the sun. (new york, n.y.) 1900-04-24 [p 6].kingdom limo hole answers llidt in tho first place the...

G I APRIL t w THE SUNS NESP4Y 244OQ I I TUESDAY AIIIH 1000 S bii rIptloru by Mall Fwtpald- DAIIV per Month DAILVperVeur- BUNIUY per Year DAHVANI SUNDAY per Yei- rDAILYANISfMAYr Mnlh 7- Poitace lo forrlijn countries added Ne PAIUSKlnwjui Vo IS near Orsnd Hotel and Kloiqui No 10 nouleiarddMCapiirlne- If cur frltnili taw f mJnuierl li tar fut llcalhn vlth to hire nlettt rtturnid tluv mull In all cam nnl ilampi for Another Voice Prom tile Grave Qiusr AWHITE wns Captain of Company B Fiwt Arkansas Volunteers in tlm war with Spain fall he recclved a com- mission M Lieutenant In tho Thlrtytlird- Regiment of Volunteer and went to Luzon Last Wednesday his death WIM reported hy Gen OTIS A lettrr from him to Governor- GlobcDrinnrrnt It was written nt AnRO iu In nortliorn Luzon Feb 12 Lieut WIIITB congratulates Governor JONES on expansionist Ho then relates tho nurronder of Gen CONCKITIOX and staff Two mem- bers of the stuff ho writes spoko Rood English nOd tho very llrst question they asked nfler business win over wns Mr UnvAN bo elected President and wont the Comtiw stop tho war in December They seemed to bo iiiUedln their dates and thought an election was pending They Rrwit sollcitwlo for Mr JIitTAN and called him their good friend rerurnl WHITE continue his account of tho good friends of AauiNAino aa follows A St I ul Democratic puper In n dltorlM Mates that the report of ArtflVAIno lulling proclamation calling no ill filtnJi ol the Insurrec- tion to tard firm AS Our jooil friend WIIUAM J Bn VAN U certain lobe eltcid lui no truth whit Now I have seen IheseprBclainiitlonstltn- etttci tine In our rhve after AaulK He died them the line and I tnt react much Span- ish I could male out ot IIRVAV and AT- KINSON alsoJtAMJtf HOAU aDd a number uf othft Araljoj Then comes thU expression of manly and patriotic anger apalntt the Americans who are elving and comfort to tho enemy It makes a man want to f ft a few dayi1 Iave ani- lf o baek and buck nnd irae a few blnlnc lIght if American tutesminshlp Itery fljht t have U directly attributed to the enfminiterafnt etven the enemy by these men and every one ol our men lillled hlJ lo them roe AOftXALno li whipped and knows It and only n de prately hoping friend will manage some way to and not realltlne that only lew ram are rank- In all th noise It would be dllTerent If he WAI really Otrhtln toe liberty lie l drilling for the tupremacy ot the Tagal rare which Is tlie only on In faror of the Insurrection and the subversIon of all others and lie l n htlnf for a crown Thus does another American soldier dead In the service of his country testify as- LATVTON did against the men who are hold- Ing up tho himU of tho slayers of our sol Uurs In thoriiilipplnes The good friends V are tho enemies of their Country Next Xovember tho American pcoplo will show the rebels and thn abettors cf rebellion the f ruitlessness of their hopes A Defence of the Canadian Liberal Ministry We have directed attention to tho energy Kh wlilch Sir CHAMPS Turpun and his fellow Conservatives have assailed Sir Wn rnin LAUIIIEBS concession of a preferential tariff to Great Britain and with which they have repudiated tho project of a political union between the mother country and her Colonies One of the most weighty of thn Ministerial organs the Toronto Globe has undertaken to defend tho Liberal policy Under tho caption of A Record of Prog- ress time Globe maintains that ever since the present Liberal Government was formed Homely In July 1808 the weakness and dis- tension which had long prevailed at Ottawa under Consevativo auspices gave placo to unity and strength Tho Manitoba school question was settled In a few months and has been scarcely heard of during the Inst threo years Other evidences of adminis- trative activity are pointed out For tanco tho Intercolonial Hallway has been extended to Montreal the Crow west Pass Hallway has been constructed and the deepening of the canals has been vigorously prosecuted Twocent postage long talked deferred has become an accom- plished fact nnd letters are now transmitted at that rate from all parts of Canada flIRt the United States to nearly every section of tho British To postal reform has been aIMed tariff reform The tariff bill of 1807 not only made a general reduction In duties especially In thoeo on iron arid steel goods but It placed corn mid other articles on time free list it also assured n preference to the mother country In the market of tho Dominion by providing for a special reduc- tion In 1898 of onequarter of time dull on British Imports ThU reduction has since been Increased to onethird In tho duties during the present year Notwithstanding the material reforms effected In the postal nystom and the tariff the condition of th Canadian exchequer has been Ignnlly Improved eral Government In mtlisft and 1 W there had been deficits amounting to 5694000 In 180S and IS80 there were surpluses aggre- gating JMOOOO or a net surplus of COO after time halfmillion deficit in 1R07 hail been deducted A surplus of KMOOU U expected for 1WO Af ln the total trade of tho Dominion In ISM was 31001000 nn Increase of SS2fifll000 over that of If the present rate of increase bo main- tained tho trade of tho current year will 135000000more than that of lOt word tho trade of 1000 will be moro than equal to that of 1806 mudded to that of isos or 1889 It H true that this remarkable exhibit on the part of tho Minister of Finanrn credited by tho Conservatives exclusively to tho general prosperity of tho country Ono thing at least however U certain Time figures Just cited disprove the assertion made by the Conservatives In IBM that the return of the Liberals to power would mean commercial nnd industrial ruin But how does tjio Jlobt meet time charge that In giving to British commodities a preference In the Dominion markets time Liberal Government made gratuitously n concession which tho mother country would have bought at a great price According to Sir CHAIIIFS Tvirun Canada ought to Imvo secured in return for that valuable cnnoe- slon a corresponding preference for Cana- dian products in time markets of the Cuited- Kingdom limo Hole answers llidt In tho first place the conres ion was gratu- itous btCausf In return for It Mlicrul Government obtained what Its ont rvaliv predecessor hud but vainly tried to secure denunciation uf Utbt I 2 00 200 00 0 TIB York CIT alI Lat prlnhll hy an r time of Inn 9 1 a In Alonr hit Die nit awe death tat bl hlp him a ali r lAD I lot I Inns t f WI O l P1 tT SUN WI JOESOtArkUIl I4 tmSt Loiii LRIng I ever It alt I I U t 4 han I I I I i in- S L I l cio t h- oI i Irm other 1 t I I I rT I 1t I t I U > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = the which forbade Canada or Colonies to Impose higher dutlm upon Belgian or German goods than should bo levied Itpon corre- sponding commodities Imported from Great Britain In tho second place time denies that there was any hope of obtaining a preference for Canadian products In the British market by way of a return for the preference of onequartor or onethird con- ceded to rltlah commodities In tlm Cana- dian market The Globe points out that even Mr iiAMurniuv has never gone further titan to say that tho United King- dom might placo n smull customs tux on food products and raw materials coming tram foreign countries no as to give a pref- erence to similar commodities sent from time Colonies but only on condition that British products should he admitted to Canada and other Colonies absolutely free of duty The fllobe reminds opponents- that Sir LAtitiun speaking at the time In reference to the sugges- tion of reciprocal free trade said that Can- ada accept such an offer because tho whole fabric of Canadian finance as well us of Canadian industry was founded on customs duties Time Globe Invites Conserva- tives to say whether Cunndlan manufac- turers mute prepared to ncrept time free competition of their British rivals Kvcn if they were It would be nruwary to per- suade time Australian to accept an equally free competition und it would still bo netilful to prevail upon Great Britain to reverse her traditional policy and accept Mr CiiAilUKlilJINS suggestion That n practicable typo of political union between the mother country and her Colon- ies him been yet devised time Globe does not protend to assort It does not hesitate however to reject as outeido of tho field of practical politics tho proposal of a Zollver- rln based upon the principle of absolute free trade between all the parties to tho commercial union There is thus nt last a distinct line of cleavage between the two political parties In the Dominion The Con- servatives although they superior loyalty are opposed to the preference at prescmt given to British products in time Canadian market The Liberals defend that preference but admit that they cannot go absolutely free access to British manufactures although only by that extreme concession could tho 1arllnmont be tempted to allow products a preference In the time United Kingdom The Theories antI Practice of Hodmer A reporter of SUN in Washington visited on Friday busy headquarters and richly stocked the Com- mittee on Distribution His observations era recorded in another column Not only did he find business humming but ho also had the pleasure of meeting the Treasurer- to the Committee on Distribution and lis- tening to that gentlemans viowi of TImE SUNU motives in directing public attention- to tho prosperous affairs of HICHAHDSO- SBroFFoitD BARCUS A U S A The name of tho Treasurer to the Com- mittee on Distribution is HtDOfF J lion MEit Mr BOUMER has not previously appeared In person in these essays but his existence has not been unknown to us Nor has It beon unknown to those kicking bibliophiles who having discovered the mis- representation and false pretences employed- by agents of tho concern have refused to receive tho Messages and Papers of the Presidents Copyright 1897 by JAMBA D IUCHAUDSON and declined to pay In their 34 for that Government document We quote first Mr BODMEIIS general theory of SUNS present Interest In him Of course you know Ihj this fleht Is made on us SUN h a Trust paper and Mr rtlcitARDSONli has always been against the Trusts And so TUB SUN hu bcun till fight on our hooks with the Idea of Injuring Mr RICHARDSON and helping the Trusts Both the antimonopolistic compiler and time antimonopolistic treasurer should have ample opportunity to elaborate this ingenious conception when they are sum- moned before tim investigating commit- tee appointed by the Senate Mr BODMEHB statement regarding poor Srorronn makes necessary for us to recur to tho Assistant Librarian of Congress some- thing we had not axpected to do Bonn says that SroprorD was hired to mnko a to replace a worthless index originally prepared When he had done tho work we hired him for explains BotuiFn of course we permitted him to- go Accordingly firorponn having fin- ished his Index Isnt connected with thin Committee now This Is very Interesting It ought to be particularly Interesting to tho Hon JAMES 1 IticiiAitnsox who based his appeal to Congrnss for a gift of time duplicate plates upon time alleged extra labor iltrolrnl upon him personally by the nccraaity of indexing and who informed time country in ace of time tenth volume nfttr the had been ompMcd that it was the work of his son twisted by himself Tho Investi- gating committee may ibid It profitable to compare these threo statements keeping clearly In view the dates of the first two those by KiriiAtiDSON himself From tin GontTtiilonal Hieori ot May It 159 Mn ntcllAnDiOvHere I am railed upon to make an Index to this large compilation U would requIte nlraoM a years tires of constant rorli to make It carrying that Index along with the Tolumes as they are Issued from the press And I have It prepared down lo and Including the fourth volume which you hare not yet wen I got advance sheets of II from the office and hue made the Imlei up die This work In addition In the coniplllns Is occupying me their two or three Imurs a diy that I speak of and his taken time for the last two years I mention these facts that you rosy something if the work that rests on me From III Prelate to Volumt 4 ISM The work lisa ocfupled me closely fur rOute than four years A great pnttlon of this lime has been the preparation 01 the Indej The In- dex Is ninlnly the my fon JAMKS n Hunt AiinsoM Jr who prepared It with such nulsiaiice- as I could give him lie has given lila entire tune to It lot years frnm IoDMKllS Arts fl IX the paprs were fist compiled we had no Indi excTl a regular list of the pspers which worth anything So Inrlled Mr Sporronn la- frpjri a real Intn a ort cf guide I th books Writ he worked at that until It was done and ui- nianwhlle th benefit of his emmsel as to th IUm lres When that Index wee flnlihrd uowercr be asked Iare to withdraw from the nmmlttee and ai hfhiA font irort u lilrtd turn lor of coure we prmlltrd go Tim investigating committee when It gets down to the index will perhaps be able to determine whether that exclusively the work of time Hon JAMKS I HICHAISDSON- as ho alleged when ho was asking Conexms- to make him n gift of Government plntc or of the younger JAMFS 1 BICIIMIDSOV as limo father fondly announced in his preface to thin final volume or of AiNHivnnm- H Sioprnni who an BOOMER now rx was hiycd by the Committoo on Distribution to that Job and for no other purposo And the Senate Investlgn- tor will likewise compare time foregoing trUe WInD Colon Can o TiE of TiE TiE index I inde Inn I X tOMumtd by of tar Slat rAe him II In Globe its British warerooma real the ace work When wan mrs lit I mImi i n ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > statement of BODMM u to who hired RporroBD and for what purpose with tho following statement of the lion JAMBS D IliciunoioN In the House of lleprceenta- tlvos on January 30 of tho present year Mr TAWNFV I would also tat that Mr Spot FolIOs name In printed on letterhead Secre- tary of the Committee llr ltlcilAHl M NMr SPOITOBDbAS been em- ployed to aiuKl In an honorable war n thi The victims of the agents of the Com mltteo on Distribution and pretty much tho whole country know now In whet way poor Mr SIOKFOIIDH name and title of General Secretary have assisted In the solo of the work We proceed to quoto from the Interview with We once u rd ft letterhead continued Mr created all kinds of a With tbat be produced a nheel of paper headed with Com on DistrIbutIon printed In OH English type like that used by the Commutes on W y and Means and terry other committee ID the House A that was to objectionable w been working It ofl and now u e only tbli sort Wo should say that BODJIER has been working off time deceptive stationery with a vengeance hit why does that emi- nent financier speak of the worklngoff pro- ems aa a thing of the remote past BODMEIIB explanation here WM made on April 21 On April lays earlier ho signed with a rubber stamp und mailed to Boston u communication typewritten on paper bearing tho very letterhead which ho says was once used but was discontinued because ob- jectionable Thin remarkable communi- cation was addressed by BODMEH to one of the kicking bibliophiles of whom we have spoken As it reveals tho Commit- tee on Distribution In a now aspect namely that of the angry and threatening creditor using tho semblance of official character to collect an alleged debt we print- It In full below It adds another chapter to this extraordinary story otnraitUe on i f j fj4 and of grrjfiiUntJ- AMBS D EDITon AiniwonTii H SPOPFonn- GBNIIUI SnciiETAny WASHINGTON D C April is t oo PeAR Sin It may teem all right to you to evade our notices for payment and our urgent demands fur nn expression ot a willingness to regard terms of your contract but I cannot help but think you are conimtttlrif a In Importing damage to ui AS we expect same treatment and attention to this Indebtedness that you would from your debtors I consider you capable to meet the payments and w hare definitely resolved to no further courts a to time having reached the extreme limit of Indulgence- We have formulated our policy and have decided upon definite action We will be eonpelled to address A communication to your employer or to the parties through which source you receive your money Jiving them an adequate comprehension of what we ore having to contend wllh to get this money they wilt not refuse to Intermeddle as there Is no deslre upon theIr put to be Into petty lltlgatlnn We are reluctant to engage In these proceedings vtilth nay dliquatltv Vu from position ot trust or tuinMi but there Is no other alternative when customary and polite demand do not receive your attention We also will make application to a Merchants 1rotectlve Awoclttlon who collects and communi- cates accurate Information concerning the end source of debtors Incomes who will furnish us deta essential from time to time and the name of a party peculiarly adapted to reach It In tart we are going to any legal expedient and wIlt meet Any contingency to obtAln Jutlsdlcllon of your earnings or property the records being conclusive and Abowlng affirmatively fecti necessary to establl b this Juris- diction A strong measure and will not be exer- cised doubling and there wilt be no relaxation we succeed In collecting the full amount with damage tn rover the expense occasioned by our being compelled to take flew IndIrect mfaiuni We ball atw Institute measures to compel and enforce the complete and specific ptrformane of your obllfatlon and to enjjln pople who mar owe you money from pitying you pending the settlement this by making application to th Court for procrdlngs Anyassumptlon upon your part to leave us without dollar or Ihe of an effort can hardly be Justified on anr moral or legal principles and your Intention to pay will not suOre as an Antidote to neutrality the toss to which we are being subjected You will observe that while we deem It expe- dient to resort to the above extraordinary measures they ere serarate and distinct and for the attain men of different results being based upon the tact that nothing buldrastlcsteps will bring you to time This Is Snot and disposes of tile whole merits of the case We trust that your tense of business fair- ness will prompt you In forestall these effective mea tires and make A smAll payment upon Account Imme- diately which will be deemrd to constitute An exten- sion of 50 days when you will still have the privilege of making another payment- In conclusion I beg to auto that there is abun- dance of evidence to establish this claim which can IK produced at any time without tear of change or liability of mlronstructlon The validity of your Indebtednesi will depend upon whether or not we hue delivered lo you the stipulation of your agreement nhleh Is Indexible You have received the books and the retention Is an admission of the correctness nt the trrount the signature to your contract Is genuine the debt was rrented upon principles of la which are established your rontract tara And eipies es the transaction actually made And It Is not necessary for t Allege and prove that we relied upon It AS you made AH unconditional Acknowledg- ment of the debt Very respectfully your COJIMITTIK O PlSrWnLTJO- XHunouH J Honunn Treasurer limo Italics are ours In time foregoing They mark n threat which If not actually Indictable under the laws of Massachusetts or of tho District of Columbia U very near the line which divides blackmail from legiti- mate measures of debtcollection It is to Hill feature of time letter composed by DnDMEn for time of ono of the recalcitrant bibliophiles originally persuaded by the narcuslan method that the attention of Congress bhould be directed Tlm elephantine proportions of tint dun tho attempt to terrify and the overelaboration of portentous phrase in wonderful Knglish are matte of curiosity only Such was the use to which Treasurer of tho Committie on Distribu- tion tho iua lou inl stationery that bears limo of the JAMEH D UICHARDNOV II SPOKFORD A Demonstration Tho past weeks story of Dam proves tho need of troops there and hence time propriety of sending them len HOE arid his men reached the dam to find perfect quiet time strikers retired to their homes nnd no apparent for a show of force by the State Those who looked with a friendly eye on riot because of racial sympathy with the Idle Italians or because of a leaning toward dis- order sneered nt Governor ROOSEVELTS action us a wanton display of power nnd condemned It ns nn overbearing affront- to lawabiding men who having ns ert vl their rigId to stop work stood in tho way of nobody desiring to toko their places Hut after few days of protection offered to men willing to work the force of laborers U nearly complete again nnd in u fovr days there will bo room for no more help Tho troops have simply stayed by time dam nnd with that guarantee of personal safety the vacant places have been filled the a of whIch mlle e hue quote i apt the graf grant Ion p lab to url malt curt I u non than mIl Ion Croton eats o I I t L f f f uJ nt She talC wart flmDirIi lute trIbutLon drawn reeort This I p a are periled was htmttiflf less a tortnigimt ago new ¬ > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ < ° the talk of the demagogues It Li plain that the majority of the striking Italians felt that to venture Into employ- ment again would be to risk the fate of the murdered Dotmuia Under the circumstances tho troops should Im at time darn so long aa there remains the shadow of anxiety as to tho future In time mind of either worklniinmii or con- tractor Hampton nnd Srhley The partisans of Hear Admiral SCHIBY led by Gen A aNTH of Baltimore whose repudiation of his agreement to pay money to a charity named by THE HUN gained for him the title of tho Welcher of Nnciremn have been hoard from again In savage tones In denunciation of Rear Admiral SAMPSON all hose who aiming at justice as time facts of record concerning both officers Hi World limos published a story that thlj Gen Aoxcs extorted favors for SCIILET from President MrKisiKY on the threat of publishing some long stored up Information that was discreditable to SAMP- SON Rear Admiral CROWxiMfliHKin and Capt MAIIAN Kiipwledgo of such an occur- rence has been denied In V4hhlngton Throughout tho discussion of time Issue upon SAMPSON and SMILEY Tint SUN has had first In mind the welfare time efllclency the good annie and most of all time honor of the American Kavy If out of tho past there can be raked up dishonor attaching to SAMPSON demanding for him public die grace at the hands of his peers In Heavens name let justice be done And so also of CIIOWNINSHIEID and time rage of tho Schloyltes has been particu- larly venomous But dont let surmlso aa to the past cloud tho knowledge of the present Every one knows today that SAMPSON by all rules of war was time Commander of tho victorious American fleet at Santiago and that ho is publicly and privately o re- garded by the Captain of every ship of that fleet that ho line been barred from receiving- the reward which a patriotic people owe to an officer done for lila country such services as his and that this failure of fair play Is because of Jealousy on the part of SCIIIRT and the blind and angry support- of it in certain newspapers So much for factor this controversy Now for the other It Is a matter of pub- lic knowledge not founded on speculation- or hearsay but upon tho records of the Government that SCHIEY proved lilmelf a subject fur censure as a commander that he has been exposed In an attempt to cheat the public In regard to his own conduct that he practically hoe received the lie from a brother officer and that although so smirched and disgraced by the official records ho has never dared to for a Court of Inquiry by which stains like hU if undeserved con bo wiped away And to think that shame of this kind un- known In any service in time world Li suf- fered to rest upon the Navy of the United Stoles I The Greatest Obstacle lu time Way of the Missionaries The Rev Dr PATOK a missionary to the New Hebrides said In tho course of n sermon nt tho chapel of the Union Theo- logical Seminary on Sunday that mission- aries nre extremely thorough in time Httidy of tho Bible owing to time necessity of t mime That U very true for the first work of all Protestant missionaries of Christianity Is to translate time Illble Into tlio languages and dialects of time people of other religions whom they go to convert The Bible Is the prime essential of their spiritual campaign nnd nmotmt of labor expended on its translation has been almost inconceivably great In the New Hebrides alone said Dr PATOV time Scriptures have been translated Into as many ns twentytwo distinct dialects A single Bible Society the British and For- eign distributes Bibles translated into moro than two hundred languages anti dialects usually by missionaries This great task could not have been performed except under tho of absolute faith in the Scrip- tures as time Infallible word of GOD Time whole impulse to missionary endeavor came from such faith In tho missionaries them- selves and In time selfsacrifice by which they were stimulated and supported Tho circulation of the Bible as the only guide to salvation and tIme source of Christianity- Is the motive of nil the misslomry enter- prise So soon as missionaries have mas- tered a language or a dialect Into which time Bible has not been rendered they set about- to translate the Hook Into it at Infinite tho means necessary to run bin them to the Injunction to carry Gospel to every creature At the Inlon Theological Seminary In whose chapel Dr Pro preached on Sun- day of tho professors toward the Scriptures however very from that of tIme missionaries mimi from thnt the missionaries arc seeking to cultivate In tho heathen world It is nn attitude of criticism rathnr thin of faith nnd Is akin to time Intellectual opposition with which tho missionaries hav to deal in Oriental coun- tries more especially If this criticism Is correct time selfdenying labor expended in making those hundreds of of th Bible has been Inspired by delusion and the hook has been put before countries not Christian on nn assumption which is Nor It possible tq keep from the moro Intelligent of these tho knowl- edge that scholarship In Christendom Itself rejects tho authority nnd doubts au- thenticity of tho Bible put before them by time missionaries ns tho absolute Word of Gop Already In theso days of rapid com- munication that knowledge hns extended to India to China and to Japan oral It will be- come moro anti moro general Very likely wo shall hear of tho consequences from tho Liberal Congress of Religion which met nt Boston yesterday und will continue Its ses- sions during tho progress of thn Krumenl rnl Conference on Missions in this city this limn when the Bible I repudiated a an Infallible authority by teachers of limo very Churches which mire circulating It in heathendom as the veritable Word of Ion Is not all missionary enterprise en- countering In Christendom n far moro serious obstacle to Its surresftil progress than any It contends against In Mm heathen countries where the effort at evangelization is expended Reference ions hitherto lieon made In SIS to time numerous Suit nnd power nnil oilier proposedKhpnv for inverting writer for vnrlou purpiws frnm the iront Lulu Worthy in f nterirlsi rlouljtln nre- It l rlcnr hat If nil or roiilili rnblu part of them are carrIed out tlu valor level of the tirnat Inkm will lowered antI enormous datnncn will Im duane to dipping anti bu lnt s intonMs i f i IWic l on their shore Iteroirtilzlni the itruvn Irnpor tnnif nf time mutter a joint resolution Im lx on Introduced In Coneris mnkinc provision an International investIgation of these I In or old whom who 11M one In I It time sole pal- Ma tlC th tall I I Tnt for epito MumN against ask hating InspIration I hue A thee aim v mit her ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < < with the of J t rmnlnjr bow far be to proceed One of tho iuo t noteworthy of Mienion U tlm power cnnnl of the MlcWrfan anti Inlco superior power Company Water Is t lw taken by thli means out of the 8t HlvHr nt Hault Hto Marie for l uri oe of inalntalhliK nn electrical ixiwor chiefly for the purpow of trxntlna Iron ore The new cruml U to rout nearly 7000Xio and over llWJOt jmve already been mnt upon Tlmro U no doulit of cuiirxe tlmt tlio BXO- cUllon of time project would uf treumn litmus bnoflt to time raining Bud other Inter c t of Huull Hie Mario Hut th been vigorously fought by the Uko Cur rlcr ABModallon nu organization who o object urn nunirieritly Implied In till That U to the lnlto Cnrrlen A soolt lion lute demanded that tIm power cnnnl- khoiild not n lower tIme l vel of the Inks us to damage shipping InterwU The association brought evldonee before Con kre lcinal Committed having limo mutter III chars to that kliould time opening of tho canal lower the level of the lake K much an Inch It would damage the lake nnd Its In- terest llU3OiH yearly If the raual lowered time lake level two anti a half Inrlie It win shown that tIme damage to time name interests would bu annually The upomors for the rand however declared their purpose of erecting roinponMitlng works on the Canadian Hhoru by incuiid of which enough water would bo poured Into tho mice each day to make good any dillileney that might bo ruusod by t lie oper- ation of time canal time two piirtlo he contest have now agreed to n bill allowing lime power company to draw water from time 81 Marys- Klver in It wltthos but providing that tho reme- dial works on the Canadian chore before xpecl fled hall be built and that till Secretary of War kluill appoint a Hoard of Knglneer who shall upon time plan for time construction mid operation of the now canal Multi suggest to time Socrotary of War ucli regulations as may be necessary governing limit amount of wilier to be diverted The Mil empowers tho Secretary of War to have time power corn panys works removed or changed If It uhall bo proved that is necessary und It place the power company under tho entire operation of any such rules as maybe drawn up by tie In- ternational romml Moi should ono be authori- zed which Invmtlcates time maintenance of the levels of times waters lying between the United Htatei and Canada It Is believed that this compromlte will be a model for similar ones regarding limo opera tlon of the other ship find drainage canals that have been planned SIULKY the Apostate That man SIBLKV Uu- talt Courier When the lion Josnnt C SIBLKYS heart and pocietbook were open to the IJomocrats limy thought liliu a statesman nnd a friend of maui Presumably h Is eMontlully time same Jots SIBIKT that ho was wlicu BRYAN loved him The lion linowxK who to Wahln lon with COXEY ha been Adnilru- lOuwnrs most entliu political mippiirtor At time Missouri lro ri s ive Inptillsi ronvnn- tlon hn pulo with fervor I u favor of DEWKV and llAitKKit or DOSVEMV Huh etiuenily hi r vrieil tolUtiKKn and DONNUIXY Thus doos limo Uewey boom low lu loudest boomer If there Is tiny hotter poaker In America than BrsJAMix IlAKitisox bring him on As Rome persons see something peculiarly Impudent In the proposition Silver He publicans to call IhemxlvfH Lincoln Hepubll COOp It Is right to explain that Lincoln He pulilicans must not be nwumed lo refer to- Anmimi IixroiA Probably it moans He publlraiiK of the school of Col ItitVAX of Lin- coln X b Asa ruth we leave to others time fashlonnbln- coinpllm nt to Governor KOOHEVFIT on bis manliness html we must join on the occasion- of his refusing to deliver of Kentucky lo rwklnis and savage Joebel lips IV SOCTI1 AFIlirA- Altliough time latest drspatchea from thn lIter Rldt contain some Interesting details of what took place two and three days ago neither they nor those from the Ilrlllnh Mrlo make lImo situa- tion very clear One timIng however l evident which Is that the forces innvme to tIme relief of Col Palgettywho Is upat Jatnniersbure- Irlft near Wopener are having n illftlnilt mIme of it owing lo the wratlier and the lIter rfsNt alice Time British plan would appear to bc to co e In on tho fibers who surround time Colonial force at JntninerKhnre Drift n was done with Gen Cronje at Iaiircleberg limit If FO time ISODI men nor or le under ien for time purpose If the numbers of the Hoern lire anything like tho o plated looking at lImo wide circle the rltlsh would hays to cover and the HOT power of concentration and rnpld movement Tho pres- ence of ien DeWet and Vllliers reported at Thaba Nfhu on Friday lost would Indicate n considerable force at that point watching the HrltMi movemenls tu thin ea t mind soiithniKt of Tho reports from Ilirmfontoin mnlte It look- as though Lord Jtohorls were completely reorganizing the iirmy nnilor lila trim mnnd anti tlmt he I serlou ly by the went of horses His despatch of ywterday HIP suspkion thnt en- Itiindle was meeting with a still resistance strong enough to need time assistance of two brigades of cavalry under term French and Itll IoliCnrewH Infnnlry divWon Th detachment of o large n force three Infnnlry- dlvNIoii two brigade of cavalry with their artillery mid mounted Infantry contingent from Illoemfotilelu and Heddersbiirgnttents tutu frhrnwdnesMof the Doer strategy for so long ns they can be kept In Iho south time direct nd from ninemfonteln Is fii pendod anil action of time left wlngal Iloihof neulralinl The statement thnt a map hind been found on a IlrllWi scout captured n hoer patrol In which time Orange Free State has linen renamed Hrnndesla after the lain President Brand u exceedingly lnleri stlne anti In line tli limo policy Indicated In 1ord Hoberlns flr l public utterance after M entry Into Itloemfontrln when ho spoke of President Stoynn Ilin limIt Vfff Iden nnd proceeded to plan out n new nd mlnllrnllon for the free State anti renamed the State railways Ibn Imperial Military Hall- ways The statement purporting income from good authority that the lIter fumes in tlio field niimlxr wpoix is evidently miexntrcern lion unit1 foreign troops have been smuggled Into the country by some unknown routes which very unlikely That guns and are flndlnir wny In by some nut oMhcway route frmn the const nppcarn to bo finite certilin Douglass Fond Frnm Vitlnnnl Jnird- To lIlt IDlTon OK THIS Sixsir In ton nfrtlon with the rntMng of fund for 111 Widow Douil nf Mount Vernnn I irnulil HIKRPi Ih plan cf n r of the Natlonnl Guard to run Irlhut from In to s They would rf pord slidl jr anti It would be A nest atiniint for Mm I iielA- K p cted Trill of n renr jrnnln illtUman for Servlrrf lo Kncland- lromini Itniailflplita rtlnlnf a high otter of the Prnnfyl- T nl National fimrri will rrnMMy follow nn lnt ll- gnllnn now being mide by MaJir irn liforcf It Thf iililir l not not ilitulffil nff rn- hlmvl t Hrlll h iuvrrnmonl toe ncrilrr In Hnuth Africa airiilnu time litters Ill nllrr twii acetic iizn 1 tie llrltlli iovrrnmrnl llirouifli her M I I Coh ul In lldi time Inn W8 1oivrll An Adult tht liitrtll tnt Irtii Say pa what 1 an adult adult U H prson who do nt kick out u good pair uf slio every two IAn Ida this new Mary 1 11 lit plan the ho its 1 toe tot ant tlc of Governor Tt Ion lltmnello arc ltmemmilltlent fId lInt II I 01 the a each tnt tlPS The Snowdr lame ruaiie l rom 1m nil wee t 1l J tl b wt 14 it f w wr a tim imas its emmy pass thIs once immarched the tim llleucnm tout ci 0 ret Ill hum j mmcl fits tim a rim Tnt iit I Ion I hir A A Offering Ills whose the ass cit s < > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < < ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ > < < < < < < I nttcn or TITS CATBD AI ton Jidf Brtkmaaa lBrntlfatl Hrttlod tho Question To THIS KDITOII or Tutu RtX Sir In rela- tion to letter of Mr Charles llfm trecl In your 1iiie of this date wheruln ho promlKcs A cor- rection of a Ktalomont inado In hi txwk Nook nnd Corners of Old New York concerning th of St Patricks Cathedral time tnto mont he mild which hn now wishes In correct limit Cathedral wits given to tho Unman for n nominal atop of 1 Him tUr utatementii have btfti written and uttered anti published line and again In tlio faconf wcll- ostabllshed and recorded fade In I8M Henry It lleeknmn n former Counsel lo Urn Corpora lion now a Supreme Court Judge made at thn request of John U Crlmmlni an exami- nation of nil tho records ix rtolnln to this property the result of which was mmnmrlly as follows In tofl mlr T ioerck laid out what were known as tIll common landibelonglng 10 time Mayor Aldermen anti Commonalty of time city of New York Into blocky each bounded on time north and outh by unnamed MrceU sixty feet in width The property In ou ion forms a- part of block No 02 on map which In iou wa conveyed by the Mayor Aldermen and Commonalty of tlm city of Sow York to ono Kobert Lylburn for tho sum of 105 nnd n per- petual quit rout of four bushels of good timer wheat or tlm value theroof In iculd or sliver coin of lawful monuy of the State of Now York payable on I of each mind every year Tilt conveyed liy Lylburn In IMO to Francis Thompson nnd who In turn cold It lo Morris and Cornelius whom It wits n isiu to tIme FIre Company of N w and In 1821 convoyed to one Doyle Mibjcct to saId morlgnge Tho l Flro Company having Instituted proceedings for of tho mort- gage property was by the decree of the Court of oold nt million and was purchased on Mich sal Francis to wits accordlnglv conveyed on Nov 12 l s by ChrIstIan L a ter nf Chancery dated Ian 3ft I8l nnd recorded In tho ItegUterN onico In thli In liber is of conveyances page 71 Frauds Cooper con came property to time tru Uvs of St- Patricks city York Inntees of St Church rime recitals In thus deed Mnto that time nbove- tru teos hud selected time property In iiii ton for n burial ground designated Francis Cooper to ntlend tho fain the the o wns accord- ingly mall for JJSJO which money in as nn additional mini of jsir3 the Ma ter In Chancery for Interest WH hold In iviunl part by tru tcos of St Cathedral the trustees of Rt Peters Church and the property vas rha ed Cooper nnd taken Iry him for two which hind advanced time money It was accord- ingly conveyed to them n now plan of streets rind avenues adopted which dlnVrml frcni Iho ono fioerckV In I7M which resulted in parcels of hnd being emit from n frontage- on new streets by In sortie ciHS not morn than a few Inches In width To this H plan adopted nnd authorized by the Common Council Invohod nn ex- change of strips between the Its erntiteos w as to each full blocks bounded by tbo new ftrects Time truMoeg- of tlm onnid n trip of land nxtend Ing tho northerly hido of Flftyllrit flrce- tblng 4 fint h wldn nt Fourth nvcniio- nnd to n point nt tin norllienvt nor ivr of Fifth avenue Tin hnlnnco of thn block between Flftyflrnt antI econd treels which owned tie rIte wa thus off from army froutago- oh Flftvftrt On thn other humid the city owned a on the northerly lde nf Fiftieth strict being 1 fwt fl nt Fourth nveniii 1U Indies lit Fifth nvenite pxcliiding the tnitens of time Catbedral and of St Peters from front ngn on Fiftieth street A In nuriieroUM other similar CUKBH an exchange nf thoso somali so nearly eniinl in ares was mnrin between tIme cite trustee In IS52 In which each wcurnd the advantage of n full frontage on n street from which It bad been Time nxchanee In question watt laIr mind wns made In- puritnncn n plan and In no respect differed from n largo of cunvt of like cliarncter The cIty hnd Inaugurated time of com- muting time rent for a lump mm In pursuance of thl policy time quit rent in cinex bu hel of woe nt SS3 which sum wn nnlil to the city by the anti the relcn H customary In nich wn made to them hy cltv authori- ties by deed tinted oy II IV and recorded In Registers o11ce In liber 3i of convey nnce page lust Tlm Mini fo pail represents n of 0 per cent taUinc n of wheat nt IV- Snb ecUPntv the tru tee nf St Peters Church convened their Interest to the tru1- te s of Sr Pntrlcks Callmdrnl who thus l e- c rnn cole owners of properly In conclu lon Mr Ilceldnnn nld In nil of tIme olinrn lran nctlons the dealing of the city with time Cathedral differed In ro wl e- frnm n larce number of fImllnr one had bv thin city vlth other owners of portion of Its common lnN nnil ir Is nnrnrent time of the n I have detailed them that ihn crltlc m which hove ben nnR ed unon method of mvnilMtlnn by the Cathedral of Its propertv are wholly without fotinda or m- XBW Tons April H P J PnrtAH TO WITH TVnKFY An Kffrrllre Mrtliod Sagcrttrd hy One Who Knows the Tnrklth Itoprj To Tlir Kniion or Tnu ScxStr your London correspondent In his telegrnm that tvdavsSrNM enl iof Kuropenns- n synipnthllngbenevolentlv with country In Its efforts to obtain Rntifnctlon of Its claims from Turkey limit nt time limn entertaining the universal belief Hint they will provo nhiilulely without result He further cites the opinion of nit ofTlror of high mole iu lime Foreign Office who says that time Ameri- can eiurr of Is out of the question and generally ndvise a policy of patience In Turkish Yaitntlt go cn y With mimic re pect to riropo miami IlrllMi For- eign onicn opinion there seems no on why ouMJovernment olinulit not proceed to collect time claim due arid acknowledged by the Sultan nnd moreover do It In n way that would uot Interfere with the Interests or trade of any other country The method I would suggest l thin An American nquadron might take possession of thn Mnml of I mtio tiff the mouth of Until and declare n blockade In or out nculnt every vesi l under Ottoman merchant or war marine If Ihnt did not produce Immediate results which I bellevn It woulil then there is the Mnml of niiodes the custom Jiousn of which Miould In n short time luniMi time amount of time Indemnity Time situation created hy this action would ciii n the ni ner t lie rondily found nnd quickly pnld nt the tome would not Interfrrn In the tlight t degree with limit commercial or political Intcirsu of nny other power FOTIIKX NEW VOPK April 13 To rnr roiToit or TIIK artsir AS your rixr has become the most ratlsfactory arena In the c lunlrs for the dl rus lun of all rrllnluuniurXloiiH I want to you In tlir hope thai bomb you and unmr of your able forrciondfiitt rx- prrss nn opinion In regard 13 U- Ilbhop nn hi return from Manila Matrd ChAfliln Pierre WIN locklniciftrr ititfrf ti- ot the ipi Mi l riinrrh rut doug nil tic cutildtn rMablMi It Ihrrr Now n n Inxpnir 0 helps ta r y Oiarlaln Ilfrrrs salary fur nuprincU- miKKf I nbjrn lo hii arting AI Ilir general scent of a partlru r rrllclnui denomInatIon while pnld A ynur my agent a fiiitej Htnie 1 unit ninny olhrM think some rellithn If thry rnnnnt belrlt undls- turbcdln hl they have uld be better for the Klllplnos Hare tbapUliH paid by the CiOTrrnrnrnt the tn nlrr into the artlre propaiAtlin nf their pnrtlfiiljr deiiomlnntnial dews In our f rricn ro e lnni- ClnCM not Chaplain Pierre 11 bf failed down HAMPTON Va April IOIIN SIANNIMO In Honor nf the Concord Grape Irantrt nniltn r nnj Tranttrlft- U WAsverinb1 AUiiltue nrraMnn At Did fnnrMrd Mnnitt nflrrnnin antI mini thai m eked nf time oll All the elements were in hirmony with the rememir nre mtlnt in honor tit K hrAlm Wale Hull the nrlirJiiAur of the lnnr rd crapr- Iearl XrrlJiirriifOnrstrimdKnrlhWtHuooo from She Truft The Slltersmllhs Cnnpany fent ta ttieParis IxpoMtlon a neddnreot penrUworth tftinni It ls tic ftneit In the world anti contaIns forty sU leans cues are immense ilibrieiul milky splcndul site aald 111 IIl111111 ork h IV 2 f U ntrlrk h tit h tilt lid iv hut street site itch umg I lie Cal holIt I aid chant able bs wit woe the tim I In Flit flrat if ret watt hs et ida and cenera mint tmmhid eases cnmdtalirat tim fat little the hem nit 1 ailleareti in this taurus oh most hInt iIm Sum v rm n rome t lit u elks tIme flag rid e tim A Irotcqt to refer a motiP will Pot try I hut t lie there and a mme I em- ployed antI and the egrmt it the other form of a might 2 OiOm mltitsmittu and hate the flue cititral 3 Jvsms Iis ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ > ¬ ¬ > < WILDCAT BAXXS- An Fxptrloeot In Finance Mad In Wn- lltfore Ih War LiNTOtx Neb April 81 An object teuton In finance Is presented by two large Ironies hanging In limit nmwuin of thn public Library of Omaha In them In nu nlmoM m- lection of I NI S of time wildcat batik that lloiiriihed In Nehraskn in th Inter ViX ien thn theory of an Irredeemable currency found loilgfinenl In hit West For many ycari Immure liung to ono of Hut ti following quotation frnm n fch maili by A I n lloni Douglia county nt hit llmo the llrst lull nuthorlzlnf wildcat bank was paKned- Wlion I fhnll haw IHCII galhred tn rnr fathers timid an monument grace ih snot where lie burled my bones It will gratify my soul to look down from the high battlmenti of henven and read engraved thereon this ira tile and truthful Itmcriptloii Here lion nn hoi est man ho voted against tbe Inauguration ot wildcat bank jn Nebraska Curiously enough time first Aggregation nt capital ever Incorporated in Nebraska wa a banking Institution which obtained the privl ego by a bubterfiigc Us title WHS tIme West- ern Firn and Marine Insurance and Kxclianc Company Its chnrtor gnvt It pocr to dcnlm- cxcliungc amid this power wax speedily construed ns lleonso to do a general bnulong linemen Its cashier was L It Ttllll who wu under President Lincoln Troi urcr of ilm I States anti Its pnylng toiler was A 1 W ts who held Hit Rama oftlw under u later AilinuilK trillion Title unit lu isftj At tlio leglilutlvc session In ISM the first ren- bailie over the Incorporation of wildcat bank wiw fought out J Sterling Morlnii niter ward Secretary of Agriculture under President Cleveland led tin fight ngnln t tt anks ito wax just firsh from college crud bis declaration that banking busi- ness could bu maintained only upon biirplut- cnplUil of which them wns then none in tin Territory carried no weight When lime ineas- tiro came up in time Council ho handed In a m- inority report tlm committee Inwlilrlitht Ixiii relcrrid In which nrcu tl- crilly urged that oadi note Issued fhnuld l ar Hill holders Individually liable Jn tin tiny Die bill law flvo bnriks- nt City llellovii Florenio and were Incorporated The ranged from Viuia tlm HtiirklmlnVri were iiindn llrllvidually liable for time lion of nil currency Issued Tlicro was iio n cperln reserve nnd mfe guard ugninst rascnlitv So nt trnillvn n method of gniiiing wcnlili witlmut exertion brought nf prcmclcr of to Slnto when thn toot Legislature brief Six appllcntlons for cbnrtnrs were rondo lh- commlttiM grow nlarined nml lu IH report pointed out If thei 1 barter wei banks ued currency to tie limit nllowiil It would give a per capita circulation to Nebraska of tiSo An u only two i barters wern grunted Then thn of i came The wave of bankruptcy which started with the tnlliir- tuiny In Sew York of John Th the did not strIke Nebraska until v- ernl later Fveii while Fii were toppling thn Wcsiern con Hm tint that while nll Street might Im the money centre und the grent nnd money strength of the limos Flit Tnttln bank nt Omnhn fulled first It had Issued currency without check nnd liad- Tbe Ilrowiiville hank wus eloped soon titter wnrd It cnllnpn wn occasioned by ih for i lot of stcnjn boat band on their way the Missouri oi tic hundred dollars worth of Its currency The cashier excused himself for a moment walked out time back door nnd never cninn back Jnt 03 WIIN reall7cilat tho assets in time isafe found several thou nnd of time banks currency The notes were exiollent nmpies nf the grulng of Ilia day and fn vera they in that long afterward n Ilrowiiville man was uble to pn s the bills off nt Ml Louis n good money limit two of time nine banks survived time panic Time only remindors of tlnir oxlstenco mire ia musty court flips and In the collections of iiumlsnintlsts The only stntlsiinn- vnllablo show that the total of their note in circulation nt their maximum of pros- perity wa 420000 when their specie rocrve- wns Jizoonu Time wets arid loans amid discounts Jils IIP The maximum of capital Mode issued wn oooo The Platte Bank nt Nehrnrlcn City stood limo strain longest and fo ivat was hit confidence Iri It when other tinnks were falling manv helped to Imld It by of specie frilled it redeemed note nt par becauw Its president would not allow It lo nld Iliat his nnnm was ever hn ke l about nt n dUcount It wrw lime State hank owned by residents of tIme Territory men frcm Illinois rind Wl con iKblnd others dim curious result of time circulation of FO much money In tint Territory was that people conic to a man could only get his hills engraved ho had n right to start a l nnk Orm without n charter was flnntml nt I Solo n town no longer In existence bills were writ ns far away from n il A local paper gave warnIng that when the cra i came name of Ilm town would uC fer An opposition retorted hank was ns ns other l ecnu n Its solvencr- nnd tlm redemption of thn notes of nil depended upon stockholders It n Irnllntors Tim er of the mint tried to tIn their duty by occasionally quoting tlm tnnrket of issiiet which ran front llfty iint on the Flies crnw to get rich by means of mami fnctiirnd nM ed nil kinds nf cninpnnlnt- At suit point n hotel wns erected purely upon scrip t Lincoln thn city irovernment to make both ends meet by Issuing that current at par for time mid wns clpally nicl nl last tn pnj nib tuxes 1- rriciion inri luniisnco rnr tlieinuni debt oflodnv n In tenrliig down nn old building used ns n bank 1 biindlo of this scrip wn found Most rf- wns rireKorved ns but horn found their Into circulation and wets passed upon grocer At Omnn scrip lo thn of virtni wns i ud tn lirld n I li Mini proved iiisiifiiclcn- nml nnotlmr tf iii i was printed The cap win iniiipletedhut wns n few jenrx Inter Lincilii Most nr time scrip provixl a rlcncl loss to time boliicrs limit il I MII wn itntly ju tillei as n war niensiire in which il- cltlcns who bore thn lofs gained by the ui- pornry sltuntlon of lm apliol nl Oinnhn two of the banks Issued of n nomination as high n finnml intentlnn was thnt tb should wunilcr n that they could not return to the hm out virir v 7t A Fresh Frank frltlclirn of Thrlr Lahors by the Selectmen of lniicnler From Hit I ooi County Dtmorra- Th work n th Lnnrasfr bridge Inaueuriiedffi lIme purpneuf removing the pier nn tile Hntrp shire tide tlnrby tn fncllltite th unnnnl Ing dev f Hirer ItinibirCnrnpiny iy- cirrpletrd pier still rmnln r emS ne- ar of the opinion that It rmsi rcmnln In unlrr tn s lain tin brlilg until such a lime as firl n run b arrumpllalud Wlill itt luldrr nbutmnt arl- piir lire very much Improvidniid Mrrnchtened time work n whnle Is rnmld rolls rf fnllnre TIme Srlerlrnen uitnLr music fn h r t the tlimeard mid i nn itnubt riit that we Shell ricilie II Still we llshnulil- iiit All ret on u The mliuke wm anile in ortet- lmatinR the ilrrrctli of the trmvn atmmrtt nM iltr Another w1 me endrntcir 10 mind liver an old fttmrlure Ivclnninc At Ihe np while niinrt ilin was roller PiislMy w hn neSted the brWe Alii Ipnehtmed Us p n if con worth limit wr dliibt It Ai o wen Inilrurled by the vote cf the town tn wl to d lu fart we hnve rxprnlrd I uppri- prlatlon ty nlniist A hundred dillari to moire f- ue ess and IIDW we w irdir where up tire At vv hines neither remuvrd Ihe pier utufled time lumber cjnipany time taxpayrn norourvlves Iiespetfu 7- mbmltted THE SKLriTMliN- APIIII 17 One Exception From tilt fnicayo Tlmtintrall- Burkley Why Is It n woman can never kep a secret Henpeck But hn can I have never sire getting my wife to tell me where lilin our iKketlMolr mind Ive beon trying o fifieen years Tholce of Kll Pros llif i tilrajo Heciri- llortha 1 think I hear n burglar down t lrs Well lit him alone If cook aims h II cull In seven policemen nnd we wont havn- a bile left In the imiiiti for breakfast Tee Indeflntt- etron Ihi ln Hin ii ull Press MiidgeDont you Mluvuln superior tn wiminn- Wlekwlri Superiority In what In g kamuier ur a WI1RASL4 the it iii Islet e first sit iamelmeml trim Jon Itelsresi I mull vi clot rlmrs i ruble ii ii med leglt I omit fri umi Nl a mmii p rmmvilon rum mimI tim I hum t t srem muted ItmIumtmetI mt I Ito t Ilium Iifo amid Jimmst am ft nil s nirmmt lie I prim tin uk t tititit lfl W es I tick cut rent regmm lit I or t tie tot ii r 1 t lie I ii ii 2msi eitsie omm I amid lsrm it ioet ii a mimic was doiiars wortim en lii ml mile ot tort t itmo t tic 5l2 0l t hum t ever let tim Its me tl mat I lie s mlmdlar I n par a comm miseel rim t lie I mid tiul v curs rim rioif I Ii rites sea ri inn sums ii i t let I hills ito tim fir n us I rom mtmlo k- Im time armnciitmum is preen lIme bisect sir its are tilim tnt ri cm I lice fret tiiI Lit ci nil t imp em roT tile I stt fil uses hilt tnt ii a vhs tue mat man it 1 ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ > > < > > ¬ ¬

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1900-04-24 [p 6].Kingdom limo Hole answers llidt In tho first place the conres ion was gratu-itous btCausf In return for It Mlicrul Government obtained what



S bii rIptloru by Mall Fwtpald-


Poitace lo forrlijn countries addedNe

PAIUSKlnwjui Vo IS near Orsnd Hotel and

Kloiqui No 10 nouleiarddMCapiirlne-

If cur frltnili taw f mJnuierl li tar

fut llcalhn vlth to hire nlettt rtturnid tluv

mull In all cam nnl ilampi for

Another Voice Prom tile GraveQiusr AWHITE wns Captain of Company

B Fiwt Arkansas Volunteers in tlm war

with Spain fall he recclved a com-

mission M Lieutenant In tho Thlrtytlird-Regiment of Volunteer and went to Luzon

Last Wednesday his death WIM reported hy

Gen OTIS A lettrr from him to Governor-

GlobcDrinnrrnt It was written nt AnRO iu

In nortliorn Luzon Feb 12 Lieut WIIITB

congratulates Governor JONES onexpansionist Ho then relates tho nurronder

of Gen CONCKITIOX and staff Two mem-

bers of the stuff ho writes spoko RoodEnglish nOd tho very llrst question they

asked nfler business win over wns

Mr UnvAN bo elected President and wont

the Comtiw stop tho war in DecemberThey seemed to bo iiiUedln their dates and

thought an election was pending They

Rrwit sollcitwlo for Mr JIitTAN

and called him their good friend rerurnl

WHITE continue his account of

tho good friends of AauiNAino aa follows

A St I ul Democratic puper In n

dltorlM Mates that the report of ArtflVAIno lullingproclamation calling no ill filtnJi ol the Insurrec-

tion to tard firm AS Our jooil friend WIIUAM JBn VAN U certain lobe eltcid lui no truth whit

Now I have seen IheseprBclainiitlonstltn-etttci tine In our rhve after AaulK He died them

the line and I tnt react much Span-

ish I could male out ot IIRVAV and AT-

KINSON alsoJtAMJtf HOAU aDd a number uf othftAraljoj

Then comes thU expression of manly andpatriotic anger apalntt the Americans whoare elving and comfort to tho enemy

It makes a man want to f ft a few dayi1 Iave ani-

lf o baek and buck nnd irae a few blnlnc lIght ifAmerican tutesminshlp Itery fljht t have U

directly attributed to the enfminiterafnt etven theenemy by these men and every one ol our men lillled

hlJ lo them roe AOftXALno li whipped

and knows It and only n de prately hopingfriend will manage some way to

and not realltlne that only lew ram are rank-

In all th noise It would be dllTerent If he WAI

really Otrhtln toe liberty lie l drilling for thetupremacy ot the Tagal rare which Is tlie only on

In faror of the Insurrection and the subversIon of all

others and lie l n htlnf for a crown

Thus does another American soldier deadIn the service of his country testify as-

LATVTON did against the men who are hold-Ing up tho himU of tho slayers of our solUurs In thoriiilipplnes The good friends

V are tho enemies of theirCountry Next Xovember tho Americanpcoplo will show the rebels and thn abettorscf rebellion the f ruitlessness of their hopes

A Defence of the Canadian LiberalMinistry

We have directed attention to tho energyKh wlilch Sir CHAMPS Turpun and his

fellow Conservatives have assailed Sir Wnrnin LAUIIIEBS concession of a preferentialtariff to Great Britain and with which theyhave repudiated tho project of a politicalunion between the mother country and herColonies One of the most weighty of thnMinisterial organs the Toronto Globe hasundertaken to defend tho Liberal policy

Under tho caption of A Record of Prog-

ress time Globe maintains that ever sincethe present Liberal Government was formedHomely In July 1808 the weakness and dis-

tension which had long prevailed at Ottawaunder Consevativo auspices gave placo tounity and strength Tho Manitoba schoolquestion was settled In a few months andhas been scarcely heard of during the Instthreo years Other evidences of adminis-trative activity are pointed out Fortanco tho Intercolonial Hallway has beenextended to Montreal the Crow west PassHallway has been constructed and thedeepening of the canals has been vigorouslyprosecuted Twocent postage long talked

deferred has become an accom-plished fact nnd letters are now transmittedat that rate from all parts of Canada flIRt theUnited States to nearly every section oftho British To postal reform hasbeen aIMed tariff reform The tariff bill of1807 not only made a general reduction Induties especially In thoeo on iron arid steelgoods but It placed corn mid other articleson time free list it also assured n preferenceto the mother country In the market of thoDominion by providing for a special reduc-

tion In 1898 of onequarter of time dull onBritish Imports ThU reduction has sincebeen Increased to onethird In tho duties

during the present yearNotwithstanding the material reforms

effected In the postal nystom and the tariffthe condition of th Canadian exchequerhas been Ignnlly Improvederal Government In mtlisft and 1 W therehad been deficits amounting to 5694000In 180S and IS80 there were surpluses aggre-gating JMOOOO or a net surplus ofCOO after time halfmillion deficit in 1R07 hailbeen deducted A surplus of KMOOU Uexpected for 1WO Af ln the total trade oftho Dominion In ISM was 31001000 nnIncrease of SS2fifll000 over that ofIf the present rate of increase bo main-tained tho trade of tho current year will

135000000more than that of lOtword tho trade of 1000 will be moro thanequal to that of 1806 mudded to that of isos or1889 It H true that this remarkable exhibiton the part of tho Minister of Finanrncredited by tho Conservatives exclusively totho general prosperity of tho country Onothing at least however U certain Time

figures Just cited disprove the assertionmade by the Conservatives In IBM that thereturn of the Liberals to power would meancommercial nnd industrial ruin

But how does tjio Jlobt meet time chargethat In giving to British commodities apreference In the Dominion markets time

Liberal Government made gratuitously nconcession which tho mother country wouldhave bought at a great price According toSir CHAIIIFS Tvirun Canada ought to Imvosecured in return for that valuable cnnoe-slon a corresponding preference for Cana-dian products in time markets of the Cuited-Kingdom limo Hole answers llidt In thofirst place the conres ion was gratu-itous btCausf In return for It MlicrulGovernment obtained what Its ont rvalivpredecessor hud but vainly triedto secure denunciation uf








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=the which forbade Canada or

Colonies to Imposehigher dutlm upon Belgian or Germangoods than should bo levied Itpon corre-

sponding commodities Imported from GreatBritain In tho second place time

denies that there was any hope of obtaininga preference for Canadian products In theBritish market by way of a return for thepreference of onequartor or onethird con-

ceded to rltlah commodities In tlm Cana-

dian market The Globe points out thateven Mr iiAMurniuv has never gonefurther titan to say that tho United King-

dom might placo n smull customs tux onfood products and raw materials comingtram foreign countries no as to give a pref-

erence to similar commodities sent fromtime Colonies but only on condition thatBritish products should he admitted toCanada and other Colonies absolutely freeof duty The fllobe reminds opponents-that Sir LAtitiun speaking at thetime In reference to the sugges-

tion of reciprocal free trade said that Can-

ada accept such an offer becausetho whole fabric of Canadian finance as well

us of Canadian industry was founded oncustoms duties Time Globe Invites Conserva-

tives to say whether Cunndlan manufac-turers mute prepared to ncrept time freecompetition of their British rivals Kvcn ifthey were It would be nruwary to per-

suade time Australian to accept anequally free competition und it would stillbo netilful to prevail upon Great Britain toreverse her traditional policy and acceptMr CiiAilUKlilJINS suggestion

That n practicable typo of political unionbetween the mother country and her Colon-ies him been yet devised time Globe does notprotend to assort It does not hesitatehowever to reject as outeido of tho field ofpractical politics tho proposal of a Zollver-

rln based upon the principle of absolutefree trade between all the parties to thocommercial union There is thus nt last adistinct line of cleavage between the twopolitical parties In the Dominion The Con-

servatives although they superiorloyalty are opposed to the preference atprescmt given to British products in time

Canadian market The Liberals defendthat preference but admit that they cannotgo absolutely free accessto British manufactures although only bythat extreme concession could tho1arllnmont be tempted to allowproducts a preference In thetime United Kingdom

The Theories antI Practice of HodmerA reporter of SUN in Washington

visited on Friday busy headquartersand richly stocked the Com-

mittee on Distribution His observationsera recorded in another column Not onlydid he find business humming but ho alsohad the pleasure of meeting the Treasurer-to the Committee on Distribution and lis-

tening to that gentlemans viowi of TImE

SUNU motives in directing public attention-to tho prosperous affairs of HICHAHDSO-SBroFFoitD BARCUS A U S A

The name of tho Treasurer to the Com-

mittee on Distribution is HtDOfF J lionMEit Mr BOUMER has not previouslyappeared In person in these essays buthis existence has not been unknown to usNor has It beon unknown to those kickingbibliophiles who having discovered the mis-

representation and false pretences employed-by agents of tho concern have refused toreceive tho Messages and Papers of thePresidents Copyright 1897 by JAMBA DIUCHAUDSON and declined to pay In their

34 for that Government document Wequote first Mr BODMEIIS general theory of

SUNS present Interest In himOf course you know Ihj this fleht Is made on us

SUN h a Trust paper and Mr rtlcitARDSONlihas always been against the Trusts And so

TUB SUN hu bcun till fight on our hooks with theIdea of Injuring Mr RICHARDSON and helping theTrusts

Both the antimonopolistic compiler andtime antimonopolistic treasurer shouldhave ample opportunity to elaborate thisingenious conception when they are sum-moned before tim investigating commit-tee appointed by the Senate

Mr BODMEHB statement regarding poorSrorronn makes necessary for us to recurto tho Assistant Librarian of Congress some-thing we had not axpected to do Bonnsays that SroprorD was hired to mnko a

to replace a worthless indexoriginally prepared When he had donetho work we hired him for explainsBotuiFn of course we permitted him to-go Accordingly firorponn having fin-

ished his Index Isnt connected with thinCommittee nowThis Is very Interesting It ought to be

particularly Interesting to tho Hon JAMES1 IticiiAitnsox who based his appeal toCongrnss for a gift of time duplicate platesupon time alleged extra labor iltrolrnl uponhim personally by the nccraaity of indexingand who informed time country inace of time tenth volume nfttr thehad been ompMcd that it was the work ofhis son twisted by himself Tho Investi-gating committee may ibid It profitable tocompare these threo statements keepingclearly In view the dates of the first twothose by KiriiAtiDSON himself

From tin GontTtiilonal Hieori ot May It 159

Mn ntcllAnDiOvHere I am railed upon tomake an Index to this large compilation Uwould requIte nlraoM a years tires of constant rorlito make It carrying that Index alongwith the Tolumes as they are Issued from the pressAnd I have It prepared down lo and Including thefourth volume which you hare not yet wen I gotadvance sheets of II from the office and hue madethe Imlei up die This work In addition In theconiplllns Is occupying me their two or three Imursa diy that I speak of and his taken time for thelast two years I mention these facts that you rosy

something if the work that rests on me

From III Prelate to Volumt 4 ISMThe work lisa ocfupled me closely fur rOute than

four years A great pnttlon of this lime has beenthe preparation 01 the Indej The In-

dex Is ninlnly the my fon JAMKS n HuntAiinsoM Jr who prepared It with such nulsiaiice-as I could give him lie has given lila entire tune toIt lot years

frnm IoDMKllS Arts fl IX

the paprs were fist compiled we had noIndi excTl a regular list of the pspers whichworth anything So Inrlled Mr Sporronn la-

frpjri a real Intn a ort cf guide I th booksWrit he worked at that until It was done and ui-nianwhlle th benefit of his emmsel as to thIUm lres When that Index wee flnlihrd uowercrbe asked Iare to withdraw from the nmmlttee andai hfhiA font irort u lilrtd turn lor of coure weprmlltrd go

Tim investigating committee when It getsdown to the index will perhaps be able todetermine whether that exclusivelythe work of time Hon JAMKS I HICHAISDSON-

as ho alleged when ho was asking Conexms-to make him n gift of Government plntc orof the younger JAMFS 1 BICIIMIDSOV aslimo father fondly announced in his prefaceto thin final volume or of AiNHivnnm-H Sioprnni who an BOOMER now rx

was hiycd by the Committoo onDistribution to that Job and for noother purposo And the Senate Investlgn-tor will likewise compare time foregoing















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statement of BODMM u to who hiredRporroBD and for what purpose with thofollowing statement of the lion JAMBS DIliciunoioN In the House of lleprceenta-tlvos on January 30 of tho present year

Mr TAWNFV I would also tat that Mr SpotFolIOs name In printed on letterhead Secre-

tary of the Committeellr ltlcilAHl M NMr SPOITOBDbAS been em-

ployed to aiuKl In an honorable war n


The victims of the agents of the Commltteo on Distribution and pretty muchtho whole country know now In whet waypoor Mr SIOKFOIIDH name and title of

General Secretary have assisted In thesolo of the work We proceed to quoto fromthe Interview with

We once u rd ft letterhead continued Mr

created all kinds of a Withtbat be produced a nheel of paper headed with Com

on DistrIbutIon printed In OH English typelike that used by the Commutes on W y and

Means and terry other committee ID the House A

that was to objectionable w been working Itofl and now u e only tbli sort

Wo should say that BODJIER has beenworking off time deceptive stationery

with a vengeance hit why does that emi-

nent financier speak of the worklngoff pro-

ems aa a thing of the remote pastBODMEIIB explanation here WM

made on April 21 On Aprillays earlier ho signed with a rubber stampund mailed to Boston u communicationtypewritten on paper bearing tho veryletterhead which ho says was onceused but was discontinued because ob-

jectionable Thin remarkable communi-cation was addressed by BODMEH to oneof the kicking bibliophiles of whom wehave spoken As it reveals tho Commit-

tee on Distribution In a now aspectnamely that of the angry and threateningcreditor using tho semblance of officialcharacter to collect an alleged debt we print-It In full below It adds another chapter tothis extraordinary story

otnraitUe on

i f j fj4 and of grrjfiiUntJ-


AiniwonTii H SPOPFonn-GBNIIUI SnciiETAny

WASHINGTON D C April is t oo

PeAR Sin It may teem all right to you to evade

our notices for payment and our urgent demands fur

nn expression ot a willingness to regard terms ofyour contract but I cannot help but think you areconimtttlrif a In Importing damage to uiAS we expect same treatment and attention to thisIndebtedness that you would from your debtors I

consider you capable to meet the payments and w

hare definitely resolved to no further courtsa to time having reached the extreme limit of

Indulgence-We have formulated our policy and have decided

upon definite action We will be eonpelled to addressA communication to your employer or to the partiesthrough which source you receive your money Jivingthem an adequate comprehension of what we ore

having to contend wllh to get this money they wilt

not refuse to Intermeddle as there Is no deslre upontheIr put to be Into petty lltlgatlnn

We are reluctant to engage In these proceedingsvtilth nay dliquatltv Vu from position ot trust or

tuinMi but there Is no other alternativewhen customary and polite demand do not receiveyour attention

We also will make application to a Merchants1rotectlve Awoclttlon who collects and communi-

cates accurate Information concerning the endsource of debtors Incomes who will furnish us detaessential from time to time and the name of a partypeculiarly adapted to reach It In tart we are going

to any legal expedient and wIlt meet Anycontingency to obtAln Jutlsdlcllon of your earnings orproperty the records being conclusive and Abowlng

affirmatively fecti necessary to establl b this Juris-

dictionA strong measure and will not be exer-

cised doubling and there wilt be no relaxationwe succeed In collecting the full amountwith damage tn rover the expense occasioned by ourbeing compelled to take flew IndIrect mfaiuni

We ball atw Institute measures to compel andenforce the complete and specific ptrformane of yourobllfatlon and to enjjln pople who mar owe youmoney from pitying you pending the settlementthis by making application to th Court for

procrdlngs Anyassumptlonupon your part to leave us without dollar or Ihe

of an effort can hardly be Justified on anrmoral or legal principles and your Intention

to pay will not suOre as an Antidote to neutrality thetoss to which we are being subjected

You will observe that while we deem It expe-

dient to resort to the above extraordinary measuresthey ere serarate and distinct and for the attainmen of different results being based upon the tactthat nothing buldrastlcsteps will bring you to time

This Is Snot and disposes of tile whole merits ofthe case We trust that your tense of business fair-

ness will prompt you In forestall these effective meatires and make A smAll payment upon Account Imme-

diately which will be deemrd to constitute An exten-sion of 50 days when you will still have the privilegeof making another payment-

In conclusion I beg to auto that there is abun-dance of evidence to establish this claim which canIK produced at any time without tear of change orliability of mlronstructlon The validity of yourIndebtednesi will depend upon whether or not we huedelivered lo you the stipulation of your agreementnhleh Is Indexible You have received the booksand the retention Is an admission of the correctnessnt the trrount the signature to your contract Isgenuine the debt was rrented upon principles of lawhich are established your rontract tara Andeipies es the transaction actually made And It Is notnecessary for t Allege and prove that we reliedupon It AS you made AH unconditional Acknowledg-ment of the debt

Very respectfully yourCOJIMITTIK O PlSrWnLTJO-

XHunouH J HonunnTreasurer

limo Italics are ours In time foregoingThey mark n threat which If not actuallyIndictable under the laws of Massachusettsor of tho District of Columbia U very nearthe line which divides blackmail from legiti-mate measures of debtcollection It is toHill feature of time letter composedby DnDMEn for time of onoof the recalcitrant bibliophiles originallypersuaded by the narcuslan method thatthe attention of Congress bhould bedirected Tlm elephantine proportions oftint dun tho attempt to terrifyand the overelaboration of portentousphrase in wonderful Knglish are matteof curiosity only

Such was the use to which Treasurerof tho Committie on Distribu-

tiontho iua lou inl stationery that bears limo



A DemonstrationTho past weeks story of

Dam proves tho need of troops there andhence time propriety of sending them

len HOE arid his men reached the dam tofind perfect quiet time strikers retired totheir homes nnd no apparent for ashow of force by the State Those wholooked with a friendly eye on riot becauseof racial sympathy with the Idle Italiansor because of a leaning toward dis-

order sneered nt Governor ROOSEVELTSaction us a wanton display of powernnd condemned It ns nn overbearing affront-to lawabiding men who having ns ert vltheir rigId to stop work stood in tho way ofnobody desiring to toko their places Hutafter few days of protection offered tomen willing to work the force of laborers Unearly complete again nnd in u fovr daysthere will bo room for no more help

Tho troops have simply stayed by timedam nnd with that guarantee of personalsafety the vacant places have been filled

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the talk of the demagogues It Li

plain that the majority of the strikingItalians felt that to venture Into employ-ment again would be to risk the fate of themurdered Dotmuia

Under the circumstances tho troops shouldIm at time darn so long aa there remainsthe shadow of anxiety as to tho future Intime mind of either worklniinmii or con-


Hampton nnd SrhleyThe partisans of Hear Admiral SCHIBY

led by Gen A aNTH of Baltimore whoserepudiation of his agreement to pay moneyto a charity named by THE HUN gained forhim the title of tho Welcher of Nnciremnhave been hoard from again In savage tonesIn denunciation of Rear Admiral SAMPSON

all hose who aiming at justice astime facts of record concerning both

officers Hi World limos published a storythat thlj Gen Aoxcs extorted favors forSCIILET from President MrKisiKY on thethreat of publishing some long stored upInformation that was discreditable to SAMP-

SON Rear Admiral CROWxiMfliHKin andCapt MAIIAN Kiipwledgo of such an occur-rence has been denied In V4hhlngton

Throughout tho discussion of time Issueupon SAMPSON and SMILEY Tint SUN hashad first In mind the welfare time efllclencythe good annie and most of all time honorof the American Kavy If out of tho pastthere can be raked up dishonor attaching toSAMPSON demanding for him public diegrace at the hands of his peers In Heavensname let justice be done And so also ofCIIOWNINSHIEID andtime rage of tho Schloyltes has been particu-larly venomous But dont let surmlso aato the past cloud tho knowledge of thepresent

Every one knows today that SAMPSON

by all rules of war was time Commander oftho victorious American fleet at Santiagoand that ho is publicly and privately o re-

garded by the Captain of every ship of thatfleet that ho line been barred from receiving-the reward which a patriotic people owe toan officer done for lila country suchservices as his and that this failure offair play Is because of Jealousy on the partof SCIIIRT and the blind and angry support-of it in certain newspapers So much for

factor this controversyNow for the other It Is a matter of pub-

lic knowledge not founded on speculation-or hearsay but upon tho records of theGovernment that SCHIEY proved lilmelfa subject fur censure as a commander thathe has been exposed In an attempt to cheatthe public In regard to his own conductthat he practically hoe received the lie froma brother officer and that althoughso smirched and disgraced by the officialrecords ho has never dared to for aCourt of Inquiry by which stains like hU ifundeserved con bo wiped away

And to think that shame of this kind un-

known In any service in time world Li suf-fered to rest upon the Navy of the UnitedStoles I

The Greatest Obstacle lu time Wayof the Missionaries

The Rev Dr PATOK a missionary tothe New Hebrides said In tho course of nsermon nt tho chapel of the Union Theo-logical Seminary on Sunday that mission-

aries nre extremely thorough in time Httidyof tho Bible owing to time necessity of t mime

That U very true for the firstwork of all Protestant missionaries ofChristianity Is to translate time Illble Into tliolanguages and dialects of time people of otherreligions whom they go to convert

The Bible Is the prime essential of theirspiritual campaign nnd nmotmt oflabor expended on its translation hasbeen almost inconceivably great In theNew Hebrides alone said Dr PATOV time

Scriptures have been translated Into asmany ns twentytwo distinct dialects A

single Bible Society the British and For-eign distributes Bibles translated into morothan two hundred languages anti dialectsusually by missionaries This great taskcould not have been performed except undertho of absolute faith in the Scrip-tures as time Infallible word of GOD Time

whole impulse to missionary endeavor camefrom such faith In tho missionaries them-selves and In time selfsacrifice by whichthey were stimulated and supported Thocirculation of the Bible as the only guide tosalvation and tIme source of Christianity-Is the motive of nil the misslomry enter-prise So soon as missionaries have mas-tered a language or a dialect Into which time

Bible has not been rendered they set about-to translate the Hook Into it at Infinite

tho means necessary to run bin them tothe Injunction to carry Gospel to

every creatureAt the Inlon Theological Seminary In

whose chapel Dr Pro preached on Sun-

day of tho professors towardthe Scriptures however veryfrom that of tIme missionaries mimi from thntthe missionaries arc seeking to cultivate Intho heathen world It is nn attitude ofcriticism rathnr thin of faith nnd Is akin totime Intellectual opposition with which thomissionaries hav to deal in Oriental coun-tries more especially If this criticism Iscorrect time selfdenying labor expended inmaking those hundreds of ofth Bible has been Inspired by delusion andthe hook has been put before countries notChristian on nn assumption which isNor It possible tq keep from the moroIntelligent of these tho knowl-edge that scholarship In Christendom Itselfrejects tho authority nnd doubts au-

thenticity of tho Bible put before them bytime missionaries ns tho absolute Word ofGop Already In theso days of rapid com-munication that knowledge hns extended toIndia to China and to Japan oral It will be-

come moro anti moro general Very likelywo shall hear of tho consequences from thoLiberal Congress of Religion which met ntBoston yesterday und will continue Its ses-

sions during tho progress of thn Krumenlrnl Conference on Missions in this city

this limn when the Bible I repudiateda an Infallible authority by teachers of limo

very Churches which mire circulating It inheathendom as the veritable Word of

Ion Is not all missionary enterprise en-countering In Christendom n far moroserious obstacle to Its surresftil progressthan any It contends against In Mm

heathen countries where the effort atevangelization is expended

Reference ions hitherto lieon made InSIS to time numerous Suit nnd powernnil oilier proposedKhpnv for inverting writerfor vnrlou purpiws frnm the iront LuluWorthy in f nterirlsi rlouljtln nre-It l rlcnr hat If nil or roiilili rnblupart of them are carrIed out tlu valorlevel of the tirnat Inkm will lowered antIenormous datnncn will Im duane to dippinganti bu lnt s intonMs i f i IWic l ontheir shore Iteroirtilzlni the itruvn Irnportnnif nf time mutter a joint resolution Im lx onIntroduced In Coneris mnkinc provision

an International investIgation of these

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with the of J t rmnlnjr bow farbe to proceed

One of tho iuo t noteworthy ofMienion U tlm power cnnnl of the MlcWrfananti Inlco superior power Company Water Ist lw taken by thli means out of the 8tHlvHr nt Hault Hto Marie for l uri oe ofinalntalhliK nn electrical ixiwor chiefly forthe purpow of trxntlna Iron ore The newcruml U to rout nearly 7000Xio and overllWJOt jmve already been mnt uponTlmro U no doulit of cuiirxe tlmt tlio BXO-

cUllon of time project would uf treumnlitmus bnoflt to time raining Bud other Interc t of Huull Hie Mario Hut thbeen vigorously fought by the Uko Currlcr ABModallon nu organization who o

object urn nunirieritly Implied In tillThat U to the lnlto Cnrrlen A sooltlion lute demanded that tIm power cnnnl-

khoiild not n lower tIme l vel of the Inksus to damage shipping InterwU Theassociation brought evldonee before Conkre lcinal Committed having limo mutter III

chars to that kliould time opening of thocanal lower the level of the lake K muchan Inch It would damage the lake nnd Its In-

terest llU3OiH yearly If the raual loweredtime lake level two anti a half Inrlie It win shownthat tIme damage to time name interests wouldbu annually The upomors for therand however declared their purpose oferecting roinponMitlng works on the CanadianHhoru by incuiid of which enough water wouldbo poured Into tho mice each day to make goodany dillileney that might bo ruusod by t lie oper-

ation of time canal time two piirtlo he contesthave now agreed to n bill allowing lime powercompany to draw water from time 81 Marys-Klver in It wltthos but providing that tho reme-dial works on the Canadian chore before xpeclfled hall be built and that till Secretary ofWar kluill appoint a Hoard of Knglneer whoshall upon time plan for time constructionmid operation of the now canal Multi suggestto time Socrotary of War ucli regulationsas may be necessary governing limit amountof wilier to be diverted The Mil empowerstho Secretary of War to have time power cornpanys works removed or changed If It uhall boproved that is necessary und It place thepower company under tho entire operation ofany such rules as maybe drawn up by tie In-

ternational romml Moi should ono be authori-zed which Invmtlcates time maintenance of thelevels of times waters lying between the UnitedHtatei and Canada

It Is believed that this compromlte will be amodel for similar ones regarding limo operatlon of the other ship find drainage canals thathave been planned

SIULKY the Apostate That man SIBLKV Uu-talt Courier

When the lion Josnnt C SIBLKYS heart andpocietbook were open to the IJomocrats limythought liliu a statesman nnd a friend of mauiPresumably h Is eMontlully time same JotsSIBIKT that ho was wlicu BRYAN loved him

The lion linowxK who toWahln lon with COXEY ha been Adnilru-lOuwnrs most entliu political mippiirtorAt time Missouri lro ri s ive Inptillsi ronvnn-tlon hn pulo with fervor I u favor of DEWKV

and llAitKKit or DOSVEMV Huh etiuenily hir vrieil tolUtiKKn and DONNUIXY Thus dooslimo Uewey boom low lu loudest boomer

If there Is tiny hotter poaker In America thanBrsJAMix IlAKitisox bring him on

As Rome persons see something peculiarlyImpudent In the proposition Silver Hepublicans to call IhemxlvfH Lincoln HepubllCOOp It Is right to explain that Lincoln Hepulilicans must not be nwumed lo refer to-

Anmimi IixroiA Probably it moans HepubllraiiK of the school of Col ItitVAX of Lin-coln X b

Asa ruth we leave to others time fashlonnbln-coinpllm nt to Governor KOOHEVFIT on bis

manliness html we must join on the occasion-of his refusing to deliver ofKentucky lo rwklnis and savage Joebellips


Altliough time latest drspatchea from thn lIterRldt contain some Interesting details of whattook place two and three days ago neither theynor those from the Ilrlllnh Mrlo make lImo situa-tion very clear One timIng however l evidentwhich Is that the forces innvme to tIme relief ofCol Palgettywho Is upat Jatnniersbure-Irlft near Wopener are having n illftlnilt mImeof it owing lo the wratlier and the lIter rfsNtalice Time British plan would appear to bc toco e In on tho fibers who surround time

Colonial force at JntninerKhnre Drift n wasdone with Gen Cronje at Iaiircleberg limit IfFO time ISODI men nor or le under ien

for time purpose If thenumbers of the Hoern lire anything like tho oplated looking at lImo wide circle the rltlshwould hays to cover and the HOT power ofconcentration and rnpld movement Tho pres-ence of ien DeWet and Vllliers reported atThaba Nfhu on Friday lost would Indicate nconsiderable force at that point watching theHrltMi movemenls tu thin ea t mind soiithniKt of

Tho reports from Ilirmfontoin mnlte It look-as though Lord Jtohorls were completelyreorganizing the iirmy nnilor lila trimmnnd anti tlmt he I serlou ly

by the went of horses His despatch ofywterday HIP suspkion thnt en-

Itiindle was meeting with a still resistancestrong enough to need time assistance of twobrigades of cavalry under term French andItll IoliCnrewH Infnnlry divWon Thdetachment of o large n force three Infnnlry-dlvNIoii two brigade of cavalry with theirartillery mid mounted Infantry contingentfrom Illoemfotilelu and Heddersbiirgnttents tutufrhrnwdnesMof the Doer strategy for so long nsthey can be kept In Iho south time direct nd

from ninemfonteln Is fii pendod anilaction of time left wlngal Iloihof neulralinl

The statement thnt a map hind been found ona IlrllWi scout captured n hoer patrol Inwhich time Orange Free State has linen renamedHrnndesla after the lain President Brand uexceedingly lnleri stlne anti In line tli limo

policy Indicated In 1ord Hoberlns flr l publicutterance after M entry Into Itloemfontrlnwhen ho spoke of President Stoynn Ilin limItVfff Iden nnd proceeded to plan out n new ndmlnllrnllon for the free State anti renamedthe State railways Ibn Imperial Military Hall-ways The statement purporting income fromgood authority that the lIter fumes in tliofield niimlxr wpoix is evidently miexntrcernlion unit1 foreign troops have been smuggledInto the country by some unknown routeswhich very unlikely That guns and

are flndlnir wny In by some nutoMhcway route frmn the const nppcarn to bofinite certilin

Douglass Fond Frnm Vitlnnnl Jnird-

To lIlt IDlTon OK THIS Sixsir In tonnfrtlon with the rntMng of fund for 111 Widow

Douil nf Mount Vernnn I irnulil HIKRPi Ih plancf n r of the Natlonnl Guard to runIrlhut from I n to s They would rf pord slidl jr

anti It would be A nest atiniint for Mm I iielA-

K p cted Trill of n renr jrnnln illtUmanfor Servlrrf lo Kncland-

lromini Itniailflplitartlnlnf a high otter of the Prnnfyl-

T nl National fimrri will rrnMMy follow nn lnt ll-

gnllnn now being mide by MaJir irn liforcf It

Thf iililir l not not ilitulffil nff rn-hlmvl t Hrlll h iuvrrnmonl toe ncrilrr In HnuthAfrica airiilnu time litters Ill nllrr twiiacetic iizn 1 tie llrltlli iovrrnmrnl llirouifli herM I I Coh ul In lldi time Inn W8 1oivrll

An Adulttht liitrtll tnt Irtii

Say pa what 1 an adultadult U H prson who do ntkick out u good pair uf slio every two

IAn Idathis new


1 11





1 toe





Governor Tt Ion

lltmnello arc ltmemmilltlent





01 the









1m nilwee


1l J tl b wt14 it f w wr







once immarched



llleucnm tout ci 0

ret Ill hum

j mmcl fits


a rim

Tnt iit I Ion I hir



Offering Ills













> <














I nttcn or TITS CATBD AI tonJidf Brtkmaaa lBrntlfatl Hrttlod tho

QuestionTo THIS KDITOII or Tutu RtX Sir In rela-

tion to letter of Mr Charles llfm trecl In your1iiie of this date wheruln ho promlKcs A cor-

rection of a Ktalomont inado In hi txwk Nooknnd Corners of Old New York concerningth of St Patricks Cathedral time tntomont he mild which hn now wishes In correct

limit Cathedral wits given to thoUnman for n nominal atop of 1 HimtUr utatementii have btfti written and utteredanti published line and again In tlio faconf wcll-

ostabllshed and recorded fade In I8M HenryIt lleeknmn n former Counsel lo Urn Corporalion now a Supreme Court Judge madeat thn request of John U Crlmmlni an exami-

nation of nil tho records ix rtolnln to thisproperty the result of which was mmnmrllyas follows

In tofl mlr T ioerck laid out what wereknown as tIll common landibelonglng 10 time

Mayor Aldermen anti Commonalty of time cityof New York Into blocky each bounded on time

north and outh by unnamed MrceU sixty feetin width The property In ou ion forms a-

part of block No 02 on map which In

iou wa conveyed by the Mayor Aldermenand Commonalty of tlm city of Sow York to ono

Kobert Lylburn for tho sum of 105 nnd n per-

petual quit rout of four bushels of good timer

wheat or tlm value theroof In iculd orsliver coin of lawful monuy of the State of Now

York payable on I of each mind every yearTilt conveyed liy Lylburn In IMOto Francis Thompson nnd whoIn turn cold It lo Morris and Cornelius

whom It wits n isiu totIme FIre Company of N w and In1821 convoyed to one Doyle Mibjcct tosaId morlgnge

Tho l Flro Company having Institutedproceedings for of tho mort-gage property was by the decree of theCourt of oold nt million andwas purchased on Mich sal Francisto wits accordlnglv conveyed on Nov12 l s by ChrIstIan L a ter nfChancery

dated Ian 3ft I8l nnd recorded Intho ItegUterN onico In thli In liber is ofconveyances page 71 Frauds Cooper con

came property to time tru Uvs of St-

Patricks city YorkInntees of St Church rime

recitals In thus deed Mnto that time nbove-tru teos hud selected time property In iiii tonfor n burial ground designatedFrancis Cooper to ntlend tho fainthe the o wns accord-ingly mall for JJSJO which moneyin as nn additional mini of jsir3

the Ma ter In Chancery for Interest WH

hold In iviunl part by tru tcos of StCathedral the trustees of Rt

Peters Church and the property vasrha ed Cooper nnd takenIry him for two which hindadvanced time money It was accord-ingly conveyed to them

n now plan of streets rind avenuesadopted which dlnVrml frcni

Iho ono fioerckV In I7M which resultedin parcels of hnd being emit from n frontage-on new streets by In sortie ciHSnot morn than a few Inches In width Tothis H plan adopted nnd authorized bythe Common Council Invohod nn ex-change of strips between theIts erntiteos w as to each full blocksbounded by tbo new ftrects Time truMoeg-of tlm onnid n trip of land nxtendIng tho northerly hido of Flftyllrit flrce-tblng 4 fint h wldn nt Fourth nvcniio-nnd to n point nt tin norllienvt norivr of Fifth avenueTin hnlnnco of thn block between FlftyflrntantI econd treels which owned

tie rIte wa thus off from army froutago-oh Flftvftrt

On thn other humid the city owned aon the northerly lde nf Fiftieth strict being1 fwt fl nt Fourth nveniii 1U

Indies lit Fifth nvenite pxcliiding the tnitensof time Catbedral and of St Peters from frontngn on Fiftieth street A In nuriieroUM othersimilar CUKBH an exchange nf thoso somaliso nearly eniinl in ares was mnrin betweentIme cite trustee In IS52 In which eachwcurnd the advantage of n full frontage onn street from which It bad been Timenxchanee In question watt laIr mind wns made In-

puritnncn n plan and In no respectdiffered from n largo of cunvtof like cliarncter

The cIty hnd Inaugurated time of com-muting time rent for a lump mm Inpursuance of thl policy time quit rent in cinex

bu hel of woent SS3 which sum wn nnlil to the city bythe anti the relcn H customary Innich wn made to them hy cltv authori-ties by deed tinted oy II IV and recordedIn Registers o11ce In liber 3i of conveynnce page lust Tlm Mini fo pail representsn of 0 per cent taUinc nof wheat nt IV-

Snb ecUPntv the tru tee nf St PetersChurch convened their Interest to the tru1-te s of Sr Pntrlcks Callmdrnl who thus l e-

c rnn cole owners of properlyIn conclu lon Mr Ilceldnnn nld In nil

of tIme olinrn lran nctlons the dealing of thecity with time Cathedral differed In ro wl e-

frnm n larce number of fImllnr one had bvthin city vlth other owners of portion of Itscommon lnN nnil ir Is nnrnrent time

of the n I have detailed them thatihn crltlc m which hove ben nnR ed unon

method of mvnilMtlnn by the Cathedralof Its propertv are wholly without fotinda

or m-

XBW Tons April H P J PnrtAH


An Kffrrllre Mrtliod Sagcrttrd hy One WhoKnows the Tnrklth Itoprj

To Tlir Kniion or Tnu ScxStr yourLondon correspondent In his telegrnm that

tvdavsSrNM enl iof Kuropenns-n synipnthllngbenevolentlv with countryIn Its efforts to obtain Rntifnctlon of Its claimsfrom Turkey limit nt time limn entertainingthe universal belief Hint they will provonhiilulely without result He further citesthe opinion of nit ofTlror of high mole iu lime

Foreign Office who says that time Ameri-can eiurr of Is out of the question andgenerally ndvise a policy of patience In TurkishYaitntlt go cn y

With mimic re pect to riropo miami IlrllMi For-eign onicn opinion there seems no onwhy ouMJovernment olinulit not proceed tocollect time claim due arid acknowledged bythe Sultan nnd moreover do It In n way thatwould uot Interfere with the Interests or tradeof any other country The method I wouldsuggest l thin

An American nquadron might take possessionof thn Mnml of I mtio tiff the mouth ofUntil and declare n blockade In or outnculnt every vesi l under Ottomanmerchant or war marine If Ihnt did not produceImmediate results which I bellevn It woulilthen there is the Mnml of niiodes the customJiousn of which Miould In n short time luniMitime amount of time Indemnity Timesituation created hy this action wouldciii n the ni ner t lie rondily foundnnd quickly pnld nt the tome wouldnot Interfrrn In the tlight t degree with limit

commercial or political Intcirsu of nny otherpower FOTIIKX

NEW VOPK April 13

To rnr roiToit or TIIK artsir AS yourrixr has become the most ratlsfactory arena In thec lunlrs for the dl rus lun of all rrllnluuniurXloiiHI want to you In tlir hope thai bombyou and unmr of your able forrciondfiitt rx-prrss nn opinion In regard 13 U-

Ilbhop nn hi return from Manila MatrdChAfliln Pierre WIN locklniciftrr ititfrf ti-

ot the ipi Mi l riinrrh rut doug nil ticcutildtn rMablMi It Ihrrr Now n n Inxpnir 0helps ta r y Oiarlaln Ilfrrrs salary fur nuprincU-miKKf I nbjrn lo hii arting AI Ilir general scent ofa partlru r rrllclnui denomInatIon while

pnld A ynur my agent afiiitej Htnie 1 unit ninny olhrM think some

rellithn If thry rnnnnt belrlt undls-turbcdln hl they have uld be better for theKlllplnos

Hare tbapUliH paid by the CiOTrrnrnrnt thetn nlrr into the artlre propaiAtlin nf their pnrtlfiiljrdeiiomlnntnial dews In our f rricn ro e lnni-ClnCM not Chaplain Pierre 11 bf failed down


In Honor nf the Concord GrapeIrantrt nniltn r nnj Tranttrlft-

U WAsverinb1 AUiiltue nrraMnn At Did fnnrMrdMnnitt nflrrnnin antI mini thai m eked nf time

oll All the elements were in hirmony with therememir nre mtlnt in honor tit K hrAlm Wale

Hull the nrlirJiiAur of the lnnr rd crapr-

Iearl XrrlJiirriifOnrstrimdKnrlhWtHuooofrom She Truft

The Slltersmllhs Cnnpanyfent ta ttieParis IxpoMtlon a neddnreot penrUworthtftinni It ls tic ftneit In the world anti contaInsforty sU leans cues are immenseilibrieiul milky splcndul









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tim I

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other form ofa



OiOmmltitsmittu and hate

the flue cititral

3Jvsms Iis



















An Fxptrloeot In Finance Mad In Wn-lltfore Ih War

LiNTOtx Neb April 81 An object teutonIn finance Is presented by two large Ironieshanging In limit nmwuin of thn public Library ofOmaha In them In nu nlmoM m-lection of I NI S of time wildcat batik thatlloiiriihed In Nehraskn in th Inter ViX ienthn theory of an Irredeemable currencyfound loilgfinenl In hit West For many ycariImmure liung to ono of Hut tifollowing quotation frnm n fch maili byA I n lloni Dougliacounty nt hit llmo the llrst lull nuthorlzlnfwildcat bank was paKned-

Wlion I fhnll haw IHCII galhred tn rnrfathers timid an monument grace ihsnot where lie burled my bones It will gratifymy soul to look down from the high battlmentiof henven and read engraved thereon this iratile and truthful Itmcriptloii Here lion nn hoiest man ho voted against tbe Inauguration otwildcat bank jn Nebraska

Curiously enough time first Aggregation ntcapital ever Incorporated in Nebraska wa abanking Institution which obtained the privlego by a bubterfiigc Us title WHS tIme West-ern Firn and Marine Insurance and KxcliancCompany Its chnrtor gnvt It pocr to dcnlm-cxcliungc amid this power wax speedily construedns lleonso to do a general bnulong linemenIts cashier was L It Ttllll who wu underPresident Lincoln Troi urcr of ilm I

States anti Its pnylng toiler was A 1 W tswho held Hit Rama oftlw under u later AilinuilKtrillion Title unit lu isftj

At tlio leglilutlvc session In ISM the first ren-

bailie over the Incorporation of wildcat bankwiw fought out J Sterling Morlnii niterward Secretary of Agriculture underPresident Cleveland led tin fight ngnln t ttanks ito wax just firsh from college crudbis declaration that banking busi-ness could bu maintained only upon biirplut-cnplUil of which them wns then none in tinTerritory carried no weight When lime ineas-tiro came up in time Council ho handed In a m-inority report tlm committee Inwlilrlitht

Ixiii relcrrid In which nrcu tl-

crilly urged that oadi note Issued fhnuld l arHill holders Individually liable

Jn tin tiny Die bill law flvo bnriks-nt City llellovii Florenioand were Incorporated Theranged from Viuia tlm HtiirklmlnVriwere iiindn llrllvidually liable for time

lion of nil currency Issued Tlicro was iion cperln reserve nnd mfe

guard ugninst rascnlitv So nttrnillvn n method of gniiiing wcnlili witlmutexertion brought nf prcmclcr ofto Slnto when thn toot Legislature briefSix appllcntlons for cbnrtnrs were rondo lh-commlttiM grow nlarined nml lu IH reportpointed out If thei 1 barter wei

banks ued currency to tie limitnllowiil It would give a per capita circulationto Nebraska of tiSo An u only twoi barters wern grunted

Then thn of i came The wave ofbankruptcy which started with the tnlliir-

tuiny In Sew York of John Ththe did not strIke Nebraska until v-

ernl later Fveii while Fiiwere toppling thn Wcsiern con

Hmtint that while nll Street might Im the moneycentre und the grent nnd

money strength of the limos

Flit Tnttln bank nt Omnhn fulled first Ithad Issued currency without check nnd liad-

Tbe Ilrowiiville hank wus eloped soon titterwnrd It cnllnpn wn occasioned by ih

for i lot of stcnjnboat band on their way the Missouri oitic hundred dollars worth of Its currencyThe cashier excused himself for a momentwalked out time back door nnd never cninnback Jnt 03 WIIN reall7cilat thoassets in time isafe found several thounnd of time banks currencyThe notes were exiollent nmpies nf thegrulng of Ilia day and fn verathey in that long afterwardn Ilrowiiville man was uble to pn s the billsoff nt Ml Louis n good money

limit two of time nine banks survived time panicTime only remindors of tlnir oxlstenco mire ia

musty court flips and In the collectionsof iiumlsnintlsts The only stntlsiinn-vnllablo show that the total of theirnote in circulation nt their maximum of pros-perity wa 420000 when their specie rocrve-wns Jizoonu Timewets arid loans amid discounts JilsIIP The maximum of capital Mode issuedwn oooo

The Platte Bank nt Nehrnrlcn Citystood limo strain longest and fo ivat washit confidence Iri It when other tinnks werefalling manv helped to Imld It byof specie frilled it redeemednote nt par becauw Its president would notallow It lo nld Iliat his nnnmwas ever hn ke l about nt n dUcount Itwrw lime State hank owned by residentsof tIme Territory men frcm Illinoisrind Wl con iKblnd others

dim curious result of time circulation of FOmuch money In tint Territory was that peopleconic to a man could only gethis hills engraved ho had n right to start al nnk Orm without n charter was flnntml ntI Solo n town no longer In existence billswere writ ns far away from n ilA local paper gave warnIng that when the cra icame name of Ilm town would uCfer An opposition retorted hankwas ns ns other l ecnu n Its solvencr-nnd tlm redemption of thn notes of nil dependedupon stockholders Itn Irnllntors Tim er of the minttried to tIn their duty by occasionally quotingtlm tnnrket of issiietwhich ran front llfty iint on the

Flies crnw to get rich by means of mamifnctiirnd nM ed nil kinds nf cninpnnlnt-At suit point n hotel wns erected purely uponscrip t Lincoln thn city irovernmentto make both ends meet by Issuing that

current at par for time mid wnsclpally nicl nl last tn pnj nib tuxes 1-

rriciion inri luniisnco rnr tlieinunidebt oflodnv n In tenrliigdown nn old building used ns n bank 1biindlo of this scrip wn found Most rf-wns rireKorved ns but hornfound their Into circulation and wetspassed upon grocer At Omnnscrip lo thn of virtni wns i ud tnlirld n I li Mini proved iiisiifiiclcn-nml nnotlmr tf iii i was printed The capwin iniiipletedhut wns n few jenrx Inter

Lincilii Most nr time scrip provixl a rlcnclloss to time boliicrs limit il I MII wnitntly ju tillei as n war niensiire in which il-

cltlcns who bore thn lofs gained by the ui-pornry sltuntlon of lm apliol nl Oinnhn

two of the banks Issued of nnomination as high n finnml intentlnnwas thnt tb should wunilcr n thatthey could not return to the hm

out virir v 7tA Fresh Frank frltlclirn of Thrlr Lahors by

the Selectmen of lniicnlerFrom Hit I ooi County Dtmorra-

Th work n th Lnnrasfr bridge InaueuriiedffilIme purpneuf removing the pier nn tile Hntrpshire tide tlnrby tn fncllltite th unnnnl Ing dev f

Hirer ItinibirCnrnpiny iy-

cirrpletrd pier still rmnln r emS ne-ar of the opinion that It rmsi rcmnln In unlrr tn s

lain tin brlilg until such a lime as firl n runb arrumpllalud Wlill itt luldrr nbutmnt arl-piir lire very much Improvidniid Mrrnchtened time

work n whnle Is rnmld rolls rf fnllnreTIme Srlerlrnen uitnLr music fn h r t

the tlimeard mid i nn itnubt riitthat we Shell ricilie II Still we llshnulil-iiit All ret on u The mliuke wm anile in ortet-lmatinR the ilrrrctli of the trmvn atmmrtt

nM iltr Another w1 me endrntcir 10

mind liver an old fttmrlure Ivclnninc At Ihe npwhile niinrt ilin was roller PiislMy w hnneSted the brWe Alii Ipnehtmed Us p n if

con worth limit wr dliibt ItAi o wen Inilrurled by the vote cf the town tn wl

to d lu fart we hnve rxprnlrd I uppri-prlatlon ty nlniist A hundred dillari to moire f-ue ess and IIDW we w irdir where up tire At vv

hines neither remuvrd Ihe pier utufled time lumbercjnipany time taxpayrn norourvlves Iiespetfu 7-mbmltted THE SKLriTMliN-


One ExceptionFrom tilt fnicayo Tlmtintrall-

Burkley Why Is It n woman can never kepa secret

Henpeck But hn can I have never siregetting my wife to tell me wherelilin our iKketlMolr mind Ive beon trying ofifieen years

Tholce of KllPros llif i tilrajo Heciri-

llortha 1 think I hear n burglar downt lrs

Well lit him alone If cook aimsh II cull In seven policemen nnd we wont havn-

a bile left In the imiiiti for breakfast

Tee Indeflntt-etron Ihi ln Hin iiull Press

MiidgeDont you Mluvuln superiortn wiminn-

Wlekwlri Superiority In what In gkamuier ur a



it iii Islet e


sit iamelmeml trim

Jon Itelsresi I mull vi

clot rlmrs i



ii med

leglt I omit

fri umi

Nl a



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I hum t t srem muted

ItmIumtmetI mt I Ito t Ilium Iifo amid Jimmst amft nil

snirmmt lie I prim tin uk

t tititit lflW

es I tick cut rent regmm

lit I or t tie tot ii r 1t lie

I ii ii 2msi eitsie omm I amid lsrm it ioet



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t tic

5l2 0l

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t lie I midtiul v


rim rioif I Ii ritessea

ri innsums ii i t



hills itotim

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tnt ri cm I lice

fret tiiI


ci nil t imp em roT

tile Istt

fil uses

hilt tnt ii



tue mat













