the struggle for north america why do people take risks?

The Struggle for North America Why do people take risks?

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Page 1: The Struggle for North America Why do people take risks?

The Struggle for North America

The Struggle for North America

Why do people take risks?

Page 2: The Struggle for North America Why do people take risks?

Lesson 3Colonists Protest British Rule

Lesson 4The Revolution Begins

Lesson 5Declaration of Independence

Lesson 6Fighting the War

Lesson 7American Victories

Lesson 8The War Ends

Page 3: The Struggle for North America Why do people take risks?

Colonists Protest British Rule

VocabularyStamp Act




Lesson 3

What caused the colonists to unite against Great Britain?


Page 4: The Struggle for North America Why do people take risks?

Colonists Protest British Rule

SA After the passage of the Stamp Act, the colonists began to boycott British goods and the group the Sons of Liberty was formed.

SA Colonists thought the taxes were unfair. They objected to taxation without representation. They did not have a say in government.

MC 1 Great Britain raised the taxes on the colonists to pay for the French and Indian War.

MC 3 intolerable = unbearable

Page 5: The Struggle for North America Why do people take risks?

Colonists Protest British Rule

MC 2 Boston Massacre: colonists and British soldiers

SA After the passage of the Townshend Acts, the colonists boycotted any merchant who sold British goods. In response and fear to the colonists, the British sent troops to the colonies to keep them under control.

Page 6: The Struggle for North America Why do people take risks?

Colonists Protest British Rule

SA The Sons of Liberty dressed up as Mohawk Indians and emptied chests of tea into Boston Harbor to protest the taxes Britain was placing on the colonists.

Page 7: The Struggle for North America Why do people take risks?

The Revolution BeginsLesson 4




What caused the American Revolution?


Page 8: The Struggle for North America Why do people take risks?

The Revolution BeginsMC 7-8 Listen, my children, and you shall hearOf the midnight ride of Paul Revere,On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-five;Hardly a man is now alive Who remembers that famous day and year.

He said to his friend, "If the British marchBy land or sea from the town to-night,Hang a lantern aloft in the belfry archOf the North Church tower as a signal light,One, if by land, and two, if by sea;And I on the opposite shore will be,Ready to ride and spread the alarmThrough every Middlesex village and farm,For the country folk to be up and to arm.

-“Paul Revere’s Ride” By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Page 9: The Struggle for North America Why do people take risks?

The Revolution Begins

Lexington and Concord

FILL BAT At Lexington and Concord no one knows who fired the first shot that marked the beginning of the American Revolution, but it is known as “the shot heard ‘round the world.”

Page 10: The Struggle for North America Why do people take risks?

The Revolution Begins

MC 6 a canon at Ft. Ticonderoga

FILL militia – volunteer soldiers who fight in emergencies

FILL ammunition – musket balls and gunpowder

FILL BAT At Fort Ticonderoga the Americans with Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys helped Benedict Arnold capture this fort without firing a shot.

Page 11: The Struggle for North America Why do people take risks?

The Revolution Begins

Battle of Bunker Hill

FILL BAT At Bunker Hill the British were able to finally beat the Americans because they ran out of ammunition. About 400 colonists were killed or wounded. However more than 1,000 British soldiers were killed or wounded. It could be argued that the Americans really won.

Page 12: The Struggle for North America Why do people take risks?

The Declaration of Independence


Continental Army

Declaration of Independence

Lesson 5

Why is the Second Continental Congress important?

FILL Continental Army – the name given to the colonial army led by George Washington


Page 13: The Struggle for North America Why do people take risks?

The Declaration of Independence

MC 9 Delegates from the Second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia.

MC 10 A young Thomas Jefferson wrote the first draft of the Declaration of Independence.

Page 14: The Struggle for North America Why do people take risks?

The Declaration of IndependenceSA On July 4, 1776, the final version of the “Declaration of Independence” was signed. This was a HUGE risk for all the signers because this meant they could be hung for treason.

MC 11 “The good people of these colonies, solemnly publish and declare, that these United States are, and of right ought to be free and independent states.” – Declaration of Independence

Video clip

Page 15: The Struggle for North America Why do people take risks?

Fighting the War






Lesson 6

Why did the war present challenges?

Page 16: The Struggle for North America Why do people take risks?

Fighting the War

How did women support the war?

MC 12 Some women gave hope to Americans through writing. Others took charge of family farms or businesses. Some women also cooked and cared for sick and wounded soldiers

MC 13 inflation – a large rapid rise in prices

FILL profiteering – charging high prices from goods that are in short supply

FILL Patriot – person who loves his/her country

Page 17: The Struggle for North America Why do people take risks?

Fighting the WarBritish Army - STRENGTHS

•The British had more than 60,000 soldiers in the American colonies. They included mercenaries (Hessians).• British soldiers were well-trained fighters who joined the army for life.•Each soldier carried a musket tipped with a sharp bayonet.•British soldiers were helped by Loyalists.

British Army - WEAKNESSES

•Soldiers and military supplies sent from Great Britain to the colonies had to be shipped across the Atlantic Ocean.•British soldiers trained to fight on open battlefields, but Patriots fired from hidden positions. •The red uniform coats made British soldiers easy targets.•Some British did not support the war because it raised the taxes they paid.

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Page 18: The Struggle for North America Why do people take risks?

Fighting the WarAmerican Army - STRENGTHS

•Patriots fought to protect their homes, families, and a new nation•Patriots attacked by surprise, firing from well-protected spots.•Many patriot soldiers used Kentucky long rifles, which were more accurate than muskets.•Citizens supported the army by making musket balls or blankets. Farmers gave food to soldiers.

American Army - WEAKNESSES

•Gen. Washington never had more than 17,000 soldiers at any time in the war.•Soldiers signed up for six months. That was not long enough to fight on open battlefields.•Lack of uniforms, especially shoes, was a constant problem.•Some Americans hid supplies or sold food to the army at high prices.

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Page 19: The Struggle for North America Why do people take risks?

American Victories



Treaty of Alliance

Lesson 7

How did Patriots influencethe war?

Page 20: The Struggle for North America Why do people take risks?

American Victories

On the evening of December 25:

•General Washington led the Continental Army across the Delaware River for a surprise attack.

•They were going to surprise the Hessian soldiers in Trenton, New Jersey.

•The Americans needed a victory because they were low on shoes and supplies, and they were losing hope that they could win the war.

•When they landed in Trenton, New Jersey, the surprised Hessians quickly surrendered to the Americans.

•Washington only lost two men – both froze to death.

Page 21: The Struggle for North America Why do people take risks?

American Victories

FILL BAT At the Battle of Saratoga, British General John Burgoyne had to surrender because they had lost more troops at Freeman’s Farm and their supply wagons got stuck on forest roads. This marked the turning point for the Patriots.

Page 22: The Struggle for North America Why do people take risks?

American Victories

FILL BAT At Valley Forge, the American army became a well-trained, fighting force able to defeat the British under the strict training of Baron Friedrich von Steuben.

Page 23: The Struggle for North America Why do people take risks?

American Victories

MC 15 John Paul Jones = “Father of the American Navy”

“I have not yet begun to fight!” – John Paul Jones

Video clip

Page 24: The Struggle for North America Why do people take risks?

The War Ends



Treaty of Paris

Lesson 8

How did the Revolution affect life in America?

MC 16 Charles Cornwallis was a leader of the British army.George Washington was a leader of the American army.

Page 25: The Struggle for North America Why do people take risks?

The War Ends

MC 18 The Treaty of Paris 1783 was an agreement between the British and the colonists to end the American Revolution. Great Britain had to recognize American independence.

MC 17 In the South, the British won battles BUT lost a lot of their troops.

FILL BAT Finally, in Yorktown, General Cornwallis had to surrender because he was surrounded by a French blockade on one side and Washington and Lafayette’s armies on the other side. This was the last major battle of the war.

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The War EndsResults of the war:

The United States won independence.

Many Loyalists moved to Canada or the western frontier.

Many Native Americans lost their land. Americans felt justified because Native Americans had sided with the British.

MC 19 After the war slavery continued in the new nation. “All men are created equal” did not apply to enslaved Africans. The government needed the support of Southern plantation owners who depended on slavery.

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