the sun. (new york, n.y.) 1904-05-07 [p...

I f ir flermilye CoV- A BANKERS riflBW YORK BOSTON BALTIMORE TRUST COMPANIES lsiKC Mor In McVlekar Realty Tout Co uid Slate Trust JVOaVliial Mid Nnrnlnv IBOOOOOM- tUun amce 43 Broadway Hrnnch offices Ul Fifth Ayii 10 Columbus Ay 242 K Houston BNtilJIEaJIW ENGINEERS l e lru Llfu Examinations and Reports i a rtUsls frtlVIDRSillfJ AND INTEREST THEPKNN3T RAILROAD COM PAN Philadelphia 2 1904- Tbit BOARD Of this day d flared a IMVlDBNt of PER CENT trIO share the Capll- SVorl of the Company payable on and after f Dividends will be bv TOIEQUES will be mailed to Stockholders wh- noDT W SMITH Treasurer teiniKtorit aa LIGHT AND COKE co 5 j of Chicago vh hereby riven that a dividend of OM- AtAMrOXKllAI PKRCKNT has been dectarc- iiifMj lJjVh IfjM n C noon and will reopen Ma- A VILKY Secretary ifi nnAPIIOPIIONE COMPANY Preferred No 10- iVni regular ronserutlve quarterly Xo- i Wt f nn per rent on thi itucliOf the Company will hr paid May It to stockholders o record May 1 law order of the Directors 1 KA8TOV KmVAIII President LOCOMOTIVE WORKS Cour an number fix due May H IWH op Roger l iooraotlve mortenie live cent bonds willbe paid on and after that date at Ib- otltttuf the Company US Wall Street New Yor- lXtt v I HOL11AV Treasurer Vsfff iilK4JTll N8 AN MKCT1NC- Hriuii UKlAWAKtt AND HUDSON COMPANY ntv sv New York I 190- 4i 0lftrt1rft brboeby given thai the Annual ef THR DELAWARE AND HUDSON COMPANY will be held at the office pany No 21 Cortjandt Street In lb- nclock noon for the lection at Managers and tat cither business At tbe Mine time and place a iM of THK DELAWARE AND HUDSON COMPANY railed order of tbe Board heldfor fie of re- fSsWerurrimd wlloc upon the question of m 4 tontlnnlot Uie of franchlMi and other of Tbe Cbateaucay Lake 1lAcld Italltray Company Tbe open at 17 oclock noon and Kill remain for at a t one hour The transfer books will be closed irons the clote- el Saturday April 30th uatU aior- mInfol Wednetday lff el the Board of Uanaren- f i seemarr- KARNlttGS M iV I04 VM681 M08I3 Her 1 4 7S 1MSO Dec 7W43- Artiertfau TUllways Month April Inc WSM- Fron 1IW797 ISS1W Inc 144Wi Central of Georgia wi4th we K pMI tlMRM I1971W Dec t74 4- ilMIltnCiiit OMW4 73J Dec I07J4 i 40734W 7MI M Inc JIIW7 Termlhal Trarufer- A fir V rtli H03IO H3SH Dec W5H 154141 U M1 Dec ZlttW 1WtHrMKi laMII t40 78 Dec m7 o oll aad LouUvllle- k i April 3 037 M57 Dec I10J39- MorrtlP I Rn 121783 Dec 2SSI8 13MI31 1503 8T3 Inc 42W- UNroli United Railway th nr k Vpril 101309 9el28 Inc S2- tM1oBtkVXn tvJ ttS349 319230 Inc 0084 Iiilw0 l42Na inc 8l l SrratXonfatni- v 2S73S7t UoeiOOO Dec K174- SSFienuJnlttii347l73U S49M423 Deo 17821- 2liitcriuiilnrnl and nrral 4ttO i tl67o 147172 Dec KW6M- Monlll 3Miw4 416HM Dec M3SO- y 1 4tOliCfi 48S7287 Inr 243UBS- I iMlnjrapiJUv St Paul unit S ult St Mitrte IIUViM IWS47 Dec M3M 5 lluvltfi 472JW1 I 647 Dee 1 8- 7J t 5 49 5S SdUMl Dec IJ57M QiH- 4lW l April 7U ilt W07587 Pec WIS3- ipmihv iiHsn 725nu Dec 128M7 7 Vi aw ptli vntm 7Mtns inc t S87 7705123 inc MiB 7 frt T9HI dlpnln Company of VUUburt lS S1M 4 Inc IMM- 1rt6mrJan I ftiiid2U 6MSSM Inc 2l HOCTHURN PACIKIO- r flouthrrn Haclflc Company rrporu for March 1WU 1803 Jhanoe- tKtGroMim 7riisti3 Mwdsio inc 342328 ta Sqitwi 55flJ703 Inc 1127M- NVt earn ll3 sTOil IIII81S Inc M- SiUthrf in int Mmi iiefanmj inc 1MOM- It rTotal nel IIA14370 1279711 Inc l 39- v tfrornJuly ItivMarrh 31 nrovienni I S7S5M Inc KI41MS- PRHAIIU 493nOa2l 4 i4567S Inc 78U44a 7 1 Inorae t23l 7J 7 tl9KHSSO Inc Union Parlfle nysteni rrporu for March i IWI I05 C a llen9A43 tlO769S Inc t7l9S3 from July I to March 31- n s e8rng 4l 510 I37K3947 Inc tl3974ll Net e Tnk s IISJCSllO I1703 M Inc I21SJ2H- 3sA fntlCAOO AKD ALTOX- W ChlrAf n and Alton reports for March t t 1901 ISO f Grow earning WOM9 M740M Inc R pJnf tanrn KS67BS WI BM Ine WI07- NeteVnlnirs Sn J4 t2 S50 Inc 121484- tii 7 tonf Julri to March si t8MiSS4 I7au423 Ifac tll80t 2- ltrjptot taiM 60M5H JjlM9IH Ino 773608- N t rarninr t291 0 JJW4J04 Inc t4J4W- 4vrKirwasOly pouthern report for Marrt- v I cwnwt KMBU t4Mo 4 Inc tnMl- KkpilDCltaxM S99M1 S81M1 Inr 1MI- OiJpoWJmy4oilarrhstt PIHI mXf 3J5S04S M770 Inc 19733- Sftiarnlnj JLaaToW I12S52S Inc 1158812- Ac TttK Ann Arbor Railroad Company reporti for Marrb W i IKM I90 CftanM- ri fToul raceme I3IA2A IW 43 Dec 148014 719 Inc 719- SSiM MOXJ Dec 44SIM- 31At8 20333 Inc 47IS- M7 HJ7IO Dec WOO- WthlrAOO TXUMINAT T N r n tin 3 i5hlc lTrnlnLTril1 r n llroad Com 1904 inns Chonaa- 4roVe r8lni tinl7 I3 774 DecC8eoj fjtncnMi Km ta Inc U7Q- i t6 Jan 31 flroNieanUnt S107 11018123 DecKnOll expenwu lit2si M8JQ4 Inc 2201- 7cirnto RAIIKOAIXI p BAN FiuMcnco- t Ti nlted Railroads of Ran Frftncbco rrpor- torlte y ar ended Dec II- f nerattnt eipenaea and taien- OterOrieom i- P n l r- a A9flan rTr pfd quarttrrr Sfcxt Ami Hi Marl > > < > > < < < > > < > > > < > > > < < < FINANCIAL FRIDAT May 6 Transaction on th Block Excbani today only footed up 181000 fhar whlo tells better than can anything l e tha lo ebb to which lnt re t In the security tnarki hat fallen Dealings were centred In two or three stocks and du- on tho market was the dcwlre to buy stock rather than to wll them wan prcdomlhan- Tho bond marknt won perhaps a littlo than It ha boon recently but ws- no less BtronR Tho crltlcUm pawed tipo the bond market by those who aro to laku a ptvwImlNtio view of things thi the ndvancn that has oTRUrred In the pric- of thin oluxH of soctiritlfrt hnn boon Inrgel confined to the old and well placed Issue haa of cotirw much truth behind Th- socalled spoculatlvn bonds of new crentfo are still unHoujrht for Yet It Is by reaso- of this very fact that thn appearanc- of the bond market to conservative oil servws affords strong ground for hop concerning the general financial sltuatloi The buying of bonds Is starting just wher- It ought to start Were It restricted to th third and fourth rate IHHUCB It genuine nets would be rightly tloubted and a specu- latlve origin properly ascribed to It Bii that In the countn of two or three week the price of the well known flrst mortgag railway bonds has advanced BO notabl shows that tho abundance of money ha- at lost forced an absorption of BccurlUf- of tho highest grade for Investment pur pones The usual precedent Is that1 till process once begun providing a plethon- of money continues extends to other Be- curltiea as well Tho stocks chiefly traded In today wer Manhattan Rock Island preferred Brook- lyn Rapid Transit National ooramoi and pno or two other specialties Th figures given out for publication by thi- Btate Railway Commission la e yesterda afternoon showing the Increase In passen- ger traffic In the last year upon tthe ele- vated lines In this city naturally helpec Manhattan stock The Industrial Issue referred to were Ixiught because of oumii- Intive evidence of favorable trade conditions Tho fact Is beginning to exercise Its dm weight In the stock market but while II may be tme as a general proposition thai business throughout the country Is enlng there are certain lines of trade anc Industry at least In which profits arc ex- ceptlonally and pectUlarly large News Ir general of market importance today wfti slender or at least was little regarded Various authorities In the agricultural world printed estimates of crop condition which showed a deterioration In wlntei wheat during the month of Aprilbut thli was not at all in the nature of a revelation It is conceded that the Government crop report for April wlilch will appear next Tuesday will also testify to the same result It Is expected however that in Nome of the largest winter wheat producing States an Improvement In condition will beshpwti and It Is present before the eyes of every jrain speculator that during the last ten lays the weather for every staple crop From one end of the country to the other baa been In the highest degree propitious More gold of course was taken tor ex- port tomorrow but receipts of cash In this city from the interior of the have been BO large aa to indicate according to the forecasts published today that the net loss in cash by our local banki during the week has been very small Pleasing exhibits of gross and net earnlnr for March were made by the Union Paclfl Southern Pacific and other socalledHarri roan lines and there waa a subeideno- f the idea that the dissolution of the United States Steel stock conversion syndicate irlll cause an unwonted quantity of United itates Steel sinking fund bonds to be brown upon the market Abroad there wa- aibetter tone In all the financial market heap money and the conviction that events vere rapidly developing a clearer under- standing oa to the probable outcome of- ho RussoJapanese War being the con rolling causes tew York RtocW Kxehanie Sale May 6- CUXIXO FBICXI Of CKmoSTATU BOVDI Bit Atltt Hhl Jtttt 100U 4couplO7 1O7- VSZactOO 1OOW I ret 1331- a coup rec07 107HI- AILROAD AND OTHKR BONDS ama 4 HouaTcxCen4iSt I S n Fran 10000 lOllfl 100003 clauO HocaUiVaI4lia l 0fl 1 03U- ooioiit 0900 100101 1000107 60008834 lltUtNorth2d OIK82ly- nn Arbor lt 2000B0l 000 893- 41000gait Iowa Central lat St Ut 10000 03 9000 ILUa 900004laM- ehTopSFe4a StIxiuU 8W 3d 100007i80l4 100O877I4 10000 1 Oils EaruuuCltyitota 10009 74 3 22090 10 HB 9 0ai74lg 00 1 49000 IO 40007OU SanAnAAPaaat- iBQ90101 10D982J- OOOI OOTs Ceuntr 4i Seaboard A L la 200088U 20000019at- amped 20008O Sontb Lake ErteoiWlot lOOUMllllO 1 U- lantloCLIne4a 1000110 SouthPaclAe u- ono047g UOM B Pavonla K tat So Pac of Cal tt 100000471 J00011A 19 A Lon Naah 41 2000103A- OOOIUI 27000 jI OO7 Southern Rjr Si all Ohio IM 22000 1 O 1 10000 1 ooo- o60004la 2000 I 3U 10000 11 04 4000 Mo Kan Tex 4 10000 ftOOO I 1 fl7- gi0007fl34 8000iOOIi TermH llo ofstLcnaai- klyn Un W Ut 10O07B i 10OOIIO 14000 IO3 UoKSiTofTss Paolstli- uf Rft PitLiSs ooaioat4 AOOOI16 10000 Third Avenue is- lurCRftNorlst Uo Kan Tax 2000041s 2000 1O334 ext Is jtada Southlst 009OI 800004la3- 000104la 7090 nl Oa en as Uo Pacific ssltll Tolede P W 4- soooioeia ioooiooag ioo UOIT LaATexea Dale Padftc is- ntralGalatin 100OI81 9009 3000 NasbChlkStli 1st 3900S20 OOU- BtralOaWin eooo 1000 3 at a Nassau Bee 4s 300 OO- nt Pacific SVU 100080la S09 OS 1000 NatKR Mex 4J 00 O- AesOh sl9H 1000073U ftOO O 2000 I 00314 Nalstarch Mfes Uirloa Paetlle e- MAObloi 1000 SB 100098714 3000 11 Ola Central 3 a loooo Iloog 12009 Ihes 41 Ohio 4149 Cent LS3VU 1090CB 73s- OOOI087g 100081134 309907sO- OOO77 20UO8078 United RR San hi Bur 4s Fraa 4s ioeoi80Sg loooo7Bflg- ht 11II4Strati NYChlStLIS O4 pwu Z0001O4 looootarI- 000l NYGsiEleoLft USSleelafta- hlJ NWsf s 83009 73lg 3000IO7I3 oooito 4 looo7aiail- RlAPaoRR I000l07la 4 oooo 7 a 10008 1 INYLack eVWeal 4C0097 14 tlopo8On4 rorutructtoatai 80000717 100070 10097 I J0001141 30007 17g 120007 H 3900lOil 10tK 07134 T009I04 INorfolkAweliMa 1000473 1000- 04909ttOll4 11000 aiOOO 4 StLirau NorfAWPocau oon Cairo dlv 4 loooo I 0 I In North Padneai leVtitere- dnleSoathen 4 600073 loooo1 sooo7aia oo 7314 1299084 Or lull 4 WabaAh lat a9oo84 4 ecoMMioa ooolioa 10900 84I 290010Ulg 12000I cna Tonaero u Or Xnort Un 4 2000 I 1 AI a 370041 ftO 9JOOO O44 1000lia6o- niumeroiaa 3000O47g 4ooollrt1g- of ihlcarn Ut loooo loaia aoooo o oioo 400OO87g Wabaahdeb B- 4000lOAla JOOOO BO 2000 ooi ooaoiu lenAMoGrU 6000OH7g 4- 3900DO looo iooaoa- eitvutala ¬ < > > < > > < > > > > glri J r 1900- l 000aB RAILROAD AND OTJt aJBAlUS- tfilti 310 A alCi 48- J20A Car4 l 177- lOOAa lee Or8- MO A Lo ioa9 100 An BB lt 40 40 40 1 1029 Aat fiiBtll UfleV PO 1 0- sooAaXurar ia7B IHTx 1 7l 100 Am VToolp 74 74 74 I- I0 Anactida 7r3l4 7fll 70144 1 3 oAT3f 7ao 791 78taa- O ATsr a Jaa 3 i- 1M2 Ball Ohio 70 787s TO 4 1 10290 Bkljr H T 40a 401 4614r- SOOCaaPacltc 1 17U J 71 1I7U 160 fear Ohle SOU SOU aOI4 I- 100CUJUlci 38 88 V I 400 Cal Or K 16 1 084 10 lOOOhlOrWA 07 flf fllI- MCWOtWB 9HU 88U 8814 1 1735 ChlU StM4378i I44P 1437af I 100 COC StI 7014 7044 701433 1100 Col FBtlAl 32U aOa 3914 11 100 Col South 101 10i J6I 4 1 153 Col S f 8814 8814 8914 1 1700 Ceiflaa 80804 dOit 8083 200 COB Tobpflt 004 11084 110044 I 100 bet Vn Ry 09f4 OflU 09U 8130 Krl 80 84lg SO I- 2llO Rrl lit f 0378 03U 37gf 1 120 Krl M f 3834 3B84 3884- SOOHockValpf 70 78 7B 31 394 mce traiiao3g 1ao laoufJ- OOlnt Paper 113g v 1 114 1 lagf 3 100 la Cent pf 34la 341 34la31 410 L u4 Naikl07S V107la 107844 0 720 Uanbattai 1437a 14Sla 1437g4lI- 22SO UelSIRy 10030 08U 1OOU I 200 UetSccu 76U 70 70144 1 230 Hex Ceal 7U 7 4 7U4 l 100 Mich Ce il 30 1O 130 8 109 UMPA33U 03 OS 03 l- roonspssupfi 10 no lie tis- oe Uo Paolda 9134 1 tlla i 100 NO St L lOQIa 10Ola lOOIa l too Nat BU Co 40 441a 132 Nat Bit of 10014 10014 16014 Ii 2 Nat Lead 18 s I 70s 180 1 100 Nat Lead pf 00 OO 00 100 NY Air Dr 13312 l32la 138laf Ii 100 NT Central ia78 1107s 1 107g4 100 KYCSLIplOo 100 100 3 110 NVNH fcH188lg 1881g ISRIg C 209 Ner 4 Wei 07 Ofl78 7 l4- 100Nor4Weip 88 88 SB S- lOONorAraCo 84 84 84 1 300 oat Weal SlOg iSlla 81og4 U 300 Pac COM t 04la 041 041a4 a- ICO Pacific Uall 87 87 87 14 11200 Peiaa R RI 141a H37 1148 14 200 FiopeaOa b78s t7U 07Ul- OOPCCASILp Ollg Dili OlUf 1 100 PrtidHCar 37 87 87 100 PullPalCarai 1 311 811 41J- OO Rtp SI 411a 41 41 8j 700 Iliadlac 4334 4UU 43344 ls- S310 llock Ulan4 23U 3391 33 3g 5700 Reck lal pf 071g 007 6634 l 700 ISr3 48 4734 4778 I 300 ML3W r 3234 nBia 3ai is 1300 t u Facile 47la 47U 47 J ig 200 ten Rr C 21 81 31 4 Ig- 400boHrCapt B31 89la 83la 8- 100TennOlr 301g 30U 381 14- lOOTezPacllo 220g S39s 32 s- 100Tel3L4 W 3Bla 3Bla 881a 14 tOO Twin CRT 043 B4U 0434 t- 200UBBAPpf 03 01 03 10230 Ua Pacll 8434 84 84B 400 UarniHCol 10 lOSIa 110 48 400 Un Rr Inr 1014 1OU tout 14 4 OUnRrInpt 40 900 USRAOoai 7 M 447a 447g13g 7 7 Ig 1900 CIRAO t eoi ooia o- lOOUBLeatktr Mt Ofl4 634 U- lAOQSLeaUvt 7 T 76T 707- 6iou n bet seBn ee o 84- UBiit i iotg loia 10U ig 1 1 00 OB Steel ft OOla OOU 00- MO ya ar Oh 3734 37ia 87344 14 400 VaCaCh plOl 1O1 101- IIS7 reitT7Tl 8 6 8 l 801 4 7 100 Wla C 4O 307 40 41 Total salea of stocks 13 14 pO akares- I CLOSING PRICES aia- OS asExp220- Us Chlrars Ut- nisChpf 41 mat Copper 47K- tmOsiF 16- MaO4 rpt 70- m Cot Oil 29i- mCotbllpf 99- mDTsl 22- m Express ISO M Grass m Hide 4 L i- mH Lpf mice leapt 7Ji- mUaOII 3- mLlaOnpt 2- mLoco 1- 9jaloebpf 3M- in Mali 3- nUaltpf 17- mSmtiff Wi- nSmeltpf 93 SnuB112a- aSnult pf C- AmSufa 27M rang pf12T- 4lC 3- mTT126 Wool 10- BtWool pf 74 Arbor 24 Arbor pt 12- scon da 77- ITASF 72M AlteA BU Attlt- J2 LaeOaapf7- 374LBTf 2 M 2 M 41 LE Wp tO let 47M Lo f Mud 47 JO- 3Ci Uaahatiaa 14N 93 UetSt By109 21 UatSeet 76 199 U9xCenti 7 7 Ulch Cant 120 4 UlnnStL 42- 17M Ue Rtlpt II 7 USPAShU 2 2 MSPASSUpfll 9 UK4bT 17 31 UK4bTpI M- 19H WoPactne 91- MI3i Nash 04tSI U109 4 NatDlsOo 44M 19 NaiBUOupMOINI- 9V Nat Lead UH 914 Nat Lead pf W 120 NatRRUeap im 91 KRR2dpt nU- 127K N J CealrU 1I7M- t ix 130- JS7 NTOftIi 26 11 rrYC4Mtiipio- sn NT04vaiijp 9 27 NtDoek M NT Deck pf 49 78 NTNHAR1M- tlCoMIL103 4 M- iiltfcdhlj 7- Bilt0hpf 90 krriUOae21Br- unairlek W- ffB4 Pll UfrRPpf2n- iurlck 48K- aa SouJUn 44- Mu Pac I17- Ma Ohio oi- hi eV Alton 37M- hi A Alii pl 8- 1hlBQt 0- OCAStL 70M- alOtWMt 1 K- hlOtWCA 8- U10tWB 27- ilOtWdeb 4- MUANW170 IMAjStP142M- llMStPpfl76 MTermla- alITrrolpfU ilUBTrao ftU- LoAW 0 x- Ix Wpf7i 1 Fuel Air 31H- 1HGA1 11W- l Southern IS ISO Utpf I2M- lBo2 lpr 22 Cabl180l- aGai 0 M tTobpfHOM- rnProd 12- WiraProdpf 70- HilAHodl 6- LAWJ 9- m A RO 201- 4raAllOpf 9M- UAFD 20- rtORy 2- ISoutba 8 South pf 17- U S eur 22- 3SAA 7H- SSAAp I1H- rta I4- rtelatpl M- rleMpf N VTH- ATflpf 70 3 Nor4kWattp m- NortfeAra t4- 79H PaelBoOoaat MM 91 PacOoaatlp II 190 226 PMOoMtlp M 8M PaelnoMaU K 121 PenaaHBli4K 114M- Pe Ot0 97 97K- to PMEait 17 2- eft PCOABtL 14 1174 POOAStLpf 1 MM- JOHPrdSt Car Ml 27- Mll Frd M Car p BM 71- M PnllmnPOar210 u- RfSIBp TK 1 M- 74MMl9t8prpt 7 U 7 1 Rvrseea M 91 7 Raadlnr 4IM 2 iR a4 latpl Tl 79 0 RtadMpl 2 2 172 MepVeSte M 7 143 RepaiMlpt 41M 42 17 ROk Ud M- f ftoek tald pf H Mft 1 H Robber Gd4 H KM 9 MubO4ai l tl 7 H- eo aoM batil7 ISM 0 So baf pf al M- J2MStJAOr IM 9M 1 M M J tfl tp i 13 9ttASF1p 0 200 StL3Wr 1JK- M SttSWpf iK 111 eiPAOralll 114 StfFpetlkcw 47N- 71i8o UernRrlOH- U7 SoRrpf I U 271 SoRyUob 92 21 TeaaOAIv I K 71 T xPLT 2- TexaaPao J2H- 2HTklr4AvRR120 9 tTMLWi 2 19 TStLAfrpf M Twtaatf 9 M- I Un Padflo I4M 14 ClFMiFf U tNortbpfI7lo- ckVal M- ock Val p 7i MHUSLeatoar C i- I9 USI atkpf 79Hi- to USRItrAOa 7 7 UBRItrAOf I9i- o USIWbbet 1 M- U2 USRubpf I0i US8XUV 10H 31 U8 Steel pl H- I Paper I IM- tPeoerpt 1- tPwr M MM VCarMiiUl4- T Wabi > + + + < > + > > + + + + > > + + + < + + > > + < > < < < < > > > > < < < < < > < < < < > > > 7 7 ialtJaT l t itl- owaOeniral 1TM ill lew Cent pf 14 l WeefuWlPK- aAAWloh J n WVMoYL- In th oi- nuotoatlpna ln fh prlcerof Lltht- t 40 en The mutter arc and all jtorW of tl The general ra rk t wag excfcdio e Incon Greene Oontolldiited COPRA Air LlnA common atook and nlao fractionally lower on thoie Int obtained Tor It- itient vita considerably nidrn cUve thin J- w Bbn Hi nee those of tho market for Btocki being Irregu- Inr The transactions In the market today ver- as follows f i JS AmUATpf 03W- SOOAraWrifc P 3 200 AmWrltPpf14 10 Cen Foundry 1 100 Con Like S N 4 PonRefrlf 4 100 Cot Oil A Fpf 3- WPJec Lead Red J 100 Gold Hill Cop f- 16M Or ene 0 Co 1 Ot- It Houston Opf 10 100 InfboroRT 110- SMIM Salt 10M- WO Lt Fnel A P 4 OH- W MarkayCoip 18 300 Von AB Cop H- IIONAmLumAP 3 140 Nor Pac re 140I- OON Seourtllw 001- MPopeUfclatp 78H 300 Srsbd A t 0 10 Stand Mill 7 1 J Standard Oil 620 3t 3M 3 14 14 141- 1M 1W X- Ji M 4 4 4 3 3 3- J T- M f M 1 Oi IOJ4 10J 10 10 110 1O HO 10 10 10- 47M 101 4ji- OB 08 i 08- aji tti 3U 140 14O 140 00 JO OK Opf- 78M 78M 78 9 P 9 7 7 7 838 830080- U WbtKnb Cop 7 oar 14000 Inl Salt Si 42 48 42 42 9000 N Am OasblOMN 108M 108 106 10000 N J SI US4s 7li71Jt 71M 71l- OCOOSeabd AL SOU SOW 88K 60 10000 04U t B4 041 10000 WashEieoas70 7 M 78 78- i LATEST QUOTATIONS OF IN AC- TIVE OUTSIDE STOCKS Kit A It ft American Can common 4f 4 American Can preferred 3flH 3H American Writing Parwr common 3J4J 4 American Paper pfd lM J ft American Writing Paper 74 A- timisbCalurohlaCopper fW 3 Brooklyn and New Yorfc Perry B 5T Buffalo and Susquebanna pfd 87- Centra Foundry common r I 1 Central Foundry preferred 7J 0 Central Foundry per etnt 02 OO Compressed Ar i t Consolidated Lake Superior cerji N M Consolidated Lake Superiorpfd 3 4J- Tonsollated Refrigerator Co 4V- Suban Government s OBM OQ Dominion Securities B 16 Erie Railway new 4s w I 81 88- Blectrte Boat common 26 US Electric Boat preferred 80 07- eieetrio Vehicle conunen OX 8- Eieetrio Vehicle preferred 8 10- Blectrte Lead Reduction oom ft RIeetrle Lead Redaction pfd a Empire Slel corarooo 5 7 Empire Sire preferred 30 43- Slectro Pneumatic H- 3old Hhl Copper M- ireat Northern pfd wl M8O 174j- reene Consolidated Copper 1 o i 18- dackensaek Weadowi Corapanr 1 ft 18- nallSlgnal 0A 86- tayana Tobacco common Ifavina Tobacco preferred 38 40 International Mercantile Marine 4 4U- nternalonal Mercantile War pf 1 7 17 International Mercantile Mar bds- nterboroufh Rapid Transit 1 OB 110- nternatlonal SaltThiM receipts ID laa- tematlonal Salt S per cent 42 44- JfhtFuelanttPowerofWVa 47J 4B- laahattsn Transit 1 lit lontreal and Doston Copper H H Jew York Transportation 4 a t- Cortbtra Pacific wI 138 134J- lorthem SecurtUes OB OOtt few Orleans Street RallWay com 8 10- Cew Orleans Street Railway pfd S7M t BB- i wOreaasStre t Railway IH pe 76 77- tls Elevator Company com tZ8 10- tils Klevator Company pfdiT 88 lock laland new 4 06 07- U al Daklng Powduf rornmoo1110 130 loyal flakingTowder preferred 1 OoH 103I- sfety Car Light and Heatcow 184 88- It LouisTransit common 13H I K aboard Air Line common 65W 0- aboardAIr Un preferred 1 7H I aboard Air Une 8O 80Ke- rnlnole Copper I- landard Oil Co ofNJ 630l- oragePower tin Ke- ttoessee Covper 31 3fj- oBOpahOold MlrilofCo- nlon Copper i t lilted Copper j i- nlted Railways of S Louis ptd DSU 6DM R5J 84- nlon Typewriter 1st 108- nton Typewriter 2djifd l IJ8 1 08- onbtngum PUrap pfd I 10 110 bite Kflob Copperi 8K 7- Exdlvldend BOSTON CLOSlNiif QUOTATIONS KaTUOAD 3TOCO lteaknrcpt- YNHAHIWl tw cuoar 29 H- treMatnnt tnHj T- outlaad 34 37 9- 0B8RRptli 111 TH 9I HJ enTelWi- lOaala Am ort Sce t 9s- lex Oca 43 MM lOtstpflae- OMpflaa as- YANetstes 10- 1eatTelaa n PatUBe 4- AgCh H- omlaMB Ok m Cl pt- ml SI I1I4J 12- ttstm n 7 aw- ealilse 1M 1M- saiOas H- if iaie- xTsl IH at Tel lataTsO 2 tats ce pf Umaa 210 212 IttlsKI- atUsElpf M 90 4t ted Frnlt114 HCAjj aaoa w aSwIrfHI- CAOO 10 ii We l 74- f aroflaa- Adveatar IK tU- AmalcainHd 47U AtoiI- MMtOOAO A Heela49J 4- ConMer M- OMtU ZA L t- OraabV 4 4M Itt tale fit 1- Maleatlcr MarOower 30 Menttf- Mlekl a i 4 a HI II Mode Islaad an iw- aaala F9 1M- Skaanea 7M Tfi TantarK 90 Teenrasel- iTnMouxfa 4- Teteph Notes lOpM 100 riBll4C a Mia Oav 19 M Utah I M M Ill H Waaklac- tssiWUoaaj Ji- A k tsVLiauL i > < < < < < > > < < < < < < > < < > > < < > > < < > < > > < < eiimoatni Commercialpap- erpjce v- iTheforelpi market waaJuara dull been Ibrtone wa eonler Iltbt trUn WB quote 7 forthe nmt lmt Pouted rate were quol d at for Ion Actual rate IMOI 4 4 5 l htdrnfU 4 0 ya 1487 an oibli- DqmeitlpV ftnriaBou New York Bostoi- r lfl l c dlscojint Chicago 2ic pre Mlnrienp61l i om vm- Jtai HanTrftnolsco 55o premlun Inopen HmmnM w n v- thwJmonthg ll 2 er oentConn- ccount Parla adtro quote pe frane 2H crntlmen rate of oteubuntg2 719 percent Exonnnri 22 francs II Berli- indvlrei on 20 mark The private rate of discount 3S per cent New York Clearing Houiw atatement Ex chancre f baUnmi II5 09n5- 3SuDTrfasurr drbit bnlnnrn loaittin Commercial price of bar gllTvr Nei M o tn lxndon rloRed a DAILY TREASynr STATEMENT WiaiUKOTOV The cash statement the receipt and expenditure of the Trenail Receipt tltttlno 2090000 TIIJ motiM yucal ita- MMOI70 Mi 8l3 10900000 4DQI13- DeBeU 12W320 2 908M 1 1522- xTbe receipt fromcualoma toda were VOOO3 from Internal revenue M944M mlacellaneoui bank note received for redemp tlonij4SM3- Tbecash ttatement of tbe LnltedStatci Trcaj- urer for Mar 9 ahowa Gold cc4n 11000000T- RCBT rtJXB Held aralnat notea and oenlflcalea Iwued 94724903- 1M3678lt 12172991- ftS3432l 1922201 111314442- 16tl4B3 834JS 1303 lew- I79727 1217114164 Gold coin and bullion Standardstlverdollars silver certificates Sllvrr bullion United State uotci National bank notes sliver and minor coin In national banks Awaiting reimbursement i Totalj Llabllltlen Cash balance SVHTREAStnV TRANSACTIONS Paid br SubTreaiiiry to ban U Kt1tlfl Paid by banki to ubTrta8urr 42M Gain to banki en daya trantartlona 19001 Paid SnbTreaauiT to bank a ir7a- ifald by banka to SubTreaaurj 2927 Lou lo banki t 7 Lou to banki aame period prevlm reck etg- COMMKRCiAL Cotton Adt nc9 Then Rcmcta UverpoeJ- Mrwer EsjT llnn49pfr lora Said lo- Ue BaylnK Then Bctlpti 8maM- Sttierta Cover CraJn metier M1it t- Rrj OTl nulllOi Sriorts Nervotu- FitlDAr May 9 CorroHSpot cotton htrei- dyaiiced 10 potnU Middling 1300C aeainst- 1lac laat year New0rleana and Gulf 14l4t- igulnat 11400 Oalreston and New Orleans idvanced llto Bavanuah ifc Oalvcston 3 13l u Orleang l3Jic Mobile and lempbla 13 Savunnah ISVo Salea- JiiTel6n 41 bales New OrleanB2040 Sivan- iah 80 MeruvliiH lioo- Ihe rectlpU ioday jvcroaa folloVn- tortrecelpts VcoK total tatlmaled receipt Tomttrroir ISO 3W- iTbe tctal movement of th twentyrff ht principal menor towna for the week WM as folKiws- t t i 1hlt j jai i H f ir f Vtar 17U 174 X1 B01- WiniurnonlaT4 ti49 z W9 JITM tock 179311 94yua S2o s- ITU to aleipbrta from tbcporivwere J 821ial- eiaudlnjltj ito Great l0 0 to Uio- Cutureilhere advanced u to burreactert- ad cloaed 6 to 2 Ulfher with the tone Heady bo nie estimated aalea balea ai- f W llltlinl Loin it anting- I3 4 U4 ai 1371 137I 13T2 rut 1131 13J8 HW 1140 ll40in4t- Trie weekly crop mevejncntwaaa follows l 190104 J9024O 34127 m3B3- verlandie mills snd Canada M 4i- utt ernmllltaklnae fdi 29000 3JKn- MI of ktocK at Interior towni lbW 2342- 4Broufhilntodzlit for week 47999 liilT- betrtWr crop itiovemedl was aa follows a9is9BJ 7444lM- rlandinmllUandCaaada MC7M loo no- lutnoro mUU lalclnta 1 eM n lotoww- eclr al rnterlor towns In KXCCAS irl IM23S g Brouibt Into alt Ut thai far for aeasoar J 9B3M19 1017333- In Liverpool spot cotton advanceid 14 potntt- ddllnc a l 92d lait Malea- uo bale Im pom Sooo Fiiturra advanced It- t l point Prleea aa followa Today Ytttrrtay 1991 T arJonew 7iM 721 4I934 799 721 143144- ptember0ctob r l9 e 491 beara In New York New Orleana IJrer- ol and Alexandria by tuelr buying t a little to tbe advance hi cotton ina wblch took plai today New Orleans to aoror extent not oaljr here Uverpool hut there wli a xtronc Impre- sonthMhere at leaetlber sole on ax aad tbere la not a- ttaln amount of accptlcUm In regard to the re- rt tbat a noVeinnit onOr way with view f roundlnc and a- d Au u t abort The doubtless maintain it tberiae l dun rather to a threat to that effect bold New Orleans operators past perlence to ratlmldatlon otber words ratber- in to actual Invention f rnfaflnt In what i critics to ref art aa eo hszardous an- idertaktnc aa the attempt to run a comer on the e of the a crop wblch barrina acrt story ol colton culture Rr ihls M it may the arket waa t 1ay stronc nboru aa a rule were irild the and for tbn week ere far behind the exponx dr weather U rem- ained of In the Carolina the weather In the unto at la better than recently for ceneral- adf th Mum Interest Inrotton In- d Sonthern account l believed to tw 111 of vtry considerable proportions A leadlnt all Street cotton operator was to be- tain aelllaf however tor abort account andre from tbe recent decline aa havlnr- ae farrnouth some other were evl- tly OTjpo M to nellfor at least a temporary Tbe unfavorable factors arc lne of the cotton rood tradvi thr narrow u of the tae of the arreace- i the other hand New Vork price th tboae of other markets are abnormally low Ole t he certificated atock be re la ilch appears to haw sold many time over The etpn ant too small to b Manchraters- ade moreover latterly Improved aad Llrer- uch belna In the same predicament those of New York and New A food I of tho professional abort Interest tma to n In all thref markets i th advance which has taken this week Owatbmer A Co were buyers Howard Wllaon Moorn A Co w- CommtMtoa houaea aa a mle- vnr much Feml Wllao- nraar4aOa f < < < < > > > < > > > < > < ° > > > > > > ¬ > f DUE IVlaV IBIt AN0 1814 r OR Twrtni YORK PBJCSVAND SPECAL CiRCULAR FtiRtySHEb UfON APPLICATION Biake Bros i p Koiintze Bras 50Exchanoo Pi c4iNeWYptlic 120 BroAdway New YorK > froiS tue recent decline haabee- nrnaeone Mulr Mid January Harrott tipuijht July Sneai- iwnl A Co were Tbe oU cro- U dankeroiu either way ssld broker I caan- jadvvarjybodyoti the new crop to veatwrn e jovldentl belr Nil believe they arc trylnclolevtbe market u- so aa to sell their cotton wait In tt- mornlof that on New Orleans soli Wenron arl Vti1cri tbe room supposed to be for Mr Prtci crop raocths were Inclined to cove ana In name cases to put tttelr customers uvonui- kull aide Tbe late reaction waa to Jane aalei Juli and by Weld by root traders Kradstreefs says Loof expected at laal farmer And retail trade la seasonable In drco6d biiAlneu as a la not to expectations an Men prices are a bar to activity IIH rtn H tr A th country s lexUle capacity U runnlni on restrlcte MeeHly The of cotton h now practically completed except someoMhe where tb work has been delayed by droutn The stand are tne U bcUif on and Its nr1t cultivation Urowtn has uot bee rapid on account of tne crop I generally In food condition A l w acids are il low In nome ol tne nortneattern countlc ana lloe are dolnc some damaie In a few souu Doll are report d fror several southwestern countlea but tne crop U no lor tiieimto do daman- Tbe cotton crop U now In need of contluuedwai- tTA d Co said There U no daub that tne boll clique will endeavor towork tnejnars- iicccM noirever will depend lo a real exte upon ttc amount of thesnort Interest remlnaln- a and spot dealers In ai confronted aucu trad condlll lions tn t tUoyhavo fallen back on their prevtou- polkv of Irom hand to as cplnncra are more likely to pursue the aam- lacilcs ltn a further In tae weather conditions as allectlnr the on situation nnd outlook Liverpool cables Ihe advance was accelerate orders from New Orleans an- Kfjptl n operators mostly Total export cleat ances tnls week bales of IB- recrlots this time decidedly so the America Voolfn Company foods O- vctnis a Tfcen was a farther decrease at 3000 U th- cerlinrilcd stock here brtnflne the total dew was 470SO bales af alnst C4M1 last ast year lThetoilal In slfht now amounts last year R Dun A state Somewhat better retal distribution has followed Improvement In fern pcreture came too late to recover any larr any Improvement In the primary market wher- aale1 are with lltu attention to forward business Production ba len further ttrs hands are to meet the restricted demand Quotations are nominally unehanf ed yet the toni Is Marshall r A Co said The market I to speculative bandllnf on the lonr- slitn within but Is lark of seneral confldimco In American trade con ment for an with the utmost caution It bad been our expectations to see tbe option Us achieve ox tbe movemen from llWfor July but It Is manifest a funbe- t spot demand one broker Comment s made on the f that Is here 1 cent the Soothe ipot markets Notice 100 that In Liverpool ther arc sales of nearly cents over th quoted prices In New Vork- IUIK Spot was dull but firmer 5ali 74000 b h for export at tbe cutports No red time 1107 expert II No- I Nortbern Dulutb ovnr New York July Futures closed to fie hlf her Sales barti Prlcis as follows Open Hlglt lo Clot I aU- tna rtl ctt Int XlgHt May 9mi Wi ftOia M 90 September 8JH WH RIH Oats were quiet on the spot Sales MOOO bush Natural white on M Ibs 4 to 4 c No white clipped We Corn was qul t on tbe spot Sales h No i white nev S7c XX Futures here were nominal but at the West Ihe market was firm Tbe allowing ahowi the rraln movement New Vork iriuvif Ccrn Oali Rye Strtni Receipts lnio 82T7X 2coo- JI pone 10070 4014 ICIM lecelpts nono 238000 mooo 3000 4l oo Shipments 120000 119000 aooo 3000 iiooo Shipments S000j- Tbe upward movement ofwheat was under the Of bullish covering shorts and small offer ntsand receipts The advices both nubile to uniformly bullish that a distinct unfavorable Government monthly report Is ex- erted on next 10th Int so that there s little or no Inclination to take the short was al the WesVat- ributed to Armourt the Southwest ws bnyiag- lor to the bad from the S hen too English cables wen hither aad n houses boucnt to some eXtnnl weathf r- n the main was favorable and flour trade reports rom were still mllUh sentiment predominated The OhloMUte- ei only the averaf e crop lie condition toda as tow makes the averace condition ofwlnt rwheat was buuitn total primary receipts were only 141000 use falast last year as centimes higher to t lower The Artenttne- hlpmcnts for the were large agrreratlnix- aOM 3440000 week 00 lut year jilnce Jan I 4l4Kiooo bush 2701000 the same time last rear Amenoa- xported aimrdlnr Mo ii927ii- uan 1010SM last w ek aad 3u In the laitrearn- cila exDorted 114400Obu h against WOOO last 704010 Corn was firmer In the main owinglo t hearts i wheat light offering and moreor leas ew twvlne Foreign mackelswrre unchanged rlmaty receipts were 401000 bush af alnst 370099- wt year for the week were M- usb 190193 lastWeek aadle4l7 U ear flnoeJan 4 47 H21 acalatt ir same time last snipped BOOO bush af alnst 4MOOO last we k M yeajj since Jan I II10000 buah ag- FLOcitqulet and stoadr Salai 7 bbla Be- Ipts and S ao sacks experts 4412- blsA and 343M sacks Winter In bbls 4- ura 94KCM70 clears 9420ttMIO stralrhts- l70 4HM patents Spring In bbla ears patents lWBsi8 Rye nourl39S 4 o- Corrn on tho spot was steady at 6T c- r No 7 Sales 300 baga SavaalUa Futnre- aosedt points lowerto higher with tie me the sains IAMO de- Ined l f and Hamburg to Rlodedtaed- iris receipts SOOO atock was receipts 10900bagsstock 8000 Prices here as There were no noteworthy developments flee The trading was mainly al aad professional and prices moved rrow were lower and the liberal bmafterthe ratber later there was less lllon to sell and more ipoaltlon to rover Thn outside the however Is very light owing to ta- ntlnued large receipts a fact Mnaus quiet th tbe tone generally la London copper dined 2a d for spot and Is 3d for oalnr at M ii for both Tin there deellnM NATAL HTOriEa of turpentine MC S4t- eiromon to good strained PaovisiOKB Pork was at tor rat Iaro was easier Western 17 refined 7lo South American I7JIO Tallow it Dressed r Bolter Ciram- y extras 2le cfhe Slate f c fsll made firsts Ikr atl- as firm aaa IB some ces Ic hlfkrr Shipments of cured meats m MTaeo reara SelKat- aa lonat last made the break atop t ed It Bt B4BV Haw was for teat sja4 t aa aar aammaTia 9 teat tS- Kt > > > > < < > < < > < < ¬ > REOROANIZATION OF THE COHSOll 1 DATED UKLv SUPERIOR COMPANY OrPICB HKOKOAVIZATtOM Koan 121V Amerkian Bulldlor- i Philadelphia May t mi To tbe Stockholders lakr Superior Company Committee of Tbe Conwll dated Lake Superior Company hereby fives notice tbat the 20 iyuhas betD declaredoperative- byreason of the fact thatlt has entered Into an Agreement the Canadian Improvement Com the underwriting of so the orlt- rial Muooooo for not taken Stock holders or other underwrilera subject to tbe following conditions to enabletbe Canadian Improvement r obligation that Company hai wctirrrt from IBe of of Ontario a guarantee on the part of aald Uovernment of loan ofUoooOou secure which the Govern mem has required that there br deposited wlih- goma Central A Hudson Bay Hallway Compani all the stocks indbooda the and North Shore Hallway thr no r- of the and Hudson Hay Railway Company for1724000 due July I Mke Superior andaeciiredby Mortgage on vessels and until tbe payment oj thn loan wblcn matures on I 1909 at time said stork i bonds sndother securities am to be delivered to the Trustee of the by thr New Company to soourn Its first Mortgage oond- l he Uovemment of Ontario aa the deposit with tbe Tnn- teeof the amount of first Bonds In- come bonds and stock of the Reorganized Com tbe sumof I2oooooo would be entitled to receive in underwrltlBf under tbe Han of KeorganUatlon- me payment ofthis loan on or before Its ma tne return of these Kccuntlrs to thf- tteorfsnlxatlon Commuter or Its successor Is guaranteed by 4be Canadian Improvement Com pauy tbe latter when ing the amount of tbe firstMortfag bonds In- come bonds and stock of the Com- pany wnlen have beeaso deposited to further secure the Provincial Government Ontario ai slated secure will lie o drawn that all equity over and above the lien of the said I2000ooo on the said bonds and stock of the Central and Hudson Bsy Hallway Company and the taanltoulln North tihore Railway Compau- ywtllbe covered and upon repayment the loan the collateral trust mortgage a oral lien thereon Tbe Canadian Improvement Company alvi undertaken tbat com- missions of the have been paid the new to be formed shall a clear working of 11000000 In cash over and exclusive of raw material aad workedup material on hand and It biu been agreed with tbe Canadian Improvement uompanr If In order to such cailt working It becomes necessary for th Canadian improvement Company to raue money In to of Its It shall be entitled toreceive for such additional sum first bonds ofthe new company at the price olOpei cent of their par The with the Canadian Improve- ment Corapsar however provide thai Superior Company and subsidiary coropanle not In amount need dated at present but may be extended for a period of on now UeH Stockbotden who have deposited their atocV- are1 required to pay the by them to- Uerton Trust Companr of on r be- fore the 1904 lo wBlehidate In order that tbe stockholders of The Oanaelldatt their shares with tbe Commll tee may notbe excluded from lit the Ihe Committee the tlmi which underwriting mar be made of surb- l per share after which date no further 19of or subscrlpttons to the under will be received except tbe discretion of the Committee and upon terms to be prescribM It T New Gnderwritlnf will be allowed to a limited extent Those who hsve underwritten aad paid S per- cent will be required to per rent on or before May balance on call per cent of their time of mib on or before tbe I7tbof May balance on call Notice of these In the original Plan of baa 4be n riven to the Trust Company as required by tbe terms of tb noticemay be JOHN W MOrFLY- i Ctulrma- AWtLLUVlLARRCnT it B J THOliASJ DRUMMONTX- jl SAMUEl F HOUSTON JOHN WM ROTCH WlfTrttR- RennanlsaUoni Committee I DErlSITOHS tF THE FEDERAL IAKX- Inorder toassistdepositQrs of the Federal Rank e win commencing Monday advance on their utbentlcated acconnts 3SS1 of the balancM in- belr credit paylne anydividends 1n xnrsa thereof nat marbe declared bytbe Receiver otthe Federal Sank THE STATE BANK i t OIRICHARDPre ldenl- a LMther MastifactBrers Natlenal Bank ofNew York NpTICIt Tbe leather Manufacture IT National Vork located at 29 Wall In- is City of New Tork In the State of New York ieloaufflts affairs All holders and other realtors the association are therefore hereby lotlflrd t present tbe notesand other claims for FRANK O ROE Cashier ftaied April Ulh 190- 4THB CFNTRAL NATIONAL BAXK of the cltr- f New York at No 320 Broadway In thi- f the association are therefore hereby notKiH 9 present Ibenotes and ntherelalms for payment OHARLE58 Dated arcb 7 1904- te a Oiba H trit at and freight Refined was in fair demand id firm 44ft470e L v dm LW- Ml ea in Me- 9IH M DIN 3M 4 SS- u 1141 l- llrJ III9S7M 11974 HM HB7 lion pti 1200 l20Ji IIJV1M UW- OT n MiXXET- SOpin Hlcli tote co f kltti IM nt Vf- tneapollsJurr 9ii MI i i jUti W m siti lath Mar IJa Wf eiJ 92i m edo July 102H l 04 10217104 Rent 91U fltdj Hi MU m M wi 4i Louis Julr M H4 4 MU 4l 3 Sept 81H SlTf M M m 0 FORECLOSE ON THE RUlSH fO trail Tmat Allrie That the Conrfrn- Cfcnt Pay Its Bond intrrrM The Ceintml Tnutf Company tnwleI- T the bondholder of the Brush Elrefri- luminating Compunv rut brought xni lbe nprrrm Court to fonvlour thn- i i irfgj i on Ihe company prop jr all KIHR i w th Interest In 7 lat been paid and thai Ihe- mp rvl i i to meet obllsstlon- n axsr int Ad ro im am alrdI- v outt adin sjaasjrji t > > < < < < < >

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1904-05-07 [p 8] origin properly ascribed to It Bii that In the countn of two or three week

I f ir

flermilye CoV-




lsiKC Mor In McVlekar Realty Tout Co uidSlate Trust

JVOaVliial Mid Nnrnlnv IBOOOOOM-tUun amce 43 Broadway

Hrnnch officesUl Fifth Ayii 10 Columbus Ay 242 K Houston


ENGINEERSl e lru Llfu

Examinations and Reportsi a


THEPKNN3T RAILROAD COM PANPhiladelphia 2 1904-

Tbit BOARD Of this day d

flared a IMVlDBNt ofPER CENT trIO share the Capll-

SVorl of the Company payable on and after

f Dividends will be bvTOIEQUES will be mailed to Stockholders wh-

noDT W SMITH Treasurer

teiniKtorit aa LIGHT AND COKE co5 j of Chicago

vh hereby riven that a dividend of OM-

AtAMrOXKllAI PKRCKNT has been dectarc-

iiifMj lJjVh IfjM n C noon and will reopen Ma-

A VILKY Secretary

ifi nnAPIIOPIIONE COMPANYPreferred No 10-

iVni regular ronserutlve quarterly Xo-

i Wt f nn per rent on thiitucliOf the

Company will hr paid May It to stockholders o

record May 1 law order of the Directors1 KA8TOVKmVAIIIPresident

LOCOMOTIVE WORKSCour an number fix due May H IWH op Roger

l iooraotlve mortenie live centbonds willbe paid on and after that date at Ib-

otltttuf the Company US Wall Street New Yor-lXtt v I HOL11AV Treasurer

Vsfff iilK4JTll N8 AN MKCT1NC-

Hriuii UKlAWAKtt AND HUDSON COMPANYntv sv New York I 190-

4i 0lftrt1rft brboeby given thai the Annualef THR DELAWARE ANDHUDSON COMPANY will be held at the office

pany No 21 Cortjandt Street In lb-

nclock noon for the lection at Managers and tatcither business

At tbe Mine time and place aiM of THK DELAWARE AND

HUDSON COMPANY railed order of tbe Boardheldfor fie of re-

fSsWerurrimd wlloc upon the question ofm 4 tontlnnlot Uie of franchlMi

and other of Tbe Cbateaucay Lake1lAcld Italltray Company

Tbe open at 17 oclock noon andKill remain for at a t one hour

The transfer books will be closed irons the clote-el Saturday April 30th uatU aior-mInfol Wednetday

lff el the Board of Uanaren-f i seemarr-


M iV I04VM681 M08I3 Her1 4 7S 1MSO Dec 7W43-

Artiertfau TUllwaysMonth April Inc WSM-

Fron 1IW797 ISS1W Inc 144Wi

Central of Georgiawi4th we K pMI tlMRM I1971W Dec t74 4-

ilMIltnCiiit OMW4 73J Dec I07J4i 40734W 7MI M Inc JIIW7

Termlhal Trarufer-A fir V rtli H03IO H3SH Dec W5H

154141 U M1 Dec ZlttW1WtHrMKi laMII t40 78 Dec m7

o oll aad LouUvllle-

k i April 3 037 M57 Dec I10J39-MorrtlP I Rn 121783 Dec 2SSI8

13MI31 1503 8T3 Inc 42W-

UNroli United Railwayth nr k Vpril 101309 9el28 Inc S2-

tM1oBtkVXn tvJ ttS349 319230 Inc 0084Iiilw0 l42Na inc 8l l

SrratXonfatni-v 2S73S7t UoeiOOO Dec K174-

SSFienuJnlttii347l73U S49M423 Deo 17821-2liitcriuiilnrnl and nrral

4ttO i tl67o 147172 Dec KW6M-Monlll 3Miw4 416HM Dec M3SO-

y 1 4tOliCfi 48S7287 Inr 243UBS-

I iMlnjrapiJUv St Paul unit S ult St MitrteIIUViM IWS47 Dec M3M

5 lluvltfi 472JW1 I 647 Dee 1 8-7J t 5 49 5S SdUMl Dec IJ57M

QiH-4lW l April 7U ilt W07587 Pec WIS3-ipmihv iiHsn 725nu Dec 128M7

7 Vi aw ptli vntm 7Mtns inc t S877705123 inc MiB 7

frt T9HI dlpnln Company of VUUburtlS S1M 4 Inc IMM-

1rt6mrJan I ftiiid2U 6MSSM Inc 2lHOCTHURN PACIKIO-

r flouthrrn Haclflc Company rrporu for March1WU 1803 Jhanoe-

tKtGroMim 7riisti3 Mwdsio inc 342328ta Sqitwi 55flJ703 Inc 1127M-

NVt earn ll3 sTOil IIII81S Inc M-SiUthrf in int Mmi iiefanmj inc 1MOM-

It rTotal nel IIA14370 1279711 Inc l 39-

v tfrornJuly ItivMarrh 31nrovienni I S7S5M Inc KI41MS-PRHAIIU 493nOa2l 4 i4567S Inc 78U44a

7 1 Inorae t23l 7J 7 tl9KHSSO Inc

Union Parlfle nysteni rrporu for Marchi IWI I05 C a

llen9A43 tlO769S Inc t7l9S3from July I to March 31-

n s e8rng 4l 510 I37K3947 Inc tl3974ll

Net e Tnk s IISJCSllO I1703 M Inc I21SJ2H-3sA fntlCAOO AKD ALTOX-

W ChlrAfn and Alton reports for Marcht t 1901 ISO f

Grow earning WOM9 M740M IncR pJnf tanrn KS67BS WI BM Ine WI07-

NeteVnlnirs Sn J4 t2 S50 Inc 121484-

tii 7 tonf Julri to March sit8MiSS4 I7au423 Ifac tll80t 2-

ltrjptot taiM 60M5H JjlM9IH Ino 773608-

N t rarninr t291 0 JJW4J04 Inc t4J4W-

4vrKirwasOly pouthern report for Marrt-v I cwnwt

KMBU t4Mo 4 Inc tnMl-KkpilDCltaxM S99M1 S81M1 Inr 1MI-

OiJpoWJmy4oilarrhsttPIHI mXf 3J5S04S M770 Inc 19733-

Sftiarnlnj JLaaToW I12S52S Inc 1158812-

Ac TttK Ann Arbor Railroad Company reporti forMarrb

W i IKM I90 CftanM-

ri fToul raceme

I3IA2A IW 43 Dec 148014719 Inc 719-

SSiM MOXJ Dec 44SIM-31At8 20333 Inc 47IS-


tin 3 i5hlc lTrnlnLTril1 r n llroad Com

1904 inns Chonaa-4roVe r8lni tinl7 I3 774 DecC8eoj

fjtncnMi Km ta Inc U7Q-

i t6 Jan 31flroNieanUnt S107 11018123 DecKnOll

expenwu lit2si M8JQ4 Inc 2201-

7cirnto RAIIKOAIXI p BAN FiuMcnco-t Ti nlted Railroads of Ran Frftncbco rrpor-

torlte y ar ended Dec II-

f nerattnt eipenaea and taien-

OterOrieom i-

P n l r-a A9flan rTr pfd

quarttrrrSfcxt Ami

Hi Marl






< <



> <


> > <

> > >





Transaction on th Block Excbanitoday only footed up 181000 fhar whlo

tells better than can anything l e tha loebb to which lnt re t In the security tnarkihat fallen Dealings werecentred In two or three stocks and du-

on tho market was the dcwlre to buy stockrather than to wll them wan prcdomlhan-Tho bond marknt won perhaps a littlo

than It ha boon recently but ws-

no less BtronR Tho crltlcUm pawed tipothe bond market by those who aroto laku a ptvwImlNtio view of things thithe ndvancn that has oTRUrred In the pric-

of thin oluxH of soctiritlfrt hnn boon Inrgelconfined to the old and well placed Issue

haa of cotirw much truth behind Th-

socalled spoculatlvn bonds of new crentfoare still unHoujrht for Yet It Is by reaso-

of this very fact that thn appearanc-of the bond market to conservative oil

servws affords strong ground for hopconcerning the general financial sltuatloiThe buying of bonds Is starting just wher-

It ought to start Were It restricted to ththird and fourth rate IHHUCB It genuine

nets would be rightly tloubted and a specu-

latlve origin properly ascribed to It Bii

that In the countn of two or three weekthe price of the well known flrst mortgagrailway bonds has advanced BO notablshows that tho abundance of money ha-

at lost forced an absorption of BccurlUf-

of tho highest grade for Investment purpones The usual precedent Is that1 till

process once begun providing a plethon-

of money continues extends to other Be-

curltiea as wellTho stocks chiefly traded In today wer

Manhattan Rock Island preferred Brook-

lyn Rapid Transit National ooramoiand pno or two other specialties Thfigures given out for publication by thi-

Btate Railway Commission la e yesterdaafternoon showing the Increase In passen-

ger traffic In the last year upon tthe ele-

vated lines In this city naturally helpecManhattan stock The Industrial Issuereferred to were Ixiught because of oumii-Intive evidence of favorable trade conditionsTho fact Is beginning to exercise Its dmweight In the stock market but while II

may be tme as a general proposition thaibusiness throughout the country Is

enlng there are certain lines of trade anc

Industry at least In which profits arc ex-

ceptlonally and pectUlarly large News Ir

general of market importance today wftislender or at least was little regardedVarious authorities In the agriculturalworld printed estimates of crop conditionwhich showed a deterioration In wlnteiwheat during the month of Aprilbut thliwas not at all in the nature of a revelationIt is conceded that the Government cropreport for April wlilch will appear nextTuesday will also testify to the same resultIt Is expected however that in Nome of thelargest winter wheat producing States anImprovement In condition will beshpwtiand It Is present before the eyes of everyjrain speculator that during the last tenlays the weather for every staple cropFrom one end of the country to the otherbaa been In the highest degree propitiousMore gold of course was taken tor ex-

port tomorrow but receipts of cash In

this city from the interior of thehave been BO large aa to indicate accordingto the forecasts published today thatthe net loss in cash by our local bankiduring the week has been very smallPleasing exhibits of gross and net earnlnrfor March were made by the Union PaclflSouthern Pacific and other socalledHarriroan lines and there waa a subeideno-f the idea that the dissolution of the United

States Steel stock conversion syndicateirlll cause an unwonted quantity of Uniteditates Steel sinking fund bonds to bebrown upon the market Abroad there wa-aibetter tone In all the financial marketheap money and the conviction that eventsvere rapidly developing a clearer under-standing oa to the probable outcome of-

ho RussoJapanese War being the conrolling causes

tew York RtocW Kxehanie Sale May 6-


Bit Atltt Hhl Jtttt100U 4couplO7 1O7-

VSZactOO 1OOW I ret 1331-

a coup

rec07 107HI-


ama 4 HouaTcxCen4iSt I S n Fran10000 lOllfl 100003 clauO

HocaUiVaI4lia l 0fl 1 03U-ooioiit0900100101 1000107 60008834lltUtNorth2d OIK82ly-

nn Arbor lt 2000B0l 000 893-41000gait Iowa Central lat St Ut10000 03 9000 ILUa 900004laM-

ehTopSFe4a StIxiuU 8W 3d100007i80l4 100O877I4

10000 1 Oils EaruuuCltyitota 10009 7 4 322090 10 HB 9 0ai74lg

00 1 49000IO 40007OU SanAnAAPaaat-iBQ90101 10D982J-OOOI OOTs Ceuntr 4i Seaboard A L la

200088U 20000019at-amped 20008O Sontb

Lake ErteoiWlot lOOUMllllO 1 U-lantloCLIne4a 1000110 SouthPaclAe u-ono047g UOM B

Pavonla K tat So Pac of Cal tt100000471 J00011A 19 A

Lon Naah 41 2000103A-OOOIUI 27000 j I OO7 Southern Rjr Si

all Ohio IM 22000 1 O 1 10000 1

ooo-o60004la 2000 I 3U 10000 11 04

4000 Mo Kan Tex 4 10000ftOOO I 1 fl7-

gi0007fl34 8000iOOIi TermHllo ofstLcnaai-

klyn Un W Ut 10O07B i 10OOIIO14000 IO3 UoKSiTofTss Paolstli-uf Rft PitLiSs ooaioat4AOOOI16 10000 Third Avenue is-lurCRftNorlst Uo Kan Tax 2000041s

2000 1O334 ext Isjtada Southlst 009OI 800004la3-000104la 7090nl Oa en as Uo Pacific ssltll Tolede P W 4-soooioeia ioooiooag ioo

UOIT LaATexea Dale Padftc is-ntralGalatin 100OI81 90093000 NasbChlkStli 1st 3900S20 OOU-BtralOaWin eooo1000 3 at a Nassau Bee 4s 300 OO-

nt Pacific SVU 100080la S09 OS1000 NatKR Mex 4J 00 O-AesOh sl9H 1000073U ftOO O2000 I 00314 Nalstarch Mfes Uirloa Paetlle e-

MAObloi 1000 SB 1000987143000 11 Ola Central 3 a

loooo Iloog 12009Ihes 41 Ohio 4149 Cent LS3VU 1090CB 73s-

OOOI087g 100081134 309907sO-OOO77 20UO8078 United R R San

hi Bur 4s Fraa 4sioeoi80Sg loooo7Bflg-

ht 11II4Strati NYChlStLISO4 pwu Z0001O4 looootarI-000l NYGsiEleoLft USSleelafta-

hlJ NWsf s 83009 73lg3000IO7I3oooito 4 looo7aiail-RlAPaoRR I000l07la

4 oooo 7 a10008 1 INYLack eVWeal 4C0097 14tlopo8On4 rorutructtoatai 8000071710007010097 I J0001141 30007 17g

120007 H 3900lOil 10tK 07134T009I04 INorfolkAweliMa 1000473

1000-04909ttOll4 11000 aiOOO

4 StLirau NorfAWPocau oon

Cairo dlv 4loooo I 0 I In North Padneai leVtitere-dnleSoathen 4 600073loooo1 sooo7aia oo 73141299084 Or lull 4 WabaAh lata9oo84 4 ecoMMioa ooolioa

10900 84I 290010Ulg 12000Icna Tonaero u Or Xnort Un 4 2000 I 1 AI a370041 ftO 9JOOO O44 1000lia6o-niumeroiaa 3000O47g 4ooollrt1g-of ihlcarn Utloooo loaia aoooo o oioo400OO87g Wabaahdeb B-

4000lOAla JOOOO BO2000 ooi ooaoiulenAMoGrU 6000OH7g 4-

3900DO looo iooaoa-










> >


glri J r 1900-

l 000aB


tfilti310 A alCi 48-J20A Car4 l 177-lOOAa lee Or8-MO A Lo ioa9

100 An BB lt 40 40 40 1

1029 Aat fiiBtll UfleV PO 1 0-

sooAaXurar ia7B IHTx 1 7l100 Am VToolp 74 74 74 I-

I0 Anactida 7r3l4 7fll 70144 1

3 oAT3f 7ao 791 78taa-

O ATsr a Jaa 3 i-

1M2 Ball Ohio 70 787s TO 4 1

10290 Bkljr H T 40a 401 4614r-SOOCaaPacltc 1 17U J 71 1I7U160 fear Ohle SOU SOU aOI4 I-

100CUJUlci 38 88 V I

400 Cal Or K 16 1 084 10lOOOhlOrWA 07 flf fllI-

MCWOtWB 9HU 88U 8814 1

1735 ChlU StM4378i I44P 1437af I

100 COC StI 7014 7044 7014331100 Col FBtlAl 32U aOa 3914 11

100 Col South 101 10i J6I 4 1

153 Col S f 8814 8814 8914 1

1700 Ceiflaa 80804 dOit 8083200 COB Tobpflt 004 11084 110044 I

100 bet Vn Ry 09f4 OflU 09U8130 Krl 80 84lg SO I-

2llO Rrl lit f 0378 03U 37gf 1

120 Krl M f 3834 3B84 3884-SOOHockValpf 70 78 7B 31

394 mce traiiao3g 1ao laoufJ-OOlnt Paper 113g v 1 114 1 lagf 3100 la Cent pf 34la 341 34la31410 L u4 Naikl07S V107la 107844 0

720 Uanbattai 1437a 14Sla 1437g4lI-22SO UelSIRy 10030 08U 1OOU I

200 UetSccu 76U 70 70144 1

230 Hex Ceal 7U 7 4 7U4 l

100 Mich Ce il 30 1O 130 8109 UMPA33U 03 OS 03 l-

roonspssupfi 10 no lie tis-

oe Uo Paolda 9134 1 tlla i

100 NO St L lOQIa 10Ola lOOIa ltoo Nat BU Co 40 441a132 Nat Bit of 10014 10014 16014 Ii

2 Nat Lead 18 s I 70s 180 1

100 Nat Lead pf 00 OO 00100 NY Air Dr 13312 l32la 138laf Ii100 NT Central ia78 1107s 1 107g4100 KYCSLIplOo 100 100 3110 NVNH fcH188lg 1881g ISRIg C

209 Ner 4 Wei 07 Ofl78 7 l4-

100Nor4Weip 88 88 SB S-

lOONorAraCo 84 84 84 1

300 oat Weal SlOg iSlla 81og4 U300 Pac COM t 04la 041 041a4 a-

ICO Pacific Uall 87 87 87 14

11200 Peiaa R RI 141a H37 1148 14

200 FiopeaOa b78s t7U 07Ul-OOPCCASILp Ollg Dili OlUf 1

100 PrtidHCar 37 87 87100 PullPalCarai 1 311 811 41J-

OO Rtp SI 411a 41 41 8j700 Iliadlac 4334 4UU 43344 ls-

S310 llock Ulan4 23U 3391 33 3g

5700 Reck lal pf 071g 007 6634 l700 ISr3 48 4734 4778 I

300 ML3W r 3234 nBia 3ai is1300 t u Facile 47la 47U 47 J ig200 ten Rr C 21 81 31 4 Ig-

400boHrCapt B31 89la 83la 8-

100TennOlr 301g 30U 381 14-

lOOTezPacllo 220g S39s 32 s-

100Tel3L4 W 3Bla 3Bla 881a 14tOO Twin CRT 043 B4U 0434 t-

200UBBAPpf 03 01 0310230 Ua Pacll 8434 84 84B

400 UarniHCol 10 lOSIa 110 48400 Un Rr Inr 1014 1OU tout 144 OUnRrInpt 40900 USRAOoai 7 M

447a 447g13g7 7 Ig

1900 CIRAO t eoi ooia o-

lOOUBLeatktr Mt Ofl4 634 U-lAOQSLeaUvt 7 T 76T 707-6iou n bet seBn ee o 84-

UBiit i iotg loia 10U ig1 1 00 OB Steel ft OOla OOU 00-

MO ya ar Oh 3734 37ia 87344 14400 VaCaCh plOl 1O1 101-

IIS7 reitT7Tl 8 6 8 l 801 4 7100 Wla C 4O 307 40 41

Total salea of stocks 13 14 pO akares-


aia-OS asExp220-Us Chlrars Ut-nisChpf 41

mat Copper 47K-tmOsiF 16-MaO4 rpt 70-

m Cot Oil 29i-mCotbllpf 99-

mDTsl 22-

m Express ISOM Grassm Hide 4 L i-

mH Lpfmice

leapt 7Ji-mUaOII 3-

mLlaOnpt 2-

mLoco 1-9jaloebpf 3M-

in Mali 3-

nUaltpf 17-

mSmtiff Wi-nSmeltpf 93

SnuB112a-aSnult pf C-AmSufa 27Mrang pf12T-

4lC 3-

mTT126Wool 10-

BtWool pf 74Arbor 24Arbor pt 12-

scon da 77-


AlteA BU Attlt-J2 LaeOaapf7-

374LBTf 2 M 2 M41 LE Wp tO let47M Lo f Mud 47 JO-

3Ci Uaahatiaa 14N93 UetSt By10921 UatSeet 76

199 U9xCenti 77 Ulch Cant 1204 UlnnStL 42-

17M Ue Rtlpt II7 USPAShU 2

2 MSPASSUpfll9 UK4bT 17

31 UK4bTpI M-

19H WoPactne 91-MI3i Nash 04tSI U109

4 NatDlsOo 44M19 NaiBUOupMOINI-9V Nat Lead UH914 Nat Lead pf W

120 NatRRUeap im91 KRR2dpt nU-

127K N J CealrU 1I7M-

t ix 130-

JS7 NTOftIi 26

11 rrYC4Mtiipio-sn NT04vaiijp 927 NtDoekM NT Deck pf 4978 NTNHAR1M-

tlCoMIL1034 M-

iiltfcdhlj 7-Bilt0hpf 90krriUOae21Br-unairlek W-ffB4 PllUfrRPpf2n-

iurlck 48K-

aa SouJUn 44-Mu Pac I17-

Ma Ohio oi-hi eV Alton 37M-

hi A Alii pl 8-1hlBQt 0-


alOtWMt 1 K-

hlOtWCA 8-

U10tWB 27-

ilOtWdeb 4-MUANW170IMAjStP142M-


ilUBTrao ftU-

LoAW 0 x-

Ix Wpf7i1 Fuel Air 31H-1HGA1 11W-

l Southern ISISO Utpf I2M-

lBo2 lpr 22

Cabl180l-aGai 0 M

tTobpfHOM-rnProd 12-

WiraProdpf 70-HilAHodl 6-


m A RO 201-4raAllOpf 9M-

UAFD 20-

rtORy 2-

ISoutba 8South pf 17-

U S eur 22-

3SAA 7H-

SSAAp I1H-rta I4-

rtelatpl M-

rleMpf NVTH-

ATflpf 70

3 Nor4kWattp m-NortfeAra t4-

79H PaelBoOoaat MM91 PacOoaatlp II 190

226 PMOoMtlp M8M PaelnoMaU K

121 PenaaHBli4K 114M-

Pe Ot0 97 97K-

to PMEait 17 2-

eft PCOABtL 141174 POOAStLpf 1 MM-

JOHPrdSt Car Ml 27-Mll Frd M Car p BM 71-

M PnllmnPOar210 u-RfSIBp TK 1 M-

74MMl9t8prpt 7 U 71 Rvrseea M 91

7 Raadlnr 4IM2 iR a4 latpl Tl 790 RtadMpl 2 2

172 MepVeSte M 7143 RepaiMlpt 41M 4217 ROk Ud M-

f ftoek tald pf H Mft1 H Robber Gd4 H KM

9 MubO4ai l tl 7 H-

eo aoM batil7 ISM0 So baf pf al M-


1 M M J tfl tp i13 9ttASF1p 0

200 StL3Wr 1JK-M SttSWpf iK111 eiPAOralll

114 StfFpetlkcw 47N-

71i8o UernRrlOH-U7 SoRrpf I U271 SoRyUob 92

21 TeaaOAIv I K71 T xPLT 2-

TexaaPao J2H-2HTklr4AvRR1209 tTMLWi 2

19 TStLAfrpf MTwtaatf 9 M-

I Un Padflo I4M14 ClFMiFf U

tNortbpfI7lo-ckVal M-

ock Val p 7i

MHUSLeatoar C i-I9 USI atkpf 79Hi-to USRItrAOa 77 UBRItrAOf I9i-

o USIWbbet 1 M-

U2 USRubpf I0iUS8XUV 10H

31 U8 Steel pl H-

I Paper I IM-

tPeoerpt 1-

tPwr M

MM VCarMiiUl4-T Wabi


















> +

















< <





7 7 ialtJaT l t itl-

owaOeniral 1TM illlew Cent pf 14 l WeefuWlPK-aAAWloh J n WVMoYL-

In th oi-

nuotoatlpna ln fh prlcerof Lltht-

t 40 enThe mutter arcand all jtorW of tl

The general ra rk t wag excfcdioe Incon

Greene Oontolldiited COPRA

Air LlnA common atook andnlao fractionally lower


thoie Int obtained Tor It-

itient vita considerably nidrn cUve thin J-w Bbn Hi neethose of tho market for Btocki being Irregu-Inr

The transactions In the market today ver-as follows f i

JS AmUATpf 03W-SOOAraWrifc P 3200 AmWrltPpf14

10 Cen Foundry 1

100 Con Like S N4 PonRefrlf 4

100 Cot Oil A Fpf 3-

WPJec Lead Red J

100 Gold Hill Cop f-16M Or ene 0 Co 1 Ot-

It Houston Opf 10100 InfboroRT 110-SMIM Salt 10M-WO Lt Fnel A P 4 OH-

W MarkayCoip 18300 Von A B Cop H-

IIONAmLumAP 3140 Nor Pac re 140I-OON Seourtllw 001-MPopeUfclatp 78H

300 Srsbd A t 010 Stand Mill 7

1 J Standard Oil 620

3t 3M 314 14 141-

1M 1W X-

Ji M

4 4 43 3 3-

J T-

M f M1 Oi IOJ4 10J10 10

110 1O HO10 10 10-47M 101 4ji-OB 08


aji tti 3U140 14O 140

00 JO OK Opf-

78M 78M 789 P 97 7 7

838 830080-U WbtKnb Cop 7

oar14000 Inl Salt Si 42 48 42 42

9000 N Am OasblOMN 108M 108 10610000 N J SI US4s 7li71Jt 71M 71l-

OCOOSeabd AL SOU SOW 88K 6010000 04U t B4 04110000 WashEieoas70 7 M 78 78-




American Can common 4f 4American Can preferred 3flH 3HAmerican Writing Parwr common 3J4J 4American Paper pfd lM J ftAmerican Writing Paper 74 A-

timisbCalurohlaCopper fW 3Brooklyn and New Yorfc Perry B 5T

Buffalo and Susquebanna pfd 87-Centra Foundry common r I 1

Central Foundry preferred 7J 0Central Foundry per etnt 02 OOCompressed Ar i tConsolidated Lake Superior cerji N MConsolidated Lake Superiorpfd 3 4J-

Tonsollated Refrigerator Co 4V-

Suban Government s OBM OQDominion Securities B 16Erie Railway new 4s w I 81 88-Blectrte Boat common 26 USElectric Boat preferred 80 07-eieetrio Vehicle conunen OX 8-

Eieetrio Vehicle preferred 8 10-Blectrte Lead Reduction oom ftRIeetrle Lead Redaction pfd aEmpire Slel corarooo 5 7Empire Sire preferred 30 43-Slectro Pneumatic H-

3old Hhl Copper M-

ireat Northern pfd wl M8O 174j-reene Consolidated Copper 1 o i 18-dackensaek Weadowi Corapanr 1 ft 18-nallSlgnal 0A 86-tayana Tobacco commonIfavina Tobacco preferred 38 40International Mercantile Marine 4 4U-nternalonal Mercantile War pf 1 7 17International Mercantile Mar bds-nterboroufh Rapid Transit 1 OB 110-nternatlonal SaltThiM receipts ID laa-

tematlonal Salt S per cent 42 44-JfhtFuelanttPowerofWVa 47J 4B-laahattsn Transit 1 litlontreal and Doston Copper H HJew York Transportation 4 a t-

Cortbtra Pacific wI 138 134J-lorthem SecurtUes OB OOttfew Orleans Street RallWay com 8 10-Cew Orleans Street Railway pfd S7M t BB-

i wOreaasStre t Railway IH p e 76 77-tls Elevator Company com tZ8 10-

tils Klevator Company pfdiT 88lock laland new 4 06 07-U al Daklng Powduf rornmoo1110 130loyal flakingTowder preferred 1 OoH 103I-sfety Car Light and Heatcow 184 88-It LouisTransit common 13H I K

aboard Air Line common 65W 0-

aboardAIr Un preferred 1 7H I

aboard Air Une 8O 80Ke-rnlnole Copper I-

landard Oil Co ofNJ 630l-oragePower tin Ke-ttoessee Covper 31 3fj-oBOpahOold MlrilofCo-nlon Copper i tlilted Copper j i-

nlted Railways of S Louis ptd DSU 6DMR5J 84-

nlon Typewriter 1st 108-nton Typewriter 2djifd l IJ8 1 08-onbtngum PUrap pfd I 10 110bite Kflob Copperi 8K 7-





YNHAHIWl twcuoar 29


treMatnnt tnHj T-outlaad 34 37

9-0B8RRptli 111

TH 9I HJenTelWi-lOaala


ort Sce t 9s-lex Oca 43 MMlOtstpflae-OMpflaa


YANetstes 10-


n PatUBe 4-

AgCh H-

omlaMB Okm Cl pt-ml SI I1I4J 12-

ttstm n 7 aw-ealilse 1M 1M-saiOas H-

if iaie-xTsl IH at

TellataTsO 2tats ce pfUmaa 210 212IttlsKI-atUsElpf M 90

4tted Frnlt114 HCAjj




10 iiWe l 74-

f aroflaa-Adveatar IK

tU-AmalcainHd 47U



A Heela49J 4-

ConMer M-OMtU Z A L


OraabV 4 4MItttale fit 1-


MarOower 30Menttf-Mlekl a i 4

a HI IIMode Islaad an iw-aaala F9 1M-

Skaanea 7M TfiTantarK 90Teenrasel-iTnMouxfa


Teteph Notes lOpM 100

riBll4Ca Mia Oav 19 M

Utah I M MIll HWaaklac-


Ak tsVLiauL






< <













> <












eiimoatni Commercialpap-

erpjce v-

iTheforelpi market waaJuaradull beenIbrtone w a eonler Iltbt trUn WB quote

7 forthe nmt lmtPouted rate were quol d at for Ion

Actual rate IMOI4 4 5 l htdrnfU 4 0 ya 1487 an


DqmeitlpV ftnriaBou New York Bostoi-r lfl l c dlscojint Chicago 2ic pre

Mlnrienp61l i om vm-

Jtai HanTrftnolsco 55o premlun

Inopen HmmnM w n v-

thwJmonthg ll 2 er oentConn-

ccount Parla adtro quote pefrane 2H crntlmen

rate of oteubuntg2 719 percent Exonnnri22 francs II Berli-

indvlrei on 20 markThe private rate of discount

3S per centNew York Clearing Houiw atatement Ex

chancre f baUnmi II5 09n5-3SuDTrfasurr drbit bnlnnrn loaittin

Commercial price of bar gllTvr NeiM o tn lxndon rloRed a


WiaiUKOTOV The cash statementthe receipt and expenditure of the Trenail

Receipt tltttlno2090000

TIIJ motiM yucal ita-MMOI70 Mi 8l310900000 4DQI13-

DeBeU 12W320 2 908M 1 1522-

xTbe receipt fromcualoma toda were VOOO3from Internal revenue M944M mlacellaneoui

bank note received for redemptlonij4SM3-

Tbecash ttatement of tbe LnltedStatci Trcaj-urer for Mar 9 ahowa

Gold cc4n 11000000T-RCBT rtJXB

Held aralnat notea and oenlflcalea Iwued 94724903-




1303 lew-I79727


Gold coin and bullionStandardstlverdollarssilver certificatesSllvrr bullionUnited State uotciNational bank notes

sliver and minor coin

In national banksAwaiting reimbursement



Cash balance


Paid br SubTreaiiiry to ban U Kt1tlflPaid by banki to ubTrta8urr 42M

Gain to banki en daya trantartlona 19001

Paid SnbTreaauiT to bank a ir7a-ifald by banka to SubTreaaurj 2927

Lou lo banki t 7Lou to banki aame period prevlm reck etg-


Cotton Adt nc9 Then Rcmcta UverpoeJ-Mrwer EsjT llnn49pfr lora Said lo-

Ue BaylnK Then Bctlpti 8maM-

Sttierta Cover CraJn metier M1it t-

Rrj OTl nulllOi Sriorts Nervotu-

FitlDAr May 9 CorroHSpot cotton htrei-dyaiiced 10 potnU Middling 1300C aeainst-1lac laat year New0rleana and Gulf 14l4t-igulnat 11400 Oalreston and New Orleansidvanced llto Bavanuah ifc Oalvcston3 13l u Orleang l3Jic Mobile andlempbla 13 Savunnah ISVo Salea-

JiiTel6n 41 bales New OrleanB2040 Sivan-iah 80 MeruvliiH lioo-Ihe rectlpU ioday jvcroaa folloVn-

tortrecelptsVcoK totaltatlmaled receipt

TomttrroirISO 3W-

iTbe tctal movement of th twentyrff ht principalmenor towna for the week WM as folKiws-

t t i 1hlt j jaii H f ir f Vtar

17U 174 X1 B01-WiniurnonlaT4 ti49 z W9 JITMtock 179311 94yua S2o s-

ITU to aleipbrta from tbcporivwere J 821ial-eiaudlnjltj ito Great l0 0 to Uio-

Cutureilhere advanced u to burreactert-ad cloaed 6 to 2 Ulfher with the tone Headybo nie estimated aalea balea ai-

f W

llltlinl Loin it anting-I3 4 U4

ai 1371 137I 13T2rut 1131 13J8

HW 1140 ll40in4t-Trie weekly crop mevejncntwaaa follows

l 190104 J9024O34127 m3B3-

verlandie mills snd Canada M 4i-

utt ernmllltaklnae fdi 29000 3JKn-MI ofktocK at Interior towni lbW 2342-

4Broufhilntodzlit for week 47999 liilT-betrtWr crop itiovemedl was aa follows

a9is9BJ 7444lM-rlandinmllUandCaaada MC7M loo no-lutnoro mUU lalclnta 1 eM n lotoww-eclr al rnterlor towns In KXCCAS

irl IM23S gBrouibt Into altUt thai far foraeasoar J 9B3M19 1017333-In Liverpool spot cotton advanceid 14 potntt-ddllnc a l 92d lait Malea-uo bale Im pom Sooo Fiiturra advanced It-

t l point Prleea aa followaToday Ytttrrtay 1991

TarJonew 7iM 721 4I934

799 721 143144-ptember0ctob r l9 e 491

beara In New York New Orleana IJrer-ol and Alexandria by tuelr buyingt a little to tbe advance hi cotton

ina wblch took plai today New Orleansto aoror extent not oaljr here

Uverpool hut there wli a xtronc Impre-sonthMhere at leaetlber sole on ax

aad tbere la not a-

ttaln amount of accptlcUm In regard to the re-rt tbat a noVeinnit onOr way withview f roundlnc and a-

d Au u t abort The doubtless maintainit tberiae l dun rather to a threat to that effect

bold New Orleans operators pastperlence to ratlmldatlon otber words ratber-in to actual Invention f rnfaflnt In whati critics to ref art aa eo hszardous an-idertaktnc aa the attempt to run a comer on thee of the a crop wblch barrina acrt

story ol colton culture Rr ihls M it may thearket waa t 1ay stronc nboru aa a rule wereirild the and for tbn weekere far behind the exponx dr weather U rem-ained of In the Carolina the weather In theunto at la better than recently for ceneral-adf th Mum Interest Inrotton In-

d Sonthern account l believed to tw111 of vtry considerable proportions A leadlntall Street cotton operator was to be-

tain aelllaf however tor abort account andrefrom tbe recent decline aa havlnr-

ae farrnouth some other were evl-tly OTjpo M to nellfor at least a temporary

Tbe unfavorable factors arclne of the cotton rood tradvi thr narrowu of the tae of the arreace-i the other hand New Vork priceth tboae of other markets are abnormally lowOle the certificated atock bere lailch appears to haw sold many time over Theetpn ant too small to b Manchraters-

ade moreover latterly Improved aad Llrer-

uch belna In the same predicamentthose of New York and New A foodI of tho professional abort Interest

tma to n In all thref marketsi th advance which has taken this weekOwatbmer A Co were buyers Howard Wllaon

Moorn A Co w-

CommtMtoa houaea aa a mle-vnr much Feml Wllao-








> <











> ¬


f DUE IVlaV IBIt AN0 1814 rOR Twrtni YORK


Biake Bros i p Koiintze Bras50Exchanoo Pi c4iNeWYptlic 120 BroAdway New YorK>

froiS tue recent decline haabee-nrnaeoneMulr Mid January Harrott tipuijht July Sneai-iwnl A Co were Tbe oU cro-

U dankeroiu either way ssld broker I caan-jadvvarjybodyoti the new crop toveatwrn e jovldentl belr

Nil believe they arc trylnclolevtbe market u-

so aa to sell their cotton wait In tt-

mornlof that on New Orleans soliWenron

arl Vti1cri tbe room supposed to be for Mr Prtci

crop raocths were Inclined to coveana In name cases to put tttelr customers uvonui-kull aide

Tbe late reaction waa to Jane aalei Juliand by Weld by roottraders

Kradstreefs says Loof expectedat laal farmer

And retail trade la seasonable In drco6dbiiAlneu as a la not to expectations anMen prices are a bar to activity

IIH rtn H tr A thcountry s lexUle capacity U runnlni on restrlcte

MeeHly Theof cotton h now practically completed exceptsomeoMhe where tbwork has been delayed by droutn The standare tne U bcUif on

and Its nr1t cultivation Urowtn has uot beerapid on account of tne crop I

generally In food condition A l w acids are illow In nome ol tne nortneattern countlc

ana lloe are dolnc some damaie In a few souuDoll are report d fror

several southwestern countlea but tne crop U nolor tiieimto do daman-

Tbe cotton crop U now In need of contluuedwai-

tTA d Co said There U no daubthat tne boll clique will endeavor towork tnejnars-

iicccM noirever will depend lo a real exteupon ttc amount of thesnort Interest remlnaln-a and spot dealers In aiconfronted aucu trad condllllions tn t tUoyhavo fallen back on their prevtou-

polkv of Irom hand to ascplnncra are more likely to pursue the aam-

lacilcs ltn a furtherIn tae weather conditions as allectlnr the on

situation nnd outlookLiverpool cables Ihe advance was accelerate

orders from New Orleans an-

Kfjptl n operators mostlyTotal export cleat

ances tnls week bales of IB-

recrlots this time decidedly so the AmericaVoolfn Company foods O-

vctnis aTfcen was a farther decrease at 3000 U th-

cerlinrilcd stock here brtnflne the total dew

was 470SO bales af alnst C4M1 lastast year lThetoilal In slfht now amounts

last yearR Dun A state Somewhat better retal

distribution has followed Improvement In fernpcreture came too late to recover any larr

any Improvement In the primary market wher-aale1 are with lltuattention to forward business Production balen further ttrshands are to meet the restricted demandQuotations are nominally unehanf ed yet the toniIs

Marshall r A Co said The market Ito speculative bandllnf on the lonr-

slitn within but Islark of seneral confldimco In American trade con

ment for an with the utmost cautionIt bad been our expectations to see tbe option Us

achieve ox tbe movemenfrom llWfor July but It Is manifest a funbe-tspot demand

one broker Comment s made on the f

that Is here 1 cent the Sootheipot markets Notice 100 that In Liverpool therarc sales of nearly cents over thquoted prices In New Vork-

IUIK Spot was dull but firmer 5ali74000 b h for export at tbe cutports Nored time 1107 expert II No-

I Nortbern Dulutb ovnr New York JulyFutures closed to fie hlf her Salesbarti Prlcis as follows

Open Hlglt lo Clot IaU-tna rtl ctt Int XlgHt

May 9miWi ftOia M 90

September 8JH WH RIHOats were quiet on the spot Sales MOOO bush

Natural white on M Ibs 4 to 4 c Nowhite clipped We Corn was qul t on tbe spot

Sales h No i white nev S7cXX Futures here were nominal but at the WestIhe market was firm Tbe allowing ahowi therraln movement

New Vork iriuvif Ccrn Oali Rye StrtniReceipts lnio 82T7X 2coo-JIpone 10070 4014 ICIM

lecelpts nono 238000 mooo 3000 4l ooShipments 120000 119000 aooo 3000iioooShipments S000j-

Tbe upward movement ofwheat wasunder the Of bullish

covering shorts and small offerntsand receipts The advices both nubile

to uniformly bullish that a distinctunfavorable Government monthly report Is ex-

erted on next 10th Int so that theres little or no Inclination to take the short

was al the WesVat-ributed to Armourt the Southwest ws bnyiag-

lor to the bad from the Shen too English cables wen hither aad

n houses boucnt to some eXtnnl weathf r-

n the main was favorable and flour trade reportsrom were stillmllUh sentiment predominated The OhloMUte-ei only the averaf e croplie condition toda as

tow makes the averace condition ofwlnt rwheatwas buuitn

total primary receipts were only 141000use falast last year

as centimes higher to t lower The Artenttne-hlpmcnts for the were large agrreratlnix-

aOM 3440000 week00 lut year jilnce Jan I 4l4Kiooo bush2701000 the same time last rear Amenoa-xported aimrdlnr Mo ii927ii-uan 1010SM last w ek aad 3u

In the laitrearn-cila exDorted 114400Obu h against WOOO last

704010Corn was firmer In the main owinglo t hearts

i wheat light offering and moreor leasew twvlne Foreign mackelswrre unchangedrlmaty receipts were 401000 bush af alnst 370099-wt year for the week were M-

usb 190193 lastWeek aadle4l7 Uear flnoeJan 4 47 H21 acalattir same time last snippedBOOO bush afalnst 4MOOO last we kM yeajj since Jan I II10000 buah ag-

FLOcitqulet and stoadr Salai 7 bbla Be-Ipts and S ao sacks experts 4412-

blsA and 343M sacks Winter In bbls 4-ura 94KCM70 clears 9420ttMIO stralrhts-l70 4HM patents Spring In bblaears patentslWBsi8 Rye nourl39S 4 o-

Corrn on tho spot was steady at 6T c-

r No 7 Sales 300 baga SavaalUa Futnre-aosedt points lowerto higher with tieme the sains IAMO de-Ined l f and Hamburg to Rlodedtaed-

iris receipts SOOO atockwas receipts 10900bagsstock

8000 Prices here as

There were no noteworthy developmentsflee The trading was mainlyal aad professional and prices movedrrow were lower and the

liberal bmafterthe ratberlater there was less lllon to sell and more

ipoaltlon to rover Thn outside thehowever Is very light owing to ta-

ntlnued large receipts a factMnaus quietth tbe tone generally la London copperdined 2a d for spot and Is 3d for

oalnr at M ii for both Tin there deellnM

NATAL HTOriEa of turpentine MC S4t-eiromon to good strainedPaovisiOKB Pork was at torrat Iaro was easier Western 17 refined

7lo South American I7JIO Tallowit Dressed r Bolter Ciram-y extras 2le cfhe Slate f c fsll made

firsts Ikr atl-

as firm aaa IB someces Ic hlfkrr Shipments of cured meats

m MTaeo reara SelKat-aa lonat last made the break atopt ed ItBt B4BV Haw was forteat sja4 t aa aar aammaTia 9 teat tS-
















Koan 121V Amerkian Bulldlor-i Philadelphia May t miTo tbe Stockholders lakrSuperior Company

Committee of Tbe Conwlldated Lake Superior Company hereby fives noticetbat the 20iyuhas betD declaredoperative-

byreason of the fact thatlt has entered Into anAgreement the Canadian Improvement Com

the underwriting of so the orlt-rial Muooooo for not taken Stock

holders or other underwrilera subject to tbefollowing conditions

to enabletbe Canadian Improvement

r obligation that Company hai wctirrrtfrom IBe of of Ontarioa guarantee on the part of aald Uovernment of

loan ofUoooOou secure which the Governmem has required that there br deposited wlih-

goma Central A Hudson Bay Hallway Companiall the stocks indbooda the andNorth Shore Hallway thr no r-

of the and Hudson Hay RailwayCompany for1724000 due July I

Mke Superiorandaeciiredby Mortgage on vessels and

until tbe payment oj thn loan wblcnmatures on I 1909 at time said stork

i bonds sndother securities am to be deliveredto the Trustee of the by thrNew Company to soourn Its first Mortgage oond-l he Uovemment of Ontarioaa the deposit with tbe Tnn-teeof the amount of first Bonds In-

come bonds and stock of the Reorganized Comtbe sumof I2oooooo would

be entitled to receive in underwrltlBf under tbeHan of KeorganUatlon-

me payment ofthis loan on or before Its matne return of these Kccuntlrs to thf-

tteorfsnlxatlon Commuter or Its successor Isguaranteed by 4be Canadian Improvement Compauy tbe latter whening the amount of tbe firstMortfag bonds In-

come bonds and stock of the Com-pany wnlen have beeaso deposited to furthersecure the Provincial Government Ontario aislated

securewill lie o drawn that all equity

over and above the lien of the said I2000ooo onthe said bonds and stock of the Centraland Hudson Bsy Hallway Company and thetaanltoulln North tihore Railway Compau-ywtllbe covered and upon repaymentthe loan the collateral trust mortgagea oral lien thereon

Tbe Canadian Improvement Company alviundertaken tbat com-missions of the have been paidthe new to be formed shall aclear working of 11000000 In cash overand exclusive of raw material aad

workedup material on hand and It biubeen agreed with tbe Canadian Improvementuompanr If In order to such cailtworking It becomes necessary for thCanadian improvement Company to raue moneyIn to of Its

It shall be entitled toreceivefor such additional sum first bondsofthe new company at the price olOpei centof their par

The with the Canadian Improve-ment Corapsar however provide thaiSuperior Company and subsidiary coropanle not

In amount needdated at present but may be extended for aperiod of on now UeH

Stockbotden who have deposited their atocV-are1 required to pay the by them to-

Uerton Trust Companr of on r be-

fore the 1904 lo wBlehidate Inorder that tbe stockholders of The Oanaelldatt

their shares with tbe Commlltee may notbe excluded from litthe Ihe Committee the tlmi

which underwriting mar be made of surb-

l per share after which date no further19of or subscrlpttons to the under

will be received except tbe discretionof the Committee and upon terms to be prescribM

It T

New Gnderwritlnf will be allowed to a limitedextent

Those who hsve underwritten aad paid S per-cent will be required to per rent on orbefore May balance on call

per cent of their time of mibon or before tbe I7tbof May balance

on callNotice of these In the original Plan

of baa 4be n riven to theTrust Company as required by tbe terms of tb

noticemay be

JOHN W MOrFLY-i Ctulrma-



SAMUEl F HOUSTONJOHNWM ROTCH WlfTrttR-RennanlsaUoni Committee


Inorder toassistdepositQrs of the Federal Rank

e win commencing Monday advance on theirutbentlcated acconnts 3SS1 of the balancM in-

belr credit paylne anydividends 1n xnrsa thereofnat marbe declared bytbe Receiver otthe FederalSank


a LMther MastifactBrers Natlenal BankofNew York

NpTICIt Tbe leather Manufacture IT NationalVork located at 29 Wall In-

is City of New Tork In the State of New Yorkieloaufflts affairs All holders and otherrealtors the association are therefore herebylotlflrd t present tbe notesand other claims for

FRANK O ROE Cashierftaied April Ulh 190-

4THB CFNTRAL NATIONAL BAXK of the cltr-f New York at No 320 Broadway In thi-

f the association are therefore hereby notKiH9present Ibenotes and ntherelalms forpayment

OHARLE58Dated arcb 7 1904-

te aOiba H tritat and freight Refined was in fair demandid firm 44ft470e

L v dm LW-Ml ea in Me-9IH M DIN

3M 4 SS-

u 1141 l-llrJ III9S7M 11974 HM HB7 lionpti 1200 l20Ji IIJV1M UW-

OT n MiXXET-SOpin Hlcli tote co f

kltti IM nt Vf-tneapollsJurr 9ii MI i i jUti

W m sitilath Mar IJa WfeiJ 92i m

edo July 102H l 04 10217104Rent 91U fltdj Hi

MU m M wi 4i

Louis Julr M H4 4 MU 4l 3

Sept 81H SlTf M M m


trail Tmat Allrie That the Conrfrn-Cfcnt Pay Its Bond intrrrM

The Ceintml Tnutf Company tnwleI-T the bondholder of the Brush Elrefri-luminating Compunv rut brought xni

lbe nprrrm Court to fonvlour thn-

i i irfgj i on Ihe company propjr all KIHR i w th Interest In

7 lat been paid and thai Ihe-mp rvl i i to meet obllsstlon-

n axsr int Ad ro im am alrdI-v outt adin sjaasjrji t






