellow Team” members gave the seminar while the other two members were present to help participants with any doubts as well as to aid the speaker in anything they may have needed.

II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP:

The Tau Beta Pi is a prestigious engineering association that seeks to further develop its already outstanding candidates and members. Furthermore, the assocition seeks to challenge candidates by making them responsible of organizing and executing activities that can be beneficial to the college community as a whole, such as this one. III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) __ Yes _X_ No

In preparation for the VBA Seminar, the three “Yellow Team” members met in the Mechanical Engineering building’s computer lab in order to practice the seminar that was to be given. Xavier Albino, the team member who gave the seminar, practiced it while teaching the other two team members, Mariela Bracete and Hector Quiñones. Not only was this done for practice, but also to assure that the two team members that were not familar with VBA would be able to help participants of necessary. The VBA Seminar began at 6:00 pm with an introduction from the three “Yellow Team” members present: Xavier Albino, Mariela Bracete, and Hector Quiñones. The activity was monitored by the team’s mentor, Frances Ruiz, and an attendance sheet was passed around for all participants to sign. Two points were granted to initiation candidates for participating. Xavier Albino began the seminar by teaching the participants an algorithm in order to display a “Hello, World” message on the main Excel worksheet. Following this exercise, which all participant were able to execute without any problems, Xavier proceeded to explain to the participants how to set up a “Registration” window. The purpose of this exercise was to give participants a useful tool since, oftentimes it is necessary to set up registration lists for activities. The benefit of this registration list was that it auto-populated a list in a separate Excel worksheet, which kept count of all the people that registered in the other that they did. All participants completed the seminar successfully and all doubts were attended to by the two team members that were not giving the seminar. In case Xavier Albino’s service is desired for a future VBA seminar, his contact phone number is 787-930-6752.

IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements:

As was previously mentioned, the VBA Seminar in question was given by team member, Xavier Albino, while the remaining two members, Mariela Bracete and

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Hector Quiñones, were present to help and answer all of the participants questions. In preparation, the seminar was practiced beforehand by the three team member in the Mechanical Engineering building’s computer lab. No costs were incurred for the execution of this activity.

V. Special Problems:

No problems were encountered during the execution of this activity.

VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific)

The VBA Seminar provided by the Tau Beta Pi’s “Yellow Team” was a success, since all prepared material was covered during the execution and all participants were able to complete the exercises correoctly, with the help of the “Yellow Team” members. For future repetitions, it would be helpful to advertise actitivities during a longer period of time and with a broader audience in order to increase participation, since not was many people participated as was expected. VII. Index of Exhibits: iii) Attendance Sheet

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iv) Photos

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: S - 21 Recurring Project Project name: Community Service Activity Date(s) of Project: April 16, 2015 Project area: Chapter/Social Project Area: Chapter/Community Number of persons who participated in this Project Candidates: 8 Members: 1 Hours spent on this project. Organizing: 5 Participating: 2 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: A one-day two hour community activity at “Asilo Municipal Sor Clara Cabán Pérez” consisting of members and candidates sharing a couple of hours of their day with the elderly talking and sharing stories, playing games like dominos, and donating products necessary for their care. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The main objective and purpose is to help out the community, in this case, by spending some time and sharing a moment with the elderly of the community and donating products that are necessary for their care. Thus, exhorting the younger generation to care for their community, specifically their elders. This goes very well in line with the TBP requirement of “unselfish activity” which is an exemplary virtue of a TBP member. Also, an additional requirement for membership, each group must organize and participate in an activity, in the case of the orange group, oriented towards the community. III. Organization & Administration: The Orange Group decided to carry out their community service activity at the “Asilo Municipal Sor Clara Cabán Pérez” and was in charge of the complete coordination of the activity. The team conducted a meeting to determine the type of community activity, location of the activity, and what would each member be in charge of. Three types of community service activities were proposed:

Activity for the homeless

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Activity for the elderly

Activity for orphans

The group decided on carrying out the activity with a local orphanage, but the hours and amount of people allowed by the orphanage created a problem. The group ultimately decided to conduct the activity with the elderly at a local home for the elderly as mentioned before. On the day set, members of the orange group met a little before 9AM (start time of the activity) to make sure everything was in order at the home. The group waited for sufficient members of TBP to arrive in order to start with the activity. The activity started off with a tour of the facilities where we met and talked to several of the elderly residents. Then for the last hour of the activity the group played dominos and shared time with the elderly. Many products were collected and donated by the TBP members to the home. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: None V. Special Problems: None. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results: Overall the activity was very successful and the administration, as well as the residents, were very happy with our help, products donated, and of the time we took to share with them. Granted, there were complications during the first proposed date and time of the activity. The orange group has only 2 candidates, thus, it proved to be quite a challenge. For the first date and time proposed neither member could be present since one had classes during the time of the activity and the other was in Alabama mentoring a UPRM team for a NASA competition. Regardless of the inconveniences, the group has pushed forward and the activity was successfully rescheduled and carried out without any problems. We would like to acknowledge Ishar Rosado and our group mentor Gabriela, for all the help provided. Without them, it would have been almost impossible to carry out our group activities including this one. VII. Index of Exhibits

1. Attendance list

Attendance List: Members:

1. Ishar Rosado


1. Roberto L. Anglero

2. Carlos Fernandez Caban

3. Luis Cruz Perez

4. Joel Florian Collazo

5. Mariela Bracite Justilano

6. Leslie Estel Rosario

7. Noel Torres Alindato

8. Inti Garcia

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PRA Chapter Project Report Project number: S-22

New/Recurring Project name: Trivia/Domino Night – Blue and Purple Teams Date(s) of Project: April 24th Project area: __ Community/ __ University/ __ Profession/ X Chapter/ __Education/ Liberal Culture College Engineering Social Prof. Dev. Number of persons who participated in this project Members: ___ Electees: ___ (Please attach a list of names.) Hours spent on this project. Organizing: 3 Participating: 3 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: The Purple team was in charge of the sports activity. This activity also serves as a social activity where candidates can meet and have some fun. The team decided to host a domino tournament with elimination matches to 200 points. The activity was held in S-228 at 5:00pm. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The purpose of the activity was to bring together candidates and members and challenge them in a fun way. In the event candidates had the opportunity to show sportsmanship, integrity and ability to work in a team. The activity shows the compromise of the TBP to bring together its members and create a good network. III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) X Yes ___ No After meeting the group decided to host a Domino tournament as a fun yet simple alternative to bring together both candidates and members. Both candidates in the group were in charge of bringing 2 sets of Dominos to the activity. It was decided that the tournament would be an elimination by games of 200 points. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: The event was organized by candidates of both Blue and Purple Groups. Because of the availability of the Domino sets no cost was incurred in the activity. V. Special Problems: VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific):

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The activity had a low turnout (being that it was a Friday afternoon) but the participants had a good time and the atmosphere was one of teamwork and comradery. VII. Index of Exhibits: 2 Photos 3 Flyer

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: S-23

Recurring Project Project name: Salsa Night Date(s) of Project: April 30, 2015 Project area: Chapter/Social Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 2 Electees: 4 Hours spent on this project. Organizing: 0.5 Participating: 1.5 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: The Salsa night was a cultural/social activity held in the third floor of students’ center, directed to members, candidates of the Tau Beta Pi Association and students from UPRM, organized by the Red Group of Tau Beta Pi candidates. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The organization of this activity was a way to show Tau Beta Pi directive the commitment and desire to be members of the Association. Also this activity is part of the initiation of requirements. III. Organization & Administration: No Before this activity the Red group had a reunion in which the theme of it was which date, place and how make an activity like this. After it, the Red group integrant reserved the third floor of students’ center to make the activity. The person in charge of the third floor also provided the music equipment. To promote this activity the Red group made a flyer and sent it to the Tau Beta Pi directive. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: The salsa night had no cost, since a salsa teacher (Juan Jose Rosado Alvarez, 787-361-9791) volunteer to offer a short basic class for enjoyment of all. The candidates were responsible to find the music equipment and the area in which the activity was going to be hold. V. Special Problems: The only problem the Red group had was that just a few students, candidates and members show up to the activity. Trying to resolve this the Red group announced the activity in the third floor of student center so students interested on it could join the activity. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): The activity was great, students joined and the class was really helpful for everyone that participated on it. VII. Index of Exhibits:

1) Photos 2) Flyer

Attendance List:


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: S-24

Recurring Project name: Election Meeting Date(s) of Project: Apr. 15, 2015 Project area: Chapter/Social Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 15 Electees: 0 Hours spent on this project Organizing: 0.5 Participating: 1.5 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: The election of new members for the spring semester. Mentors presented

their recommendations to the active membership, who in turn would vote (secretly) to grant or deny

election to the current candidates.

II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: Required by the Constitution and Bylaws of the

Association, and the Puerto Rico Alpha Chapter Bylaws, the election allows us to discuss the

character of the candidates thus far, elect those candidates we deem worthy of membership into our

Association, and invite those elected candidates to membership in Tau Beta Pi, thus fulfilling our

primary objective, “to mark in a fitting manner…”

III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group? No)

All undergraduate students were divided evenly into 6 groups; each group had at least two mentors,

which helped them organize their activities, but also served as the primary evaluators of their

character. A week before the meeting, the purpose of the meeting and the importance of a fair and

unbiased judgment of the candidates’ characters were discussed. Prior to the election meeting, the

mentors sent their recommendations to the Vice President of Initiations, Gabriela Toledo, and she in

turn made these recommendations available to the Chief Advisor, Josuan Hilerio, who prepared an

online form where the members would submit their votes. Once quorum was established, the

Eligibility Code was read. During the meeting, each of the mentors discussed the merits of the

candidates they believed were worthy of membership, and also the reasons why they believed certain

candidates should not be elected as well. As per our Bylaws, candidates not receiving a favorable

recommendation from their mentors were purged and considered individually, whereas the rest of the

group that received a favorable recommendation was voted on together as one group. The VPI

presided over the Election with help and input from Advisors Josuan Hilerio, as needed.

IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: No costs were incurred in this meeting. As always, election

was limited to active members of the Chapter.

V. Special Problems: A few of the mentors didn’t make it to the meeting, but the quorum was

established nonetheless and we had at least one mentor of each group. Besides that, there were no

special problems for this meeting.

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VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): The election ran smoothly, with an honest and

respectful discussion of candidates. It went really fast because of the low number of candidates and

none of them were purged either. We feel we have a great group of candidates this semester and

we’re eager for these candidates to join us as members of Tau Beta Pi.

VII. Index of Exhibits:


1. Victor David

2. Gabriela Salvat

3. Gustavo Figueroa

4. Tyrone Medina

5. Lester Sanchez

6. Hiram Ortiz

7. Elmer Zapata

8. Gabriela Toledo

9. Alexandra Garcia

10. Anthony De Jesus

11. Ishar Rosado

12. Frances Ruiz

13. Pedro Hernandez

14. Edwin Herrera

15. Josuan Hilerio

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: S-25

Recurring Project Project name: Talk: The Process of Fundamentals of Engineering and Land Surveying Examination as a first step in becoming a Registered Professional Date(s) of Project: April 22, 2015 Project area: Professional/University/College Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 20 Electees: 5 Non-Members: 9 Hours spent on this project Organizing: 1.5 Participating: 2.0 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: An orientation about the process for the Fundamental of Engineering and

Land Surveying Examination and the importance to become a Registered Professional in the State

II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: Guide students who are about to graduate in the

field of Engineering and Land Surveying and the requirements to be a licensed engineer.

III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group)? No

The Vice-President of Activities organized the event and reserved the auditorium. The speaker was

one of our counselors, Prof. Evi De La Rosa. The activity was promoted through the college’s mail

service and opened to the public.

IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: There was a minimum cost for Krispy Kreme Donuts and ice.

We already had soft drinks left over from earlier activities.

V. Special Problems: No problems were encountered

VI. Overall Evaluation/Results: The talk was a success. The attendees asked many questions and

the speaker was able to answer all of them. The attendees left the talk with a much better

understanding of the process to become a licensed engineer.

VII. Index of Exhibits:

20. Attendance List

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Attendance List:

1) Hiram Ortiz

2) Rafael Feliciano

3) Gabriela Torres

4) Joshua Gonzalez

5) Tyrone Medina

6) Jesus Torres

7) Mariana Lopez

8) Daniel Merced

9) Carlos Arboleda

10) Namyr Ramos

11) Hamir Grau

12) Ramon Reyes

13) Brenda Diaz

14) Angel Padilla

15) Belinda Hernandez

16) Rafael Ortiz

17) Roberto Anglero

18) Javier Maldonado

19) Ilennis Heredia

20) Seaska Perez

21) Diana Rivera

22) Christian Morales

23) Juan Figueroa

24) Eric De Jesus

25) Darwin Serrano

26) Girellys Ferrer

27) Joemi Garcia

28) Angel Millan

29) Arnold Irizarry

30) Wilma Molina

31) Gustavo Figueroa

32) Jose Otero

33) Evi De La Rosa

34) Mayelon Sinoutti

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: S-26

New Project Project name: Relay for Life at UPRM Date(s) of Project: April 25th, 2015 Project area: Chapter/Community Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 7 Electees: 4 Hours spent on this project. Organizing: 7 Participating: 5 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: The American Cancer Society organizes a big fundraising event at the University of Puerto Rico and different groups can attend and participate. This year Tau Beta Pi PR Alpha participated as an active group within the fundraising and we also recollected plastic waste for recycling. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: By making an outreach into helping others within our community. It teaches our future and current members to grow with the excellent and exemplary character that distinguishes the TBP while also promoting a green lifestyle. III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group? Yes) We participated in the fundraising along the CIAPR (Student Chapter of the Civil Engineer Institution). The CIAPR was in charge of the sales and TBP was in charge if the recycling. The activity coordinator and the president kept in touch with the advisors of the CIAPR society in order to be part of the team. The community coordinator created a schedule for the recycling within the activity in order to promote the participation of TBP members. Each turn was 1hr and 30 minutes long for members and each one was supervised by a directive member. Once done, it was emailed to the members so they could fill the empty slots. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: No cost was incurred within the activity. V. Special Problems: No problems were confronted during this activity although for future references it would be beneficial to start working on the fundraising and organization from the beginning of the semester. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): It was a very pleasant activity where we got to support and show solidarity to cancer patients (survivors and non-survivors). We had the opportunity to also collaborate and share time with other student associations. With the recycling part we managed to fill 3 bags of 55 gallon capacity. Then the plastic was given to the Campus Department that does the recycling.

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VII. Index of Exhibits: Participant’s list: Electees: 1. Noel Torres Alindato 2. Fernando Rivera Díaz 3. Jiovanny Muñiz Maldonado 4. Juan Figueroa Members: 1. Tyrone Medina Velez - President 2. Lester Sanchez – Corresponding officer 3. Hiram Ortiz Rodriguez – Environmental Actv. Coordinator 4. Ishar Rosado Irizarry – Community Actv. Coordinator 5. Germara Villalongo Andino 6. Natalie Saldaña Pueyo 7. Anthony Rivera de Jesus

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Lis Schedule list for activity:

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: S-27

Recurring Project Project name: Members & Electees Networking Night Date(s) of Project: Apr. 27, 2015 Project area: Chapter/Social Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 8 Electees: 1 Hours spent on this project. Organizing: 1 Participating: 2 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: Networking Night is a special meeting between officer members, candidates

and members in which positions within the officer team are presented. Candidates and members

have the opportunity to nominate themselves or others to occupy these positions. Once all the

nominations are presented, we convoke a membership meeting to select among the nominees for

each position by voting.

II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: This meeting is very important because it helps

the chapter, giving it a smooth transition between those that are going to leave their positions and

those who take them. Officer members are expected to talk to those present about the roles of their

respective position as well as their personal experience participating within that position.

III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) No

Our Vice-President of Activities set the date and reserved a room for the activity. Our President

prepared the agenda and presentation to be given during the activity. A promo was made and shared

via email and Facebook with our members. Every officer present helped giving the presentation and

presenting each of their positions and their experiences.

IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: There were no costs incurred. The snacks and refreshments

brought were the leftovers of an earlier sale.

V. Special Problems: Although members and candidates were invited to the activity through email

and Facebook, only one candidate showed up and no members, besides the officers, showed up at

all. Maybe there was too many activities, tests or other things going on that night, but a lot more could

have been done to motivate at least our candidates to participate form this activity. The email sent

specifically for the candidates didn’t elaborate much on the importance of the activity.

VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): Although the activity in and of itself turn out pretty

good, with each of the officers present presenting their positions and their work during the semester

and the fact that there was actual networking, the only one who benefited from the activity was the

one candidate.

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VII. Index of Exhibits:

Attendance List:


1. Gustavo Figueroa

2. Hiram Ortiz

3. Ishar Rosado

4. Lester Sanchez

5. Carlos Morales

6. Tyrone Medina

7. Tayra Soto

8. Alexandra Garcia


1. Angel L Padilla

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: S-28

Recurring Project Project name: Bent Polishing Date(s) of Project: April 30, 2014 Project area: Chapter/Social Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 8 Electees: 1 Hours spent on this project Organizing: 1 Participating: 2 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: The Chapter met to polish its Bent monument in front of the Engineering


II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: This event was help with the idea of enhancing

our image on campus – by polishing the Bent, we would garner a bit more attention to our monument,

and hopefully, by extension, Tau Beta Pi.

III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) No

Gustavo Figueroa (Vice President of Activities) set the date and Tyrone Medina (President) provided

the materials. Tayra Soto prepared the flyer and the invitation was sent through our weekly

newsletter. Gustavo was in charge at the activity and delegated the tasks to polish the bent

IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: A small cost was required for the polishing materials but most

were recycled from previous events.

V. Special Problems: No problems were encountered.

VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): We obtained a much better member participation in

comparison to the last semester’s bent polishing activity. Everyone worked as a team and the bent

was left shining like no one had seen it before. It definitely stood out. Moving forward, our chapter

needs to work more with the area where the bent is placed to make it stand out even more and give

more awareness about TBP’s existence.

VII. Index of Exhibits:

Attendance List:

1. Gustavo Figueroa

2. Seaska Perez

3. Gabriela Torres

4. Ramon Reyes

5. Jose Otero

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6. Brenda Diaz

7. Alexandra Garcia

8. Alexis Vera

9. Hiram Garcia


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: S-29

Recurring Project Project name: Beach Cleanup Date(s) of Project: May 2, 2015 Project area: Community/ Liberal Culture Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 5 Electees: 2 Non-members: 3 (Please attach a list of names.) Hours spent on this project. Organizing: 3 Participating: 3 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: In order to keep the environment clean and natural, the members of the chapter decided to choose a beach to clean it, picking up the trash and depositing it in the garbage cans. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: Exemplary character is shown not only in the academic filed but also in how Tau Beta Pi members give back to the community and the environment. The conservation of our natural resources is of upmost important. Events like these show how Tau Beta Pi members are environmentally conscious and well-rounded members. III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) No The activity was organized by the Environmental Coordinator, Hiram K. Ortiz. Hiram communicated with biologist in charge of the area and with the office of solid waste of Cabo Rojo town in order for them to collect the garbage after the activity was done. All members were invited via email and via our members Facebook closed group. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: No cost were incurred. The office of solid waste of Cabo Rojo donated the bags and the gloves to perform the activities. Each one of the participants were responsible to bring their protective equipment such as sun block and sunglasses. Water and chips were provided by the Tau Beta Pi which has them from previous activities. V. Special Problems: More participant were expected in order to make a better cleaning of the beach. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): The activity was a success. The beach is now more clean and attractive not only to Puerto Ricans but also for visitors from other countries. The activity helped to create conscious about how important is to keep the environment clean. VII. Index of Exhibits:

3. Attendance List 4. Pictures

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Attendance List: 1. Hiram K. Ortiz 2. Gustavo A. Figueroa 3. Tyrone Medina 4. Jose A. Otero 5. Alexandra García 6. Omar García 7. Inti García 8. Jonathan Mercado 9. Yanitza Rodríguez 10. José A. Millan


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: S-30

New Project Project name: Industrial Engineering Presentation Date(s) of Project: April 23, 2015 Project area: Community/Liberal Culture Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 1 Non-members: 2 (Please attach a list of names.) Hours spent on this project. Organizing: 6 Participating: 3 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description:, we give. A presentation about industrial engineering with several dynamics and games that represent what an industrial engineer do. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The purpose of this activity is to encourage student of high school to pursuit a career in engineering, particularly industrial engineering. III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) Along with two other members of the Alpha Pi Mu Honor Society of Industrial Engineers, our K-12 coordinator (Victor David) prepared the presentation and the games to be showed to the high school students. The three of them study industrial engineering and are part of the Student Outreach Program of Engineering. For that reason both association decided to collaborate in such event. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: No cost were incurred. Only a computer, projector (provided by the university) and Legos were required for the presentation. V. Special Problems: None, the students were very engage. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): The activity was a total success. The students liked it very much. One of the students decided to change her mind to study industrial engineering of psychology. VII. Index of Exhibits:

5. Attendance List 6. Pictures

Attendance List:

1. Victor David 2. Pamela Santos 3. Janedys Malave 4. Other 19 high school students


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: S-31

Recurring Project name: Initiation and Banquet Date of Project: May 6, 2014 Project area: Chapter/Social Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 20 Electees:17 Hours spent on this project Organizing: 10 hr Participating: 6 hr DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: Puerto Rico Alpha formally added 17 members to its roll book as part of the

Initiation Ritual. Afterwards, the Initiation Banquet was held for candidates and members to celebrate

the newest members of Tau Beta Pi. Friends and relatives are also invited to enjoy a wonderful

dinner and a night filled with music. Also, recognition was made to this semester’s Outstanding

Members & Outstanding Candidates.

II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The final step for all candidates on their road to

membership is the Initiation Ritual, which informs them of the requisites, history and objectives of the

organization. The banquet held afterwards was the final social event of the semester as a celebration

of their accomplishment.

III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group? No)

The Ritual of Initiation is led mainly by the President and Vice President of Initiation. A group of

officers, members and advisors volunteers to decorate the ballroom and prepare the Banquet.

Volunteers are requested from the officers, advisors and membership for roles in the Ritual and to

help with the preparation of the ballroom. At least a week prior to initiation, two rooms are reserved on

campus – a waiting room for the initiates and a larger room for the actual Ritual. The initiates are

scheduled to arrive half an hour before the Ritual is set to begin, to give us time to prepare the room

and organize the initiates; appetizers and refreshments are available. The logistics of the Banquet

was led by the Vice President of Activities. The ballroom was reserved with two weeks’ notice and the

food and refreshments prepared with time.

IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Several costs are involved as this is the biggest event in the

chapter. Costs include the rental of the ballroom, food & beverages, decorations, and the DJ used for

music. The total cost for the event was $1005.71. Various changes were made in the budget by

taking into consideration the lessons learned from the last banquet and also by the number of initiates

that we had this semester. These changes allowed us to optimize the amount of money used in the

event. Chapter officers took care of all the details before, during, and after the event.

V. Special Problems: During the week of initiation our university was crossing some instability with

employee and student manifestations. Due to these manifestations the schedules were unstable. So

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in order to avoid the instability of the campus we decided to realize the Initiation at the ballroom

where the Banquet was going to take place. The candidates were requested to arrive half an hour

before the initiation outside the ballroom. Due to it being a last minute decision, we could not obtain a

proper waiting area. Despite the unexpected change, the complete process of initiation and banquet

was more efficient with them taking place in the same place.

VI. Overall Evaluation/Results: Both the initiation and the banquet were successful. Everyone that

attended had a great time socializing and getting to know each other. We believe that this is key in

order to provide the new members a ambiance of comfort and welcome into Tau Beta Pi.

VII. Index of Exhibits:

21. Initiation Team

22. List of New Members

23. Banquet Attendees

24. Photos

Initiation Team:

1) Hiram Ortiz

2) Tyrone Medina

3) Elmer Zapata

4) Lester Sanchez

5) Gustavo Figueroa

6) Gabriela Toledo

7) Ilennis Heredia

8) Alexandra Garcia

9) Victor David

10) Mayra Mendez

11) Josuan Hilerio

12) Evi De La Rosa

13) Stephanie Gonzalez

List of New Members:

1) Roberto L. Anglero 2) Mariela C. Bracete 3) Xavier Cordero 4) Luis Jose Cruz 5) Leslie Eaton 6) Juan Diego Figueroa 7) Joel Florian 8) Omar Garcia 9) Inti Garcia 10) Angel L. Millan 11) Jiovanny J. Muñiz 12) Rafael J. Ortiz 13) Angel L. Padilla 14) Fernando Rivera

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15) Rosemarie Santa Gonzalez 16) Noel Torres 17) Alexis A. Vera

Banquet Attendees:

1) Tayra Soto 2) Belinda Hernandez 3) Rafael Feliciano 4) Monica Mercado 5) Edwin Herrera 6) Anthony Rivera 7) Rosa M. Santa


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: S-32

Recurring Project Project name: Officer Transition Meeting Date(s) of Project: May 11, 2015 Project area: Chapter/Social Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 13 Electees: 0 Hours spent on this project Organizing: 0.5 Participating: 2 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: The Officer Transition Meeting is held to discuss the outcomes of the goals

set in the beginning of the semester, set new goals for the following semester, discuss ideas for new

projects and give recommendations for the new board of officers with the exchange of officer

transition documents. A time was also separated for an Interactive Chapter Exchange (ICE) session.

And finally, every current officer had the chance to meet individually with his/her successor.

II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: This meeting was held to make sure there is a

smooth transition between the incoming and the outgoing officers. Also to discuss ways to enhance

image and increase membership, fulfilling our mission to “mark in a fitting manner…”

III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) No

The Vice-President of Activities separated the date and the room for the meeting. The President

invited the current board of officers and the newly elected officers to the meeting through google

calendars. He also prepared an agenda for the meeting and sent it to everyone that was invited.

Reminders for the meeting was sent through email by the VP of Activities.

IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Although pizza, ice cream and brownies were brought to the

meeting, they were donated by our District Director and Advisor, Josuan Hilerio, and our President

who brought the brownies.

V. Special Problems: There were no special problems.

VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): The meeting went well overall. There was a lot of

exchange of ideas for the following semester to improve image and membership, though the time left

for the actual transition of documents and ideas from the outgoing officers to the incoming officers

was cut a little short.

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VII. Index of Exhibits:

Attendance List:

1. Hiram K. Ortiz

2. Carlos Morales

3. Victor David

4. Josuan Hilerio

5. Tyrone Medina

6. Frances Ruiz

7. Paulanicole Rodriguez

8. Maribel Torres

9. Stephanie Gonzalez

10. Gustavo Figueroa

11. Alexandra Garcia

12. Lester Sanchez

13. Angel Padilla

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: S-33

Project name: Officer Meetings Date(s) of Project: Mondays Twice a Month Project area: Chapter/Social Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 11 Electees: 0 Hours spent on this project. Organizing: ≈2 Participating: ≈20 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: As required by Bylaws, chapter officers met (mainly on Monday evenings) to

discuss the plan to follow for the weeks in progress. Meetings took approximately 1.5 to 2 hours each.

II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: In order to offer activities and to better coordinate

the initiation process, meetings were necessary to discuss both the activities planned for the following

days and to keep up with the progress of the candidates.

III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group? No): Meetings follow the format established in our Bylaws, and are usually convened and run by the

President. A private Facebook group was utilized as a way to update members on the happenings of

the meetings, the status of the Chapter, and as an emergency resource for decision making. Also a

group in WhatsApp® was created to maintain communication between the executive board members

on a day-by-day basis. The Facebook group and WhatsApp® conversation was meant to

complement the officer meetings, not substitute them.

IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: No cost.

V. Special Problems: None.

VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): At all times, executive meetings were cordial and

friendly among its members. No major debates took place. Professional and high regards to each

member was always sustained and respect prevailed at all times. Officer Meetings were overall

positive. At times, we tended to diverge from the agenda but recover rapidly to the points, since every

member had other responsibilities and meetings did not pass from two hours long. When big events

were coming, additional meetings were held in order to coordinate better the Chapter’s efforts. The

social media communication proved to be very helpful to take decisions when we were unavailable to

meet in the middle of a day. At the end of the semester, all activities had a great outcome and

reception among the Chapter’s members and officers.

VII. Index of Exhibits:

1. List of Officers

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List of Officers, Spring 2015: President Tyrone Medina Vice President of Initiations Gabriela Toledo Vice President of Activities Gustavo A. Figueroa Corresponding Secretary Léster Sánchez Recording Secretary Elmer A. Zapata Treasurer Alexandra García Historian Frances Ruiz Cataloger Vacant Public Affairs/Relations Tayra Soto Webmaster Freddy Rincón Community Act. Coordinator Ishar M. Rosado Environmental Act. Coordinator Hiram K. Ortiz Professional Act. Coordinator Carlos Morales I.T.S. Coordinator Integrated to Professional Coordinator K-12 Coordinator Víctor David Civil Eng. Representative Vacant Industrial Eng. Representative Vacant Mechanical Eng. Representative Vacant Chemical Eng. Representative Vacant Computer Eng. Representative Vacant Delegate Officers Vacant Advisors Josuan Hilerio Sánchez Dr. Evi de la Rosa Dr. Mayra Méndez Stephanie González

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: S-34

Recurring Project Project name: TBP Stoles for Graduation/“Bent” System Date(s) of Project: April-June 2015 Project area: Chapter/Social Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 42 Electees: 0 Hours spent on this project Organizing: 1 Participating: 1 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: As one of the benefits we offer to our members, is the opportunity to wear a

stole at the graduation. This year we implemented a “Bent” participation system, and required anyone

that was interested to acquire 3 “Bents” (an electronic certificate with a Bent that recognizes

participation in select events).

II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: We use the stoles as a member benefit, but it

also distinguishes our members at the graduation ceremony. The “Bent” system encourages member

participation throughout the year, beyond participation as candidates/electees.

III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) No

Early in the year, the officers discussed and established a policy that stoles would only be offered to

members who participated in at least three activities. We offered “Bents” for approved activities, and

would inform the members which activities counted as such. This system would not be applicable to

members who graduated before the system was implemented. The vice President of Activities was in

charge of tallying participation. By March, the treasurer sent an email requesting people to order their

stoles – we did not order additional stoles this year. We placed our order with HQ, and our Advisor

picked them up and organized them for us. Anyone who didn’t meet the requirements (graduation

prior to the implementation of the system, or not accumulating enough Bents) were not given a stole.

IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: We charged $22 per stole – we neither lose nor make money

off of this (unless a member fails to collect their stole). A deposit of $10 was requested in advance,

but the full amount is required before they can be turned in. Again, only members who met the

requirements were allowed to wear the stole.

V. Special Problems: We came in REALLY close to not having enough stoles – some members

“found out” about the stoles weeks before graduation, despite the multiple emails and facebook

announcements sent over the semester. Luckily, because we had a few stoles that we would not turn

in, we had a few extra stoles. Accidentally, one of the members was told she wouldn’t get a stole

because she hadn’t met the Bent requirement, however, it turned out she had graduated in December

2014 and the policy did not apply to her; we apologized for the confusion and this was cleared.

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VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): This is one of our best years yet! We had 45

members request stoles, although only 42 completed requirements. In addition, the “Bents” program

worked amazingly well, we had over 50 members participate in events throughout the semester. We

gave out (physical) certificates and recognized members who accumulated the most Bents at the

initiation banquet, and we’re certain we’ll get this level of participation in years to come.

VII. Index of Exhibits:

Participating Members:

1. Darisabel Negrón Ramos

2. Jasmine Figueroa Gonzalez

3. Ilennis M. Heredia Landrau

4. Gustavo A. Figueroa Cortes

5. Carlos Arboleda Ramirez

6. Ryan Torres Ramos

7. Gabriela Toledo Cabrera

8. Cynthia M. Rodriguez Rodriguez

9. Seaska I. Perez Aviles

10. Brenda Liz Diaz Cruz

11. Sylmarie Dávila Montero

12. Hector Rodriguez Romero

13. Keishly Rosario Fernández

14. Adalgisa López García

15. Elmer A. Zapata-Mercado

16. Christian G. Hernandez Negron

17. Keisha Castillo Torres

18. Francisco Villafañe Rosa

19. Oscar L. Chacon Rosario

20. Juan Burgos Guntin

21. Belinda Hernandez Beauchamp

22. Joshua Gonzalez Gaudier

23. Leishla Ramos Rivera

24. Darwin Serrano

25. Liliana Hernandez Gonzalez

26. Edwin J Vilanova Velez

27. Gabriela Torres

28. Victor Rosario-Melendez

29. Wilfredo Ortiz Ortiz

30. Jose A. Otero Miranda

31. Ishar Rosado Irizarry

32. Roberto Anglero Domenech

33. Ricardo I. Ramirez Castro

34. Arnold Irizarry Rosas

35. Rafael Feliciano Rivera

36. Arnaldo Cruz-Betancourt

37. Julitsa Martinez Velazquez

38. Donald G. Goff III Molina

39. Tayra L. Soto Pérez

40. Glenda Diaz Acosta

41. Alexandra Garcia Santiago

42. Roberto Juan Jimenez


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: PR A Chapter Project Report Project number: S-35

Recurring Project Project name: Certificate & Key Distribution Date(s) of Project: February-May 2015 Project area: Chapter/Social Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 2 Electees: 0 Hours spent on this project. Organizing: 1 Participating: 1 DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: This is a continuation of last semester’s Certificate and Key Distribution project. We have around 130 certificates and keys left to turn in, dating from the 1980s. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: This project was designed to make sure all the members receive their membership insignia, as is the Chapter’s responsibility. In this way we properly “mark (our members) in a fitting manner.” III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group? No) The certificates and keys left belonged to members that did not have valid addresses on file with HQ. We did have several e-mails, so we began there. We also requested the help of the University Alumni Office in retrieving addresses for these members. We also had 12 keys and 1 certificate from recent initiations that we could not turn in on time. We no longer have Representatives, so we handed Bents out to volunteer members (officers and active members) who would turn them in on behalf of the Chapter. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Since we’ve been able to send certificates for the price of two Forever stamps ($0.98) in the past, we decided to buy stamps and just drop the envelopes off in mailboxes, without visiting the Post Office. Keys sent on their own cost $0.49 (the price of 1 Forever stamp); the total spent was $3.92 (4 stamps for two certificates). V. Special Problems: Unfortunately, none of the emails returned a response and the Alumni Office did not reply at all, so we could not advance with this project like we had hoped. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): We managed to send 2 certificates and keys from addresses we had last year, and we turned in 6 of the keys, since the rest were out on co-op. We’ll try again with the Alumni Office next year, and see if there’s an updated list of addresses. VII. Index of Exhibits:Participation List

1. Josuan Hilerio 2. Lester Sanchez