the sun. (new york, ny) 1859-10-08 [p...

f? v rmTX& YORK SON. UTURDIY MOBXtSO, OCTOBER 8, 1869. ' awA A rap start. Mm. Wnruowli Booihibu Bmt. Mra.WIKXOW,a perUuea aam sad T nvviela,twaSo4hlMSrTDTforniMrBltntaln, Which grsstly -e- llllste th a l Tawta -- TT stfUasag tb maa, ntnetog n la ! mVCL lyallste.kM-eratoraolatt- ira Dm rw4aMiVstother,N win ir rest towewrertre sarnVafs-sahtoyeu--fas.-fi- sal la all as aa. 8 aii bei. Pitta a aiaili nra'Ts llawrjaa mAcrmr,....-,.v- atngrlH.l farlii ItesaaMtHN . M fnl 1Se tagltaaklan .....A.........JS tS arrUaaaliy llv-l- atbi ima rrat . L U. - A 0, Bkv 4M Brs-b- rsri K. T. tlirjBsailBvWBtai rTvw ar h a Kaoi raauTM AJf OYATTOt hU Urtea ef eaUai rer ta lyuilaasy. neala- -a and lint ahhlchcnr..jrleb-h- v 4 fmr fall etl ef ha. There la net eelraelenoe, but art. In the ,eoa- - ruction ef these bets. Xrmx'ii erebHsa enl I al a a aaraatH Prallyar s fa--ea atreet- - Pbsoumt ronrrtovr tni talbwts, db- - feeta aa pi a 1 parsaMs. aa aepllsg la exam sa lona by f owl x at Van, tot Broadway. W- -o was mm rArtn 1 Wao wa hii Peat ha.' e-ur seayrd at Bamsw'a Maemea. Twb Pan or CaarBT. at Ilia am Airrr.a- - ow'a. M Peaeay, hare wa greatlr radocad i Oe--v Ingrai. esraaOi etets , Base., es rtVtsi Braaaels. 70 eawaaua, sum t DOeanxr. Sli abadea. Sli a-- t,' JaU and sse. Tn oxtlt Baron or m llvse 1 .at tae Clileauee Waasnte Oena a. ta to a fona In the Ml TTtTM :A C10-WB- AT 9 1KO MACHIBt--niC- B: SJM. Theee oS- -i sBra3war, aer hi I'laJiH, iMm'a OAeea, I kt Roorst I LL4CToOnftt LBAXY BOorvJ ef all Ua4s reratnd d WA. fUNTMl WATEB TTll ItTTwittj taWPATTJtT MtCA and riaiOUS C sli MT. Call a-- lsa. aam Asa, a I uinu Babtb rnaiu f A Lroara Bbtsw bbAcb ra EBas-- r GENERAL NOTICES. nesaaetsite lUrahOesi Oiaaral Oai s"s. TAHMtwr Hall, New York, pet AIM). Tba Democrat! Ks sabllean Kleetera oft l City ad CnuDlr f New xora, mat I te reaa r aoralnatious. laenaaeaa mini loo. &!&?!. ra KLTVnQM to babel - to thsfar raaiawtlve Wards, ea MONDAY.thelOUideyef October 1 ,betwo Ihs ksra ef (and S eetirk la the erantua, fer tbe eleetlen ef tlVM be --OATBS treaa eaeh War, te Jidielal fjeeivwat a, to be hehTet Taaaaaaay naO, ea Wedsea. dar.UMlst hsr ef Oetoeer las U htlfnat eevea e'lluk, s. far thi nan efaonaaui Jadfee for tawerrarslCoairts.i4 TaBJ FDfXBaATN fTem easBi Ward, tea Oea-- vr Oaeiaetleate saeei1n-ejas- r 1 II ea Frtd ar evenjs the W dsrof Oct, at 7B to semlaete aieSMvleer eaeli Ward to Bin iliTlel OoaTaBtlea to b ar t siaena Serelnafter algaaini. aa Thunder. 1Mb dar af October o'doek P. M., within exoeMlen - --1- -- !. V V" - - lor I Dletrtct. wb h wldmeeten t th I su a Tame or Ilall, far the purpose of no tnstlag in. Closle for B tor. NtSst pAX-fii- TM lea Ward Convention, to meet St tb t see where the Primary Kiaetiee are held en th 17th day of October --st.stheif a at 7 P.M. fortbe purs nee oi neaslnatlsg ea ad Is ales tor Iarpeeuwe end ia vasaeee of giartlleu for sash dlatrietiaad NIKS KLB9ATB I a each Ward to an Asaamaly lMstr- -t Qonveotloa to rek4 al the piaeea belew named on Hatordar, th If th dar f Octaber lasl, at half put 7 o'clock P. M , for the puitoie of aom iana ar aer aae aemni In case the ward li divided In the ly U 11 Dtatrlets, the Itolentee ah-a- be ortionad among the dlstrlcVs of whl l th a Ward forms parte, as folleea, aeeordl x to previous basis i Third War i legatee to th xtrat District and saa Is thai Tide. Fourth Ward-Th- ree dBaegatw to thl Firat District aadtlxtottiilluamd, Bath Ward-- On dal- e- to the First District, Hi to tb Heeea i aad two to the reurth. ScTcarth Wara- - Few, daeejaje to th Fsnr District ana (r to the r.iaht IhWard-VoardstetoUiThu-dri- fivfj to Fifth. Htoth Ward-Fdale- ssie t th Fifth District, Bad TenthWar-F"helss- Ae t th Fearth District Eev laeW-Twi'i-tt- aaa to tb BlghU DMriet and eeren to th Twelfth. Thirteenth Ward-O- ne detegato to th Fourth Dls-trt- to thefrrxtk eadetx to Ik Bight h. Fourteenth WardTwo 0lef tee to th fourth Dis- trict nd eeren le the HlxthT Flfteeath Ward-Th-ree delegeto te the Fifth DlsUlct, four to the Her rth a 1 tse to the Teeth. Berentoeath Ward Twe dalegaU s t ths birth Dis- trict, tv to the Tenth aad tar to th fwelfta. The Meet m 111 he belt In tb several wards, at ths etaeee, end under the alreetlea ef the laaaeetof below ie aad l Pint Waid-- At No. 7 Morris street. Theme WoCer-mir- k. Thorn aaB' roes. Klcr.rd Marpby, laspeet'ws, Beroud Ward At Be. 107 Fjlton etrait. Iaaae Hii klna. Joba F, line James Watson, Inepeetor. Third Ward- -it No. Fulton atreet. Elsie ht Ilassenr. Jono llarler, BAraardCols, laapeotsra FouiUWard-AtNo.Duavaa- tre . WUila Drae, jamee i Bgooo, jobs riaJer. lamecxon Firh Ward-- At Nj. 101 Wast Bruadver. Martla M.twtn, M. C. Morehr. Cbaa. Ban, lessee v.. Sixth WareUAtN.7iBIrtreeLlrrareni. Tim- - otk r Brem n,Orea Klaney, Theau ra. In-- tpeetof Seventh Ward-- At MeQee'a, Oourerneer Bad Dleteieav, a trie x aeenaa, sue r ai ina,eo r. raiea- - tine, I Klain W.rH-AtN- e.1 WaoHeeatn t. Alee Date. Joa.lh If .nk v. Patrick fllaKbT. laBS 'a. N thWerd At tbo eoruecof (ireaneieh and Aaaaa streets, Jamee Laaray, Jamea Dovnlag, Janaee O'Neill, Isepeetoie. Tenth Wsd-- tt No. 7 1 1.n tlae Jamai Beed Wsa. Cksrliok, Wu, Conaly. loap-ctar- Bleventh Ware At llaim lie Is F"unh street Bad Avaoueu rrancucw ra, Ja elu vis, jab. ir cer, Iosietore. Twelfth Mar at John lvweh'a, MaahstxaaelTto, B4- - were lloa i, T imae Bf 7, TIhoraa! eanedy, ta-- TliTriinnlh Waid-- At Pitt atreet and B una atreet. Edoar Qraily, fatrlok It. Uailla a, Boy n. laa.aacs Feurn ath Weed --At Chr ratal, 1W Orand atreet. Jaaaea tlaFaa, Thai uta Farren, Jeeeph Bhaenoa. la- - Flll-e- nrh Ward-- AI r7 neaatoa atreet Jtejea QUj eon. Charles Hamilton. Jew Caaltold. loepeotere. SUtretlb Ward At lia'plna, Mevao eelh etreet, near BlntbeeeaBB. Wn aterrawa. Fater Ualp , klebd. I ohett, Ieapestora. Seveo colh Ward-- At 17 First avenae JehaYsa Dervwert, Michael Uormaa, FelrU k IU y, laape- - Eigbaesedh War-- At Union UtJI, Third avenue aad TeeeiV ascend eerert. Andrew lilht id, Jeha til nla. Then a au ta. looasHor. niaeteeutu ward-A- tji n Kasan'a Third Arenas and Fony-recan- d atreet ivar Keaaodj, Th iai lftahaBkliao. L H'alct. laenartl Twentiith atreet aad Elahth Avenue Jnh a Bryoe, ThJe. leraau, Bartholoeaew lloyle, Iaaptetera Tweatr.flrsi War At Cotttr'a Thlrtr-fmrt- h atreet ndHecosd Ueo. UaAit, Walliwe Ke y, Cornel a L. Fsrdr, laspeet-ra- . Tweutr-aeeon- d Ward-- Ai lit Bilkth Aveaaa. Je-- eepk l.lndott, Daniel Qrlnnon, J aa a A. McCecmlea, lnapecAeaa. Tbe Senator 1 Conventions will meet at la fellow f Fc-- Jtrlct-- AI Tama ay Uatt, aa ltth Inst. Fifth Itatrlet-- At llalaa Hall, Fourt atreet aad Aveau C. on lit a laet. Hint, Dlstrlot At lielalaa, Ml Mlath areaus, aa 15th lost. HeveethDIatrlet-- lt Hubbard - McCer's, Thirty-secon- d strset sod Fourth avenue, on 12th lost The As uibir Conventions wlil meet al th I lowing FleatDMruit-Bnr- ae. Na 7 Morris atreet. Baoone llktrtea-- re7cl a r .rl atreet. Third Iikbtot-.FIfl- h War Met I tasssraa Uali, Canal atreet, near rMrvTbwtriet-- Me . Hadami aedBairew eta. Rlilh liter N H'HOraad atreet --Oryptal. til rial Tttlr men atiaet an Ifiaadwar. aifDia inaancv 1.0 SID unai Nlath PUerlet-Walt- ers, Ml Hlathaeeane. TeaU Dkiot Fifth etxett and Avenue A-- 71 Are- as . t rranth D atreet and Ix- h- TeeifU District --Unleu 110, Fourth atreet tad Ar-- Thirteeath DUtrlet-Wila- w' FuV-fin- t atreet anl Blfbth areaue. Fourteenth Dblriet Union Hill, Third stmbm aad fwr av seeona atreet Dbirkt-- R. McRahs'B. Ml Third fUiemh 111 vlet-Ja- ku EassVa. Third avaaa sod Fl rF seteneateeet Bereoteenlh Dletrid-Ueee- 'a, narleea. beeolve), Thai the iB'peetoe. ef Primary Fdeetleo be appelated br tbe u eiatlona from tke eeverai WanK an la ease the delegatae tall to aTi a a-- Joritrtheratfahali'eecrmtoa, By erdar af the Demeeai e epnhlicaa Qane'Al Coe nittee. ISAAC Y. FOWLCB, Oha Ixntaa. AlBBW CMAwrVLLOB, I n.. ,.,! M. UiusiBurr.i a. tm First AMeaably Ce Taastoex at n hBBallns ef the above ConventleaeHed parmant 1 1 an eed-- r ef the Mesart Oeaersi at . HAS. MoUAVBL BroadwBP,oa Fri laf.Oct. 7. lw, U J. COOL Y. Ce was maa nln ir nomlnasd as ths Ban 414 sea tor f T. OAHvKV, Oh aimu . IdAAO F. UAZAsU), JOUNOK(iAK,BoCrarles. sal aodMtckly sure ikeeaaa tlv h adaoba, ago ta tae fuie, t sHhaahe, eere threat bileo.'e aa, pain la the cheat, bask as aide, eoegh. sheila. dvaetery, pU eup,laaenesefaiia a. erpeiae aad Bakes, she . ever loco d, er wheAeeer thee nee eser I. Br o aa,sre-Bui- tosroAiea,oaJoulted eeid ance ef many welt knows eftla as will be ciiee, been cored hy He aae efawv nevf.Qiof htl. OraeeMBowrprtVUmUBaBa 8M'- -r avat and all draaxhto. Hi fta FnlW sWkew Tseavp ai-- aaa B. -- t.i. win ao Taarai jl ia ley evanierext,tc-i- n .aa eur "Jf 7 nUl remper. i. The aalleeln aenteasa .nee, Cbss. teef Mr. Biewn, aad Dr. Suodrreae a- -i others en jkukai atra. i ocas at 1 o'clock. Br wrder if BUvYA- -U U We--ET, rreft, tuwu, oai. ruet, box. 'a- - fxrrrort stinb and iibedow TrTnrB frew No lo so tbieeda, beat qu ity, cor ;aaU7 o tea- -, 'stxlJet at oj flit OENERAL NOTICES f fi linn iBt VIIIAM Mlaf WKRsT- ,- n'laTirleeal sreswntloM jar UmYau- - ar fMring WTBtrao Jjawj-- : SO CWSAP.Lap cnclP. 80 GOOD. TSO GOOD. igs!! ibaas!, llsifaat -I- DrMj-a,-,,.- 181 ev. d rasa. g a?tkeUlUBrM ylsilrs JTsa tttXCHhrlSl nae tejne r Uahlr rre tied lay ah at ees. nenlW-- at ss- -y. Bocnninr rsikna St aanr fHaaaaf wrtaa na rees away frs asr to a aeg U-- VS far teaim to hataea a Th vNj ! rowo; WaXJL ?BLrTe-rrrf- ee lViwdera'WrJx. sweat, ax.ssaiaa. nu b gtvwn I CC- B- lasrr ewe ra fa eg or ertok. awkaowa. "t; u ut. Iwsaaaraars ClfUet T. A. Sly meet ewerrSa a ay evwatog, U ateealar Bsldlass. or ana sorwa wh rhWerr UawjUaaaetaijb dMrj laaanVat to by.tto the T"m-r- e itiSft rs- - afesw.eriartlla, WaaeSeU. Wa-k- ta. tonrilla, Mewst Viaaw. West and Central -s-eat Tar. A Taxasf i ku to th abeva vlllasea aaar M XTta el 1T a en Moasv.Ostohe loth. Bin East Uth aC nsar t h , aa teat esse af tot far tars a en Merameer Utn. JOUB xiqajjCB, C- - Qsetor. SMTJSV Tart. sa. T Sajiabia and sisrera aaarlat'oa ef New York ad Brooklrn iszAVi&L w?Tr tataxa dug drlaaa. Frwaad of Tampers m raUy I tills An i ih II in. Thsenikea aerarsawaatca to BBestarieABWwwrwSaTevsDa.- U- lawt, al wWch t. M. B, Freat , at fta Oaaeeta a A wienitoee an reqneau to meet tn their halt, He IT Weostor atreet, en Mendey erenle loth. but, at 7it ek. r. aa, aa r alee er laaaer aae wiu oa irs . sated, syndar of WL J. WM.S- -, aeru- -. earsW Nsn ta r- -a satBitna aC Kaw Tarh a- -A tsWs tr. Aeaaaaasoatlagef t ahev hraaeh wtd taJ a Mb t KJ - Asia i i- x- iiatoi, esc. sf O aU jwda oftn tliaia llln. JBS1IH WltKtltT. stoir-a- ry. Ta and f i hr -T- easguat srvtoei.'aa7 TTtoS VL aff wtotha, to. iaTCTd togSUwtjft eea ea wmow anana. a loan. ST A. O. esf II. ara steejamted b- -m al Pa. ton Hen. MM at and M awaes.sej Hararaay. ask, 1 e'e rk p. aa. tor as pay the at wir te ef rassm to rNwlr-raaemh- erj. VfN-iX- Broee efOWSB ad m seaias the Aaaf neslBs awl I br paving eeriatvkid Anrwts xerBtn fees la as-ea- aandtBi atolletionef still m n aartoua ovist ,Xr p iiiinia a i sap a n aa asnawrwai r bewpartaaeed pod nas U iful ha mUm pr. B. sr her ststo that he w a wrtfvea HI i any aeresw adver nln to euro daaafnes neherhee be aivew perssleetoa for O pubmas sa efa eartllleato, paursratog to ana last a from kiaa and ea a, ttoragaps, h rees Ibis for aaralar ta ee aeoaenee lean tag from rashness, and deeparailo Th toss of atom rr Boar not b me r I to eon hot th drtv on of en of the moet Lspor-- nt ef tbe aeeswe, oesht to be re and lissiadwk mere thaa rdinary aoliettnde Deafnaaa, note a la, tks i. and all glaagraeatle rasnes ftean tke star, eseeailr and sn eaaiy r BBSwesVwa ewleeaetog toset pain er la aonvanU ee x r i ti 'i 1 liniiatuiillil aim aialfi laaa xioai dee not aooVt. Thirteen rr e alese and ahnost andlv ed attention to this kreeehaf apeetei prae ee. lenaaiMI him to renoe uiareatmettttaeucnaaeerra f Inecesa as Bad th met eenfire d and ebetinato Tie by ateedr attetitk lo tr me prescribed, Ths dealractlon, by BT. of tlhe PbllsdelphlaBtrl nrmery. er wnien ur. Bavin -- - Li. A... r. .k.. .i. I I llahed pennsosntly hU I vaimrion for th exe v treelaanul ef erdlsaaaea at 14 Fa teaea et , eppe. lm aea s of Mas, la r gar a. CessalBBllen sai aaaaaaairtaai aaah mnrnlag ?r akklrta-PJU- iU. Andcalngeut tbetr eutirs stock ior the oa. ti Obsat Piaanaa Skirt fTryai iwtpt--a, Mehs BTkMs-kto- Ai BaLt una Con. S41W ar Wbsbb il i f- -1 as. as x Wit faal t UBm will Bm 9 grew oa the a stbeat Is ee.wltk ynt stent ar Injury la tne i Price Bl. artat br aae Boat ra free. en. WBBX a. w. Maanaw, awe saa i aa, n. a. lsi . ooorat, Or -w. IIa 0Urt Twaa Werars Fha Magi yams, from No 14 to M 1 aad rams, Noa. 14, la, is: to, end 14, warranted eapader qo Uty. Foranl taljohnit. at'iU Pfww Yarn; Uejnnr De lews' atsiwat- y- ftfiaoa at Faure'i Hotel, corner Spring and Weet eta. where member caa pee their ease, a1 tbo waa wish ay bason aiemliers. u. n. raitt. 4lTulhABl10S ' vnclsi Bceretary, nldw-r- B Caat-b- Lg I T- H- LA ariT IB TH CITI. M0 TO TD T avOWXBT. Tbelarat laanil efrseklnnehu Fan a- s- WU tor Uothla ex- - sverr variety, sasea latytee ared.aad IB a low mm a aa r ira Iw-e- ity. wAaaj Barafl ywarty he toaag bwi Th heat sxtavts that son be and In tba weald ax Ml' Stop In the Onete end eta r epsisunta of ll eataUaan si a 1 ill t, paaaee an a I ssst 1 as dreVa otoirfiaat. at aVTn Th trill RELIGIOUS NOTICES North Tart Cwwrr , larwas esf WaTJtaa wad Fulton eta-D-lvln errvlee every Saboath at 1X ls, 834 o'clock an, sad a Frays Medina In ths evw nlug St I o'clock Sshhath bohool and Blhta Claaam at J a. m. aad I p. in. FrlJs r even ins Prayer Meet I as al e a oauy rrarer fleeting man u to 1 c'Cwat Ailasalar ed aad aeata turnhi td. 1 w una Bnahargwi Fir M.rvaoaM ta Fare at a to he delivered ta (irtee Cha-e- Oeasidrea er, n-- ar Lerlmee The firat itimna lathe cur will ae deile. eted by ha her l- - I K T1H. of U'le Tr'uUe. Bra. Ira.ea Bnndsr nlah. thstlH las. Semes to aiim maoteatlMeclock. MIC. oca's free. ALTAii 'J I Aweaaa flhare , Bene Irt -- . B. A. VANVBAb-E- M. nD, ef New BBselok,M J. wlllpresrh tnsnorrew a ICta e d St e'eteeh. Hen. WDJAkliA.LAMBikl', will adareee the aabhslh bohool meeting in tbe ve g at 7I e'e ex. 10 T . Ja au LI-li- win - la fiaelne I'dMltvawrissi r- -l - waae Vac k at. Sea. day Oct. . alien am. aid the puns r, Ker.LUrilltK IL Vst-D- Oa -.- allMpni. 1W Pef. MaltiBBB will preanh, aa asaeJ, nt Union Cbaprl, eer ef lt at and Bieadvay, alltH a,andalMm. boe-f- ree. Ill eteirwaeea fa OlaMdrea s - Tawtk At AV Ingdon Hiinar Ta a ckarch, Malt Abmdon Sqtare, te me new eeeaag al 1M e'eaash. s (Hast. The Use i Fhjalelea beieg the first of a oarlre af Baonthly ao- - reasesMiaaienaa. rJuamioyiowBanaatn c free-i- ug as -- I at 10j . and IK Is 3 I. K--sp to la las aa TM e'e sk. al tkaa aa rr. Ill Firsts. z -- iMrereeur M, tae aaowau e amag et uniiev Mlltenhiaa.-A- ,, Bee-t- re. 11 t F . IA..U.U. I II. k. as -- A lAisf .a. A at. up IW1 sU 'e W aaHBiaaswii ) a ' I its "j - jeeis, A, M ILo UepetefMa. or Ja tea, fael'F and-e- ny efihe Law. P. at , th Mh of DeaUl liie-- totyanatato M wa ureal uara. aa Ff war Iaa at thai f itahsado at Oa . tmnw.Saday, thPth.kF Be, ti elves lH A M. Bad I P. M, Bsr. B auel at-- eps, la the even. lag al I ' oek. 17 Owl .we raw. Tan 1 w! there will be areeeauag at Cstbarlce Maikea, atlas U0A.hV. IeolofUe-- er atreet. B. fi.atMF.M- - WeevBaAntocer Ohnre- -, Star. Kbrt Ha. OAUTE , Ull.ras-- r. Te Bee. Mr. DILL, ef tae fit ills ' Ion, wul p In rvemm e r tiBBraa, ii .. 1. ti 7 f.a vva.. tamerr.w aveaiag. lUbhslh. (JoUbaa rth. at 1M Celoca. TUB raster wut prea h In ah marntng ai iwM 'clock. are hwaia f lha Ielsh Damv ttsax vrtB araa'b to morrow, Sahna th. Co, nth. as follows i Bsr. in EUUAiLii is. u ana evseaca rr hyterlaa Chinch, lath et, near Sth eve, (iter, lie. MeBLI ibiVd). an at IX la tb evening, et Ue .Mathotflsa Belaeea. I Cherch,4th BVB.etld an ad . ets.(Lir. BIIIUS M..... uua ,J. ni. Xsv, Mr. lULU at .him ta ii ira ia Fieabiterlaa li Mr.HAHTlBadli stlU ht isa Chiueb. (bVir Hr.VAtf. is wa srsaLBa, to west issuer in and Ith sve, (Bev. Dr. Me- - .vy lu-Vi- a win eeaaca. M a Ivor. wAolaaekera.ln BrsaJtlyn AoeJIecl awlA utea ap al esaa aervioe, in am ea u Ncttoa Twee wHI ha FakH Haeruto by tbe ehUdrro af ths g.hb.U Behuol conn tod with ths Norfolk Btreet M a. Ob wn.-w- wa-o- p a- -- noaw oa mb oiaile'eloek. Bpeekara, ra OP fllHf WAY. IlKTII. (lAkllNBH. . J AatBg FITSPAT- - BUKaBdetketa. The publto rnvissd to tea4. DAhTIi Bupt. 1 Caaper IaMtI- B- Pataw sUaUiaexi iarw vloes F arermecllDta tbearsal U- -I at fH T. M. Fteachaag atlMFM. Dauy P yr et a ICC ens Clrtlc tn ry ive ai. X.N w "yj1 t'F"1 i "' REUQIOUS NOTICIft.' ! Hnaiuia ra jrasrai ttaaaOam aa jjT. Pr.POWjJlii. f UIHraaa Jar3 Crrca, r1J'jn-- W J" , th stU- .m tl"um J ra n r1k . arWsMtSRl S t as. iai '.' ! -- .: )IOl Caiij stat, b. B. Oa-i- aai C-- llij Ma Taw ara rr- -4 ta .'AttisJ, allam-- thn tumea rery .at WQreae et. MISCELLANEOUS FAbHIKS AND MANDUK of first qoailly leached aehas faraaa. Apply It Dnbroaete at. adl'tto P)B SALE-O- NE OF SlffORK'S . t Bewtn asaahlnee, ! seed srdsr. eheeelfsr cash. 1 11 Kirlaifa at. baseeaeat. wWBe FRABEB HA THM NOIItTF-AL- EI. from oor firm l the bnelnnw walh entlooe L.I JOMPtl WOW, BJalhssaB Oet. Sth, UDACLAF- F- CO. xlsnsk NOTICK 18 UKM-- BT 01YEH THAT Tn ila k farasxletimgaaawwaaMsV IM'BiHS la b derdl t tfaiaV eam-- w.l llAVin f. liAiJ-- a, KOBt- -T - DVM- -b Oeaebe Ith, lssa. af. THE MjMJO OTHKE3-OT8TKES- -TO Qyste Breed ijbd t ywr ttsjej-sw- S Bowery, cor m lat as. OLDIIBICKASD BUlLDIWabTOHEfOB Immerllatoiy. stapty THE MULTfljUriJ X 16 Neaaoa at, room t Fswaj n wsa elsn-atei.- ld net neslert It new. NB.-Pa- iia la g their address U1 b rlaltod art ( TeieeaL, 1BJ IfAKX- -S TAKE SO TICK TOO SEQAB theeheasoea Havana ad Be4 Uaf tohaa-e- e to the elty, wooUala and re B. at N I sWerreai of Dover U.W.U. HUt Y. t 1BS OKVYINQ MCniHB.l 8EWIKQ I LJ Far Sale Chesp. I per Sal CVaap. Abkleda. AUk-- aa. At TUOatrsON A CCS, 1M a-a at, reJ,M fiwor. CUB ACADKHT OF ST. fj BaHle at Brotklm. mm,Aer the dUweJeeji af Baa Frvneiacan lin thee wi'i b ready far tto reeeetlaai e papUs aa Monday, Oo. KHa. ali'M Tn-- T HAVE COUETBET nATE COME. bhM eome Th TTesaas-s- i hare arrtvet-e- wg rnlSSmTSttum. of UeWeA a-a- aaeel taM n Ma ir lee, na prtoea . tow lha all ma a -- oa as a as ai tura. tjumr t airwci rrem I t ai a lea a.eaaa to ifa than. Iswee- - thaa at one oth r hawses to aha !..&, D,JU avar irnT 8UFFIB wrra PAurf tiioit. V!lraww:y.,,da- - gS "" T A OR PEBTOa-T- OE LA- -T OF THE OJffc CJ t aatan Bed sola tig audi " udfeeaacaeoaia. Oak wood, ll Thoee IttL -- i 8U tt. 11 tt at. ef r.lf Oar Biwun ii 11 FHIwattera. ,,0n OcraraMat Beam to b AeUngw'th lnr lhan Its ntiul Miergy to nst lb Blibtut- - kncMJbici of tYalafb - -- -. ft wawt, BwTr, rly or ,n ' awl Meaty (Till colee th Southern parti but s--sald Ibey b wmrlncrd that th authorities at yrfhe,mM ti i that nT rmiM- - as to. th rrformDC of their duty would Icing- - fro- -P dlmll, they will act with the reus It plg-o- r and determlnttton, nrwtfor,tb apathy, or tbepoJUre officer, with Waiekk's fiBbattar noTtxacnU, ha nconrsgej him la hi piratical advwattuwiu, s 1 the countenance (rfren t him, by a portion of ocr dilieoa. In oHnVent rant f the ewwotry, and Tcllly la the South, hej alio bad IU Influenc In securing hint Immn-Bi- t? iroat airtted pun hmont. Now, the tU of oabUoa throoghout the Union ran strongly afatiut ITAtjua and till project. IIU teti la 2fkr(Bi, daring hi brief usurpation of au- thority there, bars Closed hi chiracler to te ttatPjad with an Indellibt itlgma. It U only atranf e that be fin BtHI deceit iome by hit wcrtbl raomU, or gather around htm any amber of roll were. rTo tnut that oar OoTersmnit wDl not only laoeaed la frustrating hi present designs, bat that it will coattno him that be cannot, with tarpaalty, aay longer carry on within the Unit ed Statu bii cot iplrscles agalnit the peace and property of filendly Slate, and that their wait nail will only gtra them an additional dab to ant protection ajaSnit plralloal axpo - tWa. i 1- -a fJalatuaka la Cklaau , jLsnaaeaadeat aft London Timtt hlvana- -a new tbenry te atooaot tut the terrible rep- .- oftbeBriUtbkttbe month of the retho. It doe not Ulirv the itory that Raulani directed tL oaaraUon of the Cnlneae, though a few European! may bare been among tbem. Ilia theory 1 that tb bk who conducted ib operatloaa on tb Chines aid were Calm nek, a CaauUa tribe, which, In tb reign of the Em-pr- e CATHAsurx, inddealy emigrated In a body from their natlr hllli late Chios Urritory. Thb eorreeporidsnt yi that when on a toar In the Ceacaaui nj adjacent prorlno, In lSM-P- , be -a- rnod from InUlllgtnl Kuaelan offl-c- en the fact regarding thlj migration n cront without parallel In tb hlitory of tb world from it Srit creation, wl'h th exception ofthteaedasof the Iiraelltei from Egypt. The titula-r- altmptod to Intercept the flight of the CabacA W ben, after lufforing txtraordinary hardship, tb ralgranti whj turrlred their terrtU inarch bad reached the Chlneee frontier, they found a powerful BariUn force drawn op la bar their further progren. Worn oat and eibauited, they yet eontrlred to force their way, and rriehed the Mongol territory, the Kuh aiaa troop following in hot purinlt. Scarcely, however, bat the Kutnlan eroened the boundary, before a murderoui fire of mutketry and artll-lat- y wai opened upon tbem, and they were obliged to rt treat. Tbuoderetrnck at thb nnexpectad repul, th BaaaUoa, hiring galad their own territory I a tb borderi of a lake, but being lUl oompUtety under Ilia rang of their enemy 'i gaai, wbkb played upon them Inceaaaatly, a fearful alaughUr foilowe.1, and tbi remnant of the Euuiaa fore broke and fled In all direction. What moet lorprlMsl the RoeeUu wis, not o muck lb bravery and diiclpline of th Calmucka, at tbetr luperlor train of artillery, and the admir- able manner In which It wai acrreil. The mur- deroui prtctiton of the Ca'.muck gunneri utterly paralrrtd lb I aiwlan aoVUera. 'Th corrMpoudrnt, who WtM Clitni in 18S6, nyi that lie arked tome Intelliint Chi-oe- why the CalmucV troop were not brought down to fi j lit the HiUUh. 1 ho rep'y wai to the effect lha'. it would be 1H.0 Int Hit g the wolf to taki ar of th nine;. Titer might eatUy L brought down, but it might not be o euy getting them back agiln. Hut tbli objection would not apply to atbei'reuf action eo far north ai the l'elho, and it ii therefore aurmlsed that th Riitiah mot the Calmucki fjr tie lint time In tL affair en tho I'i ho. If lb lurmUe be correct, then may we my to the allien, "Look out, hereafter, for th Ca rmnkii." Pta Uo.BlTte. Hy the brig II. C. Rto-iki- , arrire-- yenlenlay, wo bar dalea lo Sept. Kill. Th mirkit wai well ilocked with proTbioni. TIm new crop of eofiV wai cum'ng In rery ilow-l- y. Coffee ittllug at 41 no twr 10(10 1W. ourren-cj- . Logwood t to 1 15 do. per 100 IU. Cotton 1 20a I 2i do. per 100 11.x. Th (hooting of tho daflglitrr nf TrmUent (JirMiARH on the 10th bet., wai the ilgnal for a general riIig by a pirly of cuiuplra'om against th Gorernmrnt, but at prompt measure were taken, and about & if them arreattil, jnietnen MK.n prorated. 1 hey are bat Ing their trial, and wDl, no doubt, mmiu tiokh ii, l!n. TniLirKT, uce of bov uii ijva'e Miniatt ri hat been banUhod. The Mtahra and Nkroketil l'ae. Tb Albany Errning Jmmd ra.ri of he ra of tbi C'ouit tf Appeal. In Iheac two cueii The prtDCiil queattou In the ewe of Praniiiii wu, wbttbvr tie jury, In a catillai trial, iuit b TinlttoJ toatiwrate. It u entt'ej tjataurha iviiutlnj if lie Judite, IU Ibn etpieei uwnl ul toepriaonrraud btr ?.', i. Uu . iu la . In Uie Baaitiaao rse, in Hhtrft. comlnir rnnn tiie Gtlieial aenlou "Ww Voik cly. ilia Court uf A pe1 I rulrr4l to examine tLa facts tbe unantoi hii mi, tbei waa rey jrmt doubt bow the Are fcrlatuated. It oould not be a d that tUeri waa erau etrcKg prvbaMltty the. It ai act j the prliniiur. Ttiere wcie cfrcumNtaucea of autfpiuhia, but uutbtug batf if te warraut a ciid'al o m'cUuu. The News by Telegraph. ttojjnttU Ttltgrtpk 0lct; Xa. ii Wall ttrttt and Atior livuM, main ( Vllibatier 3Ieemei, HVi.oi, Oct. 7. Ibero U but little tntail'Keiie to day rv'latiT Id tuo fllibuati. AAot&cliJ despatch from Nw tr'Mui atatrti that tbo tumtioat rauLar baa lieaa aMiod, tvitner with tb caaUlo and crew, aud arruutremeuU have biea made to arrat tb party boiut d'irn the rtnr a far i the South paaa la that eL The oj.tulon la ex. preaaed la tb auue UlrKrain that the whole Uetftt auhem baa bcea frusuaud. Ariee t the Fiuaaacer. JfetOrltOKt, Oct. 7. Tho lillbu.uri were at iaa Duuth Wot Pa at I u'uluck by tti V. B. Karate!. aeatWd by tL I'. . artUWry, They peaotauy pumoocTO. Bxtaaalr 0arlaiy. Albany, Oct. 7. A larg robbory wu commit- ted la Uue cltylaat ulgbt, Uoou A Tomr'a Jeareliy tore baling been ooujjJeUi atrlpped of It IberotiUryatllnoD & Tomr'a Jewelry atw I aakl to bat been allctod by an entry through th bat, oellar itiur, aud tbroogb lb 11 jurlng into tb atom. Tb)twalry avilraooualata mainly uf watob a, etialnet aiid dhunotidH. M l or ttia avetobe bar Uve Kama oa. Tbawmtu of the property etolen auTSS W t0 proiMlet-a- r l 'rom 0UU to l21il''i0,,,,euj''1 n"fuulJ7'f'- - rrftUa nateU. . JS'Lra'rii0 iU.e "l"ll trotting b, tb foauier Iu tbVe itraTgu hZSl'vf. n Z"? aad th firat bai mil U It waa tuadw t l.tSjJv Mtnklaaa Kill -!- - IV. 1 !l f- -i f TI.A Mti.litian 1 mtkli JVr ekawd r, bavlua boan Ita incoeaar ul (fr ald la th Mate. Kvory deuartuwat waa coin- - rjaHev ain aiaa nm w wwwww vhwiwn. VraTaBa'atewaiaVnr waa axblUted, and attractud ipwaal aaticttoa, Thl annual adVireea wa dallrerad xaaanrday env.raot i by Uuveruot BaMxa, who, with tonnur Waaa aud Benatne Biaanix arid CauiOMXa. wen atouiteJ to the grouud by the EUROPEAN AFFAIRS. Antral a tho Peace Frospeoti Conflrnit! TltU BAtf JUAK ISLAND DimCCLTT. JfotMO, tT. B.Oci. 7-- Th itMaaablp Caa da lert Llraipoot Sitb, x4 arrrrad at IlaafceatU thUMt. Thaahlp Jtahua Qulncy, from Leghorn for Bne-- l, waa abandoned at ta oa tb 4th of September, leaklPg badly. fat mni ooiirxatwea. Th London Mrrtiinn HtrmU mint prxnlnene t th WWlDpratf7a4Jl " W bare neaoa to be- lter that a definitive treaty nf ptao will man be td at Zurich. It will, bowmr, bear tb A Bern aaya, a courier from Vtanaa bad reached Zurtra, with loMnHilna lo draw op treaty iaTaee,aiid adVieuaMOtfortbeeaaalan of Ixanbari dy In Dardlnla. No allnalon la made to ta Doohlaa. It U hoped that a treaty wQl b atgnedlnafiw cant nrrtm, Tl.e arrew ateemer Fox, Capt If nCllTrH-x,ee- n br Lady r'xaram to the aVretto regtoni In earoh efth Uaee air Jon rumu! xpdlttoo, had to England, hartnf been (wnpleMT aweeaai ful. At rulnt William, oa lb K. W. eo4 of Una rUUaio' lalaad, a Koord waa tound. dated Aprd tttb,l4S,fnedbyCr. Caonaa and rmiun, The n cord eat a, tb Krebu and Terror were aban-dnn- tbtv rtaya prenraialy en the lee. five league te tb N.N.W., and that tb antroni, In all amotmt-la- g to V were roradtn( te Orea ITeh River. Mr Joua rlu bad died Jon 11th, 1MT, and tb totla death! to.dat bad been nln cAeor nd fifteea deeply intereatlng relic of th tipadltloa war found on th weetein abore of Xing VTUIIama lataud, and other were obtained from the EpU-wau- x, who atated that after thtlrahandonmenUune ablp waa cruabrd In the tc and aimk, and tb other forced on atx re, where aba remained. Several aknleioni of Funui'i men, larg quan-titl- e of clothing, Ac , tod duplicate reoord, up to the abandonment of tb ahlje, waa dieoorered. iLam or iai tea. Tbi Amarlcaa oeeunatlon of th labuvl of San Juan attract mnald. rabl attention tn tb lonraala. Tb riwieitdltoilallratateatUfeoU of tb eaai. and a) it rmtunatery, tb affair i Ingnodhanda, ana w iron iter ran oe n reawm lo aouot mat the government! of tb two cmntrle whl proceed to a dedaVm ta th earn rlt of modaratton and quay by which their view of tb qneatloat hv bBneito been character Ued. Th aitlol emdiide a follow I "It U n-- a qneetloa at oonverdanee, but of Juatlc. Th dael-Io- n ebould depend upon tb tarra of tb tmatyalrly Interpreted, and It wa evidently not doubted by either Government a hii time ago. that thla Interpreta- tion could be dlaonvared. If, howerer. It aboiild prov that tbeexlatlig convention cannui be ao ap- plied a to aatlafy tb contracting patina, ther eaa uieli be no reaaon why two Stataa, whloa have now eojianea weir reectlre umit aeroe aa en-t- in onotlnent fiom the Ateulio to the cute, ehmild not oomHate tlie work In the narrow water of Vancouver! Inland. Tb Americana may aaaur theuMeln a that lo lueh negotlatlina they will tit with no feelinga but thoee of fclrneaa and amity on th part of thla country. It would be hard, If children of the aam etoik, who can feel the rmpatblaeur bluud and liaeaga,a they wi felt end eapreaerd In tbe water of the Palho, aliould find much difficulty In xljuatlng a petty boundary que-lio- n on th coat cf th racdfla'' . auwritjutaoci iraiaon. Tblity of th crew of tb Great Eeatern bad been arretted and triad at Weymouth for mutlniiui oon-du- rt In rafualng to wart the deck when ordered. TbaCagUah Journal atrong'y dennima th and bunted manner In which the ablp wa ent to ara. A ragu rumor ha been current that her fliit royaae would be port-tone-d until neat year, and that In the In- terim aha would be exhibited at the principal rl In tbe Kingdom. TLU, However, la authorlta-Ivel- y conlradu.ted, and aha la etlC advertlaed to leave Uoiybead for rortland, on tbe SOth of Octo- ber. t'pwardi of a thouaand marine, atrong daUoh-roeii- ta of tb Kill Brigade, twe light Infantry Ac, were i leave Eoguuxt for China, by tb overiana rout. The uovernment mteuoaa mapaton- - ng fifty gunbiU, bealde frigate aud other veavwla. HlrCcaarx Roan wrltr to th Dublin Juumala. poaltlvely eaaettlog, that th Oorernroent Intend arttlrg aalde tbe tialway mall enatract at the next ataalon of rarliainent. Anerdar fortarombuouabala cartridge! lacked In too boxea had been executed at Woolwkb In three daya, biolaaVngthe etowlng on ablpbtard. Tbe goto China over land, and aae- - cond otoer lo a muin greater exwut, waa progrea-leo- ? fur the aea rovadra. A meeting bad been held to KanchMter to hear from Her. afr. Ilowva. an iinoaltton cf tl origin and object! of a aookty fumed In to United State. fur iilahtlng Onlonla In Cant ml and other nortlnn f Afiloa, with tb new of clvtlialng that region and prua tiling M gmatn t conia. KaaniuOnn aptirer-lu- g th ioovement and pleading atipiiort wer adm.ted. TL Lordon AttrrHitr glv a report that BTirnxxion, tt gieat enguicer, Is dangerously raUMia. The Tfmra cxrreaixmdenceaTthffreatrriortuf th day wu that tb question oftha liuohle had lieen anaiigod i that Tuscany Is tube reigned ever by the King of the rte'.gUns aerond son, and Pariaa and Molena by MtxiMiuaa. Another rap t aaya the Count uellandere Is to have tho throe Ita'lan limbics, and tho ArvLduke Maximilian Venctla, whli ee arate conatltuttoba. These reKrt! must be taken for uLat they are wotth. AuoUier I'srla ninior was to tlie elfrrt that there la bi be no i hence eximditlun, that tbe hesd of tlie IVlbo MajidalluliaJbteii proITered In abinMuent, coupled ulthpri'liilM1! of all the aaturfactioa rariulrel, and list th Ambassador will btT Immediately ruouived at IVkla. IaxfMl The Paris cnrresondeut of tbe London RMciator, who baa, on aeteraj ocamaiona, cianmunlcatod early and authentic newa, aawrte Inat NaroLsxia aooepts tbe ilan of the Klug of the lleUlsus, wblnh la lo glie the fmtrtesrs of l'rachisrs sud Mantua, aud th Htabai of rsrms ud Modena to Saniinla, to relu-t- the House of 1irralue In Tuscany, and restore the Igutlniia to tbe Poiw. AfUr the Uitruductuu of evarltiy of rvfonua, Vcuttiais to have governmental liiMUniiieia and an aimy uf IU own. under the Arch- duke Kmi'iKia n Ma luiuari, with tin title of Urand Uokjof Vinctla. Thla at pmallon baa the conciur-ruc- - C'f Auetris. A Cuiignss U also to be eld at Itniew'a, irraklMl over by tbe King. Thla latter la datediitiilugof toe-i- d. lb l'arla f'uliia laa au article WLL.U partially cc ii fti ma tLe aliovo atateuiuut. rrair. Til R.nllnUn Ooven.miut be oUrasasd elr culsr to the great powers, donylng tbe roiiu.ted atiilou of Savoy to I ranoe. 1 be l'.po remained In a very a'annlug state, and t aiuiiiai astukkijj una ueciaiea uu tuiiii to at' ttnii to public allalra. Iaurat-Flana- clil nad CaeerrlJ London, Saturday. Th )( .Wits' city article raj ei i i.e i una on r nuey v. eraatauolisry in prtoe, the tieuuutioii Ulng Ua4i a acanty aca'. Tne ehaie luartet a also quiet, but well eiippnrted. 'iheuiaikita wire without much change. Cottou Lad dirUntd Jjo. The Malta VelrUll Allaihed ay IidUaw. bl. LvuU, Oct. ".A dispatch from Imlapcnd-riuee.- ja thai the mall wblch left there on tbe IDtk int., for Hanta te, waa attacked by ludlaus beroud Paw in roik,and the conductor aud oue man killsd. 1 Lo NlcoiuLn uiail, whloli was due on this day, bad tut ai livid, aud li'ar weie rutertsluod of its safety. axMikU MaraTt ii. . I.oul; OrtKbrr epedal dbriiateh from In di to the U'jmbttean rays lust Mr, Oraao, uoryiHi vi iroill new aaeKlon, ana wire, Judge Warrs, wife, and Km, Jadge Poana, and Mr, CXKMursw, wir, H I presunu d, be with the Inoom-In- g Bant ' party, for whoso eafuty much anxiety 1 flit. There wa an attack on th outgoing mall party, by the Kio ladlnn oo the tth Q.t. Tb dlepatoh alao alstaa tliat another mall Cannot V ave untu a military eacort La furuuhed. Auotlar dlapstih to tb KftmMUmn, from tL arrival of the Bait Lake mail tx'tbalnth ult, A paity of emigrant fiom Louisa eeunty, Iowa, and liJUi county, Mo., bad been attacked by tne BbuHliune Indiana near Marsh Valley. A. L. 11 air waa klieil, and J. W. Prjua, WaaLar Kuaova and 1 aouaa IlLCar, wounded. Tne ludlaus took all their d ttaa nd burnt U tbU w oaa Another reuty of emigrant fiom Burilngton,Iwa, wa lleo attarked matr the aaiue ruuilty, and una rusu kllbd and another wounded. Lor liaoerDio arrived on tbe 6U,eu rout to Cali- fornia and Chma. Col. Ciuruaa' oonunand had arrlrd at 811 Lake. He relieved Col. KeuiiUe, who left ou th Mh fur fvit Ixvuwoith. Tae an ate FaJr. Albany, Oct. 7. Tb cloning diy of th But fair baa tu well attended. The addrese uf 11 ju. loan A. lux attrai.'ted a large audlrnoe. The warm theuk a of the Bortety were tendered ater aba meet-bi- g to lion. A, It, Coaoaa, tke I'raslden', for bis tBorU U'WaiO. aerurlug th aucoasa of I us fair, Af. ter lb premlunia haa been read olE a goand iiarats ul tne pmulum cattle audhoisuewaa made, aud it wsl the geueial umruiatou that uo such cullsotti.ii of valuable anlnuUa haa ever been mads uu the conti- nent before. Toaids evening tba Uroineu vlatbl the grounda hi fiill fune, to remove aud )rade Willi their enginrl. Thetiiat premium on engines was awardod to II, p. Tonipklm tlnglne No. of Albauy. The t. iptle Bed spill g Couipauy of Nw York re- ceived tbe firat premium and a silver medal for airing-be- bottoms. Ilxenaaana'a new Albanian Heater and flood Samaritan Cook Sior took taoh th first premium wi atore and lirr medal. Winaa & Aaxax took th firat premium on sail with Liuua'l safe! eta tn t'.at premium on hollow-war- uid aUrar medal oo general artvolo. Tbe firat premium oa llog maohiua wars rnadtonorsa Baaas, aud to TuMia e Wilsob TtMfrslPiemlum forth best fpouuuw Wck uaaawailed UiCaorisA Haass. BaHO,Tii,a.Tva Co., of Troy, tooa u nm premium ou platrmm scale. Comma A b.ixos, of Albany, reoeteod tbe for uaanaak and laee eurtal.ei and Mxxli- - ij at v tiuavaa tut rtor rumnurs. SaNumeioua other art tlee which took th Iret pra- - i!""! wereOWaatviug of eicctl attenti aa. it J.. ' ..,I,!I1, "' tl" as of th fair, an a iter tliiq tl.u, , ,,,t a,j uy, '., Uv yTraioei.ti,audi,aariyi.iaiu la eieens of the ItuffilurMeliUiutW. II fair hue thus U-u- i b fr tin, u.ol rvn.MuiraUn the tMtet ewe had. Kan! yorwavvrM, Oof. 7-- Tb adptloa cf tba Wytndott OnatlUOoa a render ortaia, by th narptkaa of return fret tl moat Importaut eomy tie. Tae aaajonty In It farorwUI proUbly naob foutraj ii I I rm Ttktn rdafc. UaraoriX, Oct. 7. Tb Dearer Cttr -- nreee of th 0U ult, ha rrived with Sf.OOO la gotd, but n nw of unporlaaot. Marl al nana aTalr. Itottcm, Oct. 7-- Tb Katlocal Hotm fair oe In Via city next Weak, ltlg a fortnarbC Over fifryof to moit famoua trvttlng aoraea la th L'nlon wtQ ronUat la no daring th Fair, Inolud. In atrial of lfeed rai Wdndy, bUaman Ethan Allan. Oulumbn. and th Canadian atallUat. IJva Oak, tor premium of t.00. J?. Oct. 7. Tb American StaUCora-mltte- e voted y that It I Icetpedleht to caO a Stt Oonrenaon to aniria1 eedHrl for Stat ofnee. CITY NEWS. Dursccnra Fibs lprAimiaTrir Stbutt. Corraa axd Sncii Mitxa DwrraotEr). Loas om 170.000. Tb Eigktb Diitrlet alarn, at hw mkiuto befor nln o'doek, hurt rreolng, wb eucd by the breaking out of fir lath low-- r pnrUoa of tb building Ho, tit and Ul Wash- ington atrwt, owned and occupied by Wbmbt, Oil-- A Brother, dealer In ooffc, iptce and bat. Owing to th combustible nttur of th itook, th flaanea irpread with great rapidity, and twenty min- ute after the dlaoov.ry of tb fir th wau of both budding wet level with th gwaad. Th took la tbebulldmg Number Uf Waablngion treet, which wai occupied by Scmixaamr, Ilxaiox A Oo., flour denier, wa damaged by fir and water about 3 000, and aald to U tnaurwL Tb building (ccu led by tb firm of Waioarr Qouai A Brothr, wr three itory brick atmctar, and belonged to rheeetate of Wa. Rrtawrxa. The btiUdlng were worth about a.W0,nd aald to U Uaund. Th toat la th building wa worth bout IflO.ooa. Tlier I aald ta b an lMuranc on th atock aad bulblljig, and a large amount of wblch UtatbUamUnn,Beinaa, Irving, St. Mark, St. WchvihslTCWAoMidiainnimatrtirgh,kn4a'er. eey City locoraoee Compnnle. Tbe Mtjotnmg three itory briok bulMIng, betimgbxg ta tb Brtumw tat,Ko. tM, we damaged abnot $o0 and Insured for StOM hi lb North Bivarand dreanwtoh Incur-anc- a Compaulea. Tb upper portion of Ho. US wa occupied a dwelling by Taoaiaa Mooaa, and hla Iuel about SMa, on wblch ther I notnmine, Tbe fire I (unpud lo bar been caused by a defect In th fumao connected with th angina. Th firemen worked gauantly, and It I feared that om of tbem were Injured by the falling of the wall of th building Ho. tl!5 and WT, but owing to th confusion pellicular could not b obtained. Cities rnito. Sine th conclusion of th great International match bet seen tbe V. S. tl and all England II, anothnr match ha been made, and U now being played, between two elevens, known a ta graruxwow 11 and tke Loosrrxa 11. Tbi match wa eommeaetd on Thursday! and will be oonoluded The attendance to the ground, yesterday, was pretty good, auabering, perhaps, three thouaand. The weather wa ai fin a oould be desired, but a sharp, oold brae, prevailed, riggestire cf overcoat. Th Interact manlfeeted la thla match ll lUgbt, compared to the one between th E. 11 and L". 8. ji, being regardod merely as an exhibition of the laience' Tb ton la i followa, a far aa the gam haa been played - lorxrxa' in. nm mniroa. IU aoonn ivaisoi. raaarunout 8 WiLLtx b. Srxraueo 11 e. jaaanna b. Brxrunwo T Gitrerrro. Ilrvrxb. Brsresssos. 4 Carrra c Lnarwrnre b. jAoaao,,.,, , 1 It. Waiaarrb. jAoxaoar... , 0 Casus b. JaCKsOV... I Iocavr o. UsrwAlok. Srantmoa m II Wirraa b. STareunaso , M 0 BAiaroanb. jAnxioit 1 BjeSlogby8,wnleI It TuU', both Inning , SB irriusmoa' iron. nan namwa. SHAarnmnut , t jAnxsnnc Lorawoow b, Wumm. t Cam xa i as not out...... ................ ol llATWian c. Witar b. Wl'tiss. 1 DivilbOacror 0 (llseatb. Warm 1 1. 1L BTsTumana c. A b. Oacanr 1 John LiixrwniTBrun out . 1 Lam b. (licsnr Poan U O aoHliT 0 llxan UOicanr 1 Leg byes , I Total ii Tbe second Innings of STaranieoh'i side com- menced about quaiter before 6 o'clock yeaterdsy sf. Vruiwn, but waa adjounied over Immediately after commencement. InzAitT Aisemhi t Conrrrnov. Tb but eveulug made uumUiatlon f tb follows t let dlat., D. J. 4th dl.t, Jai. MuCciicil 10th dlst, Jobs BfSva IMbdJaL, Osn. II, Vabiab. 16th dlat., Ulnar Aa- - mJiAina. litii dlat., Tan. Vamw. Tb Couren-tlo- u In the baUnc of the dlatitcts adjourucd to a lutur ij without making noojfnaiiiaie. TnnTax (Vlltctor bai already got la three quaitcie uf a million of dollar, this year taxes. It U a rematkaV fact that at a Urn within tli laet twecty-nv- e year haa employment for tradei. isiotile, sail others, been 10 general aud on easily found. Wbtl eaveralooijmna of each day japer are devoted to advertisement far help, and for inenhanlrel aaatetance wanted, a paltry quarter of a column comprise tr dvertlaomaut of those la want of situations. Ilomcetlca ire iceroe, and good ou oouimaiul the beat uf jilaco. W r glad of It. Tub Idea of a Westchester County Railroad bolig IhUI Iu the at to Is of this city, aa alluded to yesterday, I quite a new oue, and it waa doubtless mtunded to a teal a maroh oa ul that tbe prvrialona of the act relating tliereto were framed. Th route, ta fj.H,wae Intended to lie aa foUoan i Grossing the Ilarkm Elver at or near Klogabrldge, tbence dose the Klugsbridge road to Kid atreet, thence down 10th avenue to Iftlat itreot, through lOlet street t and through 11th avenu tolOSih street, tbeuce dawn Ilaamlngdale mad or Broadway, to OKh street, through b9th atreet to 7th avenue, down 7th avenue to Orsenwlch avenue, tbence down Qroeowlch avenue to 0th avenue. Thla portion of the line to be a double track. Tbence serosa and down 6th avenu to Wr" erly lace, tbence down by a single track to Green street, dowd Creeoe hi Cs'jJ, up Canal to West Iroadsray, nd down Weet Broadway (all by a single track) to Park. Place, thane through KobluKm, Qreenwlch, and Fulton itreete, thence down Greenwich by a double traok to and through Battery Place, atete atreet, and Whitehall street, thence to South ferry. sUturnlng through W bib ball atreet to Broadway, thence across la nai- lery tlaer, thenoe up areenwkh and through Church and Mercer streets end Clinton Place, (th aranus and Qrernnlch avenue. Tbe Company have not a yet bust tbe Westchester put of th load. It did not appear at wblch and ttey Intended to commence th wMk,wUthr it Cntoo hirer or New YoikCUy meet probably the latter. Tna machine, baring twUd theinarlte nd bebig found bene, are qidetly being Introduced througboait tbe whole city. Mr. Sam, tbe proprietor, hire tb ciia who formally did tb awteiug, and, with them aud tL maoklno together, dtiee three times aa much for the same money aa haa ever been done befere, Oo ahead 1 Tub funeral of Ciiabuw M. Lrtirr, theleilh-e- r um reliant, tsik 4ee yeaterdsy. Some men com- mit eiiklde for waut of tnouey, aud other beoaus they have too uiuo'i. Th latUr visa Mr, L'a trou-b- l. CiirXTaTRXHT 8' ontb Bank of Nlwport, R. I., wtre xtenslrrly pushed but evening. Bomb rery InjrerJoul counterfciU of th Cbl-riq- ut gold rmnlog n ulccris ar tbrotd, and per-eo- wlui ire moved by a eiartt of antiquarbui leal t isinhue wi of tbem, justair curio illiss, should tski tbe aJvlc cf an tiit In gold befor buying. Tb bogus Uttla monatai re luaJa of heery compo- sition metal, elect and havi th rough,balf nulabed eiterlor, aud a'l the nil! cbaracteilstic of tharrigl-m- A OoLLATlOtf, prov IJed by IU bndam e! of th Firat Bsptla. Church, cam aif laat even-lo- g at th sVJcipl' Chan r, la lTtL itrcct It wu nvll aud p'caaautlyaMiudsd. n TsmcmiMT wai f)Ck rhpUmber pay day tor cheol tetwtierVb raaelr their pay only upon par. rtfvlcgthUtirbrWof tb Board of Kdocattoa brbMowaWrrs4, U Mook M. ts, t nd 8, ef th JbttaWadl S,dlIftbW4 anda, ntaadMUIb lath Ward, th Mat bag act be Ttd4ttoofasVicofawtV)ondtsMpycfO rilaehal wi aaarafcri opped. In tt famal and raimary dTwtnvrai ptf&t II, romteon Ward, therWrptarMBsvlbaWrraa, Wwvr,nd th wee aetsAT "(Ul in tndai tba amrasi death an M UTeryluhWtanla,hee of NewTork ron to every U. A Moiety oatted th 'Hslmaeaaoa So- ciety" ha been aUrted la thal,clty, under th oo. alJeratlon of thl and otoer sUrtllng 'facta referring to tb general health, for wblch H offloer claim rrr aatlafactery ramlts, among a bug number of bmU Bee which have adopted It view. like the Chin, they employ iyaacian (bjanenpathlc) to keep thm weS, a o to beal ttuaa tfatak. Tna Aaron llorit dinner, glreo lut renlng to th Kngliah cricketer, wa rather prtvaee nd profeeaton! flstr, about 100 peraon being promt. The party enjoyed themaelr In Jovial manner, la attng, drinking, making rp seeks, and alnglng longs, up I a late hour. AmUila, efca. Thb Lats H emma or tiic But tti WAKn Tna MoRDKacssj n Ccitodt Coro5kb' Jackxax bld aa bquMt oa rrlday.Utb Sixth Ward Station liouse, upon th body of MmiAax, Csaiar, (not MxxiAaa. OoaaBUC, a pnrlouy atsle-1,- ) wh died at th New York tie-pl- tl from tb eflbcta uf a stab In tb left breast, In- flicted last Sondsy evening by woman named Sbbbisab. Thla wncnan, lmmedlatel rafter In filotlng tbe wound, fled, and waa ail eel ad byatsoar Jovboab m Yonkors, N. Y, wear she had engaged al service In a famlry. Three girls, daughter of th aeoeaaed, were prtsent, nd veeroed to take a deep inUrest In the proceedings, and Mvaral witnesses wer xamlned, and tbetr teettmony went to chow, that last Saturday venlng, th woman SuntOAa aaw de- ceased pawiring her residence, Ma. 4Ti Pearl et rest, la ta rear, and raatantiy bcaaa enraged al bim, that be bad atolea 00 cents out of her room. She era cutting a lemon at th time, and flourishing There goee the ea of b , he who robbed me of my hard eaaiag) s Ustt it was, It was my all. rn run thla knife through him aaurMttertdga." Hoitt frrthsr rketred usU Bunday evening, wbea darnail again made at hi the yard of tbe nreaalJaaa, and there the eaoraaa kassnua east sad stabbed alas. aftee being wounded, reeled, and thaw fail Ids ta vwy oustanoi of aaoui van laei. lie wa pioaa up and carried to tbe lloeplul. where he died of hi wound on Wednesday, and Information wa given to the Polio Immediately alter the occurrence, nd search wa mad fur tb murderea, but ah oould not be found. Subsequently, however, h wai traced to Tenters, and on Thursday evening waa arrested, as above at a ted, and brought to tb city. When arrested, ah told th omeer that dooe-e- d had robbed her of half a dollar, and when h aocuMd him cf th theft, be alapped bar la th face. She than ptokd up a knlfa, and gov Mm a blow with It, but did not halend to kill bim. The medical evldenoe ahoarad that death wa caused by of the lung, pro- duced by the wound. Tnewouad wa between the M and fd ribs and th left lung, and waa ooostdared out by th knlfa. Th verdict cf tb birr wa l Thai Mhwasx. Canlsy cam to hi daath from a stab In th left breast with knife or other at rp In the band! of Mamab Bmrntakm." On the rendition of th verdict, th aeeoeed wa examined and td that h wa born In d, and la M year of ag. When questioaed In regard to the charge against her, eh ld, I did not do It Intentionally I I did ant know that 1 had don anything to cause such a wriou result I did not Intend to take hla llfei I am perfectly Inno-ce- nt la the sight of Oodl I did not premidltsa murder. She waa then oom milted to prbion to await the action of the Oraod Jury. Deoeaaed wa a native of I land, 49 yeari of ag. Tbe rrldeno Showed him to have been man of Intemperate habit, and on witness testified that he we In th habit of helping bin-- elf to thing! that did not belong to him. Death mom thb Eirsxn or ImiALnra CaiBoruBM. Mn. MATn.rA Kt m, wif of Dr. Caxl A. Hum, residing at No. 974 Ninth atreet, wee found deed In her room, on Fridar morning. Coroner Peanuts was notified, and held an Inquest upon tbe body, when Dr. gu staled In eridenoe, that hla wife bad long been ub)ect to attack of ner- vous tootbaebr, and wa In th habit cf Inhslng cWorolhrm tn quell the pal On Thursday craning St e retired to bed with her In at and another ohlld, and Dr. T fta occupied a room on th floor ibore, as he bad uVs for om wk In tb night h wa ewekened r one of the children, who aald her mother wai dead. Dr. K. Immediately repaired to th room and Sound hla wife lying upon th floor,ded. Her body was cold, and h had. to ail appearance, been dead for taro hour. A butt) which bad contained ehbwofonn wsa braid her, and the cork wa In her bed. It I supposed that ah -h- aled or rail oared tb oonUnt of th bottl, and wa loon after seised with ennvulsion and fell upon the floor. It a an. peered that, tlie evening before, ah had sent bsr lu- ll son toft drug ator and procured the ohloroform. The jury rendered a rerolct of u death caused hy BM.iexy, brought oa by taking chloroform.' waa a uslive of Oermany, (4 year of ag. FtB lataLgsa, tVa. ConsTFRFFrr. Counterfeit on dollar bill on the Central Bank of Middietown, Ct., made tholr anvaraiK In the dty laet evening. A wnmia, iiamed Maiia Foul, was arrested In the 10th Ward fort easing on O luntei feit fives oo the Penderdon Bank, cf alao rade tbetr pvrno at evening. AuiKaMAN BaAM.RT wai fined 10, yeater-da- y, at tbe City IU I, for allowbig one of hla men to drive a csrrta a tthout license. UQU OB raiDAT. r. K, Clroalt Oaatt. Th Graham eat m a n Form. Tohn Gra- ham, a. Missed tffueUa and an(r.Thli wai a awt Iu equity, brought by the pUlnnff to set sal th oouve) ano by bim uf hut a amablp aud a Ball-t- vases!, on th grunnd of uaurr. Ta auli al la brought br bun to recover the value of bl veseele. reeuterd tn a venllot In hie fevor, and the epu euit la iwt unnw, in nia inv of dungs nmeon. The Judge no si i ids that ths p'elnluY waa tbe owner of the 'nt. Lawrioos.Mandof ths onatbird rt of ths iVnltad Btslee,1 and also the equitable owner of the ship 'Ocean Bird " that a'thougktke bills of asle are alsviluta, on the fivee is team, ther were eiecut-- sod deUvered i Myoirity for a toan of lioo.oin, made by Merer Stuekanto Orahara, Uinn a pievlmia cntitrart, aud that Iu oonaaquenoe tne oontiart and bill of aale an raid la Us-- , and must b set aside. ftapwrtar fjaatt. Tht StU of Jh oiia oof. Me rktnit Bank, Tbli la a auit lo recuver back S3.V0O0 and ex-- s uses, wider claim giew out of advanoe for the btato on Av lolillon loa, and wa ald to bar beontaloeiaidby tbi i Bute, t aepeaiUug. BROOKLYN. Mouancb oh Ci.nrroa- - ArBittm Dock. A meeting uf tbe Board of Health waa held yesterday, the Mayor In the chair. A complaint was preferred againat Mr. Fasaa Swurr, the Bmoklyn ogai cwolreo-to- r, by Mr. A. D. Oera.soea, ig Far srMIt areuua, tor a lowing dead animals aud garbsg to acoum u lat on th duck, root of Clinton venu. Mr. O. steis that he aaw th caroaeas of thirty dead ani- mals lyltg on the dock, from Tuesday of last wsek until the following Saturdar, together with several La a tf tsibege and offal, the e nah of whloh we InioUtablo. Mr. Bwin arajs not! tied to appear before the Board, on Wedneeday next. Fisa There were only two of any araouat, last month, aud but ax a'aru . Daage SI 00, It Lamm' UtstBAaivM. A bw Uymnaalam, for tb lad l slue, wsa In augarated on Wednesday evening, by remarks from llasax Wean Bsaonaa and otC er. Mr. Baaoaaa thought that diss had no oocupation exosi waiiuui the etraeta , new that their own eweeptng had heea gleen over to and that they had better drive horses for si. or tftbey could find nothing alee ta do. Th Uynu stuea la opened by a Miss Hall, aad I leea. ted on At n ) street, nearly oppuslL a th Atus-- I mm. wFlliamsburgh. Hioii rRimtniB FkbbT d-nt ra begiunlug to complain of high s am cerried on the 'Ueonre Lew" ant I "tleorge Waahlngtoa." On ay that La noticed the "Lear" Vibe carry g 4a lbs. receutlyi another, that the Indicator U one of theee boat had been pointed over to prevent the pi lura of t m from baang eeen, but be eaw enough to make out that t wee passing 41 degrees, upon which b left th Imller In eome has. The engineer then told him 'they were obliged to carry bl h ateain to keep up with the new boats on tho other line. The preeeure they are authorised to carry UHS lbs. 8m r BcTLPisa. At 0 men Foist, Lawbbctb A Foci ar building a email steam ferry boat uf M tuns, for llsvsna, V. F. Williab baa on held a eharp built mall achooner for the Sautwicb lalanda, and atsii a x ' ton sobcoMr for lbs Texas trade. Sabosi. SauiBB i but'dlog aahs'low aiaru-wtio- eua er for tlie Mgdalua rlvr navlgatlg Bkal Estatb. The nln three story houses, at tbe Juictlon of Flushing and llivkuoa, avenues, wervao'd, yestenls), by the flbanff, for fis.osl, and were built soma jruara atnc oa apecuteuoa. Nxw Ciiim or . A chlm of thra belle, welgldng L4UQ, POO aud 600 piunda, hav been pUord In th Uo y Tnntty Church, Montrose K. 11. Ou Thursday thor were blessed by Bishop Looamir, end dsdlcsted rrapectirely la the Holy Trinity, St. Msry and St. John the Brang kit. JERSEY CITY. Tub Ibbbt Boat J.hiw 8. Dabot, Tb ferry boat John 8. Percy, which was burnt al sum- mer, ha been rebuilt, aa 1 v cmnauo her regu- lar tiipa on Monday next. Fir now At Dock. Th new seetlooai dock fiet cf Ki etrot, which la to take P reeaele if V.Ountou burttn,ki tob ready for buiuoMla about an wteka. MARRUGE8. .JgeggJiTl- - IWBal - DEATHS. ahert bwt mwer a, y esysiaihenBrowa. A,efl rear, g ail Akiiad lasers. His laaxaln wtn token to W laUrmee , en Be , Oct (ta. . BTJ1 lOMAKIt-O- ct. oth, F. tt Iler- -, a ssArr t M htb noear Oataaao , Hanover, aged itTya To raistiiM ana rr asw r iaa ai iBTafij an aea a assa an Henriofblfaonagtow. r. tA kJJ. ooVwstor a? stfaeel Doan. a a- - efT-- aa Qaasatiw i-- w t TjMfrTanM'al niiialii-aii- M f t sjsfayjr ra. araerUw Ith It at . at 1J7 --frowr?MBV aad ntsT-- x, Teats. r0 . SM . - " -- j tZ?)Z2VZ wer a at. Brooaiya. ,. ewa FAfiM-- Oa Oct .sth. erW a ehaw toanajMBretFarreU.wt-- af Jwaa Farea, fair attaa il'tTe tonaraCon A- -xI " twaaaauetle'etor-mtlfs- v- iav. j VawT Sth. et be tote riilS ai MM A-' to kjjw arB 5rree,ra7 n4 rw-tt-Vav sf tw'taaUy, Brwraapaat. antond thara- -, a Setoay aara ing.eStneUatltw- -- iew J Tth.ratoa; Menta? rir h of" rat,- , agagal ' Fw7eral twaaay aftoraen,et I -o- ek. frwMS wrt- -a ThlrllayTL .& 8?Z'&ferS Jshalt w, year, lAinwoxTii-- Ai n- - ata. rtt LaBgworth. --naerly ef the 67 Tuw iBaV. Bsao la vsers. Ills rr 1. era iMaaitleHw tav to I funeral, th- - (Bslau-eW- w vnlag, att artol hhlato naldaaaa, lit Fonrrth Sn- -t. UU wllbeaakenvsthoUhareh ef ths NeMrraF. Avexnaa, st 19 and fir a t s to t ressw Oaineteu tor tuteraient, US 5h?P?iftar?: Th reb tr aad friendaef" Sa I afly, a HeieLw n R rpflmny torttol. toattn. CUl .?,,.. ' parents, iT street. Are. 14 Me NT1 -- OaTharadar, Oct. gth. after aarsra a lasiiful hs wl hjMan W- - " T Vlrh-rfEr'J- ina? 111 M --M M I VMM or u DrouMr, i,wim lSUj taTltwh. ilttrUh fu-t- -, MbfM- -. M 1 tftUU. IT DH Ml t trvay, DtwvlOt- -l , If oDONlt-D-O- rrU.r. 0- -t Tth. hk Itte .vracfwr VVfMA 1 1 Lb ttrMei. of Iavm e( ih mi, Robert MeDonaM rmuifm mm m im iiu hmmv MeDeoa Id, od in -, o moon. in oay. H le fi ada, amI the ae a th Auruip, er tnrlrt to attend hie funarsi. n Buineap OctMh,st (aTebiek, from th Oharah efts Hatp Apeetiai eerner awi in meet aoSPth Ave. ITinnp (Jettfena iir MeANALLT-Afterkihcrt- aa4 rr Jaa. Th bMB asto iaw s(jf th aa anpar r. a inlalli n III I I I Hi i r I. iI iTll if ternsosa, tk tooL. all -- . ftw--lha reaali'm 'e eg IM ill ana. D- a- aad Catharta Mai as My, W aeira NBWnALL-- ll Feekahltl, . Y. Oe. lax, Jasaea OoroonNeehali. sua of C utoaa 1 UltaUL-OaTbar- ar, Oct f th, Jeha OTI a,agi Wresj Thai etrew ad frtenda fau tavl d to atie t Ik iffl-ei-- Crr , at I o k. from OBilAtt--Oo tbaTlh Ins of seoua. a to. th ha. love child af Then a to Alloa Orsaa, sgdf year aaSPasaotb a. The rrtande eg tb tamtiy sr reawewtfatlF tares! to attend bsr rawer, en bubk y en a nun. i lost as 1eHMrk.rn iiawrealde ueeof her perwata , It atreet. SM PHBTlOfa-- Ia this dtp. oa th 7th hast,, near-Chai- lee, Fount t eon el Henry and Margret Fa ng. aged I meetiiS. The relstlv nd Menas f th nunny an ruiiet fsllF tneea as attend the ranerei, en Its tar ai ah noon, ai 1 s'eiock, from th tai-ia- iaa of hU perewto, 14 llama ereley Tbe remaloe wtU a t lew to (ireeowood Cmtery for Into raasnt. ITS OMEB, --At Chlcasw. Oct. Id. sf eewrarBstt nrMeh ah bora wit earUtleo fortl Ja. Ctharlaa, dearip beaored wile ef Henry Bo er, aed (S reara. Beloved br all whe kaew bar. Oh, Baother, WB dl BM you. Th relailvea and frtet a ef th fas- - r sr riifiat t tp mm tie ater hertuileesi. Uw t aesrSa-- 1 at t e'e el. froaa bar let reel ass. Ills. folk et, without fsrtker lartts ea. It STOCBBSIDOR-O- at. 71 h. ef poeeBaanla, Barak 8totkbililae,lnthelllst pearof her aga. Tho rrianai e tae suie. an anoao ef her sanda-law- , Bobert OeaUe. are i m iiarnln lartaaa ae estas her faneaai, ea Buodae srVraao, at 1 a'claak, (reaa tterl ens -o- nce, It West IIU ek i 14 HWITH-O- ct 7th, Bridget Bm-t- the batored ef P.trick estiva ef tsa Crusty Csvaa,' Fsr-- I r rvenlana axed 49 reara. las Irtaods af lha family are tevrud to a the hiaeraL en MoBd.p aiuraeew. at S e'eieag, fros. bar Iai resid aaee, U Caa Ban at. tol SUCBIH-O- st. atk. Frederick Martla k irln.rwana. st eun ef Michael and Maila bhsrta, aged laau an t dare. . The rneuo ana ao utwaneBa aiw lassianuwj asree. pal to at' i hie ruaeni, as t a'eieek. fre-- e the rest, awaoaef hiasaian , 61 ast Brsadeay. Da Ml r pore pieaaa ospr. YOTBY-- la Yeakera Weetehsstor neaaty. Oetabe r Sth Ueorre Lawrenee, Ufuit asw ef Jeha and Jans Yvtcy, see 1 tear, I mo. lbs and Ii daya He electa la Jess. The funeral errrloeawtBta kep seen Ssafar not. at o'clock, trees the mlileiM af hi fanW. Clutin ttreoKsasr U in XTBar.l t.1 rTtb. Mrs. Blarr t Wast, raws sal dsuaktcr ef lbs lato Babesia t a i than, af awssaa-w-is a, CwereouBtr. lnareUUrMamirrleae elth fawSy, ae weal a th mcwlsra af Bsr. Uato Spoor aa Bar J O, Beekweli' eerd Ur bivit.4 to bo sal her funeral, f em her late realnee, ) Dean aires, Brooklyn, on Bunday aits aeon, al !!.' Cue ty aam UL County aspm a asa MapJaS

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, NY) 1859-10-08 [p ] · Thirteeath DUtrlet-Wila-w' FuV-fin-t atreet anl Blfbth areaue

f? v



' awA A rap start.

Mm. Wnruowli Booihibu Bmt.Mra.WIKXOW,a perUuea aam sad T

nvviela,twaSo4hlMSrTDTforniMrBltntaln,Which grsstly -e-llllste th a l Tawta -- TTstfUasag tb maa, ntnetog n la ! mVCL

lyallste.kM-eratoraolatt- ira Dmrw4aMiVstother,N win ir rest towewrertresarnVafs-sahtoyeu--fas.-fi- salla all as aa. 8 aii bei. Pitta a aiaili

nra'Ts llawrjaa mAcrmr,....-,.v-atngrlH.l farlii ItesaaMtHN . M

fnl1Se tagltaaklan .....A.........JS tS

arrUaaaliy llv-l- atbi ima rrat .L U. - A 0,Bkv 4M Brs-b- rsri K. T.

tlirjBsailBvWBtairTvw ar h a Kaoi raauTM AJf OYATTOt

hU Urtea ef eaUai rer ta lyuilaasy. neala- -aand lintahhlchcnr..jrleb-h- v 4 fmr fall etlef ha. There la net eelraelenoe, but art. In the ,eoa--

ruction ef these bets. Xrmx'ii erebHsa enl I alaa aaraatH Prallyar s fa--ea atreet--

Pbsoumt ronrrtovr tni talbwts, db--feeta aa pi a 1 parsaMs. aa aepllsg la exam sa lonaby fowl x at Van, tot Broadway.

W--o was mm rArtn 1 Wao wa hiiPeat ha.' e-ur seayrd at Bamsw'a Maemea.

Twb Pan or CaarBT. at Ilia am Airrr.a- -ow'a. M Peaeay, hare wa greatlr radocad i Oe--v

Ingrai. esraaOi etets , Base., es rtVtsi Braaaels. 70eawaaua, sum t DOeanxr. Sli abadea. Sli

a--t,' JaU and sse.

Tn oxtlt Baron or mllvse 1 .at tae Clileauee Waasnte Oena a. ta to afona In theMl

TTtTM :A C10-WB- AT 91KO MACHIBt--niC- B: SJM.

TheeeoS- -i sBra3war, aer hi I'laJiH,



I kt Roorst I LL4CToOnfttLBAXY BOorvJ ef all Ua4s reratnd d WA.

fUNTMl WATEB TTll ItTTwittj taWPATTJtT MtCAand riaiOUS C sliMT. Call a--lsa. aam Asa, a I


rnaiu f A Lroara Bbtsw bbAcb ra


nesaaetsite lUrahOesi Oiaaral Oais"s.TAHMtwr Hall, New York, pet AIM).

Tba Democrat! Kssabllean Kleetera oft l City adCnuDlr f New xora, mat I te reaa r aoralnatious.laenaaeaamini loo. &!&?!.raKLTVnQM to babel- to thsfar raaiawtlve Wards, eaMONDAY.thelOUideyef October 1 ,betwo Ihsksra ef (and S eetirk la the erantua, fer tbe eleetlenef tlVM be --OATBS treaa eaeh War, te Jidielalfjeeivwat a, to be hehTet Taaaaaaay naO, ea Wedsea.dar.UMlst hsr ef Oetoeer las U htlfnat eeveae'lluk, s. far thi nan efaonaaui Jadfee fortawerrarslCoairts.i4 TaBJ FDfXBaATN fTemeasBi Ward, tea Oea-- vr Oaeiaetleate saeei1n-ejas- r

1 II ea Frtd ar evenjs the W dsrof Oct, at7B to semlaete aieSMvleer

eaeli Ward to Bin iliTlel OoaTaBtleato b ar t siaena Serelnafter algaaini. aaThunder. 1Mb dar af Octobero'doek P. M., within exoeMlen - --1- --!. V V" - -lor I Dletrtct. wb h wldmeeten t th I su aTame or Ilall, far the purpose of no tnstlag in.Closle for B tor. NtSst pAX-fii- TM lea WardConvention, to meet St tb t see where the PrimaryKiaetiee are held en th 17th day of October--st.stheif a at 7 P.M. fortbe purs nee oineaslnatlsg ea ad Isales tor Iarpeeuwe end iavasaeeeof giartlleu for sash dlatrietiaad NIKS KLB9ATBI a each Ward to an Asaamaly lMstr--t Qonveotloa torek4 al the piaeea belew named on Hatordar, thIf th dar f Octaber lasl, at half put 7 o'clock P. M ,for the puitoie of aom iana ar aer aaeaemni In case the ward li divided In the ly

U 11 Dtatrlets, the Itolentee ah-a- beortionad among the dlstrlcVs of whl l th a Ward

forms parte, as folleea, aeeordl x to previous basis iThird War i legatee to th xtrat District and

saa Is thai Tide.Fourth Ward-Th- ree dBaegatw to thl Firat District

aadtlxtottiilluamd,Bath Ward-- On dal- e- to the First District, Hi to

tb Heeea iaad two to the reurth.ScTcarth Wara- - Few, daeejaje to th Fsnr District

ana (r to the r.iahtIhWard-VoardstetoUiThu-dri-

fivfj to Fifth.Htoth Ward-Fdale- ssie t th Fifth District, Bad

TenthWar-F"helss- Ae t th Fearth District

Eev laeW-Twi'i-tt- aaa to tb BlghU DMrietand eeren to th Twelfth.

Thirteenth Ward-O- ne detegato to th Fourth Dls-trt-

to thefrrxtk eadetx to Ik Bighth.Fourteenth WardTwo 0lef tee to th fourth Dis-

trict nd eeren le the HlxthTFlfteeath Ward-Th-ree delegeto te the Fifth DlsUlct,

four to the Her rth a 1 tse to the Teeth.Berentoeath Ward Twe dalegaU s t ths birth Dis-

trict, tv to the Tenth aad tar to th fwelfta.The Meet m 111 he belt In tb several wards, at

ths etaeee, end under the alreetlea ef the laaaeetofbelow ie aad lPint Waid-- At No. 7 Morris street. Theme WoCer-mir- k.

Thorn aaB' roes. Klcr.rd Marpby, laspeet'ws,Beroud Ward At Be. 107 Fjlton etrait. Iaaae Hii

klna. Joba F, line James Watson, Inepeetor.Third Ward- -it No. Fulton atreet. Elsie ht

Ilassenr. Jono llarler, BAraardCols, laapeotsraFouiUWard-AtNo.Duavaa- tre . WUila Drae,

jamee i Bgooo, jobs riaJer. lamecxonFirh Ward-- At Nj. 101 Wast Bruadver. Martla

M.twtn, M. C. Morehr. Cbaa. Ban, lessee v..Sixth WareUAtN.7iBIrtreeLlrrareni. Tim- -

otk r Brem n,Orea Klaney, Theau ra. In--tpeetof

Seventh Ward-- At MeQee'a, Oourerneer Bad Dleteieav,a trie x aeenaa, sue r ai ina,eo r. raiea--

tine, IKlain W.rH-AtN- e.1 WaoHeeatn t. Alee Date.

Joa.lh If .nk v. Patrick fllaKbT. laBS 'a.N thWerd At tbo eoruecof (ireaneieh and Aaaaa

streets, Jamee Laaray, Jamea Dovnlag, JanaeeO'Neill, Isepeetoie.

Tenth Wsd-- tt No. 7 1 1.n tlae Jamai BeedWsa. Cksrliok, Wu, Conaly. loap-ctar-

Bleventh Ware At llaim lieIs F"unh street BadAvaoueu rrancucw ra, Ja elu vis, jab. ircer, Iosietore.

Twelfth Mar at John lvweh'a, MaahstxaaelTto, B4- -were lloa i, T imae Bf 7, TIhoraa! eanedy, ta- -

TliTriinnlh Waid-- At Pitt atreet and B una atreet.Edoar Qraily, fatrlok It. Uailla a, Boy n.laa.aacs

Feurn ath Weed --At Chrratal, 1W Orand atreet.Jaaaea tlaFaa, Thai uta Farren, Jeeeph Bhaenoa. la- -

Flll-e-nrh Ward-- AI r7 neaatoa atreet Jtejea QUj

eon. Charles Hamilton. Jew Caaltold. loepeotere.SUtretlb Ward At lia'plna, Mevao eelh etreet,

near BlntbeeeaBB. Wn aterrawa. Fater Ualp ,klebd. I ohett, Ieapestora.

Seveo colh Ward-- At 17 First avenae JehaYsaDervwert, Michael Uormaa, FelrU k IU y, laape- -

Eigbaesedh War-- At Union UtJI, Third avenue aadTeeeiV ascend eerert. Andrew lilht id, Jeha tilnla. Then a au ta. looasHor.

niaeteeutu ward-A- tji n Kasan'a Third Arenasand Fony-recan- d atreet ivar Keaaodj, Th iailftahaBkliao. L H'alct. laenartl

Twentiith atreet aad ElahthAvenue Jnh a Bryoe, ThJe . leraau, Bartholoeaewlloyle, Iaaptetera

Tweatr.flrsi War At Cotttr'a Thlrtr-fmrt- h atreetndHecosd Ueo. UaAit, Walliwe Ke y,

Cornel a L. Fsrdr, laspeet-ra- .Tweutr-aeeon- d Ward-- Ai lit Bilkth Aveaaa. Je--

eepk l.lndott, Daniel Qrlnnon, J aa a A. McCecmlea,lnapecAeaa.

Tbe Senator 1 Conventions will meet at la fellow fFc-- J trlct-- AI Tama ay Uatt, aa ltth Inst.Fifth Itatrlet-- At llalaa Hall, Fourt atreet aad

Aveau C. on lita laet.Hint, Dlstrlot At lielalaa, Ml Mlath areaus, aa

15th lost.HeveethDIatrlet-- lt Hubbard - McCer's, Thirty-secon- d

strset sod Fourth avenue, on 12th lostThe As uibir Conventions wlil meet al th I lowing

FleatDMruit-Bnr- ae. Na 7 Morris atreet.Baoone llktrtea-- re7cl a r .rl atreet.Third Iikbtot-.FIfl- h War Met I

tasssraa Uali, Canal atreet, nearrMrvTbwtriet-- Me . Hadami aedBairew eta.Rlilh liter N H'HOraad atreet --Oryptal.

til rial Tttlr men atiaet an Ifiaadwar.aifDia inaancv 1.0 SID unaiNlath PUerlet-Walt- ers, Ml Hlathaeeane.TeaU Dkiot Fifth etxett and Avenue A-- 71 Are-

as .t rranth D atreet and Ix- h-

TeeifU District --Unleu 110, Fourth atreet tad Ar--

Thirteeath DUtrlet-Wila- w' FuV-fin-t atreet anlBlfbth areaue.

Fourteenth Dblriet Union Hill, Third stmbm aadfwr av seeona atreet Dbirkt-- R. McRahs'B. Ml ThirdfUiemh 111 vlet-Ja- ku EassVa. Third avaaa sod

Fl rF seteneateeetBereoteenlh Dletrid-Ueee- 'a, narleea.beeolve), Thai the iB'peetoe. ef Primary Fdeetleo

be appelated br tbe u eiatlona from tke eeveraiWanK an la ease the delegatae tall to aTi a a--Joritrtheratfahali'eecrmtoa,

By erdar af the Demeeai e epnhlicaa Qane'AlCoe nittee.

ISAAC Y. FOWLCB, Oha Ixntaa.AlBBW CMAwrVLLOB, I n.. ,.,!M. UiusiBurr.i a. tm

First AMeaably Ce Taastoex at n hBBallnsef the above ConventleaeHed parmant 1 1 an eed-- r efthe Mesart Oeaersi at . HAS. MoUAVBL

BroadwBP,oa Fri laf.Oct. 7. lw, U J. COOL Y.Ce was maanln ir nomlnasd as ths Ban414 sea torf T. OAHvKV, Oh aimu . IdAAO F.UAZAsU), JOUNOK(iAK,BoCrarles. sal

aodMtckly sure ikeeaaatlv h adaoba, ago ta taefuie, t sHhaahe, eere threat bileo.'e aa, pain la thecheat, bask as aide, eoegh. sheila. dvaetery, pU

eup,laaenesefaiia a. erpeiae aad Bakes, she .ever loco d, er wheAeeer thee nee eser I. Br o

aa,sre-Bui- tosroAiea,oaJoulted eeid anceef many welt knows eftla as will be ciiee, whsh.eebeen cored hy He aae efawv nevf.Qiofhtl. OraeeMBowrprtVUmUBaBa 8M'- -ravat and all draaxhto. Hi

fta FnlW sWkew Tseavp ai-- aaa B.--t.i. win ao Taarai jl ialey evanierext,tc-i- n .aa eur "Jf 7nUl remper.i. The aalleeln aenteasa.nee, Cbss. teef Mr. Biewn, aadDr. Suodrreae a--i others en jkukai atra.

i ocas at1 o'clock. Br wrder if BUvYA- -U U We--ET, rreft,tuwu, oai. ruet, box. 'a--

fxrrrort stinb and iibedow TrTnrBfrew No lo so tbieeda, beat qu ity, cor ;aaU7 otea- -, 'stxlJet at oj flit


f fi linn iBt VIIIAM Mlaf WKRsT- ,-n'laTirleeal sreswntloM jar UmYau- - ar fMring

WTBtraoJjawj-- : SO CWSAP.Lap cnclP.


igs!! ibaas!,llsifaat

-I-DrMj-a,-,,.- 181

ev. d rasa. ga?tkeUlUBrM ylsilrs JTsa tttXCHhrlSlnae tejne r Uahlr rre tied lay ah at ees.nenlW-- at ss- -y.

Bocnninr rsikna St aanr fHaaaaf wrtaana rees away frs asr to a aeg

U-- VSfar teaim to hataea a Th vNj!

rowo;WaXJL ?BLrTe-rrrf- ee lViwdera'WrJx.

sweat, ax.ssaiaa. nu b gtvwn I

CC-B-lasrr ewe ra faeg or ertok. awkaowa."t;uut.

Iwsaaaraars ClfUet T. A. Slymeet ewerrSa a ay evwatog, U ateealar Bsldlass.or ana sorwa wh

rhWerr UawjUaaaetaijb dMrjlaaanVat to

by.ttothe T"m-r- e

itiSftrs-- afesw.eriartlla, WaaeSeU. Wa-k- ta.tonrilla, Mewst Viaaw. West and Central -s-eat Tar.

A Taxasf i ku to th abeva vlllasea aaar MXTta el 1T a en Moasv.Ostohe loth. Bin

East Uth aC nsar th , aa teat esse af tot far tarsa en Merameer Utn. JOUB xiqajjCB,

C- - Qsetor. SMTJSV

Tart. sa. T Sajiabiaand sisrera aaarlat'oa ef New York ad BrooklrniszAVi&L w?Trtataxa dug drlaaa. Frwaad of Tampers m raUy

I tills An i ih II in. Thsenikea aerarsawaatca toBBestarieABWwwrwSaTevsDa.- U- lawt,al wWch t. M. B, Freat ,

at fta Oaaeeta a Awienitoee an reqneau to meet tn their halt, He ITWeostor atreet, en Mendey erenle loth. but, at 7it

ek. r. aa, aa r alee er laaaer aae wiu oa irs .sated, syndar of WL J. WM.S- -, aeru--. earsW

Nsn ta r--a satBitna aC Kaw Tarh a--AtsWs tr. Aeaaaaasoatlagef t ahev hraaeh wtd

taJa Mb t KJ- Asia i i- x- iiatoi, esc. sf OaU

jwda oftn tliaia llln. JBS1IH WltKtltT.stoir-a- ry.

Ta and f i hr -T-easguat srvtoei.'aa7 TTtoS

VL aff wtotha, to. iaTCTd togSUwtjfteea ea wmow anana. a loan. ST

A. O. esf II. ara steejamted b- -m al Pa.ton Hen. MM at and M awaes.sej Hararaay. ask,1 e'e rk p. aa. tor as pay the at wir te ef rassm torNwlr-raaemh- erj. VfN-iX- Broee efOWSB

ad m seaias the Aaaf neslBs awl Ibr paving eeriatvkid Anrwts xerBtn fees la as-ea-

aandtBi atolletionef still m n aartoua ovist ,Xrp iiiinia a i sap a n aa asnawrwai rbewpartaaeed pod nas Uiful hamUm

pr. B. sr her ststo that he w awrtfvea HI i any aeresw adver nln to euro daaafnes

neherhee be aivew perssleetoa for O pubmas saefa eartllleato, paursratog to ana last a from kiaa andea a, ttoragaps, h rees Ibis for aaralar ta eeaeoaenee lean tag from rashness, and deeparailoTh toss of atom rr Boar not b me r I to eon

hot th drtv on of en of the moet Lspor-- ntef tbe aeeswe, oesht to be re and lissiadwkmere thaa rdinary aoliettndeDeafnaaa, note a la, tks i. and all glaagraeatle

rasnes ftean tke star, eseeailr and sn eaaiy rBBSwesVwa ewleeaetog toset pain er la aonvanUee x r i ti 'i 1 liniiatuiillil aim aialfi laaaxioai dee not aooVt.

Thirteen rr e alese and ahnost andlv ed attentionto this kreeehaf apeetei prae ee. lenaaiMI him torenoe uiareatmettttaeucnaaeerra f Inecesa asBad th met eenfire d and ebetinato Tie byateedr attetitk lo tr me prescribed,

Ths dealractlon, by BT. of tlhe PbllsdelphlaBtrlnrmery. er wnien ur. Bavin-- - Li. A... r. .k.. .i. I Illahed pennsosntly hU I vaimrion for th exe vtreelaanul ef erdlsaaaea at 14 Fa teaea et , eppe.

lm aea s of Mas, la r gara.CessalBBllen sai aaaaaaairtaai aaah mnrnlag ?r

akklrta-PJU- iU.

Andcalngeut tbetr eutirs stock ior the oa. tiObsat PiaanaaSkirt fTryai iwtpt--a, Mehs BTkMs-kto- AiBaLt una Con. S41W

ar Wbsbb il i f--1as. as x Wit faal t UBm will Bm 9grew oa the a stbeat Isee.wltk ynt stent ar Injury latne i Price Bl. artat br aae Boat ra free. en.WBBX a. w. Maanaw, awe saa i aa, n. a. lsi

. ooorat,Or -w.

IIa 0Urt Twaa Werars Fha Magiyams, from No 14 to M 1 aad rams, Noa. 14,la, is: to, end 14, warranted eapader qo Uty. Foranltaljohnit. at'iUPfww Yarn; Uejnnr De lews' atsiwat- y- ftfiaoa

at Faure'i Hotel, corner Spring and Weet eta. wheremember caa pee their ease, a1 tbo waa wish a ybason aiemliers. u. n. raitt.4lTulhABl10S ' vnclsi Bceretary,

nldw-r- B Caat-b- Lg I



Tbelarat laanil efrseklnnehu Fan a-s- WUtor Uothla ex-- sverr variety, sasea latyteeared.aad IB a low mm a aa r ira


wAaaj Barafl ywarty he toaag bwiTh heat sxtavts that son be and In tba weald ax Ml'

Stop In the Onete end eta r epsisunta of lleataUaan sia 1 ill t, paaaee an a I ssst 1

as dreVa otoirfiaat. at aVTn Th trill


North Tart Cwwrr , larwas esf WaTJtaawad Fulton eta-D-lvln errvlee every Saboath at 1Xls, 834 o'clock an, sad a Frays Medina In ths evwnlug St I o'clock Sshhath bohool and Blhta Claaam atJ a. m. aad I p. in. FrlJs r even ins Prayer Meet I as ale a oauy rrarer fleeting man u to 1 c'CwatAilasalar ed aad aeata turnhi td. 1

w una Bnahargwi Fir M.rvaoaM ta Fare atato he delivered ta (irtee Cha-e- Oeasidrea er, n-- ar

Lerlmee The firat itimna lathe cur will ae deile.eted by ha her l- - I K T1H. of U'le Tr'uUe. Bra.Ira.ea Bnndsr nlah. thstlH las. Semes to aiimmaoteatlMeclock.

MIC.oca's free. ALTAii 'J

I Aweaaa flhare , Bene Irt -- . B.A. VANVBAb-E- M. nD, ef New BBselok,M J.wlllpresrh tnsnorrew a ICta e d St e'eteeh. Hen.WDJAkliA.LAMBikl', will adareee the aabhslhbohool meeting in tbe ve g at 7I e'e ex. 10

T . Ja au LI-li- win - lafiaelne I'dMltvawrissi r- -l - waae Vac k at. Oct. . alien am. aid the puns r, Ker.LUrilltKIL Vst-D-Oa -.-allMpni. 1W

Pef. MaltiBBB will preanh, aa asaeJ, ntUnion Cbaprl, eer ef lt at and Bieadvay,alltH a,andalMm. boe-f- ree. Ill

eteirwaeea fa OlaMdrea s - Tawtk At AVIngdon Hiinar Ta a ckarch, Malt Abmdon Sqtare,te me new eeeaag al 1M e'eaash. s (Hast. The UseiFhjalelea beieg the first of a oarlre af Baonthly ao--reasesMiaaienaa. rJuamioyiowBanaatn c

free-i-ug as -- I at 10j . and IKIs

3 I. K--sp to lalas aa TM e'e sk. al tkaa aa rr. Ill Firsts. z-- iMrereeur M, tae aaowau e amag et uniiev


Bee-t- re. 11

t F . IA..U.U. I II. k. as -- A lAisf .a. A at.up IW1 sU 'e W aaHBiaaswii ) a ' I its "j -jeeis, A, M ILo UepetefMa. or Ja tea, fael'Fand-e- ny efihe Law. P. at , th Mh of DeaUl liie--totyanatato M wa ureal uara. aa

Ff war Iaa at thai f itahsado at Oa .tmnw.Saday, thPth.kF Be, ti elves lHA M. Bad I P. M, Bsr. B auel at--eps, la the even.lag al I ' oek. 17

Owl .we raw. Tan 1 w!there will be areeeauag at CstbarlceMaikea, atlas U0A.hV. IeolofUe-- er atreet. -

WeevBaAntocer Ohnre- -, Star. Kbrt Ha.OAUTE , Ull.ras-- r. Te Bee. Mr. DILL, ef taefit ills 'Ion, wul p In rvemm e r tiBBraa,ii .. 1. ti7 f.a vva.. tamerr.w aveaiag.lUbhslh. (JoUbaa rth. at 1M Celoca. TUB raster wutprea h In ah marntng ai iwM 'clock. are

hwaia f lha Ielsh Damv ttsax vrtBaraa'b to morrow, Sahna th. Co, nth. as follows i EUUAiLii is. u ana evseaca rr hyterlaaChinch, lath et, near Sth eve, (iter, lie. MeBLIibiVd).an at IX la tb evening, et Ue .Mathotflsa Belaeea. ICherch,4th BVB.etld an ad. ets.(Lir. BIIIUSM.....uua , Xsv, Mr. lULU at .him ta ii ira ia

Fieabiterlaa li Mr.HAHTlBadli stlUht isa Chiueb. (bVir wa srsaLBa, to west issuerin and Ith sve, (Bev. Dr. Me- -

.vy lu-Vi- a win eeaaca. M a Ivor.wAolaaekera.ln BrsaJtlyn AoeJIecl awlA uteaap al esaa aervioe, in am ea u

Ncttoa Twee wHI ha FakH Haerutoby tbe ehUdrro af ths g.hb.U Behuol conn tod withths Norfolk Btreet M a. Ob wn.-w- wa-o- p a- --noaw oa mb oiaile'eloek. Bpeekara, ra OPfllHf WAY. IlKTII. (lAkllNBH. . J AatBg FITSPAT- -BUKaBdetketa. The publto rnvissd to tea4.DAhTIi Bupt. 1

Caaper IaMtI- B- Pataw sUaUiaexi iarwvloes F arermecllDta tbearsal U- -I at fH T.M. Fteachaag atlMFM. Dauy P yr et a

ICC ensClrtlc tn ry ive ai. X.N

w "yj1 t'F"1 i "'

REUQIOUS NOTICIft.'! Hnaiuia ra jrasrai ttaaaOam a ajjT. Pr.POWjJlii. f UIHraaa Jar3Crrca, r1J'jn--W J" ,

th stU- .m tl"um Jra nr1k . arWsMtSRl S t

as. iai

'.' ! -- .: )IOlCaiij stat, b. B. Oa-i- aai C-- llij Ma

Taw ara rr- -4 ta .'AttisJ, allam--thn tumea rery .at WQreae et.


FAbHIKS AND MANDUKof first qoailly leached aehas faraaa.

Apply It Dnbroaete at. adl'tto

P)B SALE-O-NE OF SlffORK'S . tBewtn asaahlnee, ! seed srdsr. eheeelfsr

cash. 1 11 Kirlaifa at. baseeaeat. wWBe


from oor firm l the bnelnnw walhentlooe

L.IJOMPtl WOW, BJalhssaBOet. Sth, UDACLAF- F- CO. xlsnsk

NOTICK 18 UKM-- BT 01YEH THAT Tnila k farasxletimgaaawwaaMsV

IM'BiHS la b derdl t tfaiaV eam--w.l llAVin f. liAiJ-- a, KOBt--T - DVM- -bOeaebe Ith, lssa. af.


Qyste Breed ijbd t ywr ttsjej-sw- SBowery, cor m lat as.


THE 16 Neaaoa at, room t Fswaj n wsaelsn-atei.- ld net neslert It new. NB.-Pa- iia

lag their address U1 b rlaltod art ( TeieeaL, 1BJ

IfAKX- -S TAKE SO TICK TOOSEQABtheeheasoea Havana ad Be4 Uaf tohaa-e- e

to the elty, wooUala and re B. at N I sWerreaiof Dover U.W.U. HUt Y. t 1BS


LJ Far Sale Chesp. I per Sal CVaap.Abkleda. AUk-- aa.

At TUOatrsON A CCS, 1M a-a at, reJ,Mfiwor.

CUB ACADKHT OF ST. fjBaHle at Brotklm. mm,Aer the dUweJeeji af Baa

Frvneiacan lin thee wi'i b ready far tto reeeetlaai epapUs aa Monday, Oo. KHa. ali'MTn-- T HAVE COUETBET nATE COME.

bhM eome Th TTesaas-s- i hare arrtvet-e- wg

rnlSSmTSttum. of UeWeA a-a- aaeel taM n Mair lee, na prtoea . tow lha all ma a --oa as a as aitura. tjumr t airwci rrem I t ai a lea a.eaaato ifa than. Iswee- - thaa at one oth r hawses to aha!..&,D,JU avarirnT 8UFFIB wrra PAurf tiioit.

V!lraww:y.,,da- - gS "" TA OR PEBTOa-T- OE LA--T OF THE

OJffc CJ t aatan Bed sola tig audi" udfeeaacaeoaia. Oak wood, ll Thoee

IttL --i 8U tt. 1 1 tt at. ef r.lf

Oar Biwun ii 11 FHIwattera.

,,0n OcraraMat Beam to b AeUngw'th

lnr lhan Its ntiul Miergy to nst lb Blibtut- -

kncMJbici of tYalafb - -- -.ft wawt, BwTr, rly or ,n ' awl

Meaty (Till colee th Southern parti buts--sald Ibey b wmrlncrd that th authorities at

yrfhe,mM ti i that nT rmiM- -as to. th rrformDC of their duty would

Icing-- fro--P dlmll, they will act with thereus It plg-o-r and determlnttton,

nrwtfor,tb apathy, or tbepoJUreofficer, with Waiekk's

fiBbattar noTtxacnU, ha nconrsgej him la hi

piratical advwattuwiu, s 1 the countenance (rfren

t him, by a portion of ocr dilieoa. In oHnVent

rant f the ewwotry, and Tcllly la the South,hej alio bad IU Influenc In securing hint Immn-Bi- t?

iroat airtted pun hmont. Now, the tUof oabUoa throoghout the Union ran strongly

afatiut ITAtjua and till project. IIU teti la2fkr(Bi, daring hi brief usurpation of au-

thority there, bars Closed hi chiracler to tettatPjad with an Indellibt itlgma. It U only

atranf e that be fin BtHI deceit iome by hitwcrtbl raomU, or gather around htm any

amber of roll were.rTo tnut that oar OoTersmnit wDl not only

laoeaed la frustrating hi present designs, batthat it will coattno him that be cannot, withtarpaalty, aay longer carry on within the United Statu bii cot iplrscles agalnit the peace andproperty of filendly Slate, and that theirwait nail will only gtra them an additionaldab to ant protection ajaSnit plralloal axpo -tWa.


1- -a fJalatuaka la Cklaau, jLsnaaeaadeat aft London Timtt hlvana- -anew tbenry te atooaot tut the terrible rep- .-

oftbeBriUtbkttbe month of the retho. Itdoe not Ulirv the itory that Raulani directedtL oaaraUon of the Cnlneae, though a few

European! may bare been among tbem.Ilia theory 1 that tb bk who conducted iboperatloaa on tb Chines aid were Calm nek, aCaauUa tribe, which, In tb reign of the Em-pr- e

CATHAsurx, inddealy emigrated In a bodyfrom their natlr hllli late Chios Urritory.

Thb eorreeporidsnt yi that when on a toarIn the Ceacaaui nj adjacent prorlno, InlSM-P- , be -a-rnod from InUlllgtnl Kuaelan offl-c- en

the fact regarding thlj migration ncront without parallel In tb hlitory of tbworld from it Srit creation, wl'h th exception

ofthteaedasof the Iiraelltei from Egypt. Thetitula-r- altmptod to Intercept the flight of theCabacA W ben, after lufforing txtraordinaryhardship, tb ralgranti whj turrlred theirterrtU inarch bad reached the Chlneee frontier,

they found a powerful BariUn force drawn op

la bar their further progren. Worn oat andeibauited, they yet eontrlred to force theirway, and rriehed the Mongol territory, the Kuhaiaa troop following in hot purinlt. Scarcely,

however, bat the Kutnlan eroened the boundary,

before a murderoui fire of mutketry and artll-lat- y

wai opened upon tbem, and they wereobliged to rt treat.

Tbuoderetrnck at thb nnexpectad repul, thBaaaUoa, hiring galad their own territory


a tb borderi of a lake, but being lUloompUtety under Ilia rang of their enemy 'igaai, wbkb played upon them Inceaaaatly, afearful alaughUr foilowe.1, and tbi remnant ofthe Euuiaa fore broke and fled In all direction.What moet lorprlMsl the RoeeUu wis, not omuck lb bravery and diiclpline of th Calmucka,

at tbetr luperlor train of artillery, and the admir-

able manner In which It wai acrreil. The mur-

deroui prtctiton of the Ca'.muck gunneri utterlyparalrrtd lb I aiwlan aoVUera.

'Th corrMpoudrnt, who WtM Clitni in18S6, nyi that lie arked tome Intelliint Chi-oe-

why the CalmucV troop were not broughtdown to fi j lit the HiUUh. 1 ho rep'y wai to theeffect lha'. it would be 1H.0 Int Hit g the wolf totaki ar of th nine;. Titer might eatUyL brought down, but it might not be o euygetting them back agiln. Hut tbli objectionwould not apply to atbei'reuf action eo farnorth ai the l'elho, and it ii therefore aurmlsedthat th Riitiah mot the Calmucki fjr tie linttime In tL affair en tho I'i ho. If lb lurmUebe correct, then may we my to the allien, "Lookout, hereafter, for th Ca rmnkii."

Pta Uo.BlTte.Hy the brig II. C. Rto-iki- , arrire-- yenlenlay,

wo bar dalea lo Sept. Kill.Th mirkit wai well ilocked with proTbioni.

TIm new crop of eofiV wai cum'ng In rery ilow-l- y.

Coffee ittllug at 4 1 no twr 10(10 1W. ourren-cj- .

Logwood t to 1 15 do. per 100 IU. Cotton1 20a I 2i do. per 100 11.x.

Th (hooting of tho daflglitrr nf TrmUent(JirMiARH on the 10th bet., wai the ilgnal fora general riIig by a pirly of cuiuplra'om againstth Gorernmrnt, but at prompt measure weretaken, and about & if them arreattil, jnietnenMK.n prorated. 1 hey are bat Ing their trial, andwDl, no doubt, mmiu tiokh ii, l!n. TniLirKT,uce of bov uii ijva'e Miniatt ri hat been banUhod.

The Mtahra and Nkroketil l'ae.Tb Albany Errning Jmmd ra.ri of he ra

of tbi C'ouit tf Appeal. In Iheac two

cueiiThe prtDCiil queattou In the ewe of Praniiiii wu,

wbttbvr tie jury, In a catillai trial, iuit b TinlttoJtoatiwrate. It u entt'ej tjataurhaiviiutlnj if lie Judite, IU Ibn etpieei uwnl ultoepriaonrraud btr ?.', i. Uu . iu la .

In Uie Baaitiaao rse, in Hhtrft. comlnir rnnn tiieGtlieial aenlou "Ww Voik cly. ilia Court uf Ape1 I rulrr4l to examine tLa facts tbe unantoi hii

mi, tbei waa rey jrmt doubt bow the Arefcrlatuated. It oould not be a d that tUeri waa erau

etrcKg prvbaMltty the. It ai act j the prliniiur.Ttiere wcie cfrcumNtaucea of autfpiuhia, but uutbtug

batf if te warraut a ciid'al o m'cUuu.

The News by Telegraph.ttojjnttU Ttltgrtpk 0lct; Xa. ii Wall ttrttt and

Atior livuM, main ( 3Ieemei,

HVi.oi, Oct. 7. Ibero U but littletntail'Keiie to day rv'latiT Id tuo fllibuati.

AAot&cliJ despatch from Nw tr'Mui atatrti that tbotumtioat rauLar baa lieaa aMiod, tvitner with tbcaaUlo and crew, aud arruutremeuU have biea madeto arrat tb party boiut d'irn the rtnr a far

i the South paaa la that eL The oj.tulon la ex.preaaed la tb auue UlrKrain that the whole Uetfttauhem baa bcea frusuaud.

Ariee t the Fiuaaacer.JfetOrltOKt, Oct. 7. Tho lillbu.uri were

at iaa Duuth Wot Pa at I u'uluck bytti V. B. Karate!. aeatWd by tL I'. . artUWry,They peaotauy pumoocTO.

Bxtaaalr 0arlaiy.Albany, Oct. 7. A larg robbory wu commit-

ted la Uue cltylaat ulgbt, Uoou A Tomr'a Jeareliytore baling been ooujjJeUi atrlpped of It

IberotiUryatllnoD & Tomr'a Jewelry atw I

aakl to bat been allctod by an entry through thbat, oellar itiur, aud tbroogb lb 11 jurlng into tbatom. Tb)twalry avilraooualata mainly uf watob

a, etialnet aiid dhunotidH. M l or ttia avetobe barUve Kama oa. Tbawmtu of the property etolenauTSS W t0 proiMlet-a- r l 'rom 0UU tol21il''i0,,,,euj''1 n"fuulJ7'f'- -

rrftUa nateU..JS'Lra'rii0 iU.e "l"ll trotting

b, tb foauier Iu tbVe itraTgu hZSl'vf. n Z"?aad th firat bai mil U It waa tuadw t l.tSjJv

Mtnklaaa Kill -!- -

IV. 1 !l f- -i f TI.A Mti.litian 1 mtkliJVr ekawd r, bavlua boan Ita incoeaar ul(fr ald la th Mate. Kvory deuartuwat waa coin- -

rjaHev ain aiaa nm w wwwww vhwiwn.VraTaBa'atewaiaVnr waa axblUted, and attractudipwaal aaticttoa, Thl annual adVireea wa dallreradxaaanrday env.raot i by Uuveruot BaMxa, who, withtonnur Waaa aud Benatne Biaanix arid

CauiOMXa. wen atouiteJ to the grouud by the


Peace Frospeoti Conflrnit!


JfotMO, tT. B.Oci. 7-- Th itMaaablp Caada lert Llraipoot Sitb, x4 arrrrad at IlaafceatUthUMt.Thaahlp Jtahua Qulncy, from Leghorn for Bne-- l,

waa abandoned at ta oa tb 4th of September,leaklPg badly.

fat mni ooiirxatwea.Th London Mrrtiinn HtrmU mint prxnlnene t

th WWlDpratf7a4Jl " W bare neaoa to be-

lter that a definitive treaty nf ptao will man be td

at Zurich. It will, bowmr, bear tb

A Bern aaya, a courier from Vtanaa badreached Zurtra, with loMnHilna lo draw op treatyiaTaee,aiid adVieuaMOtfortbeeaaalan of Ixanbaridy In Dardlnla. No allnalon la made to ta Doohlaa.It U hoped that a treaty wQl b atgnedlnafiw

cant nrrtm,Tl.e arrew ateemer Fox, Capt IfnCllTrH-x,ee- n br

Lady r'xaram to the aVretto regtoni In earoh efthUaee air Jon rumu! xpdlttoo, had

to England, hartnf been (wnpleMT aweeaaiful. At rulnt William, oa lb K. W. eo4 of Una

rUUaio' lalaad, a Koord waa tound. dated Aprdtttb,l4S,fnedbyCr. Caonaa and rmiun,The n cord eat a, tb Krebu and Terror were aban-dnn-

tbtv rtaya prenraialy en the lee. five leaguete tb N.N.W., and that tb antroni, In all amotmt-la- g

to V were roradtn( te Orea ITeh River. MrJoua rlu bad died Jon 11th, 1MT, and tbtotla death! to.dat bad been nln cAeor nd fifteea

deeply intereatlng relic of th tipadltloawar found on th weetein abore of Xing VTUIIamalataud, and other were obtained from the EpU-wau- x,

who atated that after thtlrahandonmenUuneablp waa cruabrd In the tc and aimk, and tb otherforced on atx re, where aba remained.

Several aknleioni of Funui'i men, larg quan-titl- e

of clothing, Ac , tod duplicate reoord, up tothe abandonment of tb ahlje, waa dieoorered.

iLam or iai tea.Tbi Amarlcaa oeeunatlon of th labuvl of San

Juan attract mnald. rabl attention tn tb lonraala.Tb riwieitdltoilallratateatUfeoU of tb eaai.

and a) it rmtunatery, tb affair i Ingnodhanda,ana w iron iter ran oe n reawm lo aouot matthe government! of tb two cmntrle whl proceed toa dedaVm ta th earn rlt of modaratton andquay by which their view of tb qneatloat hv

bBneito been character Ued.Th aitlol emdiide a follow I "It U n-- a

qneetloa at oonverdanee, but of Juatlc. Th dael-Io- n

ebould depend upon tb tarra of tb tmatyalrlyInterpreted, and It wa evidently not doubted by eitherGovernment a hii time ago. that thla Interpreta-tion could be dlaonvared. If, howerer. It aboiildprov that tbeexlatlig convention cannui be ao ap-plied a to aatlafy tb contracting patina, ther eaauieli be no reaaon why two Stataa, whloa have now

eojianea weir reectlre umit aeroe aa en-t- in

onotlnent fiom the Ateulio to thecute, ehmild not oomHate tlie work In the narrowwater of Vancouver! Inland. Tb Americana mayaaaur theuMeln a that lo lueh negotlatlina they will

tit with no feelinga but thoee of fclrneaa and amityon th part of thla country. It would be hard,

If children of the aam etoik, who can feel thermpatblaeur bluud and liaeaga,a they wi felt

end eapreaerd In tbe water of the Palho, aliould findmuch difficulty In xljuatlng a petty boundary que-lio- n

on th coat cf th racdfla'' .auwritjutaoci iraiaon.

Tblity of th crew of tb Great Eeatern bad beenarretted and triad at Weymouth for mutlniiui oon-du- rt

In rafualng to wart the deck when ordered.TbaCagUah Journal atrong'y dennima th

and bunted manner In which the ablpwa ent to ara. A ragu rumor ha beencurrent that her fliit royaae would be port-tone-d

until neat year, and that In the In-

terim aha would be exhibited at the principalrl In tbe Kingdom. TLU, However, la authorlta-Ivel- y

conlradu.ted, and aha la etlC advertlaed toleave Uoiybead for rortland, on tbe SOth of Octo-ber.

t'pwardi of a thouaand marine, atrong daUoh-roeii- ta

of tb Kill Brigade, twe light InfantryAc, were i leave Eoguuxt for China, by tb

overiana rout. The uovernment mteuoaa mapaton- -ng fifty gunbiU, bealde frigate aud other veavwla.

HlrCcaarx Roan wrltr to th Dublin Juumala.poaltlvely eaaettlog, that th Oorernroent Intendarttlrg aalde tbe tialway mall enatract at the nextataalon of rarliainent. Anerdar fortarombuouabalacartridge! lacked In too boxea had been executed atWoolwkb In three daya, biolaaVngthe etowlng onablpbtard. Tbe goto China over land, and aae- -cond otoer lo a muin greater exwut, waa progrea-leo- ?

fur the aea rovadra.A meeting bad been held to KanchMter to hear

from Her. afr. Ilowva. an iinoaltton cf tl originand object! of a aookty fumed In to United State.fur iilahtlng Onlonla In Cant ml and other nortlnn fAfiloa, with tb new of clvtlialng that region andprua tiling M gmatn t conia. KaaniuOnn aptirer-lu- g

th ioovement and pleading atipiiort weradm.ted.

TL Lordon AttrrHitr glv a report thatBTirnxxion, tt gieat enguicer, Is dangerously

raUMia.The Tfmra cxrreaixmdenceaTthffreatrriortuf

th day wu that tb question oftha liuohle hadlieen anaiigod i that Tuscany Is tube reigned everby the King of the rte'.gUns aerond son, and Pariaaand Molena by MtxiMiuaa. Another rap t aayathe Count uellandere Is to have tho throe Ita'lanlimbics, and tho ArvLduke Maximilian Venctla,whli ee arate conatltuttoba. These reKrt! must betaken for uLat they are wotth.

AuoUier I'srla ninior was to tlie elfrrt that there labi be no i hence eximditlun, that tbe hesd of tlie IVlboMajidalluliaJbteii proITered In abinMuent, coupledulthpri'liilM1! of all the aaturfactioa rariulrel, andlist th Ambassador will btT Immediately ruouivedat IVkla.

IaxfMlThe Paris cnrresondeut of tbe London RMciator,

who baa, on aeteraj ocamaiona, cianmunlcatod earlyand authentic newa, aawrte Inat NaroLsxia aooeptstbe ilan of the Klug of the lleUlsus, wblnh la loglie the fmtrtesrs of l'rachisrs sud Mantua, aud thHtabai of rsrms ud Modena to Saniinla, to relu-t-

the House of 1irralue In Tuscany, and restorethe Igutlniia to tbe Poiw. AfUr the Uitruductuu ofevarltiy of rvfonua, Vcuttiais to have governmentalliiMUniiieia and an aimy uf IU own. under the Arch-duke Kmi'iKia n Ma luiuari, with tin title of UrandUokjof Vinctla. Thla at pmallon baa the conciur-ruc- -

C'f Auetris. A Cuiignss U also to be eld atItniew'a, irraklMl over by tbe King. Thla latter ladatediitiilugof toe-i- d.

lb l'arla f'uliia laa au article WLL.U partiallycc ii fti ma tLe aliovo atateuiuut.

rrair.Til R.nllnUn Ooven.miut be oUrasasd elr

culsr to the great powers, donylng tbe roiiu.tedatiilou of Savoy to I ranoe.

1 be l'.po remained In a very a'annlug state, andt aiuiiiai astukkijj una ueciaiea uu tuiiii to at'ttnii to public allalra.

Iaurat-Flana- clil nad CaeerrlJLondon, Saturday. Th )( .Wits' city article

raj e i i i.e i una on r nuey v. eraatauolisry in prtoe,the tieuuutioii Ulng Ua4i a acanty aca'. Tneehaie luartet a also quiet, but well eiippnrted.'iheuiaikita wire without much change. Lad dirUntd Jjo.

The Malta VelrUll Allaihed ay LvuU, Oct. ".A dispatch from Imlapcnd-riuee.- ja

thai the mall wblch left there on tbe IDtkint., for Hanta te, waa attacked by ludlaus beroudPaw in roik,and the conductor aud oue man killsd.1 Lo NlcoiuLn uiail, whloli was due on this day, badtut ai livid, aud li'ar weie rutertsluod of its safety.

axMikU MaraTt ii.. I.oul; OrtKbrr epedal dbriiateh from In

di to the U'jmbttean rays lust Mr, Oraao,uoryiHi vi iroill new aaeKlon, ana wire,Judge Warrs, wife, and Km, Jadge Poana, and Mr,CXKMursw, wir, H I presunu d, be with the Inoom-In- g

Bant ' party, for whoso eafuty much anxiety 1

flit.There wa an attack on th outgoing mall party,

by the Kio ladlnn oo the tth Q.t.Tb dlepatoh alao alstaa tliat another mall Cannot

V ave untu a military eacort La furuuhed.Auotlar dlapstih to tb KftmMUmn, from

tL arrival of the Bait Lake mailtx'tbalnth ult,

A paity of emigrant fiom Louisa eeunty, Iowa,and liJUi county, Mo., bad been attacked by tneBbuHliune Indiana near Marsh Valley. A. L. 11 airwaa klieil, and J. W. Prjua, WaaLar Kuaova and1 aouaa IlLCar, wounded. Tne ludlaus took all theird ttaa nd burnt U tbU w oaa

Another reuty of emigrant fiom Burilngton,Iwa,wa lleo attarked matr the aaiue ruuilty, and unarusu kllbd and another wounded.

Lor liaoerDio arrived on tbe 6U,eu rout to Cali-fornia and Chma.

Col. Ciuruaa' oonunand had arrlrd at 811 Lake.He relieved Col. KeuiiUe, who left ou th Mh furfvit Ixvuwoith.

Tae an ate FaJr.Albany, Oct. 7. Tb cloning diy of th But

fair baa tu well attended. The addrese uf 11 A. lux attrai.'ted a large audlrnoe. The warmtheuk a of the Bortety were tendered ater aba meet-bi- g

to lion. A, It, Coaoaa, tke I'raslden', for bistBorU U'WaiO. aerurlug th aucoasa of I us fair, Af.ter lb premlunia haa been read olE a goand iiaratsul tne pmulum cattle audhoisuewaa made, aud itwsl the geueial umruiatou that uo such cullsotti.iiof valuable anlnuUa haa ever been mads uu the conti-nent before. Toaids evening tba Uroineu vlatblthe grounda hi fiill fune, to remove aud )rade Willitheir enginrl.

Thetiiat premium on engines was awardod to II,p. Tonipklm tlnglne No. of Albauy.

The t. iptle Bed spill g Couipauy of Nw York re-

ceived tbe firat premium and a silver medal forairing-be- bottoms.

Ilxenaaana'a new Albanian Heater and floodSamaritan Cook Sior took taoh th first premiumwi atore and lirr medal.

Winaa & Aaxax took th firat premium on sailwith Liuua'l safe! eta tn t'.at premium on hollow-war-

uid aUrar medal oo general artvolo.Tbe firat premium oa llog maohiua wars

rnadtonorsa Baaas, aud to TuMia eWilsob TtMfrslPiemlum forth best fpouuuwWck uaaawailed UiCaorisA Haass.

BaHO,Tii,a.Tva Co., of Troy, tooa u nmpremium ou platrmm scale.

Comma A b.ixos, of Albany, reoeteod tbefor uaanaak and laee eurtal.ei and Mxxli- -

ij at v tiuavaa tut rtor rumnurs.SaNumeioua other art tlee which took th Iret pra- -

i!""! wereOWaatviug of eicctl attenti aa.itJ.. ' ..,I,!I1, "' tl" as of th fair, an a

iter tliiq tl.u, , ,,,t a,j uy, '., UvyTraioei.ti,audi,aariyi.iaiu la eieens of theItuffilurMeliUiutW. II fair hue thus U-u- i bfr tin, u.ol rvn.MuiraUn the tMtet ewe had.

Kan!yorwavvrM, Oof. 7-- Tb adptloa cf tba

Wytndott OnatlUOoa a render ortaia, by thnarptkaa of return fret tl moat Importaut eomytie. Tae aaajonty In It farorwUI proUbly naobfoutraj ii I I

rm Ttktn rdafc.UaraoriX, Oct. 7. Tb Dearer Cttr --

nreee of th 0U ult, ha rrived with Sf.OOO lagotd, but n nw of unporlaaot.

Marl al nana aTalr.Itottcm, Oct. 7-- Tb Katlocal Hotm fair oe

In Via city next Weak, ltlg a fortnarbCOver fifryof to moit famoua trvttlng aoraea la thL'nlon wtQ ronUat la no daring th Fair, Inolud.In atrial of lfeed rai Wdndy, bUaman EthanAllan. Oulumbn. and th Canadian atallUat. IJvaOak, tor premium of t.00.

J?. Oct. 7. Tb American StaUCora-mltte- evoted y that It I Icetpedleht to caO aStt Oonrenaon to aniria1 eedHrl for Stat


CITY NEWS.Dursccnra Fibs lprAimiaTrir Stbutt.Corraa axd Sncii Mitxa DwrraotEr).

Loas om 170.000. Tb Eigktb Diitrlet alarn,at hw mkiuto befor nln o'doek, hurt rreolng,wb eucd by the breaking out of fir lath low-- r

pnrUoa of tb building Ho, tit and Ul Wash-ington atrwt, owned and occupied by Wbmbt, Oil--

A Brother, dealer In ooffc, iptce and bat.Owing to th combustible nttur of th itook, thflaanea irpread with great rapidity, and twenty min-

ute after the dlaoov.ry of tb fir th wau of bothbudding wet level with th gwaad. Thtook la tbebulldmg Number Uf Waablngiontreet, which wai occupied by Scmixaamr,

Ilxaiox A Oo., flour denier, wa damaged by fir andwater about 3 000, and aald to U tnaurwL Tbbuilding (ccu led by tb firm of Waioarr Qouai ABrothr, wr three itory brick atmctar, and

belonged to rheeetate of Wa. Rrtawrxa. ThebtiUdlng were worth about a.W0,nd aald to UUaund. Th toat la th building wa worthbout IflO.ooa. Tlier I aald ta b an lMuranc on

th atock aad bulblljig, and a large amount of wblch

UtatbUamUnn,Beinaa, Irving, St. Mark, St.WchvihslTCWAoMidiainnimatrtirgh,kn4a'er.eey City locoraoee Compnnle. Tbe Mtjotnmg threeitory briok bulMIng, betimgbxg ta tb Brtumw

tat,Ko. tM, we damaged abnot $o0 and Insured

for StOM hi lb North Bivarand dreanwtoh Incur-anc- a

Compaulea.Tb upper portion of Ho. US wa occupied a

dwelling by Taoaiaa Mooaa, and hla

Iuel about SMa, on wblch ther I notnmine,Tbe fire I (unpud lo bar been caused by a defectIn th fumao connected with th angina. Thfiremen worked gauantly, and It I feared that omof tbem were Injured by the falling of the wall of

th building Ho. tl!5 and WT, but owing to thconfusion pellicular could not b obtained.

Cities rnito. Sine th conclusion of thgreat International match bet seen tbe V. S. tland all England II, anothnr match ha been made,and U now being played, between two elevens,known a ta graruxwow 11 and tke Loosrrxa11. Tbi match wa eommeaetd on Thursday!and will be oonoluded The attendance tothe ground, yesterday, was pretty good, auabering,perhaps, three thouaand. The weather wa aifin a oould be desired, but a sharp, oold brae,prevailed, riggestire cf overcoat. Th Interactmanlfeeted la thla match ll lUgbt, compared tothe one between th E. 11 and L". 8. ji, beingregardod merely as an exhibition of the laience'Tb ton la i followa, a far aa the gam haa been

played -lorxrxa' in. nm mniroa. IU

aoonn ivaisoi.raaarunout 8

WiLLtx b. Srxraueo e. jaaanna b. Brxrunwo T

Gitrerrro. Ilrvrxb. Brsresssos. 4Carrra c Lnarwrnre b. jAoaao,,.,, , 1

It. Waiaarrb. jAoxaoar... , 0Casus b. JaCKsOV... IIocavr o. UsrwAlok. Srantmoa m IIWirraa b. STareunaso , M 0BAiaroanb. jAnxioit 1

BjeSlogby8,wnleI ItTuU', both Inning , SB

irriusmoa' iron. nan namwa.SHAarnmnut , tjAnxsnnc Lorawoow b, Wumm. tCam xa i as not out...... ................ olllATWian c. Witar b. Wl'tiss. 1

DivilbOacror 0(llseatb. Warm 1

1. 1L BTsTumana c. A b. Oacanr 1

John LiixrwniTBrun out . 1Lam b. (licsnrPoan U O aoHliT 0llxan UOicanr 1

Leg byes , I

Total iiTbe second Innings of STaranieoh'i side com-

menced about quaiter before 6 o'clock yeaterdsy sf.Vruiwn, but waa adjounied over Immediately aftercommencement.

InzAitT Aisemhi t Conrrrnov. Tbbut eveulug made uumUiatlon f tb

follows t let dlat., D. J. 4thdl.t, Jai. MuCciicil 10th dlst, Jobs BfSvaIMbdJaL, Osn. II, Vabiab. 16th dlat., Ulnar Aa- -

mJiAina. litii dlat., Tan. Vamw. Tb Couren-tlo- u

In the baUnc of the dlatitcts adjourucd to alutur ij without making noojfnaiiiaie.

TnnTax (Vlltctor bai already got la threequaitcie uf a million of dollar, this year taxes.

It U a rematkaV fact that at a Urn withintli laet twecty-nv- e year haa employment for tradei.isiotile, sail others, been 10 general aud on easilyfound. Wbtl eaveralooijmna of each day japerare devoted to advertisement far help, and forinenhanlrel aaatetance wanted, a paltry quarter of acolumn comprise tr dvertlaomaut of those lawant of situations. Ilomcetlca ire iceroe, and goodou oouimaiul the beat uf jilaco. W r glad ofIt.

Tub Idea of a Westchester County Railroadbolig IhUI Iu the at to Is of this city, aa alluded toyesterday, I quite a new oue, and it waa doubtlessmtunded to a teal a maroh oa ul that tbe prvrialona ofthe act relating tliereto were framed. Th route, tafj.H,wae Intended to lie aa foUoan i Grossing theIlarkm Elver at or near Klogabrldge, tbence dosethe Klugsbridge road to Kid atreet, thence down10th avenue to Iftlat itreot, through lOlet street tand through 11th avenu tolOSih street, tbeuce dawnIlaamlngdale mad or Broadway, to OKh street,through b9th atreet to 7th avenue, down 7th avenueto Orsenwlch avenue, tbence down Qroeowlch avenueto 0th avenue. Thla portion of the line to be a doubletrack. Tbence serosa and down 6th avenu to Wr"erly lace, tbence down by a single track to Greenstreet, dowd Creeoe hi Cs'jJ, up Canal to WestIroadsray, nd down Weet Broadway (allby a single track) to Park. Place, thanethrough KobluKm, Qreenwlch, and Fulton itreete,thence down Greenwich by a double traok to andthrough Battery Place, atete atreet, and Whitehallstreet, thence to South ferry. sUturnlng throughWbib ball atreet to Broadway, thence across la nai-

lery tlaer, thenoe up areenwkh and through Churchand Mercer streets end Clinton Place, (th aranus andQrernnlch avenue. Tbe Company have not a yetbust tbe Westchester put of th load. It did notappear at wblch and ttey Intended to commence thwMk,wUthr it Cntoo hirer or New YoikCUymeet probably the latter.

Tna machine, baring twUdtheinarlte nd bebig found bene, are qidetly beingIntroduced througboait tbe whole city. Mr. Sam,tbe proprietor, hire tb ciia who formally did tbawteiug, and, with them aud tL maoklno together,dtiee three times aa much for the same money aa haaever been done befere, Oo ahead 1

Tub funeral of Ciiabuw M. Lrtirr, theleilh-e- rum reliant, tsik 4ee yeaterdsy. Some men com-

mit eiiklde for waut of tnouey, aud other beoausthey have too uiuo'i. Th latUr visa Mr, L'a trou-b- l.

CiirXTaTRXHT 8' ontb Bank of Nlwport, R.I., wtre xtenslrrly pushed but evening.

Bomb rery InjrerJoul counterfciU of th Cbl-riq- ut

gold rmnlog n ulccris ar tbrotd, and per-eo-

wlui ire moved by a eiartt of antiquarbui leal tisinhue wi of tbem, justair curio illiss, shouldtski tbe aJvlc cf an tiit In gold befor buying.Tb bogus Uttla monatai re luaJa of heery compo-sition metal, elect and havi th rough,balfnulabed eiterlor, aud a'l the nil! cbaracteilstic oftharrigl-m-

A OoLLATlOtf, prov IJed by IU bndam e!

of th Firat Bsptla. Church, cam aif laat even-lo- g

at th sVJcipl' Chan r, la lTtL itrcct It wunvll aud p'caaautlyaMiudsd.

n TsmcmiMT wai f)Ck rhpUmber pay day torcheol tetwtierVb raaelr their pay only upon par.

rtfvlcgthUtirbrWof tb Board of KdocattoabrbMowaWrrs4, U Mook M. ts, t nd 8, ef thJbttaWadl S,dlIftbW4 anda,

ntaadMUIb lath Ward, th Mat bag act beTtd4ttoofasVicofawtV)ondtsMpycfOrilaehal wi aaarafcri opped. In tt famal andraimary dTwtnvrai ptf&t II, romteon Ward,therWrptarMBsvlbaWrraa, Wwvr,nd th

wee aetsAT

"(Ul in tndai tba amrasi death an MUTeryluhWtanla,hee of NewTork ronto every U. A Moiety oatted th 'Hslmaeaaoa So-

ciety" ha been aUrted la thal,clty, under th oo.alJeratlon of thl and otoer sUrtllng 'facta referringto tb general health, for wblch H offloer claim rrraatlafactery ramlts, among a bug number of bmUBee which have adopted It view. like the Chin,they employ iyaacian (bjanenpathlc) to keep thmweS, a o to beal ttuaa tfatak.

Tna Aaron llorit dinner, glreo lut renlngto th Kngliah cricketer, wa rather prtvaee ndprofeeaton! flstr, about 100 peraon being promt.The party enjoyed themaelr In Jovial manner, laattng, drinking, making rp seeks, and alnglng

longs, up I a late hour.

AmUila, efca.

Thb Lats H emma or tiic But tti WAKnTna MoRDKacssj n Ccitodt Coro5kb'

Jackxax bld aa bquMt oarrlday.Utb Sixth Ward Station liouse, upon thbody of MmiAax, Csaiar, (not MxxiAaa. OoaaBUC,a pnrlouy atsle-1,- ) wh died at th New York tie-pl- tl

from tb eflbcta uf a stab In tb left breast, In-

flicted last Sondsy evening by woman namedSbbbisab. Thla wncnan, lmmedlatel rafter In

filotlng tbe wound, fled, and waa ail eel ad byatsoarJovboab m Yonkors, N. Y, wear she had engagedal service In a famlry.

Three girls, daughter of th aeoeaaed, wereprtsent, nd veeroed to take a deep inUrestIn the proceedings, and Mvaral witnesses wer

xamlned, and tbetr teettmony went to chow, thatlast Saturday venlng, th woman SuntOAa aaw de-ceased pawiring her residence, Ma. 4Ti Pearl et rest, lata rear, and raatantiy bcaaa enraged al bim,

that be bad atolea 00 cents out of her room.She era cutting a lemon at th time, and There goee the ea of b , hewho robbed me of my hard eaaiag) s Ustt itwas, It was my all. rn run thla knife through himaaurMttertdga." Hoitt frrthsr rketred usUBunday evening, wbea darnail again made at

hi the yard of tbe nreaalJaaa, and there theeaoraaa kassnua east sad stabbed alas.aftee being wounded, reeled, and thaw fail Ids tavwy oustanoi of aaoui van laei. lie wa pioaaup and carried to tbe lloeplul. where he died of hiwound on Wednesday, and Information wa givento the Polio Immediately alter the occurrence, ndsearch wa mad fur tb murderea, but ah oouldnot be found. Subsequently, however, h waitraced to Tenters, and on Thursday evening waaarrested, as above at ated, and brought to tb city.When arrested, ah told th omeer that dooe-e- d

had robbed her of half a dollar, and whenh aocuMd him cf th theft, be alapped bar

la th face. She than ptokd up a knlfa, and govMm a blow with It, but did not halendto kill bim. The medical evldenoe ahoarad thatdeath wa caused by of the lung, pro-duced by the wound. Tnewouad wa between theM and fd ribs and th left lung, and waa ooostdaredout by th knlfa. Th verdict cf tb birr wa l

Thai Mhwasx. Canlsy cam to hi daath from astab In th left breast with knife or other at rp

In the band! of Mamab Bmrntakm."On the rendition of th verdict, th aeeoeed wa

examined and td that h wa born In d,

and la M year of ag. When questioaedIn regard to the charge against her, eh ld,I did not do It Intentionally I I did ant know that 1

had don anything to cause such a wriou resultI did not Intend to take hla llfei I am perfectly Inno-ce- nt

la the sight of Oodl I did not premidltsamurder. She waa then oom milted to prbion to awaitthe action of the Oraod Jury.

Deoeaaed wa a native of I land, 49 yeari of ag.Tbe rrldeno Showed him to have been man ofIntemperate habit, and on witness testified that hewe In th habit of helping bin-- elf to thing! that didnot belong to him.

Death mom thb Eirsxn or ImiALnraCaiBoruBM. Mn. MATn.rA Kt m, wif ofDr. Caxl A. Hum, residing at No. 974 Ninth atreet,wee found deed In her room, on Fridar morning.Coroner Peanuts was notified, and held an Inquestupon tbe body, when Dr. gu staled In eridenoe,that hla wife bad long been ub)ect to attack of ner-vous tootbaebr, and wa In th habit cf InhslngcWorolhrm tn quell the pal On Thursday craningSt e retired to bed with her In at and another ohlld,and Dr. T fta occupied a room on th floor ibore,as he bad uVs for om wk In tb night h waewekened r one of the children, who aald hermother wai dead. Dr. K. Immediately repaired to throom and Sound hla wife lying upon th floor,ded. Herbody was cold, and h had. to ail appearance, beendead for taro hour. A butt) which bad containedehbwofonn wsa braid her, and the cork wa In herbed. It I supposed that ah -h-aled or railoaredtb oonUnt of th bottl, and wa loon after seisedwith ennvulsion and fell upon the floor. It a an.peered that, tlie evening before, ah had sent bsr lu-ll son toft drug ator and procured the ohloroform.The jury rendered a rerolct of u death caused hyBM.iexy, brought oa by taking chloroform.'

waa a uslive of Oermany, (4 year of ag.

FtB lataLgsa, tVa.

ConsTFRFFrr. Counterfeit on dollar billon the Central Bank of Middietown, Ct., made tholranvaraiK In the dty laet evening. A wnmia,iiamed Maiia Foul, was arrested In the 10th Wardfort easing on

O luntei feit fives oo the Penderdon Bank, cfalao rade tbetr pvrno at evening.

AuiKaMAN BaAM.RT wai fined 10, yeater-da- y,

at tbe City IU I, for allowbig one of hla men todrive a csrrta a tthout license.

UQU OB raiDAT.r. K, Clroalt Oaatt.

Th Graham eat m a n Form. Tohn Gra-ham, a. Missed tffueUa and an(r.Thli waia awt Iu equity, brought by the pUlnnff to set salth oouve) ano by bim uf hut a amablp aud a Ball-t-

vases!, on th grunnd of uaurr. Ta auli al labrought br bun to recover the value of bl veseele.reeuterd tn a venllot In hie fevor, and the epu euitla iwt unnw, in nia inv of dungs nmeon.

The Judge no si i ids that ths p'elnluY waa tbeowner of the 'nt. Lawrioos.Mandof ths onatbird

rt of ths iVnltad Btslee,1 and also the equitableowner of the ship 'Ocean Bird " that a'thougktkebills of asle are alsviluta, on the fivee is team, therwere eiecut-- sod deUvered i Myoirity for a toan oflioo.oin, made by Merer Stuekanto Orahara,Uinn a pievlmia cntitrart, aud that Iu oonaaquenoetne oontiart and bill of aale an raid la Us--, andmust b set aside.

ftapwrtar fjaatt.Tht StU of Jh oiia oof. Me rktnit Bank,

Tbli la a auit lo recuver back S3.V0O0 and ex--suses, wider claim giew out of advanoe for the

btato on Av lolillon loa, and wa ald to barbeontaloeiaidby tbi i Bute, t aepeaiUug.


Mouancb oh Ci.nrroa-- ArBittm Dock. Ameeting uf tbe Board of Health waa held yesterday,the Mayor In the chair. A complaint was preferredagainat Mr. Fasaa Swurr, the Bmoklyn ogai cwolreo-to- r,

by Mr. A. D. Oera.soea, ig Far srMIt areuua,tor a lowing dead animals aud garbsg to acoum ulat on th duck, root of Clinton venu. Mr. O.steis that he aaw th caroaeas of thirty dead ani-mals lyltg on the dock, from Tuesday of last wsekuntil the following Saturdar, together with severalLa a tf tsibege and offal, the e nah of whloh weInioUtablo. Mr. Bwin arajs not! tied to appear beforethe Board, on Wedneeday next.

Fisa There were only two of any araouat,last month, aud but ax a'aru . Daage S I 00,

It Lamm' UtstBAaivM. A bw Uymnaalam,for tb lad l slue, wsa Inaugarated on Wednesdayevening, by remarks from llasax Wean Bsaonaaand otCer. Mr. Baaoaaa thought that diss hadno oocupation exosi waiiuui the etraeta , newthat their own eweeptng had heea gleen over to

and that they had better drive horses for si.or tftbey could find nothing alee ta do. ThUynu stuea la opened by a Miss Hall, aad I leea.ted on At n ) street, nearly oppuslL a th Atus-- I


wFlliamsburgh.Hioii rRimtniB FkbbT d-nt

ra begiunlug to complain of high s am cerriedon the 'Ueonre Lew" ant I "tleorge Waahlngtoa."On ay that La noticed the "Lear" Vibe carry g4a lbs. receutlyi another, that the Indicator U one oftheee boat had been pointed over to prevent thepi lura of t m from baang eeen, but be eawenough to make out that t wee passing 41 degrees,upon which b left th Imller In eome has. Theengineer then told him 'they were obliged to carrybl h ateain to keep up with the new boats on thoother line. The preeeure they are authorised to carryUHS lbs.

8m r BcTLPisa. At 0 men Foist, LawbbctbA Foci ar building a email steam ferry boat uf Mtuns, for llsvsna, V. F. Williab baa on held aeharp built mall achooner for the Sautwicb lalanda,and atsii a x ' ton sobcoMr for lbs Texas trade.Sabosi. SauiBB i but'dlog aahs'low aiaru-wtio-

eua er for tlie Mgdalua rlvr navlgatlg

Bkal Estatb. The nln three story houses,at tbe Juictlon of Flushing and llivkuoa, avenues,wervao'd, yestenls), by the flbanff, for fis.osl,and were built soma jruara atnc oa apecuteuoa.

Nxw Ciiim or .A chlm of thrabelle, welgldng L4UQ, POO aud 600 piunda, hav beenpUord In th Uo y Tnntty Church, Montrose

K. 11. Ou Thursday thor were blessed byBishop Looamir, end dsdlcsted rrapectirely la theHoly Trinity, St. Msry and St. John the Brang kit.

JERSEY CITY.Tub Ibbbt Boat J.hiw 8. Dabot, Tb

ferry boat John 8. Percy, which was burnt al sum-mer, ha been rebuilt, aa 1 v cmnauo her regu-lar tiipa on Monday next.

Fir now At Dock. Th new seetlooai dockfiet cf Ki etrot, which la to take P reeaeleif V.Ountou burttn,ki tob ready for buiuoMlaabout an wteka.


.JgeggJiTl- -IWBal -

DEATHS.ahert bwt mwer a, yesysiaihenBrowa. A,efl rear, g ail Akiiad

lasers.His laaxaln wtn token to W

laUrmee , en Be , Oct (ta.. BTJ1 lOMAKIt-O- ct. oth, F. tt Iler- -, a ssArr t

M htb noear Oataaao , Hanover, aged itTya

To raistiiM ana rr asw r iaaai iBTafij an aea a assa an

Henriofblfaonagtow. r. tA

kJJ. ooVwstor a?

stfaeel Doan. a a- - efT-- aa Qaasatiw i-- w tTjMfrTanM'al niiialii-aii- M f t sjsfayjr ra.

araerUw Ith It at . at 1J7 --frowr?MBVaad ntsT-- x, Teats.

r0 . SM

.- " --jtZ?)Z2VZwer a at. Brooaiya. ,. ewa

FAfiM-- Oa Oct .sth. erW a ehaw

toanajMBretFarreU.wt-- af Jwaa Farea,

fair attaa il'tTe tonaraCon A--xI


twaaaauetle'etor-mtlfs- v- iav. j VawTSth. et be tote riilS ai MM A-'

to kjjwarB5rree,ra7n4 rw-tt-Vav sf tw'taaUy, Brwraapaat.

antond thara--, a Setoay aaraing.eStneUatltw- -- iewJ Tth.ratoa;Menta? rir h of" rat,- , agagal

' Fw7eral twaaay aftoraen,et I -o-ek. frwMSwrt- -a

ThlrllayTL .& 8?Z'&ferSJshalt w, year,

lAinwoxTii-- Ai n- - ata. rttLaBgworth. --naerly ef the 67 Tuw iBaV.Bsao la vsers.

Ills rr 1. era iMaaitleHw tav to I

funeral, th-- (Bslau-eW- w vnlag, att artolhhlato naldaaaa, lit Fonrrth Sn--t. UUwllbeaakenvsthoUhareh ef ths NeMrraF.Avexnaa, st 19 and fir a t s to t resswOaineteu tor tuteraient, US

5h?P?iftar?:Th reb tr aad friendaef" Sa I afly, aHeieLw n R

rpflmny torttol. toattn. CUl .?,,..'parents, iT street. Are. 14

Me NT1 --OaTharadar, Oct. gth. after aarsraa lasiiful hs wl hjMan W--

" TVlrh-rfEr'J-ina?

111 M --M M IVMM or u DrouMr, i,wimlSUj taTltwh. ilttrUh fu-t- -,

MbfM--. M 1 tftUU. IT DH Mlt trvay, DtwvlOt- -l ,

IfoDONlt-D-O- rrU.r. 0- -t Tth. hk Itte.vracfwr VVfMA 1 1 Lb ttrMei. of Iavm e( ih mi,Robert MeDonaM rmuifm mm m im iiu hmmvMeDeoa Id, od in -, o moon. in oay.

H le fi ada, amI theae a th Auruip, ertnrlrt to attend hie funarsi. n BuineapOctMh,st (aTebiek, from th Oharah efts HatpApeetiai eerner awiin meet aoSPth Ave.ITinnp (Jettfena iir

MeANALLT-Afterkihcrt- aa4 rr Jaa.Th bMB asto iaws(jf thaa anpar r.a inlalli n III I I I Hi i r I. i I iTll if

ternsosa, tk tooL. all -- . ftw--lha reaali'm 'e egIM ill ana. D- a- aad Catharta Mai as My, W aeira

NBWnALL-- ll Feekahltl, . Y. Oe. lax, JasaeaOoroonNeehali. sua of C utoaa 1

UltaUL-OaTbar- ar, Oct f th, Jeha OTI a,agiWresjThai etrew ad frtenda

fau tavl d to atie t Ik iffl-ei--Crr, at I o k. from

OBilAtt--Oo tbaTlh Ins of seoua. a to. th child af Then a to Alloa Orsaa, sgdf yearaaSPasaotb a.

The rrtande eg tb tamtiy sr reawewtfatlF tares! toattend bsr rawer, en bubk y en a nun. i lost as1eHMrk.rn iiawrealde ueeof her perwata , Itatreet. SM

PHBTlOfa-- Ia this dtp. oa th 7th hast,, near-Chai- lee,

Fount t eon el Henry and Margret Fa ng.aged I meetiiS.The relstlv nd Menas f th nunny an ruiiet

fsllF tneea as attend the ranerei, en Its tar ai ahnoon, ai 1 s'eiock, from th tai-ia- iaa of hU perewto,14 llama ereley Tbe remaloe wtU a t lew to(ireeowood Cmtery for Into raasnt. ITS

OMEB, --At Chlcasw. Oct. Id. sf eewrarBstt nrMehah bora wit earUtleo fortl Ja. Ctharlaa, dearipbeaored wile ef Henry Bo er, aed (S reara.

Beloved br all whe kaew bar.Oh, Baother, WB d l BM you.

Th relailvea and frtet a ef th fas-- r sr riifiatt tp mm tie ater hertuileesi. Uw t aesrSa-- 1

at t e'e el. froaa bar let reel ass. Ills.folk et, without fsrtker lartts ea. ItSTOCBBSIDOR-O- at. 71 h. ef poeeBaanla, Barak

8totkbililae,lnthelllst pearof her aga.Tho rrianai e tae suie. an anoao ef her sanda-law- ,

Bobert OeaUe. are i m iiarnln lartaaa ae estasher faneaai, ea Buodae srVraao, at 1 a'claak, (reaatterl ens -o- nce, It West IIU ek i 14

HWITH-O- ct 7th, Bridget Bm-t- the batoredef P.trick estiva ef tsa Crusty Csvaa,' Fsr--Ir rvenlana axed 49 reara.las Irtaods af lha family are tevrud to

a the hiaeraL en MoBd.p aiuraeew. at S e'eieag,fros. bar Iai resid aaee, U Caa Ban at. tol

SUCBIH-O- st. atk. Frederick Martla k eun ef Michael and Maila bhsrta, aged laauan t dare. .

The rneuo ana ao utwaneBa aiw lassianuwj asree.pal to at' i hie ruaeni, as t a'eieek. fre--e the rest,awaoaef hiasaian , 61 ast Brsadeay. DaMl rpore pieaaa ospr.

YOTBY-- la Yeakera Weetehsstor neaaty. Oetabe rSth Ueorre Lawrenee, Ufuit asw ef Jeha and JansYvtcy, see 1 tear, I mo. lbs and Ii daya

He electa la Jess.The funeral errrloeawtBta kep seen Ssafar

not. at o'clock, trees the mlileiM af hi fanW.Clutin ttreoKsasr U in

XTBar.l t.1 rTtb. Mrs. Blarr t Wast, raws saldsuaktcr ef lbs lato Babesia t a i than, af awssaa-w-is

a, CwereouBtr.lnareUUrMamirrleae elth fawSy, ae weal a

th mcwlsra af Bsr. Uato Spoor a a Bar J O,Beekweli' eerd Ur bivit.4 to bo salher funeral, f em her late realnee, ) Dean aires,Brooklyn, on Bunday aits aeon, al !!.'Cue ty aam UL County aspm a asa MapJaS