the story of saint patrick

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  • 7/28/2019 The Story of Saint Patrick


  • 7/28/2019 The Story of Saint Patrick


  • 7/28/2019 The Story of Saint Patrick


    The Story

    of the Life of

    Saint Patrick

    English as a Foreign LanguageCountry Unit - Ireland


    Illustrations and info:

    Author: Delia ugui
  • 7/28/2019 The Story of Saint Patrick


    This is the story

    of the life

    of Saint Patrick,

    the patron saint

    of Ireland.

    He was a devoted Christian

    who lived a very long time ago.

    We do not know with certainty

    the date of his birth,

    but it is said that he died

    on the 17th of March, 461.

    This is why Irish people,

    wherever they are,

    celebrate Saint Patricks Day

    on the 17th of March of every year.

  • 7/28/2019 The Story of Saint Patrick


    Nevertheless, Saint Patrick

    was not actually Irish.

    He was born somewhere

    in Roman Britain,

    although we do not know

    exactly where.

    Moreover, his real name

    was not Patrick, either.

    He changed his name to Patrick

    much later,

    as an adult,

    once he became a priest.

    This is what we do know

    about Saint Patricks life:

  • 7/28/2019 The Story of Saint Patrick


    More than1600 years ago,

    when he was born,

    Roman Britain was not

    a bad place

    to live in.

    The Romans had built

    many towns called villas

    and good roads to travel

    from one villa to another.

  • 7/28/2019 The Story of Saint Patrick


    Young Saint Patrick lived

    with his family and their servants

    in one of these lovely villas

    by the seashore.

    He went to

    a Roman school

    and studied

    Latin and


    He also

    helped his family

    by working

    in the fields.

  • 7/28/2019 The Story of Saint Patrick


    One terrible morning,

    when he was about 16 years old,

    a group of Irish raiders

    anchored their ship

    on the nearby shore.

    They attacked the villagers

    while they were still sleeping

    and made them prisoners.

  • 7/28/2019 The Story of Saint Patrick


    The boy was kidnapped,

    separated from his family

    and taken away by ship.

    He didnt know where he was going.

    He didnt know if he would ever

    see his parents again.

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    He was a strong, healthy boy,

    so the pirates thought

    they could sell himas a slave

    and make good money.

    They took him to Ireland.

  • 7/28/2019 The Story of Saint Patrick


    The boy

    had never been


    from home


    Ireland was

    very different

    from Roman Britain

    at that time.

    The Romans

    never managed

    to conquer Ireland

    or Scotland,

    for that matter.

  • 7/28/2019 The Story of Saint Patrick


    Therefore, in Ireland

    there were no roads or towns.

    It was all wild, all hills

    and seemingly endless forests.

    Irish houses were different.

    They were small wooden houses,

    with roofs made of straw.

    The people wore strange clothes

    and spoke a different language.

  • 7/28/2019 The Story of Saint Patrick


    The Irish religion was also different.

    When the Romans

    had conquered Britain,

    they had brought

    the Christian religion with them.

    But the Irish

    had heard

    little about it.

    They were still pagans.

    They believed in Nature,

    they built shrines

    and worshipped trees,

    such as the oak.

    The Irish spiritual leaders

    were wise, important men

    called druids.

  • 7/28/2019 The Story of Saint Patrick


    His Irish master,

    the man who had bought him

    as a slave,

    needed someone

    to guard his sheep

    by day and night.

  • 7/28/2019 The Story of Saint Patrick


    The boy was ordered

    to keep the sheep safe

    from raiders and wild animals,

    to make sure

    that none of them wandered off

    and to move them

    to fresh pastures

    where they could graze.

  • 7/28/2019 The Story of Saint Patrick


    And so,

    he became a shepherd

    in Ireland.

    It was a hard life

    and he was away

    from his home and his family.

    But he remembered his faith

    and he prayed to God

    all the time.

  • 7/28/2019 The Story of Saint Patrick


    He also learnt to speak Irish,which was going to be

    very useful to him in the future.

  • 7/28/2019 The Story of Saint Patrick


    Six years

    had passed


    he had been

    a slave

    in Ireland.



    he had

    a dream

    An angel told him

    he would soon be free.

  • 7/28/2019 The Story of Saint Patrick


    A ship is ready

    to take you back,

    the angel said.

    He abandoned

    the sheep

    and made

    his escape.

    He felt a bit guilty,

    but he had to try to go back

    to his home country.

  • 7/28/2019 The Story of Saint Patrick


    He walked and walked

    until he got to the coast.

    There was a ship ready to sail,

    just like the angel

    had said in his dream.

  • 7/28/2019 The Story of Saint Patrick


    And so,

    his dream came true.

    He left his days

    of slavery behind.

    He didnt know

    what lay ahead of him,

    but he knew that God

    was looking out for him.

  • 7/28/2019 The Story of Saint Patrick


    When he finally

    set foot

    on dry land


    he journeyed on

    and came to

    a religious


    He felt that God

    wanted him

    to become

    a priest or a monk.

    So, he studied hard!

    It was then

    that he changed

    his name to Patrick.

  • 7/28/2019 The Story of Saint Patrick


    When he finished his studies,

    he went home

    and visited his family.

    He told them all

    about his adventures.

    They couldnt believe

    he was home at last!

  • 7/28/2019 The Story of Saint Patrick


    The years passed

    and Patrick became a bishop.

    He now lived a comfortable life

    as a Christian bishop.

    But then, one night,

    the angel visited him again

    in a dream.

  • 7/28/2019 The Story of Saint Patrick


    The angel told him

    that the people of Ireland

    were calling him.

    I must leave at once!

    God wants me to go back to Ireland.

  • 7/28/2019 The Story of Saint Patrick


    He said goodbye to his family

    and sailed west.

    Now I serve God and I must do

    what he has asked.

    You will be in my prayers.

    And so, Patrick

    went back to the land

    where he once was a slave.

  • 7/28/2019 The Story of Saint Patrick


    Back in Ireland,

    Patricks mission

    was to tell people

    about God.

    The first thing to do

    was to build a church.

  • 7/28/2019 The Story of Saint Patrick


    One of the first Irish people

    that Saint Patrick

    converted to Christianity

    was the master of a swineherd

    called Dichu.

  • 7/28/2019 The Story of Saint Patrick


    Dichu gave him

    a barn on a nearby hill

    so that he could hold

    his first service there.

    In the present

    there are no traces

    of this first church,

    but in 1932

    a church and a round tower

    were built in the area to mark

    the 1500th anniversary

    of his arrival in Ireland.

  • 7/28/2019 The Story of Saint Patrick


    For the building of his chief church,

    Patrick chose a special site:

    the hill of Armagh.

    The hill of Armagh

    was originally known as

    the ridge of the willow tree

    and belonged to a great chief

    called Daire.

    It was the site of a shrine

    where the druids already


    From there,

    you could almost see

    Emain Macha,

    the ancient fortress

    of the kings of Ulster.

  • 7/28/2019 The Story of Saint Patrick


    The legend says that Patrick

    asked Daire to let him build his

    church there, but he refused.

    Shortly afterwards, Daire

    and his horse dropped dead.

    Patrick brought them

    back to life

    and Daire gave him

    the land he wanted

    as a reward.

  • 7/28/2019 The Story of Saint Patrick


    The Book of Armagh

    tells the sotry of a lost fawn

    that Patrick carried here

    looking for its mother.

    The church

    that Patrick built

    has been destroyed

    and rebuilt 17 times!

    On the 17 March, 1840,

    an Irish archbishop

    began building a cathedral here

    in Saint Patricks honour.

    A few years later,

    Ireland was devastated

    by the Great Famine

    and building works stopped,

    but they started again soon.

  • 7/28/2019 The Story of Saint Patrick


    To raise funds,

    the people of Armagh

    organized a great fair

    and received

    many donated items.

    The cathedral

    opened for worship in 1873.

    Armagh is now known as the

    City of Saints and Scholars.

    It has become one of the

    greatest centres

    of religion and learning.

  • 7/28/2019 The Story of Saint Patrick



    Using the knowledge

    of Irish language and culture

    he had gained

    during his captivity,

  • 7/28/2019 The Story of Saint Patrick


    Patrick brought

    Christianity to Ireland

    in the form of more than

    300 churches

    and over 100,000 Irish baptised.

  • 7/28/2019 The Story of Saint Patrick


    At the end of his life,

    Patrick decided

    to write the story

    of his life and work.

  • 7/28/2019 The Story of Saint Patrick


    Et haec est Confessio mea

    antequam morior.

    And this is my confession

    before I die.

    The Book of Armagh,

    written in Latin and old Irish

    contains important texts relating

    to Saint Patrick.

  • 7/28/2019 The Story of Saint Patrick


    There is a legend that says

    that after Saint Patrick died,

    his body was placed on a cart.

    Two young oxen

    were set free to drag the cart

    wherever they wanted.

  • 7/28/2019 The Story of Saint Patrick


    Saint Patricks Grave, Downpatrick

    The legend says that the oxen

    eventually stopped at this place.

    Two other saints are burried here.

    There is a little English rhyme about it:

    In Down three saints one grave do fill

    Patrick, Brigid and Columcille.

  • 7/28/2019 The Story of Saint Patrick
