the sun. (new york, ny) 1912-08-14 [p 7]....tinued for el, hours. tho french itevo-lutlo-n had...

E i oiiihimt of "Thais" iind "l.o .Imc'li'iir do Not it Damo'' i Was Seventy. II VI) A Hit I Mil A NT CAIti'.DIt Hi Music liifluoncoil by lifiiiiiios of Itnly mill Trn-je-ilit- of Frniicp. pMf AUK. 13. KollcmlriR a long III-- i, o ft m cancer, .lullon Kmlle Fred-- , nr Mnf-ciie- l, Ihe composer, died nt h s residence tills morning nt the ate of ?. ! death, howpvcr, was .Tulln h"mlle Frederic Massenet was born ' St. F.ttcnno nn May 12. 1S4J. father served In the army, nml !.ttr I'ffnmo nn Ironmaster. When the boy was the family had moved tn rnrl. Hit mother gave him his flrrt music lesson. Whtlo they were nt ths piano. ns the composer described It In after years, they wero Interrupted by shootlnp In the. street, which con- tinued for el, hours. Tho French Itevo-lutlo- n had begun. Three yearn Inter Massenet win ad- mitted In t ho piano classes of the Im- perial Conservatory of Music. At the end of n year hla father's health wob tuch the family left Tnrls, but It wasn't lonjr before Massenet's parents tnnsented to his return to the con- servatory. When he, was -- t ho won the Trlx tie Rome, and went to the K'twnal City, where, he, remained two ynti, llvlns at the Villa Medici. Of the two ears he always spoke most enthusiastically. H was a new llfo for him. he said, and he becamo more than "a musician," he became an Interpreter of true emotion. Wien he teturned to Tarts. In 1S87. h married ono of Liszt's pupils. ThroiiRh the Influence of Ambrolse. Thomas "l.a Orand Xante" was produced nt the Opera Comlque. It wns apparent then hal Massenet was a skilled musician. Den Cesar de Hanm" was produced i n 13T3. and five years later Mnssenet hud his first operatic success, "f.o Ilol r Lahore." Halanzlcr, then a director. nf the Opera, met him on the boule- vard, llalanrlcr had heard "Marie Madeleine" and "Kve," and ho asked .Mawnet to write an opera. "I have a complete opera In my drnwer nt home," Massenet said. The opera was "Up !tn tie After that Massenet wrote "Herlodlade." "Manon," "l.o Cld," "L.e MaRl," "Werther," Tials," "I-- e Portrait rie Manon." "1,3 N'a ni raise." "Sapho." "Centlrlllon," flnt-ellclls,- .lonclour le Noire, amic." "Cherubln," "Arlane." "The-i- ' "Bacchus" and "Don Qulchotte." When "l.e Jonsleur de Notro IXimo" v iiroduced by Oscar Hammersteln t ie Manhattan Opera House, with Marv Oarden. there was a Rood deal if comment, nnd Massenet's name be-;- known In this country to many roons who had never heard of him. Massenet originally had written the .,ra without a female pnrt. It was In Paris with success, but when th ecore was changed for Mnry Oa-il- n. who played ".lean the .lug-z'- r " there was some criticism from " r, critics. Massenet also wrote several orches- - a' pieces. He was said to be n wa 'hy man. DR. HORACE HOWARD FURNESS. Shakespearian Scholar Dies ly r I'bllndelphln. Pnti.APKi.rRti, Auf. 13 - Dr. Horace Howard Furnes.s, regarded an one of thi foremost Shakespearian scholars nf the cn'tiry. died at a o'clock of pn"ti-mon- at his home, l.tndenshnde. at Wal Kngford, Delaware county, just on the outskirts of Philadelphia. The famous hcholar was taken 111 with a ntcklna cough only yerttordny mnrnlntf, tilnjto his 7S years his Immediate family Intlnted that ho fto to bed. He explied while he was sleeping. The rneiii-h- n nf his family had been unable to bring thme!ves to believe he was dangerously 111 When the end came Dr. .Furnem nn lone. He apparently had gone pearc-Ml- y to sleep and members of the household forbore from entering his apartment (or fear of awakening- him. Tho death vat discovered when his son, Dr. Horace Howard Ftirness, Ji., went to tho apart- ment toee how his father waa prog reining rr. I'urneHS would nave been "H years old had lie lived until November 2 iicti H was horn In Philadelphia in lW.i, the on of tho llov W. 11. Furuess anil Helen Kate IlogerK. both of old dlntlngiihhed famllleo lie was aMmlttnd to the bar ill K'.n, hut having siifftelent means tiluitist iramedlatelv gave up his entire llfo to the tt.dy of lnltespeare, In l i7 1 Ur. Furnosa published his first tnoriim of Shakespearo and he has been "lrilDs to it continually, having putlnhed ikhteen of tho Sliakespuaiv Plays Miic,.. Mr I'urness hecumo vitally Interested in Hiakei-penr- when h heard Fanny Kein-rl- " ur.erpiet ooino of tho cliuruciers years tie It uas then ho began to multe. a tiirt!' cf the writer und he continued until i.f was Inoncd upon as tho greatest tiliaUe-trtanu- n nuthoiliv in the country if not in mi" world Ur. l urness also began a of ."h.iUesix'are relics which ihn Ills death, ui'edlng in Kiither- - rl the llnoHt l ollectloti In tho country, It Is im pilt eless, containing an it does not r ol Minkesponro himself hut 'us ni nil ih nnd netreHses of a "ni id who liavii cHsayed Khakehpeailan It "le last few vear Dr. Ftirness, In ron- - '.'in with his non, Dr. Fumes, ,lr, ' Mk' ti to the study of monkeys and had 'nnk" at his place n Wallingliuil ta re i to such n high detren nf Inlelligeiico '"i ' i .ild they could speak lather In- -' ' iii), l)r Fiirnen. ns tluit i was not mimicry in tho e. Lin that they hud absolute rea--C- -i pluwer I i.rness Is survived by his soli, Dr. J M "rni'ss, .lr , and a tlauchter, .Mis. U1-- ' o e .layne, TirEODORE P. BROKAW. . "Id Neve Vork Hunker 'iiceiuiilie nt nlorndo sprltm. i.'ol , Auk IS. T e , ,. Htokiiw, for fort seven ' i oiiilnctit New Yiuk b.inker, dtnl ' ' ii' of lieui t (r-oii- i lit his limne ' He MMMll III till) civil will e Tiiii t entli, Twcniy-lhlii- l (! Finn- -' ' ' iKlllKlltf, New York lllflllltiy. lie i ' I fur his lirnllh n iiro ' vv fi hiirvives. 1 Ik fou, 'latent i, ' H'oliiiw, and bis wife, who hum ' "Hilid, had been IHIiik Ik le wlllli OBITUARY. Iicorge II. Ial-l- i. I VON l.ns, v Ai.g 13 i.. h if ' '" ' -- , nr the i, List hielii n iln i ' llelel .Moiinl I It Hi. in Mli Ii ef ' II Wjlsll n' 1.1 II il s'le.l nl. I'-'l "tl1 ftte-i- lf III- S ' Ml 'l , ,t f..., . f e.e,i rs ri I wee tn M i rUee ,in In lh' hiti of Ii h II- vi s h ' h, if , J h. fuiiiivi i .Msoi id U'H kers and now tleputy stale Cnmptrolter. tilt vlfc. brother Hnl kl.iicr. Ann W1h. were "llli hint hctt h died, ,Anther Mator In Ml" .Mm II McCarthy nf 2011 Tindet vt-'- '' "'fx Mf Walth was a member if the Vnnkers of Hlks and of the local Arte lif Unities. I'rsnrls C. Trail. Fining - Travl. n,i hi.1 hm allnt Jrk In Hi. tint,., ,,tPn,, t,rf ,url llronklyn fur fourtrrn .vrarn. died vid.lenly trd ef hrart triuiMn sf his home, 2SI .Monroe Mrrrl, In his rltty-nfl- li year, lis wim prciarinit to ,tl, nil thf funral f hli brother-In-la- Kouthnlck Hubbard, at tkt llanonlu Trmplf. nhen stricken. Ill wlft and d.iun liter aunhr him. 'ommander William II. Newmaa. IIAl'KK.NHACK, X. J. Aug. H. Com-uund- William n. Newman, who dlrd at hl aummer home at Woodland In lh Cat-ki- ll un Krldny ami wan burled at Kingston thl sfirrnunn, was a rmtdent of Mackcn-ack- . Ilf tt.ii, :i yPl1, old and wan born at Fl'hklll, Ho entfri-- ths nvy In 11(1 aad llrt seried on the tlramly win. North At- lantic, mju.wtron. In April. 11(4, he was cap- tured by the Confederate navy at Plymouth, N C, when the ttauthfleld wa aunk bf ths rrbcl ram Albemarle and he wa a prlwnar of war until October that year. In MTO ho n.t In rommunl of the Pilgrim of the North All.mtlc fleet. He did special service, on the L'ontellatlon In Mil and on the New Hamp- shire In !;. He wa promoted Lieutenant-Coinmand- In S3 and aervod In the Nw Vork navy yard, UdJ.SO. In 1(! he wu promoted to Commander and terved a nt the deventh llihthou dltrlct 15.9, when he waa retired. HI tf dld a er ago in Hackenaack. It leave (our n and a daughter John O'Brioa. I'HIKADGf.I-HIA- . Aug. 11. Word wa re- ceived here y of the death In Quaker-tow- n yesterday of .Tohn O'Brien, for many 5 earn superintendent of the Central New Company In Philadelphia. Death wu duo to cerebral hemorrhage, Mr. O'ltrlen had charge of tho delivery nt all morning paper for years. In 1S0 ho celebrated the fiftieth annlieraary of hi entry Into th newspaper buslneei. and In 1901 retired a uprln-tende- of th Central New Company. He wa '0 year old and la urvld by tw on and two daughter. Henry rendletaa Ita era. Tl'XBDO PARK. N. T.. Aug. II Henry Pendleton noger. eon of Nathaniel Pendle- ton linger nf Hvde N T., died at Tuiedo Park. N V. late thl after- noon In the aUty.flrit year of hi age. Mr. Itocera'a family ha been ioelatd with Ne-- York olty for many generation. He wa married to Mary Shlllllo, daughter of John flhllllto of Cincinnati In 1171. ah died June 15 He Is survived by two eon, John Hhllllto Itoger and Henry Pendleton Kogtra. Jr. and one danrhtar, Emily Rocer of Nw York. Mr Roger wa a member of the Knickerbocker Club, Tuaedo Club. Metropol- itan Club and Harden City Dolt Cluk. flenrgo H. Renville. George H. neniill. 11 tear old, ton of Ueorge a, Ilenvllle. a dock broker, died In an ambulance on Monday night while on hla way from hla hom. IIS Eaat Eighteenth street, Flatbuab, to tho King County l. lie was aufferlng from blood polaon-In- t contracted from an ulcerated tooth. HI father, mother and two brothera surelve him. Samuel Kopa. famuel Kopa, the oungeat tuemher of the firm of Kopa Bros , Bliteenth street and lrlng Place, died )eetrdy at the home of hit brother, Daniel Kopa, 4J1 ntveralde Drhe. He waa In hla thirty-nint- h year and ii a native of Stuttgart, Germany nagh r. McCafeHy. Huh r. McCafferly. head of the eletiro. trr'ng concern at 141 Rast Twenty-fift- street, Manhattan, died on Mondar af bis home, !:; Lincoln place. llrookln, Ills if e, a son and two daughters survive him William Green rarel. PlilLADKLrillA, Aug. It William Jin Parct, ,l years old, is dead at Ins home, 34 Church lane. Mr I'arrt a natHe of New York. He came to Philadel- phia xhrn he Ha twenty-eigh- t eirs old. Ml Paret was the manager of a larte manu-faiturln- concern when he died lie nas a cousin nf Hlshop Paret of the I'rniestanl l.'pliopal lilocese of Baltimore He Is sur- vived by Ids wife, two eons and a daughter THE TOURISTS. Trn el le rs by Antomnblle on lh Neiv KnaTlanal Hoads. I. p.nox, Masi.. Aug. 13. Auto arrival nt the Hotel plftn all from New Vork y Included: Mr. nnd Mrs V. I! Sweeney snd Miss Wndswotih U'halnteisi Mr, ami Mrs. Har-ve- y Murduck. Miss Munlock, Miss t'.lara Murdock, .MUs l'.IUabeth .Muriloik, Miss I'rlsi'lllii Munlock, Wurren Murdock and Iwis Murdock (Stovensj I,. Cranford, It. II, rrutiford and I'aul .Selon (Hie vena): Henry A larl; ililetrleh). Mrs. K. Crldeton, Ms .loiinson and K. Dudley (Hudson). WAiMtr.L'RT, Conn , Aug. IS, -- New Yorm nrrlvala by automobile at the Elton lintel Included Mrs Von Berg and Mrs. W 0 Horton (I'ieico Arrow)-Mrs- , .1 A I'hurcblll, Ceorge A. Heyl and Miss Heyl (I'ackardl. Mrs. A. 'I1, ( hishulin and Mt William I'. Brown (Kuidcd)iiken. Ur. and Mm. Northrop (i'.itkardl. I'liTHUm.n, Mass,, Aug. 13 licelsiarlng from New Vork at lh.; Touring Club' bu- reau In the Hotel Wendell v were: Mr. and Mrs (leorge W (Jultitard d , and Mr and Mrs. K. J Woods (Pierce i; Mrs William I! Mt out , Miss Blanche A Stout mid Charles It .Samnii (Mitchell) ; Mr nod Mrs. William 'I' Holt and MUs Kath-erui- e M, Holt (Ouklnnd): Mr. and 'Mrs l.arkln 11, Hubert K WVImer and the Minxes I urn ell tl'ackariii. .Mr and Mrs. It. 11. Sheekel, Miss bheclfel and M. p i I'D' ktitdi. Ml, and Mrs. II. florinl-- Mrs . vy, tiiirinly (I'ackardl: Mr. and Mrs (1 S. Thatlord (Cadillac): Mr and Mrs Waller II Knster (Alco) ; Mr mid Ml. .'. Decker and Mis N, Belrd (Winioiil. ' Nt-.- London, Conn , Aug 13. Arrivals bv itiilwnoliili' nt the (irlsvvold y ineliidisl from New Vork .Mr ami Mrs William II, Leonard Pierce and John II. Mellon (1'ecrlees): Miss Dorothy .Siiiiihen, llnrrv Doty and II M. Hown i St ! veils I, .1. M. I'oherts llicnmnbilei: Mr. nnd Mrs, o. K. Keeny (I'ope-Hartford- ); I, W, Crawford and family (I'nrkiird). Manciii si i:it. Vt , Aim, 13. rrlvnls by nulii ut the IUiuIiiov House y Included the following from New Vork Mr. nnd Mrs. J. H. Decker IWInton): Mr and Mrs. William II. I'lirlps and Miss Mmy ,1 TIioiiiiis (.MetuluruUiuei, Mr. find Mrs, II I). Ilarrintoii Stearim and Mr and Mrs. N I'. Ifuthtmn ICadilliic). Mr. and Mrs. .1. It. Wells i.Meit eilesi; Mr. mill Mrs. . K. fort is nnd Mrc. K. M Hurringtnii (Pcer- - i Mr and Mis. (ieotgo A Clark and Mr and Mrs I'red (loat iCole). Mr. und Mis. i Imrlcs II. Ileckwlth (I'lert.ei; Mrs. M. j. leniider, John Alexander, Mrs. K, .1 Sehrueils, I, 1'radt and I,. tileahou (Peer- - I,'ki: (Ikiiriik. V , Aug 13 - New Vork tourist arrivals nl the Ton William Henry vveii. Miss A L. Smith. Miss M M. Htatrnnd Mr und Mis. (ieorgo II. (iiipei- - iliulckl Mis M It. Kllcker. Mr and Mrs. U. W Wooilhoin-- e and .lames ('oilman (Packard). ( hailes (iriftlth, l.l ward l. Cutler, Lillian M Culler, llutli Cutler anil Hcluit Do M. ( llllel' I'leice Arrovvl. Hill HON Wiiuns, N, II , Aug 1.1 ew in kern iiinoim iirrhnls ly nuto-innlii- in I ho Mount Washington weie Mi nml Mrs C. I', heurle (Alco). Mr. and Mi- - W II li.iriiey iiud A S, He vim (Peer-i'-- -i Mr iiiul Mis a. (I. I.lndsnv nml Miss (i l.niioii iKiiiililiiid-Dnylo- Mr. a ml Mrs i h.ules Ii Will mid Mrs, .tiilin f. Ilueu (I'.ii k.irdi Miss Miirguiel Mii.'ian anil Mrs. t! s .v i H.iMoi Mi ami Mrs. A A Harris isriiluni r mid Mrs C. II. Wynian, Mlaa M s W ymaii anil Mr and Mrs. A. J. Iflaiitl-li- I'len e. i rnH i. .Mr und Mrs. Thomas Mile. Mi- -, t W Dodge nnd I). Hit kilt i I'len i row Mr mid Mrs, Thomas A liu. knei. Miss M.ity llii Idler. Mrs. II W. UoIm nnd MI-- h Xrlelle liucklier Mi. ami Mis i larenee Whitman .mil lieiiild liiltiuiii i.Mereedesi, Mr. and Ml- - II W Dale anil Mr ami Mrs, W D Haves ll'iiekaidl Mi li lid Mrs W II Ketch-ali- i mid Hi and Mis, t'uiinriili ll'leree-Unti- l' Mr and Mis II l, dfeit anil II ( i. ted lr il inlillai , i i he Mourn l'l",i'-.iii- i Mr and Mr K I Sn ser - in .mil Mr lln ll'leree Viii 'i Mi and Mi (,etirge lloggx and .1 'lit ii ii,ji ii'ieiie. rioiv I Mr anil Mrs l ..vim iiiuieki Mr and Mr, tieoige .M, 1'uUuiu iChuluitts-Dclruit- l, I THE SUN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1912. aBBBBBalBBBB aBaitf? . rfiwii hf, 9BnBHBl lilvBBBB WaswasBwaswaswaiiaaBwaaawfli 8u Girt, N. J., Aus;. 1!. -- The spread of the personal campaign against Gov. Woodrow Wilson throughout the coun- try Is so great, according; to evidences received at Sea Girt and In New York, A CENT; BEEF TO RISE Hult'hers Have No Hope for Knsier Food Conditions Tliis Summer. ALL WANT THE BEST CI TS South Aincrlran rattle Snid Not to Offer a Solution of Meat Problem. 'I he wholeeule prices of ham and bucou Jutnei a cent a pound yesterday and re- tailers put the price up just that much to their customers. The retail price of ham Is from It to 20 cents, Recording to qtmlily, ami bacon costs from is to '.'.' cents. With the leceut line in the price of eggs, duo to the suspension of the hens in the moulting, season, u lmcon and egg breakfast is aluiobt ut, much a liiituy as a aleak or rout beef dinner. In the last ten tlayb the giadual riee In the whiiluhale price cf beef has h cent a pound. There has been no corresponding, increase in the retail price, but il is coming. Most butchers put their beef in iceboxes for a week or ten days, and beef purchased on the ris-n- g market will soon be nn (he count era and mind be advanced to the consumer. The new record prico for cuttle made in Chicago on Monday, when sleers brought 110. V) a hundred, has had ft depressing effect on butchers, 'lhey do nol see any prospect of a reduction in price this summer. There has been tnlk In soim) quarters about the) possibility of importing beef cattle from tho pampas countries of South America, where reports nay thousands of cattle are butchered every year for their hides, horns nnd hoofs, if the turiff was re- moved. A .South American traveller said yesterday Lint such beef as that would find no market in Amo.-ic- at nnv price. It is admitted, however, that with tho duty removed, American feeders might find It profitable to bring In Houth American cattle and prepnro Uiem for mnrkct. A itinn who has made a study of market- ing In Washington Murket saidyesterdny. "HJsmiIb in average clrcumstnnces have acquired the American habit nf extrava- gance nnd everybody wants tho best. Time was when women of fair means used lo go to the market nnd buy round stenke, chuck Meaks anil other poorer cuts. You don't see that now, They have, cut out tho market buckets and want nothing but prime cut". With n natural scarcity of beef und everybody demanding tho host thorn isn't enough lo go round and prices must be high. " WIVES MOVE FOR FREE MEAT. League Mends Letter In All Candi- date for President Aaklnc Help, A campaign for the removal of the tariff nn meul hits lieon undertaken by the HoiiHiwives liengiie, of which Mrs, Julian Heath of West Nlnety-flrs- t street is president , The following leltor has Iweu sent the three candidates for the I'residenoy: The Houasviive'i League, it national movement of fndei.ited housewives, with members In nearly every Htate. In tha I'tiion anil romplete orgaiilMtlons in many, asks If you will endeavor to have tha tariff re- moved from meat In the event of your being elected President of the I idled Hints 'I he result of a careful Inveallgatlnn nf ths meat situation bv the II, usewive l,engua shnss eoneluslveli' I hut in order to bring about a proper ntl.iiilnient of prices il I neressnrv that men be allowed free entry into ihi- - i 'iiinli v This letter is a pie lliuuiur fclep in a iiniwilgn which is in so on tint I a educ- - tion in tuu priou of meat bus btspit brouglal. about. Wanted A Political Fool Killer. that the executive committee has de- cided to establish a bureau for the pur- pose of combating It. Pro Catholicism, anil Catholicism. e, In short MRS. MART WILD POOR. Wltlow of Orlalamfor f "Poor's llaaoal" Waa !. Boston'. Aug. It. Mt. Uary Wild Poor, widow of Henry Varnum Foor and jnuncest daughter of the lata Rev. John Pierce, died y at her home In Brook-lin- e. Mrs. Poor, who had been 111 a lonr time, was In her ninety-secon- d yesr and succumbed to the Infirmities of age. Her late husband wus the originator of I'oor't Uanunl, which publication Is still Issued periodically. Mts. Poor's father, Dr I'Ipico. was especially prominent In the ' I ,ilt rla 11 Inn Mr. Poor, whoso husband died a fewS()MK WORTHLESS STOCK vears ago at the age of II. It survived !' three daughters, as Mlssi Agin- Uluka Poor, who Is prominent In the work or the Daughters of the Amer . loan Itevolution : Miss Lucy Tappan Poor, 'and Mr. Alfred 1). Chandler of Brook-line- . Mrs. Poor leaves a son, Henry W Poor, a banker of New York city, fiev-ira- l grandchildren also suivlva her. If. W. Poor Is senior member of the banking nrm of II. V. Poor Co . of Naw York and noston. Ili ,ew York business addle Is 6 William street. F. C. LAWRENCE LEFT $1,775,000. Ills tlrandson, Lord Vernon, Oet 220,000 aad Widow 1 110,4 43. RlVKttHKio. I,. I.. Aug. 13, Tha reuort of i timer Mitchell, Transfer 'lax Appraiser, shows toe net value of tha eatala of Francis i Cooper a summer resident of Bay .Shore, who Ulad in about two months ago, amounts to SI, 774, $04.31, on which a tat of l43.:oo.;a has been imposed some or the legatees are George Francis Augustus Venabies-Verno- the eighth llaron Vernon, grandson, about IVIu.ooti, i'rancis illiatn Law i.vncss. uinw mnmii llramis Alice Willing grand-Idaughte- i, ubout l.'.lo,ooo, Charles Lauier Lnwienee. grandson, about I2?0,0XI. Kittle I Lanier Lawrence, granddaughter. i:i3,S. uaait it, ii lining Lawrence, widow, ii3U,i3. DOLL CARNIVAL AT LONG BRANCH Fire Thoaaand See Kllsabelh War- wick Crowned. l.o.Mi rinascn. X .1., Aug 13- ,- Klie ihou-f-an- d persons witnessed the coronation of the queen or the doll carnival, little Kllza-bot- h Warwick, In Washington Park by Mayor Hrynnt 11. Neweorab. night the queen of the chil- dren's carnival. Miss Mercedes L'rum. will be crowned nt tho Hollywood Hotel. Thurs-da- y marks the opening of the three day carnival, with. a firemen's, industrial und farmers' parade Saturday, Ken Theatre for Brooklyn, Plain for n new Urooklrn theatre to cost llio.ow. lo be erected at Knurth avenue und Uncouth street, were filed vesterday with the building bureau. It I to seat ;,nou. Vole of the Socl-- I World. Mrs. Stephen II. Klklna and Mlaa Kalh- - erlne niklns. who ar.. at the with Mr and Mrs. Hlatne Kikln. will aall lor Kurope lo. morrow nn the Ainerlka. Harold A Content la visiting Mr and Mrs. rrederlik Lenlahon at Camp Kill Kare In the Adirondack. Mr, and Ur. Lawlahnn have Iraaed the camp from Timothy L. Woodrutr for the aummer. Oen. and Mrs. Nlon Henry sail Mlia Amy Sloan left yeaierday far th Uslae wood to apend a fortnight. He for return-In- g they will l.e guest of Mr. Henry r Dlmtick, who I ataylng at Oar Harbor for tho aummer, .Miss Helen l.oula Maynard, daughter of Mrs. Ciflnghani Maynard. I vlalllm Ur. and Mrs. Henry Holllsier Tea at their country place, Orchard, In I.enoa. Ml a. V, Karl Imdge, who haa been atay- lng In rUiuthimpton during lh early mm. mer, is in Newport visiting Mr, and Ura. Clarence Dolan. Mr. Charles K. Whitney and Ml Helen Whitney of lloaion ar al th Plat for few daya visit. Mr. Chester Orlswold I visiting Mrs. .Inscph W rturdtn al ttndtrladg. l.inot. Ainnn Ihe raktengere arriving Horn I'.uropt nn 'lie (ll)inpic due In tnd4 are ihe link and DucneM nf Sntperlano, Lord Alllstalr Ooser, Laidy Roa Mary Qowsr aad Blr Edward atswart McluriMBt f every charge that might lend to In- flame the mind Is now being circulated anonymously by the political opponents or the personal enemies of the nominee In about every Stats of the Union. follows: FIRST HUSBAND LER $2,212,213 TO MRS. FISH Appraisal Shown GukUv Am-slnck- 's Estate to Be Worth $2,906,434. Executor. Must. Account for $n7.:i(U for Oood Will of Business. ' Tlie of the estate of tiiisl.iv Amsinck, the expoiter anil banker, who died mi dune s, lb09, shows tliat he lefl I r.',i:;.?13 to his widow, .Mrs. Florence Amhinck, who recently married former Congressman Hamilton 1'isli. This sum is made up of Ihe widow's dower of S.M0,l(l, u rash tiequest of $1,000. 000, a life interest in J , ooo, ooo esti mated to be worth ",:), 587 and furniture, books and oilier propeity valued al fU.OOO. The report of Ihe appraiser also shuws that under an order by Siirrugdle theexcculors, Hermann H.iineis-tlor- f and Adolf Fuvenstedt, must to Ihe estate for 197, Mt as (ho vulue of the good will of (i. Amsinck & Co. Itefore they cau lie dischcrged as executors. Ibis order was made on the report of Mlohael K.gnn, appointed rofereo by I liu Kurrogste to determine Ihe vjIiio of Mr. Amsinck' interest in the firm und of his share of ihe good will. The referee re- ported that JUveiutodt was a member of Ihe firm and Hameradorf an employee. On December 31. 11)08. u now firm of U. Amsinck A t'o, wun formed consisting of Hdvemdmlt ami .Instils Ituperli, old mem-Ist- a now spociul pnrtner, Huron Uriino von Schroder of London, who put in (300.000, und Henry Willinok. general partner, who gave $50,000. Ilumersdoif, tho executor, continued in tho employ ot tho now Arm. Tho roforoe found Hint with the consent or tho two oxocutoit tho new linn tho good will of the old con- cern and that it will now lie iuipoAsiblo to sell tho good will to any ono vise. Kor that roiuvon the executors must account for $h7.30i. Tho total value of ihe estate is tl, 900, 131 and tho net vuluo .',77i,sll. Tim roa I esfjitv rnnststeil nf (hi. nmntvrti' nt. S t 9 Hanover Siuuro. vitluod ut $:az.Sji) ami I tho residence, ut H10 avoiiuo, $li:,.V)0. i Included in the iwraoiml cut ate are the following securities: $40,000 bonds of LuytieH iiros,, X4o,ouo; :oo snurea iiatik of Now York, 87,ooo; 12.1 tdiares American Colonial Bank or Porto Hlco, $32,500; sua shares Soul hern Porto Itic o Sugar Com- pany, f'.'; script of tho At lantio Mutual lUHtirunco Company. tlx.25U; 250 shares Uelawuro Copper lliifining Comjiunv, $:."i,oou; 300 shares Hank of Sau I,ul Potoul , $25,:oi); 100 nharea tendon and Wost-miiiKt- er Itank. 424. M7: and a oitvy of Ham. piiurg lottery ticket, $5.1. Mr. AinslticK nau hoiuo wonniess siockk, Including S.iXiO ahares of tho Florida Phosphate t'omany. Ills interest lit the (Irm of (. Amsinck 4 Co. was estimated ut $1,590,010, to which was added his share of tho profits for flvn months and eight days, amounting to $63,tW7. His furniture and library iti his house at Hamburg, flennany. wero valued at $55,000 and the household furniture, silver, jewolry and other property In hla house hero at $10,000. Among the aaseU of tha estate) is a note for $17,500 made by J. M. Waterlmry. on which 12,500 remains unpaid. Tho balance la stated to be "nroliablr uncollectible." I The widow made an affidavit In which aho objected to the appraisal of $lo,ono,on tho value of Mr Amslnck's property inJti residence Hliesaldlhalnraitically every ' thing in the hoi me, whs her own and was sillier purcnaaen ny nr or given to uer by her llrM husliand, James lleekmnn air. Amalnek had lived in Ivaohelor ntiai- - tern liefotw fie married her, she said, and owned little of the household furnishings. DUKE OF COHNAUQHT WELCOMED Arrives at Halifax to Dedicate Me mortal Tomer, Halifax, N'. S.. Aug. 13. The steamer Karl Grey with the Duke ot Connaught and party arrived from St. Anna, C. B,, at 3 o clock this afternooo. They were with a royal salute from H. M 8, Hirlus. which la here with Sir Ralph Will- - Isms, Governor of Newfoundland. The Duke will land at Ihe dockyard at 10 o'clock to -- morrow and will proceed through streets lined by military to the city hall, Addresses will be presented. Then his Horal Hls-hnns- will nroeead to the Northwest Ann, where the memorial tower win tio dedicated. This tower waa built of native atone In honor of the establishment of repre- sentative parliamentary institutions in Nova Scotia 154 yea nt ago and was erected at a cost of about $oO,000, contrtbnted by ?;overnments, diiee and corporations of the Hritish Empire. It stands in n park donated to the city by Sir Sandford Fleming. MAY EXPUNGE AKIN SPEECHES, Cgre to laveallarate AtlaeWa oa Wllaoa aad Other OMelals. W.BHljtOTOK, Aug. IS. -- The "official sponge of the House was brought out again y to wipe from the Congrtn-aton- al Accord tho fiery speeches of Repre- sentative Theron Akin of New York, known as "the man without a party. " Speaker Clark appointed a committee to investigate two of Akin's speeches and report, whether they should be expunged. In Ute speeches Akin attacked Willis Moore, chief of the Wrnther Bureau, Kec-reta- of AgrictiHtiro Wilson and several Heprosentatives, charging the latter with "whitewashing" Government officials in Investigations of the Department of Agriculture. PLANS OF COHAN AND HARRIS. Will Have Mevreml nerrae and Ne-- tr I'lay on the Read. Cohan A Harris last night in making pub lie their plan for the coming season said I hat besides managing the (leorge M. Cohan, the Ator and (lately theaties. the Grand Opera House, The lironi Opera House In Mtth street and the (ieorgo M. lohau Cram I Opera House In Chicago, lhey would have for tour the following companies- "The Polish Wedding." a luusicul farce from Ihe German of Curt Kraals, (leorg Okonkovvekl. Alfred Sdioufrld and dean Ollbert, adapted fur Die American slug by tleorge V lluharl and .leiome U, Kern, which will lie given its first presentation In tins country at the Dei roil Opera House Monday, September s (leorue M. Cohan In Ms new comedy, "llroadnay .tones. which will have lis first performance ut l'arsous Theatre. Hartford. Conn,, on Monday, Heptember It. Itaymond Hitchcock's tour in Chanulng Pollock. I'.ennold Wolf and Charl-- - J. Oebesl's musical plav. The Hed Widow," which will start at Atlantic City, Septem- ber li, (ieorge M Cohan's musical farce. "The Lit Ho Millionaire," beginning at the Tavlor Opera House, Trenton, Monday, Sep- tember 7. The New York and Chicago "Officer Mt" eoiupanies supplemented by two additional organizations, to present the fane I mm. West. .North and South. Two companies presenting (ieorge M Cohan s comedy. "Oet Klch Wuick Walliug-ford,- " which will begin their lours early in September, and one company presenting Winenell Smith's Tbe Koitutie Hunter, which will start the last week In August Productions in sctlve preparation bv Cohan A Harris, and which will be offered on or before the new year, include "Haw- thorne. V. s a" a comedy from the pen of .tomes II, lagan, In which Douglas k'atr-isn- Is to be MarnsI; The Other Man." a drnnia by Kugentv W. Presbrev, with Ceorge ash, "The Seven Little Widow," a musical ply by Itlda Johnson Young and William Carey Duncan, with iniislc bv Vic- tor Herbert. "Queed." u uat ion ot Henry Sydnor Harrison's book made inlo play form bv W'inehell .Smith, with Hranilon 1'ynan in tho title role; "Stop I'hlefl" a farce by Carlyhi Moore, "llnom , farce by Frances Nordstrom " 1'Uev Say He Went to Colleue,- - u coinedv. bv Huydou lalhot. and "An: on .Mv Wife.'" a dramatization or Mug Marslri's book will-- is being made teady for Ihe stage by Hoy At well. SUFFRAGE "TURN" IS READY. Women Work era t Plead I'auar In audevllle RIM. "'I he Atnerii an Woman Surftage Assoi'iallon has its turn' all ready for eufli.U'e week in lluiumetsteiu's Tliealre," said Miss Minor Hymen, ine acting vhaii-inai- i, So, we won't do anv s,lutite, explained Miss llyrnes, "because thai would pui uh In Ihe clash, We ar.v satisfied to lepresem nations in which women am euri.iiK'hiseil and doiriitilefspeeihinukllig I Mrs. James Lees Laidlaiv will tlo liie talking M Him back or Ihe singe Iheifl will be a latae ilmu lenieseiitina- - the kv in vvhiili will lloiit itvo heinlepherrs with Ihe woman surirjge lerrilorv iloiu. in golil In from or Hits di(i) will be gtonped vvninn lepra-seutiii- g the vniious equal Mintage hiales .mil IhuhK lepieaentiug foieign iiuiloiib bating in national dioss, Noiway. ivhlch still holds Hie honni of lieiiii; the only soveieign Stale lo have ifiumed fullsiifriage to women. w ill be retue-seiile- In Mr liudiiin l.oi.hvn Diewsen now ol lliooklv a, Inn roimerlv a voter in liei uulive country. Ir4diil of Park Noperlwlradeul. Ilosiu.v, Aug I James II Shea, Super ititendent or Parks of Huston, was e lei: led pixeidriit of t l:o .Natioual Astocialiuti of Park Siiperinteiideuts at session at Hurlk'tittiii'iil 1111. 'Ihe election wa by aei tarnation, an iiiipiet edeuied liouui liiviiatlons rot I Im iioti cunvenilon were reieived fioiu New (irle.ins, .Sewburgh N. . Hi'iiver nnd Si Louie, New-burg- winning by ii vote of :'. to I!iaoliitlous were adopted eleclin? Mia J A. l'etllgrew an htinoiaiy meinbur and Chailea K. Kellh of llriilgeport l ay Teiuplclon Lost to Stage f PirisniT.o, Aug IS Kay Temclnlon. rciiiH'tlienne, will not letiiin lo the stage this uiiilur it has been reported. The uetiees Is (ho wife of W J. Patterson, a we.ilthv I'ittsiiiug resident, and II la be- came of Pnllei'son that alio eould pot be liiuuccci to it'iuru in ine luoiiigutr.. .in, i in noi going mien to ine stage, said .Mrs, I'utteihoit v us she worked among her (lowers, She woie u sun bonnet -- .mi, i wuuiuii i leave my nusnanu for so long " Wlllliim C. Stewart Hufter llelaaae, Nywrnni, It I, Aug 13 -- Having but recent lv from ono attack of pneumonia William (' Stewart of Mont-thil- r, N. I . I suffering from another at- tack. Ho was takon III again ut ihe villa of I, Townsend Hutclen. which his daughter, Mrs. William II. Leeds, has under lease this summer. To Aid l.ehanou llospllnl. An entertainment In aid of Lebanon Hos- pital, consisting of a pi'oftiiional vauduville performance followed by a danca, will tw held Saturduv evening, August 17, at s iu o'clock ul Ihe New Arverno Hotel, rverne, I.. I. Joseph R. Wldrner III. Nawi'onr, II I., Aug. 1.1 Jtiseph II, Widener of Klklna Park, Pa , Is suffering front appendicitis and soon to submit In uu opcruUou. lleiilia'-MIIIe- rl Wedillna Nov, -- l. The wedding of Mi Lllla H (illbert iluiiehter or Mrs II llramhall C.llhert. to n.... .I n. 1. i?..i.h. r this eitv and T'ov "!.. 7'." ' '."-- .'. " i'Z. si riiie en. u 11 lass nisee in - jgtgemeDt, waa auuounccd recently. MRS. LITTLE ENTERTAINS YOUNG FOLK AT DANCE Newport Hostensfs Rimy With Dinners, Luncheons and Tableaux Virants. MR. MORGAN DINNER (WEST Financier Will Oire Luncheons on the Corsair To-Hft- v anil Ne.wi-oni- . H, I., Aug. u. Mm. Jiillaa McCarly l.lttle gave au Informal danca at her home tit Ayrault street, guests being from the younger married people anil the young 'dancing get, A tuaripiee, with a good tUaring floor, waa placed on I ho lawn, and at midnight a buffet supper was served. Among the guest weie Mr and Mrs. Preston (llbson, Mr and Mrs, James Harrc man, Mr. and Mts. Arthur H. Burden. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney J. l oirord, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hairiman, Mr. and Mrs. ,f. lloidon Douglas, Mr. and Mrs, Newt nu Adams, Commander and Mrs, W. V Pratt, Miss lues. Milliollaitd, Miss Hose l, (irot. venor. Miss Mice l.lttle. Miss llobptla W'il. lard, Mkts l.uuia Swan, Miss Paine, l.louil Hugo W Osterhaus. I . S. N'., Harvey S. I.adew Daoiel von llalmhauaen, Philip Poltei. 'I nomas Midell. Dr. Hanry J. Knapp. raym.isipr and Mrs. W. N. Hughes, Mr nnd Mrs. Ileglnald N'ornian, I. ouls binsuicic. Lieutoiiant-Coinmand- Walter 4ie Knper u I I. lent. Joint 0 Klenuiut, .lr ,1 S N Cupt. William S. t.iiirno.i, t s. X , and Mrs. Cais-rlo- n gave a dinner at ths traiulng station in honor of Rear Ad- miral Hugo Ostethaus of the Atlantic fleet. Among the guests were Hear Admiral and Mrs. trench K. t badwick. Commaudt r nml Mi- - t hailes I. Huesey, Mr and .Mrs. liiines A Swan, Mr. William Crosvtnor und l'i- and Mis. Roderick l'err .Miolliei nr dinners was given by Mie, Aloaniler S. Clarke at Beam lloiuid, J. I'l"i'i'iiit Morgan bring among herguests Mr .Mm gnu w ill give luncheons 011 lioatd the t 01,1 r ami '1 liurs-la- v liegl-teie- d at the Casino were, Mr. and .Mis V Kail Dodge, who have come tiom Sou'.hatiipton, I.. I., to visit' Mr. and Mta. 1 Imi'iKe V. Dolau. ralg W'adsworth. .Mrs Alexander S t'lark. Mr, ami .Mis. Waller H. Howe nf Washing-toi- l. I. . W Stephen Van llenaaplasr. who Is at the breaker .Mrs. Aloiimder II. II. Pratt a guest of Mrs. Stuart Duncan: Waller Van ttetinselaer Berry ot Washing-- , ton, I' .11 guei or Mr und Mrs. W.Starr .Miller, and Mr. and .Mr, tleorge O. lot-te- n. Jr. Mrs. Itlchard (iambrill has returned from a visit to her sister. Mrs. Charles Carroll Jackson, iu Springfield, Mas. She will give u dinner for .1. Pierpout Morgan to- morrow-. Luncheons vver given y bv Mm, Hakhtneleff, Mrs, John It. Drexel. Mrs. Howard S. Graham. Mrs. John Sunford, Mrs. Hugh I). Auchlncloss and Miss (leorglans King. Small dinners were given by Mrs. Her- mann OelrUhs and Mrs. Dud lev Davis. W llhlitelaniier Stewart and his son will arrive lor a visit with l.ispenard Stewart on Moi1il.1v and luler iu the week Mr. and Mrs. Krank H. W'llherhoe and Miss Kvelyn Wither-be- e will arrive ai While Unigc. Mr. Stewart will soon go to Maine lor fishing. Mrs. diehard T. Wilson will give s dinner on Thursday night, and after lableaug vivnuts those posing will go to her home in their costumes for nn informal rlnnreand supper. Mm Mabel Cheats has come from Stock-bridg- e, Mass., to visit Miss Kdna Darger. Mrs. John Nicholas Hi own and her son left y for liar Harbor to visit Mr. and Mr' llutler McCagg, Dr. and Mrs. John J. Mason will retura flom Bar Harbor to W'ahiui nn Saturday. Mr, sod Mrs. Henry A. Coster of West Chester, X . are al the Muenchingsr King. Something evidently new In th war ol fashions tor women was seen this morn- ing at the Casino, one of the leoenl arrivals appearing with one while stocking and on ENGLISH ACTRESS ARRIVES. Stella ile Miirne to I'lay In "Pntuaata iter Walt." In Meal. .Mcll.i tie Marnev, a Utile Knglish actiasa arrived (or the first tljuei in Ibis country eterday 011 ili, lied Star liner Finland. She Is going 10 San Wraiieiscu lo take the. P.iri uf .lie m)ii,ir in "pomander Walk." Willi her Thomas (,. Warren, an Kni-lls- h ur tor. who will lake the leading part ta ihe tame plat Mlm tie Ai.n mv played the part of 'Afy.iii in ' ihe riatliins In London. She insdf hrrdelxil on the stage of London Willi (leiiiire l.dw a tiles und she ha played siicc esafullv in comedy rules, She expect lit lie Willi Ihe i.inpHliv lor six to eight nioiitiis, pun or ihe time on th road, and then, she says, she linpv ehe'll go back to London, DIED. lil.Xt.HKN (la Tuesday. Aucust t.l, llary Hep-Lli- .s lliailen wife uf Ciauford Rlafden. dstigbter nf (. t. rrlilhalil and t'tiarlotl I'veietl llnisliis, I'unrral at I I'M Tluirda, at Wllltaniilown. Mass. HMINKN On Aiitusl IS. I w I . . Joseph C. L. Ilyicrs. beloved liustistid id Louise J. hviurral services un l'ilda, Auguit IS, at 10 A. 'J bum the Church or Ml, Agae. Kaat I tirlt-lhlr- d st. Ititrrinrnl private. hl.WACA.V Mur.uay. August II, .IrrfnUah A. Plantian, he lined liusbanil uf Aus Hill. Fiu.tral srivlrrs at his I ale evidence. 211 Weal Ulthtt,, Wcdneid) evening at I o'rlori. Interment private. UOKIKiN On August 1, William T. Cordsa. ased fi7 Slepheu Vlenllt'a Chapel. ::i SIS a v. near 'Jlsl tl . Wcdoenl) , 1 P. U. IXIU IS.-- AI Uoiinl Vernon, N. V . AuguilU.IIU, lldward .Nrlsoti, tldrsl sun nf Kdwird M. tad Misle Ijuias. aged 3i tear. Nuilce ul funeral htieatiei lt,ni)i:.V On August IS. I.'dnard 0 , aon nf tha laic Archibald Madden, aged to. nf Albaay, .V V Fuiieial services al ihe chapel of th Stepsen Uerrltt Ilurlal and Cremallon Co , aih av. ind ivih si.. 'Ihuradav evening al o'clock. Albany Hursl Ccmciety at conven- ience ol rainlly Albany iaper plena ropy. UKRCIt -- On Aucutt II. Prank f), Meech. aged If). Fnreral lervlrrs al the chapel nf the Stephen Merrill Ilurlal and Cmnallon Co , tub av. aad lUlh si Time Inlet POOH. Ou Tuesday mnrnlnr. AUfuat la. al UiKOkllne, Mst , Mary W, I'nor. wtf of th late IV. V Poor, In I tic ICd vrar of het tit. rur.eral acrv Ices vtlll be held nn Thursday aflr noon at I n'clocU at her late mldeuce, Wslaul st llrook line. Mats. I'KINUI.i: Al her rcsllrnce Jin Weal lUlh ., on Uvnday, Auguii C. Hi: I'.lliahelh Klhrr-Ingio- widow of Charlca Allen Prlndl. yuneral private lioin the residence nf her dauih-ir- r Mrs. Ilayward A, Harve), 31 LUicoln av orane, N J. HOtiKIIS. Al Tuiedo Park, N V co August II, ll). Krury I'euillclun liugrrt. It, the Slit ytw of Ida act. Notice ot funeral hetealler STr:HN.- - Cfl Tuesday. AuruslU. Wi: at her resi- dence, la .Nrpluii v I direiiicrc. U I. Aallla Ijisieiice.siern, belovrtl wife ef .Ubsrl .1 Strrn. In her .Hit ear, daughter ol alalcolat it and ihe late linoscne A, l.asieare. Xuiirv "f (iiniial liricnflct STOtlV l) Anguit II. at Ihe reiMsana ef Chnilei K. June. 134 Ulterts pi . Hrooklya. I raoces Uieoa Carpulgnt, wife ul T, Harrf Slur). Nolle uf funeral lieieafier W'lllTK l her resldenie, rrastun pie. Siminill .' ( nrririi'fc r. reiiieTe, wu m Theodore V, While. Autuat U. sfnttre of Pineral hereafter rMtr.RTS.KBHa. fatayir rispiwn Ei CAMlIELL motor HEAMCS ornrNAr'.V

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, NY) 1912-08-14 [p 7]....tinued for el, hours. Tho French Itevo-lutlo-n had begun. Three yearn Inter Massenet win ad-mitted In t ho piano classes of the Im-perial


i oiiihimt of "Thais" iind "l.o.Imc'li'iir do Not it Damo''

i Was Seventy.

II VI) A Hit I Mil A NT CAIti'.DIt

Hi Music liifluoncoil bylifiiiiiios of Itnly mill Trn-je-ilit-

of Frniicp.

pMf AUK. 13. KollcmlriR a long III-- i,

o ft m cancer, .lullon Kmlle Fred-- ,nr Mnf-ciie- l, Ihe composer, died nt

h s residence tills morning nt the ateof ?. ! death, howpvcr, was

.Tulln h"mlle Frederic Massenet wasborn ' St. F.ttcnno nn May 12. 1S4J.

father served In the army, nml!.ttr I'ffnmo nn Ironmaster. Whenthe boy was the family had movedtn rnrl. Hit mother gave him hisflrrt music lesson. Whtlo they were ntths piano. ns the composer describedIt In after years, they wero Interruptedby shootlnp In the. street, which con-tinued for el, hours. Tho French Itevo-lutlo- n

had begun.Three yearn Inter Massenet win ad-

mitted In t ho piano classes of the Im-

perial Conservatory of Music. At theend of n year hla father's health wobtuch the family left Tnrls, but Itwasn't lonjr before Massenet's parentstnnsented to his return to the con-servatory. When he, was -- t ho wonthe Trlx tie Rome, and went to theK'twnal City, where, he, remained twoynti, llvlns at the Villa Medici. Ofthe two ears he always spoke mostenthusiastically. H was a new llfo forhim. he said, and he becamo more than"a musician," he became an Interpreterof true emotion.

Wien he teturned to Tarts. In 1S87.h married ono of Liszt's pupils. ThroiiRhthe Influence of Ambrolse. Thomas "l.aOrand Xante" was produced nt theOpera Comlque. It wns apparent thenhal Massenet was a skilled musician.Den Cesar de Hanm" was produced

i n 13T3. and five years later Mnssenethud his first operatic success, "f.o Ilolr Lahore." Halanzlcr, then a the Opera, met him on the boule-vard, llalanrlcr had heard "MarieMadeleine" and "Kve," and ho asked.Mawnet to write an opera. "I have acomplete opera In my drnwer nt home,"Massenet said. The opera was "Up!tn tie After that Massenetwrote "Herlodlade." "Manon," "l.o Cld,"

"L.e MaRl," "Werther,"Tials," "I-- e Portrait rie Manon." "1,3

N'a ni raise." "Sapho." "Centlrlllon,"flnt-ellclls,- .lonclour le Noire,amic." "Cherubln," "Arlane." "The-i-

' "Bacchus" and "Don Qulchotte."When "l.e Jonsleur de Notro IXimo"

v iiroduced by Oscar Hammerstelnt ie Manhattan Opera House, with

Marv Oarden. there was a Rood dealif comment, nnd Massenet's name be-;-

known In this country to manyroons who had never heard of him.

Massenet originally had written the.,ra without a female pnrt. It was

In Paris with success, butwhen th ecore was changed for MnryOa-il- n. who played ".lean the .lug-z'- r

" there was some criticism from" r, critics.

Massenet also wrote several orches- -

a' pieces. He was said to be nwa 'hy man.


Shakespearian Scholar Dies ly

r I'bllndelphln.Pnti.APKi.rRti, Auf. 13 - Dr. Horace

Howard Furnes.s, regarded an one of thiforemost Shakespearian scholars nf thecn'tiry. died at a o'clock of pn"ti-mon-

at his home, l.tndenshnde. at WalKngford, Delaware county, just on theoutskirts of Philadelphia.

The famous hcholar was taken 111 with antcklna cough only yerttordny mnrnlntf,tilnjto his 7S years his Immediate familyIntlnted that ho fto to bed. He explied

while he was sleeping. The rneiii-h- n

nf his family had been unable to bringthme!ves to believe he was dangerously111

When the end came Dr. .Furnem nnlone. He apparently had gone pearc-Ml- y

to sleep and members of the householdforbore from entering his apartment(or fear of awakening- him. Tho deathvat discovered when his son, Dr. HoraceHoward Ftirness, Ji., went to tho apart-ment toee how his father waa prog reining

rr. I'urneHS would nave been "H yearsold had lie lived until November 2 iictiH was horn In Philadelphia in lW.i, theon of tho llov W. 11. Furuess anil Helen

Kate IlogerK. both of old dlntlngiihhedfamllleo lie was aMmlttnd to the bar ill

K'.n, hut having siifftelent means tiluitistiramedlatelv gave up his entire llfo to thett.dy of lnltespeare,

In l i7 1 Ur. Furnosa published his firsttnoriim of Shakespearo and he has been

"lrilDs to it continually, having putlnhedikhteen of tho Sliakespuaiv Plays Miic,..

Mr I'urness hecumo vitally Interestedin Hiakei-penr- when h heard Fanny Kein-rl- "

ur.erpiet ooino of tho cliuruciers yearstie It uas then ho began to multe. a

tiirt!' cf the writer und he continued untili.f was Inoncd upon as tho greatest tiliaUe-trtanu- n

nuthoiliv in the country if not inmi" world Ur. l urness also began a

of ."h.iUesix'are relics which ihnIlls death, ui'edlng in Kiither- -

rl the llnoHt l ollectloti In tho country, It Isim pilt eless, containing an it does not

r ol Minkesponro himself hut'us ni nil ih nnd netreHses of a"ni id who liavii cHsayed Khakehpeailan

It "le last few vear Dr. Ftirness, In ron- -'.'in with his non, Dr. Fumes, ,lr,

' Mk' ti to the study of monkeys and had'nnk" at his place n Wallingliuil

ta re i to such n high detren nf Inlelligeiico'"i ' i .ild they could speak lather In- -'

' iii), l)r Fiirnen. nstluit i was not mimicry in thoe. Lin that they hud absolute rea--C- -i

pluwerI i.rness Is survived by his soli, Dr.

J M "rni'ss, .lr , and a tlauchter, .Mis.U1-- ' o e .layne,


"Id Neve Vork Hunker 'iiceiuiilie ntnlorndo sprltm.

i.'ol , Auk IS.T e , ,. Htokiiw, for fort seven

' i oiiilnctit New Yiuk b.inker, dtnl' ' ii' of lieui t (r-oii- i lit his limne

' He MMMll III till) civil wille Tiiii t entli, Twcniy-lhlii- l (! Finn- -'

' ' iKlllKlltf, New York lllflllltiy. liei ' I fur his lirnllh n iiro

' vv fi hiirvives. 1 Ik fou, 'latent i,' H'oliiiw, and bis wife, who hum

' "Hilid, had been IHIiik Ik le wlllli


Iicorge II. Ial-l- i. I

VON l.ns, v Ai.g 13 i.. h if '

'" ' -- , nr the i, List hielii n iln i

' llelel .Moiinl I It Hi. in Mli Ii ef' II Wjlsll n' 1.1 II il s'le.l nl.

I'-'l "tl1 ftte-i- lf III- S 'Ml 'l , ,t f..., .

f e.e,i rs ri I wee tn M i

rUee ,in In lh' hiti ofI i h II- vi s h ' h, if ,

J h. fuiiiivi i .Msoi id U'H

kers and now tleputy stale Cnmptrolter. tiltvlfc. brother Hnl kl.iicr. Ann W1h. were"llli hint hctt h died, ,Anther Mator InMl" .Mm II McCarthy nf 2011 Tindet vt-'- ''

"'fx Mf Walth was a memberif the Vnnkers of Hlks and of thelocal Arte lif Unities.

I'rsnrls C. Trail.Fining - Travl. n,i hi.1 hm allntJrk In Hi. tint,., ,,tPn,, t,rf ,urlllronklyn fur fourtrrn .vrarn. died vid.lenlytrd ef hrart triuiMn sf his home, 2SI

.Monroe Mrrrl, In his rltty-nfl- li year, liswim prciarinit to ,tl, nil thf funral f hlibrother-In-la- Kouthnlck Hubbard, at tktllanonlu Trmplf. nhen stricken. Ill wlftand d.iun liter aunhr him.

'ommander William II. Newmaa.IIAl'KK.NHACK, X. J. Aug. H. Com-uund-

William n. Newman, who dlrd athl aummer home at Woodland In lh Cat-ki- ll

un Krldny ami wan burled at Kingstonthl sfirrnunn, was a rmtdent of Mackcn-ack- .

Ilf tt.ii, :i yPl1, old and wan born atFl'hklll, Ho entfri-- ths nvy In 11(1 aadllrt seried on the tlramly win. North At-lantic, mju.wtron. In April. 11(4, he was cap-tured by the Confederate navy at Plymouth,N C, when the ttauthfleld wa aunk bf thsrrbcl ram Albemarle and he wa a prlwnarof war until October that year. In MTO hon.t In rommunl of the Pilgrim of the NorthAll.mtlc fleet. He did special service, on theL'ontellatlon In Mil and on the New Hamp-shire In !;. He wa promoted Lieutenant-Coinmand-

In S3 and aervod In the NwVork navy yard, UdJ.SO. In 1(! he wupromoted to Commander and terved a

nt the deventh llihthou dltrlct15.9, when he waa retired. HI tf dlda er ago in Hackenaack. It leave (ourn and a daughter

John O'Brioa.I'HIKADGf.I-HIA- . Aug. 11. Word wa re-

ceived here y of the death In Quaker-tow- n

yesterday of .Tohn O'Brien, for many5 earn superintendent of the Central NewCompany In Philadelphia. Death wu duo tocerebral hemorrhage, Mr. O'ltrlen hadcharge of tho delivery nt all morning paperfor years. In 1S0 ho celebrated the fiftiethannlieraary of hi entry Into th newspaperbuslneei. and In 1901 retired a uprln-tende-

of th Central New Company. Hewa '0 year old and la urvld by tw

on and two daughter.

Henry rendletaa Itaera.Tl'XBDO PARK. N. T.. Aug. II Henry

Pendleton noger. eon of Nathaniel Pendle-ton linger nf Hvde N T.,died at Tuiedo Park. N V. late thl after-noon In the aUty.flrit year of hi age. Mr.Itocera'a family ha been ioelatd withNe-- York olty for many generation. Hewa married to Mary Shlllllo, daughter ofJohn flhllllto of Cincinnati In 1171. ah diedJune 15 He Is survived by two eon, JohnHhllllto Itoger and Henry Pendleton Kogtra.Jr. and one danrhtar, Emily Rocer of NwYork. Mr Roger wa a member of theKnickerbocker Club, Tuaedo Club. Metropol-itan Club and Harden City Dolt Cluk.

flenrgo H. Renville.George H. neniill. 11 tear old, ton of

Ueorge a, Ilenvllle. a dock broker, died Inan ambulance on Monday night while on hlaway from hla hom. IIS Eaat Eighteenthstreet, Flatbuab, to tho King County l.

lie was aufferlng from blood polaon-In- tcontracted from an ulcerated tooth. HI

father, mother and two brothera surelvehim.

Samuel Kopa.famuel Kopa, the oungeat tuemher of

the firm of Kopa Bros , Bliteenth street andlrlng Place, died )eetrdy at the home ofhit brother, Daniel Kopa, 4J1 ntveraldeDrhe. He waa In hla thirty-nint- h year andii a native of Stuttgart, Germany

nagh r. McCafeHy.Huh r. McCafferly. head of the eletiro.

trr'ng concern at 141 Rast Twenty-fift-

street, Manhattan, died on Mondar af bishome, !:; Lincoln place. llrookln, Ills

if e, a son and two daughters survive him

William Green rarel.PlilLADKLrillA, Aug. It William

Jin Parct, ,l years old, is dead at Inshome, 34 Church lane. Mr I'arrt anatHe of New York. He came to Philadel-phia xhrn he Ha twenty-eigh- t eirs old.Ml Paret was the manager of a larte manu-faiturln-

concern when he died lie nas acousin nf Hlshop Paret of the I'rniestanll.'pliopal lilocese of Baltimore He Is sur-vived by Ids wife, two eons and a daughter


Trn el le rs by Antomnblle on lhNeiv KnaTlanal Hoads.

I. p.nox, Masi.. Aug. 13. Auto arrivalnt the Hotel plftn all from New Vork y

Included:Mr. nnd Mrs V. I! Sweeney snd Miss

Wndswotih U'halnteisi Mr, ami Mrs. Har-ve- y

Murduck. Miss Munlock, Miss t'.laraMurdock, .MUs l'.IUabeth .Muriloik, MissI'rlsi'lllii Munlock, Wurren Murdock andIwis Murdock (Stovensj I,. Cranford,It. II, rrutiford and I'aul .Selon (Hie vena):Henry A larl; ililetrleh). Mrs. K. Crldeton,Ms .loiinson and K. Dudley (Hudson).

WAiMtr.L'RT, Conn , Aug. IS, -- New Yormnrrlvala by automobile at the Eltonlintel Included

Mrs Von Berg and Mrs. W 0 Horton(I'ieico Arrow)-Mrs- , .1 A I'hurcblll, CeorgeA. Heyl and Miss Heyl (I'ackardl. Mrs. A.'I1, ( hishulin and Mt William I'. Brown(Kuidcd)iiken. Ur. and Mm. Northrop(i'.itkardl.

I'liTHUm.n, Mass,, Aug. 13 licelsiarlngfrom New Vork at lh.; Touring Club' bu-reau In the Hotel Wendell v were:

Mr. and Mrs (leorge W (Jultitard d ,

and Mr and Mrs. K. J Woods (Pierce i;

Mrs William I! Mt out , Miss BlancheA Stout mid Charles It .Samnii (Mitchell) ;Mr nod Mrs. William 'I' Holt and MUs Kath-erui- e

M, Holt (Ouklnnd): Mr. and 'Mrsl.arkln 11, Hubert K WVImer and theMinxes I urn ell tl'ackariii. .Mr and Mrs.It. 11. Sheekel, Miss bheclfel and M. p

i I'D' ktitdi. Ml, and Mrs. II.florinl-- Mrs . vy, tiiirinly (I'ackardl:Mr. and Mrs (1 S. Thatlord (Cadillac):Mr and Mrs Waller II Knster (Alco) ;Mr mid Ml. .'. Decker and Mis N, Belrd(Winioiil. '

Nt-.- London, Conn , Aug 13. Arrivalsbv itiilwnoliili' nt the (irlsvvold y

ineliidisl from New Vork.Mr ami Mrs William II, Leonard Pierce

and John II. Mellon (1'ecrlees): Miss Dorothy.Siiiiihen, llnrrv Doty and II M. Howni St ! veils I, .1. M. I'oherts llicnmnbilei:Mr. nnd Mrs, o. K. Keeny (I'ope-Hartford- );

I, W, Crawford and family (I'nrkiird).Manciii si i:it. Vt , Aim, 13. rrlvnls by

nulii ut the IUiuIiiov House y Includedthe following from New Vork

Mr. nnd Mrs. J. H. Decker IWInton):Mr and Mrs. William II. I'lirlps and MissMmy ,1 TIioiiiiis (.MetuluruUiuei, Mr. findMrs, II I). Ilarrintoii Stearim and Mr andMrs. N I'. Ifuthtmn ICadilliic). Mr. and Mrs..1. It. Wells i.Meit eilesi; Mr. mill Mrs. . K.fort is nnd Mrc. K. M Hurringtnii (Pcer- -

i Mr and Mis. (ieotgo A Clark andMr and Mrs I'red (loat iCole). Mr. undMis. i Imrlcs II. Ileckwlth (I'lert.ei; Mrs. M.

j. leniider, John Alexander, Mrs. K, .1

Sehrueils, I, 1'radt and I,. tileahou (Peer- -

I,'ki: (Ikiiriik. V , Aug 13 - New Vorktourist arrivals nl the Ton William Henry

vveii.Miss A L. Smith. Miss M M. Htatrnnd

Mr und Mis. (ieorgo II. (iiipei- - iliulcklMis M It. Kllcker. Mr and Mrs. U. WWooilhoin-- e and .lames ('oilman (Packard).( hailes (iriftlth, l.l ward l. Cutler, LillianM Culler, llutli Cutler anil Hcluit Do M.( llllel' I'leice Arrovvl.

Hill HON Wiiuns, N, II , Aug 1.1 ewin kern iiinoim iirrhnls ly nuto-innlii-

in I ho Mount Washington weieMi nml Mrs C. I', heurle (Alco). Mr. and

Mi- - W II li.iriiey iiud A S, He vim (Peer-i'-- -i

Mr iiiul Mis a. (I. I.lndsnv nml Miss(i l.niioii iKiiiililiiid-Dnylo- Mr. a ml Mrsi h.ules Ii Will mid Mrs, .tiilin f. Ilueu(I'.ii k.irdi Miss Miirguiel Mii.'ian anil Mrs.t! s .v i H.iMoi Mi ami Mrs. A A Harrisisriiluni r mid Mrs C. II. Wynian, MlaaM s W ymaii anil Mr and Mrs. A. J. Iflaiitl-li-

I'len e. i rnH i. .Mr und Mrs. ThomasMile. Mi- -, t W Dodge nnd I). Hit kilt

i I'len i row Mr mid Mrs, Thomas Aliu. knei. Miss M.ity llii Idler. Mrs. II W.UoIm nnd MI-- h Xrlelle liucklier

Mi. ami Mis i larenee lieiiild liiltiuiii i.Mereedesi, Mr. andMl- - II W Dale anil Mr ami Mrs, W DHaves ll'iiekaidl Mi li lid Mrs W II Ketch-ali- i

mid Hi and Mis, t'uiinriili ll'leree-Unti- l'

Mr and Mis II l, dfeit anil II (

i. ted lr il inlillai ,

i i he Mourn l'l",i'-.iii- i Mr and Mr KI Sn ser - in .mil Mr lln ll'lereeViii 'i Mi and Mi (,etirge lloggx and

.1 'lit ii ii,ji ii'ieiie. rioiv I Mr anil Mrsl ..vim iiiuieki Mr and Mr, tieoige

.M, 1'uUuiu iChuluitts-Dclruit- l, I



aBaitf? . rfiwii hf,



8u Girt, N. J., Aus;. 1!. --The spreadof the personal campaign against Gov.Woodrow Wilson throughout the coun-try Is so great, according; to evidencesreceived at Sea Girt and In New York,


Hult'hers Have No Hope forKnsier Food Conditions

Tliis Summer.


South Aincrlran rattle SnidNot to Offer a Solution of

Meat Problem.

'I he wholeeule prices of ham and bucouJutnei a cent a pound yesterday and re-

tailers put the price up just that muchto their customers.

The retail price of ham Is from It to 20

cents, Recording to qtmlily, ami baconcosts from is to '.'.' cents.

With the leceut line in the price ofeggs, duo to the suspension of the hensin the moulting, season, u lmcon and eggbreakfast is aluiobt ut, much a liiituy asa aleak or rout beef dinner.

In the last ten tlayb the giadual rieeIn the whiiluhale price cf beef has

h cent a pound. There has beenno corresponding, increase in the retailprice, but il is coming. Most butchersput their beef in iceboxes for a week orten days, and beef purchased on the ris-n- g

market will soon be nn (he count eraand mind be advanced to the consumer.

The new record prico for cuttle made inChicago on Monday, when sleers brought110. V) a hundred, has had ft depressingeffect on butchers, 'lhey do nol see anyprospect of a reduction in price thissummer.

There has been tnlk In soim) quartersabout the) possibility of importing beefcattle from tho pampas countries of SouthAmerica, where reports nay thousandsof cattle are butchered every year for theirhides, horns nnd hoofs, if the turiff was re-moved. A .South American travellersaid yesterday Lint such beef as thatwould find no market in Amo.-ic- at nnvprice. It is admitted, however, that withtho duty removed, American feedersmight find It profitable to bring In HouthAmerican cattle and prepnro Uiem formnrkct.

A itinn who has made a study of market-ing In Washington Murket saidyesterdny."HJsmiIb in average clrcumstnnces haveacquired the American habit nf extrava-gance nnd everybody wants tho best.Time was when women of fair meansused lo go to the market nnd buy roundstenke, chuck Meaks anil other poorercuts. You don't see that now, They have,cut out tho market buckets and wantnothing but prime cut". With n naturalscarcity of beef und everybody demandingtho host thorn isn't enough lo go roundand prices must be high. "


League Mends Letter In All Candi-date for President Aaklnc Help,A campaign for the removal of the

tariff nn meul hits lieon undertaken bythe HoiiHiwives liengiie, of which Mrs,Julian Heath of West Nlnety-flrs- t streetis president ,

The following leltor has Iweu sent thethree candidates for the I'residenoy:

The Houasviive'i League, it nationalmovement of fndei.ited housewives, withmembers In nearly every Htate. In tha I'tiionanil romplete orgaiilMtlons in many, asksIf you will endeavor to have tha tariff re-

moved from meat In the event of your beingelected President of the I idled Hints

'I he result of a careful Inveallgatlnn nf thsmeat situation bv the II, usewive l,enguashnss eoneluslveli' I hut in order to bringabout a proper ntl.iiilnient of prices il I

neressnrv that men be allowed free entryinto ihi- - i 'iiinli v

This letter is a pie lliuuiur fclep in aiiniwilgn which is in so on tint I a educ- -

tion in tuu priou of meat bus btspit brouglal.about.

Wanted A Political Fool Killer.that the executive committee has de-cided to establish a bureau for the pur-pose of combating It.

Pro Catholicism, anil Catholicism.e, In short


Wltlow of Orlalamfor f "Poor'sllaaoal" Waa !.

Boston'. Aug. It. Mt. Uary WildPoor, widow of Henry Varnum Foor andjnuncest daughter of the lata Rev. JohnPierce, died y at her home In Brook-lin- e.

Mrs. Poor, who had been 111 a lonrtime, was In her ninety-secon- d yesr andsuccumbed to the Infirmities of age. Herlate husband wus the originator of I'oor'tUanunl, which publication Is still Issuedperiodically. Mts. Poor's father, DrI'Ipico. was especially prominent In the

' I ,ilt rla 11 InnMr. Poor, whoso husband died a fewS()MK WORTHLESS STOCK

vears ago at the age of II. It survived!' three daughters, as MlssiAgin- Uluka Poor, who Is prominent Inthe work or the Daughters of the Amer

. loan Itevolution : Miss Lucy Tappan Poor,'and Mr. Alfred 1). Chandler of Brook-line- .

Mrs. Poor leaves a son, Henry WPoor, a banker of New York city, fiev-ira- l

grandchildren also suivlva her.

If. W. Poor Is senior member of thebanking nrm of II. V. Poor Co . ofNaw York and noston. Ili ,ew Yorkbusiness addle Is 6 William street.

F. C. LAWRENCE LEFT $1,775,000.

Ills tlrandson, Lord Vernon, Oet220,000 aad Widow 1 110,4 43.

RlVKttHKio. I,. I.. Aug. 13, Tha reuort ofi timer Mitchell, Transfer 'lax Appraiser,shows toe net value of tha eatala of Francis

i Cooper a summer resident ofBay .Shore, who Ulad in about twomonths ago, amounts to SI, 774, $04.31, onwhich a tat of l43.:oo.;a has been imposed

some or the legatees are George FrancisAugustus Venabies-Verno- the eighthllaron Vernon, grandson, about IVIu.ooti,i'rancis illiatn Law i.vncss. uinw mnmii

llramis Alice Willing grand-Idaughte- i,

ubout l.'.lo,ooo, Charles LauierLnwienee. grandson, about I2?0,0XI. Kittle

I Lanier Lawrence, granddaughter. i:i3,S.uaait it, ii lining Lawrence, widow, ii3U,i3.


Fire Thoaaand See Kllsabelh War-wick Crowned.

l.o.Mi rinascn. X .1., Aug 13- ,- Klie ihou-f-an- d

persons witnessed the coronation ofthe queen or the doll carnival, little Kllza-bot- h

Warwick, In Washington Parkby Mayor Hrynnt 11. Neweorab.

night the queen of the chil-dren's carnival. Miss Mercedes L'rum. will becrowned nt tho Hollywood Hotel. Thurs-da- y

marks the opening of the three daycarnival, with. a firemen's, industrial undfarmers' parade Saturday,

Ken Theatre for Brooklyn,Plain for n new Urooklrn theatre to cost

llio.ow. lo be erected at Knurth avenueund Uncouth street, were filed vesterdaywith the building bureau. It I to seat ;,nou.

Vole of the Socl-- I World.Mrs. Stephen II. Klklna and Mlaa Kalh- -

erlne niklns. who ar.. at thewith Mr and Mrs. Hlatne Kikln. will aalllor Kurope lo. morrow nn the Ainerlka.

Harold A Content la visiting Mr and Mrs.rrederlik Lenlahon at Camp Kill Kare Inthe Adirondack. Mr, and Ur. Lawlahnnhave Iraaed the camp from Timothy L.Woodrutr for the aummer.

Oen. and Mrs. Nlon Henry sail MliaAmy Sloan left yeaierday far th Uslaewood to apend a fortnight. He for return-In- g

they will l.e guest of Mr. Henry rDlmtick, who I ataylng at Oar Harbor fortho aummer,

.Miss Helen l.oula Maynard, daughter ofMrs. Ciflnghani Maynard. I vlalllm Ur. andMrs. Henry Holllsier Tea at their countryplace, Orchard, In I.enoa.

Ml a. V, Karl Imdge, who haa been atay-lng In rUiuthimpton during lh early mm.mer, is in Newport visiting Mr, and Ura.Clarence Dolan.

Mr. Charles K. Whitney and Ml HelenWhitney of lloaion ar al th Plat forfew daya visit.

Mr. Chester Orlswold I visiting Mrs..Inscph W rturdtn al ttndtrladg. l.inot.

Ainnn Ihe raktengere arriving HornI'.uropt nn 'lie (ll)inpic due In tnd4 areihe link and DucneM nf Sntperlano, LordAlllstalr Ooser, Laidy Roa Mary Qowsr aadBlr Edward atswart McluriMBt


every charge that might lend to In-

flame the mind Is now being circulatedanonymously by the political opponentsor the personal enemies of the nomineeIn about every Stats of the Union.



$2,212,213 TO MRS. FISH

Appraisal Shown GukUv Am-slnck- 's

Estate to Be Worth$2,906,434.

Executor. Must. Account for$n7.:i(U for Oood Will

of Business.

' Tlie of the estate of tiiisl.ivAmsinck, the expoiter anil banker, whodied mi dune s, lb09, shows tliat he lefl

I r.',i:;.?13 to his widow, .Mrs. FlorenceAmhinck, who recently married formerCongressman Hamilton 1'isli.

This sum is made up of Ihe widow'sdower of S.M0,l(l, u rash tiequest of$1,000. 000, a life interest in J , ooo, ooo estimated to be worth ",:), 587 and furniture,books and oilier propeity valued al fU.OOO.

The report of Ihe appraiser also shuwsthat under an order by Siirrugdle

theexcculors, Hermann H.iineis-tlor- f

and Adolf Fuvenstedt, mustto Ihe estate for 197, Mt as (ho vulue ofthe good will of (i. Amsinck & Co. Iteforethey cau lie dischcrged as executors.

Ibis order was made on the report ofMlohael K.gnn, appointed rofereo by I liuKurrogste to determine Ihe vjIiio of Mr.Amsinck' interest in the firm und of hisshare of ihe good will. The referee re-ported that JUveiutodt was a memberof Ihe firm and Hameradorf an employee.On December 31. 11)08. u now firm of U.Amsinck A t'o, wun formed consisting ofHdvemdmlt ami .Instils Ituperli, old mem-Ist-

a now spociul pnrtner, Huron Uriinovon Schroder of London, who put in(300.000, und Henry Willinok. generalpartner, who gave $50,000. Ilumersdoif,tho executor, continued in tho employot tho now Arm.

Tho roforoe found Hint with the consentor tho two oxocutoit tho new linn

tho good will of the old con-cern and that it will now lie iuipoAsibloto sell tho good will to any ono vise. Korthat roiuvon the executors must accountfor $h7.30i.

Tho total value of ihe estate is tl, 900, 131and tho net vuluo .',77i,sll. Tim roa I

esfjitv rnnststeil nf (hi. nmntvrti' nt. S t9 Hanover Siuuro. vitluod ut $:az.Sji) ami

I tho residence, ut H10 avoiiuo, $li:,.V)0.i Included in the iwraoiml cutate are thefollowing securities: $40,000 bonds ofLuytieH iiros,, X4o,ouo; :oo snurea iiatik ofNow York, 87,ooo; 12.1 tdiares AmericanColonial Bank or Porto Hlco, $32,500; suashares Soul hern Porto Itic o Sugar Com-pany, f'.'; script of tho At lantio MutuallUHtirunco Company. tlx.25U; 250 sharesUelawuro Copper lliifining Comjiunv,$:."i,oou; 300 shares Hank of Sau I,ul Potoul ,

$25,:oi); 100 nharea tendon and Wost-miiiKt- er

Itank. 424. M7: and a oitvy of Ham.piiurg lottery ticket, $5.1.

Mr. AinslticK nau hoiuo wonniess siockk,Including S.iXiO ahares of tho FloridaPhosphate t'omany. Ills interest lit the(Irm of (. Amsinck 4 Co. was estimatedut $1,590,010, to which was added his shareof tho profits for flvn months and eightdays, amounting to $63,tW7.

His furniture and library iti his houseat Hamburg, flennany. wero valued at$55,000 and the household furniture, silver,jewolry and other property In hla househero at $10,000.

Among the aaseU of tha estate) is a notefor $17,500 made by J. M. Waterlmry. onwhich 12,500 remains unpaid. Tho balancela stated to be "nroliablr uncollectible."

I The widow made an affidavit In whichaho objected to the appraisal of $lo,ono,ontho value of Mr Amslnck's property inJtiresidence Hliesaldlhalnraitically every

' thing in the hoi me, whs her own and wassillier purcnaaen ny nr or given to uerby her llrM husliand, James lleekmnnair. Amalnek had lived in Ivaohelor ntiai- -tern liefotw fie married her, she said, andowned little of the household furnishings.


Arrives at Halifax to Dedicate Memortal Tomer,

Halifax, N'. S.. Aug. 13. The steamerKarl Grey with the Duke ot Connaughtand party arrived from St. Anna, C. B,, at3 o clock this afternooo. They were

with a royal salute from H. M 8,Hirlus. which la here with Sir Ralph Will- -Isms, Governor of Newfoundland.

The Duke will land at Ihe dockyard at10 o'clock to --morrow and will proceedthrough streets lined by military to thecity hall, Addresses will be presented.Then his Horal Hls-hnns- will nroeead tothe Northwest Ann, where the memorialtower win tio dedicated.

This tower waa built of native atone Inhonor of the establishment of repre-sentative parliamentary institutions inNova Scotia 154 yea nt ago and was erectedat a cost of about $oO,000, contrtbnted by?;overnments, diiee and corporations

of the Hritish Empire. Itstands in n park donated to the city bySir Sandford Fleming.


Cgre to laveallarate AtlaeWa oaWllaoa aad Other OMelals.

W.BHljtOTOK, Aug. IS. -- The "officialsponge of the House was brought outagain y to wipe from the Congrtn-aton- al

Accord tho fiery speeches of Repre-sentative Theron Akin of New York,known as "the man without a party. "

Speaker Clark appointed a committeeto investigate two of Akin's speeches andreport, whether they should be expunged.

In Ute speeches Akin attacked WillisMoore, chief of the Wrnther Bureau, Kec-reta-

of AgrictiHtiro Wilson and severalHeprosentatives, charging the latter with"whitewashing" Government officials inInvestigations of the Department ofAgriculture.


Will Have Mevreml nerrae andNe-- tr I'lay on the Read.

Cohan A Harris last night in making publie their plan for the coming season saidI hat besides managing the (leorge M. Cohan,the Ator and (lately theaties. the GrandOpera House, The lironi Opera HouseIn Mtth street and the (ieorgo M. lohauCram I Opera House In Chicago, lhey wouldhave for tour the following companies-

"The Polish Wedding." a luusicul farcefrom Ihe German of Curt Kraals, (leorgOkonkovvekl. Alfred Sdioufrld and deanOllbert, adapted fur Die American slugby tleorge V lluharl and .leiome U, Kern,which will lie given its first presentationIn tins country at the Dei roil Opera HouseMonday, September s

(leorue M. Cohan In Ms new comedy,"llroadnay .tones. which will have lis firstperformance ut l'arsous Theatre. Hartford.Conn,, on Monday, Heptember It.

Itaymond Hitchcock's tour in ChanulngPollock. I'.ennold Wolf and Charl-- - J.Oebesl's musical plav. The Hed Widow,"which will start at Atlantic City, Septem-ber li,

(ieorge M Cohan's musical farce. "TheLit Ho Millionaire," beginning at the TavlorOpera House, Trenton, Monday, Sep-tember 7.

The New York and Chicago "Officer Mt"eoiupanies supplemented by two additionalorganizations, to present the fane I mm.West. .North and South.

Two companies presenting (ieorge MCohan s comedy. "Oet Klch Wuick Walliug-ford,- "

which will begin their lours earlyin September, and one company presentingWinenell Smith's Tbe Koitutie Hunter,which will start the last week In August

Productions in sctlve preparation bvCohan A Harris, and which will be offeredon or before the new year, include "Haw-thorne. V. s a" a comedy from the penof .tomes II, lagan, In which Douglas k'atr-isn-

Is to be MarnsI; The Other Man."a drnnia by Kugentv W. Presbrev, withCeorge ash, "The Seven Little Widow,"a musical ply by Itlda Johnson Young andWilliam Carey Duncan, with iniislc bv Vic-tor Herbert. "Queed." u uat ionot Henry Sydnor Harrison's book madeinlo play form bv W'inehell .Smith, withHranilon 1'ynan in tho title role; "StopI'hlefl" a farce by Carlyhi Moore, "llnom

, farce by Frances Nordstrom " 1'UevSay He Went to Colleue,- - u coinedv. bvHuydou lalhot. and "An: on .Mv Wife.'"a dramatization or Mug Marslri's bookwill-- is being made teady for Ihe stageby Hoy At well.


Women Work era t PleadI'auar In audevllle RIM.

"'I he Atnerii an Woman SurftageAssoi'iallon has its turn' all ready foreufli.U'e week in lluiumetsteiu's Tliealre,"said Miss Minor Hymen, ine acting vhaii-inai- i,

So, we won't do anv s,lutite, explainedMiss llyrnes, "because thai would pui uhIn Ihe clash, We ar.v satisfiedto lepresem nations in which women ameuri.iiK'hiseil and doiriitilefspeeihinukllig I

Mrs. James Lees Laidlaiv will tlo liietalking

M Him back or Ihe singe Iheifl will be alatae ilmu lenieseiitina- - the kv in vvhiiliwill lloiit itvo heinlepherrs with Ihe womansurirjge lerrilorv iloiu. in golil In fromor Hits di(i) will be gtonped vvninn lepra-seutiii- g

the vniious equal Mintage IhuhK lepieaentiug foieigniiuiloiib bating in national dioss,

Noiway. ivhlch still holds Hie honniof lieiiii; the only soveieign Stale lo haveifiumed fullsiifriage to women. w ill be retue-seiile-

In Mr liudiiin l.oi.hvn Diewsennow ol lliooklv a, Inn roimerlv a voter in lieiuulive country.

Ir4diil of Park Noperlwlradeul.Ilosiu.v, Aug I James II Shea, Super

ititendent or Parks of Huston, was e lei: ledpixeidriit of t l:o .Natioual Astocialiuti ofPark Siiperinteiideuts at sessionat Hurlk'tittiii'iil 1111. 'Ihe election waby aei tarnation, an iiiipiet edeuied liouuiliiviiatlons rot I Im iioti cunvenilon werereieived fioiu New (irle.ins, .SewburghN. . Hi'iiver nnd Si Louie, New-burg-

winning by ii vote of :'. to I!iaoliitlouswere adopted eleclin? Mia J A. l'etllgrewan htinoiaiy meinbur and Chailea K. Kellhof llriilgeport

l ay Teiuplclon Lost to Stage f

PirisniT.o, Aug IS Kay Temclnlon.rciiiH'tlienne, will not letiiin lo the stagethis uiiilur it has been reported. Theuetiees Is (ho wife of W J. Patterson, awe.ilthv I'ittsiiiug resident, and II la be-came of Pnllei'son that alio eould pot beliiuuccci to it'iuru in ine luoiiigutr..

.in, i in noi going mien to ine stage,said .Mrs, I'utteihoit v us she workedamong her (lowers, She woie u sun bonnet-- .mi, i wuuiuii i leave my nusnanu for solong "

Wlllliim C. Stewart Hufter llelaaae,Nywrnni, It I, Aug 13 -- Having but

recent lv from ono attack ofpneumonia William (' Stewart of Mont-thil- r,

N. I . I suffering from another at-tack. Ho was takon III again ut ihevilla of I, Townsend Hutclen. which hisdaughter, Mrs. William II. Leeds, has underlease this summer.

To Aid l.ehanou llospllnl.An entertainment In aid of Lebanon Hos-

pital, consisting of a pi'oftiiional vauduvilleperformance followed by a danca, will twheld Saturduv evening, August 17, at s iuo'clock ul Ihe New Arverno Hotel, rverne,I.. I.

Joseph R. Wldrner III.Nawi'onr, II I., Aug. 1.1 Jtiseph II,

Widener of Klklna Park, Pa , Is sufferingfront appendicitis and soon to submit Inuu opcruUou.

lleiilia'-MIIIe- rl Wedillna Nov, -- l.The wedding of Mi Lllla H (illbert

iluiiehter or Mrs II llramhall C.llhert. ton.... .I n. 1. i?..i.h. r this eitv and T'ov"!.. 7'." ' '."-- .'. " i'Z. si riiie en.u 11 lass nisee in -

jgtgemeDt, waa auuounccd recently.



Newport Hostensfs Rimy WithDinners, Luncheons and

Tableaux Virants.


Financier Will Oire Luncheonson the Corsair To-Hft- v


Ne.wi-oni- . H, I., Aug. u. Mm. JiillaaMcCarly l.lttle gave au Informal danca

at her home tit Ayrault street,guests being from the younger marriedpeople anil the young 'dancing get, A

tuaripiee, with a good tUaring floor, waaplaced on I ho lawn, and at midnight abuffet supper was served.

Among the guest weie Mr and Mrs.Preston (llbson, Mr and Mrs, James Harrcman, Mr. and Mts. Arthur H. Burden. Mr.and Mrs. Sydney J. l oirord, Jr., Mr. andMrs. Herbert Hairiman, Mr. and Mrs. ,f.lloidon Douglas, Mr. and Mrs, Newt nuAdams, Commander and Mrs, W. V Pratt,Miss lues. Milliollaitd, Miss Hose l, (irot.venor. Miss Mice l.lttle. Miss llobptla W'il.lard, Mkts l.uuia Swan, MissPaine, l.louil Hugo W Osterhaus. I . S. N'.,Harvey S. I.adew Daoiel von llalmhauaen,Philip Poltei. 'I nomas Midell. Dr. HanryJ. Knapp. raym.isipr and Mrs. W. N.Hughes, Mr nnd Mrs. Ileglnald N'ornian,I.ouls binsuicic. Lieutoiiant-Coinmand-

Walter 4ie Knper u I I. lent. Joint 0Klenuiut, .lr ,1 S N

Cupt. William S. t.iiirno.i, t s. X , andMrs. Cais-rlo-n gave a dinner atths traiulng station in honor of Rear Ad-

miral Hugo Ostethaus of the Atlantic fleet.Among the guests were Hear Admiraland Mrs. trench K. t badwick. Commaudt rnml Mi- - t hailes I. Huesey, Mr and .Mrs.liiines A Swan, Mr. William Crosvtnorund l'i- and Mis. Roderick l'err

.Miolliei nr dinners was givenby Mie, Aloaniler S. Clarke at Beamlloiuid, J. I'l"i'i'iiit Morgan bring amongherguests Mr .Mm gnu w ill give luncheons011 lioatd the t 01,1 r ami '1 liurs-la- v

liegl-teie- d at the Casino were,Mr. and .Mis V Kail Dodge, who havecome tiom Sou'.hatiipton, I.. I., to visit'Mr. and Mta. 1 Imi'iKe V. Dolau. ralgW'adsworth. .Mrs Alexander S t'lark.Mr, ami .Mis. Waller H. Howe nf Washing-toi- l.

I. . W Stephen Van llenaaplasr.who Is at the breaker .Mrs. AloiimderII. II. Pratt a guest of Mrs. Stuart Duncan:Waller Van ttetinselaer Berry ot Washing-- ,ton, I' .11 guei or Mr und Mrs. W.Starr.Miller, and Mr. and .Mr, tleorge O. lot-te- n.

Jr.Mrs. Itlchard (iambrill has returned from

a visit to her sister. Mrs. Charles CarrollJackson, iu Springfield, Mas. She willgive u dinner for .1. Pierpout Morgan to-morrow-.

Luncheons vver given y bv Mm,Hakhtneleff, Mrs, John It. Drexel. Mrs.Howard S. Graham. Mrs. John Sunford,Mrs. Hugh I). Auchlncloss and Miss(leorglans King.

Small dinners were given by Mrs. Her-mann OelrUhs and Mrs. Dud lev Davis.

W llhlitelaniier Stewart and his son willarrive lor a visit with l.ispenard Stewart onMoi1il.1v and luler iu the week Mr. and Mrs.Krank H. W'llherhoe and Miss Kvelyn Wither-be- e

will arrive ai While Unigc. Mr. Stewartwill soon go to Maine lor fishing.

Mrs. diehard T. Wilson will give s dinneron Thursday night, and after lableaugvivnuts those posing will go to her homein their costumes for nn informal rlnnreandsupper.

Mm Mabel Cheats has come from Stock-bridg- e,

Mass., to visit Miss Kdna Darger.Mrs. John Nicholas Hi own and her son lefty for liar Harbor to visit Mr. and Mr'llutler McCagg,Dr. and Mrs. John J. Mason will retura

flom Bar Harbor to W'ahiui nn Saturday.Mr, sod Mrs. Henry A. Coster of West

Chester, X . are al the MuenchingsrKing.

Something evidently new In th warol fashions tor women was seen this morn-ing at the Casino, one of the leoenl arrivalsappearing with one while stocking and on


Stella ile Miirne to I'lay In "Pntuaataiter Walt." In Meal.

.Mcll.i tie Marnev, a Utile Knglish actiasaarrived (or the first tljuei in Ibis countryeterday 011 ili, lied Star liner Finland.

She Is going 10 San Wraiieiscu lo take the.P.iri uf .lie m)ii,ir in "pomander Walk."Willi her Thomas (,. Warren, an Kni-lls- h

ur tor. who will lake the leading part taihe tame plat

Mlm tie Ai.n mv played the part of'Afy.iii in ' ihe riatliins In London.

She insdf hrrdelxil on the stage of LondonWilli (leiiiire l.dw a tiles und she ha playedsiicc esafullv in comedy rules, She expectlit lie Willi Ihe i.inpHliv lor six to eightnioiitiis, pun or ihe time on th road, andthen, she says, she linpv ehe'll go back toLondon,

DIED.lil.Xt.HKN (la Tuesday. Aucust t.l, llary Hep-Lli- .s

lliailen wife uf Ciauford Rlafden.dstigbter nf (. t. rrlilhalil and t'tiarlotlI'veietl llnisliis,

I'unrral at I I'M Tluirda, at Wllltaniilown.Mass.

HMINKN On Aiitusl IS. I w I . . Joseph C. L.Ilyicrs. beloved liustistid id Louise J.

hviurral services un l'ilda, Auguit IS, at 10A. 'J bum the Church or Ml, Agae. KaatI tirlt-lhlr- d st. Ititrrinrnl private.

hl.WACA.V Mur.uay. August II, .IrrfnUah A.Plantian, he lined liusbanil uf Aus Hill.

Fiu.tral srivlrrs at his I ale evidence. 211

Weal Ulthtt,, Wcdneid) evening at I o'rlori.Interment private.

UOKIKiN On August 1, William T. Cordsa.ased fi7

Slepheu Vlenllt'a Chapel. ::i SIS a v.near 'Jlsl tl . Wcdoenl) , 1 P. U.

IXIU IS.-- AI Uoiinl Vernon, N. V . AuguilU.IIU,lldward .Nrlsoti, tldrsl sun nf Kdwird M. tadMisle Ijuias. aged 3i tear.

Nuilce ul funeral htieatieilt,ni)i:.V On August IS. I.'dnard 0 , aon nf tha

laic Archibald Madden, aged to. nf Albaay,.V V

Fuiieial services al ihe chapel of th StepsenUerrltt Ilurlal and Cremallon Co , aih av. indivih si.. 'Ihuradav evening al o'clock.

Albany Hursl Ccmciety at conven-ience ol rainlly Albany iaper plena ropy.

UKRCIt --On Aucutt II. Prank f), Meech. aged If).

Fnreral lervlrrs al the chapel nf the StephenMerrill Ilurlal and Cmnallon Co , tub av. aadlUlh si Time Inlet

POOH. Ou Tuesday mnrnlnr. AUfuat la. alUiKOkllne, Mst , Mary W, I'nor. wtf of thlate IV. V Poor, In I tic ICd vrar of het tit.

rur.eral acrv Ices vtlll be held nn Thursday aflrnoon at I n'clocU at her late mldeuce, Wslaulst llrook line. Mats.

I'KINUI.i: Al her rcsllrnce Jin Weal lUlh .,

on Uvnday, Auguii C. Hi: I'.lliahelh Klhrr-Ingio-

widow of Charlca Allen Prlndl.yuneral private lioin the residence nf her dauih-ir- r

Mrs. Ilayward A, Harve), 31 LUicoln avorane, N J.

HOtiKIIS. Al Tuiedo Park, N V co August II,

ll). Krury I'euillclun liugrrt. It, the Slit ytwof Ida act.

Notice ot funeral heteallerSTr:HN.- - Cfl Tuesday. AuruslU. Wi: at her resi-

dence, la .Nrpluii v I direiiicrc. U I.

Aallla Ijisieiice.siern, belovrtl wife ef .Ubsrl.1 Strrn. In her .Hit ear, daughter ol alalcolatit and ihe late linoscne A, l.asieare.

Xuiirv "f (iiniial liricnflct

STOtlV l) Anguit II. at Ihe reiMsanaef Chnilei K. June. 134 Ulterts pi . Hrooklya.I raoces Uieoa Carpulgnt, wife ul T, HarrfSlur).

Nolle uf funeral lieieafierW'lllTK l her resldenie, rrastun pie.

Siminill .' ( nrririi'fc r. reiiieTe, wu mTheodore V, While. Autuat U.

sfnttre of Pineral hereafter


fatayirrispiwn Ei CAMlIELL

motor HEAMCS ornrNAr'.V