the sun. (new york, ny) 1889-04-05 [p...

T THE SUN FRIDAY APKIL 5 1889 wJ LIVE i WASHINGTON TOPICS JJ74UDT4NP TAir corranxE WALT mo FOi TIIIUH COMMISSIONS Tie New York Ireveler ITaeaey Over the Unexpected Delay You fleett Meld Oe Nobaelr Cevm Tel whet that MM I In the fThlte Boat DoEobept Lincoln Finally Aetept gs E Blleh MUalon- 4an > orl Tanner Intended TVholeaMto Removals e > f Democratic Knldlem from Ik r B IOB Oce Cheeked hr Heeretsiry- NehUChlll Aerepte th Invitation to- e th CengeIu ofAnserleaai Nttoi VASinxoTON April 4Me81 Van Cott lid Erh rdt have returned to Now York with- out ¬ their commissions M Postmaster nnd Col- lector ¬ of the Tort of New York respectively but 11 r Van Cl BAld before IOIDlto thn trnln today that woro ni rhh and mlsht bo announced Into today ¬ morrow nt tho furthest Tho Now York lend- ers ¬ all expootod theso two ofllcoi to bo filled this mornlnc They fay tonight tbnt thy know of no chango In tbo nranlement and don that there I la any hitch 1 no ques ¬ howoyor that they are uneasy ovor tn unexpected dollY and do not fool quito Bur of tho Presidents Anal action as to- apartof tho slato agreed upon at yesterdays conference Tills uneasiness was manifested tonight by tho return to the city of Oon John K Knapp to look alter his chances for tho Naval Office and br tho activity of the friends of Theodore Willis of Brooklyn who views wit alarm tbo strong mo > otnant In behalf of Wesley Jacobus for Surveyor Tho ob lection mode to tho Dig Four nn Cott Er tardt Knapl and Willis Is that tholrnpoolnt ment bo nn undue recognition of Mr Ilatt It Is not bollovcd that the opposition- will change tho Iroht1cnts purpose but thoro may bo delay In HIIInK tliu remaining places alter the Collector and Iobtmastor are ai pointed- ThoNnvnlOfllcornnd Surveyor will not bo named until Mr Thomas C 1lntl cornea to town again some time next week Tho President Lad a long talk today with PaitmaslerOnprul WanaiimKer nnd Assist nt IOKtmasterUonornl JlarkBOn oor the New York Post Olllco question nod bcnator Ills cook saw the 1ronldont and the IoMtnastor General on the sarao subject Tbu heuiito- vantod the ImmoUlutelr but Mr Yanamnktir apparently not BOO the need of urgent haste It Is not understood hovvdvor that ho objected to Mr Van Colt Mr Hltcock said lato tonlcht that there was no ctiano In the situation burnout I trIJattl friends tried to tko this view of It tliov wow plnlnly a lllllo nervous You ste said ono ul them In a whlell nobody feels qultu uro wbnt that I- lthere liiolntlnc with liU thumb toward the whlto House uinr do about anything Tboro may bo lunrot Mr Kobort Lincoln arrived hero late last night and this mornlnc called on Senator Cullom at tho Arllaeton Hotel wncra ho henrt the story of his appointment n mnl inclnnd lie expressed his surprise that tho President should have thought ul him and his regret that ho boulIIIe ben selected be cause In tlii > lce did not consider hlrusflll fitted either experience or talent to occupy the placo iilthouBh ho felt very croatly haltered ut this murk ol the President s con lldenoo Ho said ho had not yet concluded whether ho should lueopt or not Ho had not yet decided In his own mind whether It was just to bUn and just to tho President to accept un oftlco involving FO much responsibility where the duties wore entirely now to him Mr Cullom told him It would not do for him to de- cline ¬ and thnt hi had bettor talk the matter over freely with tho President and after stat lug to him frankly what his teelincB wore to leave It entirely with him which Mr Lincoln concluded to do They wont to the White House where Mr Lincoln thanked the 1real dent for the went honor and described his dilemma wit reference to accepting I The President way enld tbnt could not get out of It that It wilt an appolntmon that no man could decline and that he ihouLd consider Mr Lincolns accoptnncu already re- ceived Then the pair went to tbo Htiito Do partment where a elmilar conference WI hold with Mr Dlnlno and afterward clod upon Secretary Proctor who Is 1101 tho Mr Lincoln occupied for lour Judge Oresbam has recommended the ap polntment of Judge Brown of the United States District Court of Michigan as the successor of- StanleyMatthowson thoKupromo Bench and Judge Jlrown also hal the endorsement of 1 most of the enlnlluwYlrsln the northern portion of the 110hilan ha never had A man un the 8peme while Ohio has hue seven t t beloe that tho coming ap Kilntmentwlll former State lieu Intimated that ho had a man In his mind for the place but ho has not yot indl oted who ho is Mr male today received news that Chili had tbo invitation of tbo United States to the conference of American nations- to be hold in Washington next October This will result undoubtedly in the acceptance of Peru Bolhla and Ecuador throe nations which stnnd greatly In awe of Chill and will not do anything to provoke her wrath I It appears that Corporal Tanner asked for 180 reellnitont from tho omelets of tho 01eo within three days after bo tool his seat thus broke the record others who wore Invited to resign Amoli Joseph I Colt of Connecticut Chief of tho War Navy 1 U Won Although a Demo ¬ crut ho eenAd with distinction tbiouirh WI carIes about with him several of load anti tools that his services entitle him to Ills ulnce in the Tension bureau When hs rocohed Cor- poral ¬ Tanners latter demanding his resIgnation ho enclosed It In a note to Secro ¬ tary oble doscnhim his military record and eaWnl for an lno tlcutlon of hits conduct of the PensIon Bureau bocrotary- itoble sent for him and from lien Colt ro cehod the Information of tho wholesale jlauuhter that was unlnc on in the Pension Then the Secretary sent for the Com- missioner ¬ told him It would not do and Issued- an order forbddlnl anybody to call for rosh nations w1holt iia knowledge and consent This was tim 1rosliloats lightest day so far a callers were concerned They mndo up In I talk however what they lacked In numbers- and kept the President engaged In throughout the entire time devoted IsloulnF ness Among those who sew the were AttorneyGeneral Miller Honator arid friends Honntor Hiioonor and friends ItearesentatUos Allen llurton and Butler worth with Mr Lewis snncood and daughter lleprtBontutive Coleman and friends and Rep- resentative ¬ Urowor ami lends Walter ¬ ard applicant for the Governorship 01 low JUte William Strong J U 0 Mtkln of New Senator Wolcutt and Itonresentatlvaa Jeborne 1 homox nail Ktneuy Tho Hon Hob crt T Lincoln the now Minister to England jalwd at nbput noon In company with Senator ullom and had u short Interview with the Preldent Ion ins A EklnU S A the Rev W W Burr the 11ev P W oiitns represent wives oltnolloard of ioroliti MItbionC for tho U1DI drebb > terlun church culled in company tl Dr Jos i I Cooper JISS A Vote of Memo who for fourteen Tears prior to the incoming of the last Admini- stration ¬ was appointment clerk of the Post Offlcs Department has been reappointed t- oW place O F ciarkson Jr of Iowa has boon ap o lntd private secretary to the 1lrst Assistant IQsImaterUeneral lltsnIleeves Jr of Now York has been IP olute aa stant chief clerk of the Pension aTbotlornoyGeneral has alpolntct Herbert IIW Depart ¬ abet of Justice vice T N Itoblnson ro signed and 0 P M Hubbard of tho sntno State to bl Btenocrapber and confidential see ret vl MlMLydu M Hull resteneiL AAv G jIooni Chief of the Conlputnl Division OlldbepTrelLrY Architects resigned of MaReuhusetta has been Kvif for the Place Mr 1oase was formerly a I the omco but was dismissed by the last A- detralon The PostmasterGeneral 1 has appointed the following fourthclass Postmasters CbatIet w btotdrd HridewsIr S r jhon 01 Iirstnyuie s y J XirIvlie J A lou Zwni LMur S V ck Let Cen Cechbun UurpoI Y 1 itt lOyrt N J ft Ced t4ertti Chill N yl cbacbuh Oaond5s VUY t Y arla f red 0 Valley I y r rat King tJiiaaIlia York aylt t I taItlfl btir NY J SY J Ilo- eEfllylLl I lowy wtord 8 5 Ti Allen N ii Wnt1 J IC L nt nenton falls 1eii r T u Hramer- aif t M1 it A csrk Hast Huston Me L 1> 1r- I hutuNaMu0rh Mt Jonathan llaronr J W bweuy Annandale NJ Julius I I r 5aybei a t J w l Barker 1orVed Illver N Jobs ii IUD Ulen Uardner s Ji AUOIpIIUS Ward Ban j K i Larrabee Manrliester > JI- PIIIO Ii oPPOfk Wouul Pleasant N Ji Hiram VeSTS i nJ Ji I IJ H AshleyV Port Itepubllo N Ji V- M 11100 Slays K Ji XaUo llerr White- tip 0 Colvln Slut llenton Pat M 8 Kil rbtIJ PaJoboMcCrieoia I 1outa La o wl 7ki A Pckviflo i14 sir A stuLO1 WUaUI Pa BwI- Q The Oreeawloh Uarnburnlna Vase Baipoyjoni April tTho case of Alexander 14 gt Oavld I Uiuted the celebrated I Greenwich earn turnln cue wtlch hasbeet on trial In the fcu nor Osur befere a jury toy the past IC o weeks was Dntsned thi arterneon ftli a verdict In favor of me de fOIOI Voui1sl for lb PlelnUfJ gave noticeot an ap The eme Utlaaata bate bUD before tbe courts of tUOUI11 TiLtf ivltt CO VU ful slgt4 o tin KIlO JOHN OF ABX8BIN1JL A Talk wll a New York Jormallet who ew him Personally Mr Alvam 8 Soutbrrorlh at one time Bocrotary of the AmericAn Qooarrftphlc l Bool ety and who was formerly In Abyssinia nnd nn acquaintance and correspondent of EOR John reported slain la bate said yesterday t a Bus reporter Yes I know King John or as ho was known- in his own country Johanncz and J the re- port of his death bo true it will prove Croat calamity to Abyssinia Mr aonualntnnca bo- nn with him In 1872 Ho was about 32 old at that tlmo havlnc proclaimed htmseJ Kins on the suicide of Theodore at AIn after the defeat of his forces by tbo British under Lord Kapler He sot out to rule with Iren pomp going to the ancient city of Axum crowned boforo an assemblage of SOO pooDle who kept up the festivities on brewed from honey for threo days and the rov client wore wild with fanatical en- thusiasm brought on by this exceedingly seductive bovoraee which I have put to the test myself When lie retired to Adowale capital of Amhora whose language a Cl1910 closely to Its Hebrew stem hn took with him nn English subaltern from Nnplors command nntneiiKlrklmm Ho DAdo him nOoDoral and put him In countiand army and Klrkham- vvns the bolo forrltnor ho would trust Kirk hll was a bravo and venturesome follow hut very ignorant and unpolshodln In manner nmf carriage IU81Ul11cant com pnred with tho AbynMnlnn are handsome dlunlllod silent and serious men- The King however stack by Klrkharu 0- 1thotich ho encountered much native hostility I Ho bcuim to trill the soldiery In European fashion and modern arms aud artillery were purchased In Luro IB Everything was going on well and thoro was every prospect that the country clreed for 1100 yours to the trade of tho world would bo opened commerce tr a llbornlmindnd man llko Johnnnoz lint when I hnpiicntd to reach Maiwmah Jute In 187i I found nn Egyptian expedItion on hand to cap- ture ¬ tho pioUnooo Ii Jlocoi I took crotupt- iioiistire to send the news to Huez and It was telegraphed over KurotO vvostern- poivera took Inimedlntonnd ollocllvo measures to present tho nnnosutlon of Christian soil by- a Mo lem State I In what wavitre t the Abyssininns Christians Well they itro not all Cbrlstant The country Including the to the foutli has a population of about 12000000 and twothlriUof those are Coptic Christians with their Patriarch at Cairo Tho rest aro- Moholmetalslnd often dwell In tIle same Copts with little or no friction But the Mohammedan element has boon In Abtfslula lees than 2UO yearswhile the Copts data back to near the boplnnlne of tha Christian erl hut this Ecypthui foray wits followed others which actually proved nienadnc enough The Mohamnivdan troops eormaldet by American odlecrs and among ion Lor I UK Invaded the coun- try ¬ bu wore put to inglorious lllchtwlth great loss Jo- Tlnso attempts to subjugate and annox maddened the Klne who had pre- viously ¬ luMd broad vlovvs nnd had wlshet to opuu his country to the trade of tho In fact knowing the friendli act I had dOD to- Ils country In causing tho seizure bo abandoned ho proposed that 1 should live at Adoun tho capital and conduct the re- lations ¬ ot Abjsslnla with all foreign powersln fact bo his Irlmo Minister For this service ho cfTerod to pay mo SJOI n year In Austrian current on Sea a largo tract of dolorgovern internally which should be sltuateda mountain and lake and other con- siderations ¬ eiiually nleiiiaut I told him that I was on mi way to London from the Koudan and would clvo tho proposition my earnest thought Meotlnir ion Ktrkltam Iwho could Sot even write his name a few mouths later In London he brought renewed and even more liberal propositions and he also had letters to tho various sovereigns of burot o and to Presi- dent ¬ Grant from Johannez which I undertook to forward to their properdestlnatlons Shortly after with the lul approval of the King and In aFsoclntlon several vrralthy and Influen- tial ¬ EnFlshlol at the hood of whom W0 Ad ¬ Osborno I undertook organ lEe an Aliysfinlan company rounded upon the nonoral outlines of tho old East India Company and tile Hudson Day Company In the mean- time the wily Klrkham had Interested a Ger- man ¬ trading syndicate which his since tried foully to carry out part of the without en- terprise ¬ nerve orcottneration of the King What bocamo of Klrkhum- Ho I was shot and killed white tryine to cross through the Egyptian lines and sInce thou the Klne has had uo sincere and Intelll gent adviser for Klrkham however untutored- had showed common sense The consequence has been tho Italian Invasions the Mabdl- oporatlnc from tho direction of Khartoum and civil wiiis with provinces other than his own have mado him narrow arrogant and fanat- ical ¬ exactly as THE Bus YOI may say continued Mr Kouthworth do not credit the assumption thut John has boon killed In any contest with actual followers of the Mahdi Thla seems to mo like a eooeraphlcnl Impossibility because of tho long cninol trail I otvreon the Blue Nile and the Abyssinian frontier and the Impossibility of tho Atbora at this time of year It is more probable that ho has boon killed In conflict with some rival State to Amhora aud that he has fallen nt tho head of his troops Whatever zany be said of him ono fart cannot be denied that ho was the most obstinate notable and successful chieftain that has flourished on the African continent for generation and one of tho Ideal Abisslnlan monarchs since tho ox tlnctlon of tho old Ethiopian empire 4JIUiEMENX Die nelden Leonoren at Ambere1 Mr Ambers has condo a good selection In choosing Die Balden Loonoren a fouract comedy by Paul LIndau for presentation at his theatre It Is a piece well suited to his com- pany ¬ and one which must prove hUjbly pleas log to his audiences The play Is pure comedy never running Into farce The two Leonoras are a mother who Is not lot old and a daughter who has grown like a mushroom The mother 1s engaged in a flirta- tion ¬ when the daughter comes homo from- boardiegechojI In loud dresses and with other womanly evidences and astonishes shames and fascinates the lover of her mother with tho most brilliant celerity Frau Trautmunn the mother was a picturesque and erneoful flirt full of engaging languor and audacity The first scene IB given to tho flirtation Herr Ott bert was the other principal and very hand- some ¬ nnd capable In his part Herr Friese was the uncle of the scapegrace wholly opposed to flirting The broadest fun of the piece was af- forded ¬ by him and ho hIlled his part most creditably The second act Is disillusion Leonora the daughter robust aud sprightly moots the lover Al the Herman phrase goes Tbo scales from bin eyes and ho mutes him ¬ self with the younger beauty This and the Irst act have Berlin for the scene the third nnd last are laid In Hcldelberc where nvery- mlsuudorstundlnu Is adjusted and where this fun Is continued by Herr Irloec ably assisted tiy herr Walter tho husband of the elder Leonora to the end Horr Meyer and Frau hahn are two others of the cast who fill tbalr parts with particular ability flThe younger Leonora Is personated by Frflu oln Kllnkhummcr who finds hero a part wholly suited to her cBlnblllet Sho Is on her return from t vory ostlni mixture of girl and woman ready to makoloto play at dignity and bo pleased with n doll Dorr Ottliort was also singularly well Hted and shared with Jrflukln 1 Kllnklmmmor herr 1rlose Frau Truutiuunn and herr Wai- or the chief honol of tho evening The Itrooklym Fbllbstrosoailc Hoclety Tim PhlUmrmonlo Society of Brooklyn will bring Its thirtyfirst season to a close with ha robonrs l this afternoon and the contort omorrow oonlol at whlcb the enlarged orchestra uldor the baton of Theodore Jhomns will play it request procramme of rare excellence and Interest It Im ludcm the Suite No lI l llu D b Ouch the Paciorule 8ym iliony of Boolbovonlnd six Koloctlons irons Wagner to note that the sea- son just closing has boen eticeewsful and tbat thIs substantial musical organization vvlll hvo a fair surplus In its treasury w 1th which to be- gin tho season of I t990 A Intt Offlcn for SIr Hloucwull Jecksot April 4Col C Parsons of TWIUUSI I llurl Bridge loft this city today for Washington Col Pnraons was an orfiina Blalne man and was the originator movoraunt lootlnir to the aPJolntmenlllt 1118 Lexington Post Ofllre llchmoml IoBt Office of Mrs Stonewall Jack- son Islntllitet trIp to Wnshlncton sin I getting lira Jackson the tlclimond olllco nnd In connection with the Republican factional vminulen In Vlrulnla generally uiombon of thu XouonCJfocklnj party 1100111 Jncksone up- tiolatmunt will iso Illond solution or tlte qpus lon as turns concerned ColIlr- sonss isit hero caused no tittlo stirin Ircloa us ho ten strong antlMaboue mnu A Vlotory far ABtUrohlbltlonleta TonoNTO April Elections for the re of tbo Scott Temperance act were held In pl following places In Canada today and the repeal was carried In nil of thorn Gnelnh and Thomas cities and Ixinnox and AddlnRton HI Northumberland mid Durham Victoria rontennc Wollincton ellnlol Lanark Irani Carleton Ontario end iln coin counties In Ontuilp Uvl Oolaheit county Kovft COU A MISSING ANTE MORTEM POLIOttMAN rUIlLlPS CITES A BOOST XO KKVLtSCUS DIUC Bay TFeeheoan Told Him e Mum Did tC MDrderl Wrote It Dawn l at r JLeet A Detective DoEKUsr Following the order of the discoveries made In the investigation of the hatohet mur ¬ der the prosecution in the trial of Krullech the druggists boy has taken testimony for two days without reaching the facts that finally fastened suspicion on the prisoner Yesterday began with the oroMoxamlnatlon of Druggist- Otto Doepfner In whoso store at 937 Third avonu tho drug clerk Ouenther Weh8unx wee chopped to death with the hatchet bought the day before ns the prosecution epotf to show by Krullsch l the block u In which bo lives the crossexamination Lawyer Purdy the prisoners counsel de- veloped ¬ n new theory nt that was that a tramp stole into the and killed Woch sung for the money In the cash drawer lie was Inclined to abandon his suspicions against M Doepfnar lie began on him this way Q Dr Deepfner did you not I have a talk with a de- tective lat nlll In which you were toll that t would charge you IU having committed the murder t X with hesitation No I- rQDI4t have any talk with detectives about your testimony 1 X They talked with ne before I testified QYou are not to understand that I donot necessarily threw suspicion upon you In the coarse ot my crossex- amination I AMaybe you can Q WhaldM yon do when Mr MeCreery called you after be found VTeohsung lying bleeding at the back of the Store I AIrbbd my trousers end tried t ret out of the doer where ktcOreery stood calling tee but U was locked and I couldnt Cod my keys Then I went around lb other way and called to Mr UoCreeryacroaa- th llftit shaft sod told him t unlock the door Into Wecbannta btoom Ho did 6- 0Qtow Doepfner JtcCreery testified that yea appeared In I ties than a minute after he called you asS Be doean say you tailed to him at alL Who 1 right you or he t AI1 right Qwhy 41 you waut Ernleeohto stay over ntfhtIn the store night after tbe murder and sleep In Wechs ge t t X I cant give sup ron t DUnt you put out the gas look the door and In sist on hit itaylniT ANo I thought tie consented Orel and ha maId be was total to stay light along bet I Insisted on his tco4nie horns and telling hlaparenta I thought hIs father would b worried about hm lie aid his father wouldnt worry That waa buM u hla tether is dead Well he went away not go bOII came hack and saId he wonldnt stay I A cane back but lie didnt say be wouldnt QYou haS an acquaintance sleep with yuu In the ex- tension I AV- QWlhm hrullecb tells me he rev you bit reel eighth street and not In Beventynrst stress where be really did live because you waatsd to have boy who lived near tbe stnre which I Is near I street IslLatsoI A No I Java a boy IIIJIlb lives In Seventyelf street 1 dont want those nettuoor kind of boya- o When did you OreS tee the hatchet with which Wboua was killed f X boon after I found Wech lung dlIDld you notice the TO oenta marked on the ba- nqTliilam tells ma he deposited SI ICO In the bank for you two months aco on a Friday and that be was two boar late I because he could not deposit the money at It X- U SI when be arrived StIll tbat he saw a contractor there whom you kno named L lulcr la thai true t A- lontrememberanltbtlll abut It o Is tbe comblblol lock on your moss drawer d1ul AIts not like asafecombl ny ouil It require many tl to open U t AI eont uneof the jurors opened It on ones trying on Wed nesdar didnt he 11bc I tsar To Assistant District Attorney Jerome Dr Dooplaer said In rodlrect examination that was not In the habit of getting Wocleunl could a giod shoal of beer without getting drn Uko all those German follows QDI yea order Wechiung to tray that hatchet f A Qou carried considerable money In your wallet as- a hbll you ever show It to the defendant f AUs might have eeen It I never stowed U to him u n hen did you fret notice the I blood r n echsnnga facet x Alter 1 came out of my bdroom before 1 went Into the or to get a blood was congealed 00 his ltwasnt very fresh n Wo blood flowing from the wounds X Blood was oozing from the wounds but I was partially drieS oaths I ac- eJudle Ollderileevo was interested in this as- a Indication that tbo crime had boon committed earlier than I8 supposed low about tbo blood on the ha asked that drvr No said the witness it was fresh Judre ilderlteeveWhen you bun to wash the blood from Who face dle It came off readily t Aso It W and that 1 the reason why leant for hot WISer As the witness was abut to step from the stand he remembered had boon dlrvot- od on Wednesday to brine to court the mallet which was found on tho washstand In Wech Bunics room It had no buso on the wash stand Dr Doeptner I got excited when I saw it thor arid asked William Krullsch about- It but nt tell mo how Itonma there Dr Constantine J McOuIro of 141 It Fifty sixth street who was summoned boy defendant to go to Wecbsungs aid testified thltl was called by his coachman about 780 and found a ow minutes afterward a large crowd in front of the store Wechsucg was tilting in a chair The wines saw after- a brief examination of that he couldnt live Brain matter was ozlnl irons Wechsungs wounds but he herently and intelligently I asked him how i halened contnue Dr McOulre anti ho slttDI on the sofa bendlnc OTer when I got n I fell forward and afterward was hakod guss the wounds been made AI should say anywhere from ten minutes I to f aa hour before I saw blm Then Policeman Abraham Phillips went on the witness stlnd He said ho was on post on the klllina of Wechsunc on Third avenue from Fiftythird to tinyninthB- troot and ho stopped Infrontlof Doepfners drugstore to look at the thermometer In the doorway He had turned away when McCroery the plumber whole shop was In tho basement called him Inside the store and asked him for an ambulance He did no I and too tile drug store and asked ncb8unl how It had happened Krullsch Wech sung said I was struck in Wj head by a man sensation and I put UD my right hand to save my bend aaked wise did he said tie didnt know butte said I There It ane Then began to write down bis antemortem rut The boy KrulaoIi eelS to me while I was writing thlaawful I He I tel me In might rnlnulei past 7 me aome mossy to get rolls and Icatae back sail found him here Kru Rich wee coot and Ills face was clean and Ills hair was brushed as I he was going 1 church Crossaxamlnod by Mr Purdy tho sold that Weohsung told him at 728 A wlne8 he admitted Krullscb to tbe store at 710- A haand had sent Krulleob for rolls for breakfast The statement which ho had writ ten down nt tbe time tbo policeman added lien had dlllpvenre from the Fiftyfirst street po h3MrJeroa2eZa your former statement you lad nothing about Vechsung a sending KrulUch for rolls TIle d Ing man sorely said Itt AYee- Q 10 In conversation with tne before said nothing of this ASo but blbuI1rOlt lie said be sent Krullscb out for the rolls Phtlllpss testimony was a surprise In another nartlcumpthej statement that Wecbsunjc told hint that a man had bit him and that the written antomortam statement setting this forth had disappeared Among the others who talked with Wecbsuug nobody olse has oome forward who got from him any notion that ho had seen bUassailant at all and there were oven surmises iirnoni those not sa well in ¬ formed as Phillips that a woman haul done this murder Detective SerBflant James K Price testlned at considerable length In a running narrative seldom Interrupted By stole Allen I arrived at the tore I asked Krullsch to toil me wbara be had ben that morDlna Ho replied Tne clerk Into two minutes otter 7 I picked up the morning newspaper from the floor and put it on thsecounterniid stood still minute Then- I hung up my overcoat end WB tent lor rolls a block or two below on avenue I wits gout eight or ton minutes and catne bank and found thla excitement Titan I went for Ur MoOulre I had R conversations with the de- fendant ¬ I vera him If ho had seen any ono out of the hallway or coming In lie ion a woman went in Then I i went to the hospital whore cchnunK lay and talked with him ITIio wltnoss wits not permitted to lel what WectwuriK fluid I Afterward I tested lies knowloilun of the combination of the cash- drssworby ntllnj him to cliuiico HOIIIO money for mo II o didnt tako Ibo ploce of 10noyhll out and mild he could not I dranor Ho had novor ben taught the corn ¬ bination looked In money drawer for blood Binlnalut found none I couldnt open the cash drawer oven alter I hail boonjolti what this combination was I the Wile bloody hatchet He said be hued It bolero About 8 P M n friend of WlohHunQ came from the hospital and told us wa dead Willla became excited and cried Haoti afterward I said to Dr Doeiifner Are YOU loll to silty hers tonight 1 Wlwnou lie Im not afraid of the lay t II Ho iiBkoil Wllllo to star and the boy consented- litero was I convere ton ubout that time be- tween ¬ Dr Doepfner and myself I about Wecli unBB habit In sleepIng on the sofa said It was Weohsuntpa habit Wile down there Dr Doepfner scolded the boy and called him harsh names for not In formlal him of It Weohsuna was Iflnldown said when ho pent him for tJe rols te At night when Willie said be folnl home ha came back in no short a time mioiootoil something was wrong nnd I Bald Wllllo dont you know I followed youand didnsco home He owned that be had 01 boon home Uo said he had walked around the block and met an acquaintance named Lon who had worked for I muname Blots ibtuubam stir lie ul A CIO L on1 Finally TVll Ie begged tint to be ques ¬ tioned any mor He would till all ho knew next mornln he said It was nearly mid night ansi he was crying in the back of the tre Abut mjdnlaht I went roel the street and d the store came to the door with a whlterobed flcure came out and the flguro went buck Wile tore He went to Flttysyventh atretthien followed At Seopnci avenue anti Fiftyseventh street he topped and looked around and I went on a Stoop as though I lived there Willie took a street car uo town find I followed and jumped on the front platform HA came to the front of tha car ADd J dropped oft caiicbt the rear plat lotus andiotind Detectives Tl tun nnd McCarthy there Willie came to the back platform and I dropped off and ran along not far from the oar to Hoventllth street whore tho boy got 01T lie wont Into the Association apartment house ntSoventrflrat street and Hocond avenue and tayed there This chase wit to find where the boy really lived lie hodgiven the police n false ttddress Judge aildernleovo at this point noticed that tho fecond juror John Olfnn of Ita East Fifty second street was pale Do you think you can BO on V asked Judge Olldereleor Mr Olftlnnhook his head and court was ad ¬ journed until today Mr Olfllns physician rayn Mr alffln is authoring from an attack of- malaria Krullsch who was as cool aa a cucumber on the first day 01 the trial grow dotted yester ¬ day while Policeman Phillip and Detective Price were on the witness stand Ho told bis counsel that Phllllns told the truth ansi that the others hail made mistakes In their testi- mony ¬ A OAFTirtt SKA Cow Description nnd Habit or Title Queer etae- lRttr AnlmisU- THOMISVILLK Qa April 4There is now on exhibition at the old Alton House on Jack- son ¬ streot a manatee or sea cow Capt W II Squires who exhibits this queer animal sold to the reporter This cow Is ten foot lone and weighs 1000 pounds Its tall Is twenty Inches across We caught in the inlet to tho Bt Lucia River which drains the Everglades of Florida We used in the capture a seine 500 fcot long made of Inch rope This Is a very small cow They crow from fifteen to twentyfour foot long and to weigh from 10000 to 00000 pounds They- are very powerful and often break tho strong rope of the seine like spool cotton thread Wo attempted to not ono fifteen feet long just be ¬ fore we cauaht this one and It tore our seine- to pieces Their bones are like ivory and worth U a pound Tho moat In tho markets of Havana Is considered delicacy and Bells nt 15 to 25 cents per pound There is but QUO fho manatee cow on exhibition In this country bowldoH this one It la at Jacksonville 1la There was one known as Old Columbus at the zoological gardens In Cincinnati but they killed and mounted It Tlioro was ono also at Philadelphia but It died and was mounted We caught all of them Old Colum- bus ¬ and the Philadelphia cow weighed each 9000 pounds They make a fearful struggle when first caught but soon surrender like a sheep and become very docile Though crea- tures ¬ of immense power thny are easily con- trolled ¬ They have crlnders und eat grass like a cow The eyes are about the slzo of a buckshot TIle head tapers to n point There are two flippers In front no legs behind They nurse their young hnvlnc six nipples on each sIde Tho sea cow Is found at only one place In North America the Jupiter Inlet of the Ht Lucia hIrer on the coast of Florida They lira found at three places only In tho worldthe mouth- of the Amazon River tho mouth of the tit Lucle River and near Cape Town on tho Capo of Good Hope In Africa They worn to have their habitation in the warm waters of the Gulf Stream and Its branches The Gulf Stream begins at the Amazon Hirer and runs very near the mouth of St Lucie Hirer miss lag at that point the shore only three and pnebalf miles They lease the uulf Stream here In pairs and enter the bt Lode lllver to feed upon the tender blades of the manatee grass They leave In winter and return by pairs into In the spring Another curious thine about thIs queer animal Is that It hat one hair about a halfInch long that stands out perfectly straight from the body to every suuaro Inch ot surface It lives In unit water but feeds In fresh water When In captivity they are kept in warm suit water and lod on common entases spinach and celery N02ES ov nan AND FiSHING North River shad continue to light shy of the fishermens nets One is caught now and then but the professional fish killers have not boon lucky yet In striking big school Pompano usually a rare fish la Now York markets and snapped up at forty or fifty cents a pound are plenty at twentyfive cents a- round They lira brought from Florida by fast freight For local trout fishing tho finest catch for the season yet reported is by a son of Mr E B Sutton On Wednesday forenoon he caught lit toon trout In the babbling brooks near Baby- lon ¬ and they averaged threequarters of a pound each A spotted hind caught tho Gulf of Mexico was shown In Fish Commissioner Illackfords place in Fulton Market yesterday The fish weighed about fifty pounds It Is of a poorly white color and dotted with slateeray mark- ing It Is of the crouhor family and the spe- cies ¬ was not known to icthyologUitB until It was discovered in the deepest tart of the Gulf ot Sloilco over twenty years ago in an expedition of tbe United States FIStS Commission It Is a good food fish A party of Jersey City anglers visited the Flockensaok Klor yesterday and with ground bait took nearly 200 yellow perch Letters are received dally by the State Fish Commissioners from fishermen and sport men8 associations asking whether the Com- missioners ¬ will not at onco stock certain lakes or rivers with certain Ush The Greenwood Lake Uahermen for Instance contemplate ak- In the Commissioners to stock the lake with Aolleyod puce as food for other fish Thu State Fists Commission has however closed UD until next fall tho business of cll tilbirtlniaU In ro Bponsa to applli atlons ApDlieatlona tiled now will not bo attended to until then Carp will ba distributed In November and December to oil who apply before Nov 1 Tho Commission- era will have their hands full distributing fish on a hare scale in the Hudson and greater lakes this spring At a regular meeting of Excelsior Vien- na ¬ Club held at 395 Bowery on Tuesday the following officers were elected for tho ensuing year President Loonard J Kerr VlcoPreal dent Daniel Kuhn Jr Secretory William laser Treasurer II MeL Looser The club also appointed committee to perfect plans for building a new club house on their grounds luguenot Staten Island the large increase In membership roauirltig additional room The proposed club bouse Is to bo In the Gothic style two stories In holcht with thirty rooms- on tim Beoond story and verandas on both stories It will bo about 200 IODB and la to be finIshed about May 15 Prod Itouclaee U JuckeotiTllle JACKSONVILLE April 4Fred Douglass Is In the city and today was tho guest of the colored people A procession numbering 600 ncludlnc military companies escorted him from tbo station to tho SubTropical Expoai Ion where bo delivered a short address con- f1ratlilatiDlllhe ¬ colored pooplo of Florida upon since emancipation Tomorrow exposition The city Is lull of colored people from all parts of the South cheat excursions having brought them in by housands ilr Douglass remains hero two days longer The Secular 1reasi and Relljlo At the monthly mcetlne the American In tltuleof ClirUtUnlhllotophy at 4 Mlnthrop place last renter a paper en The Attitude ot the Secular Frssa- Q America Toward Religion was rod by A IL Eleg fried Eastern manager or the Chicago Delis Sews Tbe paper treate tbe subject irons the newspaper stand- point aa attempt chow to those outilds some haut lb eTeraxe newspaper a own thought Itarelatloa to elUrion The averaire edltorbe said regards religion with friendly Inditlervnce but on cjccanton lie I la tier strong ally and nfpi rter The fcutidny neniisrer Was loktn of an tlie vreetest single lactor In Hunu 4r Sec Inrlatlun nut beruiiKe it VMIIIS tu bo ur tries tu bo but be COllie of I Din oAtitre and utiloume nt the tliluif liself- iut t She curmit illcturn of certain or the oleriry SAd nun Sunday editors that the Huilday newepaper must uu- s 111 uuDded and tlie Sunday paper wilt stub SOd grow in spile of acoldlnif anathema boycott ir any utter form of optioiltlon whence the Inquiry What U re- Uglon BOliiK to do for and ulth tile Sunday paper I The reading ot the paper was followed by a dlMUUlon NEW JEIisIT The Pjecollve forniultteo of 1 the lludioa County liiuor Dealers shocUUdU uiftl reslerdA sod dectdeil to help i all Hie leucrtlo i candidates fur Aldermen as- the cumin uprluir election Jauiee Vaiivourt 7 years ott of 75 lon Street Ho- okik was run over and killed yesterduv ty a truck Orison t by Tbomua huati of ml Soot Twentytbltil III reel this city IJuiau was arresleil- Vetwesn S and lOorlook on Wednesday nlilit Ihlif entered the bouse of W r Atkln at ilouiolatr and sail 701 IB f too and iw bills which were lylnx on a bureau In Mrs Atktns room la the second story Eiassemblynsn Jobs Isaraou hu refused lbs Demo railo nomlaailon for member of tbe Hoard of Public Work trora the Pint dutrlet In Jersey City A con enilon will be held tomorrow to nominate another Andldae Vice Chanettlor llrJ boo notified esMayor Collins of Jersey City counsel of the Order of financial tTnlou that be baa decided to aopclot a receiver fur the order slid to grant a permanent Injunction reairalntni the Supreme Council of the order tom dolua any busiuete- bis l la the outoome of the charges of fraud which were RIte fajhu tie njieae Cvuuoll itra mtotki ago SWEPT BY PRAIRIE FIRES NOflKOU DAaiAOK DOtfK IN DAKOTA Atl ttlUNKSOTA The Lou relmkt stt 9OO O OTV7lio- lTllUce Laid U Ashc mnt Sloth Hioek- Ilesitrajed The Flame Passed by s- sIlurrleaan Peas le named to Death MINNEAPOLIS April 4 During Use last two doye South Dakota and Minnesota have boots swept by A series of wind storms which have cued hundreds of thousands of dollars damage to property and several lives nave boon lost Tho storm started on Monday nigh nnd swept over a large area south of the North era Pacific rood In Dakota and extending Into the southern tIers of counties In this State Tho greatest damage hits not been caused by the wind alone but flros fanned Into fury by the storms have wiped out of existence several small vlllacos and hundreds of farmers houses The towns almost completely destroyed aro Volin Olhot Iuknwana Iostervlllo And Mount Vernon and three or four other village wore badly damaged At Volin every house la- the place except three Is demolished and IDD people l are without homes tonight Lester Title was levelled with thin ground and twenty families are without a roof A terrlblo gale of wind struck Mount Vernon and lire Btartod from a small house that was blown over early last night No human power oould stop thB flames and In an hour tha business portion of the place was all ablaze Nearly 200 families are homeless and tho loss will foot up 430000 It Is reported that sov tral persons lost their livoa In this hire but no confirmation has yot been received Four large elevators and the Milwaukee depot wero destroyed Itear lllunt on man lost COO head of sheep which were couctit in a prairie tire Several head of horses were uneil by awlmmlnc the Thor In many places tile crops were coeroi by tho loose sand and dust and will have to- ne 10p1BII1 od Travel was suspended on some linos of roiiJ so treat was tbo force of the wind The clouds of dust prevented engineers from seeing the track A report from Ci sty says the sun nns almost totally obscured nnd the superstitious thought tho end of tbo world had come Farm houses and barns were swept away and horses and cattle were burned to death by scores Near Mtlbnnk fifty head of llvo stock are re- ported ¬ lost and the fire bus swept over twenty miles 01 the country causing immense loss The storm has abated somewhat hut the wind is yiit high enough to keep the fires burning fiercely and further heavy losses aro almost certain The damage In Minnesota is much loss than In Dakota as the force ol thcittorm was pretty well spent before it reached the boundary YASKTON Dak April 4The records of the Signal Ufflco show that during tbe prevalence of the Ores in this region tho humidity was but 7 per cent a condition or dryness Sergeant Oswald says never before attained in tills region The maximum humidity I In 100 tho meson annual humidity hero 70 This shows that the atmosphere was almost devoid of mois- ture ¬ The velocity of the wind was 40 miles an hour The losses South Dakota will foot up izooooou- LtKK BENTON Mine April 4The most de- vastating ¬ prairie lire ever known raged over the prairies west and north ot Lake lion ton yes- terday ¬ sod lust night Tho winO was a hurri- cane ¬ for nearly twentyfour hours and swept the lire along with resistless force passing the wldobt lire breaks and leaping ploughed folds with a bound It licked UP bouses barns stock and In some places human lives The greatest destruction of property nod loss of life IH In Dakota lleo Heights u town on the Northwestern road in almost destroyed Dempster a station on the Watortowu branch Is reported destroyed Spauldlugsranchueur there Is also reported consumed Crossing Into Lincoln county over tract of land com- paratively ¬ little settled and covered with a heavy growth of grass it swent on with rn newed velocity it Is reported that Henry Kourth Mr Berg 0 M Moon and others near hero lost nearly all their bullitlncB- MtLLEii l > alt April llrulrlo fires lest night destroyed about forty houses many barns a large number of horses and cattle and left about forty families destitute in the south part of this county A terrible gale ol wind added to the terrors of the situation The loss Is estimated nt 50000 The County Commissioners are lu session and will see that no one suiTors for the uecossurlos of life Huiiox Dak April 4No prairie Ore In the history of this part of Dakota equals that ol yesterday lu this county the losses are much loss than in the counties west Half it dozen houses wore burned and runny settlors lost their barns some stock and n largo nuantlty of hay and grain The wind was from tllty to sixty miles an hour andsent burning embers ovor the plouched ground and Ore breaks sev- eral ¬ rods wide setting lire to everything In their coors Tho fire camu UP so rapidly that settlers hind only time to save themselves leav ¬ ing their property to tile mercy of the flames In Sully and Hughes counties 200000 worth of property has been destroyed Near High more Miss Sweeny was burned to death and Oar St Lawrence Mr Babcock perished In the flames MITCHELL Dak April 4 Nobody but a man who has stood before a amine fire and tried to stay its awful rush and roar when it is fanned by a fresh wind can appreciate Its almost resistless force The fires that have bronchi en touch loss and KutTurlnc to south ¬ eastern Dakota In the last tow days worn prac- tically ¬ irresistible Flume lu some instances leaped lot betel ploughed ground and rushed away ngaln All ordinary precautions were vain The spring had boon very dry and the top of the ground has boon dusty or bated Under these conditions wherever hire touched the grass It burst out with a flash almost like powder and shot away across the pratilu like in arrow Its course over widening To ex- tinguish ¬ it by water of course was out of the question Iloucblnc flro breaks was slow work and tbe wind often throve the flames aci ocr them The losses In Vankton county are M M Joansson It Anderson F Ott Mrs Btockwell- It Prlnclo J K Olson David Iurley James Iloxlnx John Hundorabot Leroy books M holbrook E h Volln A H Volln Josooh- i lleckmelr Henry Haku Charles btenoel Wil- Hum llandall t S NL Howe in the vicinity of Jumesilllo twelve miles north of nnkton eight farmers sustained losses running front lluuU to fJUOO each Among these wore N Johnson Choa liouk Wallace Brothers and K C CooL Around Jamosvllla the loss will o upllOUOO One man lost 1000 in money f f ho bud In his cost on a piece ofplouctiodi- U 3iiU fret from the grass Two new tronl were burned 100 feet from the tIre Mxty muss of Wostera Union wires were blown down between Contrevlllo and Huron BLUNT Dak April 4 The stories of the fire continue to be brought Into town by stragglers Thoy say tbat the wind would gather up the loose tinder and hurling It highs In the air carry It ahead of tile surfaon fire alighting barns and houses and igniting the praltlo fifty yanls In advance of this surface lire Houses and barns wore burned where the tire was car- ried ¬ over 100 yards across now broken ground The losses are estimated at 200000 In this vicinity HICJIIMOUE Dak April 4A prairie flro started on the evening of the hat hive miles from Hlcbmoraon the farm of lames Innram While he was smoking his pipe his barn caught fire and was destroyed A fierce wind carried the lire tu tba prairie and the work of destruc- tion ¬ began Housnfl barns and some stock wore burned On Tuesday morning the wind reached a terrific gale No ordinary firebreak nmdo any resistance to the swooplucwAll of flame At 3 P M the fire reached lIce Heights fifteen miles oiwt of Illulnnoro whore tlilrteen- rcsiilenit In the town wore ilobtrood Tha losses In hyde county are ltXK At sundown on Tuesday another fire started In the northern part of this county sweeping away six homes burning death Miss Annie Sweeny and a 5yearold baby Eugene Tibba Mr nnd Mrs Tibbs Mrs nnd MUm Ruby are burned the two former fatally ScoTLAND flak A prll 4It would take 1200- 0H to cover tha loss In this county The Huteblnson Herald outGo was burned David Incholtor and Howard White farmers near Olivet were completely burned out Another lire east of Scotland destroyed everything on the farms of A O Kannty Qua Kvonson and M Shook On the stock farm ofK8 Sweet three barns were burned Loss 3000 Twelve miles west of ScotlandtweniyQvo farmers are known to have lost everything AiiEitDLRN Dak April ltNeus of the com- plete ¬ destruction of Leola the county seat of MclhrmoD county hiss Peon brought in by courIers Leola was a little town of 800 In bnbltants and the country for miles around was well settled with un Industrious nnd thrifty pootilo It is twentyfive mlle front rallroMl and tolocrunb fiicllltles and It Is illfll cult to got otetlste information Out of thirty placuH of business Including two hunks two nevvupanerH two churches iund three or tour hotels but four are loft standing and out of front thirty to forty residences loss than a dozen remain The loss Is practically corn able and will reach tlAOOOi C W Old and Thomas Wardell were terribly burned and he- courlerH say they cannot live Iartlea who drove itcro B tlio country to ostport the near ebt railroad station BHV that the Hurroundluu country Is nearly devastated Ilundicils of farm IIOUHCH ura In ashes nnd cuicatoa of burned stock are lylnc about tlio road Scores of farmers aro without seed wheat stock bullOiiiKs or implements to begin spring woik LeeS hi Iletsd on hie Weelellnat Day MjHNEJrous April 4 James W Vlccare disappeared from Mlnnaapolls on the day ietor his marriAge to tllss Bar bas been heard from Ur Smith tU former emplorsr IsIs rtetteJ a letter trots the young man who Is with his parents at Green Lase thou halt Vlccsre ears hs does Slot know how he came ti leave Mlniit IKJ > AH be knows Is that alter a period wanlerint whirls seems to him Ilieu nltrnruisrc be reached home exhausted In body and soled lie ea- tresses remorse for bis conduct and says be could not Cons hack to Minneapolis sod feel bin f rienda In his leu sir to Mr Smith be does sot mention JfuJ Ray but bas wrlllerja Is 1501 It list uplalulac til dUapceataige JJSAftNlflO TO RUN PTtlUARIES- Tk Ataettenrsi Takiug he Cake lbs Btyle- Vt > Ia tke Millionaire DUtrlejt The Republican primary elections will be- held today except In the Eighth district The followers John J OfirUn may occupy their leisure by Interfering in contests In some ot this other districts The fight In the Fourth Fourteenth antI Sixteenth It Is al- leged ¬ were Instigated by the OBrlenlts In most districts tho polls open at B P M Thor Untight In tbo First but It will probably not amount to much In the Fourth the vociferous AbbottDunns opposition to John Cclllnt and his white necktie will sot In their work at 211 East Broadway In the Flft1 the polls will be open front I PA It too I1 M at 133 West Houston street The prospect of lively times Is very cod There Is a miscellaneous voting population there In color and oven thing else anti they take their polities aa Keuouoly ns Indlanmns The Ins will take care to have plenty of policeman on hand i In tho Thirteenth dlstrlot the Glbbs faction and the Cowles will take all day to find out who lifts the most votes The polllDe placo la at 2G9 Eighths avenue The Fourteenth will have tin fight at 1T9 First avenue between the NugentHaly regu lays anti this bohaotorlJamborBorVouDB con tin gent In the Sixteenth voting will proceed from 0 to 9 nt 437 Second avenue The gavhoueo dis- trict ¬ Is well stirred up and although the recu lars prevailed against the kickers before the Committee on Appease Leader Henry Kropf will tInt very sturdy fIghters marshalled against him even OH he used to marshal thorn nenlnst his predecessor Capt Crogan There will be a peculiar contest In the Twen ¬ tyfirst district at H Kant Klftvilnth street The mnchlnn politicians Including Jacob host though ha no longer lives there Vllllutn LoaryWilliam Brook field and equally ohIo managers are dlogruntleil ovor the at- tempts ¬ of A It Whitney John F Ilummer end their followers tu not control cud are bit tony charging the whilom amateurs with trickiness unfairness They say that the ticket In made up by a conference between committees representIng the district organiza ¬ tion anti the enrolled Republicans was one which gave all Interests a fair representa- tion The Whitney people by pretending to bo entirely satlslled lulled the Luarylloss partisans to a feeling of falsa security and led them to lose Inteiest In the meeting the en- rolled ¬ Republicans The Miltnoyriumnior people contrived to got out In good force to tIm meeting and finding themselves In the ma- jority ¬ proceeded to tinker un tIm ticket arid make It such a one as would elect Mr Whitney Chairman of the District Committee Among the men taken off the ticket were George R CatbcarL John Proctor Clarke Joel W Mason Mortimer C Addoina It J l Slater James 5 lUMen K W Hlootnlnirilale William T illack Louis Sleek C Cliurke VMiilam A Corp Henry ii Ue Milt Charles A lIeu James A Blanctiard William L Fled Icy D Morgan lludretb Jr howard Iavson Wilds llarvood R 1ooL sod JameaS Letimaler A very strong contingent of the dietriot rte publicans commend tno original ticket In the interest of hitrmonv fair play anti of orderly and regular nrocecdlncs They have sent out thousands of circulars embodying these views and enclosing the ticket headed In big blaolc letters Regular ticket adopted by the corn Ittues of the enrolled llopublloans and of tha District Committee The antimachine or rather the now ma ¬ chine people held a meeting iu title district last evening The principal feeling seomod to ba- onant alarm The big label of regular on tim other ticket was the cause of the fear and It was believed that It would carry It through A gentleman named Campbell went so far as to say that Mr John F hummer was a fool because be deinrod Ills ticket to bo regular in the circular which accompanied it but did not label the ticket Itself Thoro are some very solid names on both tickets such as fJbaunoey 21 Dtpow Joel II ErbardU Theodore Itoosovelt Kobort St Gal ¬ loway and Edward Mitchell hut curiously enough i he name of Elliott F Shepard appears only on the tinkered ticket The old llayrnond Crane row Is up In the Twentythird 1IIE SALE OF Sins SCUESCKS LOTS Mr Barthnsm Denies that the Members of the Hoard of Education Iroflted by 1C Mr Franklin 8 Schenok a real estate dealer In Brooklyn has made some singular statements in reference to the recent sale ot some lots on Eosclusko street to the Board of Education ton school purposes He says that JlrWilliam Bartbman a member of the Board came to him some time ago and made Inquiries about the lots which belonged tohls Hchoncks- wifo Mr Schenck sai s that bo was willing to soil for 15000 but that Mr Bartbman agreed to these terms provided that he IMr Sobonck should make it appear in the deed to the city that S75iKi had been paid Mr Barthman ex- plained ¬ to Mr Schmuck the latter alleges that there were five men on the Building Committee who would have to have 3Ui apiece Mr Sohenck relused toacroa to those term ha says anti the negotiations for the sale were broken off Subsequently the lots wore told for JOCKJO to Mr Allen who said ho wanted thorn for building purposes but In a few weeks Ur Allen dlspobodof the properly to the Board of Education the latter paying 17575 Mr Uitrtlimnn Is a wealthy Maiden lane jew ¬ eller lio flatly contradicts Mr Bchuncksstory I never he says had such U conversation with him ns bo alleges and he never offered to sell the property for ttiCUO No one connected with the Board lies made a coat outoi this purchase and Mr tichpnck will have to answer In court for his statements The matter will probably be made the sub- ject ¬ of an investigation by the Board of Edu ¬ cation lie was SIB Escaped Lunatic Patrick Foley a man of middle age who said ho lived at 79 East 125th street was ar- rested ¬ on Tuesday at noon He had accosted two men on Madison avenue above 120th street and asked them who lived at No 1082 where Judge McGovvn lives Before the men could reply ha dashed across the street say inc Thats the house and begun pulling the bell violently lie poked hisumbralla through the gloss of the vestibule door and the glass ot the Inner door frightening Mrs McUown who wnu about to answer his ring She called for n policeman and Foley win carried oil It was learned that ho bad once boon at the Insauo asylum at Wards Island but had escaped Chief Justice MoAdam sent him back there yesterday The New York Methodist Conference The New York Conference continued its ses- sion ¬ yesterday al tbe Eighteenth stress church Tbe lice T C HUT wlio baa charge of the mission work In Utah spoke of tbe needs of that country Mneteen years ago be went out there and the only place ba tould get for meetings In Salt Lake City was a bayloft over a stable It waa fifteen years bsfere their werk made any perceptible advance > ow they hay thirty churches thirty schools with l5s5u pupIls thirty hiss day schools with 2IU pupil church property worth iiAcso with nearly lush membera lie said they needed twenty ne inure rhuroriea and a collection wee tMken on Use spot tar that purpose It amounted to Jirisj Chaplain McCabe announced that lie had received a letter from a lady who had volunteered to build a church In NeplU Utah aplaceot3ti Inhabitants At 31 M the annlvereary meeting the Womans- porettrn Missionary Society was held and addreuea were mails by She II Koblnson and Sirs IJaldwIn who spent many years In mlsalonary work In China Jays and Imlla In ICe evening Ibe hey Dr W r llstillir- eacbed the missionary sermon The Mutual IleneAt AeaotlutloaA- LBANT April 4At a hearing before the Attornsy Ueneral today on the report of the Insurance lepartment In rotation to the affairs of the Mutual lanent Association America of the city of > ew York tile Mtorneyiieneral after hearing ttieetaiemenieand affidavits said that ibere was mi occasion to lake soy proceeding ngslnit the association Tbe question ot action a alnst any of the ortlcera was tsservsd for ta tore cbnslderallon when furtber papers hays bun ireaented IfltOOKLYX Justice Cnlltn has granted Byrcn Triple in abioluU- dlroro from lies Tripen- Cfiiutahl BrlnleCrbott hai appointed lUrbsrt L Smith a lion In law of lbs late Comptroller Llvliitfttoii bit deputy U fca been bond clerk In the offlc for aoina tIne Work on the Fifth arenue branch of tbt Union El rated Killroad la being pushed forward as rabidly a- pOMlble and the structure It U ixptcted will l be com pisSed oft JUDO 1 Pastel Donovan 45 years old of Fifty tint Street > cw york vrtill at work on ne hlnirwn M L bursts ta VMUoujUibir arcnua yesterday till off a step abler and oejvd a fracture ul tile ekull Irom which b did almost instantly Mayor Cbapln his spooIntst John U Wrbtr A Them tarot tb Hoard of EUucatton tn plate of Artoipli U Ottilia who slgaed ir Wtter It a wll known O rineu and 4tifrevged In business with hl titerla law William Ullioer hue brew r us lea Uomocrat- Ruit oils A Nathan eV year old dud on Wedneaday- at270 EUnth Street from lajurleato heriplo tauird- by the 511 of his levai r at tha lobojriran slid IA lbs rUtbMvetiUf rink on Vets f7 Uf the decor per un lu- theelfvaUir at Ib tins nf the accident MUti > ataau was tba nly out riouly hurt Tb r nube ut new drum and fife corps organized In Brooklyn roniiioMd of inembtri el dnfr iit drum corps of Brooklyn The election if nflUcr resulted ins fniioin ilium hired lii II iuruu Major I 11511 Curls ant- yr Urraml llrsl t berttCHiiU A 0 Wn aud i ru- XlubiLrker Bftoond sergeants tien Oeke yuartif- matttraerxeant adueo Krclericii Secretary A gang of yonn1 booltum wreokid Ike windows In Adolph ltosgrragrocryilors at if ItrraiiT place on WctiDfteday nlibt br hirliou stones end o her uiluti i- throafb them Onuftn stones struck Mr Kticv rr In th tao destroyIng Itvaljthtof ens ay Joicpb Walsh Lawrence Vina John lilLtoni Edward Waists and John OLeary who irs aroused of ha lug pullet paled 10 111 1usd wr stresSes Wllllacn Strong has beet sent to the penfttnllarr for a year ty Julius waist fur anno > Jiff Ilri I 1 txtl a serVant at 124 hi Murk avenue tie wn formerlr- Uf r nulior but his dUrardd lilru vu arcount of IU tad temper ll rvenged lilnu lf by i persluiently anuuj In br On Buuday last when on nir way to IT Palmate cborob with Lewis Lewis se an escort Dtrontf abased hr anddrevT a knife CD atr Of tap ale p TfcU ceased fill atc Oil nODOKRS REPUBLICANS lV A UVDDIM- Thay Have qnarrelled Over Their 10usd Ticket VntU There I U Ness of It Loft Hobokan Republicans are In a pretty mud die The City Convention to nominate candi- dates ¬ for city offices to ba voted for next Tuesday was held on Wednesday night John K Wljfsens was nominated for Mayor and E- V B BoMon for Writer Registrar The Demo crnilo candidates for City Treasurer sail Ho- cordcrware > endorsed Both WlsEonsand Bos- ton ¬ declined nominations The convention reconvened and exMayor Tlmken and John Patterson both Democrats were nominated There was a kick In the party at Patterson nomination and when the City ExeoutlvaOom mities met yesterday a motion was made ta strike Pnttertons name from the ticket antI substltulo hoary Lohmanns for It Lohmana- Inalson Domoor t and he lurunnlnefor Water ItoclKtrar on nn independent ticket hoary JnTdoro Is this Democratic nominee KxAfttemblymnn John Tanyemnn ft Dam her of ths committee made a speech mralnit- tho resolution lie said the committee had no right to undo the work of a City Convention find be threatened that If the resolution pasied be would be a Democrat In local politIcs bore after rite resolution was passed by vote of Btof The six Including Arthur Seitr who was Chairman of tho coinmlltoo nnd is iso candidate for Alderman loft the room declar- ing ¬ that they would not support the ticket with Lehmans name on It When exMayor Tim ken hoard of the trouble In the committee decided that ho didnt wnnt the nomination for Mayor nnd notified the part hf the committee that was loft thIrst Im wouldnt accept Tbo committee adjourned then There I Is no Kopubllcan ticket In the field and the regular Democratic nominees will have a walkover with the possible exception of Jui dove The Yorktown to be Made Steady FniLaDRLPtiu Acrll Commandant It D- fieelyof the Leairiie Island Nayy Yard has received a communication frost Secretary Tracy orderlov that the rulaer Vorktnwn ba made ready for salllraron April SO Alt that remalnMto he done It Is said Is to plaoe the elites on board the vessel While the communloatloa- rnmHeoretary Tracy tues not state where the York town wilt sail It is thoiitht that she will be sent te Sew sort during the centennial of Washingtons Inau- guration J E POWERS Writer on business monoybringar 54 Wall street New York Mr Powers is the writer of the Wanamaker advertising from 80 to 86 There is said to have been in those days at least one column in the Philadelphia papers that wasnt dull Mr Powers has taken an of- fice in New York and this morn ¬ ings World contains an account of what he proposes to do here 1htCi4t otlu Al BOLILLOK MAQOt JJQUJD EXTBAOI Or BIBK- J np after the tide A sup after the theatre A cop frat thini In the morning A CUD before retiring A rul fur the tltltnr- A rap when fevlmvUafte- VI tr folio to iii inn wrt4i l is nredel t lnrlrirate 1 tb M nifu lu iuinf ut Osler t rtroju loa boltita uots uai Ujiii t7t troceraaiil druggists Beware of Imitations Ask Mafina Uojlllo- alEANINOT 7AII5T < Xt- TLD sTbWAEZ 534 aTftcni tax cllculars Teleplioue cell U JUtel UARlkK INlELUGINC5iIe- IhTUiI LWSaTills OAT tan rises a 871I sun sets 8 291I Moon sett 11 SI siGn WATIW THIS OAT BaniyHootlO 4l GOT lslandll all Hell Oats 1 M- ArrlTd TuoisDiT Aprili- Ss rhlladelpbla llouklna Laffuayra- Bs Australia MoKlthle Olbraliar- Bshpaln Urlfflihi Oueenetown Bs City nf Au ows Catherine Savannah Cs city nf uioure ter Young West Point Ta 8s Delaware tblchcstcr Charleston Bs II F Uluiock Eldridae BOston 8s Lahn Ilellmem Queenstown- fis Old Dominion Couch Norfolk Bs D> Kuyltr Arfslen Antwerp 6s Charles r Mayer thud Baltimore 6s Mount kdfecunibe vVetherUl rrocrease- ea PlaK Coombs Itlo Janflrib Bark Alma lilieS Amsterdam For later arrivals see Jottlnis AbontTewu- 1laairiii ort- s Bottrrdam front yew York at Rotterdam Be California from New Tork at hamburg BA Ssale from Pew York oulhamnton as CelUo from New York atQueenstown snub runs roaniGi roari- Bs City of Pan from Queenitown for New York Be Hrltannle from Queenstown for New Tech BsWnikoinmen troTh Bremen fnrew York be Alter trom Southampton for Sew York ulnr 3Dlit Kennedy Derby Data 1OO atjles luck brown russet bronre 5150 l lAbS titlu sac tate on- equalled for lustre 1itn HHO Suu save retailproflu ha M Oortlaudt su upstairs Prevailing aitTle In Oenllemen State for spring weaxl superior qualities l decided saving Inprloa- McCA > hii Jiauowery near frlnce at MAltRlKD- A68EMIEIXKEITOn Wednesday April 3 at the realdenoe of the brldee parents 327 East Imoat by the ReT lr Isaac C Noot Louie Auenhslot barali Kil- tSIMNSuaigson Wednesday March 37 by the Her Oeorve f Breed at tbe rectory of ut Johns Church Brooklyn Slim Nary Alice Mines daunhlerot late MliUom E Hines t Edward I1 Blmrns- BSEUKs TOrTKNAt Trinity Church thla city on Tuesday April by the KCT Fred liuriretaor rota fret Coca John M fcnedsn to liar Ion S Totten- qu DIED BOOMER On Aprils at bis late residence 1O9 Pons > lass it Brooklyn N VM Jots lloomsr age373 yean Funeral today std3U V M- IlUUIuKUoa Aonl a Deborah Bradford sister te- trie late Nsthanlel U and Uenjamlu W llradroid In her slits year Funeral from the homo of her staler Mra O II WU lard l loa U eat 413th St toda at 1 o clock BRAIV On Tuesday April 2 Tliomae f UelOTed hue bond of jlarifaret Brady atred f d years Belallves and friends are tnt iced lo Altenit the funeral to slay at I oclock Irom hU Isle residence 24J Cue tots St BRENNANOn April 1 Kale ODonnell beloved wife of AsBembiyinm Brennan Funeral from her late residence today CJlHlhTIR AtLeonla i J on April Uannab Uarta- Brlakerhoft widow of David curlatli In the Wia year of her aiie Relatives snd friends are invited to attend her funeral herlaia residence on saturday April at 3 from Train leave un Northern Kaflroau of New Jersey rrm tout of Chambers au at I 151 at Carriages will be in waiting at the depot DONNhtLYOu April Ueor e Vonnellr agod 37 years- Funeral on Saturday noon from his late residence 92- Hopaliia av Jersey CltT Melebts- ECJAN Uo April it Alice raan in her 84th year Uelatlves and frtenda arid those of her son William are tirvlted to attend the funeral from the residence of her son In law Luke Towers 451 Ialtsadaair Jersey ttly llcldits today at I P U sharp Inter- ment ¬ In Calvary FA1LM AI Vrooklva N V on Wednesday April 3 ltbel daughter of Iruocene C and lisa lato Kuwarft Yates Friends are Invited toaUsnd the funeral services to- day itllAit I at tier late rraldtnce 5j 7tb av- Vnioklyn Interment at llrlmuL It I FALLUxuii Kednerday April 3 Tlomaa Fallon la- the OtJthyear oust age Funeral from titillate residence B Collate place Sat urday April u al in A M thence to lIt Joseph Church nth av and Washington puce whey a re visas will be said for the repose of his souL FOX un April 2 tllcbael Vex In tbe Ittth jearof Mil age- Itelativealod frlendeof family are respectfully vttetl to attend the funeral from lila lit resIdence lUJEaat 1I7IUSI louayatlJA U Ilienca SL- 1aul burch I Il7thfct aud 4lliav where solemn OHM of requlum will be sOared tut his repose ot his soul GItIENOn VVedneidar April Mrs Ellis A Green In the O4th ear of tier age Belatlrss and friends are Invited to attend the fuoeral from her late residence 4ltl 1 tit lonhnu today at U BOX Id tbeuce to At MepheiTs Church fast 38th at where a solemn requiem mass win be cele- brated ¬ for the repose of tier soul Interment In Cat vary vEt iou o Tuedsy April 3 at her reatdeac 101 West tOoth st Cnrtatlna Henry of consumption ruseral aervlccs at the West ind lrasb > terlan- iturcb Vest lOith au and Boulevard today at- I 3i > oclock- SSXNHIiYHrldiet wife of William J Sheridan mi deuce awirieasint av Funeral from the Church of the holy Bosary Zest imtum today a tub A h- ifetVhOl April J Iloe at Isis resident to nernses- si Brooklyn Alexander XoCuo to the 83d year of- 7Jiefutitai hie axe wilt take place from 81 Peters Church corner Warr u and tuck its on frlday she Sta- IneU at oclock A M- itAHriliOE Weliiesday April Edna Uay Infant fiaurhter of Haymoud and Emily Martinez aged roonll s stud 1 data ftelatlver and friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral frumihe residence or tier parents Jus- uth ft bomb Hrooklyu today at 1 P M- HUllfHMtltlM mi April Mrs Met nbUnlrlnk widow of John UuUletibnuk in the JtU year of her Relatives and frleaids are Invited to attend the funeral from hor Ills residence t tfruome st today all clock C K- ONru4sddstly April 8 at bis retldeice 390 West S7tb st nt inflaumaUon ol the bssrl bdward lay- 5fl POOl M I Funeral u day at t llja A >t from Central Contreftt- lonal Church West A7tli at west of sib av- syiiR After a itliirtng Illneta Ullllam J Iyms In his 71m year Ttefuneret services will lake laos at his late resi- dence < 7T rat av im Sunday rnnrnltm at lujio- o i lock Relative and friends In riled Ibteruient private liea b oinlt flowers

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Tie New York Ireveler ITaeaey Over theUnexpected Delay You fleett Meld Oe

Nobaelr Cevm Tel whet that MM IIn thefThlte Boat DoEobept LincolnFinally Aetept gs E Blleh MUalon-4an >orl Tanner Intended TVholeaMtoRemovals e> f Democratic Knldlem fromIk r B IOB Oce Cheeked hr Heeretsiry-NehUChlll Aerepte th Invitation to-

eth CengeIu ofAnserleaai NttoiVASinxoTON April 4Me81 Van Cott

lid Erh rdt have returned to Now York with-


their commissions M Postmaster nnd Col-


of the Tort of New York respectivelybut 11 r Van ClBAld before IOIDlto thn trnlntoday that woro ni rhhand mlsht bo announced Into today ¬

morrow nt tho furthest Tho Now York lend-


all expootod theso two ofllcoi to bo filledthis mornlnc They fay tonight tbnt thyknow of no chango In tbo nranlement anddon that there Ila any hitch 1 no ques ¬

howoyor that they are uneasy ovortnunexpected dollY and do not foolquito Burof tho Presidents Anal action as to-

apartof tho slato agreed upon at yesterdaysconference Tills uneasiness was manifestedtonight by tho return to the city of Oon JohnK Knapp to look alter his chances for thoNaval Office and br tho activity of the friendsof Theodore Willis of Brooklyn who views

witalarm tbo strong mo > otnant In behalf ofWesley Jacobus for Surveyor Tho ob

lection mode to tho Dig Four nn Cott Ertardt Knapl and Willis Is that tholrnpoolntment bo nn undue recognition of MrIlatt It Is not bollovcd that the opposition-will change tho Iroht1cnts purpose but thoromay bo delay In HIIInK tliu remaining placesalter the Collector and Iobtmastor are aipointed-

ThoNnvnlOfllcornnd Surveyor will not bonamed until Mr Thomas C 1lntl cornea totown again some time next week

Tho President Lad a long talk today withPaitmaslerOnprul WanaiimKer nnd Assist

nt IOKtmasterUonornl JlarkBOn oor the NewYork Post Olllco question nod bcnator Illscook saw the 1ronldont and the IoMtnastorGeneral on the sarao subject Tbu heuiito-vantod the ImmoUlutelrbut Mr Yanamnktir apparently not BOO

the need of urgent haste It Is not understoodhovvdvor that ho objected to Mr Van ColtMr Hltcock said lato tonlcht that there wasno ctiano In the situation burnoutI trIJattlfriends tried to tko this view of Ittliov wow plnlnly a lllllo nervous

You ste said ono ul them In a whlellnobody feels qultu uro wbnt that I-lthere liiolntlnc with liU thumb toward thewhlto House uinr do about anything Tboromay bo lunrot

Mr Kobort Lincoln arrived hero late lastnight and this mornlnc called on SenatorCullom at tho Arllaeton Hotel wncra ho henrtthe story of his appointment n mnlinclnnd lie expressed his surprise that thoPresident should have thought ul him and hisregret that ho boulIIIe ben selected because In tlii > lce did not considerhlrusflll fitted either experience or talent tooccupy the placo iilthouBh ho felt very croatlyhaltered ut this murk ol the President s conlldenoo Ho said ho had not yet concludedwhether ho should lueopt or not Ho had notyet decided In his own mind whether It wasjust to bUn and just to tho President to acceptun oftlco involving FO much responsibilitywhere the duties wore entirely now to him MrCullom told him It would not do for him to de-cline


and thnt hi had bettor talk the matterover freely with tho President and after statlug to him frankly what his teelincB wore toleave It entirely with him which Mr Lincolnconcluded to do They wont to the WhiteHouse where Mr Lincoln thanked the 1realdent for the went honor and described hisdilemma wit reference to accepting I ThePresident way enld tbnt couldnot get out of It that It wilt an appolntmonthat no man could decline and that he ihouLdconsider Mr Lincolns accoptnncu already re-ceived Then the pair went to tbo Htiito Dopartment where a elmilar conference WI holdwith Mr Dlnlno and afterward clodupon Secretary Proctor who Is 1101 thoMr Lincoln occupied for lour

Judge Oresbam has recommended the appolntment of Judge Brown of the United StatesDistrict Court of Michigan as the successor of-

StanleyMatthowson thoKupromo Bench andJudge Jlrown also halthe endorsement of1 mostof the enlnlluwYlrsln the northern portionof the 110hilan ha never had A manun the 8peme while Ohio has hueseven tt beloe that tho coming apKilntmentwlll former State lieu

Intimated that ho had a man Inhis mind for the place but ho has not yot indloted who ho is

Mr male today received news that Chilihad tbo invitation of tbo UnitedStates to the conference of American nations-to be hold in Washington next October Thiswill result undoubtedly in the acceptance ofPeru Bolhla and Ecuador throe nationswhich stnnd greatly In awe of Chill and willnot do anything to provoke her wrath

I It appears that Corporal Tanner asked for180 reellnitont from tho omelets of tho

01eo within three days after bo toolhis seat thus broke the recordothers who wore Invited to resign AmoliJoseph I Colt of Connecticut Chief of thoWar Navy 1 U Won Although a Demo ¬

crut ho eenAd with distinction tbiouirhWI carIes about with him several

of load anti tools that hisservices entitle him to Ills ulnce in theTension bureau When hs rocohed Cor-poral


Tanners latter demanding hisresIgnation ho enclosed It In a note to Secro ¬

tary oble doscnhim his military record andeaWnl for an lno tlcutlon of hits conductof the PensIon Bureau bocrotary-itoble sent for him and from lien Colt rocehod the Information of tho wholesale

jlauuhter that was unlnc on in the PensionThen the Secretary sent for the Com-


told him It would not do and Issued-an order forbddlnl anybody to call for roshnations w1holt iia knowledge and consent

This was tim 1rosliloats lightest day so faracallers were concerned They mndo up InI talk however what they lacked In numbers-

and kept the President engaged Inthroughout the entire time devoted IsloulnFness Among those who sew thewere AttorneyGeneral Miller Honatorarid friends Honntor Hiioonor and friendsItearesentatUos Allen llurton and Butlerworth with Mr Lewis snncood and daughterlleprtBontutive Coleman and friends and Rep-resentative


Urowor ami lends Walter ¬

ard applicant for the Governorship 01 lowJUte William Strong J U 0 Mtkln of New

Senator Wolcutt and ItonresentatlvaaJeborne 1homox nail Ktneuy Tho Hon Hobcrt T Lincoln the now Minister to Englandjalwd at nbput noon In company with Senator

ullom and had u short Interview with thePreldent Ion ins A EklnU S A the RevW W Burr the 11ev P W oiitns representwives oltnolloard of ioroliti MItbionC for thoU1DI drebb > terlun church culled in companytlDr Jos iI Cooper

JISS A Vote of Memo who for fourteenTears prior to the incoming of the last Admini-stration


was appointment clerk of the PostOfflcs Department has been reappointed t-oW place

O F ciarkson Jr of Iowa has boon apolntd private secretary to the 1lrst Assistant

IQsImaterUenerallltsnIleeves Jr of Now York has been

IP oluteaa stant chief clerk of the Pension

aTbotlornoyGeneral has alpolntctHerbertIIW Depart ¬

abet of Justice vice T N Itoblnson rosigned and 0 P M Hubbard of tho sntnoState to blBtenocrapber and confidential seeret vl MlMLydu M Hull resteneiLAAvG jIooni Chief of the Conlputnl DivisionOlldbepTrelLrY Architects resigned

of MaReuhusetta has beenKvif for the Place Mr 1oase was formerlya Ithe omco but was dismissed by the last A-

detralonThe PostmasterGeneral 1 has appointed the

following fourthclass PostmastersCbatIet w btotdrd HridewsIr S r jhon01 Iirstnyuie s y J XirIvlieJ AlouZwni LMur S V ck Let Cen

Cechbun UurpoI Y 1itt lOyrt N J ft Ced t4ertti Chill N ylcbacbuh Oaond5s VUY t Y arlaf red 0 ValleyIy r rat King tJiiaaIlia York ayltt ItaItlflbtir NY J SY J Ilo-

eEfllylLl I lowy wtord 85 Ti Allen N iiWnt1J IC L nt nenton falls 1eii

r T u Hramer-aif t M1 it A csrk Hast Huston Me L 1> 1r-I hutuNaMu0rh Mt Jonathan llaronr

J W bweuy Annandale NJ JuliusI

Ir 5aybei a t J w l Barker 1orVed Illver N

Jobs ii IUD Ulen Uardner s Ji AUOIpIIUS WardBan j K i Larrabee Manrliester > JI-

PIIIOIi oPPOfk Wouul Pleasant N Ji Hiram VeSTSi nJ JiI IJ H AshleyV Port Itepubllo N Ji

V-M 11100 Slays K Ji XaUo llerr White-

tip 0 Colvln Slut llenton Pat M 8 KilrbtIJ PaJoboMcCrieoiaI 1outa La owl 7ki A Pckviflo i14sirAstuLO1 WUaUI Pa BwI-Q

The Oreeawloh Uarnburnlna VaseBaipoyjoni April tTho case of Alexander

14 gt Oavld I Uiuted the celebratedI Greenwichearn turnln cue wtlch hasbeet on trial In the fcu

nor Osur befere a jury toy the past IC o weeks wasDntsned thi arterneon ftli a verdict In favor of me defOIOI Voui1sl for lb PlelnUfJ gave noticeot an ap

The eme Utlaaata bate bUD before tbe courts oftUOUI11 TiLtf ivltt COVU ful slgt4 otin


A Talk wll a New York Jormallet whoew him Personally

Mr Alvam 8 Soutbrrorlh at one timeBocrotary of the AmericAn Qooarrftphlc l Boolety and who was formerly In Abyssinia nndnn acquaintance and correspondent of EORJohn reported slain la bate said yesterday

ta Bus reporterYes I know King John or as ho was known-

in his own country Johanncz and J the re-

port of his death bo true it will prove Croatcalamity to Abyssinia Mr aonualntnnca bo-

nn with him In 1872 Ho was about 32

old at that tlmo havlnc proclaimed htmseJKins on the suicide of Theodore at AInafter the defeat of his forces by tbo Britishunder Lord Kapler He sot out to rule with

Irenpomp going to the ancient city of Axumcrowned boforo an assemblage of

SOOpooDle who kept up the festivities onbrewed from honey for threo days

and the rov client wore wild with fanatical en-

thusiasm brought on by this exceedinglyseductive bovoraee which I have put to thetest myself

When lie retired to Adowale capital of

Amhorawhose language a Cl1910 closelyto Its Hebrew stem hn took with him

nn English subaltern from Nnplors commandnntneiiKlrklmm Ho DAdo him nOoDoral andput him In countiand army and Klrkham-vvns the bolo forrltnor ho would trust Kirk

hll was a bravo and venturesome follow hutvery ignorant and unpolshodln In mannernmf carriage IU81Ul11cant compnred with tho AbynMnlnn arehandsome dlunlllod silent and serious men-The King however stack by Klrkharu 0-1thotich ho encountered much native hostility

I Ho bcuim to trill the soldiery In Europeanfashion and modern arms aud artillery werepurchased In Luro IB Everything was going onwell and thoro was every prospect that thecountry clreed for 1100 yours to the trade oftho world would bo opened commerce tr allbornlmindnd man llko Johnnnoz lint whenI hnpiicntd to reach Maiwmah Jute In 187i Ifound nn Egyptian expedItion on hand to cap-ture


tho pioUnooo Ii Jlocoi I took crotupt-iioiistire to send the news to Huezand It wastelegraphed over KurotO vvostern-poivera took Inimedlntonnd ollocllvo measuresto present tho nnnosutlon of Christian soil by-

a Mo lem StateIIn what wavitre tthe Abyssininns ChristiansWell they itro not all Cbrlstant The

country Including the to thefoutli has a population of about 12000000and twothlriUof those are Coptic Christianswith their Patriarch at Cairo Tho rest aro-

Moholmetalslnd often dwell In tIle sameCopts with little or no

friction But the Mohammedan element hasboon In Abtfslula lees than 2UO yearswhile theCopts data back to near the boplnnlne of thaChristian erl hut this Ecypthui foray witsfollowed others which actually provednienadnc enough The Mohamnivdan troopseormaldet by American odlecrs and among

ion Lor I UK Invaded the coun-try


buwore put to inglorious lllchtwlth greatloss Jo-

Tlnso attempts to subjugate and annoxmaddened the Klne who had pre-


luMd broad vlovvs nnd had wlshet toopuu his country to the trade of tho Infact knowing the friendli act I had dOD to-

Ils country In causing tho seizurebo abandoned ho proposed that 1 should

live at Adoun tho capital and conduct the re-


ot Abjsslnla with all foreign powerslnfact bo his Irlmo Minister For this service hocfTerod to pay mo SJOI n year In Austrian

current on Sea a largo tract ofdolorgovern internally which should besltuateda mountain and lake and other con-siderations


eiiually nleiiiaut I told him that Iwas on mi way to London from the Koudanand would clvo tho proposition my earnestthought Meotlnir ion Ktrkltam Iwho couldSot even write his name a few mouths later InLondon he brought renewed and even moreliberal propositions and he also had letters totho various sovereigns of burot o and to Presi-dent


Grant from Johannez which I undertookto forward to their properdestlnatlons Shortlyafter with the lul approval of the King and InaFsoclntlon several vrralthy and Influen-tial


EnFlshlol at the hood of whom W0 Ad ¬

Osborno I undertook organlEe an Aliysfinlan company rounded upon thenonoral outlines of tho old East India Companyand tile Hudson Day Company In the mean-time the wily Klrkham had Interested a Ger-man


trading syndicate which his since triedfoully to carry out part of the without en-terprise


nerve orcottneration of the KingWhat bocamo of Klrkhum-Ho

Iwas shot and killed white tryine to

cross through the Egyptian lines and sIncethou the Klne has had uo sincere and Intelllgent adviser for Klrkham however untutored-had showed common sense The consequencehas been tho Italian Invasions the Mabdl-oporatlnc from tho direction of Khartoum andcivil wiiis with provinces other than his ownhave mado him narrow arrogant and fanat-ical


exactly as THE BusYOI may say continued Mr Kouthworth

do not credit the assumption thut Johnhas boon killed In any contest with actualfollowers of the Mahdi Thla seems to mo likea eooeraphlcnl Impossibility because of tholong cninol trail I otvreon the Blue Nile and theAbyssinian frontier and the Impossibility oftho Atbora at this time of year It is moreprobable that ho has boon killed In conflictwith some rival State to Amhora aud that hehas fallen nt tho head of his troops Whateverzany be said of him ono fart cannot be deniedthat ho was the most obstinate notable andsuccessful chieftain that has flourished on theAfrican continent for generation and one oftho Ideal Abisslnlan monarchs since tho oxtlnctlon of tho old Ethiopian empire


Die nelden Leonoren at Ambere1Mr Ambers has condo agood selection In

choosing Die Balden Loonoren a fouractcomedy by Paul LIndau for presentation at histheatre It Is a piece well suited to his com-pany


and one which must prove hUjbly pleaslog to his audiences The play Is pure comedynever running Into farce

The two Leonoras are a mother who Is notlot old and a daughter who has grown like amushroom The mother 1s engaged in a flirta-tion


when the daughter comes homo from-boardiegechojI In loud dresses and with otherwomanly evidences and astonishes shamesand fascinates the lover of her mother with thomost brilliant celerity Frau Trautmunn themother was a picturesque and erneoful flirtfull of engaging languor and audacity Thefirst scene IB given to tho flirtation Herr Ottbert was the other principal and very hand-some


nnd capable In his part Herr Friese wasthe uncle of the scapegrace wholly opposed toflirting The broadest fun of the piece was af-forded


by him and ho hIlled his part mostcreditably

The second act Is disillusion Leonora thedaughter robust aud sprightly moots thelover Al the Herman phrase goes Tboscales from bin eyes and ho mutes him ¬

self with the younger beauty This and theIrst act have Berlin for the scene the thirdnnd last are laid In Hcldelberc where nvery-mlsuudorstundlnu Is adjusted and where thisfun Is continued by Herr Irloec ably assistedtiy herr Walter tho husband of the elderLeonora to the end Horr Meyer and Frauhahn are two others of the cast who fill tbalrparts with particular abilityflThe younger Leonora Is personated by Frfluoln Kllnkhummcr who finds hero a partwholly suited to her cBlnblllet Sho Is onher return from t voryostlni mixture of girl and woman ready tomakoloto play at dignity and bo pleased withn doll Dorr Ottliort was also singularly wellHted and shared with Jrflukln1 Kllnklmmmorherr 1rlose Frau Truutiuunn and herr Wai-or the chief honol of tho evening

The Itrooklym Fbllbstrosoailc HocletyTim PhlUmrmonlo Society of Brooklyn

will bring Its thirtyfirst season to a close withha robonrsl this afternoon and the contortomorrow oonlol at whlcb the enlargedorchestra uldor the baton of TheodoreJhomns will play it request procramme ofrare excellence and Interest It Im ludcm theSuite No lIlllu D b Ouch the Paciorule 8ymiliony of Boolbovonlnd six Koloctlons ironsWagner to note that the sea-son just closing has boen eticeewsful and tbatthIs substantial musical organization vvlll hvoa fair surplus In its treasury w 1th which to be-gin tho season of I t990A Intt Offlcn for SIr Hloucwull Jecksot

April 4Col C Parsons ofTWIUUSI Illurl Bridge loft this city today forWashington Col Pnraons was an orfiinaBlalne man and was the originatormovoraunt lootlnir to the aPJolntmenlllt1118 Lexington Post Ofllrellchmoml IoBt Office of Mrs Stonewall Jack-son Islntllitet trIp to Wnshlnctonsin I getting lira Jackson the

tlclimond olllco nnd In connection with theRepublican factional vminulen In Vlrulnlagenerally uiombon of thuXouonCJfocklnjparty 1100111 Jncksone up-

tiolatmunt will iso Illond solution or tlte qpuslon as turns concerned ColIlr-sonss isit hero caused no tittlo stirinIrcloa us ho ten strong antlMaboue mnu

A Vlotory far ABtUrohlbltlonletaTonoNTO April Elections for the re

of tbo Scott Temperance act were held Inplfollowing places In Canada today and therepeal was carried In nil of thorn Gnelnh and

Thomas cities and Ixinnox and AddlnRtonHI Northumberland mid Durham Victoriarontennc Wollincton ellnlol LanarkIrani Carleton Ontario end ilncoin counties In Ontuilp Uvl Oolaheitcounty Kovft COU



Bay TFeeheoan Told Him e Mum Did tCMDrderl Wrote It Dawn l atr JLeet A Detective DoEKUsr

Following the order of the discoveriesmade In the investigation of the hatohet mur ¬

der the prosecution in the trial of Krullech thedruggists boy has taken testimony for twodays without reaching the facts that finallyfastened suspicion on the prisoner Yesterdaybegan with the oroMoxamlnatlon of Druggist-Otto Doepfner In whoso store at 937 Thirdavonu tho drug clerk Ouenther Weh8unxwee chopped to death with the hatchet boughtthe day before ns the prosecution epotf toshow by Krullsch l the block u Inwhich bo lives the crossexaminationLawyer Purdy the prisoners counsel de-


n new theory nt that was that atramp stole into the and killed Wochsung for the money In the cash drawer liewas Inclined to abandon his suspicions against

MDoepfnar lie began on him this wayQ Dr Deepfner did you not Ihave a talk with a de-

tective lat nlll In which you were toll that t wouldcharge you IUhaving committed the murder t Xwith hesitation No I-

rQDI4t have any talk with detectives about yourtestimony 1 X They talked with ne before I testified

QYou are not to understand that I donot necessarilythrew suspicion upon you In the coarse ot my crossex-amination I AMaybe you can

Q WhaldM yon do when Mr MeCreery called youafter be found VTeohsung lying bleeding at the back ofthe Store I AIrbbd my trousers end tried tretout of the doer where ktcOreery stood calling tee butU was locked and I couldnt Cod my keys Then I wentaround lbother way and called to Mr UoCreeryacroaa-th llftit shaft sod told him tunlock the door IntoWecbannta btoom Ho did 6-

0Qtow Doepfner JtcCreery testified that yeaappeared In Ities than a minute after he called you asSBe doean say you tailed to him at alL Who 1right youor he t AI1 right

Qwhy 41you waut Ernleeohto stay over ntfhtInthe store night after tbe murder and sleep InWechs gett X I cant give sup ront DUnt you put out the gas look the door and Insist on hit itaylniT ANo I thought tie consentedOrel and ha maId be was total to stay light along bet IInsisted on his tco4nie horns and telling hlaparenta Ithought hIs father would bworried about hm lieaid his father wouldnt worry That waabuM u

hla tether is dead Well he went away not go

bOII came hack and saId he wonldnt stay I Acane back but lie didnt say be wouldntQYou haS an acquaintance sleep with yuu In the ex-

tension I AV-QWlhm hrullecb tells me he rev you bit reel

eighth street and not In Beventynrststress where be really did live because you waatsd tohave boy who lived near tbe stnre which IIs nearI street IslLatsoI A No I Java a boyIIIJIlb lives In Seventyelf street 1 dont wantthose nettuoor kind of boya-

o When did you OreS tee the hatchet with whichWboua was killed f X boon after I found WechlungdlIDld you notice the TO oenta marked on the ba-

nqTliilam tells ma he deposited SIICO In the bank foryou two months aco on a Friday and that be was twoboar lateI because he could not deposit the money at It X-

USI when be arrived StIll tbat he saw a contractor therewhom you kno named L lulcr la thai true t A-

lontrememberanltbtlll abut Ito Is tbe comblblol lock on your moss

drawer d1ul AIts not like asafecomblny

ouil It require many tl to open U t AIeont uneof the jurors opened It on ones trying on Wednesdar didnt he 11bc I tsar

To Assistant District Attorney Jerome DrDooplaer said In rodlrect examination that

was not In the habit of gettingWocleunl could a giod shoal of beerwithout getting drn Uko all those Germanfollows

QDIyea order Wechiung to tray that hatchet f AQou carried considerable money In your wallet as-

a hbll you ever show It to the defendant f AUsmight have eeen It I never stowed U to him

u n hen did you fret notice theI blood r n echsnngafacet x Alter 1 came out of my bdroom before1 went Into the or to get a blood wascongealed 00 his ltwasnt very fresh

n Woblood flowing from the wounds X Bloodwas oozing from the wounds but I was partially drieSoaths I ac-

eJudle Ollderileevo was interested in this as-a Indication that tbo crime had booncommitted earlier than I8supposed lowabout tbo blood on the ha askedthat drvr

No said the witness it was freshJudre ilderlteeveWhen you bun to wash the

blood from Who face dle It came off readily t

Aso It W and that 1 the reason why leantfor hot WISer

As the witness was abut to step from thestand he remembered had boon dlrvot-od on Wednesday to brine to court the malletwhich was found on tho washstand In WechBunics room

It had no buso on the wash stand DrDoeptner I got excited when Isaw it thor arid asked William Krullsch about-It but nt tell mo how Itonma there

Dr Constantine J McOuIro of 141 It Fiftysixth street who was summoned boydefendant to go to Wecbsungs aid testifiedthltl was called by his coachman about 780

and found a ow minutes afterward alarge crowd in front of the store Wechsucgwas tilting in a chair The winessaw after-a brief examination of thathe couldnt live Brain matter was ozlnlirons Wechsungs wounds but heherently and intelligently

I asked him how ihalened contnueDr McOulre anti ho slttDIon the sofa bendlnc OTer when I got nI fell forward and afterward was hakodguss the wounds been made AIshould say anywhere from ten minutesI to faa hourbefore I saw blm

Then Policeman Abraham Phillips went onthe witness stlnd He said ho was on post onthe klllina of Wechsunc onThird avenue from Fiftythird to tinyninthB-troot and ho stopped Infrontlof Doepfnersdrugstore to look at the thermometer In thedoorway He had turned away when McCroerythe plumber whole shop was In tho basementcalled him Inside the store and asked himfor an ambulance He did noI and tootile drug store and asked ncb8unl how Ithad happened Krullsch Wechsung said I was struck inWj head by a mansensation and I put UD my right hand to save

my bendaaked wise did he said tie didnt know butte

saidI There Itane Then began to writedown bis antemortem rut The boy KrulaoIi eelSto me while I was writing thlaawful I He Itelme In might rnlnulei past 7 me aome mossy toget rolls and Icatae back sail found him here KruRich wee coot and Ills face was clean and Ills hair wasbrushed as Ihe was going 1church

Crossaxamlnod by Mr Purdy thosold that Weohsung told him at 728 A wlne8he admitted Krullscb to tbe store at 710-A haand had sent Krulleob for rolls forbreakfast The statement which ho had written down nt tbe time tbo policeman added

lienhad dlllpvenre from the Fiftyfirst street po

h3MrJeroa2eZa your former statement you ladnothing about Vechsung a sending KrulUch forrolls TIle d Ing man sorely said Itt AYee-


In conversation with tne before saidnothing of this ASo but blbuI1rOlt liesaid be sent Krullscb out for the rolls

Phtlllpss testimony was a surprise In anothernartlcumpthej statement that Wecbsunjc toldhint that a man had bit him and that thewritten antomortam statement setting thisforth had disappeared Among the others whotalked with Wecbsuug nobody olse has oomeforward who got from him any notion that hohad seen bUassailant at all and there wereoven surmises iirnoni those not sa well in ¬

formed as Phillips that a woman haul done thismurder

Detective SerBflant James K Price testlnedat considerable length In a running narrativeseldom Interrupted By stoleAllen I arrived at the tore I askedKrullsch to toil me wbara be had ben thatmorDlna Ho replied Tne clerk Into

two minutes otter 7 I picked up themorning newspaper from the floor and put iton thsecounterniid stood still minute Then-I hung up my overcoat end WBtent lor rolls ablock or two below on avenue I witsgout eight or ton minutes and catne bank andfound thla excitement Titan I went for UrMoOulre

I had R conversations with the de-fendant


I verahim If ho had seen any onoout of the hallway or coming In lieion a woman went in Then I iwent to the

hospital whore cchnunK lay and talked withhim ITIio wltnoss wits not permitted to lelwhat WectwuriK fluidI Afterward I testedlies knowloilun of the combination of the cash-drssworby ntllnj him to cliuiico HOIIIO moneyfor mo II o didnt tako Ibo ploce of 10noyhllout and mild he could not Idranor Ho had novor ben taught the corn ¬

bination looked In money drawer forblood Binlnalut found none I couldnt open thecash drawer oven alter I hail boonjolti whatthis combination was I theWilebloody hatchet He said be hued Itbolero About 8 P M n friend of WlohHunQcame from the hospital and told uswa dead Willla became excited and cried

Haoti afterward I said to Dr Doeiifner AreYOU loll to silty hers tonight 1 Wlwnoulie Im not afraid of the lay t II HoiiBkoil Wllllo to star and the boy consented-litero was Iconvere ton ubout that time be-tween


Dr Doepfner and myselfI aboutWecli unBB habit In sleepIng on the sofa

said It was Weohsuntpa habitWile down there Dr Doepfner scolded theboy and called him harsh names for not Informlal him of It Weohsuna was Iflnldownsaid when ho pent him for tJe rolsteAt night when Willie said be folnlhome ha came back in no short a timemioiootoil something was wrong nnd I Bald

Wllllo dont you know I followed youanddidnsco home He owned that be had01boon home Uo said he had walked around

the block and met an acquaintance namedLonwho had worked for ImunameBlots

ibtuubam stir lieul A CIO

L on1 Finally TVll Ie begged tint to be ques¬

tioned any mor He would till all ho knewnext mornln he said It was nearly midnight ansi he was crying in the back of thetreAbut mjdnlaht I went roel the streetand d the store came to thedoor with a whlterobed flcure cameout and the flguro went buck Wile toreHe went to Flttysyventh atretthienfollowed At Seopnci avenue anti Fiftyseventhstreet he topped and looked around and Iwent on a Stoop as though I livedthere Willie took a street car uo townfind I followed and jumped on thefront platform HA came to the front of thacar ADd J dropped oft caiicbt the rear platlotus andiotind Detectives Tl tun nnd McCarthythere Willie came to the back platform andI dropped off and ran along not far from theoar to Hoventllth street whore tho boy got 01Tlie wont Into the Association apartment housentSoventrflrat street and Hocond avenue andtayed there

This chase wit to find where the boy reallylived lie hodgiven the police n false ttddressJudge aildernleovo at this point noticed thattho fecond juror John Olfnn of Ita East Fiftysecond street was pale

Do you think you can BO on V asked JudgeOlldereleor

Mr Olftlnnhook his head and court was ad ¬

journed until today Mr Olfllns physicianrayn Mr alffln is authoring from an attack of-malaria

Krullsch who was as cool aa a cucumber onthe first day 01 the trial grow dotted yester¬day while Policeman Phillip and DetectivePrice were on the witness stand Ho told biscounsel that Phllllns told the truth ansi thatthe others hail made mistakes In their testi-mony


A OAFTirtt SKA Cow

Description nnd Habit or Title Queer etae-lRttr AnlmisU-

THOMISVILLK Qa April 4There is nowon exhibition at the old Alton House on Jack-son


streot a manatee or sea cow Capt W IISquires who exhibits this queer animal soldto the reporter

This cow Is ten foot lone and weighs 1000pounds Its tall Is twenty Inches across Wecaught in the inlet to tho Bt Lucia Riverwhich drains the Everglades of Florida Weused in the capture a seine 500 fcot long madeof Inch rope This Is a very small cow Theycrow from fifteen to twentyfour foot long andto weigh from 10000 to 00000 pounds They-are very powerful and often break tho strongrope of the seine like spool cotton thread Woattempted to not ono fifteen feet long just be ¬

fore we cauaht this one and It tore our seine-to pieces Their bones are like ivory andworth U a pound Tho moat In tho marketsof Havana Is considered delicacy and Bells nt15 to 25 cents per pound There is but QUOfho manatee cow on exhibition In this countrybowldoH this one It la at Jacksonville 1laThere was one known as Old Columbus atthe zoological gardens In Cincinnati but theykilled and mounted It Tlioro was onoalso at Philadelphia but It died and wasmounted We caught all of them Old Colum-bus


and the Philadelphia cow weighed each9000 pounds They make a fearful strugglewhen first caught but soon surrender like asheep and become very docile Though crea-tures


of immense power thny are easily con-trolled


They have crlnders und eat grasslike a cow The eyes are about the slzo of abuckshot TIle head tapers to n point Thereare two flippers In front no legs behind Theynurse their young hnvlnc six nippleson each sIde Tho sea cow Is found atonly one place In North America theJupiter Inlet of the Ht Lucia hIrer onthe coast of Florida They lira foundat three places only In tho worldthe mouth-of the Amazon River tho mouth of the titLucle River and near Cape Town on tho Capoof Good Hope In Africa They worn to havetheir habitation in the warm waters of theGulf Stream and Its branches The GulfStream begins at the Amazon Hirer and runsvery near the mouth of St Lucie Hirer misslag at that point the shore only three andpnebalf miles They lease the uulf Streamhere In pairs and enter the bt Lode lllver tofeed upon the tender blades of the manateegrass They leave In winter and return by pairsinto In the spring Another curious thine aboutthIs queer animalIs that It hat one hair abouta halfInch long that stands out perfectlystraight from the body to every suuaro Inch otsurface It lives In unit water but feeds Infresh water When In captivity they are kept inwarm suit water and lod on common entasesspinach and celery

N02ES ov nan AND FiSHING

North River shad continue to light shy of thefishermens nets One is caught now and thenbut the professional fish killers have not boonlucky yet In striking big school

Pompano usually a rare fish la Now Yorkmarkets and snapped up at forty or fifty centsa pound are plenty at twentyfive cents a-

round They lira brought from Florida by fastfreight

For local trout fishing tho finest catch for theseason yet reported is by a son of Mr E BSutton On Wednesday forenoon he caughtlit toon trout In the babbling brooks near Baby-


and they averaged threequarters of apound each

A spotted hind caught tho Gulf of Mexicowas shown In Fish Commissioner Illackfordsplace in Fulton Market yesterday The fishweighed about fifty pounds It Is of a poorlywhite color and dotted with slateeray mark-ing It Is of the crouhor family and the spe-cies


was not known to icthyologUitB until It wasdiscovered in the deepest tart of the Gulf otSloilco over twenty years ago in an expeditionof tbe United States FIStS Commission It Is agood food fish

A party of Jersey City anglers visited theFlockensaok Klor yesterday and with groundbait took nearly 200 yellow perch

Letters are received dally by the State FishCommissioners from fishermen and sportmen8 associations asking whether the Com-missioners


will not at onco stock certain lakesor rivers with certain Ush The GreenwoodLake Uahermen for Instance contemplate ak-In the Commissioners to stock the lake withAolleyod puce as food for other fish Thu StateFists Commission has however closed UD untilnext fall tho business of cll tilbirtlniaU In roBponsa to applli atlons ApDlieatlona tiled nowwill not bo attended to until then Carp willba distributed In November and December tooil who apply before Nov 1 Tho Commission-era will have their hands full distributing fishon a hare scale in the Hudson and greaterlakes this spring

At a regular meeting of Excelsior Vien-na


Club held at 395 Bowery on Tuesday thefollowing officers were elected for tho ensuing

year President Loonard J Kerr VlcoPrealdent Daniel Kuhn Jr Secretory Williamlaser Treasurer II MeL Looser The clubalso appointed committee to perfect plans forbuilding a new club house on their groundsluguenot Staten Island the large increase Inmembership roauirltig additional room Theproposed club bouse Is to bo In the Gothicstyle two stories In holcht with thirty rooms-on tim Beoond story and verandas on bothstories It will bo about 200 IODB and la to befinIshed about May 15

Prod Itouclaee U JuckeotiTllleJACKSONVILLE April 4Fred Douglass Is

In the city and today was tho guest of thecolored people A procession numbering 600ncludlnc military companies escorted him

from tbo station to tho SubTropical ExpoaiIon where bo delivered a short address con-



colored pooplo of Florida uponsince emancipation Tomorrow

exposition The city Is lullof colored people from all parts of the Southcheat excursions having brought them in byhousands ilr Douglass remains hero twodays longer

The Secular 1reasi and RelljloAt the monthly mcetlne the American In

tltuleof ClirUtUnlhllotophy at 4 Mlnthrop place lastrenter a paper en The Attitude ot the Secular Frssa-Q America Toward Religion was rod by A IL Elegfried Eastern manager or the Chicago Delis Sews Tbepaper treate tbe subject irons the newspaper stand-point aa attempt chow to those outilds some hautlb eTeraxe newspaper a own thought Itarelatloa toelUrion The averaire edltorbe said regards religionwith friendly Inditlervnce but on cjccanton lie Ila tierstrong ally and nfpi rter The fcutidny neniisrer Wasloktn of an tlie vreetest single lactor In Hunu 4r Sec

Inrlatlun nut beruiiKe it VMIIIS tu bo ur tries tu bo butbe COllie of IDin oAtitre and utiloume nt the tliluif liself-iutt She curmit illcturn of certain or the oleriry SAd nun

Sunday editors that the Huilday newepaper must uu-s 111 uuDded and tlie Sunday paper wilt stub SOd grow

in spile of acoldlnif anathema boycott i r any utterform of optioiltlon whence the Inquiry What U re-Uglon BOliiK to do for and ulth tile Sunday paper I

The reading ot the paper was followed by a dlMUUlon

NEW JEIisITThe Pjecollve forniultteo of1 the lludioa Countyliiuor Dealers shocUUdU uiftl reslerdA sod dectdeil

to helpi all Hie leucrtloi candidates fur Aldermen as-

the cumin uprluir electionJauiee Vaiivourt 7 years ott of 75 lon Street Ho-

okik was run over and killed yesterduv ty a truckOrison tby Tbomua huati of ml Soot TwentytbltilIII reel this city IJuiau was arresleil-

Vetwesn S and lOorlook on Wednesday nlilit Ihlifentered the bouse of W r Atkln at ilouiolatr and sail

701 IB f too and iw bills which were lylnx on a bureauIn Mrs Atktns room la the second story

Eiassemblynsn Jobs Isaraou hu refused lbs Demorailo nomlaailon for member of tbe Hoard of PublicWork trora the Pint dutrlet In Jersey City A con

enilon will be held tomorrow to nominate anotherAndldae

Vice Chanettlor llrJ boo notified esMayor Collins ofJersey City counsel of the Order of financial tTnlouthat be baa decided to aopclot a receiver fur the orderslid to grant a permanent Injunction reairalntni theSupreme Council of the order tom dolua any busiuete-

bisl la the outoome of the charges of fraud which wereRIte fajhu tie njieae Cvuuoll itra mtotki ago



The Lou relmkt stt 9OO O OTV7lio-lTllUce Laid U Ashc mnt Sloth Hioek-Ilesitrajed The Flame Passed by s-

sIlurrleaan Peas le named to DeathMINNEAPOLIS April 4 During Use last

two doye South Dakota and Minnesota haveboots swept by A series of wind storms whichhave cued hundreds of thousands of dollarsdamage to property and several lives naveboon lost Tho storm started on Monday nighnnd swept over a large area south of the Northera Pacific rood In Dakota and extending Intothe southern tIers of counties In this StateTho greatest damage hits not been caused bythe wind alone but flros fanned Into fury bythe storms have wiped out of existence severalsmall vlllacos and hundreds of farmers housesThe towns almost completely destroyedaro Volin Olhot Iuknwana Iostervlllo AndMount Vernon and three or four other villagewore badly damaged At Volin every house la-

the place except three Is demolished and IDDpeoplel are without homes tonight LesterTitle was levelled with thin ground and twentyfamilies are without a roof

A terrlblo gale of wind struck Mount Vernonand lire Btartod from a small house that wasblown over early last night No human poweroould stop thB flames and In an hour thabusiness portion of the place was all ablazeNearly 200 families are homeless and tho losswill foot up 430000 It Is reported that sovtral persons lost their livoa In this hire but noconfirmation has yot been received Fourlarge elevators and the Milwaukee depot werodestroyed

Itear lllunt on man lost COO head of sheepwhich were couctit in a prairie tire Severalhead of horses were uneil by awlmmlnc theThor In many places tile crops were coeroiby tho loose sand and dust and will have to-ne 10p1BII1 od Travel was suspended on somelinos of roiiJ so treat was tbo force of thewind The clouds of dust prevented engineersfrom seeing the track A report from Ci stysays the sun nns almost totally obscured nndthe superstitious thought tho end of tbo worldhad come Farm houses and barns were sweptaway and horses and cattle were burned todeath by scores

Near Mtlbnnk fifty head of llvo stock are re-ported


lost and the fire bus swept over twentymiles 01 the country causing immense lossThe storm has abated somewhat hut the windis yiit high enough to keep the fires burningfiercely and further heavy losses aro almostcertain The damage In Minnesota is muchloss than In Dakota as the force ol thcittormwas pretty well spent before it reached theboundary

YASKTON Dak April 4The records of theSignal Ufflco show that during tbe prevalenceof the Ores in this region tho humidity was but7 per cent a condition or dryness SergeantOswald says never before attained in tillsregion The maximum humidity IIn 100 thomeson annual humidity hero 70 This showsthat the atmosphere was almost devoid of mois-ture


The velocity of the wind was 40 miles anhour The losses South Dakota will foot upizooooou-

LtKK BENTON Mine April 4The most de-vastating


prairie lire ever known raged over theprairies west and north ot Lake lion ton yes-terday


sod lust night Tho winO was a hurri-cane


for nearly twentyfour hours and sweptthe lire along with resistless force passing thewldobt lire breaks and leaping ploughed foldswith a bound It licked UP bouses barnsstock and In some places human lives Thegreatest destruction of property nod loss oflife IH In Dakota lleo Heights u town on theNorthwestern road in almost destroyedDempster a station on the Watortowu branchIs reported destroyed Spauldlugsranchueurthere Is also reported consumed CrossingInto Lincoln county over tract of land com-paratively


little settled and covered with aheavy growth of grass it swent on with rnnewed velocity it Is reported that HenryKourth Mr Berg 0 M Moon and others nearhero lost nearly all their bullitlncB-

MtLLEii l> alt April llrulrlo fires lestnight destroyed about forty houses manybarns a large number of horses and cattleand left about forty families destitute in thesouth part of this county A terrible gale olwind added to the terrors of the situationThe loss Is estimated nt 50000 The CountyCommissioners are lu session and will see thatno one suiTors for the uecossurlos of life

Huiiox Dak April 4No prairie Ore In thehistory of this part of Dakota equals that olyesterday lu this county the losses are muchloss than in the counties west Half it dozenhouses wore burned and runny settlors losttheir barns some stock and n largo nuantltyof hay and grain The wind was from tllty tosixty miles an hour andsent burning embersovor the plouched ground and Ore breaks sev-eral


rods wide setting lire to everything Intheir coors Tho fire camu UP so rapidly thatsettlers hind only time to save themselves leav ¬

ing their property to tile mercy of the flamesIn Sully and Hughes counties 200000 worthof property has been destroyed Near Highmore Miss Sweeny was burned to death andOar St Lawrence Mr Babcock perished In theflames

MITCHELL Dak April 4 Nobody but aman who has stood before a amine fire andtried to stay its awful rush and roar when it isfanned by a fresh wind can appreciate Itsalmost resistless force The fires that havebronchi en touch loss and KutTurlnc to south ¬

eastern Dakota In the last tow days worn prac-tically


irresistible Flume lu some instancesleaped lot betel ploughed ground and rushedaway ngaln All ordinary precautions werevain The spring had boon very dry and thetop of the ground has boon dusty or batedUnder these conditions wherever hire touchedthe grass It burst out with a flash almost likepowder and shot away across the pratilu likein arrow Its course over widening To ex-tinguish


it by water of course was out of thequestion Iloucblnc flro breaks was slow workand tbe wind often throve the flames aci ocr them

The losses In Vankton county are M MJoansson It Anderson F Ott Mrs Btockwell-It Prlnclo J K Olson David Iurley JamesIloxlnx John Hundorabot Leroy books Mholbrook E h Volln A H Volln Josooh-

ii lleckmelr Henry Haku Charles btenoel Wil-Hum llandall tS NL Howe in the vicinity ofJumesilllo twelve miles north of nnktoneight farmers sustained losses running frontlluuU to fJUOO each Among these wore NJohnson Choa liouk Wallace Brothers andK C CooL Around Jamosvllla the loss will

o upllOUOO One man lost 1000 in moneyf f ho bud In his cost on a piece ofplouctiodi-

U 3iiU fret from the grass Two newtronl were burned 100 feet from the tIre

Mxty muss of Wostera Union wires were blowndown between Contrevlllo and Huron

BLUNT Dak April 4 The stories of the firecontinue to be brought Into town bystragglersThoy say tbat the wind would gather up theloose tinder and hurling It highs In the aircarry It ahead of tile surfaon fire alightingbarns and houses and igniting the praltlo fiftyyanls In advance of this surface lire Housesand barns wore burned where the tire was car-ried


over 100 yards across now broken groundThe losses are estimated at 200000 In thisvicinity

HICJIIMOUE Dak April 4A prairie flrostarted on the evening of the hat hive milesfrom Hlcbmoraon the farm of lames InnramWhile he was smoking his pipe his barn caughtfire and was destroyed A fierce wind carriedthe lire tu tba prairie and the work of destruc-tion


began Housnfl barns and some stockwore burned On Tuesday morning the windreached a terrific gale No ordinary firebreaknmdo any resistance to the swooplucwAll offlame At 3 P M the fire reached lIce Heightsfifteen miles oiwt of Illulnnoro whore tlilrteen-rcsiilenit In the town wore ilobtrood Thalosses In hyde county are ltXK

At sundown on Tuesday another fire startedIn the northern part of this county sweepingaway six homes burning death Miss AnnieSweeny and a 5yearold baby Eugene TibbaMr nnd Mrs Tibbs Mrs nnd MUm Ruby areburned the two former fatally

ScoTLAND flak A prll 4It would take 1200-0H to cover tha loss In this county TheHuteblnson Herald outGo was burned DavidIncholtor and Howard White farmers nearOlivet were completely burned out Anotherlire east of Scotland destroyed everything onthe farms of A O Kannty Qua Kvonson andM Shook On the stock farm ofK8 Sweetthree barns were burned Loss 3000Twelve miles west of ScotlandtweniyQvofarmers are known to have lost everything

AiiEitDLRN Dak April ltNeus of the com-plete


destruction of Leola the county seat ofMclhrmoD county hiss Peon brought in bycourIers Leola was a little town of 800 Inbnbltants and the country for miles aroundwas well settled with un Industrious nndthrifty pootilo It is twentyfive mlle frontrallroMl and tolocrunb fiicllltles and It Is illfllcult to got otetlste information Out of thirtyplacuH of business Including two hunks twonevvupanerH two churches iund three or tourhotels but four are loft standing and out offront thirty to forty residences loss than adozen remain The loss Is practically cornable and will reach tlAOOOi C W Old andThomas Wardell were terribly burned and he-courlerH say they cannot live Iartlea whodrove itcro B tlio country to ostport the nearebt railroad station BHV that the Hurroundluucountry Is nearly devastated Ilundicils offarm IIOUHCH ura In ashes nnd cuicatoa ofburned stock are lylnc about tlio road Scoresof farmers aro without seed wheat stockbullOiiiKs or implements to begin spring woik

LeeS hi Iletsd on hie Weelellnat DayMjHNEJrous April 4 James W Vlccare

disappeared from Mlnnaapolls on the day ietorhis marriAge to tllss Bar bas been heard from UrSmith tU former emplorsr IsIs rtetteJ a letter trotsthe young man who Is with his parents at Green Lasethou halt Vlccsre ears hs does Slot know how he cameti leave Mlniit IKJ > AH be knows Is that alter a periodwanlerint whirls seems to him Ilieu nltrnruisrc bereached home exhausted In body and soled lie ea-

tresses remorse for bis conduct and says be could notCons hack to Minneapolis sod feel bin f rienda In his leusir to Mr Smith be does sot mention JfuJ Ray but baswrlllerja Is 1501 It list uplalulac til dUapceataige


Tk Ataettenrsi Takiug he Cake lbs Btyle-Vt> Ia tke Millionaire DUtrlejt

The Republican primary elections will be-

held today except In the Eighth district Thefollowers John J OfirUn may occupy theirleisure by Interfering in contests In someot this other districts The fight In theFourth Fourteenth antI Sixteenth It Is al-


were Instigated by the OBrlenlts Inmost districts tho polls open at B P M ThorUntight In tbo First but It will probably notamount to much In the Fourth the vociferousAbbottDunns opposition to John Cclllnt andhis white necktie will sot In their work at 211East Broadway

In the Flft1 the polls will be open front IP AIt too I1 M at 133 West Houston street Theprospect of lively times Is very cod There Isa miscellaneous voting population there Incolor and oven thing else anti they take theirpolities aa Keuouoly ns Indlanmns The Inswill take care to have plenty of policeman onhandi

In tho Thirteenth dlstrlot the Glbbs factionand the Cowles will take all day to find out wholifts the most votes The polllDe placo la at2G9 Eighths avenue

The Fourteenth will have tin fight at 1T9First avenue between the NugentHaly regulays anti this bohaotorlJamborBorVouDB contin gent

In the Sixteenth voting will proceed from 0to 9 nt 437 Second avenue The gavhoueo dis-trict


Is well stirred up and although the reculars prevailed against the kickers before theCommittee on Appease Leader Henry Kropfwill tInt very sturdy fIghters marshalledagainst him even OH he used to marshal thornnenlnst his predecessor Capt Crogan

There will be a peculiar contest In the Twen ¬

tyfirst district at H Kant Klftvilnth streetThe mnchlnn politicians Including Jacobhost though ha no longer lives thereVllllutn LoaryWilliam Brook field and equally

ohIo managers are dlogruntleil ovor the at-tempts


of A It Whitney John F Ilummerend their followers tu not control cud are bittony charging the whilom amateurs withtrickiness unfairness They say that theticket In made up by a conference betweencommittees representIng the district organiza ¬

tion anti the enrolled Republicans wasone which gave all Interests a fair representa-tion The Whitney people by pretendingto bo entirely satlslled lulled the Luaryllosspartisans to a feeling of falsa security and ledthem to lose Inteiest In the meeting the en-rolled


Republicans The Miltnoyriumniorpeople contrived to got out In good force to tImmeeting and finding themselves In the ma-jority


proceeded to tinker un tIm ticket aridmake It such a one as would elect Mr WhitneyChairman of the District Committee Amongthe men taken off the ticket were

George R CatbcarL John Proctor Clarke Joel WMason Mortimer C Addoina It J l Slater James 5lUMen K W Hlootnlnirilale William T illack LouisSleek C Cliurke VMiilam A Corp Henry ii Ue MiltCharles A lIeu James A Blanctiard William L FledIcy D Morgan lludretb Jr howard Iavson Wildsllarvood R 1ooL sod JameaS Letimaler

A very strong contingent of the dietriot rtepublicans commend tno original ticket In theinterest of hitrmonv fair play anti of orderlyand regular nrocecdlncs They have sent outthousands of circulars embodying these viewsand enclosing the ticket headed In big blaolcletters Regular ticket adopted by the cornIttues of the enrolled llopublloans and of thaDistrict Committee

The antimachine or rather the now ma ¬

chine people held a meeting iu title district lastevening The principal feeling seomod to ba-onant alarm The big label of regular ontim other ticket was the cause of the fear andIt was believed that It would carry It throughA gentleman named Campbell went so far asto say that Mr John F hummer was a foolbecause be deinrod Ills ticket to bo regular inthe circular which accompanied it but did notlabel the ticket Itself

Thoro are some very solid names on bothtickets such as fJbaunoey 21 Dtpow Joel IIErbardU Theodore Itoosovelt Kobort St Gal ¬

loway and Edward Mitchell hut curiouslyenough i he name of Elliott F Shepard appearsonly on the tinkered ticket The old llayrnondCrane row Is up In the Twentythird


Mr Barthnsm Denies that the Members ofthe Hoard of Education Iroflted by 1C

Mr Franklin 8 Schenok a real estatedealer In Brooklyn has made some singularstatements in reference to the recent sale otsome lots on Eosclusko street to the Board ofEducation ton school purposes He says thatJlrWilliam Bartbman a member of the Boardcame to him some time ago and made Inquiriesabout the lots which belonged tohls Hchoncks-wifo Mr Schenck sai s that bo was willing tosoil for 15000 but that Mr Bartbman agreedto these terms provided that he IMr Sobonckshould make it appear in the deed to the citythat S75iKi had been paid Mr Barthman ex-plained


to Mr Schmuck the latter alleges thatthere were five men on the Building Committeewho would have to have 3Ui apiece

Mr Sohenck relused toacroa to those termha says anti the negotiations for the sale werebroken off Subsequently the lots wore toldfor JOCKJO to Mr Allen who said ho wantedthorn for building purposes but In a few weeksUr Allen dlspobodof the properly to the Boardof Education the latter paying 17575

Mr Uitrtlimnn Is a wealthy Maiden lane jew¬

eller lio flatly contradicts Mr BchuncksstoryI never he says had such U conversation

with him ns bo alleges and he never offered tosell the property for ttiCUO No one connectedwith the Board lies made a coat outoi thispurchase and Mr tichpnck will have to answerIn court for his statements

The matter will probably be made the sub-ject


of an investigation by the Board of Edu ¬

cationlie was SIB Escaped Lunatic

Patrick Foley a man of middle age whosaid ho lived at 79 East 125th street was ar-


on Tuesday at noon He had accostedtwo men on Madison avenue above 120thstreet and asked them who lived at No 1082where Judge McGovvn lives Before the mencould reply ha dashed across the street sayinc Thats the house and begun pulling thebell violently lie poked hisumbralla throughthe gloss of the vestibule door and the glass otthe Inner door frightening Mrs McUown whownu about to answer his ring She called for npoliceman and Foley win carried oil It waslearned that ho bad once boon at the Insauoasylum at Wards Island but had escapedChief Justice MoAdam sent him back thereyesterday

The New York Methodist ConferenceThe New York Conference continued its ses-


yesterday al tbe Eighteenth stress church Tbelice T C HUT wlio baa charge of the mission work InUtah spoke of tbe needs of that country Mneteenyears ago be went out there and the only place batould get for meetings In Salt Lake City was a bayloftover a stable It waa fifteen years bsfere their werkmade any perceptible advance > ow they hay thirtychurches thirty schools with l5s5u pupIls thirty hissday schools with 2IU pupil church property worthiiAcso with nearly lush membera lie said theyneeded twenty ne inure rhuroriea and a collection weetMken on Use spot tar that purpose It amounted toJirisj

Chaplain McCabe announced that lie had received aletter from a lady who had volunteered to build achurch In NeplU Utah aplaceot3ti Inhabitants

At 31 M the annlvereary meeting the Womans-porettrn Missionary Society was held and addreuea

were mails by She II Koblnson and Sirs IJaldwIn whospent many years In mlsalonary work In China Jaysand Imlla In ICe evening Ibe hey Dr W r llstillir-eacbed the missionary sermon

The Mutual IleneAt AeaotlutloaA-LBANT April 4At a hearing before the

Attornsy Ueneral today on the report of the Insurancelepartment In rotation to the affairs of the Mutuallanent Association America of the city of > ew York

tile Mtorneyiieneral after hearing ttieetaiemenieandaffidavits said that ibere was mi occasion to lake soyproceeding ngslnit the association Tbe question otaction a alnst any of the ortlcera was tsservsd for tatore cbnslderallon when furtber papers hays bunireaented


Justice Cnlltn has granted Byrcn Triple in abioluU-dlroro from lies Tripen-

Cfiiutahl BrlnleCrbott hai appointed lUrbsrt LSmith a lion In law of lbs late Comptroller Llvliitfttoiibit deputy U fca been bond clerk In the offlc foraoina tIne

Work on the Fifth arenue branch of tbt Union Elrated Killroad la being pushed forward as rabidly a-pOMlble and the structure It U ixptcted will lbe compisSed oft JUDO 1

Pastel Donovan 45 years old of Fifty tint Street> cw york vrtill at work on ne hlnirwn M L burststa VMUoujUibir arcnua yesterday till off a step ablerand oejvd a fracture ul tile ekull Irom which bdid almost instantly

Mayor Cbapln his spooIntst John U Wrbtr A Themtarot tb Hoard of EUucatton tn plate of Artoipli UOttilia who slgaed ir Wtter It a wll knownO rineu and 4tifrevged In business with hl titerlalaw William Ullioer hue brew r us lea Uomocrat-

Ruitoils A Nathan eV year old dud on Wedneaday-at270 EUnth Street from lajurleato heriplo tauird-by the 511 of his levai r at tha lobojriran slid IA lbsrUtbMvetiUf rink on Vets f7 Uf the decor per un lu-theelfvaUir at Ib tins nf the accident MUti > ataauwas tba nly out riouly hurt

Tb r nube ut new drum and fife corps organizedIn Brooklyn roniiioMd of inembtri el dnfr iit drumcorps of Brooklyn The election if nflUcr resulted insfniioin ilium hired lii II iuruu Major I11511 Curls ant-yr Urraml llrslt berttCHiiU A 0 Wn aud i ru-XlubiLrker Bftoond sergeants tien Oeke yuartif-matttraerxeant adueo Krclericii Secretary

A gang of yonn1 booltum wreokid Ike windowsIn Adolph ltosgrragrocryilors at if ItrraiiT placeon WctiDfteday nlibt br hirliou stones end o her uiluti i-throafb them Onuftn stones struck Mr Kticv rrIn th tao destroyIng Itvaljthtof ens ay JoicpbWalsh Lawrence Vina John lilLtoni Edward Waistsand John OLeary who irs aroused of ha lug pulletpaled 10 111 1usd wr stresSes

Wllllacn Strong has beet sent to the penfttnllarrfor a year ty Julius waist fur anno > Jiff Ilri I 1 txtla serVant at 124 hi Murk avenue tie wn formerlr-Uf r nulior but his dUrardd lilru vu arcount of IU tadtemper ll rvenged lilnu lf by ipersluiently anuuj Inbr On Buuday last when on nir way to IT Palmatecborob with Lewis Lewis se an escort Dtrontf abasedhr anddrevT a knife CD atr Of tap ale p TfcU ceasedfill atc Oil


Thay Have qnarrelled Over Their 10usdTicket VntU There IU Ness of It Loft

Hobokan Republicans are In a pretty muddie The City Convention to nominate candi-dates


for city offices to ba voted for nextTuesday was held on Wednesday night JohnK Wljfsens was nominated for Mayor and E-

V B BoMon for Writer Registrar The Democrnilo candidates for City Treasurer sail Ho-


endorsed Both WlsEonsand Bos-


declined nominations The conventionreconvened and exMayor Tlmken and JohnPatterson both Democrats were nominatedThere was a kick In the party at Pattersonnomination and when the City ExeoutlvaOommities met yesterday a motion was made tastrike Pnttertons name from the ticket antIsubstltulo hoary Lohmanns for It Lohmana-Inalson Domoor t and he lurunnlnefor WaterItoclKtrar on nn independent ticket hoaryJnTdoro Is this Democratic nominee

KxAfttemblymnn John Tanyemnn ft Damher of ths committee made a speech mralnit-tho resolution lie said the committee had noright to undo the work of a City Conventionfind be threatened that If the resolution pasiedbe would be a Democrat In local politIcs boreafter rite resolution was passed by vote ofBtof The six Including Arthur Seitr whowas Chairman of tho coinmlltoo nnd is isocandidate for Alderman loft the room declar-ing


that they would not support the ticket withLehmans name on It When exMayor Timken hoard of the trouble In the committeedecided that ho didnt wnnt the nomination forMayor nnd notified the part hf the committeethat was loft thIrst Im wouldnt accept Tbocommittee adjourned then

There IIs no Kopubllcan ticket In the field andthe regular Democratic nominees will have awalkover with the possible exception of Juidove

The Yorktown to be Made SteadyFniLaDRLPtiu Acrll Commandant It D-

fieelyof the Leairiie Island Nayy Yard has received acommunication frost Secretary Tracy orderlov that therulaer Vorktnwn ba made ready for salllraron April SOAlt that remalnMto he done It Is said Is to plaoe theelites on board the vessel While the communloatloa-rnmHeoretary Tracy tues not state where the York

town wilt sail It is thoiitht that she will be sent teSew sort during the centennial of Washingtons Inau-guration

J E POWERSWriter on business monoybringar

54 Wall street New York

Mr Powers is the writer ofthe Wanamaker advertising from80 to 86 There is said to

have been in those days at leastone column in the Philadelphiapapers that wasnt dull

Mr Powers has taken an of-

fice in New York and this morn ¬

ings World contains an accountof what he proposes to do here

1htCi4t otluAl


J np after the tideA sup after the theatreA cop frat thini In the morningA CUD before retiringA rul fur the tltltnr-A rap when fevlmvUafte-VI tr folio to iii inn wrt4i lis nredel t lnrlrirate1 tb M nifu lu iuinf ut Oslert rtroju loa

boltita uots uai Ujiii t7t troceraaiil druggistsBeware of Imitations Ask Mafina Uojlllo-



aTftcni tax cllculars Teleplioue cell U JUtel



tan rises a 871 I sun sets 8 291I Moon sett 11 SIsiGn WATIW THIS OAT

BaniyHootlO 4l GOT lslandll all Hell Oats 1 M-

ArrlTd TuoisDiT Aprili-Ss rhlladelpbla llouklna Laffuayra-Bs Australia MoKlthle Olbraliar-Bshpaln Urlfflihi OueenetownBs City nf Au ows Catherine SavannahCs city nf uioure ter Young West Point Ta8s Delaware tblchcstcr CharlestonBs II F Uluiock Eldridae BOston8s Lahn Ilellmem Queenstown-fis Old Dominion Couch NorfolkBs D > Kuyltr Arfslen Antwerp6s Charles r Mayer thud Baltimore6s Mount kdfecunibe vVetherUl rrocrease-ea PlaK Coombs Itlo JanflribBark Alma lilieS Amsterdam

For later arrivals see Jottlnis AbontTewu-1laairiii ort-

s Bottrrdam front yew York at RotterdamBe California from New Tork at hamburgBA Ssale from Pew York oulhamntonas CelUo from New York atQueenstown

snub runs roaniGi roari-Bs City of Pan from Queenitown for New YorkBe Hrltannle from Queenstown for New TechBsWnikoinmen troTh Bremen fnrew Yorkbe Alter trom Southampton for Sew York

ulnr 3DlitKennedy Derby Data 1OO atjles luckbrown russet bronre 5150l lAbS titlu sac tate on-

equalled for lustre 1itn HHO Suu save retailprofluha M Oortlaudt su upstairs

Prevailing aitTle In Oenllemen State forspring weaxl superior qualities l decided saving Inprloa-

McCA > hii Jiauowery near frlnce at

MAltRlKD-A68EMIEIXKEITOn Wednesday April 3 at the

realdenoe of the brldee parents 327 East Imoatby the ReT lr Isaac C Noot Louie Auenhslotbarali Kil-tSIMNSuaigson Wednesday March 37 by the HerOeorve f Breed at tbe rectory of ut Johns ChurchBrooklyn Slim Nary Alice Mines daunhlerotlate MliUom E Hines t Edward I1 Blmrns-

BSEUKs TOrTKNAt Trinity Church thla city onTuesday April by the KCT Fred liuriretaor rotafret Coca John M fcnedsn to liar Ion S Totten-


DIEDBOOMER On Aprils at bis late residence 1O9 Pons >

lass it Brooklyn N VM Jots lloomsr age373 yeanFuneral today std3U V M-

IlUUIuKUoa Aonl a Deborah Bradford sister te-

trie late Nsthanlel U and Uenjamlu W llradroid Inher slits year

Funeral from the homo of her staler Mra O II WUlard lloa U eat 413th St toda at 1 o clock

BRAIV On Tuesday April 2 Tliomae f UelOTed huebond of jlarifaret Brady atred f d years

Belallves and friends are tnt iced lo Altenit the funeralto slay at I oclock Irom hU Isle residence 24J Cuetots St

BRENNANOn April 1 Kale ODonnell beloved wifeof AsBembiyinm Brennan

Funeral from her late residence todayCJlHlhTIR AtLeonla i J on April Uannab Uarta-

Brlakerhoft widow of David curlatli In the Wiayear of her aiie

Relatives snd friends are invited to attend her funeralherlaia residence on saturday April at 3from Train leave un Northern Kaflroau of New

Jersey rrm tout of Chambers au at I 151 atCarriages will be in waiting at the depot

DONNhtLYOu April Ueor e Vonnellr agod 37years-

Funeral on Saturday noon from his late residence 92-Hopaliia av Jersey CltT Melebts-

ECJAN Uo April it Alice raan in her 84th yearUelatlves and frtenda arid those of her son William

are tirvlted to attend the funeral from the residenceof her son In law Luke Towers 451 IaltsadaairJersey ttly llcldits today at I P U sharp Inter-ment


In CalvaryFA1LM AI Vrooklva N V on Wednesday April 3

ltbel daughter of Iruocene C and lisa lato KuwarftYates

Friends are Invited toaUsnd the funeral services to-

day itllAitI at tier late rraldtnce 5j 7tb av-Vnioklyn Interment at llrlmuL It I

FALLUxuii Kednerday April 3 Tlomaa Fallon la-the OtJthyear oust age

Funeral from titillate residence B Collate place Saturday April u al in A M thence to lIt JosephChurch nth av and Washington puce whey a re

visas will be said for the repose of his souLFOX un April 2 tllcbael Vex In tbe Ittth jearof Mil

age-Itelativealod frlendeof family are respectfully

vttetl to attend the funeral from lila lit resIdencelUJEaat 1I7IUSI louayatlJA U Ilienca SL-

1aul burch IIl7thfct aud 4lliav where solemnOHM of requlum will be sOared tut his repose ot hissoul

GItIENOn VVedneidar April Mrs Ellis A GreenIn the O4th ear of tier age

Belatlrss and friends are Invited to attend the fuoeralfrom her late residence 4ltl 1 tit lonhnu today atU BOX Id tbeuce to At MepheiTs Church fast38th at where a solemn requiem mass win be cele-brated


for the repose of tier soul Interment In Catvary

vEt iou o Tuedsy April 3 at her reatdeac 101West tOoth st Cnrtatlna Henry of consumption

ruseral aervlccs at the West ind lrasb > terlan-iturcb Vest lOith au and Boulevard today at-II 3i > oclock-

SSXNHIiYHrldiet wife of William J Sheridan mideuce awirieasint av

Funeral from the Church of the holy Bosary Zestimtum today a tub A h-

ifetVhOl April J Iloe at Isis resident to nernses-si Brooklyn Alexander XoCuo to the 83d year of-

7Jiefutitaihie axe

wilt take place from 81 Peters Churchcorner Warr u and tuck its on frlday she Sta-IneU at oclock A M-

itAHriliOE Weliiesday April Edna Uay Infantfiaurhter of Haymoud and Emily Martinez agedroonll s stud 1 data

ftelatlver and friends are respectfully invited to attendthe funeral frumihe residence or tier parents Jus-uth ft bomb Hrooklyu today at 1 P M-

HUllfHMtltlM mi April Mrs Met nbUnlrlnkwidow of John UuUletibnuk in the JtU year of her

Relatives and frleaids are Invited to attend the funeralfrom hor Ills residence t tfruome st today allclock C K-

ONru4sddstly April 8 at bis retldeice 390 WestS7tb st nt inflaumaUon ol the bssrl bdward lay-5fl POOl M I

Funeral u day at tllja A >t from Central Contreftt-lonal Church West A7tli at west of sib av-

syiiR After a itliirtng Illneta Ullllam J Iyms In his71m year

Ttefuneret services will lake laos at his late resi-dence < 7T rat av im Sunday rnnrnltm at lujio-o i lock Relative and friends In riled Ibteruientprivate liea b oinlt flowers