the stocklists - october 2010-


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The UK flooring retailer's favourite magazine


Page 1: The Stocklists - October 2010-



44 OOccttoobbeerr 22001100 FlooringNews


Page 2: The Stocklists - October 2010-
Page 3: The Stocklists - October 2010-

ISSN 0950-5024 Mayville Publishing Co. Ltd. 2010 Issue: 426Every care is taken in compiling this magazine, but the proprietors assume noresponsibility in the effects arising therefrom.

Woolsafe: the carpet care guide................................................................6-7

Carpet trouble-shooter.................................................................................8-9


Wool fibre page ..............................................................................................11

Buying Groups NNEEWW FFAACCTTSSHHEEEETT ...............................................12-13


Wholesaler Distribution Directory .....................................................15-17

Carpet Company Directory ..................................................................18-19



44 OOccttoobbeerr 22001100Published by Mayville Publishing Co Ltd

219 West Ella Road,West Ella, Hull HU10 7SDTel: 01482 659396 Fax: 01482 659397

Sales Director: Diane Martin. [email protected] Publication Director: David Spragg. Founded by Roy Spragg in 1973.


H carpets/rugs/tiles © woods/laminates/smooths n accessories/services/organisations = fibres o underlay s wholesalers/distributors l adhesives

IInnddeexx PPaaggee CCoonnttaacctt PPrriiccee NNoo.. NNoo.. LLiisstt ddaattee

Classified 71


Monthly ‘Stocklisters’ shown in BOLD

n ACCU-CUT.............................................................................—......................0800 862 0251 ...............— ...........................

s AFS ...........................................................................................20......................020 8805 8620 ...............April 2009 .............

H ASIATIC CARPETS ................................................................45......................0208 800 2000 ...............— ...........................

H ASSOCIATED WEAVERS......................................................—......................01422 431100.................— ...........................

H AXMINSTER............................................................................53......................01297 630 650 ...............— ...........................

H BONDWORTH NEW .......................................................22......................01562 745000.................1.9.2010 ................

= BRITISH WOOL................................................................57,59 ................01274 688 666 ...............— ...........................

H BROCKWAY CARPETS LTD. ....................................21......................01562 828200.................March 2010..........

H BRONTE ...............................................................................—......................01282 862736.................— ...........................

o CARPENTER.......................................................................23......................01457 861141.................— ...........................

H CAVALIER ................................................................................—......................01254 268000.................— ...........................

s COLUMBIA FLOORING .............................................24......................0208 443 3322 ...............— ...........................

H DRURY LANE..........................................................................IFC....................01254 296829.................— ...........................

s DMS FLOORING SUPPLIES NEW...........................25......................0845 643 5344 ...............— ...........................

H DYNE.........................................................................................—......................0161 877 8877 ...............— ...........................

H ECOVISE ...................................................................................43......................077 66 494060 ...............— ...........................

H EDEL TELENZO ................................................................26......................01422 374417.................— ...........................l F. BALL ......................................................................................5........................01538 361633.................— ...........................

n FITA ...........................................................................................70......................01159 506836.................— ...........................

n FLOORWISE .......................................................................17......................01509 673974.................— ...........................

H FURLONG FLOORING .................................................28,29 ................01772 696787.................March 2010..........

n GREENDALE CARPETS & FLOORINGS.........................—......................01432 852000.................— ...........................

n INTERFLOOR.........................................................................63......................01706 213131 ...............— ...........................

s LITTNER HAMPTON.....................................................—......................0208 520 8474 ...............— ...........................

H MAYFIELD CARPETS NEW ........................................30......................01706 639 866 ...............— ..................................

n MERRYFIELD GROUP...........................................................BC ....................01422 373799.................— ...........................

H MOHAWK.............................................................................27......................01480 479830 ...............— ...........................

n NICF ........................................................................................70......................0115 958 3077 ...............— ...........................

H PENTHOUSE NEW .........................................................30......................01706 341 231 ...............— ..................................

o QA .............................................................................................51......................0151 427 6000 ...............— ...........................

s RACKHAMS.........................................................................31......................020 85319225.................Oct/Nov/Dec 2010

n REFLEX DATA .......................................................................69......................01482 881152.................— ...........................

H RYALUX....................................................................................49......................0845 652 8811 ...............— ...........................

H SAIF CARPETS........................................................................—......................0208 922 9604 ...............— ...........................

s SOLENT WHOLESALE CARPET ................................32......................01243 774623.................Sept/Oct 2010

n STAINSHIELD .........................................................................50......................01372 841467.................— ...........................

n STAIRRODS UK LIMITED ...........................................39......................01207 591176.................— ...........................

s STS FLOORING DISTRIBUTORS ...........................33......................0845 341000...................July 2009 ................

n THE ESTIMATORS ..........................................................69......................0844 445 7834 ...............— ...........................

n T & E DISPLAY GROUP ..............................................65......................0121 585 7600 ...............— ...........................

n TREADPLATES .......................................................................—......................01608 685414.................— ...........................

n TRIPLE KING..........................................................................3........................01274 582056.................— ...........................

H ULSTER.....................................................................................—......................028 38 334433 ...............— ...........................

H WESTON HAMMER NEW............................................34......................0845 644 9090 ...............— ...........................

n WOOLSAFE ORGANISATION.................................6,7.....................01943 850817.................— ...........................

n WOOLS OF NEW ZEALAND ..........................................61......................01943 603888.................— ...........................


The Campaign for Wool- a showcase of quality

The essential reportfrom the successful show

14 pages of news, reviews and comment from the event thatnearly never was... pages 35 - 48

“Harrogate is to flooring, what Wimbledon is to tennis.”

THE WOOL WEEK GALLERY 2010Top companies show why wool is worth it!See for yourself on pages 54 - 62

See next page for details

Step up to a brighter futureNeed a CSCS Card? Need a NVQ? Need it ASAP?

floortrain - The UK’s number oneflooring assessment centre

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6 THE STOCKLISTS October 2010

Flooring factsheetCCaarrppeett ccaarree gguuiiddee ffrroomm WWOOOOLLSSAAFFEE maintenance • cleaning • spot removal • protection • inspection

General Rules for Spot Removal• Soak up liquids with white kitchen roll, tissues, toilet

roll or clean cloth

• Scoop up or scrape off solids

• Try to identify unknown spots prior to treatment –if unsure, use solvent first

• Always work from the edge of the spot inwards

• BLOT, do NOT rub

• Use small quantities of spot remover at a time,applied to a cloth, NOT directly to the spot; workinto the spot with a small, soft brush or sponge

• Take care with applying solvents to bitumen-backedcarpet tiles

• When using solvents always ensure there is plenty offresh air ventilation

• Always thoroughly rinse out water-based spotterswith clean water

• Dry the spot, if possible, with a hair dryer

Periodic CleaningWhen the carpet or rug reaches a stage where it coulddo with a really good clean, you can either do the jobyourself, or you can call in a specialist carpet cleaningcompany.

If you are considering cleaning the carpet or rug yourselfmake sure to use only WOOLSAFE-approvedproducts. Look for this mark on the bottle or package:

WOOLSAFE-approved carpetcare products have beenindependently and scientificallytested and are safe andeffective for cleaning andmaintaining all types of carpetsand rugs.

Regular MaintenanceRegular cleaning will extend the life of a carpet andmaintain its appearance.Vacuum clean regularly andthoroughly, which removes gritty dirt that can damage the fibres.

Deal with spillages as soon as possible, preferablythe moment they occur.

Housekeeping Tips forCarpets and RugsEntrance or walk-off mats

The use of entrance mats at all outside entrances to thehouse is highly recommended, as they will significantlyreduce the rate at which the carpet will soil.They shouldbe of adequate size to allow street dirt to be removedfrom shoe soles and must be cleaned regularlythemselves.

Protective treatmentsMany carpets come with a protective fibre treatment toreduce problems with staining and soiling.These treatments,while effective in many ways, are not bullet-proof and willeventually wear off. Quick response to spills and regularcleaning is still required.

Carpets that have no protector applied by the manufacturercan be treated after installation on the floor by a WOOLSAFE

accredited carpet cleaning company. (To find the nearestWOOLSAFE Certified Operator in your area visit ourwebsite: and go to the PRIVATEHOUSEHOLDER section.)

Beware of products claiming to be safe on all fibres,including wool. It might be true, but if it does not have theWOOLSAFE mark, it is not endorsed by most carpetmanufacturers!

Treatments1. Blot with white kitchen roll or paper tissues

2. Vacuum clean

3. Cold water

4. Warm water

5. WOOLSAFE-approved carpet shampoo solution(diluted)

6. WOOLSAFE-approved spot remover for water-based stains

7. WOOLSAFE-approved spot remover for greasy/oily stains

8. Absorbent paper or paper tissue and hot iron

9. Chewing gum remover (solvent or freeze type)

10. Nail varnish remover or acetone

11. White spirit or turpentine substitute

12. Surgical spirit (ethyl alcohol or ethanol)

13. Rub with a coin

14. Rub gently with coarse sand paper

15. WOOLSAFE-approved disinfectant or deodorizer

16. Rust remover

17. Carpet re-colouring kit(Treatments used by professional carpet cleaners)


MMaarrkk hhaassggoonnee GGrreeeenn!!

The WOOLSAFE Organisationhas teamed up with eco-labelling authorities Green Sealand EcoLogo in NorthAmerica, to enable thoseWOOLSAFE approved productsthat are ecologically responsibleto be recognised andpromoted as such.

The Green WOOLSAFE Markidentifies those products thatnnoott oonnllyy aarree tthhee mmoossttssuuiittaabbllee for wool and otherquality carpets, bbuutt aallssoo hhaavveetthhee rriigghhtt eennvviirroonnmmeennttaallcchhaarraacctteerriissttiiccss.

Page 7: The Stocklists - October 2010-

7THE STOCKLISTS October 2010

maintenance • cleaning • spot removal • protection • inspection

The Clean Carpet you Expect...the Service you Deserve

Environmentally Aware forSuperior Carpet

Vacuum Cleaners - the Choice of Cleaning Professionals

British Wool makes a BetterCarpet... Naturally

This information is provided with thesupport of WOOLSAFE members for thebenefit of all carpet retailers and fitters.

Never use any detergents such as dishwashing liquids,soaps or other cleaners recommended for generalhousehold use. Although they may clean the carpetsatisfactorily they will almost certainly cause problemssuch as rapid re-soiling, colour bleeding or other damageto the pile or backing of the carpet.

It is best to engage the services of aprofessional carpet & upholstery cleaningcompany.To get a really expert job doneentrust the work to a WOOLSAFE

accredited carpet cleaning company.These companies are fully trained, havebeen in business for a considerable

length of time, are members of one or more recognisedprofessional trade associations related to the cleaningindustry and have a reputation for top quality service. Andthey use only WOOLSAFE-approved cleaning agents onyour wool carpets and rugs!

If you have a problem with a carpet or rug thatrequires an independent inspector, a network of carpetcomplaint investigators, trained and registered by TheWOOLSAFE Organisation is available throughout the UK and Ireland.

WOOLSAFE Registered Inspectorshave extensive experience ininvestigating the causes for carpetcomplaints based on their practicalinvolvement with carpets and rugs overmany years.

They are fully qualified to investigate carpet and rugcomplaints on-site on behalf of carpet manufacturers,retailers, cleaning companies and carpet owners.They cancarry out or commission tests where required, and willprovide comprehensive reports.

To contact an inspector in your area call 0800 731 5688,email: [email protected], or visit: Private Householder / Registered Inspectors

Easy SpotsSpot or stain Try 1st Try 2nd Try 3rd

Blood 5 6 3

Burn/scorch marks 13 14

Butter 7 5

Candle wax 8 7

Chewing gum 9

Chocolate/cocoa 5 7 6

Cola 3 5 6

Cream 7 5

Egg 5 6

Floor wax 7 5

Fruit juice 3 5

Gravy and sauces 5 6

Herbal tea 3 6

Metal polish 5

Mustard 5 6

Oil and grease 7 5

Paint (emulsion) 3 5

Shoe polish 7 5

Tea 3 5 6

Difficult SpotsSpot or stain Try 1st Try 2nd Try 3rd

Artificially coloured drinks 3 6

Bleach 3 17

C/heating radiator fluid 5 6 16

Coffee 4 6

Felt-tip pen 7 or 11 12 5

Furniture polish 7 5

Glue/adhesive (plastic base)10 11

Ink (fountain) 3 6 5

Ink (ballpoint pen) 12

Lipstick 7

Milk 4 5 15

Nail varnish 10

Paint (oil) 11

Rust 16

Soot 6 5 2

Tar (asphalt) 7

Urine (fresh stain) 3 5 15

Urine (old stain) 6 15

Vomit 5 6 15

Red wine 1 6

These may require repeated attempts with strongerspot removers. Some stains you may find impossibleto remove completely in which case the assistance ofa professional carpet cleaner is required.

For information

• On a WOOLSAFE Certified Carpet Cleaning Companynearest to you,

• A free copy of the Directory of WOOLSAFE CertifiedProfessional Carpet Cleaners,

• A free copy of the Directory of Registered CarpetInspectors,

• Or just advice on anything to do with carpet care,


The WOOLSAFE Organisation49 Boroughgate, Otley, LS21 1AG,Tel: 01943 850 817E-mail: [email protected] or visit:

Life inspired cleaning

WOOLSAFE ApprovedCarpet Cleaning Products

Home of the Legendary CleaningProduct - Carpet Power

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8 THE STOCKLISTS October 2010

COLOUR MATCHINGCarpets are produced in batches - known ascreels - and usually each batch produces between500m2 - 3000m2 in a single width, depending onthe creel size.Whilst the recipe used by the dyerremains constant, and is followed to the letter, ineach separate production the colourreproduction will vary from batch to batch.However production is matched back to theoriginal or master sample to ensure that thecolour remains ‘within a commercial tolerance’.

This process if not an exact science and acommercial tolerance is subjective butnevertheless is usually the professional judgementof the head dyer based on his/her experience.

A greater level of tolerance is required onblended colours (Heathers etc).To ensure perfectcolour matching it is advisable that a single widthbe used in any installation requiring exact colourmatching.

N.B. Carpets which are laid with the pile travellingin different directions, even though they be fromthe same batch will appear not to match.

For further information please check with themanufacturers recommendations.

SAMPLESThe samples held by individual retailers may notbe from the same batch as current productionand therefore should be used as a guide and notan exact colour match.

SHEDDINGAll cut pile carpets will lose short fibre, which iscreated during production when spun yarn is cutfor tuft formation. These fibres fall onto thesurface of the pile and appear as ‘fluff ’.

The effect varies with yarn type and may beremoved without detrimental effect upon thecarpet by vacuum cleaning. This excess fibre isonly a small fraction of the total fibre contained inthe carpet.

PULLED LOOPSPulled loops occur only in looped pile carpetwhere one or more loops in the continuous pileis pulled through the primary backing of thecarpet.This is usually due to some local condition,possibly some sharp object which has caught in aloop in situ and has resulted in a pull. Pulled loopsare easily dealt with by trimming the offendingend level with the rest of the pile.They should notbe left as this could result in further loops beingpulled and developing into a ladder.

SPROUTINGOccasionally an odd tuft or two can work its wayto the surface and stand proud of the rest of thepile. This is probably due to one end of the tuftbeing longer than the other i.e. J shaped tuftinstead of V shaped. Remedial action merelyrequires that the offending tufts be scissortrimmed level with the rest of the pile. Theyshould never be pulled out.

SHADINGShading occurs because the pile of the carpet hasbecome crushed, flattened or brushed in adifferent direction to the natural lie of the pilewhilst in situ. This causes light reflection atdiffering angles resulting in the creation of lightand dark patches on the carpet.This will occur onall pile fabrics but can be more noticeable onplainer carpets because the shadows created bypile pressure will not be disguised by a heavypattern or design.

STATICCarpets do not produce static but like otherhousehold fabrics and objects have the capacity tostore it. Static is caused by the build up of staticelectricity upon personnel in a dry environmentand is discharged when a person makes contactwith an object which can conduct electricity (i.e.door handle or filing cabinets, etc).

The static charges will vary in intensity dependingupon the individual, air humidity and the contactmaterials. Static is more usually associated withsynthetic materials as they do not retain moisturevery well but it can and does occur with wool invery dry room conditions.

Preventative measures include the introduction ofmoisture into the room or in situ carpettreatment.

FADING ON WOOLCarpets made from wool can and do fade in use.The degree of fade can vary depending on thecolour chosen and the local conditions to whichthe carpet is subjected.

Fading can be caused by exposure to ultra violetlight which is found in daylight, but is acceleratedwhen sunlight shines directly onto the carpet.Thishas the effect of lightening or “Bleaching” thecolour just as exposure to sunlight will lightenhuman hair.Wool is after all animal hair.

Protection should be given to carpets exposed tosuch conditions just as you would protect otherfurniture or fabrics.

A complaint on fading would be consideredjustified if it failed to meet the required shadestandard when tested to the British StandardBS1006 (1990).

This information is given by

responsible manufacturers

to help you help your

customer to make

an informed choice.

The original carpet tile

Flooring factsheetCCaarrppeett ttrroouubbllee--sshhooootteerr • shedding • pulled loops • sprouting • shading • static • fading • pile reversal • shedding • flattening • soiling

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9THE STOCKLISTS October 2010


Like shading, this occurs when the pile or nap ofthe carpet changes direction and thus reflects lightat different angles showing the effects of shadingwhich can become permanent. It is also describedas ‘watermarking’.This can happen to every carpetconstruction be it Axminster,Wilton,Tufted, HandWoven, Persian, Chinese, Indian or even CoirMatting. Like shading it can be more apparent onplain carpet because heavy patterns can disguisethe effects. It can occur quite quickly afterinstallation.A tremendous amount of research hasbeen carried out over many years by manyinstitutes to determine the cause of thisphenomenon but none of it has proved conclusive.There is no commonly known manufacturingprocess which can cause or cure this phenomenonand therefore it is not a manufacturing fault. Forfurther information please check with individualmanufacturers recommendations.

INDENTATIONSWhen a carpet is subjected to a heavy point load,such as under the legs of furniture, it isunreasonable to expect the carpet not to indent.Usually, the longer the load is in place, the longerwill be the time for the pile to recover. In the caseof very heavy loads in place for a considerabletime, the recovery time can be very considerable.

It must be remembered that it is not only the pileof the carpet that becomes indented. the underlaywill also indent and the backing of the carpet mayalso distort into the indentation in the underlay.Some underlay’s will recover well and some lesswell depending upon their composition, thickness,density etc.

The use of cups below furniture legs can spreadthe load and the net result is a larger area of lessdeeply indented carpet.

The ability of a carpet to recover from a heavystatic load can be measured in the laboratory, usingthe test method described in BS 4939 and manymanufacturers will have data on this aspect ofcarpet performance. In this test the carpet isloaded for 24 hours and the degree of recovery ismeasured after 1 hour and 24 hours. Since thereare so many different underlay’s however, it is veryrare for the recovery from a heavy static load tobe evaluated on carpet and underlay.

Often normal maintenance (vacuum cleaning witha rotating brush machine) will speed up recoverybut in the case of serious indentations the use ofan iron and damp cloth or a steam iron togetherwith a blunt darning needle to carefully tease upthe pile can be beneficial. Care must be take notto over wet the carpet, of course.

FLATTENINGFlattening will occur as a result of traffic whicheventually flattens the pile particularly in the mainareas of use. All pile fabrics will flatten to greateror lesser degree dependant on the amount oftraffic to which it is subjected and the construction(tuft density/pile fibre/height/weight) of theproduct concerned.

SOILINGSoiling is usually the result of some local conditionto which the carpet has been subjected to, ormaintenance, or lack of maintenance programme.There is nothing we as manufacturers can do toprevent soiling in use. There are several types ofsoiling which are quite common:

Spillages - Liquids such as soft drinks, cordials orany drink which contains sugar, particularly hotdrinks, is likely to leave a stain. In such instances,professional help should be sought.

Shampoo - if incorrectly applied, can leave stickysoap residues in the fibres which can result in thesoiling reappearing quite rapidly.

Dust - which is carried on draughts can soilcarpets in various ways, apart from the obvioussoiled edges, at gaping skirting boards for instance,dark lines appearing on surface might suggestairborne dust vacuum-drawn through poorly fittedfloorboards. Sometimes the shape of floorboardscan be seen quite clearly. Air borne dustsometimes shows itself as spots on the carpet, thisis due to the air carried on a draught under thecarpet escaping through minute holes both in theunderlay and the carpet, leaving dust deposited onthe pile much like a filter action. In suchinstallations, the use of a lining paper is essential asa preventative measure.

It is the responsibility of the retailer to advise theconsumer when the carpet is measured of anypoorly fitting doors, skirtings, or floorboards andthe consumers responsibility to ensure anyremedial work to seal draughts, is carried outbefore the carpet is fitted, if a resulting complaintis to be avoided.

INSTALLATIONSTelephone National Institute of Carpet Fitters(NICF) for further information – 0115 958 3077.

This information is given by

responsible manufacturers

to help you help your

customer to make

an informed choice.

• sprouting • shading • static • fading • pile reversal • shedding • flattening • soiling

Page 10: The Stocklists - October 2010-

AAddhheessiivveessFlooring Factsheet

10 THE STOCKLISTS October 2010

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11THE STOCKLISTS October 2010


Wool carpets have a historic reputation for quality because as afibre it is known to withstand pressure and have excellentappearance retention properties.The best wool for carpetproduction is ‘strong’ wool and this is grown on sheep breeds foundin Britain and New Zealand. Most carpets will contain both BritishWool and New Zealand Wool because British Wool is more bulkyand resilient and offers texture and unique heathery shades tocarpet, whilst New Zealand wool is softer and whiter andparticularly good for plain, lighter shaded ranges. Combining the twowithin a blend for carpet yarn gives manufacturers the perfectqualities for carpet.

100% wool or 80/20 – 80/10/10 wool richWool has yet to be matched by any man-made fibre; it has superiorstrength and does not need other fibres to improve itsperformance. However manufacturers choose to use syntheticfibres within the yarn blend for a number of reasons.These includefibre flexibility, dyeing, heat setting, stain resistance, durability andcost. These wool rich compositions offer industry standard carpetswhich will perform well in the home.

Flooring factsheetWWooooll ffiibbrree


PracticalStrong and Resilient – Wool carpet will provide superior performanceover many years as it can offer unique resilience and long lastingdurability.The natural crimp of wool offers valuable ‘bounce-back’ so thatpile compression is resisted and the effects of tracking and shading arereduced – maintaining good appearance over many years.

Easy care – Wool is a natural fibre that has an inbuilt resistance to soilingdue to its natural oils and its outer surface of microscopic scales and as aresult additional anti-soil treatments are not necessary. Simply vacuumingthe carpet will keep it looking good and whilst wool initially repels spills,prompt and complete blotting with white paper towels or an absorbentcloth is advised and will address many household spillages.

ComfortSoft and Warm – Wool carpet adds luxurious underfoot comfort andwarmth to the home and acts as an insulator improving heat retentionand energy efficiency.

Peace and Quiet – Wool carpet absorbs sound and cushions the homeagainst echo and room to room noise transfer.

SafetyFire Retardant – Wool is naturally fire resistant, has a slow ignition rateand tests show that it is self extinguishing within seconds. It meets manysafety regulations without additional treatments and is favoured incontract locations for this reason.

Fall Friendly – Carpet cushions and so provides a softer floor whichprotects against serious injury in falls by the very young or the elderly.

Internal EnvironmentIndoor Environment – As a natural ‘smart’ fibre with a complex physicaland chemical structure, wool helps to create a balanced atmosphere inthe home. It breathes and absorbs humidity in the air, releasing it whenthe atmosphere becomes dry and helps improve air quality by absorbingairborne toxins in indoor air.

Anti–allergy – The minute scales on the fibre’s surface will hold fine dustuntil vacuumed which helps to reduce floating particulate in theatmosphere.Wool does not give off harmful emissions or promote thegrowth of bacteria and wool is not a food source for dust mites.

Eco/Environmental Natural and Sustainable – Grown on sheep, which graze freely, wool isboth 100% natural and fully sustainable. As shearing is a necessary part ofanimal husbandry this means that every year there is a fresh supply ofwool available for the carpet manufacturing industry.

Energy Efficient – Wool is energy efficient in the home and also in carpetproduction.

Biodegradable – Wool fibre is biodegradable in soil and will producenitrogen, sulphur, carbon dioxide and water which are all plant nutrients.

Environmentally Assessed – Wool is an environmentally responsible fibrethat has been measured in terms of its ecological impact. A Life CycleAnalysis study carried out by Leeds University to ISO 14040 standard forBritish Wool concludes that it compares favourably when measuredagainst man-made fibres.


BBrriittiisshh WWoooollTThhee PPllaanneett FFrriieennddllyy FFiibbrree ffoorr

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12 THE STOCKLISTS October 2010

Flooring factsheet

How to decide whether to join a buying group –and which…

• Evaluate all buying groups as they all work differently

•Talk to the main marketing contact and/or a memberof the committee

• Get a list of members and call up two or three for a‘real-world’ view

• Establish your territorial exclusivity – where’s the nextnearest member of each buying group.

• Ensure you understand the financial arrangements, anyfees that would relate to your membership, how thebills are paid and whether your fees are refundable ifit doesn’t work out. Ask the buying group for aconsultation to estimate your potential savings

• Review all the extra benefits and services to see whatyou would actually use.

• Check out the product ranges offered including theown-label options and the UK/European mix

• Ensure you understand any rules that may limit yourflexibility to run your business the way you want.

Why join?Buying groups have been a highly successful feature ofthe floor retailing scene in the last decade or so, givingindependents the extra edge they need to competeeffectively with the retail park chains.

More than 1000 retailers are now members of one ofthe several buying groups which operate in our sectorand the numbers are slowly, but steadily growing.

While the benefits of bulk buying power are self-evident,the resistance to the buying group concept among non-members appears to be centred on fears ofsurrendering some control to a committee – and mostparticularly compromising long-established relationshipsand negotiated terms with current suppliers.

The bottom line is the bottom line. A retailer sellingacross a broad range of products is likely to improvemargins within a buying group – but you don’t need aleap of faith to join up.Ask the buying groups for answers...

BBuuyyiinngg GGrroouuppss

Pick the right one David LewisTel: 0118 932 3832

[email protected] Glenn Harding

Tel: 0121 683 [email protected] Rob Harding

Tel: 01432 852000Fax: 01432 852005

[email protected]

Associated Carpet Richard Moore

Tel: 01942 [email protected]

Key benefitsIncrease margins

• Group purchases to get beneficial rates

• Rebates

• Exclusive higher-margin products

• Special promotions

One of the key reasons to join a buying group is tobenefit from the discounts they negotiate as a bulkbuyer from manufacturers.The way discounts andrebates are passed on to members varies betweengroups so make sure it’s absolutely clear how this will bedone.You’ll need to work out how this compares withdiscounts you have already negotiated locally withpreferred suppliers.

Increase sales

• ‘Best of both worlds’ proposition

• Wider ranges and exclusive products

• POS, displays and merchandising support

Your customers will like the proposition that you areindependent but with the buying power of a group –this gives them (and you) the ‘best of both worlds’ withpersonal service and competitive pricing. Most groupswill also offer you ‘own label’ ranges and support withpoint-of-sale, merchandising and displays. Centralstockholding may also be on offer.

Access professional services

• Business services

• Financial services

• IT and internet support

•Training and workshops

• Professional bodies

Some buying groups offer an excellent range of otherservices which may be valuable to your business.Financial services include invoice factoring, credit, loansand insurance. Some of the more sophisticated groupsoffering marketing packages, software systems to helpyou run your business operations and customisedwebsites ready to use. Relationships with professionaland training organisations can also offer discounts.

Network with other independents

• Members-only exhibitions with preferredmanufacturers

• Regular meetings

• Regional workshops

• Supplier presentations

• Helpline

A lot of retailers enjoy the buying group environment ofbeing independent but not alone out there on the HighStreet. Groups hold regular meetings and some havetheir own trade shows, regional meetings andworkshops to help you develop your business.Thenetwork gives you someone to call when you needadvice on, for example, an unusual installation, a technicalconsumer complaint, legal issue or business dilemma. Paul PhillipsTel: 01892 [email protected]


Contact: David KippingTel: 01204 393539

[email protected]

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Page 14: The Stocklists - October 2010-

Flooring factsheet

Good underlay will...• Improve underfoot comfort• Increase appearance retention, reducing flattening• Absorb the pressure of foot traffic and reduce wear• Improve thermal insulation and warmth• Increase sound insulation• Smooth out sub-floor imperfections• Last the lifetime of the carpet

Poor or old underlay will...• Feel hard and unwelcoming• Reduce carpet life• Cause wrinkling and premature wear spots• Cause carpet fibres to break down more quickly• Not meet British Standards

How thick? A maximum of 12mm is recommended (working withgripper will be difficult thereafter) but rooms with heavytraffic will need a thinner, denser pad.The combinationof thickness and density is all important as a thickunderlay with low density may not perform well.Typically, the thicker the underlay, the better quality it willneed to be - 11mm is often used for luxury installationswith 9mm and 7mm the common domestic thickness.

In a tight market for margins, underlay for carpet andlaminate flooring offers retailers one of the bestopportunities to add value to every sale - with goodprofitability, trade-up potential once benefits areunderstood and high satisfaction levels with customers.

But 50% of carpet is still sold without new underlay!

Retailers should create an assumption that newunderlay is always required, the only decision is whichtype. It’s also a good target-setter for sales staff.

Setting up in-store demonstrations so customers canwalk on samples with different grades of underlay andfeel the difference has shown excellent results - somemanufacturers offer point-of-sale units.


Sponge rubberThe market’s most popular underlay is available in flat orwaffle patterns in a wide range of weights for differentapplications. It performs well for comfort and has adurable spring retention.

PU (polyurethane) foamPU foam is a relative newcomer to the market, typicallymade from recycled foam offcuts.The foam providesexcellent comfort and performance levels with lots ofthickness options - and its light weight helps handling.The product can be re-cycled again after use.

Crumb rubberFlat and dense, crumb rubber is good for heavy footfall - offering maximum protection but a little less comfort(and very good over stair nosings).

Laminate underlayThere’s still an opportunity to sell underlay with laminateflooring, improving the acoustic performance of the floorand helping the boards float above any imperfections inthe sub-surface.

CombinationA rubber crumb base with a felt top layer offers a goodcombination of protection, durability and comfort. It alsoallows carpet with seaming to bed into the top felt.

Underfloor heating underlayAlways ask if there is underfloor heating. Most manufacturersoffer specialised products. Underlay and carpet with acombined tog rating up to 2.5 can be used - which meansthe underlay would normally have a tog rating of 1.0.

FeltThis traditional (but environmentally friendly) underlay ismade from recycled fibres - wool, jute and synthetic - tocreate a firm, dense pad with excellent thermal insulation.Still a very popular choice among contractors whenstretch fitting woven carpets

Pre-tackified underlayA self-adhesive single stick underlay in both needlefeltand PU. A removable system for heavy use whencomfort is desired


Specialists in pre-tacked underlays,soft fibre boards & Roberts Tools.


Sponge rubber Crumb

Combination PU foam

14 THE STOCKLISTS October 2010

Page 15: The Stocklists - October 2010-

15THE STOCKLISTS October 2010

The StocklistsWWhhoolleessaallee DDiissttrriibbuuttiioonn DDiirreeccttoorryyNationalFells CarpetsGoole01977 [email protected]

North EastCarpet & Flooring GatesheadGateshead0844 824 [email protected]

Fells CarpetsGoole01977 [email protected]

Floorwise (North East) Ltd Birtley - see Floorwise p17

Vanguard CarpetsRedditch0845 601

Wood Floor SalesRedditch01527

North WestFells CarpetsGoole01977 [email protected]

D. M. Miller LtdManchester0161 205 [email protected]

John Evans LtdManchester0161 368 2563Fax: 0161 368 3039Mobile: 07850 935301

Kellars LtdStockport0161 443 [email protected]

Lee Floorstok LtdLiverpool - see Floorwise p17

Lee Floorstok LtdManchester - see Floorwise p17

MCA Floorwise LtdMorecambe - see Floorwise p17

Mytton Flooring Norwich - see Floorwise p17

Millbrook CarpetsDarwen01254 [email protected]

Supertex FurnishingsLancashire01772 page 28 for details

Vanguard CarpetsRedditch0845 601

Walkwell Flooring SuppliesManchester0161 786

Wood Floor SalesRedditch01527

MidlandsCarpet & FlooringBirminghamBirmingham0121 421 [email protected]

DMS Flooring SuppliesNorthampton0845 643 [email protected] page 25 for details

Floorwise D & J Ltd Southam-see Floorwise p17

J J Wholesale & Distribution LtdBirmingham0121 765 [email protected]

RPS FlooringMansfield Woodhouse - see Floorwise p17

STS Flooring DistributorsWatford08454 342000

[email protected]

see page 34 for details

Supertex FurnishingsLeylandTel: 01772 [email protected]

Vanguard CarpetsRedditch0845 601

Wood Floor SalesRedditch01527

Woodall Brothers Ltd Shrewsbury - see Floorwise p17

EastBeds FlooringBedford01234 [email protected]

Faithfull FloorcoveringSuffolk01473 [email protected]

STS Flooring Distributors LtdCambridgeTel: 01954 [email protected] page 34 for details

Vanguard CarpetsRedditch0845 601

Wood Floor SalesRedditch01527

continued overleaf....

AArree yyoouu aa WWhhoolleessaalleerr??If you’re not listed here, please call

Diane Martin on 01482 659396.

Page 16: The Stocklists - October 2010-

The StocklistsWWhhoolleessaallee DDiissttrriibbuuttiioonn DDiirreeccttoorryy

South EastAcorn Carpet AccessoriesBromley, Kent - see Floorwise p17

AFSMiddlesex020 8805 [email protected] page 20 for details

Ashmount Flooring SuppliesLtd Tottenham0208 808 [email protected]

Beds FlooringBedford01234 [email protected]

Belvedere CarpetsLondon020 8800 [email protected]

Carpet & Flooring LondonCamberley01276 [email protected]

Columbia FlooringMiddlesex020 8443 [email protected] page 24 for details

DMS Flooring SuppliesHemel Hempstead0845 643 [email protected]

DMS Flooring SuppliesMilton Keynes0845 643 [email protected]

Faithfulls Service CentreKent01322 285001

Faithfulls Service CentreWalthamstow0208 498 [email protected]

Faithfull FloorcoveringSuffolk01473 [email protected]

Kent Flooring Supplies LtdChatham01634 [email protected]

Littner HamptonLondon020 8520 [email protected]

Potts & Ward,Woodcocks LtdBrighton01273 [email protected]

RackhamsLondon020 8531 [email protected] page 31 for details

Salesmark Lancing, - see Floorwise p17

Solent Wholesale CarpetWest Sussex01243 [email protected] page 33 for details

STS Flooring Distributors Orpington/Croydon0845 434 [email protected] page 34 for details

Vanguard CarpetsRedditch0845 601

Wessex Flooring Amesbury - see Floorwise p17

Wood Floor SalesRedditch01527

South West Carpet & Flooring BristolBristol0117 966 [email protected]

Fitwell Flooring Ltd Redruth - see Floorwise p17

Fitwell Flooring LtdNewton Abott - see Floorwise p17

Solent Wholesale CarpetWest Sussex01243 [email protected] page 33 for details

STS Flooring DistributorsThame (Oxford)01844 [email protected] page 34 for details

Vanguard CarpetsRedditch0845 601

Wood Floor SalesRedditch01527

ScotlandC. K. Davie Ltd Aberdeen - see Floorwise p17

C. K. Davie LtdDundee - see Floorwise p17

Headlam Scotland North Lanarkshire01698 831 [email protected]

Neil Smith Ltd Glasgow - see Floorwise p17

WalesCarpet & Flooring BristolBristol0117 966 [email protected]

Roma Flooring Neath - see Floorwise p17

Vanguard CarpetsRedditch0845 601

Wood Floor SalesRedditch01527

IrelandFloorwise LtdDublin - see Floorwise p17

Floorwise Ltd N. Ireland - see Floorwise p17

AArree yyoouu aa WWhhoolleessaalleerr??If you’re not listed here, please call

Diane Martin on 01482 659396.

16 THE STOCKLISTS October 2010

Page 17: The Stocklists - October 2010-

floorwiseNNaattiioonnaall NNeettwwoorrkk ooff FFlloooorrwwiissee DDiissttrriibbuuttoorrssAcorn Carpet Accessories 15Bromley, KentTel: 020 8462 0422 Fax: 020 8462 0927

C. K. Davie Ltd 1AberdeenTel: 01224 820077 Fax: 01224 822344

C. K. Davie Ltd 2DundeeTel: 01382 226533 Fax: 01382 226544

Fitwell Flooring Ltd 19Redruth, CornwallTel: 01209 214344 Fax: 01209 21162

Fitwell Flooring Ltd 18Newton Abott, DevonTel: 01626 835935 Fax: 01626 834334

Floorwise D & J Ltd 12Southam,WarksTel: 01926 814922 Fax: 01926 817899

Floorwise (North East) Ltd 5Birtley, County DurhamTel: 0191 410 7070 Fax: 0191 410 6116

Floorwise Ltd 9Dublin 12, ROITel: 00 353 (0)1 4299455 Fax: 00 353 (0)1 4298529

Floorwise Ltd 4 Northern IrelandTel: 028 094 34441

Lee Floorstok Ltd 8 LiverpoolTel: 0151 708 7420 Fax: 0151 708 7241

Lee Floorstok Ltd 7ManchesterTel: 0161 231 8080 Fax: 0161 231 8787

MCA Floorwise Ltd 6Morecambe, LancashireTel: 01524 33517 Fax: 01524 381852

Mytton Flooring 13Norwich, NorfolkTel: 01603 624387 Fax: 01603 612888

Neil Smith Ltd 3GlasgowTel: 0141 552 1141 Fax: 0141 552 0623

Roma Flooring 14Neath,West GlamorganTel: 01639 633001 Fax: 01639 646116

RPS Flooring 10Mansfield Woodhouse,NottinghamshireTel: 01623 624198 Fax: 01623 620931

Salesmark 16Lancing,West SussexTel: 01903 750522 Fax: 01903 851111

Wessex Flooring 17Amesbury,WiltshireTel: 01980 625888 Fax: 01980 676969

Woodall Brothers Ltd 11Shrewsbury, ShropshireTel: 01743 441584 Fax: 01743 441629

Award-Winning Flooring Accessories

HEAD OFFICEFloorwise Group Limited

Floorwise House, 22 High Street,Kegworth, Derby DE74 2DA, UK

Tel: 0044 (0)1509 673974 Fax: 0044 (0)1509 674841















1133 • • • •

17THE STOCKLISTS October 2010


Page 18: The Stocklists - October 2010-

Abingdon Flooring 01274 655694

Adam Carpets LtdBe Tu Tw W Ww 01562 829966

Associated WeaversTw Tu 01422 431100

Avena Carpets LtdTu Ww 01422 330261

Axwoven Carpets LtdAx Be 0121 550 5788

Axminster Carpets LtdAx Be Tw 01297 32244

Bajong Carpets NVTu Tw W +32 56783250

Balta Industries NVTu Tw W Ww +32 56 62 2211

Beaulieu International GroupBe Pr Tu Tw +32 56 67 66 11

Betap Tufting BVTu Tw W +31 383 861 060

BIC CarpetsBe Tw W +32 56 23 54 10

Bizspoke Custom CarpetsBe Tw W 01924 488882

Blenheim CarpetsAx Be Tw W Ww 020 7823 3040

BMK 0113 380 5333

Bond Worth LtdAx 01562 745000

BrintonsAx Tu Tw W Ww 0800 505055

Brockway Carpets LtdTw W 01562 [email protected]

Bronte Carpets LtdBe Tu Tw W 01282 862 [email protected]

BurmatexTu 01924 262525

Cadogan Carpet CoW 01562 733610

Carpets of KidderminsterAx Tu 01299

Cavalier Carpets LtdAx Be Tu Tw W Ww 01254 268000

Christy CarpetsTu 019078 308777

Clarendon CarpetsTw 01675 433066

Classis CarpetsTu W Ww 0870 020 1725

Condor Carpets BVTu +31 38 4778911

Contemporary Life & TextilesBe Tw 01254 [email protected]

Cormar Carpets LtdTu Tw W 01204 881 [email protected]

Couristan CarpetsAx Tu W Ww 800 223 6186

Craigie CarpetsBe 01294 558400

Creative Carpets LtdBe Tu Tw W 0116 284 1455

Creatuft CarpetsTu W +32 56 35 4444

Custom Carpet CompanyAx Be Tu Tw W Ww 01737 830301

Dan-Floor UKW 01454 858014

Domo InternationalBe Pr Tu Tw W +32 92 41 4511

Drury Lane Carpets LtdBe Tu Tw W 01254 296829

E & WE CarpetsW 01562 825952

Edel Telenzo Carpets LtdTu Tw W 01422 374 [email protected]

Enterprise Weaving CoBe Ww 01562 745030

Fells CarpetsWw 01977 [email protected]

Fetcham Furnishings LtdTw 020 8944 6220

The StocklistsCCaarrppeett CCoommppaannyy DDiirreeccttoorryy

Edel Telenzo’s Rembrandt Brockway’s VogueMohawk’s Cherbourg Check

18 THE STOCKLISTS October 2010

Page 19: The Stocklists - October 2010-

Fletco Taepper A/STu W +45 96 60 3000

Furlong FlooringTw W 01772 696 [email protected]

GaskellTu Tw W 01827 831525

Gaskell Mackay Carpets LtdAx Tu Tw W 01642 242 423

Georgian CarpetsTu Tw W 01827 831430

Godfrey Hirst (GB) LtdTu 0800 526696

Halbmond TeppichwerkeBe Pr Tu +49 037 421 420

Heckmondwike FB 01924 410544

John Lanham Watts CarpetsAx Tw Ww 01937 588511

John Evans LtdAx Tu Tw W 0161 368 2563

Joseph Hamilton & SeatonW 01827 831400

Kingsmead CarpetsTu Tw W 01827 831 424

Lano NVAx Pr Tu Tw W Ww +32 56 65 [email protected]

Le Tissage d'ArcadeAx Ww +32 05685 4747

Lecaflor LtdAx Be Pr Tu Tw W Ww 0800 78 33 712

Leigh Spinners LtdTw 01942 673232

Louis de PoortereW +32 56 393 386

LusotufoTu 01388 664101

Manx CarpetsTw W 01827 831 434

Mayfield CarpetsW 01706 639 866

MID NLBe +31 38 851 8700

Mohawk Europe01480 479830

[email protected] 01480

Mr TomkinsonTw Ww 01827 831 450

Ossfloor UK 01675 433031

Penthouse CarpetsTu Tw W 01706 341231

Phoenox Textiles Pr Tu 01484 863227

Pownall CarpetsTw W 0845 6528811

Roger Vanden Berghe.NVTu Ww +32 56 73 57 11

Ryalux Carpets LtdBe Tu Tw W 0845 652 8811

Sans Frontieres LtdBe Pr Tu Tw W Ww 0844 5611977

Shaw Home FoundationsTu 01675 433 501

Tapibel NVPr Tu Tw 01623 481 221

Tasibel NVTw +32 52 499600

The Alternative Flooring Co 01264 335111

The Grosvenor Wilton CoW Ww 01562 701456

The Sultana Carpet CoAx 01299 822300

The Wilton Carpet CoAx W Ww 0845 296 8850

Thomas Witter UK LtdTu Tw 0870 1128318

Timzo Tufting Industry BVTu +31 38 385 4477

Tisca TiaraTu Ww +41 71 791 0111

Ulster CarpetsAx Be Tu Tw W Ww 02838 334433

United Carpets & BedsTw W Ww 01709 732 666

Victoria CarpetsTu Tw W Ww 01562 749300

Vorwerk 08700 104484

Westex CarpetsTu 01274 861334

Whitestone Weavers LtdAx Be Tu Tw W Ww 01429 892555

Wilkies CarpetsTw 0113 307 9955

Woodward GrosvenorAx Tu Tw W Ww 0800 526696

Wool ClassicsTu Ww 0207 349 1560

Bronte’s stand

Cormar’s Berwick

Tollgate stand

KEY TO CODES:Be: Bespoke • Pr : Printed • Tu:Tufted • Tw:Twist • W:Wool • Ww:Woven Wilton

If you would like to be included in this section or upgrade your listing,please contact Diane Martin on +44 (0)1482 659396

or email [email protected]

Every time you see a web or email address in The Stocklists, you can click straight to it from our online edition

19THE STOCKLISTS October 2010

Page 20: The Stocklists - October 2010-

20 THE STOCKLISTS October 2010

PLUS A VAST RANGE OF ACCESSORIES AND TOOLS FOR CARPETS AND LAMINATESContact our sales office or your area representative for prices on any of the above ranges. We also offer a fast service on non stock items. Phone our showroom manager for prices and samples. Our latest price list is dated July 2010.

AFSUnit 4 Baird Road,

Enfield, Middlesex


Tel: 020 8805 8620

Fax: 020 8805 6840


[email protected]

REP DETAILS:Ashley Best Tel: 07976 916752 Surrey , Hampshire, South LondonNick Hart Tel: 07771 967609 Essex, East LondonKarl Goult Tel: 07957 685428 North London, West London, North West London, Middlesex,

Herts., Beds., and Bucks.Zac Marsh Tel: 07828 663325 Kent, South East London



80/20 WOOL TWISTBELMONT TWIST 80/20 40ozWESSEX TWIST 80/20 40ozNEW ASPEN TWIST 80/20 40ozBELMONT SUPREME 80/20 50ozARRAN TWIST 80/20 50ozHARRISON TWIST (Victoria) 80/20 60oz


LOOP PILE AND CORDPINCH FELT Needle Punch CordPINCH FOAM Needle Punch ROCKY HB Loop Pile CordROCKY FB Loop Pile CordDIMENSIONS Loop Pile Stripe/WaveTITAN CORD Loop Pile Gel BackGALA CORD FB Loop Pile CordGALA CORD HB Loop Pile Cord


CORMAR STOCKEDAPOLLO Excellon TwistBERWICK 40 80/10/10 40 oz TwistBERWICK 50 80/10/10 50 oz TwistBUCHANAN 80/10/10 40 oz TwistHIGHLANDER 80/10/10 50 oz TwistHOME COUNTIES 42 oz TwistHOME COUNTIES 50 oz TwistMALABAR 100% NaturalNATURAL BERBER SUPER 80/10/10 35 oz TwistNATURAL BERBER ELITE 80/10/10 45 oz TwistNATURAL BERBER DELUXE 80/10/10 55 oz TwistNEW OAKLANDS 80/10/10 32 oz TwistNEW OAKLANDS 80/10/10 42 oz TwistNEW OAKLANDS 80/10/10 50 oz TwistPRIMO PLUS Excellon TwistPRIMO ULTRA Excellon TwistPRIMO TWEED Excellon TwistPRIMO SAXONY Excellon Saxony


Roll Size Full Roll EQ* Description

BRANDED TOP END RUBBER SPONGE RANGEELITE 11 m2 129lb Textured Rubber Underlay MAJESTIC 11 m2 135lb Waffle Rubber UnderlayCOLOURS RED 11 m2 135lb Waffle Rubber UnderlayWILLOW GREEN 15 m2 90lb Waffle Rubber UnderlayCRUSADER SUPREME 15 m2 100lb Waffle Rubber UnderlaySUPREME LIGHT 11 m2 101lb Waffle Rubber Underlay

UNBRANDED TREDAIRE SPONGE RUBBERAFS CLASSIC GOLD 15 m2 95 lb Rubber UnderlayAFS SUPER GOLD 15 m2 80lb Rubber UnderlayAFS STANDARD GOLD 15 m2 60lb Rubber UnderlayGRAPHITE 15 m2 Light Weight PE

WOOD FLOOR UNDERLAYSBOARDWALK (Timbermate) 15 m2 3.75mm 23dB Moisture BarrierALL IN ONE 10 m2 3mm 20dB Self Adhesive StripCOMFORT SILVER 15 m2 2.5mm 18dB PE Foam + Foil

TREDAIRE PU UNDERLAYSALPHA 15 m2 8mm Tredaire PUOMEGA 15 m2 10mm Tredaire PUBRIO 15 m2 8mm Tredaire PUZEST 15 m2 10mm Tredaire PUSOFTWALK 15 m2 9 mm Tredaire PUDREAMWALK 15 m2 11 mm Tredaire PUCONTRACT 9 15 m2 9 mm Contract PU

DURALAY CONTRACT UNDERLAYSTREADMORE 11 m2 8.0mm CrumbSYSTEM 10 11 m2 10mm Crumb single stick under 40m2

DURAFIT 650 15 m2 6.5mm Double stick crumbDURAFIT 500 15 m2 5.0mm Double stick crumbDEFENDER 15 m2 100lb Flat sponge 0.80 TOGHEATFLOW CARPET 15 m2 6.0mm 0.75 TOG sponge carpetHEATFLOW WOOD 15 m2 2.75mm 0.35 TOG sponge laminate U/LTECHNICS 5 15 m2 5.0mm Double stick sponge

CARPENTERS PU UNDERLAYSGREENSTEP 15 m2 8mm PU UnderlaySUPER GREEN STEP 15 m2 10mm PU UnderlayRICHSTEP 15 m2 9mm PU UnderlayDEEPSTEP 15 m2 11mm PU Underlay


FELT UNDERLAYSFELT 28 15 m2 28oz Wool/jute felt 8mmFELT 42 15 m2 42oz Contract wool/jute felt 11mmKENSINGTON DELUXE 11 m2 74oz Felt crumb rubber


Page 21: The Stocklists - October 2010-

21THE STOCKLISTS October 2010

Page 22: The Stocklists - October 2010-

22 THE STOCKLISTS October 2010

Berkeley Axminster80% Wool / 20% Nylon available 3.66m & 4.57m

BOND WORTHV.I.P. CLUBCall us today for a personalservice that reaches beyondyour expectations...

✱ Buy one Axminster cut at your standardterms, when you place another within 8weeks we give you an EXTRA 10% off!

✱ We guarantee our delivery dates. If wemiss it by 7 days then you get 5% offthe invoice value of the order!

✱ Access to the Managing Director andSales Director 24 hours a day 7 days aweek.

✱ Have a complaint? We guarantee tocontact your customer with 24hours.We will inspect all complaintsregardless of age.

✱ Order 16 linear meters or more in onecut we give you roll price!

✱ Exclusive first access to new ranges

✱ Bi-Monthly News Letter

✱ Real Time Updates via Facebook &Twitter

✱ Dedicated Sales Line

✱ Special Roll Offers



NEW UPDATED WEBSITE!Check out our new updated

website at:

Range comprises 8 Designs Stocked items Delivery 14 Days from Order4.57m & 3.66 wide Viceroy 4-9074 Mid October

Townshend Works, Puxton Lane, KidderminsterWorcestershire DY11 5DFSales: 01562 745000 Fax: 01562 732827New trade price list effective 1st September 2010

Variations Axminster80% Wool / 20% Nylon available 3.66m

Precious Gems Axminster80% Wool / 20% Nylon available 3.66m

Range comprises 5 Designs - All StockStocked items Delivery 14 Days from Order

Romanesque Berber Axminster80% Wool / 20% Nylon available 4.00m

Range comprises 3 Designs - All StockStocked items Delivery 14 Days from Order

Range comprises 12 DesignsStocked items Delivery 14 Days from OrderNo Stock Green Valencia 1-9073 End OctoberNo Stock Green Khyber 1-9016 End OctoberNo Stock Khalabar 9-9100 Mid November


Wensleydale Axminster80% Wool / 20% Nylon available 3.66m

Range comprises 8 Designs - All StockStocked items Delivery 14 Days from OrderNo Stock Sherwood Moss 11-3527 Mid October

New Afghan Axminster80% Wool / 20% Nylon available 3.66m

Range comprises 5 Designs - All StockStocked items Delivery 14 Days from OrderNo Stock Sultan End November

Cornell & Stanford Axminster80% Wool / 20% Nylon available 4.00m

Range comprises 5 Colourways in 2 DesignsStocked items Delivery 14 Days from OrderNo Stock Stanford Venetian Red 2-9300 End OctoberLow Stock Stanford Wild Beet 21-9300 Early NovemberLow Stock Cornell Lawnswood 1-9301 Early November

Page 23: The Stocklists - October 2010-

23THE STOCKLISTS October 2010

For details of your local Carpenter Wholesaler PartnerTel: +44 (0)1457 861141 Fax: +44 (0)1457 863242Email: [email protected] Web: Ltd, Dinting Lodge Industrial Estate, Glossop, Derbyshire, SK13 6LE.

For every step you takethere’s a Carpenter luxury underlayIn stock throughout the UK and Europefrom a network of wholesale partners

JOHN HUGHESNorthern SalesManager07788 924606

HELEN ROWBERRYNational SalesManager07702 319748

SUE HOWLANDSouthern SalesManager07795 823190

For more product information contact:

All rolls are: 11 metres x 1.37 metres + 15sq metres

Product Range

A general domestic underlayDensity: 75kg/m3 – Roll weight: 10kgThickness: 8mm

A general domestic underlayDensity: 75kg/m3 – Roll weight: 12kgThickness: 10mm

For Luxury use, domestic areas in the homeDensity: 100kg/m3 – Roll weight: 17kgThickness: 11mm

For Heavy contract locationsRecommended for stretch fit or doublestick applicationsDensity: 145kg/m3 – Roll weight: 16kgThickness: 7mm

For luxury use, in domestic or contract areasRecommended for stretch fit or doublestick applicationsDensity: 145kg/m3 – Roll weight: 20kgThickness 9mm

For heavy contract locations – IMO ratingRecommended for stretch fit or doublestick applicationsDensity: 180kg/m3 – Roll weight: 17kgThickness 6mm

For luxury use in contract and domestic areasRecommended for stretch fit or doublestick applicationsDensity: 180kg/m3 – Roll weight: 26kgThickness 9mm

For luxury use in domestic and contract areas –IMO ratingRecommended for stretch fit or doublestick applicationsDensity: 145kg/m3 – Roll weight: 16kgThickness 7mm




For Luxury use domestic areas anywhere in the homeDensity: 100kg/m3 – Roll weight: 14.5kgThickness: 9mm








Product of the Month - ExtraStep

Carpenter Ltd are pleased to report that they have recently becomemembers of the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA). This, along withmembership of the Contract Flooring Association (CFA), will helpstrengthen their position in the contract market and demonstratestheir growing commitment to gain further market share.

Firmstep is a 7mm thick, 145kg/m3

product designed specifically for the heavycontract market. Firmstep is the perfectanswer to contractor’s requirements. It has

a BS5808 Heavy Contract rating and can be used for stretch-fit ordoublestick work, having been approved by the UK’s leading adhesivemanufacturers. It also has flame retardant properties. Firmstep is madefrom recycled product and is manufactured in Glossop, in the UK.


Page 24: The Stocklists - October 2010-

24 THE STOCKLISTS October 2010

The Leading Country Wide

Carpet & Flooring Suppliers

Trade Show Rooms Available• Specialist advice and terms available on contract enquiries •

CALL US NOW!!!020 8443 3322

We can supply you with virtually any make of carpet and flooring atGUARANTEED maker’s list price.......

Delivered direct to business premises FREE OF CHARGE.

For a Speedy and Efficient Service




Tel: 0208 443 3322Fax: 0208 805 2346

Opening Times:Monday - Friday 8.30am to 5.30pm

Saturday 8.30am to 12 noon

ColumbiaFlooring plc

Page 25: The Stocklists - October 2010-
Page 26: The Stocklists - October 2010-

26 THE STOCKLISTS October 2010

OUR SALES TEAMGreater London as far as N. Circularon north side of Thames and as far asM25 on south side, Surrey, some ofBucks, Middlesex Berks, Oxfordshire.John A ConstableT: 01622 685397 M: 07836 734322Kent, Sussex, Hampshire Robin CroughtonT: 01892 669699 M: 07710 393966Lincs, Leics, Northants,Notts, Derbyshire Jim Osborne M: 07738 642934

South Wales, Bristol,Gloucestershire, Wiltshire Andrew JefferiesM: 07831 457102Devon, Cornwall, Somerset andDorsetBrendan HartM: 07850 130221East Anglia, Bedfordshire, Cambs,Essex, Herts, Norfolk, SuffolkJonathan HartT: 01621 817992 M: 07889 264466

West Midlands, South Wales(Wholesalers)Paul BrewerT: 0121 4277117 M: 07798 745181Greater Manchester, Cheshire,North Wales Philip HambletonT: 01925 740050 M: 07966 397676Yorkshire & North Lincs John AlsopT: 01904 762471 M: 07860 572220Lancashire, Cumbria & Isle of ManJohn Rostron M. 07973 733208

North EastRebecca GibbonsM: 07970 491215ScotlandTim TindalT: 01436 671421 M: 07836 705620Channel Islands, Isle of Wight John Eastlake T: 01323 896141 M: 07885 398858Northern Ireland Gary O’Boyle M: 07831 220675

Tel: 01422 374417 or 01422 371226 Fax: 01422 377452Email: [email protected]

Edel Telenzo Carpets, 2- 4 Southgate, Elland, West Yorkshire HX5 0BW

Operations Manager: Lesley Inman M: 07703 337989 E: [email protected] National Sales Manager: Gary Prophet M: 07889 602234 E: [email protected]


We celebrated the 25th anniversary of our incorporation as a UK company on the eve of what proved to be a reallysuccessful Harrogate – so a big thank you to all our customers, old and new, who came along to our stand and gave us somuch support. In recognition of this memorable occasion we thought we would allow ourselves to indulge in a little tripdown memory lane on this page this month.

We’ve certainly been around theworld with our products over theyears – does anyone else rememberBrazilia (pictured right)? We’ve comeback home now, with Delft (centreright) and Bakerloo (far right)!

We had some intriguing ideasabout how to promote onenew range, Country Wool,back in the 80s – with ascarecrow and “bales” of“hay” (cubes covered in thecarpet)! It’s a far cry from thebusiness like stand of thenineties and more ‘sociable’current approach!

Oh dear! We’re pleased and relieved tosee how far we’ve come from ourearlier attempts at in store presentationand merchandising.





80s 90s

We think the new onereflects our brand style andqualities far more accurately.

It just goes to show that branding doesneed a regular review... amazing howdated that old Telenzo logo looks now!


Page 27: The Stocklists - October 2010-

The Waterfront Centre, Wyboston Lakes, Great North Road, Wyboston, Bedfordshire MK44 3AL

Page 28: The Stocklists - October 2010-

Best-selling products at every price point

Large group stock-holdingExtensive tufting expertise Effective service systems Fast delivery fleet

As a UK manufacturer and distributor, Furlong’s objective is

simply to offer its customers the best of all worlds in terms of

price, service and quality - a partnership that retailers can rely

on and a comprehensive product range that consumers will

respond to.

Furlong’s wholly-owned manufacturing company,

Regency Carpets, is one of the UK’s top three tufters with a

modern plant located in Bangor, Northern Ireland.

A long-term programme of substantial investment has created

a major production facility for both 4m and 5m wide carpet

and the new backing plant commissioned last year is now fully

on line.

As a result, the company can produce hundreds of thousands of

square metres of carpet every week, covering all the key sectors

– stain resistant polypropylene, wool twist, wool natural and

many others.

Being in control of its manufacturing means Furlong can control

the cost base and the quality to provide a range of products

that is competitive at each of the price points. Manufacturing

also means they can manage stock more closely and respond

to changes in demand so that the right carpet is always ready

for dispatch.

Furlong’s nationwide distribution network operates across threedepots – London, Preston and Newport – using a dedicatedfleet to carry rolls and cut lengths to our customers usuallywithin 24 hours.

Furlong’s product development team has created a portfolio ofproducts matched to the diverse needs of different customergroups, rooms styles and performance requirements. Regency’sstain-resistant ranges use their own ‘Carefree’ fibre which isbleach cleanable and offered with a warranty for absoluteconfidence. New ranges are introduced several times a year tokeep the offering fresh and interesting and respond toconsumer trends and colour shifts.

Furlong have paid particular attention to the presentation oftheir product range to consumers with market-leading point-of-sale systems incorporating the latest video technology.

Furlong believes in working in partnership with their customers toprovide products and services that ticks all the boxes.

Investing in quality and service

the aim is simply to offer customersthe best of all worlds in terms of price, service and quality

28 THE STOCKLISTS October 2010

CAREFREE - the stunning new collectionavailable to view at Harrogate Stand C1

Page 29: The Stocklists - October 2010-

29THE STOCKLISTS October 2010

Here are the people who try harder

London Salestel: 01322 628707fax: 01322 698733

Preston Sales tel: 01772 696787fax: 01772 311921

Newport Salestel: 01633 283959fax: 01633 275454

Email: [email protected]

3 quality3 choice3 availability3 service3 price

The Regency range ofstain-resistant carpetsticks all the boxes:

London & HomeCountiesJOHN AKIEN M: 07791 891024S.W LONDON, SURREY (INS. M25)[email protected]

IAN COLLACOTT M: 07816 217550MIDDLESEX, W. LONDON, [email protected]

DARREN SPENDIFF M: 07791 [email protected]

RAYMOND SMITH M: 07816 [email protected]

REG HOWSON M: 07816 217548N, N W & E LONDON, [email protected]

South EastPAUL LOVELL M: 07816 217549NORFOLK, SUFFOLK & [email protected]

KRIS KOBYLKA M: 07816 217563E & WEST [email protected]

TONY CONWAY M: 07791 891025BEDS, NORTHANTS, OXON & [email protected]

PETER FLETCHER M: 07816 217561HAMPSHIRE, DORSET & SURREY (OUTSIDE M25)[email protected]

MidlandsPAUL HARRISM: 07980 786265NOTTS & [email protected]

MIKE SHUTT M: 07970 158594BIRMINGHAM/ STAFFORDSHIRE,[email protected]

MARTYN REA M: 07968 324598LEICESTER/WARWICKSHIRE/[email protected]

ScotlandGEORGE WISELY M: 07967 148665SCOTTISH SALES [email protected]

COLIN RICHFORD M: 07970 163372WEST [email protected]

ALAN CAIRNIE M: 07976 311434EAST [email protected]

North WestGEOFF ABERNETHY M: 07970 229717CUMBRIA, POTTERIES, CHESHIRE & FYLDE [email protected]

ALAN CHEETHAM M: 07966 263571GREATER [email protected]

BOB CHRISTIE M: 07980 786264MERSEYSIDE, WIRRAL & N. [email protected]

Yorkshire & North EastDES BEST M: 07968 828516NORTH [email protected]

RAY ANDREW M: 07973 719801EAST LANCS/[email protected]

REG SYKES M: 07973 403450SOUTH [email protected]

Wales & South WestBEN THOMAS M: 07794 048809S./MID & W. [email protected]

JASON BRIMBLE M: 07794 041266AVON & [email protected]

TIM BAILEY M: 07794 048414S.E. WALES & [email protected]

STEWART WAITHMAN M: 07794 048413DEVON & [email protected]



Seeing is believingCustomers can buy with confidencewhen they see the Carefree cleanabilityin action with the new video units foryour existing Regency POS systems.

All the products shown are available in the CAREFREE Collection

Page 30: The Stocklists - October 2010-

30 THE STOCKLISTS October 2010


Robin Leiper (Area Manager)SOUTH EAST M: 07801 357601

Chris Twinn (Area Manager)CAMS, ESSEX, BEDS, HERTSM: 07711 353982

Andrew Westwell (Representative)NORTH WESTM: 07974 141919

Chris Davis (Representative)W. MIDS, HEREFORD, GLOS,AVON,WORC. & SHROPSHIREM: 07753 983714

Andrew Davys (Representative)S.YORKSHIRE, STAFFS,DERBYSHIRE, NOTTS. & LINCSM: 07801 357622

Simon Beeby (Representative)LEIC’S, NORTHANTS, OXON,WARKS, BUCKS. & BERKSM: 07775 913380

Michael Woodward(Representative)EAST ANGLIA & ESSEXM: 07801 538783

Stephen Cawley (Representative)SCOTLANDM: 07718 762236

David Bell (Representative)YORKSHIRE & N. EASTM: 07939 051608

Mike Williams SOUTH WALESM: 07919 047930

Darren Jackson DEVON, CORNWALL &SOMERSETM: 07825 171482

Dave Arnold DORSET, HANTS, BERKS. &WILTSHIREM: 07767 213236

AGENT:Peter Steel NORTH WALESM: 07710 443589


working for the independent retailer

Telephone 01706 341231 Facsmile 01706 [email protected]

The classy new walldisplay from Penthousewas well received at theshow and will be availabeto retailers this Autumn.

TTeelleepphhoonnee 0011770066 663399886666wwwwww..mmaayyff iieellddccaarrppeettss..ccoo..uukk

““CCrreeaattoorrss ooff tthhee FFiinneesstt CCaarrppeettss””

TTeelleepphhoonnee 0011770066 663399886666wwwwww..mmaayyff iieellddccaarrppeettss..ccoo..uukk

““CCrreeaattoorrss ooff tthhee FFiinneesstt CCaarrppeettss””

“The Harrogate Flooring Show was a fantastic success for Penthouse Carpets andMayfield Carpets - many thanks to the hundreds of our retailers who visited our stand!”

Stars of the show were Penthouse Esprit, 75oz ofpure luxury and Quartz our best selling range firing the imagination at £5.97sqm (£4.99sqyd)

for a quality 40oz cloth on a jute backing.


Scotland - New representativeStephen Cawley joins Mayfield/Penthouse Carpets to cover Scotland, he brings a wealth of experience frommany diverse areas of the flooring industry. He can be contacted on 07718 762236.

Catching the eye wasEcofelt, Mayfields totallyrecycled combinationunderlay which is madefrom our own carpetwaste produced at ourfactory in Rochdale - veryenvironmentally friendlyand very comfortableunderfoot!

Page 31: The Stocklists - October 2010-

31THE STOCKLISTS October 2010

Ian PullingerLondon N, EC & E postals, Essex & Middx(within M25) 07881-502506

Simon Brenner London SE & SW postals, Kent, Surrey & Sussex 07881-502507

Mark EuesdenLondon W & NW postals, South Middx,Western Surrey, Berks & Bucks 07875-714269

James WhiteHerts, Beds, Essex (west of M11) & North West Middx 07881-502508

Paul HensonEssex (Outside M25), Cambs & Suffolk 07837-295379

Antony StapletonSales Director 07881-502505/020-8498-2845

Area Sales Executives

We also stock Ball & Young Underlays,Accessories, Entrance Matting and offer aSpecial Order Service on products fromvirtually every flooring manufacturer in

existence! 48 hour Delivery Service on allBalterio Laminate Ranges.

CUT & LOOP PILERevivalKretaEverglades

GRAPHICS / CONTRACT GELSArena SapphireScalaSenatorSentinelStatesman

NATURAL EFFECTAgadirAndalusiaAnconaCountry Treasure 4&5MCraftwork Berber 4&5MHarvesterHopscotchIvory CoastMarrakeshNatures WritingOhioRustic TreasureSan Salvador 4&5MTown & Country TweedWoolweave 4&5M

SAXONY / SHAG PILEBig SoftieChamonixCleopatraEminenceHalf CenturyNew CenturyNobilitySplendourSupreme EleganceTennessee

CORD & NEEDLEPUNCHGalaRackcordScorpioSupacord

TWISTS - STAINFREEBalmoralChislehurstCosmopolitanClydeEasy HeathersEasy TwistFairfield Supreme 4&5MHeathertwist / Heathertwist SupremeMystery TwistPembridge TwistPortmanRhapsodyStainfree Salt ‘n’ PepaStainsafe Touch 4&5MStartwist/Startwist Supreme (2010 colours) 4&5MStanfordSummer Skies

TWISTS - WOOLClassic TwistEden Twist 30/40/50 4&5MIconic Twist 40/50 4&5MParamount 30Paramount 40Super Sixty 4&5The Berber Twist Collection 40/50 4&5MUltimate Textures 4&5MUltimate Berber Twist 4&5MUltimate Twist 40/50 4&5MUltimate TweedUltimate Luxury 4&5M

VELOUR / VELVETDesigners Dream Le Touquet 4&5MUrban Life

WILTONThe Arabica & Ceylon Wilton

Collection 4&5MParallel LinesRenaissanceUltimate Wilton

VINYL / SMOOTH FLOORINGArte Della CeramicaBlackjack Casino RoyaleEclipseMedleyMojoRevolution - Roll Only VinylSuregrip XLThunderball

CARPET TILESCapital PlusElectronMagnesiumNeutronOxygenPositronProtonQuarkTitanium



STOP PRESS...The sales team is complete! We now have 5 dynamic professionals attacking theirrespective territories! If you are not completely familiar with all that we can offer you in

terms of unique products and sublime service then call your account manager on their respectivenumbers below. They’ll soon be hot-footing it in your direction!....STOP PRESS

“Check out my latest words of wisdom in our newAutumn price guide dated October/November/

December. Look out for an array of new products,new ideas and developments – and of course my

end-of-year closing address!’

Page 32: The Stocklists - October 2010-

32 THE STOCKLISTS October 2010

VICTORIABaronetBerber StripeCastillionCeltic Heathers Crown TwistDuchess EliteGaelic HeathersImperial VelvetKelsoNatural AccentsNatural Companions (Sisal, Chenille, Ridge)Regal TwistRustic JewelsTudor Twist CollTudor Manor

LANOBoleroCampus X-tremeChiselhurstHavanaHeathertwist CollInspiration 40/50ozPembridge TwistRustic BerberRustic SensationsScalaScala TonalsSentinelStartwist CollTwilight CollWilton NaturalsXtra Twist

BALTABergaCobblestoneColorado SpringsDesert TwistDivaFiestaFusion High FlyersGala Cord-all options in stockRustic Twist SupremeShepherd TwistStainsafe Tweed Stainsafe ComfortStainsafe FavouriteStainsafe OlympicSuper WiltaxTechnoTwisty

LUSOTUFOMandalyHorizonTitan DiagonalCelticUnique

CORMARApolloBerwick 40/50BuchananHome Counties 42/50MalabarOaklands 32Oaklands 42Oaklands 50Primo Plus

BROCKWAYAmoreCavendishCraftsman EliteCresta 40/Cresta 50Orion/Orion Major

DOMOAbsolut LuxuryAlpinaAuvergneMerinoMetropolitanMountain PeaksLegacyOcean BreezeOrlandoPlanetPlaygroundPortofinoScorpioTraditionalsWeavers Twist

ITCBelgraviaCheck CheckmateConcertoConsulHeritage CollectionJaguar - new coloursKretaPalaceStainblock BerberStainblock HeathersStainblock Tweed

QUICKSTEPSolent Wholesale - now a Quickstepstockist. We now have in stock the Quickstep 700range and can order all other ranges witha very short lead time.

TAPIBELCachetMelodyNevadaReedsSysoltex Homested/Aran/CrofterToscana

BEAULIEU INTERNATIONALAdventure TwistArte Del CeramicAthenaCeltic Stone VinylComfort Grip VinylDublinDurham TwistFashion/GalleryGrass CollectionHeavy TreadI-TwistIsis/MentuNatural LifeProntoSelectionsSherwood Oak VinylStudio VinylSonata VinylSweet HomesTexalino Sup VinylUrban Vinyllaminates Essentials (previously Casa)Cottage - new range

BAJONGHome Twist SupremeMontanaMontana TwistSahara


IVCExpressionsFantasyFusionMaster GripPlains PrestoVictoriaCAVALIERCountry CollectionHamlet Parish and VillageLEIGH SPINNERSAtlasVelourTHOMAS WITTERInnovationsC&H - Now in StockHomestyle LVT - planks and tilesPARAGONToccarre Carpet Tiles

Solent Wholesale Carpet Company LtdCARPET, FLOORCOVERING & ACCESSORY WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORSTTeelleepphhoonnee:: 0011224433 777744662233 Fax: 01243 533636 E -mail: [email protected] Website: Zola Park, Barnfield Drive, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 6UX

We carry other products not listed above, and can also provide a swift special order service on non stock lines.Our reps and sales office would be pleased to answer all enquiries. Our last Price List is dated Sept/Oct 2010.

Oxford, Berks, Bucks, Beds, Hants, Middlesex & Herts . . . . . . . . . . . . Ian Cardrick Tel: 01235 535070, mobile 07973 406329Sussex E & W, Surrey, South London & Kent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John Robson Tel: 01323 504798, mobile: 07973 898453Hants, Wilts, Dorset, Somerset, Gloucs, & I.O.W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adam Ayling Tel: 01202 683257, mobile 07973 406799Accessary Sales and IT Specialist (All Areas) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Luke Crooks [email protected], mobile 07966 664379

Page 33: The Stocklists - October 2010-

33THE STOCKLISTS October 2010

DID YOU KNOW?STS Flooring Distributors Ltd stock a large range

of carpets and carpet tiles via our 5 depots

OORRPPIINNGGTTOONN •• CCRROOYYDDOONN •• WWAATTFFOORRDD •• CCAAMMBBRRIIDDGGEE •• OOXXFFOORRDD ((TTHHAAMMEE))0088445544 334411000000 0088445544 334422000000 0011995544 778811114422 0011884444 221133555555

RReeggiioonnaall MMaannaaggeerrRRaacchheell SShheerrwwoooodd 0077880011 776622772244SSaalleess MMeerrcchhaannddiisseerr DDaavvee LLoowwmmaann 0077550000 884477775588North/East London, Berkshire, Beds, Bucks, Herts,Middlesex, Northants, Oxfordshire, Warwickshire

TT..BB..AA.. 0077778899 777700009933Essex, Cambs, Suffolk, Norfolk

PPaauull JJeeffffeerryy 0077771177 221188002244E Berks, Bucks, N Surrey (retail) Oxfordshire

PPaauull JJoonneess 0077880011 776622771199Wiltshire, Gloucestershire & Bristol

RReeggiioonnaall MMaannaaggeerrIIaann MMeelllloorr 0077880011 776622772200SSaalleess AArreeaa MMaannaaggeerrssMMiirrkkaa MMiihhuullccoovvaa 0077550000 884477556666SW London, W Sussex, Berks, Hants, Surrey

DDaannaa BBaallddoocckk 0077880011 776622772255SE London, Kent, E Sussex, Part Essex

VViicckkyy LLaanngglleeyy 0077996622 664466884477SE London, Kent, E Sussex

STS GOLDLINE STOCK CARPETSAbbey TwistAston TwistBernwood TwistBernwood SupremeBernwood ForestBernwood HeatherBernwood Heather SupremeBlenheim Twist 40Blenheim Twist 50Cherwell CordChislehurstFairfield SupremeGladiator SupremeHarrier FeltHarrier GelHeathdaleMagnum GelMedicareMulticare Classic New Valley TwistOrinocoOpus TwistRavensbury Twist 32/40/50Ruskin TwistScalaSupersava Twist



LANO STOCK CARPETSBoleroChislehurst Fairfield SupremeHavannaHeather TwistHeather Twist SupremePembridge TwistRustic BerberSapphireScalaStartwistStartwist Supreme

CORMAR STOCK CARPETSApolloBerwick 40/50Malabar TexturesNatural Berber TwistNew Oaklands 32/42/50Primo PlusPrimo TweedsPrimo Ultra


EDEL TELENZOFleurHerculesOrinocoPuma

CARPET STOCK TILESAscotBeckenhamCheltenham ClipperCroydonCroydon StripeInspirationKestonLatourSaturnSelsdon

STOCK UNDERLAYSGoldtred CollectionCirrusCumulusNimbusSilver LiningCloud Nine ContractCloud Nine Super ContractDurafit 500Durafit 650Cosi 8mm & 10mmHeatflow CollectionRomaBlue HeavenWillow GreenTredaire EliteTreadmore

STS Area Managers

Page 34: The Stocklists - October 2010-

34 THE STOCKLISTS October 2010

Weston Hammer UK16/17 Byford Court

HadleighIP7 6RD

Tel: +44 (0)845 644 9090Fax:+44 (0)845 644 9191

[email protected]

TunisA heavy domestic berber loop pile in 100%Wool available in 4m and 5m widths.

Queen TweedA fine heavy domestic berber loop pile in 100%Wool available in 4m and 5m widths.

DenverA stylish heavy domestic tonal loop pile in100% Wool, available in 4m and 5m widths.

OklahomaA heavy domestic berber loop pile in 100%Wool available in 4m and 5m widths.

Supreme StripeA heavy domestic tonal stripe in 100% Wool loop pile.

Supreme BoucleOur best selling level loop 100% Wool productavailable in 12 up to the minute colours in both4m and 5m widths.

Imperial BoucleA heavy domestic loop pile in 100% Woolavailable in 4m and 5m widths.

Royal DesignA unique two colour 100% Wool loop pile.

Las VegasA chunky luxurious loop pile in 100% Woolavailable in 4m and 5m widths.

Royal Velour A luxurious velour in 80% Wool/20% Nylon in 5m wide.

Sisal Boucle and Sisal BerberNatural fibre textured loop pile ranges in two styles.

The Stone Fibre CollectionOur unique flat woven quality in many fashionstyles and colours.

OrlandoA chunky loop quality with a thick latex backingfor a luxurious feel.

We are pleased to announce the launch of two new prestige ranges at the end of Octoberalong with a revamp of our highly successful STONE FIBRE COLLECTION.

NATURAL LINES : a heavy wool loop pile with an ultra luxurious feel.JACS : a re-colour of this popular designer tonal range to be available in 4m and 5m wide

STONE FIBRE COLLECTION IN 5m WIDE : This very successful designer flatweave collection isbeing updated and will be available in 4m and 5m from the end of October

Please ask your Sales Agent for details or give us a call at our sales office on 0845 644 9090

Please visit our website online cutting requests and more information on

our products, or telephone 0845 644 9090 (local rate)

to speak to one of our telephone sales team

If you would like one of ourcarpet display stands then

please contact your sales agentas detailed below.


Mr Ron FeweryTel: 07976 244892London, Oxfordshire, Berkshire,Buckinghamshire.Mr Steve Acton Tel: 07957 836207Kent, Sussex, Hampshire, Surrey, Dorset.Mrs Jac Hayman Tel: 07815 785801Contract Sales East Anglia.Mr Gary Foster Tel: 07515 283872East Anglia, Northamptonshire.

Mr Steve Green Tel: 07590 369522North Wales, Cumbria, Manchester,Liverpool.Mr Derek Boyd Tel: 07940 320708ScotlandMr Lee Palmer Tel: 07774 101640Channel IslandsMr Jonathan Gorman Tel: 07815 121660Northern Ireland

Mr Mark GarbettTel: 07840 664757Bristol & the West CountryMr Steve Fletcher Tel: 07831 818989Yorkshire, Lincolnshire,Nottinghamshire, Tyneside.

Page 35: The Stocklists - October 2010-


from The Stocklists

FlooringNews4 October 2010


by David Spragg

New energy and enthusiasm atthe Harrogate Flooring ShowHarrogate was the happiest place to do business in September and amemorable occasion for the show that nearly didn’t happen.

After a year of uncertainty, the Harrogate Flooring Show lived up to the bestof its expectations with a cheerful feel and a positive new attitude.

“People came with a smile on their face and left with a smile too,” saidorganiser David Wildman. “We’re delighted. It couldn’t have gone any better.”

Visitor numbers were even marginally up on last year at 3,126 and businesswas booming. Most important, new business was being done.

“People came with a smile on theirfaces, and left with a smile too”

The future! The Sunday opening meant families could leave theirstores and visit the show. The exhibition was presented to a veryhigh standard throughout including the demonstration areas (below).

The complete Harrogate news service

35October 2010

• National Floor Show Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 - 37• Economic outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40• Voice of the Trade: David Wildman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48• Company reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 - 47


• Colour and design trends at Harrogate • More company reports


Page 36: The Stocklists - October 2010-

36 October 2010

Harrogate Report

“We set out to give the trade the bestpossible chance to do the business andthey did – it was a big success and I’mdelighted by the way everyone rose to the occasion.”David Wildman, Harrogate Flooring Show

“David Wildman has done a great job.We have to build on this and promote itall year. The show deserves the support ofmore of the major manufacturers and Iwould like to see them all here.”Steve Elliott, Associated Weavers

“The Harrogate Exhibition deliveredin every way. A first class atmosphereand the organisation was superb.Thank you to one and all.Ann Shaw, Ball & Young

“Harrogate is a real networkingshow. There is a great mix ofretailers, contractors andwholesalers. This is the naturalhome of flooring.”Richard Harris, F Ball

“The show has been a definitesuccess. Sunday was a greatstart and we saw a lot of new faces and did a lot of new business.”Graham Harris, Manx Carpets

CommentsHarrogatecontinued from previous page

Harrogate is often an excuse for hand-wringing about the miserablestate of the market for flooring but this year there was little of thatand the focus was firmly on the future. It’s tough out there butthere’s a strong feeling that the only way is up.

And the Harrogate Floor Show was a heroic personal success forDavid Wildman – the individual who the trade called in to rescuethe show.

New readers start here (or skip this paragraph if you’ve heard this ahundred times before!).The rescue follows the revolt in the tradeafter corporate organisers UBM tried to move the event fromHarrogate to Birmingham. In the debacle that followed, the showwas also switched from September to June, then there were to betwo competing shows the same week in September and then theNational Flooring Show got canned altogether to become part of amuch larger Interiors show in January 2011.

David Wildman’s return to organising a Harrogate Floor Show bypopular demand was warmly welcomed by the manufacturers withstrong support across the industry.

But would the visitors come? Or was everyone fed up with thewhole thing and too hard-up to bother?

In the event, the halls were buzzing all three days.The new Sundaystart was a stunning success with families and couples arriving in theSeptember sunshine to make a day of it while their stores were closed.

“Sunday was such a success,” said David. “We thought we’dexperiment with the idea and it turned into an amazing day with lots


Harrogate lived up to its billing as a great networking event for the tradeand organisers added extra touches that made it more special such as theYorkshire Sunday lunch (below) in Harrogate’s magnificent Royal Hall.


Page 37: The Stocklists - October 2010-

from The Stocklists

Carpenter is looking resplendent in their new colourful livery which hastransformed the look of the PU underlay specialists. “We needed to look alittle more modern and to bring the branding up to date in line with thequality of the product range,” says Helen Rowberry.

The company has been successful in growing business with their best-sellerRich Step doing especially well. Higher density products at the top end of themarket such as Power Step and Ultra Step are gaining ground too as buyerslook to Carpenter for products at the premium end of the market.

Currently there are nine brands covering a wide range of underlay needs butCarpenter say they are keen to develop new products to increase theirmarket share.

T 01457 861141

of new people and families – and, after all, they are the future of this industry.”

Historically, three-day trade shows have a strong opening day, amediocre middle day and a dismal last day.The Sunday start brokethis mould with many exhibitors speaking of ‘two opening days’ –Sunday for the independent retailers and Monday for the ‘suits’ -larger businesses, corporates and buying groups.

And they were in for another surprise.The last day was brisk forbusiness too with some exhibitors saying the event just got busierday-by-day. ‘Phenomenal’ was the word often repeated by exhibitors.

The Harrogate Flooring Show was smarter in every sense this yearunder it’s new independent direction.

The event was better dressed – the entrances were attractivelydecorated with large graphics to create a real sense of occasion, thecatering areas were brightly branded and the demonstration areasmuch more professional than in previous years.

The Sunday opening was an inspiration and was enhanced with atrue Yorkshire Sunday lunch laid on in the Royal Hall. Drinksreceptions and a new comedy night event added colour and werewell supported.

The halls were better laid out with a non-carpet hall and more openareas. Exhibitors had risen to the occasion with strong stand displayswhen it was feared many might do only the bare minimum in casethe show stalled.

Next year’s show is already in the diary for September 4, 5 and 6and the organisers report strong interest from existing exhibitors inextending their space as well as a list of potential newcomers.

Furlong had a phenomenal show with the launch oftheir Regency brand’s new Carefree range of easy-cleancarpets which is making a major impact on the market.

A major attention getter is the video presentationsystem that Furlong has built into lecterns and

wall displays which feature a compelling videoshowing stain removal in action with thevery worst of spill coming clean.

“We have had an exceptional show andreally want to thank everyone whocame to see us,” said Furlong’s NeilValentine. “The video lecterns arecreating an unbelievable amount ofinterest. Our aim was too make it

easier for retailers to sell the benefits ofCarefree carpets and we have had a tremendousreaction to that idea.”

There are 10 ranges available within the CarefreeCarpet Collection with ‘advanced wipe-cleantechnology’ in styles to suit all budgets

The video systems can be added to existingpoint-of-sale installations and there is also a

separate programme for the Regency WoolCollection where the video tells the ‘Story of Wool’ and

reinfrces the benefits of natural fibre.

T 01772 316155


37October 2010

Page 38: The Stocklists - October 2010-

Harrogate Report

38 FlooringNewsOctober 2010

Penthouse Carpets are increasingly recognised for theirthoughtful and quality approach to the market and Harrogate saw thelaunch of a top end product that reinforces these credentials.

Esprit is a 75oz luxury carpet in British Wool that comes in two flavours –Esprit with a subtle fleck and Esprit Accents, a plain with an attractiverange of subtle shades. “We are delighted with the strong reaction we havehad from retailers for this new product,” says Chris Welland.

Adding to the quality feel is a new wall display unit which will be going outinto the High Street from this month. Produced with a quality wood finish,the stands favour a recess for pattern books as a tidier solution to hangingthem out front – the result is a sleek and neat selling surface.

T 01706 341231

Edel Telenzo were into stripesearly over three years ago and aim tobe ‘original and best’ in the field.Thelatest in their ‘Tube’ collection isBakerloo which has a new design inthree contemporary colours. Helping sellthe concept are stunning new patternbooks (pictured).

Just for good measure, Edel Telenzo alsolaunched two other end carpets – Alpine, sumptuous luxury in 100%2-ply New Zealand wool and then Verdi, a highly specialised softsynthetic product made using a unique manufacturing process in66PA – the very poshest polyamide – in 12 contemporary colours.

Pictured also are two of the key team at Edel Telenzo – productmanager Marieke Van Dop and designer Annette Saunders.

T 01422 374417

Victoria may be known as a wool house but they impressed visitors with the launch of their new EasiCare polypropylene with excellent credentials and a 10-year warranty.

“We are pushing very heavily into the polypropylene market,” saidSean Lewis. “We have done a huge amount of research and wantto take more share of this market. I think retailers who know uswill be keen to see our portfolio expand.”

An EasiCare twist, tweed and Saxony debuted at the show, Seanadded that the new push would be done “in a very Victoria way”– meaning a bit more classy and a little less showy. But thecompany plans aggressive growth in the sector and will bepromoting strongly through POS.

T 01562 749300


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39from The Stocklists October 2010

IVC have unveiled two new brands in Leoline and Avenue so the Show was a major part ofthe company’s 2010 calendar.

Formerly Leolan and Domo, the new Leoline and Avenue collections were on display in theirentirety for the first time and visitors to the show were keen to find out as much as possibleabout the new brands.The stand revealed new styles and displays, as well as a host of literatureand marketing materials designed to boost the appeal of all floors to consumers.

“This is a great opportunity to show retailers the complete package,” said IVC’s Ortwin Topp.“We want to focus on how the products are presented to people by the retailer.”

Residential floors product manager Caroline Wille is pictured with the latest POS.

T +32 056 65 32 11

Merryfield love the Harrogate show because they alwayssell several carpet cut-length machines to new customers – andthen sell several more to people who already have one! “No one else does a machine like this,” says Merryfield ownerSyd Merryfield. “People who have bought one always come backfor more because they know we’re British and we’ll always behere to help them out.”

Newcomers buy the entry level Eco-Wasp which is a majorpiece of engineering for £7,500 – handling 4m and 5m widerolls with accurate measuring and square cutting – all from astandard 13-amp plug! Merryfield offers UK-wide after-salesservice and a ‘buy-back policy on all it’s equipment.

T 01422 373799


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40 FlooringNewsOctober 2010

Harrogate Report

The September floor show is a key time to take the temperature ofthe trade and analyse trading expectations as the busy buying seasongets underway.The Stocklists interviews approximately 50 leadingflooring people during the event.

In general, 2010 hasn’t been such a bad year. All things are relative.Thisview is determined by how appalling 2009 was – and ditto how dismal2011 is expected to be.

2010 is hardly a golden era though! January virtually didn’t happen assnow and ice brought the UK to a standstill and business plannersstarted talking of an ‘11-month year’.The first half of the year generallywas poor for most manufacturers.

July and August trading picked up strongly however in many sectorsand the all-important run up to Christmas is expected to be positiveby many manufacturers. A fragile recovery in consumer confidence andthe ‘beat the VAT rise’ campaigns are expected to encourage buyers.

Peter Kimmins of Georgian said: “ I am very optimistic at the moment.August was good with strong signs for September. Next year might betougher but one thing we know is that January can’t be any worsethan the awful start we had to this year.”

Kingsmead’s Martin West: “There are fledgling signs of recovery andthere will no doubt be much hype about beating the VAT increasewhich will carry things along for the rest of the year.”

On the flip side, everybody’s almost writing off 2011 already as a‘grin-and-bear-it’ year that needs to be gotten through as quickly aspossible. Fears of double-dip recession, Government spending cuts,public sector redundancies and the VAT rise will all take their toll.

A sentiment express by several main players was how difficult it is toplan your business in these conditions. Steve Elliott at AssociatedWeavers commented: “The biggest problem is that you can’t forecastin this market but you have to make some educated guesses to orderyarn and organise your stocking and marketing.”

The general sentiment is that while 2011 will be extremely tough, atleast we’ll know by the end of it whether the medicine is working. Ifconsumers believe the core economy is benefitting from theGovernment’s policies, then we’ll emerge from the year a little strongerand a very slow but more reliable recovery will gain momentum.




Kingsmead say colour is coming back and have a sexy newrange to prove it. Artwork is a very good looking wool collection witha palette based on colour predictions from Wools of New Zealandcolourist Joanna Ramsden, that will launch in January. “We have areputation for innovation and flair for colour. Retailers are telling usthat more people are now looking for colour,” says Kingsmead’sMartin West. “This is the first time we have worked closely withJoanna and we are very encouraged by the results.This range launchmarks the beginning of a new relationship with Wools of NewZealand which is very exciting for us.”

Kingsmead is also making substantial investments in POS, aiming toincrease its retail presence. Martin says the company has been tooreliant on pattern books and new lecterns and wall units are set toconquer retail floor space in the months ahead.

T 01827 831424

SAIF are set to become an important part of the UK carpet scene after asuccessful debut at Harrogate. “We are new to this market and were notsure what to expect but we have been very encouraged by the response,”said Arif Ansari. “The UK is set to become an important market for us.”

The company – a family business - manufactures in India including its owndying plant and has a UK office. Specialising in rugs and broadloom, Saifmajors on its environmental credentials with all its products hand-made fromNew Zealand wool and cotton.

Saif has its own colour reference system so can guarantee exceptionalconsistency across a range of 24 broadloom designs.

T 0787 0327423

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Stairrodsmake, er, stair rods –so how come they come toHarrogate every year with a newproduct that gets everyone talking!

A couple of years ago it was Easy-Bindfor edging carpets – the most populardemonstration at the show. Last year itwas the blissfully simple but previouslyun-thought of Easy Shims to makeramping substrate up to doorways somuch easier.

This year, Stairrods had a brace of newideas – Skiffers to protect skirting boardcorners from close encounters withrunaway vacuum cleaners and also theUniversal Bracket – an innovation forstair winders that fixes a stair rodbracket with just one screw above toavoid snagging the carpet below. “Smallthings that can make a big difference toa fitters day,” says Jamie Adamson.

T 01207 591176

41from The Stocklists October 2010


Associated Weavers are a really pro-active company – constantly developing theirranges and looking for new ideas to boost thebusiness of their retailers.

New launches for the show included Carnival, ashaggy broadloom in 65% polypropylene and 35%polyester for a softer feel and interesting texture.Another newcomer was Sparkle/Valentine – thickshiny metallic yarn, sculptured hearts and, er, brightpink. OK, you have to be a teenette to go for it butthat’s a sizeable bedroom market in itself.

But more serious is a growing commitment to AW’swool programme which is likely to see strongdevelopment in the months ahead to add to the fiveexisting natural wool ranges. Harrogate’s newcomerwas Cashmere Textures – a sister product to theBerber range launched earlier this year.

The 100% wool content of Cashmere Texturescontains 15% cashmere.

T 01422 431100

Cormar are in the business of being the best at everything for everybody and two

Harrogate launches showed just how extensivethat range can be.

Apollo is an entry-level polypropylene that offersflecks and plains across 15 colours in a bleach

cleanable product. “The economic situationsuggested we should extend our range to this level

and we have had a great reaction to this,” saidmarketing director David Cormack who said a

growing part of the business was polypropylene.

But back in more familiar Cormar country was thelaunch of West Country, a follow up to Natural

Berber and a clever 80/20 which is triple shearedusing a unique process. “We have engineered a

product with a different kind of look,” said David.Two weights – 50 and 60 oz – and a very

contemporary palette of 15 colours make thislook like another winner.

T 01204 881234

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42 FlooringNewsOctober 2010

Harrogate Report

Mohawk enjoyed a busy show and, interestinglyreported good attendance from the South East and South West on the Sunday.

Front of house for Mohawk is the new point-of-sale systemfor SmartStrand and EverStrand, the flagship green brandsthat are proving to be highly successful for the company.UK retailers are offered – free on loan - the two new standswhich can be used side-by-side (as pictured) or back-to-back.

SmartStrand – described as the first new carpet yarn for 30 years - is the revolutionary fibre made partly from cornoil that is both soft and amazingly resilient as well as beingtotally cleanable with water. Everstrand is made fromrecycled PET plastic bottles.

The company reports strong interest in this environmentalproposition that’s green and clean.

T 01480 479830

Vorwerk hasbeen investing ininnovation with newtufting machinerythat delivers a uniquehigh quality surface,especially for semi-shaggies and showedoff new ideas from itsEvolution Collectionat Harrogate.

The company has been taking its cues from the fashion industry with thelaunch at the show of Bahia manufactured from a polyamide yarn with ashimmer effect. “We have been looking for new ideas in the women’s fashionand soft furnishing sectors where this shimmer effect has been popular,” saidVorwerk’s Ian Hammond. “We have had a very good reaction to Bahia atthe show.”

Another debut was Sarando, a quality polyamide carpet with a strongcollection of 11 colours.

T 0207 096 5090


F Ball started a year of celebrations at Harrogate for their125th anniversary – a landmark few can match!

But the company is equally interested in its future and continuesto innovate across its range with the latest launch of Stopgap 700Superflex – a fibre-reinforced smoothing underlayment with newcement binder technology that improves its performance.

The new formula is more flexible – making it ideal for plywoodfloors – and is crack resistant. A long open time followed by faster setting means smaller installations can be fully fitted in asingle day.

F Ball is still strongly promoting its loyalty card scheme which, sofar, has attracted over 1600 people to its range of member benefits.

T 01538 361633

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Artwood is a clever company – offering over1,000 products, with just one product in stock!The warehouse is full of top quality engineeredEuropean oak which Artwork finishes with oils,waxes, paints and metallic finishes to create adazzling diversity of designs.

Hand finished in the UK, Artwood’s finishing skillsshine out of the product and take wood flooringway beyond the standard ‘pattern book’.

With such a diverse portfolio of finishes, includingstriking metallic and high gloss tones as well asFarrow&Ball shades such as Pitch Black, Pigeonand Lamp Room Gray, Artwood brings style-focused wood flooring to specialist retailers.

Sid Azoo, Artwood founder explains: “The conceptreflects how far the wood flooring sector hasmoved on.We know that most consumers have a clear idea of how they want their floor to look and with Artwood they are certain to find a match.What’smore, thanks to the quality of products we use on these hand-applied finishes, they can be assured of a first class floor that will last for years to come.”

T 0845 519 2726

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Harrogate Report 2010

44 FlooringNewsOctober 2010

Manx proudly displayed a Union Flag of carpet across the entireback wall to make their point. “At the moment, the Britishness ofmanufacturing is getting a lot of support and there is a greaterawareness in this climate of the need to buy British”, says GrahamHarris at Manx (pictured left).

All the company’s 80/20 twists are UK made and two new examplesmade their first appearance at Harrogate. Nature’s Envy is a new80/20 in British wool with a hessian and jute backing which thecompany has launched in 12 flecky colours in three weights.

New Ashworth is a re-coloured range with its 20% in nylon helping tosupport a superb range of 21 colours including many fashionableaubergines, greys and pinks. Available in 40 and 50 oz weights,Ashworth is a very clean textured carpet that has found its way intoJohn Lewis.

T 01827 831434

Lano like the UK market and have a habit of giving UK consumers what they want.“You don’t have to launch 30 new ranges every time,” says Lano’s Birgin Karlsson. “You just haveto get it right.”

Getting it right means making a remarkable carpet like Fairfield Supreme which is Lano’s mostsuccessful launch ever – selling 300,000 m2 since it arrived in March.This star performer wasgiven pride of place on the Lano stand floor. Available in 14 colours, this is a technicallydemanding product to make - a 35oz tenth gauge tufted pile gets an extra final shear tocreate a very fine finish.

Pembridge Twist – Lano’s top UK seller – gained six extra fashion colours for the show includinggrey, aubergine and greens – and the company re-vamped the popular Startwist with a newlighter weight sister product X-tra Twist at 28 oz, primarily aimed at the house-builder market.

T 0032 5665 4000

Floortrain is set for a substantial increase in their activity as public fundinghas increased for assessing floorlayers to NVQ and City & Guilds standards. Up to1,200 will go through the free programme in the next 12 months.

“We are the market leader in this sector and will see a massive increase in capacityin the year ahead,” says Dominic Ormondroyd.“We have to be spot on and havevery high standards – we are audited by four different authorities to ensure wemaintain our credentials.”

T 01709 780 505 Elliot Ormondroyd, Chris Young,Tony Mann, Dominic Ormondroyd,Tony Smith.

Ulster is about integrity and innovation – and being just a bit morespecial. So when they do eco, they do it with style and intelligence. “You needa lot of knowledge to do what we’ve done and we have had a great reactionto our approach,” said Dalreen Buchanan.

What they’ve ‘done’ is create the Natural Choice collection of 17 patternedaxminsters along with 7 plain woven wiltons to co-ordinate across a strikingnatural colour palette created only by blending undyed yarn.

“Not all wools were born equal,” added Ulster’s Jeremy Wilson at Harrogate.Ulster Yarns, based in Yorkshire is Ulster’s yarn spinning mill and is the centrefor all raw material which enables Ulster to have total control over the qualityof wool and long term security of supply.

T 028 3833 4433

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Harrogate Report 2010

46 FlooringNewsOctober 2010

Well done - we’ll be backHarrogate turned out happy for visitors with a high satisfaction ratingfrom those who attended, a survey by The Stocklists showed.

Our Flooring Forum survey conducted during and after the eventrecorded 84% satisfaction among respondents who said the showwas ‘good’ or ‘very good’. And 98% said it was worth the trip andthey would be back next year!

Asked to rate the exhibitors displays, 39% said the products were‘very interesting’ and another 40% said ‘interesting’. Just 21% saidthere was not much new and nobody ticked the ‘boring’ box.

Visitors generally felt the show was better than the 2009 event although15% said it wasn’t as good and 28% felt it was about the same.

The main reason cited by visitors for attending was ‘seeing newproducts’ (43%) with ‘understanding trends’ and ‘meeting industrypeople’ the next most popular reasons.

The friendly atmosphere, the quality of stand presentations and thedemonstrations were the aspects of Harrogate most frequentlymentioned by survey respondents when asked what made thebiggest impression on them.

One attendee left the message on our Soapbox system: “Harrogateis to the carpet trade what Wimbledon is to tennis. A big ‘WellDone’ to Mr Wildman for keeping the show alive, and giving us aGrand Day Out!"

Another comment was: “Harrogate is a great social gathering and it’sthe place to be to see and be seen.”

When asked what visitors thought was the mood of the event areassuring 64% saying it was ‘optimistic’.The rest said ‘cautious’ but itwas encouraging that none of our respondents felt the atmospherewas in any way pessimistic.

One respondent commented however: “The manufacturers tried to beupbeat but the retailers told how it really is, tough and getting tougher.”

This person also commented about the show: “With 22 stands, doHeadlam really think they can fool us with their pseudo brands?”

We also asked our survey panel who did not attend Harrogate, whythey didn’t come. 43% said they couldn’t afford the time out of theirbusiness and another 38% said it was too far away.

A whopping 85% said they would attend if the show was nearer to them.

One comment left on our Soapbox was: “I did not go to the showthis year due to manufacturers being split between Birmingham andHarrogate and then at the last minute it getting changed all toHarrogate. If it had originally all been planned for one venue I wouldhave made the the journey even all the way up to Harrogate.”

For next year, one retailer commented on exhibitors who hadstayed away: “Do your best to get all manufacturers showing.Thosewho did not go this year missed whatever small upturn there hasbeen in trade.”

We also asked this group of non-attendees whether they would begoing to the Interiors show at Birmingham’s NEC instead and 24%said they would.


84% said it was good or very good

98% plan to come again next year

57% said it was better than last year

43% came to see new products

64% said mood was optimistic

The Stocklists polled 404 retailers throughout the UKand at the Harrogate Flooring Show duringSeptember 2010. Replies and comments arerecorded anonymously.Many thanks to all those who took part.

How was Harrogate for you?

“Harrogate is to thecarpet trade what

Wimbledon is to tennis.”

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47from The Stocklists October 2010

Ecovise has arrived in the UK with a uniquely attractive newconcept in environmentally sensitive carpets – 100% natural. “A to Zwe have achieved 100% natural production” says Kamran Saeed.(pictured above). “These products are 100% eco-friendly, 100%biodegradable and 100% sustainable – but they are also 100%quality – you don’t have to compromise,” he says.

Ecovise are offering 16 stripes, 16 runners and 15 plains in 3.66 and4 metres – all manufactured in all wool with natural jute and latexbacking. “We do not use any chemicals or synthetic material in ourcarpets” says Kamran.

You don’t have to compromise on colour or design either even thoughall the wool is undyed - clever blending has created a colour palette of15 shades. “People haven’t seen anything like this before and we havehad an excellent reaction at the show,” adds Kamran.

T 07766 49 40 60 [email protected]

Drury Lane Carpets made a welcome return toHarrogate after the company was rescued from oblivion by theContemporary Life group at the beginning of the year.

“It is a very important business for us,” says MD Steve Evans(pictured above). “Drury Lane has always had a good reputation inthe industry and we want to build on that.”The star performer isDrury Lane Twist which has now been re-coloured and the companyalso launched four new loops for Harrogate with a velvet to come.

On the other side of the stand Contemporary Life were showcasingtheir new bespoke carpet manufactured under the Tollgate brand.Luna is a luxury ‘rope’ velvet with a four-fold natural yarn to createa smooth velvet with texture in 20 colours.

T 01254 296829

Triple-King demonstrate the real benefits of trade shows –presenting new point-of-sale products at this event that are the result ofenquiries and ideas from the 2009 show. Examples include thesophisticated new laminates stand for Cavalio and a clever service forlaminate ‘pattern books’ that converts planks into user-friendly swatches.

Triple-King set themselves apart with a full service merchandisingproposition that extends from the design and manufacture of highquality display products to on-site service for sampling andmerchandising in retail stores.

“We are growing our full service business and Harrogate is a greatopportunity to talk to customers so that we can give them what theyreally need rather than what we think they want,” says Ian Peers(pictured left).

T 01274 582056

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48 FlooringNewsOctober 2010


“David WildmanOrganiser, Harrogate Flooring Show

“How does it feel on the opening day of the showwhen you have no idea how many visitors will attend?We were very optimistic given that we had around 2000 visitorspre registered and had sent out 845 exhibitor badges but you arealways nervous until the halls begin to fill.

How did it feel at the end of the last day?Exhausted but absolutely delighted with the whole event. Everythingthat we planned had been supported, Sunday lunches, comedynight, seminars and demo areas had all been a great success.

What did you enjoy most about organising the event?Virtually everything that’s involved in pulling off a successful event,from working with the venue and the contractors to the actualbuilding of the show on site.Talking to the exhibitors, trying to helpin achieving their goals and aims from the show. Having Ruth,Wendy,John, Danielle and all the ladies in our accounts team supporting me.

What were the best bits of the show for you?The overall ‘up beat’ feeling that the show gave off. Everybodyseemed happy to be there and left with an overall sense ofachievement and wanting to come back next year.The seminarsand demo areas went down really well and we will look to extendthem in 2011.

What is it about Harrogate that inspires suchaffection/loyalty?An interesting question. Some would say the town itself, hotelsbars and restaurants - others the facilities of the conferencecentre being so close that one can walk everywhere. For me it’s allof that plus a tradition that goes back some 50 years of ourindustry meeting once a year. I think that its so important to havea stand-alone event for our trade.

What scares you most?Getting old and cynical. It’s so easy to get into the ‘grumpy old man’syndrome, complaining about everything and anything that’s new iscompletely un-called for. I met lots of young men and women bothvisitors and in particular exhibitors at the show that were enthusiastic,bright and above all keen to bring new ideas to the event.

How surprised are you that retailers choose not toattend shows? Do I need to go? What’s in it for me? Have I got the time? Willthere be anything new? These are the questions that most retailersask themselves before setting off to a show and depending on thequality of show that we portray is whether they decide to come.

We had over 3100 visitors this year and 895 exhibitors,collectively 4000 flooring folk. I hope next year it will be more butwe can only succeed with the backing of our manufacturing anddistribution network, and to the companies that didn’t join us thisyear, please come on board in 2011, to make our show even better.

What was the best compliment you got? We received many compliments - three stand out, from anexhibitor who at the end of the show who said ‘Thank you forputting the magic back into Harrogate’, another from a visitor whocame into the organiser’s office on Sunday to say ‘Thank you for thelunch, it is really good to know that we are valued by you and theexhibitors’ and finally from one of the staff at the conference centrewho said ‘We are all so pleased to have you all back again, as we lookforward to working with the people on the flooring show, they are alwayssuch a pleasure to work for and with’.

As tough trading is predicted for 2011, do you thinkthis will impact on next years show? I am not sure whether you could count 2010 as a good tradingyear either but we still had a great turnout and serious businesswas done. I look forward to the next event and feel that whatever is happening within the economy, a good value for money,well organised show will be more than worthwhile for everyone concerned.

How many years do you personally want to do this show? I am 58 years old , some would consider that ancient but othersmight say that I still have a few more years left in me yet!Whatever, the simple answer is that I will continue to run theevent for as long as people want it.

“Call me an old softie if you like but I really am very fond of my industry and the people within it and it has been an absolute

pleasure this year to run an exhibition on their behalf.”

Page 49: The Stocklists - October 2010-

Simply Ryalux is a straightforward collection of good quality, affordableand dependable carpets. They’re perfect for a first home or any room thatsimply needs a smart, reliable and comfortable floor covering.

Available in Twist, Velvet, Loop and Texture options, all at one simple price.

For more information, please go to

Page 50: The Stocklists - October 2010-



FlooringNewsOctober 2010

The best of carpet & fabric stain protectionis now combined with the acclaimed wear resistant

Allergy Shield & Hygiene product (Actigard®).For extra sales & profits, check us out at:

Tel: 01372 841467 Email: [email protected] Web:

All the wools used in the manufacture of an Ulstercarpet are carefully sourced from an environmentalpoint of view and are grown predominantly in theUnited Kingdom and New Zealand.

Ulster Yarns, based in Yorkshire is Ulster’s yarn spinningmill and is the centre for all raw material whichenables Ulster to have total control over the quality ofwool and long term security of supply.

Jeremy Wilson, Ulster’s Residential Sales Director says;“A wool rich carpet has many benefits. Not only doesit add sophistication and elegance to your home butits’ inherent quality will ensure it withstands the dailyimpact of modern day living.Wool is a great insulatorimproving heat retention and energy efficiency whilethe softness it offers provides comfort and luxury underfoot.”

He also added, “Wool is a natural product that is renewable, sustainable and completely recyclable andbiodegradable at the end of its life cycle, and therefore has a minimal effect on the environment.”

Made from 100% natural undyed wool Ulster’s latest collection Natural Choice comprises a variety oftextured designs inspired by nature that are complimented with a range of plains.

T 028 3833 4433

A natural yarn

The new flooring section at interiors is taking shape with companies such as Bond Worth, Brintons FineCarpet, Brockway Carpets, Crucial Trading, IVC, Leica Geosystems and William- Armes all confirming theirstands within hall 2. Most recently, Furlong Flooring, Blenheim, Oriental Carpets & Rugs and KJC have also signed.

The new flooring area is placed next to accessories, furniture, soft furnishings and lighting at the NEC event.

With over 7,000 visitors having previously attended the show with an interest in flooring. interiors offersexhibitors access to over 25,000 international visitors, including those operating within both the contract andretail sectors, over 8500 independent retailers, over 3500 interior designers as well as thousands of propertyoevelopers, wholesalers, distributers, buying groups, facilities managers and those in the Public Sector.

In order to incorporate the new flooring section, interiors 2011 has appointed a new sales director with a solid background of working in the flooring industry. Nicola Archer (formally Shrigley) helped grow NationalFloor Show to its largest edition during her four years as Sales Manager, so brings a wealth of experience toher new role.

Nicola commented: “I’m thrilled to work on such a well-respected event and aim to strengthen the show’score areas for the next edition..The flooring section is a natural extension for the event and I am lookingforward to catching up with as many people as possible in the lead up to interiors 2011”.

Flooring at interiors takes place at the NEC, Birmingham from 23-26 January 2011.

T +44 (0)207 921 8415

Interiors next on show

Sunny Patel has been the‘face’ of the NationalFlooring Show for severalyears but is leaving UBMfor major publishing houseCentaur.

Ever cheerful, she will bemissed by many andthanked the trade for its“warmth and hospitality.This industry is trulyunforgettable,” she said.

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FlooringNewsOctober 2010

Rhys Davies Carpet Logistics andAssociated Weavers are delighted toannounce the extension of apartnership that has been in placebetween the two businesses sinceJanuary 2005. Following an initial 5years of successful collaboration, thecommitment has now been extendedfor a further three years.

Because carpet handling anddistribution is such a specialised area,Rhys Davies established a storage and distribution infrastructure to ensure that thelength, and width of the product was considered and catered for. Gary Phillips,Commercial Manager of Rhys Davies Freight Logistics said, “To handle the carpetswe cannot use a standard fork lift truck and must use specialist booms to take theweight of the carpet.”The firm has depots in Birmingham, Cwmbran, Haydock,London, Scotland and Wakefield.

Rhys Davies also established a two-way EDI link with Associated Weavers inBelgium which allows Associated Weavers to track deliveries.This details how manycarpets have been received and are in stock, which carpets are out for delivery andhow many carpets are planned for delivery the next day.This allows the AssociatedWeavers’ service team to provide a rapid response to any customer queries.

Steve Elliott, Managing Director of Associated Weavers, commented: “Rhys Davies’drivers know our product and become regular, trusted faces to our clients,” Stevesaid. “They know the delivery points and how each particular client likes the carpetsdelivered. It is all about that extra attention to detail which means we trust RhysDavies to represent our company.”

T 029 2081 0587

AW-some service

Eletile, the company behind the revolutionary floating vinyl plank system eleEase,has launched an ‘academy’ course for fitters.

Said Mark Taylor of Eletile: “We started the courses in February so we candemonstrate the full benefits to fitters and show them how simple eleEase is tolay. It has so many benefits, such as time reduction, being a clean method ofinstallation, and needing no sub floor preparation.The courses have attracted atremendous amount of interest.”

Phil Sinclair - an approved installer with 40 years in the trade, 20 of which wereexclusively in the LVT market – is running the courses for Eletile. He said: “We’verun a number of courses so far this year and all the fitters have found it an easyproduct to get to grips with.”

The day-long course involves a presentation, practical demonstration then anopportunity for the fitters to try out the skills they have learnt until they feelconfident handling the product.

Courses are held at the Eletileheadquarters at View Logistics,Hartlepool, for a maximum of sixpeople. For larger groups, classescan be taught at alternativelocations. Prices start at £140 fora group member, £150 for anEletile stand holder and £200 foran independent. For moreinformation or to book onto thecourse please contact head office.

T 01429

Fit for fitting

After almost 20 years in the role it has beenannounced that Paul Bakker has retired as managingdirector of The Woolsafe Organisation. Dr AgnesZsednai, formerly the technical director of TheWoolsafe Organisation, has succeeded him.

Announcing his retirement from the day-to-dayduties of The Woolsafe Organisation just after his70th birthday, Paul Bakker will continue as Chairmanand will still be involved in a number of projects.

Dr Agnes Zsednai has been technical director of TheWoolsafe Organisation for some 8 years and withinthat time has gathered an in-depth understanding ofthe Organisation, making her a natural successor forPaul Bakker.

The Woolsafe Organisation has developed over theyears to become a single resource for the specialistcare of carpets and rugs. From technical and advisorydocuments, through to the Registered Inspectors andCertified Operators network, it is now an invaluableindustry service.

In June,The Woolsafe Organisation brought all thechemicals testing for its Woolsafe Approved schemein-house to its Otley headquarters and this hasnecessitated a review of operations.The result is a farmore efficient model and the new structure will alsoallow the addition of several new carpet specificservices to be included from October of this year,such as testing of appearance retention, durability,colour-fastness, dimensional change and structuralanalysis.

“I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at the helm ofThe Woolsafe Organisation,” comments Paul Bakker. “It has been a pleasure to meet so many great peopleover the last 20 years and I am taking away manyvery special memories.”

T 0800 731 5688

Woolsafe changes heads

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54 FlooringNewsOctober 2010

The festival of natural fibre has arrived - and with 70% of wool in theUK used for flooring, that means a carpet campaign like no other.Wool Week runs from October 11 to 17.Prince Charles is the cheerleader and Saville Row in central London will be grassed over and grazed with sheepto get wool noticed. Brintons have woven a wool carpet in front of the world’s press that will be auctioned atSothebys to raise money to boost the campaign (see opposite).

“The Prince wants this to make a real difference and for our industry to take advantage of a major promotion,”Bridgette Kelly told Harrogate visitors to a Wool Week seminar at the show last month.

Retailers are encouraged to major in wool during October and to create special displays using the campaign’sdistinctive point-of-sale material.Wool features across the home interest and fashion press should also boostconsumer awareness.

The campaign was announced by the Prince in January this year as a response to the pressure on wool growersof falling prices and the rise of synthetic fibre. He said the campaign should “set out the impact of the seeminglytrivial decision to buy a wool carpet or its man-made equivalent.”

He said: “The sad truth is that around the world, farmers are leaving sheep production because the price they getfor their wool is below the costs of actually shearing it.

“Sheep farmers are the lifeblood of the rural economy.The idea [of the Wool Campaign] is to explain thebenefits of wool in a simple and creative way.”

Apart from extensive media coverage, consumers will see wool window displays in major retail groups such asM&S, Debenhams, House of Fraser and Selfridges. High Street flooring outlets are being asked to follow suit sothat they can benefit from this extra awareness.

In addition to in-store banners featuring the distinctive ‘Campaign For Wool’ branding, there are also swing ticketswith the slogan: “All we are saying, is give fleece a chance!”

Wool Week Gallery 2010

Rock 'n' Roll – Alternative Flooring Rock 'n' Roll is an award-winning collection of 100% woolstripes in ten vibrant colour combinations designed byrenowned interior stylist Melinda Ashton-Turner exclusively forAlternative Flooring.The innovative and exciting collectionbrings colour and pattern into any room.There are now fivenew colours for the stripes with great names such as PurpleRain,Tainted Love and London Calling.The stripes have beenteamed with specially coloured linear Wool Cord plains. Rock'n' Roll is 4m wide and Wool Cord available in 5m widths.

T 01264 335111

Romanesque from Bond Worth Romanesque from Bond Worth features a delicate interwovenscroll, leaf and acanthus design set against a gentle Berberground.Warm reds and rusts accent a graduated apple green.Manufactured with 80% new British wool/20% nylon thedesign is also available in two colour ways; plum red and blue.

This range along with our classic axminster portfolio isavailable to view online.

T 01562 745000

The Campaign for Wool - a showcase of quality

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The Campaign for Wool - a showcase of quality

Bakerloo (Tube Collection) - Edel TelenzoBakerloo is the latest addition to the best selling TubeCollection from Edel Telenzo Carpets. It’s a hardwearing100% wool 1/8th gauge loop pile, available in 4 and 5mwidth, with an Actionbac backing. Scotchgarded, anti-staticand anti-flam, it’s suitable for heavy domestic and heavycontract applications.Available in three colourways –naturals, with a plum (shown) or mulberry stripe.

T 01422 374417

Natural Choice from Ulster Made from 100% natural undyed wool Ulster’s latestcollection Natural Choice comprises a variety of textureddesigns inspired by nature that are complimented with arange of plains.All the wools used in the manufacture ofan Ulster carpet are carefully sourced from anenvironmental point of view and are grown predominantlyin the United Kingdom and New Zealand.

T 02838 334433

Weaving a classic for campaign

Brintons believes superior quality is best achieved by marrying the finestwools with the latest weaving technologies.

As one of the largest users of British wool, Brintons is supporting theCampaign for Wool and one example is an auction at Harvey Nichols inLondon which aims to keep wool high on the consumer agenda bydonating all proceeds to the Campaign for Wool.

Brintons carpets and iconic Scottish design house Timorous Beastieshave pooled their extensive design skills to launch a brand-new customcarpet collection.

Brintons has donated a bespoke 12ft axminster room square woven inits Kidderminster factory to the Campaign for Wool for the auctionduring Wool Week.The room square is inspired by the Tree of Lifedesign, a contemporary take on a Timorous Beasties classic.

This exquisitely drawn and beautifully detailed leaf and branch forms animage that is both classic and modern and contemporises a whole newlook for the interior space.

ASK ABOUT CAMPAIGN POSMany manufacturers are supporting the Campaign ForWool with Point-of-Sale displays so ask your rep or salescontact if they have material for you.

And you can email British Wool for a POS pack which includes a triangle stand, leaflets, a showcard and poster:

[email protected]

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56 FlooringNewsOctober 2010

The Campaign for Wool - a showcase of quality

Abingdon’s Wilton RoyalWilton Royal is a wool brand rich in heritage and famousfor quality.The newly re-launched Charter Supreme Goldis a 60 oz product that encapsulates all that is best in aheavyweight British made wool twist.The 15 strongcolour bank is a combination of natural berbers and softheathers that would be fit to grace any room in the land.

T 01274 655662

Cashmere Berber - Associated WeaversThe Cashmere Berber range is a classic 80/20 with anextra twist - the British Wool content has 15%cashmere yarn woven in to create a silky softness tothe touch. The 50oz carpet is available in 9 colours andthree widths – 2.5, 4 and 5 metres – and benefits froma 10-year wear guarantee.

T 01422 431100

Mondrian from Axminster’s Princetown CollectionA range of stunning contemporary carpets, thePrincetown collection is beautifully woven from 100%pure new wool. Featuring as delightful berber fleck thePrincetown collection balances contemporary structuredinfluences with the soft edge of natural tonal variations.Available in three colours Mondrian is also joined byPicasso and Matisse as well as existing designs in Gem,Moorland Crest and Natural Plaid. All carpets come in 3’,12’ and 15’ widths.T 01297 630650

Vitronic from Kingsmead The name Vitronic, the origins of which are a bit obscure, has become synonymous over the years withvalue for money, reliable quality and an outstandingcollection of colours. Manufactured in Great Britainutilising British wool both New Vitronic and VitronicTraditions are favourites with independent retailers and national housebuilders.

T 01827 831427

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58 FlooringNewsOctober 2010

The Wool Collection of Regency CarpetsRegency launched their wool collection at the beginningof 2010 and enjoyed an enthusiatic response from thetrade for the affordable quality of their 80/20 twists.

Broughton Twist and its berber sister range Carletonare UK made with British wool and available in 40 and50 oz weights and 4 and 5 metre widths.

T 01772 696787

RHS Classic Florals from BrintonsBrintons and The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS)announce the launch of the new ‘RHS Classic Florals’collection inspired by the botanical artworks from theRHS Lindley Library, which holds over 23,000 originals.The Brintons design team have created six exquisitecarpets which capture the essence of nature at its mostcharming. New designs include sweat pea amethyst,poppy dusk, allium celadon and chrysanthemum crimson.

T 0800 505055

Wooltouch from the Ultimo collection by Lano With the luxurious feel of velvet and made from 100%pure New Zealand wool,Wooltouch brings a touch ofclass to the home.Available in 12 natural tones with aneutral edge to ensure widespread appeal, the carpetpossesses a 1,890gm/m2 pile weight for the ultimate inluxurious underfoot comfort.As part of the Ultimocollection,Wooltouch comes in both 4 and 5-metre widths.T 00800 5266 5266

Town & Country by Cormar Celebrating Wool Week is Cormar Carpet’s re-launched60oz flagship wool twist collection,Town & Country(pictured in colour London Stone). Made from 80% Britishwool, 10% nylon and 10% tuftbond, it is a top of the range1/10th gauge heavy weight twist, retailing at circa £32 persq m. Available in 20 plain and heather shades and 4 and5m widths, it offers great value-for-money and is normallydelivered by Cormar within 2 – 3 days from order.

T 01204 881234

The Campaign for Wool - a showcase of quality

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Leading retailersset to celebrate Wool WeekThe largest ever retailer event to celebrate wool will happen this month (11-17th)with wool products hitting the high street in a major way. But already, leadingretailers are feeling the impact of the Campaign for Wool and wool promotionfollowing the support of some of the UK’s most widely read consumer magazines.

London Fashion Week, held in September is often a telling indicator of futuretrends for interiors and there has been a noticeable increase on wool on thecatwalks and fashion editors have been positioning it strongly. Harold Tilman of theBritish Fashion Council said: “The emphasis on eco and sustainability is penetratingfashion and wool has all the right credentials being both natural and luxurious.”

“It is well known that fashion clearly influences interiors and whilst many retailersmay not be feeling the impact yet, it is likely to filter in to the carpet stores in thecoming months but we really hope that retailers get on-board now and takeadvantage of all this opportunity.”

All the major carpet manufacturers, the Carpet Foundation and SMG buying groupare supporting it. Retailers who want to know more about the Campaign forWool or want a pack of POS for their store, should [email protected]

Natural shades are still attracting a huge amount of attention due tothe growing interest in environmental matters. Certainly, manycarpet manufacturers are looking at ways to address this but there isprobably no better example than Natural Choice by Ulster Carpetswhich showcases how clever spinning, blending and stunning designcan combine to produce something truly amazing without using dyes.

Made from 100%,natural undyedwool, the NaturalChoice collectioncomprises a varietyof textured designsinspired by naturewhich can bematched by a rangeof plain carpets.The yarn ismanufactured inUlster’s ownspinning mill inDewsbury,WestYorkshire.

The Ulster Designteam used a varietyof shades fromBritish breeds and

other wools to create this beautiful collection, which shows theinnovative way that the many shades available in British Wool fromBritish sheep breeds can combine to offer a luxurious and stylishproduct for the home.

Composed from natural, renewable elements Natural Choice will becompletely recyclable and biodegradable at the end of its life cycleand therefore have a minimal effect on the environment.

Chenille in Natural Fawn from Natural Choiceby Ulster.

Support ‘Wool Week’ this October.

The British Wool column

Ulster Carpets offersNatural Choice

British Wool has introduced a new logothis September at the Harrogate FlooringShow to highlight 100% British Wool inproducts and as a partner to their existingShepherd’s Crook mark.

The Platinum logo will be available tomanufacturers that are buying 100% BritishWool through the British Wool Marketing

Board’s (BWMB) Platinum Certificate, which traces the wool from thewool auction through the processing chain and is signed off at eachstage as 100% British Wool. British Wool bought under this schemequalifies for the BWMB’s environmental Life Cycle Analysis (LCA)accreditation IS0 14040.

Ian Hartley, CEO of the British Wool Marketing Board said: “We have agrowing number of manufacturers that want to produce 100% BritishWool products and make use of the environmental information anddata within our LCA.The trend for both British origin wool and eco-credibility is very strong and we wanted to offer them a visiblemarketing statement to support their products in store.

“The new Platinum logo is simply an extension of our existingcertification system that has been there for many years for the trade.We believe that many manufacturers now see this certification routeas offering real marketing opportunity at consumer level particularlynow that there is a growing emphasis on Green issues.”

The new logo which will be available as a carpet label and a swingticket will also be accompanied by a promotional leaflet which willdefine the 100% British Wool story for retailers and consumers.

Further information is available from the British Wool marketing teamon 01274 688666 or [email protected]

British Wool go100% Platinumwith new logo

The new Platinum logointroduced by British Wool.

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60 FlooringNewsOctober 2010

FLOR by Heuga - Country ContemporaryShown is a rug design of FLOR by Heuga's luxuriousCountry Contemporary deep cut pile wool range, incolours Sea Salt, Black Pepper, and Juniper Blue. CountryContemporary is made of 80% New Zealand wool, 12%polyester, and 8% polyamide.Available in 8 on-trendcontemporary colours, in tiles sized 50 x 50 cm.

T 00800 4384 2266

Cavalier’s ‘heart of wool’ Wool is at the very heart of what we do at CavalierCarpets - it's the one common denominator at thecore of the Cavalier product range. For us every weekis wool week because nothing can rival wool both interms of performance and aesthetics.Typical of our commitment to wool is our latestaddition, the stunning ‘Woodland Heathers’ which givesa more sophisticated feel to that ‘Cottage’ look.T 01254 268 000

V&A Twist Collection by RyaluxThe V&A Twist Collection from Ryalux offers asumptuous, elegant palette of 70 colours, inspired by the Victoria and Albert Museum’s magnificent jewellery collection.

Available in any width up to 5 metres in two superbqualities and made from the finest New Zealand wools.

T 0845 6528811

Carnaby by BrockwayThe dazzling Carnaby from Brockway Carpets' newDesigner Collection encapsulates all that’s best aboutBritain. Carnaby is an eye-catching, one-off loop pilecarpet in red, white and blue with an interesting red/bluestipple feature stripe. In luxurious 100% new wool, it'savailable in a 4 metre width. Visit tosee Carnaby and eight other stunning new ranges thatmake up the Designer Collection.

T 01562 828200

The Campaign for Wool - a showcase of quality

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The Wool Benefits Series from Wools of New Zealand

Natural PartnershipsNatural Beauty, a key benefit of New Zealand wool, underlines why the natural whiteness of thewool makes it the natural choice for dyeing all shades in the colour spectrum, perfect for themost stylish and fashionable interiors.

It is for this reason that Kingsmead Carpets specifiedNew Zealand wool to produce its new ‘Artwork’ collection, tobe launched in January 2011.

The Artwork Collection not only epitomises the superiorproperties of New Zealand wool through its range of beautifulcolours, but it offers consumers a new and creative decoratingmedium.

For the best in contemporary floor décor, ‘Artwork’ offers20 plain shades influenced by fashion colour trends and5 co-ordinating ‘Artwork Stripes’ inspired by shirting fabrics.Available in two hard-wearing qualities, 45oz and 60oz, the

range satisfies alltastes from theconservative to themodernist. The plaincolours are availablein 4m and 5m widthsand for versatility thestripes are availablein an additional 1mwidth to augmentstyling options forhallways and stairs.

Joanna Ramsden, Colourist and Creative Manager at Wools ofNew Zealand, adds: “With the growing interest and availablechoices in interior décor, it has never been easier to use and livewith colour. Colour is back – it is the most powerful element indecoration and plays a significant and subconscious role in ourlives. It affects our senses and can alter our home by enhancingthe mood and improving the quality of life within.

Viewing the floor as a blank canvas is a great way to injectindividual creativity into the home. Carpets can make as muchof an impact as any other decorating medium – not onlyembellishing a room but also making a focal statement.

Being instinctive and following your individual preferences is keyto making a house a home. Paint, wallcoverings and furnishingshave been influential for interiors for some time. Floorcoveringscan now play their part.

‘Artwork’ is a prime example of how to transform floor spaceusing a mix & match styling concept.The collection endorses allthe natural benefits inherent in New Zealand Wool – Beauty,Health, Comfort and Integrity.

Additional reasons for buying a Wools of New Zealandcarpet include non-allergenic, soil repellent, fire resistantand insulating properties, as well as the renewable andsustainable attributes.

The twist pile collection made from 80% wool, 10% nylon and10% Kingloc polyester will be the first under the refreshedWools of New Zealand brand logo.

All branded carpets are independentlytested to meet the stringentperformance requirements associatedwith the Wools of New Zealand mark.This reassurance further enhances thedesirability of branded carpets.

For further information refer to

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62 FlooringNewsOctober 2010

The Campaign for Wool - a showcase of quality

Esprit by Penthouse CarpetsEsprit represents all that’s best about wool and was thestar of the Harrogate Flooring Show.

The carpet is 75% British Wool and comes in a full rangeof contemporary colours - 12 beautiful plains and 12heather colours.

Available in 4 and 5 metre widths.

T 01706 341231

Saxony by Bronte Carpets100% wool Saxony is available from Bronte in 40 standardcolours but also any colour of your choice via theirspecial dye service. It’s also any width up to 12m with nojoins - or there is a made-to-plan service.

Bronte offers 17 qualities including four 80/20 twists anda hand-crafted border collection is also available.Thecompany have been established 28 years and pridethemselves on using only the finest quality 100% wool.

T 01282 862736

“All we are saying,is give fleece achance!”

Contemporary LifeContemporary Life are proud to be supporters of 'The Campaign for Wool'.

Using only wool or wool rich fibre in production, theycreate masterpiece products such as their Lyndhurst 90velour featured and remain committed to theenvironmental and aesthetic benefits that only wool fibrecan bring to the market.

T 01254 296829

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64 FlooringNewsOctober 2010

The UK has an established affection for rugs that has continuedinto the 21st century, greatly assisted by a number of innovativemanufacturers and suppliers.The utilisation of new materialsand manufacturing technology has been put to good use inmany instances, maintaining interest in this highly adaptableflooring option.

Flor by heuga is one supplier that continues to innovate and its latest productis aimed at satisfying the need for a luxurious feel underfoot.The company hasaccordingly launched the Country Contemporary in floor tile format that canbe assembled to create a rug of any dimension.

The climate neutral cut-pile carpet tiles offer all the benefits of richly-texturedwool flooring but with the added advantage of a practical easy-to-lay tileformat that needs no underlay, no specialist fitter and no fear of spills andmarks, the company states.Any affected tiles that cannot be cleaned cansimply be replaced.

It includes eight colours, ranging from classic naturals such as Sesame to therich nut brown of Pecan and crimson, Pink Peppercorn, designed to suit everydécor style.The 50 x 50cm tile system allows those who want to make moreof a feature of their floor the opportunity of incorporating a graphic designusing two or more colours from the range to create stripes, checks orborders, and can be laid as a single block or with a graphic pattern.Thecompany's second carbon neutral range, any unavoidable carbon emissions areoffset via a programme managed by Climate Care, which finances renewableenergy schemes and similar projects. Flor by Heuga states it is matchingparent company InterfaceFlor's focus on environmentally friendly procedures.

The latest news from Rugs With Flair is that it has purchased a new120,000 sq ft facility in Glossop that is expected to be ready forbusiness in the middle of 2011. Located 10 miles from its currentDenton site and less than 30 miles from its Oswaldtwistle premises, thecompany states it will give all 85 staff the opportunity to relocate. Itplans to adapt the new site to include a new showroom.

“This is a significant and exciting point in the company’s development,”said Neel Shah.“Everyone is very excited about the move, which willsee the whole company united in a building designed for us to maximiseservice efficiency for our customers.”

Established in 1984, Rugs with Flair is a family run business specialising inthe design, import and distribution of quality rugs. In the last five years ithas supplied retail chains, large independent stores and other retailoutlets across the UK, Ireland and Europe.

Another supplier of rugs reporting growth is Saif, which states that itsEuropean market – including sales in the UK – have increased. 'We havemade a good start in sales of our top end silk and viscose range ofcarpets and rugs,' says Eram Asim, Saif’s UK spokesperson.“We arehaving to educate the market on the term viscose - which is stillassociated with the artificial, man-made product.”

The company states that Shaggies continue to do well, with designs alsoincluding combinations of viscose and wool twists woven onto a bed ofwool or felt.“We feel that Kelims will make a come back and are wellplaced with our stock of traditional designs,” said Asim.

Via sister company ARS, Saif is also able to offer colour referencesystems and display products. Colour differentiation continues to beimportant with designers in particular appreciating the choice of nearly1200 colours, the company states.

by Dennis Flower

For more information about featured products:Heuga • • Intl. Freephone 00800 4384 2266

Flower on FlooringFlower on Flooring

The changingface of rugs

Huega’s Country Contemporary floor tiles

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September 2010 marks the first anniversary of the nationwide launch of Recofloor - the UK’s first vinylflooring recycling scheme. It was founded by leading flooring manufacturers Altro and Polyflor to tacklegrowing volumes of waste sent to landfill.

Recofloor is a unique example of two major competitors working collaboratively to promote thesustainability of their product - a major achievement and an important step for the vinyl flooring sector asa whole.Vinyl flooring waste is recycled back into new flooring products as well as traffic managementequipment such as cones and sign bases.

In the past 12 months, the industry-led take-back initiative has collected and recycled 155 tonnes ofuplifted vinyl and safety flooring and off-cuts. Around 175 tonnes is projected for the coming year,representing a 15% increase year on year.

Recofloor’s 242 active members across the UK and Ireland comprise flooring contractors, drop-off sitesat flooring distributors and waste transfer stations, as well as construction projects at schools, hospitalsand leading retail stores.

Recofloor Project Manager Jane Gardner of Axion Consulting, the scheme’s agents, is delighted with thesuccess saying: “Having created a free-standing industry scheme, the next challenge was to develop a

sustainable, cost-effective and efficient collection system.This is now a reality with large volumes offlooring being diverted from landfill - benefiting the environment and reducing waste disposal costsfor members.”

T 0161 355 7618



FlooringNewsOctober 2010

Celebrating recycling

Cavalio’s range of modern andexceptionally stylish luxury vinyl tiles areperfectly suited to a contemporary livingspace, be it a kitchen, living area,bathroom or dining room. Cavalioflooring is hard wearing and exceptionallyeasy to look after, and making it eveneasier and fuss-free Cavalio has produceda Complete Care Kit that includes everyproduct needed to clean, maintain andcare for every type of Cavalio floor.

The Cavalio Complete Care Kit includes:

Metallised Floor Polish Stripper - Aheavy-duty ammonia-free formulation forthe removal of all types of emulsion floorpolish; economical to use andincorporates low-foaming surfactantswith excellent rinsing qualities.

Matt Finish Floor Protector - A heavy-duty sealer polish for use on allCavalio floor surfaces; designed to protect and preserve showroomcondition. May be used neat or with up to five parts water.

Orange Cleaner - Orange combines the natural cleaning power of pureorange oils with other powerful agents to make an all-round friendlycleaner; Orange removes general grease, grime and dirt from all Cavaliovinyl floors. Usually used with warm water, it can also be spot-applied in astronger concentration for stubborn stains.

Furniture Protectors - Perfect for protecting floors from damage caused byheavy furniture, a large rectangle (suitable for custom-cutting) and two sizesof dense fibre adhesive-backed circular discs ensure Cavalio floors have theirown cushioning. 21 Protectors in total.

The Cavalio Complete Care Kit retails at £24.99

T 01782 569840

Cavalio’s care kit The proven Rapid Adhesive for PVC floors has beendeveloped into a fast-track solution for project works.

Uzin KE 2428 is a fast dispersion adhesive with avery high final strength for PVC tiles, sheet andcushion vinyl.The wet adhesive is solvent free but itshigh initial grab and the strong thread formation willremind the user of former solvent based products.Professional floorlayers particularly like its shortopen time and its higher coverage per m2 of whatenables them to save time, material and also labour costs.

Uzin KE 2428 has developed to be one of the mostwidely used products in the field of floor coveringadhesives in Europe. Due to its enormously widerange of uses, its extremely high tack and itsexcellent transfer to backings (even with difficultcoverings), this dispersion adhesive offers the userthe greatest possible reliability even with difficultinstallation conditions.

Uzin KE 2428 is classified as an adhesive with lowflame-spread characteristics, has an IMO certificatefor marine equipment and is therefore providedwith the Wheelmark label.

T 01926 436 700

Fast and furious

Page 67: The Stocklists - October 2010-

Picasso is the latest in a new range of designs fromPrincetown by Axminster Carpets, a collection redefiningcontemporary patterned carpets. Featuring the signatureberber fleck of the Princetown collection combined with anoversized pindot tonal square motif, Picasso is perfect formodern homes, balancing contemporary structuredinfluences with the soft edge of natural tonal variations.

Made from 100% pure new wool, the new design has beenlaunched alongside Matisse and Mondrian, combining withthe existing Gem, Crest and Natural Plaid to form a powerfulcollection of contemporary patterned carpets.

Available in eight natural colourways, Picasso is rated suitablefor Heavy Domestic use and comes in 3’, 12’ and 15’ widths,accommodating hallways and stairs, smaller bedrooms andlarge living areas with minimum wastage.

Steve Upperton, sales director explains, “The Princetowncollection is designed to bring the beauty of Axminsterweaving to a new generation, dispelling the myth thatpatterns produced using this traditional technique are fussyand old-fashioned. ”

With Picasso available in eight colourways and Matisse andMondrian in three colours, there are 14 new additions to the100% wool Princetown collection.

T 01297 630650

67from The Stocklists October 2010


The tenth anniversary of the Carpet Foundation Red Carpet Awards took placerecently at Claridge’s in London.The Awards, which are a seasonal highlight forthe media, attracted 142 of the key players from the media and the CarpetFoundation. 19 magazines were represented, with 12 editors, together with TheSunday Times and 20 freelance journalists.

Introduced in 2001 to encouragegreater editorial coverage forcarpet, the Red Carpets haveproved one of the mostsuccessful initiatives for theCarpet Foundation. Consideredone of the most prestigiousAwards in the home interestmarket, they are keenlycontested with journalists settingout to win an Award.

The panel of judges this yearcomprised: Andrea Maflin, SundayTimes expert and freelancedesigner; for the tenthconsecutive year, Sir NicholasLloyd, former editor of the DailyExpress; John Smigielski, formereditor of 25 Beautiful homes andLouise Anton.

Rupert Anton, Carpet Foundationmarketing director, who presides over the Awards ,commented: “Yet again wewere blessed with superb support, from all echelons of the media.

Carpet has never had so much written about it and this is one reason why.We regularly generate north of £1 million of free editorial exposure for carpetand are fortunate to enjoy unrivalled links and relationships with journalists.

T 01562 747 359

Cinderella has a ball

Caption? Verecundus catelli insectat matrimonii,Concubine adquireret oratori, et concubine

Carpets with cubism

Solent’s Open Day on 16th September was very successful with agood turnout from customers.Various suppliers exhibited, Ball & Young,Interfoor, Stairrods, Mapei, Spotnails, Packexe, Sweeney Todd, Morley metalsand the NICF. Help was also on hand from Derek Allnut from Victoria andIan Foster from Balta/ITC who were available for any questions on their new ranges Solent are dueto stock soon namely Imperial Velvet(Victoria)/Happy Days(Balta).

Solent moved to their new building in 2007 and it was the first time that they had opened theirdoors to customers, showing off the new state of the art cutting machine through a viewingwindow in their new impressive showroom. A fitting demo was organized in reception showcasingHomestyle from C&H which is Solent’s very successfully luxury vinyl tile.The rain held off andcustomers enjoyed a lunch time buffet. Customers were entered into the free prize draw and thefirst prize was won by Griffith & May from Poole who won a 42” LCD TV.

Pictured above right: Adam Ayling (Sales Rep), Simon McHale (Managing Director),Richard and Debbie May (Griffith & May)

T 01243 774623

Solent on show

Winning with Solent (l to r): Adam Ayling (Sales Rep), Simon McHale(Managing Director) with Richard and Debbie May (Griffith & May).

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FlooringNewsOctober 2010

Elegant inspiration

A stunning new Camaro Flooring Collection of luxury vinyl tiles has beenunveiled by vinyl flooring specialist Polyflor.

The collection of 30 authentic, creative and practical floor coverings hasbeen developed in conjunction with a team of commissioned artists andexperienced product designers, each unique product is based on thenatural allure and beauty of wood, stone, slate and marble.

“Our inspiration was simply the elegance and attraction of naturalmaterials from all over the world and the collection has been meticulouslydeveloped to replicate this,” explains Polyflor marketing Manager Simon James.

“First-class aesthetic appeal, combined with the ultra-hard wearing andeasy to clean product construction, makes the new Camaro FlooringCollection the new stand-out luxury vinyl tile range on the market.”

Camaro comprises 15 wood effect finishes and four different plank sizeswhile the 15 stone effect tiles are divided into three vinyl tile sizes.Therange also features Polyflor’s strong polyurethane surface treatment toassist ongoing maintenance and reduce life cycle cleaning costs.

T 0161 767 1111

Kiddy carries on

Carpets of Kidderminster has been rescued from thereceiver with a management buy-out - but the workforcewill be halved.

The company went into administration in August blamingtough trading conditions but the then managing directorDavid Watts said then that the company could have a “longand viable future” if the right “remedial action” was taken toimprove profitability at the Worcestershire site.

Mr Dewi Thomas, newly appointed managing director and ashareholder of the buy-out company, said: "I am delightedthat we have secured a future for the business. Clearly, thelast few months have been difficult for us but theadministration has allowed us to re-negotiate unprofitablecontracts and put the business on a sounder footing.

"We are now one of the few remaining specialist carpetbusinesses which manufacture carpet in the U.K. I hope thatthis deal will prove beneficial to our customers, our suppliersand our employees whom I would like to thank for giving ustheir support."

Carpets of Kidderminster was established in 1934 by the lateLionel Rowe, a renowned figure in the local carpet industry.

The Golden Steps Fitter ofthe Year Competition 2010has been announced andfitters are invited to submittheir entries to win thecoveted trophy, £250 prize.

Stairrods (UK), which issponsoring the event for thesecond time, hopes thecompetition will give duecredit and publicity to thenumerous fitters and theiremployers, who do anoutstanding, professional job.Entrants will be judged ontheir carpet fitting skills, andall entries should include useof Stairrods (UK) decorativeaccessories, in some way.

Retailers and contractorscan enter their own fitters,or fitters can enterthemselves, by simplysubmitting four photographs of their chosen project, which shouldshow their work close-up and the completed installation.

The competition is open for six months from September 2010 toMarch 2011, providing ample time for fitters nationwide to take theopportunity to enter one or more projects.

John Raine, Director of Stairrods (UK) says the competition will putthe spotlight on talented fitters and their companies: “At the end of theday, it is the skills of the fitter, which ultimately determines whether aninstallation has that star quality”.

T 01207 591176

Fitters go for gold

Performance gap widens

There is a real mixed bag of company performance in the UK floorcoverings industry at the moment according to new research frommarket analysts Plimsoll which indicates that with 157 companies introuble, 420 others powering ahead and 231 set to be taken over, themarket has never been more fragmented.

Analyst David Pattison, author of the new Plimsoll Analysis - FloorCoverings, said, “ I am surprised at the gulf in performance in themarket. Despite all other factors, success still comes down to how wella company is run.There has to be further, more radical consolidationin the market. Strong companies will be buying up distressedcompetitors in the next 12 months”.

T 01642 626400

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70 FlooringNewsOctober 2010

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Fita Training Centre LoughboroughUnit 10, Windmill RoadLoughboroughLeicestershire LE11 1RA.

Are you working in the flooring industry but need further skills to widen your client base? Or perhaps you are a new beginner in flooring and need training to go one step further?

If so, then why not contact FITA, the Flooring Industry Training Association. Co-founded by the Contract Flooring Association (CFA) and the National Institute of Carpet and Floorlayers (NICF), FITA has courses to suit not only real beginners just getting started in the industry but upskilling courses aimed towards seasoned professionals too!

FITA has a fully equipped training centre at Loughborough in Leicestershire. Our wide range of courses are presented by experienced instructors with specialist knowledge of the flooring industry. All course content can be used as evidence towards an NVQ in Floorcoverings.

Sharpen up your fitting skills with fita BOOK EARLY TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT

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71THE STOCKLISTS October 2010

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