the strange door

1 THE STRANGE DOOR BY: Gabriel Sánchez Rivera Victoria Vargas Sierra Rogelio Bocanegra Sánchez Sonia Zamora Alabarce

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Short story


Page 1: The strange door




Gabriel Sánchez Rivera

Victoria Vargas Sierra

Rogelio Bocanegra Sánchez

Sonia Zamora Alabarce

Page 2: The strange door


Chapter 1: The Guard of the Door

I work in the king‟s castle. My job is to guard a little door in the deepest part of the dungeon.

I haven‟t seen or heard anything for two years. Nobody has entered or left through that door.

But two days ago, I heard a soft sound coming from behind it.

Yesterday, the noise was louder and today it was even louder.

I decided to investigate what was happening behind that door so I

put my ear to it but suddenly, I tripped. It made a great noise in the dungeon. I got up and ran home, even more frightened.

When I arrived home my wife was in the kitchen. When she saw how frightened I was she asked:

-“What has happened?”

-“I've had a bad day, that‟s all.” I said.

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Chapter 2: Peter's friend

The next day I decided to go to work and investigate that strange noise that had frightened me.

When it was my turn to guard the dungeon, everything started well, everything was normal. But when night came I began to feel

fear, as the noises came back and this time they were much louder than before.

I put decided to go and see what the noise was. But the closer I got the louder it became….. I heard a groan that made me very scared. I decided that it wasn't a good idea to go on.

The stairs became detached and my friend Jack came to get me to the inn. But Jack found that the steps had fallen away and he heard me screaming. Jack looked down and saw a note on the ground:

“If you want to see your friends alive, you

have to get me out of the dungeon in the time

of five moons and in exchange you will get

a reward.” Mr. Boogie.

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Chapter 3: The mysterious note

Jack quickly went to my house to talk to my wife, Lucy. He told her about the fallen steps in the castle and about the mysterious note from Mr. Boogie.

My wife started to cry and then she fainted. Jack called for the doctor and he said that she was pregnant. She was thrilled and and

started to cry with joy hut Jack reminded her that I was trapped and should be saved.

She stayed with jack for the five days it took to rescue me.

After five days, at about five o'clock in the morning Jack went to the castle, to the door of the dungeon where he found a ramp. He sild

down it to the place where he found me.

I was tied to a block of stone. But as he was trying to help me, the door suddenly opened.

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Chapter 4: Mr. Boogie

When the door opened, a mysterious man in black appeared.

His face was hidden and he came towards us saying:

„„If you don‟t help me, there will be consequences ‟‟

Suddenly a light came out of the door and the man disappeared.

The ramp also disappeared and we were trapped. Jack told me that

my wife was pregnant and I started to cry with joy.

Jack untied me and we started to look for a way out. We opened

the door of the dungeon where the man had come out. We went in

and the door close behind us. We tried to open it but we couldn‟t.

Nine months went by and suddenly again. The light appeared.

There was Mr. Boogie. He grabbed us and took us to my house.

There, we found my wife and recently born son, Alexander. My wife

and I were excited to see each other and while we were talking we

suddenly realized that our son had disappeared.

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Chapter 5: The disappearance

We started to look for him all over the house, but we didn‟t find a

trace of him.

Mr.Boogy wasn‟t in the house either, we were so frightened that

we went to the police. They told us that we couldn‟t denounce the

disappearance until 24 hours had gone by.

We decided to go and look for him without delay. We were

searching all night and the following morning, I received an

anonymous call telling me that if I wanted to see my son, I would

have to go to the grassmoor mountain.

My wife and I went there very quickly, but there wasn‟t anybody at


Suddenly, a black fog fell down on us and when it

disappeared….there was Mr Boogie!. He directed these words to us:

“I will return your son alive if your wife comes with me forever”

Then my wife decided to go with him and we said goodbye to each

other with a kiss. Then they disappeared into the big black fog.

I looked down and I saw another letter from Mr.Boogie which said:

”Go to the pit of the sixth moor”.

I went there and from the edge I saw something floating on the

water. I swam to it and I turned over the body.

I saw it was my son Alexander. He was dead and my heart broken.

I took him to the bank and I hugged him. In that moment, I saw

that my life was crazy. When I decided to leave that place, I came

across a woman lying on the ground with no clothes on. I picked her

up and from then on our lives changed. A year later, we had beautiful

twins and every week we go to visit the swamp where Alexander



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-The deepest : el/la más profundo/a .

-Dungeon: mazmorra.

-Try: intentar.

-Inn: posada.

-Thrilled: emocionado/a

-Hut: cabaña.

-Trapped: atrapado/a

-Slid: deslizarse

-Tied: atada/o

-Stone: piedra.

-Towards: hacia.

-Fog: niebla.

-Delay: retrasar.

-Edge: borde.

-Bury: enterrar.

-Lying: acostado,echado.

-Swamp: pantano.

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o Where did peter work?

o What did Peter hear inside of the castle?

o How was Peter's friend called?

o What does he tell him?

o Where does Jack find the mysterious letter?

o What did the doctor say?

o Who appeared in the fog?

o How was Peter and lucy's son called?

o Who appeared in the swamp?

o What do they do every week?