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The Sudanese Peaceful Revolution ( 2018-2019): Causes, Dynamics and Success Prepared by: Prof. BalghisBadri Ms. Tayseer AL Fatih Regional Institute of Gender, Diversity, Peace and Rights, Ahfad University for Women September 2019

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The Sudanese Peaceful Revolution ( 2018-2019):

Causes, Dynamics and Success

Prepared by:

Prof. BalghisBadri

Ms. Tayseer AL Fatih

Regional Institute of Gender, Diversity, Peace and Rights, Ahfad University for Women

September 2019

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The Sudan witnessed two upraises that had

overthrown Military coupes of dictatorship

rule. In 1956 Sudan gained independence

from Egypt and Britain through a peaceful

process that started with the formation of a

league of graduates in 1934 and formation

of political parties since 1945. In 1955

Sudan through the parliament voted for

independence which was declared from

within the parliament. The two colonial

countries Egypt and Britain accepted

Sudanese decision and Sudan declared as

independent state on first of January 1956.

Election was undertaken and a new

government was formed but a military coup

occurred in November 1958 that ruled till

October 1964, then. It was over thrown by

peaceful demonstrations led by a coalition of

political parties, trade unions and university

students and engaged several sections of the

society, including women who effectively

participated in the demonstrations.

A transitional government formed and

elections after one year led to the formation

of democratic government but that was

overthrown by another military coup in May

1969. That military dictatorship was

overthrown by another peaceful revolution

in April 1985 and another one year

transitional government and election but

again over thrown by an Islamic led military

coup in June 1989 that led to El-Bashir‘s 30

years of rule.

The 2018 -December Uprising Process:

In 2013 the medical doctors led

demonstrations and strikes against the

deteriorating health services offered to

patients and many were arrested. That led to

the formation of the medical doctors’ central

committee. In 2014 the medical doctors

secretly formed their independent legal

union and was secretly functioning to build

networks inside and outside Sudan.

In 2013 an uprising led by youth and

secondary school and university students’

took place against the uprising of prices of

service, transport and food items. These

demonstrations were met with brutality that

led to more than 200 citizens being killed

mainly youth of graduates and children of

undergraduates. That upraise led to several

professional unions to organize themselves

such as the Engineering Union in 2013 and

the universities union in 2014. The teachers

union was established as well. The lawyers,

the press union and several others were

secretly formed and started organizing

themselves. Other youth groups have

organized themselves since 2011 but


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became effective in the 2013 uprise and

along with floods break in 2012 known as

Nafeer which means working together to

help each other is a Sudanese traditional

culture of communal support. The different

professionals and youth started to organize

themselves secretly and established different

types of coalitions.

In July 2018 a new prime minister was

appointed and he developed a strict financial

budget that led to scarcity, prices escalation

and inflation. A demonstration against these

scarcities in bread, petrol, and cash at bank

started in Damazin and in Atbara in North

Sudan led to the meeting of all these

professional bodies to form a coalition

known as “The Professionals Coalition”.

The opposition political parties had since the

late1990’s formed two main coalitions

known as “National Consensus Front” and

“Sudan Now Front”. The two contain the

main political parties in Sudan. Some other

smaller political parties joined and civil

society organizations also established a


These four categories (professionals,

political parties, two coalitions, civil

societies, neighborhood resistance

committees) worked together to form what

is known as the “Forces of Freedom and

Change (FFC)”. These forces developed a

declaration for overthrowing the government

using peaceful measures by organizing for

demonstrations in all parts of Sudan having

solidarity to achieve freedom, peace and

justice. These became the main slogans of

the revolution demanding nothing but to step

down “Tasgut Bas”.

As the people all suffered from the regime,

they voluntarily followed the plan of action

of the FFC. Neighborhood level youth

groups were formed to lead these

demonstrations. Youth of both gender where

the ones mainly demonstrating on the streets

as they face shooting and tear gas, hence

running and hiding is needed to escape the

possibilities of being injured or killed.

Both youth and their parents were

encouraged to participate in different ways


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of support, offering house for refugee of

demonstrations, offering food, water and

cash to support the revolution. One of the

unfamiliar ways to encourage participation

in the demonstration by the protestors was

highlighting spots and places of the

demonstration on Google map on the

determined time for the demonstration. So

whenever a person checks on Google map

writing “tasgot bas” he or she will be aware

of the venue of the demonstration. Almost

all Sudanese participated in diverse ways to

make the revolution a success.

The main other reasons for almost all Sudan

to aspire for change is the hope that Sudan

without a corrupt government has great

resources of petrol, gold and other resources

beside the huge animal wealth, 80% of the

gum Arabic produced in Sudan as well as

fertile land for agriculture. Hence, both

Hope for a better future within Sudan and

resentment that the regime corrupted,

misused these resources and wide spread

information about the stolen resources are

widely spread through social media. A better

Sudan both economically as well as of

Freedom, democracy, human rights respect

so as to live with dignity and respect to all

diversities. That was the dream of the youth

which they perceived as achievable by

pursuing a peaceful even of long term


The Four Months Demonstrations:-

Social media was greatly used to instruct

for days, hours, places for the

demonstrations routes. Poetry, slogans,

paintings, songs were used to encourage

demonstrators. Medical support was offered

free of charge by private hospitals also for

those injured during demonstration, press

companies helped by printing guidelines for

the demonstrators. Despite the brutality of

the past regime and loss of life and injuries,

the decision of FFC was to have a million


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demonstrations moving to the military head


When the FFC witnessed that it was a

million demonstrators, the decision was

taken to have a sit-in in front of the military

headquarters on the 6th of April. That was

the memorial day of how to organize for

these masses to sleep on the ground and to

continue the sit-in, and guarantee its

increase and not decrease of numbers.

Giving shelter, food, water, keeping them

safely, offering medication, were challenges

that was well organized for, by all the FFC

categories beside others who joined

especially the private sector that contributed

by offering of tents, generators, food and

soft drinks of all types, as well as families

contributed by offering sheets cushions.

food , utensils and cash. Artists of all

sections had contributed by drawings, songs

and poetry.

On the 11th of April, the military took

decision to take the side of the people and

over through the Bashir regime in a

statement declared on the evening of the

11th. The sit-in continued demanding for a

full civil society. Khartoum was not the only

space of demonstrations nor for the sit-in.

people in all other towns demonstrated and

sit-in was at all the 18states capitals.

The Role of Women in the


Women both inside and outside Sudan

played great roles during the revolution.

They led demonstrations, they made signal

by a special youth sound spread youth at all

streets corner, shops, transportation, buses,


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cars, ..etc. to come forward and collect on an

organized street march and start

demonstrations. It is they who kept the clock

for starting of the demonstration and being

part of it.

Some young female children were raised up

at the shoulders of protestors leading the

slogans and others repeated them. Mothers

of old ages went out of houses to encourage

demonstration. Houses were opened for the

protestors and food, water, shelter offered by

women. Female doctors making most of the

doctors worked at the residential quarters

clinics to serve the injured demonstrators.

Females go out at night for writing the

slogans of the revolution in the walls of the

houses in the neighborhood.

They participated in neighborhoods

demonstrations with male youth and elders.

They challenged tear gas, pullets and trials

in the emergency courts, social constraints

and continued to participate in the scheduled


Moreover, they move from house to house

inviting people to participate in the

demonstrations. Also, female university

students dressed white Sudanese Toob and

went into demonstration to symbolize the

role of Sudanese women in removing

dictators’ governments since independence.

Hence, women of all ages were equally

participating during the demonstration

before the sit-in, during the sit-in and after

the sit-in. Female artists participated by

drawings for martyrs during the sit-in and in

the various streets. Women also formed

several groups of alliances , four are

currently well known and working to push

for women’s agenda, equal participation in

decision taking positions and developing

women’s priorities to achieve peace first and

economic development with gender lens.


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The Demonstration as a tool for

accelerating the Negotiations’ Process:

On the 13th April 2019, the negotiations

between the Forces of Freedom and Change

(FFC) and the Transitional Military Council

(TMC) had begun. It was obvious that there

were gender gap in representation of women

in the negotiation committee. The FFC

nominated 13 of its leaders including only

two women for leading the negotiations on

the arrangement of the transfer of power to

civilians. While, TMC negotiation

committee was composed of only male

military officers. The two parties have

different perspectives and interests with

regard to the political transformation and

change in Sudan. The FFC sat in the

negotiation table aiming at putting in action

the declaration of the Freedom and change,

while TMC were calling for power sharing

for 2 years and transfer of power through

election after two years transitional ruling.

In the beginning, the negotiations went

smooth, then after the violent attack against

the protestors’ peaceful sit-in, the FFC

stopped the negotiations. The

demonstrations and the sit-in continued and

as a result the African Union Commission

assigned two representatives to mediate the

negotiations between the two parties. So, the

negotiation was resumed and again stopped

for the massacre which occurred in front of

the military headquarters. Following the

massacre, blockage of the internet for more

than three months, despite that the FFC and

neighborhoods committees organized a

million march demonstration in the three

towns of Khartoum State. The million

demonstrations which had took place on 30

June 2019 proved to the MTC and the world

that FFC is a legitimate body to negotiate on

behalf of the Sudanese people and to

articulate their demands for formation of a

civil government. As result, the African

Union’s representative worked to resume the

negotiations process which led to the signing

of the current political agreement and


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constitutional declarations as well as

formation of the Sovereignty and executive


The Peaceful Protestor’s Sit-in for

the New Sudan1

This section deals with the description to the

peaceful sit-in in Khartoum for removing the

government of El-Bashir which has put

Sudanese people in economic hardship,

political dilemmas conflicts, and social

problems such as displacement, breaking of

the social fabrics and ethnic divisions.

The SPA called the protestors to march to

the Military headquarter in Khartoum

celebrating April uprising of 1985 which

came with the democratic government that

continued till 1989 then, removed when El-

Bashir and the Islamist National Front took

power through a coup d’état. Though the

protestors were celebrating democracy, they

were at risk of being exposed to police

1This section is written by TayseerAlFatih , Staff member of the Regional Institute of Gender, Diversity, Peace and Rights

harassment and their gunfire and shoot to

kill instructions from higher ranker of


So, after overcoming the obstacles and

achieving success in reaching the

headquarter of the General Command of the

Sudan Armed Forces in Khartoum on the

April 6th , 2019, the Forces for Freedom and

Change decided to sit-in in front and around

the Military headquarter urging the leaders

of the Armed forces to remove El-Bashir’s

brutal and dictatorship regime and to

respond to the Declaration of the forces of

Freedom and Change which calls for a

transitional period and power transmission

to civilians in four years and dealing with

the country’s political and economic issues.

The Sudanese Army Forces’ headquarter in

the Ministry of Defense’s complex was

chosen as an area for sit-in by the protestors

as the venue would offer protection and


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security for the peaceful protestors from the

gun shooting, tear gas, house raids, and

violent and oppressive actions of the shadow

Jihadi forces, the police and the forces of the

operation unit of the National Intelligence

and security (NISS) in the public streets and

residential areas of Khartoum, Omduram

and Khartoum North on the scheduled days

and nights of marches and peaceful

demonstrations. Also, the protestors were

chosen the venue of the sit-in because the

Sudanese Army force belongs to the people

of Sudan and free of politicization as well as

the young rankers and soldiers for two times

have protected the protestors from the attack

of the NISS forces in the first days of the sit-


The space of the sit-in extended to include

the Headquarter of the military from the

south, the blue Nile Bridge taking to

Khartoum North, the Nile Street till

University of Khartoum buildings from the

North, AL-Baladya and AL- Jamhurya

Streets till meeting Osman Digna Street. The

protestors used rocks and small fences made

of metal as barricades and they made

checkpoints. These checkpoints at the

entrances of the sit-in were guarded by

young males and females. Youth guards of

the barricades “terrace” used to search

visitors to the sit-in confiscating all sharp

tools as knife, mirror, or any sharp


In ach entrance there were two passes one

for males and one for females. The male

guards were responsible of checking and

screening male body’s and bags while the

female guards were responsible of vetting

female’s bags and stuffs. Also, in front of

the sit-in entrance, young boys and girls

distribute water bottle for the visitors as well

as collecting shares and money for buying

water and food for the protestors in the sit-

in. Also, there were some young men and

girls performing revolutionary chants and

special songs for welcoming the visitors and

urging them not to leave the sit-in till the

demands of the protestors to be achieved.

The peaceful protestors were keen to keep

the government offices, the University of


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Khartoum’s utilities within the space of the

sit-in clean and to protect its equipment and

assets from stealing and looting. Though

they used its yards, toilets and water taps but

they had guarded its properties. Some of the

offices close to the sit-in area was turned to

be of the house of graduates “Dar AL

Khirigein” which was within the sit-in area

were used for the revolution radio which

broadcasted programs and speeches by

different groups for the protestors on the

demands and purposes of the sit-in as well

as civic education for the youth and public.

Furthermore, a main stage and other two

stages were fixed for public speeches and

display of films on the brutal regime’s

actions. Moreover, the protestors had

prepared and equipped the venue of the sit-

in with public utilities such as clean water

tanks, mobile toilets, public kitchen, tents,

mobile clinics, field clinics, pharmacy, large

screens and Sounds system, mobile mosque,

mats, internet facilities, electricity

cables ..etc. When Ramdan month ( the

Moslem fasting days) entered, the protestors

brought more tents , water tanks , air

coolers, fans , kitchen utensils and other

needed logistics and equipment to facilitate

people’s life within the sit-in area.

The supply of food, water and medicine

were basically provided by individuals,

volunteers, charity organizations, food

companies, pharmaceutical companies,

businessmen, professionals, and ordinary

people from genders, social media groups

and civil society organizations. There had

been financial donations from all Sudanese

groups and individuals inside and outside

Sudan regardless of their gender, ethnic

background and religion. These donations

were submitted to committees of the sit-in to

cover any needed expenses.

It was observed that the youth from both

genders were the fuel of the sit-in. They

provided all forms of support ranging from

check-points guarding, cooking, cleaning,

cheering, singing, to emergencies, medical

treatment, food distribution, conduct of live

shows, to mobilization, organizing, public

speeches and marches. Moreover, they made

night shifts to protect the sitters as well as

opening of routes in crowd nights and days.


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Also, they cooperate with military officers

in building human fence/wall prohibiting

peaceful protestors to enter the buildings of

the military headquarters specially in the

time of marches or stand-in that the SPA call

for it in the sit-in area in front of the

Ministry of Defense.

Large number of people used to visit the sit-

in area in every moment during its days.

Some of the protestors left their homes and

took the sit-in area as home. The sit-in was

not only made by Khartoum residents and

protestors, but protestors from all towns,

states and diaspora of Sudan came to join

the sit-in. For example:

- The famous Attbara train brought

people from the Northern State to

participate in the sit-in,

- protestors including youth from

conflict affected areas such as blue

Nile, South Kordofan, Darfur, the

East joined the sit-in,

- Groups suffering grievances as a

result of the oppressive rules of El-

Bashir’s regime had joined the sit-in

in Khartoum such as Darfurian

liberation movement groups,

Darfurian women groups

participated in the sit-in.

- Some of the youth armed groups put

their weapons and entered Khartoum

to participate in the peaceful sit-in.

- Some of the migrant Sudanese

people in Europe, USA and the Gulf

returned back to join the sit-in. Some

of then hired plane jets to join the

Sudanese sit-in for a couple of days

and then returned back to the

countries where they live.

- A famous Sudanese singers even

those who lived abroad, who are

considered as the iconic of the

revolution joined the sit-in and

participated in the live music nights

which held during the sit-in and

attended by different groups and fans

who used to repeat their songs in the

demonstrations for mobilizing police

officers and shadow armed forces to

stop bloodshed, killing brothers who

stood up to remove EL-bashir’s

government. One of these famous

singers wasAyman Moe, A

Sudanese Rapper.

- Others


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The sit-in had received daily marches with

several titles and demands. These demands

can be summarized as follows:

- Transferring power to civilians.

- Calling for justice and freedom,

- Free detainees,

- combating corruption of the Islamist


- achieving transitional justice and

retribution for bloody war in Darfur

- developing a just judiciary system

independent from the government,

- Redressing government employees

who have been unjustly dismissed

- School teachers disadvantaged


- Achieving gender equality and

empowering rural women,

- protecting Internally displaced

women and women in war zone

areas from rape and sexual


- Revealing officials responsible for

killing and injuring protestors and

torturing of detained people during

the unrest and take them to the court

- Resolving and restructuring the

national intelligence Security and

- Peace and conflict resolution and

- Respect of rights and diversity of

Sudanese people

- Economic reforms and dissolution of

the militia groups

- other demands related to social,

economic and political injustices.

The protestors during the march chanted and

used slogans, garment banners, photos and

posters for expressing their demands.

Examples of these slogans are as follows:

- “We will not return back till you

assign the civilian government and

get the blood of the “Kooz” Isalmist

who killed the student”

- “Blood for Blood. No money will be


- “50 for representation of Women”

- “Fall or not fall we are sit in concrete


- “Civil government is a decision not a


- “How much did they pay you to

transfer it to bloody war”.

These marches of protestors were led by

diverse groups who marched from a certain

point outside the borders of the sit-in and

ended up in the sit-in area. Those groups

included: professionals, judges, school

teachers, university lecturers ( e.g. AL


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Nileen, Khartoum, Ahfad) , bankers,

women’s groups, sufist group, doctors,

Ahfad University’s students, musicians,

artists, drama and media people, women’s

social media groups, people with

disabilities, resistance committees and

inhabitants of residential areas, families of

detainees and martyrs, associations of retired

military officers, women tea-sellers, union’s

members, small mining business/workers,

farmers,sport players, singers, workers of

the civil aviation, workers of electricity

Corporation, workers of the insurance

companies, scientists, engineers, students

and political groups, non-political

individuals, civil society organizations and

categories of the Sudanese people. These

groups and marches continued to feed the

sit-in with more people of different interests

and visions for the new Sudan which were

expressed peacefully through chants, public

speeches and air debates.

The sit-in area was characterized as the

microcosm of the future Sudan which its

people want to live in. It attracted diverse

groups and individuals with different ethnic,

religion, multi-cultural political and

economic background. As well, in the sit-in,

social, economic and ethnic barriers were

accommodated and/or removed between the

people. Instead the values and behaviors of

cooperation, tolerance, and peaceful

coexistence, respect of diversity,

voluntarism for redressing social injustices,

peaceful discussions and public speeches,

break of gender barriers and freedom of

expression were dominant. Some of the

manifestations of these peaceful

coexistences in the sit-in are as follow:

- Prohibition of carrying weapons or

sharp tools including glasses and

mirrors to provide safe environment

and place for the protestors of

different ages.

- The sit-in included diverse group’s

protestors coming from Northern,

Central, Darfur, Blue Nile, Nuba

Mountains and Eastern Sudan. The

protestors shared the vision for a

civilian country respecting diversity

and pluralism.

- The protestors cheered speakers from

Nuba Mountains and Darfur regions

who took the stage to speak on racial

harmony and how the Ingazi regime

fueled ethnic division. Moreover,

tents of representatives of diverse

groups were neighboring each other.

- Inhabitants of lower class and

outskirt areas mixed and cooperated

with inhabitants of upper class areas


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in Khartoum for making the sit-in

successful and full of masses.

- The Protestors coming from diverse

background gathered in one place for

watching in the sit-in screen the

European football cup. People used

to visit the sit-in regularly to watch

the European cup and they shared

food and water.

- Heroes of the street which is a name

given to the street children who

joined the sit-in participating in

guarding of the gates, distribution of

food, cleaning of the area and doing

of other support tasks. The youth

from both genders targeted the

heroes of the street children by

programs for integrating them in the

society by provision of socio-

psychological support, teaching them

paintings and music. They

volunteered to educate the street-

children on writing and reading and

raising their awareness on self-

hygiene and sanitation.

- Free food and drinks distributed to

the protestors in the sit-in. In

addition, free phone credit and

internet were availed for those who

do not have money to buy and

charge their phones and or to receive


- On Ramadan, many of the resistance

committees’ tents were fixed to cook

food for the fasting protestors in the

sit-in. Also, some of the protestors

brought food from their homes to the

sit-in for sharing it with the fasting

protestors, street children and poor

people in the sit-in area.

- The dreams of the artists for

democratic, diverse, inclusive,

peaceful and non-discriminatory

Sudan was obviously projected in

their drawings of the revolutionary

art and graffiti on the walls and the

roads in and around the sit in area for

the purpose of keeping the history of

the revolution, Immortalizing of

martyr of the revolution and pushing


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for achieving a country of rule of

law, justice and Freedomi.

- Sport games, including chest

competitions and football games

were organized by the Sudanese

Sport Association’s members in the

sit-in area targeting all groups and

individuals without discrimination.

- Drama and open theatre on peace

issues and the regime oppression

were undertaken.

- The musicians had organized

marched and live music celebrating

the national movement. Many people

joined the march chanting national

songs. Also, famous Rapper came

from exile to join the sit-in and sang

songs of the revolution.

- Sufist marched to the sit-in to

counter the religious discourse that

adopted by the supporters of Ingazi

Islamist ruling urging the public to

continue the sit-in for removing the

rulers who spoiled religion. They

used to perform sufist chants;

however, the protestors using drums

chanted with them the slogan “No

God except ALLAH, the political

Islamists are the enemies of GOD.

Youth and people of the drama

played theatre sketch showing the

scene of violence and killing of

protestors by the police officers in

the neighborhood demonstrations

and how peacefully people had

continued their demonstration till

Bashir’s ousted.

- Protestors and Political groups used

to perform public speeches on the

main stage after registering their

names in the program committee a

day before the speech. Discussion

and open questions took place after

the speaker’s. It was noted that non-

violent case was reported because of


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different political views and or

conduction of political discussion.

- The Coptic and Christian youth

provided foods and drinks for the

protestors. Also, they prepared mats

for Friday’s prayers and they stood

carrying umbrellas and plastic covers

to protect Muslim from the heat of

the sun during the prayers time.

- The Indian community in Sudan has

supported the sitter with donations of

food, water and other logistics.

- Women groups as the Sudanese

women Union, No for violence

against Women, MANSAM

provided speeches on gender

inequalities and violations of

women’s rights by the state forces of

AL-Ingaz regime.

- Male youth used to sang songs

valuing a women’s contribution to

the revolution and they call her

Kandake “the name of Nubian

Queen”. The name given to female

protestors to symbolize their hard

fights to their countries and rights.

- NGOs open Tents for providing

socio-psychological support for

detainees and members of martyrs’


- Participation of Sudanese people

from the diaspora. Sudanese migrant

returned back to join to the sit-in and

supported on performing tasks in the


The sit-in was a form of peaceful tools

for confronting El-Bashir Regime and

transformation of the power to the

civilians. It was observed that whenever

the MTC and FFC negotiations stopped

or curtailed and MTC tried to disperse

the sit-in area, a huge amount of

protestors moved to the sit-in marching

or applauding or chanting or performing

national and local songs resisting

military forces trials. Unfortunately there

were bloody trails of dispersing the sit-

in. The last one was one day before EID

celebration on 28thRamdan which led to

hundreds of deaths, rape and sexual

harassment cases among females, sank

of dead bodies in the Nile.

Despite the massacre which had occurred in

front of the Military headquarter targeting

peaceful protestors, the peaceful sit-in was

proved to be an effective tool for achieving

political change. For example, as result of

the protestors’ sit-in, the high rankers of the

Sudanese Army officers have overthrown

El-Bashir’s regime just after one week of the


Page 17: The Sudanese Peaceful Revolution ( 2018-2019): Causes ...€¦  · Web viewThe Sudanese Peaceful Revolution ( 2018-2019): Causes, Dynamics and Success. Prepared by:Prof. BalghisBadriMs

sit-in. Also, the protestors’ sit-in pressed to

change the Minister of Defense following

that resignation of three of the members of

MTC who are pro- EL-Bashir regime as

well as changing the state governors and

commissioners appointed by the Ingazi

government. Besides that , the sit-in served

to put in jails the corrupted government

officers, corrupted business men and

powerful National Congress Party’s

members. Another success of the sit-in was

freeing of political detainees from the

capital’s and states’ prisons. Furthermore, it

supported the FFC negotiations with the

MTC on power sharing and transformation

of power to a civil government as it gave the

FFC the legitimacy to talk on behalf of the




Page 18: The Sudanese Peaceful Revolution ( 2018-2019): Causes ...€¦  · Web viewThe Sudanese Peaceful Revolution ( 2018-2019): Causes, Dynamics and Success. Prepared by:Prof. BalghisBadriMs

i Amelia Nakitimbo( 2019) Artists Repainting Sudan’s Sit-in Yard. africanews. Accessed 30 August 2019.


- spirit


