the · story of king jesus’. he and his wife...

February 2014 The Episcopal Church of Saint Peter by-the-Lake 8433 Fairfield Forest Rd. Denver, NC 28037 704-483-3460 2/1/2015 Page 2-3 From the Rector Page 4 Way of the Heart by Deacon Judy Cole Page 5 Mother Beth Lilly Page 6-8 Director of Christian Formation News Page 9 Prayer Requests/ Men of Saint Peters Page 10 Worship Times/Mission & Vision Page 11 Daughters of the King/ SPBTL Directory Page 12 LN Covekeepers/ Alexander Concert Series Page 13 “Souper” Sunday / Valle Crucis Page 14 Lenten Supper Series Page 15 Shrove Tuesday Pancakes/ EYC News Page 16 Holy Geeks! Page 17 Lent & Holy Week Page 18 Haitian Hope Page 19 M-O: East Lincoln Christian Ministry Page 20 Hockey Outing / Health & Wellness Page 21 February/Upcoming Events Page 22-23 February Special Servants Schedule Page 24 February Calendar Page 25 Anniversaries, Birthdays and New Members Page 26 Staff and Vestry The NET

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Page 1: The · Story of King Jesus’. He and his wife have a 4 year old daughter and a 9 month old son. He rediscovered his faith several

February 2014

The Episcopal Church

of Saint Peter by-the-Lake

8433 Fairfield Forest Rd.

Denver, NC 28037



Page 2-3 From the Rector Page 4 Way of the Heart by Deacon Judy Cole Page 5 Mother Beth Lilly Page 6-8 Director of Christian Formation News Page 9 Prayer Requests/ Men of Saint Peters Page 10 Worship Times/Mission & Vision Page 11 Daughters of the King/ SPBTL Directory Page 12 LN Covekeepers/ Alexander Concert Series Page 13 “Souper” Sunday / Valle Crucis Page 14 Lenten Supper Series Page 15 Shrove Tuesday Pancakes/ EYC News Page 16 Holy Geeks! Page 17 Lent & Holy Week Page 18 Haitian Hope Page 19 M-O: East Lincoln Christian Ministry Page 20 Hockey Outing / Health & Wellness Page 21 February/Upcoming Events Page 22-23 February Special Servants Schedule Page 24 February Calendar Page 25 Anniversaries, Birthdays and New Members Page 26 Staff and Vestry


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Page 2| The Episcopal Church of Saint Peter by-the-Lake

Ben Irwin is a young writer and internet blogger, the author of the children’s book ‘The Story of King Jesus’. He and his wife have a 4 year old daughter and a 9 month old son. He rediscovered his faith several years ago at Mars Hill church in Michigan. Then he and his wife fell in love with the Anglican tradition and were confirmed in the Episcopal Church. On his web blog, he has posted an insightful article about their spiritual journey entitled: “11 Things I Love About the Episcopal Church.” It includes many things that we talk about here at St. Peter’s from time to time, and I want to share this with all of you.

11 Things I love about the Episcopal Church – Ben Irwin

1. The Way the Liturgy soaks into your being: The first few times I walked through those big red doors, I didn’t know the code. I didn’t know when to sit or stand. I didn’t know how to use the prayer book. I didn’t know how to cross myself. While others have sought to make Christianity as accessible as possible, the liturgy of the Episcopal Church feels ‘other’, like a strange artifact calling us into a different and slightly foreign reality. Learning the liturgy was like learning a new language. We are products of a culture that demands everything be new and fresh. We frown on repetition and ritual. But these ancient patterns have a way of soaking into your bones. The prayers and songs stay with me throughout the week.

2. The way the Liturgy invites me to worship with my whole being: Genuflecting in the aisle. Crossing yourself. Kneeling. Episcopalians worship not just with their hearts or their voices but with their bodies. It took some getting used to. It was a few years before I could bring myself to make the sign of the cross. Now I appreciate it for what it is: a prayer. It just happens to be one you pray with your body. And why not? God made us whole persons. We should worship with our whole bodies.

3. The way it anchors my faith when no act of will on my part can: When I struggle to believe, the rhythms and patterns and prayers of the liturgy are like an anchor. It’s as if the rest of the community – those around me and those who came before me – are saying, “It’s OK. We’ll carry you through this part.” Faith is no longer dependent on me willing it into being.

4. The way it embraces orthodoxy without rigidity: The other day my priest (who takes scripture and theology about as seriously as anyone I’ve ever heard preach), referred in passing to Adam and Eve as our “mythic forebears”. No one broke out the pitchforks. There were no murmurs or protests. No one accused him of getting the gospel wrong. For many of us, it’s a refreshing change. Anglicanism has long been known as the via media, the ‘middle way’ between two traditions. The Episcopal Church has also helped me navigate the middle way between unbelief and dogmatism. Ours is a faith handed down from the apostles, but not one so fragile that it cannot cope with science, with new findings about the origins of the universe, ourselves, or whatever else we might discover.



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The Episcopal Church of Saint Peter by-the-Lake | Page 3

5. How it makes room for those who’ve been burned out, worn out, or otherwise cast out. A lot of us have been burned out on our faith at some point – or been cast out. Maybe it’s because we grew tired of always having to pretend we have it all together. Maybe we were told we had to choose between science and faith. Or maybe we were just beaten down by the relentless drum of condemnation. The Episcopal Church is a refuge and a respite, a place to experience grace once again.

6. The Way you can simply ‘be’, if that’s all you can do. The Episcopal Church has given me space to just ‘be’. They’ve let me move at my own pace. It’s not that the Church won’t invite you to become more deeply connected. They will. But they seem to get that each person is different – and, more importantly, that people are not commodities.

7. The way the worship can be deeply moving without resorting to emotional manipulation. When a church tells me how I should feel (“clap if you’re excited about Jesus!”), it smacks of inauthenticity. Sometimes I don’t’ feel like clapping. Sometimes I need to worship in the midst of my brokenness and confusion – not in spite of it and certainly not in denial of it. In contrast to the standard worship formula of many churches, the liturgy does not try to coerce everyone into the same emotional experience.

8. How the shared cup matters more than shared dogma. In Anglican worship, it’s the Eucharist, the common table around which we gather. We believe so that we might find a common faith together, not the other way around.

9. The way everyone is welcome as a full participant, even children. My 4 year old is welcome at the table every week. She is able to receive the bread and the cup eve before she’s made a profession of faith. This sends a powerful message. God’s grace is for her, too. She is no less a part of the Body of Christ just because she doesn’t fully understand yet what that means.

10. How it reminds me I’m part of something bigger. My first real experience of the liturgy was in the UK. We lived for a short time in a village an hour north of London, and we began attending the parish church. Every Sunday on our way into the 700 year old building, we’d walk through the churchyard, past the graves of long-dead parishioners who’d prayed in the same pews, whispered the same prayers, and sang the same songs for centuries. I need to be reminded that my faith does not begin or end with me.

11. How at the altar, we’re all the same. It’s been said the ground is level at the foot of the cross. I don’t think I’ve appreciated that quite as much anywhere as in the Episcopal Church. At the altar, we all kneel or stand and receive what we cannot do for ourselves. We all confess our weakness – that even the gifts we bring were God’s gifts to us in the first place. We all receive the same blessings, the same Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Father Ron February 2015

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The Epiphany season ends on February 17 with Lent beginning on February

18. We don't want to miss the fullness of the Epiphany season as it

transitions to Lent! Canon Peter Gorday (in Cathedral Life, Atlanta)

beautifully explained this transition for us in this article titled


Following the feast day of the Epiphany on January 6, Epiphany season

will run until Ash Wednesday and will contain several Sundays. An

important contemporary theologian, David Tracy, has said that God

through Christ comes to us in two ways, manifestation and proclamation.

Both ways are joined in the Eucharist where bread and wine show forth

the presence of Christ, while the word proclaims him. Different seasons

of the Church Year might be said to lean to one way more than the other,

with Christmas and Epiphany emphasizing more the "manifestation" or

"showing forth." Indeed, that is what the word Epiphany means: to show

forth something that was veiled or hidden or obscured before.

The feast of the Epiphany itself introduces Jesus as the One awaited by

Jews and Gentiles when the Magi come to worship Him at the crib in

Bethlehem (Matthew 2). His baptism by John at the Jordan (Matthew 3)

further reveals His divine status and mission, as does John's testimony

to Him as the Lamb of God, along with His first gathering of disciples

(John 1 and Matthew 4).

This last theme then leads to the final Epiphany Sunday readings that

have to do with the Transfiguration of Christ, with that moment in the

ministry when Peter and James and John begin to realize that Jesus is a

heavenly figure full of the light of God. This fitting climax to

Epiphany season sets the stage for Jesus' final trip to Jerusalem and

the denial by His disciples, the final teachings, His Passion, death and

Resurrection. The revealing of so much glory in Jesus during Epiphany

season is empowering for the disciples and an unveiling to all people of

the extent of God's love.

And so, suffering and death lie ahead. The Church's response is to end

Epiphany and begin Lent with a day of deep penitence, Ash Wednesday.

The Way of the Heart

By Deacon Judy Cole

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The Episcopal Church of Saint Peter by-the-Lake | Page 5

1 Corinthians 13: 4-8a (NIV) Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does

not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others,

it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps

no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always

protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.

February is my other favorite month besides May. I have my reasons. They make

perfect sense to me. Mostly, they are deep associations with my heart and soul, and have absolutely nothing to do with the liturgical calendar. Go ahead, call me a

heathen if you wish. At least I have not tried to cover with the fact that Ash Wednesday falls in February this year. Very soon after Valentine’s Day—which is my first big hint as to what makes me happy about February.

Love gets celebrated in February, with hearts and flowers and chocolates. And I love

all of that. I adore that there is a secular holiday, again, which celebrates what St. Paul said was “the greatest of these” virtues. At least we who are of the higher

liturgical traditions can appreciate the “Saint” of St. Valentine for what that connection is worth in all its sentimentalized cartoony bow –and- arrow carrying cupids flying around helping people fall in love or at least “be each other’s Valentine”.

(You absolutely must Google the real St. Valentine, the Roman priest persecuted and beheaded during the Middle Ages by Emperor Claudius. Find out why!)

Most of you know that our English word for love is limited and the Bible brings us at

least four words for love from Ancient Greek: éros, philía, storgē and agape. Eros is romantic love. (Cupid works for this kind!) Philia is friendship, affection between those who are in community with each other, kinship, close bond and loyalty. Storge

is family love, which is special between mother, father, children, parents, grandparents, sisters and brothers. Philia and Storge can overlap with each other in

friends and family. Finally, there is agape. This is unconditional love, which is love given whether the other returns it or not. This is love God has for us, and Jesus had

for humanity. This is the love Paul speaks of in his letter to the church people in Corinth.

God made the world and us and called all good. May God strengthen our lives of love, all kinds.

Faithfully in Philia, Storge, and Agape, (Tom gets the Eros…)

Mother Beth+

… Live in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice

to God. (Ephesians 5:2)






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Happy St. Valentine’s Day! This month we

celebrate the Patron Saint of love, young people

and happy marriages. What better way to do that

than through our many Christian Formation

Programs? You have probably seen the many opportunities we have coming up here at

St. Peter’s that would benefit from your time and energy. Take a moment and sign up

for something. Join us in celebrating your love for the Lord and each other, celebrating

our young people and those of us who are still young at heart, and nurturing happy and

healthy relationships all around us! We welcome all volunteers and encourage everyone

to find the program that speaks to them the most!

What’s Happening at St. Peter’s This Month:

The 21 Most Effective Prayers of the Bible Sundays

Dates: Sundays, December 7th- May 10th

Location: Fotinos Hall; 9:30-10:20 a.m. A study of selected prayers found in the Bible, to see how they will affect your prayers,

life, and impact people and the world.

Facilitator: Deacon Judy

Big Dummies of the Bible

Sundays, February 01st-March 22nd

Location Father Ron’s Study, 9:30-10:20 a.m.

Ever done something so dumb you’d never want to admit it, even in a “Most

Embarrassing Moments” contest? The good news is, you’re not alone. Even the Good

Book is full of characters who make you wonder if they spent their childhood head-

butting goats.

Facilitators: Andy Parton and Sherree Brady

Why Me? Straight Talk About Suffering & Grief

Thursdays, February 5th-19th

Location: Fotinos Hall; 7:00 p.m.

Suffering of any kind is a painful, lonely process. When Christians

suffer their first response is to question God and seek some

understanding for their pain. In this study, we will discuss that it is not always possible to find easy

answers to life's most difficult questions, but it is possible to find good and God in every circumstance, to

experience joy alongside pain, and to live a good life in spite of the nagging question, "Why Me?" We

will need a minimum of five (5) participants for this group. Please see the sign-up sheet in Fotinos Hall.

Facilitator: Stephanie Emmerson

PreK-6th Grade Formation Opportunities


Sundays, from 9:30-10:20 a.m.

Location: Children’s Classes Downstairs

Our PreK-6th Grades will be heading for the deep blue sea where they will

spend February visiting with Jonah, the reluctant hero. Thank you to our workshop leaders this

month: Duane & Shannon Rinkus, Katie Hamby, Jessica Ireland, and Bob & Carole Rowell.

What’s Happening In Our Workshops?

Game Show Studios: Jonah Spin

Solid Rock Café: Jonah Jelly Turnover Cookies

Holywood Theatre: The Greatest Adventure-Stories from the Bible-JONAH

Christian Formation


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The Episcopal Church of Saint Peter by-the-Lake | Page 7

Scripture Reference: The Book of Jonah

Memory Verse: ”When I was in trouble, I called out to you and you answered me.”

Jonah 2:2

Theme: Super Heroes of Faith

Objectives and Life Application:

Name that the story is found in the Old Testament.

For 3rd grade and up: Locate the story of Jonah; identify it as an Old Testament book in the

collection known as “Prophets.”

Re-tell the story in his/her own words.

Define a prophet as a messenger of God.

Describe Jonah as a prophet, a reluctant prophet who did not always follow God’s


Discover that this story is a profound illustration of God’s love. (God is compassionate, his

love is for everyone, he gives second chances, and no one is beyond redemption.)

Conclude that God calls us to lives of compassion and loving kindness to others.

Taking Your Faith Home:

Read: Book of Jonah

Reflection: What was God trying to teach Jonah? Name the six times God used nature to teach

Jonah. Can you think of a time when you knew what God would like you to do, but you didn’t

do it?

Prayer: Dear God, We know that each day we do wrong. Please forgive us. Help us to pay

attention to what is right and to listen to others who want to help us. We thank you for loving us

and forgiving us when we ask. Amen.

Youth (7th-12th grade) Formation Opportunities

Sundays, from 9:30-10:20 a.m.

Location: Youth Class. Facilitators: February - Dick & Beth Lunney.

We will be continuing our study in re:Form Ancestors, as we move into the New

Testament. Come join in the fun, play some trivia and maybe win a prize or two!

Episcopal Youth Community (EYC)

Sundays at 5:00 p.m.

Opportunities for youth in grades 6-12th to connect with other youth and friends

throughout the diocese in Christian community, experience God’s love, grow in their

faith and relationship with Christ, and to have lots of good old fashion fun! See Father

Ron for more information.

Needs: As always, many hearts and hands are needed to provide formation opportunities to our growing numbers

here at St. Peter’s. I promise it’s not hard, and you may end up with lots of smiles and laughs as a bonus!

If you can help with any of the following, please let me know.

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Rotation 7: Magnificent Mary Magdalene

03/01-03/15/2015 03/01/2015 03/08/2015 03/15/2015

Teacher 1: Kay Herring

Teacher 2:

3rd -6th Grades

(Need Sub for Kay)

PreK-K 1st-2nd Grade

Teacher 1:

Teacher 2:

1st-2nd Grade 3rd -6th Grades PreK-K

Teacher 1:

Teacher 2:

PreK-K 1st-2nd Grade 3rd -6th Grades

Rotation 8:

03/22-04/19/2015 03/22/2015 03/29/2015 04/05/2015 04/12/2015 04/19/2015

Teacher 1:

Teacher 2:

3rd -6th Grades 1st-2nd Grade No Classes PreK-K Flat Jesus

Teacher 1:

Teacher 2:

1st-2nd Grade PreK-K No Classes 3-6th Grade Flat Jesus

Teacher 1:

Teacher 2:

PreK-K 3rd -6th Grades No Classes 1-2nd Grade Flat Jesus

Rotation 9:

04/26-05/10/2015 04/26/2015 05/03/2015 05/10/2015

Teacher 1:

Teacher 2:

3rd -6th Grades PreK-K 1st-2nd Grade

Teacher 1:

Teacher 2:

1st-2nd Grade 3rd -6th Grades PreK-K

Teacher 1:

Teacher 2:

PreK-K 1st-2nd Grade 3rd -6th Grades

Youth Classes Need Your Help! You may not find a more

fun class to teach!! March 1, 8, 15 Sheep: The Innocent Wanderers

Simon Peter: The Earnest Blockhead

Syrophoenician Woman: The Mama Bear

Teacher 1: _____________________

Teacher 2: _____________________

March 22, 29th and April 12 Sadducees & Pharisees: The Legalistic Bureaucrats

Mary & Martha: The Bickering Sisters

Judas Iscariot: The Disappointed Revolutionary

Teacher 1: _____________________

Teacher 2: _____________________

Upcoming Events:

* February 8th, 2015 – Charlotte Curling Center. All youth in grades 6th-12th are invited to join

in the fun and bring a friend to our EYC (Episcopal Youth Community) outing.

* February 15th, 2015 – EYC (Episcopal Youth Community) will provide dinner for residents at

the Hesed House in Lincolnton.

* February 2015 – Lenten Series.

* March 2015 – Tenebrae practice will begin. Please see Kina if you are interested in taking part

of this year’s drama.

* April 2015 – Softball Season. We will need all able bodied, 15 and over, women and men who

are willing to lose if necessary – but still have a good time while doing it!

Thank you to everyone who helps with all of our activities! You are greatly appreciated and a blessing!

Kina Cartee Director of Christian Formation

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The Episcopal Church of Saint Peter by-the-Lake | Page 9

It is our great privilege to pray for those who ask us to pray. Our gracious God

answers out of His great love for His children.

Let us pray for these for whom members of our parish have requested prayer:

Jill Adams, Bill Aker, Matthew Aker, Alice, Amy, Andy, Andy, Ann, Lindsey & Scott, John Badfield, Agnes Badini,

Rikard Best & Family, Johnny Boles, J. W. Boles, Tom Booker, Cynthi Bowlick, Jim Brown, Lisa & Rob Brown, Don

Carlton, Jennifer Carroll, Joey & Barbara Lee Carter, Cassidy, Chuck & Kari, Serena Clancy & parents, Carl

Clendenin, Anita Coleman, Elizabeth Davis, Deborah, Emily & Dave, Larry Englebert, Jr., Englebert Family, Faye,

Felicia, Ellie Fleckenstein, Mark Fleckenstein, Lynne Freeman, J. R. Gore, Gordie Graham, Rick Graham, Jared Grant,

Toni Graves, Arlene Halasz, Meshele Hamby, Cole Harper, Marshall Hedrick, Sarah Hedrick, Sandy and Hale

Hemenway, Rand & Ola Hoover, Ann Baron Houseman & Sons, Renie Hughes, Mike Hutchinson, Linda Jarnagan,

Jason, Jenny, Antonia Jerman, Billy Johnson, Jerry, Robert Johnson, Ken Kahout, Mike Kerr, Laura, Mary & Cecil

Lowe, John Mahew, Mark, Pam Marler, Hannah Martin, Harold McGuire, Polly McMahon, Hazel Morrill, Meghan

Naylor, Joyce Neidlinger, Moselle Neupane, Lauren Oplinger, Michael Parton, Gail Pascalli, Paula, Clifford Peacock,

Jerry Pease, Paula Poad, David Pope, Christine Portuallo, Rayne, Brianna & Chantell, Jo Rice, Shirley Roach, David

Roberts, Rob Rowell, Frances Sabatino, Mia Salazar, Betty Saunders, Hunt Sayres, Jane Seacord, Jason Sentor, Scott,

Ann & Jim Shannon, Dan Sherman, Bob Smith, Lee Smith, Charlotte Snead, Steven Snyder, Madison Spencer, Darla

Stines, Will Dixon Sullivan, John Tolous, Kerri Triaga, Nancy Weber, Gloria Webb, Judith Wentzl, Eugenia Young.

Thank you for helping us keep the NET prayer list current. If a name should be added or removed, please let Deacon

Judy Cole know.



Group contact: If you would like to

receive emails regarding activities of the men in the Church (and

currently are not receiving them), send your email address to

[email protected] (and we will add you to this year's list. Anyone

without email can call David Pittinaro (704) 530-1858,

and we will set up a calling list.

Men of St. Peter


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Vision of St. Peter by-the-Lake

In response to our Lord Jesus Christ’s

missional imperative to baptize and

teach all nations….and to love God

and our neighbors as ourselves: We

the clergy, vestry, and people of the

Episcopal Church of St. Peter by-the-

Lake commit ourselves to:

*Walk in the Way (Spiritual growth

through worship, formation,

repentance & prayer)

*Widen the Walls (Proclaiming the

Good News by Word & Example)

*Wake up the World (Striving for

Justice & Peace. Respecting the dignity

of every person)

Mission of St. Peter by-the-Lake

In response to our parish vision: The

mission of The Episcopal Church of St.

Peter by-the-Lake is to:

*Be Disciples: Engage the World*


Please be sure to schedule all reservations of the church facilities through the Parish Administrator so your events can be placed on the Church’s main calendar. Thank you!

Check out our website!

Our web address is:





8:30AM Holy Eucharist or Morning

Prayer with Holy Eucharist

9:30 AM Church School for all ages!

10:30AM Holy Eucharist: traditional

service with full choir

Nursery available at both


A combined worship service will occur once more this school year – There will only be one service on: May 18th, 9:30 AM ~ Christian Appreciation Day

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Daughters of the


The Holy Order of the Daughters of the King is open to

any woman of the church who

has a desire to serve through Prayer and Evangelism.

We gather quarterly at the

church for Bible Studies,

Meditations, or Guest Speakers,

and smaller groups meet monthly at the church or

Daughters homes, for bible


If you are interested in

becoming a Daughter of the King, please feel free to talk to

any of the Daughters.

For His Sake,

Nancy Brandt

Daughters of the King

will hold the next large group

meeting on Monday, February 9th, at 7pm in Fotinos Hall.

Program information will

be forthcoming.

St. Peter by-the-Lake will be printing a

new Parish Directory this winter. (Just

contact info, not photo)

Please be sure the church office has your

current information!

The easiest way to do this is send a quick email

to [email protected] with your name,

address, phone numbers, and email addresses.

Be sure to only include what you would like


Thank you for your assistance.

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Alexander Community Concert Series

The Davidson College Jazz Combo Sunday, February 8, at 3:00 p.m.

The Davidson College Jazz Combo is comprised of the most elite students who are involved in the jazz program

at Davidson. Their concerts span the rich variety of styles that characterize small jazz groups: solo piano, singer

and piano, jazz trio, and gypsy jazz, to name just a few. The Combo recently was featured nationally on the

National Public Radio (NPR) show, “Says You” and toured the Mexican Riviera, giving concerts in Belize,

Cozumel, and along the Mayan coast.

For an afternoon of verve and cool, don’t miss this concert! We are truly fortunate to have a group of such high

caliber performers for our concert series; please give them a warm welcome to the “other side” of the lake!

Reception with refreshments to follow in Furr Hall – meet and greet the musicians

Admission: $15 for adults, $10 for students & seniors, children under 12 free

Tickets available at the door. For advance tickets or more information, contact Ben Benoit, 704-489-6249,

or The Episcopal Church of St. Peter by-the-Lake, 704-483-3460 ([email protected])

The Lake Norman Covekeepers will meet at 7:00 pm on Thursday, February 26, at our

normal venue (East Lincoln Fire Department, 206 S. Pilot Knob Road, Stanley) with

guest speaker Vicki Taylor, Executive Coordinator of the Catawba-Wateree Relicensing

Coalition. Vicki, an attorney, environmental activist, and long-time supporter of the

Catawba Riverkeeper Foundation, will address the lengthy federal relicensing process

for Duke Energy’s management of the Catawba River basin, which is about to be

concluded. She will update us on features in the new license and important

environmental gains made during the course of the negotiations. Plan now on

attending this informative presentation on issues vital to the health of our lake and

river for decades to come! For more information, contact Ben Benoit (704-489-6249).

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The Episcopal Church of Saint Peter by-the-Lake | Page 13

Souper Bowl of Caring began in 1990 as a way to

use Super Bowl weekend, a time when people come

together for football and fun to also unify the

nation for a higher good: collecting dollars for the

needy. At St. Peter's the Youth Group started this

tradition years ago with Episcopal Church Women

(ECW) taking it over in 2008. After the 10:30

service on Feb. 1st we will have Turkey Chili and

Brunswick Stew plus salad, bread and

dessert. Donations will be accepted and the

proceeds will go to The Corner Table this year - we

are alternating between the Food Pantry at East

Lincoln Christian Ministry and The Corner Table.

ANNUAL PARISH RETREAT TO VALLE CRUCIS INFORMATION! Even though our annual retreat is many months in the future, beginning

in February you may fill out your registration form, return it, and if you

would like, begin making payments throughout the year so that by this fall

your weekend is paid for without the bill falling due all at one time. Please

check Fotinos Hall for registration forms underneath the sign-up board. The

parish weekend this year is October 16th -18th and coincides with the Valle

Country Fair across the street.

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As a follow-up to last year’s series on the last 24 hours of Jesus’ life, for 2015

we will journey again with Adam Hamilton on a video/discussion series called

‘THE WAY: Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus’. Each week we will see and hear

a different aspect of Jesus’ 3 year ministry in Israel. We will go from the region

of Galilee, to the mountains, to Samaria, to the Jordan River, and finally to

Jerusalem itself. Our schedule is as follows:

*6pm – Dinner and fellowship in Furr Hall *7pm – The Holy Eucharist in the Nave *7:30 – 8:15pm: Lenten Series in Fotinos Hall (child care will be available from 7pm to the conclusion of the evening)


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Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) news/events for February: EYC will be exploring the great winter sport of ‘curling’ on Sunday, February 8th

from 2 – 7pm. We will be going to the Charlotte Curling Center and enjoy 3 hours of the Ice learning curling techniques and playing an actual game or two. The cost is $25 per person.

Sunday, February 15th members of our EYC will be preparing and serving dinner for the guests at the Hesed House for the Homeless. Be attentive to e-mail and facebook messages for exact times.

Tuesday, February 17th from 5:30 – 7:00pm in Furr Hall.

Come and enjoy delicious pancakes and sausage with your

parish family before the beginning of Lent.

Many thanks to the Men of St. Peter’s, who annually sponsor

this event.

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ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE – The season of Lent (our preparation for Holy Week & Easter) begins with the Ash Wednesday service of Holy Communion with the Imposition of Ashes on Wednesday, February 18th

WEDNESDAY NIGHTS in Lent – keep your eye on the bulletin and weekly updates for details on specifics for each week, but the schedule remains the same:

~ 6pm Lenten Suppers

~ 7pm Worship Service

~ 7:30pm Lenten Program -

(THE WAY: Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus)

March 29th Palm Sunday Services

March 31st Tenebrae Service 7PM

April 2nd Maundy Thursday Service 7PM

Prayer Vigil

April 3rd

Good Friday Ecumenical Worship Service 7PM Held at St. Peter by-the-lake

Preaching - Rev. Tony Matthews, pastor of Fairfield and Bethel United Methodist

April 4th Parish Easter Egg Hunt 10AM

April 5th

Easter Day Sunrise Service (Memorial Garden) 7AM Easter Day Festival Services 8:30AM & 10:30AM

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The Second Annual North Carolina

Haitian Summit meeting is

scheduled for Friday, Feb 6 at 9 AM. Once again, it is our honor to

host this meeting in Fotinos Hall for our fellow Episcopals joining us from

both Virginia and Georgia.

The theme for this year’s conference is “Self-Sustainability” and

among other guests, we have learned that both the local Episcopal priest,

Pere Grousse, and the Chief Operating Officer of the Haitian Episcopal

Diocese, Sikhumbuzo Vundla, will be in attendance. Working with Bishop

Duracin, Mr. Vundla lives in Port-au-Prince and works in conjunction with

the Office of Missioners at the Episcopal Church headquarters in NYC.

Additionally, several friends from both Virginia and Georgia

Episcopal churches will be making the trip to our parish for this exciting

meeting. For additional information or if you would like to join us, please

contact Libby Motto or Carole Rowell through email

[[email protected] or [email protected]].

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East Lincoln Christian Ministry (ELCM) began in 1983 with a $500 donation from Bill &

Emily Furr – parishioners from our Church and the namesakes for Furr Hall - and has

grown tremendously through the continued efforts of many area churches, civic organizations, local businesses,

and individuals.Their donations and volunteer efforts provide an invaluable service to many in need in the area.

Goals and Programs: ELCM aims to help those in need while treating them with dignity and love. Programs

offered include:

Crisis Ministry assistance as well as disaster relief – serve around 900 households and are

averaging around 3,600 requests for assistance each year.

The Pantry offers food and personal hygiene items for those in need.

Home meals delivers meals to home-bound individuals.

The Closet provides clothing, furniture, appliances, toys and much more sold at very low prices.

Average monthly income is $40,000 which accounts for 85% of ELCM’s income.


In November, 2014, the Furniture Annex opened on the corner of Cedar St. and Campground Rd. to provide

more space to display the furniture, electronics and small appliances. This also allowed the Closet to expand

into the space that had housed the furniture at the Catawba-Burris location.


CALL 704-483-4415; Hours are Tues., Wed., Thurs., Sat. from 9am – Noon):

Making deliveries and pick-ups for The Pantry

Organizing and stacking items in The Pantry

Working in The Closet sorting, tagging, and displaying items donated (8:30 –

Noon or Noon to 3 PM)

Assisting customers and helping with check-out


Volunteers to assist in stocking and sales floor after closing at noon

Volunteers to receive donations at ELCM ministry


Our Church will supply the volunteers to distribute the food from Second Harvest Food Bank

For more information or to volunteer, please contact Carole Rowell 704-516-2312

Usually 200 families are served at these events which are held 6 times per year.

A monthly highlight of organizations we support with our Time, Talent and Treasure.

FOCUS ON MISSION - OUTREACH TEAM And do not neglect doing good and sharing; for with such sacrifices God is pleased. Hebrews 13:16

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The 2015 Boomer Group Checkers Hockey Game/Lunch

is on for Sunday, March 8th with the group heading to Charlotte after

the 10:30 service and having lunch once again at Fitzgerald’s Irish

Pub. Please look for the sign up sheet in Fotinos Hall and make sure

you get your name on the list as I’ve blocked a section for our group

with a ticket price of $24.00 (includes tax). I will need payment on or

before March 1st to reserve your seat with our group at the lower

group rate.

As an added bonus, March 8th is “Chubby’s” birthday and we’ll be rinkside for the celebration! This event has become something of a tradition with the “Boomer” group and if you haven’t joined us in the past you should mark it on your calendar for a great time with a great

group of Episcopalians.

Monthly Blood Pressure Checks

The last Sunday of the month after each

service in Fotinos Hall.

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February 8th Alexander Concert Series

Davidson College Jazz Combo

February 17th Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

February 18th Ash Wednesday Service

Upcoming Events:

March 28th 9am

Parish Workday

March 29th

Palm Sunday

March 31st


April 2nd

Maundy Thursday Service (Prayer Vigil)

April 3rd

Good Friday Ecumenical Worship Service

April 4th

Parish Easter Egg Hunt

April 5th Sunrise Service (Memorial Garden) 7am

Easter Day Festival Services 8:30am & 10:30am

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February 1st

GREETER 8:30 Diane Johnson 10:30 Bob Tracy

ACOLYTES 8:30 McKenzie Weed 10:30 Zak Parton, Ellie Rinkus

READERS 8:30 Libby Willis 10:30 Frances Smith CHALICISTS 8:30 Cathy Melesh

10:30 John & Michelle Stewart USHER(S) 8:30 Irene Stollery

10:30 Paul & Diane Cooke, Gra Wagner ALTAR GUILD Ann Bowden, Jim Bowden, Sherree Brady, Beth Brandt,

Nancy Driggers, Vickie Jordan, Gloria Reid CHILDREN’S CHAPEL Bud & Jeanne Hawkins ALTAR FLOWERS Beth & Tom Lilly

COFFEE HOUR No Coffee Hour – Souper Bowl Sunday

February 8th

GREETER 10:30 Rebecca Smith ACOLYTES 8:30 Mattie Rudd 10:30 Grant & Ashley Wagner READERS 8:30 Richard Wilson 10:30 Tom Lilly

CHALICISTS 8:30 Jennifer Baker 10:30 Patty & Patrick Duggan

USHER(S) 8:30 Marlene Payne 10:30 Bob & Charlotte Garbarino, Ben Benoit

ALTAR GUILD Pat Wilson, Dick Wilson, Marge Fairbanks, Cathy Melesh, Anne Sweet, Karen Taylor, Bob & Claire Tracy

CHILDREN’S CHAPEL Jonathan & Traci Plyler ALTAR FLOWERS Jim & Ann Bowden COFFEE HOUR Hamby & Ireland






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February 15th GREETER 8:30 Diane Johnson

10:30 Patty Duggan ACOLYTES 8:30 Matthew Weed 10:30 Ethan Thornhill, Abbey Heil READERS 8:30 Jennifer Baker

10:30 Josette Anzalone

CHALICISTS 8:30 Robin Bolduc 10:30 Courtenay Smith, Diane Davis

USHER(S) 8:30 Clara Alexander 10:30 Dave Pittinaro, Tom Lilly, Larry Sweet ALTAR GUILD Carmen Hatley, Cyndi Jarvis, Marlene Payne,

Nancy Pittinaro, Tom & Cathy Grace, Jeanne Hawkins, Claudia Crist CHILDREN’S CHAPEL Lisa & Joe Anzalone ALTAR FLOWERS Betty Hannan & Family COFFEE HOUR The Cooke family

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February 22nd GREETER 10:30 Trudy Halley ACOLYTES 8:30 Katie Clements 10:30 Michelle & John Stewart

READERS 8:30 Clara Alexander 10:30 Vikki Gaver CHALICISTS 8:30 Linda Best

10:30 Ginny Pretty, Conrad Wease USHER(S) 8:30 Ron & Karen Horne

10:30 David Smith, Celia & Paul Deese ALTAR GUILD Linda Best, Nancy Brandt, Kathy Campbell, Denyse Naylor,

Charlotte & Bob Garbarino, Jane Lifsey, Irene Stollery CHILDREN’S CHAPEL Stephanie & Michael Emmerson

ALTAR FLOWERS Patrick & Patty Duggan COFFEE HOUR Nancy Brandt & Priscilla Foley

March 1st GREETER 8:30 Diane Johnson

10:30 Mary LaBranche

ACOLYTES 8:30 Tyler McPeak 10:30 Gabby Laudenslager, Patrick Hamby READERS 8:30 Sherree Brady 10:30 Lola Hallman CHALICISTS 8:30 Irene Stollery

10:30 Bob Tracy, Jack Weber USHER(S) 8:30 Hal Shinn 10:30 Walter Smith, Frances Smith, Bill Lifsey ALTAR GUILD Ann Bowden, Jim Bowden, Sherree Brady, Beth Brandt,

Nancy Driggers, Vickie Jordan, Gloria Reid


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February Calendar 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 The Presentation of Jesus

in the Temple

8:30 HE 9:30 AC

9:30 CS

10:30 HE

SouperBowl Sunday

2 7:00 PM



6:30 PM

CF Team Mtg (Furr)

3 1:30PM


Prayer (Library)

6:30 pm

Supper and the

Word (Fotinos)

6-7PM WCA (Furr)



HB 7:00PM




5 Noon – HE

w/healing prayers

1-5pm Bridge (Furr)

7 pm

ELBA (Furr)

7pm Why Me?

Grief Group

6 9-5pm

Haitian Hope

Meeting (Furr)


10 – Noon

Basketball (Furr)

8 The Fifth Sunday after

the Epiphany

8:30 HE

9:30 AC

9:30 CS

10:30 HE

2- 7 pm EYC (Curling)

3pm Alexander

Concert Series

Davidson College Jazz Combo


7:00 PM

Daughters of

the King (Furr)

7:00 PM

AA (Fotinos)

10 1:30PM


Prayer (Library)

6:30 pm

Supper and the Word

6- 8:30 pm

Basketball (Furr)






7:00PM EFM

12 Noon – HE

w/healing prayers

1-5pm Bridge (Furr)

7pm Why Me?

Grief Group

13 5:45- 8 PM

Girl Scouts

Brownie Troop

01854 (Furr)

14 8:30AM

Men at Stacy’s

15 The Last Sunday after the Epiphany

8:30 HE

9:30 AC

9:30 CS

10:30 HE

4 -8 PM EYC

(Hesed House)



Vestry (Fotinos)

7:00 PM

AA (Furr)

17 1:30PM


Prayer (Library)

5:30 -7 pm


Pancake Supper

18 6-9AM Rotary

Breakfast Mtg



Ash Wednesday Service

19 Noon – HE w/healing prayers

1-5pm Bridge (Furr)

6- 7 pm

WCA Board (Furr)

7pm Why Me? Grief Group


6- 9pm

Private party



22 The First Sunday of Lent

8:30 HE

9:30 AC

9:30 CS

10:30 HE

1– 2:30pmBasketball


Blood Pressure Check!


7:00 PM

AA (Fotinos)

24 1:30PM


Prayer (Library) 7 pm

EFM (Fotinos)

6- 8:30 pm

Basketball (Furr)



Lenten Supper





26 Noon – HE

w/healing prayers

1-5pm Bridge (Furr)



Bunco (Furr)


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Happy Anniversary

Happy Birthday

5 – Jim & Ann Bowden

9 – Gil & Peggy Sayres

13 – Cindy Abell & Carmen Hopkins

14 – Ronnie & Brandy Rudd

17 – Leon & Robin McLennon

26 – James & Linda Marshall

1 – Davy Plyler

3 – Betty Megard

4 – Jerry Gaver

6 – Betty Emmerson

6 – Thomas Lilly

6 – Ed Melesh

7 – Marianne Boles

11 – Adanna Eziri

11 – Gilbert Moore

12 – Tuck Ridlehoover

12 – Gary Jarvis

12 – Baylor Cartee

13 – Bill Reid

14 – Jim Brown

14 – Trudy Halley

14 – Rezan Solmaz

16 – Garry Beam

16 – Eva Valcourt

17 – Cory Bolding

17 – Peter Weber

20 – Megan Passmore

22 – Donna Brown

25 – Emeka Eziri

25 – Tiffany Ferebee

26 – Gloria Reid

Join us in welcoming our New Members!!!

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22 – Donn


The Rev. Dr. Ronald B. Taylor, Rector

704-483-4634 (home), 704-618-7213 (cell) [email protected]

The Rev. Judith Cole, Deacon 704-483-4321 (home), 704-534-1496 (cell)

[email protected]

The Rev. Beth Lilly, Assisting Priest (Retired)

828-464-5742 (Home), 828-461-1555 (Cell)

[email protected]

Leigh Ann Johnston, Organist/Director of Music

Kina Cartee, Director of Christian Formation and Newcomers Ministry

[email protected]

Kate D’Amato, Parish Administrator

[email protected]

Janice McGuire, Accounting

[email protected]

Gary Johnston, Treasurer

[email protected]


Sherree Brady, Senior Warden

Jim Bowden, Junior Warden Claudia Crist

Gary Jarvis

Daniel Malyevac Connie Mathis

Cathy Melesh Duane Rinkus

Dave Smith

Clerk of the Vestry: Daphne Wagner