the sun. (new york, n.y.) 1902-12-20 [p 7]. › lccn › sn83030272 › ...thesun saturday...

THESUN SATURDAY DECEMBER20 1902 d tr r 4 I t I I b IN f 1 i 1- 1Jr I o 0- l 10 t J V tot aa nr and t 0 30 eli ow U cttn orjt- Ue or- N i If- 3G r Inns c2- t t 2 or- LA VtLY Iie- d Is ktE- R ItI- t U PII rio 1I Coats arge and A A VERDICT AGAINST A UNION ENGLISH RAILWAY GETS DAM- AGES BECAVSE OF A STRIKE Jud n Declare the fnlon Utility of In lawful Coniplrary to Injure thn Plain tiffs DutlnMi Ttmn to Fix the Hr- ipoiulblllty In ttre lie Max Spfrtal cable llHfalck lo TOil SfK LONDON Dec ID Tito suit of the Tall Valc Railway Company n nlnnl the Amalga- mated Society of Hallway ServantB fur 27000 damages l cauAn of ullegod con- spiracy In bringing about a htrlko on In August looo watt dcciduci today was rendered In favor of the railway company Sir Alfred WilUtlio Justice who riimmcd up tho case In thin of the High Court of added that It was tlmo for a man orcupylng position lie did to havo the couiHgo to exprehM IM opinions In rnferenco t them iH rpetual attempts to linffle out of leKponxiliillty Tho ovldenro lustlon i l was nb o- liltoly that tim action of Amalgamateil Society of Hallway ServantH was what tlio unlawful con oplmcy lo molt anil Injiiro tin plaintiff In their IniKliiPMrt by unlawful Wills In Kiitninln up criticised the Mibtli Intrlcaelfn of tho defiMidantV- rnso in tlm H r timl xhtiniinK of cards mid continual production lifter manner of nn eixri n d conjuror of tho carol of norroxpoiixibillty which was contrary to common LOW common MMIXO and everything HMHe rexervcd decision on the question of the rimuiitit of to IK awarded Htulitig- iirgiiinentM at tlio next of thu court Kurils niKonr or insrnorin Definite ltetilt Iroin Ircncli ipcrlli- ientN In Hot lite Tiilicrculo tpttlti raw llrtplHh la TUB Sfx- PAIUS Doc 10 Dr lUirrel thief ofllccr- of Iho Inlviratory of the 1axteur Iiistitutt1- lias lnNiied a report on ox orimoiHt of Dr larnault a French physician who inoculated lilniKilf with matter from a consumptive cow to dlcprovo theory- of Pro Koch that hovino tiilHTciiliiiri cannot IHJ communltcaled to a human being Tho states that after a mInute cxHtnliiation of tho result of tho mcntH which cxtonditd front July 15 to Nov IB Dr Born It Imposnlhlo to draw any dollnlto conclusion Apparently howpvor a milan Inoculntod with n tul er- illo is fragment front a cow becomes affected with tulMrculoilf only at the point of inoculation It is Impossible to say what beeamo of- tlm microbes with which Dr iarnnult Inoculated hlniMilf whether they oils appoared or adapted themselves to a new llfo in his tissues It Is noteworthy how- ever that sonic on Nov I front the same source as tiwd were applied to a guinea pig antI proved active and virulent- Dr Dorrel remarks that oiperlnientH regarding tuberculosis require much time GERMAN WARSHIPS PLIGHT Vie Wlttfliback Still Aground tar Halt kov Odde nrftiird Danish lil Special cattle Deipalth to THK PCN COPENHAGEN Dec German warship Wlttelsbach which grounded near Halskov Odde Zealand on Tu sdny Peat U atlll last Lighters have arrived from Kiel to nsdlst In lightening her Her Captain has refused Danish help because It U ted here Emperor Wil has prohibited the acceptance of for aid in all cases of mishaps to VOSM U of tho Imperial Navy ho preferring rather- to risk tho loss of the The difficulty of getting the WltteUbaoh afloat has been Increased by a gale which in yet blowing It in stated that her hull Is badly holed It will ho a long time be- fore the gets clear and it Is doubted by seafaring men that she will ever Tho accident Is attributed to the Ig- norance of tho German officers but there i probably some animus in local criticisms- as German warships hon lately haunted the Danish coasts in a manner that isdo be contrary to international law OUR FLEET AT MAMLA Important Mancimrc to Begin Aflrr ChrlilniaA- pectal CMt Uopitch lo Ton SCN MAMU Doc lOHear Admiral Evans who has been in Chinese waiors will arrive hero on Cliristmas eve and anchor lila fleet in front of Manila Thu sailors wilt get liberal ttlioro leave Thu Admiral will Kail for Sublg on Doc J6- wL n the most important American maniru- vres over attempted In th Orient will liogln The problems Inchulo Iho fortIficatIon of n base on the west of thn island of Luzon by on attacking tied landing of marine and sailors tlio unloading of heavy guns the of thw Ham ashore with full siipplio of ammunition Hrssftv orici TO ruvC- Vnr DrtlroiM of llatlrm Direct llrlatlnn- Mlth AfclinnlMnn- Apttlal Cable tieifiateri lo THK stv- losrxiv I tee 10 An ffi tlon hi ben received from thin KtiHiim- rorcign ifflo which htates that Hussiax relations with IVrsia ore continually im provVu- nuf lii Ions tint nddremed a request of any ort to Great in regard to Afghanlh- tnii She has hlmply notified Kutland of tier decision that It Is deslrablo that KitMiin should enter Into direct relations with Af In tho Cuban Senate lias Commrrclal Treaty special cattle Dnpaleh lo THE Stx- HAVJINA Dec 10 Tlio commercial treaty lately concluded with tIm United States was sent to the Senato today It will bo- r ad at a public wsdion tomorrow Ac- companying tho treaty was a messagE from President Palma In which IIP urged the Sonata to gIve Its attention to the con vention as an possible Clyde Shipbuilding Outlook Not SptcM Cattle Deipalth Fill SUN LONDON Doc IB Official returns pub- lished today in regard to shipbuilding on the Clydo In the year 1B02 show that 300 vessels were launched Tho aggregate tonnage was 507000 The prospects for next year are regarded as far from good Earthquake Victims Now Reported to Ur 1000 Special CaW DttpaXtt to Tat SUN LONDON 19 A Central News de spatch from Ashkabad says nearly a thousand person wore killed by tho earthquake near AndljMi Department of Ferghana In AM atlo NIne Hurt In Kxplonlon- SpKlal CaW lo THE SUN PARIS Doc J9 Thcro was an explosion of acetylene gaa In a laundry on tho Rue de la Reunion this afternoon Nine per ooa Injured two of them th- or Division Just Ill 0 I hit I i 10The lam may care I re J ghanl lan futurE Ion Goo Pall t 0 I ate Kings qicit Ito overt hieiinIng t hot ltlfa Its J list Icol I Ito I Ito In rita gcto titling t Ito Ito report s tx srI find those Ito d flflto I lie a nil n toi i ni lug hiP counnuutmica o 4 flrI alit b I l Dec were 0 t ¬ ¬ > > ¬ > ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > LIVE TOPICS AROVT TOirV One table stcxxl empty In tho menn dining room of tho hyphenated hotel tho other evening btmve reftlxttl- to It to an applicant who stared hoj olessly aUxil crowilisl rtHitii Tho waiter lnxlxti that It wiut cnKrced Thin rcpuUed thin hito urrival driftnl aimlex Into tho corridor Ho hind scarcely disap- peared when a cerond applicant entered tho restaurant Ho met u dif- ferent He was known to the headwalter who valued tho ac- quaintance Ho was Immediately Invited to empty table und moved direc- tion an ho remarked that ho was expecting a friend to with him Ho watod than man who had In vain iought a a Cow niln- UUH b foro came hack into the room Ho saw lii friend who hnplKntd to the man at tahiti and toward him Vrwlnnd said one nlrnuly- seated Ive gotten this table S i I MH aiiswon d the oilier Apparonlly Its a much UtlorI- hiiiK In to l President of the 1 H T f titan of thou M T f A mlddlenKexI man stood yoslonlay In a Fifth avonuo jewelry store staring In jar plexlty at threo objects that lay In front of him On tint other rddo of tho cloth cwered counter which them stood one of thou memlMrsof tho tint Ills reflected the of the patrons ns ho held up boxes to light and their contents inter- tsUdly In one thero was n mlant composed of a flawless diamond almost hoarlHlmiHd- nnd largo as a thumbnail surmounlod a emerald On a lltllo tug at- tached to this of jewelry wero figures fjOu iu Sixteen dlmnonds around a pigoonV blood of ptmlhi was a M COIK object on which his pyos foil liiicerliitfly was t7flo Another whlio silin lx x held twclvo largo diamonds Kroupnl around a caliiichon of urent llKtiris on lit little white card were fosnno After ho had cxamlnotl thorn nil and apparently found nothing lo turn his ono direction tho patron indiciitid with a wavo- f lab hand roiim tack again and left makini a purchai- Tlio thri11 Ixivos wont hack Into their tlio liiMH iiinl more willed without being hopoloss- Hn nut COMS tho safe OH ho rc marked to ono of the clerks near him kiM year that man a string of i arls for JTOom without thinkhiK half nn hour over It This year hasnt a and he comes from Pittsburg at The to make Carlo Dani a hero has veiled in failure and that is not altogether Ixxauso the young Italian has sung at ono only matinee HI far during the season Ho will sing at others but ho will not bo n hero although ho some traits that might destine him to that honor Ho lana molting brown oyrs pearly tinth and lila figure has still tho that goes with qualities do not avail in making thoo tenor beloved of young women who sit in stil over- tho brass orchestra rails at Metro- politan The only hnro In their eyes for moro than a pat tins now at least twice 26 years Ho is fat and some say seam of Hut ho tho mitlm lien of opora par oxcellenco and thori has not him since Max Ids cnnor at tln Metropoli- tan St Hcsxkos phylral qualitips would forever debar from tile honors of a matin o hero any moro actor Hut in- n singer an not objectionable Anil returns to sing or Romeo on a afternoon ho will once moro demonstrate what a real oixrntlo imitinA hero Is Signor DanE ono claim to that honoi Is married Others than publisher and slither l neflt by the strenuous efforts to product tho record for the best toIling book Moro than one Now Yorker lana lieen surprised this year to rooMvo n Christmas present from a source that would have Ixf n quite unknown lout for a noto that first pro- claimed the Ixliof of tIe in the great valuo of personal advertising anti then requested ti n ropy of book Most of Iho- txrsons who received gratuitously n very handsoino volume am that the publishers must an high on personal advertising or n very slight ono on WIRELESS PLAT SEIZE France Objects to the Operation at licrlmiiri- fpHial CUbe Vftpuxh In THE SfN- Ciirnuofiio Den French nu thoritlos horn havo seized the wireless telegraph station erected hero by n privatn company on tho promontory seiyuro was niado on the ground tint operation of tho station Is an infringement on tho stato monopoly of Iho telegraph and the lintionnl rlefene- eUttLIt COt LYCII FOR TRKASO Indictment Attain a NatloinIM lcmhcr- nf IarllHtnrnt- fpreltl CMe tieipadh In Tour Sex IxjNUON lee IH Tlio Orand to- day found a trim Mil against Col Arthur Lynch thou Nationalist mpinlxT of Parlia- ment for Jalway who it is alleged served with the Boor In the late warnnd who was accused of high treason and committed CAR LIHERITES STl IETS to Siberia Now Hclnrii to the I nl SpfffiJ Cable to TIn fifv ST PBTKBHiifno hoc ID float Czar has sxue l an students who lieen banished to Siberia to return to the universities Nn Arrext in Humbert Cane spertnJ CMe tXIpilcH lo TIlE SfN- I18RON Doc 10 There Is no truth in that report from Funchal Madeira that Homnl- ndAurlgnac tho brother of Mmo Humbert vas arrested thero by French detectives nrltlnh nitiamador to that Itcslmu- t pr lol CoUp lltipttth lo Fair Stv- IxJNlxis Dec 10 Sir Phillip Currie who has been British Ambassador to Italy einco lidO ha resigned on tho ground health Fool bull In tile Jnrdcn- Profeslonal football In the Mndhon Square flarden will Iwi played on this evening of Dec and 3d The Xow York eleven which hn Inen e peclnll orwmlred- coutnlnn some of the best excolleeo tilnjcrs- In the country and nn effort will be nmdo to Induce Harold Weekes the fnnioiH Colum- bia half bnck to become a member The New Yorks will meet the crack Syrn- cn n eleven on the openlni night Tlie Syracuse team hat already cmriued Wrluli- tPraper Freeroan Foleer Iop Warner Hlff Orldlxr Burchrll Dwyer antI other wellknow n on their Inurcla on Varsity elevens Football en UnislaKtu in A believe eren twat of tlie kind In and they with como to the city on a apeolnl to seo the goon The floor of the Onrden will he covered with soft bun which will be rolled hard nnd the regulation chalk murks will be on It l room for M regulation gridiron tho EoalpoHts being In front the two entninces while th side lines will IHI order to Rive the players plenty of room no Mctator will be on floor Thn orange C and two other take part In the tournament I ant ly I I for la n h and I It who tool Ihln thaI mal pIM > or I Ian hal 1 J fri 20 a few of team tit ery t I itt t lieu lot a I bIb t Ito 4 lIst t I a ti tot Inc t Ito t ion suit I it I ito exam itoI I Ito lii sn ru I uonult y rib t t lie t a ira ilt ltoott eases ors ox i ui quilt o I Iii 0 attempt you l lit at t lius ot ion seat a It g the ii Ilk Alvar xi re 01111 Ut lItsi rIte t Ito en- dangers lea ia lea order allowlna oat ol ill 1mb mum within ect arena 10154 lii l4c ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ < < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < > < < > ¬ GOSSIP OF THE RUNNERS Tl HFMi HKlTIFIEIt OVER TilE SUCCESS OF ltCKKV REIFF French lUclnic Aiithorlllm Mill nw lit A Kn to llcliiitatettieAmerican Rider Stilt ARiilntt HrlRliInn Track lrroipcil li the Ioiilrootu Clrmcnt- Turfmen ure grutlllxl over th news hit Johnny Heirr has been xucce ful In bin libel suit iigaln t the French journal recently hed the boys together with a tor that be hood pulled a horse It wa foon after the of the story that the French Jockey Club re- sclnded HellVs licene nnd nlo practically roiled olT Milton Henry another American Jockey who wns lmlliirly Implicated Tho e- conversanl with the fact In the cooP nil along iniilnliilneil that the jockeys were Innocent of any wrongdoing but the French turf remained Whll Intltuted n libel stilt ngidna a iiew ii a mean of vindicating him- self Henry took another e and brought ngalnl tho Jockey Club u move that lotus huis been protiounc l n mNlak In Inking textitnony In the llelff suit the boys employer siow l that they hud never fount fault with hi riding while It wn al o demon- ctriited that HelfT had actually Immlled winners on the Ireneh tracks than any rider While the Court ordered only nominal damage It exonerated IteifT who will now n k the French JocUey Club to reintitle him Henrys me duos not look o uncut nccord- Ing lo tboe who have hivelimited the mat- ter simply becaile be dlil riot pursue tlm method of 1eitT PIlot Henry N considerd- u free from guilt as HelfT Tile iictlvlty of the New Orlean stewards in unearthing ihn of Ihe IxKiknmk late flint known n I ho lown Club lni met with much favoinble comment among turf iniii The have lieen wldeawaki- and for that nvion could loath to realize tlmt on tin line ol It fome tollil between the Jockey Hick the layers Cirifer nnd Stlt7cl the owner HntlMd l n by Several members of the Metro Turf A weto dUcu liig mailer yetetdiiy when otui of them It u benefit to the sport to have these Llimhlers ruled They nr nut on the level and tin mure harm than good It i4 bccnus of their presence en- racetracks and the method they employ that otbr bookmakers i f Integrity lire math t suffer The Now Orleans stewards linve set nn example which other officials would do well to copy It is expected thit the Western Jockey Club will rule iiff nil thoso whi have been Im in tiirtlruliir xcundil by the New Orleans Mennrd The if tli layers heet told theitle riguriHdn- not he the rewards knew that tty hail xerurell the gonds Promoter ISyiin if the Newport outlaw track Is till having bl horvs had torn New Orleans several days ago In ordinary freight ears hfCHin- nstalld xomewliere on the roild torah the Society fur Prevention of Cruelty t lieving tint titer was among the racers Intends ti nuike troubln for Th work nn the New port track is moving idling so slowly that does not know whether he able to i schedule thou or rout Western Club I red hot the of owners wliu have snow n to at track with the result that has bell xerlex of bl kdllW IIS all along III Pluto are univer wiiy to hold n meet in aHils next the feature to ho llerby the money value of will I rnoiluh to attract utile food horwx W Maker Sterling H Holt M II Hear doll and V A Holt lire I lie new ortlcers of the Indlaiiatsills Iticing A Jockey Thori left hem yiMtrdiv for bit home In lieneva Neb I to year old itnd will retire iron th turf lo 11 lt brother in the inniiagemetit of a newiifir lie rode 111 line tyle tot 1fHllie seiiMin Jockey ltiiien will not the ofler A llerz to for them nt New Orleuix lyne contract with II Keene will tro citect on 1 when ontlilrd of the xaliry l Thoe who have been bringing mils oeiln t- thj lota racing for the of wag lo t In the letting riius received a thick in th MunlclUiil Court licEnce JumtiC- HWllliim W 1enllcld nn The ton llncb Itacltig A tried to bring on the Ort of tbej fi e agsilnt it the niiili- nf th complainant being William Mansell Hilt when was called the coinplalniint- lleclined lei proceed and I lie rae wn lit ml d It wii generally believed that the Imolrooin men were l hlnd the nit a lliiiinmln Stflnbtnlt nppeared for the plaint II I reI ikermiii the loiiryaroid whn could inn be tound by the ailmlni tnitnr- o the late Jane Mul pliy I at Alk it S I where will be pit ever the nilu He Is ni i who bought him li t siiiniiier I lle luirliaed Ibe llngllsb foitr deixl M tini mi turned the hot over to 11 Melurtnick to l e Iriln lor lieXI Miison The jtP1 will ie run today lloniloii Mlvii Tnlbut are lucId in high elem liy taliit John A ix ImiMing n new tahln- on of the siiiei iheiiil Iliiy truck The table will have n loundatjon if brick will contain Inrtv still KM has just preented an oil painting of winner huvable in the Cnney Islniid- Jockw club Joseph K llier wlm lias flgtinil pronil- ncnlly ute vill bo repre- sent mi the flit next sa nn by n number of twoyearolds Including n full brother to s S dlfnted Martlo- lewl It Is said that the Welern Jockey Club will extend Its to by llcernlng the Los Angii track which not In laver with ib California club of which Tom Williams i president If union is taken tbeie will a turf no mull proportion The sale of stock the prop- erty if Sir Hlundclj Maple such n appointment yesterday that I long an- other Knvllh breeder Fends a uotisisninvnt- to this iiiititry fur dlspoa- lnia n USE FOR FIIUIT- SouthtTii A C o lonlmllle fillers ISlM for llrCntrrn anil Yoiins Corbett- Thn strenuous oppnltion of inv Illiss of U the cnnte t between Young Corbett and Terry Mcdovern luau already opined thai way In have the mill deciibsl In stomata other The fuel that the courts have given th flail promoters nf Ioulsvllln encouragement ri girding the legality of glove contests has Induced the Southern A C of that city to miike n bid for the null nnd its representative Tim Hurst announced yesterday Hint the club was ready to donate n pur e f li i or to per lout of the vms receipt hour the fray As this Is the largest purse offered thus far tlicru l every likeli- hood that it will According to Hurst Matchmaker irny I very confident that lie cant pull ff now r nl In JJIKHI which I Im have dcmn tided ton u forfeit Th representative of both scrappers say that until tbV re Iv- nssured of iov lltlKis nttlltKto retarding Interference before negoi u Mtntid sluing with In meantlmo and Corbett will continue their iriining- Intcrcollculato boat Following are the of thn cotnpcti torn who will tnke part In the eleventh annual Intercollegiate tournament nt thou Columbia Cirnmmar School In this city on Dec in 30 and 11 Columbia Frank II Vewall HI Howard A Kveler IKI icoritc WTucker Jr Oi II lijirsliill tis SiibMltuicj a von Minlly 13 anal J hurt in Percy V nrldiman- I William i Clerk anti Phillip S 04 Sul lllutc Lawrence 1 01 and CLa lou Trench i i Yale James I Sawln Kdvrsrd II Adams 04 IM II Mull Norman C Mull 113 Sub Mimic Clifford H en ui und Arthur Sandl tutu 01 Princeton Chsrles s Itlehardsnii rn John H llanklnwn 03 C lllssell ul unit Arthur J 1llcram U3 Kid artcr suit lartllner to Fight Negotiation hnve been completed lor n sixround bout between Rid Carter anti George Cardlner or Lowell The contest Is to be held before the Lyceum A t Chicago on Deo 33 lloth men have posted forfeits to weigh at ini at 3 oclock on tho tint mill Gardiner lo already In Chicago for tho has been whipped by different never within the nixround limit On this bash think he has a royal chance of victory I nIT mol lot I n I alt I O tai all d iitr 1 lit Ill I 11 Ill Ink I I Iok Ill I And UI r CAr ali louis all tit r t w lucIa suit i Port rat It i nil uiliutt luau otal herR los ooi tint I I oil r sIt It moot linals i a ii rots I tu jolt as tout t I ii oh tao ocluot lout t tie sot lit Ito siraruc t t aol t hat vn fbi iaa t birt a to I I he hi I tie t rat uton miii l uutt ii tulle ut too ki lint liii rout ii iou ti lire t situ ban Iii lois out rule Jut ttiu raoctit ton tuiartuv itri glu eht inn I H I e t o cult 0 I luau itt 0 0 0 ut lb lOT titt 1I at Ion i v 1 hue a nil in Itt I it ta a truito It u tituS t otucti at th Ichul cut it alt too it uO I I a I irk t lie t 1 I o vtut tout uutoa lruulerict TnIctuiaucat rut Hart tautuho rut ta rut it S 1 w- r p > > > ¬ < < > > > ¬ ¬ ¬ > > < < < > ° ° i GULl Forrim Tram Certainly H G A Nomlntllnc tnnitnlttrrH- praklne of tlie visit to thin country nf it- Mininirr of a tram from tie Oxford and Cam hrldge Golfing Korletj Mntiirin Bnlloi- lwrrptar of the V 8 I A ycMordiiy that Invitation sent by II Vindp- lor wn not In tIm name of tho national nor of any particular club but merely tout iisxuriinrc that If the team should conic over tli member might rely on a cordial irri t- liitf and plenty of Rolflna explanation- MViiifd iieccisary In view of tlio action of tin1 drlieuteH to tin last annual meetlni of tlie V 8 1 A In votlnc shown a resolu- tion to luvlto n foreign team If the rxprniuu- wento bo imld u H formal undertaking on part of the organization It I now certain pnicllcillytliut tie Oxford and Cumhrldee teams will conic over and prob Wlndeler who lu player lian MTV an aiiprentl e mi nnmteur nmnnner of tennis to our creation will map out n t for t he VanIt y- Kolfrrn It wn In tllMUii e l itt tho f S It A HIIIIIIH meeting that the team could roinn here In Auguxl and that the vl lt could not lout over three weeks Thl would Hiniilc time for matches New Aork and Ihlladelphh It would tint gIve time for u The VeMern golfer nccordinu to a letter from Herbert J will bn olntcd houhl the Oxford nnd OimiirHit tour here without vl comn of the link- S klnir on the vlil It II llobertcon president of the I win of the opinion the r s A would llndii of up the full control of nmtchf wild th team nliroad There N a very brleht pro iilinn t nmoimtlne to n certainty Mr of the iirrnnvv- MieniK lair a vl lt of lint repiiientatlvi ten in from the Oxford nnd VimbrliUe inlllnir Society to thl country next season to take p irt In M of under the aiiMIcet of the IV s O under will tlie rrlllol m of mot pro of the nriinlennnce of e- nctlliu iimnteiir ellilo The u roiilnl of III ten in lias not been decided ti oti It will undoubtedly Include nme of t- l llrltnln Ju tu bnde under the top tioteheri I am Kreatlylnleretcd in nlwiut the vl lloberl oii for In my opinion It would do much to llmulate the Interest In the vain In America eitablWi H inot di rMitlonhlp between the player here and A nominating committee of thlre was npiminteti Ir lilent Hob Tt on to nnine n ticket to IKJ voted on at the U S I A annual meetliiit in The committee will report to Secretary llallou or nbout Jan IS l up I e- riitix Kmmet chairmHn New York IIcrl rt lnlti Itrxtim ntv V A Alexnmler Thl- oiiiro The Litter it a prominent member of the Onwentsla club All the MO A links are in plnynbte condi he rain hat waMiil away hut on pome cn ual water i In its turn an- nnnoyance lthrlenrweather much of the water will have lieen dried and some club competition will b run ofT There wax an good turnout of hunters yesterday nt Seth the finrden City and link the two nirM that rotate to condition inilcket after a nowMonii of any In the M ti A territory EWS OF THK WIIEELMEX- Hedppth the ISruro to Ride In l rl- Frrtirhiitpn Sill On IjiTouralneon Thursday Itolterl Coquello or the IlilfTaln Velodrome r ri and one of tlie editor of Is h xalled In company with ioiiKolt Itreton and Darrncon rulers In the ixday rare Cocjuelle came here to rew rt the race lr rtn and to sign American rider for in Iuriv A tins l een told he enuaaed Joe el on the puce following wonder ieoreo rnAfr now of ixday fame nnd Owen Klmble Major lather had lieen previously rneaeeil Co iiurlle addition to hl strIng of rulers n l on Wednexday afternoon atari II Woody licilixth the nesro utter Irotn Indlnimpoli who the ltdny race nit fell and broke hl collarl one before the rare WH t o hour od- At a meeiiiir of lloid Chit A ocatlononThur nltiht thellurwcot trophy nlTere for the rider corlnc the mo t i In the five short road races of the club held durin the mmimT wn awarded to A ill mann A reception Kiven to Vewkirk timid Jneoh on rod In the lxiliy race for the n oclation and flnMiwl The of the road vole for officers niiiionnced n follow hjor the Nini the oiilv man on tin Independent tiikei who wn elected tl A Van llykr T M Jon nrM tie ptr ilirnt II S Chlrncu vlrr- nrrMilrnt M H lOTS It Smith rrconllnic srrrnarj I W- Kyre tfv urrr v i MitVir iApinln ChArlin levy lint HcutriiAiU A A Melruine MCOH- Illciitrnant I II IA rrrrr i J color h rrr A Neal mul r Mi r hueliT Illrrctors VollnvhUser John Cornish I I Sl ii i rh T Wall U IMla fk Matbrln M taco An Inlerestinir reohuini WHX nt the monthlv of the Sew York Motor Cycle Club on Veilne iav wn to what be culled n clinic Ncturn lo demontrne tverv prlntlpl anti dftill of lh motor bicycle ectine It and the operation of oath part lh i ommltien ubmitlei the following ticket to be voteil for next month E T Wllllt prr lilfnl K I Krrruv vice pn- lilrnt lr K A Hoy vcritcn H Cladr Irrasurrr Will It lltman M I Pip1 II li llrlls toad H- IlindU eivirnon I covlr captain II DounlAM lleulrnanl Jack MdlclUiul ami HiiKh lcy lden light a unto KT l riK Dec 19 Jack McClelland of IittxburK and llueliey Mclirdden of New York went twenty round ton draw before the West Knd Club InM nlBht The fight wis- n totIng conte t anti simple neither man a knockdown little piinl hmenl Inflicted on either HocUr The SI liill School hockey temn phyed an exhibition came at the sr Nicholas rink la t team of old St Caul boyx The irame wax u onxidcd nffalr the SI Iaiil alumni goals to I the flrxt half K and Davenport hcorwl Just liter the of the half CnmpMl iniido tlie only scored by the Hute i and K Klko n second hiilf- linMip or hoe lung tItle Sullivan on hl way to San Crunchen In MTiirc A llmmy Ililit Iota arrival on tlu Iaclnc Coait Sullivan Intends to ft tnrtfll- Aiirrlla llrrrira MrilcAii throush m n- iger IHdrty IMnn of San Iranrlvo has Usurd a r to mi Jordan U wllltns in eo to tnitland nail Jordan Ihr- Natlimal Sporting Cluli In that ornanlallun wit lllvt a iiurw Willie Sohumakrr of ito Avnnla A who li- the nilliiial nmatrur US pound hai turned and to try nun julnt rSthir Andrew Tnkrll of Harry IorhPA or Andy Wtvson or rMrrxm U a clever and 1 stIr puncher Abe Ihr crack CnllfnrnU rerrlvnl a irnrroui otter to Milt Ilngland ml the lads In h uvrrthfrr II can toe Mtkfarlnrlly he wit Ian tar the other nell numlli lie may lio matched either Hen Jordan or The MNirlt ar apparently much Interfiled In the forlhcomlnc lntwrrn Jack Mitt ant Charley of The pair are box liefore the famhrlditc A 0 on liec 32 The bout li limited to ten round Ollnurkea Irlendi think he has a nne chance of the crack nezro ru lll t That lien Jordan KniUnda premier feather weUhl li held In hUh esteem tiy his countrymen wai shown recently nt n hinillt to him In Ixndun s friend turned out In number tIle occasion ttai both a Anancuil and A llver alvcr and tea service weiet presented to Jordan The London Mirror of announce the death of Harvey Cbeckltti a wellknown KnjILih purl ll l and at one time the tickler of the MO champlon hln rhecltettss last waj with Jatie Whit who defeated hint slier a lively Mugitle The derraied wits about g years and wax very popular In England Tommy Ieltz and Johnny llearan are to rem locelher The alimrd articles for a 54round halt before the club donating the best Inducement The weight U pound weigh In at 3 oclock on thu afternoon of the en- counter The winner will jet a change ajalnit either Andrew Tokell or In a recent Interview that hull venture with Jim Jeffrie In whch arc touring tho country ai a boxing team I a trot 1iccui Fit that the receIpts do not loll below IJSOO a night and imiic places are turned away He adult that arId himself are going to visit Kurope after they tome East SpOke Sullivan Is coming and Is expected 10 arrive In thIs new a letter to a frOnd Spike wrote that If he defeated Hill Chester be return to America Immedi- ately The pair met the olher night In and won U said that Sullivan wilt co to stain alter a brief and that hU only reason for returning to America U to see a Nit body Ill t olon hit for Ill N hit tr I h D t for lot rousIng Judo rod I K uhirunmo P 1 I I h ort nOl C cham Ion anti out Ir I All tSfe larry old lr bOlt rar lull J lolu t tt a l I I hue Thai hat Mr tiotott crIcket t moat ii bin ito Irn uln turuo butt It cot tao t 1 tait lot g a Ilolart ocut lot a serIes anal tuu A onaud It hutton iv It lilt lit r Lo yr roou I cone to oat hut ira t Ion now by thIs rnornlnv soon mac via entered the Cerirtjr was result was on Pta I rt rcru Ii 5 and itoect lou It I S bOO 0 itO I vht It a nh lot I n v Noin In i I too g I con ii to touts oil tatut n tan 1n4 PalO Iwuot inc I bin I ke tu stub 4 rio goal 00 Ito I tic I lest lie hit hot mod F thou line sauna alas against SVlli scrap 0 r it hIs ¬ > > < > > > > < ¬ ¬ < PEACEDEPENDSONDELEHANTY AMERICA LEAGtE MEX MAKE AX ISSiE OF OUTFIELDER Intlit flail Hrush Shall Hurrendf the Crack Pla rOn Johnion Also State That the Orcult shall RemaIn Intact than Johnson president of the American Uauue who In In Chicago been calledu- IKIII to maku one statement In regard to the National desire for a twelve dull ilrcult He miys that the American Ixiuiue will remain Intact und that the circuit will consist of New York Boston Philadel- phia Vusliinirlon tobago Cleveland St I o U and Detroit Incidentally It mar be of Intorpxt to National IXOKUC men to know thut the Atmrlcan Icicim will InMlut that thn New York Notional shall return Player Ed Delehuiitr to the Viislilnirton Ainerlcann- Kuifene Cochran and Hector CleineB directors of the Vanhinuton club have for the pant week Yesterday they said that If Delelmnty was not returned to them there would IKJ no peace Deletianty signed a twoyearn contract with the VniliinKton Americans wjiter and own lawyer drew up tho contract He received ovary dollar of the alurr dup season of 18B and has drawn 11900 of next seiBon pay from us in advance It wits only the first week In November that h got thus of this amount from President Portal of the WushliiRton club Yet Dele lmnty has seen lit to ulcii a thrceyearscon- Iract with llrnslis New York club at ofio 1 your If Ilruuli think that ho can keep thl moan ho will find that he I In error The American Leairuo will Insist upon return part of the peace compact and will po Hhly demand thnt jumper shall nut be harbored br the National League If Delehantv plays with Brush next year the baseball war will go to a flnlih- Charle president of the American nay players who Jump contract aro not HO much to club owners who tempt them I henr this talk the Players who have jumped their contracts iys omi key for port If there I to be done I believe It should be applied to tho men who really cause the contract JiiinidiiK A macnate or a manager umliie Inlluence break faith Is as much or talon to blame limn the player himself snot thl sort of Person I one 10 be driven out of the ranie These mm tore crafty enough o that their underhnnded doe not get down In writing and the player I the toat a player slcns a second contract It a man of Influence convinced hint that lila original contract not binding tIt till organization to which he li bound Is on the verge of bankruptcy and that the signing of the only that will keep film In the game It bus teen ciistomirr to condemn player nnd let tilt r go free The magnates should be nailed While President still declines 10 tooth the location of the American IMgiie ground in huts city Jam Foster the Philadelphia contractor who built the league ground in that to- gether the tand for the football nt Princeton and New says that be tins received worth from to prepare for work on the New York grounds Im- mediately From come confirmation of the story published recently In THK Si N that new grounds lirA locate nt IJMIOY avenue and 145th street and that the will close uotli street leading to the Harlem Itlver Johnson will not return lucre until after the peace at Cin- cinnati on Ian S give out the much sought for Information lx ftu denlsfie story that he will bathe manager of the American and says that he year XEW YORK f TICKET John II Van Hornier llenomlnatrd for President Few Changes The nominating cimmlttee of the New York A C composed of Charles T Will Ella II Peck Tohn F Mtdr Kdgur P Roy nod iiinl Dr W A Bartlett done its work and yesterday tile names of men which In Its fit to run the club for the senHon of 1111 adorned the bulletin In the clubhouse According to the conM- ltutlou this committee had until Ice 29 to po t the ticket but evidently the task was n load on their mind and late on Thursday night the typewritten list was patted InsIde the Bin cnsc When It was known that the ticket was up there win a rush from ill part of the hou Kvery nnnn WiR carefully scanned and there was a chorus of surprise as the inemners Mood fucinc tin board Since thou bvtrd of governors appointed thin nomi- nating oitnmiltee H sort of Idea prevailed Ihit there woiild be 1 new departure and not a few nf the shreuil ones huMrdcd the opinion tint the candidate for the presidency and other offices would bo drawn trout a dif- ferent element altogether than those of thin iII couple nf years A foot daysagonneof the nominating com- mittee said Were looking for new men mid good ones and this remark getting wind nrouml the clubhouse It w s only natural that ti spick und n should bo exitected Hut the ticket Is practically a rcnomltmtion of Insl years officers with the exception of two newcomers to of givernor Following thn list potted President Iohn n Van Wornier 1eenre ldent Albert K nlfax secretary I Itea urrr K Uoodhue captain Charles It Shcrrlll- Cinvernnrs for two II Crawford Jr 1 Hnvt Curran Mortimer Kdward U Kenrney teorire V Kulmke Rotor C Ktmtnerer- r J Wells and Martin J raise Tim It will be mm that the two changes Art Wells and Paine who replace Kly J Jr Well lotus been a prominent swimmer mid water to the club dates Kick to U is n life member and was elected In l l It Is n trifle yet for any t IU of nn opposition ticket as who create have xeversl to think th matter there something doing when the right tIme Tlie following hold over as members of the hMrd of governors bavin elected laxt ycnr C icddes V F Wilson II K S Williams S l Ur James 11 llanlln- Haiketball NntM TOw Xsvltrs want to arrange gaines Addreu William HerMltel HSS Avenue A The lUshroiick lleljhls tonal defeated the Xavler Club loam laM Tue dar b a score of 37 to li Tor game In IVhruary snd March addreu G A Mor- ris llelihlH N J TIe llellevillr Catholic Club team and the Us ley Lyceum Juniors played on Wednesday nlitit on the court the onncr team Tlie Lyceum tram rnred at will wlnntne by a score of 31 to is- TheLawrenornteol decisively beaten tiy the Crescents of the Si In llrouVlvn on Wednesday night The former tenm did riot matte a fo lwhile 28 polo Coliimlilai Vrsll ball tram Hi ilefest tf I ic year on Friday night tt the bands of tie A A lit uairaln One txilieer players The Yonkers Mldgeti would like lo nr ran ire ramps ot basketball wliu trams ru to us aaraes In lie played at or atiroad- Addrcwn lienlamln ItO New Male street Yoiikeri X i Thou St James Small rive of Newark X J would like to arrange Eame with all so pound learnt cluing s guarantee entering eipen Addre Dennett St A its VJ The Montauks the unrcclstered tram of Corn T Nnrwalk Conn hM riirUtmas nIght and lOpe 37 n roar games away ironi with iionenl olTerlnie e seven men Addreu W E Sheehan M liver street Norwalk The Islerson Y M C A team was victorious In a hardfii ht contest st Newark over the St Joseph senior team on Wednesday nltht a score of to V The team of the Josephs won from the Separate rive on the first tame by a wore ot yi to The bay Hldne A C Junior basketball tram would to book a few outoftown tames with CAV teams si iota of lieu Rank Aslmry Park Lung Uranch and teams ot like strenKth preferred Address Manaier 3U lorIs sum street The Orients were a hit of a to the senior St Aloyslui tram In their at Newark on Wed- nesday nIght The former team by irooj general won by a score of 31 to 10 The rin won from the third team of the St Coliimh Club In tile preliminary game by a score of 13 to n The National Turn Vereln senior tram of Newark thrasbed the Social live of Iatersun In theIr lame st Newark on Wednesday night wlnnlnc a score ot lo II Junior Turn Vereln cauntired mulch easier prey In the preliminary defeallnc the Irvlndou team by a score of n to 3 Y M U L Isenior team of Orange found trouble In dbnc ln of the A C senior at Orange on Wednesday nIght win nlnt by a score of ai to t The Junior which was between the Orange Y M C L U and Junior Mlllburn was won by the former by DOTS 01 30 tO M loan lore been here last tots for- th I Url hanU1I othucr contract COl1llllkp 0 Hit who gets a ououtllv I hits lit John dl rptl1l1ln lii 1 1p1tilr with nohlnillon for 111101 hr 4 hall are 0 nrw the hArI barks Bishop It pin S IIlIlItlal O II Sslter H IhSr WAIl hlk t teal I score was 211 Pluto its bat t to tlt New i0 ill I hunt spit I let bard ears hO at tot 0 I nnoItut I yer on Put I no those arrive ilunnoouio u lies ilotor tOil city the scored t LIe S I both t C Forty otrorh SeesaW can li flail b 05 The Orange the a F J lf > ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > < ° Sem edy- C Paying too much and waiting too for clothes That is the madetoorder way Paying enough and not getting satisfaction That is the C is the Declaration of Independence- in clothes for men C Readytotryon when sold Finuhedtoorder by expert tailor Delivery any time you ay- C Suits and overcoats 18 20122 f24 and soon C Vou need not buy because you look or keep because you buy SEMIREADV WARDROBE Uroadway and Eleventh A J KKLLKY CowrANV- SOIr CONTROLLERS FOR taw r2t I 01 irj hO i a a cftll Street l i 11- anovrrr raE VOlE 1 > Joe TioTi kl to Fliclit Morgan nilllami Having recovereil fruiii the Injury to left hand which he fiUKtalned In a recent scrap Joe Choynskl IK to fight again The veteran bias signed articles to box Mor- gan William of loonier twenty round be- fore the Cripple Creek A C Creek Col first week In January William IH no novice at the millie A few weeks ago he knocked out Jimmy Handler of Newark anti Is looked upon by Westerners as a likely nmn- tnlon A V Replaces Inlon Htttlement A C Tho Lnlon A C which toss taken the place of the Union Stettlement A C has secured the ground on lotut street between Third and Second avenue for another year The cinder track will be enlarged to measure ton laps to the mile The clubhouse at os hat ROast street has also been renovated and nlhletlc boxing anti wrestling Instructors have been engaged his ¬ ¬ Johnny hogan Knock Oat Jimmy HucHefwC- UICAOO Dec 19 Johnny Hogan a local welterweight easily defeated Jimmy Handler the Eastern lighter before the Apollo A C l t night Hognn forced the at the tart had Handler trorgr Thn ivcond round saw when go a terrific punch to thu body followed by a left to jaw the roan to foot out The lw st tight of the was be- tween Kid Abel and Riot Farmer which wan won thou former after sir ot tie flghtlne- Annual Par Mid Fe Uier 0b w Fine poultry pigeons and carlen will te on view at the fourteenth annual show of the New York Harden Jan fl to 10 The entries N J P I j I ci 4 a u Eastern lute i if r cats n and Pot Stock Association at Madison a close Monday with the eecretaryI1L V Crawford a ci ¬ LEATHER IS A LOTTERY The Tanner controls the dice I He alone knows whether he has overdonej or underdone a hide In the chemical vats overdone the animal fibres freakov nd wear is lost If underdone the tissue decays and he finish fades Neither the Tanner nor surface indications in the leather reveal to the leather Buyer what wear does to the Consumer Regal Tanneries ensure vitality in every inch of leather before it is branded as King Calfskin King Calf uppers and Live Oak soles combined give you 600 Regal Shoes at 350 Styl Book zplalu Sold onlr In S Regal Stores from Atlantic In Paclfln and London Alto br MENS SHOES NEW YORK CITY BROOKLTN- llSNsv auSt bet beckman 7 Fulton Street l liroArtwsr COT Itrsrte street lit flrosdwar near Bedford AtnatM7- SS Hrotdwsy reF 10th street JOOl Bros bet Dltman Street M t nil hot 3 th and 30th Streets Wlllauf Avenue IMI Broadway opp Herald mat JERSEY CITy M Newark ATOM IM West l4tn St cor 7lb Ave NC- AWOnENS SHOES NEW YORK CITY 7M Ilrotdwar coT loth 133J Broadway Herald Sqnar 2087 Seventh Avenue cog IHtb 9tt et a S ji S i ElI i 4 i us r I I a ivgL a s tnn anal j Broadway 11 f 41 Uroad 3trt Street o r t ie ° nntMIUIVN A1IVKHTINKMKKTN IinOOUIAN ADVERTUrBMKIVn r Store Closes at Seven P M Until Christmas THE GREAT MENS DAY TODAY Thousands o men have left their gift buying until now Come to Abraham and Stratas this morning stop on your way down town for the early how of the day are least crowded All through the Store the holiday stocks are in fullest readiness All through the Store there are fine chances to save J ii APiwIAM AID jWU f 1- IjYP k 5 Diamond Rings and Brooches Third Under Usual A Sale Unprecedented Usually prices for Diamond Jewelry here are at least ten per cent lower than in other fine jewelry stores that fact and having the choicest pieces to be found have built up for us a tremendous business But to day these exquisite jewels are here for a third under our usual prices They could not be finer The diamonds are of the purest whiteness and the highest brilliancy The settings are new unusually artistic and of fine character At this season we should readily sell a great number of such Jewels at full prices But extraordinary trade conditions prevail in certain quarters and the promptest outlet was sought Naturally the jewels came to Abraham Straus and tomorrow they make The Greatest Bargains in Diamond Jewelry Ever Offered e r and ¬ Diamond Two stone diagonal Ring 14k RolJ with 2 weight 1i less IXk value S10300 at 91U oo Five stone Uk with S white and perfect diamonds weight 1U and 3UIKJ SiasOO at 90100 Five stone hoop Uk with 5 white and diamonds weight 14 and 5om value smiw at JUOHOO Oval cluster king with large opal weight Hi 3tUk and white aunt per- fect diamond weight lik value SllOuo at 87100 Princess Ring ISk gold with 3 opals weight H and and IS less l32k value S10000 at 1OOO Gypsy Ring ISk gold heavily hand carved rose finish with one i and 3tHk and diamonds Yt 1 32I value S1GOOO at 91IOOO Cluster Ring Uk with large enameled tur- quoise 12 tulle diamonds weight 4 and 1iek value Siooo at 9000 Uk gold with one white dia- mond weight value S70W at 930OO Five stone Ring ISk gold with 3 white anti perfect diamond weight i less 304k and 2 Oriental pearls value S123no at smitoo Brooches Brooch of wire scroll desIgn Uk gold with 9 white and perfect diamonds weight f and l04k 8300 t r Hoo and 4 sat rub 2 weight- less nte ¬ > ¬ ¬ Brooh of wire scroll ISk gold with 17 white and perfect diamonds weight 1 38 less 132k va ie at 9I800O Brooch ol wire scroll design Uk with 1 white and perfect diamond weight and 1Oik at SS17OO Brooch ol crown design with 31 white and perfect weight about 5 Oriental i earls n grains value 10300 at 14200 Brooch of wire scroll tesgn ISk gold with 0 perfect diamonds welkht 2 tk value 33000- at 20100 Brooch sunburst ISk gold with 43 diamonds white arid perfect weight 11A less 38lk value S1UOOU Brooch of fleur de Us ISk with white and diamonds weight IM und l lk value 10300 at 912800 Brooch eight pointed wire star Ilk gold with 23 dlamon s- l ik value S2tOOO at Brooch of wire ISk gold with IS diamonds white and perfect weight 1 less 3Bik and S Orien 9i grains value 27300 at Brooch of crown ISk gold and plttlni with 23 diamonds weight 1 li k value 915500 Brooch ot wire scroll 18k con- taining 13 diamonds weight 2 less l32k value 25000 at f87oo Male floor center Crntral Hulldlmr I o and < via fr I at 14300 weight i i t at r r > > > ¬

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1902-12-20 [p 7]. › lccn › sn83030272 › ...THESUN SATURDAY DECEMBER20 1902 d tr r 4 I t I I b IN f 1 i 1-1Jr I o l0- 10 t J V tot aa nr and t 0 30 eli


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Jud n Declare the fnlon Utility of Inlawful Coniplrary to Injure thn Plaintiffs DutlnMi Ttmn to Fix the Hr-ipoiulblllty In ttre lie Max

Spfrtal cable llHfalck lo TOil SfKLONDON Dec ID Tito suit of the Tall

Valc Railway Company n nlnnl the Amalga-mated Society of Hallway ServantB fur27000 damages l cauAn of ullegod con-spiracy In bringing about a htrlko on

In August looo watt dcciduci todaywas rendered In favor of the

railway companySir Alfred WilUtlio Justice who riimmcd

up tho case In thin ofthe High Court of added that Itwas tlmo for a man orcupylng positionlie did to havo the couiHgo to exprehM IMopinions In rnferenco t them iH rpetualattempts to linffle out of leKponxiliilltyTho ovldenro lustlon i l was nb o-

liltoly that tim action ofAmalgamateil Society of Hallway ServantHwas what tlio unlawful conoplmcy lo molt anil Injiiro tin plaintiff Intheir IniKliiPMrt by unlawful

Wills In Kiitninln up criticisedthe Mibtli Intrlcaelfn of tho defiMidantV-rnso in tlm H r timl xhtiniinK of cards mid

continual production lifter mannerof nn eixri n d conjuror of tho carol ofnorroxpoiixibillty which was contrary tocommon LOW common MMIXO and everythingHMHe

rexervcd decision on the question of therimuiitit of to IK awarded Htulitig-iirgiiinentM at tlio next of thu court

Kurils niKonr or insrnorinDefinite ltetilt Iroin Ircncli ipcrlli-

ientN In Hot lite Tiilicrculotpttlti raw llrtplHh la TUB Sfx-

PAIUS Doc 10 Dr lUirrel thief ofllccr-of Iho Inlviratory of the 1axteur Iiistitutt1-lias lnNiied a report on ox orimoiHt ofDr larnault a French physician whoinoculated lilniKilf with matter from aconsumptive cow to dlcprovo theory-of Pro Koch that hovino tiilHTciiliiiricannot IHJ communltcaled to a humanbeing

Tho states that after a mInutecxHtnliiation of tho result of thomcntH which cxtonditd front July 15 toNov IB Dr Born It Imposnlhlo todraw any dollnlto conclusion Apparentlyhowpvor a milan Inoculntod with n tul er-

illo is fragment front a cow becomesaffected with tulMrculoilf only at thepoint of inoculation

It is Impossible to say what beeamo of-tlm microbes with which Dr iarnnultInoculated hlniMilf whether they oilsappoared or adapted themselves to a newllfo in his tissues It Is noteworthy how-ever that sonic on Nov I

front the same source as tiwdwere applied to a guinea pig antI provedactive and virulent-

Dr Dorrel remarks that oiperlnientHregarding tuberculosis require much time

GERMAN WARSHIPS PLIGHTVie Wlttfliback Still Aground tar Halt

kov Odde nrftiird Danish lilSpecial cattle Deipalth to THK PCN

COPENHAGEN Dec Germanwarship Wlttelsbach which grounded nearHalskov Odde Zealand on Tu sdny PeatU atlll last Lighters have arrived fromKiel to nsdlst In lightening her

Her Captain has refused Danish helpbecause It U ted here Emperor Wil

has prohibited the acceptance of foraid in all cases of mishaps to VOSM U

of tho Imperial Navy ho preferring rather-to risk tho loss of the

The difficulty of getting the WltteUbaohafloat has been Increased by a gale whichin yet blowing It in stated that her hullIs badly holed It will ho a long time be-fore the gets clear and it Is doubted by

seafaring men that she will ever

Tho accident Is attributed to the Ig-

norance of tho German officers but therei probably some animus in local criticisms-as German warships hon lately hauntedthe Danish coasts in a manner that isdo

be contrary to international law


Important Mancimrc to Begin AflrrChrlilniaA-

pectal CMt Uopitch lo Ton SCNMAMU Doc lOHear Admiral Evans

who has been in Chinese waiors will arrivehero on Cliristmas eve and anchor lilafleet in front of Manila Thu sailors wiltget liberal ttlioro leave

Thu Admiral will Kail for Sublg on Doc J6-

wL n the most important American maniru-vres over attempted In th Orient will lioglnThe problems Inchulo Iho fortIficatIon of nbase on the west of thn island ofLuzon by on attacking tied landingof marine and sailors tlio unloading ofheavy guns the of thw Hamashore with full siipplio of ammunition

Hrssftv orici TO ruvC-Vnr DrtlroiM of llatlrm Direct llrlatlnn-

Mlth AfclinnlMnn-Apttlal Cable tieifiateri lo THK stv-

losrxiv I tee 10 An ffi

tlon hi ben received from thin KtiHiim-rorcign ifflo which htates that Hussiaxrelations with IVrsia ore continually improvVu-

nuf lii Ions tint nddremed a request of anyort to Great in regard to Afghanlh-tnii She has hlmply notified Kutland oftier decision that It Is deslrablo that KitMiinshould enter Into direct relations with Af

In tho

Cuban Senate lias Commrrclal Treatyspecial cattle Dnpaleh lo THE Stx-

HAVJINA Dec 10 Tlio commercial treatylately concluded with tIm United Stateswas sent to the Senato today It will bo-r ad at a public wsdion tomorrow Ac-companying tho treaty was a messagEfrom President Palma In which IIP urgedthe Sonata to gIve Its attention to the convention as an possible

Clyde Shipbuilding Outlook NotSptcM Cattle Deipalth Fill SUN

LONDON Doc IB Official returns pub-lished today in regard to shipbuilding onthe Clydo In the year 1B02 show that 300vessels were launched Tho aggregatetonnage was 507000 The prospects fornext year are regarded as far from good

Earthquake Victims Now Reported to Ur1000

Special CaW DttpaXtt to Tat SUNLONDON 19 A Central News de

spatch from Ashkabad says nearly a thousandperson wore killed by tho earthquake nearAndljMi Department of Ferghana In AMatlo

NIne Hurt In Kxplonlon-SpKlal CaW lo THE SUN

PARIS Doc J9 Thcro was an explosionof acetylene gaa In a laundry on tho Ruede la Reunion this afternoon Nine perooa Injured two of them







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One table stcxxl empty In tho menn diningroom of tho hyphenated hotel tho otherevening btmve reftlxttl-to It to an applicant who staredhoj olessly aUxil crowilisl rtHitii Thowaiter lnxlxti that It wiut cnKrced ThinrcpuUed thin hito urrival driftnl aimlexInto tho corridor Ho hind scarcely disap-peared when a cerond applicant enteredtho restaurant Ho met u dif-ferent He was known to theheadwalter who valued tho ac-quaintance Ho was Immediately Invitedto empty table und moved direc-tion an ho remarked that howas expecting a friend to with himHo watod than manwho had In vain iought a a Cow niln-UUH b foro came hack into the room Hosaw lii friend who hnplKntd to the

man at tahiti andtoward him

Vrwlnnd said one nlrnuly-seated Ive gotten this table

S i I MH aiiswon d theoilier Apparonlly Its a much UtlorI-hiiiK In to l President ofthe 1 H T f titan of thou M T f

A mlddlenKexI man stood yoslonlay In aFifth avonuo jewelry store staring In jarplexlty at threo objects that lay In frontof him On tint other rddo of tho clothcwered counter which themstood one of thou memlMrsof tho tint Ills

reflected the of the patronsns ho held up boxes tolight and their contents inter-tsUdly

In one thero was n mlant composed ofa flawless diamond almost hoarlHlmiHd-nnd largo as a thumbnail surmounlod

a emerald On a lltllo tug at-tached to this of jewelry werofigures fjOu iu Sixteen dlmnondsaround a pigoonV blood ofptmlhi was a M COIK object on which hispyos foil liiicerliitfly was t7floAnother whlio silin lx x held twclvo largodiamonds Kroupnl around a caliiichon

of urent llKtiris onlit little white card were fosnno Afterho had cxamlnotl thorn nil and apparentlyfound nothing lo turn his onodirection tho patron indiciitid with a wavo-

f lab hand roiim tack againand left makini a purchai-

Tlio thri11 Ixivos wont hack Into theirtlio liiMH iiinl

more willed without being hopoloss-Hn nut COMS tho safe OH ho rcmarked to ono of the clerksnear him

kiM year that man a string ofi arls for JTOom without thinkhiK half nnhour over It This year hasnta and he comes from Pittsburg at

The to make Carlo Dani ahero has veiled in failure and that is notaltogether Ixxauso the young Italian hassung at ono only matinee HI far duringthe season Ho will sing at others but howill not bo n hero although hosome traits that mightdestine him to that honor Ho lana moltingbrown oyrs pearly tinth and lila figurehas still tho that goes with

qualities do not avail in makingthoo tenor beloved of young womenwho sit in stil over-tho brass orchestra rails at Metro-politan The only hnro In their eyes formoro than a pat tins now at leasttwice 26 years Ho is fat and some sayseam of Hut ho tho mitlmlien of opora par oxcellenco and thorihas not him since Max

Ids cnnor at tln Metropoli-tan St Hcsxkos phylral qualitipswould forever debar from tile honors of amatin o hero any moro actor Hut in-n singer an not objectionable Anil

returns to sing or Romeoon a afternoon ho will once morodemonstrate what a real oixrntlo imitinAhero Is Signor DanE ono claim to thathonoi Is married

Others than publisher and slither l nefltby the strenuous efforts to product thorecord for the best toIling book Morothan one Now Yorker lana lieen surprisedthis year to rooMvo n Christmas presentfrom a source that would have Ixf n quiteunknown lout for a noto that first pro-claimed the Ixliof of tIe in thegreat valuo of personal advertising antithen requested ti nropy of book Most of Iho-txrsons who received gratuitously n veryhandsoino volume am that thepublishers must an high

on personal advertising or n veryslight ono on

WIRELESS PLAT SEIZEFrance Objects to the Operation at

licrlmiiri-fpHial CUbe Vftpuxh In THE SfN-

Ciirnuofiio Den French nuthoritlos horn havo seized the wirelesstelegraph station erected hero by n privatncompany on tho promontory seiyurowas niado on the ground tint operationof tho station Is an infringement on thostato monopoly of Iho telegraph and

the lintionnl rlefene-


Indictment Attain a NatloinIM lcmhcr-nf IarllHtnrnt-

fpreltl CMe tieipadh In Tour SexIxjNUON lee IH Tlio Orand to-

day found a trim Mil against Col ArthurLynch thou Nationalist mpinlxT of Parlia-ment for Jalway who it is alleged servedwith the Boor In the late warnnd who wasaccused of high treason and committed

CAR LIHERITES STl IETSto Siberia Now Hclnrii to the

I nlSpfffiJ Cable to TIn fifv

ST PBTKBHiifno hoc ID float Czar hassxue l an students who

lieen banished to Siberia to return to theuniversities

Nn Arrext in Humbert CanespertnJ CMe tXIpilcH lo TIlE SfN-

I18RON Doc 10 There Is no truth in thatreport from Funchal Madeira that Homnl-ndAurlgnac tho brother of Mmo Humbertvas arrested thero by French detectives

nrltlnh nitiamador to that Itcslmu-t pr lol CoUp lltipttth lo Fair Stv-

IxJNlxis Dec 10 Sir Phillip Curriewho has been British Ambassador to Italyeinco lidO ha resigned on tho ground


Fool bull In tile Jnrdcn-Profeslonal football In the Mndhon Square

flarden will Iwi played on this evening ofDec and 3d The Xow Yorkeleven which hn Inen e peclnll orwmlred-coutnlnn some of the best excolleeo tilnjcrs-In the country and nn effort will be nmdoto Induce Harold Weekes the fnnioiH Colum-bia half bnck to become a member

The New Yorks will meet the crack Syrn-cn n eleven on the openlni night TlieSyracuse team hat already cmriued Wrluli-tPraper Freeroan Foleer Iop Warner

Hlff Orldlxr Burchrll Dwyer antI otherwellknow n on theirInurcla on Varsity elevens Football enUnislaKtu in A believe erentwat of tlie kind Inand they with como to the city on a apeolnl

to seo the goonThe floor of the Onrden will he covered with

soft bun which will be rolled hard nnd theregulation chalk murks will be on Itl room for M regulation gridiron tho

EoalpoHts being In front the twoentninces while th side lines will IHI

order to Rive the players plenty of room noMctator will be on floor Thnorange C and two other takepart In the tournament






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French lUclnic Aiithorlllm Mill nw litA Kn to llcliiitatettieAmerican Rider

Stilt ARiilntt HrlRliInn Tracklrroipcil li the Ioiilrootu Clrmcnt-

Turfmen ure grutlllxl over th newshit Johnny Heirr has been xucce ful Inbin libel suit iigaln t the French journal

recently hed the boystogether with a tor that be hood pulled ahorse It wa foon after the ofthe story that the French Jockey Club re-

sclnded HellVs licene nnd nlo practicallyroiled olT Milton Henry another AmericanJockey who wns lmlliirly Implicated Tho e-

conversanl with the fact In the cooP nil alonginiilnliilneil that the jockeys were Innocentof any wrongdoing but the French turf

remainedWhll Intltuted n libel stilt ngidna

a iiew ii a mean of vindicating him-self Henry took another e and brought

ngalnl tho Jockey Club u move thatlotus huis been protiounc l n mNlak InInking textitnony In the llelff suit the boysemployer siow l that they hud never fountfault with hi riding while It wn al o demon-ctriited that HelfT had actually Immlledwinners on the Ireneh tracks than anyrider While the Court ordered only nominaldamage It exonerated IteifT who will nown k the French JocUey Club to reintitle himHenrys me duos not look o uncut nccord-Ing lo tboe who have hivelimited the mat-

ter simply becaile be dlil riot pursue tlmmethod of 1eitT PIlot Henry N considerd-u free from guilt as HelfT

Tile iictlvlty of the New Orlean stewardsin unearthing ihn of Ihe IxKiknmklate flint known n I ho lown Club lni metwith much favoinble comment among turfiniii The have lieen wldeawaki-and for that nvion could loath to realizetlmt on tin line ol It fome tollil

between the Jockey Hick the layersCirifer nnd Stlt7cl the owner HntlMd

l n by Several members of the MetroTurf A weto dUcu liig

mailer yetetdiiy when otui of themIt u benefit to the sport to have these

Llimhlers ruled They nrnut on the level and tin mure harm thangood It i4 bccnus of their presence en-

racetracks and the method they employthat otbr bookmakers i f Integrity lire matht suffer The Now Orleans stewards linveset nn example which other officials would dowell to copy

It is expected thit the Western JockeyClub will rule iiff nil thoso whi have been Im

in tiirtlruliir xcundil by theNew Orleans Mennrd Theif tli layers heet told theitle riguriHdn-

not he the rewards knew that tty hailxerurell the gonds

Promoter ISyiin if the Newport outlawtrack Is till having bl horvs

had torn New Orleans severaldays ago In ordinary freight ears hfCHin-nstalld xomewliere on the roild torah the Societyfur Prevention of Cruelty tlieving tint titer was amongthe racers Intends t i nuike troublnfor Th work nn the New port trackis moving idling so slowly that does notknow whether he able to i

schedule thou or rout WesternClub I red hot the of owners

wliu have snow n toat track with the result thathas bell xerlex of bl kdllW IIS all

along IIIPluto are univer wiiy to hold n meet in

aHils next the feature to hollerby the money value of will I

rnoiluh to attract utile food horwxW Maker Sterling H Holt M II Hear

doll and V A Holt lire I lie new ortlcers ofthe Indlaiiatsills Iticing A

Jockey Thori left hem yiMtrdivfor bit home In lieneva Neb I to yearold itnd will retire iron th turf lo 11 ltbrother in the inniiagemetit of a newiifirlie rode 111 line tyle tot 1fHllie seiiMin

Jockey ltiiien will not theofler A llerz to for them ntNew Orleuix lyne contract withII Keene will tro citect on 1 whenontlilrd of the xaliry l

Thoe who have been bringing mils oeiln t-

thj lota racing for theof wag lo t In the letting riius received athick in th MunlclUiil Court licEnce JumtiC-

HWllliim W 1enllcld nn Theton llncb Itacltig A tried to bring onthe Ort of tbej fi e agsilnt it the niiili-nf th complainant being William MansellHilt when was called the coinplalniint-lleclined lei proceed and I lie rae wn litml d It wii generally believed that theImolrooin men were l hlnd the nita lliiiinmln Stflnbtnlt nppeared for theplaint II

I reI ikermiii the loiiryaroidwhn could inn be tound by the ailmlni tnitnr-o the late Jane Mul pliy I at Alk it S I

where will be pit ever the nilu He Isni i who bought

him li t siiiniiierI lle luirliaed Ibe llngllsb foitr

deixl M tini mi turned thehot over to 11 Melurtnick to l e Irilnlor lieXI Miison

The jtP1 will ie runtoday lloniloii Mlvii Tnlbut are lucIdin high elem liy taliit

John A ix ImiMing n new tahln-on of the siiiei iheiiil Iliiytruck The table will have n loundatjonif brick will contain Inrtv still KM

has just preented an oil painting ofwinner huvable in the Cnney Islniid-

Jockw clubJoseph K llier wlm lias flgtinil pronil-

ncnlly ute vill bo repre-sent mi the flit next sa nn by n numberof twoyearolds Including nfull brother to s S dlfnted Martlo-lewl

It Is said that the Welern Jockey Clubwill extend Its to byllcernlng the Los Angii track which notIn laver with ib California clubof which Tom Williams i president Ifunion is taken tbeie will a turfno mull proportion

The sale of stock the prop-erty if Sir Hlundclj Maple such nappointment yesterday that

I long an-other Knvllh breeder Fends a uotisisninvnt-to this iiiititry fur dlspoa-


SouthtTii A C o lonlmllle fillers ISlMfor llrCntrrn anil Yoiins Corbett-

Thn strenuous oppnltion of inv Illiss ofU the cnnte t between Young

Corbett and Terry Mcdovern luau alreadyopined thai way In have the mill deciibsl Instomata other The fuel that the courtshave given th flail promoters nf Ioulsvlllnencouragement ri girding the legality ofglove contests has Induced the SouthernA C of that city to miike n bid for the nullnnd its representative Tim Hurst announcedyesterday Hint the club was ready to donaten pur e f li i or to per lout of the vmsreceipt hour the fray As this Is the largestpurse offered thus far tlicru l every likeli-hood that it will

According to Hurst Matchmaker irny I

very confident that lie cant pull ffnow r nl In JJIKHI which

I Im have dcmn tided ton u forfeitTh representative of both scrappers saythat until tbV re Iv-nssured of iov lltlKis nttlltKto retardingInterference before negoi u Mtntid sluingwith In meantlmo andCorbett will continue their iriining-

Intcrcollculato boatFollowing are the of thn cotnpcti

torn who will tnke part In the eleventh annualIntercollegiate tournament nt thou ColumbiaCirnmmar School In this city on Dec in 30and 11

Columbia Frank II Vewall HI Howard AKveler IKI icoritc WTucker Jr OiII lijirsliill tis SiibMltuicj a vonMinlly 13 anal J

hurt in Percy V nrldiman-I William i Clerk anti Phillip S 04

Sul lllutc Lawrence 1 01 and CLa louTrench i i

Yale James I Sawln Kdvrsrd II Adams 04IM II Mull Norman C Mull 113 SubMimic Clifford H en ui und Arthur Sandltutu 01

Princeton Chsrles s Itlehardsnii rn John Hllanklnwn 03 C lllssell ul unit Arthur J1llcram U3

Kid artcr suit lartllner to Fight

Negotiation hnve been completedlor n sixround bout between Rid Carter antiGeorge Cardlner or Lowell The contest Isto be held before the Lyceum A t Chicagoon Deo 33 lloth men have posted forfeitsto weigh at ini at 3 oclock on tho

tint mill Gardiner lo already InChicago for tho hasbeen whipped by different

never within the nixroundlimit On this bash think he has aroyal chance of victory





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Forrim Tram Certainly H G A

Nomlntllnc tnnitnlttrrH-praklne of tlie visit to thin country nf it-

Mininirr of a tram from tie Oxford and Camhrldge Golfing Korletj Mntiirin Bnlloi-lwrrptar of the V 8 I A ycMordiiythat Invitation sent by II Vindp-

lor wn not In tIm name of tho nationalnor of any particular club but merely tout

iisxuriinrc that If the team should conic overtli member might rely on a cordial irri t-

liitf and plenty of Rolflna explanation-MViiifd iieccisary In view of tlio action oftin1 drlieuteH to tin last annual meetlniof tlie V 8 1 A In votlnc shown a resolu-tion to luvlto n foreign team If the rxprniuu-wento bo imld u H formal undertaking on

part of the organizationIt I now certain pnicllcillytliut tie Oxford

and Cumhrldee teams will conic over and probWlndeler who lu player

lian MTV an aiiprentl emi nnmteur nmnnner of tennis toour creation will map out n t for t he VanIt y-

Kolfrrn It wn In tllMUii e litt tho f S It A HIIIIIIH meeting that theteam could roinn here In Auguxl andthat the vl lt could not lout over three weeksThl would Hiniilc time for matches

New Aork and IhlladelphhIt would tint gIve time for u

The VeMern golfer nccordinuto a letter from Herbert J will bn

olntcd houhl the Oxford nndOimiirHit tour here without vlcomn of the link-

S klnir on the vlil It II llobertconpresident of the I win of the opinion

the r s A would llndii ofup the full control of nmtchf wild th team

nliroad There N a very brleht proiilinn t nmoimtlne to n certainty

Mr of the iirrnnvv-MieniK lair a vl lt of lint repiiientatlvi ten infrom the Oxford nnd VimbrliUe inlllnirSociety to thl country next season to takep irt In M of under the aiiMIcetof the IV s O underwill tlie rrlllol m of mot pro

of the nriinlennnce of e-

nctlliu iimnteiir ellilo The u roiilnl of IIIten in lias not been decided ti oti Itwill undoubtedly Include nme of t-

l llrltnln Ju t u bnde underthe top tioteheri I am Kreatlylnleretcd in

nlwiut the vllloberl oii for In my opinion It would domuch to llmulate the Interest In the vainIn America eitablWi H inot dirMitlonhlp between the player here and

A nominating committee of thlre wasnpiminteti Ir lilent Hob Tt onto nnine n ticket to IKJ voted on at the U S

I A annual meetliiit in Thecommittee will report to Secretary llallou

or nbout Jan IS l up I e-

riitix Kmmet chairmHn New York IIcrl rtlnlti Itrxtim ntv V A Alexnmler Thl-oiiiro The Litter it a prominent memberof the Onwentsla club

All the MO A links are in plnynbte condihe rain hat waMiil away

hut on pome cn ual water i In its turn an-nnnoyance lthrlenrweather much of thewater will have lieen driedand some club competition will b run ofTThere wax an good turnout ofhunters yesterday nt Seth the finrden Cityand link the twonirM that rotate to condition inilcket

after a nowMonii of any In the M ti Aterritory


Hedppth the ISruro to Ride In l rl-

Frrtirhiitpn SillOn IjiTouralneon Thursday Itolterl Coquello

or the IlilfTaln Velodrome r ri and one oftlie editor of Is h xalled In companywith ioiiKolt Itreton and Darrncon rulersIn the ixday rare Cocjuelle came here torew rt the race lr rtn and to signAmerican rider for in Iuriv A tinsl een told he enuaaed Joe el on the pucefollowing wonder ieoreo rnAfr now ofixday fame nnd Owen Klmble Major

lather had lieen previously rneaeeil Coiiurlle addition to hl strIng of rulersn l on Wednexday afternoon atariII Woody licilixth the nesro utterIrotn Indlnimpoli who the ltdnyrace nit fell and broke hl collarl one beforethe rare WH t o hour od-

At a meeiiiir of lloid Chit AocatlononThur nltiht thellurwcot trophynlTere for the rider corlnc the mo t i

In the five short road races of the club helddurin the mmimT wn awarded toA ill mann A receptionKiven to Vewkirk timid Jneoh on rodIn the lxiliy race for the n oclation andflnMiwl

The of the road vole for officersniiiionnced n follow hjor theNini the oiilv man on tin Independent tiikeiwho wn elected

tl A Van llykr T M Jon nrMtie ptr ilirnt II S Chlrncu vlrr-nrrMilrnt M HlOTS It Smith rrconllnic srrrnarj I W-Kyre tfv urrr v i MitVir iApinln ChArlinlevy lint HcutriiAiU A A Melruine MCOH-Illciitrnant I II IA rrrrr i J colorh rrr A Neal mul r Mi r hueliT Illrrctors

VollnvhUser John Cornish I I Sl ii i rhT Wall U IMla fk Matbrln M taco

An Inlerestinir reohuini WHXnt the monthlv of the Sew YorkMotor Cycle Club on Veilne iavwn to what be culled n clinicNcturn lo demontrne tverv prlntlpl antidftill of lh motor bicycle ectine Itand the operation of oath partlh i ommltien ubmitlei thefollowing ticket to be voteil for next month

E T Wllllt prr lilfnl K I Krrruv vice pn-lilrnt lr K A Hoy vcritcn H Cladr IrrasurrrWill It lltman M I Pip1 II li llrlls toad H-

IlindU eivirnon I covlr captain IIDounlAM lleulrnanl

Jack MdlclUiul ami HiiKh lcy ldenlight a unto

KT l riK Dec 19 Jack McClelland ofIittxburK and llueliey Mclirdden of NewYork went twenty round ton draw beforethe West Knd Club InM nlBht The fight wis-n totIng conte t anti simple neitherman a knockdown littlepiinl hmenl Inflicted on either

HocUrThe SI liill School hockey temn phyed

an exhibition came at the sr Nicholas rinkla t team of old St Caul boyxThe irame wax u onxidcd nffalr the SI Iaiil

alumni goals to I

the flrxt half K and Davenporthcorwl Just liter the of the halfCnmpMl iniido tlie only scored by the

Hute i and K Klkon second hiilf-

linMip or hoe lungtItle Sullivan on hl way to San Crunchen

In MTiirc A llmmy Ililit Iotaarrival on tlu Iaclnc Coait Sullivan Intends to

ft tnrtfll-Aiirrlla llrrrira MrilcAii throush m n-

iger IHdrty IMnn of San Iranrlvo has Usurda r to mi Jordan U wllltnsin eo to tnitland nail Jordan Ihr-Natlimal Sporting Cluli In that ornanlallun witlllvt a iiurw

Willie Sohumakrr of ito Avnnla A who li-the nilliiial nmatrur US pound haiturned and to try nun

julnt rSthir Andrew Tnkrll of HarryIorhPA or Andy Wtvson or rMrrxmU a clever and 1 stIr puncher

Abe Ihr crack CnllfnrnUrerrlvnl a irnrroui otter to Milt Ilngland

ml the lads In h uvrrthfrr IIcan toe Mtkfarlnrlly he witIan tar the other nell numlli lie may lio

matched either Hen Jordan orThe MNirlt ar apparently much Interfiled In

the forlhcomlnc lntwrrn JackMitt ant Charley of The pairare box liefore the famhrlditc A 0 on liec 32The bout li limited to ten round OllnurkeaIrlendi think he has a nne chance of thecrack nezro ru lll t

That lien Jordan KniUnda premier featherweUhl li held In hUh esteem tiy his countrymenwai shown recently nt n hinillt to himIn Ixndun s friend turned out Innumber tIle occasion ttai both a Anancuiland A llver alvcr and tea serviceweiet presented to Jordan

The London Mirror of announce the deathof Harvey Cbeckltti a wellknown KnjILih purlll l and at one time the tickler of the MO

champlon hln rhecltettss lastwaj with Jatie Whit who defeated hint slier alively Mugitle The derraied wits about g years

and wax very popular In EnglandTommy Ieltz and Johnny llearan are to rem

locelher The alimrd articlesfor a 54round halt before the club donating thebest Inducement The weight U poundweigh In at 3 oclock on thu afternoon of the en-counter The winner will jet a change ajalniteither Andrew Tokell or

In a recent Interview thathull venture with Jim Jeffrie In whch arctouring tho country ai a boxing team I a trot1iccui Fit that the receIpts do notloll below IJSOO a night and imiic places

are turned away He adult thatarId himself are going to visit Kurope after theytome East

SpOke Sullivan Is coming and Is expected10 arrive In thIs new aletter to a frOnd Spike wrote that If he defeatedHill Chester be return to America Immedi-ately The pair met the olher night In andwon U said that Sullivan wilt co to

stain alter a brief and thathU only reason for returning to America U to see






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Intlit flail Hrush Shall Hurrendf the CrackPla rOn Johnion Also State Thatthe Orcult shall RemaIn Intact

than Johnson president of the AmericanUauue who In In Chicago been calledu-

IKIII to maku one statement In regardto the National desire for a twelvedull ilrcult He miys that the AmericanIxiuiue will remain Intact und that the circuitwill consist of New York Boston Philadel-phia Vusliinirlon tobago Cleveland StI o U and Detroit Incidentally It mar beof Intorpxt to National IXOKUC men to knowthut the Atmrlcan Icicim will InMlut that thnNew York Notional shall return Player EdDelehuiitr to the Viislilnirton Ainerlcann-Kuifene Cochran and Hector CleineB directorsof the Vanhinuton club have forthe pant week Yesterday they said that IfDelelmnty was not returned to them therewould IKJ no peace

Deletianty signed a twoyearn contractwith the VniliinKton Americans wjiterand own lawyer drew up tho contractHe received ovary dollar of the alurr dup

season of 18B and has drawn 11900 ofnext seiBon pay from us in advance Itwits only the first week In November that hgot thus of this amount from PresidentPortal of the WushliiRton club Yet Delelmnty has seen lit to ulcii a thrceyearscon-Iract with llrnslis New York club at ofio1 your If Ilruuli think that ho can keepthl moan ho will find that he I In error TheAmerican Leairuo will Insist uponreturn part of the peace compact andwill po Hhly demand thntjumper shall nut be harbored br the NationalLeague If Delehantv plays with Brushnext year the baseball war will go to a flnlih-

Charle president of theAmerican nay players whoJump contract aro not HO much to

club owners who tempt themI henr this talk thePlayers who have jumped their contracts

iys omi key for port If there I

to be done I believe It shouldbe applied to tho men who really cause thecontract JiiinidiiK A macnate or a manager

umliie Inlluencebreak faith Is as much or talon to blamelimn the player himself snot thl sort ofPerson I one 10 be driven out of theranie These mm tore crafty enough o thattheir underhnnded doe not get downIn writing and the player I thetoat a player slcns a secondcontract It a man of Influenceconvinced hint that lila original contractnot binding tIt till organization to which heli bound Is on the verge of bankruptcy andthat the signing of theonly that will keep film In the game

It bus teen ciistomirr to condemnplayer nnd let tilt r go free Themagnates should be nailedWhile President still declines

10 tooth the location of the AmericanIMgiie ground in huts city Jam Fosterthe Philadelphia contractor who built theleague ground in that to-gether the tand for the footballnt Princeton and New says that betins received worth from to preparefor work on the New York grounds Im-mediately From comeconfirmation of the story published recentlyIn THK Si N that new grounds lirAlocate nt IJMIOY avenue and 145th street andthat the will close uotli street leading tothe Harlem Itlver Johnson will not returnlucre until after the peace at Cin-cinnati on Ian S give out themuch sought for Information lx ftudenlsfie story that he will bathe manager ofthe American and says that he



John II Van Hornier llenomlnatrd forPresident Few Changes

The nominating cimmlttee of the NewYork A C composed of Charles T WillElla II Peck Tohn F Mtdr Kdgur P Roynod iiinl Dr W A Bartlett done itswork and yesterday tile names of men whichIn Its fit to run the club forthe senHon of 1111 adorned the bulletin Inthe clubhouse According to the conM-ltutlou this committee had until Ice 29 topo t the ticket but evidently the task wasn load on their mind and late on Thursdaynight the typewritten list was patted InsIdethe Bin cnsc

When It was known that the ticket wasup there win a rush from ill part of the

hou Kvery nnnn WiR carefully scannedand there was a chorus of surprise as theinemners Mood fucinc tin board Since thoubvtrd of governors appointed thin nomi-nating oitnmiltee H sort of Idea prevailedIhit there woiild be 1 new departure andnot a few nf the shreuil ones huMrdcd theopinion tint the candidate for the presidencyand other offices would bo drawn trout a dif-ferent element altogether than those of thin

iII couple nf yearsA foot daysagonneof the nominating com-

mittee said Were looking for new menmid good ones and this remark gettingwind nrouml the clubhouse It w s onlynatural that ti spick und n shouldbo exitected Hut the ticket Is practicallya rcnomltmtion of Insl years officers withthe exception of two newcomers toof givernor Following thn list potted

President Iohn n Van Wornier 1eenre ldentAlbert K nlfax secretary IItea urrr K Uoodhue captain CharlesIt Shcrrlll-

Cinvernnrs for two II Crawford Jr1 Hnvt Curran Mortimer Kdward UKenrney teorire V Kulmke Rotor C Ktmtnerer-r J Wells and Martin J raise

Tim It will be mm that the two changesArt Wells and Paine who replaceKly J Jr Welllotus been a prominent swimmer mid water

to the club datesKick to U is n life member andwas elected In l l It Is n trifle yetfor any t IU of nn opposition ticketas who create havexeversl to think th matter theresomething doing when the right tIme

Tlie following hold over as members ofthe hMrd of governors bavin electedlaxt ycnr C icddes V F

Wilson II K S Williams S l UrJames 11 llanlln-

Haiketball NntMTOw Xsvltrs want to arrange gaines Addreu

William HerMltel HSS Avenue A

The lUshroiick lleljhls tonal defeated the XavlerClub loam laM Tue dar b a score of 37 to li Torgame In IVhruary snd March addreu G A Mor-ris llelihlH N J

TIe llellevillr Catholic Club team and the Us leyLyceum Juniors played on Wednesday nlitit on thecourt the onncr team Tlie Lyceumtram rnred at will wlnntne by a score of 31 to is-

TheLawrenornteol decisively beatentiy the Crescents of the Si InllrouVlvn on Wednesday night The former tenm didriot matte a fo lwhile 28 polo

Coliimlilai Vrsll ball tramHi ilefest tf I ic year on Friday night tt thebands of tie A A lit

uairaln One txilieer playersThe Yonkers Mldgeti would like lo nr ran ire ramps

ot basketball wliu trams ru to usaaraes In lie played at or atiroad-Addrcwn lienlamln ItO New Male streetYoiikeri X i

Thou St James Small rive of Newark X J wouldlike to arrange Eame with all so pound learntcluing s guarantee entering eipen AddreDennett St A itsVJ

The Montauks the unrcclstered tram of CornT Nnrwalk Conn hM riirUtmas nIght andlOpe 37 n roar games away ironi with

iionenl olTerlnie e seven men AddreuW E Sheehan M liver street Norwalk

The Islerson Y M C A team was victoriousIn a hardfii ht contest st Newark over the StJoseph senior team on Wednesday nltht a scoreof to V The team of the Josephs wonfrom the Separate rive on the first tame by a woreot yi to

The bay Hldne A C Junior basketball tramwould to book a few outoftown tames with

CAV teams si iota of lieu RankAslmry Park Lung Uranch and teams ot likestrenKth preferred Address Manaier 3U lorIssum street

The Orients were a hit of a to the seniorSt Aloyslui tram In their at Newark on Wed-nesday nIght The former team by irooj general

won by a score of 31 to 10 The rin wonfrom the third team of the St Coliimh Club Intile preliminary game by a score of 13 to n

The National Turn Vereln senior tram of Newarkthrasbed the Social live of Iatersun In theIr lamest Newark on Wednesday night wlnnlnc a scoreot lo II Junior Turn Verelncauntired mulch easier prey In the preliminarydefeallnc the Irvlndou team by a score of n to 3

Y M U L Isenior team of Orangefound trouble In dbnc ln of theA C senior at Orange on Wednesday nIght winnlnt by a score of ai to t The Junior whichwas between the Orange Y M C L U andJunior Mlllburn was won by the former by

DOTS 01 30 tO M



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The Orange



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Sem edy-

C Paying too much and waiting too for clothesThat is the madetoorder way Paying enough andnot getting satisfaction That is theC is the Declaration of Independence-in clothes for menC Readytotryon when sold Finuhedtoorder by expert tailorDelivery any time you ay-

C Suits and overcoats 18 20122 f24 and soon

C Vou need not buy because you look or keep because you buy


r2t I

01 irjhO





Street l i11-

anovrrr raE VOlE 1


Joe TioTi kl to Fliclit Morgan nilllamiHaving recovereil fruiii the Injury to

left hand which he fiUKtalned In a recent scrapJoe Choynskl IK to fight again The veteran

bias signed articles to box Mor-gan William of loonier twenty round be-

fore the Cripple Creek A C CreekCol first week In JanuaryWilliam IH no novice at the millie A fewweeks ago he knocked out Jimmy Handlerof Newark anti Is looked upon by Westernersas a likely nmn-

tnlon A V Replaces Inlon Htttlement A CTho Lnlon A C which toss taken the place

of the Union Stettlement A C has securedthe ground on lotut street between Thirdand Second avenue for another year Thecinder track will be enlarged to measure tonlaps to the mile The clubhouse at os hatROast street has also been renovated andnlhletlc boxing anti wrestling Instructorshave been engaged




Johnny hogan Knock Oat Jimmy HucHefwC-

UICAOO Dec 19 Johnny Hogan a localwelterweight easily defeated Jimmy Handlerthe Eastern lighter before the Apollo A Cl t night Hognn forced the atthe tart had Handler trorgrThn ivcond round sawwhen go a terrific punch to thubody followed by a left to jaw

the roan to footout The lw st tight of the was be-tween Kid Abel and Riot Farmer which wanwon thou former after sir ottie flghtlne-

Annual Par Mid Fe Uier 0b wFine poultry pigeons and carlen

will te on view at the fourteenth annualshow of the New York

Harden Jan fl to 10 The entriesN J


I jI

ci 4

a u

Eastern lute i



n andPot Stock Association at Madison a

closeMonday with the eecretaryI1L V Crawford a




The Tanner controls the dice I

He alone knows whether he has overdonejor underdone a hide In the chemical vats

overdone the animal fibres freakov ndwear is lost

If underdone the tissue decays and hefinish fades

Neither the Tanner nor surface indicationsin the leather reveal to the leather Buyer whatwear does to the Consumer

Regal Tanneries ensure vitality in everyinch of leather before it is branded as KingCalfskin

King Calf uppers and Live Oak solescombined give you 600 Regal Shoes at 350

Styl Book zplalu

Sold onlr In S Regal Stores from Atlantic In Paclfln and London Alto brMENS SHOES

NEW YORK CITY BROOKLTN-llSNsv auSt bet beckman 7 Fulton Street

l liroArtwsr COT Itrsrte street lit flrosdwar near Bedford AtnatM7-SS Hrotdwsy reF 10th street JOOl Bros bet Dltman Street M tnil hot 3 th and 30th Streets Wlllauf AvenueIMI Broadway opp Herald mat JERSEY CITy M Newark ATOMIM West l4tn St cor 7lb Ave NC-


133J Broadway Herald Sqnar2087 Seventh Avenue cog IHtb 9tt et

a S

jiS i ElI





rI I


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f 41 Uroad 3trtStreet o


t ie



Store Closes at Seven P M Until ChristmasTHE GREAT MENS DAY TODAY Thousands o men

have left their gift buying until now Come to Abraham and Stratasthis morning stop on your way down town for the early how of theday are least crowded All through the Store the holiday stocks arein fullest readiness All through the Store there are fine chances to save

J ii

APiwIAM AID jWU f 1-

IjYP k5

Diamond Rings and BroochesThird Under Usual A Sale Unprecedented

Usually prices for Diamond Jewelry here are at least ten per centlower than in other fine jewelry stores that fact and having the choicestpieces to be found have built up for us a tremendous business But today these exquisite jewels are here for a third under our usual prices

They could not be finer The diamonds are of the purest whitenessand the highest brilliancy The settings are new unusually artistic andof fine character At this season we should readily sell a great numberof such Jewels at full prices

But extraordinary trade conditions prevail in certain quarters andthe promptest outlet was sought Naturally the jewels came to Abraham

Straus and tomorrow they make

The Greatest Bargains in Diamond Jewelry Ever Offered





DiamondTwo stone diagonal Ring 14k RolJ with

2 weight 1i less IXkvalue S10300 at 91U oo

Five stone Uk with Swhite and perfect diamonds weight 1Uand 3UIKJ SiasOO at 90100

Five stone hoop Uk with 5white and diamonds weight 14and 5om value smiw at JUOHOO

Oval cluster king with large opalweight Hi 3tUk and white aunt per-fect diamond weight lik value SllOuo at

87100Princess Ring ISk gold with 3 opals weight

H and and ISless l32k value S10000 at 1OOO

Gypsy Ring ISk gold heavily hand carvedrose finish with one

i and 3tHk and diamonds Yt

1 32I value S1GOOO at 91IOOOCluster Ring Uk with large enameled tur-

quoise 12 tulle diamonds weight 4 and1iek value Siooo at 9000

Uk gold with one white dia-mond weight value S70W at 930OO

Five stone Ring ISk gold with 3 whiteanti perfect diamond weight i less 304kand 2 Oriental pearls value S123no at

smitooBroochesBrooch of wire scroll desIgn Uk gold with

9 white and perfect diamonds weight fand l04k 8300 t r Hoo




rub2 weight-







Brooh of wire scroll ISk gold with17 white and perfect diamonds weight 1 38less 132k va ie at 9I800O

Brooch ol wire scroll design Uk with1 white and perfect diamond weight and1Oik at SS17OO

Brooch ol crown design with 31 white andperfect weight about5 Oriental i earls n grains value10300 at 14200

Brooch of wire scroll tesgn ISk gold with 0perfect diamonds welkht 2 tk value 33000-at 20100

Brooch sunburst ISk gold with 43 diamondswhite arid perfect weight 11A less 38lkvalue S1UOOU

Brooch of fleur de Us ISk withwhite and diamonds weight IM

und l lk value 10300 at 912800Brooch eight pointed wire star Ilk gold

with 23 dlamon s-

l ik value S2tOOO atBrooch of wire ISk gold with

IS diamonds white and perfect weight 1less 3Bik and S Orien9i grains value 27300 at

Brooch of crown ISk gold and plttlniwith 23 diamonds weight 1 li k value

915500Brooch ot wire scroll 18k con-

taining 13 diamonds weight 2 less l32kvalue 25000 at f87oo

Male floor center Crntral Hulldlmr



and< via


Iat 14300

weight i








