€¦ · the sun thursday august 7 1902 0 4w unehanted declined o r...

THE SUN THURSDAY AUGUST 7 1902 0 4w unehanted declined o r Anrfan wareboine deliveries IsTIc H i d IM rfU receipt jni Mrs Ml ill1 Hin eIJ33dadeplnrof I 3d r no rels receipts 4oi b Mix- kuii I1 64 BSiKjia- aS5 6M S3ft4i3- tW 445 434 l 4 540rfv- tHi 1M 4MtiS- er IT d nn lower cable receipts n ll- rc r purchases 1114111 ir ernu Hie bull iHiUe bought In H fe market but on the wlole then diTiLfi li Mil MS liv higher ftt Ctll- i T mil fll I HituTrs The loca- X iej li polnU Iouper In IxindoiI- IM v ires The market here was qulel l HI unchanged both here and Ir ine t lie reljn lo Uu fit ts 3 1 Speltei Lit i ineeil in Inth markets the Ixipdon r iiir at jCl IV Ptlcps here is car Manl i November llllitllMV II eieetrol llc tll i r- it nvi v In JiMa1 tin plate m leu i i ji spelter R37jc lIon No ISK1 ptj lIon warrants noinUial- J inw i lrtia of turpentine 4fl tn p g mined Inn lo JIIW- rpnTiii fJi l WM quiet South American li ii prime Ml kec 113 re- ei mil1 inert Iotk WM with i a1 litM rallow Sf Dreweil liciB- i tr s f f lAft dairy tubs fancy lOSnilX- SM f c mal colored i inrc minted li V white c Kgits- nni iiui iiia V0 2lc uentern O- osi Ail rt Tri Uiiin were rather Ir- iisd stead at about i i o A irule ahrtv Pnrk was the leader I were bu lng The Melllng- mi rul out nf n inlsrelUneous son Hog r r carl l nl e l later The cash trade hi1 paiker were a marked In p Minieiii s n anl err evidently antlPlpatlnt- li huvtnr f iMre- KB IU as nrm at J p hid for M test it V hid ir i test Humored Mle of rentrl- f in M i at 3 i Rrrtned we In moderate j i itml craniilaiid 4 Sc- in AIB 6 These were todaya prices nr i Il a1 lnv Clai Lull M 4 US 42 2- 10j 4I i- eirher illVJ SI 3- Ienhfr i i t 14 to- k 3l 3lVi 3cii 3l crade- fa er M S 4 19 V- Alrr i 7 in 7- Sfwemberio 74 in no n s iu i i i- l iief 10S7 037 j 10 SI ll l inj- Jlotj in in i S 5i iiijA- scmt t 77i l 7- n6epiemherlH5 17 oil In J I 12 kS- Ccloher 1J9S 1710 IBM I70JU leiM- Jacuarj 15 i li litj 1577j li 4- tllm UARKKt- HOnn IIM rnt 7U- IWl1 n rut ft Ina Xlfltt- Ulcnrapol 5ept rS im 5 M mi fee M IS fV rv- ItllUth Sepl fill rut Wl H t VI- Iiec B l4 n j IIU JH- Trledo cpt n 7o 70K- t er 71 It 70 7i Sept US t f2 I 2i KM nt- Kan nty corn Sept U i 4 3 O- H Ioul1 f4s fl 4 f s Dec W f VU wi W- LoulJicorni Sept in Iji 4 4 t 49 Uvc Stock Markrl- WtnsrspiT ug f- lHereipu of beeves were 7137 head Including M rs for slaughterer and 31 for the market nUKici with the stale rattle 31 cars nn sale steer r ed steady but medium and common grade How fat bulls were steady other lower were Mso IOHI1P off yards were not i cleared Common to cholee steer sold li 5 li per too h o en and stni at 13231 bull at I27MUS row at IlTjeMiOH- revwd tecf in fair riiTiand and ateady nehaneed Ijp iris 6070 quarters of beef to morrow Hecelpts of calves were sooi head Including t hutcheM and 2913 for the market making stale palve 3HVI on sale Ve l openeq- ii Monday s cliwinic prlcM ihe nnlih was loaiSe- OTer gravers and hutlermllks mled Heady KiOn im calves ueri held over Common to live vcnli sold at Mi ts on per IM IM cult at- litt eraver and buttermilk at HroiJ4s a oare We tcm at M 7i City drevied veals- i d ni Ui Iir III- n eipts iheep and were 9M head Iw tnt 7 iars for anil 52 for the aliii making with Ihe stale stock 401 par on i e Cioril iheep were lust about Heady other i er lamb of ehnlce quality wer scarce and other were rated lOitlV oft hut jelling pen were not quite rr Inmmou to prime old at tllitt lifiper tftn Hi common to lambs nt Mif liisn jne rir cholcei at Mo a earload at tb- anev price of l i culls 4jn DreaiedI- T nnn ni It at ijafv per Ib dressed lamb MI at tlKi nf hngs were 3s l head Including S- r tf trii market Prices steady Slate hogs co at I7w47ni per 1 Ibs viKvUI- XIATTnK 1LUANACTIIIS D T- ja rjs SOllSunseta 7101 Uoon nets 00- nton WMER inta OAT Oov Fd 1047 I Hell Cat IJ4o Arrived WriiXMPAT Aco 9- S Rjkman Port Llmon Tuljr M M Clenfuego July Clel Tower Sa ua 2i Valencia July II suvia M Johns N K Aug J- r Setnlnole tn July 2- Idar r r rn ng- J1 Hannover Ilalllmore Aug t El Bin New Orlcan L Jackonvllle Aug 3 S Hamilton Norfolk Aug 6 S Hencfactnr Philadelphia Aur 4 Si Aug 4 f North star Portland Aug 4- attej S Whitney Hoton Aur wik Emma B Smith Sao Martins Julr II- mniTKn OCT to Boyle from Xew York at Liverpool UUD nOM roxxiox ronri- St Teutonic from Liverpool for Xew York ClDlf ll BretagseHane 700AM lOtuAM- u e nremco lOOOAM Havana hOOAM II 00AM VPk5 I300M impM- Silt To morroit- f oTampleo IJOOM 30PM- r rahoe r harieaton- laawujwn Xotfolli ill Saturtw AUff- n nol IA M Naples 7 m A M Sli1 otlMdam 7SOAM OlMcow OJOA M LI lnJ Antwerp 10 00 A M f riVJpslVica- i lni1 k Hivlt Jirmranle Havana F Iv Ne fmmdlind n eta Argentina Ciriivha Mvianj i iaheMon pies Anne VnrfolU New Orleans H d on A M- SO A M U 30 A M- in m A M- in oo A M 10 30 A SI 13 30 A M- INCOUIXQ HTKAVsnira Hut To inn SKttln Monlevldeo- ffihraltar Manga- llnrdenm Ju Tomtrnu- nillpVlrlnA Hamburr I Antwerp Hanihiirir lllr f Port Spain Liverpool Southampton Sl K Santiago Jacksonville ifov vg 10 Itotterdam- utiverp New Orleans San Juan An ltn 100PM- 000PM SroPM 3 00 P M- 100PM 0 JO A M IOOOA M- mm A M 12 no M I300M 0 00 A M 13 00 M I300M- I300M t nn PM- I300M 1 oo P M 3 DO P M 3 on P M- on p M 3 no p M 3 no p M ilnsgow- Ilvrrimol Ia In I lnU lIh 1I1e of Mw haleJ 4 Ii 111 I t a 4 h AI Ilfglln 1 Og 13 UJIT II Lr 1- 1Jte US 610 UO 61 6allnh- H a fr b 6 UO 6 dSSI I r 3J n 610 Inn h lln Mil I 10 I Inl I I M lor oN J C a a I I w1 j t I eo O I I I Inn c U Irda u 1 tr nf lgI I br t I f- 9rtl fl I II 70 711- A r t9- t I Ii M bl I i i al I Ii 101 aO- 3fl s 31 0 a RI 9 I JI 0 Zi 1 U 8611i 1 R In a 041- iImbr In 10 In 3 In 1 JCUI If 0 t 16 I Inc n 1 MIa 710 CUr lf f al- I 1 all hOt lamb nfl r hop ant 1 1 lr1W rf 9 11r Hook dun f o TUIBIIS- JII US I o lrln If hon M- mllon ollolk a 0 e 0 rlJ alh 6 s 0 0 hlnn Sa f Julr 1 O Jul Jul 2 ana 23 0 Jul i Llnpl an e uIY Air Urdu lul1 AIIa CIa tM OIanl ur mI 4 Jul n Jil r I Iu IUo1V IIg n- 1nUtIID S Au- K nllln July I Aur 3 0 MhID lon Aur G 1 IJu 1lm Iul 31 In Ju 2- 1fr I D Jh4oV I 11- A poU Alr 2- a 0 I llln fool July 3 HIt p Jur rOIC Zaw OrleI < > > > > > > > < < > > < < < < > > > = > < REAL JPKTATK V fJ- Thf rommerrlnl Re al E t tn Iorporatlo- hni rot l uiiiht Ilic tntithwp t inrnrr of i ntenit nnrl IIMh trrt on rerortecl iirrlilflit nf DIP cintmny T V Myer thi proiirtl y for III Individual account lostpit KOI proldent of tho olnmbl- Nulionnl Hunk it thi1 htiyrr of No 301 Klft- HVOIIIII the tnlr of irh hy th flterlln- ISonlty roinpnry tlirnuKh Ilvnry I Wlnan- A My wn reported l t week Shwsoti llobl have mid for EUen H- Deboli Xo 333 VrM CUMynlnth ftreft- n fonrtory ftom duelling on lot ipo Tin llllliTbrand rMntP I rtorter 3 Mil Xo t 7 Nlnetyfoiirtti et nni- Xos tot nnd Yei t Mnetyflfth Kieft- threo five lory Hal PACI tiilfio- T Kmplro City llenlty Companr h- boimht Xo Ill Vft llflb utreet a fire utory double lint on lot iixlCO II A Snlznun lm fold fnr Cnrrl Tlthmat- tn n Mr iivtTam No no and 4J K- Konrtb ftreet tvi ilxnlorr brick blilidlne- on plot 10iM- IOIIN KrnnVt h for IoiiM Frank etitlialcr No 711 S xentyoerfntl- Ktript ft iwcneU ry tenemrnt with More on plot ratio loul Krnnlel h fold for Morons Xathst 147 to i 7 Ilrook nvpnue three four1 story doibli ftntj on plot 7 ilCO- Ka t FlftyflrKt Mre1 two fourntory hrtclt- cnomentM on plot JiM4 and Irregrulnr and Xo 1ST West Sliteenth Ptrret n flve- Mory tenrinont on lot ZiilfO- To 1a i A not I on Rales- BT TIMCHTT A Seventh avenue 3os ef t 49lt feet nort- of IVenty seventh Mreet 49tilil3O1610i4ei- ttiint lo avenue x Z7 in five atory tenemenl- KM Itames vs J J Huckley et al llarrtaon 4 H attorney n vYatil referee dun on Judgment liuuoro tales Ac i4s3T3- HT rimIP A Httrrit- l d treet south side 300 feet eat of Itoulevard 3 iinll two story frame dwelling and two one ilory frame hulUlngs and vncaiit ilutual Life in auiancp i ii vs J li liutler et al C K Miller attorney Wllbcr Mellrlde referee due on Judg- mem n 43J tau JH 1107 TB- BT J1UK1 I WTU1 Valentine avenue W 3 to ro rt east side Il feet north of l oth street VI 7tIV3tM 3iH 3 three three itory frame Hat Yalinllne avenue noo to SOJ4 tide 01i feet norm of lrtth Mrect M I5 l3 three three story frame flats A K llrlggs va lcun el al c F Schleck attonier J II- Hegan referee due on judgment Jrt7oj40 ta e ftp i3i prior mortgages I30SW- Yyse avenue mil north west side about 114 U fret southwest nf 7tth street vl 2 U5lU4 two story frame dwelling C P Hillock v Carson Miller et C P HillocU attom y C I Ueslcott referee due on judgment Ilioi2lt tales Ac- frjO 7 nr PFTKX r ro Seventy second street IU north aide 310 feet well rl Tfclrd avenue 3 M1032 eight siory brick tlal John Miller v T J McVhon et- C II Knoi atlorney J J Huckley referee due on Judgment 111CMt prior inorlgate- Vf lrrrta Auctlnn Sain nr riiiLtp A HMTT- IIIning place Xoi 34 to IS northwest corner nfMsirrnltt street I4lif0tl0xl2iix 113- rovlUTivn tn street xl74 sli ilory brick and stone hotel and three story brick dwelling due on Judgment 1125370 W- ta e Ac i iH4 to the plalnlrl 110000- BT JAMPH L WEIM- tilth street 73 soulli side 3134 feet west nf Fourth avenue ieiMrtO 11 three story Kloie frnnl dwelling tu l wenfeld tt- Prager 2 Itroauuay oa rK toISt mirtleast corner uf lOtb street Adjourned to Aur FKTTPl T MKTKR T- OSeveneenthsiriei Xo l south side 33 feet ctsl of Avenue II 5Jv sis Mory tene- meni due on Judgment H9N7J01 tase- Ac I74H1 to the idilmm A A Cart en- ler IICO1- Mnih avenue Xo T4 east side ll 9 feet north of Twent eighth street oi70 four itory tenement leasehold due on Judgment 191019 taip AP I3 II lo the pam IIII M S II Dunn 210- llcrordcd lortin c- DOWXTOWN vault ot FoLteenlfl f Where no interest is stated read per cenll ill 3137 Morrl inleln to Mandelbaum and ano prior mtge IMliO- otyrfl percent 000- Coerck si Ilarrl Shrnfrld to Ite- becca Itude Dyrs tOO 3d si tA V Ceclllt McCarthy to Sarah A Sand and aro trustee 4 yrs J9000 Same property same to Ixirento Cavlnalo due I 10010- Oth l s Hi e Av II Morris Slrgelman to Samuel Oreenfeld3yrs percent J10C- ith st a s I In e Av H Samuel lo John Schneider 3 yrs I3onc- KAUT RIDE IKaat at tltlX ar tKertn Foutnnl und tilth ifil- Bd l II e Sth v Alfred H Starr to- crollneliririlii3yri4 percent Srxn- J lngmn av 02 Waller Sherman lo Al- fred II Tompklns yrfl per cenl lJO- Ctlert I ir brtirttn and Ittxh Jli Central Park We w cor xllh st ieorge Poll to Frederic Heck I yr n percent 20001 Riverside av or drive e cor 04th t same in Jamei p Miltiein etal trustee prior mlgef2 o TO I 20OX- 7th av n w cor 3 lh 11 Central llealty Co- lo ieneral llulldlng and Construction C- oduelehl tOOOf- 37lh st n 1 1 3w 1st nv Anderson K Fllery- lo lawyer1 Title Insurance Co due July n IStt Vi per cent TOOO IURLIU- iManhiltan Itlnnil narrd o 1101 it IJOth M 91 W Mary L tocer lo Anna M Campbell em S yr 112000 Same wme to Itlchard W Freeii man prior mice Il3xi0 J yrsn per cent inoihl and ano to Jacob Herb I yr 8 per cent 270- tllorinivh ol Thr nroni i Southern noiileraril V Oeorge Slejel- to Oeorge Hinder Co Mloon lease demand 8 per nnt MOO Victor st w Z01I n Cnlumbua av Van Xest Ilattle Lol lo Plaa Conrad 3 yrs t per cenl LWO- 3d av n w s IS I n e lMlh t Harry C Hart to Fasl Hlver Saving Inslllullon I yr 4 per 20000- 301st at IU4 e Anthony av Frederick Scbaeperlng to Oeoige Josenhaus 3 yrs per cent ICOO- 3d av w t lf 81 171 al Marcus Xathan- to Albert Mamloek 3 yr B per cent JOOO Brook av 1474 Ixiul to Frances Aronson 3 yrs 0 per cenl 1000- Drook av 1470 Mme to ume 3 yrs I per- cent 1000- Ilrook av III same to Albert Mamlock 2 yr 1 per cent 1000- Morrl av nw cor IKSd si Walter J Clarka- lo City Real Fjitate Co I yr 1000I- SDth st a 201 e 7th av John Matz to Wil- liam Klrcbhof due Aug I ir0l 2000 Cypress av e a at a w 1331 st Simon and aDO to Irorgl Drawn 3 yrs 10000 palisade av w a 743 n otith av Robert W Mllbank to Joseph Kandell and ano I yr percent 400- 0Utrordfil Leaiei nth it 319 KiGulserp Tuoll l Antonio Mel S IIJOO Southern Boulevard SOU vv cor Lincoln av Robert W DeForeM and ano lo ieorjo- Slegcl 4 yrs 730- 3d av IS n Plnpua Ii enfeld and William Pragerlo James Connolly 914 yn 12001100- HSIh t 3IB K Domenlco Peloso to Fllo mona MlrobelU 5 yrs J jf- lRril TranjferiUO- WVTOWM South ot totrlttnlh n- Theletteriric stand for quit claim deed for bargain and salp deed r a ir for deed con- taining covenant agnlnit grantor onlyI- 3d si nil W SitHJO Louis L Seaman to Cecilia McCarthy 1 Clinton si 117 ws 3SHOO Isaac Heifer to- Plnciis Lnwenfeld and ano mtge 134000 I st IDS w 2llli8 i7s24lli S3 Hershnn and ano lo Lelb 1 Morton 31 n 30t2u Michael to Robert II Ipham mtge M300 SuITolk st s IUU07 Lelb Landau to solimm Hollander mtge Rldgp si i 37 a iv cor al Conrad Hubert and Inn to Welnstcln- mlgr ISKK 10- ioerck l 103 w SLIMlno Rebecca Pude and ami to llarrli Shlnfeld I Hh st Ml P 340I07 Kmanitrl Wel1 to William Kraui mtge Itsanil I tth at IU e AvlH WniMII Samuel irppnfcld to Morrl Slpgelman mtfe 3 U fAHT HIUK- iKiiil of Fifth l fivftn laurlnnlh and 1IO A id- 77lh st 24J C jl033 l iuls Franthaler- tu Marcu Xathan mice 111600 1100- 34lh si it M e IPilnglon av 30JI3IJ i- Irrpg James Wilson Jr to Mary C 111 SCO 1 n 3Ji w Vnlon J1103 II P Smith lo the Monatlinot Heal itate Co Xew York j part I WFHT SIOK- HVlf JVC ot hourlrenth unit Wt tijl- th at MW Ullman lo Henry fllmaii pill rift Same properly tllman lo Henry lllman part rill ISth M m tv rmoo AD Henry to Je s Meyer ill lien II- anm property Jessie Meyer and ano to- Mai IIKooo I 9th si 305 W 2S noV Waller J Clarko- lo Simon tfpsieln Aol ann mlge I th av n r cor l 09 0 Oener- almtt llllKO m IU lon lit haT WIt 1 ole SOc < R h 8 So I nd 130 fUN ell 77 I A MUrK t3 J e- DT S r a o AWl A I e I nl a John SlrIr nROSX enl 1 6 ale band AIn lAndau larry loOn o 2 o Iron mlle 01 bUt III lo A 1I 1 4 > < < > > < > > > > > > > < REAL BOARD OF BROKERS NO 111 BROADWAY CHAS oniFFITII MOSES A nno IW Amsler dam Av Want n small near New Yorl In eichange fir a In The Broni- Alio a small country place on the lludvii- rr at Saratoga In exchange for a deslrabli- nrlvale houw on Washington Height J CLAflKXCK IIAVIKS A CO Hath SI and 3d Av Want waterfront aercige on Ihe Kait Illve- lntween Ilronj Itlver and Pelham Hay Park DHYAXI KKNNUIY 7 Pine St Want aeorne- iillahle for lliiu r business on Lenos Colum- bii Amsterdam er lh av will rash FOI siM HlliiS llroadway Want a stable nllh accommodation fnr ft horses and 4- 1ivagon between Canal and loth st on Inni- leaie Also nn long leaie a factory building tonlalnlng 40i io In Mnno feet on too West Side between I4lh at- nULAXl WIIITIXO 4 Ileekman StWanlb- uslneu properly for Investment must be In rood location rented or a long term to line tenant will pay I7300U to UCuOCO cajfl- nULAND t WHITLNO CO Beeleman SlOffe- t free farm of 64 acres with houst tarns condition at Sprln Valley Dockland Co priceII2 IO will a umall dwelling or small dealrably located ipartment house In eichange Also a corner apartment In an active part of Madison av rent x3i Aim fnr cash only to close aa estate a plot liilillO on West 49th t CHAS OIIIFKITII MOSES A IlflO toon Amster- dam Av Oder a cholee comer on ft promi- nent avenue nn Washington Heights grea- barraln readv for JOHN f DOYLE 4 SONS 41 William StOffef- a furnished apartment In the Jlniel Touralne- Kasl 39th M ami hath to rent during ihe summer until October t Apartment I on eleventh floor ha southerly exposure wllh perfect ventilation cool summer fOLSOM nitllS Kli llrnadwayOder neveral mail house In the tth ward at low Also nn nth t near Jth av a private rented at llwiand repairs for sale at two full lot on at near llroadway cheap linYANL 7 Pine St Offert severs rholro In the 6th ward on narrow M price Il3im Alson plot 4UI on Xnrtb Moore t anil a Plot I75tlft on Varlck M POST A HKKSK K1 Hast null st OITer n W foot house close to Park av In the m will sell it a reasonable price to close an estate Also 1 n hoise on north side of the sireel just exit of Madison nv In the nis- sultalile fnr Alsn a house Just under S feet between Mh nod Madison the north Mde of the street can be bought fnr 1 st 4V 3lelslOOlt Johnson av nwa 13 map Kast Tremoni MUIM Cathe- rine Urkln widow to William F Don nelly all lien II Central Park West s w cor sjth st 2V1IOO Frederick llecli In leorge Potts mlgi- ttiof Central Iark Weil s w por th st 35tnO- CJeorge potts lo As It Davlsnn mtge- I70nr inith M no e Riverside drive KK Hugh J ciallacher to Charles D Wilder IOHh st 171 e Illverslde drive liminnlll- lugn JOillagrertoClty Real KmtcCn tenth st 100 e Riverside drive 74Umi II- Irreg ioldmrk referee to llugli- J mlge KOOIIII U- Illverslde av s p cor Ulin st tsi x- lniKjIii Oeorge Potts lo Heck mtge W oi i ei- Illverslde Drive n in e loith st runs n to lOihst i vv 10 with stripl- OxSOadjiilnlnit on w s error H J to itone W Wilder Plot 140 e Riverside Drive x flj n I0th st run n 3Jlt x P 35 x Mil s w 3 Jacob D Duller to Charles It Wilder Plot ion e Riverside Drive x Mn 10th si run n 3HII xP to x 3VI1 x iv 10 Jacob I Hut r todcorie W Wilder UanAiiffin TiMnil noHh af IIOA sf 139th st ss 201 e 7tn William Klrchof to John Malt II- 121st t 212 s s iwn w 2d av Abraham Cohen to William Lllrkant intclllnno ISSd t 211 Jiumui Leo M Lehman to Max Mar mige HOonn I Amsterdam av s r cor lioih si winiiw 10- In old Hue Klngsbrldge road x VMuiOT Jacob Herb in Jidin strelflcr anil ano- 2nou omlted- IViih st ns TS Mh av 121 fxo txio7J- i24ll with irecs Frederick Swans to- Slurtha J larr mtge 3iiO I 123d M I3 W IIrtxKO II Horance W Clark to Minnie ROrHTen mtge 40iiO I IIMh l 210 K JSxIOOII Christian Wrhde brook to Louis W Wehdcbrook part Park av tv IM2 on nw cor H4th st KHIII ISO LlMlr Ollvella In Michael Scanlon- mtge I27r- IMlh st n PI P 3d av run n Bv x w S 7 core Margaret HeliiLardl to George N llelnhardl- IWth t ns Ms e 3d nv ex Irreg Leslie M POM In iiorge X llelnhardl- mtge I3omi Cypress a s e at s w 133d linifin D Arthur to Simon rhlfeider and ano Morrl av n w cor l3d M I47x llji7x- J Morltz 1 Krnit and ano to Waller J Clarke Ilrook av 1474 7i e s T4iimii Ho a Nathan to Louis Frankenthaler mtge KJon- fiirnsliU av n s ell n junction av- 2fllU731li2ix i Tlllle olfe to Meyer Manassa part mtge tilf Same property I na Manaua 4o same part inlge lVi- Camhnleng nl n w s 187 4 s w Inlon si- ITSxM1 Augustus S Xlcholion lo May II Morgan n v av n p cor 157th si 3vrui40 H134I- Slgmund Illihop to William W sior- Itelmont av w n Ililon ftv 75i 7l May U Morgan to Charle Lindner- l th t e cor I nox av lonxXill Anthony Schwoerer v Henry Xlchuliburg 140000- Ablnirdon and Cliarlei w Ilarnelt- v Frieda Han 0200 Same property ame vs same 4700 Foreclosure Suit Crotona av w n to 170ih st 54x123 x Irregular Xew York llulldln Iian Hanking Company v Abram L Kl ner aol ano H Pleasant av e s lu s lliih Mary H- Callender v France K llpmati urn Ac el al ally llowland MA P- 83d si ns 375 w I0h av 23x1004 Mutual Life In aurance Co of Xcw York v John J Fish Townsend A M lIJth at a s 3fll e Mh av 334ilooll Agnes Car- penter vs Kdwln H Stanlon et al altys W II A 113th sts s 3331 e nth av 334x100 It Ward II Cham- berlln trustee Ac vs same siiine nttys- Mth st s 2 7t e Coluinbui av 37ill 110 5 Hern J Maaa va George i plyer ft al any M II Hayman- Eathgate av w 202 IWd t Slxino Donald K- llrown and ano trustee Ac vs Chatle H Conk In el al alty J A Lane tlnlltllni Loan Contracti- Id at M V Sarah A Sands and ano trtuteea Ae loan Cecilia McCarthy and anu I7IUOOU- OPUni Filed for firvr nmidlniiB- onornn or Broadwar M3 042 tuentyatory omcej and alores the 4J llroadway Co premlaet owner Henry Ives Cohb 115 ay architect cost 12250000- nohOffiH or TRI BHONI st n a 95 s 173d t two hvejtorye- llfngs James V 634 Willis av owner w c Dlckeron 3d av and 14ath- at archliect cost Plum Filed for AllrratlnnU- AMUrTAX AXO THE nROVX- lltema unittr ISOOO owiifjI- Bth i 47 V Improvement lo duelling V 0- Ilenedlct owner K H Taylor co1 111000 White Plain av and llrlgg al ne cor Im- provement to d elllng Ale Thomp- son road Wakelield owner Loul Falk 3d av architect co t foof- lUTV UIIAI IOSTATI5 OWN YOUR HOME OY JOIXINO THR 27th Series OPENED 11IV II 1003 OF THE EXCELSIOR BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION VI PA UK HOW V- rrrAHLisiui i i roitMCRtr The Sun Building Assn J Komtle Rnwo 4 P W KlaaiaE- SUBLISHEO IN 1856 J ROMAINE BROWN fc CO Brokers Agents Appraisers MI sn HiisT 3111 SIHIITX- OHTIIKAHT COHXKH IIIIUADWAY Telephone Xo 3X1 Sitlt Washington Imperty n Sperlaltr A CHANCE TO BUILD at moderate cent Hay payments Free deed In rase of death Commutation five dollar per ninth 40 Iraln dally Uoallng talhlnf lei Bahlng Passes and map of- TVHTTLOCK IIEALTT COMPAN- Tixpt r 300 Broadway New York WANTS AND OFFER CFtHE CIY OF NEW YORK tar QUI OIFEI r and rla In rod root ano t- In 1 Ir IfS II mol J a- nn 1 loW I I Emi 0 loll ialull A all 1 S i ltr UO 1 IOS- noooall 0 Th oorl al- A II low I 0 lf 10 I I I I I I I 2aO- Ilh1 1 Urnt 0 alI 36 alI WAN 60 27 S Sun Evanlng Isn IU mIIr > > > > > < > > < > CITY IIFAI FATVTK TO INMRR PROFER CIASSIFICA TIC IN Till srNllAT sr ADVKR- TIWMKVrS SltST IE IIAXDKD- N TlATKtt THAN 1 M SATlUIUV To Investors This company otTers for sale mortgage investments on se- lected real estate in this city with title insured by the company The Lawyers Title Insurance Company of New York 37 Liberty Street New York 3844 Court Street Brooklyn Capital and Surplus 3500000 We Invite You Yllt VhltlocU at our expense Select your lot and build Moderate cost while ten houe are under- way Free deed In case o death Permanent Improvements ray payment Commutation five dollar per month Including ferry 40 trains dally dont heillale Map and pnsie at- WlimOCK IIGAITV rOMIAM Dept E 119 llroadway New York TFIE SUNS Dolly and Sunday Real Estate Advertising INCREASED morel than 77 in July 19O2 os compared with the name of 19O1 From lutlerr Nth SI Inclutlro- nPsiRAHLR IinrsKS th st to tJlh St In- clusive near llh av tnw Fl sciM IWiiTIIKIIS RM Ilnadway Above Ulli St roth A In Hirer ATTKACTIVn RFsniKVfES In the suites SIb and Park av tMftu 10 I3 r 0 FOLSOM nltOTIIKUS W IlroJdwa- rFLA1S AMI AIAUT IKNTS TO LET Above I4lh St Heat Side CIRCLK IIDTKL Mh St and th AT- IIAMlSOMKLY FfltXIMUUl APAHTMUXTS I 3 rou ins and bath moderate rents reached by all cms IliiSKXWiuiU A FISOHKH Propra- ILATS AMI JklAllTJIKNTS TO I17TLI- TIIMSIIFD Above 14th St ICiist Side 61 to 69 East 86th St strlcily first claw In service and altendince Suite i T i room Apartment Er t floor Ilnoini and tmlh MlTAIIIF Full DOCTOR Three room Bachelor Apartment from October 1 ON PUKMISK- SCOHXiil FIXTS 17 Livingston plare Sluyvr- sant Square elevator steam heat movt modem plumbing telephone attractive entrance fxn to FOISOM I1HOTHFI1S 3i llroadway- TIi ST 3 2 LAST Apartment two three and four rooms all light water modern Improvement M W to is S- KOLSOM IIHOTHKHS 3i Uroa4way lIST STJla KASTSli eitra Urgeall light room with bntn nrwiy decorated quiet clean select rents II to lit Above Hlh St nest Side APAimiKXTS TI IKT AT XO 13 WEST ST eiceptlonally wide hallways and tltnt rooms hrouirhoiit apartment bullillni opposite Sherman Square two him1 from Illverslde Park and name dlstanee from Central Pvrk no healthier or more ileilrable lonion for n home can be se- lected Apply tn janitor on premises CITY ItlCAI IvSTAT- iliuronih of llronlltn Sale or Hent rOil SALK Park South eleven room house price Mwni newly decorated easy terms the cheapest of Us kind S3 Illnckley place nne from Iteverley road weonil home from Coney Island av Investigate for yourself run MALI not HP CATIIXAY- KITAIIllMl story frame dwelling brst One location H rooms and bath must be snld make orr iM s Mf iiiii HA an MIVITH- A K HIIOOKIV- NIKIItlltlill IAHK roiTAIil near school anil cars latcMlmproVPments easy terms 1AMIvS HAW K Ill I Ih4 St llorough Park FUll SAII 1iATiirsn sroiti PHUPKIITY- Juit flnlsheil H stone Irnnt building ZU43 lot 100 stores htve teei Ceiling and are first clav In ever respcrt a n buuipvt centre the properly Is tiDsurpatd being lociiicd on Flatbush nv- I90S10IH from Itecent to Alber- marle rond Adtacenl to Prospect Park South which Is restricted Hxiclient properly for In- vestment Oood opening for any busircsj Apply of OWXFI1 on premise Vlir MIST IIIUII TIIIH- I am offering that elegant large II room house wllh stable corner tilth av iSd at Van Pelt Manor fora mere long i mlnule from the water 31 mlnuie from Xew York Hall nno hluck from elevated stntlon Apply to owner C L WHBXlK I7J Montague it lluroiiitli of JQcrn sale or Kent nttOAIIWAV FLtSHI Tl Ideal location convenient Manhattan detached cottages I3nn upward easy payments twenty sold HIIIIM not srs TO LET A HOlsns tinfurnlihed and furnished In- dulrable localities rent ll2no to IJnx- FOISOM IIHOTIIrUs nM Itroadway- TO LKT ron iitsivrs PI RPOSKS FOR RENT A mv VERY DESIRABLE FLOORS AND OFFICES ix TIll FV AEOLIAN BUILDING 11th St nnd nth A- ReadyJfor occupancy In September Write or apply to X A on prernlsei or l West Jd si TO IKT A PINT FLOOR C4X1J IX FArmHY comer SI Mark and tnderbtll avi lirnoklyn perfect light ample power AddreM jEOItGK on premises STOIIIS lofls building offices Ale list this and other desirable localities FOISOM linoTHKHH 131 llroadwa- yKIAI KSTATI MVNTKH AM pisiiixo ron iipsixiss Want flati apartment or house Will make property net alt per cent or rharge nothing for my services am 3d In real estate buslnes- ilve u a trial JOHN II HIItTIS real estate iates avenue corner llrodway llrooklyn- I f IIMSIIKU IIOOMS Mil ST 331 VFST furnhhed room el suite hath alio tingle room rate reasonable transient accommodated MTH ST 2 WIST Very ileslrahle ofilcea and rerepilon ruom for n doclor hall service electricity 4ITII ST 310 VKST Deilrabenewlyfurnlihed single rn sidle all convenience private home refined surrounding irril ST W WFST Parlor noor entire part phylelan dentist alock broker ulber rooms telephone hLIKCT IIOAUU- WTH ST M TO in KAST FtLL 1IOTRI AC- fOMMODATIOXS light rooms with breakfat and table dhote dinner Including wine for It per week full value MADISON AV M Large and amall room vim or without board reuonable ratta- i ft111 tn I I I I I 0 111 u ITnISlIIm nrnSF IiIn RI 2 7 SIJ JIIIST iIl 7 0 unto old l I II kln IT TinS tLIIo IJ I I Sid 1r II dr I ¬ ¬ > > > < > > > > REAL ESTATEOLT OF TilE CITY Weitrheter Cnnntr Stl or Rent CLOSING DP AUCTION SALE OF LOTS 25 IOO AT WHITE PLAINS August 9 at 2 P M on premises Train IJdat at I lit M JOHN It SWKKXV Auetlnneer- IM Railroad ave XVhllr Plan Theoe loli life located on the highest rrcnind I the tract commanding magnUlrrnt views Purehaiers at the sain hav atrrad been offe red substantial advancements Mar pauesand further particulars XBtt XKTHKHLAXD RKALTY CO- 03Flfth Ave X V ron SALK Several desirable farm In West Chester Dutches anil Columbia counllu 0 t 450 acre IV to i5UM Altl HAXIiRll- C7 Nasaau at Xew Vnrk rOil HKXT Ml Vfrnon a finely furnished K room house HlXin 2S3 llroadway Lone Uland Sale or Kent MIXFOLA I I Xew two story frame rot lates even to nine room bmh water Mean brat electric lights nrar talon MV to Mfl terms easy Address IIKAI FSTATK lock box THItlE nKAlTIFfL COTTAOEH on the fines lake on thr Island Improvements sacrifice prlr- to quick buyer O II ACXKuLY III A srmtrii roTTAfin FREE AM CLEAR on llarnrral Ili aurf and Mill water bathing fishing gunning and hoallng partly furnlslird 21 font yacht BOM with place large boathnuse will exchange for collage In New Jerjpy 20 mile from Xew Vorlc or smull house in Ilrooklyn n- agenti W MOHAN l l Washington st X V- To LET Desirable cottage near sea furnished table Uradley Reach N J reasonible PIKP SOX 78 William at- IIKALTII AND HKXKFIT By suburuA for detalli apply Prle Kallroad informatlo MM and TO llri ii v New Vnrli Miscellaneous fOil SALE In the heart of the Arllrondipks new houie with seven large slicpng rooms large kitchen Ulntng room parlor and complftely fimlshed pioa ffel Ions o one of the largest IVies In the Adirondack al- A new barn horses will sell chra- If purchased Immediately for Thru Truman Dollar in State at Albany N V- lSi i AtltKS high grade bitumlnoui coal property four mines running dally will bear rloi- nvwtliratlon bargain to any one drirlnk a tint cla coal proHrty If Interr ieu write for par llculan IlUe countv ind LAKE IlACII N V IlirnlMied cottair for rent i II SKINNIMI Lake Ilacld- W A NTKII ITOIAI IW- EXPFKIKXCKI CYUNDFIl 1RBSS IKFHFI1S- Inquirrnf IIKMIY V IIOYKII room 13JO SJO If way I MHflEUAS Hands on I1U umtirellt wh run tlielr own worlt Apply at 18 W i oth t only ALLISON A LAMSO- XnoiKSTir SIUVA TS w A T- FAAA 1 in BAsr D frT- elephoui Call IOJ Mad Sq MILS L SKKIV- FOUKIfiX AM DOMKST10 IFMAlK- iMI10YMKNT IllltEAU ALLKFrrUENCKS- STKHTIV 1NVKSTIOATED Servant breakliiu entaifemfnt will bffdl- nilwed from once and forfeit all claims to fro pld HrooUyn Offlre St Xevlrn jit- relrpiinne 3l 4a Main CHAMDintMAIDS COORS lauiidrejsea wall re e ladlra maid nur pj cooks ho wa h am lIon laundrrsirs who do charibrrwnrk kitchen maid liutler nm second and mefm mm serv- ant In all catmcltle wanted Immedlaiely Mrs L IB K t S2d t Telephone rail KM Madlon Sq Prooklyn office 34 Nevln t Telephone call JWa Main waces ii must have iroid ref renr j- Mr L SKKIV III Knit JM t COMPETENT SKCONI LAIXDRKSS fnr Ba Harbor J4 bent reference required Mr L SKKIV IB KaM t- COMPKTBNT LArNIMIKSS for ft family of liv- to eo to Slaten Inland good ware must hav- tood reference MM L SEW IS Kvi 3M CoiiK to do ome wablnc waicc 125 bet refer- ence required Mr i snriv in r sd t TOOK 10 to n nhnrt dlitince out of rill waff- IIJ muM have irnod reference Mr SKBLY 10 KaM 3W at rooK to do some plai- to to lo CedarbUMl LI- Mr L u WIEC 2J 12- fTencc reijulredI- D Kait 32il VIIIST CLASH MIKNCII IAMYS MAID I- to pn a hort dtitenre out nf city cood reference requlnd Mr I SKK1Y 1 KaM 32d M- KKKXCII LADYS MAID lo iro to Sin rronclspo- cood wane mu i be tnorouehly rnmptrnl am have bet reference Mr L SRKLYL1H Rvt 1d M- rillST CIASS MUSK for two eimdren to ga t Yonkers wace 2 mut have fond reference and peak French Mr I SKKIY 19 n i 3M t FIRST CLASS IAfNOIIKSS wane W- co a short distance out of mul have 1001 reference Mrs I SKKIY ll MaM 32d S- tLAfXnnrSS wilt 12 to o a hnrl distant out of clt jood reference rniiitreil- LAIXDIIFSS to do v me rhamlierwork for family of two men IH jood refcrrnre reoulred- Mr I SKKI 10 nvit 32d at- HOY about IT years oldIn A wholesale woole Addres i It lu 121 Sjn oilce- IlOOKIllVliKII Full hound forwarder stead man only al o ypani man for wire stitcher Call in A M NMUiKI IM William at- ilASS fiood ciittrr wanted J IIAUSIKITEI CO Slate st nil Klatbu b av llrooklyn TWO EXPKHIKXCKD TWIXB AXD COFIDACE salesmen for San Iranclfco Coil anil aurround- Init must be well recommended Addrru A 2 SONS bon IU Sun omce 1 MIlltKILAS A lirst elvsi Ironer must under- stand hi business good Job Aunly at UKIN- IIBIIO IIKYMAX A CO 3 White it- fMllliRLLAK rAperlenced IrDr also yoiini man for strctihlng and rolllnj S J CAWLBi- tc CO J17 HroMwar- WAXTKD Ilroom maker lo co to New ZM land unmarried capable tattlnz charct of shop permanent work short hours in Sun onlpe ATtn Yale Harvard or Princeton mao t tutor eeometry one hour dally 127 East SHI st- WAXTKD A floorman horseshoer Coentlea Slip WAXTKD locomotive machinists no strike Apply rcmm t 17 Moore t 10 A M- KITl ATIONS WA TK FKMAI1M- COMICTKNT LAt XDUKSS wlihe to obtain a yoslion in private family illy referencen J McI- KU sun uptown iRlce I2W llniadwa- yFPIHIKXCID CIIAMIIKIIMAID andwaitrev would like n In family In rlty hOI nf references M L box ill Suu uptown office i Mi liroadway- KACKLIKNT WAITUBSS want lo procure a illiistlm In private fsnilv satlsfaclorj relerencei- M S bo ill Sun uptown otljcc ISH5 llroadway- FIItST CIASS CIIAMIIKIIMAII want lo obtain a position In private family escellent references L II bos ill Sun uptown ufflce I20S llrnadwa- yTIIOimnillliY COMPETENT coOK would like a sliuatlonln private family In city can furnish excellent reference I boi 511 Sun uptown nfUce I2M llroadwa- yKITrVTHINS WANTlin IAIKS- ACCOrXTAXT K1PKHT books floied- eiamlned atiendlnir mall sets of books temporarily or permaneuily a specially charges moderate II 4s Ireene av WANTED Position to represent rood firm In nalllmore no nulection to travelling Address K II Inn Sun otncq- YOfXO CKNTIKMAN well eilurated eicellent references and with several years hanklnr e desires poltlon with irlv t banking home or as private secretary at present employed itste particular I 15 Sun omce- I Oil SUM TTPEWRITER51 Low Price during summer Perfect Machine 120 up Rented up Prompt ulivvr IIKMKAl nPKWIIITKII 3 u llroadway Cor Park Place illCYCLKS Leading males llon per week II lIlt SCH 3371 3d av near ISM st- nnXTLKMKSSPliithlni in order II weekly pay- ments Hue maltrlils guiranlctd 237 iiruadvtay Roum 7 Ira II road 1- 1h tI6 l lI nl mrs II a II IIba nil SOS and ram and MIr Ao l O lrlTT rrllf S 10 II 10 1slhamllon war n I SI t IY a i 1 U 3 In rll i l d rt n u- TI I 11 1 r bOil d 9 nil 13 l1u lion l pnrd Ilro II I nrr boa n h SUn < > > < > > > > > > > onrM t- rMayers Piano 1 a Week The original lot of the Edward Mijers Parlor Upright Grand Pianos wa5 composed of have old a poodly number and you had better secure yours at orce The special sale price is 155 S5 Down 1 Wk Many export piano makers consider them superior to other pianos sold by piano al 300 and Thpio are tmlli by one of the mot rppuicble punii maker In tne country ami remnant In tone Homing but the beM malrrlM II PJ In iiirlr construpllon- cuaraiitent in r iv a fur live yejn caiw- hlgMy finished walnut mahogany and oak double vineered pnnei earved In empire ilyie ivlih Ho ton tad bonrd fceymif Ivorv 71 n octave automatic prac- tice inuillir urv flaitiarilonJ- lanos delhired on tint payment of H and no Inlcriit charged on time taken In making payments Th u not a piano iluti and iitn to everybody S Itrnu waiting iirfore piano Is Udvcred 10 uu and the only nient liefarv deliver till and thereafter only II n Week Hiring thlssale IVP will present with every iitnon beautiful Mool to maich and a new sttlo cover Depot j M Depl HI Arch m Plilla- AIIRUII Sml luo Scaled in trip- licate will b received her until I I1 M Tuesday August Suth IWC for deliv- er either the Philadelphia liovton Chicago or San Francisco depot of VuarlermaMcrs Department Iron Walil Hflts t Iterant Book Barrack Chain Card Mulders llerlln llluves Campaign Hats lint Cord Mattreisis and Mnitrr Arctic Chatnbrjy and hlle Milrn Huisel Shoes Cotion and Wciollrn fitorklnes hue Ioiu n- tndershlrts Hidders are requested lo examlnr carefully the Mnndard s that pruxiwil mny be submitted with n full knowledge uf requliemenls An absolute com pllanm vrllh the Hundard ei In the ca e of locl1ints heavy which should haventmpiil hfPli and toes will he InHUed iiPiil- In the Initievllon of good IXWAHAXTCKI- IIIDS and bids ba ed upon sample differing from speclfleatinnv except ID the ca e of Mocking heavy will under no circumstances be ondered The articles advertised fur are the same ns ttioe for which Mil aie to be orencd at other depot Karly deliveries nre essential anil bidders inuit slate 111 their proposal tlie rale and lime of delivery should contriuM be awarded to them and nn alilon should b made which they are not t M- I live pan absolutely ttilflll attpnMon of bidden I pinrolU palled In the provision In the Plrrular In bidders rrzardine cprtaln that will he eTSPted In ene deliveries are not made a provided for m c ntract iovernment rr erves part given to artlcln of dfi- mcillc production or mantifaciiirt condition of ami ilniludlng In Ihe price of foreign production or mnn ar ip the Ihereon- iMm eii i A M HNTKI in to per cent of the value of lhc articles proposed for must accom ls Hlatika for full Information will be furnished upon Knvelopei containing prownal to be endorsed Tronoal for huppllec to he opened Aup Mill llnSand addrcMcd to Colonel JOIIv- V IlHUY Asil yuartermaster ienetal C H Army PHOpnSAlS Sew Ixintlnn Conn AiiClst S- IOOJ Sealed Ill triplicate will be tr- celved at Office of Constructing Xew ljndon Conn until 0 A M Sept S IWC for cnn tructlng limber hulkliead nl ui 3KW linear feeti at Tort ManMleld II I f S reserve right to nr accent any or all proposal or any part thereof Information nppllci Knvelope ronlalnliui proposal marked Proposal for llulkhead MansOelil and adilresipd to Constructiiii Quartermaster 7 tiranite Street Xew m n Con- nr S KXOINKER HKFICK Army Hllldlng Mew York Au 4 Itioj Scaled prupoNali for dredging in Iliittertnllk Chnnnel and in Creek X V Harlxir will tic received al thl oinra until I oclock noun 3 H C and then pub- licly opened Information on application W I OFFICK VASII1NIITOX AQIKDfCT WaJhlng ton D C Align S H 3 Te of blu for Varilngton Filtration Plant l postponed until furtner miller V M MilIIll It Col IILSIM S I IIAVCIS THADR MAIIK- HaP A I till TS DHHirXS AXD COPYItKiltTS- AUVIl rlHCI I lill KV HOOK EDGAR TATE CO- soiicnoits OF- LXITKD STATRS AXD KOHHIflX PATKXTH- 54J nilOAHWAY XiV YOHK TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS WILL EARN YOU 360000 Cash dividends in one You can Iwrrow fifty per cent on the Stock It has metili superior to ordinary investments Full particulars from TREVOR LEWIS Poit Office 709 New York City HUNT wAsrr A STAMP out of mere curiosity but If you are dwlroui of securing a legitimate rrmmd floor lnvetmtnt- wrlle us for particular Ve are not agents We are the owner we do not satisfy you that we have what you want you are no ohllga lion til in Address OIlOU- TfXITY Iloom 3 i Hart llulldlng llruadway aud- jalps av llroollyn X V- Fiowsr iifsiMss rnit SAIH on wiii give half interest to right old rttablbilied and best located In lirnoklyn good rhance for enlrrprlMng man or lover uf lloners desiring a- gimd lnvc tmen- tAIILV AT Il FMTI1X ST IIRUOKIYVI- SOono HnytIHKD Invr tment for the purpose of Increasing Hi of large match manu facturlng concern close to this illy plant valued at about TO i Investment absolutely protected beat of references exchanged Particulars at- McDOVALI WHUilXS U7 llroadwn- rVrr o IlRyriHKD In an eitabllshed Importing concern little competition Investment secured Apply to- McIKALI WItiOINs Ji7 nroadway- WANTFII PAIITY WITH IUf In take half Interest In an established mall order business laviuirnent secured Apply to- MPDOXAIII A M7 llroadway- A IARI1K STOHi Jlsim situated In the heart of the business dlstriet n Ihe ro ln thoroughfare In the Pity nf Patrrsiin X J suitable for any kind of tmilniu lone lease If desired rent moderate Arr MCDONALD wincnxs KT nroadway 7VV AITIYF IAftTXKH WAXTKD for livge manufacturing concern located In llarlrm liberal salary and Interest on Investment very hlgtien furnnhed Inr particular apply tu MCDONALD WUiUIXH Hi llruadwayJ- imfl MllillKS Xlparanua Hold Mining stock for tale ai Lcm Shnre llantatlon stixlc at- II lots to mil soon pay dividends reliable brokers wanted litter only 4 CO ri in- SI3 Hrnailwiiy New York riKAlii opKitvriXH DKVICP ruit SALK ihlng lmpe invcstlgaie lloi ml Ilnbvlon Long Islam All IntrlllRrnt Uimirni- ihoiild rMrt thi KnirkKriKiPkor iirl pub llfli Umlnextny anrt Kriilay m LTENixn hiN hoclcty and fakbion are l a- ing Itaturc Adv j PIAOFOnTF I ii I 3d AVo 0 I I I I I I i on Itrm3 at I I It d I ¬ > < < > > > POST nrnrn NOTICE IOST OKFICB NOTICE fShruld b read DAILY by all Interested M change may occur at any lime rorclun mall for Ihe week rndlni Aug I90J will close iIHOMpnY In all rawsi nt the irners Post Ortlce as follows p UUTIS IHWT U4ILN- clnie on Itfur raUtr than closing time ahoun below negular and Supplementary malls elote at For- eign station later closing time shown that Minis for Europe and Central America via Colon close cue hour later al foreign Station THAXSATIAXTIP MAIL TWRSnAY At 7 A M for FIIAXCI SWITZKH- LAXD ITAIV SPAIN PDICn HAL TIIN- KKY KHVIT tlHKKiF HIUTIsH INDIA and IOKKX7H MAIUJITX rer stesmshlp- La llrelaune via Havre imall fir other parn- of Kuro e muit be directed per leamahlp- Iji llretagnevS- ATtTlDAY At A M for KiltorE per steam- ship KirurlA via Uueenitown at 7 A M fur direct per steamship Aller imall muit- be i r teanihlp Aller at 7 A M for xmiKRLANDS illrect per steam Patsdam at V A M for SCOf- LAXD direct steamship KurneMla mall must be directed per Meamshlp Kurnesila- at in A M for direct per te m hip Friesland imail muit be directed pir Krteiland- PRIXTFD MATTEIt ITC This stesmer tak Primed Matter Commercial Papers and Samples for Uermany only The same clan of mall mailer fur other part of nurnpe will not be tent by this ship peclally di- rected tiy her After the closing of Ihe Supplementary Trana Atlantic Mall named above fsiip Mall are opened on the pleri- of Ihe American tnlln and Oer man steamer and remain open until within Ten Minute of the hour of aalllng steamer MAILS ron tfmi j ntamL AMEnicA- THtRSnAY At A M for CtnA YVCATAX- CAMPKCIIK TAHASCO and CHIAPAS per ateamshlp imall for other part of Mejlco muit lie directed per steamship Esperanra at U M for and per steamiMp Clenfuegoi- at M fur AltorNTlXK I III OfAY and Pr steams Hurtenslus it iso I M for JAMAICA per steamship FRIDrA7TOTr MKX1CO per emhln s nilh PTfornK- HMTDA P f MfumiT linluai- ritiiAY At W A il Mfor WHTO itirn VfRACAO and VFNF71TIA per Me mhlp Philadelphia imallfor and Carlagens muit bn directed steamship PhllAdelphla at 930 A M supplementary 1030 A for ISIAXD SAVAXILLA and CAIlTAIiKXA per steamship Alene mall for Co la Illca musl per aieam thin MrnO at t W A M tilpplf A M for HAITI and SANTA L per steamship Adirondack at in A M for 1 M red n steamihlp Silvia at lO- imW11 per Mearnshp Kaslern- Penamliuio and Sanios mall fo- Hiajll must be dH eil Pf per llosetllat 1J30P M forti- Meimshlp turltyhv via Matanza o- Jry mll only which must te dlrexltd p r- ateamshlp Mall for Newfoundland by rail to North 9rdB r- and by steamer close at thl offlca daily at 3 P M connecting close here every Monday Wednesday and MalW- fo by rail to thenca- by steamer close at thl office dally M- P M Mall for Cuba by rail tn Ilorlda and thence steamers are despatched dally Thurday connecting closes r despatch via Pon Tamiw on and Saturday at 1130 A M for despatch via Miami on Mondaya and at 30 P M Mai for Meilpo city ovprtand unlpss l fd- fnr despatch by steamer close at this orTlM dally Sunday at 1 J P U nd Si t Sunilavi nt 100 I M na 1131- M Ma for Cota Illca Hellze Puerto fortei and Cualemala by rail lo New Orleans and thence steamer close at this ofnci y e Pt Sunday at P n4- al 1100 P M connectlne close here Mon dny or nelle uW and Tuesdays for Costa Illca lllejls- leed mall eloaei at flW P M prtMous day Mall fnr Hawaii China Japan and flmclaM matter for the Philippine l nds Ja San close here at M P up to- Aug l inclusive lor despatch per l ni hl Coptic Malls for China Japan via S- Mile rloso here dally at ev30 P to Aug- Inrliwlve fir deipateh steamshln Kin ah n Mani mall miw i be ill reeled via Seattle Malli for China enil Japan via Tacoma c ose here dally at elj l to Aug inclusive for despatcli per Kleamihlp llenogle Malls for Australl West Australia whleh L forwardel via luropei Xew ealand FIJI Samoa anl- Hawnll via San Franclseo close here dall- M cia P V after July l nd toAug Incluslvr nr on arrival of itramhlp Cam panic nt Xew York Aug 8 for despatcj- ler Sierra Main for the Islnndi via San Francisco clo heri Sally lit oso P M up to Aug til Inc uslve- fnr despatch I Transport Malli for Hawaii Japan China nnd fust matter for the Philippine Island via San franclsec close 30 P M up to Aug III- Ineluilvr fnr Bieam America Man Malls for China end Japan via an- couver and Victoria II C close liere dilly at flTO p M up to AUg It Inclusive for del patch per of regls must he specially Addressed Mer- chandise for I S at Shanghai IIP forwarded via Canada Mall for Tahiti and M rnur aw Islnnd via San rran- ilsco close here at asi P M up to Aug- IK Inclusive for despatch pe steamship Marlposa Mails fnr eirept Weal Auitralla whlrh gnes via Kurope and New Kealnnd which goes via San FrancUco and FIJI IslaniL via Yancouver and Ictorta- II close here dally at eiSO P M after Aug and to Allg tie Inclusive for despalch per seatrnhlp Mloviera Malls for Hawaii via San Franctwo close herp at JO- P M up to Aug II IncluMve for despatch per Alameda malls are forwarded to port of railing dally and Ihe schedule of closing Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted over- land transit mall closes at 00 P U previous day conxriifs VAX COTT roitmuur Pot Office New York N Y Aug I 100- 5CFXTHAI AfCTION CO- M yiinKHAX Auctioneer IM and IM Canal ft- Aug II Dy H McAleenan 1530 Hroadwav Diamonds Jewelry etc Xo IUJ to IDuon IKH anil all good held over Aug 12 lly J Simpson Co 524 Park row diamonds watches Jewelry pledged to Xo 7440- ind sood held over Aug 13 lly Chas Weaver 7M 10th av Dl- nondi waKhe etc pledged lo Aug 1001- L FMIISKI AICTIt 70 UOWFUY sells 10a m- Aug 13 lly ioldstone Ilros IM Oth av Dla- nonds Hatches Jewelry and all goods pledged irtor to Aug 3 1901 all older dates over Aug It II Wm Simpson Bl Park How Dla- nond watches Jewelry nnd all goods pledged irlor to June 1 1901 and all numbers previous to- Joro and all gnodi reserved from Aug It lly P Kalmus 31 Canal st formerly 03 Canal st r Mem Rll lll iv Jewelry cloth ng etc pledged prior to Aug 4 liiO- los siinxcooi tc SONS Aucriis t IIOWERT- Aug 7 Clothing etc H S Isaacs 2434 th av- Aug N nothing etc Alei Frrund IMS 3d ar- Aug II Jewelry etc I A Levy 239 3d av- Aug 13 Clothing J V Jarnbion ulalO 0 3d av- KLI SOI1KL Auctioneer 91 Bowery ei- Aug I Clolhlng dresses shoes etc S O- taaci A nro till Id n- viDVANCES ON SALARIES Xo Indorsemeiil no serurlty rp iulrel- It Naiinil St cur Ilillnn Itoont 30- SONEY We loin mon y t people in ni- ulnd of bilnen 100 IU- x v omc TJ MACIIIMIH- VrxnixB Ffiu SALK cnnpwnhi Anto- atlc Cut of Ifi hors power If revolutloru 11- cet lone cylinder in 34 n wheel 10 feel diameter t In faee weight 7or lln Can he een at Knox at Vorks Grand and Ml Marks av llrooklyn- PATKXTS for InvenlUin pwnreil- nw rate IIOFHKK A Frank V- lrleeni Kulloi II ill ling 7 Nii i st New York MrDICA- IAIIU AMI Mitl iirmeiiiately pur regularities wlthixit nperMlon paii or use ol- rstrumcnti absolute relief or nn rhirse upeclaj its M years expeilmce mniultati m free covI- denllal r 21 year 7 Veit Iltb t- IKCIIL XUTKt lidles ileslruij e ruslv- mvary but nu object to vltitln an ufnre build ng are Invited lo fai upon tne iloctur at bla el ant huu e 4Jti it fir advlc- rgardlii tuclr ia u itiuiuitiui tree tua- A griflIKST ITHMAMIvr ft UK trtea ef- if men dangcioui e e snilclted relief t oncet- ho e drilrlne only Hrn elas leepMfte treatmenl- houldeall The leading peclalisi fir nONSTH U 41 Weil ilii si Hours uioi 7n inrtayi ir 13 nil ST 22 WKsrr f n CHu eurei U- rUnu a AT ONCB without palo FtJJ Mk ¬ > > > > > > <

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Post on 13-Apr-2020




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Page 1:€¦ · THE SUN THURSDAY AUGUST 7 1902 0 4w unehanted declined o r Anrfan wareboine deliveries IsTIc H i d IM rfU receipt jni Mrs Ml ill1 Hin eIJ33dadeplnrof

THE SUN THURSDAY AUGUST 7 1902 04w unehanted declined

o r Anrfan wareboine deliveries IsTIcH i d IM rfU receipt jni Mrs

Ml ill1 Hin eIJ33dadeplnrof I 3dr no rels receipts 4oi b Mix-

kuii I1

64 BSiKjia-aS5 6M S3ft4i3-tW 445 434 l 4

540rfv-tHi 1M 4MtiS-

er IT d nn lower cable receipts n ll-

rc r purchases 1114111

ir ernu Hie bull iHiUe bought InH fe market but on the wlole then

diTiLfi li Mil MS liv higher ftt Ctll-i T mil fll I HituTrs The loca-

X iej li polnU Iouper In IxindoiI-

IM v ires The market here was qulell HI unchanged both here and Ir

ine t lie reljn lo Uu fit ts 3 1 SpelteiLit i ineeil in Inth markets the Ixipdon

r iiir at jCl IV Ptlcps here iscar Manl i November llllitllMVII eieetrol llc tll i r-

it nvi v In JiMa1 tin platem leu i i ji spelter R37jc lIon No

ISK1 ptj lIon warrants noinUial-

J inw i lrtia of turpentine 4fl tn p

g mined Inn lo JIIW-

rpnTiii fJi l WM quiet South Americanli ii prime Ml kec 113 re-

ei mil1 inert Iotk WM withi a1 litM rallow Sf Dreweil liciB-

i tr s

f f lAft dairy tubs fancy lOSnilX-SM f c mal colored

i inrc minted liV white c Kgits-

nni iiui iiia V0 2lc uentern O-

osi Ail rt Tri Uiiin were rather Ir-

iisd stead at abouti i o A irule ahrtv Pnrk was the leader

I were bu lng The Melllng-

mi rul out nf n inlsrelUneous son Hogr r carl l nl e l later The cash trade

hi1 paiker were a markedIn p Minieiii s n anl err evidently antlPlpatlnt-li huvtnr f iMre-

KB IU as nrm at J p hid for M testit V hid ir i test Humored Mle of rentrl-f in M i at 3 i Rrrtned we In moderatej i itml craniilaiid 4 Sc-

in AIB 6 These were todaya pricesnr i Il a1 lnv Clai Lull


42 2-

10j 4I i-

eirher illVJ SI 3-Ienhfr i i t 14 to-

k 3l 3lVi 3cii 3lcrade-

fa er M S 4 19 V-

Alrr i 7 in 7-Sfwemberio 74 in no n s iu i i i-

l iief 10S7 037 j 10 SI ll l inj-

Jlotj in in iS 5i iiijA-

scmt t 77i l 7-n6epiemherlH5 17 oil In J I 12 kS-

Ccloher 1J9S 1710 IBM I70JU leiM-Jacuarj 15 i li litj 1577j li 4-

tllm UARKKt-HOnn IIM rnt 7U-

IWl1 n rut ft Ina Xlfltt-Ulcnrapol 5ept rS im 5 M mi

fee M IS fV rv-ItllUth Sepl fill rut Wl H t VI-

Iiec B l4 n j IIU JH-

Trledo cpt n 7o 70K-t er 71 It 70 7iSept US t f2 I 2i KM nt-

Kan nty corn Sept U i 4 3 O-H Ioul1 f4s fl 4 f s

Dec W f VU wi W-LoulJicorni Sept in Iji 4 4 t 49

Uvc Stock Markrl-WtnsrspiT ug f-

lHereipu of beeves were 7137 head IncludingM rs for slaughterer and 31 for the marketnUKici with the stale rattle 31 cars nn sale steerr ed steady but medium and common grade

How fat bulls were steady other lowerwere Mso IOHI1P off yards were not

i cleared Common to cholee steer soldli 5 li per too h o en and stni at 13231

bull at I27MUS row at IlTjeMiOH-revwd tecf in fair riiTiand and ateadynehaneed Ijp iris 6070 quarters of beef

to morrowHecelpts of calves were sooi head Including

t hutcheM and 2913 for the market makingstale palve 3HVI on sale Ve l openeq-

ii Monday s cliwinic prlcM ihe nnlih was loaiSe-OTer gravers and hutlermllks mled HeadyKiOn im calves ueri held over Common tolive vcnli sold at M i ts on per IM IM cult at-litt eraver and buttermilk at HroiJ4s a

oare We tcm at M 7i City drevied veals-i d ni Ui Iir III-

n eipts iheep and were 9M headIw tnt 7 iars for anil 52 for the

aliii making with Ihe stale stock 401 par oni e Cioril iheep were lust about Heady otheri er lamb of ehnlce quality wer scarce and

other were rated lOitlV oft hutjelling pen were not quite

rr Inmmou to prime old at tllittlifiper tftn Hi common to lambs nt Mifliisn jne rir cholcei at Mo a earload at tb-anev price of l i culls 4jn DreaiedI-

T nnn ni It at ijafv per Ib dressed lambMI at

tlKi nf hngs were 3s l head Including S-

r tf trii market Prices steady Slate hogsco at I7w47ni per 1 Ibs



ja rjs SOllSunseta 7101 Uoon nets 00-

nton WMER inta OATOov Fd 1047 I Hell Cat IJ4o

Arrived WriiXMPAT Aco 9-

S Rjkman Port Llmon Tuljr MM Clenfuego July

Clel Tower Sa ua 2iValencia July IIsuvia M Johns N K Aug J-

r Setnlnole tn July 2-

Idar r r rn ng-

J1 Hannover Ilalllmore Aug tEl Bin New Orlcan L

Jackonvllle Aug 3S Hamilton Norfolk Aug 6S Hencfactnr Philadelphia Aur 4Si Aug 4f North star Portland Aug 4-

attej S Whitney Hoton Aurwik Emma B Smith Sao Martins Julr II-

mniTKn OCTto Boyle from Xew York at Liverpool

UUD nOM roxxiox ronri-St Teutonic from Liverpool for Xew York

ClDlf llBretagseHane 700AM lOtuAM-

u e nremco lOOOAMHavana hOOAM II 00AM

VPk5 I300M impM-

Silt To morroit-f oTampleo IJOOM

30PM-r rahoe r harieaton-

laawujwn Xotfolliill Saturtw AUff-

nnol IA M

Naples 7 m A MSli1 otlMdam 7SOAM


LI lnJ Antwerp 10 00 A Mf


lni1 k HivltJirmranle HavanaF Iv Ne fmmdlindn eta ArgentinaCiriivha Mvianj i

iaheMonpies Anne VnrfolU

New OrleansH d

on A M-SO A M

U 30 A M-

in m A M-

in oo A M10 30 A SI13 30 A M-



Ju Tomtrnu-nillpVlrlnA HamburrI Antwerp

Hanihiirirlllr f Port Spain


Sl KSantiagoJacksonville

ifov vg 10


New OrleansSan Juan

An ltn

100PM-000PMSroPM3 00 P M-



mm A M12 no MI300M0 00 A M

13 00 MI300M-I300Mt nn PM-

I300M1 oo P M3 DO P M3 on P M-

on p M3 no p M3 no p M


Ia In I lnU lIh 1I1e of Mw haleJ4 Ii111

I ta

4h AI

Ilfglln 1 Og13


IILr 1-1Jte US 610

UO 61 6allnh-H a

fr b 6 UO 6 dSSIIr 3Jn 610

Innh lln Mil



I Inl

I I M lor oN JC


I w1j






Inn cU



1 tr nf lgII

br t I f-9rtl fl I

II 70 711-

A r t9-

t I Ii M

bl I i i alI Ii 101 aO-

3fls 31 0




JI 0 Zi1 U 8611i 1


In a 041-iImbr In 10 In 3

In 1JCUI If 0 t16



n 1










nflr hop


11 lr1Wrf


11r Hook






o lrln

If hon M-

mllon ollolk a 0e


rlJ alh 6





f Julr 1O

JulJul 2

ana 23

0 Juli Llnplan e

uIYAir Urdu lul1AIIaCIa tM OIanl ur

mI 4

Juln Jil r

I Iu IUo1V IIg n-


S Au-

K nllln JulyI Aur 3

0 MhID lonAur G


1lmIul 31

InJu 2-


D Jh4oV I 11-

ApoU Alr 2-

a 0I

llln fool July 3HItp JurrOIC

Zaw OrleI



> >




















Thf rommerrlnl Re al E t tn Iorporatlo-hni rot luiiiht Ilic tntithwp t inrnrr of i

ntenit nnrl IIMh trrt on rerortecliirrlilflit nf DIP cintmny T V Myer

thi proiirtl y for III Individual accountlostpit KOI proldent of tho olnmbl-Nulionnl Hunk it thi1 htiyrr of No 301 Klft-

HVOIIIII the tnlr of irh hy th flterlln-ISonlty roinpnry tlirnuKh Ilvnry I Wlnan-A My wn reported l t week

Shwsoti llobl have mid for EUen H-

Deboli Xo 333 VrM CUMynlnth ftreft-n fonrtory ftom duelling on lot ipo

Tin llllliTbrand rMntP I rtorter 3Mil Xo t 7 Nlnetyfoiirtti et nni-

Xos tot nnd Yei t Mnetyflfth Kieft-threo five lory Hal PACI tiilfio-

T Kmplro City llenlty Companr h-

boimht Xo Ill Vft llflb utreet a fireutory double lint on lot iixlCO II

A Snlznun lm fold fnr Cnrrl Tlthmat-tn n Mr iivtTam No no and 4J K-

Konrtb ftreet tvi ilxnlorr brick blilidlne-on plot 10iM-

IOIIN KrnnVt h for IoiiM Franketitlialcr No 711 S xentyoerfntl-Ktript ft iwcneU ry tenemrnt with Moreon plot ratio

loul Krnnlel h fold for Morons Xathst147 to i 7 Ilrook nvpnue three four1

story doibli ftntj on plot 7 ilCO-

Ka t FlftyflrKt Mre1 two fourntory hrtclt-cnomentM on plot JiM4 and Irregrulnrand Xo 1ST West Sliteenth Ptrret n flve-

Mory tenrinont on lot ZiilfO-

To 1a i A not I on Rales-


Seventh avenue 3os ef t 49lt feet nort-of IVenty seventh Mreet 49tilil3O1610i4ei-ttiint lo avenue x Z7 in five atory tenemenl-K M Itames vs J J Huckley et al llarrtaon 4 Hattorney n vYatil referee dun on Judgmentliuuoro tales Ac i4s3T3-

HT rimIP A Httrrit-l d treet south side 300 feet eat of Itoulevard

3 iinll two story frame dwelling and two oneilory frame hulUlngs and vncaiit ilutual Life inauiancp i ii vs J li liutler et al C K Millerattorney Wllbcr Mellrlde referee due on Judg-mem n 43J tau JH 1107 TB-

BT J1UK1 I WTU1Valentine avenue W 3 to ro rt east side Ilfeet north of l oth street VI 7tIV3tM 3iH 3 three

three itory frame HatYalinllne avenue noo to SOJ4 tide 01i

feet norm of lrtth Mrect M I5 l3three three story frame flats A K llrlggs va

lcun el al c F Schleck attonier J II-

Hegan referee due on judgment Jrt7oj40 ta eftp i3i prior mortgages I30SW-

Yyse avenue mil north west side about 114 U

fret southwest nf 7tth street vl 2 U5lU4two story frame dwelling C P Hillock v CarsonMiller et C P HillocU attom y C I Ueslcottreferee due on judgment Ilioi2lt tales Ac-frjO 7

nr PFTKX r roSeventy second street IU north aide

310 feet well rl Tfclrd avenue 3 M1032 eightsiory brick tlal John Miller v T J McVhon et-

C II Knoi atlorney J J Huckley refereedue on Judgment 111CMt prior inorlgate-

Vf lrrrta Auctlnn Sainnr riiiLtp A HMTT-

IIIning place Xoi 34 to IS northwest cornernfMsirrnltt street I4lif0tl0xl2iix 113-

rovlUTivn tn street xl74 sli ilory brickand stone hotel and three story brickdwelling due on Judgment 1125370 W-

ta e Ac i iH4 to the plalnlrl 110000-


tilth street 73 soulli side 3134 feet west nfFourth avenue ieiMrtO 11 three storyKloie frnnl dwelling tu l wenfeld tt-

Prager 2

Itroauuay oa rK toISt mirtleast corneruf lOtb street Adjourned to Aur

FKTTPl T MKTKR T-OSeveneenthsiriei Xo l south side 3 3 feet

ctsl of Avenue II 5Jv sis Mory tene-meni due on Judgment H9N7J01 tase-Ac I74H1 to the idilmm A A Cart en-

ler IICO1-

Mnih avenue Xo T4 east side ll 9 feetnorth of Twent eighth street oi70 fouritory tenement leasehold due on Judgment

191019 taip AP I3 II lo the pamIIII M S II Dunn 210-

llcrordcd lortin c-


vault ot FoLteenlfl f

Where no interest is stated read per cenllill 3137 Morrl inleln to

Mandelbaum and ano prior mtge IMliO-otyrfl percent 000-

Coerck si Ilarrl Shrnfrld to Ite-

becca Itude Dyrs tOO3d si tA V Ceclllt McCarthy to Sarah A

Sand and aro trustee 4 yrs J9000Same property same to Ixirento Cavlnalo

due I 10010-

Oth l s Hi e Av II Morris Slrgelman toSamuel Oreenfeld3yrs percent J10C-

ith st a s I In e Av H Samuel loJohn Schneider 3 yrs I3onc-


IKaat at tltlX ar tKertn Foutnnl und tilth ifil-Bd l II e Sth v Alfred H Starr to-

crollneliririlii3yri4 percent Srxn-J lngmn av 02 Waller Sherman lo Al-

fred II Tompklns yrfl per cenl lJO-

Ctlert I ir brtirttn and Ittxh JliCentral Park We w cor xllh st ieorge

Poll to Frederic Heck I yr n percent 20001Riverside av or drive e cor 04th t same

in Jamei p Miltiein etal trustee priormlgef2 o TO I 20OX-

7th av n w cor 3 lh 11 Central llealty Co-

lo ieneral llulldlng and Construction C-oduelehl tOOOf-

37lh st n 1 1 3 w 1st nv Anderson K Fllery-lo lawyer1 Title Insurance Co due Julyn IStt Vi per cent TOOO

IURLIU-iManhiltan Itlnnil narrd o 1101 it

IJOth M 91 W Mary L tocer lo Anna MCampbell em S yr 112000

Same wme to Itlchard W Freeiiman prior mice Il3xi0 J yrsn per cent

inoihland ano to Jacob Herb I yr 8 per cent 270-

tllorinivh ol Thr nroni i

Southern noiileraril V Oeorge Slejel-to Oeorge Hinder Co Mloon leasedemand 8 per nnt MOO

Victor st w Z01I n Cnlumbua av VanXest Ilattle Lol lo Plaa Conrad 3 yrst per cenl LWO-

3d av n w s IS I n e lMlh t Harry C Hartto Fasl Hlver Saving Inslllullon I yr4 per 20000-

301st at IU4 e Anthony av FrederickScbaeperlng to Oeoige Josenhaus 3 yrs

per cent ICOO-

3d av w t lf 8 1 171 al Marcus Xathan-to Albert Mamloek 3 yr B per cent JOOO

Brook av 1474 Ixiul toFrances Aronson 3 yrs 0 per cenl 1000-

Drook av 1470 Mme to ume 3 yrs I per-

cent 1000-Ilrook av III same to Albert Mamlock 2

yr 1 per cent 1000-Morrl av n w cor IKSd si Walter J Clarka-

lo City Real Fjitate Co I yr 1000I-

SDth st a 201 e 7th av John Matz to Wil-

liam Klrcbhof due Aug I ir0l 2000Cypress av e a at a w 1331 st Simon

and aDO to Irorgl Drawn3 yrs 10000

palisade av w a 743 n otith av RobertW Mllbank to Joseph Kandell and anoI yr percent 400-

0Utrordfil Leaieinth it 319 KiGulserp Tuoll l Antonio

Mel S IIJOOSouthern Boulevard SOU vv cor Lincoln av

Robert W DeForeM and ano lo ieorjo-Slegcl 4 yrs 730-

3d av IS n Plnpua Ii enfeld and WilliamPragerlo James Connolly 914 yn 12001100-

HSIh t 3IB K Domenlco Peloso to Fllomona MlrobelU 5 yrs J jf-

lRril TranjferiUO-

WVTOWMSouth ot totrlttnlh n-

Theletteriric stand for quit claim deedfor bargain and salp deed r a ir for deed con-

taining covenant agnlnit grantor onlyI-3d si nil W SitHJO Louis L Seaman

to Cecilia McCarthy 1

Clinton si 117 w s 3SHOO Isaac Heifer to-

Plnciis Lnwenfeld and ano mtge 134000 I

st IDS w 2llli8 i7s24lli S3Hershnn and ano lo Lelb


Morton 31 n 30t2u Michael toRobert II Ipham mtge M300

SuITolk st s IUU07 Lelb Landauto solimm Hollander mtge

Rldgp si i 37 a iv cor al ConradHubert and Inn to Welnstcln-mlgr ISKK 10-

ioerck l 103 w SLIMlno RebeccaPude and ami to llarrli Shlnfeld I

Hh st Ml P 340I07 Kmanitrl Wel1 toWilliam Kraui mtge Itsanil I

tth at IU e AvlH WniMII Samuelirppnfcld to Morrl Slpgelman mtfe3 U


iKiiil of Fifth l fivftn laurlnnlh and 1IO A id-

77lh st 24J C jl033 l iuls Franthaler-tu Marcu Xathan mice 111600 1100-

34lh si it M e IPilnglon av 30JI3IJ i-

Irrpg James Wilson Jr to Mary C111 SCO 1

n 3Ji w Vnlon J1103 II P Smithlo the Monatlinot Heal itate Co XewYork j part I


HVlf JVC ot hourlrenth unit Wt tijl-th at M W Ullman loHenry fllmaii pill rift

Same properly tllman lo Henrylllman part rill

ISth M m tv rmoo A D Henry to Je s

Meyer ill lien II-

anm property Jessie Meyer and ano to-

Mai IIKooo I

9th si 305 W 2S noV Waller J Clarko-lo Simon tfpsieln Aol ann mlge I

th av n r cor l 09 0 Oener-

almtt llllKO m

IU lon


haTWIt 1


SOc < R

h 8 So I nd 130


ell 77




t3 J





a o



I e I nl

a John SlrIrnROSX













01 bUt



1 4


















CHAS oniFFITII MOSES A nno IW Amslerdam Av Want n small near New YorlIn eichange fir a In The Broni-Alio a small country place on the lludvii-rr at Saratoga In exchange for a deslrabli-nrlvale houw on Washington Height

J CLAflKXCK IIAVIKS A CO Hath SI and 3d AvWant waterfront aercige on Ihe Kait Illve-

lntween Ilronj Itlver and Pelham Hay ParkDHYAXI KKNNUIY 7 Pine St Want aeorne-

iillahle for lliiu r business on Lenos Colum-bii Amsterdam er lh av will rash

FOI siM HlliiS llroadway Want a stablenllh accommodation fnr ft horses and 4-

1ivagon between Canal and loth st on Inni-leaie Also nn long leaie a factory buildingtonlalnlng 40i io In Mnno feet on tooWest Side between I4lh at-

nULAXl WIIITIXO 4 Ileekman StWanlb-uslneu properly for Investment must be Inrood location rented or a long term toline tenant will pay I7300U to UCuOCO cajfl-

nULAND t WHITLNO CO Beeleman SlOffe-t free farm of 64 acres with housttarns condition at Sprln ValleyDockland Co priceII2 IO willa umall dwelling or small dealrably locatedipartment house In eichange Also a cornerapartment In an active part of Madison avrent x3i Aim fnr cash only to close aaestate a plot liilillO on West 49th t

CHAS OIIIFKITII MOSES A IlflO toon Amster-dam Av Oder a cholee comer on ft promi-nent avenue nn Washington Heights grea-barraln readv for

JOHN f DOYLE 4 SONS 41 William StOffef-a furnished apartment In the Jlniel Touralne-

Kasl 39th M ami hath to rentduring ihe summer until October tApartment I on eleventh floor ha southerlyexposure wllh perfect ventilation

cool summerfOLSOM nitllS Kli llrnadwayOder neveral

mail house In the tth ward at lowAlso nn nth t near Jth av a privaterented at llwiand repairs for sale at

two full lot on at near llroadwaycheap

linYANL 7 Pine St Offert seversrholro In the 6th ward on narrowM price Il3im Alson plot 4UI on XnrtbMoore t anil a Plot I75tlft on Varlck M

POST A HKKSK K1 Hast null st OITer n W foothouse close to Park av In the m will sellit a reasonable price to close an estateAlso 1 n hoise on north side of thesireel just exit of Madison nv In the nis-sultalile fnr Alsn a house Justunder S feet between Mh nod Madison

the north Mde of the street can be boughtfnr 1

st 4V 3lelslOOlt Johnson av nwa13 map Kast Tremoni MUIM Cathe-

rine Urkln widow to William F Donnelly all lien II

Central Park West s w cor sjth st 2V1IOOFrederick llecli In leorge Potts mlgi-ttiof

Central Iark Weil s w por th st 35tnO-CJeorge potts lo As It Davlsnn mtge-I70nr

inith M no e Riverside drive KK HughJ ciallacher to Charles D Wilder

IOHh st 171 e Illverslde drive liminnlll-lugn JOillagrertoClty Real KmtcCn

tenth st 100 e Riverside drive 74Umi II-

Irreg ioldmrk referee to llugli-J mlge KOOIIII U-

Illverslde av s p cor Ulin st tsi x-

lniKjIii Oeorge Potts loHeck mtge W oi i ei-

Illverslde Drive n in e loith st runs nto lOihst i vv 10 with stripl-

OxSOadjiilnlnit on w s error H Jto itone W Wilder

Plot 140 e Riverside Drive x flj n I0th strun n 3Jlt x P 35 x Mil s w 3 JacobD Duller to Charles It Wilder

Plot ion e Riverside Drive x M n 10th sirun n 3HII x P to x 3VI1 x iv 10 JacobI Hut r todcorie W Wilder

UanAiiffin TiMnil noHh af IIOA sf

139th st s s 201 e 7tn WilliamKlrchof to John Malt II-

121st t 212 s s iwn w 2d av AbrahamCohen to William Lllrkant intclllnno

ISSd t 211 Jiumui Leo M Lehman toMax Mar mige HOonn I

Amsterdam av s r cor lioih si winiiw 10-

In old Hue Klngsbrldge road x VMuiOTJacob Herb in Jidin strelflcr anil ano-

2nou omlted-IViih st n s TS Mh av 121 fxo txio7J-

i24ll with irecs Frederick Swans to-

Slurtha J larr mtge 3iiO I

123d M I3 W IIrtxKO II Horance W Clarkto Minnie ROrHTen mtge 40iiO I

IIMh l 210 K JSxIOOII Christian Wrhdebrook to Louis W Wehdcbrook part

Park av tv IM2 on n w cor H4th st KHIIIISO LlMlr Ollvella In Michael Scanlon-mtge I27r-

IMlh st n PI P 3d av run n Bv x w S7 core Margaret HeliiLardl to George

N llelnhardl-IWth t n s M s e 3d nv ex Irreg

Leslie M POM In iiorge X llelnhardl-mtge I3omi

Cypress a s e at s w 133d linifinD Arthur to Simon rhlfeider

and anoMorrl av n w cor l3d M I47x llji7x-

J Morltz 1 Krnit and ano to WallerJ Clarke

Ilrook av 1474 7i e s T4iimii Ho a Nathanto Louis Frankenthaler mtge KJon-

fiirnsliU av n s ell n junction av-

2fllU731li2ix i Tlllle olfe to MeyerManassa part mtge tilf

Same property I na Manaua 4o samepart inlge lVi-

Camhnleng nl n w s 187 4 s w Inlon si-

ITSxM1 Augustus S Xlcholion lo MayII Morgan n v

av n p cor 157th si 3vrui40 H134I-Slgmund Illihop to William W sior-

Itelmont av w n Ililon ftv 75i 7lMay U Morgan to Charle Lindner-

l th t e cor I nox av lonxXill AnthonySchwoerer v Henry Xlchuliburg 140000-

Ablnirdon and Cliarlei w Ilarnelt-v Frieda Han 0200

Same property ame vs same 4700

Foreclosure SuitCrotona av w n to 170ih st 54x123 x Irregular

Xew York llulldln Iian Hanking Companyv Abram L Kl ner aol ano H

Pleasant av e s lu s lliih Mary H-

Callender v France K llpmati urn Ac el alally llowland M A P-

83d si n s 375 w I0h av 23x1004 Mutual Life Inaurance Co of Xcw York v John J Fish

Townsend A M

lIJth at a s 3fll e Mh av 334ilooll Agnes Car-penter vs Kdwln H Stanlon et al altys W II A

113th sts s 3331 e nth av 334x100 It Ward II Cham-berlln trustee Ac vs same siiine nttys-

Mth st s 2 7t e Coluinbui av 37ill 110 5 HernJ Maaa va George i plyer ft al any M II

Hayman-Eathgate av w 202 IWd t Slxino Donald K-

llrown and ano trustee Ac vs Chatle H ConkIn el al alty J A Lane

tlnlltllni Loan Contracti-Id at M V Sarah A Sands and ano trtuteea Ae

loan Cecilia McCarthy and anu I7IUOOU-

OPUni Filed for firvr nmidlniiB-onornn or

Broadwar M3 042 tuentyatory omcejand alores the 4J llroadway Co premlaetowner Henry Ives Cohb 115 ayarchitect cost 12250000-

nohOffiH or TRI BHONI

st n a 95 s 173d t two hvejtorye-llfngs James V 634 Willis av

owner w c Dlckeron 3d av and 14ath-at archliect cost

Plum Filed for AllrratlnnU-AMUrTAX AXO THE nROVX-

lltema unittr ISOOO owiifjI-

Bth i 47 V Improvement lo duelling V 0-

Ilenedlct owner K H Taylorco1 111000

White Plain av and llrlgg al n e cor Im-

provement to d elllng Ale Thomp-son road Wakelield ownerLoul Falk 3d av architect co t foof-



27th SeriesOPENED 11IV II 1003 OF THE


rrrAHLisiui i i roitMCRtrThe Sun Building Assn

J Komtle Rnwo 4 P W KlaaiaE-SUBLISHEO IN 1856

J ROMAINE BROWN fc COBrokers Agents Appraisers


Telephone Xo 3X1 SitltWashington Imperty n Sperlaltr

A CHANCE TO BUILDat moderate cent Hay payments Free deedIn rase of death Commutation five dollar perninth 40 Iraln dally Uoallng talhlnf leiBahlng Passes and map of-

TVHTTLOCK IIEALTT COMPAN-Tixpt r 300 Broadway New York






and rlaIn rod



In 1










Emi 0loll




iltr UO



noooall 0 Th oorlal-










Ilh1 1 Urnt


alI 36






Sun EvanlngIsn IU mIIr

> >











To InvestorsThis company otTers for sale

mortgage investments on se-

lected real estate in this city with

title insured by the company

The Lawyers Title Insurance

Company of New York

37 Liberty Street New York3844 Court Street Brooklyn

Capital and Surplus 3500000

We Invite YouYllt VhltlocU at our expense Select your lot andbuild Moderate cost while ten houe are under-way Free deed In case o death PermanentImprovements ray payment Commutation fivedollar per month Including ferry 40 trains dallydont heillale Map and pnsie at-

WlimOCK IIGAITV rOMIAMDept E 119 llroadway New York

TFIE SUNSDolly and Sunday

Real Estate AdvertisingINCREASED morel than 77in July 19O2 os comparedwith the name of 19O1

From lutlerr Nth SI Inclutlro-

nPsiRAHLR IinrsKS th st to tJlh St In-

clusive near llh av tnwFl sciM IWiiTIIKIIS RM Ilnadway

Above Ulli St roth A In HirerATTKACTIVn RFsniKVfES In the suites SIb

and Park av tMftu 10 I3 r 0FOLSOM nltOTIIKUS W IlroJdwa-


Above I4lh St Heat Side


IIAMlSOMKLY FfltXIMUUl APAHTMUXTS I3 rou ins and bath moderate rents reached by

all cms IliiSKXWiuiU A FISOHKH Propra-


Above 14th St ICiist Side

61 to 69 East 86th Ststrlcily first claw In service and altendince

Suite i T i room Apartment Er t floorIlnoini and tmlh MlTAIIIF Full DOCTORThree room Bachelor Apartment from October 1


SCOHXiil FIXTS 17 Livingston plare Sluyvr-sant Square elevator steam heat movt modemplumbing telephone attractive entrance fxn to

FOISOM I1HOTHFI1S 3i llroadway-

TIi ST 3 2 LAST Apartment two three andfour rooms all light water modernImprovement M W to is S-


lIST STJla KASTSli eitra Urgeall lightroom with bntn nrwiy decorated quiet cleanselect rents II to lit

Above Hlh St nest Side

APAimiKXTS TI IKT AT XO 13 WESTST eiceptlonally wide hallways and tltnt roomshrouirhoiit apartment bullillni opposite

Sherman Square two him1 from Illverslde Parkand name dlstanee from Central Pvrk no healthieror more ileilrable lonion for n home can be se-

lected Apply tn janitor on premises


iliuronih of llronlltn Sale or Hent

rOil SALK Park South eleven roomhouse price Mwni newly decorated easy termsthe cheapest of Us kind S3 Illnckley place nne

from Iteverley road weonil home fromConey Island av Investigate for yourself

run MALI not HP CATIIXAY-KITAIIllMl story frame dwelling brstOne location H rooms and bath must be snld makeorr iM s Mf iiiii HA an MIVITH-A K HIIOOKIV-

NIKIItlltlill IAHK roiTAIil near schoolanil cars latcMlmproVPments easy terms 1AMIvSHAW K Ill I Ih4 St llorough Park

FUll SAII 1iATiirsn sroiti PHUPKIITY-Juit flnlsheil H stone Irnnt building ZU43 lot

100 stores htve teei Ceiling and are first clavIn ever respcrt a n buuipvt centre the properlyIs tiDsurpatd being lociiicd on Flatbush nv-I90S10IH from Itecent to Alber-marle rond Adtacenl to Prospect Park Southwhich Is restricted Hxiclient properly for In-

vestment Oood opening for any busircsj Applyof OWXFI1 on premise

Vlir MIST IIIUII TIIIH-I am offering that elegant large II room housewllh stable corner tilth av iSd at Van PeltManor fora mere long i mlnule from the water31 mlnuie from Xew York Hall nno hluckfrom elevated stntlon Apply to owner C LWHBXlK I7J Montague it

lluroiiitli of JQcrn sale or Kent

nttOAIIWAV FLtSHI TlIdeal location convenient Manhattan detached

cottages I3nn upward easy payments twentysold


A HOlsns tinfurnlihed and furnished In-

dulrable localities rent ll2no to IJnx-FOISOM IIHOTIIrUs nM Itroadway-

TO LKT ron iitsivrs PI RPOSKS



ix TIll FV

AEOLIAN BUILDING11th St nnd nth A-

ReadyJfor occupancy In SeptemberWrite or apply to X A on prernlsei or


comer SI Mark and tnderbtll avi lirnoklynperfect light ample power AddreM jEOItGK

on premisesSTOIIIS lofls building offices

Ale list this and other desirable localitiesFOISOM linoTHKHH 131 llroadwa-


AM pisiiixo ron iipsixissWant flati apartment or house Will make

property net alt per cent or rharge nothing formy services am 3d In real estate buslnes-ilve u a trial JOHN II HIItTIS real estateiates avenue corner llrodway llrooklyn-


Mil ST 331 VFST furnhhed roomel suite hath alio tingle room ratereasonable transient accommodated

MTH ST 2 WIST Very ileslrahle ofilcea andrerepilon ruom for n doclor hall service electricity

4ITII ST 310 VKST Deilrabenewlyfurnlihedsingle rn sidle all convenience private homerefined surrounding

irril ST W WFST Parlor noor entire partphylelan dentist alock broker ulber roomstelephone


WTH ST M TO in KAST FtLL 1IOTRI AC-fOMMODATIOXS light rooms with breakfatand table dhote dinner Including wine for Itper week full value

MADISON AV M Large and amall roomvim or without board reuonable ratta-

ift111 tn










nrnSF IiIn RI







old l







I Sid


II dr













Weitrheter Cnnntr Stl or Rent



August 9 at 2 P M on premisesTrain IJdat at I lit M

JOHN It SWKKXV Auetlnneer-IM Railroad ave XVhllr Plan

Theoe loli life located on the highest rrcnind I

the tract commanding magnUlrrnt viewsPurehaiers at the sain hav atrrad

been offe red substantial advancementsMar pauesand further particulars


ron SALK Several desirable farm In WestChester Dutches anil Columbia counllu 0 t450 acre IV to i5UM Altl HAXIiRll-C7 Nasaau at Xew Vnrk

rOil HKXT Ml Vfrnon a finely furnished Kroom house HlXin 2S3 llroadway

Lone Uland Sale or Kent

MIXFOLA I I Xew two story frame rotlates even to nine room bmh water Meanbrat electric lights nrar talon MV to Mflterms easy Address IIKAI FSTATK lock box

THItlE nKAlTIFfL COTTAOEH on the fineslake on thr Island Improvements sacrifice prlr-to quick buyer O II ACXKuLY III

A srmtrii roTTAfin FREE AM CLEARon llarnrral Ili aurf and Mill water bathingfishing gunning and hoallng partly furnlslird21 font yacht BOM with place large boathnusewill exchange for collage In New Jerjpy 20 milefrom Xew Vorlc or smull house in Ilrooklyn n-

agenti W MOHAN l l Washington st X V-

To LET Desirable cottage near sea furnishedtable Uradley Reach N J reasonible PIKP

SOX 78 William at-

IIKALTII AND HKXKFIT By suburuAfor detalli apply Prle Kallroad informatlo

MM and TO llri ii v New Vnrli


fOil SALE In the heart of the Arllrondipksnew houie with seven large slicpng roomslarge kitchen Ulntng room parlor andcomplftely fimlshed pioa ffel Ions oone of the largest IVies In the Adirondack al-A new barn horses will sell chra-If purchased Immediately for Thru TrumanDollar in State atAlbany N V-

lSi i AtltKS high grade bitumlnoui coalproperty four mines running dally will bear rloi-nvwtliratlon bargain to any one drirlnk a tint

cla coal proHrty If Interr ieu write for parllculan IlUe countv ind

LAKE IlACII N V IlirnlMiedcottair for rent i II SKINNIMI Lake Ilacld-



I MHflEUAS Hands on I1U umtirellt whrun tlielr own worlt Apply at 18 W i oth tonly ALLISON A LAMSO-


in BAsr D frT-elephoui Call IOJ Mad Sq




Servant breakliiu entaifemfnt will bffdl-nilwed from once and forfeit all claims tofro pld

HrooUyn Offlre St Xevlrn jit-

relrpiinne 3l 4a Main

CHAMDintMAIDS COORS lauiidrejsea wallre e ladlra maid nur pj cooks ho wa h amlIon laundrrsirs who do charibrrwnrk kitchenmaid liutler nm second and mefm mm serv-ant In all catmcltle wanted Immedlaiely

Mrs L IB K t S2d tTelephone rail KM Madlon Sq

Prooklyn office 34 Nevln tTelephone call JWa Main

waces ii must have iroid ref renr j-


COMPETENT SKCONI LAIXDRKSS fnr BaHarbor J4 bent reference required


COMPKTBNT LArNIMIKSS for ft family of liv-

to eo to Slaten Inland good ware must hav-tood reference


CoiiK to do ome wablnc waicc 125 bet refer-ence required

Mr i snriv in r sd t

TOOK 10 to n nhnrt dlitince out of rill waff-IIJ muM have irnod reference

Mr SKBLY 10 KaM 3W at

rooK to do some plai-to to lo CedarbUMl LI-

Mr L

u WIEC 2J 12-

fTencc reijulredI-D Kait 32il


to pn a hort dtitenre out nf city cood referencerequlnd Mr I SKK1Y 1 KaM 32d M-

KKKXCII LADYS MAID lo iro to Sin rronclspo-cood wane mu i be tnorouehly rnmptrnl amhave bet reference

Mr L SRKLYL1H Rvt 1d M-

rillST CIASS MUSK for two eimdren to ga tYonkers wace 2 mut have fond referenceand peak French

Mr I SKKIY 19 n i 3M t

FIRST CLASS IAfNOIIKSS wane W-co a short distance out of mul have 1001reference Mrs I SKKIY ll MaM 32d S-

tLAfXnnrSS wilt 12 to o a hnrl distantout of clt jood reference rniiitreil-

LAIXDIIFSS to do v me rhamlierwork forfamily of two men IH jood refcrrnre reoulred-

Mr I SKKI 10 nvit 32d at-

HOY about IT years oldIn A wholesale wooleAddres i It lu 121 Sjn oilce-

IlOOKIllVliKII Full hound forwarder steadman only al o ypani man for wire stitcher Callin A M NMUiKI IM William at-

ilASS fiood ciittrr wanted J IIAUSIKITEICO Slate st nil Klatbu b av llrooklyn

TWO EXPKHIKXCKD TWIXB AXD COFIDACEsalesmen for San Iranclfco Coil anil aurround-Init must be well recommended Addrru A 2

SONS bon IU Sun omce

1 MIlltKILAS A lirst elvsi Ironer must under-stand hi business good Job Aunly at UKIN-IIBIIO IIKYMAX A CO 3 White it-

fMllliRLLAK rAperlenced IrDr also yoiiniman for strctihlng and rolllnj S J CAWLBi-tc CO J17 HroMwar-

WAXTKD Ilroom maker lo co to New ZMland unmarried capable tattlnz charct of shoppermanent work short hours

in Sun onlpe

ATtn Yale Harvard or Princeton mao ttutor eeometry one hour dally 127 East SHI st-

WAXTKD A floorman horseshoerCoentlea Slip

WAXTKD locomotive machinists no strikeApply rcmm t 17 Moore t 10 A M-


COMICTKNT LAt XDUKSS wlihe to obtain ayoslion in private family illy referencen J McI-KU sun uptown iRlce I2W llniadwa-

yFPIHIKXCID CIIAMIIKIIMAID andwaitrevwould like n In family In rltyhOI nf references M L box ill Suu uptownoffice i Mi liroadway-

KACKLIKNT WAITUBSS want lo procure ailliistlm In private fsnilv satlsfaclorj relerencei-M S bo ill Sun uptown otljcc ISH5 llroadway-

FIItST CIASS CIIAMIIKIIMAII want lo obtaina position In private family escellent referencesL II bos ill Sun uptown ufflce I20S llrnadwa-

yTIIOimnillliY COMPETENT coOK wouldlike a sliuatlonln private family In city can furnishexcellent reference I boi 511 Sun uptownnfUce I2M llroadwa-


ACCOrXTAXT K1PKHT books floied-eiamlned atiendlnir mall sets of books temporarilyor permaneuily a specially charges moderateII 4s Ireene av

WANTED Position to represent rood firm Innalllmore no nulection to travelling AddressK II Inn Sun otncq-

YOfXO CKNTIKMAN well eilurated eicellentreferences and with several years hanklnr e

desires poltlon with irlv t bankinghome or as private secretary at present employeditste particular I 15 Sun omce-


TTPEWRITER51Low Price during summerPerfect Machine 120 upRented up Prompt

ulivvr IIKMKAl nPKWIIITKII3 u llroadway Cor Park Place

illCYCLKS Leading males llon per weekII lIlt SCH 3371 3d av near ISM st-

nnXTLKMKSSPliithlni in order II weekly pay-ments Hue maltrlils guiranlctd 237 iiruadvtayRoum 7


II road 1-

1h tI6 l lI







ram and

MIr Ao


O lrlTT rrllf S 10 II 10 1slhamllon




SI t IY a


1 U

3 Inrll

i l d rt

n u-

TI I 11 1







l1u lion l






n h






> >






onrM t-

rMayers Piano1 a Week

The original lot of the Edward MijersParlor Upright Grand Pianos wa5 composedof have old a poodly numberand you had better secure yours at orceThe special sale price is

155S5 Down 1 Wk

Many export piano makers consider themsuperior to other pianos sold by piano

al 300 andThpio are tmlli by one of the mot

rppuicble punii maker In tne countryami remnant In tone Homing but

the beM malrrlM II PJ In iiirlr construpllon-cuaraiitent in r iv a fur live yejn caiw-hlgMy finished walnut mahogany and oakdouble vineered pnnei earved Inempire ilyie ivlih Ho ton tad bonrd fceymif

Ivorv 71 n octave automatic prac-tice inuillir urv flaitiarilonJ-

lanos delhired on tint payment of H andno Inlcriit charged on time taken In makingpayments Th u not a piano iluti andiitn to everybody S Itrnu waiting iirfore

piano Is Udvcred 10 uu and the onlynient liefarv deliver till and thereafter onlyII n Week

Hiring thlssale IVP will present with everyiitnon beautiful Mool to maich and a newsttlo cover

Depot j M Depl HI Arch m Plilla-

AIIRUII Sml luo Scaled in trip-

licate will b received her until II1 M Tuesday August Suth IWC for deliv-er either the Philadelphia liovton Chicagoor San Francisco depot of VuarlermaMcrsDepartment Iron Walil Hflts t

Iterant Book Barrack ChainCard Mulders llerlln llluves Campaign Hats lintCord Mattreisis and Mnitrr Arctic

Chatnbrjy and hlle Milrn HuiselShoes Cotion and Wciollrn fitorklnes hue Ioiu n-

tndershlrts Hidders are requested lo examlnrcarefully the Mnndards that pruxiwil mny be submitted with n fullknowledge uf requliemenls An absolute compllanm vrllh the Hundard ei

In the ca e of locl1ints heavy which shouldhaventmpiil hfPli and toes will he InHUed iiPiil-In the Initievllon of good IXWAHAXTCKI-IIIDS and bids ba ed upon sample differing fromspeclfleatinnv except ID the ca e of Mocking heavywill under no circumstances be ondered Thearticles advertised fur are the same ns ttioe forwhich Mil aie to be orencd at other depot Karlydeliveries nre essential anil bidders inuit slate111 their proposal tlie rale and lime of deliveryshould contriuM be awarded to them and nnalilon should b made which they are not t M-

I live pan absolutely ttilflll attpnMon ofbidden I pinrolU palled In the provision In thePlrrular In bidders rrzardine cprtaln thatwill he eTSPted In ene deliveries are not made aprovided for m c ntract iovernment rr erves

part given to artlcln of dfi-

mcillc production or mantifaciiirt condition ofami ilniludlng In Ihe price of foreign

production or mnn ar ip the Ihereon-iMm eii i A M HNTKI in to per cent ofthe value of lhc articles proposed for must accom

ls Hlatika for fullInformation will be furnished uponKnvelopei containing prownal to be endorsedTronoal for huppllec to he openedAup Mill llnSand addrcMcd to Colonel JOIIv-V IlHUY Asil yuartermaster ienetal C HArmy

PHOpnSAlS Sew Ixintlnn Conn AiiClst S-

IOOJ Sealed Ill triplicate will be tr-

celved at Office of ConstructingXew ljndon Conn until 0 A M Sept S IWC forcnn tructlng limber hulkliead nl ui 3KW linearfeeti at Tort ManMleld II I f S reserve rightto nr accent any or all proposal or anypart thereof Information nppllci

Knvelope ronlalnliui proposalmarked Proposal for llulkhead MansOeliland adilresipd to Constructiiii Quartermaster

7 tiranite Street Xew m n Con-

nr S KXOINKER HKFICK Army HllldlngMew York Au 4 Itioj Scaled prupoNali fordredging in Iliittertnllk Chnnnel and inCreek X V Harlxir will tic received al thl oinrauntil I oclock noun 3 H C and then pub-licly opened Information on application


OFFICK VASII1NIITOX AQIKDfCT WaJhlngton D C Align S H 3 Te of blufor Varilngton Filtration Plant l postponed untilfurtner miller V M MilIIll It Col




EDGAR TATE CO-soiicnoits OF-



360000 Cash dividends in oneYou can Iwrrow fifty per cent on the StockIt has metili superior to ordinary investmentsFull particulars from TREVOR LEWISPoit Office 709 New York City

HUNT wAsrr A STAMPout of mere curiosity but If you are dwlroui ofsecuring a legitimate rrmmd floor lnvetmtnt-wrlle us for particular Ve are not agents Weare the owner we do not satisfy you thatwe have what you want you are no ohllgalion til in Address OIlOU-TfXITY Iloom 3 i Hart llulldlng llruadway aud-jalps av llroollyn X V-

Fiowsr iifsiMss rnit SAIH on wiiigive half interest to right old rttablbiliedand best located In lirnoklyn good rhance forenlrrprlMng man or lover uf lloners desiring a-


SOono HnytIHKD Invr tment for the purposeof Increasing Hi of large match manufacturlng concern close to this illy plant valuedat about TO i Investment absolutely protectedbeat of references exchanged Particulars at-

McDOVALI WHUilXS U7 llroadwn-

rVrr o IlRyriHKD In an eitabllshed Importingconcern little competition Investment securedApply to-

McIKALI WItiOINs Ji7 nroadway-

WANTFII PAIITY WITH IUf In take halfInterest In an established mall order businesslaviuirnent secured Apply to-

MPDOXAIII A M7 llroadway-

A IARI1K STOHi Jlsim situated In the heartof the business dlstriet n Ihe ro ln thoroughfareIn the Pity nf Patrrsiin X J suitable for any kindof tmilniu lone lease If desired rent moderateArr

MCDONALD wincnxs KT nroadway

7VV AITIYF IAftTXKH WAXTKD for livgemanufacturing concern located In llarlrm liberalsalary and Interest on Investment very hlgtien

furnnhed Inr particular apply tuMCDONALD WUiUIXH Hi llruadwayJ-

imfl MllillKS Xlparanua Hold Mining stockfor tale ai Lcm Shnre llantatlon stixlc at-

II lots to mil soon pay dividends reliable brokerswanted litter only 4 CO ri in-

SI3 Hrnailwiiy New York

riKAlii opKitvriXH DKVICP ruit SALKihlng lmpe invcstlgaie lloi ml Ilnbvlon

Long Islam

All IntrlllRrnt Uimirni-ihoiild rMrt thi KnirkKriKiPkor iirl publlfli Umlnextny anrt Kriilay mLTENixn hiN hoclcty and fakbion are l a-

ing Itaturc Adv


I iiI3d AVo 0 I






i on Itrm3 at



It d











fShruld b read DAILY by all Interested Mchange may occur at any lime

rorclun mall for Ihe week rndlni Aug I90Jwill close iIHOMpnY In all rawsi nt the irnersPost Ortlce as follows p UUTIS IHWT U4ILN-clnie on Itfur raUtr than closing time ahounbelow

negular and Supplementary malls elote at For-eign station later closing time shown

that Minis for Europeand Central America via Colon close cue hourlater al foreign Station


LAXD ITAIV SPAIN PDICn HAL TIIN-KKY KHVIT tlHKKiF HIUTIsH INDIAand IOKKX7H MAIUJITX rer stesmshlp-La llrelaune via Havre imall fir other parn-of Kuro e muit be directed per leamahlp-Iji llretagnevS-

ATtTlDAY At A M for KiltorE per steam-ship KirurlA via Uueenitown at 7 A M fur

direct per steamship Aller imall muit-be i r teanihlp Aller at 7

A M for xmiKRLANDS illrect per steam

Patsdam at V A M for SCOf-LAXD direct steamship KurneMla mallmust be directed per Meamshlp Kurnesila-at in A M for direct per te m

hip Friesland imail muit be directed pirKrteiland-

PRIXTFD MATTEIt ITC This stesmer takPrimed Matter Commercial Papers andSamples for Uermany only The same clanof mall mailer fur other part of nurnpe willnot be tent by this ship peclally di-

rected tiy herAfter the closing of Ihe Supplementary Trana

Atlantic Mall named above fsiipMall are opened on the pleri-

of Ihe American tnlln and Oerman steamer and remain open until withinTen Minute of the hour of aalllng steamer

MAILS ron tfmi j ntamL AMEnicA-

THtRSnAY At A M for CtnA YVCATAX-CAMPKCIIK TAHASCO and CHIAPAS perateamshlp imall for other partof Mejlco muit lie directed per steamshipEsperanra at U M forand per steamiMp Clenfuegoi-

at M fur AltorNTlXK I III OfAY andPr steams Hurtenslus

it iso I M for JAMAICA per steamship

FRIDrA7TOTr MKX1CO per emhlns nilh PTfornK-

HMTDA P f MfumiT linluai-ritiiAY At W A il

Mfor WHTO itirn VfRACAO andVFNF71TIA per Me mhlp Philadelphiaimallfor and Carlagens muit bn

directed steamship PhllAdelphla at930 A M supplementary 1030 A for


and CAIlTAIiKXA per steamship Alene mall

for Co la Illca musl per aieamthin MrnO at t W A M tilpplf

A M for HAITI and SANTA Lper steamship Adirondack at in A M for


red n steamihlp Silvia at lO-

imW11 per Mearnshp Kaslern-Penamliuio and Sanios mall fo-

Hiajll must be dH eil Pf

per llosetllat 1J30P M forti-Meimshlp turltyhv via Matanza o-

Jry mll only which must te dlrexltd p r-


Mall for Newfoundland by rail to North 9rdB r-

and by steamer close at thl offlcadaily at 3 P M connecting close here everyMonday Wednesday and MalW-

fo by rail to thenca-

by steamer close at thl office dally M-

P M Mall for Cuba by rail tn Ilorlda andthence steamers are despatched dally

Thurday connecting closes

r despatch via Pon Tamiw onand Saturday at 1130 A M

for despatch via Miami on Mondaya andat 30 P M Mai for Meilpo

city ovprtand unlpss l fd-

fnr despatch by steamer close at this orTlM

dally Sunday at 1 J P U nd

Sit Sunilavi nt 100 I M na 1131-

M Ma for Cota Illca Hellze Puertofortei and Cualemala by rail lo New Orleansand thence steamer close at this ofnci

y e Pt Sunday at P n4-

al 1100 P M connectlne close here Mon

dny or nelle uWand Tuesdays for Costa Illca lllejls-

leed mall eloaei at flW P M prtMous day

Mall fnr Hawaii China Japan and flmclaMmatter for the Philippine l nds Ja San

close here at M P up to-

Aug l inclusive lor despatch per l ni hlCoptic Malls for China Japan via S-

Mile rloso here dally at ev30 P to Aug-

Inrliwlve fir deipateh steamshln Kin

ah n Mani mall miw i be ill

reeled via Seattle Malli for China enilJapan via Tacoma c ose here dally at elj l

to Aug inclusive for despatcliper Kleamihlp llenogle Malls for Australl

West Australia whleh L forwardelvia luropei Xew ealand FIJI Samoa anl-

Hawnll via San Franclseo close here dall-

M cia P V after July l nd toAugIncluslvr nr on arrival of itramhlp Cam

panic nt Xew York Aug 8 for despatcj-

ler Sierra Main for theIslnndi via San Francisco clo heri

Sally lit oso P M up to Aug til Inc uslve-

fnr despatch I Transport Malli forHawaii Japan China nnd fust matterfor the Philippine Island via San franclsecclose 30 P M up to Aug III-

Ineluilvr fnr Bieam AmericaMan Malls for China end Japan via an-

couver and Victoria II C close liere dillyat flTO p M up to AUg It Inclusive for delpatch per of regls

must he specially Addressed Mer-

chandise for I S at ShanghaiIIP forwarded via Canada Mall for

Tahiti and M rnur aw Islnnd via San rran-ilsco close here at asi P M up to Aug-

IK Inclusive for despatch pe steamshipMarlposa Mails fnr eirept WealAuitralla whlrh gnes via Kurope and NewKealnnd which goes via San FrancUco andFIJI IslaniL via Yancouver and Ictorta-II close here dally at eiSO P M after Aug

and to Allg tie Inclusive for despalchper seatrnhlp Mloviera Malls for Hawaiivia San Franctwo close herp at JO-

P M up to Aug II IncluMve for despatchper Alameda

malls are forwarded to port ofrailing dally and Ihe schedule of closing Is arrangedon the presumption of their uninterrupted over-land transit mall closes at 00 P Uprevious day

conxriifs VAX COTT roitmuurPot Office New York N Y Aug I 100-

5CFXTHAI AfCTION CO-M yiinKHAX Auctioneer IM and IM Canal ft-

Aug II Dy H McAleenan 1530 HroadwavDiamonds Jewelry etc Xo IUJ to IDuonIKH anil all good held over

Aug 12 lly J Simpson Co 524 Park rowdiamonds watches Jewelry pledged to Xo 7440-ind sood held over

Aug 13 lly Chas Weaver 7M 10th av Dl-

nondi waKhe etc pledged lo Aug 1001-

L FMIISKI AICTIt 70 UOWFUY sells 10a m-

Aug 13 lly ioldstone Ilros IM Oth av Dla-

nonds Hatches Jewelry and all goods pledgedirtor to Aug 3 1901 all older dates over

Aug It II Wm Simpson Bl Park How Dla-

nond watches Jewelry nnd all goods pledgedirlor to June 1 1901 and all numbers previous to-

Joro and all gnodi reserved fromAug It lly P Kalmus 31 Canal st formerly

03 Canal st r Mem Rll lll iv Jewelry clothng etc pledged prior to Aug 4 liiO-

los siinxcooi tc SONS Aucriis t IIOWERT-Aug 7 Clothing etc H S Isaacs 2434 th av-Aug N nothing etc Alei Frrund IMS 3d ar-Aug II Jewelry etc I A Levy 239 3d av-

Aug 13 Clothing J V Jarnbion ulalO0 3d av-

KLI SOI1KL Auctioneer 91 Bowery ei-

Aug I Clolhlng dresses shoes etc S O-

taaci A nro till Id n-

viDVANCES ON SALARIESXo Indorsemeiil no serurlty rp iulrel-

It Naiinil St cur Ilillnn Itoont 30-

SONEYWe loin mon y t people in ni-

ulnd of bilnen 100 IU-x v omc TJ


VrxnixB Ffiu SALK cnnpwnhi Anto-

atlc Cut of Ifi hors power If revolutloru 11-

cet lone cylinder in 34 n wheel 10 feel diametert In faee weight 7or lln Can he een at Knoxat Vorks Grand and Ml Marks av llrooklyn-

PATKXTS for InvenlUin pwnreil-nw rate IIOFHKK A Frank V-

lrleeni Kulloi II ill ling 7 Nii i st New York


IAIIU AMI Mitl iirmeiiiately purregularities wlthixit nperMlon paii or use ol-

rstrumcnti absolute relief or nn rhirse upeclajits M years expeilmce mniultati m free covI-denllal r 21 year 7 Veit Iltb t-

IKCIIL XUTKt lidles ileslruij e ruslv-mvary but nu object to vltitln an ufnre buildng are Invited lo fai upon tne iloctur at bla elant huu e 4Jti it fir advlc-rgardlii tuclr ia u itiuiuitiui tree tua-

A griflIKST ITHMAMIvr ft UK trtea ef-

if men dangcioui e e snilclted relief t oncet-ho e drilrlne only Hrn elas leepMfte treatmenl-houldeall The leading peclalisi fir nONSTH U

41 Weil ilii si Hours uioi 7n inrtayi ir 13

nil ST 22 WKsrr f n CHu eurei U-rUnu a AT ONCB without palo FtJJ Mk


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