the sun. (new york, n.y.) 1881-09-26 [p ]. · mtrot were eornpo8cd of votilo in suntay rarbi-dmo...

THE SUN MONDAY Et1MBER 1MM BLACK- WXV4T flRING NULJITUDX3 70- x1u MOVIN1G MflMS- 11raWl Tbrnacd with NpeeImWrThJ- lriPIfll1 or Urlef GreMII Inermid Rn- dborlttdTbS Work I tb tIi 1111- Tim cIty was thrngctI With BtrnKerne- atertIflY They gntheret In the VrInCIDIt- botOi1Mhrt0B Ofl which that ret army o- eW Yorker3 who ok reercatlon on Sunday- and u5ua11T flnd It out of town ba ato corno- together All were lntarestot In Ilac dlsvly of- ioUrfllflU deorAtlonG wblcli have from da to- diw bofl nnlDllfled nnd lmrovid intll Ihoy- Iorni potac1o such n wits uver wltne8sed- In thl country bfur In Ilrontwnv so fr n- t lie vlLilti tho thIckly ouigte1 VortlonR of- the city Oil on structure bnr no lgn of the- enil ilernon8trtlon of grl4t Upon ItA fron- tttten that excvtlon urtflt a 11n t hal- ftiit flbO lt root It Is in Jr tlway that tho3- 2OSt elatiorato ctlr nnil artltlo decoratIon- tial bin reacheil and the eamtle Fet 11mm- ha bonn folIowd hi the tflrtnt of thn grea- tbulnis tlocke on eitlmem I41o of that aentrn- ConteiIPfltlT 13rot1way wits Urn centre of o- borvtln ntmtt the teoilo In numnbera and bc- imavior riroduCet1 Its nptearanCo on great holl- dayB In the past The long columni ttmat- ovod up anti down on itrmer sIde of I- mtrot were eornpo8cd of votilo In Suntay Rarbi- dmo lmaI orne to ace flhlil to oomum nt utoe- the exhibitIon there The mueat atraot hrm- ebeen ml ° mntnd nveral tlme In the tnet wck 8 one otter another of thebulh1In brought to- notice r flne now and ofToctlvo arrongernent of- draDeuiO be ooited or Improved upon by- ethers 1von aB lmt a etnr1mty momnlnm- ctheo ehnnma were goln on and buIldIngs- that lmn4l momn only i few stragglIng rIbbomm of- black mini wmIto wemo decktul with festoons- broal hmnds rosettes or hIolit The slbtp- eers lmo by theIr mAnners theIr dresH or- their pioch showd tliinmIves to be from- other cltts or from couutrT dIstrIcts bloclmd- the wuv wimero authliig of s1eial Interest was- to be sin and the dir toopi ttmemuseles made- theIr war along clumsIly bttuso their faces- ware kott uittimued by tho eunetaot successIon- f novtl sights- Thoro Wets mora wom than men in the- qundrupli proceIon ati1 thy utmoohmseIoul- 7tideit timemselves Into two clsssra the- wonuih who out on a smtd demeanor aim- time women who ent rtalnel themsnlys with- scrotum zing the mitterlmil lu uco on the build- jnhs rmnti with conjeturIng ht Cost vr yord- inn It imoveil to be otimir thRu mUslin Sot- timmuit Was made to coneemil time astonishment- ofths thrifty economical ons immong Ilium att- fms dlstimiry tbst many bulkllnmzs vnme dronedw- Itim good marIon and a 1pm with UI1IC blitek- cloth In the mst wlndowp aio tlisy saw- many fiinnifmml smrsnwtnmonh3 of scores of yards- of bIa yelyot hiito Rathhi and erno In- on5uh window the lihtlv dud hlgure of a- llyttig aug14 swimnic in hnidnlr while next to it- a wimit silk ahtt shmimntI like a monument boreL- imo mnttvrs name More pmnimal still w the- outlay tima DrolhiCAd four broiihth of white- and IImck ostrich fnmmthers enaloilog a steel en- gravint of tile lhtt Prsidentl- irnnttrfly noer simowntl to morn advntae- txctt for the erowils on tim 5iiAwzIlks it lmnt- Its iimnilny air of qutt and rtst Only a few- light waicous eoritsinIn otiher siehtsesrs rat- Usc over the fleiIan blocks so that when the- enost eflrIou among thmo teoDtS want nut upon- lbs roitIway to see a hous to better ndvamtage- than liii ileesik atToritd thy were at ease- while they remained t2mer It was hot all- lmowuvw and at noon when no shndi nflordmj- test imnum the blazing iment there were fewer- moonls i thousands than at latAr hour TIie- seam t in time morning the throng assuni bled emil every street timI led from a ferry or- that was traversed Imy iirse cars 1e1 the big timomonelifare wIth aiUthtionni numbers- In the hfleiiLi ttnmmi those sylmo tmitd seen Timed- ay vero Damadlnte the ohaln avenuns and- ros srcets In oh of which tile 58100 lomnon- tmntIon tmoportIonmtshy was ho seen Jvon- in the labyrInth of numbered strseta aud- avenut lip town where thure r maInly ros- idsnrs ii wmmik wmts crtatim to rnay the visitor- with itshhmtof sometetly Vrtty oruimiquedisl- AY i io olurmjiss were uemmenitiv nnailcmmnoi- tuntil Sntmirilay bitt ystertay all wore tokemne- of t140 unlveraI griif Imi time Fittli avununt- lmslr ottrn drnptmu was rsllnvod by thu- reyrisil 4ifi I1R bound or frineed with black- that fluttrd from the windows so the doors- of the grt residences Thu LtihlrS of the Ok- vated ronmis In 501mm wor bound whim bemnds of whIte anti b1act the ioonmntlves nTori- mes41 lwer dscorsfrd thn tioutbjoks cimirs- the fruit tintTs nmi mimo lamp pots were otton- LtstsfUlh dtratmei llAma umt ttmrm a 5trett- elock drimpeit nnl with it liatids stonLod at- twentyilvo minutes to nioven ociockthe hour- of the lmtn IreiIsnts iloltih attracted notloo- and on storecostjr in uvenhlm avrnue catcht- om time ugjestIon 1mtmnt ou a whIte muslin- dint announelnm that hour hr macan of these- twelve Irthers In tha tJses of hits tisual no- tnersI4 GA It F I 114D DIED Eyory tar- on the 1l1Irt avenue surface line carried two- flsgg ttrdemed with tiackT- rm entres of ptihillit Intoroet were Union- ihIisre where the hots ammi towering btor3- Yere most elahorately drted tb City hail- lark imi and around which time puhiic butitllmigs- the nnscner omccs his stor house ftntt 5- t1aui Ghimrehm rookd stimnlmatmon Gran- detrt hl1 of the flowery 3txtIm aenue be- tween 1mvntythird Street mini Fmrtmenlh- 3trest Church tremt ttmj iomvr und of Fmmrt- tmsvonunnd Lmorttonsol the Emhtti OnLI Tbtrdl- Yflfl 0- rho 1st omee is more elaborately drapc3- wIthIn 11mm nutsid and its omssmmways wrt- throflLl ill ilay It is sti that nil time omnurim- Ing tnmt riot In usethiere will when taken down- be sent to 3ilclmlgmin to Ui i ½ tributed amonmt- ime stmtTtra hy the rectnt dris tImers- AccoriIim to their mmns Lit peo1 in the- roost crvIetl tonementdistrit Imad done their- ttSt from thu money pait ttimmn on littur1ay to- vie with their more furlmmmmatu tllow citizen- smi on Sotmirlay ntght and yesterday momnin- moflrim t thu late lresilent fcstooim of crap- 11as frmmrmmmt Itm lIack mottu rosette and all- the chtpm eibiems of nmnurtmfui sympathy wore- hung um mri th tvahiv of thousartla ot Iweilinmstti- mmt Itmi Ien unnilormmet bmfrre In the noomer- ewIsm jmmrhrs tIme hmoliIi4ms mAvA an otmoo- rtunitV thet alms esgeriy oumbricoL TtmeClmines- Wtmoe of tnournlrmm ms asoctsted wIth- wuful nhtc nail mysterIous rits copid their- osIgiat rs inI slertiay Ioit btroet took its- lso tli the rest of the city hut time drapery- wit so S mOlT and ttm ri nod got signs Ii- ihont of hhm stores and bnmtrinm imouses wore so- ronnmicuI In o1nr tflat It enunot be saId that- his ciTt airi sxpreMeI the undertone of- Symisshimy whicim though fommndid on an noe- rtmmimm trmmsn of the sitimatou wr doubtiebsO- troimiIm tit in that hmmsrmr- limit ii mty hiatt was time ot isct f Iha rent- etI On FrIday imight 1dr Imri Kimsiti- reoeiv aim order to drape t iii oIiilce lie i thu ttiemerieal manager wmmce steinItr Is tIm- e5pCtftU ar drema The y Hail had Lcom- mIUIJ1 l to two or more oxnerinments by Un- al1ied mrsons who ligml lit iht hunn It itt- iunurml4rlmLte etrsamer arid mtmiler ribbons or- bia k ismit wimito anmi Imat yommnd hack bands- about Its many graceful 1mhizi until ttl31 re- Csmnhjii Llel mint wimis I orier poles Mr- i rim I I y ii ml time basis of hi i v on of Iocnmntmmm m- mthpnu 6 Cliture of tIme bmmi og immt it miflordeti- oo toor tmance for eI t vo lisplay and is- hiled to it ml rmatiOn of lm own in time rimap- of it tiytikmi to be retsm i vtr time portto nt- the front omatra000 II In Ic tma y pmmrcimmmse- eof bla rmrimmo muMUn no I npoea limo om- itrino Iei of u imeomu tflOhi mY l ii iaisi Uy I I ii en- PLctmt ir ten woimim t mit mmmd sw tim- mmialorhtm mini i irmany in C t i imcmng timenm Im- mtinci Mr J0110 Leo thh st emrttmtr m- uItblns harteu wits tmnm u tie mirmmimiflt f- Mr Kirim hrs desisi aLit YitS mrhrim4 wltim- time eUterYliiOU of tli fly the aid of- Iaarmrmhiiunm lights the r umis corriii no- durjne imil of Saturday n i tin i1rt rst ls- ins tnin at ball Inst l on unday- smorolig it was flecessni work at uiimt in- urdert eviipkti this Un iitkiiii by toIy- At mnn ystrlay uenr1y of Itis tiret deC- orittors lttimn hint disnmpemmt d situ time titan of- the i si artist hit bceim sulflckntiy exo- autsi t iivi time spsctatmr an i1a of the sTreet thst ii ii flnslhy vmodtmil All dity long the- Workrirm lbore1 on tile frrt mod slilp of tiio big strutur some amounted nit tall idders- olbers on emfTuidinm hung from lbs cornIce- and nmirs on tOe balcony 0sr his portico aol- on the ts mtmmd the wormie in the macan timi bsvItmgmm1iilmp timenmsohi U time Governorsr- oom him whtcim ttls SCCte tle frII that ottni- timn I il time Iataaiinsnt of omImtry churches- St a nmmttim if a sewing elrit tii mlii a mmii t4tul m4 teoule tm the tLsmt in front of the buiIi wmmttmed the umen ci etr work- This City hull I a iou my mcLhtm gnathl building the centre of tvtmmn ioibmur thin this Winwg ut bttier aide 1 ii stm ieLweetm tflieC Wing js timrtially ilfll I y trial steps simm Vlountpd by a portico I by mixteerm oIumns Sustaining a is ii rho view f time faid from any liilpInt lire IaOt i4 I it two tiles ii ct if lime Winjs tee ild f the other 213 nIT alt of the- entrat or main part mirture Thu indowssre numerum rc ejiarated by single cimimimu Tbu tffc te wrk may b itnagitipl wimen It I Limwr hit time decorator Li5 coireI time entire r t black leaymtmt Only tim white marble wim I monies anti the iuiows timenmseien eXtiO ltmtaekinz light ttmt cf yo4 wherever 110 Ii ti dpi to nail time Sloth be tins managed to p s ml matsrial tat t2ftiibt ti stonS Time whi 4 ItS flrbt story Is thus rendered b1ek with tie whIte arctics OTmr the windows and Ito Ii he eslittlb sad 3asea of the numSrous CC momes to rahmee It nher eteh winlo Is a lack fsato ant Yer thu windows Iii wiIte cornice 1s but imahl covered mmtim cloth hut lie chief pains bays be taken with time rtnd entronco amid here s tflUfl work has been dune that the smaller ttails pan en Otlesd Time frontof eyetyptcO injhe Iair Sale l covered with a band Cf ikek and blae Ls iktituil worked in wftb the base of mich eolnumnths eoiunsthsme1is btngatlbhaok- with tetooia so arrtged bt them tlmsefteetofstiisopyisrou hiblenny is hung with bisok tsif ysd byhtsids contain lair white etrIpr sed oerahI tbs artist barn buIlt aimat1oreanayof etglmtbhiok columns inthsfrontot wtmIebissiatntIng of ths ista Presidfmntsnd on Ihetopof all sbroken- shaft srtIatietilydrapsd Zthmind all this and- seen through it itIl the narbis seems far- whiter than before Abovs these decorations tim gilt eaxles In two carted ooats of arms hold broad beta of bIak In futoooa while strip- of black reacim dnwn from the root between the- uppermost window- slhe ibterlorof limo bnhidini bears wrsatbs tnctoons arm4 bands wherever ttmet could have been rut The chairs itt ths Ahdermanio eham her are draped anmI nvsr lbs Fresimlent chair is a painting rorcssntinr Coiiimhlit Imnatrata- oyer S eelfln Kiralfi hits had flhthinR to do- i with the lntsrlor ilecorsticins By time dd of- calcium light liii carts of men kqmt at their I work all iset nhriiL and exected to finish their labors before daybreak borne of ttmnm were- I completing the drapery of limit htegisters oflce- wimich was bettntm ycstcrmiity flUtter Mr ICirahlys I suimitrylslon anon a hmfl that ws sxeeedlnglv I ahimitiln yet Quite sa effective as that upon the City flail hULL JurIbF1t4111X- 0Sitttn roe fleys ret alls cC is School o- II GreiI Muih Ilcach- I No flehi today an thoro wont bo any asl- onm ns them boats are niT hero- Timi wasdmawlmI out by a patient Lnn Isi- ntmd flsliernimtn as ho Jarkod his head toward- twosteam flshInvessemhc waiting in tlmoolflng for- sehmoule of monhmiulen lie wee sittlnir on a crossb- canm of a lookout statIon on time Great Houth- Beach about two mlloa west of the settlement- known as 1oclmaboneck In timo town of West- hampton He hail on fuioml yellow trousers a- staIned eraywoohlen shirt and a battered straw- hat fllsmiandy beard wits tmnkomtand hisfeot- were bare Exceot wlmon lme occasiotmally swept- the horizon witlm an ancIent snyglass ho devoted- his leIsure tmntit to wlmlttiinmz pieces of wood into- neottorod pilos of chipe The fmamowork of the- etntlon has three latmdings and variotme parts oft- imit woodwork have erved in tImes tonc by ni- 1aces for the cutthnt of the nam of summer- visitors On a bench in one corner of the first- iandlnt sat dma entitnln of time crow of flidme- rmen Ito wee bettor drcssed than the rest and- was a typIcal akipoor of a flelmlng smack when- fishing with lInes wits In its orlme Ito had is- Iotmit irongrsy heard an eonsldsrahio rottmndl- ty of body ChewIng is toothpIck seemed to ho- his chief occupation Thmo ottmer fishermen- were emmnnInm tlmetmmselvrs on the sands bow- or sitting on time gmltitvaie of one of time two surf boats that had buu drugged down to thu edge- of time surf- From sunrise to sunset they tyatcheci thered- Imming time itays when the wIn tvms light and- thu stirf wsa low While the mon votited for it- school of bluefish in colmie in itglit two tary lookIng horses nulhtt hay from a tnnipormmr- ycrIb and wlttmul theIr tails at lime swarms of- flmoftmItoes uiimlr the ice of s total imlfl rimey- Were uceil oaihi ilay to draw tim nets In a cart to- tin station sail drag time surf hoists through a- hmileewny btwenn time sand lulls to time surfi- imi surf boatS wore woatlmerbeatsmm craft limi- tfor want of froimment thee were not water snikol- Timsir sterns were toward time water nit oars- lay on the pests ready for instant miss mcts and- mitts wore piled hiictm in the Sterns- On time disytimmit time vatlent flsimnrnrmn dropped- the abovo remark hut two steam fishing vessels- kept near time lsuiim hut not in company Whotm- one went to westward time other Wtnt to time east- ward returning later to Chest agaIn Time nmmm- mon time boneim muutituhiy if not otherwise hurled- curss at them- Taint no two wzttclmln while them toIlers- are round time p f remarked again after a- lonw spoil of silence- VIiy was limO forced inquiryCi- mimsim timimy are aIttr mnenimmtdmn an If they ketch all the nientmaden therewommt beatmy blue- fish ihitmohlsim go whore menhaden are mo- macn imatn tio hi utis I- ihow can you teii wimon bluefish are ofT herofly the sprays flyIng was time ropty tte- companimI by curl of the lIps at time iguotancu- dlstIayed by tIme Inquirerl- imit on time follwitmmrdisy the steam vessels imm- mdmtisapjmsarNI aim mms time weather wits stilt lute- the imeaclm llslmcrmnn trepared for a cast At tim- efirst light of a school mmii bcnnme animated In- strmmngo contrast to thrn lmzlnee of tim dny- before Thu surf tats were drmmggei to where- the teach slope gradually anii pushed downm- mrmtll time wator that surged over time suitmds- tIimmhcd agahumet the sterns Ttmemm two or umoro- muon stool at citlt side rasoIn tIme gunwainIt- um WtitIi for a higim wave lieu it curiel- Over and broko tile word was elven every timue 31 mcIIS stratum nmmd time boats wer half liftedt- imid Imahl iiuiisd limb thu water until thus floti- Not a eommd waa wimated or as soon as tim- eboats floated Oft before thu mmoxt wmto coulm- itoss them buck on the beach the man lint jumped itt setzemi limo oars amid were ttancingi- mpend down oumeito of the line of bremikursI- ommrs ntterwrtrd they returned disappolatodr- ims cnooi hat dIsappearedi- lme bmW luck was time topic wimmtn a knot of- flhermeru nmemntmorm of thu lihmsavlmmg crews- ant skippers of plauro boats met ott the beach- a few days aftrwtrd A storimi wit hrowitmg- mmd the lee ett of a sand lull was sought wbiio- timetaik lasted- hhitmetisblng a hmtyeI ommt bore an no mist- mmt one of tim Ittyrmor boys said its itsi- mmueti as you can ito nosy to see it hooi in- weeks but before tti menhaden boats wornm- ouumO ou could enmnoovrliero ammydav an- see a tonacre lot of immn limit now the etemm- dsimera are scootIng alonhmere all thu limo mmii a- man lmere cant got a show Theres no tlueil- sim In this tmrt of time bay slthmer no its wimmmt I- call cuustd menu 1 think thero ought to be a- law agalnsttmmteiming so many meuhmamlen for if- mmli thu ttmtmnimmmitn go I dont know whathi bo- conic of the Tow bluefish loft S 2J J htI TO I t4 TI- A Curio Sinry nr s 1114 lIenib thnt Is- jtcIn lneIItited In Jersty lIly- County Physician Converso of Jere City- is investigatIng tIme death of an eighteen- monthold child iii a boardine house In sussex- street Time mother Mrs llridget Brown went- to the boardIng hmousowharo her sister MIss- Mary Cumnmtng is employed on un1ay last- and saId that her child was dead Miss Cumn- minu went to Mrs Browns impartimments iii a- tenement house on Greene street and there- found the child wrapped up In a white- siuet ready for burial Miss Cmmumpiln- gwhite sitting near the child was astonishedI- C 500 tho hotly move arid picking it up In her- anus almim rushed to time ncurest groctrv store- ui procuring a iieco of ice Pitt It in limo cimilds- utoutim A omomnent titter time the opeimed its- Tee and throw its arms around its aunts neck- tiiss Cumnmlng thInkIng site smmys that her- sister had intenilci to bury tIme child alive was- nfrald to go lack to thu imouje mmmi tmk tim- ecliii to time Charity Pspihmml fimere the pim- ysiiians said it was tytm c of atmirvatlom- uMiss ummtmmmr mutum mmml to her mmrk ntmd on- Friday nmornlcm went the hospital to see hmow- time little one was getmi alone ho was told- lint tlte ehmlmi could n mva an thu pimmtchmmns- timo smixa said hunt to rem it was iakn nmynv ont- imat uIty they woulu s ni it to nnke liii Missu- mntnmtmg went t item sIsters botmes nut- bggej her to tnke tIm chili horn Sho me- fmepml Miss Cumntnin then got pernitesiommf- mnun her nmhmitres to takthmoeImiktto imerhmnmm- ssAttr ptmoiug time dying child 1mm teI itsC- mmunnmmuig tvent after a tlmysicman but when simsr- etmmmneml time itho was lead Shuen told of item- elmilds death Mrs ilown said sit did umot care- omit refimse to t tls time both It was ttmen ri- mmncvel to time Morgim and was on SaturImmy- burmoil by tie city lime snottier atteumlet ti- mInuemni mind on rutumnin became immtotcated 111 rS1J1FV2 3- Itudoti lItm IleneOt- Time ecason at timo Metropolitan Concert- hail closed last uliht with a benefit to itudoif- DIaL Leiboldts military band performed dur- iu time intervals between the pieces- played by the orehehura Time programme- included Wagners Tannimtusor over- ture Gounods MedItation and various- selections of a lighter character The- oxlIent execution of musIc so varied in kind- proved that Mr hid Is a very versatile lender- energetic and full of tnmsguiitisrn if lb perf- armmtance under Imme baton itro not prmXeund- they are mit leant hutilmaut and that is ilter all- the main thing rermiiremI at a popular pincu of utnmtmmems- ntherr Theodore 110th performed several solos- on time cornet Timero have been comnct players- bmore time Amnericmmn public whose execution is- mimpurlor to herr hlocims but none whose tone- is 50 luii of seuauous beauty and BmTeutLmSs3 A tbseie Ut Uoicr Itlal- In place of lferr Neuendortf 3hle Julia- do liertmand now wields the baton at 3oater- liiai fhe Is the icader of the Ladies Ihii- ltarmonitsaid to be composed of pupils from theY- mommna Conservatory The vIolInists arc mostly- ladies so Is one of the cellIsts and one of the- flutist A iaAii alno plays limo doube bass- agaInst which site poseti gracefully during the- interyal juG brass instruments however- are played by amen The ladles ilay gracefully- itnd delicately but in time loud pmtssugss they- are decidedly oyoitowered by the brass- At the Lackot time stage isagreenarrsngeim- meut which as the orchestra comes from- henna mumy bsen erected a a substitute- for the WlflD1 ICJ A Tyroleae fenmtly imo- wever also mkmte its acmpsuarammuoand it Ie poui ble Inst the green armatmgemuent was to remind- thew of their native mountains THE DEMOCRATIC DISUNION- I1ro Ott fflhI VKOAflOYR CRA1iI- 1Fuw cur via rnwr- A rbl for th AThenS CleSfltIm- iTemae flopeflil t flsr HpeoihIln- The sadsy TaI r is rmIslelea- Tho Tammany orgMml7ations abnfldhn- meat of its proposal to the New York County- Democracy and the Democrats who nmeet In trv- ltmg Ifahl to unite wIth them on a delegation to- the Democratic Btste Conyention has made it- certain that two mind perhaps three delegations- from every Assembly dIetrIot In tbo county of- Now York will apply for admissIon to that Con- vention While there wits a chance for the- union of tlmo New Yors Democrats the poll- tlelana had little to say of tIme probable action- of time State Convention concerning the status- of the three organizations into wlmichm they are- divided Tint since it has become a settled factt- imat there wilt be no unIon hi pros- poets of each organization before time Con- ventlon has been the engrossing topIc- In local Iemocratle circles The loading men- Itt each organization profess to believe timat its- deleuatea will be admitted to the Convantlon- and its rcularlty be thereby amrmeml But in- raRity cases ttmis belief is based upon the opln- Ion of thmoso who express It as to timO duty of tIm- eConventionorsmion a wisim to appear to be loyal- to their orcanlzation at time expense of tlmeh- rtrue convIctions A few of the Tauummeny men- openly doclare that they do not expect to get- into time ConventIon but most of tlmetn say listt- Imers is no doubt of tlmelr admissIon Those- lvo nogood reason forthuolrconfldenee When- closely questioned most of timoni admit that tim- osentiment of time majority of the country Demo- cmata is acuminst thmoni end many concede thatT- rtnmnmmmnv forfeitemhlts rimxlmttoreeomznitlonbrlts- bolt in 1879 Wlmen pressed to givesoumt reoson- for their belief that time Convotmtlon wIll recog- nizo hmeumm they say that time country Democratst- lmink that thu Democracy can carry tlmo State- title fail it harmony prevails In its ranks end- I imi me tim en foti d eel mu us of Comm mmteum motel t- Tmttmmmany for the sake of the large vote wimich- it enmitmols- Jtmha faIth of the Tammany men is largely me- to John Kllys repumtidiy expressed confidence- in time rteogtmllion of iiI oroaniztimn lie hits 1011 hI fohiowere that commntry Democrat who- are opposel to hmlm lmnvo simztmifled timeir wish tol- mnrnmommlz time party in this alt nnml timeir Un- wiiltumgrmcse to Ituvo thus qtmmtrrela between Tmtuu- mnammy aiim its oltonents brommaimt into the iIateC- oimvimntion Mr helly believes that tImes- stmitlimmenI arm smmro to control time Convetmtiotm- mind niToct its decision In the setthsmnt of timoC- lithmmmim of tim timree organlrattnus in ty mork- Aumimhier reason gtvemm by Mr iCelly fortimu rocugi- mitlomm of Tamummmmnmmy is ils strmngtthIut- mnuumnumy hell will chum nilinitiance Ito- salt ium it recemmtly jubhisimed Iumtrviow be- cause it is tmnqtmestlonably the strongest 1emo- erotIc omnmmtamtion tim this city nml Mtste and- its regmulirity his bAnn ndmmttoti Liv Statu Con- ventlomma ttltim very few exesttknaTi- memn is mint is amen in Tmimmany hTMl who- mciieves ttmmmt time Tnmnmany delegation can Iris- sibly he mtirnltPmd tntoltheConvention io thu- Ximustomt itt time delegates from time other org- msumizmttlons Tue best Utah their mosteangulnotmm- omm ttAet is that they tummy get pert of thel- uiegntinmm rhey wIll lie smtttIhs4 with anyr- rcogmittitmn Vimit they wish is to be atmthmn- rizcd to call Tamomammy regtmlam Mr Kelly- knew that Ito commid not keep ommt tIme Cnmmm- mtyDemocrmty delegation a member of the Taum- ininny Comuimmittee oct OrganizatIon saId lesterul- imy mitmil ito was in my opInion very- dntttfnl whether famnmany woulmi be reenc- ulzd itt all That accounts for hI offer- to unite with timo County Dommmocracy on deltgmtion to limo Convention yery- hotly wimp knows Mr Kelly is aware thath- m thinks lest of an antlTamnmnay Denmocratti- mami of a Rpmilmhiean and that be would noti- mmts mmmdc overtures to lb Comnty Democracy- if he hmaI thougiul ihmtt he commit get iumto theC- ommvctmtIon anti keel them cut ills action is- in aceiriatmer with the axiom Ilitlf a loaf isb- tmttertlmmmmu imotmreitd Time Invitation was given tot- ime Irviumg hill Ionmocrats to create ttme Irmipres- mton that liiunnuiiny wielmol to utmlto nil time tim- ethen of the party bmit with tIme real desiunm of- controlhlmmir 11mm ieetiomt of 5w orks mmmc- mbore of tit State ommmmrmlttee suit testmoiitmm time- Cuumttv Irmmoeraey obody know better thanJ- oimim hohly that time Irving hell Democracy has- no orgnrmtzmmtiotm worth talKing about aboveCi- mmimil slrett Time Tmmmnnmmmnv man ttded himat- time lmolets of tile organizatIon believeti that thia- Irvins hull lemnocrmty would tmtmlte with It- Thmm leahers of the Irving hell heinocracy are- not Itt miii coimfitiont of the recognition of their- orNaitlzaiuu by jimA limb Cmnyention Meet oft- hunumm timlmm ttiat neither their delegation nor1- 1mM sCull iiy Jammmmnny will get immto tue Cnemm- lion Them are imowver a tow men in thus- orgimnizitiomm whmo profess to see a otmammetm for- its recmgnltton Among thorn is Mr Ambrose- hi ltmrthy lie bases his opInion upon what- was hilt hInt roceimtly by eommeLmtcuoums mew- ork 1onmoermtt whom hmns 3ust returned from him- rtirmml counties Ihmm omttiemmmfl Mr lmmrdy- mtlti tahled withi iumany country lemoerumtm- mmii found 11mM most oi thotn favored any policym- m lmieim would mako harmony Itt time party They- suggestti thmat overT delegation that presented- itsoil itt time Commvstmtionshmouhmt be nlmittetland- that it 11mev could not agree mis to limo vote whiC- heach nhmouid duSt timey should nil imave smtts as- iieiegatti but not be pomumitted to vote out time- ormiumizniiomt of the Cotmventlnn nor in time noun- iustion of us eandimiustes for Simm oflicore lims- gentiuummtn who ummade timis emmggeetlon thought- that the adoption of such a irlicy would be- recnnumiitlemi to the Ccnvemmmhomm hi limiting- country lemimocrmitt Mr lurdy boliuvod Ibmi- tsuch juan for the settlotuomit of limo iimTeremieua- iii thmo party iii timia city wouid be ammtlslaetory to- hrviumiz hail and Fiimmmuumany and should Lie to- the County Damimocrime- yThe Itvmn himmil leaders have not yet decided- whether tmmuir organization wilt unite with Tnummiuany in electing tioleatea to time biata- Convention Their jinermil Committee will- moettbia week todetermnitmo that qmwetlon- ltms ieidimmg men in tue New York County- Democracy do Uot claim that tile Sumto Conymm- ulion emil recognIze their orgammizatiimmm by- mmmii lhme County Democracy does not In- taunt to send aumv delegates to limo Conventiont- aut its members will attend and vole at primary- riectiona which will coon be hold in tile sloe- lion districts imi this city to choose delegates to- the twentyfour Assstmmbly District Coumve- ntions These primmmmriua will be callod by time- Ciinmrnmen of time Asmiomnhly Dmmtrict Conven- tlons of hbtl ttmutt elctod the delegates who- ivaro mIimmtttd to thmo blat Convention ut whIch- New nrs Suites delugatioum to limo 1oummocratieN- mmtioimmtl Convention wits chosen TIme dole- gates elcctrd mit time primaries will moot hi- mAsmimmnbly District Conventions anti cimoot- mmieIeates to time State Cnveumtitmn John Mo- Keun Abmaumi 15 ilawllt William C immtmmey ii Cooper Hubert 0 Ttirmnm ison Ifotmort- hi htoosevelt and time other lendlimir members oft- imo CountY Dummuocmacy are Confhthmmt that mil- ltlme deiegatea cimosun by tlmeo Assuinbly IlstrictC- nvitmtiomms wIll Lu joverm seats in tile hitatu- Gnnssnthmn and be recouiized tic the irtgsttnntr- ouui time county of New Iork iimcir cnumftdneeli- m tills roatmit is itatoti ImLOmI the fact thmat thios- oitlgmttoa will ho uhmcttm1 imi iitri1 aecorihmmnc- ewith the lemmas itt tint Casctty rule pmi8sti by- the State Cunveuthon of 1571 wltIchm providedti- mmit dehmgiites tim Stoto Conventions stioumld he- chosen mum 5mw York as ttmy are elected in tue- oIlier CmImfltuS in limo htaimm time Dumnocrmtta 1m- mevery Aitenmbty district ncthimi indepemmjentiy- and wthiolmt tii Interttrenco of lilly euntmal im- uthormty These gmmuutlenmen expect of cmmmrs- timmit immest nud probably mill f the ileltmgatea- Chmosn mit those prinmmmrics mviii to tumemmiboms mt- time omv or oummty hemmmoormey and if them- m > mu am iii mttot I lit I Ii Conyemmt mit I it o ci a I ma to- be I imo remcmm bmr 1 hitmimeracy i n tim is ott > it iii mm- iidomubtomtmy it mmiaio for timmit urmmmntzuttlon Tim- eprimaries hiowevr will be ouemm to all Ieumm- oorals alit any liiimmnmamty or Irving Hail amens- yimim may he electemi delgats at himomu wilt b- ersgnize1 by the Cnurmty DemocracyT- Im leadirs of time County iounocrimey arenas- anguimmo of tim exclusion trout time htmmts Com- mvjmmtlon of time lutmtnmmny and Irving hull dcl- gatmoimb as tumey are commildCtmt of the ndnmisamoi- tot time dcimmmlea CImoseim at timo regularly called- 1ummoeratiu trhiuarmee lanmummmnys tmrop- oaition to coimfer with other organizatIons a- conspicuous County Immmnoermmt saId yemtsray- is auatuct theepiritof time Cmmeamldy reoltmtion- anti tlmelr immyltmmtloima to our DiirictConmtnjttoei- violate time hitter of the rule lako for an ox- amjmlo time letter front time famummumny Commmmittm- eof the Twentyunit Assembly 1istrict of whimei- mJohn Kelly hmtnmiielf Is a rnemmmber it nottliesti- mim County Deummocmcye Commmmnimtee in that die- trict timat at it meeting of the Tanmimmumny Conm- ummittoc hmclI on iuit 17cmrtmiln gitutlouimen were- flhtoitmIol to carry out the ohjmmet specified in- the following reohtmtio- it1l rtt a coiimiimimre it live be apCcinfrt ont- etmami cm miul Tsmmaiuy uiaml Ueuuornturltmiabmmtm- mirmtL4tlsll oh U rseltysrst Asmmbly flmirut lu- COllier i im tu tme Vmlc te rmui il aim mind I rymmus U au imeumu- cramme eras austmoui 1mm ii smrmcl s ml e mutest or t agreec- hum s Clel by sticim tHree wemm kuowmu slot remreeuta- to ore trot still urmSml4tmmmui hey to- ipmurIsI c I miolsts fur to It cmuIrb- eimucmnmmc Simu tom4tCultlUll to Us old ltd if imey mami icirolelli Si 15 teuveimUuli tIe unitem- Deuuocrscy ci tIe IscitiAril llistrmt- Now the rnosithon contaIned in this let- Pr the polItician cootiuuod defeats Um- upurpose of tIme Cssaihy rule bocauo It aug- goats the eriloetlon of delegates lo Ibm Stale- Convention by a ctutrai body before the pri- atarI eIticmtis are held lime potitic imn gave- a anotimer instance of Tamtumitivs vtolstion ofl- imo Cassidy rule the mmssae by the Tnuunmau- yCommittee on Organization on Tlmuridaylast- cit ii cimiiimllo thiat the lhumocrats In tile As- embiy dmstricte ho inviteit to hold primaries in- their dIstricts to elect degatae- Most of time imaders of time County Demoersoy- found their conhldecs tlmat lamtnany will be- excluded from thieCotmventIo upon time oppo- sitlon of time Counts Imoemaey to Tainmany be- causuol its tOIL in 11179 All theiradvicea from the- interior of the State Indicate they say that the- Demnoeratioparty baa neither forgotten nor for- givenJobn Kelly and lila organIzation for glv- itig time State Government and ha patronage to- the ltepubiicani acnMDra wflbrno iaiizA- ent fle b Ve lrIuI t et Ibe- Pflelsi t Cms r A1s Ia UsurS- Three yeoim o Ernst ohmnldt pbrevrers- helperwho live at 885 Tenth ttisttebntiod- hi wife flwas much stmatdonbyherdeatb- but he concluded that the best thing 1mecoud do- would be to msrr aaln and behented around- among liii equaintnncs and selected a young- woman to whom he vrooosod lie was accept- cii and Saturday was named for limo celebration- of the nuptiahs- Zn company with thm bride to be and WIlliam- Eionie a friend who also lives at 5S olmmid- twent to tue residence of the Rev Fnthmar Ruse- in Fiftythird street between EIghth and- NInth aveatmes On the way im took many- drink of boor in lmonor of the occasion- Whon lie reaehmed time priests house tho- reverend father told him to go home- and to come again when he was sober- Time bridal party dIsbanded mind Schmidt re- turned Imonme An lmommr later ho entered- Kisnloe room ant told Xienln tlmnt it was- owing to his interferinco thmat the prIest luau- mnftmscil to perform tIme nmarritmmze Time men- then mltmnmrphlett Thmny wont into thin Imnhl mmn- ilaflcrmvutrI continued thmeirquarrel in Sclmmiilte- rooms Schmitt produced it tlotmhlnbarretloIu- hmogun lienlo says thmat ime dlechargeil one- iii time imarrals at tmimn wIulmout provocatIonS- chmmklt mlenlis title anl clmmlnma limmmt lIe iieid- th gun in lila hands nail tiat it went ofT ins- emuale wimlch took place between him and- Kimnin for its pOeersainn Thmeroport made Imy- time mlisehmnrgo broutzhut Immilcaman Chmmmriee ho- han tm time snne 0mm tim cotmiphaitmt of KieniG- hi arrestemi 8immniult ittiti locket hint tIm Yesterminy time elms ante mmii imi the Ynrkvihn- Police Citmmrt ivhmere Eienl cummmrgei tehtniit- with atteummttrrt felommious n9samuit hlcbmmlits- cr59 were tiiackenei and liii face wits hrmmhiue- dlie nid that time firiume of the gmmim was ccci- tlunlai timat it humid ito shot in It ant tlmat Kienieh- nml beaten him Time qmmotlon narrowed down- to whmetimor time gmmmm imat imiton lommulel with shot- or them aq only it wail In it Clerk Murrmy directemi Pnllcummmmin ilolman to take time gun intot- ime prisoum yarl mini dhschmmirmto limit otimer barreln- mtaltmet ii bnrmrt t ccc ivimetimer there wns nfl- leami i ii it Pol lenin atm Itoh took I lme irn Into- tlio yard html tint icing tmmueh of a sportsmen- lie was unmiecliled its to time manner- of discimarghume it Alter pouring downt- ime bmmrrcia and cmmmnfmiily exanmining tile- lock mmtmui but 1 Ii e commel mmied I immmt it won Id lM- itotter to itmtilny a emutetittito ileemimsuulted witht- ime prison keeper nimit it was tlntmtemI ttmmit not- of time lirisotmers shiolhlui 10 tIme unrig Thin- keeper auth time iohiccnmmtn vleweml nil tim- eprisoners arm ilnahly eelctemi a man nnmrl- Ciinttertmn who wits servltmgatcndmiyseumtsrmcnCh- ummttortntm Is a mummiciminlet by trade gnu he saimi- hi utmderstod the iunmmuiiitig of tiriartmme- Iollcemmmn hiohman Cimatterton anti thimi kererw- ommt into time trisomi ymirti whmicim Is directly- unilerthe minlnms of time court room Clint- terton pickemi mmp time weapomi- I hmnlI a strange dni anti a stmance con int- ime saute nstinmntimnu ho emmlmi amid nlwmty kmtuthiant at a tiltnnceS- imlling lImit actIOn to timo wnri hit grttcpeult- ime gmmn lii imh rlmimt haul cocked it ant pro- Inching it itt arms tcmmglh eliot hits eyes anmtt- mmmllod time trigger ihmc keprur ant time policel- iman ehimLpI their immmnuls to timolr oars anti- caitcd for lime rpori which did not collie 2lm- acap hmmtd Immilen trout time ninmule Cimattrrtomm re- iacod It anti ngnln projuctoti time gun from- him Tlmora was a stmmmmtmhmmg rlort wlmiei- tcould be hearth for blocks Tmmstiee mm- midell jimmupeti Irma his sent anti tlmo penile- In time court roomu mcdii for time doors- Time prlconora cotmflumed ium time cells- yelled Ihmo gun lmmimt explodol mmm- tterimig pieces of time barris on all cities Cima- tlerlon throw down time stock ntmd rulibeil ills- hand and itrict whmlmlm were brtmlsed ant black- one wIth powder rime policeman anti keeper- narrowly ecnmoti being kIlled by time flyIng- mmitlai Time brass pun of time rammmrcmti grazedt- ime lmmimd of ltoimimdsrnan Mttlmlon who whit- Clerk Linimoum was looking ommt of time window- or limo court moot loileenmmmn Ihoiman gallmertdi- mp time rmmmrin of time gmmtm amid reported that- there hint benmu no shot in timo irirrols- ehmldt was tliscitmmrgeI Tlto cxlcmilIng oft- hm gun wits owing to time lrenco of two wads- with an air space betweoum thmemmm riijizt ziivici iarvslzVo- mitrlbntlon flisrs Jrnwn ttvny rrom S- IAiilhuns 1arIshIonrr- At high mass yesterday in St Anttmon3- Church Mnumimnttmmn avetmue C meet point tim- collectors refusal IC receive the contrIbutIons- of thmo momlors of the Litw Committee whmlci- mhuts instituted proceedIngs against limo Bishop- of the tiiocse lirrafumsing them nut accounting- to imow where 200000 have becmm expended on- their church- Father Murpits had got John OItar who- used to collect ummuler FlmttmUr Lane to carry tim- econtribution box 1mm timo aisle on whliChm time paws- of most of timo Law Comnmlttoo opon Time first- committoemnu Ime erune to was Johmm Fallonw- hmo observing the box jerked out of- Iii renchm muamle two or tlmreo ineffectual- attempts to put his money ln Anotimor- of time committee James McFarland m- ittempteti to put ii voId piece in the bnz wimon- it win knockd on tim lloor antI iii rising alterl- lickimig up timo coIn hits hmeumti struck the boxO- ttmmmr menmbms tttimtted to ptmt their contri- billions in but they were tmnnlIo to do so- Attr the mmmcc lhmey met mtnl caiid cmi Father Mimrpimy at tim jmnroimlmil resldeuina lather Murthuy imirormell timerim thlat the collectors tue- tlotm was tmndar tIme ammttmtmritv intl emmumetion of- Ilishop Lmmimhmiln wimo witht imls VlcarGeneral- atimr he gmmmi tIsitel imiun last Thmmrulay anti- gave Imim to undertanI that imnier tin consmd- erittioim ummUit lie allow time amembers of the coot- mrmitleo It uontrlbuti money hr the support of limo cii mmmcii slid t bitt it a titlist also hun y I im oatt- ime rhghmtto rent pews when their preeetmt rent- ale h a I x p1 rtiT- imla aetmomu Ofl tite tart of time BIshop hm- ztcause mitch Colimnient The nmenmtors of tim- eLaw Cotnnmmttmn to whom tile rihlt of eoumtrlbu- tthug to smmtmport the Gospel was mienlcl1 areT- oimn Ftmllon cxAseesor Danimmi Walsim 1 Imo- sMCmmrry lltmes MeFtirlauti John Maitin I- F Mcflroeu Win Dalton Alex Holmes aud- M J Allen- One of time Law Commlttoc John Fallen- after the boxes hind imeen misimneltert wihimlim the- dimmed raIl waikol Imp to time altar mind dropped- a gold dollar tub one of tlmtm uumuiking a rover- ential how to lbs slmrtnn of time Viruimu as ito- iiassI before ii Mr Fmillon was thmu iuilder of- the itrookimn Munuei1umtl lhtmilliag lie is the- treasurerof time Lnmv 1omuuitttec PIGIITIXU inn A JJUflGLij- Iulieemita Oteisons Liwely Tnssle vIIb- FugIlIc 1kIer- John MeCormutek aged 2 years of 226- Voat Twentysixth street mmcmi Win DIcta aged 25 years 01 l9 Ilmat Thirtyninth Street were- arraigned yesterday before Justico Fiammer- in the Essex Market Pollee Court on time charge- of attempted burglary PolIcemen Giceson and- Max Junker were the enunpialnants MeCo- rmacks Imemil was gnslmod by Iohlcemnan Glee- soils club Oloepons taco was bruised auj lila- tmntforin was stained with hitou- dlnllretnanjunkersmmmtl that hula resIdence is- lit P6 haet Tenth stret At C oclock yostortlmmym- imormming lmo hmard a noin in time imahhwmty ummi- mitounut two strange men thorn flioy retreated- toward time front door wimea they amity hunt lIe- ran timrouglm time Iartnmnt in order to headt- imim oil hmtit they gt to the Street first anti ran- dowfl tiuwarmi time Fast htiver lie gay chase- antI ovorimauled Dietz within a iultks distance- MeCormnack coltimmuu1 his flmgimt pursued by lolhceman lii tsou- mUleeson said that lme chased MeCormack- down runtim street to tret avutmuc ant- ordered him to built whmen leCorinaek turned- and dealt film a blow wIth ills fist kmmockin- gbun down lie sprmlng to feet anti ehmed- Wltim McCormmmitck utumd in time etruace they- both rolled utnum tIm pavement McCcrnmmmc- kbeing it powerfully built nmaum was gutting tim- ehost of timo poiietmmnmin when sune residentsc- amne to hmis istumee anti 3lcCmrgmmack wits- hmammleutttti In ttmestrtmggle toliceumummn Jicommo- nbroko hits club over McComnmaelts imead- A imait uiIm4Oii skeleton keys were fount upon- McCormnaok IVimen time vrisommers were ask- stunt thtly seers tiniug in Jummkers house time- scxii timmtt theY were too drunk to renituuumbe- rhow thmmy got tulle time imotmen Iolicoimmmtmm Glee1- 0mm rmtcozimizti 3teCormaek as an oh offenderIh- othm mmmii myoro imeid rb Slate flaIl lesguc CbnuuuIenshlp- The following is time fumil record of time Leagueci- mslimpioimiliip to date pt S 1 cm m a a c- miota l i i t i Ihotom 4 J U oemh- iuitaio 7 0 7 1 5 tI I 4J 47- mlmCsgo II 7 0 7 it 7 7 aIhn a am- tlgelaumd ft Ii C a i 7 tl it 4 tm- ltietruit S 3 5 7 4 it 3S elm 4 IJ- luvldimcs 7 I it S 0 Ii I hit 4 40- Tray 0 0 0 8 4 it e 17 01 a- Wouitr 0 a 2 a a a 31 74 0 07- 01mm iou CI 31 so 4 3 42 47duT Io CuntiThiyesG- olicIl MI4ICLI Dicovcri me a cuimceatramed tutumtI- teraimve or bIuo1sleauuem rciua ly tit u as kIi a- SiMlumulis Irolu sit wits us it br soy luoior irs ItsC- olmilnult piuutiIe blotch or eruutIoml to lIe turui4iblocr- umuiuIa awaiimog or ukar lummernal Icier sursmmc- saui umcerato 7bkI is ii teiIcn lmIncss tninnipS- itU wFtvui is bet a r1Oloe atieetumn em ti hmlIi- In In Ill esrmv t I cured by a mite us i tim- iUoigiveum remliedy es article in connmmlmpuuu tmJ it- tmeItLnCIt lIt iart itt UI Us World lmloumsars P11cc- Sin f ysmplmiett suits po Al- dress 5urtij 1J1meuiary McUmcsL 4iemsnmm Ilmmrlo- S oJjIltt- fure1r J ltiisutltSNs strice ire In is- macmu tletu tulsi me ii cotum peliol to dimIte hi tOne be- tWeeli Ness York ani Ultt Cmluitltiotu Iii s In Sew York i Crisis iv Men Icy Tueiav aumt isturdey ltotei El Muimi it I luisod > Thurola amtI IruJcy ptttttt lotcc3- 1i 1lttVElJiIC4- tutrtave liteetty tmthomtatltie if ImId TitflIASti LFttA LtiIET it ru I rc > Cis I EII- VItlitt Sea iicutei tc Ii I mrtecilm tluemt to tS- mmmeremlm leer ad tI umimo ccc t It ii At- ltAs IKI rOmi mvi mimumx > t 1 It iARe Ast tU- I1OT1IE IIiTtKtpt A cc turom ills stitera- mmI uake ii vlmttosi I trunk Omi sum to reins- icr butt hold by Crtmru- msItEui3IlIlit lilI 3ItttlYKl- Isa soar bummamie ilmotiraime4 my lA1t a llrtaiway uNn At ALtt tKlltis IahU- lilt IIAaIiIiImtIUame sos Slurs thu 7SiaU hOrKums utise en coruilv mtiis1i aa ill lime psfllos ItIIiisn ii Cittt it ttt 11- 5aCIii I I 1 I if- QUINCYS FATAL TORNADO4- LMOSr ift tN1ihR tittr vrjX- ATMD nr rii arw- A Tobeeo Fstort amid Fadr JIew- DnwnFonr Pcieons XtIIed and Many 1- jnrtdHnrfty 3aitdhnr EsenptoWOa- tQtnNtrr Ill Sept 25One of tho most- terribly destructte tornadoes ever experienoed- In this sectIon of country struck this city Mte- yesterday afternoon At about I oclock the- people on Front street noticed a black tlmrenten- Ing cloud approaching from time west anti m- lmost before they realized ho fact- the tornado bad burst upon tim- ecity It was aceompenIed by thunder- lIghtnIng witmd and a heavy rainfall The- storm swept over almost the entire city its- path being over two miles in width In poInt of- Ices of human life and dostruotion of property- it is time most serIous disaster that ever oc- curred in Quincy In Nortlm Front street tim- oroof of Joel harriss tobacco factory was torn of- and time upper part of tlme front wail blown In- carrying the floors wIth it nearly to timo base- meat Time list of casualties In thul bulldimm- gIncludes the foilowlnw Henry Woodimouaoa to- bumeco roller was found In lie dbrIs dead- Wrleht Harris was taken out with sotne dim- cuity and was found to be badly cut- about the head and niso bruised- about his legs a boy named Doweni- mad one of 1mm legs broken and- the othur badly injured Fuoddy Martin- sea of harry Martin was caugmt between tim- otlrimbore and badly brulmmedbut it lsthommgbtthmn- tno bones are broken Joiumm Cole and Josephh- lenmilin were seriously injure about tIme heista- pud hnhihisrs Time oIlIer employees of tile- factory worn nmomn or less llmjircd butt- imely Clinics could not be lemtrimel as- they twe taketu omit of 1110 rtihns by trlnds- inI imiustily emitrlnil imme George Rmmn- passistant enzitmoer of time Castel MpUs win wmu- aci tti ng i n t Ii a e ugh us roim ft iv I tutluty tudit ii ii I rig Harriss tiitmtCo factory wait struck on tim tucmtt- iby fmiiiitmg imrlcke and tlnmhert fluid mmevmrely hurt- A temttn of iiortmes stanitirimm imcleetm time imulil anti iii tobacCo facmory were killedO- umo of Iii most friglmtftml disasters wee at- Donuuett DuiT Cos foundry whelm trims mOuSt ermtiroly uinmnmmllshmei by time force of tim- ewind lhe rnof wits 11114 bodily amid dashmeu- ldown timrougim lime buIlding the sluice vnrtly- giving why itnmi time nmcmn itt work being burled- In ttmm dultris wlhiuosmt a munments umotice Hey- cmiii ummangleti mmml numminmed bodies wore almostit- mmnmodimmtcly taken out of thu rmmitus but it was- Colon tinm tinier limo extent cIt time calammilty wasn- miolmt kumown Time killed at time tnmundr- yare hlumry Eiitry hlrook a ito Goorgoil- imwlm mitt a mmmarriiit ama ti 1 ma k Smith- who uliol of his injuries whmllo boimmg liken llamas- Tilt ltmjmmrctl are ban Vi ilium very tmttiiv hurt- on time head and holy hrmttz htucim of St louisar- umm broken mmmfli5 ultmulimg suiriommely cut ont- im shoulders Duniul hlitrdnor anti bruised- anti nut- At Cmmnsiok Catie tic vi fommumulry fmmrthcr- temutlu ott rout street time roof wIse fi0wmm cit- itinl it portion of tlur side mvmOi taken otmi Fort- unmttidv mmutrit all the mmmcmi scalttiT- im Eagle Mills lost a ortloum of time roof lett- itmg eotmsiulermthlo icater into thm building rho- south wail of the engimme imou was also blown- iii Time roof of lime toummiry of time Greetmlemm- fMmttmufmtcturing Conmpammy wits blown mlT liii all- the wurkmmtcn iFtCmILoI utmimtmrt St Jacob Lm- itiuermio Cimimmeim itt Vt neimlncton amid ightu- istreets him a tart of time front wnhl blowmu hu- mmmntier the imeltry HtJoimnsCimurcim lmmeutacnrnnr- of the wails and time towers wuro blown down- riie root of time Snutlmtmmn IIotl was partly blowtm of The roil of Uooroo hIurinlmnane- store mit rimlrtl anul SprIng streams is gone Timo- Cimhcmgtm BurlIngton mInd Quitmey freigiut imoutia- intl lIme roUlmul lmotmso ulrm soumlewimmit damnge1- liit rnot of toth bmmiliiiumgs ama partly llowut- nIT Many of tIll memmmail buildings along Front- street huavo lost tmmrlr roots anti matmy of themi- mttvo lost chmlnummeys iimu large itose wiummiow of- St lJonitatms CatimohlcCimurchi wits blown bodily imimo tue streetA- umomm chimer huhithlnuze ilaummaged In thmo city- worn this foilosvimmg II A hmhlamnsuums omi I I ii pshm I rim at mImI iltovut i Va mit oil A- 1owhss tlumtsmmlo sture on iimirmt stret roof- gone I 1 Foxs atom out omurtim Street endt- tmhjti tm I a bmm I lii I mugs roofs blow ciT time mmut- vtulick ito Flfuim Street south firu wimilsawopt sway- tifl Opera house roof smut ti aumd thauumeged- Qmmlumcyliommoatinmmmolishad cimlmittucy wlmleim weatt- mmrotugii time root iiimd to time 0111cc baloa Firs- tflutist Cimurchi mit Firat anti Jreey shreotes- muhrs twisted nlihnm Drowns plough fac- tory lwlftlu mutt himiuntshiromtrutts roof gone- lroes attic Upmoottsti or broken oh nil over tim- ecity mmnd strtmwmt over limo streets aumd imive- motile Time teigrmph amid teluphmone wirca- ittrtl broken twtettd amid bloivum utwmmy Time bridges on the root 01 tIme telegraph ofilecs wore blown to time umommmm- ilhuo limrgi itont wIndows In time mmppm- rstory of that Vt oUster ecimmol buIldingm- mtmd a portion of thmo south wmmll usI- luwn in as was also time eecoumd antiti- mirml stories A tart of the ruof of time flrmth- ers Scimool in Lmtst Quincy was blown oil ad- I ime tunic on timo stiUtil suds blown dowmm llimm my Corlums lmmintmsommme pleasure tot tIme Dmh I- itt elveit to thin Vntcrum tititu anti time whole- works carried awuty jive of time crew who- were trying to secure limo boat wore- carried overboard but uavthl themselves from iruwuuing Tim roof of i4tmairie large ices- torcijommmmo Out time buy wits blowum oil mind much- the icr wIll be rmieitui by time raIn- Time tornuiio seemne to itlu tuu uuItegentmnl- tiurugimout title suctlnu of time country lhm- tituigrttplu lirmis mire still down in all ihrumttloulu- mnmnkiu it miimimost iumioeemblo to get limformlthion- eonirzmiumg ii course aumttthoixteumt of time dm11- 1ago tiomme Thu atormim passitti uiiummt timmee uniiiu- uorthmemmnt of Cmytoum in this Cottnty aweiiminir barums true numd fences bifore it uut CIa toji- tmgns luvrmlmmgs ftuticmms amid Cimiunume > s warei- tosyim duwuu but tim vhllau eocIiuLII limo fmm- lifury of time storm Contilmuiumg in it umortlutmt- turIs tiirictlon time storm struck time huttlo siiitgm- Ut Caummdtmu fommrtteut ummilus roumm Clmiyuomu dou- mmoilsImhujg it aimot iii miii instmmtmt Timuu is- imardly a buiidtn iettbtanulhng All timotolrmmpi- uwires between layton nimit Qiimumrmy tour tdoitrm- down In Qtmitmcy four Immeim score kuhlol antt- wcmmty immjtmrtd suverni of vlmoumm umre so billy hurt that it iu timoughit timcy cammuot rimeovem Jierimard liimmmmlug a ctrpommhttr who iris m- itwork on time roof of Im JisORhC Church- vhon ii was blown oil fell mlistttumo- oof sixty foot lie In so badly iii- jmurett that it he thinughmt imocaummot liv throught- ime ntgtmt Mary hiommmke oumu of time girls m- umployd itt harriss tobacco factory was uun- out 01 tim ruins with botim legs buoLtrt it ist- mmougimthimat situ fmttaihy iiured bout tile- btorua strUck there were tilrue smith Louts ont- imB river opposite time city mmli of isimiehi were- uvortitrumed lime men were scouu struggilug 1m- mthu untur but no inlttmamatmon commcemnhmmg- mimem can be otmtainud tlmouhi iii are roportud drowumtu- iCmtirsuo Seit 23A desptch front hlmmst- mvitic ill says thmmtt a cyclouu laid desohmmtii lim- ovillage of Cmmuutlemm twtlvn rimlies tvest a pimice oh- smvoral hundred Inumumbitmtnta Time wile of Drt- mtts wns killed inntmiuutly by time fail lug wahis of her roudence but a- chmid iseaped wltimnut injury Titeuro itre- only two imousea in thmo Ilace that have- not bocu more or loss mimiureti A two5ory buitdimt occupied as lost Othlc and Masonu Bull was blown down mint bummed tmmtmmthutmg a- hood of 13001 A ttourmog null was timitmiagot- to tue mmmuotmnt of 12510 Ibm loss int- ime village ti estimamolt mit iOthiO Thmo- 3lutiimmtiist mmd otimur Chmristimn ehmurchmea were- cougpietciy domnmlishmett Along time ituttli of- time storm dweihin houses immd baron were- torn dowmi or imommited rtmumm theIr fouuttlmttins1- emmces orcimards itorn fluids and hard wood- thmber gzrovnn Were levelled Corn wmms blosmn- out of time husk anti setttereti brouticast rime- slorumi lasted emily Ilvo luinutee but tIme losmm tot- Ime fmmmummng ooummummtmumily within a radius of live- wiles Is plmmcott at l50OvO IIUJUIC4J IN JLMiIl- rvo milertles ittuiia 1Jissu aul Stony Itmse- tYnrolrdEotatoo Shed IrstroyedE- wimnA N Y Sept 23A toirlilu iturri- eaneusccompnnlsd by rain passed down this- vahleythis afternoon about ocloek it lasted- in timls city ions than ton mInutes but the do- vastmmtion enusemi can only hic measmurod by thou- sands of dollars No Street escaped front losing- some of its line shade trues Mommy luntuensuo- tmk elm and maple trees wero snapped at the- roota like stOUts amid hardly a- street iii lassablo becmtuso of time number- of trees tiowut aero3s them The steeple of the- hIoIdint Metilodiat Clmureh was blowum acrosst- ime street into a yard the bell boimug corned into- the uumldiIo of the Street A portIon of the root- of tIme YlratPresbytarian Church wits torn ciT- and the interior of the builmllmiiz wanbmmdly dam- aged About two totn of brIck were dettOitttil- ut thet orgmtn rime itt root tyat rolled tmp from- thu hhmtthubuum hiouco Some of It was iltmum- gover lii time bireet timid tIme rest itiled uu ott thu- edge of thism corumiess A wimttlo roof front a- large and tail building was lifted up corned a huoumdred fett aumti tuumg tim top of a lower- woodsut bumliulleg on aim ther strtt Seimoo- lhouse No 2 woe entirely writeked lorthomms of- ml were cmmrriod 300 feet away borne of its rent- IIlnitmb wore timrwn imguiust a smimahl liriok- liock on tile tlttt4iti eide 01 thmu Street tnarImmg it nearly dawim lhmo spire of a eoiorctt eiuuroh- mwastjiown umum ahmntmeuahotmting umndemunime- dit ho Bricks were String around lute femttiuur- ailurung time summIt Alter it was over oma- ncouutoI trout 1mm dooryarcl twouty suvumm ehium- noye in his limuinetimate umeighmburhmood timat bad bee blown over- of thin uuany hniaeCo simeds near this city not- otto li loft standing their open sittes making- them prey to the wini Jam of timemn macro- thutu 50 feet imm lengtlm owned by S S Arnot- tilttt was fuit of thm roeiutiy gathered crop wast- hmrowu flat to the groutmtl lime loss in time to iamo interest alone aimu if time largest in this- county will be very large- rn = ± r i LW 41 JV1 OF P4LL 1XiZRZ- There Is no rt of American jourwUlsai- WmIoh has been moZ ° abused than the work of- the intarvleOr No znatter what may be the- topic of intereet with tb public for the time- being there muM always certain persons- who know more about it thtm any Journalist- can Time public do hot care to JCflOW what- newspaper man thinka of some greo ioTal or- medical case but the opinions of tamots law- yera and physicians make moat lnterochng- and hustroctlve reading When the topic undOt- discussion touches the pookots of time public- there is a further elomentof interest in know- ingthmoopinionsof time persons best informed- mIlton financial anti commercIal affair Unfort- mmnateiy In such cases the exports in stocks- grain cotton or sugar cannot bo roliod upon- for oven without ihielt wishinir to miareproecuit- facts their opInions are biased by limo lotoreet- which timoy have itt the matkets For instance- it would be dlRlcuul to find ii member of tim- ehannibal mind Ht Jo pool who would confess- that that stock wits not worth par although If- ho be a man of ordInary oounnmon sense he- must know that such is the case Timeretoretius- views of Messrs Gould Vanderbilt or Sage on- finance are not isa valuable as Liioeo of M- mEvans on law or Dr hamIlton on medicine- But there is no romtsnn why time views of them- financiers should not be much more interestIng- and useful If they were only made known in a- proper manner It is sad to have to stir that- journitliste are to ft great extent to blamo for tim- edisrepute under which the interview line- Reporters are often intensely chocks anti do- not imesitato to intrude thmemaelvea at umuflitin- gtimes and in Improper places Ho It comes tlmat 0011 hears of limo victim of atm itmtervimmwem- nsinstead of beIng proud of time honor which is- done imim disgusted nod nagry at nooing him- name in print- The Ilomld has lmmtroducod Into its columns- what may be atyhcd time impersonal inter- view As hums been poInted out lImo only iaisoa- d1re of lImo interview is 110 dIstinct Doreen aiitr and wimon ththB clement is rounoved lim- ointerview boeoummos a usleas strltmir of worla- But in time newspaper alluded to tile Interviews- are witim ammnthmer broker who may bo for alt- the tmublic know some follow earnIng a pro- canons commission of two dollars is day The- motley assemblage who tmro aupposomi to talk- itt these interviews remind ono of time cripplesw- imo sat down to the feast in time parable- Whether Mr Vnntlcrhilt humid Emotigiut tiheco of- ground or Mr Gould flymi yoko of oxenwiuictm- perimaps is only the Scripttmrai naunofor ttmmil- sor Mr hlatoiu lout married a wife is net plain- but times all nunko tbmolr excuses and refuse to- give their views The interviewer bee conum- oquontly gone to work tmnd ot togetlmor the- poor arid time maImed and the hIatt and- the blind and smmfiercd timotn to masetmerade- in limo garb of the more dimttitmguisiued guests- Tue Incognito crosseyed broker lame broker- and ltrokonnosod broker muty be a very iimtull- igent person but the public do not care one jot- what timeytlmlcik of time stack or produce mar- ket Time Ilmtcrvlewlng part of Wail street journalism is thus deatmoiled of all its tmractiea- ivalue and reduced to a nmere weumpon of nnony- mans personal abuse against nil those who do- hot ceo fit to assIst timo proprietor of time paver- in his financial achuemes and etock jobbing- tnnnipulatloas Mr Toe hlnrkor for instance- Is caliod a imore jonkoy bemimmso ime dots umo- tscorn to tmpprovoof time financial nuanagomentoftI- me company of which ho is onoof the dIrectors- As it the fact of a mnn owning a team or two of- fast lrotttmra is nmnro dotriummentiml to imis huoumo- rtiunti tIme fact of a brother director wimo atiitek- him owning several teams of Judges and leg- is atoms I The past wok ivima in many respects a very- eventful one but Srmhl street did not soda to be- seriously nlieetetl ouuo way or the other Tim- edeath of time Iresideut amid limo innmigtmratlon of- his successor were so long foresenmi and conse- qtietmtly tllsentmntei thmtt they could not haveu- mny perceptible effect lItton vaitues Bmmt tim- efact tltnt Prutsitlent Arthur Ilmctmrroml the risk of- ieavlnit time ooimmitry for another twenty days- without tiny provisIon for the transfer of tim- lower of time Chief Mmmgistrmmte in caso of enter- gooey itoos umot soeni to have bcum duly appro- elated hr the Vali street fraternity Otmly sonm- ohalf a dozen old financial foxes mmppeared some- what anxious to know what wommil become of- our Exocutivo power in case some accidentC- imotmill imappen to limut now PresIdent between- now mind the 10th of Oetoior- Before times setllotheee matters In Washing- ton renmmtrked an old bank Preeidomt I- dotmt care to imimtti stocks myaelf and mum not- particularly anxious to loan on some of thetm- mcitbuar Motnwlmlle time loading bulls are exertingth- ummlr Utmost efforts to follow up time corner vie- tory of time hannibal amid Si J0 aqucezers- Corners are being predtcted on all sidesM- icimigmmn Central Canmida Southern time Mobile- and Ohio time OhIo amI Mlsslssippiand a lot- of other worthless stocks are reported to ho ont- ime eve of tihmt corners of thmo SI Jo fmislulo- nEven time aiimmrp advance in Iteadlng is being- spoken of as time result of a corner But- the simple truth of time matter is that- the two parties coutoaditmg for powerl- imo Itondltes mind time Gowenltes hnvo- to tramisftmr before Oct S the stock they intend to- vote upon on Jan 10 They imuid therefore to- bits as umiuch of it a they could and a loathing- Broad Street firm being aware of the situatioum- began to buy for its own account and realized- large profile As limo voting franchise of the- Reallug dcnmnndsbesIdea registretlotmtime tires- tntation of thme actual stock on time part of the- voters none of thorn will risk to soil or ioamm the- certificates between now and Jan 10 and the- price of time stock is not unlikely to be maint- mihimod at high figures- Altimouuh time cimhidren of Israel arc as a rule- not addicted to superstition especially wime- nfinancial matters are coneermmod yet some of- our most eetetmoj IIetmrew financIers appear- somewhat displeased to Suto that thu hebrew- Netv Years day coincided this year with the- twelfth anniversary of hllmmk Friday Sept 24 It was on thmmm day also that Mr Wlndom- made Imis call for bonds Time report of the die- covers of a now comet on the day of Jon Oar- fields death ailed another disturbiimg omen- mud many naon of Israel seems to be apprehmom- isive of the advent of a scMmmmiugle time hebrew- for general summash itlooLo ludulrlmt iillges he me South- A bUilOtln just isatieti trolls tIme Censtms- Office gives some interesting statistics respect- ing time industrial clmanges in time Southern- States during the past twontr ioars especially- in time aubdivisiomis of time large tiantatlonsT- imis is shown in the following tmiblo which- gives the grobs nunmber of farms mali Staten in 1880 as compared with iStO atut the distribut- iout of this gross number among three clasnea- vi those cultivated by owners those culti- vated by ocuplore at a fixed money rental anti- those cultivated by occupiers in sharue- CJtkiC1 XoeiF istL Oe Jlti Oc7- Alaisnia 1t4 7i2tS it 47mm- A iaIliJ 1t4tS tim 4 come ium- utsiasare S 7i ithSl 5 41 imht iuum- tt tn us 4cI o t4 ma mae 3 ate- mu5c tiIO 7t i msa7 41015 0 Ctrotmna iJ4 iZii71 46ttCa itti4- This aimoivim an Immense increase in the nina- ber of farms in all time StaIns umauned ucept Del- nwarewhmore mmoverv iuumtrkwd industrial chmang- ehas occurred reuanlly time iuoremtse in time auto- her of farm in hint State only corresponding to- the increase in population In rkammamms and- Florida time increase is niso lartly umecoumita- dfor by time occupation of cormaltiemabie regionsw- luictm were practically unsettled iii Ith3O whichr- imsult I to no entail extemit duo to iwunigmatlon- into timoso btateL lim time distribution aecordimmg- to acremge it is imowui that nmoal of thuose farms- are under tJI acres nut that In motue of tim- eStates time larger uummmtur are under lum acres- in Alabaumma Qnly Gl3 mire over oo acres in- Arkanaum 2111 itt Delaware 7 In riorida1- 12th in Georgia IO5U3 mind in South Carolina Yrhtuw 1vsr in hinumuxrtwx linrbimtloea Sept 8The preyl- imc Cl 3ello ir allurt mtimc amtentmnI- Jiirmmii lst utuutt then Were son ItO eel t a mNim- ammal UI 37u Tie uttor ci detit Is tuemeatum Tim ChIC Ct 0ev itmtnsant ammmuith micumaum XL1 DOLVS PICNK1- rietibt 1 YapsWer MlWk UtsitTh- lrie IYDd- Fii Ms kiJi mas- sThere was a picnio In Fauner llak p- attic The farmer iind hIs wife bed getito the- vitlagennd heft little DICk tntl Fahisptb take- care of baby Don 3o the ohiWreis tbouRllme- would hams a nicole- It was Doll Dinkmsa birthday Doll Ilitiks Wi- S black baby six months ed avmd be sueakU lie hiatt a birthday twice a month- oil Midget had blue eyes and yehio curls hP Was invited to the plenie- Thek got a wrest milk pan and hed it bi- wale Tlmi waa Boston Jimmy This dolls wore- first to be taken out to sail and then they- were to hare a lunch The ittnclm was a bmre- pieced m1tseicakcnnmIwo Ism tarts- Fudge them fat kitten was invited tu the mo- flue too To begIn with they put her on a- small tablo chose to Boston Jimmy so that at- coniti > look ott There was hot VOCItI in tile- boat for three of item The lmmncii was hid by in an oil woolen box As soon as hito boat was- rosily Iohl flair imnd Doll Mtdgst Wotit tm- sboard Tho boat was one of gmantipa UIaica- olti slippers Thmon itmeyaetaIL Dick maielma- Wind hintv with the bellows and Fmitmny puffed- omit tier rosy heke ith nh her mightl- imit time troulmle was that baby Ben wantsd So help with a fire shovel So tile oiiidrea toMi- miuui lie hail better be the fairy godmotiuer thi- fairy godmother niWaya hid in the wood bet- tnl poDtmimml out just at the right Hiormimtit haiti- lIon thummugimt he likiimi beetlo blow this boat witibt- ime fire shovel but Fimtmni promised to give luins- a bIte of her share of time cake ntis coneIod- Ben ini they macic it Dlmmce forhimn in timo wtxsl- box Thuimre he kolt Co very still thtt timo chit- dren timoorziit ho unuet have gone to sleep All at otmee is louti etmlmtsh wa heard A femttht- letorm utrrun in hhstmn Duty ant the boat was- upset It was all tiumit fat kitten ludge wimtJuwl- tunmbled mmmi limo tattle I Ito time Imulik van Wiiri- Sit upmomirt The dolls imami art life tireservers- but Dick and Fannybravnlymimnggetlthom frnut- imt mynters As for Iutlgo time ohiithrnuj ammw ha- end itt her tall going iowtm stairs with is strem- like summtll Jdarie RIver dripping off behind- Doil Iiuks imoimr hollow could float end hi- stimtkol as oud as ever when hue wims pulled 011 hut after nil poor Doll Midget wmm- idmowntui her umice clean clothes were soaked- anti immr lovely imair eamno all out of cumr- iNow ummtiil Fmtnny we must take Doll- Miulget to time kItchen flro and tlry hmnr or aim- Swill tunvor twi fit to coimme IC time picumic- Oh mmol retthinml lick ijiues ieaml an- a humirpimm ihut Vvo imumutri Uncle John toll thait- imer roll drowmmnd folks on a harrml and thob blow em imp Thimt rmmstlorikne eelJ- tmmsslcakes em umaimi Fanny Yea thunts wluumt Umile Joimn callmtll it Lot- rtmstitake Ioll Midgut thmmmt way Hold oh tilli- mot a buirmoh- Ihut all ie entilul tInt was a large spoon Thea- aftor Dolt Midgets tirose was taken 01 shun was- roIhtl Dick rolled her so bard that her shies- split open Next mm put the no ot time bol- imws between hur ribs for iii sail that herm- nomutim ivims lint big anoughi Tutu he blew just- as iuumrti as Ito could rime ilrst thIns Fanny kumnw a ImlulTof mawimmetfltw out of Iill > lltlgmiti- Blule into imr eyes Blue threw hmer apron over- her itomiti arid bgfl to Cry Dick kept umhuomtt- immg Sites rustimmmketij Hhi rmuatleakeii I lImit poor Funny cried miii limit imlirtier So licku- rorinseul to wake up time lairs godmother ande- mit timo rmitiml- oAt this Fatiny dried her eyes Times crept u- sottiy to tim wmmomliox Timer lay bithy Bout feet- aslensmmreeimottghm Iiitrewereerunmitsofupiee- ciiki and jatn tart on lute frock nod a bIt of jam- cit time nml of 111mm flIHO Thmtm ituncim wits all gomme- Oh yotm rogitci crieti Fmmtmny lion ottemmel hmle blue oves and looked so con- fling that both of tim ohmiltiren iutughumd auth for- gavi huitu at once Timuithmey agreed to put o- tIme rest of the pIcnic till thto next day The Crooked Course 1 LyeFt- oem Ito CSuhgUn thrirF- lvet years ago a unmiiduut fair whmtmee home warns 55 Ii lImo to II ICli Mticn LI smusloulmy wjietj a- lmlmlnttuflt metmer Item 11cr lttcnt lover items psue5- wesrmIy TIe alirlimmg lass hmiummtei the Peel mmcc hut- tIe Puitntrs lee always bare them took ol claspere- mmie gmltctuic cnimumnn ti mhae trmmn wltrnm ezpete4tI- mlugi ueaou estee file lest men timoiht tiutit her mclii- wuml lr at Icr Ste rttmztt ut last that Imer loves- a ni mnmmrume Tic seems liil It ii Semmetmber Imial MaCalt twemms time samme lely but site- Is new a hails wIle with two emumfirem H- tin > lrtloltemm tla itiI4hlp one r her dsys of- U mtte imuorelore I ltlrurlcuI whmm rrolru the town 1 luor ycutmu timer cvrmmc 1 loiter bearluu ii s sturcrscr4p loll mmii uumathIli Illume that derived rrmum tier lmlbn I tn memtutInyimm tcme 10011 tiU hotmuuauer esphimn- ithat Ill meorlium sway stifle or time lerl I 5 letmer CeIti- m utmi ili e 55 ltUfll The n mnpi is Iominerkegmm- m7tm tea lily smsik time bely to keep ml qlmii wIlli- elit I tmerlv deiou 5 the cunieflt llpavemst it 1- 5ruin Jolt I it It murolsee Ill C lICI ltC C r4 e I bee or 55 is pIt Time bat i a I ttha Itt mIu c IjIty tite is tier- cmli out oh clurmemy cunulmumtmcote saInt reletly Or Ot- unrlner hoer It ii mcercm list ito It a iusmpy diltVep- acker wIth a alma smt three luS lupId rk by Iairlek floweu- Iou tie O Jo0i IhruI- Patrick flowen wmme tmmmned out of the cala ltou emeltY mflimmltt iSmtiI morly CeIttO tim ii pOCkeL- A Tew itUr sleroarI Iu offered s item Cost tr sI- slid S iiltt istr he a overleuhei y iherley Nel- lstI toitmeiil In 111 a coat ielnmoium tuJlun tirerteiim- sIo Irtmes iitn Uiliuuuua ltilclmiu weet imreroieln liue lmumtieI Ilium tip cmli tut uu orttaummeimmat ltemI on Imhmu us- I d turn ued II ma t wsniu ii ml Lrtuimmt tu mc lit Cl limii liar Ummimur llidItter ant mmtimnn seertlw lIme i It null ir pmii re ci brent no my eulelitierl sail sumip I ether lie mccli to time bone aemmn smtd wI- SbriaIty Sal Jail 5ItteItte tolay Tie Imeretualit abe ttet time uuellIer auI the twlier UI mIte mrminu cost CsS mmer or mtmtetiuimmg to imsir sdvalmbmgS by oeiiummg at Cul Minimals iflic 3L1fl1VI IXT1LLZG1mVC- elciavoks LMSOei Sly- tun html S 525un sets 0 OliMocu sets 7 it- umta woytsyflui nrti- ammuyuuoo 0 tOusle IlanO ii a4lmmsu Oat II U- ArrIvehtiismr epl 23- a flmenla recoiL rimr- t ltysl town I imtmpom Clrzcntl- SS R Kmtilmm guilCioWr Ucorgotown P C smuS 4th x t tmt rim- iii lttclmtocnI Cteten Wet Point is- mo iVi nokr euCh Idctltmutiuj mmty Point art oroL tUrk Ilium Ii tXtll mstyer Isrumatmlmua- uts I L San tuumt TrehaitI tiinh- ark Isry J Baker itiumlomu iorki- itmk >1 aretmI gaol Ciimuchmty 3an1t and Zloilo- ARSITCO OCT 5 CIty or Brmeti rommm ew york off Crookhnyei iietL 2t cml Icr way I llmereol- a flerumsumme from iue Yerk off Fataet Nopt 13 os icr say to UicrmuLm- lED Flies POSCII1S maya- Si cval lru qermmsmma TI pt 2 or Now York- 1o Scvmitu Irolul Qimeoulsuos II Ilt 3 tom Now York MAlW1IJA- DAMSNOitTttSept SI the Church ci the 4a- SiaitJlhtll Aimum to Ija 4euglmter em idwarj SerUm- hIm of iii cur- ttAIlImiiAitPmYSept I at time reittence or lime lriJes mstimer me Itet Otiu em ity ii hey It lelilie IIurmialmuu A itaeumr p Faimmme emIc dauhter- Ut lilrlsrt S llrmmc sit ci Omit cm- lieImmIENwoirKrEi lOu indsv Sect IS St h- sriicice em i St oliuu by lb 11ev Pr Koemler >1- 1ciscl 0 Stroemurt In Llus4ie dsugimuvr Ui timi iiil- mtium uIiometeum or tams cm- lvctmmtmEmNAITitlNoert I iv Ihe mliv Clmsrtea C iimm is tiiiimu itumicili urrIer to 3immmmmie S etimit- mitumtvr 01 lbs IIe Jul11 5tttIlig lACllVlluuIlCSept 2 I ci the retijence or u- lrlIes iarelmt 11mm tVcit tiltiu 51 by mime Item CmartIlca- I 5 mittlUl svmiIumm II tlactey to Sisry tild deutu- br 1 Fi ssarl 11 ni iiie r cii cm time cl- iIImtumtgtLIst II ktroliym it Its irmi rt- I lout e itI ilC 4 1 ell 1 l tie lie v V liiiimum H- tViuir 1 Ii iriomu I tlc ut ew York ti Jultet mt- Ciilmcmu cull dkulChter Ui JocItt tv Lilmtch 11 izA- StI1fluihl In Impitii I I out ict 21 ietia Aoti- room eCi 5 ar tIll Ii ucumltm- qhrtmJ tle tsliej to itcimI tite ummer- athru imer hits iesmJetme Iltipeth L u omu iet ti at- oclo L- ItAiLETIAt it counmry rpiIelume lturtmitsmIm- ttlm ItItlic lSilfld I I on tnIms sept l tttme- malter s silIt iillt4 tiilmsmuu 0 t4trmieum 01 tam cml- vIuwrcl srars Ut tic itu or uiiI son frrsmklim- ullertitmi s i it miI t CII Tuesday lmmtrmiimm St 27- iii ii I betl- mItmm Jml Siturjiuy 5Ijlt 21 Francis fleg a nativec- m tsiieburo cmummty lumurd tucigmid III time 534 vite- tlmmsu p clout s i ths family In thoe of hi son John I1my- are to itRutI the lummeral Iromum limo iste ri ci- ieuice 435 iirimli It lIoudtv ullurultnc titence to SL- Mars I Iturlt corner am tmraTmt slim mil1he t a here- siemmn utus 5 em reuuiilemI mli ic om7 mci br ti it Cl its I it oincii tieltir iirect to lals are mwlrry ltt ItIt tt ii cit lucia CIII be1t 4 EizabiU tim or tie smii j mr 1 item tei- s itt be uumerrl lIt lreemmssul Cmetnry on Iteines iay tie tu int at iUl ocIocL A U hersa m- uci ll lireouao- uIcutIr 0mm time 4tti Inst st 7 31 1 clmmmams beret J0 Lll f 4 i cim cC 5 h pears- i > bL4CV muitlmy aept timmmaumm umrmusky iml tue 3t s ear ti lb ael- uit rtt urummm hiS mems rpttIetmce 430 Lt moth t out Turuta tsui I I I tOtiiltEltTV mist tcert Itnopitat SeCt 24 SI- nSsrsu iuiiery iilt 01 SIt SV0t u1 t liticy ot Pallet iwmieriy tmerit lola tltUril ci St Michael elm Montey Ii- 2tili 1am At IU lkI- mitmttti lJero ytmtT tept t Itruck lbgIIuma- ntuiter mrum bm tame I S detii it Urine t Jrry Cml 0I fe l ieI 7 at 1 ci 11111 liAt iaitmae tOm il suatay Itot S ii- parsl Ce s Ii I II I I ts i t te tlt lr i lu s Ce- Relltmvr at t s ito ml U I lit 115 td t smte 4- the lualmerat mt S ii n t cc mrtmg 5 tim Ic ml Is I I I tiC ii eiuma si iim to tti at liii- it I 3 Ii hi e 0 et trtil irmmm i it I litram lie emIl- mcli 0 rierl blair I lcvi ittm 1 at 9 15 It- I emattilla t 4110 iirettrun 5 tunIimitusii tode u 4 ii A > It tre hirb summtlmmmmtd to iet t ci- tie te ruum bOl ii ci almi eI Siulmisy Setu I- iit I i it Zr tie mitr title llttt titti I umic rsi ut mtf 11 I her W 3 5telieuiu It ordererI- HO I TillRsT It >emc Jomut d V it

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x1u MOVIN1G MflMS-

11raWl Tbrnacd with NpeeImWrThJ-

lriPIfll1 or Urlef GreMII Inermid Rn-dborlttdTbS Work I tb tIi 1111-

Tim cIty was thrngctI With BtrnKerne-

atertIflY They gntheret In the VrInCIDIt-

botOi1Mhrt0B Ofl which that ret army o-

eW Yorker3 who ok reercatlon on Sunday-

and u5ua11T flnd It out of town ba ato corno-

together All were lntarestot In Ilac dlsvly of-

ioUrfllflU deorAtlonG wblcli have from da to-

diw bofl nnlDllfled nnd lmrovid intll Ihoy-

Iorni potac1o such n wits uver wltne8sed-

In thl country bfur In Ilrontwnv so fr n-

tt lie vlLilti tho thIckly ouigte1 VortlonR of-

the city Oil on structure bnr no lgn of the-

enil ilernon8trtlon of grl4t Upon ItA fron-

tttten that excvtlon urtflt a 11n t hal-

ftiit flbO lt root It Is in Jr tlway that tho3-

2OSt elatiorato ctlr nnil artltlo decoratIon-

tial bin reacheil and the eamtle Fet 11mm-

ha bonn folIowd hi the tflrtnt of thn grea-

tbulnis tlocke on eitlmem I41o of that aentrn-ConteiIPfltlT 13rot1way wits Urn centre of o-borvtln ntmtt the teoilo In numnbera and bc-

imavior riroduCet1 Its nptearanCo on great holl-

dayB In the past The long columni ttmat-

ovod up anti down on itrmer sIde of I-

mtrot were eornpo8cd of votilo In Suntay Rarbi-

dmo lmaI orne to ace flhlil to oomum nt utoe-the exhibitIon there The mueat atraot hrm-

ebeen ml ° mntnd nveral tlme In the tnet wck8 one otter another of thebulh1In brought to-

notice r flne now and ofToctlvo arrongernent of-

draDeuiO be ooited or Improved upon by-

ethers 1von aB lmt a etnr1mty momnlnm-

ctheo ehnnma were goln on and buIldIngs-

that lmn4l momn only i few stragglIng rIbbomm of-

black mini wmIto wemo decktul with festoons-broal hmnds rosettes or hIolit The slbtp-

eers lmo by theIr mAnners theIr dresH or-

their pioch showd tliinmIves to be from-other cltts or from couutrT dIstrIcts bloclmd-the wuv wimero authliig of s1eial Interest was-

to be sin and the dir toopi ttmemuseles made-theIr war along clumsIly bttuso their faces-ware kott uittimued by tho eunetaot successIon-

ff novtl sights-Thoro Wets mora wom than men in the-

qundrupli proceIon ati1 thy utmoohmseIoul-7tideit timemselves Into two clsssra the-

wonuih who out on a smtd demeanor aim-

time women who ent rtalnel themsnlys with-scrotum zing the mitterlmil lu uco on the build-jnhs rmnti with conjeturIng ht Cost vr yord-

inn It imoveil to be otimir thRu mUslin Sot-timmuit Was made to coneemil time astonishment-

ofths thrifty economical ons immong Ilium att-

fms dlstimiry tbst many bulkllnmzs vnme dronedw-Itim good marIon and a 1pm with UI1IC blitek-cloth In the mst wlndowp aio tlisy saw-many fiinnifmml smrsnwtnmonh3 of scores of yards-of bIa yelyot hiito Rathhi and erno In-on5uh window the lihtlv dud hlgure of a-

llyttig aug14 swimnic in hnidnlr while next to it-a wimit silk ahtt shmimntI like a monument boreL-imo mnttvrs name More pmnimal still w the-outlay tima DrolhiCAd four broiihth of white-and IImck ostrich fnmmthers enaloilog a steel en-gravint of tile lhtt Prsidentl-

irnnttrfly noer simowntl to morn advntae-txctt for the erowils on tim 5iiAwzIlks it lmnt-Its iimnilny air of qutt and rtst Only a few-light waicous eoritsinIn otiher siehtsesrs rat-Usc over the fleiIan blocks so that when the-enost eflrIou among thmo teoDtS want nut upon-lbs roitIway to see a hous to better ndvamtage-than liii ileesik atToritd thy were at ease-while they remained t2mer It was hot all-lmowuvw and at noon when no shndi nflordmj-test imnum the blazing iment there were fewer-moonls i thousands than at latAr hour TIie-

seam t in time morning the throng assunibled emil every street timI led from a ferry or-that was traversed Imy iirse cars 1e1 the bigtimomonelifare wIth aiUthtionni numbers-

In the hfleiiLi ttnmmi those sylmo tmitd seen Timed-ay vero Damadlnte the ohaln avenuns and-ros srcets In oh of which tile 58100 lomnon-tmntIon tmoportIonmtshy was ho seen Jvon-

in the labyrInth of numbered strseta aud-avenut lip town where thure r maInly ros-idsnrs ii wmmik wmts crtatim to rnay the visitor-with itshhmtof sometetly Vrtty oruimiquedisl-

AY i io olurmjiss were uemmenitiv nnailcmmnoi-tuntil Sntmirilay bitt ystertay all wore tokemne-of t140 unlveraI griif Imi time Fittli avununt-lmslr ottrn drnptmu was rsllnvod by thu-reyrisil 4ifi I1R bound or frineed with black-that fluttrd from the windows so the doors-of the grt residences Thu LtihlrS of the Ok-vated ronmis In 501mm wor bound whimbemnds of whIte anti b1act the ioonmntlves nTori-mes41 lwer dscorsfrd thn tioutbjoks cimirs-the fruit tintTs nmi mimo lamp pots were otton-LtstsfUlh dtratmei llAma umt ttmrm a 5trett-elock drimpeit nnl with it liatids stonLod at-twentyilvo minutes to nioven ociockthe hour-of the lmtn IreiIsnts iloltih attracted notloo-and on storecostjr in uvenhlm avrnue catcht-om time ugjestIon 1mtmnt ou a whIte muslin-dint announelnm that hour hr macan of these-twelve Irthers In tha tJses of hits tisual no-tnersI4 GA It F I 114D DIED Eyory tar-on the 1l1Irt avenue surface line carried two-flsgg ttrdemed with tiackT-

rm entres of ptihillit Intoroet were Union-ihIisre where the hots ammi towering btor3-Yere most elahorately drted tb City hail-lark imi and around which time puhiic butitllmigs-the nnscner omccs his stor house ftntt 5-t1aui Ghimrehm rookd stimnlmatmon Gran-detrt hl1 of the flowery 3txtIm aenue be-tween 1mvntythird Street mini Fmrtmenlh-3trest Church tremt ttmj iomvr und of Fmmrt-tmsvonunnd Lmorttonsol the Emhtti OnLI Tbtrdl-Yflfl 0-

rho 1st omee is more elaborately drapc3-wIthIn 11mm nutsid and its omssmmways wrt-throflLl ill ilay It is sti that nil time omnurim-Ing tnmt riot In usethiere will when taken down-be sent to 3ilclmlgmin to Ui i ½ tributed amonmt-ime stmtTtra hy the rectnt dris tImers-

AccoriIim to their mmns Lit peo1 in the-roost crvIetl tonementdistrit Imad done their-ttSt from thu money pait ttimmn on littur1ay to-vie with their more furlmmmmatu tllow citizen-smi on Sotmirlay ntght and yesterday momnin-

moflrim t thu late lresilent fcstooim of crap-11as frmmrmmmt Itm lIack mottu rosette and all-

the chtpm eibiems of nmnurtmfui sympathy wore-hung um mri th tvahiv of thousartla ot Iweilinmstti-mmt Itmi Ien unnilormmet bmfrre In the noomer-

ewIsm jmmrhrs tIme hmoliIi4ms mAvA an otmoo-rtunitV thet alms esgeriy oumbricoL TtmeClmines-Wtmoe of tnournlrmm ms asoctsted wIth-wuful nhtc nail mysterIous rits copid their-osIgiat rs inI slertiay Ioit btroet took its-lso tli the rest of the city hut time drapery-

wit so S mOlT and ttm ri nod got signs Ii-ihont of hhm stores and bnmtrinm imouses wore so-

ronnmicuI In o1nr tflat It enunot be saId that-his ciTt airi sxpreMeI the undertone of-Symisshimy whicim though fommndid on an noe-

rtmmimm trmmsn of the sitimatou wr doubtiebsO-troimiIm tit in that hmmsrmr-

limit ii mty hiatt was time ot isct f Iha rent-etI On FrIday imight 1dr Imri Kimsiti-reoeiv aim order to drape t iii oIiilce lie ithu ttiemerieal manager wmmce steinItr Is tIm-e5pCtftU ar drema The y Hail had Lcom-mIUIJ1 l to two or more oxnerinments by Un-al1ied mrsons who ligml lit iht hunn It itt-iunurml4rlmLte etrsamer arid mtmiler ribbons or-bia k ismit wimito anmi Imat yommnd hack bands-about Its many graceful 1mhizi until ttl31 re-Csmnhjii Llel mint wimis I orier poles Mr-

ii rim I I y ii ml time basis of hi i v on of Iocnmntmmm m-

mthpnu 6 Cliture of tIme bmmi og immt it miflordeti-oo toor tmance for eI t vo lisplay and is-hiled to it ml rmatiOn of lm own in time rimap-

of it tiytikmi to be retsm i vtr time portto nt-the front omatra000 II In Ic tma y pmmrcimmmse-eof bla rmrimmo muMUn no I npoea limo om-itrino Iei of u imeomu tflOhi mY l ii iaisi Uy I I ii en-

PLctmt ir ten woimim t mit mmmd sw tim-

mmialorhtm mini i irmany in C t i imcmng timenm Im-

mtinci Mr J0110 Leo thh st emrttmtr m-uItblns harteu wits tmnm u tie mirmmimiflt f-

Mr Kirim hrs desisi aLit YitS mrhrim4 wltim-time eUterYliiOU of tli fly the aid of-Iaarmrmhiiunm lights the r umis corriii no-durjne imil of Saturday n i tin i1rt rst ls-ins tnin at ball Inst l on unday-smorolig it was flecessni work at uiimt in-urdert eviipkti this Un iitkiiii by toIy-

At mnn ystrlay uenr1y of Itis tiret deC-orittors lttimn hint disnmpemmt d situ time titan of-the i si artist hit bceim sulflckntiy exo-autsi t iivi time spsctatmr an i1a of the sTreetthst ii ii flnslhy vmodtmil All dity long the-Workrirm lbore1 on tile frrt mod slilp of tiiobig strutur some amounted nit tall idders-olbers on emfTuidinm hung from lbs cornIce-and nmirs on tOe balcony 0sr his portico aol-on the ts mtmmd the wormie in the macan timibsvItmgmm1iilmp timenmsohi U time Governorsr-oom him whtcim ttls SCCte tle frII that ottni-

timn I il time Iataaiinsnt of omImtry churches-St a nmmttim if a sewing elrit tii mlii a mmiit4tul m4 teoule tm the tLsmt in front of thebuiIi wmmttmed the umen ci etr work-

This City hull I a iou my mcLhtm gnathlbuilding the centre of tvtmmn ioibmur thin thisWinwg ut bttier aide 1 ii stm ieLweetm tflieCWing js timrtially ilfll I y trial steps simmVlountpd by a portico I by mixteermoIumns Sustaining a is ii rho viewf time faid from any liilpInt lireIaOt i4 I it two tiles ii ct if lime Winjstee ild f the other 213 nIT alt of the-entrat or main part mirture Thuindowssre numerum rc ejiarated bysingle cimimimu Tbu tffc te wrk may bitnagitipl wimen It I Limwr hit time decoratorLi5 coireI time entire r t black leaymtmt

Only tim white marble wim I monies anti theiuiows timenmseien eXtiO ltmtaekinz lightttmt cf yo4 wherever 110 Ii ti dpi to nail timeSloth be tins managed to p s ml matsrial tatt2ftiibt ti stonS Time whi 4 ItS flrbt storyIs thus rendered b1ek with tie whIte arcticsOTmr the windows and Ito Ii he eslittlb sad3asea of the numSrous CC momes to rahmee Itnher eteh winlo Is a lack fsato antYer thu windows Iii wiIte cornice1s but imahl covered mmtim cloth hutlie chief pains bays be taken with timertnd entronco amid here s tflUfl work hasbeen dune that the smaller ttails pan enOtlesd Time frontof eyetyptcO injhe IairSale l covered with a band Cf ikek and blaeLs iktituil worked in wftb the base of mich

eolnumnths eoiunsthsme1is btngatlbhaok-with tetooia so arrtged bt themtlmsefteetofstiisopyisrou hiblennyis hung with bisok tsif ysd byhtsids containlair white etrIpr sed oerahI tbs artist barnbuIlt aimat1oreanayof etglmtbhiok columnsinthsfrontot wtmIebissiatntIng of thsista Presidfmntsnd on Ihetopof all sbroken-shaft srtIatietilydrapsd Zthmind all this and-seen through it itIl the narbis seems far-whiter than before Abovs these decorationstim gilt eaxles In two carted ooats of arms holdbroad beta of bIak In futoooa while strip-of black reacim dnwn from the root between the-uppermost window-

slhe ibterlorof limo bnhidini bears wrsatbstnctoons arm4 bands wherever ttmet could havebeen rut The chairs itt ths Ahdermanio ehamher are draped anmI nvsr lbs Fresimlent chairis a painting rorcssntinr Coiiimhlit Imnatrata-oyer S eelfln Kiralfi hits had flhthinR to do-

ii with the lntsrlor ilecorsticins By time dd of-calcium light liii carts of men kqmt at theirI work all iset nhriiL and exected to finish theirlabors before daybreak borne of ttmnm were-

II completing the drapery of limit htegisters oflce-wimich was bettntm ycstcrmiity flUtter Mr ICirahlys

I suimitrylslon anon a hmfl that ws sxeeedlnglvI ahimitiln yet Quite sa effective as that upon the

City flail

hULL JurIbF1t4111X-

0Sitttn roe fleys ret alls cC is School o-

II GreiI Muih Ilcach-I No flehi today an thoro wont bo any asl-

onm ns them boats are niT hero-Timi wasdmawlmI out by a patient Lnn Isi-

ntmd flsliernimtn as ho Jarkod his head toward-twosteam flshInvessemhc waiting in tlmoolflng for-sehmoule of monhmiulen lie wee sittlnir on a crossb-canm of a lookout statIon on time Great Houth-Beach about two mlloa west of the settlement-known as 1oclmaboneck In timo town of West-hampton He hail on fuioml yellow trousers a-

staIned eraywoohlen shirt and a battered straw-hat fllsmiandy beard wits tmnkomtand hisfeot-were bare Exceot wlmon lme occasiotmally swept-the horizon witlm an ancIent snyglass ho devoted-his leIsure tmntit to wlmlttiinmz pieces of wood into-neottorod pilos of chipe The fmamowork of the-etntlon has three latmdings and variotme parts oft-

imit woodwork have erved in tImes tonc by ni-1aces for the cutthnt of the nam of summer-

visitors On a bench in one corner of the first-iandlnt sat dma entitnln of time crow of flidme-rmen Ito wee bettor drcssed than the rest and-was a typIcal akipoor of a flelmlng smack when-fishing with lInes wits In its orlme Ito had is-

Iotmit irongrsy heard an eonsldsrahio rottmndl-ty of body ChewIng is toothpIck seemed to ho-

his chief occupation Thmo ottmer fishermen-were emmnnInm tlmetmmselvrs on the sands bow-or sitting on time gmltitvaie of one of time two surfboats that had buu drugged down to thu edge-of time surf-

From sunrise to sunset they tyatcheci thered-Imming time itays when the wIn tvms light and-thu stirf wsa low While the mon votited for it-

school of bluefish in colmie in itglit two tarylookIng horses nulhtt hay from a tnnipormmr-ycrIb and wlttmul theIr tails at lime swarms of-flmoftmItoes uiimlr the ice of s total imlfl rimey-Were uceil oaihi ilay to draw tim nets In a cart to-tin station sail drag time surf hoists through a-

hmileewny btwenn time sand lulls to time surfi-imi surf boatS wore woatlmerbeatsmm craft limi-

tfor want of froimment thee were not water snikol-Timsir sterns were toward time water nit oars-lay on the pests ready for instant miss mcts and-mitts wore piled hiictm in the Sterns-

On time disytimmit time vatlent flsimnrnrmn dropped-the abovo remark hut two steam fishing vessels-kept near time lsuiim hut not in company Whotm-one went to westward time other Wtnt to time east-ward returning later to Chest agaIn Time nmmm-

mon time boneim muutituhiy if not otherwise hurled-curss at them-

Taint no two wzttclmln while them toIlers-are round time p f remarked again after a-lonw spoil of silence-

VIiy was limO forced inquiryCi-mimsim timimy are aIttr mnenimmtdmn an If they

ketch all the nientmaden therewommt beatmy blue-fish ihitmohlsim go whore menhaden are mo-

macn imatn tio hi utis I-

ihow can you teii wimon bluefish are ofT

herofly the sprays flyIng was time ropty tte-companimI by curl of the lIps at time iguotancu-dlstIayed by tIme Inquirerl-

imit on time follwitmmrdisy the steam vessels imm-mdmtisapjmsarNI aim mms time weather wits stilt lute-the imeaclm llslmcrmnn trepared for a cast At tim-efirst light of a school mmii bcnnme animated In-strmmngo contrast to thrn lmzlnee of tim dny-before Thu surf tats were drmmggei to where-the teach slope gradually anii pushed downm-mrmtll time wator that surged over time suitmds-tIimmhcd agahumet the sterns Ttmemm two or umoro-muon stool at citlt side rasoIn tIme gunwainIt-um WtitIi for a higim wave lieu it curiel-Over and broko tile word was elven every timue31 mcIIS stratum nmmd time boats wer half liftedt-imid Imahl iiuiisd limb thu water until thus floti-Not a eommd waa wimated or as soon as tim-eboats floated Oft before thu mmoxt wmto coulm-itoss them buck on the beach the man lintjumped itt setzemi limo oars amid were ttancingi-mpend down oumeito of the line of bremikursI-

ommrs ntterwrtrd they returned disappolatodr-ims cnooi hat dIsappearedi-

lme bmW luck was time topic wimmtn a knot of-flhermeru nmemntmorm of thu lihmsavlmmg crews-ant skippers of plauro boats met ott the beach-a few days aftrwtrd A storimi wit hrowitmg-mmd the lee ett of a sand lull was sought wbiio-timetaik lasted-

hhitmetisblng a hmtyeI ommt bore an no mist-mmt one of tim Ittyrmor boys said its itsi-

mmueti as you can ito nosy to see it hooi in-weeks but before tti menhaden boats wornm-ouumO ou could enmnoovrliero ammydav an-

see a tonacre lot of immn limit now the etemm-dsimera are scootIng alonhmere all thu limo mmii a-

man lmere cant got a show Theres no tlueil-sim In this tmrt of time bay slthmer no its wimmmt I-

call cuustd menu 1 think thero ought to be a-

law agalnsttmmteiming so many meuhmamlen for if-mmli thu ttmtmnimmmitn go I dont know whathi bo-

conic of the Tow bluefish loft

S 2J J htI TO I t4 TI-

A Curio Sinry nr s 1114 lIenib thnt Is-

jtcIn lneIItited In Jersty lIly-County Physician Converso of Jere City-

is investigatIng tIme death of an eighteen-monthold child iii a boardine house In sussex-street Time mother Mrs llridget Brown went-to the boardIng hmousowharo her sister MIss-Mary Cumnmtng is employed on un1ay last-

and saId that her child was dead Miss Cumn-

minu went to Mrs Browns impartimments iii a-

tenement house on Greene street and there-found the child wrapped up In a white-siuet ready for burial Miss Cmmumpiln-gwhite sitting near the child was astonishedI-C 500 tho hotly move arid picking it up In her-anus almim rushed to time ncurest groctrv store-ui procuring a iieco of ice Pitt It in limo cimilds-

utoutim A omomnent titter time the opeimed its-Tee and throw its arms around its aunts neck-

tiiss Cumnmlng thInkIng site smmys that her-sister had intenilci to bury tIme child alive was-nfrald to go lack to thu imouje mmmi tmk tim-ecliii to time Charity Pspihmml fimere the pim-ysiiians said it was tytm c of atmirvatlom-

uMiss ummtmmmr mutum mmml to her mmrk ntmd on-Friday nmornlcm went the hospital to see hmow-

time little one was getmi alone ho was told-lint tlte ehmlmi could n mva an thu pimmtchmmns-timo smixa said hunt to rem it was iakn nmynv ont-imat uIty they woulu s ni it to nnke liii Missu-

mntnmtmg went t item sIsters botmes nut-bggej her to tnke tIm chili horn Sho me-

fmepml Miss Cumntnin then got pernitesiommf-mnun her nmhmitres to takthmoeImiktto imerhmnmm-

ssAttr ptmoiug time dying child 1mm teI itsC-

mmunnmmuig tvent after a tlmysicman but when simsr-

etmmmneml time itho was lead Shuen told of item-elmilds death Mrs ilown said sit did umot care-omit refimse to t tls time both It was ttmen ri-mmncvel to time Morgim and was on SaturImmy-burmoil by tie city lime snottier atteumlet ti-mInuemni mind on rutumnin became immtotcated

111 rS1J1FV2 3-

Itudoti lItm IleneOt-Time ecason at timo Metropolitan Concert-

hail closed last uliht with a benefit to itudoif-DIaL Leiboldts military band performed dur-iu time intervals between the pieces-played by the orehehura Time programme-included Wagners Tannimtusor over-ture Gounods MedItation and various-selections of a lighter character The-oxlIent execution of musIc so varied in kind-proved that Mr hid Is a very versatile lender-energetic and full of tnmsguiitisrn if lb perf-armmtance under Imme baton itro not prmXeund-they are mit leant hutilmaut and that is ilter all-the main thing rermiiremI at a popular pincu ofutnmtmmems-

ntherr Theodore 110th performed several solos-on time cornet Timero have been comnct players-bmore time Amnericmmn public whose execution is-

mimpurlor to herr hlocims but none whose tone-is 50 luii of seuauous beauty and BmTeutLmSs3

A tbseie Ut Uoicr Itlal-

In place of lferr Neuendortf 3hle Julia-do liertmand now wields the baton at 3oater-liiai fhe Is the icader of the Ladies Ihii-ltarmonitsaid to be composed of pupils from theY-

mommna Conservatory The vIolInists arc mostly-

ladies so Is one of the cellIsts and one of the-flutist A iaAii alno plays limo doube bass-agaInst which site poseti gracefully during the-interyal juG brass instruments however-are played by amen The ladles ilay gracefully-itnd delicately but in time loud pmtssugss they-are decidedly oyoitowered by the brass-

At the Lackot time stage isagreenarrsngeim-meut which as the orchestra comes from-

henna mumy bsen erected a a substitute-for the WlflD1 ICJ A Tyroleae fenmtly imo-wever also mkmte its acmpsuarammuoand it Ie pouible Inst the green armatmgemuent was to remind-thew of their native mountains


I1ro Ott fflhI VKOAflOYR CRA1iI-1Fuw cur via rnwr-

A rbl for th AThenS CleSfltIm-iTemae flopeflil t flsr HpeoihIln-

The sadsy TaI r is rmIslelea-Tho Tammany orgMml7ations abnfldhn-

meat of its proposal to the New York County-Democracy and the Democrats who nmeet In trv-

ltmg Ifahl to unite wIth them on a delegation to-

the Democratic Btste Conyention has made it-

certain that two mind perhaps three delegations-from every Assembly dIetrIot In tbo county of-

Now York will apply for admissIon to that Con-

vention While there wits a chance for the-union of tlmo New Yors Democrats the poll-

tlelana had little to say of tIme probable action-of time State Convention concerning the status-of the three organizations into wlmichm they are-divided Tint since it has become a settled factt-

imat there wilt be no unIon hi pros-poets of each organization before time Con-

ventlon has been the engrossing topIc-In local Iemocratle circles The loading men-Itt each organization profess to believe timat its-

deleuatea will be admitted to the Convantlon-and its rcularlty be thereby amrmeml But in-

raRity cases ttmis belief is based upon the opln-Ion of thmoso who express It as to timO duty of tIm-

eConventionorsmion a wisim to appear to be loyal-to their orcanlzation at time expense of tlmeh-

rtrue convIctions A few of the Tauummeny men-openly doclare that they do not expect to get-

into time ConventIon but most of tlmetn say listt-

Imers is no doubt of tlmelr admissIon Those-lvo nogood reason forthuolrconfldenee When-

closely questioned most of timoni admit that tim-

osentiment of time majority of the country Demo-cmata is acuminst thmoni end many concede thatT-

rtnmnmmmnv forfeitemhlts rimxlmttoreeomznitlonbrlts-bolt in 1879 Wlmen pressed to givesoumt reoson-for their belief that time Convotmtlon wIll recog-nizo hmeumm they say that time country Democratst-lmink that thu Democracy can carry tlmo State-title fail it harmony prevails In its ranks end-I imi me tim en foti d eel mu us of Comm mmteum motel t-

Tmttmmmany for the sake of the large vote wimich-it enmitmols-

Jtmha faIth of the Tammany men is largely me-to John Kllys repumtidiy expressed confidence-in time rteogtmllion of iiI oroaniztimn lie hits1011 hI fohiowere that commntry Democrat who-are opposel to hmlm lmnvo simztmifled timeir wish tol-

mnrnmommlz time party in this alt nnml timeir Un-wiiltumgrmcse to Ituvo thus qtmmtrrela between Tmtuu-mnammy aiim its oltonents brommaimt into the iIateC-oimvimntion Mr helly believes that tImes-stmitlimmenI arm smmro to control time Convetmtiotm-mind niToct its decision In the setthsmnt of timoC-

lithmmmim of tim timree organlrattnus in ty mork-Aumimhier reason gtvemm by Mr iCelly fortimu rocugi-mitlomm of Tamummmmnmmy is ils strmngtthIut-

mnuumnumy hell will chum nilinitiance Ito-

salt ium it recemmtly jubhisimed Iumtrviow be-

cause it is tmnqtmestlonably the strongest 1emo-erotIc omnmmtamtion tim this city nml Mtste and-its regmulirity his bAnn ndmmttoti Liv Statu Con-ventlomma ttltim very few exesttknaTi-

memn is mint is amen in Tmimmany hTMl who-mciieves ttmmmt time Tnmnmany delegation can Iris-

sibly he mtirnltPmd tntoltheConvention io thu-Ximustomt itt time delegates from time other org-

msumizmttlons Tue best Utah their mosteangulnotmm-omm ttAet is that they tummy get pert of thel-uiegntinmm rhey wIll lie smtttIhs4 with anyr-

rcogmittitmn Vimit they wish is to be atmthmn-rizcd to call Tamomammy regtmlam Mr Kelly-knew that Ito commid not keep ommt tIme Cnmmm-mtyDemocrmty delegation a member of the Taum-

ininny Comuimmittee oct OrganizatIon saId lesterul-imy mitmil ito was in my opInion very-dntttfnl whether famnmany woulmi be reenc-ulzd itt all That accounts for hI offer-to unite with timo County Dommmocracy on

deltgmtion to limo Convention yery-hotly wimp knows Mr Kelly is aware thath-m thinks lest of an antlTamnmnay Denmocratti-mami of a Rpmilmhiean and that be would noti-mmts mmmdc overtures to lb Comnty Democracy-if he hmaI thougiul ihmtt he commit get iumto theC-

ommvctmtIon anti keel them cut ills action is-

in aceiriatmer with the axiom Ilitlf a loaf isb-

tmttertlmmmmu imotmreitd Time Invitation was given tot-

ime Irviumg hill Ionmocrats to create ttme Irmipres-mton that liiunnuiiny wielmol to utmlto nil time tim-ethen of the party bmit with tIme real desiunm of-controlhlmmir 11mm ieetiomt of 5w orks mmmc-mbore of tit State ommmmrmlttee suit testmoiitmm time-Cuumttv Irmmoeraey obody know better thanJ-oimim hohly that time Irving hell Democracy has-no orgnrmtzmmtiotm worth talKing about aboveCi-

mmimil slrett Time Tmmmnnmmmnv man ttded himat-

time lmolets of tile organizatIon believeti that thia-

Irvins hull lemnocrmty would tmtmlte with It-

Thmm leahers of the Irving hell heinocracy are-not Itt miii coimfitiont of the recognition of their-orNaitlzaiuu by jimA limb Cmnyention Meet oft-

hunumm timlmm ttiat neither their delegation nor1-1mM sCull iiy Jammmmnny will get immto tue Cnemm-lion Them are imowver a tow men in thus-orgimnizitiomm whmo profess to see a otmammetm for-its recmgnltton Among thorn is Mr Ambrose-hi ltmrthy lie bases his opInion upon what-was hilt hInt roceimtly by eommeLmtcuoums mew-

ork 1onmoermtt whom hmns 3ust returned from him-

rtirmml counties Ihmm omttiemmmfl Mr lmmrdy-mtlti tahled withi iumany country lemoerumtm-

mmii found 11mM most oi thotn favored any policym-m lmieim would mako harmony Itt time party They-suggestti thmat overT delegation that presented-itsoil itt time Commvstmtionshmouhmt be nlmittetland-that it 11mev could not agree mis to limo vote whiC-heach nhmouid duSt timey should nil imave smtts as-iieiegatti but not be pomumitted to vote out time-ormiumizniiomt of the Cotmventlnn nor in time noun-iustion of us eandimiustes for Simm oflicore lims-gentiuummtn who ummade timis emmggeetlon thought-that the adoption of such a irlicy would be-

recnnumiitlemi to the Ccnvemmmhomm hi limiting-country lemimocrmitt Mr lurdy boliuvod Ibmi-

tsuch juan for the settlotuomit of limo iimTeremieua-

iii thmo party iii timia city wouid be ammtlslaetory to-hrviumiz hail and Fiimmmuumany and should Lie to-

the County Damimocrime-yThe Itvmn himmil leaders have not yet decided-

whether tmmuir organization wilt unite withTnummiuany in electing tioleatea to time biata-Convention Their jinermil Committee will-moettbia week todetermnitmo that qmwetlon-

ltms ieidimmg men in tue New York County-Democracy do Uot claim that tile Sumto Conymm-ulion emil recognIze their orgammizatiimmm by-

mmmii lhme County Democracy does not In-taunt to send aumv delegates to limo Conventiont-aut its members will attend and vole at primary-riectiona which will coon be hold in tile sloe-lion districts imi this city to choose delegates to-

the twentyfour Assstmmbly District Coumve-ntions These primmmmriua will be callod by time-

Ciinmrnmen of time Asmiomnhly Dmmtrict Conven-tlons of hbtl ttmutt elctod the delegates who-ivaro mIimmtttd to thmo blat Convention ut whIch-New nrs Suites delugatioum to limo 1oummocratieN-mmtioimmtl Convention wits chosen TIme dole-gates elcctrd mit time primaries will moot hi-mAsmimmnbly District Conventions anti cimoot-mmieIeates to time State Cnveumtitmn John Mo-Keun Abmaumi 15 ilawllt William C immtmmey

ii Cooper Hubert 0 Ttirmnm ison Ifotmort-hi htoosevelt and time other lendlimir members oft-

imo CountY Dummuocmacy are Confhthmmt that mil-

ltlme deiegatea cimosun by tlmeo Assuinbly IlstrictC-nvitmtiomms wIll Lu joverm seats in tile hitatu-Gnnssnthmn and be recouiized tic the irtgsttnntr-ouui time county of New Iork iimcir cnumftdneeli-m tills roatmit is itatoti ImLOmI the fact thmat thios-oitlgmttoa will ho uhmcttm1 imi iitri1 aecorihmmnc-ewith the lemmas itt tint Casctty rule pmi8sti by-

the State Cunveuthon of 1571 wltIchm providedti-mmit dehmgiites tim Stoto Conventions stioumld he-

chosen mum 5mw York as ttmy are elected in tue-oIlier CmImfltuS in limo htaimm time Dumnocrmtta 1m-

mevery Aitenmbty district ncthimi indepemmjentiy-and wthiolmt tii Interttrenco of lilly euntmal im-uthormty These gmmuutlenmen expect of cmmmrs-

timmit immest nud probably mill f the ileltmgatea-Chmosn mit those prinmmmrics mviii to tumemmiboms mt-

time omv or oummty hemmmoormey and if them-



mu am iii mttot I lit I Ii Conyemmt mit I it o ci a I ma to-be I imo remcmm bmr 1 hitmimeracy i n tim is ott > it iii mm-

iidomubtomtmy it mmiaio for timmit urmmmntzuttlon Tim-eprimaries hiowevr will be ouemm to all Ieumm-oorals alit any liiimmnmamty or Irving Hail amens-yimim may he electemi delgats at himomu wilt b-ersgnize1 by the Cnurmty DemocracyT-

Im leadirs of time County iounocrimey arenas-anguimmo of tim exclusion trout time htmmts Com-mvjmmtlon of time lutmtnmmny and Irving hull dcl-gatmoimb as tumey are commildCtmt of the ndnmisamoi-tot time dcimmmlea CImoseim at timo regularly called-1ummoeratiu trhiuarmee lanmummmnys tmrop-oaition to coimfer with other organizatIons a-

conspicuous County Immmnoermmt saId yemtsray-is auatuct theepiritof time Cmmeamldy reoltmtion-

anti tlmelr immyltmmtloima to our DiirictConmtnjttoei-violate time hitter of the rule lako for an ox-amjmlo time letter front time famummumny Commmmittm-

eof the Twentyunit Assembly 1istrict of whimei-mJohn Kelly hmtnmiielf Is a rnemmmber it nottliesti-mim County Deummocmcye Commmmnimtee in that die-trict timat at it meeting of the Tanmimmumny Conm-ummittoc hmclI on iuit 17cmrtmiln gitutlouimen were-flhtoitmIol to carry out the ohjmmet specified in-

the following reohtmtio-it1l rtt a coiimiimimre it live be apCcinfrt ont-

etmami cm miul Tsmmaiuy uiaml Ueuuornturltmiabmmtm-mirmtL4tlsll oh U rseltysrst Asmmbly flmirut lu-

COllier i im tu tme Vmlc te rmui il aim mind I rymmus U au imeumu-

cramme eras austmoui 1mm ii smrmcl s ml e mutest or t agreec-

hum s Clel by sticim tHree wemm kuowmu slot remreeuta-to ore trot still urmSml4tmmmui hey to-

ipmurIsI c I miolsts fur to It cmuIrb-

eimucmnmmc Simu tom4tCultlUll to Us old ltd ifimey mami icirolelli Si 15 teuveimUuli tIe unitem-Deuuocrscy ci tIe IscitiAril llistrmt-

Now the rnosithon contaIned in this let-Pr the polItician cootiuuod defeats Um-

upurpose of tIme Cssaihy rule bocauo It aug-goats the eriloetlon of delegates lo Ibm Stale-Convention by a ctutrai body before the pri-

atarI eIticmtis are held lime potitic imn gave-a anotimer instance of Tamtumitivs vtolstion ofl-

imo Cassidy rule the mmssae by the Tnuunmau-yCommittee on Organization on Tlmuridaylast-cit ii cimiiimllo thiat the lhumocrats In tile As-

embiy dmstricte ho inviteit to hold primaries in-

their dIstricts to elect degatae-Most of time imaders of time County Demoersoy-

found their conhldecs tlmat lamtnany will be-

excluded from thieCotmventIo upon time oppo-sitlon of time Counts Imoemaey to Tainmany be-

causuol its tOIL in 11179 All theiradvicea from the-interior of the State Indicate they say that the-Demnoeratioparty baa neither forgotten nor for-givenJobn Kelly and lila organIzation for glv-itig time State Government and ha patronage to-

the ltepubiicani

acnMDra wflbrno iaiizA-

ent fle b Ve lrIuI t et Ibe-Pflelsi t Cms r A1s Ia UsurS-

Three yeoim o Ernst ohmnldt pbrevrers-helperwho live at 885 Tenth ttisttebntiod-hi wife flwas much stmatdonbyherdeatb-but he concluded that the best thing 1mecoud do-

would be to msrr aaln and behented around-among liii equaintnncs and selected a young-woman to whom he vrooosod lie was accept-cii and Saturday was named for limo celebration-of the nuptiahs-

Zn company with thm bride to be and WIlliam-Eionie a friend who also lives at 5S olmmid-twent to tue residence of the Rev Fnthmar Ruse-in Fiftythird street between EIghth and-NInth aveatmes On the way im took many-drink of boor in lmonor of the occasion-Whon lie reaehmed time priests house tho-reverend father told him to go home-and to come again when he was sober-Time bridal party dIsbanded mind Schmidt re-turned Imonme An lmommr later ho entered-Kisnloe room ant told Xienln tlmnt it was-owing to his interferinco thmat the prIest luau-

mnftmscil to perform tIme nmarritmmze Time men-then mltmnmrphlett Thmny wont into thin Imnhl mmn-ilaflcrmvutrI continued thmeirquarrel in Sclmmiilte-rooms Schmitt produced it tlotmhlnbarretloIu-hmogun lienlo says thmat ime dlechargeil one-iii time imarrals at tmimn wIulmout provocatIonS-chmmklt mlenlis title anl clmmlnma limmmt lIe iieid-th gun in lila hands nail tiat it went ofT ins-emuale wimlch took place between him and-Kimnin for its pOeersainn Thmeroport made Imy-

time mlisehmnrgo broutzhut Immilcaman Chmmmriee ho-han tm time snne 0mm tim cotmiphaitmt of KieniG-hi arrestemi 8immniult ittiti locket hint tIm

Yesterminy time elms ante mmii imi the Ynrkvihn-Police Citmmrt ivhmere Eienl cummmrgei tehtniit-with atteummttrrt felommious n9samuit hlcbmmlits-cr59 were tiiackenei and liii face wits hrmmhiue-dlie nid that time firiume of the gmmim was ccci-tlunlai timat it humid ito shot in It ant tlmat Kienieh-nml beaten him Time qmmotlon narrowed down-to whmetimor time gmmmm imat imiton lommulel with shot-or them aq only it wail In it Clerk Murrmydirectemi Pnllcummmmin ilolman to take time gun intot-ime prisoum yarl mini dhschmmirmto limit otimer barreln-mtaltmet ii bnrmrt t ccc ivimetimer there wns nfl-leami i ii it Pol lenin atm Itoh took I lme irn Into-tlio yard html tint icing tmmueh of a sportsmen-lie was unmiecliled its to time manner-of discimarghume it Alter pouring downt-ime bmmrrcia and cmmmnfmiily exanmining tile-lock mmtmui but 1 Ii e commel mmied I immmt it won Id lM-itotter to itmtilny a emutetittito ileemimsuulted witht-ime prison keeper nimit it was tlntmtemI ttmmit not-of time lirisotmers shiolhlui 10 tIme unrig Thin-keeper auth time iohiccnmmtn vleweml nil tim-eprisoners arm ilnahly eelctemi a man nnmrl-Ciinttertmn who wits servltmgatcndmiyseumtsrmcnCh-ummttortntm Is a mummiciminlet by trade gnu he saimi-hi utmderstod the iunmmuiiitig of tiriartmme-Iollcemmmn hiohman Cimatterton anti thimi kererw-ommt into time trisomi ymirti whmicim Is directly-unilerthe minlnms of time court room Clint-terton pickemi mmp time weapomi-

I hmnlI a strange dni anti a stmance con int-

ime saute nstinmntimnu ho emmlmi amid nlwmtykmtuthiant at a tiltnnceS-

imlling lImit actIOn to timo wnri hit grttcpeult-ime gmmn lii imh rlmimt haul cocked it ant pro-Inching it itt arms tcmmglh eliot hits eyes anmtt-

mmmllod time trigger ihmc keprur ant time policel-iman ehimLpI their immmnuls to timolr oars anti-caitcd for lime rpori which did not collie 2lm-

acap hmmtd Immilen trout time ninmule Cimattrrtomm re-iacod It anti ngnln projuctoti time gun from-

him Tlmora was a stmmmmtmhmmg rlort wlmiei-tcould be hearth for blocks Tmmstiee mm-

midell jimmupeti Irma his sent anti tlmo penile-In time court roomu mcdii for time doors-

Time prlconora cotmflumed ium time cells-yelled Ihmo gun lmmimt explodol mmm-

tterimig pieces of time barris on all cities Cima-tlerlon throw down time stock ntmd rulibeil ills-hand and itrict whmlmlm were brtmlsed ant black-one wIth powder rime policeman anti keeper-narrowly ecnmoti being kIlled by time flyIng-mmitlai Time brass pun of time rammmrcmti grazedt-ime lmmimd of ltoimimdsrnan Mttlmlon who whit-Clerk Linimoum was looking ommt of time window-or limo court moot loileenmmmn Ihoiman gallmertdi-mp time rmmmrin of time gmmtm amid reported that-there hint benmu no shot in timo irirrols-

ehmldt was tliscitmmrgeI Tlto cxlcmilIng oft-

hm gun wits owing to time lrenco of two wads-with an air space betweoum thmemmm

riijizt ziivici iarvslzVo-

mitrlbntlon flisrs Jrnwn ttvny rrom S-IAiilhuns 1arIshIonrr-

At high mass yesterday in St Anttmon3-

Church Mnumimnttmmn avetmue C meet point tim-

collectors refusal IC receive the contrIbutIons-of thmo momlors of the Litw Committee whmlci-mhuts instituted proceedIngs against limo Bishop-of the tiiocse lirrafumsing them nut accounting-to imow where 200000 have becmm expended on-

their church-Father Murpits had got John OItar who-

used to collect ummuler FlmttmUr Lane to carry tim-econtribution box 1mm timo aisle on whliChm time paws-

of most of timo Law Comnmlttoo opon Time first-committoemnu Ime erune to was Johmm Fallonw-hmo observing the box jerked out of-

Iii renchm muamle two or tlmreo ineffectual-attempts to put his money ln Anotimor-of time committee James McFarland m-

ittempteti to put ii voId piece in the bnz wimon-it win knockd on tim lloor antI iii rising alterl-lickimig up timo coIn hits hmeumti struck the boxO-

ttmmmr menmbms tttimtted to ptmt their contri-billions in but they were tmnnlIo to do so-

Attr the mmmcc lhmey met mtnl caiid cmi FatherMimrpimy at tim jmnroimlmil resldeuina latherMurthuy imirormell timerim thlat the collectors tue-

tlotm was tmndar tIme ammttmtmritv intl emmumetion of-Ilishop Lmmimhmiln wimo witht imls VlcarGeneral-

atimr he gmmmi tIsitel imiun last Thmmrulay anti-gave Imim to undertanI that imnier tin consmd-erittioim ummUit lie allow time amembers of the coot-mrmitleo It uontrlbuti money hr the support oflimo cii mmmcii slid t bitt it a titlist also hun y I im oatt-ime rhghmtto rent pews when their preeetmt rent-ale h a I x p1 rtiT-

imla aetmomu Ofl tite tart of time BIshop hm-

ztcause mitch Colimnient The nmenmtors of tim-eLaw Cotnnmmttmn to whom tile rihlt of eoumtrlbu-tthug to smmtmport the Gospel was mienlcl1 areT-oimn Ftmllon cxAseesor Danimmi Walsim 1 Imo-sMCmmrry lltmes MeFtirlauti John Maitin I-

F Mcflroeu Win Dalton Alex Holmes aud-M J Allen-

One of time Law Commlttoc John Fallen-after the boxes hind imeen misimneltert wihimlim the-dimmed raIl waikol Imp to time altar mind dropped-a gold dollar tub one of tlmtm uumuiking a rover-ential how to lbs slmrtnn of time Viruimu as ito-

iiassI before ii Mr Fmillon was thmu iuilder of-the itrookimn Munuei1umtl lhtmilliag lie is the-treasurerof time Lnmv 1omuuitttec


Iulieemita Oteisons Liwely Tnssle vIIb-FugIlIc 1kIer-

John MeCormutek aged 2 years of 226-

Voat Twentysixth street mmcmi Win DIcta aged25 years 01 l9 Ilmat Thirtyninth Street were-arraigned yesterday before Justico Fiammer-in the Essex Market Pollee Court on time charge-of attempted burglary PolIcemen Giceson and-Max Junker were the enunpialnants MeCo-rmacks Imemil was gnslmod by Iohlcemnan Glee-

soils club Oloepons taco was bruised auj lila-tmntforin was stained with hitou-

dlnllretnanjunkersmmmtl that hula resIdence is-lit P6 haet Tenth stret At C oclock yostortlmmym-imormming lmo hmard a noin in time imahhwmty ummi-

mitounut two strange men thorn flioy retreated-toward time front door wimea they amity hunt lIe-ran timrouglm time Iartnmnt in order to headt-imim oil hmtit they gt to the Street first anti ran-dowfl tiuwarmi time Fast htiver lie gay chase-antI ovorimauled Dietz within a iultks distance-MeCormnack coltimmuu1 his flmgimt pursued bylolhceman lii tsou-

mUleeson said that lme chased MeCormack-down runtim street to tret avutmuc ant-ordered him to built whmen leCorinaek turned-and dealt film a blow wIth ills fist kmmockin-gbun down lie sprmlng to feet anti ehmed-Wltim McCormmmitck utumd in time etruace they-both rolled utnum tIm pavement McCcrnmmmc-kbeing it powerfully built nmaum was gutting tim-ehost of timo poiietmmnmin when sune residentsc-amne to hmis istumee anti 3lcCmrgmmack wits-hmammleutttti In ttmestrtmggle toliceumummn Jicommo-nbroko hits club over McComnmaelts imead-

A imait uiIm4Oii skeleton keys were fount upon-McCormnaok IVimen time vrisommers were ask-stunt thtly seers tiniug in Jummkers house time-scxii timmtt theY were too drunk to renituuumbe-rhow thmmy got tulle time imotmen Iolicoimmmtmm Glee1-0mm rmtcozimizti 3teCormaek as an oh offenderIh-othm mmmii myoro imeid

rb Slate flaIl lesguc CbnuuuIenshlp-

The following is time fumil record of time Leagueci-mslimpioimiliip to date pt S

1 cm m a a c-



i i t i

Ihotom 4 J U oemh-iuitaio 7 0 7 1 5 tI I 4J 47-mlmCsgo II 7 0 7 it 7 7 aIhn a am-

tlgelaumd ft Ii C a i 7 tl it 4 tm-

ltietruit S 3 5 7 4 it 3S elm 4 IJ-

luvldimcs 7 I it S 0 Ii I hit 4 40-

Tray 0 0 0 8 4 it e 17 01 a-

Wouitr 0 a 2 a a a 31 74 0 07-

01mm iou CI 31 so 4 3 42 47duT

Io CuntiThiyesG-olicIl MI4ICLI Dicovcri me a cuimceatramed tutumtI-

teraimve or bIuo1sleauuem rciua ly tit u as kIi a-

SiMlumulis Irolu sit wits us it br soy luoior irs ItsC-

olmilnult piuutiIe blotch or eruutIoml to lIe turui4iblocr-umuiuIa awaiimog or ukar lummernal Icier sursmmc-

saui umcerato 7bkI is ii teiIcn lmIncss tninnipS-itU wFtvui is bet a r1Oloe atieetumn em ti hmlIi-In In Ill esrmv t I cured by a mite us i tim-iUoigiveum remliedy es article in connmmlmpuuu tmJ it-

tmeItLnCIt lIt iart itt UI Us World lmloumsars P11cc-Sin f ysmplmiett suits po Al-dress 5urtij 1J1meuiary McUmcsL 4iemsnmm Ilmmrlo-S

oJjIltt-fure1r J ltiisutltSNs strice ire In is-

macmu tletu tulsi me ii cotum peliol to dimIte hi tOne be-tWeeli Ness York ani Ultt Cmluitltiotu Iii s In SewYork i Crisis iv Men Icy Tueiav aumt isturdeyltotei El Muimi it I luisod > Thurola amtI IruJcy

ptttttt lotcc3-

1i 1lttVElJiIC4-tutrtave liteetty tmthomtatltie if ImId TitflIAStiLFttA LtiIET it ru I rc > Cis I EII-

VItlitt Sea iicutei tc Ii I mrtecilm tluemt to tS-mmmeremlm leer ad tI umimo ccc t It ii At-ltAs IKI rOmi mvi mimumx > t 1 It iARe Ast tU-

I1OT1IE IIiTtKtpt A cc turom ills stitera-mmI uake ii vlmttosi I trunk Omi sum to reins-icr butt hold by Crtmru-

msItEui3IlIlit lilI 3ItttlYKl-Isa soar bummamie ilmotiraime4 my lA1t a

llrtaiway uNn At ALtt tKlltis IahU-lilt IIAaIiIiImtIUame sos

Slurs thu 7SiaU hOrKums utise en coruilv mtiis1i aaill lime psfllos ItIIiisn ii Cittt it ttt 11-


I I 1 I if-


LMOSr ift tN1ihR tittr vrjX-ATMD nr rii arw-

A Tobeeo Fstort amid Fadr JIew-DnwnFonr Pcieons XtIIed and Many 1-

jnrtdHnrfty 3aitdhnr EsenptoWOa-tQtnNtrr Ill Sept 25One of tho most-

terribly destructte tornadoes ever experienoed-In this sectIon of country struck this city Mte-yesterday afternoon At about I oclock the-people on Front street noticed a black tlmrenten-Ing cloud approaching from time west anti m-

lmost before they realized ho fact-the tornado bad burst upon tim-ecity It was aceompenIed by thunder-lIghtnIng witmd and a heavy rainfall The-storm swept over almost the entire city its-path being over two miles in width In poInt of-

Ices of human life and dostruotion of property-it is time most serIous disaster that ever oc-

curred in Quincy In Nortlm Front street tim-oroof of Joel harriss tobacco factory was torn of-

and time upper part of tlme front wail blown In-

carrying the floors wIth it nearly to timo base-meat Time list of casualties In thul bulldimm-gIncludes the foilowlnw Henry Woodimouaoa to-

bumeco roller was found In lie dbrIs dead-Wrleht Harris was taken out with sotne dim-cuity and was found to be badly cut-

about the head and niso bruised-about his legs a boy named Doweni-mad one of 1mm legs broken and-the othur badly injured Fuoddy Martin-sea of harry Martin was caugmt between tim-otlrimbore and badly brulmmedbut it lsthommgbtthmn-

tno bones are broken Joiumm Cole and Josephh-

lenmilin were seriously injure about tIme heista-pud hnhihisrs Time oIlIer employees of tile-factory worn nmomn or less llmjircd butt-imely Clinics could not be lemtrimel as-they twe taketu omit of 1110 rtihns by trlnds-inI imiustily emitrlnil imme George Rmmn-passistant enzitmoer of time Castel MpUs win wmu-aci tti ng i n t Ii a e ugh us roim ft iv I tutluty tudit ii ii I rigHarriss tiitmtCo factory wait struck on tim tucmtt-iby fmiiiitmg imrlcke and tlnmhert fluid mmevmrely hurt-A temttn of iiortmes stanitirimm imcleetm time imulil antiiii tobacCo facmory were killedO-

umo of Iii most friglmtftml disasters wee at-Donuuett DuiT Cos foundry whelm trimsmOuSt ermtiroly uinmnmmllshmei by time force of tim-ewind lhe rnof wits 11114 bodily amid dashmeu-ldown timrougim lime buIlding the sluice vnrtly-giving why itnmi time nmcmn itt work being burled-In ttmm dultris wlhiuosmt a munments umotice Hey-cmiii ummangleti mmml numminmed bodies wore almostit-mmnmodimmtcly taken out of thu rmmitus but it was-Colon tinm tinier limo extent cIt time calammilty wasn-miolmt kumown Time killed at time tnmundr-yare hlumry Eiitry hlrook a ito Goorgoil-imwlm mitt a mmmarriiit ama ti 1 ma k Smith-who uliol of his injuries whmllo boimmg liken llamas-Tilt ltmjmmrctl are ban Vi ilium very tmttiiv hurt-on time head and holy hrmttz htucim of St louisar-umm broken mmmfli5 ultmulimg suiriommely cut ont-

im shoulders Duniul hlitrdnor anti bruised-anti nut-

At Cmmnsiok Catie tic vi fommumulry fmmrthcr-temutlu ott rout street time roof wIse fi0wmm cit-itinl it portion of tlur side mvmOi taken otmi Fort-unmttidv mmutrit all the mmmcmi scalttiT-

im Eagle Mills lost a ortloum of time roof lett-itmg eotmsiulermthlo icater into thm building rho-south wail of the engimme imou was also blown-iii Time roof of lime toummiry of time Greetmlemm-fMmttmufmtcturing Conmpammy wits blown mlT liii all-the wurkmmtcn iFtCmILoI utmimtmrt St Jacob Lm-itiuermio Cimimmeim itt Vt neimlncton amid ightu-istreets him a tart of time front wnhl blowmu hu-mmmntier the imeltry HtJoimnsCimurcim lmmeutacnrnnr-of the wails and time towers wuro blown down-riie root of time Snutlmtmmn IIotl was partlyblowtm of The roil of Uooroo hIurinlmnane-store mit rimlrtl anul SprIng streams is gone Timo-Cimhcmgtm BurlIngton mInd Quitmey freigiut imoutia-intl lIme roUlmul lmotmso ulrm soumlewimmit damnge1-liit rnot of toth bmmiliiiumgs ama partly llowut-nIT Many of tIll memmmail buildings along Front-street huavo lost tmmrlr roots anti matmy of themi-mttvo lost chmlnummeys iimu large itose wiummiow of-St lJonitatms CatimohlcCimurchi wits blown bodilyimimo tue streetA-

umomm chimer huhithlnuze ilaummaged In thmo city-worn this foilosvimmg II A hmhlamnsuums omiI I ii pshm I rim at mImI iltovut i Va mit oil A-

1owhss tlumtsmmlo sture on iimirmt stret roof-gone I 1 Foxs atom out omurtim Street endt-tmhjti tm I a bmm I lii I mugs roofs blow ciT time mmut-vtulick ito Flfuim Street south firu wimilsawopt sway-tifl Opera house roof smut ti aumd thauumeged-Qmmlumcyliommoatinmmmolishad cimlmittucy wlmleim weatt-mmrotugii time root iiimd to time 0111cc baloa Firs-tflutist Cimurchi mit Firat anti Jreey shreotes-muhrs twisted nlihnm Drowns plough fac-tory lwlftlu mutt himiuntshiromtrutts roof gone-lroes attic Upmoottsti or broken oh nil over tim-ecity mmnd strtmwmt over limo streets aumd imive-motile Time teigrmph amid teluphmone wirca-ittrtl broken twtettd amid bloivum utwmmy Timebridges on the root 01 tIme telegraph ofilecs woreblown to time umommmm-

ilhuo limrgi itont wIndows In time mmppm-rstory of that Vt oUster ecimmol buIldingm-mtmd a portion of thmo south wmmll usI-luwn in as was also time eecoumd antiti-mirml stories A tart of the ruof of time flrmth-ers Scimool in Lmtst Quincy was blown oil ad-II ime tunic on timo stiUtil suds blown dowmm llimm myCorlums lmmintmsommme pleasure tot tIme Dmh I-

itt elveit to thin Vntcrum tititu anti time whole-works carried awuty jive of time crew who-were trying to secure limo boat wore-carried overboard but uavthl themselves fromiruwuuing Tim roof of i4tmairie large ices-

torcijommmmo Out time buy wits blowum oil mind much-the icr wIll be rmieitui by time raIn-

Time tornuiio seemne to itlu tuu uuItegentmnl-tiurugimout title suctlnu of time country lhm-tituigrttplu lirmis mire still down in all ihrumttloulu-mnmnkiu it miimimost iumioeemblo to get limformlthion-eonirzmiumg ii course aumttthoixteumt of time dm11-1ago tiomme Thu atormim passitti uiiummt timmee uniiiu-uorthmemmnt of Cmytoum in this Cottnty aweiiminirbarums true numd fences bifore it uut CIa toji-tmgns luvrmlmmgs ftuticmms amid Cimiunume > s warei-tosyim duwuu but tim vhllau eocIiuLII limo fmm-lifury of time storm Contilmuiumg in it umortlutmt-turIs tiirictlon time storm struck time huttlo siiitgm-Ut Caummdtmu fommrtteut ummilus roumm Clmiyuomu dou-mmoilsImhujg it aimot iii miii instmmtmt Timuu is-imardly a buiidtn iettbtanulhng All timotolrmmpi-uwires between layton nimit Qiimumrmy tour tdoitrm-down In Qtmitmcy four Immeim score kuhlol antt-wcmmty immjtmrtd suverni of vlmoumm umre so billyhurt that it iu timoughit timcy cammuot rimeovemJierimard liimmmmlug a ctrpommhttr who iris m-itwork on time roof of Im JisORhC Church-vhon ii was blown oil fell mlistttumo-

oof sixty foot lie In so badly iii-jmurett that it he thinughmt imocaummot liv throught-ime ntgtmt Mary hiommmke oumu of time girls m-umployd itt harriss tobacco factory was uun-out 01 tim ruins with botim legs buoLtrt it ist-

mmougimthimat situ fmttaihy iiured bout tile-btorua strUck there were tilrue smith Louts ont-

imB river opposite time city mmli of isimiehi were-uvortitrumed lime men were scouu struggilug 1m-

mthu untur but no inlttmamatmon commcemnhmmg-mimem can be otmtainud tlmouhi iii are roportuddrowumtu-

iCmtirsuo Seit 23A desptch front hlmmst-mvitic ill says thmmtt a cyclouu laid desohmmtii lim-ovillage of Cmmuutlemm twtlvn rimlies tvest a pimice oh-

smvoral hundred Inumumbitmtnta Time wile of Drt-mtts wns killed inntmiuutly by time fail

lug wahis of her roudence but a-

chmid iseaped wltimnut injury Titeuro itre-only two imousea in thmo Ilace that have-not bocu more or loss mimiureti A two5orybuitdimt occupied as lost Othlc and MasonuBull was blown down mint bummed tmmtmmthutmg a-

hood of 13001 A ttourmog null was timitmiagot-to tue mmmuotmnt of 12510 Ibm loss int-

ime village ti estimamolt mit iOthiO Thmo-3lutiimmtiist mmd otimur Chmristimn ehmurchmea were-cougpietciy domnmlishmett Along time ituttli of-time storm dweihin houses immd baron were-torn dowmi or imommited rtmumm theIr fouuttlmttins1-emmces orcimards itorn fluids and hard wood-thmber gzrovnn Were levelled Corn wmms blosmn-out of time husk anti setttereti brouticast rime-slorumi lasted emily Ilvo luinutee but tIme losmm tot-

Ime fmmmummng ooummummtmumily within a radius of live-wiles Is plmmcott at l50OvO

IIUJUIC4J IN JLMiIl-rvo milertles ittuiia 1Jissu aul Stony Itmse-

tYnrolrdEotatoo Shed IrstroyedE-

wimnA N Y Sept 23A toirlilu iturri-eaneusccompnnlsd by rain passed down this-vahleythis afternoon about ocloek it lasted-in timls city ions than ton mInutes but the do-

vastmmtion enusemi can only hic measmurod by thou-sands of dollars No Street escaped front losing-some of its line shade trues Mommy luntuensuo-tmk elm and maple trees wero snapped at the-roota like stOUts amid hardly a-

street iii lassablo becmtuso of time number-of trees tiowut aero3s them The steeple of the-hIoIdint Metilodiat Clmureh was blowum acrosst-ime street into a yard the bell boimug corned into-the uumldiIo of the Street A portIon of the root-of tIme YlratPresbytarian Church wits torn ciT-

and the interior of the builmllmiiz wanbmmdly dam-aged About two totn of brIck were dettOitttil-ut thet orgmtn rime itt root tyat rolled tmp from-thu hhmtthubuum hiouco Some of It was iltmum-gover lii time bireet timid tIme rest itiled uu ott thu-edge of thism corumiess A wimttlo roof front a-

large and tail building was lifted up corned ahuoumdred fett aumti tuumg tim top of a lower-woodsut bumliulleg on aim ther strtt Seimoo-lhouse No 2 woe entirely writeked lorthomms of-ml were cmmrriod 300 feet away borne of its rent-IIlnitmb wore timrwn imguiust a smimahl liriok-liock on tile tlttt4iti eide 01 thmu Street tnarImmgit nearly dawim lhmo spire of a eoiorctt eiuuroh-mwastjiown umum ahmntmeuahotmting umndemunime-dit ho Bricks were String around lute femttiuur-ailurung time summIt Alter it was over oma-ncouutoI trout 1mm dooryarcl twouty suvumm ehium-noye in his limuinetimate umeighmburhmood timat badbee blown over-

of thin uuany hniaeCo simeds near this city not-otto li loft standing their open sittes making-them prey to the wini Jam of timemn macro-thutu 50 feet imm lengtlm owned by S S Arnot-tilttt was fuit of thm roeiutiy gathered crop wast-hmrowu flat to the groutmtl lime loss in time toiamo interest alone aimu if time largest in this-county will be very large-

rn= ±r



There Is no rt of American jourwUlsai-WmIoh has been moZ° abused than the work of-

the intarvleOr No znatter what may be the-

topic of intereet with tb public for the time-

being there muM always certain persons-who know more about it thtm any Journalist-can Time public do hot care to JCflOW what-newspaper man thinka of some greo ioTal or-

medical case but the opinions of tamots law-

yera and physicians make moat lnterochng-and hustroctlve reading When the topic undOt-discussion touches the pookots of time public-there is a further elomentof interest in know-ingthmoopinionsof time persons best informed-mIlton financial anti commercIal affair Unfort-mmnateiy In such cases the exports in stocks-grain cotton or sugar cannot bo roliod upon-for oven without ihielt wishinir to miareproecuit-facts their opInions are biased by limo lotoreet-which timoy have itt the matkets For instance-it would be dlRlcuul to find ii member of tim-

ehannibal mind Ht Jo pool who would confess-that that stock wits not worth par although If-

ho be a man of ordInary oounnmon sense he-

must know that such is the case Timeretoretius-views of Messrs Gould Vanderbilt or Sage on-

finance are not isa valuable as Liioeo of M-mEvans on law or Dr hamIlton on medicine-But there is no romtsnn why time views of them-

financiers should not be much more interestIng-and useful If they were only made known in a-

proper manner It is sad to have to stir that-journitliste are to ft great extent to blamo for tim-edisrepute under which the interview line-Reporters are often intensely chocks anti do-

not imesitato to intrude thmemaelvea at umuflitin-gtimes and in Improper places Ho It comes tlmat

0011 hears of limo victim of atm itmtervimmwem-nsinstead of beIng proud of time honor which is-

done imim disgusted nod nagry at nooing him-

name in print-The Ilomld has lmmtroducod Into its columns-

what may be atyhcd time impersonal inter-view As hums been poInted out lImo only iaisoa-d1re of lImo interview is 110 dIstinct Doreenaiitr and wimon ththB clement is rounoved lim-ointerview boeoummos a usleas strltmir of worla-But in time newspaper alluded to tile Interviews-are witim ammnthmer broker who may bo for alt-

the tmublic know some follow earnIng a pro-

canons commission of two dollars is day The-motley assemblage who tmro aupposomi to talk-itt these interviews remind ono of time cripplesw-

imo sat down to the feast in time parable-Whether Mr Vnntlcrhilt humid Emotigiut tiheco of-

ground or Mr Gould flymi yoko of oxenwiuictm-perimaps is only the Scripttmrai naunofor ttmmil-

sor Mr hlatoiu lout married a wife is net plain-but times all nunko tbmolr excuses and refuse to-

give their views The interviewer bee conum-oquontly gone to work tmnd ot togetlmor the-poor arid time maImed and the hIatt and-the blind and smmfiercd timotn to masetmerade-in limo garb of the more dimttitmguisiued guests-Tue Incognito crosseyed broker lame broker-and ltrokonnosod broker muty be a very iimtull-igent person but the public do not care one jot-

what timeytlmlcik of time stack or produce mar-ket Time Ilmtcrvlewlng part of Wail streetjournalism is thus deatmoiled of all its tmractiea-ivalue and reduced to a nmere weumpon of nnony-mans personal abuse against nil those who do-

hot ceo fit to assIst timo proprietor of time paver-in his financial achuemes and etock jobbing-tnnnipulatloas Mr Toe hlnrkor for instance-Is caliod a imore jonkoy bemimmso ime dots umo-

tscorn to tmpprovoof time financial nuanagomentoftI-me company of which ho is onoof the dIrectors-As it the fact of a mnn owning a team or two of-

fast lrotttmra is nmnro dotriummentiml to imis huoumo-

rtiunti tIme fact of a brother director wimo atiitek-him owning several teams of Judges and leg-is atoms I

The past wok ivima in many respects a very-eventful one but Srmhl street did not soda to be-

seriously nlieetetl ouuo way or the other Tim-edeath of time Iresideut amid limo innmigtmratlon of-

his successor were so long foresenmi and conse-qtietmtly tllsentmntei thmtt they could not haveu-

mny perceptible effect lItton vaitues Bmmt tim-efact tltnt Prutsitlent Arthur Ilmctmrroml the risk of-

ieavlnit time ooimmitry for another twenty days-without tiny provisIon for the transfer of tim-

lower of time Chief Mmmgistrmmte in caso of enter-gooey itoos umot soeni to have bcum duly appro-elated hr the Vali street fraternity Otmly sonm-ohalf a dozen old financial foxes mmppeared some-what anxious to know what wommil become of-

our Exocutivo power in case some accidentC-imotmill imappen to limut now PresIdent between-now mind the 10th of Oetoior-

Before times setllotheee matters In Washing-ton renmmtrked an old bank Preeidomt I-

dotmt care to imimtti stocks myaelf and mum not-particularly anxious to loan on some of thetm-mcitbuar

Motnwlmlle time loading bulls are exertingth-ummlr Utmost efforts to follow up time corner vie-tory of time hannibal amid Si J0 aqucezers-Corners are being predtcted on all sidesM-

icimigmmn Central Canmida Southern time Mobile-and Ohio time OhIo amI Mlsslssippiand a lot-of other worthless stocks are reported to ho ont-

ime eve of tihmt corners of thmo SI Jo fmislulo-nEven time aiimmrp advance in Iteadlng is being-spoken of as time result of a corner But-the simple truth of time matter is that-the two parties coutoaditmg for powerl-imo Itondltes mind time Gowenltes hnvo-to tramisftmr before Oct S the stock they intend to-

vote upon on Jan 10 They imuid therefore to-

bits as umiuch of it a they could and a loathing-Broad Street firm being aware of the situatioum-began to buy for its own account and realized-large profile As limo voting franchise of the-Reallug dcnmnndsbesIdea registretlotmtime tires-tntation of thme actual stock on time part of the-voters none of thorn will risk to soil or ioamm the-certificates between now and Jan 10 and the-price of time stock is not unlikely to be maint-mihimod at high figures-

Altimouuh time cimhidren of Israel arc as a rule-not addicted to superstition especially wime-nfinancial matters are coneermmod yet some of-

our most eetetmoj IIetmrew financIers appear-somewhat displeased to Suto that thu hebrew-Netv Years day coincided this year with the-twelfth anniversary of hllmmk Friday Sept24 It was on thmmm day also that Mr Wlndom-made Imis call for bonds Time report of the die-covers of a now comet on the day of Jon Oar-fields death ailed another disturbiimg omen-mud many naon of Israel seems to be apprehmom-isive of the advent of a scMmmmiugle time hebrew-for general summash itlooLo

ludulrlmt iillges he me South-A bUilOtln just isatieti trolls tIme Censtms-

Office gives some interesting statistics respect-ing time industrial clmanges in time Southern-States during the past twontr ioars especially-in time aubdivisiomis of time large tiantatlonsT-imis is shown in the following tmiblo which-gives the grobs nunmber of farms mali Staten in1880 as compared with iStO atut the distribut-iout of this gross number among three clasnea-vi those cultivated by owners those culti-vated by ocuplore at a fixed money rental anti-

those cultivated by occupiers in sharue-CJtkiC1XoeiFistL Oe Jlti Oc7-

Alaisnia 1t4 7i2tS it 47mm-A iaIliJ 1t4tS tim 4 come ium-utsiasare S 7i ithSl 5 41 imht iuum-tt tn us 4cI o t4 ma mae 3 ate-

mu5c tiIO 7t i msa7 410150 Ctrotmna iJ4 iZii71 46ttCa itti4-

This aimoivim an Immense increase in the nina-ber of farms in all time StaIns umauned ucept Del-nwarewhmore mmoverv iuumtrkwd industrial chmang-ehas occurred reuanlly time iuoremtse in time auto-her of farm in hint State only corresponding to-

the increase in population In rkammamms and-Florida time increase is niso lartly umecoumita-dfor by time occupation of cormaltiemabie regionsw-luictm were practically unsettled iii Ith3O whichr-imsult I to no entail extemit duo to iwunigmatlon-into timoso btateL lim time distribution aecordimmg-to acremge it is imowui that nmoal of thuose farms-are under tJI acres nut that In motue of tim-eStates time larger uummmtur are under lum acres-in Alabaumma Qnly Gl3 mire over oo acres in-

Arkanaum 2111 itt Delaware 7 In riorida1-12th in Georgia IO5U3 mind in South Carolina

Yrhtuw 1vsr inhinumuxrtwx linrbimtloea Sept 8The preyl-

imc Cl 3ello ir allurt mtimc amtentmnI-Jiirmmii lst utuutt then Were son ItO eel t a mNim-ammal UI 37u Tie uttor ci detit Is tuemeatumTim ChIC Ct 0ev itmtnsant ammmuith micumaum


rietibt 1 YapsWer MlWk UtsitTh-lrie IYDd-Fii Ms kiJi mas-

sThere was a picnio In Fauner llak p-

attic The farmer iind hIs wife bed getito the-vitlagennd heft little DICk tntl Fahisptb take-care of baby Don 3o the ohiWreis tbouRllme-would hams a nicole-

It was Doll Dinkmsa birthday Doll Ilitiks Wi-S black baby six months ed avmd be sueakUlie hiatt a birthday twice a month-

oil Midget had blue eyes and yehio curlshP Was invited to the plenie-Thek got a wrest milk pan and hed it bi-

wale Tlmi waa Boston Jimmy This dolls wore-first to be taken out to sail and then they-were to hare a lunch The ittnclm was a bmre-pieced m1tseicakcnnmIwo Ism tarts-

Fudge them fat kitten was invited tu the mo-

flue too To begIn with they put her on a-small tablo chose to Boston Jimmy so that at-


look ott There was hot VOCItI in tile-boat for three of item The lmmncii was hid byin an oil woolen box As soon as hito boat was-rosily Iohl flair imnd Doll Mtdgst Wotit tm-sboard Tho boat was one of gmantipa UIaica-olti slippers Thmon itmeyaetaIL Dick maielma-Wind hintv with the bellows and Fmitmny puffed-omit tier rosy heke ith nh her mightl-

imit time troulmle was that baby Ben wantsd Sohelp with a fire shovel So tile oiiidrea toMi-miuui lie hail better be the fairy godmotiuer thi-fairy godmother niWaya hid in the wood bet-tnl poDtmimml out just at the right Hiormimtit haiti-lIon thummugimt he likiimi beetlo blow this boat witibt-ime fire shovel but Fimtmni promised to give luins-a bIte of her share of time cake ntis coneIod-Ben ini they macic it Dlmmce forhimn in timo wtxsl-box Thuimre he kolt Co very still thtt timo chit-dren timoorziit ho unuet have gone to sleep

All at otmee is louti etmlmtsh wa heard A femttht-letorm utrrun in hhstmn Duty ant the boat was-upset It was all tiumit fat kitten ludge wimtJuwl-tunmbled mmmi limo tattle I Ito time Imulik van Wiiri-Sit upmomirt The dolls imami art life tireservers-but Dick and Fannybravnlymimnggetlthom frnut-imt mynters As for Iutlgo time ohiithrnuj ammw ha-end itt her tall going iowtm stairs with is strem-like summtll Jdarie RIver dripping off behind-Doil Iiuks imoimr hollow could float end hi-stimtkol as oud as ever when hue wims pulled011 hut after nil poor Doll Midget wmm-idmowntui her umice clean clothes were soaked-anti immr lovely imair eamno all out of cumr-

iNow ummtiil Fmtnny we must take Doll-Miulget to time kItchen flro and tlry hmnr or aim-Swill tunvor twi fit to coimme IC time picumic-

Oh mmol retthinml lick ijiues ieaml an-a humirpimm ihut Vvo imumutri Uncle John toll thait-

imer roll drowmmnd folks on a harrml and thobblow em imp Thimt rmmstlorikne eelJ-

tmmsslcakes em umaimi FannyYea thunts wluumt Umile Joimn callmtll it Lot-

rtmstitake Ioll Midgut thmmmt way Hold oh tilli-mot a buirmoh-

Ihut all ie entilul tInt was a large spoon Thea-aftor Dolt Midgets tirose was taken 01 shun was-roIhtl Dick rolled her so bard that her shies-split open Next mm put the no ot time bol-imws between hur ribs for iii sail that herm-

nomutim ivims lint big anoughi Tutu he blew just-as iuumrti as Ito could rime ilrst thIns Fannykumnw a ImlulTof mawimmetfltw out of Iill > lltlgmiti-Blule into imr eyes Blue threw hmer apron over-her itomiti arid bgfl to Cry Dick kept umhuomtt-

immg Sites rustimmmketij Hhi rmuatleakeii I

lImit poor Funny cried miii limit imlirtier So licku-rorinseul to wake up time lairs godmother ande-mit timo rmitiml-

oAt this Fatiny dried her eyes Times crept u-sottiy to tim wmmomliox Timer lay bithy Bout feet-aslensmmreeimottghm Iiitrewereerunmitsofupiee-ciiki and jatn tart on lute frock nod a bIt of jam-cit time nml of 111mm flIHO Thmtm ituncim wits all gomme-

Oh yotm rogitci crieti Fmmtmny

lion ottemmel hmle blue oves and looked so con-fling that both of tim ohmiltiren iutughumd auth for-gavi huitu at once Timuithmey agreed to put o-

tIme rest of the pIcnic till thto next day

The Crooked Course 1 LyeFt-

oem Ito CSuhgUn thrirF-lvet years ago a unmiiduut fair whmtmee home warns

55 Ii lImo to II ICli Mticn LI smusloulmy wjietj a-

lmlmlnttuflt metmer Item 11cr lttcnt lover items psue5-wesrmIy TIe alirlimmg lass hmiummtei the Peel mmcc hut-tIe Puitntrs lee always bare them took ol claspere-mmie gmltctuic cnimumnn ti mhae trmmn wltrnm ezpete4tI-mlugi ueaou estee file lest men timoiht tiutit her mclii-wuml lr at Icr Ste rttmztt ut last that Imer loves-a ni mnmmrume Tic seems liil It ii SemmetmberImial MaCalt twemms time samme lely but site-Is new a hails wIle with two emumfirem H-


lrtloltemm tla itiI4hlp one r her dsys of-U mtte imuorelore I ltlrurlcuI whmm rrolru the town 1

luor ycutmu timer cvrmmc 1 loiter bearluu ii s sturcrscr4ploll mmii uumathIli Illume that derived rrmum tier lmlbn Itn memtutInyimm tcme 10011 tiU hotmuuauer esphimn-ithat Ill meorlium sway stifle or time lerl I 5 letmer CeIti-m utmi ili e 55 ltUfll The n mnpi is Iominerkegmm-

m7tm tea lily smsik time bely to keep ml qlmii wIlli-elit I tmerlv deiou 5 the cunieflt llpavemst it 1-5ruin Jolt I it It murolsee Ill C lICI ltC C r4 e I bee or5 5 is pIt Time bat i a I ttha Itt mIu c IjIty tite is tier-cmli out oh clurmemy cunulmumtmcote saInt reletly Or Ot-unrlner hoer It ii mcercm list ito It a iusmpy diltVep-acker wIth a alma smt three luS

lupId rk by Iairlek floweu-Iou tie O Jo0i IhruI-

Patrick flowen wmme tmmmned out of the calaltou emeltY mflimmltt iSmtiI morly CeIttO tim ii pOCkeL-A Tew itUr sleroarI Iu offered s item Cost tr sI-slid S iiltt istr he a overleuhei y iherley Nel-lstI toitmeiil In 111 a coat ielnmoium tuJlun tirerteiim-sIo Irtmes iitn Uiliuuuua ltilclmiu weet imreroieln liue

lmumtieI Ilium tip cmli tut uu orttaummeimmat ltemI on Imhmu us-I d turn ued I I ma t wsniu ii ml Lrtuimmt tu mc lit Cl

limii liar Ummimur llidItter ant mmtimnn seertlwlIme i It null ir pmii re ci brent no my eulelitierl sailsumip I ether lie mccli to time bone aemmn smtd wI-SbriaIty Sal Jail 5ItteItte tolay Tie Imeretualit abettet time uuellIer auI the twlier UI mIte mrminu cost CsSmmer or mtmtetiuimmg to imsir sdvalmbmgS by oeiiummg at CulMinimals iflic


elciavoks LMSOei Sly-

tun html S 525un sets 0 OliMocu sets 7 it-umta woytsyflui nrti-

ammuyuuoo 0 tOusle IlanO ii a4lmmsu Oat II U-

ArrIvehtiismr epl 23-a flmenla recoiL rimr-t ltysl town I imtmpom Clrzcntl-SS R Kmtilmm guilCioWr Ucorgotown P C smuS

4th x t tmt rim-

iii lttclmtocnI Cteten Wet Point is-mo iVi nokr euCh Idctltmutiuj mmty Point art oroLtUrk Ilium Ii tXtll mstyer Isrumatmlmua-uts I L San tuumt TrehaitI tiinh-ark Isry J Baker itiumlomu iorki-itmk >1 aretmI gaol Ciimuchmty 3an1t and Zloilo-

ARSITCO OCT5 CIty or Brmeti rommm ew york off Crookhnyei

iietL 2t cml Icr way I llmereol-a flerumsumme from iue Yerk off Fataet Nopt 13 os

icr say to UicrmuLm-lED Flies POSCII1S maya-

Si cval lru qermmsmma TI pt 2 or Now York-1o Scvmitu Irolul Qimeoulsuos II Ilt 3 tom Now York

MAlW1IJA-DAMSNOitTttSept SI the Church ci the 4a-

SiaitJlhtll Aimum to Ija 4euglmter em idwarj SerUm-hIm of iii cur-

ttAIlImiiAitPmYSept I at time reittence or lime

lriJes mstimer me Itet Otiu em ity ii hey Itlelilie IIurmialmuu A itaeumr p Faimmme emIc dauhter-

Ut lilrlsrt S llrmmc sit ci Omit cm-lieImmIENwoirKrEi lOu indsv Sect IS St h-sriicice em i St oliuu by lb 11ev Pr Koemler >1-

1ciscl 0 Stroemurt In Llus4ie dsugimuvr Ui timi iiil-mtium uIiometeum or tams cm-

lvctmmtmEmNAITitlNoert I iv Ihe mliv ClmsrteaC iimm is tiiiimu itumicili urrIer to 3immmmmie S etimit-mitumtvr 01 lbs IIe Jul11 5tttIlig

lACllVlluuIlCSept 2 I ci the retijence or u-

lrlIes iarelmt 11mm tVcit tiltiu 51 by mime Item CmartIlca-I 5 mittlUl svmiIumm II tlactey to Sisry tild deutu-br 1 Fi ssarl 11 ni iiie r cii cm time cl-iIImtumtgtLIst II ktroliym it Its irmi rt-II lout e itI ilC 4 1 ell 1 l tie lie v V liiiimum H-

tViuir 1 Ii iriomu I tlc ut ew York ti Jultet mt-

Ciilmcmu cull dkulChter Ui JocItt tv Lilmtch

11 izA-

StI1fluihl In Impitii I I out ict 21 ietia Aoti-room eCi 5 ar tIll Ii ucumltm-

qhrtmJ tle tsliej to itcimI tite ummer-athru imer hits iesmJetme Iltipeth L u omu iet ti at-oclo L-

ItAiLETIAt it counmry rpiIelume lturtmitsmIm-ttlm ItItlic lSilfld I I on tnIms sept l tttme-malter s silIt iillt4 tiilmsmuu 0 t4trmieum 01 tam cml-

vIuwrcl srars Ut tic itu or uiiI son frrsmklim-ullertitmi s i it miI t CII Tuesday lmmtrmiimm St 27-iii ii I betl-

mItmm Jml Siturjiuy 5Ijlt 21 Francis fleg a nativec-m tsiieburo cmummty lumurd tucigmid III time 534 vite-tlmmsu

p clout s i ths family In thoe of hi son John I1my-are to itRutI the lummeral Iromum limo iste ri ci-ieuice 435 iirimli It lIoudtv ullurultnc titence to SL-Mars I Iturlt corner am tmraTmt slim mil1he t a here-siemmn utus 5 em reuuiilemI mli ic om7 mci br ti it Clits I it oincii tieltir iirect to lals are mwlrry

ltt ItIt tt ii cit lucia CIII be1t 4 EizabiUtim or tie smii j mr 1 item tei-s itt be uumerrl lIt lreemmssul Cmetnry on Iteinesiay tie tu int at iUl ocIocL A U hersa m-uci ll lireouao-

uIcutIr 0mm time 4tti Inst st 7 31 1 clmmmamsberet J0 Lll f 4 i cim cC 5 h pears-

ii >bL4CV muitlmy aept timmmaumm umrmuskyiml tue 3t s ear ti lb ael-

uit rtt urummm hiS mems rpttIetmce 430 Lt moth t outTuruta tsui I I I

tOtiiltEltTV mist tcert Itnopitat SeCt 24 SI-nSsrsu iuiiery iilt 01 SIt SV0t u1 t liticy otPallet iwmieriy

tmerit lola tltUril ci St Michael elm Montey Ii-

2tili 1am At IU lkI-mitmttti lJero ytmtT tept t Itruck lbgIIuma-ntuiter mrum bm tame I S detii it Urine t Jrry

Cml 0I fe l ieI 7 at 1 ci11111 liAt iaitmae tOm il suatay Itot S ii-

parsl Ce s Ii I II I I ts i t te tlt lr i lu s Ce-Relltmvr at t s ito ml U I lit 115 td t smte 4-

the lualmerat mt S ii n t cc mrtmg5 tim Ic ml Is I I I tiC ii eiuma si iim to tti at liii-it I 3 Ii hi e 0 et trtil irmmm i it I litram lie emIl-mcli 0 rierl blair I lcvi ittm 1 at 9 15 It-

I emattilla t 4110 iirettrun 5 tunIimitusii tode u4 ii A > It tre hirb summtlmmmmtd to iet t ci-tie te ruum bOl ii ci almi eI Siulmisy Setu I-iit I i it Zr tie mitr title llttt titti I umic rsi ut mtf11 I her W 3 5telieuiu It ordererI-

HO I TillRsT It >emc Jomut d V it