the sun. (new york, n.y.) 1901-08-18 [p...

B THE SUN SUNDAY AUGUST 18 190L t 4r I r 4t I- S I- t < THE AH JONGS OF T A CHINESE FATHER AND X3 BEAUTIFUL DAUOIITEK- lnttB Mi son lie Kctornrd to feat Left Them ta Ua Annexed 0M ThM t the Ignited H- iJrow IA AftirffpAU Tim SUIt another of fmou ly prtttr font abler of Honolulu will IM led U- iTBarriace altar ban American Th H- If newpaper ay that th r jf Vtlaln the treat Ah runt manMo- tha enbtirb of Honolulu will b th t notable event In point of ceremony rrtyle of any almllir affair that hay U- loe Ultra Ml flue Ah Font will be wed BarniM H llnoroft who hod h n t oa of the foremen malrirao- eatebe ta Oreeun ror Mveral year Harvard Unlveralty man an heir lVa tnlnlnr wealth inch a Irtveller alrtd flub After Un year of tla aoctety In Kurnp and much of Ann kM Uld heart t of lo Uhtr of the tropical the Bo- M and ha tnap hl flncvr t all tAlk MM Chine other of hi lirld Ko horn In the ha o well known by American and Ilrltlih n- offloer and elobtrotUne tourlit for than dosen aa the Ah Fon mini In Honolulu Naval offlom aar that T few home have ben ao hospitably o to them In their crulw a JIM b n t- ot Ab Foncthe millionaire 0ne e In Hawaiian Ask any naval officer who ha ship at anchor In Ih harbor whether be tha one among the wonderful irou with Urea and from all and of the thirteen Ah Font ra- in from loi to It mar tell you of In re cover were for In th bamboo or the where n- u Were Liar with rnutlo mirth that aeet- v a be mr the he Ab Font home of the blacker Jolly Ab Font and their Ira one forelen there have b more ardent admirer of Amities 1 the bl Ah Font Ion th Ionic looted for the Vaen American wets on U way the Philippine and topped at Haw Ab were always among t- nt In Honolulu to entertain boy aUteri and each Ab Font la now to marry a Lieutenant In the Slat ArmY In the term will have expired n xt year of the Ab Font tera been eemlnarte In Han and O laid and 111 Martha Ah Fonc mow w4 In Manila took hli rack at Mill Seminary a and nor P T Ah Tong children comprise Urleand about and at UlM Anna U Ah i a woman with olive comple- xlarn black and manners 1 of lortuT e e hlrth Att An ron Tha mother e manners the father eon rrfrtml x ne Sri ob In evrf one tN AN proiMnr MlM Selile In now In ran vtudrl art Hhe U a strikingly her fttlier- laatln more vf her l ver Arthur Johnston who was Ah lOng I a deer the combination of her hit and dark hair and h make her tl xtnerallr accepted Ijeautr of their father but the rail are of petit B- TSrisc haie apronouno d a lyre of has aid soft mode of d v- ers complex o were the mot charmln ever knew In the Boith illS a Chinaman name nnlaL and with a be made love to the d of a Portuguese 1 Into Hawaii and hit superiority to his 1 mid him an 80 Ah waa wife lor and energetic for that land of lancu profit i be very rich In ten wa over 1100000 to It annually He was caret nod prudent while hi aaaoctat toot no heed of morro He was watching chance to plantation land Cheep front 170 Font plantation on the of Hllo had beoot one productive there Whit such men a made 17000 and IsooOW annually from auger Ah FOuL and M OQO annual n Ah run There were four children a be and three In the home 110 Ti more eirU were born during twenl- RNiro an fathe delighted to ee how each child r the facial He hired servants alore enlarted nU few years and U- hImMit a driver on the front neat to co lowlr over the almut for few hours at a He wa of anti mntl nlnc cheerfully hh bl alt lnrre flue nont yo I awa the amity would o down the with th alit In a populi or the It uel U 1 Utltt to bowline along any of the Ian In a Ah Fow with hU long ue duwn In a ranUtfe Containing hU co lIeU circle all lnclnt a a iH lr time th m rlv True Chinaman thnt he wan Wing A- ne never hl Idea that the Chi Mt of Urine end doing wer- iv little to other let th lie run the horns and tire and the a the a flt The boy however wa the father to educat- ilo while the Fnne lreMd an hrouthl up aocordme to America idea their r ore a cue hit hU father vldrvt him to a Urk nr t end ve- whee a party I ntiVal offlrer ntme In th iiuntlnn l but father aflerwaid d i rare a to apiear In cthrr rub than tin of a e Oera lie end hi waa n load nf earlv rnwn rmlnlrlt- drnrv dnwn In the llinilulu wharf to elv i w mlr hand to the people from thi t- home In Hnnnlula I nne n- ttnl t ir t Br t In- on t t4l lh i f amid th iu t IxwHUfiu creunitt lit all south lh r are am ie4 mlnik tiiclt f r 1 ul U ere nuiwf u ll I U a eeUh- l ht lilxrv a t fituMaim- a a htlfHlnarn mti i timo UKI- IIMJM lk if i a romMM4i 4 of t- riMla aiiii AniTHwn a hre r ttt It a m nnCH aflalr vit the o4drt rt ol purist it Tlun are ner a it 1eu nirmt other rrrttv- niartMeMlite ahlr in MI- ur Ur I fantu IN- lnMnrcli ri i tai M- UIIK h a- e IM t- Uu IkAl k4 beea 1 I HONOLULU I 6 1 c1 H1- 5f 1 r CIIIft t of Ah In ad hn tj n a 10 mine l I the ret a prop Tl a r Ihe ot lu A- be and not of hi brain I I tl or nd d Ab ua mho ala o d laId orb enD ar nd d o it ot almnl bl ou- t uo t b union elr 0 00 b with pubUo iz or had happy ot our Te eUI plat r I on orra- ot U 2 ron a n of nd of of no chk Of b or t i r n d of Chi el few Ih Ah home a Wil Ab a U w aod up nd bro Ue tn U mal by whilE back In the n Plo r mon onr ala Ab Fong In auran od old pad lea onJ n bu the ho- ur u1 to Joy ta to h nut mtfO O huUt to rOd a Irl but ale Thn r rod In d ode t nd u an h lon dun th eln tl fr I hi- b Jar hi I Fnn url I f r I d I I n 4 101 I I It a- c I 11 f t 1 1 le f I H 1 jp 1 b the I approach I I I A t std man 1 q ab- c 11 L s Ion a p bo- I I born the flhtitni p1 mimorI i- t1katl may yrna the i charming It the tropi- c boa I anal mu roc an a o end be has bit beneath blue uniform tell y stile In few Long tote Itawiti bcam in the blue feasts and the Mv Aniertei husbands baa a J United air and boy The New the the hay her so- Ii music mi nms them bve the an bIb bone anc lbS I a nit iae- r limO 140 tilt Edwin that the dam- b spent at Tong few ii i Lions about Pont ome i1b shipload qf little capital icon but i busineu tr erookri was coon 2 leadIng merchant 1 freetr was well liked old town 4a b- mw iJor rb- P14 Tb fin inc wil loot and instd lb ebnl incredibly Ian the E t the cog most QOOO earns way the was e Itt thouih timid n- Tva1r ut hi and a like a Coneoytl 0oi lie tie according hie on ideas and wit mum song keri wo- oer ou aunts are claflltn his nod err be itrd end worr aIIsn gannnt Lot rod 4 he uidJ nrr ci ducmdI when tamrm a mannfwsr phs4S by d 144f cu- inqr Tb Lb ctttile are latin t the s don r SOft ea uit Ut hail iti4 ty r FuSa st4 bout In thea fsiiiiI- grpowty Is 4s USECMe a U eiiy a aetety I aid pet IC rem It 4 erg IL Pt t Is Is a s1 IMI iN the U Ni- I ttnn4e1c ar 4ti- a lii ppifl 01 iilU hatS lfli ai4 ti14 1k Sid Is i Iii g- p iflhi I IAeE N4ti4- easftit II Ma bse ii ate5 hgs- aTprV t SkM h IL- rTt Httws aa4 I m I b 5 le te 414 I I- iid b esi 10 iitS- I 4i I e4- Ia I 4 t Sr a- th l itit i r4 thc ei iksetii4 is tl a iV < < > > > > < < < > < < > < < > > > < < > < > < ° be wit abt nt o l that Mr All long had atrretl hi famll fore uno to 11 v- i Pekln- thl t- Ah Font La however never coin It father Hut la rear aim t- one In Honolulu believes paper have hed Mr Ah Four without contra hospitality of Ah man the years of pt Mr Font nave been In line chap while the eatata and chipping interests have Ur- I antnullol TIM RxamftoaUon of tatters Under a 1 of California Prom Ae Son Franrfoco CM Next culled President OalUh of BIle of Dirtier tlxamlncra to a ei of aaplrant Everr men got stood behind hichair and looked wi e- aTliiled veteran with forty r r cm of beard walked In and wanted to get on them diploma U waa th occailon of Ant examination of th under new law paiuted br the signed br the Governor nn Fob 10 The lay of the Governor In appointIng af examiner somewhat matters Nev rthle ten applicants tented th raelvr yesterday afternoon were put through a olVll ervloe noun ixamlnatlon Ten question were Thoe touched upon var- iranohe of the trade uch at iharopoolne end heir cutting and uetlon had a dlitlnot bearing upon ipeolal subject Brcola waa a po r for many of ipplloant Hrooil I not a nice thing lave and how brat to prevent It ubject of much earnett onnlderatlon- cratchtnf of jowl Several candid iaed over the queatlon although t- rent itching to know Jut what aroo- nean A It I a Ureek derivative lot being familiar with the dead 1 roar some of the embryonic barber c cay under the tratn Just how that word tot Into the examl Ion auettlona perhap President Cat tar be able to explain He had an Intervl few days ago with President Vllllatn f the hoard Ur that In addition to attention knftatlon ventilation dU- tctlon Ho bar wants to be to date and the State Hoard of Dart hammers U reading on l A barber f wa displayed the offflo aroma last took co li foam were scatter round were ie wall o the candidate could Impro lelr tool and put a razor edge upon them not count thl said President Uallth in mike out whet men write we w- IM them have made arrancemec r a lot qf subjects upon which to U t theme men a e can send to the barbers headauarl- ther fleming Drake or will do- o men need out of ece do- e or e- leetlon propounded br Examiner tonlo of owP was another H tle had the to at was the belt In the world lie it a la the removal M Oalwar do the chin or exn edT A thIs mount style adorn i would you do to resIn nn abald acalpr Thl a a toe ut on a others upon t vantate of the toupee and patent notruma boa II met In eetaton to dleeu- e matter a no answers to Question ha1- t re In in cutt DC a pomPadour do u t- llor r the er hot do dry hair do you ue value wet nil WhY you ahave the low i lattT were among tk na pr 1 study to the perr ntara- pllrante and to award the tee tn be front of etch ready Instead the word Cu to the decree of exc ncr of each candidate w- Another difficulty that t to 1 what honorary d- ee to confer mot cucce- tllrr the examination rertlnoate reading a follow sow All Mm br Tim rrtMnta UaieUM- itbtr b OBf Crntnm Ma Hvt iBi- S rtrury- DWd Gal IM- Thla card mutt be placed In front of ro where can ee It a required i In addition to another certlflca- compultory to thin ninety days after the of t t no nature will be tak the board until It has an opportunt- rlalt each county A soon aa tl irk of I completed In this rl- e adjacent lon will be JIMWS PROP ad With Two Umbrella bat Keep Him From Cemlnt Dawn frm Me Inter fleece Ambition tenyrarold of H l Htuart of Hel- MX to trust himself In a fortrfoct fllcl two umbrellas which he used In lieu of rachute The performance aa a fallui the I In bed luflerlnc from a broke- m and no and sever bruises lane never had reed of Pariu Green an- i dl a trou attempt at aerial navltatlot- t he had pen a balloonist make a pan ute drop and It looked ea r Jam eve ought he could Improve on the profe- iiial mettimlii for while the man v h- tnl ed from the balloon had to welt for hi racbute t the 11 nom canoe before the leap made Tw ihrella were the mine which tb llwm d toy expected 10 M ar throucti th AU the trifttii with wlium lie felt that ft would IM were Invited to w tl- finmance and a f Idem were 0- 1hd at I o yesterday afternoon tb- iiolmed Urn luune Stuart led tie y In a taj of lrht of father At th- It of tbe free M hid ecrelet two Km II lMted for from hd In the Iron He imtir ta th tin Ii t twamfc that would ui rt him an- M fiirtv fe t the list IM v f d Ue unUrlU r HnlJ- r each leNt he ak hi- ikl Ititt air liolh umUeUaa lun- Ide out lUe IttkULt they l uctt I Ibe ldti lini- wUfi le an lie Ilie iiirr cad br iPhe In the fill hrr Uii- nf Ibe de et Ul ertne ettetit imp a uiitxMM ii M 4riK and reel IHI ou iw tloyglt- I l LMlHl i Ibe t44rr l k on aid after a HIM He wa enmd ln e Ur htiurt- Jin lei f4 A dmior w at q- lirl wrw MH 4knee ua but l lot a we k r t e- tihderukHK Set M MWU be took a erf his veil 11 rtMHI Mw tdll aenl M 0 never on ubJ- ett bal on i u kln hi I at- l e ln or a- en In bin rur n oalp all h on d t ot a u o how u IC 0 Inr- rI Ah Von 10 Uonolulu Jb abut Lib oe bON rII value 0- lw1 t UnLI- 8TOVIRlL PROTICllNCY Ih Dad uP A or b ban Ih nd de bad Dd or und c he 10 a nd hr nd a hygiene er hat lP hul a WhO piN Ulr ot lonie of of u n n f lb W W n I or mM to n mal It 0 b What ro an What u ple Gl pne1 n I Angels e ru lean k t or b nn that or w t i H low a hot Ir or f of hi rUn N uln 1 I who t r out of the U Ir Each ur b wt tr h AnA na- t CAn a 10 and boy bu n Ir hU 11 hn lit I n U- I II II artist I f 1 I er I I 1 41 I I I II tall 1 I on r II hi ta- t I f tM 4 the c- J r I J- I uorlItt- hh w I I I 11 1M sid yet the meN ever Mrs ftb- kL iw kept cLcnly at Urn nd spot the ouldrc to vhit to wr her two and that the awe of ltd come very gont 10 tri dojiare and had eel porn WIth wtt his faintly one leemajo hanow c- or seem he befell Moreover the waned the the lAw the baa p the chad e a was i she this bristle I connectIOn with the iTU15 both heir varying degree int era tones i I wa d ny number oDert upo- d cannot giniab lie kind yom pitfar Ira y from city he a U im a and It Dre i aspirant not at many oonfued Another question caud more 5 tim f the tired Borne answers irn4 venous The iat towel a dealt will aired a that 1 the those tIn 3Ofl barbara Ir have one trW That tam w this ha given Although the law maki seat flldst cnn open boy opened ass upon sat leone tr- I e above io ii atru ie E ace I I itt art week Mar revived and I 54 Leep bile ted uw t I s eN1u ca hsb sede kie41 fasee 1 tIIMen4- rntli lw5 l I arI4j Ce 4 a a H tdwtca Can 1l t1 r a4 hal r ed as S 41ae tyaie tsp f- l I the ca S tt4v ili W caarl track aet a hes bi4 K spe 1- 4tg psLIes thiSs be- l a 4 Nl1le eEriest a i4 4p4 fle 1uiiiWPt rpeica caIesd h tias I- i d i the gvuad il ashy lc wet tes4 ml > > > < << > > < > > > < > ° °° FARMING IN GOLD SOUR Or TUB FARMS HAVE H WOHKED FOn 1000 YKilll Nearly M Otd KuiMtantla- llcnc The Only r unlrrln K- In Which of Farm lrot has Deea ConitanUy Inoreai Prows l CUeogo KftoniHtrnl- JNrruix Norway July II Many of farm In thl part of Norway hue been llvMtd fur a yeara The build on Ionic of them ems teren and eIght hund years old AnythIng built within a cent or Iwo I considered modern Tb ol- it y in KnAlKmtn who wai lanklnc a hnu to rent for the fl hln eaun c pUlned hit It too old Tho owner atorlhed at curb pre umpUnn and a i him that every bulldlnc on the place l e n erected alnne sill Hut thy Ire At Dorcund a few west of pi a church that was built In I1M or ear TM anUquarUn cannot determine the e date and II U mentioned In the official ord of the dlooeee a far back a leo 1 arm carefully preerved for all the Inlerrei year a alnculir piece of architect limit there are twenty or tnnre In Nor like It although I believe 1 the tot It 1 built of logs thickly rove with tar both on Ihe lnlde and note which ncoounta for preservation Interior consists of a nave and aisle twelve oolirmn a choir arid a einlctrci- at e When the door are shut the U almost In total darkness a light U mIlled only through tiny otienlne pier through the roof of the dome Th UM window wa unknown In Norway the of IU erection and the service pi ably contltted aolely of the ma char by candlelIght while the congregation ki devoutly In the dark nave llde the trance are two runlo InacripUon ntr In the In beautiful letUrlnc One them read Thorer wrote the lines on OUr Fair sod the other Thl cbu- ttanda upon holy round The foundations of all ancient Nor buUdlnn are of heavy atone some of tt live or ill feet thick The timl er of b lime barn anti the houses its of full f the squared off The roof are of li- irlmrced by hand half or three iuarteri in tech thick and there are sometime t f baked clay reaembllnc of Spain Uly Th poor classes of cabins eipecU- boe that cling to the mountain lde hatched with strew or have dirt roof ovrlnt of board and then a Uyer of a- ind a foot or eighteen thick his time of year they are usually covet rlth beautiful flowers It I really not e omen but II I exceedingly Dlrturmnue a flower earden on top of your hou- nd It add o much to the attracthen he Norwecian landscape You flnd the same flower over tl re have at home In the northern part of Jolted Slate only they seem lareer ful nd more brilliant In color DotanliU ie that this U actually true end account I by th lone day The flower aeaaun bort but luxuriant and when na- Icbteen or twenty hour of eunahloe td to crow a aa lovelier T garden flower that you England may b eeen here In tb nk tbe tint they oal stronger I hays ever nowbalU and other tare nothing In all that compare ie buttercup That bumWe but beautl- nlx n of tbe forest grow dou ere with a doten or twenty Instead of a f t M dir the etooe and blue the shadows Cither aide of with and a the agricultural industries orway but In erverr y nd pears current COIK nell tbe flower more pronounced flavor a itroni- oma ipeHe mltlvaled Icier climates Tbe cherrle currant a her can you find such uellrltiu wild tra- rrM a irs the tnble of t- Dt l At mal we have th or tour kiwis of fruit Oder- i end cream orth coming all the way ta Norway f- he waiter dOM not a tlnry i Ith five lIchen that will hold U help elf erv the tra In coup ao that tho e who al ort nf I hue no I man who di e nl can jul eal l of luxuries t toilet ha- n In Norway he aid Uoublle made a better berry tb strawberry dnubtlew find never did u ed by the farmers hers end there up- e lareer an American mow reaper or threshing macblri but tl eater of the upon tlie I done women they u e beat id awkward homemade On account ie of economy t w of labor and their ultuatlo unbinds Norway are expected to i the farmer la a Jack fa- ad erlnd U own rye and bar Ie ioea hi e make own id rk whittle out the handles e lone winter arid I uual ll In retpect tbe cuunu a hundred behind tilt age It U common Ito for tailor tlnkei- id other mechanic to travel Ilk Methodl- lnl ter on the frontier These lllneran- ive a circuit and t heck once In o often work I knit It- em a of hoots need are laid aside until the shoemaker come there I anything the matter with the the tinware In kitchen leak If an the china broken or l r cornea around He t a Journey fact aa well a la theory end rerelv nard anti lodctnc at whatever hou- hapiien to Ue at bedtime ur when t- nnec mince th from the farm In rt of the count id pn fart throuthtut Interior of t 1 have been lncrt lnc In v lu a of real relate Ihroucout The entire kin in ot Norway probably boon II am- P r erealrr wa t entyn- am ew For re on new farms Ixlnf open have bM n of UinUr Vhe- m the iimiKr roots up th- mp and then dx ut the tnn4 and iack at different inlT nut l hold down farm ant kri it fmin blow away dunne tie windr winter bii li to elve a chnw lo pie eh an1 rul ate the are o need if liter have the and the lilclieo fenr H peer aw I rrali- nrce fer them hut It I a con i rid of the stone In alnHwl i f Men lh have It rfi tlbeml ti l eiNiaiw and the rlnc Idem chit rakitif them nA ell r t at bit life Thl i M n lIre tn l hit be r ILry aIl rather n lijk limn t yp the anM Iit Isle e tf ed list e IHIV Ii i r- ir ewrwr IM that I te en r mn wi n r ii ih- em pn ef Mime M nn a war free ie l e ue IM lllit iv4e U ut 1 tUi ii MMkMfni u it IMNI HMMI c MX ml ten a IIUIMII t 4bc rvuM en- e in Ill krklMt AIM resins rkr4 Iwlui- i la a IUw re MX tueM k UMi Ul hair k a llc w III la K rw- Meawli tar IM hlructte- k w u a k w l pii- IH Ik- e exit lelknr t iiiuii NORWAY Balk n Old Val t Ih lIul thousand r a m w hId to mil I et Hit tIde r lIned fh wllb 1 or at Urn n or HI tree or those and ar rth sod Inch At to ot he they dalalea dandelion ror Imno golden butte or ragged hoUrbocll oUr 01 In The 0 to heb- icur I richer viol ur colon the IIlara are or r- p roM cd known the short summer but be he ID od b at peoru edo are uiinion clo Ih hoed Ita tlrnt II road willS w1T rt or 0 11 f mM other nd bay h nd rtiOll no llr U the wi frrI oot l ur cream but gro couple of Ilk respect Dean u nllIIn I Ih or of- II nhlll that nrT about and enID to both Itouarhoid nd I NU eh mn H r lar unda repair tools on o from to I r If Ir or rue nt household use canftlll be mended b Ibe- fol at II laid on ide until th 10 e 1 Uo though buoblndrr boorn depressed lIr 10 hIgh IInd jonl I nol inn In 1 total Ie I U on I or U I dripped Soreegian fspnr up nw 0 hfo In L ft Ine ror hint U ton fr- I 1 10 In I loil I 1 to I h i sic I II r a Ih I Wll 1 dIn c reds II t I It 1 I I I I I t- OIl i the ass null its y this the its let glass hugs the the tad hors a ann trw titeit ceem and lint the re ill a dryt pihi siTu aks best of Ua I with and itt nIb Wild roses climb emIl Ii is lipid do garcn stile anti lro like same nosobetniet sod ieee < a a fluant ii envies plates im NI ha is little modern OU attic is 11 lie I ils thIs stocks a well as their hey hious intl twin otti Pianos is Nor thIs the ties w pflcrs big Liqa hon eiuea any other pert lb TUlle cent hue are eta Urns the isiugnIe iii a piece land rnte efti pua the thickest ISIS I tier ia yet every a ceflsI intervals en the a ha keep 5 ian l retail ra lisa she the 4n 1UIW alit Ic th laM f the hail eat iced Ins e seae lime tren the fleW II Iai- e ihsn tk iI esI Ill his irs aiM ire a a fair ehasli- lefiCg a ak she Iteeee Ph tIes es- I I Ih s44 5sa5 is t44 S- I I pdp Itt kite r SiqtlW4 a set sss lht pe hat Ike > < > > > > > > < > > < > SrAOOlXO HOTTLKS- Ttiowanil of Tl em Uelllng Inferni- afr UMJ C crutn it- Drlfllnt about the North Atlantic iuccptlbln to tbe varying dance of wi anti wlnU are bundimt of common I bottles thrown overboard by hip of American and TliiMlan merchant ervlc- eorcalonallr picked up and reported to hrilroernphlo office of theee Oovernnie This I In tha Interest of a rtenlinc rreI- nitttuted a few years ago I determine ifirectloti taken by bodies turning under lifluencca of trram and curwita of wl la known by the Physical eeocraph method employe are luiple arid result ubtatned ate tn prove- I iMtkmaUle value to commercial Inter generally while reiiiovluc many doub- guMtloiut out of the tvrtuou of Ur llou whivh hertufore have been yarded currwl of th dlrectl slut would take when abandoned to the duenw of ocean currents Ihounand of theee bottles contain rolnuto dIrections printed III differ Untuacea are annually thrown Into ea under the of the Amerli Navy epartnient with the expectat that many will be found and rescued elne their not tl i the fuel reported at Vahlnctoii li bottle rontaln a written aa- wlwl shell be done by the skipper f bin nndlnc It l up erU to note latitude and longitude where it wa lull where It wa thrown Into the and mate probabln originally thrown hr which taken If reckon received at the Nan eartiu the lat year that mi valuable on bring lerlve l the direction of and I lo provltr admirably adapted to the purpt- wtlh t- Oovrrninrnt In rarrylne out InlrucUon are l th Hydtoerap- Oftlre that any bolll picked at y skipper of that love meat be at once reported AIII can and Hulan war lire to note Of bOlt they may nnd drifting about and artiii turn them vtrlft after places they Into the In on the waterproof paper lie two governments a ei tliie- H nt report some remarka drift of several e ne a- i the dIstance ocean anti c dlitann varr from o i few mile to over a which ilmot the uual derelict i- MUMHI lo the wind and often tErn rapidly by the small portion of shove water a a for ireete One lioltle the record of I traver ed In KT at the aver rate of mile a day bottle lirown overboard from the h Cotnllehn- jf the Rt h wvlce anoit sisal toll In Wd if mile a day while a third l miles In 4T icy The mot drift of ho ever that of a botUe that went 70 n two day or at the rat of mile a di mother mile Ip days at rate o miles n The the quick a lone ixinedUtance drilling In the Pacific reports recelv tern March 34 l a to iit4 the fmm the hlp at- tfler drifting tot J picket tavlnc covere In a direct lint ltnn ir th entire ly into the i the Hpanih Ilelmonl oti Oct and 21 l M tithe In Interval at the rats of a dar Htlll into t- ea and reported fourte after had ka41m tV 0 at I ate of t a day Th number oltle picked up and tncrea re thrown Into ne he equatorial and trade wind teclon o the and brIng up he or on the Mexican roar evidenced by the numerous hollIes c drift between Madeira the fnlrwi f Caps hart Koqiie off the runt coal ot Pratt American flOUt and north of tl- orUeth are erMxt pet of the wat to the northward end ealward and bo lee put In the In that region u flu heir way to the north coiut Ireland Ten north This U b to Uie of the bit slut uke an easterly and northerly olrectli tIer out In mldncean tIer the velocity U much non In tl reclcuk a tretch of ocean extendtiitf In lalltui- rini JI north to 40 nnrl nd In longitude from 30 t decree UM a debatable reclo- roeeed team hlti llln- ule anti whIch tHitllr are In a robtblllty a frequently cast adrift M I tier the sea The recover voh bottlm however I rare thr recon t the bi- X abc a erone velocity d ll- the neventr which lamleil nn t- hat of mile The bottle hlch l entirely the own fro- iet lo real unite In gIving an averaee ttio thrown the north equatorial drift the ntr a in ml a th o ra ellln UnUo huhilrenl ot bottles which may time I ported by hlp crt lne the TAIKFtt TOO MlCll- Rrarral Manatrr Win Foaml Tlr Talk Wa Not Aiwa Heap From M Chita 10 en rnl manager of it omlnent firm In the wbole ale line w oently convinced In an amulne way thi I extremely foolish to talk too freely wit ancn aMiiiainlano nn railroad car One Saturday evrnlnc a couple of a the man In question took a train for hi mmer boinn In Vl lie took tt In lh nmoklne compartment of a Pull and enei d In conver aton with tire al o teated there One of them happenei- be a of the bend of llevlew- ilch the work of being flcure a linn and hall b awu- nnallr drifted mound to i rutnn of tb molt In tile lm- biiiine which Ih general manaeer tiled cl lin several upr m were nd Kb wa Mid ClOth their etrrnell- d III huge Mock t e oj which the- m to y omeihine in d fenoe of hi owi of never thin iVi at their stork i wnnli n t thmi- If mlltlnn I an n yen Ml I know what lalktnc WIn Hi fnrmlier nf ilte Uurd of llevl w- ttvk in Hi city I Munday tiaptwiir- dpik up KleilMl f Smuli iliani lie look it 4l It mldrtble and IWoueh a l ii hlt a tvxltullr ti ull bank and M M rMMnal llr l eli t- r IWMie Wnh I lie c re which h hid ird HUMed fre h in W iHlttd b nl i er c iier l m uerr PItS Why J MI it IH w Mbt rMi to k u pm jk hmnkllf etn wle son ww n t that l e ti r t f IkAMt KM lit Uwil in a HtV ai l i UTa V U l vu bl K l I- MMif i r r lr rte rl J M K 4 MlWe l AM- eitA a gee etatti rte knr t e- Ine e rv 4r k t r rtktir- Inrmllte ta le r Hn A w1 Ne eM Ii M4d the l m l i a befit the k4 t n Shirn O a r Ibll nd I h II Ihe I h el t1 of r I I Ih supervision 11 11 lIon nd direction lu Ihot lie bt II overboard Ib re- U important I hustle closely oo nd Ib 10 b In- II lilso h Inc doubl I rr e woodwork ltoe 200 I days drift the 11 mil Inothier Ira nilId xoo In It the M n trues inIft distance of r 1I1 I u from tIn tll China 2D knots Another ho1li hron from 10 1 < un 11100 71 K mOl nth of ur main In drift lId In AI nd I 0 I I r dUll I two main ilnift CrI dar I 11 I halt rl hllIr than usual mil In 10 Ii ro 8 ut mrr T d 2Ilnl A rl ocean ionic aria A Tribu liP II the man or four other hIIfd 10- bO 10 member lbs 1 mn lIon or rllr I rorIf that r1 fell railed or mu ml nr tar timltbllrn Olnln I 11 IIn 1 S II n theIr hI- nd 1111 1 law two 10 t I rn h It stipnh hat nl 0 I I fI r r err1 I tt ref JIr- I I- Nfr mr lor r trI w 1 m lie roof 1 t I Irtr tie f f J A 1 to I lens inii little multi seVen vessel tore the alt maY cut lii the C sea some ship sit the orlcii arC 5 across tic baa flute a at avers lad wets tS miles dam it rile a while ci let di shows for any iorted sea was distance FrancIs Its average rate was ship the mule ach Tha features iniicated 3he lbs S sea out lose thee anti yin west welt The across ionic hat the iaI two herb ana a C inlire per 4j long t t oas 01 a the port show The some wha week insmntra who tics lube ret The firm a mtled lb manacr ttilan7 any of liii he aalit inui- wtuI thmtti I illi tile stend- Ii lbs beau 1 hey regular lid t I i mrs s cut I silt rest thai he board hd ufiI tO a the ref lice It c ike Skaiigr celled inlqe lii 4 ie osd ci 01 h spi t iar ie- ii seat atreus his ho sit hew lie est calm e- se fit don tItle tie situ 1 I 5 he a ti sa I tiM I 5 5Ccils dciii 14S ih hid 1 fl- pses Ii tw054rsai- e sop Pevslc T- 5 js dsta 4 hiss a tsI i45 aNt ks ci 5f i i1iii- sesas sd Ii bees ewttp I rca pesss the s44al Ihsih sq Icseci I 5 4s b sat phSlei pt 4l < < > > < > > < < < > < > = THE PENNSYLVANIA Til Kin IMIOIITAXT 1AII- Tnvtunxti ii Kvvs ro They anus Wlira Immigration flat Joke and IVrro rraclltutl Kotil Waver Hem Uila a II- llrlwecn Hie quakers and historical writer In t have been bully devoting therinelvrn come year put lo the Pennsylvania man and they have brnuebt n Interesting material about a verr Intel Pig people Judge Pennri acliir Mr J- Kxclue and Mr DlITendrrtTer are the I known member nf this lilt torlan Olffenderfler nf Iinca who ha been very prnmlnntlr conne with the Penn rlvanla Oeriuan Hoc prepared at the request of that an historical account of the Immlcn- of the Palatine and other Oerman- Penniylvanla In the aichteenth cent The edition limited end li meant for a ra narrow public but of liidlee to be more widely knot Although the herman erTule erream and then a we turn his pace of th II I tinder tiK l br thli time that l- oylvanln Dutch mut have their repre tally In literature like every other Imt- ml racial element of which the Anir nation I comK r l Tin Puritan KcotctilrUh the llollinder the Quake ill Pave had their hlMnrlan For the i Ihej have done they have bern Blnrlfl 1 For their hnrtcntnlnc they have been ji led en that a little utieemlr real will lo be overlooked In Mr e r w lie taken up quill In behalf of the Pr- irlvanla knits They have litrmlu- trona element of chnrncter Into thl i tch a honesty Industry and fruenl md their pral ea ilinud tin nuiiB br Mr Dlffenderffer goes hack to Europe Ind out whet were the nf thl el- novement of the population For a full century ad been torn and rent wi- n nf arm the wan iiire considered thin cattle III il lid The first of lerman tn arrive w tinder who cams In I- inmedlatclr after Inn Thi ring between thirty forty nettled nnd countrymen ether slow tn follow them mnverr fLat In however UIO i I was kept up with slight Interruption- II the In 1748 no less wentv one arrived In nearlr all of them from Oerm nd there were nlnete ni In and the M timber hi I7S home limes brou- imanr a eon paxencT m f the vessels were much In liere an Influx of Oermana that the Quaker b larm wets re n reeltr and each had In rar a head f iiiial tn Travel e at tlinl time err unromfnrUhle slid tot lermati It tour unpleasant then will were who wire ship tn their loner but not a few to thmel- ut to on chores rder tn Indemnify the captains ortaUon a It wa no mi of the shIps set Mil from Holt am though were loaded at lam Continental i ortx The ilcranu and tl und It nnoMuirr to leers their hon i central In Mar In one i Pennsylvania by il low Ine Ortotier WeT obliged to thn Ilhlne boat and voyage often tant d a long a wee he and tich a I hey eii i tomhou e which the Oerman box ruined oaUe now adorn the e et at on Uie river be bOIl were frequently bile at theoe custom end when t at to llottrnitm live or ore were spent In waltlnc for the ship unpleUi cargo From the proceeded we In the Uie nf u inUerable unclenn him tb to tbe land In H rl t but without money a In debt to the ehlpmanter k MTViut Them wa- xxl iimanil for Vnune nf tOll exe and the lnr i mid such proportion indeed Unit aeer- Ii r l on und undertook to r- re for tho nT The well lre and pretending to cument to Induce enpl to etnlerai each immigrant furnlli d to the t- ie cent received a couunllon groin t men iennan callM tiw e w oul or n l lllne brought th in Into much none w li often o celved Uy their Header of Janlc Meredith will remei- T how these tlnnn in men were sold and Indentuml to tin Ujr Mr lilffcnderfer urea UH fullo- e account of the proce which l front ewltneiw lhe l of human betne In the uteri board the ship I carried on five- r Dutchmen mind bleb O- n pole come fmm city other mime from n ere sIster oo i on the timely arrived ahlp that h ought end oiler fur frn imp nd elect atnnnir the i er o a they d in ulUib for their bulne d bargain with then bow long they w rue for their money of them are In When vn conic an agreement it happen th lull portion hind tli ni in rue live or lx year for II lount dm br In their ai- d strength Hut very young people fro to Ii rear mu t serve ar- ur ll ay their children like o many timid i Mil I no very tle nt picture and ye Icuipuuiter not al ay uch urr slier Mil I hffe I u H- ie ImnilcranU were nrnrly alt pe M iit- t another iiur for In lernianv- it waJuifu behind tbeni lot of servant belt worse atiorolncly a h found a good i matter Mr tudy reperlallr a- le to the rdenu loner I a It will tell matir Ill to feel IKHIT MU their uv In Ih wmlil they hve ron lileri- it their lmuitirr nt forebears had to pai when ra h up hU u l id and m ecroe ia to cMab- llief In William ivnna union Indian u a buffer for th Quakers Uiletnhln Mr niflitliM b at that the never hail nr nr un le tk4i lim with th liiillan ere ooi reason tom this In fait llf- cOirman urrouriitrd on nil theIr b hlelil tni rot colonist who were More n ill Mnrenvrr etui thl lot unil tor hitter itifTerenc seen ih- iker arid li the Qukker A eMi opin 1 In warllk m jre et i- r to v money fnr ih defei n the frlitlert n i t lIes lirtt i old tn y rtli In tlii Iliii1 r Mr at- Uukir bat ii iw i I r itr l n while tie Pniikv aHI rn- HInJIiilMll lleMllfnt n b true Urn h l r irht then then inration and they b Mll lie Mi I f me It I Ilirn rinli1 al DUTCH IV I nl 4 ror together f group of hi Ir has Inl the results author tIn nolO e bonk lb nd hn linn 10 rau 10 clash 111 10 fI IIn nd In 1 ernest about Dd UII Phil I- n mlI In onrnmn 11 11 n SIn t Irln h Nil t tnl nl I C bind 1ft In e heap th 0 don I Ita 4 Mr- n them mut through 11 lonll ClIme six 10 Its 1nll 01 hm with stop of d lIadd for 11 mud kI frm- nnllla Ilk b II In bo Ultc I II pr hl be rich nrchnnt bltul Ith nun Inrln the r II nron r In an till d I Wand or 1I1h In still thy I I In I a OoAllltt rat n- Ih Th left I 11 Ih r- or bad I- IrI Iubl- on a deal Nbout their Ih h 111ft Ih 1 n a h Iecime 110 for I J hi I I f 11 I I r 11 i If u U Lipton High Ball Mal o Mutttritd Old risK Whiskey tot urTON UUN 11I1t- to < mull- S the IAIIadii1jit Tim title end the the his tile lemma tim party hose a of 5 was pooh med about b was bee was Is Our chip sac Must Artist acre roan f this with thirty detained a last see vessel w tom a svei- iv flnsjiy p- flfrn six weeks nor packed a before ten an scene rent futiu rough the mliers the the Were cruel dories bias of say eel Lest lire our mud wets serfs I century like tim cIa Ii the ass I p eat ancestors slit lea jailed uncle the them cities the steel sit the hut be tubs a itt list lies the I thin life his a e Try Finest ottIsd Lit a LONDON sI gisde I- V 11111 IIIJh p sswee I Itinlsta 4 < > > < > > > < < > < > > r1 BOAT MID WAGON An Incrnlou Crmft TTWdi Cobbler ti Land and aVav IlAK u M Aim 17 Tlwi puts crwfl hat Mdb th coast of Maine la- nier aid cruU the country road In i Wr for Ui or it doe bolhla boat Yankee Notion owned salted oMroted by Uncle Nat Cottlo fatnlll known an Cobbler Cottlo He U clip mom Uian 00 yean old One of his U witlienxl end minus Ui foot while other leg IK ao twIsted at the inkle i U aUmoet unpowl for UIH old man oven with time aid i cruUhiw To add to misfortunes luuid U almost ueeleeai ao that any ho undertake la nlowlj- laboriniwly Yet a abut hoart and tuck of Yniikeo Ingenuity have nat Iolililer Cottlo Oo get shred In the I ett4r titan many of hla nblobodlod net boris IIAVO done Cot tie PirellI were ao pour that c pled oa he was he wan obliged when a n child to KO Post fldhlnf and In the ooura- wveral year at this ha became c- nallor no good that dreplto hla phyi- phortcomlnK 1m became mate of mihiMiunr Heel Brpere After some yi- unllliiK M title and second mate he tool cooking an something racier and It U testimony of many a oa ter that he a cook he abandoned H and took to cobbling and that tr ho haa Hiiion followed Twenty yearn ago Cnttle took up rweldencw on Island with two dogs and Hank aa 01- panloiM Hank la dead but ham o aa the cobbler faithful friend companion and U now aa much of a aa- an any ever to be The pe- at tho fulling village of AUantla built the cobbler a and house o Pined wherein hn lived for a time although comfortable and th- bu longed for the M and mode a few in Then he Conceived time Idea of bu- tn t a port of oaw boat In which hn hav a floating cobbler In umn boat and liaulml aoroen the country Mono mini utuild l Cottln tie M a scow 20 tort long and 4 feet wide w a IIOUAC 10 feet and extending entice width of the craft Hhe U aloi- rlRgi d and carries either side to hold her up In windward All he u lialllard a downhauU trim aft ao that the cobb can tusks or trial sail without let the wheel and lie gala along very w- In wenlher In the house a ex blera bench a bunk a table and a ato and It la comfortable enough The sic I d bright rexl and acroM her U painted Ug letters lien name Yank When the Yankee Notion made hot lIt trip alongihore created a naUc and Celtic gut mom work than he coo do HtiMnwM never dull with him ai tics make moro than a living lie sac W cents every to take core of HE and they are old Wh winter comas ou sailor cobb does not care to faro the fierce th- ww t Ui coast of Maine he the Ya lee Notion on runnera and cruises ov the road tn Mix Interior or If he feels 1 limed hauls her in come cov- ulliU a high board fence on the nor he with pun ci rat and reed and smoke while hu v- om the front miles around call eve to hear him tell etorie of the oc- lng aong In his atrung bases voice EKKX CITIZENSHIP IV MAIN tnt Application from a FerlfnBe Woman Hrctdrrrd In the UaKOOK Me Aug IT For the lInt Ur the hUtory of Main a woman of foreli hoH declared her Intention of benomli- citiron of the United States anti has take ut tint first papers The woman la Ml- uguftta Charlotte Itydnn a native rwlen who lived In this country f vrral Her brother U on t the United States Marine Hospital on land mini aho has received an lent tune In that InstitUtion Tl- iU n of the marine reaul any employed therein chili American citiznn or have dwlari- la or tier Intention of t eoumlng such i Uydcn complied TIlE ART II cnn at a rampmreUng at the of the ttiarleaton lUrthquahr Prom the Atlanta Conlilwliopi- Theie U something uncanny about a irthiuak shock a gentleman wh d eiperlnn elmtc disturbances an- trrtir caued by them enMtlnn he continued caiie- T th quivering and rocking nf the earl irlll every fibre of n person with sac iw this forcibly Illustrated at the Urn harleatan wrecked That earthquak hock wa perceptible throughout neorcli- Ine especially noticeable In tho middle par f the Stale The tight of the earthquake there wa- Metho ll t campineetlne In procre i limit prlnc near ebulon There wa vat crowd at rS rUR and the peopl dnl lo In a very religious triune n ltd to The prmichr delivered an elo lent nermon nn death and the judemem- id at tin cli wmvert were Invited tn t- e invitatIon nnd only three nr four went u prayed for The ralnUter lieceed th in come forward deaf Hack some distance from th The minister to r the coldne of hearer on h slit of closing the arTeries Hut a i about to y It u pray the lle wa felt an i ir I IIP tnd became a mi a deal hlanched and eyes were id in terror No at nrt t lilt win hid caused the earth to rock a- in a pam With the cornIng of the n there a for the mourner ar wa urroitndni by hundreds who were cd with terror crying on the fry A lbnl came while wer nt ih sitar and II came near owine owe of them Into ronvuiuon- i a on Hut It hour before calm wa rid bnl hd qulverlne had nmthinc uncanny about p pl were to that ul limn wa t il n vrr forget list koene of tnnn h d de f to tb IJt f Mefereea- ic Nuprrn f twrl Ul- Itr JutUot UkMvea f let 11 kletflral AC Jek H kt ri- r l t kti 4i Hl Urmrtw- lwt6 J T yttk- k TOO a anne aum In the Mur and 111 Ihe lhnl 01 Ollfl work I and a nUt world or I tho to he wu tIe hie little anti I For neil could cruising cout and which In wlnler ctld on runners a Dlelt I VetS locomotion painful his uoil get trip be Ilk t cite abe week o keep the wlrudes arid bank hot aid lIve Mists ii rib his lies service hat Ii Ills bAll rnv nocxn Tim talc Ie The cat the seem tie tie Itir lint the ddnt take Ii I 1 i curs arid lb young people were chatting si at the Iwuee oI timt en bed unt barn presented to them couraseei his and was Just hue cw in mutant elf hares opened neat nk loin II meant Ill lbC cry o cia beard hid the dread ao4 been uttered was rush ticti neter saw stick a etimpe4e in I In lest ttni than it takes to wj the those l1e nilmutttrr was lb only on who deemed t to is and P bgsn praline thOm that had eti sac tred fear The Iii earth ej Ihst tIle 04 bend I 404 she appeals IA fleeing In trrr to a they flt e lb be iii to roct nil tellsv I a iii at erles spisg Is eaa eel a eve ssh heat is at cam Ie Phift JI- wd4 s 5 al sieese ma K- sel a I5es5 hesS Iases- WI 1 Jseuta ahs- 1sag a ta1 Wel Asi4se- s JMbe TMeseaca- AMhi H cas ttfws- Icibtlee uesL- C ae 1 pst a M5aeitoiii 5 iistCsi IS 5rI a ca qsciM M 5ti- la s es 4- C 5 u 5 5 stI4- t s a s w js < < > < > > < > > > > > Homers Furniture FALL SEASON MOST OPPORTUNE TIMF for pUntlre needtjj- t establishment by reason of the important price icJuc lions now in force in order to r in stock to nuke room for puMu also to doje patterin not nuking again Included In th leJuctloiu are i tM t I r in- dredi of Individual rl ol Fjinn i d cilptlon ItuluJin sJ tuf Cabinets CnliTinltn Urja iti- Wrttinc Diki fancy Chiln k t The opportunity of the year to buy HighcUu Furniture at such advantageous prices hirthairi mod will bt hell until tantt- iK J HORNER i CO Furniture Mikrrv anil Iniporlen 616365 KMLUM me nii i irur Haw Uie Animal In the Herkl- I Vanqul tie l li Men frern fVortoni Mayan To pursue the huts whal ir n fjliTt boat I reijulrmi that run evit l knot n hour anil whlrh I funiUheit with ff raw weapon known the h r on KIL The harpoon gun U a txuidero M- f apparatus placnl nn n ral r the prow Of the whnler anil rnn nf- i abort tout Cannot nmiinlH nn a Lmi- letlevtalon which It run rotate hnrl i tttU gun alto a vertical motion KM r n- ie turned quickly In wh tver t prow of this dotiln n h nf the eun arm uhu fur am u In 11 rid Brlilml I the wM h In the hand whir Urine tic ra md beneath l the The tre r a boxllk nrrancenient aituatcd i t- hereth took l fattened nih f- he gun I Inadnl In the onllnarv war from hpnuitrlnn oiil mil m i tito It To tllcbnriK th gut a iu or- rldee with a wire Premium on pull on the wire whIch ignites Hie ruriirrlj The hartMion U Shut in kirth nd very It r m lt niii t I1 the anterior tunlral t rttiT- he burl and haft lh- Titerior ninlcal jilece l an explosive t- llle1 with crud orew or tn tie r Ht nf the harpoon The r l itr with a tlmi fue after luirfcoon- I In the ttebtml the lv conical II our barbs eltuited at right earh- ther TtK p hart arm alwnr hound de Ichtly with thin rope and when th- arponn I going to b dl Ar trpoon penetrates the or whn rope gel off the anti doing Pulls a wire which et Ire in th- uv an i It tho clumP in a voonij- be to tiec and lerrlflo wound In whnlen Interiora4- ie lon camen the four b r to tit l lit o that It beeome fur the ion to be The rest nf the eon of alone fiafl with a lot In It i which a ring move freely with the rp whale U at Ml well hit the h rpo n- te Imbedded at iit unl rope the animal r nnct rortr lie which l a nre harpoon onto n round tear In frnnt of i un where a of fitly nr o lie Taken all In all the tii rp K ncun U about i exiiul ltelr cruel ln truin nt ul- ut It l only when on and lb- oJUIoin brute U I to de tmy thtt It I nevertheless ran tw Teethe The rut l never dl chr d ta water distance than llfty feet and vldon deed thin thirty from the b able to gel o near reijulre nr hue xamn hlp hut a very ictirrrt- owledee of the habits f animal nnovoiir Axn HAY rrvrni- pport for a Ttiror a lo this tans e f- Uir Infliction From Ike Hottnn Krrrdip Ttaiffifl- ST Iaft Mini Auc IR llay fever vK have noticed n strange pe uli- U en oii which eem to confirm hevnnl doubt the theory that the dl ea i pro ired from the pollrnof racwrml soMerr t- d other ulinlUr vecetatloti Vhereer tfi might prevailed to an ettent it seeds before trier iel- rlpenol Uxn lucy fewer hn r- apt earance en nn Hindn- rtlm of the malady who live in V nb- ikota Iowa Xll ourl ami IUn a r- ally Northern Mlnnexoiu MM Wn nUn uncoil and e tierallr have ti ir- rt T en acei a long tune In ales e bile a erent euneriT me from other HtMe tie nr- crlnmre of Iron the Mat n e t not yet net In but letter heel re- ived sayIng tli y crane l ut that It 1 a motith overlie for everl fmm twiiit fr ntletit derlnrrd toiNv riot i had come to hi nolle tin year ouch Ia t ewmoii the IwiTili i iiln- rly a lik Title hn nirtc l tr mud her ihv uiiiM ho- u far note an lmn t total al ppe t ti leave In vlclintv It l a lr within hsy fever however ntlrihul l to h- lueht of the oulhwe t whth cltroii- dl eAnroiurlnc vteetatlnn ar l em- ulie the belief that II not incur lu the that hey fever l pr dii 4 pollen a ecrm n st r paper man will rontractril M rvo- tnutliern MInnesota and who e rt were almn t nolorlou underto I hi theory by not clone I ji ii approval of lit loine In he tlel tiv J windows of hi kleeplne aiMirtnient eve ernoon at 1 oclock romnien i- ien the weather wa cool etadi me accustomed lo the ilornl ruin rl lured It till f w ti l- t MAMJU only a slIght of tie faf ap rared and he attrilt 1 country but there no ol has e r cold iwrl contInuing through t window were ettwnl hetwe 11 anU U wa ver and their no n- ady A ca e of atlima rresvi1- h dance way after the result wn end dlM M ha alw mved thniieh lle treatment I nire H warm at all times RIMe I rre JU iBvnxn Jnd Aue llre- lored man K tear old of wulWrr- uj tle to reed or write it the by Mrt Tntll f I f- tirei hint arid get the key In the 1l r err claim to hid a from tlod l en ijl IV tn t l i v- f the Umk of llanlel aiMl ti hee- i i- l rrar i lltnnk ran any la ttie nt and t eNema of RI- nt ahd rwnii in uncle Um b rniture of tr Forefathers irt o trn b M H- tUI til to bto sit Uk tl IM rK4T lHl list hmttt Brothers O r iht V ih4 i 1 supplying your ollercd our Fill Room lot Sumit a West 23d Street Largest a able is on The has dire lbs chIp lop hAlt sInk a grasped trigger a till him tightly t flrt i the tracir- un eli feet three thn hill is lineal the piece the art the flesh the his iamb fl- It few chill make the liar liar canticle ttached- It and rope cmi rum the feel most etrilciion br the nj mets MMt ins rue what flat lbs ins has t destroy these tea p > title visit lit amesic north those C hire were welting for 4te aD A 81 Paul tehu isa treated tin ally venue i tic ease ii July a this though lee I tuIe season It rsnnt I ci the drought diitriit this ateer it P ra lie 5 was his I Pus Inch ease this a trip in the 1l- it araeon the attic 55 was were I hot and spe- nt another r This flue has been return severs Cc c this near as In wInter its was tiiuP1 lt lie Easy for lnmic ItroelL i Desk it lisa ia is I I hi tot quote a line of I llI- I chsinis Sn attfl4 Ian liars eel I I the 4 0 be ms tecard 1- 5oIii arid thccits vill s be 4I lee e the niw Anliut rims ru eciits at ts4k itnriar vi- It 5H tWSNUNI li khbw the tiafl I and tnt a tic 14114141a sIrrtedae os I fe- S olIasJ pePt 4 lbs r ikise4 ie c 4 SLpIdi < > > > < > > < < > > > > > < > > < < < > < < < < > > > > > >

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Post on 03-May-2018




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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1901-08-18 [p 4] · illS a Chinaman name nnlaL and with a be made love to the d of a





r 4t I-


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lnttB Mi son lie Kctornrd tofeat Left Them ta Ua Annexed

0M ThM t the Ignited H-

iJrow IA AftirffpAU TimSUIt another of fmou ly prtttr

font abler of Honolulu will IM led U-

iTBarriace altar ban American Th H-

If newpaper ay that thr jf Vtlaln the treat Ah runt manMo-

tha enbtirb of Honolulu will b th t

notable event In point of ceremonyrrtyle of any almllir affair that hay U-

loe Ultra Ml flue Ah Font will be wedBarniM H llnoroft who hod h n t

oa of the foremen malrirao-eatebe ta Oreeun ror Mveral year

Harvard Unlveralty man an heirlVa tnlnlnr wealth inch a Irtveller

alrtd flub After Un year of

tla aoctety In Kurnp and much of AnnkM Uld heart t of lo

Uhtr of the tropical the Bo-

M and ha tnap hl flncvr t all tAlkMM Chine other of hi lirld

Ko horn In the hao well known by American and Ilrltlih n-

offloer and elobtrotUne tourlit forthan dosen aa the Ah Fon miniIn Honolulu Naval offlom aar that T

few home have ben ao hospitably o

to them In their crulw a JIM b n t-

ot Ab Foncthe millionaire 0ne e In

HawaiianAsk any naval officer who haship at anchor In Ih harbor

whether be tha

one among the wonderful irouwith Urea and from alland of the thirteen Ah Font ra-

in from loi toIt mar tell you of

Inre cover were for

In th bambooor the where n-

u Were Liarwith rnutlo mirth that aeet-

v abe mr

the heAb Font home of the blacker

Jolly Ab Font and their

Ira one forelen there have bmore ardent admirer of Amities

1 the bl Ah Font

Ion th Ionic looted for theVaen American wets on U

way the Philippine and topped at HawAb were always among t-

nt In Honolulu to entertain boyaUteri

and eachAb Font la now

to marry a Lieutenant In the SlatArmY In the term

will have expired n xt yearof the Ab Font tera been

eemlnarte In Han and O

laid and 111 Martha Ah Fonc mow w4

In Manila took hlirack at Mill Seminary a and nor

PT Ah Tong children comprise

Urleand about andat UlM Anna U Ah

i a woman with olive comple-xlarn black andmanners 1 of lortuTe e hlrth Att

An ronTha mother e manners the father eonrrfrtml x n e Sri ob In evrf onetN AN proiMnr

MlM Selile In now In ran vtudrlart Hhe U a strikingly

her fttlier-laatln more vf her l ver

Arthur Johnston who wasAh lOng I a deer

the combination of her hitand dark hair and h

make her tlxtnerallr accepted Ijeautr of

their fatherbut the rail are of petit B-

TSrisc haie apronouno d alyre

of hasaid soft mode of

d v-ers complex

o were the mot charmlnever knew In the Boith

illS a Chinaman name

nnlaL and with a

be made love to the dof a Portuguese

1 Into Hawaiiand hit superiority to his 1

mid him an 80 Ahwaa wifelor and energetic for that land of lancu

profit i be very rich In tenwa over 1100000

to It annually He was caretnod prudent while hi aaaoctat

toot no heed of morroHe was watching chance toplantation land Cheep front

170 Fontplantation on the of Hllo had beootone productive there Whitsuch men a made 17000and IsooOW annually from augerAh FOuL and M OQO annualn

Ah runThere were four children a be

and three In the home 110 Timore eirU were born during twenl-

RNiroan fathe

delighted to ee how each child rthe facial

He hired servants alore enlarted nUfew years and U-

hImMit a driver on the front neat to colowlr over the almut forfew hours at a He wa

of anti mntl nlnc cheerfullyhh bl alt

lnrre flue nont yoI awa

the amity would o down the with thalit In a populi

or the It u e l U 1

Utltt to bowline along any of the IanIn a Ah Fow

with hU long ue duwnIn a ranUtfe Containing hU co

lIeU circle all lnclnt aa iH lr time th m rlv

True Chinaman thnt he wan Wing A-

ne never hl Idea that the ChiMt of Urine end doing wer-

iv little to other let thlie run the horns and tire and

the a the a flt Theboy however wa the father to educat-ilo while the Fnne lreMd an

hrouthl up aocordme to Americaidea their r ore a cue hit

hU father vldrvthim to a Urk nr t end ve-

whee a party I ntiVal offlrer ntme In thiiuntlnn l but father aflerwaid d

i rare a to apiear In cthrr rub than tinof a e Oera lie end hiwaa n load nf earlv rnwn rmlnlrlt-drnrv dnwn In the llinilulu wharf to elvi w mlr hand to the people from thi


home In Hnnnlula I nne n-

ttnl t ir t Br t In-

on t t4l lh i famid th iu t IxwHUfiu creunitt

lit all south lh r are am ie4mlnik tiiclt f r 1 ul U ere

nuiwf u ll I U a eeUh-l ht lilxrv a t fituMaim-

a a htlfHlnarn mti i timo UKI-

IIMJM lk if i a romMM4i 4 of t-

riMla aiiii AniTHwn a hre r ttt Ita m nnCH aflalr vit the o4drt rt ol

purist it Tlun are ner a it1eu nirmt other rrrttv-

niartMeMlite ahlr in MI-

ur Ur I

fantu IN-

lnMnrcli ri i tai M-

UIIK h a-

e IM t-

Uu IkAl k 4 beea



61 c1 H1-5f

1r CIIIft


of Ah




a 10


l I the ret a


a rIhe

otlu A-

be and not ofhi brain I I

tl or ndd Ab


mho alao dlaId

orb enD ar ndd

o it ot almnlbl ou-

t uo


000 b

with pubUoiz or

had happy



eUI platrI

on orra-ot U

2 rona n


of ofno chk Of

b or

ti r


of Chi

el fewIh Ah home a

Wil Ab aU w aod

upnd bro Ue

tn U

malby whilE

back In the

n Plo r

mon onr

ala Ab Fong In auranod oldpad leaonJ



ho-ur u1 to

Joy ta to hnut mtfO O

huUt to


a Irl butale Thn rrod


ode tnd







fr I hi-

b Jarhi IFnn


If r



In4 101 I






t 1

1 le fI H






I approach


A t std


1 qab-




s Ion

a p


II born the flhtitni p1

mimorI i-

t1katl may yrna the icharming It the



boaI anal mu



o end be has bitbeneath blue uniform tell y

stile In

few Longtote Itawiti bcam in


blue feasts andthe Mv Aniertei

husbands baa a

J United

air and boy TheNew the

the hay her so-

Ii music mi nms them bve thean bIb bone







tilt Edwin that the dam-

b spent at Tong few

ii iLions about

Pont ome i1b shipload qf

little capital icon but

i busineu tr erookriwas coon

2 leadIng merchant1 freetr was well liked

old town 4a b-

mw iJor rb-

P14 Tb fininc wil loot

and instdlbebnl incredibly Ian

theE t

the cog



earns way



thouihtimid n-

Tva1r ut hi anda

like a Coneoytl 0oi lie tieaccording hie on ideas and wit


songkeri wo-

oer ou


claflltn his


err beitrd end worr aIIsn gannnt

Lot rod


he uidJ nrr ci ducmdI


tamrm a mannfwsr phs4Sby d 144f cu-


Lb ctttile are latint


s donr SOft

ea uit

Ut hail iti4 tyr FuSa st4 bout In thea fsiiiiI-

grpowty Is 4s USECMe a U eiiya aetety I aid pet

IC rem It 4 ergIL Pt t Is Is a s1 IMI iN the U Ni-I ttnn4e1c ar 4ti-a lii ppifl 01 iilU hatS lfli ai4

ti14 1k SidIs i Iii g-

p iflhi I IAeE N4ti4-easftitII Ma bse ii ate5 hgs-aTprV t SkM h IL-

rTt Httws aa4 I m Ib 5 le te 414 I I-

iid b esi 10 iitS-I 4i I e4-

Ia I 4 t Sr a-

th l itit i r4thc ei

iksetii4 is tl a iV










< <



> >



< >





be wit abt nt o l

that Mr All long had atrretl

hi famllfore

uno to 11 v-

i Pekln-thl t-

Ah FontLa however never coin It fatherHut la rear aim t-

one In Honolulu believes

paper have hedMr Ah Four without contra

hospitality of Ah manthe years of

pt Mr Fontnave been In line chap while theeatata and chipping interests have Ur-I antnullol

TIM RxamftoaUon of tatters Under a 1

of CaliforniaProm Ae Son Franrfoco CM

Next culled President OalUh ofBIle of Dirtier tlxamlncra to a eiof aaplrant Everr men gotstood behind hichair and looked wi e-

aTliiled veteran with forty r r cmof beard walked In and wanted to get onthem diploma U waa th occailon ofAnt examination of th undernew law paiuted br thesigned br the Governor nn Fob 10 Thelay of the Governor In appointIngaf examiner somewhatmatters Nev rthle ten applicantstented th raelvr yesterday afternoonwere put through a olVll ervloe noun

ixamlnatlon Ten question wereThoe touched upon var-

iranohe of the trade uch atiharopoolne end heir cutting and

uetlon had a dlitlnot bearing uponipeolal subject

Brcola waa a po r for many ofipplloant Hrooil I not a nice thinglave and how brat to prevent Itubject of much earnett onnlderatlon-cratchtnf of jowl Several candidiaed over the queatlon although t-

rent itching to know Jut what aroo-

nean A It I a Ureek derivativelot being familiar with the dead 1

roar some of the embryonic barber ccay under the tratnJust how that word tot Into the examl

Ion auettlona perhap President Cat

tar be able to explain He had an Intervlfew days ago with President Vllllatn

f the hoard Urthat In addition to attention

knftatlon ventilation dU-

tctlon Ho barwants to be to date and

the State Hoard of Darthammers U reading on l

A barberf wa displayed the offfloaroma last tookco li

foam were scatterround wereie wall o the candidate could Impro

lelr tool and put a razor edge upon themnot count thl

said President Uallthin mike out whet men write we w-

IM them have made arrancemecr a lot qf subjects upon which to U

t theme men ae can send to the barbers headauarl-

ther fleming Drake or will do-

o men need outof ece do-

e or e-

leetlon propounded br Examinertonlo of

owP was another H tle

had the toat was the belt In the world lieit ala the removal M Oalwar do

the chin or exn edTA thIs mount style adorn

i would you do to resInnn abald acalpr Thl a a toe

ut on a others upon tvantate of the toupee and

patent notruma boaII met In eetaton to dleeu-e matter a no answers to Question ha1-

t re Inin cutt DC a pomPadour do u t-

llor r the er hot do

dry hair do you ue value wetnil WhY you ahave the low

i lattT were among tk na pr1 studyto the perr ntara-

pllrante and to award the

tee tn be front of etchready Instead the word Cu

to the decree of excncr of each candidate w-

Another difficulty thatt to 1 what honorary d-

ee to confer mot cucce-tllrr the examination

rertlnoate reading a followsow All Mm br Tim rrtMnta

UaieUM-itbtr b OBf Crntnm Ma

Hvt iBi-S rtrury-

DWd Gal IM-

Thla card mutt be placed In front of rowhere can ee It a required i

In addition to another certlflca-

compultory tothin ninety days after the of tt no nature will be takthe board until It has an opportunt-rlalt each county A soon aa tl

irk of I completed In this rl-e adjacent lon will be


ad With Two Umbrella batKeep Him From Cemlnt Dawn

frm Me Inter fleeceAmbitiontenyrarold of H l Htuart of Hel-

MX to trust himself In a fortrfoct fllcltwo umbrellas which he used In lieu ofrachute The performance aa a fallui

the I In bed luflerlnc from a broke-m and no and sever bruiseslane never had reed of Pariu Green an-

i dl a trou attempt at aerial navltatlot-t he had pen a balloonist make a panute drop and It looked ea r Jam eveought he could Improve on the profe-iiial mettimlii for while the man v h-

tnl ed from the balloon had to welt for hi

racbute t the 11 nom

canoe before the leap made Twihrella were the mine which tbllwm d toy expected 10 M ar throucti th

AU the trifttii with wlium lie felt thatft would IM were Invited to w tl-

finmance and a f Idem were 0-1hd at I o yesterday afternoon tb-

iiolmed Urnluune Stuart led tie y In a taj

of lrht of father At th-

It of tbe free M hid ecrelet two KmII lMted for fromhd In the Iron He imtir ta th


Ii t twamfc that would ui rt him an-M fiirtv fe t thelist IM v f d Ue unUrlU


r each leNt he ak hi-

ikl Ititt air liolh umUeUaa lun-Ide out lUe IttkULt they l ucttI Ibe ldti lini-

wUfi le an lie Ilie iiirr cadbr iPhe In the fill hrr Uii-

nf Ibe de et Ul ertne ettetitimp a uiitxMM ii M 4riKand reel IHI ou iw tloyglt-

I l LMlHl i Ibe t44rr l kon aid after a HIM

He wa enmd lne Ur htiurt-Jin lei f4 A dmior w at q-

lirl wrw MH 4knee ua butl lot a we k r t e-

tihderukHK SetM MWU be took a

erf his veil11 rtMHI M w

tdllaenlM 0never on ubJ-

ett balon i u

kln hi I at-l e

ln or a-

en In bin

rur n oalpall h on dt ot

a uo



rI Ah Von 10Uonolulu


Liboe bON

rIIvalue 0-

lw1t UnLI-



Dad uPA


ban Ihnd








hygiene erhat

lPhul a

WhO piNUlrot lonie of of

u n



Wn I or mM ton

mal It0 b

What roan

What u

ple Gl pne1 n

I Angelse

rulean k

t or bnnthat orw t



lowa hot Ir



hi rUnN uln

1 I


t rout of the UIr Each








and boy



hU 11 hn

litI n




artistI f 1 I


II 1



I II tall1


on rII hi


t I ftM

4 the c-J r I



hh w I

II 11


sid yet themeN ever Mrs ftb-

kL iw kept cLcnly atUrn nd spot the


vhit to wr her twoand that the awe of

ltd come very gont 10

tridojiare and had eel

porn WIthwtt his faintly

one leemajo hanow c-



Moreover the











bristle I

connectIOn with the iTU15 bothheir varying degree int




d ny number oDert upo-

d cannot giniab lie

kind yom pitfar


from city he aU im

a and It Dre iaspirant

not at manyoonfued

Another question caud more5tim

f the tired Borne answers

irn4 venous The

iat towel a dealt


a that 1 the


tIn 3Ofl barbara Irhave one trW



thisha given Although the law maki




open boy openedassupon



I e




E aceI I

itt artweek Mar revived


I 54Leep bile teduw t I s eN1u

ca hsb sede kie41 fasee 1 tIIMen4-rntli lw5

l I arI4j Ce4 a a H tdwtca Can

1l t1 r a4hal r ed as S 41ae tyaie tsp f-

l I the ca Stt4v ili W caarl track

aet a hes bi4 K spe 1-4tg psLIes thiSs be-l a 4 Nl1le eEriest a

i4 4p4 fle 1uiiiWPtrpeica caIesd h tias I-

i d i the gvuad il ashylc wet tes4 ml






> >


> >








WOHKED FOn 1000 YKilll

Nearly M Otd KuiMtantla-llcnc The Only r unlrrln K-

In Which of Farm lrothas Deea ConitanUy Inoreai

Prows l CUeogo KftoniHtrnl-JNrruix Norway July II Many of

farm In thl part of Norway hue beenllvMtd fur a yeara The buildon Ionic of them ems teren and eIght hundyears old AnythIng built within a centor Iwo I considered modern Tb ol-

it y in KnAlKmtn who wai lanklnc ahnu to rent for the fl hln eaun cpUlned hit It too old Tho owneratorlhed at curb pre umpUnn and a ihim that every bulldlnc on the placel e n erected alnne sill Hut thy Ire

At Dorcund a few west of pia church that was built In I1M or ear

TM anUquarUn cannot determine the edate and II U mentioned In the official

ord of the dlooeee a far back a leo 1arm carefully preerved for all the Inlerreiyear a alnculir piece of architectlimit there are twenty or tnnre In Norlike It although I believe 1 the tot

It 1 built of logs thickly rovewith tar both on Ihe lnlde and notewhich ncoounta for preservationInterior consists of a nave and aisletwelve oolirmn a choir arid a einlctrci-at e When the door are shut theU almost In total darkness a light UmIlled only through tiny otienlne pierthrough the roof of the dome Th UM

window wa unknown In Norwaythe of IU erection and the service piably contltted aolely of the ma charby candlelIght while the congregation kidevoutly In the dark nave llde thetrance are two runlo InacripUon ntrIn the In beautiful letUrlnc One

them read Thorer wrote the lines on

OUr Fair sod the other Thl cbu-ttanda upon holy round

The foundations of all ancient NorbuUdlnn are of heavy atone some of ttlive or ill feet thick The timl er of blime barn anti the houses its of full

f the squared off The roof are of li-

irlmrced by hand half or three iuarteriin tech thick and there are sometime tf baked clay reaembllnc of Spain

Uly Th poor classes of cabins eipecU-

boe that cling to the mountain ldehatched with strew or have dirt roofovrlnt of board and then a Uyer of a-

ind a foot or eighteen thickhis time of year they are usually covet

rlth beautiful flowers It I really not eomen but II I exceedingly Dlrturmnue

a flower earden on top of your hou-

nd It add o much to the attracthenhe Norwecian landscape

You flnd the same flower over tlre have at home In the northern part ofJolted Slate only they seem lareer fulnd more brilliant In color DotanliUie that this U actually true end accountI by th lone day The flower aeaaunbort but luxuriant and when na-

Icbteen or twenty hour of eunahloe tdto crow a aa lovelier T

garden flower that youEngland may b eeen here In tb

nk tbe tint they oalstronger I hays ever

nowbalU and other tarenothing In all that compare

ie buttercup That bumWe but beautl-nlx n of tbe forest grow dou

ere with a doten or twenty Instead of a ft M

dir the etooe and bluethe shadows Cither aide of

with and

athe agricultural industries

orway but In erverr ynd pears current COIK

nell tbe flowermore pronounced flavor a itroni-oma ipeHe mltlvaledIcier climates Tbe cherrle currant a

her can you find such uellrltiu wild tra-

rrM a irs the tnble of t-

Dt l At mal we have thor tour kiwis of fruit Oder-

i end creamorth coming all the way ta Norway f-

he waiter dOM not a tlnry iIth fivelIchen that will holdU help elf erv the tra

In coup ao that tho e whoal ort nf I hue no Iman who di e nl can juleal l of luxuries t toilet ha-

n In Norway he aid Uoubllemade a better berry tb

strawberry dnubtlew find never did

u ed by the farmers hers end there up-

e lareer an American mowreaper or threshing macblri but tl

eater of the upon tlieI done women they u e beat

id awkward homemade On accountie of economy tw of labor and their ultuatlo

unbinds Norway are expected to i

the farmer la a Jack fa-ad erlnd U own rye and bar Ie

ioea hi e make ownid rk whittle out the handlese lone winter arid I uual

ll In retpect tbe cuunua hundred behind tilt ageIt U common Ito for tailor

tlnkei-id other mechanic to travel Ilk Methodl-lnl ter on the frontier These lllneran-ive a circuit and t


once In o often work I knit It-

em a of hoots needare laid aside until the shoemaker come

there I anything the matter with thethe tinware In kitchen leak If anthe china broken or

l r cornea around He t a Journeyfact aa well a la theory end rerelv

nard anti lodctnc at whatever hou-hapiien to Ue at bedtime ur when t-

nnec minceth from

the farm In rt of the countid pn fart throuthtut Interior of t

1 have been lncrt lnc In v lu

a of real relate Ihroucout The entire kinin ot Norway probably boon II am-P r erealrr wa t entyn-

am ewFor re on new farms Ixlnf open

have bM n of UinUr Vhe-

m the iimiKr roots up th-mp and then dx ut the tnn4 and iack

at different inlT nut lhold down farm ant kri it fmin blow

away dunne tie windr winter bii lito elve a chnw lo pie eh an1 rul

ate the are o needifliter have the and the lilclieo

fenr H peer aw I rrali-nrce fer them hut It I a con i

rid of the stone In alnHwli f Men

lh have It rfi tlbeml ti l eiNiaiwand the

rlnc Idem chit rakitif them nA ellr t at bit life Thl i M n lIre tn l

hit be rILry aIl rather n lijk limn

t yp the anM Iit Isle e tf ed liste IHIV Ii

i r-

ir ewrwr IM that I teen r mn wi n r ii ih-em pn ef Mime M nn a war freeie l e ue IM lllit iv4e U

ut 1 tUi ii MMkMfni u it IMNI HMMIc MX ml ten a IIUIMII t 4bc rvuM en-e in Ill krklMt AIM

resins rkr4 Iwlui-i la a IUw re MX tueMk UMi Ul hair k a llc w

IIIla K rw-

Meawli tar IM hlructte-

k w u a k w l pii-

IH Ik-e exitlelknr



Balkn Old

Val t








HittIde r









those and


rthsod Inch At





dalalea dandelion ror Imnogolden butte

or ragged hoUrbocll oUr 01In

The 0 to heb-icur I richer viol

ur colon the IIlara are or r-

p roM cd known

the short summer but behe ID


at peoru edoare uiinion clo Ih hoed

Ita tlrntII

road willS

w1Trt or

011 fmM other nd



rtiOll no

llrU the wi frrI oot

l ur cream but grocouple of







nhlll that nrT aboutand

enIDto both Itouarhoid nd

I NUeh mn H

r larunda repair tools on

o from toI r

IfIror ruent household use canftlll be mended b Ibe-fol at II laid on ide until th




though buoblndrr boorn depressed lIr10 hIgh IIndjonl I nol innIn 1 total


U on I or UI

drippedSoreegian fspnr up nw

0 hfo

In Lft

Ineror hintU ton fr-I



I loil

I 1 to

I h





IhI Wll


dIn creds

II t I

It1 I










its ythis










trwtiteit ceem

and lint there ill a dryt


aks best of UaI

with and ittnIb Wild roses climb

emIl Iiis lipid


stile anti lrolike


nosobetniet sod



aa fluant ii

envies platesim

NI hais little modern



is 11




stocksa well as their

hey hious intl twin


Pianos is



tiesw pflcrs big Liqahon eiueaany other pert lb TUlle


hue areeta Urns the isiugnIe iii

a pieceland rnteefti pua


thickestISIS I tier

iayet every

a ceflsI intervals enthe

a ha keep


ian l retailra

lisashe the 4n 1UIW alit

Ic th laM f the haileat iced Ins

e seae

lime tren the fleW II Iai-e ihsn tk iI

esIIll his irs

aiM ireaa fair ehasli-

lefiCg a ak she

Iteeee Ph tIes es-

I I Ih s445sa5 is t44 S-

II pdp Itt kite

r SiqtlW4 aset sss lht pe hat Ike








>< >





Ttiowanil of Tl em Uelllng Inferni-afr UMJ C crutn it-

Drlfllnt about the North Atlanticiuccptlbln to tbe varying dance of wianti wlnU are bundimt of common I

bottles thrown overboard by hip ofAmerican and TliiMlan merchant ervlc-eorcalonallr picked up and reported tohrilroernphlo office of theee OovernnieThis I In tha Interest of a rtenlinc rreI-

nitttuted a few years ago I determineifirectloti taken by bodies turning underlifluencca of trram and curwita of wl

la known by the Physical eeocraphmethod employe are luiple arid

result ubtatned ate tn prove-

I iMtkmaUle value to commercial Intergenerally while reiiiovluc many doub-

guMtloiut out of the tvrtuouof Ur llou whivh hertufore have beenyarded currwl of th dlrectl

slut would take when abandoned to theduenw of ocean currents

Ihounand of theee bottles containrolnuto dIrections printed III differ

Untuacea are annually thrown Intoea under the of the Amerli

Navy epartnient with the expectatthat many will be found and rescued

elne their not tl i

the fuel reported at Vahlnctoii libottle rontaln a written aa-

wlwl shell be done by the skipper f

bin nndlnc It l up erU to note

latitude and longitude where it wa lull

where It wa thrown Into the andmate probablnoriginally thrown hr which

taken If reckonreceived at the Nan eartiu

the lat year that mivaluable on bring lerlve l

the direction ofand I lo

provltr admirably adapted to the purpt-

wtlh t-

Oovrrninrnt In rarrylne outInlrucUon are l th Hydtoerap-Oftlre that any bolll picked at y

skipper of that lovemeat be at once reported AIII

can and Hulan warlire to note Of bOlt

they may nnd drifting about and artiiiturn them vtrlft afterplaces they Into the In

on the waterproof paperlie two governments a ei tliie-

H nt report some remarkadrift of several e ne a-

i the dIstance ocean anti c

dlitann varr from o

i few mile to over a whichilmot the uual derelict i-

MUMHI lo the wind and often tErnrapidly by the small portion ofshove water a a forireete One lioltle the record of I

traver ed In KT at the averrate of mile a day bottlelirown overboard from the h Cotnllehn-jf the Rt h wvlce anoit

sisal toll In Wdif mile a day while a third

l miles In 4T icyThe mot drift of ho

ever that of a botUe that went 70

n two day or at the rat of mile a di

mother mile Ip days at rateo miles n The the quick

a lone

ixinedUtance drilling In the Pacificreports recelv

tern March 34 l a toiit4 the fmm the hlp at-

tfler drifting tot J pickettavlnc covere In a direct lint ltnnir th entire

ly into the ithe Hpanih Ilelmonl oti Octand 21 l Mtithe In Interval at the rats ofa dar Htlll into t-

ea and reported fourteafter had ka41m tV 0 at I

ate of t a day Th numberoltle picked up and tncrea

re thrown Into nehe equatorial and trade wind teclono the and brIng uphe or on the Mexican roar

evidenced by the numerous hollIes c

drift between Madeira the fnlrwif Caps hart Koqiie off the runt coal ot Pratt

American flOUt and north of tl-

orUeth areerMxt pet of the wat

to the northward end ealward and bolee put In the In that region u flu

heir way to the north coiut IrelandTen north This U b

to Uie of the bit slutuke an easterly and northerly olrectlitIer out In mldncean tIer

the velocity U much non In tlreclcuk

a tretch of ocean extendtiitf In lalltui-

rini JI north to 40 nnrlnd In longitude from 30 t

decree UM a debatable reclo-roeeed team hlti llln-

ule anti whIch tHitllr are In arobtblllty a frequently cast adrift M I

tier the sea The recovervoh bottlm however I rare thr recon

t the bi-

X abc a erone velocity d ll-

the neventr which lamleil nn t-hat of mile The bottlehlch l entirely the own fro-

iet lo real unite In gIving an averaee

ttio thrownthe north equatorial drift the ntr

a in ml a th o ra ellln

UnUo huhilrenl ot bottleswhich may time I

ported by hlp crt lne the


Rrarral Manatrr Win Foaml TlrTalk Wa Not Aiwa HeapFrom M Chita 10en rnl manager of it

omlnent firm In the wbole ale line w

oently convinced In an amulne way thiI extremely foolish to talk too freely witancn aMiiiainlano nn railroad carOne Saturday evrnlnc a couple ofa the man In question took a train for hi

mmer boinn In Vl lie tooktt In lh nmoklne compartment of a Pull

and enei d In conver aton with tire

al o teated there One of them happenei-

be a of the bend of llevlew-

ilch the work of being flcure a

linn and hall b awu-nnallr drifted mound to i

rutnn of tb molt In tile lm-

biiiine which Ih general manaeertiled cl lin several

upr m were ndKb wa Mid ClOth their etrrnell-d III huge Mock t e oj which the-

m to y omeihine in d fenoe of hi owi

of never thin iVi attheir stork i wnnli n t thmi-

If mlltlnn I an n yen MlI know what lalktnc

WIn Hi fnrmlier nf ilte Uurd of llevl w-

ttvk in Hi city I Munday tiaptwiir-dpik up KleilMl f Smuliiliani lie look it 4l It mldrtble

and IWoueh a l ii hlt a

tvxltullr ti ullbank and M M rMMnal llr l eli t-

r IWMie Wnh I lie c re which h hidird HUMed fre h in W iHlttd b nl i er

c iier l m uerr PItS

Why J MI it IHw Mbt rMi to k u pm

jk hmnkllf etn wle son ww

n t that l e ti r t fIkAMt KM lit Uwil in a

HtV ai l i UTaV U l v u bl K l I-

MMif i r r lr rte rl JM K 4 MlWe l AM-

eitA a gee etatti rte knr t e-

Ine e rv 4r k t r rtktir-

Inrmllte ta ler Hn A w1 Ne eM

Ii M4d the l m l i a befit

thek 4 t



O a

rIbllnd I


I h

el t1 of





11 lIon nd

direction luIhot

lie bt


overboard Ib

re-U important


hustle closely oo nd

Ib 10


II lilsoh Inc

doubl I

rr ewoodwork



drift the



Inothier IranilId xoo In Itthe M n trues

inIft distance of r



from tIntll China 2D knots

Another ho1li hronfrom


1 < un11100

7 1


mOl nth of

urmain In drift


AI nd






two main ilnift CrI


11 I



hllIr than usualmil

In 10

Ii ro 8 ut mrr T

d 2Ilnl A rlocean ionic



Tribu liP


manor four other hIIfd 10-

bO10 member

lbs 1

mn lIon


rllr I rorIf

that r1 fell railed

or mu ml nr tartimltbllrn Olnln I

11 IIn1 S II

n theIr hI-nd

1111 1 law


10 t I rnhIt

stipnh hat nl0 I


r r


tt ref JIr-I I-Nfr mr lor



1 m lie roof1


Irtr tie


f JA




lens inii






the alt



liithe C

seasome ship


the orlciiarC

5 across tic

baaflute a

at avers

ladwets tS

miles dam

it rile a while ci

letdi shows

for anyiorted

sea was

distance FrancIsIts average rate was



achTha features iniicated 3he



out lose

thee antiyin




hat the iaI two herbana a C inlire per 4j

long t t oas 01a the port


The some wha


insmntra who


retThe firm


mtled lb manacr

ttilan7 any of liiihe aalit inui-

wtuI thmtti I illi tile stend-Ii lbs beau 1 hey regular lid

t I



siltrest thai

he boardhd ufiI tO


the ref lice

It c ike Skaiigr celledinlqe lii 4 ie osd ci

01 h spi t iar ie-ii seat atreus his ho sit

hew lie est calm e-

se fit dontItle tie


I 5 hea ti sa I

tiM I

5 5Ccilsdciii 14S

ihhid 1

fl-pses Ii tw054rsai-

e sop Pevslc T-

5 js dsta4 hiss a tsI i45

aNt ks ci 5f i i1iii-sesas sd Ii

bees ewttp I rca pesssthe s44al Ihsih sq Icseci I

5 4s b sat phSlei pt 4l










< >





Til Kin IMIOIITAXT 1AII-Tnvtunxti ii Kvvs ro

They anus Wlira Immigration flatJoke and IVrro rraclltutl KotilWaver Hem Uila a II-

llrlwecn Hie quakers and

historical writer In thave been bully devoting therinelvrncome year put lo the Pennsylvaniaman and they have brnuebt n

Interesting material about a verr IntelPig people Judge Pennri acliir Mr J-

Kxclue and Mr DlITendrrtTer are the I

known member nf this lilttorlan Olffenderfler nf Iincawho ha been very prnmlnntlr connewith the Penn rlvanla Oeriuan Hoc

prepared at the request of thatan historical account of the Immlcn-of the Palatine and other Oerman-Penniylvanla In the aichteenth centThe edition limited end li meant for a ranarrow public but ofliidlee to be more widely knot

Although the herman erTule erreamand then a we turn his pace of thII I tinder tiK l br thli time that l-

oylvanln Dutch mut have their repretally In literature like every other Imt-

ml racial element of which the Anirnation I comK r l Tin PuritanKcotctilrUh the llollinder the Quakeill Pave had their hlMnrlan For the iIhej have done they have bern Blnrlfl 1

For their hnrtcntnlnc they have been jiled en that a little utieemlr real willlo be overlooked In Mr e r w

lie taken up quill In behalf of the Pr-

irlvanla knits They have litrmlu-trona element of chnrncter Into thl

i tch a honesty Industry and fruenlmd their pral ea ilinud tin nuiiB br

Mr Dlffenderffer goes hack to EuropeInd out whet were the nf thl el-

novement of the populationFor a full century

ad been torn and rent wi-

n nf arm the wan

iiire considered thin cattle III il lidThe first of lerman tn arrive w

tinder who cams In I-

inmedlatclr after Inn Thiring between thirty forty nettled

nnd countrymenether slow tn follow them mnverrfLat In however UIO i

I was kept up with slight Interruption-II the In 1748 no lesswentv one arrived In

nearlr all of them from Oermnd there were nlnete ni In and the M

timber hi I7S home limes brou-imanr a eon paxencT m

f the vessels were much Inliere an Influx of Oermana

that the Quaker blarm wets ren reeltr and each had In rar a headf iiiial tnTravel e at tlinl time

err unromfnrUhle slid totlermati It tour unpleasant then

will werewho wire ship tn their

loner but not a few to thmel-ut to on choresrder tn Indemnify the captainsortaUon a It wa no mi

of the shIps set Mil from Holtam though were loaded atlam Continental i ortx Theilcranu and tlund It nnoMuirr to leers their hon

i central In Mar In one

i Pennsylvania byil low Ine Ortotier WeT obliged to

thn Ilhlne boat and voyageoften tant d a long a wee

he and tich a I heyeiii tomhou e which the Oermanbox ruined oaUe now adorn thee et at on Uie riverbe bOIl were frequentlybile at theoe custom end when t

at to llottrnitm live orore were spent In waltlnc for the shipunpleUi cargoFrom the proceededwe In the Uie nf

u inUerable unclenn him tbto tbe land

In H rl t but without money aIn debt to the ehlpmanter

k MTViut Them wa-xxl iimanil for Vnune

nf tOll exe and the lnr imid such proportion indeed Unit aeer-Ii r l on und undertook to r-

re for tho n T Thewell lre and pretending to

cument to Induce enpl to etnleraieach immigrant furnlli d to the t-

ie cent received a couunllon groin tmen iennan callM tiw e woul or n llllne brought th in Into muchnone w li often o

celved Uy theirHeader of Janlc Meredith will remei-T how these tlnnn inmen were sold and Indentuml to tin

Ujr Mr lilffcnderfer urea UH fullo-e account of the proce which l frontewltneiwlhe l of human betne In the uteriboard the ship I carried on five-r Dutchmen mind bleb O-

n pole come fmm cityother mime from n ere

sIster ooi on the timely arrived ahlp that hought end oiler fur frnimp nd elect atnnnir the i er o

a they d in ulUib for their bulned bargain with then bow long they wrue for their money

of them are In Whenvn conic an agreement it happen thlull portion hind tli ni inrue live or lx year for II

lount dm br In their ai-

d strength Hut very young people froto Ii rear mu t serve ar-ur llay their children like o many timid i

Mil I no very tle nt picture and yeIcuipuuiter not al ay uchurr slier Mil I hffe I u H-

ie ImnilcranU were nrnrly alt pe M iit-t another iiur for In lernianv-

it waJuifu behind tbenilot of servant belt

worse atiorolncly a h found a good i

matterMr tudy reperlallr a-

le to the rdenu loner I aIt will tell matir

Ill to feel IKHIT MU their uvIn Ih wmlil they hve ron lileri-it their lmuitirr nt forebears had to pai

when ra h up hU u lid and m ecroe ia to cMab-llief In William ivnna unionIndian u a buffer for th Quakers

Uiletnhln Mr niflitliMb at that the never hail nr

nr un le tk4i lim with th liiillanere ooi reason tom this In fait llf-cOirman urrouriitrd on niltheIr b hlelil tni rot

colonist who were More n illMnrenvrr etui thl lot

unil tor hitter itifTerenc seen ih-

iker arid li the Qukker A eMi

opin 1 In warllk m jre et i-

r to v money fnr ih defei n

the frlitlert n i t lIes lirtt iold tn y rtli

In tlii Iliii1 r Mr at-Uukir bat ii iw i I r itr l n

while tie Pniikv aHI rn-HInJIiilMll lleMllfnt n

b true Urn h l r irht then theninration and they b Mll lie Mi I

f me It I Ilirn rinli1 al







fgroup of hi




the results author

tIn nolOe bonk







clash 111 10


IInnd In


ernest about DdUII






11n SIn

tIrln h

Nilt tnl nl

I Cbind

1ft In



donI Ita

4 Mr-n them mut through 11


ClIme six10

Its1nll 01

hm with stop ofd lIadd for 11

mud kI frm-nnllla Ilk b II In bo





rich nrchnnt bltulIth nun Inrln





In an




or 1I1hIn still thy


In I



Ih Th left I


Ih r-

orbad I-IrI Iubl-on a

deal Nbout theirIh


Ih 1

na h



Jhi I


f11I I

r 11 i



U Lipton High BallMal o

Mutttritd Old

risK Whiskeytot urTON


to <


S the IAIIadii1jit Timtitle











was poohmed

aboutb was bee





roan f


with thirty

detained a

last see


tom a svei-iv flnsjiy p-

flfrn six weeksnor packed a






rough the

mliers the

the Were crueldories






lire our



serfsI century

like tim cIaIi the ass


peat ancestors slit lea



them citiesthe

steel sitthe hut


tubs a itt list liesthe

I thin lifehis a




ottIsd Lita LONDON

sI gisde I-

V 11111 IIIJhp sswee I Itinlsta 4








< <

> <




An Incrnlou Crmft TTWdi

Cobbler ti Land and aVav

IlAK u M Aim 17 Tlwi putscrwfl hat Mdb th coast of Maine la-

nier aid cruU the country road In i

Wr for Ui or it doe bolhlaboat Yankee Notion owned saltedoMroted by Uncle Nat Cottlo fatnlllknown an Cobbler Cottlo He U clipmom Uian 00 yean old One of hisU witlienxl end minus Ui foot while

other leg IK ao twIsted at the inklei U aUmoet unpowl

for UIH old man oven with time aidi cruUhiw To add to misfortunes

luuid U almost ueeleeai ao that anyho undertake la nlowlj-

laboriniwly Yet a abut hoart andtuck of Yniikeo Ingenuity have natIolililer Cottlo Oo get shred In theI ett4r titan many of hla nblobodlod net

boris IIAVO doneCot tie PirellI were ao pour that c

pled oa he was he wan obliged when a nchild to KO Post fldhlnf and In the ooura-

wveral year at this ha became c-

nallor no good that dreplto hla phyi-phortcomlnK 1m became mate ofmihiMiunr Heel Brpere After some yi-

unllliiK M title and second mate he toolcooking an something racier and It U

testimony of many a oa ter that hea cook he abandoned

H and took to cobbling and that trho haa Hiiion followed

Twenty yearn ago Cnttle took uprweldencw on Island with twodogs and Hank aa 01-

panloiM Hank la dead but ham oaa the cobbler faithful friend

companion and U now aa much of a aa-

an any ever to be The pe-

at tho fulling village of AUantla builtthe cobbler a and house oPined wherein hn lived for a timealthough comfortable and th-

bu longed for the M and mode a few inThen he Conceived time Idea of bu-

tn t a port of oaw boat In which hnhav a floating cobbler In umn

boat and liaulml aoroen the countryMono mini utuild l Cottln tie M

a scow 20 tort long and 4 feet wide w

a IIOUAC 10 feet and extendingentice width of the craft Hhe U aloi-

rlRgi d and carrieseither side to hold her up Inwindward All he u lialllard adownhauU trim aft ao that the cobb

can tusks or trial sail without letthe wheel and lie gala along very w-

In wenlher In the house a exblera bench a bunk a table and a atoand It la comfortable enough The sicI d bright rexl and acroM herU painted Ug letters lien name Yank

When the Yankee Notion made hot lIttrip alongihore created a naUcand Celtic gut mom work than he coodo HtiMnwM never dull with him aitics make moro than a living lie sacW cents every to take core of HE

and they are old Whwinter comas ou sailor cobbdoes not care to faro the fierce th-

ww t Ui coast of Maine he the Yalee Notion on runnera and cruises ovthe road tn Mix Interior or If he feels 1

limed hauls her in come cov-

ulliU a high board fence on the nor

he with punci rat and reed and smoke while hu v-

om the front miles around call eveto hear him tell etorie of the oc-

lng aong In his atrung bases voice


tnt Application from a FerlfnBeWoman Hrctdrrrd In the

UaKOOK Me Aug IT For the lInt Urthe hUtory of Main a woman of foreli

hoH declared her Intention of benomli-

citiron of the United States anti has takeut tint first papers The woman la Ml-

uguftta Charlotte Itydnn a nativerwlen who lived In this country f

vrral Her brother U ont the United States Marine Hospitalon land mini aho has received anlent tune In that InstitUtion Tl-

iU n of the marine reaulany employed therein chili

American citiznn or have dwlari-la or tier Intention of t eoumlng such i

Uydcn complied


cnn at a rampmreUng at theof the ttiarleaton lUrthquahrProm the Atlanta Conlilwliopi-

Theie U something uncanny about a

irthiuak shock a gentleman whd eiperlnn elmtc disturbances an-

trrtir caued by themenMtlnn he continued caiie-

T th quivering and rocking nf the earlirlll every fibre of n person with saciw this forcibly Illustrated at the Urnharleatan wrecked That earthquakhock wa perceptible throughout neorcli-Ine especially noticeable In tho middle par

f the StaleThe tight of the earthquake there wa-

Metho ll t campineetlne In procre ilimit prlnc near ebulon There wavat crowd at rS rUR and the peopldnl lo In a very religious triune n

ltd to The prmichr delivered an elolent nermon nn death and the judemem-id at tin cli wmvert were Invited tn t-

e invitatIon nnd only three nr four went uprayed for The ralnUter lieceed thin come forward

deaf Hack some distance from th

The minister tor the coldne of hearer on hslit of closing the arTeries Hut ai about to y It u pray the lle

wa felt ani ir I IIP tnd became a mi a deal

hlanched and eyes wereid in terror No at nrt tlilt win hid caused the earth to rock a-

in a pam With the cornIng of the

n there a for the mourner

ar wa urroitndni by hundreds who werecd with terror crying on thefry A lbnl came while

wer nt ih sitar and II came nearowine owe of them Into ronvuiuon-

i a onHut It hour before calm wa

rid bnl hd qulverlnehad nmthinc uncanny aboutp pl were to that

ul limn wa til n vrr forget list koene of tnnn

h d de f to tb

IJt f Mefereea-

ic Nuprrn f twrl Ul-Itr JutUot UkMvea

flet 11 kletflral AC

Jek H kt ri-r l t kti 4i Hl Urmrtw-

lwt6 J T yttk-



a anne


the Murand






anda nUt









I For



cruising cout and which In wlnlerctld on runners a Dlelt


locomotion painful





be Ilk





o keep the wlrudes arid bank hot aidlIve







Ills bAll

rnv nocxnTim




theseem tie


Itir lint the ddnt take Ii

I 1

i cursarid lb young people were chatting si

at the Iwuee oI timt enbed unt barn presented to them

couraseeihis and was

Just hue

cw in mutant

elf hares opened

neatnk loin II meantIll lbC cry o cia beard

hid the dread ao4 been utteredwas rush

ticti neter saw stick a etimpe4e inI In lest ttni than it takes to wj the


l1e nilmutttrr was lb only on who deemedt to is and P bgsn pralinethOm that had eti

sactred fear TheIii earth ej

Ihst tIle04 bend


404 she appealsIA fleeing In trrr to

a they flt e lb be iii to roct

niltellsv I a iii at erles spisg Is eaa




ssh heat isa t cam Ie Phift JI-

wd4 s5 al sieese ma K-

sel a I5es5 hesS Iases-WI 1 Jseuta ahs-1sag a ta1 Wel Asi4se-

s JMbe TMeseaca-AMhi H cas ttfws-

Icibtlee uesL-C ae 1 pst a M5aeitoiii 5

iistCsi IS

5rI a

caqsciM M 5ti-

la s es 4-C 5 u 5

5 stI4-t s a s w js



> <

> >

<> >

> > >



pUntlre needtjj-t establishment by

reason of the important price icJuclions now in force in order to r instock to nuke room for puMualso to doje patterin not nuking again

Included In th leJuctloiu are itM t I r in-

dredi of Individual rl ol Fjinn id cilptlon ItuluJin s J tuf

Cabinets CnliTinltn Urja iti-Wrttinc Diki fancy Chiln k t

The opportunity of the year to

buy HighcUu Furniture atsuch advantageous prices

hirthairi mod will bt hell until tantt-

iK J HORNER i COFurniture Mikrrv anil Iniporlen

616365KMLUM me nii i irur

Haw Uie Animal In the Herkl-I Vanqul tie l li Men

frern fVortoni MayanTo pursue the huts whal ir n fjliTtboat I reijulrmi that run evit l knot

n hour anil whlrh I funiUheit with ff rawweapon known the h r on KIL

The harpoon gun U a txuidero M-

f apparatus placnl nn n ral rthe prow Of the whnler anil rnn nf-

i abort tout Cannot nmiinlH nn a Lmi-letlevtalon which It run rotate hnrl i tttU

gun alto a vertical motion KM r n-

ie turned quickly In wh tver tprow of this dotiln n h

nf the eun arm uhu fur am uIn 11 rid Brlilml I the wM h

In the hand whir Urine tic ramd beneath l the The tre r

a boxllk nrrancenient aituatcd i t-

hereth took l fattened nih f-

he gun I Inadnl In the onllnarv war fromhpnuitrlnn oiil mil m i

tito It To tllcbnriK th gut a iu or-rldee with a wire

Premium onpull on the wire whIch ignites Hie ruriirrlj

The hartMion U Shut in kirthnd very It r m lt niiit I1 the anterior tunlral t rttiT-he burl and haft lh-Titerior ninlcal jilece l an explosive t-

llle1 with crud orew or tntie r Ht nf the harpoon The r l itr

with a tlmi fue after luirfcoon-I In thettebtml the lv conical II

our barbs eltuited at right earh-

ther TtK p hart arm alwnr hound deIchtly with thin rope and when th-arponn I going to b dl Artrpoon penetrates the or whn

rope gel off the antidoing Pulls a wire which et Ire in th-

uv an i It tho clumP in a voonij-be to tiec andlerrlflo wound In whnlen Interiora4-

ie lon camen the four b r to tit l

lit o that It beeome fur theion to be The rest nf the

eon of alone fiafl with a lot In Iti which a ring move freely with the rp

whale U at Ml well hit the h rpo n-

te Imbedded at iit unlrope the animal r nnct rortr

lie which l a nreharpoon onto n round tear In frnnt of

i un where a of fitly nr o lieTaken all In all the tii rp K ncun U abouti exiiul ltelr cruel ln truin nt ul-

ut It l only when on and lb-

oJUIoin brute U I to de tmy thttIt I nevertheless ran tw

Teethe The rut l never dl chr d t awater distance than llfty feet and vldondeed thin thirty from the

b able to gel o near reijulre nrhue xamn hlp hut a very ictirrrt-

owledee of the habits f animal

nnovoiir Axn HAY rrvrni-pport for a Ttiror a lo this tans e f-

Uir InflictionFrom Ike Hottnn Krrrdip Ttaiffifl-

ST Iaft Mini Auc IR llay fever vKhave noticed n strange pe uli-

U en oii which eem to confirm hevnnldoubt the theory that the dl ea i pro

ired from the pollrnof racwrml soMerr t-

d other ulinlUr vecetatloti Vhereer tfimight prevailed to an ettent it

seeds before trier iel-

rlpenol Uxn lucy fewer hn r-

apt earance en nn Hindn-rtlm of the malady who live in V nb-

ikota Iowa Xll ourl ami IUn a r-

ally Northern Mlnnexoiu MM WnnUn uncoil and e tierallr have ti ir-

rt T en acei a long tune In ales e

bile a erent euneriTme from other HtMe tie nr-

crlnmre of Iron the Mat n e t

not yet net In but letter heel re-

ived sayIng tli ycrane l ut that It 1 a motith overlie

for everl fmm twiiit frntletit derlnrrd toiNv riot i

had come to hi nolle tin yearouch Ia t ewmoii the IwiTili i iiln-rly a lik Title hn nirtc l tr

mud her ihv uiiiM ho-

u far note an lmn t total al ppe t tileave In vlclintv It l a

lrwithinhsy fever however ntlrihul l to h-

lueht of the oulhwe t whth cltroii-dl eAnroiurlnc vteetatlnn ar l em-

ulie the belief that II not incurlu the that hey fever l pr dii 4

pollen a ecrm n st rpaper man will rontractril M rvo-

tnutliern MInnesota and who e rtwere almn t nolorlou underto I

hi theory bynot clone I ji ii

approval of lit loineIn he tlel tiv J

windows of hi kleeplne aiMirtnient eveernoon at 1 oclock romnien i-

ien the weather wa cool etadime accustomed lo the ilornl ruin rl

lured It till f w ti l-

t MAMJU only a slIght of tie fafap rared and he attrilt 1


but there no ol has e r

cold iwrlcontInuing through t

window were ettwnl hetwe11 anU U wa verand their no n-

ady A ca e of atlima rresvi1-h dance way after the resultwn end dlM M ha alwmved thniieh lle treatment I nire H

warm at all times


rre JU

iBvnxn Jnd Aue llre-lored man K tear old of wulWrr-

uj tle to reed or write itthe by Mrt Tntll f I f-

tireihint arid get the key In the 1l rerr

claim to hid afrom tlod l e n ijlIV tn t l i v-

f the Umk of llanlel aiMl ti hee-i i-

l rrar i lltnnk ran anyla ttie nt and t eNema of RI-nt ahd rwnii in uncle Um b

rniture oftr Forefathers

irt o trn b M H-

tUI til to bto sitUk tl IM rK4T lHl list

hmttt BrothersO r iht V ih4 i

1 supplying yourollercd our


Room lot Sumit a

West 23d Street



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The hasdire

lbs chIplop hAlt

sInka grasped



him tightlyt

flrt ithe tracir-

uneli feet

three thn

hill is lineal the

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canticlettached-It and

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mostetrilciion br the nj mets

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has tdestroy these tea

p >title


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thoseC hire

were welting for 4te aD

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iiJuly a

this though leeI tuIe season It rsnnt I ci

the drought diitriit this ateer

it P

ralie5 was his



Inchease thisa trip in the 1l-it araeon the attic 55waswere I hot and spe-

nt another

r This fluehas been return

severs Cc cthis near

as In wInter its was tiiuP1 lt

lie Easy for lnmic ItroelLi Desk

it lisaia is II

hi tot quote a line of I llI-I chsinis Sn attfl4

Ian liars eelI I

the40 be ms tecard 1-

5oIii arid thccits vill s be 4Ilee

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niw Anliut rimsru eciits at ts4k itnriar vi-

It 5H tWSNUNI li khbw the tiafl Iand tnt a

tic 14114141a sIrrtedae osI fe-

S olIasJ pePt4 lbs r ikise4 ie

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