€¦ · the st. pattl dailyglobe. sunday morning, may 31, 1885....

71 THE ST. PATTL DAILY GLOBE. SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 31, 1885. —SIXTEEN PAGES. THE GLOBE WANT COLUMNS. Among the ''Wants" he placed his "ad.," More help he sadly needed, \u25a0 The answers came till he got mad— '. His business they impeded. ] - SITUATIONS OFFERED. \u25a0*•\u25a0»" Male. WASTED— Agents in every county and town- ship in the Northwest; something entirely new, fastest selling article of the age; over one hundred thousand already sold through the East. Call or send your address with 25 cents in stamps for sam- ple. U S Art Co, 83 East Fourth street, St Paul. 151 WANTED— Agents In city and country; fastest selling article of theatre: something entirely new. Call after 9 o'clock Monday evening, atss East Fourth street, St Paul. Minn. 161 _ WASTED— First class blacksmith, competent to do heavy and light hlacksmithing, must be first-class in every respect. Schurtneler' \\ agon Co. WANTED— immediate engagement, two men of good address, must be sober and well recommended; permanent positions to suitable men. Collier, 5" Davidson block. \u25a0' \u25a0 . '__ A GOOD pastry cook. Applyat Hotel Astoria. W ANTED— good candy and ice cream maker. Call at Warden's, 388 Wabasha street. WANTED Men out of Work, needing money, to borrow on household good* and other articles of value . R Demlng & Co, 362 Jackson street. . : \u25a0\7OtrKG man with $100 to travel with a journalist 1 on a lecturing tour; good pay. Address H X, this office. . •-. - HELP "WANTED— A laboring man who is well ac- quainted in city: call Monday before 10 a m. Anderson. 203 South Franklin street. . :.- / WANTED— Two reliable men of steady habits \Y and well ' recommended, positions permanent »nd lucrative. Apply at room 25. Union block. -.'\u25a0>' WANTED— who speaks German, state W salary expected. Address Lock-box 55, Gro- ton. Dak. , . . ' •.'•••.: WANTED— Canvassers wanted, ' good salary. Century piano and Organ company. 65 > East Third street, St Paul. ... 150-130. : WANTED— An instructor on the pipe organ, state terms, which must be cheap. S HI, this office. '.-. ' - "\u25a0; '.j : , - .' '.'.' ' ':'-•'\u25a0 . IT 7" ANTED— experienced French and German W canvassers, no need of being out of employ- ment, or out of money. Room 4, 63 East Third. -, ; WANTED— A good clothing -salesman, J must speak German; 213 "West Third. ;'- . ,: - WANTED— Young man as clerk in a ticket office, must speak English and German Apply at 185 Sibley street, St Paul. \u25a0'• --'?. -••'--y."-.' 1 tVoOKKEEPER understanding commission busi- J3 ness; one who speaks German preferred. Ad-. dress A. this office. ' ..'y ANTED— TwcTflrst-class tailors, one coat and VV one pantaloon maker, at Dentlnger, & Hauge, Hankato, Minn. ,j. . ......" .". -'\u25a0 '--'-'* ', '. . T"WO reliable .men of steady habits and well recom- J- mended; positions permanent and lucrative. Collier, 57 Davidson block. ..' , - . _ ,. > . :., -- -: /COMPETENT man as foreman on carpenter work V/ desires a situation; good reference. J L ;G, this office. ;\u25a0 \u25a0 .- .- -..:.'\u25a0'•\u25a0 _ -vCA . . "\u25a0' .'\u25a0•'-;.. WANTED— Afirst-class baker, at J C Horrigan's, \ ¥ 638 Mississippi street. Must be first-class. t_ ONE first-class painter and grainer wanted. Ad- dress box 634, Mankato, Minn. \u25a0 ' "" " ' "pg- rANTED-Bookkeeper and salesman who en- joy a short smoke to try "Duke Cigarettes." They are absolutely pure, mild and sweet, and the very best that can be ' produced, regardless of cost. Bold by "W. S. Dennis, Gilflllan Block. -147* WANTED— Any number of well-educated young , men of refined and discriminating taste, to try "Duke Cigarettes." They contain only the nat- nral properties, flavor and fragrance of the choicest tobacco In the world. Sold by Aug. Beck &Co.. corner Fifth and Robert. 147* WANTED— boy, apply at room 11 Mann- heimer block on Friday, between 11 and 12 o'clock, and at no other time. R"W Johnson. WANTED— First-class cabinet maker. Tenney &Kessler, 128 Dakota avenue. "West St Paul. CARPENTERS wanted corner Iglehart and "West- VAcrn avenue. JJ McGeehan. \u25a0 •_.. SEVEN salesmen at the Singer Sewing Machine office, 27 East Third street. -- •- " : ;"'.;.: " v :'" Wf ANTED An experienced canvasser for pianos \ V and organs to work on " commission. Address box 1167. Duluth, Minn. _-. ..... W"~ ANTED— Teh 'experienced solicitors for V BBS. Applyroom 4, 6:4 East Third Btreet. FIRST-class gents', furnishing salesman wanted- one who has an acquaintance in the city. Ad dress D M. care Globe. ' . ANTED— Young man from 14 to 2C. who talks I \Y German, at saloon on East Third and Maple i streets. - ' .. . WANTED— A few good strippers. John Hart cUrar factory, 594 Stillwater street. - A GOOD blacksmith, one not afraid of work, can find a place with C J Depue. Olivia, Minn. "ITT ANTED—Driver at Kent's Package delivery. WANTEDassistant baker. Inquire 436 VV Jackson street. ' ' . ." ' '." WANTED at once— experienced mantel and tile setters. Apply to Skidmore & Gannett, 173 "West Third street. '\u25a0 . ' USB 63 East Third; big inducements to good man. Write or call. .' -. TniP.ST-CLASS coat and pants makers wanted im- i; mediately. Address T O Maring, Northfleld, Minn. . '- . : ~\\T ANTED carpenter with small family to rent a VV house and pay rent In work. Apply to TB Botners, city market house. -. \XT ANTED— to learn telegraphy. Ex- W penses partly earned while learning. Globe Telegraph Co., 336 Jackson street, St. Paul, Minn. 140-51 - : ' , . Female. T AUNDRY girlwanted at the Windsor. COOKS, laundresses; general housework, for Lake Minnetonka; dining-room work, cooking, second and general housework, in and out of city; wages from 88 to »25. Employment Agency, 317 Wabasha. 151-158 ' . GIRL wanted for general housework at Dr Flagg's, vT 893 East Ninth street. . WANTED— Two;dining-room girls, one second cook (Irish preferred;) " 196 East Seventh, I Achilles. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 WANTED— A woman cook at 448 Jackson street; wages $5 per week and room. \u0084 . . .;, A FIRST-class seamstress; call at once, 172 Rondo street. . . _ . : '. , WANTED— Ladles in need of temporary assist- ance, to borrow on pianos, organs or any other articles of value. R Deming & Co, 362 Jackson itreet. \u25a0".''.. ' \u25a0. •' - f~\ IRLS of every nationality to work in small fam- Lr Hies, corner Sixth and Minnesota. Mrs Schnell. \T J Competent German girl for general W, good place, good wages; 534 Snm- jnlt avenue. \u25a0 .*.-.... . . .." \u25a0-. \u25a0 . .. ', - WANTED An apprentice for dressmaking. Ap- Wl ply Mrs M A Gllnes. . 279 West Seventh street. WANTED— Agood girl for general house work. . VV German preferred; at 747 Edgerton street.East St Pau1. ...... \u25a0:\u25a0- /' ...;\u25a0;;\u25a0: \u25a0 : \ :_. . \ 1 '\u25a0 '\u25a0 WANTED— Ladies and gentlemen in city or 'country wishing to earn $3 to 15 a day at their »wn homes, no canvassing, work furnished and sent oy mail any distance. For particulars address, with itamp. Crystallized Photo Co, -53 West Seventh Itreet, Cincinnati, O. . . 150-151 * ANTED— Awoman to taks Care of children and keep house, one who wants a home; 878 Parquier street. WANTED— A girl for general housework; 610 West Seventh street. - —-;••.-.'." WANTED— One first-class dressmaker, also two apprentices, at 248 West Third street. * j fTTANtED—A sewing girl at 29 West Fifth street, A GOOD for general house work; 188 East. j ..A Tenth Btreet; apply this forenoon. . : rp WO experienced girls wanted In Windsor hotel X laundry. | .<.:.:-'' .. , ! WANTED— A pood .girl for" general housework. Mrs nice, 415 Holly avenue. "TTrANTED— A kitchen girl; No 12 East Seventh VV. street. . •\u25a0 kitchen girl; No 12 Eaat Seventh street. A TIDY, willing girl wanted for general house-, work at 547 Laurel avenue. -' A ; GOOD cook. - Apply to 204 West Third street Scandinavian preferred. . TT7"ANTED Alady compositor to work on weekly : VV \u25a0 paper, permanent situation if agreeable. | Ad- dress Otter Tall Co. Farmer. Fergus Falls,- Minn. ' \u25a0 -;\u25a0;..;;.:\u25a0\u25a0;.:.. 143-54 ,;;.:;; ;. ;::'\u25a0 ;;..;..- WANTED Experienced hands for dressmaking, at Dickinson's department store. __H.. A GIRL to do housework. Call at 307 Olmsted street." ..-....- - 'r: '\u25a0•'- .' "•". " ; :"'.':'\u25a0.',.'•'\u25a0 "•- --": --~; I' : \u25a0" INSTRUCTION. : | "TroUNG ' man. 19, with good, references, desires JL place In family where *. there are young \ lltdts as their tutor and attendant: r. Address' IV I*; this office. SINGING, elocution ana* ; piano by lady teacher from New York College d'Opera ;tprme very low. Address Savilla, Globe office. •- <\'\ ' ' Among the ''Wants" he placed his "ad.," He shot his door and made It fast, More help he sadly needed, \u25a0 And read until his eyes grew dim; The answers came till he got mad Bnt letters came until at last His business they impeded. They completely paralyzed him. SITUATIONS OFFERED. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. .' : \u25a0\u25a0• ~~ Male. i-NTTFn—Aleuts in every county and town- STENOGRAPHER and typewriter wants position. •taSTac^o^wlst; soLethlnfenUrely new °^'$* 9 <***«™*- mod «ate salary. Address fastest selling article of the age; over one hundred tr .' tnis omce. thousand already sold through the East. Call or ANTED— Situation in hotel by a young man of send your address with 25 cents in stamps for sain- *V several years' experience In Buffalo and Lock- pie. U S Art Co, 83 East Fourth street, bt Paul, m porti begt of references. Address W. F 8, . 35? WANTED-Agents In city and country; , fastest Franklin street. selling article of the a?e ; something entiiely . LADY of experience and ability would like a new. Call after 9 o'clock Monday evening, at 83 position as manager in any department in a East Fourth street, St Paul. Minn. ' ol hotel or would take the entire charge If desired ; age WANTED— First class blacksmith, competent to 82. Address for three days A F.Globc office,Mlnne- do heavy and light blaeksmithing, must be apolis. _ \u25a0 _ _ _^ first-class in every respect. Schurmeier* T\ agon Co. SITUATION wanted by man and wife who unaer- w^mS^ra s i«ssr"' w - trot-"- recommended; permanent positions to suitable men. * ST PAUL ralnter deslrea to live In the country Collier, 57 Davidson block. " XX during the summer: would correspond with A GOOD pastry cook. Applyat Hotel Astoria. country painters wanting assistance. Address ° V j^ »«« j «ard, Clarendon hotel. St Paul. ANTED A good candy and ice cream maker. A- YOUNG man, sober, wants a good place in a Call at Warden's, 3SB Wabasha street. £ -£*- Private family to drive and take care of horses. ! . : - \u25a0 ; Address JG H, this office. •' ...-\u25a0."\u25a0:-': WANTED— Men out of work, needing money, to -<NT> ," . borrow on household good* and other articles A THOROUGHLY practical bookkeeper is de- of value R Deming & Co, 362 Jackson street. 1 : -t*-slrOus of making change; reference to present _ _ : ;: employer; moderate salary. Address Jones, this "YOUNG man with $100 to travel with a journalist office JL on a lecturing tour; good pay. Address HK, . _ : z _. this office. , \u25a0'..•-.'• T^ private family to do chores and ' handle horses » __ :. i . . \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ' - X city references given. Answer day or Monday HELP WANTED—A laboring man who is well ac- fore noon, MS, this office, quainted in city; call Monday before 10 am. : _ _ " '' " : Anderson. 203 South Franklin street. :, , T> V young man of-experience, position as salesman IT/ANTED-Two reliable men of steady habits 2er?ncc h^H%f M^Wa^h^treet t " de; -^ VV and well' recommended, positions permanent reference. , Fii M, 684 Wabasha street. and lucrative. Apply at room 25, Union block. I SITUATION wanted as coachman, understands the \T^ ANTED—Druggist, who speaks German, state '^ ? are °* horses nd careful driver, good reference. W lalary expected. Address Lock-box 55, Gro- Address EG T, this office. . , ;'.". ton. Dak. .. . . . .... \u25a0• . - \\T ANTED By an experienced German bar- Wavtfd— wanted good salary. ' " keeper with small family, a Job in saloon, A Cent^araXW"n nt co d mpa n^ "Ht Z^^^"^^^ With the *" Third street, St Paul. . \u25a01-. , 150-180 j man. Box 245, Delano, Minn. ..... .-., , Wi __ : : : ~TT ..... p'MPLOYMENT of any kind wanted where there Is ANTED-An instructor on the pipe organ, ante & chance to work up Vages . no object. Address terms, which must be cheap. S HL, this . V WG, 355 Josette street. ~ ,. \u25a0- Sfnce. '.V' . "' \u25a0" '\u25a0•\u25a0.;' : = = \u25a0* ' r ' '\u25a0 1 1—. - \u25a0 - - SITUATION Wanted— young man, graduate of ANTED— experienced French and German D nport Business college, have one year's ex- canvassers, no need of being out of employ- peri ence; wants a position as bookkeeper or clerk, pent, or out of money. Room 4, 63 East Third. . ; good references -furnished. Address. Box 113, Mitch- W ANTED—A good clothing salesman, t must ell. Dak. :.:.f- :.\u25a0:.\u25a0:\u25a0;\u25a0 -:• - ; speak German; 213 West Third. :'-;•.-- T7"ANTED— By a young married man, 25 years o WANTED-Toung man as clerk in a ticket office, V * age a position lna drug store, eight years' ex must speak English and German: Apply at in Wisconsin and Minnesota. Box 185 Sibley street, St Paul. ' •: ' '••.--. \u25a0••'\u25a0-;":• -\u25a0\u25a0 4 ° d ' sevens Point, Wis. - ; ,:_ r^OKKEEPElTunderstanding commission busi- A YOUNG man, first-class baker, desires an open- B°n^ P who speaks Gernfan preferred. Ad- &%££^s£^™&<£g*'-. dress A. this omce. .;- ._ .\u25a0 , : zL, \u25a0 \u25a0 ; -.'•.,..- --•\T7ANTED-TwcTflrst-class* tailors, one coat and ' A WIDOWER, very temperate and of good habits, VV one pantaloon maker at Dentinger * Hauge, ** w * nts employment In a boarding house or some »t \ T , P r ?" maker, ai liennnger, a u»uge, egtlll)ljg he g bu s lness mst Paul or Minneapolis, with. Mannato, .Minn. .... ....... "."'.'"'"; a widow lady and care for the : same. Address OH, npwo reliable men of steady habits and well recom- Globe..; ; -.. -;\u25a0_ /V. .' ; '\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0',.-. \ '.; 150-152 1 mended; positions permanent and lucrative. -cx^ANTED-A situation by a licensed engineer, Collier, a? Davidson block. . .... v \u25a0„\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. VV best of reference . - Address CR, Globe, /COMPETENT man as foreman on carpenter work ; -C desires a situation; good reference. JL G, this T\f A ? / a .?° U ? R S , ca ! ldmavl f n ' 4 Situation nffirp m P nvate family, has had experience in care pmce. ,-.. y .;.. .^ \u25a0 ..->,.. . \u25a0 of horses, good references. \u25a0 Address N, Globe. W^M^lpg^e" 81 gITUATIONby a double-entry bookkeeper or sales- ooj M'»"»'i't" j man, seven years' experience, best city refer- ONE first-class painter and grainer wanted. Ad- ences. Address CE 2, Globe office, ; •* dress box 634, Mankato, Minn. Ar ANTED-Situatlon in grocery, store or butcher U7"ANTED--Bookkeeper and salesman who en- VV shop, have had five. years' experience. Albert,: Joy a short smoke to try '"Duke Cigarettes." Globe office. . They are absolutely pure, mild and sweet, and the _ ; ; ___ very best that can be produced, regardless of cost. \\f ANTED—A place as private watchman, can Bold by W. S. Dennis, Gilflllan Block. - 147» vv work in garden, attend to cow and horse.refer- J I . \u25a0 ence given. Address H, this office. W^S^^Srd^mmSSaCT A SITUATION in who.esale or commission house try "Duke Cigarettes." They contain only the nat- Aam able and willing to work, can give good aril properties, flavor and fragrance of the choicest reference. Address WG, care Globe, \u25a0 tobaccoln the world. Sold by Aug. Beck & Co.. -ttquNG man with cityreference and good busi- corner Fifth and Robert. 14 ' X ness habits, would like situation in wholesale WANTED-Office boy, apply at room 11 Mann- "tore. Address JN D, 366 Drake block. .! heimer block on Friday, between 11 and 12 OUNG attorney well recommended desires po- ©'clock, and at no other time. R W Johnson. \u25a0 X gition in law office, small salary if allowed to be- WANTED-First-class cabinet maker. Tenney gin practice. Address AH * this office N XX &Kessler, 128 Dakota avenue. West St Paul. a YOUNG man wants a position tending bar, had ; ' ' , ' T , '~ 1 ._. „, A experience three years; 261 West Seventh street. CARPENTERS wanted corner Iglehart and West- , v * ! __^ \S crn avenue. JJ McGeehan. \u25a0 . A SITUATIONas engineer. Johann Vierilng,lßl3 QE-VEX salesmen at the Singer Sewing Machine A Eighth street south, Minneapolis, Minn IO office. 27 East Third street. - ':"".."•:'- "TTT ANTED—Situation as coachman, experienced, ANTED-An experienced canvasser for pianos jV St Paul reference. Address No WP, this XX and organs to work on commission. Address ot s c _ e j! - - \u25a0--;.-\u25a0 \u25a0- .. j . ;- , box 1167, Duluth, Minn. ,-...... QITUATION wanted to drive a delivery wagon.can WANTED-Ten experienced solicitors for U O give good reference. Address Scott, this office. SB S. Applyroom 4, 63 East Third street. -13 Ta young Scandinavian, good experience in gen- Aasgss&sffißr'srarfi toaaaiusij-uffirjg- dress D M. care Globe. j A N honest, Industrious and temperate man, aged '— : ~ —^ .. j xi. 20, wants employment of any kind; best ofrof- W ANTED— Young man from 14 to 20. who talks | ereaces Address AW. 679 Canada street. XX German, at saloon on East Third and Maple ; - streets A Tinsmith and general Jobber who speaks Ger- . " -r -. A man would like to get a steady job. city or WANTED— A few good strippers. John Hart country. Address M. Guthler, 283 Louis street, city, clear factory, 594 Stillwater street, -r -_ / -—1 T5 , TJ ARBER young man of some experience would A GOOD blacksmith, one not afraid of work, can J3 ii ke a chance to finish trade; wages no object, find a place with C J Depue. Olivia, Minn. For one wee k address W H Condon, Minneapolis, WANTED— Driver at Kent's Package delivery. Mmn - -.-.- - - VV . A YOUNG man, colored, wants place 'as coach- W A Son-ftreer lßtaat '^ w^d^iSSmA^ **? \u25a0 mcp _ Tm cxperiencr-d mantel and A x experienced hand wants situation In a country Wtne^rs Ap Jy to s\Tlmore& Gannett, A printing office. Address box 343,5t. Peter, Minn. 173 West Third street. \u25a0_ _^ "II 7ANTED—The agency of a hail insurance com- " ' " ~~ V V pany by a good solicitor. Address lock box USBS; 63 East Third; big inducements to 238 Atwater, Minn, good man. Write or call. / —^- : : \u25a0 \u25a0 - : : ! '\u25a0— —BY a young Swede, situation wanted In a grocery THIRST-CLASS coat and pants -makers wanted im- JJ or general merchandise; good references and JC mediately. Address T O Maring, Northfleld, finingt0 work. Address EG T, .Globe. I \u25a0 1 ~r. 7 A . YOUNG man of 18, having a thorough knowl- W ANTEDcarpenter with small family to rent a ___ e _ ge of bookkeeping, wants a position in an of- \ V house and pay rent In work. Apply to T B fice Address WD, Globe office. . \ gomers, city market —— --. -r __- ~~\ COMPETENT bookkeeper wants to open and \u25a0\TT ANTED—Gentlemen to learn telegraphy. Ex- i\. balance books for small firms; remuneration V V penses partly earned while learning. Globe , ow , Address W "W, 54 East Third street. Telegraph Co., 336 Jackson street, St. Paul, Minn. _ ___ : 140-51 ' AN industrious, sober young man wants .employ- . •" """ " . ' \u25a0 ; A ment of any kind; understands taking care of Female. horses. Address V, 18, Globe office. T AUNDRY girlwanted at the Windsor. : : POSITION by flrst-class office man, man as assist- J.- 0 -^ & X ant bookkeeper or for general office work; best i . \u25a0of references. Address SDK, care Globe office. COOKS, laundresses, general housework, for Lake - .„—_,— ... ' Germ,h would like *> work Minnetonka; dining-room work, cooking, second A MIDDLE-AGED German would like to work and general housework, in and out of city; wages -^ around a store or in private family; is willing to fromsßto»2s. Employment Agency, 317 Wabasha. take care of horses. Address AM, of this office. 151-158 OITUATIONby a young man, "in the grocery busi- GIRL wanted for general housework at Dr Flagg's, £5 ness; four years' experience; best of references. IT 893 East Ninth street. - Address W Beckwith, 357 Franklin street, St Paul. . WANTED— TwoMinlng-room girls, one second "EMPLOYMENT of any kind wanted; speak five W cook (Irish preferred;) \u25a0 196 East Seventh, I -Ei languages. _ Address G A E,Globe_office. Achilles. - .' •\u25a0•\u25a0'\u25a0" j SITUATION as solicitor and correspondent for jrx. street. . , . ._ best references. Address J Nalsstrain, Black River 'ANTED Ladles in need of temporary assist- Falls. „.. .. -' .-. :. . . .,.-.. . . ance, to borrow on pianos, organs or any other „y a gtead man any k , nd Qf common lab articles of value. R Deming & Co, 362 Jackson ft not 80 much ah object Address JP. 4 5 Globe 'treet. . ' office. \u25a0". . OIRLS of every nationality to work In small fam- q IT ATIONas teamster, has had eleven years' ex- lT, Hies, corner Sixth &nd Minnesota. Mrs Schnell. £5 perience In Chicago, best of reference. Address \\ TAN Competent German girl for general Teamster 36. Globe office. r W, good place, good wages; 534 Sttm- Q ITUATIO} as coo k, by an experienced man of avenue. : . . . ... .. . . ..- . C3 temperate habits, best of reference. Address A itt ANTED An apprentice for dressmaking. Ap- S, Globe office. . \u25a0 . .'."- . - ' .. \ / V.rpfy Mrs MA Glines. .279 West Seventh street. , G0()U stenographer wants to enter a lawyer's of- WANTED-A good girl for general house work. A flee as student. Address RA, Globe office. . . VV German preferred; at 747 Edgerton street.East -yoUNG man. five years' experience as double St Paul. .- ; - ...-.;:\u25a0\u25a0. : .\u25a0-.'..- . 'i\u25a0 '- X - entry bookkeeper, desirous to take any position WANTED-Ladies and gentlemen in city or that wHI pay expenses; best references. FS P, country wishing to earn $3 to 15 a day at their Globe office. »wn homes, no canvassing, work furnished and sent . Female. oy mail any distance. For particulars address, with ~ : \u25a0- --\u25a0-\u25a0- . - ' -\u25a0 .--\u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 itamp. Crystallized Photo- Co, -53 West Seventh [ \\T ANTED— Dressmaking by the day. Call at 27 - itreet. Cincinnati, O. 150-151 " VV West Fifth street. s ANTED— Awoman to take Care of children and XT' AMILIES wanting a woman to do first-class keep house, one who wants a home; 878 JT laundry work can find one by calling or address- Farquier street. '. ing EP, 355 Josette street. ' .' . . . -... . WANTED— A girl for general housework; 610 A GOOD seamstress wants a situation to sew for West Seventh street. - -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -£*- her board a month or more. Address H 72, this WANTED— One first-class dressmaker, also two ° —— : '\u25a0 apprentices, at 248 West Third street. "X A YOUNG lady wishes a position as stenographer : xx and typewriter, competent, reliable and best of \TT ANTED— Asewing girl at 29 West Fifth street, references. Address Box 170, Aberdeen, Dak. A GOOD girl for « ? ei * l , house" work; 189 East \ W w^Tfa^Twre of att°infant, "c^Td? pita 2fw' .j\ Tenth street; apply this forenoon. , : ; lng Address HDJ, G obe. : . rpwo experienced girls wanted In Windsor hotel -. a G IRLS with reference want situations ;~Se^u \u25a0*- laundry. \u25a0 ; •\u25a0 « ; . .xO corners employment office. WANTED-A jroocl crirl for general house work. A FIB£ T . C pastry cook wants a place at the Mrs nice, 415 Holly avenue. \u0084 - _\ lakes; good references. -Address H 96, Care this ANTED— A kitchen girl; No 12 East Seventh office - \u25a0 " ....-\u25a0'- . \u25a0 '- ' \u25a0 VV. street.. - \u0084 :.,. . . ...-;. .. ATT ANTED— a young lady, with some knowl- A TIDY, willing girl wanted for general bouse-, V * -edge of shorthand, a position as typewriter; no wort at 547 Laurel aveiiue. -' i objection to going out of the city. Address Miss X, ,--V - -\u25a0\u25a0—^— '' - : -^-^ 157 West Third street, third floor. «" '\u25a0-; •-\u25a0... A GOOD cook. - Apply. to 204 West Third street «-^- f^*- - T , . :'-^ ~z^-- .: Scandinavian preferred. . . \u25a0 v T ADYwishes situation as housekeeper or com-' - \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0 ' ' r—— ' ,/ I \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0','\u25a0'*. "' -"-' Pinion to a lady; belt references. ' Inquire No VYTANTED— A laoy compositor to work On weekly : 181 Iglehart Street. "' - - ' \u25a0 Yy-'p'ftpcr, permanent situation if agreeable. ; Ad- : ' •\u25a0'\u25a0.-' --.-.- -' dress Otter Tall Co. Farmer. Fergus Falls, Minn. /"^FFICE work, copying or proof reading, by Mrs. •\u25a0.;.."\u25a0 y.' '.:•;-'. : : "\u25a0:.'.,. 14S-54 ;.;- t -,. : ; ;. ;:;'\u25a0 ;;..r. .- \u25a0 \J Wilson, Jio. 14 East Seventh street, room 16. WANTED— Experienced hands for dressmaking, TI/TIDDLE-AGED lady desire* a Situation as housed ,at Dickinson's department store. \u0084 ._;;^. IT±keeper, or light work in a private family, either A' GIRL to do housework. Call at 307 Olmsted -<**«**-&&. Addfeas Ida East Twelfthstreet. street. -.. - - ;,''..;,''• T ADY pianist who can play accompaniments well :irT_^>— ii.»,n- r """y ' '""- rl " , -" for songs or violin would like vto treat > with T^ 7~ .-..,\u25a0--.-. ~~~' ~ \u25a0 . parties requiring same. ; Address" MC, Globe office. •;.:-. \u25a0-.-' t"VSTRUCTIO]S." - ' \u25a0 . __ -• %- . ' ; - ' -\u25a0--\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 -^^ *-'\u0084'." ''-:\u25a0\u25a0 -'• A ; YOUNG who can furnish .flrst-class refer- T7"OUNG' man. 19, with good references, desires xx; ences . want* situation a? nuf^c. 'Address Alice. JL place in family where ' there ate young : lads &i this office. .- ; \u25a0\u25a0* \u25a0'. . .-, .- ' i.; "- their'tutor and attendant . Address' Wpy this office. - MIDDLE aj?ed widow lady would like the . care SINGING, elocution ana' ; piano by - lady teacher XX of widower's family.- Mrs ACM, Globe office.' from New York College d'Opera ; terms very low. \u25a0 qITUATION as a nurse girl or to care for Invalid Address Savilla, Globe office. - j: V: :' . £3 lady. -^ Emma Glen, Globe office. .••; f--:;% FOR RENT. ;", :..:^ Stores, lite. . __. ...•„. 1. 7~ FOR RENT—Agood «tore on Fourth Bstreet,| be- Jl tween Mlnnseota and Robert Inquire of Larkin, 87 East Fourth street;,;; \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0^:\i -f- "?.;, ;•} : ! ;:IBl^, NEW store building In neighboring city, suitable 1 1 . for saloon or any other purpose, for sale at less price than the rent of it would be for two years; Max, this office.; " ; ; I' . . ; ' •\u25a0' . :'.-{'\u25a0;:? ',.'?*'' FOR RENT—Basement, ; 20x60, suitable ;for stor- »age or plumbing stock." Address T J D, : care this office. , i •\u25a0: . t " •\u25a0\u25a0_.- .'-:'." " TO RENT—Brick store on East Seventh : street, . X near Post Siding. » E A Sargent, 41 East Fourth street ; \u25a0:;';-'- - , 150-152 : TO KENT—Desirable store with or without rooms, A. ' flue business location for a good plumber. \- Ap- ply to W Shlpard, Fourth and Roberts street.- ,'. "17 OR rent, the. two well-finished and well-lighted J? basements in Itcn block, West St. Paul, ad- joining bridge, suitable" tor restaurant," tailor- shop or barbershop. " Inquire at Sanders' saloon in the same building. ' .\u25a0• I* 8 * FOR RENT—Store room No 368 Dayton avenue. a Apply to Rietzke - Co, corner Dayton and Western avenue. '\u25a0-.\u25a0' V - '-' \u25a0 ; . "\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0 - : .'J.\ T7»OHRENT— store; all fixtures In; very J. low rent; no opposition. Apply 962 Burr street. T?OR RENT— Store for fln-t-class Ice cream parlor JD for the summer; best locality in the city. parlor for the summer; best locality in the city. J W Shepard, Fourth and Robert streets. OR RENT—New brick : store, (Kiefer's row), cor- , ncr East Seventh and Mlnnehaha streets; good location for clothing and gents' furnishing, house- hold goods or second-hand store; cheap rent. In- quire of A. R. Klefer, 190 East Seventh street. 95-98* TWO stores, corner University and Virginia ave- nues good location for boots and shoes, millinery, dry goods or \u25a0 hardware business. Inquire ' corner Third and Wabasha, McClung block. Gray. & Mo- rlarty. -\u25a0 ". '\u25a0•. \u25a0 \u25a0 .. '\u25a0:.-. ;.. ' 12T* BUILDING 20 by 40, suitable for storeroom or manufacturing purposes, Wllllus street, near Fifth. C H Schnittger. 273 East Seventh. " 105* , Houses. HOUSE RENTING AGENCY— Removed to room 27. National German- American bank building. To rent— a partial list. Two story and basement house, nine rooms, "Iglehart street, *40; eight room house, modern conveniences, Wabasha, two blocks from capitol, 845; eleven room house, all conven- iences, near street cars, Nash street, $50; furnished house, seven rooms, De Bow street, seven room house, Rice street, $30; two desirable residences on West Seventh street, three blocks from Third, $50 each; eight room house with large yard on Ashland avenue, *45; fourteen room house, pleasant yard, Sherman street, $75; ten room house, Western ave- nue, furnished 875, unfurnished $50; two seven room houses, Jefferson avenue, near Seventh, -815 each; five room house, Webster street, 813; brick store with rooms above on Dayton avenue, $50; a cosy cot- tage, four rooms. West Seventh street, $lS;flveroom house on Logan street with stable, $12; seven room house, Oakland street, good conveniences. . $35 ; small furnished house, Acker street, »20; twelve room house, modern conveniences, St Paul street, $55; seven room house. Post Siding, $14; new nine room house and barn, Kent street, $35; eight room house -and barn, -East Third street, on Dayton's bluff, $30. Desirable homes procured at short notice on application at our office; desk room to rent with use of fire proof vault. Scoville &Bateham, Room 27 .German- American bank building. T7OR RENT—Nine room house on Mackubin street, J. between Dayton and Marshall, city water, bath room, furnace, speaking tubes, etc. - J L Mahan, 31 East Third street.l ' - _ .. FOR RENT— No 516 West Seventh street. JJ Inquire of HH Herbst, room 34, Gllflllan block. 'TO Desirable house with stable; 54 Kent, -L between Hollyand Portland avenues. | NEW house No.' 409 East Fifth street, seven rooms, . woodshed and cellar, $25 per month. HOUSE, \u25a0 five- rooms with cistern, 268 Iglehart street. Inquire Frank Reilly, Merchants hotel, HOUSE in good condition with cistern, cellar , well and woodshed, at 400 Carroll street. T? URNISHED house 287 East Tenth street; seven J. rooms, and bath-room, hot and cold water, will rent cheap to right party. \u25a0 ' : rpwo-story frame building. No. 441 Sibley, above -L Seventh street. Inquire of John A Stees, No. 23 East Third street. -, 151 NEAT, new, five-room cottage on one of the finest avenues on St. Anthony hill; was built for owner and of the best | material, . reasonable . price; term's easy. E S Norton & Co. or 525 Ashland avenue. 151 \u25a0 HOUSE for rent of four rooms and kitchen. Ap- ply to P. Dempsey, 174 Flllmore avenue west, Sixth ward.-. ;. . . ; FOR RENT—FIat of five rooms. Inquire at 37 Dayton avenue; $15 per month. " _ ' FOR RENT Anew bouse of seven jrooms, sum- mer kitchen and alcove, good cellar, drive-well and cistern, 468 Rice Street, cars nass the door. In- quire at 385 Wabasha street.' \u25a0 "-•.'\u25a0\u25a0*• .-, OOUTH-faclng seven-room house for rent. In good 0 repair, . ten minutes walk from Third street, house on line of double street cars: rent, 830 per month; reference required. j Inquire George F Pat- well, comer Jackson and Seventh streets. 151 NEW house of nine rooms for rent by the 6th . of June, good location, nice grounds, moderate rent. Apply at 171 Charles street, rpo Nine-room house on St Anthony, hill JL near street cars. E ASargent, 41 East Fourth street. . _ .._ 150-152 T7QR RENT of eight rooms on St Anthony X- hill. 'i Inquire at 254 Farrington avenue. '\u25a0 ; i NEW eight-room house, cellar, water, jall for $15 JA per month; 780 Farquier street. T7» LEG ANTLT furnished front room for house- S-j keeping, with bath rooms; 476 Cedar street. T^OR RENT—House, seven rooms, city water, bath J- room, one block from Market house, pleasant location; 27 East Ninth street. TO LEASE The splendid Staples residence, West JL St Paul, a beautiful point of view, barns, etc. Apply to E Langevln. . "POR RENT— On the corner of Eaton . and Chicago JC avenue. In.front of the new station of the Min- neapolis &St Louis railway in West St Paul, a new large boarding house, with saloon included. Apply toE Langevin. , - : 149-151 T?OR RENT—HaIf of a large house; 463 East Fifth -L street. ;.\u25a0...:.: .-...;.. FOR rent, house of five rooms, kitchen and wood- shed, No. 327 Pleasant avenue. ... ; 9 ROOM house, ,205 East Tenth street, modern im- provements, good neighborhood, for rent to a good permanent tenant with or without furniture. Applyto George Selbert, 203 East Tenth street. TTOUSE Renting Agency, 319 Jackson street, will XI remove June Ist to German-American National bank building, corner Fourth and Robert streets. FIVE-room house, for rent, rear of 103 Forbes street. Inquire at 436 Jackson. . DOUBLE brick house with nine rooms for rent; all modern improvements, No. 180 Western ave- nue. Inquire 376 Dayton avenue. FIVE-ROOM house in good repair for $15. Inquire 560 Broadway. . HOUSE seven rooms, city water, bathroom; one block from city market, pleasant - location. , In- quire 27 East Ninth street. FOR RENT— Two fine residences, cheap; In a splendid location; and also . two large boarding houses. Apply to E Langevin. . A small house near capitol, furnished or unfur- XX nished. Inquire at 545 Wabasna street. NEW seven-room house, St Anthony hill, cellar. ,ll cistern, shade and fruit trees; easy terms. Ap- ply at 418 Wabasha street. ._ . .. •-. APART or whole of a furnished house, five min- utes' walk from postoffice. Address C;D •H, office Globe, / . ' FIVE -ROOM cottage on leased ground in good or- JC- der; 497 Olive, corner Tenth. APART or whole of a furnished house, five min- utes' walk from postofflce. Address CD, office Globe. \u25a0 - ; - •-' :\u25a0\u25a0-- \u25a0'.: '\u25a0.;\u25a0., DESIRABLE residence near city hall. W John- son. . ... '/ •;. ';_ '• ; - . . NEW DOUBLE house, ten rooms each, with latest l\ modern improvements; Iglehart street, between Rice and Louis streets. Apply ai once to P E Murphy, at Powers, . Durkee & Co, East , Fourth street. \u25a0 -. 144-50 ft OOD house in central j location; owner's family \JT will take meals with tenant,' if desired. Ad- dress N, this office. ," , ~~k COTTAGE of five .- rooms, new, hard and soft A water; good location and convenient. Apply at 183 Genessee street." \u25a0\u25a0 " .;..-.-. : .; HOUSE 553 Wacouta, corner Spruce; good order. David Sanf Jr.. 349 Wabasha street or 602 Canada. .-;.:-.. : '.:' . \u25a0 HOUSE of nine rooms to a small family. No 240 West Seventh; the owner would retain two rooms and board with tenant. -r : .. . .. \ : FIVE-room cottage with garden at 181 Iglehart A street. -f;:L-.-' .', -..". : . •..-...: ....".-- :!?;.'\u25a0: . i- :-_ : npwo furnished homes at White Bear \u25a0 lake. . In- JL quire at 3? West Third or Ratnaley's park. \u25a0 \u25a0 1 f\ ROOM House for sale, fifty lent front,6ol Holly. JLW. Inquire on premises. •-/ \ \u0084.;.,_ ;-, . .... ANEW house of nine rooms to rent,'clstcrn, cellar; - ready June 1. Apply at 171 Charles street. i T7ROM June i, all modern conveniences. Inquire |JT at 276 Pleasant avenue. \u25a0 - ; ; \u25a0 ; \u25a0 / ... . i ]Vr EW house of seven rooms, Phulen water, batii- t1 1 \u25a0 room, hot and cold water, central location. In- ;. I quire at 561 Cooper street. :,;• ' . . T.HHS RENT—Houses from $6 to $10 and $20. James JT Dillon, 254 Commercial street. . '- ... . 2u2* ! T7OUR booses of eight rooms, two of 10 rooms, two !JT of three 'rooms, flat six rooms; one block three } stories high, three stores, twenty rooms; call at 341 j Sherman street. ;.„.'. '..'. .. ;; 119* i T7OR RENT— May 1, store and dwelling, cor ; 'J. nor Hlce and Summit avenhe; fine | location for 5 most 'any" '.Business;' Inquire of A. R. Klefer, 190 j East Seventh street. ... . - 95-98* |'-- .;;,;. . -:-/-.\u25a0, to EXCHANGE. \u25a0 . . " . \u25a0 : TV exchange, stock of liquors (broken pnekages) for billiard or pool table, standard size, must be i nearly new, might take other property. -"A L, Farl- i bault, Minn. : -": ". - \u0084-; . . ] .. ''.149-156 i) ITO exchange; improved ' St. Paul real estate for ; X stock farm . . Address MD, care Globe office. '\u25a0*£, WANTED— To exchange ' 6200 worth . of real I VV ' estate notes for clgMr and confectionery stand ; Address WB, 228 We« Third Street.' r ';_'; ;•;•-' WANTED to do grading in exchange for a horse; "Apply to Ambrose &R»J3, 81 Forbes street.: ! "\u25a0'.'•• ' '-\u25a0 FOR REXT. :;^':'v^~^'\u25a0•\u25a0•.'.i;:- - - .-'".. '.;'." Rooms. '; *; ' '\u25a0'. \u25a0.;;:>\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'.''; ORRENT— Large front room,, furnished;, at 297 I West Seventh street. ; ''-v-.v..--;'i \u25a0'.:''; -Vvi : :'- r.--.'',' \u25a0; FOR RENT—Handsomely / furnished front . room; JC; 545 Cooper street. f.~l \u25a0:;":•\u25a0\u25a0.. ::-,\u25a0 i - I .';- : "' J! : '\u25a0'\u25a0; FOR RENT— or four nice roams with water," new house, fine location, one ' block ; from the cars; 289 Williams street. '.. *. : .'\u25a0;';' \u25a0•\u25a0:.£' ".'.;'-".\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.'•'. <E» 0 NICELYfurnished front room, first floor, suit- «JPD able for two; 590 Robert street,'; near Twelfth. T7OR RENT— front" room with a small one, ,'JC which will do for a cook room, furnished or un- ; furnished; 587 Broadway. -\u25a0; ! ? ; : .' «-•\u25a0.;\u25a0;•«—\u25a0'<« -' \u25a0• ' A FURNISHED sitting room with bedroom, for XX rent; : corner Third ; and Oak streets, up stairs. ;-'• •-. \u25a0: ..: -.. ; \. .'/\u25a0': .l ./.. \u25a0\u25a0- - \u25a0. ' ONE large nicely furnished room; 41 Exchang street, . ';' \u25a0 .' '\u25a0 '.'• '\u25a0: " .' ; '' \u25a0. \u25a0 - 'TO RENT—Two adjoining pleasant front rooms on X , second floor, furnished \or , unfurnished, . at 20 South Forbes street. ' \u25a0 ; "•"' :<'. '\u25a0" \u25a0""• \u25a0'' -.'. ' ' '•' \ •TJLEASANT' furnished or unfurnished room, with JL or without board, use of bath, etc, •at \u25a0 136 ; East Ninth street; -.\u25a0) -;... .: '. : \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0:'- .->'". '\u25a0':. . "C 1 URNISHED room for rent on first floor; no other. -T roomers: no children. No 20 West Tenth street, near corner Wabasha street.'; y" .'-'.'*: -": '-.".'\u25a0'\u25a0''••". '\u25a0' \u25a0T7URNISHED rooms to rent at 46 West Fifth. In- -T quire at house or at 142 East Third. ; " .' , TO RENT—Furnished rooms with board; 87 East JL Ninth street. •>."\u25a0\u25a0•'. :\u25a0 '-:- '\u25a0'.-.\u25a0 .-"' \u25a0\u25a0:. ' .-\u25a0'.'\u25a0 .'\u25a0'- : "- ' . FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms t6 rent. 625 S. Burr street. .-. \u25a0 \u25a0; - ' - , .'.:,|.,. -'.i -\u25a0- \~\ ; T\ESIRABLE furnished room, 558 Wabasha street; U. cheap to right party. ; \ ' .-' SOME I pleasant unfurnished rooms to rent In con- venient locality, large shady grounds with well and cistern on premises, 803 South Franklin. '151 |HANDSOMELY 1 furnished front room and alcove In vicinity of the Portland. Address X, this office. .. ; .' -." \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0.'• V " FOR RENT—Large furnished front room,, suitable for man and wife or two gentlemen. Market and Fifth streets. Benz block, third floor. -' Inquire room No. ; \u25a0 . .-: - i- \u25a0 "C^INELY furnished rooms, large clothes presses JO and modern conveniences, 217 Pearl street. f . FOR RENT— Third floor, No 380 Jackson street, JC .75x36 feet. : Apply to W B Burton or George P Jacob. ! ... A FLOOR of four or five nice rooms In an almost new XX house, cellar, cistern, well and Lake water.three doors from street car, high ground and healthy loca- tion; 281 Williams street. -V, 151 A ROOMS and kitchen, at 578 Iglehart, cheap. j FOR RENT—Nice large rooms, furnished or un: -I- furnished, bath, hot and cold water; - 213 Pearl street. ,' \ .." r .'v ' ./\u25a0"}"•-'-,. FURNISHED or unfurnished room . at 390 Dayton -C' avenue. .-." -.\u25a0-,- ;' '..: - .'" , . 151 : FOR RENT— Three > unfurnished rooms, large closet in each, pleasantly located; 362 Maria ave- venue. :. ' '" ' ; ; ';' .' . •.. FOR A large bedroom and . sitting room, furnished, In the new block corner Robert and Tenth streets, suitable for a gentleman and wife.two gentlemen or two ladies. Inquire on the premises, up stairs of Mr G A L. . s ;"'\u25a0' , '; ' THREE flrs£ : ciass furni*ed rooms in private family, : ground floor if preferred, with every convenience for housekeeping: both city and cistern water. -^ Close to business center. Address H. f this office. '- \u25a0 : -. .'\u25a0 :f. 150-51 ,: PLEASANT unfurnished rooms for housekeeping, JL desirable location; 229 Eighth street. . . NICELY furnished front room, with board, for two gentlemen, at $20 a month, private family; 546 Laurel avenue. -^ '"-. ';.'-.; ::.K% *;. FOR RENT—Large ; unfurnished front room with ±. three front windows, suitable for office if de- sired, cheap rent, at 353 East Seventh street. - ' \u25a0 \u25a0 ' rpwo furnished rooms for light housekeeping; 265 -L East Sixth.' .\rl.':\.'-:' ''':":.. ~. .'.:\u25a0'\u25a0''.:.';.. CIX large rooms to rent: 417 University avenue. NICELY furnished front room with alcove, second ±\ floor, bath room and all modern conveniences with board, by the Ist of June. \u25a0 Call .31 College " avenue east. .. " . '\u0084'' ;~.: : ; .;• f,. \u25a0 ; T^URNISHED or unfurnished rooms,' sittingroom. ; JC bed room and alcove, private family; terms mod- erate; 223 Grove street. "\u25a0- \u25a0'•-\u25a0' '\u25a0.'.••' TO RENT— nicely furnished rooms; 476 Cedar JL street. . \u25a0.;/-^ WELL Furnished alcove room with closet, five V V minutes' walk from postoffice; 210 Oak street south. . . . '. ....'•;.'\u25a0.-\u25a0\u25a0,. FOR RENT— One large front room with board; 77 JLv. Summit avenue. .. .-..-,• s ROOMS for rent, furnished or unfurnished, en XV suite or single, at 426 Rice street. _ A CHOICE front room in a private residence.both gas and all Conveniences.' best- locality in lower town, near to business; 420 East Tenth street. NICELY furnished room, everything new, with . board In a private, family. Terms reasonable,' at 49 Eleventh street, near Cedar. "_'-...•. , FURNISHED rooms $5 to '\u25a0 426, water, bath, first- „.class. No 217 Pearl street. '^.L^-^ ."-'. I WO nice rooms for furnished or unfurnished, X single or together, cheap, 544 DeSoto street. _ .; FURNISHED rooms with : all modern conveni-' JF ences, also first-class : table board, 598 Jackson street. - , ;--V '. . •TWO pleasant furnished rooms or unfurnished sin- I X gle room; furnished $5 per month;. 544 DeSoto street. ' r \u25a0\u25a0..;.. .'.'l-'.- « ; '-i.v.'..v \u25a0 \ OUR nice rooms with Phalen ' water to rent. In- JT quire of 3 M Cooley, rear of 563 Broadway. Z.i - \jh •" i -~- -*--. t . 1e sS 3": t~z z h "~ FOR rent, three rooms with .. large 1 pantry; lake ,;J? : i water, on first floor; 541 Broadway. ,^...1.. ; : . FOR rent, two or i four : rooms ' with water, new house, fine location, near street cars. 289 Wil- liams street. ';•• '-.„'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0'' \u25a0 \\u25a0\u25a0 "\u25a0\u25a0'.\u25a0.,.'. -....'.i. ..\u25a0.-... QUITE of rooms to rent at 362 North Fort on rea- O sonable terms. ' ;'.. Z 1 ;\u25a0•. .'."' .;. ' '* FRONT room with alcove.f urnished or unfurnished, . JC jfor two gentlemen and wife or two gentlemen, In private family; 527 Mississippi street. _>. ;.. : .. ....' . ROOMS for rent at 275 Concord street, West side, \u25a0 XV two blocks- from 'bus line. -.^ _;. -T^URNISHED !rooms, sittlngroom, ; bedroom . and JC alcove, suitable for two or four gentlemen; cars pass the door; terms moderate; 223 Grove street. •HpHREE unfurnished rooms for rent, suitable for X light housekeeping, 158 Valley street. % TJ'URNISHED suit of rooms for rent . in * Central block, 16!^ West Third street, third floor. FOR rent at Merriam Park, room! furnished or un- X^ furnished. ' Inquire at house of HL Croswell. MARRIED . couple, without children, wanted to occupy furnished rooms on first-floor forlight housekeeping; references; 70 Tiltoii street. ,_ .. T7URNISHED rooms with board can be had at 312 X? East Eleventh street, near Broadway. \ •."\u25a0 . FURNISHED rooms from ?3 to $B, ' " at Ci " College JC avenue west. ' "Very nice place and pleasant sur- rounding. ; ' -'\u25a0" -. - '. , 146-147 LEGANTLYfurnished rooms in private family, JCi references exchanged, 217 East Eighth street. TO RENT—Large pleasant' furnished room, new house: bath room hear. * 52 Iplehart. '. ' •' FOUR pleasant rooms for light house keeping, partly furnished if desired. r Address E 99, Globe office. ' . ' -^ '..\u25a0'...1 ' THKEE nicely-furnished rooms, 85 and $6 per X month. 123Fourteenth street, second door from Robert. ; - - - v ;>•\u25a0:. .' : '. ! AN elegant suite of furnished rooms in Steele's XX block, corner of Wabasha and Sexenth streets. A NICE suite of furnished rooms in Central block, Nol6}jS South Third street. ; _t '-.'.- 146 A nicely-furnished front room with bay window, XX suitable for gentleman and wife or two gentle- men. Use of bath. 484 Cedar street. \u25a0' ; COOL and \u25a0 comfortable room in ! private house, V' modern conveniences,' cheap; ten minutes' .walk from Merchants hotel, 642 Cooper, near Tenth street. VERY desirable, nicely-furnished rooms, with best of board; also unfurnished suite, at 89 Sum- mit- avenue. Day boarders taken. >. '.: \u25a0 :-,;....". •; UNFURNISHED parlor I and finely-furnished ..U rooms to rent. , 217 Pearl street. ; '. - ; ALCOVE room unfurnished, suitable for two gentlemen or gentleman and wife; private fam- ily"; 165 Iglehart street, near Rice. ;> ; -;y •_ ;, FROM June 16th, for one month, a furnished room on Third street, rent *10. ',' Address L M, Globe office. \u25a0 , '..-","'"•' '- •'\u25a0.'' . \u25a0.'.'._.,: CjITTING-room, bed-room and alcove, suitable for £5 two or four gentlemen, cars pass the door, terms moderate. , 223 Grove street. ;,,'., " \u25a0\u25a0';\u25a0:'£;'. : i TWO neatly furnished front ; rooms, use of bath, JL one block from Rice park. 831 Franklin street. '.. \u25a0' . . Miscellaneous. . V . ;; BARN to rent, cheap, at 860 Dayton avenue; room . for three horses.. .;'- / .\u25a0-;-.. : -'.--'. 151 '\u25a0 ANEW barn with ten stalls for rent, 591 Broad-; way. :....- /.••\u25a0;•-•.:\u25a0 ..-;. ; - : ":-'"..'" -'"\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0'..\u25a0..^11 \u25a0 OR BENT—Agood stable 179 Carroll street. *-\\ \ ;\u25a0 -'.'\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0•'; \u25a0'- .. VJ \.'--" : J^ \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 '1 \u25a0'\u25a0':\u25a0''\u25a0\u25a0 -.. \u25a0 FRONT room for rent, suitable for an office; j in quire at room 8, Cramer block. « V j ;\u25a0 \u0084 CJTEAM-POWER to run light-polishing lathe; rent O must be moderate. \u25a0 M G, Globe office. : ; X : .\: '\. \u25a0-.';' FROM June 1, front office second floor and whole ;of, Third floor. Apply at 124 East Thirdstreet. ' BOARDING OFFERED; ; Vv-1 ' BOARD OFFERED— Day board In private family M per week, central location, also pleasant fur- nished rooms. Address AB, this office. v^- ; FOUR boarders wanted In private ] family for a set Jr.- of rooms; 87 West Tenth street v * -.-,. ~ ' . ' rpwO pleasant furnished rooms, closets and alcove; "X : board if desired, |5 per week, for two ;or four. 1 Address B; Globe. "-•.'.:'.?: VJ-. 1 y' 1 "-'- > ' t "- : »}\u25a0{\u25a0.; '\u25a0 BOARDERS wanted In a private , family,- 87 West Third street. ; ;j-'.?:'.'-'.^- : >'..'.t. r -r ...'..-;". ''"\u25a0' ::::%• X •'\u25a0:.'. . WELL furnished rooms with board. * Address W H B, Globe."'- _. ,:\u25a0\u25a0:•/.;;>:\u25a0 ;v'y/:.jrjL^;_-.'i:^.'j- GOOD board and furnished ? room at \u25a0 89 . Summit __ . avenue. ,S '• , ;if"^>.v.,;':-V; ; . .' ' \u25a0 \u25a0 ' , , ' FOR SALE. , ' FOR SALE Eight-room house ! barn, granary and \u25a0*- eighty acres land, near good ' town on .Manitoba railroad, cheap for cash or i long time. '^ D C, Globe. ! .-• . < : ,- >f .\u25a0 ,: ..; \u25a0\u25a0:;\u25a0 \u25a0 ... y .•..-.\u25a0 ;-... 151-153 \u25a0.-?-•'>< -X-^-- \u25a0 Ts^\u25a0'\u25a0•\ AVERT fine Daly gun, used only one season, 'will; be sold cheap, a Address AFC, this office. ,{\u25a0•\u25a0- FOR SALE—Lady will Bell fine upright piano for cash at any price offered. \u25a0 Address- H 1 X , this office. .-r"i; :-.'-.• ,:-- \u25a0'+,'?;"<-".-.'•'••;&> :\u25a0;\u25a0; '\u25a0 l^-' : i \u25a0' :'-'':.-,.-.'. ' : •\u25a0 , TWO large refrigerators and a Small one for sale by X George W Martin - Co, 414 Jackson street. ' f ','\u25a0 i'-j-'i-'y-;\ .-. •;::•':. \u25a0\u25a0':isi-i52-:-.v':.--/.'v.-; ;-^--->-:\ EGG 8 for hatching, from pure : blood , Plymouth Rock and Hrahmas. Room 4, 63 East Third. D A GOOD piano for sale cheap. Inquire at Nick XX"Pottgiesser, 375 Wabasha street. •;"\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0 FOIi SALE—Confectionery, ice cream r and soda X; water business, at a bargain, or will . sell - lease and shelving Without stock. r - Call 49 East Third. " .. FOR SALE—Carriage shop,.' in running order, . steam power, lathes, saws, cost 93,000, for cash \u26661,100. DL Gow, Anoka. v_, '\u25a0'; ".'- FOR SALE Young thoroughbred Gordon setter, JL cheap.. Address X 10,' Globe. :• . -. ' T?OR SALE—Open three-spring wagon and double X harness. Apply W H . Merrill, 27 East Third street. : : -, ; ....- ,"' ':';,-\u25a0"\u25a0. \u25a0' '\u25a0 \u25a0:'\u25a0 \u25a0 . ; '•\u25a0.-'.''•"' ". : ' v" 17 OR SALE One counter, two show cases, : shelve. . ins, partitions; 877 Robert street. •• :.\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0:_'-_ ,C- '\u25a0\u25a0* FOR sale very . cheap, 100,000 1 good brick. ! Apply toELaugevin, 104 State street, West St. Paul. TWO counters, two six-foot nickel plate: show X cases, and one upright ! case, for sale I cheap; a bargain; call at once. . Also good peanut roaster. 52 West Tenth street. \u25a0 \u25a0 -; '. \u25a0; .-•:.'. FOR safe at a bargain, an elegant ' chamber suite., Apply at 25 Filmorc avenue. West St. Paul, r, ' \u25a0| . ONE boot crimper, one Howe : sewing' machine, aud a gilt boot sign, at a bargain. Address F. HM, Globe. '' •;..;...; •'•- : .-' .. r \u25a0'.\u25a0\u25a0'<-: : FOR SALE by every dealer, who is on the alert to Jl get the choicest for his - patrons. . "Duke Cigar- ettes" are the very best that can be produced at any price. Sold by Aug. Beck & Co., Robert and Fifth streets.-. V. '..;/,; .;..,. ;. ;' .. ':\u25a0..;;'; 147* FOR sale cheap, 100 tons :of lake Ice. Address Alpha, Globe office. •'\u25a0.*\u25a0;: ,'\ v : : ONE ten-gallon : Ice cream . freezer for sale, 343 ; Wabasha street. .1 - . . V ; ;.-.:;';.;,;: BEST located, most easily worked stone quarry in the city, well drained; ; will sell lot or rock only. R TMarvin. ... \u25a0 I ,> i ! , \u25a0_\u25a0 . : ' npHE furniture of eleven looms, including bedding, -L towels, silver, t ere, for sale at, a bargain; house for rent, ifdesired. \u25a0A C 1), Globe office. :.' \u25a0:. •;•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-. ;'] FOR SALE—Pursuant to a resolution of its Board - of Directors and at the request of its Stockhold- ers, The Minnesota Transfer Packing Company ad- vertises until June, 12, 1883,' for sale, its entire "prop- , erty and assets (exclusive \u25a0of possible stock assets,' said property and assets consisting generally of the following: Rendering and' glue works, with grounds appurtenant, in Minneapolis, near the O. M. &St. P. Short. 1 Line crossing!. over the . Mississippi river.' Slaughter house arid grounds appurtenant, joining Northwestern stock yards In St. Paul. Slaughter house and refrigerator. with grounds., at Minnesota Transfer station. Si. Paul. '/- Also,, plant, ; necessary equipment of teams and other appliances for carrying on business. Also, large stock of articles and prop- erty In ' trade, denominated as merchandise. Full information as to said property and assets, will be furnished, and given at the general office or the com- pany at said Minnesota Transfer station. Terms of Bale, all cash. Dated MayS, 1835. D. M. Robblns, President of Minnesota Transfer Packing Company. ';.:.. -. ;\u25a0- ;•:":•\u25a0„;. \u25a0•'\u25a0\u25a0 _\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 : ; 146-63 . T ADY will sell fine upright piano for half its value. Xi Address F 53, Globe office. IC\d PERCH of Stone cheap. Address Fred, IUU Globe office. :\u25a0.'.-.\u25a0_ \u0084. \u0084:..:.;:: 'THE CORNER Fort and Dousman street; brings X $90 a month now. . Inquire on the premises, up stairs.'. -..:.\u25a0'..- ,' : -' '."-'. s'-"^"-. '\u25a0.."\u25a0'"\u25a0:' :i -.;-v " : ; OO INCH bicycle,' rubber tire, cheap. Inquire at OU/444 Laurel avenue. \u25a0-,__ \u25a0.' " '\u25a0!.. .:...:. ' , FOR Bale cheap, two-burner Star Oil stove, with _ extension* top and . open, good as new. Gall 356 : North Fort street. \u25a0 -;•.:;.. '.' i SHOT gun for sale, breech-loading; | inquire of Churchill, Janitor US Army bnilding, Second and Robert streets. ;\u25a0 . '.-j TENTS, awnings, wagoncovers, for sale cheap . at X J M Rossell &Co., 190 East Fifth street. ' 1 •• L '- \u25a0' .:\u25a0 \u25a0' '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 187-50* ; ;\u25a0 :\u25a0 : ;:, -;.{", FOR SALE, Rent or Exchange Store buildingin ] Sioux Rapids, Iowa; first-class point for business. B, box 710, Mankato, Minn. ' -.' * ' '" : T? OR SALE— ice box, worth $40 for $20, X? made by the St Paul Furniture company. Can be inspected at 139 West .Fifth. J L Mahan, 31 East Thlrd^street. -: .': v .?. ;• T -v ; . 134* ; \u25a0\T7" Purchaser for a No. 1farm, half mile VV from flourishing village, five churches, six schools, society first-class. Box 6, St. Paul, (Capi- tol.) . \u25a0..-\u25a0\u25a0 \u0084 v/ .' \u25a0 :l '\u25a0\u25a0'/'" \u25a0- '\u25a0-. 129* . ..- .-' BUSINESS CHANCES. ' \u25a0 WE have among others the following: Fruit anp cigar stand for $350; three boarding houses from $600 to $1,000; employment office $200; one-half interest in Sanitarium. #l, 000; several saloons > from $600 to $800; cigar* tobacco', milk, bread and. confec- tionery store $600; this place is centrally located and has two livingrooms adjoining, rent only $45. \ List your business chances, with Bentley & Hildebrand, 313^ Jackson street.' ,'\u25a0> ' ;." .!.•'.. . . .. (2» A F\(X— RESTAURANT doing a nice business; a. «sP'rr«vV/ good opportunity to make : money; ; satis- factory reason for selling. We also offer two busi- ness chances for sale, consisting, of confectionery, fruit and cigar stands; one stand jls averaging $12 and upwards daily; moderate, rent. :, \u25a0 Scoville & Bateham, room 27, German- American bank build- ing. •\u25a0.•,\u25a0' ' - -; \u25a0'..';-.; - \u25a0 "IVT ANYyoung men who lacked capital to engage in IVX' business have been assisted by H Rothschild, ' 104 East Third street. ..:- ;:„.;:_: ;' . 151 OFFICE business in Philadelphia; good salary and \J large profits for associate investing 8300, per- fectly secure. Address HK. this office. .' _ l : (2»«)/'V \ WILL purchase confectionery stand, ex- *pAj\J\J cellcnt location; this is worth looking , after. Inquire of J F Dunlap, room 436 Drake block. . .' \u25a0; / 15.1 , \.j. '.', A LUNCH stand with* fixtures, unexpired lease of xi. eighteen n?onths, rent $8 per month? Address M Bergstein, Stillwater, Minn. ' A DRUG store Is wanted at Evansville.'Douglass ix county, Mthh. . ... .; 150-153 d?i) r\C\f\ WORTH of drugs and fixtures, clean «jjw,UUv stock, inventory shown, for $1,000 cash, balance real estate security, or real estate taken for balance if first-class. Address Drugs, this office. ; \u25a0 /•:"\u25a0\u25a0• \u25a0 '' - •'\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 ..'\u25a0.. /'• .'\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 ' ". : WANTED a flrst : class cutter with long - experience, a young man with some capital as partner In merchant tailoring and gents' furnishing goods business. Good location on one of ' the best streets in St. Paul. Rare chance to right ' party. j Address Practical, care this office. ». 150-151.. WANTED— Partner, small | capital . required, as treasurer in traveling entertainment, pays well.> iianager, 226 East Seventh street. -J" . WANTED— Partner with *600 cash to start a new : \u25a0VV: saloon, best stand in the city. Address JS, ; Globe. \u25a0.\u25a0'-\u25a0;..».-..\u25a0, „.: : 1... ...L : :.„:\u25a0 _Ixi .„. \u25a0 FOR SALE A complete outfit for a pop factory, X\ cheap, boxes, bottes, machinery, and wagons, must be sold. Address AO, the Globe. \u25a0 <fi>O f~W^f"\ stock of drugs and fixtures for sale, : >$'&)\J\J\J one-third to one-half ' cash, balance real estate security; easy terms. Address Drugs, this office. \_ , - .. : - -•"\u25a0- \u25a0','. '."\u25a0' FOR sale, the only book store in the best booming town in Southwestern Minnesota; stock, good-' will, and fixtures; «2, 000. Address B, Daily Globe office. : . ;: ':;:''-i :u'i --...: •;.-. ' ; j i _; ; .!., .. 148-54 T?IRST-CLABS . hotel - property, . furnished ; large \u25a0 -IT ' local and transient patronage, in a growing Da-, kota \u25a0 town, with splendid . prospects,- will. trade for . part land or stock. Box 89, Diana, Dak. '.:.''_ \u0084'.!.. '.,--'' FOR sale, restaurant . in good locality; ill health . cause- for selling; 8550. McDowell, 40 East Third street.: ;•' - ' ' - ' : .'•• : ' y \u25a0 FOR SALE country store, with a good estab- .' lished German trade, with or without stock, new town, county seat, a new building. Address Matu- tlna. Daily Globe, St Paul." -'.-' ;=": - \u25a0\u25a0 ;.;'.;. . 'T)ARTNER In the commission business; state : X amount of cash you want to vest.' . Address 0 X, Globe office. % :; ;" \u25a0" ...*"„..\u25a0. ;; i ;,;"ur-:. \u25a0 ; flj»^/^/^ down, balance \u25a0> monthly payments, buys *$>U\J\J the neatest saloon below Jackson street. ' Inquire 349 Wabasha. : ;. ' \u25a0 -' . .'\u25a0-.'. .-v WANTED to sell, fixtures and stock of- confec- \u25a0i tionery at a low rate. Call 'at 705 West Sev- enth street. . '.*•"\u25a0". \u25a0 '\u25a0.".';' '.'.-'\u25a0' \u25a0•...'\u25a0\u25a0' l..-'-.' .''.';. \u25a0 FOR SALE—Restaurant in A 1 locality; has about j Bixty-flve boarders; everything ready to go right in, *SQO. :\u25a0\u25a0 McDowell. 40 East Third street. V. . .- WANTED— A partner with about 9600 in a gro- cery and commission business in a good loca- tion. Bentley & Hildebrand, SI3J4 Jackson street. j FOR SALE or rent; the. Commercial hotel on Sev- enth street, between Jackson and Robert. \u25a0 "Ab- bott & Hail, Third and Robert strcefs. ; 'C '•*.-'\u25a0 \u25a0 FOR SALE—Saloon and boarding ; house, No 848 West Seventh street. •- ' : - : ". :u. ;:"i^ ... v ANTED— Energetic mnn to Invest S3OO and his v services In an ' amusement > enterprise in Min- neapolis for the summer season; profits large. T Palmer, 1317 Harmon place, Minneapolis. : ' j "PARTNER with «.VHH wanted in established busk ' X nes"?; wish to extend the same. Address WH \u25a0 Globe oMci.;'..l;.'-V.-;. : -'.i';;: ? :': '-\u25a0 '- \u25a0' : \u25a0 :'.:'*- ': . il.'r * F" OR RENT— Terra 1 Cbtta* works, v Here \u25a0J. . is the chance to build up the best paying manu- facturing business in the. State. Terra ' cotta is now r used in mdst every building. - Architects ; will tell you so. ' Garden and flower vases; sewer and water pipes, fire and glazed brick, earthern ; ware of every : kind can . bo : made here.; material handy; practical workmen on hand. , Inquire .- of .A. R. . Klefer, 190 East Seventh eat. _ '• , : ' 2-^w? s '^*! T?OR RENT—For manufacturing purposes: " Build- X Ings, shops and grounds, with side track; long lease; low rent. Inquire of A. R. Kief er", ' 180 East Seventh street. ";!; '' :;•;., J ; 95-98 :; ;\. ;:;"•;\u25a0• > '\u25a0 PERSONAL.. -. ./:. _\u25a0:'\u25a0\u25a0-',\u25a0 t - IF Bessie* norrigan" Is In the cityTplease communi- cate with Mrs W H Drake, White Bear. Minn. 151 WANTED— All i smokers who ; love the ! natural ; properties, delicacy,- flavor 5 and' fragrance of pure high grade tobacco, to try "Duke Cigarettes." 1Only pure and choicest -\u25a0 yield, \u25a0 the delight which makes them a universal favorite. - Sold . by Mltchel & Splnk, ' 190 East Fifth.-; ;V . \u0084;.V., ..<\u25a0.:.',; :MJ*:.'", ANY one having knowledge of Peter. A. Stindblad, a Swede, 27 years old, inform me by letter; was last heard of in Boston a year ago; special reason for wanting to know his whereabouts. '.Address Ennle ' Swanson, St. Paul, Minn. : " ; ' ',;.;,** auction^ SALES. '•;.'"\u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0,'*'\u25a0'; v ' /..; '". I*.*T. Kiivaiiair n. ";.I'k: v,'^? .' URNITURE AT AUCTION—fwTLL SELL AT I auction •at i the iiresidence, No. 547 i Wabasha'. street, on Monday.June 1, at 10 a. m., the contents of a T house newly furnished. Tbe furniture in question consists of bedroom sets in ash and black walnut,' one eight-foot dlniiigroonr. table, dining- room chairs, one No. 8 cook ; stove and furniture, one Westminster heating stove, carpets, bed-ding, etc., etc., These goods were only in ur»e for about six weeks, and this sale should bring forth a large attendance. P. T. Auctioneer. 14S-52 ON ACCOUNT of the rain on Saturday the Bale of \J, lots 19 and 20, Nelson avenue, between Louis street and' Farrtngton . avenue, advertised » for Sat- urday last at 2p. m., Is ?postponed, until Saturday, June : 6, " at 2\u25a0\u25a0 p. m. P. v T. Kavanagh, auctioneer. \u25a0\u0084zt :<':/>•\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 ; -^*- '/;.; iv- 15158 \u25a0>;.\u25a0'.:.;;:..: :.^;;'.':-"-';: '"0URNITURE AT AUCTION— I j WILL j SELL AT X auction on Tuesday, June 2, commencing at 10 a. m., nt the residence No. 348 East r Ninth street,, occupied by Mrs.M. J. Doble, all the furniture," con- ; sisting: of one parlor set of six pieces,' Upholstered in black haircloth, several line . bed-room . sets in blacK . walnut, easy rockers, '- dining-room chairs, lounges, ; two black walnut extension tables, wardrobes, car- pets on the floor, silver-plated ware, china ware,'; heating StoVCß.etc. '"Parties iii search of a real good article in furniture would do well to attend this sale. P. T. Kavauugh, auctioneer. '-, -1 .-.' \u25a0\u25a0i^. ;'\u25a0; 151-63 VALUABLE .WEST SIDE PROPERTY ATAUC- \u25a0>:V tiou—l will sell at auction on Monday, .lime 8, jfctjftif -Clock, p.- m., on the premises the whole block, bounded -: by Page, Gales, * Brown ; and , WoodbUry streets, and known 1 as J. J. Ward's' Subdivision of block 42, Brown A Jackson's addition to St. Paul. \u25a0" The property Jin question 1 embraces 124 good- sized ' lots and is most conveniently located ( near the pro-'-' posed "West Bide depot of the Minnesota &' North- western and the Minneapolis * St. Louis railroad*. The advance in "West Side . property has .been 'sharp, ' . but reasonably j so, ana even to-day 'is cheaper pro-;- portionately I than any property similarly situated in any city of the United States.' : With the completion of the Robert street bridge, the erection of the pro- \u25a0posed upper bridge and the construction of a second railroad bridge at State Istreet and possibly : a road bridge in lower town, property on the West Side will treble in value before the expiration of . five yean. Terms , made known ; hereafter. tP. T. Kavanagh, auctioneer. ."\u25a0-.-.. :'. ',';,.? ,'.\u25a0".; 151-52 ,7 . . Joseph Rothschild. . :\u25a0.::' .:. ' > : HORSES, mules, buggies,. wagons, at auction; fif- XXteen head of work horses, seven head of driving .horses,' six head of mules, five leather-top ( buggies, two phaeton-top buggies, three single horse , wagons, and several farm wagons, will be sold at public auc- tion Thursday morning, June 4, at 10 o'clock, on the vacant lot on Fourth j street opposite the Davidson Union block, between Minnesota and Cedar streets. Farmer^, contractors, dealers, or those In "search of i a bargain will find it to their interest . to attend this sale; don't forget the day, time and place. For further information' before day of sale ; address Joseph Rothschild, commission auctioneer, :' 27 West Third street. . C J Meilicke, salesman. . ' \u25a0[ IS 1-152' FURNITURE at auction Saturday morning at 10 X\- o'clock on St.- Peter street, corner Of Third. Joseph Rothschild, auctioneer, office 27 West Third. : \u25a0\u25a0.-\u25a0 ' ,'•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0• -\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'. 131. '-.-;\u25a0 '.--- ''\u25a0\u25a0;..\u25a0 .'! T^URNITURE by auction sale -[ at residence a spe- X, cialty. Money advanced on / consignments to parties leaving the city before the day of Joseph Rothschild, auction and commission, office 2? West Third street. •; ... •/•;• rd ! -O.V : \u25a0- '•'.\u25a0 131 : - Falrchild ifc Son. 6) A BEAUTIFUL LOTS NEAR MERRIAM /v* Park at auction. H. S. Fairchild & ' Son, real estate agents and auctioneers, corner Fourth and Jackson streets, will sell at auction 24 beau- tiful lots in Lovering's addition to - Union I Park, at 4p. m., on the ground, Saturday, June - 6.' These lots are near Merriam Park and next east of Union Park, only a short walk from the station, accessible every hour of the day. by fail \u25a0 from 9t. Paul and Minneapolis, in,, a district improving more rapidly than any other district In either city. The . population and tne Character* of the improvements in this interttrban territory: is \ ex- ceptionally good. It is now universally conceded that a city between the . cities .is' to* be, rapidly built up. If ' you have not been at Merriam Park, Union Park and<Lovei'ing Park for 8 months you willbe astonished at j the change. Terms one- third cash, balance 1 and 2 years. Go '.. to ,- union depot and take the 3 p. id. train for Merriam Park and look around it until 4. ; H. '8. Fairchild & Son, real estate agents and auctioneers, corner Fourth and Jackson streets. ', " } \u25a0 J ».___;; 151-66 r ; T Joseph E. Osborn. : THE St. Paul Rifle Parkat Auction— The property known as the St. Paul Rifle ' park,- consisting of eighteen acres and a fraction of land, With buildings, situated In the Fifth ward, south of the Plow works, I- .will be sold at auction on the > premises, to the high- est bidder, without reserve, on Tuesday, June 2, 1885, at 3 o'clock p. m. Terms are one-third cash, balance one and two years, with 8 per. cent. Interest per annum. Joseph E dsborti,' auctioneer. For particulars see Scandia Agency company, corner Seventh and Sibley streets. \u0084,: , ;\u25a0>; ' : .-: ;. Mil'} : ; : \u25a0;;;-. '\u25a0 -^ Burke A Co. ; ;.;;\u25a0. •\u25a0; v ;:£. ; A UCTION sale of carriages) buggies, horses, har- Jlx. nesses and sleighs; nine second-hand landaus, some of them as good as new; '\u25a0 twelve head horses; twelve set. harness, besides , a number of open and top buggies and sleighs. . At the.same time thyframe stable will also be sold at auction. ' This auction will take place at my old. stable, 111 Sibley street, at 10 » mon Tuesday, June 9. Terms -cash or security. Burke &Co, .... r .l. :u I- \u25a0--'-''. 147-153 : ' '. :.. •.\u25a0\u25a0_--..."' : FINANCIAL.. -,:.. v . - : . '•; MONETioaned on furniture and all personal prop- ifX efty.bfvaiue without removal, publicity or de- lay, in sums and time to salt; . H Rothschild* broker, 104 East Third street. » Office; open Monday, Wednes- day and Saturday evenings, t:80 to 4. j. ,..:.; :.:.151..- - cent, money to loant n sums of $5,000 : and upwards on - first-class « improved city ; property. Graves & Vinton.Bol Drake block. , :x _ •> 149-209 :\ FINANCIAL— 1,500,000. daily production} . May IRSS---800 times as many as In .the same' month two year 8 ago. g Can any stronger proof hi '\u25a0 (riven of the verdict of the masses for Duke Cigarettes. They are the very best made and the | greatest success 1 ever known. Sold by W. S. Denfiis, Gilflllan Block. \u25a0 '\u0084:.-, \u0084.;..-:: \u25a0 -,147*;; X ,;-. ; : - \.u\. ; : ? DO YOU need money? . Borrow on ybur furniture, pianos, horses, wagons and other valuable ar- ticles; property not removed. ;-; Deming ; & Co, 802 'Jackson street. .... . ; ,_.. A '._ ...-•,. „..,..- -j 123-55 ffiji on first-class Woodland park property i^I^JUKJ wanted. Address GB, G10be..,. -*\u0084 j (Jjj/X AA TO 430,000 loaned, at -lowest rates, on f^U\J\J' first-class real estate L security.. in .Bt. ; Paul \u25a0 and vicinity. ;. No delay. . E S Chitteiideh, Room 6. First National bank building.' -. . .. . \ . ' <Bil f)t\ Ann i HAVE 1100,800 placed with me ts>l\JyJi\J\JU by Eastern parties which I can loan on improved St Paul j real estate in sums of any amount from *1,000 up to $25,000, on very favorable terms. S«* Stokes, brokerage and insurance. No 157 East Fourth street. .:.yi' r> a< 2ljJgl^fii; ' iv, 122* LOANS on Life Ins. Policies, L. P. Van Norman, ; No. 245. Ist Aye. S., Minneapolis. s v j ' : ; :'' xioST AND FOUND. I : I OST— Black silk Umbrella, marked, also a lady's blue locket. Return to F LBayard, 276 Jackson street, and get reward. .. - - % ;y. .^ \u25a0 _ . LOST or stolen, one gray mare, ., weight 900 lbs, 9 years old, with a scar on the breast. ;_.^ \ ; . , \u25a0'_ " LOST Gray mare, weight 900 lbs., 9 years ; old: finder willbe rewarded by ( returning .to Richard McCarrickor Wallace &Forest. ;..\u25a0'.,.'•.••,• '.'• , t _ .: ! LOST in Sixth Ward, one bay pony . (ihfif kj, twelve I l years old, blind on right side, reward for informa- tion. Address AM, Globe office. . .:, . ' HP AKEN UP by P : Ztinlsn. * one Span of . dark bay -L horses, weight about 1,050, one has white face. Call on - the j above, :at Shellirig » avenue, Hamlin'e, Ramsey county, Minn. t ...' Vi ;. , .- . LOST delivery book of Jacob Ries, Star bottling works. Please return to lot) West Third street. J F Brusgernann. : . '"• •';;.•; ' FOUND— A gold ring; owner can get It by applying 293 Duke street. •,-• > : - •;\u25a0'..-.' .' . .' . LOST A brown pointer dog, two years old. j Ad-" ; dress on collar. Ajty person returning him to 514 Ashland avenue will receive reward. ,; H S Sibley. LOST By o'd smokers, a taste for. the ordinary cigars. , The purest, sweetest and best short' snioSe in the world is found in "DUke Cigarettes."; They are pure, mild and \u25a0 sweet, yielding j only the dainty delicacy which has made pure choice tobacco a world's favorite. Sold by Mitchell & Splnk. 147*. LOST— A brown heifer, about four years old. finder will be rewarded by returning 10 Mrs. Murphy, 444 Cedar street. '. " .;',.-..•,.„,-. FOUND— Twenty dollars in gold, lying near an JD empty package of Duke Cigarettes, .which are golden in quality, delicacy, flavor, purity, etc. \u25a0 Sold by Aug. Beck & Co., Fifth & Robert. -; . ' : 147* ' FOUND— dealer who does riot procure "Duke " Cigarettes? for his patrons is open to the sus- picion .of not studying their interest. The cost of, manufacture of the Duke fs as great as that of shy. - other. \u25a0 They are hand-midc. by ' skilled workmen, from the choices:; anil Highest cost tobacco In Amer- ica, and French rice paper treated to : remove every .impurity. i They are absolutely the purest, sweetest i and best, cigarette that, ran be produced and sold at fair prices, which afford all a fair but not exorbi- tant profit. . Sold by W. S. Dehrils, Gllrillnn block. , 147* '-;•-- HORSES, CARRIAGES, WANTED— A /second-hand double 'harness for .' ; iW carriage Use; also a second-hand carriage pole. :A/Idreß9 by mall, stating price and where to at * een, i Alfred H Stees. 155 Virginia avenue. :,' ' . 151 ; , ' '«»•- L i _ 1 : HORSES FOR SALE— A. matched span of SjJr- man ponies, perfectly trained. Very hnndsome, I for sale by George W Martin, 414' Jackson " sired; also a delivery. wagon, arid one large family hnr«o : and carriage. ;.'•'.•\u25a0 •;\u25a0•'•',' \u25a0..;.;.^^ \u25a0~:;..;\"\:::t- . ISI-152 >;) A BARGAIN In a three-spring "• top '''' phac'on, j Quinby &Haliowell make, •> and 'good ' as f new. Call at 134 East Third street. . '-V-.-. .-;\u25a0'\u25a0-.; v OOD work horse (mare'),, weight ,: 1,200. riro\vn, for btrfgyor carpenter work; 4558 Nicoilet £ ave- nue, Minneapolis, Jean Monsseau. \u25a0'\u25a0^..\u25a0'.:'i'A :;.? FOR SALE— At a bargain,'. a fine ' young carriage JC . horse,' can travel inside 3 minutes. perfectly safe and sound, also harriers and buggy, - J . must be sacri- ficed. :. Room 1. Presley block. -. '\u25a0 \* -.;';';' ?"?;K- ? : .' - : -;.: -: : L. \u25a0; BOARDING WANTED. ;:; , BOARDING Wanted— A young man wants board ;Sj In a private family In exchange for French les- sons or bookkeeping at night.' : NP. this office. : WANTED few day boarders ;43 East Eleventh^ } corner Cedar.' ' ; .. ' .';; ;.'/;r;'i~LV :-*V.7.'- : Y '; BY man, wife F and j child, unfurnished % room j and board in West St. Paul; private family. Ad- dress P, Globe office, j^ //(-'\u25a0 : ;; ;\u25a0 MAN from Philadelphia wants room and board in a private family where he o*tt have home com- forts.' Address M. F.. Globe Office. :'\u25a0':"•'..?, j '\u25a0 : '"r:r MISCELLANEOUS., \u25a0"\u25a0•'\u25a0:• : " : ; HEREBY warn all pawnbrokers arid second-hand v^ ' dealers -: not to i purchase >. an : army saddle - : and bridle stolen \ from my l bfcVh ' the 29th instant. •' J H Butterfleld. "...:.-\u25a0';• .>\u25a0"\u25a0.;.•'..\u25a0 •/•.", "'\u25a0' .""ri ••\u25a0 *.-h : " - /ipHERB- will be a meeting of the Grocers' union In i X Druids' hall, corner ,of '. Seventh ; and . Jackson streets, on Friday evening, June 5, at 8 o'clock. \u25a0» WANTED— To borrow *1.000 :on' an eight-room, -y Yi. house, granary and eighty acres of land, near ; a good town en Manitoba railroad; ' buildings are in- snred for 8900.. :l) c, Globe. '': \y-; | 151-152 vi'v; TVTOTICE— There will <be i a special" meeting 'of ' 11 Eureka Lodge No 9, A O UW, at .'Weld's hall, corner Bradley and % Seventh streets, ;on Tuesday evening, June 2, at 8p m. By order of M W, Allen Swain, recorder. - ;\u25a0'. -..:/, v ;. \u25a0•• - ; v" \u25a0' '-\u25a0 \u0084; •\u25a0 ;j - HPHE ladles of Christ Church Aid society will hold X a , strawberry ; festival and. ; sale of useful and fancy articles at the church guildrooms on Fourth ' street, near Franklin, this week, commencing June 2. at 6 pm, and continuing through Wednesday until 6pm; no admission fee; : a general attendance is ' hoped for.-- ;; •• ' \u25a0 ; \u25a0\u25a0;;•- -\u25a0 -• \u25a0•••\u25a0;' \u25a0 WANTED Young man to assist in managing .»».• amateur dramatic society; ladies and gentle- men wishing to become members ' address, N G, this office. . "ITr ANTED—The addresses of all members of the , VV.; dramatic and operatic profession In St Paul, Minneapolis and vicinity. TPalmer, care Crocker rink, Minneapolis. •>,:.. . '.'. : "\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0' '•',:.,'.>:.; \u0084'\u25a0>, *P%1 ()()f\ or * 2 ' ooo for the unmarried, '.. at mar- '. t{}7l jUUUriage, »1,000 in five years, .«2,000 inten years, for the married; agents '.wanted everywhere. Address Union Endowment association, 430 Wabasha street,. St. Paul. .\u0084, . \u25a0;\u25a0;..,,-; " , 150-151 MRS Hoenlger has removed . from West Third . Street to corner of Seventh and Exchange. :..:-;. FOR SALE—Dally production in May, 1883, 25,000; daily production May. 1885; 1,500,000.. This gives some idea of the sale and . growth in public favor of "Duke > Cigarettes," absolutely the highest grade money can produce, and sold at a fair price, has been the cause of this immense sale. Sold by W. S. Dennis, Gilflllan block. .-.• - ~ -.. ~— r - . 147* ETROPOLITAN band , and orchestra. Leave orders at 482 Wabasha street. \u25a0• t - ; -^j .-. 147-207 USE OF HORSE and buggy during summer, for the keeping. Apply Northern Pacific ear office. W "ANTED—Gentleman room-mate in a pleasant, central location ; references exchanged. ' KB G, care of Globe. ..,; :..;„,.;: WANT to ' adopt a healthy female baby, sor -months' old. Address W. H. A., Globe. DESK-ROOM in large front office on second floor, Inquire or address No. 5 Davidson block. .'r; J'">,' WANTED— Everyone to call or telephone. to J M . VV,i Cooley, in rear of 568 . Broadway, for all kinds of I carpenter work—screen j doors and - windows a specialty... 'y ;,. \u25a0';:.'• '\u25a0•\u25a0'\u25a0. "\u25a0-.',.\u25a0 "-. . ... 127* STOVES stored away for the season, called for and put up again in the fall. Call or address Joseph Haag, 309 West Seventh street. 7-: . ; _;': \u25a0• ..:-. 102 - WANTED TO BUY. I WANT to purchase a second-hand office desk; " ' please describe and give price. Address JD, this office. : V - V-r:i;t^--i£i_:J.f --. -' 151 I \\T ANTED— One second-hand engine- lathe, with VV screw " cutting attachment. Address H C Loomis, Volga, Dak. . :'.« -; 1 \u0084*.; \u25a0''\u25a0\u25a0 J ANTED— shares National German-Amer- ican bank" stock. S S Stokes, broker, No 157 East Fourth street, under First National bank. , : I WANT to purchase a good second-hand office desk; please describe and give price. Address J D. Globe office. .;.,.\u25a0 ;•;• -. ; -. \u25a0\u25a0_ . .j. . npo BUY a second-hand camera. L, care Globe. [ TTOUSS and lot wanted on monthly payments, west XX of Rice street; real estate agents need not \u25a0 ap- ply. Address TJ T, Globe. . .1 -^ WANTED— To buy second hand furniture. Ad- ; dress R Casey, 456 Robert street. \u25a0/_._. WANTED to buy, a small, second-hand safe. W E MagraW city circulator, The Globe. ~" . ,'. W' ANTED to buy— for cash. vR F Leask & VV Co., 132 East Third street. . ~ ••.-• ' . 126* , TVANTED TOBEK'L : . ; \u25a0"\T7" ANTED furnished room or suite of .rooms VVV centrally located, references exchanged. Ad- dress MA, Globe. - ' ;•• \u25a0 ' WANTED— To rent, a tier of shelving, two show oases and a twelve-foot counter. Address B 21, Globe. t .:-„.\u25a0.:.'\u25a0;.;-;'\u25a0.\u25a0'-•\u25a0.";\u25a0•. •\u25a0';; - "117"ANTED to rent, a small store in good location ; w V.- for cigar business, or part of a store at moder- ate rent. "Address JW B, care Globe. ..,.,;., - WANTED— To rent furnished ,or unfurnished , rooms ; and barn, 525 Burr street. , , vj» T^URNISHED room by two young ladies in ' private X: family, terms about $9. , Address] C \u25a0 A, tare .Globe. '...._ s ,"-"i. \u25a0,..\u25a0;,"• \u25a0\u0084.;'.'\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0.'.'. \u25a0'-' FURNISHED room wanted by "a young man with best of reference)?, on Summit avenue or adja- cent thereto: Address"box 2436, city. *.->•'-•-- MINNEAPOLIS WANTS. ' : . ' - X SITUATIONS OFFERED. \u25a0 '_. 1 1RL for general .housework in small family; no . VX children; 2'2(JO Fourth avenue south'. ' A First-class barber is wanted M Trunk & GUgpr- xx ick's shop, corner - Nicoilet avenue and Third street. \'j- ' : : j^:] ..{..l, .:_.!. . . ".i"'S' : OFFICE man, #75 per mouth. .Apply, after 9 o'clock, J H Whiteley & Co, 27 Washington ave- nue south. .".: \u25a0-:'\u25a0; : . \u25a0.-,•\u25a0.''•...\u25a0..•." - / SITUATIONS WANTED. SITUATION as bookkeeper or clerk wanted by a well experienced Scandinavian who ' speaks four different languages. Address Hoist, 1215 Washing- ton avenue soutii. \u25a0 t V ' ". SiTUATION wanted as nurse, by a man who has O had both private and . hospital experience,' Ad- - dress Max.Blederirian, 730 Washington avenue north. _ TO do writingor assisting in office by young lady ' -of 'experience., Address P. O box 98, Minneapolis. AS office clerk by an experienced lady. - Address ; A E 9, Globe. <pi- .-._...;. ..-.:^ '\u25a0; .:. . BY a young man. situation wanted to take "care of , horses, driVe, do chores, 1 etc. C E B, Globe of- . floe._ -^ ; '.. ,-.;,•-, 'j \u25a0 BY a young lady, situation wanted as waiter in a boarding house. Address EW S, Globe office. TJX a man who thoroughly understands the'eare of XJ orses, situation "wanted in livery', or street car stables of to drive team. HA, this office. - BY a first-class practical machinist, position as . foreman. WH W, Globe office. •-. . \u25a0 \u25a0•';--,\u25a0 SITUATION in wholesale grocery; thoroughly ac- quainted with the business: best of references. Address JA, care Globe. - ; \u25a0 \u25a0 ..,..-. < . SITUATION : as engineer, high or low pressure, on k3 lake or stationary, by experienced man holding chief's license. . Address WH. Globe office. : REAL, ESTATE. LL CASH—»3,OOO. to »3.500 for eight-roomed house and lot. .Address Alfred Edwards, police headquarters, ..['' \u25a0'\u25a0 ' > .\u25a0•\u25a0 FOR SALE—4O, 80 or 160 acres between the twin ; cities •at low figures' arid easy terms. \u25a0 Games, Magoon & Co.; 125 Nicoilet avenue. \u25a0 "1 , r"IORNfeR lot on Grand avenue at nbout two-thircU \y its actual value. Address PJ H, Globe office, ':' T' OTB m 811 p*rts of the city, to exchange for farm- X-i or wild lands. Robinson Bros'-. btilldirt? \u25a0 MISCELiIjASrEOtJS. -'..' '-\u0084-.\u25a0 SAFE, counter, show case, etc. Inquire at 55 Boston .block- . \u25a0 .;;.;. .\u25a01;..;. , ANTED— A good second-hand butcher's coun- ter scale. Address Cl, Globe. .-- ' A LADY wishes a gentleman with small capital to , accept the management of a light, eaSy, profit- \u25a0 able business. Address VA, Globe office. *, ;., .-- - . FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, very cheap, . for one or two gentlemen; 255 Eighth." avenue north. THREE : furnished roomS with first-clnst tsbl.-; X' terms very reason 610 Henneplil avruue. ~ pi F/STLftMAN wltli small capital to accept »>art- 1 vT r.erslilp and ttiansgemeut of business uiicqnalea In the West. ;. Address V A. Globe office. . \u25a0 ' ; "'":" : BUaiyEa9~ditAV6ES; ;; ;.'• - : V WANTED— A man of means to fake partnership I with hie In ' lutrodiicln.',' an article in •_: the i mar- v '• ' . ket which willpay 25 to 50 per cent, on the invest- ment. Call at 21(tS Seventeenth avenue south. ;., \u25a0'•\u25a0_[ TMPORTANT announcement to householder's, busi- \u25a0 A ness men, 1 official assignees, . the public generally, and the citizens In j Minneapolis iii •\u25a0 paHictriir* We ' \u25a0 ' ' - beg to inform you that we have lcasoil the premises. ' No 202 Nicoilet avenue (bridge. square)) ; whera. t we will conduct a re«! estate, 'autlohcerlng and general " commission business. Our large and 'varied exper- ience ;•! tlie?o lints for nearly twenty -years", should be a guaranty 11s to our ability, and we hope by strict attention to business and honorable :. dealing with ail who Mi ay favor its with their business .to. merit v liberal share of your pntronage. Our motto will bo ever "quick sales and immediate. returns." By kind pcrii'.is.aion we take"' pleasure in referring you to th« following Kentltjuch as to our ability-' and integrity: Gen L Rossie*. Eton W S King, D A McArthur, Ksq, Journal, X A Caiiipbcil, ,E»«1> - attorney -at law. . Give Us a trial and judge for yourselves. ; T'P. Mur- \u25a0 ray & Co; auctioneer; real estate agents. ,; : ; .'— ~ . . FOR SALE.,- '. : .'.'- r HUNTER'S \u25a0;\u25a0 ; ' ,'- '' Great Medical Hot Springs ]^ Is on the main lino of the N. P. It., Spring- akle' station; twenty miles east of Livingston, . \u25a0 the gateway. tbHho eat National Park ; fend ; the prosit Health R»*ni't of the Northwest. '- S3 This valmible property; is now for sale with \i * 160 acres of goocj land, government title, to- >, gether "with a hotel. 25 rooms; pantry,' kitchen ''.--a ami Well' furnished."" three bath houses, nil in fS-ood order. ; i'.will ytv terms on sale. ', I will griv^tt Immediate possession. . Ccrrespoud- invited. A. J. HUNTER, M. D., Hunter's -.. ' Jiot Spi!u£S, Moutui..:, counter, :STLKMA!« r.eißlilp aiidi

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Page 1:€¦ · THE ST. PATTL DAILYGLOBE. SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 31, 1885. —SIXTEEN PAGES. 71 THE GLOBE WANT COLUMNS. Among the ''Wants"he placed his "ad.," Morehelp



Among the ''Wants" he placed his "ad.,"More help he sadly needed, \u25a0

The answers came tillhe got mad—'. His business they impeded. ]

- SITUATIONS OFFERED.\u25a0*•\u25a0»"


WASTED— Agents in every county and town-ship in the Northwest; something entirely new,

fastest selling article of the age; over one hundredthousand already sold through the East. Call orsend your address with 25 cents in stamps for sam-ple. U S Art Co, 83 East Fourth street, St Paul. 151

WANTED—Agents In city and country; fastestselling article of theatre: something entirely

new. Call after 9 o'clock Monday evening, atss

East Fourth street, St Paul. Minn. 161 _WASTED— First class blacksmith, competent to

do heavy and light hlacksmithing, must befirst-class in every respect. Schurtneler' \\ agon Co.

WANTED— immediate engagement, two

men of good address, must be sober and wellrecommended; permanent positions to suitable men.Collier, 5" Davidson block. \u25a0' \u25a0 . '__

A GOOD pastry cook. Applyat Hotel Astoria.

WANTED— good candy and ice cream maker.Call at Warden's, 388 Wabasha street.

WANTED—Men out of Work, needing money, toborrow on household good* and other articles

ofvalue . R Demlng & Co, 362 Jackson street. . :

\u25a0\7OtrKG man with $100 to travel with a journalist

1 on a lecturing tour; good pay. Address H X,this office. . •-. -HELP "WANTED—A laboring man who is well ac-

quainted in city: call Monday before 10 a m.Anderson. 203 South Franklin street. . :.- /

WANTED—Tworeliable men of steady habits\Y and well ' recommended, positions permanent

»nd lucrative. Applyat room 25. Union block. -.'\u25a0>'

WANTED— who speaks German, stateW salary expected. Address Lock-box 55, Gro-

ton. Dak. , . . ' •.'•••.:

WANTED—Canvassers wanted, ' good salary.Century piano and Organ company. 65 > East

Third street, St Paul. ... 150-130. :

WANTED—An instructor on the pipe organ, stateterms, which must be cheap. S HI, this

office. '.-. ' - "\u25a0; '.j : , - .' '.'.' ' ':'-•'\u25a0 .IT7"ANTED— experienced French and GermanW canvassers, no need of being out of employ-

ment, or out of money. Room 4, 63 East Third. -, ;

WANTED—A good • clothing -salesman, J mustspeak German; 213 "West Third. ;'- . • ,: -

WANTED—Young man as clerk in a ticket office,must speak English and German Apply at

185 Sibley street, St Paul. • \u25a0'• --'?. -••'--y."-.' 1

tVoOKKEEPER understanding commission busi-J3 ness; one who speaks German preferred. Ad-.dress A. this office. ' ..'y

ANTED—TwcTflrst-class tailors, one coat andVV one pantaloon maker, at Dentlnger, & Hauge,

Hankato, Minn. ,j. . ......" .". -'\u25a0 '--'-'* ', '. .T"WOreliable .men of steady habits and well recom-J- mended; positions permanent and lucrative.

Collier, 57 Davidson block. ..' , - . _ ,.> . :., -- -:/COMPETENT man as foreman on carpenter workV/ desires a situation; good reference. J L ;G, thisoffice. ;\u25a0 \u25a0 .- .- -..:.'\u25a0'•\u25a0

_ -vCA . . "\u25a0' .'\u25a0•'-;..

WANTED—Afirst-class baker, at J C Horrigan's,\ ¥ 638 Mississippi street. Must be first-class. t_

ONE first-class painter and grainer wanted. Ad-dress box 634, Mankato, Minn. \u25a0 ' "" " ' "pg-

rANTED-Bookkeeper and salesman who en-joy a short smoke to try "Duke Cigarettes."

They are absolutely pure, mild and sweet, and thevery best that can be ' produced, regardless of cost.Bold by "W. S. Dennis, Gilflllan Block. -147*

WANTED—Any number of well-educated young, men of refined and discriminating taste, to

try "Duke Cigarettes." They contain onlythe nat-

nral properties, flavor and fragrance of the choicesttobacco In the world. Sold by Aug. Beck &Co..corner Fifth and Robert. 147*

WANTED— boy, apply at room 11 Mann-heimer block on Friday, between 11 and 12

o'clock, and at no other time. R"W Johnson.

WANTED—First-class cabinet maker. Tenney&Kessler, 128 Dakota avenue. "West St Paul.

CARPENTERS wanted corner Iglehart and "West-VAcrn avenue. J J McGeehan. \u25a0 •_..

SEVEN salesmen at the Singer Sewing Machineoffice, 27 East Third street. --•- " : ;"'.;.: " v:'"•

WfANTED—An experienced canvasser for pianos\V and organs to work on "commission. Address

box 1167. Duluth, Minn. _-. .....

W"~ ANTED— Teh 'experienced solicitors for VBBS. Applyroom 4, 6:4 East Third Btreet.

FIRST-class gents', furnishing salesman wanted-one who has an acquaintance in the city. Ad

dress D M. care Globe. ' .ANTED—Young man from 14 to 2C. who talks I

\Y German, at saloon on East Third and Maple i

streets. - ' . . .

WANTED—A few good strippers. John HartcUrar factory, 594 Stillwater street. -

A GOOD blacksmith, one not afraid of work, canfind a place with C J Depue. Olivia, Minn.

"ITTANTED—Driver at Kent's Package delivery.

WANTED— assistant baker. Inquire 436VV Jackson street. ' ' . ." ' '."

WANTED at once— experienced mantel andtile setters. Apply to Skidmore & Gannett,

173 "West Third street. '\u25a0 . '

USB 63 East Third; big inducements togood man. Write or call. .' -.

TniP.ST-CLASS coat and pants makers wanted im-i; mediately. Address T O Maring, Northfleld,Minn. . '- . :~\\T ANTED carpenter with small family to rent aVV house and pay rent In work. Apply to TB

Botners, city market house. -.\XTANTED— to learn telegraphy. Ex-W penses partly earned while learning. Globe

Telegraph Co., 336 Jackson street, St. Paul, Minn.140-51 - : ' , .


T AUNDRY girlwanted at the Windsor.

COOKS, laundresses; general housework, for LakeMinnetonka; dining-room work, cooking, second

and general housework, in and out of city; wages

from 88 to »25. Employment Agency, 317 Wabasha.151-158 ' .

GIRLwanted for general housework at Dr Flagg's,vT 893 East Ninth street. • .

WANTED—Two;dining-room girls, one secondcook (Irish preferred;) " 196 East Seventh, I

Achilles. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0

WANTED—A woman cook at 448 Jackson street;wages $5 per week and room.

\u0084 . . .;,

AFIRST-class seamstress; call at once, 172 Rondostreet. . . _ . : '. ,

WANTED—Ladles in need of temporary assist-ance, to borrow on pianos, organs or any other

articles of value. R Deming & Co, 362 Jacksonitreet. \u25a0".''.. ' • \u25a0. •' -f~\ IRLS ofevery nationality to work in small fam-Lr Hies, corner Sixth and Minnesota. Mrs Schnell.

\TJ Competent German girl for generalW, good place, good wages; 534 Snm-jnlt avenue. \u25a0 .*.-.... . . .." \u25a0-. \u25a0 . .. ', -WANTED—An apprentice for dressmaking. Ap-

Wl ply Mrs M A Gllnes. . 279 West Seventh street.

WANTED— Agood girlfor general house work.. VV German preferred; at 747 Edgerton street.EastSt Pau1. ...... \u25a0:\u25a0- /' ...;\u25a0;;\u25a0: \u25a0 : \ :_. . \ 1 '\u25a0 '\u25a0

WANTED—Ladies and gentlemen in city or'country wishing to earn $3 to 15 a day at their

»wn homes, no canvassing, work furnished and sentoy mail any distance. For particulars address, withitamp. Crystallized Photo Co, -53 West SeventhItreet, Cincinnati, O. . . 150-151 *

ANTED—Awoman to taks Care of children andkeep house, one who wants a home; 878

Parquier street.

WANTED—A girl for general housework; 610West Seventh street. - —-;••.-.'."

WANTED—One first-class dressmaker, also twoapprentices, at 248 West Third street. * j

fTTANtED—A sewing girlat 29 West Fifth street,

A GOOD for general house work; 188 East. j..A Tenth Btreet; apply this forenoon. . :

rp WO experienced girls wanted In Windsor hotelX laundry. | .<.:.:-'' .. , !

WANTED—A pood .girlfor" general housework.Mrs nice, 415 Holly avenue.

"TTrANTED—A kitchen girl;No 12 East SeventhVV.street. . •\u25a0

kitchen girl;No 12 Eaat Seventhstreet.

A TIDY, willinggirl wanted for general house-,work at 547 Laurel avenue. -'

A; GOOD cook. - Apply to 204 West Third streetScandinavian preferred. .

TT7"ANTED—Alady compositor to work on weekly :• VV \u25a0 paper, permanent situation if agreeable. | Ad-dress Otter Tall Co. Farmer. Fergus Falls,- Minn. '

\u25a0 -;\u25a0;..;;.:\u25a0\u25a0;.:.. 143-54 ,;;.:;; ;. ;::'\u25a0 ;;..;..-

WANTED—Experienced hands for dressmaking,at Dickinson's department store. __H..

A GIRL to do housework. Call at 307 Olmstedstreet." ..-....- - 'r: '\u25a0•'- .' "•". " ;:"'.':'\u25a0.',.'•'\u25a0 "•-

--":--~; I' : \u25a0" INSTRUCTION.: |

"TroUNG' man. 19, with good, references, desires• JL place Infamily where *.there are young \ lltdts as

their tutor and attendant: r. Address' IV I*;this office.

SINGING, elocution ana*; piano by lady teacher

from New York College d'Opera ;tprme very low. •Address Savilla, Globe office. •- <\'\ ' '

Among the ''Wants" he placed his "ad.," He shot his door and made Itfast,More help he sadly needed, \u25a0 And read until his eyes grew dim; •

The answers came tillhe got mad — Bnt letters came until at lastHis business they impeded. They completely paralyzed him.


Male. .':

\u25a0\u25a0•~~ Male.

i-NTTFn—Aleuts in every county and town- STENOGRAPHER and typewriter wants position.•taSTac^o^wlst; soLethlnfenUrely new °^'$*9<***«™*-mod «ate salary. Address

fastest selling article of the age; over one hundred tr .' tnis omce.

thousand already sold through the East. Call or ANTED—Situation in hotel by a young man ofsend your address with 25 cents in stamps for sain- *V several years' experience In Buffalo and Lock-pie. U S ArtCo, 83 East Fourth street, bt Paul, m porti begt of references. Address W. F 8, . 35?

WANTED-Agents In city and country; , fastest Franklin street.selling article of the a?e ; something entiiely . LADYof experience and ability would like a

new. Call after 9 o'clock Monday evening, at 83 position as manager in any department in aEast Fourth street, St Paul. Minn. 'ol hotel or would take the entire charge Ifdesired ; age

WANTED—First class blacksmith, competent to 82. Address for three days A F.Globc office,Mlnne-do heavy and light blaeksmithing, must be apolis. _ \u25a0 _ _


first-class in every respect. Schurmeier* T\ agon Co. SITUATIONwanted by man and wife who unaer-

w^mS^ra s i«ssr"' w-trot-"-

recommended; permanent positions to suitable men. * ST PAUL ralnter deslrea to liveIn the countryCollier, 57 Davidson block. " XXduring the summer: would correspond with

AGOOD pastry cook. Applyat Hotel Astoria. country painters wanting assistance. Address ° Vj^»«« „ j «ard, Clarendon hotel. St Paul.

ANTED A good candy and ice cream maker. A- YOUNG man, sober, wants a good place in aCall at Warden's, 3SB Wabasha street. £ -£*-Private family to drive and take care of horses.

! . : -— —\u25a0 ; — Address JG H, this office. •' ...-\u25a0."\u25a0:-':

WANTED—Men out of work, needing money, to —-— <NT> ," .borrow on household good* and other articles A THOROUGHLY practical bookkeeper is de-

of value R Deming & Co, 362 Jackson street. 1 : -t*-slrOus of making change; reference to present_—_—: _» ;— —: — employer; moderate salary. Address Jones, this

"YOUNG man with $100 to travel with a journalist officeJL on a lecturing tour; good pay. Address HK, . _ : z— _.

this office. , \u25a0'..•-.'• T^ private family to do chores and ' handle horses »__ :. i—. . \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 — ' - X city references given. Answer day or Monday

HELP WANTED—A laboring man who is well ac- forenoon, MS, this office,quainted in city; call Monday before 10 am. :

_ _" '' " :

Anderson. 203 South Franklin street. :, , T>V young man of-experience, position as salesman

IT/ANTED-Tworeliable men of steady habits 2er?ncch^H%f M^Wa^h^treet t"de;

-^VV and well' recommended, positions permanent reference. , Fii M, 684 Wabasha street.

and lucrative. Applyat room 25, Union block. I SITUATION wanted as coachman, understands the

\T^ANTED—Druggist, who speaks German, state '^?are °* horses nd careful driver, good reference.W lalary expected. Address Lock-box 55, Gro- Address EG T, this office. . • , ;'.".

ton. Dak. .. . . . .... \u25a0• . - \\TANTED—By an experienced German bar-

Wavtfd— wanted good salary.'

" keeper with small family, a Job in saloon,ACent^araXW"n ntco

dmpan^"Ht Z^^^"^^^ With the *"Third street, St Paul. . \u25a01-. , 150-180 j man. Box 245, Delano, Minn. ..... .-., • ,

Wi__ :—: : ~T—T „ ..... p'MPLOYMENT of any kind wanted where there Is

ANTED-Aninstructor on the pipe organ, ante & chance to work up Vages . no object. Addressterms, which must be cheap. S HL, this .V WG, 355 Josette street. ~ ,. \u25a0-

Sfnce. '.V' . "' • \u25a0" '\u25a0•\u25a0.;' •—:—————= =—\u25a0* — ' r ''\u25a0— 1——1—.—- \u25a0 —— — - - — SITUATION Wanted— young man, graduate of

ANTED— experienced French and German D nport Business college, have one year's ex-\» canvassers, no need of being out of employ- peri ence; wants a position as bookkeeper or clerk,

pent, or out of money. Room 4, 63 East Third. . ; good references -furnished. Address. Box 113, Mitch-

WANTED—A good clothing salesman,t

must ell. Dak. :.:.f- :.\u25a0:.\u25a0:\u25a0;\u25a0 -:• - ;

speak German; 213 West Third. :'-;•.-- T7"ANTED—By a young married man, 25 years o

WANTED-Toung man as clerk in a ticket office, V * age a position lna drug store, eight years' exmust speak English and German: Apply at in Wisconsin and Minnesota. Box

185 Sibley street, St Paul. ' •:' '••.--. \u25a0••'\u25a0-;":• -\u25a0\u25a0 4°d' sevens Point, Wis. - ; ,:_

r^OKKEEPElTunderstanding commission busi- A YOUNG man, first-class baker, desires an open-

B°n^Pwho speaks Gernfan preferred. Ad- &%££^s£^™&<£g*'-.

dress A. this omce. .;- ._ .\u25a0 —, : zL, \u25a0 \u25a0 ; -.'•.,..-

--•\T7ANTED-TwcTflrst-class* tailors, one coat and ' A WIDOWER, very temperate and of good habits,VV one pantaloon maker at Dentinger * Hauge, **w*nts employment In a boarding house or some

»t \ T ,Pr?" maker, ai liennnger, a u»uge,egtlll)ljghe g bu slness mst Paul or Minneapolis, with.Mannato, .Minn. .... ....... "."'.'"'"; a widow lady and care for the : same. Address OH,

npworeliable men of steady habits and well recom- Globe..; ; -.. -;\u25a0_ /V. .' ; '\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0',.-. \ '.; 150-1521 mended; positions permanent and lucrative. -cx^ANTED-A situation by a licensed engineer,

Collier, a? Davidson block. . ....v \u25a0„\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. VV best of reference . - Address CR, Globe,/COMPETENT man as foreman on carpenter work — ; — ——-—C desires a situation; good reference. JL G, this T\fA ? / a .?°U?R S,ca !ldmavlfn'

4 Situationnffirp m P nvate family, has had experience in carepmce. ,-.. y .;..


\u25a0 ..->,.. . \u25a0 —— of horses, good references. \u25a0 Address N, Globe.W^M^lpg^e" 81

gITUATIONbya double-entry bookkeeper or sales-ooj M'»"»'i't" —j— man, seven years' experience, best city refer-

ONE first-class painter and grainer wanted. Ad- ences. Address CE 2, Globe office, ; •*dress box 634, Mankato, Minn. Ar ANTED-Situatlon in grocery, store or butcher

U7"ANTED--Bookkeeper and salesman who en- VV shop, have had five.years' experience. Albert,:Joy a short smoke to try '"Duke Cigarettes." Globe office. .

They are absolutely pure, mild and sweet, and the _—;—; — — ___very best that can be produced, regardless of cost. \\fANTED—A place as private watchman, canBold by W. S. Dennis, Gilflllan Block. - 147» vv work in garden, attend to cow and horse.refer-

J I . \u25a0 ence given. Address H, this office.

W^S^^Srd^mmSSaCT A SITUATION in who.esale or commission housetry "Duke Cigarettes." They contain onlythe nat- Aam able and willing to work, can give good

aril properties, flavor and fragrance of the choicest reference. Address WG, care Globe, \u25a0

tobaccoln the world. Sold by Aug. Beck & Co.. -ttquNG man with cityreference and good busi-corner Fifth and Robert. 14' X ness habits, would like situation in wholesale

WANTED-Office boy, apply at room 11 Mann- "tore. Address JN D, 366 Drake block. .!heimer block on Friday, between 11 and 12 OUNG attorney well recommended desires po-

©'clock, and at no other time. R W Johnson. \u25a0 X gition in law office, small salary ifallowed to be-

WANTED-First-class cabinet maker. Tenney gin practice. Address AH* this office NXX &Kessler, 128 Dakota avenue. West St Paul. a YOUNG man wants a position tending bar, had— ;— ' ' , '—T , '~—1 ._. „, Aexperience three years; 261 West Seventh street.

CARPENTERS wanted corner Iglehart and West- , v * ! __^

\S crn avenue. J J McGeehan. \u25a0 . A SITUATIONas engineer. Johann Vierilng,lßl3

QE-VEX salesmen at the Singer Sewing Machine A Eighth street south, Minneapolis, Minn

IO office. 27 East Third street. - ':"".."•:'- "TTTANTED—Situation as coachman, experienced,

ANTED-An experienced canvasser for pianos jVSt Paul reference. Address No WP, thisXX and organs to work on commission. Address otsc_e j! — - - \u25a0--;.-\u25a0 \u25a0- .. j . ;- ,box 1167, Duluth, Minn. ,-...... QITUATION wanted to drive a delivery wagon.can

WANTED-Ten experienced solicitors for U O give good reference. Address Scott, this office.

SB S. Applyroom 4, 63 East Third street. -13 Ta young Scandinavian, good experience in gen-

Aasgss&sffißr'srarfi toaaaiusij-uffirjg-dress D M. care Globe. j A N honest, Industrious and temperate man, aged

——'—:—~—^ —— .. j xi. 20, wants employment of any kind; best ofrof-

WANTED—Young man from 14 to 20. who talks | ereaces Address AW. 679 Canada street.XX German, at saloon on East Third and Maple ; — — —— — —-—streets A Tinsmith and general Jobber who speaks Ger-. " -r —— —-. A man would like to get a steady job. cityor

WANTED—A few good strippers. John Hart country. Address M. Guthler, 283 Louis street, city,clear factory, 594 Stillwater street, -r -_ / -——— 1 — T5, — — — TJ ARBER— young man of some experience would

A GOOD blacksmith, one not afraid of work, can J3 iike a chance to finish trade; wages no object,find a place with C J Depue. Olivia, Minn. For one week address W H Condon, Minneapolis,

WANTED—Driver at Kent's Package delivery. Mmn - -.-.- - -VV . A YOUNG man, colored, wants place 'as coach-

WASon-ftreer lßtaat '^ w^d^iSSmA^ **?\u25a0


Tm cxperiencr-d mantel and A x experienced hand wants situation In a country

Wtne^rs ApJy to s\Tlmore& Gannett, A printing office. Address box 343,5t. Peter, Minn.

173 West Third street. \u25a0_ _^ "II7ANTED—The agency of a hail insurance com-• " ' " ~~ V V pany by a good solicitor. Address lock box

USBS; 63 East Third; big inducements to 238 Atwater, Minn,good man. Write or call. / ——^-—: : \u25a0— \u25a0- •—: : ! '\u25a0— —BYa young Swede, situation wanted In a grocery

THIRST-CLASS coat and pants -makers wanted im- JJ or general merchandise; good references andJC mediately. Address T O Maring, Northfleld, finingt0 work. Address EG T, .Globe.

—I— \u25a0—— 1 ~r.—7 — A . YOUNG man of 18, having a thorough knowl-

W ANTEDcarpenter with small family to rent a ___e

_ge of bookkeeping, wants a position in an of-

\ V house and pay rent In work. Apply to TBfice Address WD, Globe office. . \gomers, city market —— --.

-r __- ~~\ COMPETENT bookkeeper wants to open and\u25a0\TT ANTED—Gentlemen to learn telegraphy. Ex- i\. balance books for small firms; remunerationVV penses partly earned while learning. Globe ,ow , Address W "W, 54 East Third street.

Telegraph Co., 336 Jackson street, St. Paul, Minn. _ ___ —:—140-51 ' AN industrious, sober young man wants .employ-. •""""— " . ' ——\u25a0; ———— A ment of any kind; understands taking care of

Female. horses. Address V, 18, Globe office.

T AUNDRY girlwanted at the Windsor.:: POSITION by flrst-class office man, man as assist-

J.-0-^ & X ant bookkeeper or for general office work; besti — . \u25a0of references. Address SDK, care Globe office.

COOKS, laundresses, general housework, for Lake —-—.„—_,— ... ' Germ,h would like *> workMinnetonka; dining-room work, cooking, second A MIDDLE-AGED German would like to workand general housework, in and out of city; wages -^

around a store or in private family; is willingtofromsßto»2s. Employment Agency, 317 Wabasha. take care of horses. Address AM,of this office.

151-158 OITUATIONby a young man, "in the grocery busi-

GIRLwanted for general housework at Dr Flagg's, £5 ness; four years' experience; best of references.IT893 East Ninth street. - Address W Beckwith, 357 Franklin street, St Paul. .

WANTED—TwoMinlng-room girls, one second "EMPLOYMENT of any kind wanted; speak fiveW cook (Irish preferred;) \u25a0 196 East Seventh, I -Ei languages. _ Address G A E,Globe_office.

Achilles. - .' •\u25a0•\u25a0'\u25a0" j SITUATION as solicitor and correspondent for

jrx. street. . , . ._ best references. Address J Nalsstrain, Black River'ANTED—Ladles in need of temporary assist- Falls. „.... -' .-. :. . . .,.-.. . .

ance, to borrow on pianos, organs or any other „ya gtead man any k,nd Qf common labarticles of value. R Deming & Co, 362 Jackson ft not 80 much ah object Address JP. 4 5 Globe'treet. . ' office. \u25a0". .OIRLS ofevery nationality to work In small fam- qIT ATIONas teamster, has had eleven years' ex-lT,Hies, corner Sixth &nd Minnesota. Mrs Schnell. £5 perience In Chicago, best of reference. Address

\\TAN Competent German girl for general Teamster 36. Globe office.rW, good place, good wages; 534 Sttm- QITUATIO} as cook, by an experienced man ofavenue. : . . . ... .. . . ..- . C3temperate habits, best of reference. Address A

ittANTED—An apprentice for dressmaking. Ap- S, Globe office. . \u25a0 . .'."- . - ' . .\/V.rpfy Mrs MA Glines. .279 West Seventh street. , G0()U stenographer wants to enter a lawyer's of-

WANTED-A good girlfor general house work. A flee as student. Address RA, Globe office. . .VV German preferred; at 747 Edgerton street.East -yoUNG man. five years' experience as doubleSt Paul. .- ; - ...-.;:\u25a0\u25a0. : .\u25a0-.'..- . 'i\u25a0 '- X -entry bookkeeper, desirous to take any position

WANTED-Ladies and gentlemen in city or that wHI pay expenses; best references. FS P,country wishing to earn $3 to 15 a day at their Globe office. •

»wn homes, no canvassing, work furnished and sent . Female.oy mail any distance. For particulars address, with ~ : \u25a0- --\u25a0-\u25a0- . - ' -\u25a0 .--\u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0


itamp. Crystallized Photo- Co, -53 West Seventh [ \\TANTED—Dressmaking by the day. Call at 27- itreet. Cincinnati, O. 150-151 " VV West Fifth street. s

ANTED—Awoman to take Care of children and XT' AMILIESwanting a woman to do first-classkeep house, one who wants a home; 878 JT laundry work can find one by callingor address-

Farquier street. '. ing EP, 355 Josette street. ' .' . . . -... .

WANTED—A girl for general housework; 610 A GOOD seamstress wants a situation to sew forWest Seventh street. - -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -£*- her board a month or more. Address H 72, this

WANTED—One first-class dressmaker, also two ° ——— :—'\u25a0—— ——apprentices, at 248 West Third street. "X A YOUNG lady wishes a position as stenographer

• — : xxand typewriter, competent, reliable and best of\TTANTED—Asewing girlat 29 West Fifth street, references. Address Box 170, Aberdeen, Dak.

A GOOD girl for « ?ei*l, house" work; 189 East \ W w^Tfa^Twre of att°infant, "c^Td? pita 2fw'.j\Tenth street; apply this forenoon. , : • ; lng Address HDJ, G obe. : .rpwo experienced girls wanted In Windsor hotel -. a G IRLS with reference want situations ;~Se^u

\u25a0*- laundry. \u25a0;

•\u25a0 « ;. .xO corners employment office.

WANTED-A jroocl crirl for general house work. A FIB£T. C pastry cook wants a place at theMrs nice, 415 Holly avenue.

\u0084 - _\ lakes; good references. -Address H 96, Care thisANTED—A kitchen girl;No 12 East Seventh office- \u25a0 " ....-\u25a0'- . \u25a0 '- ' • \u25a0

VV.street.. - \u0084 :.,. . . ...-;. .. ATTANTED— a young lady, with some knowl-

A TIDY, willinggirl wanted for general bouse-, V * -edge of shorthand, a position as typewriter; nowort at 547 Laurel aveiiue. -' i objection to going out of the city. Address Miss X,

,--V - -\u25a0\u25a0—^— '' - ———: -^-^ 157 West Third street, third floor. «" '\u25a0-; •-\u25a0...

A GOOD cook. 204 West Third street «-^- f^*- -—T , . :'-^ ~z^-- .:

Scandinavian preferred. . . \u25a0 v • T ADYwishes situation as housekeeper or com-'— - \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0 ' ' r—— '— ,/ I \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0','\u25a0'*. "' — -"-' Pinion to a lady;belt references. ' Inquire NoVYTANTED—A laoy compositor to work On weekly : 181 Iglehart Street. "' - - ' • \u25a0

Yy-'p'ftpcr, permanent situation if agreeable. ; Ad- : ' •\u25a0'\u25a0.-' --.-.- -'dress Otter Tall Co. Farmer. Fergus Falls, Minn. • /"^FFICE work, copying or proof reading, by Mrs.•\u25a0.;.."\u25a0 y.' '.:•;-'. :: "\u25a0:.'.,. 14S-54 ;.;-t -,.: ; ;. ;:;'\u25a0 ;;..r. .- \u25a0 \J Wilson, Jio. 14 East Seventh street, room 16.

WANTED—Experienced hands for dressmaking, TI/TIDDLE-AGED lady desire* a Situation as housed• ,at Dickinson's department store.

\u0084 ._;;^. IT±keeper, or lightwork in a private family, either

A' GIRL to do housework. Call at 307 Olmsted -<**«**-&&. Addfeas Ida East Twelfthstreet.street. -.. - - ;,''..;,''• T ADY pianist who can play accompaniments well

:irT_^>—ii.»,n- r """y ' '""- rl ",

-" for songs or violin would like vto treat >withT—̂7~ .-..,\u25a0--.-. ~~~'

~ \u25a0 . parties requiring same. ; Address" MC, Globe office.•;.:-. \u25a0-.-' t"VSTRUCTIO]S." - ' • \u25a0 .__ -• %- . ' ; - ' -\u25a0--\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 -^^ *-'\u0084'." ''-:\u25a0\u25a0 -'• A ; YOUNG who can furnish .flrst-class refer-T7"OUNG' man. 19, with good references, desires xx;ences . want* situation a? nuf^c. 'Address Alice.

JL place in family where ' there ate young : lads &i this office. .- ; \u25a0\u25a0* \u25a0'. . .-, .- ' i.; "-their'tutor and attendant . Address' Wpy this office. - MIDDLE aj?ed widow lady would like the . care

SINGING, elocution ana' ; piano by - lady teacher XX of widower's family.- Mrs ACM, Globe office.'from New York College d'Opera ; terms very low. \u25a0 qITUATIONas a nurse girl or to care for Invalid

Address Savilla, Globe office. - j:V::' . £3 lady. -^ Emma Glen, Globe office. .••;

f--:;% FOR RENT. ;",

:..:^Stores, lite. . __. ...•„. 1. 7~

FOR RENT—Agood «tore on Fourth Bstreet,| be-Jl tween Mlnnseota and Robert Inquire of Larkin,87 East Fourth street;,;; \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0^:\i -f- "?.;, ;•} : • !;:IBl^,

NEW store building In neighboring city, suitable1 1 . for saloon or any other purpose, for sale at lessprice than the rent of it would be for two years;Max, this office.; " ; ; I' . . ; ' •\u25a0' . :'.-{'\u25a0;:? ',.'?*''

FOR RENT—Basement, ; 20x60, suitable ;for stor-»age or plumbing stock." Address T J D, : care

this office. , i •\u25a0: .t

" •\u25a0\u25a0_.- .'-:'." "

TO RENT—Brick store on East Seventh : street, .X near Post Siding. » E A Sargent, 41 East Fourth

street ; \u25a0:;';-'- - , 150-152 :

TOKENT—Desirable store with or without rooms,A. ' flue business location for a good plumber. \- Ap-

ply to W Shlpard, Fourth and Roberts street.- ,'.

"17 OR rent, the. two well-finished and well-lightedJ? basements in Itcn block, West St. Paul, ad-joining bridge, suitable" tor restaurant," tailor-shop or barbershop. " Inquire at Sanders' saloon inthe same building. ' .\u25a0• I*8*FOR RENT—Store room No 368 Dayton avenue.a Apply to Rietzke - Co, corner Dayton andWestern avenue. '\u25a0-.\u25a0' V - '-'

\u25a0 ; ."\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0 - :.'J.\T7»OHRENT— store; all fixtures In; veryJ. low rent; no opposition. Apply 962 Burr street.

T?OR RENT— Store for fln-t-class Ice cream parlorJD for the summer; best locality in the city.

parlorfor the summer; best locality in the city. J W

Shepard, Fourth and Robert streets.OR RENT—New brick : store, (Kiefer's row), cor-, ncr East Seventh and Mlnnehaha streets; good

location for clothing and gents' furnishing, house-hold goods or second-hand store; cheap rent. In-quire of A. R. Klefer, 190 East Seventh street. 95-98*

TWO stores, corner University and Virginia ave-nues good location forboots and shoes, millinery,

dry goods or \u25a0 hardware business. Inquire ' cornerThird and Wabasha, McClung block. Gray. & Mo-rlarty. -\u25a0 ". '\u25a0•. \u25a0

\u25a0 .. '\u25a0:.-. ;.. ' 12T*

BUILDING 20 by 40, suitable for storeroom ormanufacturing purposes, Wllllus street, near

Fifth. C H Schnittger. 273 East Seventh. " 105*

, Houses.•

HOUSE RENTING AGENCY—Removed to room27. National German- American bank building.

Torent— a partial list. Two story and basementhouse, nine rooms, "Iglehart street, *40; eight roomhouse, modern conveniences, Wabasha, two blocksfrom capitol, 845; eleven room house, all conven-iences, near street cars, Nash street, $50; furnishedhouse, seven rooms, De Bow street, seven roomhouse, Rice street, $30; two desirable residences onWest Seventh street, three blocks from Third, $50each; eight room house with large yard on Ashlandavenue, *45; fourteen room house, pleasant yard,Sherman street, $75; ten room house, Western ave-nue, furnished 875, unfurnished $50; two seven roomhouses, Jefferson avenue, near Seventh, -815 each;fiveroom house, Webster street, 813; brick store

with rooms above on Dayton avenue, $50; a cosy cot-tage, four rooms. West Seventh street, $lS;flveroomhouse on Logan street with stable, $12; seven roomhouse, Oakland street, good conveniences. . $35 ;small furnished house, Acker street, »20; twelveroom house, modern conveniences, St Paul street,$55; seven room house. Post Siding, $14; new nineroom house and barn, Kent street, $35; eight roomhouse -and barn, -East Third street, on Dayton'sbluff, $30. Desirable homes procured at short noticeon application at our office; desk room to rent withuse of fire proof vault. Scoville &Bateham, Room27 .German- American bank building.

T7OR RENT—Nine room house on Mackubin street,J. between Dayton and Marshall, city water, bathroom, furnace, speaking tubes, etc. - J L Mahan, 31

East Third street.l ' - _ ..FOR RENT— No 516 West Seventh street.JJ Inquire of H H Herbst, room 34, Gllflllan block.

'TO —Desirable house with stable; 54 Kent,-L between Hollyand Portland avenues. |

NEW house No.' 409 East Fifth street, seven rooms,. woodshed and cellar, $25 per month.

HOUSE, \u25a0 five- rooms with cistern, 268 Iglehartstreet. Inquire Frank Reilly, Merchants hotel,

HOUSE in good condition with cistern, cellar ,well and woodshed, at 400 Carroll street.

T? URNISHED house 287 East Tenth street; sevenJ. rooms, and bath-room, hot and cold water, willrent cheap to right party. \u25a0 ' :

rpwo-story frame building. No. 441 Sibley, above-L Seventh street. Inquire of John AStees, No.23 East Third street. -, 151

NEAT, new, five-room cottage on one of the finestavenues on St. Anthony hill; was built for owner

and of the best | material, . reasonable . price; term'seasy. E S Norton & Co. or 525 Ashland avenue.

151 \u25a0

HOUSE for rent of four rooms and kitchen. Ap-ply to P. Dempsey, 174 Flllmore avenue west,

Sixth ward.-. ;. . . ;

FOR RENT—FIat of five rooms. Inquire at 37Dayton avenue; $15 per month. • " _ '

FOR RENT— Anew bouse of seven jrooms, sum-mer kitchen and alcove, good cellar, drive-well

and cistern, 468 Rice Street, cars nass the door. In-quire at 385 Wabasha street.' \u25a0 "-•.'\u25a0\u25a0*• .-,OOUTH-faclng seven-room house for rent. In good0 repair, . ten minutes walk from Third street,house on line of double street cars: rent, 830 permonth; reference required. j Inquire George F Pat-well, comer Jackson and Seventh streets. 151

NEW house of nine rooms for rent by the 6th. of June, good location, nice grounds, moderaterent. Applyat 171 Charles street,

rpo —Nine-room house on St Anthony, hillJL near street cars. E ASargent, 41 East Fourth

street. . _ .._ 150-152

T7QR RENT— of eight rooms on St AnthonyX- hill. 'i Inquire at 254 Farrington avenue. '\u25a0 ; i

NEW eight-room house, cellar, water, jall for $15JA per month; 780 Farquier street.

T7» LEGANTLTfurnished front room for house-S-j keeping, with bath rooms; 476 Cedar street.

T^OR RENT—House, seven rooms, city water, bathJ- room, one block from Market house, pleasantlocation; 27 East Ninth street.

TO LEASE The splendid Staples residence, WestJL St Paul, a beautiful point of view, barns, etc.

Applyto E Langevln. . •

"POR RENT—On the corner of Eaton . and ChicagoJC avenue. In.front of the new station of the Min-neapolis &St Louis railway in West St Paul, a newlarge boarding house, with saloon included. ApplytoE Langevin. , - : 149-151

T?OR RENT—HaIfof a large house; 463 East Fifth-L street. ;.\u25a0...:.: .-...;..

FOR rent, house of five rooms, kitchen and wood-shed, No. 327 Pleasant avenue. ... ;

9 ROOM house, ,205 East Tenth street, modern im-provements, good neighborhood, for rent to a

good permanent tenant with or without furniture.Applyto George Selbert, 203 East Tenth street.TTOUSE Renting Agency, 319 Jackson street, willXIremove June Ist to German-American Nationalbank building, corner Fourth and Robert streets.

FIVE-room house, for rent, rear of 103 Forbesstreet. Inquire at 436 Jackson. .

DOUBLE brick house with nine rooms for rent;all modern improvements, No. 180 Western ave-

nue. Inquire 376 Dayton avenue.

FIVE-ROOM house in good repair for $15. Inquire560 Broadway. .

HOUSE seven rooms, city water, bathroom; oneblock from city market, pleasant -location. , In-

quire 27 East Ninth street.

FOR RENT— Two fine residences, cheap; In asplendid location; and also . two large boarding

houses. Apply to E Langevin. .Asmall house near capitol, furnished or unfur-XX nished. Inquire at 545 Wabasna street.

NEW seven-room house, St Anthony hill, cellar.,ll cistern, shade and fruit trees; easy terms. Ap-ply at 418 Wabasha street. ._ . .. •-.

APART or whole of a furnished house, five min-utes' walk from postoffice. Address C;D •H,

office Globe, / . '

FIVE -ROOM cottage on leased ground in good or-JC- der; 497 Olive, corner Tenth. •

APART or whole of a furnished house, five min-utes' walk from postofflce. Address CD, office

Globe. \u25a0 - ; - •-':\u25a0\u25a0-- \u25a0'.: '\u25a0.;\u25a0.,

DESIRABLE residence near cityhall. W John-son. . ... '/ •;. ';_ '• ; - . .

NEW DOUBLE house, ten rooms each, with latestl\ modern improvements; Iglehart street, betweenRice and Louis streets. Apply ai once to P EMurphy, at Powers, . Durkee & Co, East , Fourthstreet. \u25a0 -. 144-50

ftOOD house in central jlocation; owner's family\JT willtake meals with tenant,' if desired. Ad-dress N, this office. ," ,~~k COTTAGE of five .- rooms, new, hard and softA water; good location and convenient. Applyat183 Genessee street." \u25a0\u25a0 ".;..-.-. : .;

HOUSE 553 Wacouta, corner Spruce; good order.David Sanf Jr.. 349 Wabasha street or 602

Canada. .-;.:-.. : '.:' . \u25a0

HOUSE of nine rooms to a small family. No 240West Seventh; the owner would retain two

rooms and board with tenant. -r : . . . . .\

:FIVE-room cottage with garden at 181 Iglehart

A street. -f;:L-.-' .', -..". :. •..-...: ....".-- :!?;.'\u25a0: . i- :-_ :npwo furnished homes at White Bear \u25a0 lake. . In-JL quire at 3? West Third or Ratnaley's park. \u25a0 \u25a0

1 f\ ROOM House for sale, fifty lent front,6ol Holly.JLW. Inquire on premises. •-/ \ \u0084.;.,_ ;-,. ....ANEW house of nine rooms to rent,'clstcrn, cellar;- ready June 1. Apply at 171 Charles street.

i T7ROM June i, all modern conveniences. Inquire|JT at 276 Pleasant avenue. \u25a0 - ; ; \u25a0; \u25a0

/ ... .i ]VrEW house of seven rooms, Phulen water, batii-t1 1 \u25a0 room, hot and cold water, central location. In-

;. I quire at 561 Cooper street. :,;• ' .. T.HHS RENT—Houses from $6 to $10 and $20. James

JT Dillon, 254 Commercial street. . '-... . 2u2*

! T7OUR booses of eight rooms, two of 10 rooms, two!JT of three 'rooms, flat six rooms; one block three} stories high, three stores, twenty rooms; call at 341j Sherman street. ;.„.'. '..'. .. ;; 119*i T7OR RENT— May 1, store and dwelling, cor ;'J. nor Hlce and Summit avenhe; fine | location for5 most 'any" '.Business;' Inquire of A. R. Klefer, 190j East Seventh street. ... . - 95-98*

|'-- .;;,;. . -:-/-.\u25a0, to EXCHANGE. \u25a0 . . " . \u25a0:

TVexchange, stock of liquors (broken pnekages)for billiard or pool table, standard size, must be

inearly new, might take other property. -"AL, Farl-i bault, Minn. : -": ". • - \u0084-; . . ] .. ''.149-156 i)

ITO exchange; improved ' St. Paul real estate for; X stock farm . . Address MD, care Globe office. '\u25a0*£,

WANTED—To exchange ' 6200 worth . of realI VV ' estate notes for clgMr and confectionery stand; Address WB, 228 We« Third Street.' r ';_'; ;•;•-'

WANTED to do grading in exchange for a horse;"Applyto Ambrose &R»J3, 81 Forbes street.: !

"\u25a0'.'•• ' '-\u25a0 FOR REXT. :;^':'v^~^'\u25a0•\u25a0•.'.i;:-- - .-'".. '.;'." Rooms. '; • *; ' '\u25a0'. \u25a0.;;:>\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'.'';ORRENT— Large front room,, furnished;, at 297IWest Seventh street.

; ''-v-.v..--;'i \u25a0'.:''; -Vvi ::'- r.--.'',' \u25a0;

FOR RENT—Handsomely / furnished front . room;JC; 545 Cooper street. f.~l \u25a0:;":•\u25a0\u25a0.. ::-,\u25a0 i -I.';- : "'J! : '\u25a0'\u25a0; •

FOR RENT— or four nice roams with water,"new house, fine location, one 'block ; from the

cars; 289 Williams street. '.. *.: .'\u25a0;';' \u25a0•\u25a0:.£' ".'.;'-".\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.'•'.

<E» 0 NICELYfurnished front room, first floor, suit-«JPD able for two; 590 Robert street,'; near Twelfth.

T7OR RENT— front" room with a small one,,'JC which will do for a cook room, furnished or un- ;furnished; 587 Broadway. -\u25a0; !? ; : .' • «-•\u25a0.;\u25a0;•«—\u25a0'<« -' \u25a0• '

A FURNISHED sitting room with bedroom, forXX rent; : corner Third ; and Oak streets, upstairs. ;-'• •-. \u25a0: ..: -.. ;\. .'/\u25a0': .l ./.. \u25a0\u25a0- - \u25a0. '

ONE large nicely furnished room; 41 Exchangstreet, • . ';' \u25a0 .' '\u25a0 '.'• '\u25a0: ".' ; '' \u25a0. \u25a0 -

'TO RENT—Two adjoining pleasant front rooms onX, second floor, furnished \or , unfurnished, . at 20

South Forbes street. ' \u25a0 ; "•"' :<'. '\u25a0" \u25a0""• \u25a0'' -.'. ' ' '•' \

•TJLEASANT' furnished or unfurnished room, withJL or without board, use of bath, etc, •at \u25a0 136 ; EastNinth street; -.\u25a0) -;... .: '. : \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0:'- .->'". '\u25a0':. ."C1URNISHED room forrent on first floor; no other.-T roomers: no children. No 20 West Tenth street,near corner Wabasha street.'; y" .'-'.'*: -": '-.".'\u25a0'\u25a0''••". '\u25a0'

\u25a0T7URNISHED rooms to rent at 46 West Fifth. In--T quire at house or at 142 East Third. ; " .' ,

TO RENT—Furnished rooms with board; 87 EastJL Ninth street. •>."\u25a0\u25a0•'. :\u25a0 '-:- '\u25a0'.-.\u25a0 .-"' \u25a0\u25a0:. ' .-\u25a0'.'\u25a0 .'\u25a0'- : "- ' .

FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms t6 rent. 625S. Burr street. .-. \u25a0 \u25a0; - ' - , .'.:,|.,. -'.i -\u25a0- \~\ ;

T\ESIRABLE furnished room, 558 Wabasha street;U. cheap to right party. ; \ '.-'

SOME I pleasant unfurnished rooms to rent In con-venient locality, large shady grounds with well

and cistern on premises, 803 South Franklin. '151|HANDSOMELY 1 furnished front room andalcove In vicinityof the Portland. Address X,

this office. .. ; .' -." \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0.'• V "

FOR RENT—Large furnished front room,, suitablefor man and wifeor two gentlemen. Market and

Fifth streets. Benz block, third floor. -'Inquire roomNo. • ; \u25a0 . .-: - i- \u25a0

"C^INELY furnished rooms, large clothes pressesJO and modern conveniences, 217 Pearl street. f .FOR RENT—Third floor, No 380 Jackson street,JC .75x36 feet. : Apply to W B Burton or George PJacob. ! ... •

A FLOOR of four or fivenice rooms Inan almost newXX house, cellar, cistern, well and Lake water.threedoors from street car, high ground and healthy loca-tion; 281 Williams street. -V, 151

A ROOMS and kitchen, at 578 Iglehart, cheap. j

FOR RENT—Nice large rooms, furnished or un:-I- furnished, bath, hot and cold water; - 213 Pearlstreet. ,' \ .." r .'v ' ./\u25a0"}"•-'-,.

FURNISHED or unfurnished room . at 390 Dayton-C' avenue. .-."-.\u25a0-,- ;' '..: - .'" , . 151 :

FOR RENT—Three > unfurnished rooms, largecloset in each, pleasantly located; 362 Maria ave-

venue. :. ' '" ' ; •;';' .' . •..

FOR —A large bedroom and . sitting room,furnished, In the new block corner Robert and

Tenth streets, suitable for a gentleman and wife.twogentlemen or two ladies. Inquire on the premises, upstairs of Mr G A L. . s ;"'\u25a0' , '; '

THREE flrs£ :ciass furni*ed rooms in privatefamily, : ground floor if preferred, with every

convenience for housekeeping: both city and cisternwater. -^ Close to business center. Address H.fthis office. '-

\u25a0 : —-. — .'\u25a0 :f. 150-51 ,:

PLEASANT unfurnished rooms for housekeeping,JL desirable location; 229 Eighth street. . .NICELYfurnished front room, with board, for

two gentlemen, at $20 a month, private family;546 Laurel avenue. -^ '"-. ';.'-.;::.K% *;.

FOR RENT—Large ; unfurnished front room with±. three front windows, suitable for office if de-sired, cheap rent, at 353 East Seventh street. - ' \u25a0

\u25a0 '

rpwo furnished rooms for light housekeeping; 265-L • East Sixth.' .\rl.':\.'-:' ''':":.. ~. .'.:\u25a0'\u25a0''.:.';..

• CIX large rooms to rent: 417 University avenue.

NICELY furnished front room withalcove, second±\ floor, bath room and all modern convenienceswith board, by the Ist of June. \u25a0 Call .31 College

" avenue east. .. " . '\u0084'' ;~.: : ; .;• f,. \u25a0;

T^URNISHED or unfurnished rooms,' sittingroom.; JC bed room and alcove, private family; terms mod-erate; 223 Grove street. "\u25a0- \u25a0'•-\u25a0' '\u25a0.'.••'

TO RENT— nicely furnished rooms; 476 CedarJL street. . \u25a0.;/-^

WELL Furnished alcove room with closet, fiveV V minutes' walk from postoffice; 210 Oak street

south. • . . . '. ....'•;.'\u25a0.-\u25a0\u25a0,.

FOR RENT— One large front room with board; 77JLv. Summit avenue. .. .-..-,• s

ROOMS forrent, furnished or unfurnished, enXV suite or single, at 426 Rice street.

_A CHOICE front room in a private residence.bothgas and all Conveniences.' best- locality in lowertown, near to business; 420 East Tenth street.

NICELY furnished room, • everything new, with. board In a private, family. Terms reasonable,'

at 49 Eleventh street, near Cedar. "_'-...•. ,

FURNISHED rooms $5 to '\u25a0 426, water, bath, first-„.class. No 217 Pearl street. '^.L^-^."-'. I

WO nice rooms for furnished or unfurnished,X single or together, cheap, 544 DeSoto street.

_ .;

FURNISHED rooms with: all modern conveni-'JF ences, also first-class : table board, 598 Jacksonstreet. - , ;--V '. .•TWO pleasant furnished rooms or unfurnished sin-

I X gle room; furnished $5 per month;. 544 DeSotostreet. ' r \u25a0\u25a0..;.. .'.'l-'.- «

; '-i.v.'..v \u25a0 \OUR nice rooms with Phalen ' water to rent. In-

JT quire of 3 M Cooley, rear of 563 Broadway. Z.i- \jh • "—i -~- -*--.t— . 1e—sS 3":—t~z z h


FOR rent, three rooms with .. large 1 pantry; lake,;J?:i water, on first floor; 541 Broadway. ,^...1.. ; : .FOR rent, two or i four :rooms ' with water, new

house, fine location, near street cars. 289 Wil-liams street. ';•• '-.„'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0'' \u25a0 \\u25a0\u25a0 "\u25a0\u25a0'.\u25a0.,.'. -....'.i. ..\u25a0.-...

QUITE of rooms to rent at 362 North Fort on rea-O sonable terms. ' ;'..Z 1 ;\u25a0•. .'."' .;. ' '*FRONT room with alcove.f urnished or unfurnished, .JC jfor two gentlemen and wife or two gentlemen,In private family; 527 Mississippi street. _>. ;.. : .. ....' .ROOMS for rent at 275 Concord street, West side,

\u25a0 XVtwo blocks- from 'bus line. -.^ _;.-T^URNISHED !rooms, sittlngroom, ; bedroom . andJC alcove, suitable for two or four gentlemen; carspass the door; terms moderate; 223 Grove street.

•HpHREE unfurnished rooms for rent, suitable forX light housekeeping, 158 Valley street. %

TJ'URNISHED suit of rooms for rent . in *Centralblock, 16!^ West Third street, third floor.

FOR rent at Merriam Park, room! furnished or un-X^ furnished. ' Inquire at house of H L Croswell.

MARRIED . couple, without children, wanted tooccupy furnished rooms on first-floor forlight

housekeeping; references; 70 Tiltoii street. ,_ .. •T7URNISHED rooms with board can be had at 312X? East Eleventh street, near Broadway. \ • • •."\u25a0 .

FURNISHED rooms from ?3 to $B, '" at Ci " CollegeJC avenue west. ' "Very nice place and pleasant sur-rounding. ; ' -'\u25a0" -. - '. , 146-147

LEGANTLYfurnished rooms in private family,JCi references exchanged, 217 East Eighth street.

TO RENT—Large pleasant' furnished room, newhouse: bath room hear. * 52 Iplehart. '. ' •'

FOUR pleasant rooms for light house keeping,partly furnished if desired. r Address E 99, Globe

office. ' . '

-^ '..\u25a0'...1 '

THKEE nicely-furnished rooms, 85 and $6 perX month. 123Fourteenth street, second door from

Robert. ; - - - v ;>•\u25a0:. .' : '. !

ANelegant suite of furnished rooms in Steele'sXX block, corner of Wabasha and Sexenth streets.

A NICE suite of furnished rooms in Central block,Nol6}jS South Third street. • ; _t '-.'.- 146

Anicely-furnished front room with bay window,XX suitable for gentleman and wifeor two gentle-men. Use of bath. 484 Cedar street. \u25a0' ;

COOL and \u25a0 comfortable room in ! private house,

V' modern conveniences,' cheap; ten minutes' .walkfrom Merchants hotel, 642 Cooper, near Tenth street.

VERY desirable, nicely-furnished rooms, withbest of board; also unfurnished suite, at 89 Sum-

mit- avenue. Day boarders taken. >. '.: \u25a0 :-,;....". •;

UNFURNISHED parlor I •and finely-furnished..U rooms torent. , 217 Pearl street. ; '. • - ;

ALCOVE room unfurnished, suitable for twogentlemen or gentleman and wife; private fam-

ily"; 165 Iglehart street, near Rice. ;> ; -;y •_ ;,

FROM June 16th, for one month, a furnished roomon Third street, rent *10. ',' Address L M, Globe

office. \u25a0 • , '..-","'"•' '- •'\u25a0.'' . \u25a0.'.'._.,:

CjITTING-room, bed-room and alcove, suitable for£5 two or four gentlemen, cars pass the door, termsmoderate. , 223 Grove street. ;,,'., " \u25a0\u25a0';\u25a0:'£;'. :i

TWO neatly furnished front ; rooms, use of bath,JL one block from Rice park. 831 Franklin street.

'.. \u25a0' . . Miscellaneous. . V . ;;

BARN to rent, cheap, at 860 Dayton avenue; room. for three horses.. .;'- / .\u25a0-;-.. : -'.--'. 151 '\u25a0

ANEW barn with ten stalls • for rent, 591 Broad-;way. :....- /.••\u25a0;•-•.:\u25a0 ..-;. ; -: ":-'"..'" -'"\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0'..\u25a0..^11 \u25a0

OR BENT—Agood stable 179 Carroll street. *-\\\ ;\u25a0 -'.'\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0•'; \u25a0'- .. VJ \.'--": J^ \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 '1 \u25a0'\u25a0':\u25a0''\u25a0\u25a0 -.. \u25a0

FRONT room for rent, suitable for an office; j inquire at room 8, Cramer block. « V j ;\u25a0 \u0084

CJTEAM-POWER to run light-polishing lathe; rentO must be moderate. •

\u25a0 M G, Globe office. :; X: .\:'\. \u25a0-.';'

FROM June 1, front office second floor and whole;of,Third floor. Apply at 124 East Thirdstreet.


BOARD OFFERED— Day board In private familyM per week, central location, also pleasant fur-

nished rooms. Address AB, this office. v^- ;

FOUR boarders wanted Inprivate ]familyfor a setJr.- of rooms; 87 West Tenth street v * -.-,. ~ ' . '

rpwO pleasant furnished rooms, closets and alcove;"X: board if desired, |5 per week, for two ;or four.1Address B; Globe. "-•.'.:'.?: VJ-. 1 y' 1

"-'- > ' t "-:»}\u25a0{\u25a0.; '\u25a0

BOARDERS wanted Ina private , family,- 87 WestThird street. ; ;j-'.?:'.'-'.^- : >'..'.t. r-r ...'..-;". ''"\u25a0' ::::%• X •'\u25a0:.'. .

WELL furnished rooms with board. * Address WH B, Globe."'- _. ,:\u25a0\u25a0:•/.;;>:\u25a0 ;v'y/:.jrjL^;_-.'i:^.'j-

GOOD board and furnished ? room at \u25a0 89 . Summit__ . avenue. ,S '• , ;if"^>.v.,;':-V;; . .' '\u25a0

\u25a0 ' , , ' FOR SALE. ,' FOR SALE —Eight-room house ! barn, granary and

\u25a0*- eighty acres land, near good ' town on .Manitobarailroad, cheap for cash or i long time. '^D C, Globe. !

.-• . <:,- >f .\u25a0,: ..;\u25a0\u25a0:;\u25a0 \u25a0 ... y.•..-.\u25a0 ;-... 151-153 \u25a0.-?-•'>< -X-^-- \u25a0 Ts^\u25a0'\u25a0•\

AVERTfine Daly gun, used only one season, 'will;be sold cheap, a Address AFC, this office. ,{\u25a0•\u25a0-

FOR SALE—Lady will Bell fine upright • piano forcash at any price offered. \u25a0 Address- H 1 X , this

office. .-r"i;:-.'-.• ,:-- \u25a0'+,'?;"<-".-.'•'••;&> :\u25a0;\u25a0; '\u25a0 l^-':i \u25a0' :'-'':.-,.-.'. ': •\u25a0 ,

TWO large refrigerators and a Small one for sale byX George W Martin - Co, 414 Jackson street. ' f','\u25a0

i'-j-'i-'y-;\ .-.•;::•':. \u25a0\u25a0':isi-i52-:-.v':.--/.'v.-; ;-^--->-:\

EGG 8 for hatching, from pure : blood , PlymouthRock and Hrahmas. Room 4, 63 East Third. • D

A GOOD piano for sale cheap. Inquire at NickXX"Pottgiesser, 375 Wabasha street. •;"\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0 •

FOIi SALE—Confectionery, ice cream r and sodaX; • water business, at a bargain, or will . sell - leaseand shelving Without stock. r-Call 49 East Third. " ..FOR SALE—Carriage shop,.' in running order,. steam power, lathes, saws, cost 93,000, for cash\u26661,100. DL Gow, Anoka. v_, '\u25a0'; ".'-

FOR SALE —Young thoroughbred Gordon setter,JL cheap.. Address X 10,' Globe. :• . -. 'T?OR SALE—Open three-spring wagon and doubleX harness. Apply W H . Merrill, 27 East Thirdstreet. ::-,

; ....- ,"' ':';,-\u25a0"\u25a0. \u25a0' '\u25a0 \u25a0:'\u25a0 \u25a0 . ; '•\u25a0.-'.''•"' ". :


17OR SALE —One counter, two show cases, : shelve.. ins, partitions; 877 Robert street. •• :.\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0:_'-_ ,C-'\u25a0\u25a0*

FOR sale very . cheap, 100,000 1 good brick. ! ApplytoELaugevin, 104 State street, West St. Paul.

TWO counters, two six-foot nickel plate: showX cases, and one upright ! case, for sale I cheap; a

bargain; call at once. . Also good peanut roaster. 52West Tenth street. \u25a0 \u25a0 -; '. \u25a0; .-•:.'.

FOR safe at a bargain, an elegant ' chamber suite.,Apply at 25 Filmorc avenue. West St. Paul, r, ' \u25a0| .

ONE boot crimper, one Howe : sewing' machine,aud a gilt boot sign, at a bargain. Address F.

HM, Globe. '' •;..;...; •'•-: .-' .. r \u25a0'.\u25a0\u25a0'<-: :

FOR SALE by every dealer, who is on the alert toJl get the choicest for his -patrons. . "Duke Cigar-ettes" are the very best that can be produced at anyprice. Sold by Aug. Beck & Co., Robert and Fifthstreets.-. V. '..;/,; .;..,. ;. ;' .. ':\u25a0..;;'; 147*

FOR sale cheap, 100 tons :of lake Ice. AddressAlpha, Globe office. •'\u25a0.*\u25a0;: ,'\ v : :

ONE ten-gallon : Ice cream . freezer for sale, 343; Wabasha street. .1 - . . V

; ;.-.:;';.;,;:

BEST located, most easily worked stone quarry inthe city, well drained; ; willsell lot or rock only.

R TMarvin. ... \u25a0 I ,> i ! , \u25a0_\u25a0 . : 'npHE furniture of eleven looms, including bedding,-L towels, silver, t ere, for sale at, a bargain; house

forrent, ifdesired. \u25a0A C 1), Globe office. :.' \u25a0:. •;•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-. ;']

FOR SALE—Pursuant to a resolution of its Board- ofDirectors and at the request of its Stockhold-ers, The Minnesota Transfer Packing Company ad-vertises until June, 12, 1883,' for sale, its entire "prop- ,

erty and assets (exclusive \u25a0of possible stock assets,'said property and assets consisting generally of thefollowing: Rendering and' glue works, with groundsappurtenant, in Minneapolis, near the O. M. &St. P.Short. 1 Line crossing!. over the . Mississippi river.'Slaughter house arid grounds appurtenant, joiningNorthwestern stock yards In St. Paul. Slaughterhouse and refrigerator. with grounds., at MinnesotaTransfer station. Si. Paul. '/- Also,, plant, ; necessaryequipment of teams and other appliances for carryingon business. Also, large stock of articles and prop-erty In ' trade, denominated as merchandise. Fullinformation as to said property and assets, will befurnished, and given at the general office or the com-pany at said Minnesota Transfer station. Terms ofBale, all cash. Dated MayS, 1835. D. M. Robblns,President of Minnesota Transfer Packing Company.';.:.. -. ;\u25a0- ;•:":•\u25a0„;. \u25a0•'\u25a0\u25a0 _\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 : ; 146-63 .

T ADY will sell fine upright piano forhalf itsvalue.Xi Address F 53, Globe office.

IC\d PERCH of Stone cheap. Address Fred,IUU Globe office. :\u25a0.'.-.\u25a0_


'THECORNER Fort and Dousman street; bringsX $90 a month now. . Inquire on the premises, up

stairs.'. -..:.\u25a0'..- ,' : -''."-'. s'-"^"-. '\u25a0.."\u25a0'"\u25a0:' :i-.;-v " : ;

O O INCH bicycle,' rubber tire, cheap. Inquire atOU/444 Laurel avenue. \u25a0-,__ \u25a0.' "'\u25a0!.. .:...:. ' ,

FOR Bale cheap, two-burner Star Oil stove, with_extension* top and . open, good as new. Gall 356 :

North Fort street. \u25a0 -;•.:;.. '.' iSHOT gun • for sale, breech-loading; | inquire of

Churchill, Janitor US Army bnilding, Secondand Robert streets. ;\u25a0 . '.-j

TENTS, awnings, wagoncovers, for sale cheap . atX J M Rossell &Co., 190 East Fifth street. '


•• L '- \u25a0' .:\u25a0 \u25a0' '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 187-50* ; ;\u25a0 :\u25a0 : ;:, • -;.{",

FOR SALE, Rent or Exchange —Store buildingin ]Sioux Rapids, Iowa; first-class point forbusiness.

B, box 710, Mankato, Minn. ' -.' * ' '" :T? OR SALE— ice box, worth $40 for $20,X? made by the St Paul Furniture company. Canbe inspected at 139 West .Fifth. J L Mahan, 31 EastThlrd^street. -: .': v

.?. ;• T -v ; . 134* ;

\u25a0\T7" Purchaser for a No. 1farm, half mileVV from flourishing village, five churches, six

schools, society first-class. Box 6, St. Paul, (Capi-tol.) . \u25a0..-\u25a0\u25a0 \u0084 v/ .' \u25a0 :l'\u25a0\u25a0'/'" \u25a0- '\u25a0-. 129*

. ..- .-' BUSINESS CHANCES. ' \u25a0

WE have among others the following: Fruit anpcigar stand for $350; three boarding houses

from $600 to $1,000; employment office $200; one-halfinterest in Sanitarium. #l, 000; several saloons > from$600 to $800; cigar* tobacco', milk, bread and. confec-tionery store $600; this place is centrally located andhas two livingrooms adjoining, rent only $45. \ Listyour business chances, with Bentley & Hildebrand,313^ Jackson street.' ,'\u25a0> ' ;." .!.•'.. . . ..

(2» A F\(X—RESTAURANT doing a nice business; a.«sP'rr«vV/ good opportunity to make :money; ; satis-factory reason for selling. We also offer two busi-ness chances for sale, consisting, of confectionery,fruit and cigar stands; one stand jls averaging $12and upwards daily; moderate, rent. :, \u25a0 Scoville &Bateham, room 27, German- American bank build-ing. •\u25a0.•,\u25a0' ' - -; \u25a0'..';-.; -

\u25a0 "IVTANYyoung men who lacked capital to engage inIVX'business have been assisted by H Rothschild, '104 East Third street. ..:- ;:„.;:_: ;' . 151

OFFICE business in Philadelphia; good salary and\J large profits for associate investing 8300, per-fectly secure. Address HK. this office. .'

_ l :

(2»«)/'V \ WILLpurchase confectionery stand, ex-*pAj\J\J cellcnt location; this is worth looking ,

after. Inquire of J F Dunlap, room 436 Drake block.. .' \u25a0; / 15.1 , \.j. '.',

A LUNCH stand with* fixtures, unexpired lease ofxi. eighteen n?onths, rent $8 per month? AddressMBergstein, Stillwater, Minn. '

A DRUG store Is wanted at Evansville.'Douglassixcounty, Mthh. . ... .; 150-153

d?i) r\C\f\ WORTH of drugs and fixtures, clean«jjw,UUv stock, inventory shown, for $1,000cash, balance real estate security, or real estatetaken forbalance if first-class. Address Drugs, thisoffice. ; \u25a0 /•:"\u25a0\u25a0• \u25a0 ' ' - •'\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 ..'\u25a0.. /'• .'\u25a0 \u25a0

\u25a0 ' ". :

WANTED— a flrst:class cutter with long

-experience, a young man with some capital aspartner In merchant tailoring and gents' furnishinggoods business. Good location on one of ' the beststreets in St. Paul. Rare chance to right ' party. jAddress Practical, care this office. ». 150-151..

WANTED—Partner, small | capital . required, astreasurer in traveling entertainment, pays

well.> iianager, 226 East Seventh street. -J" .

WANTED—Partner with *600 cash to start a new :

\u25a0VV: saloon, best stand in the city. Address JS,; Globe. \u25a0.\u25a0'-\u25a0;..».-..\u25a0, „.: : 1... ...L : :.„:\u25a0 _Ixi .„.\u25a0 FOR SALE —A complete outfit for a pop factory,X\ cheap, boxes, bottes, machinery, and wagons,must be sold. Address AO, the Globe. \u25a0

<fi>O f~W^f"\ stock of drugs and fixtures for sale, :

>$'&)\J\J\J one-third to one-half ' cash, balancereal estate • security; easy terms. Address Drugs,this office. \_ , - .. :- -•"\u25a0- \u25a0','. '."\u25a0'

FOR sale, the only book store in the best boomingtown in Southwestern Minnesota; stock, good-'

will, and fixtures; «2, 000. Address B, Daily Globeoffice. : .;:':;:''-i :u'i --...: •;.-. ' •

; ji_; ; .!., .. 148-54

T?IRST-CLABS . hotel - property, . furnished ; • large\u25a0 -IT ' local and transient patronage, in a growing Da-,kota \u25a0 town, with splendid . prospects,- will. trade for

. part land or stock. Box 89, Diana, Dak. '.:.''_ \u0084'.!.. '.,--''

FOR sale, restaurant . in good locality; ill health. cause- for selling; 8550. McDowell, 40 East

Third street.: ;•' - ' ' - ' : .'•• : 'y \u25a0

FOR SALE— country store, with a good estab-.' lished German trade, with or without stock, new

town, county seat, a new building. Address Matu-tlna. Daily Globe, St Paul." -'.-' ;=": - \u25a0\u25a0 ;.;'.;. .

'T)ARTNER In the commission business; state: X amount of cash you want to • vest.' . Address0 X, Globe office.

%:; ;" \u25a0" ...*"„..\u25a0. ;; i ;,;"ur-:. \u25a0 ;

flj»^/^/^ down, balance \u25a0> monthly payments, buys*$>U\J\J the neatest saloon below Jackson street.' Inquire 349 Wabasha. : ;. '


-' . .'\u25a0-.'. .-v

WANTED to sell, fixtures and stock of- confec-\u25a0i tionery at a low rate. Call 'at 705 West Sev-

enth street. . '.*•"\u25a0". \u25a0 '\u25a0.".';' '.'.-'\u25a0' \u25a0•...'\u25a0\u25a0' l..-'-.' .''.';. \u25a0

FOR SALE—Restaurant in A 1 locality; has about jBixty-flve boarders; everything ready to go right

in, *SQO. :\u25a0\u25a0 McDowell. 40 East Third street. V. . .-

WANTED—A partner with about 9600 in a gro-cery and commission business in a good loca-

tion. Bentley & Hildebrand, SI3J4 Jackson street. j

FOR SALE or rent; the. Commercial hotel on Sev-enth street, between Jackson and Robert. \u25a0 "Ab-

bott & Hail, Third and Robert strcefs. ; 'C '•*.-'\u25a0 \u25a0

FOR SALE—Saloon and boarding ; house, No 848West Seventh street. •- ' :- : ". :u. ;:"i^ ... v

ANTED—Energetic mnn to Invest S3OO and hisv services In an ' amusement > enterprise in Min-

neapolis for the summer season; profits large. TPalmer, 1317 Harmon place, Minneapolis. : ' j"PARTNER with «.VHH wanted in established busk

'X nes"?; wish to extend the same. Address WH\u25a0 Globe oMci.;'..l;.'-V.-;. : -'.i';;: ? :': '-\u25a0 '- \u25a0'

:\u25a0 :'.:'*- ': . il.'r *

F" OR RENT— Terra 1 Cbtta* works, vHere\u25a0J. . is the chance to build up the best paying manu-facturing business in the. State. Terra 'cotta is nowr

used in mdst every building. -Architects ; will tellyou so. ' Garden and flower vases; sewer and waterpipes, fire and glazed brick, earthern ; ware of every

:kind can . bo : made here.; material handy; practicalworkmen on hand. , Inquire .- of .A. R. . Klefer, 190

East Seventh eat. _ '• , : ' 2-^w? s'^*!T?OR RENT—For manufacturing purposes: " Build-X Ings, shops and grounds, with side track; longlease; low rent. Inquire of A. R. Kiefer", ' 180 EastSeventh street. ";!; '' :;•;., J ; 95-98 :;

;\. ;:;"•;\u25a0• > '\u25a0 PERSONAL.. -. ./:. _\u25a0:'\u25a0\u25a0-',\u25a0t -

IF Bessie* norrigan" Is In the cityTplease communi-cate with Mrs W H Drake, White Bear. Minn. 151

WANTED— Allismokers who ; love the ! natural; properties, delicacy,- flavor 5 and' fragrance of

pure high grade tobacco, to try "Duke Cigarettes."1Only pure and • choicest -\u25a0 yield, \u25a0 the • delight • whichmakes them auniversal favorite. - Sold . by• Mltchel& Splnk, ' 190 East Fifth.-; ;V . \u0084;.V., ..<\u25a0.:.',; :MJ*:.'",

ANYone having knowledge of Peter. A. Stindblad,a Swede, 27 years old, inform me by letter; was

last heard of in Boston a year ago; special reason forwanting to know his whereabouts. '.Address Ennle

' Swanson, St. Paul, Minn. :" ; '

',;.;,** auction^ SALES. '•;.'"\u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0,'*'\u25a0';v ' /..; '". I*.*T. Kiivaiiairn. ";.I'k:v,'^? .'

URNITURE AT AUCTION—fwTLL SELL ATIauction •at i the iiresidence, No. 547 iWabasha'.

street, on Monday.June 1, at 10 a. m., the contentsof aT house newly furnished. Tbe furniture inquestion consists of bedroom sets in ash and blackwalnut,' one eight-foot dlniiigroonr. table, dining-room chairs, one No. 8 cook ; stove and furniture,one Westminster heating stove, carpets, bed-ding,etc., etc., These goods were onlyin ur»e for aboutsix weeks, and this sale should bringforth a largeattendance. P. T. Auctioneer. 14S-52

ON ACCOUNT of the rain on Saturday the Bale of\J, lots 19 and 20, Nelson avenue, between Louisstreet and' Farrtngton . avenue, advertised » for Sat-urday last at 2p. m., Is ?postponed, until Saturday,June : 6," at 2\u25a0\u25a0p. m. P. v T. Kavanagh, auctioneer.

\u25a0\u0084zt :<':/>•\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 ;-^*- '/;.; iv- 15158 \u25a0>;.\u25a0'.:.;;:..: :.^;;'.':-"-';:'"0URNITURE AT AUCTION—I jWILL jSELL ATX auction on Tuesday, June 2, commencing at 10a. m., nt the residence No. 348 East rNinth street,,occupied by Mrs.M. J. Doble, all the furniture," con- ;

sisting: of one parlor set of six pieces,' Upholstered inblack haircloth, several line .bed-room . sets in blacK .walnut, easy rockers, '- dining-room chairs, lounges, ;two black walnut extension tables, wardrobes, car-pets on the floor, silver-plated ware, • china ware,';heating StoVCß.etc. '"Parties iii search of a real goodarticle in furniture would do well to attend this sale.P. T. Kavauugh, auctioneer. '-, -1 .-.'\u25a0\u25a0i^. ;'\u25a0; 151-63

VALUABLE .WEST SIDE PROPERTY ATAUC-\u25a0>:V tiou—l willsell at • auction on Monday, .lime 8,jfctjftif-Clock, p.- m., on the premises the whole block,bounded -: by Page, Gales, * Brown ; and , WoodbUrystreets, and known

1as J. J. Ward's' Subdivision of

block 42, Brown AJackson's addition to St. Paul. \u25a0"

The property Jin question 1 embraces 124 good- sized 'lots and is • most conveniently located ( near the pro-'-'posed "West Bide depot of the Minnesota &' North-western and the Minneapolis * St. Louis railroad*.The advance in "West Side . property has .been 'sharp, '

. but reasonably j so, ana even to-day 'is cheaper pro-;-portionately Ithan any property similarly situated inany city of the United States.' : With the completionof the Robert street bridge, the erection of the pro-

\u25a0posed upper bridge and the construction of a secondrailroad bridge at State Istreet and possibly : a roadbridge in lower town, property on the West Side willtreble in value before the expiration of . five yean.Terms , made known ;hereafter. tP. T. Kavanagh,auctioneer. ."\u25a0-.-.. :'. ',';,.? ,'.\u25a0".; 151-52

,7 . . Joseph Rothschild. . :\u25a0.::' .:.' > :

HORSES, mules, buggies,. wagons, at auction; fif-XXteen head of work horses, seven head of driving

.horses,' six head of mules, five leather-top ( buggies,two phaeton-top buggies, three single horse , wagons,and several farm wagons, will be sold at public auc-tion Thursday morning, June 4, at 10 o'clock, on thevacant lot on Fourth jstreet opposite the DavidsonUnion block, between Minnesota and Cedar streets.Farmer^, contractors, dealers, or those In "search of

i a bargain will find it to their interest . to attend thissale; don't forget the day, time and place. Forfurther information' before day of sale ; addressJoseph Rothschild, commission auctioneer, :' 27 WestThird street. . C J Meilicke, salesman. . ' \u25a0[ IS 1-152'

FURNITURE at auction Saturday morning at 10X\-o'clock on St.- Peter street, corner Of Third.Joseph Rothschild, auctioneer, office 27 West Third. :

\u25a0\u25a0.-\u25a0 ' ,'•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0• -\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'. 131. '-.-;\u25a0 '.--- ''\u25a0\u25a0;..\u25a0 .'!T^URNITURE by auction sale -[ at residence a spe-X, cialty. Money advanced on / consignments toparties leaving the city before the day of JosephRothschild, auction and commission, office 2? WestThird street. •; ... •/•;• rd! -O.V :\u25a0- '•'.\u25a0 131 :

- Falrchild ifc Son. •6) A BEAUTIFUL LOTS NEAR MERRIAM/v*Park at auction. H. S. • Fairchild &' Son,real estate agents and auctioneers, corner Fourthand Jackson streets, will sell at auction 24 beau-tifullots in Lovering's addition to - Union IPark,at 4p. m., on the ground, Saturday, June - 6.'These lots are near Merriam Park and next eastof Union Park, only a short walk from the station,accessible every hour ofthe fail\u25a0 from 9t.Paul and Minneapolis, in,, a district improvingmore rapidly than any other district In eithercity. The . population and tne Character* of theimprovements in this interttrban territory: is \ ex-ceptionally good. It is now universally concededthat a citybetween the . cities .is' to* be, rapidlybuilt up. If'you have not been at Merriam Park,Union Park and<Lovei'ing Park for 8 months youwillbe astonished at jthe change. Terms one-third cash, balance 1 and 2 years. Go '.. to ,- uniondepot and take the 3 p. id. train for MerriamPark and look around it until 4. ; H. '8. Fairchild& Son, real estate agents and auctioneers, cornerFourth and Jackson streets. ', " } \u25a0 J ».___;; 151-66

r ; T Joseph E. Osborn. :

THE St. Paul Rifle Parkat Auction— The propertyknown as the St. Paul Rifle ' park,- consisting of

eighteen acres and a fraction of land, With buildings,situated In the Fifth ward, south of the Plow works, I-

.will be sold at auction on the > premises, to the high-est • bidder, without reserve, on Tuesday, June 2,1885, at 3 o'clock p. m. Terms are one-third cash,

balance one and two years, with 8 per. cent. Interestper annum. Joseph E dsborti,' auctioneer. Forparticulars see Scandia Agency company, cornerSeventh and Sibley streets. \u0084,: , ;\u25a0>; ' : .-: ;. Mil'}: ; : \u25a0;;;-. '\u25a0

-^ Burke ACo. ; ;.;;\u25a0. •\u25a0; v;:£. ;

A UCTION sale of carriages) buggies, horses, har-Jlx. nesses and sleighs; nine second-hand landaus,some of them as good as new; '\u25a0 twelve head horses;twelve set. harness, besides , a number of open andtop buggies and sleighs. . At the.same time thyframestable willalso be sold at auction. ' This auction willtake place at my old. stable, 111 Sibley street, at 10 »mon Tuesday, June 9. Terms -cash or security.Burke &Co, .... r.l. :uI- \u25a0--'-''. 147-153 : ''. :.. •.\u25a0\u25a0_--..."' :FINANCIAL.. -,:.. v. - : . '•;

MONETioaned on furniture and all personal prop-ifX efty.bfvaiue without removal, publicityor de-lay, in sums and time to salt; . H Rothschild* broker,104 East Third street. » Office; open Monday, Wednes-day and Saturday evenings, t:80 to 4. j. ,..:.; :.:.151..--cent, money to loant n sums of $5,000 : and

upwards on - first-class «improved city ; property.Graves &Vinton.Bol Drake block. ,:x

_•> 149-209 :\

FINANCIAL—1,500,000. daily • production} . MayIRSS---800 times as many as In .the same' month

two year 8 ago. g Can any stronger proof hi '\u25a0 (riven ofthe verdict of the masses for Duke Cigarettes. Theyare the very best made and the | greatest success 1

ever known. Sold by W. S. Denfiis, Gilflllan Block.\u25a0 '\u0084:.-, \u0084.;..-:: \u25a0 -,147*;; X ,;-. ; : -\.u\.

;: ?

DO YOU need money? . Borrow on ybur furniture,pianos, horses, wagons and other valuable ar-

ticles; property not removed. ;-; Deming ; & Co, 802'Jackson street. .... . ; ,_.. A'._ ...-•,. „..,..- -j123-55ffiji on first-class Woodland park propertyi^I^JUKJ wanted. Address GB, G10be..,. -*\u0084 j(Jjj/XAA TO 430,000 loaned, at -lowest rates, onf^U\J\J' first-class real estate L security.. in .Bt. ;

Paul \u25a0 and vicinity. ;. No delay. . E S Chitteiideh,Room 6. First National bank building.' -. . .. . \ . '

<Bilf)t\ Ann iHAVE 1100,800 placed with mets>l\JyJi\J\JU by Eastern parties which I canloan on improved St Paul jreal estate in sums of anyamount from *1,000 up to $25,000, on very favorableterms. S«* Stokes, brokerage and insurance. No 157East Fourth street. .:.yi'r> a< 2ljJgl^fii; ' iv, 122*

LOANS on Life Ins. Policies, L. P. Van Norman, ;No. 245. Ist Aye. S., Minneapolis. s v j'

: ; :''xioST AND FOUND. I : IOST—Black silk Umbrella, marked, also a lady'sblue locket. Return to F LBayard, 276 Jackson

street, and get reward. . . - - % ;y. .^\u25a0

_ .

LOST or stolen, one gray mare, ., weight 900 lbs, 9years old, with a scar on the breast. ;_.^ \ ; . , \u25a0'_ • "

LOST —Gray mare, weight 900 lbs., 9 years ; old:finder willbe rewarded by ( returning .to Richard

McCarrickor Wallace &Forest. ;..\u25a0'.,.'•.••,• '.'• , t_ .:

! LOST in Sixth Ward, one bay pony . (ihfifkj, twelveI lyears old, blind on right side, reward for informa-

tion. Address AM, Globe office. . .:, . 'HP AKEN UP by P : Ztinlsn. * one Span of .dark bay-L horses, weight about 1,050, one has white face.Call on -the jabove, :at Shellirig» avenue, Hamlin'e,Ramsey county, Minn. t ...' Vi ;. , .- . •

LOST — delivery book of Jacob Ries, Star bottlingworks. Please return to lot) West Third street.

J F Brusgernann. : . '"• • •';;.•; ' •

FOUND— A gold ring; owner can get It by applying293 Duke street. •,-• > :- •;\u25a0'..-.' .' . • .' • .

LOST —A brown pointer dog, two years old. jAd-"; dress on collar. Ajty person returning him to

514 Ashland avenue will receive reward. ,; H S Sibley.

LOST —By o'd smokers, a taste for.the ordinarycigars. ,The purest, sweetest and best short'

snioSe in the world is found in "DUke Cigarettes.";They are pure, mild and \u25a0 sweet, yielding jonly thedainty delicacy which has made pure choice tobaccoa world's favorite. • Sold by Mitchell & Splnk. 147*.

LOST— A brown heifer, about fouryears old. finderwill be rewarded by returning 10 Mrs. Murphy,

444 Cedar street. '. " .;',.-..•,.„,-.

FOUND— Twenty dollars in gold, lying near anJD empty package of Duke Cigarettes, .which are

golden in quality, delicacy, flavor, purity, etc. \u25a0 Soldby Aug. Beck & Co., Fifth &Robert. -; . ' : 147* '

FOUND— dealer who does riot procure "Duke" Cigarettes? for his • patrons is open to the sus-

picion .of not studying their interest. The cost of,manufacture of the Duke fs as great as that of shy.

-other. \u25a0 They are hand-midc. by ' skilled workmen,from the choices:; anil Highest cost tobacco In Amer-ica, and French rice paper treated to :remove every

.impurity. iThey are absolutely the purest, sweetesti and best, cigarette that, ran be produced and sold atfair prices, which afford all a fair but • not exorbi-tant profit. . Sold by W. S. Dehrils, Gllrillnnblock. , 147*


WANTED—A /second-hand double 'harness for.'

;iW carriage Use; also a second-hand carriage pole.:A/Idreß9 by mall, stating price and where to at *een, iAlfred H Stees. 155 Virginia avenue. :,' ' . 151 ; ,

' '«»•- L—i—_1 :—HORSES FOR SALE— A. matched span of SjJr-

man ponies, perfectly trained. Very hnndsome, Ifor sale by George W Martin, 414' Jackson "sired;

also a delivery.wagon, arid one large family hnr«o :and carriage. ;.'•'.•\u25a0 •;\u25a0•'•',' \u25a0..;.;.^^ \u25a0~:;..;\"\:::t- . ISI-152>;)

ABARGAIN In a three-spring "•top '''' phac'on, jQuinby &Haliowell make, •> and 'good ' as fnew.

Call at 134 East Third street. . '-V-.-. .-;\u25a0'\u25a0-.; v

OOD work horse (mare'),, weight ,: 1,200. riro\vn,forbtrfgyor carpenter work; 4558 Nicoilet £ ave-

nue, Minneapolis, Jean Monsseau. \u25a0'\u25a0^..\u25a0'.:'i'A :;.?

FOR SALE—Ata bargain,'. a fine ' young carriageJC . horse,' can travel inside 3 minutes. perfectly safeand sound, also harriers and buggy, - J. must be sacri-ficed. :. Room 1. Presley block. -. '\u25a0 \*-.;';';' ?"?;K- ?:.' -:

-;.: -: :L. \u25a0; BOARDING WANTED. ;:; ,

BOARDING Wanted— A young man wants board;Sj In a private family In exchange for French les-sons or bookkeeping at night.' : NP. this office. :

WANTED few day boarders ;43 East Eleventh^}corner Cedar.' ' ; .. ' .';; ;.'/;r;'i~LV :-*V.7.'-:Y';

BYman, wifeF and jchild, unfurnished % room jandboard in West St. Paul; private family. •Ad-

dress P, Globe office, j /̂/(-'\u25a0 : ; ; ;\u25a0

MANfrom Philadelphia wants room and board ina private family where he o*tt have home com-

forts.' Address M. F.. Globe Office. :'\u25a0':"•'..?, j

'\u25a0 : '"r:r MISCELLANEOUS., \u25a0"\u25a0•'\u25a0:• : " : ;

HEREBY warn all pawnbrokers arid second-hand v^' dealers -: not to ipurchase >. an : army saddle -: and

bridle stolen \ from my l bfcVh 'the 29th instant. •' J HButterfleld. "...:.-\u25a0';• .>\u25a0"\u25a0.;.•'..\u25a0 •/•.", "'\u25a0' .""ri ••\u25a0 *.-h:

" -/ipHERB-will be a meeting of the Grocers' union IniX Druids' hall, corner ,of '. Seventh ; and . Jacksonstreets, on Friday evening, June 5, at 8 o'clock. \u25a0»

WANTED—Toborrow *1.000 :on' an eight-room,-yYi. house, granary and eighty acres of land, near ;a good town en Manitoba railroad; ' buildings are in-snred for 8900.. :l)c, Globe. '': • \y-; | 151-152 vi'v;TVTOTICE—There will <be ia special" meeting 'of '11 Eureka Lodge No 9, A O UW, at .'Weld's hall,corner Bradley and % Seventh streets, ;on Tuesdayevening, June 2, at 8p m. By order of M W, AllenSwain, recorder. - ;\u25a0'. -..:/, v ;. \u25a0•• - ; v"\u25a0' '-\u25a0 \u0084; •\u25a0 ;j -HPHE ladles of Christ Church Aid society will holdX a , strawberry ; festival and. ; sale of useful and

fancy articles at the church guildrooms on Fourth '

street, near Franklin, this week, commencing June2. at 6 pm, and continuing through Wednesday until6pm; no admission fee; : a general attendance is 'hoped for.-- ;; •• • ' \u25a0 ; \u25a0\u25a0;;•- -\u25a0 -• \u25a0•••\u25a0;' \u25a0

WANTED— Young man to assist in managing.»».• amateur dramatic society; ladies and gentle-men wishing to become members 'address, N G, thisoffice. ."ITrANTED—The addresses of all members of the, VV.;dramatic and operatic profession In St Paul,Minneapolis and vicinity. TPalmer, care Crockerrink, Minneapolis. •>,:.. . '.'. : "\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0' '•',:.,'.>:.; \u0084'\u25a0>,

*P%1 ()()f\or *2'ooo for the unmarried, '.. at mar- '.t{}7ljUUUriage, »1,000 in five years, .«2,000 intenyears, for the married; agents '.wanted everywhere.Address Union Endowment association, 430 Wabashastreet,. St. Paul. .\u0084, . \u25a0;\u25a0;..,,-; " , 150-151

MRS Hoenlger has removed . from West Third. Street to corner of Seventh and Exchange. :..:-;.

FOR SALE—Dally production in May, 1883, 25,000;daily production May. 1885; 1,500,000.. This gives

some idea of the sale and . growth in public favor of"Duke > Cigarettes," absolutely the highest grademoney can produce, and sold at a fair price, hasbeen the cause of this immense sale. Sold by W. S.Dennis, Gilflllan block. .-.• - ~ -..~— •r-. 147*

ETROPOLITAN band , and orchestra. Leaveorders at 482 Wabasha street. \u25a0• t - ; -^j.-. 147-207

USE OF HORSE and buggy during summer, for• the keeping. ApplyNorthern Pacific ear office.

W"ANTED—Gentleman room-mate in a pleasant,central location ; references exchanged. ' KB

G, care of Globe. ..,; :..;„,.;:

WANT to 'adopt a healthy female baby, sor •-months' old. Address W. H. A., Globe.

DESK-ROOM in large front office on second floor,Inquire or address No. 5 Davidson block. .'r; J'">,'

WANTED—Everyone to call or telephone. to J M. VV,i Cooley, inrear of 568 . Broadway, for all kindsof Icarpenter work—screen j doors and -windows aspecialty... 'y ;,. \u25a0';:.'• '\u25a0•\u25a0'\u25a0. "\u25a0-.',.\u25a0 "-. . ... 127*

STOVES stored away for the season, called for andput up again in the fall. Call or address Joseph

Haag, 309 West Seventh street. 7-: . ; _;': \u25a0•..:-. 102


IWANTto purchase a second-hand office desk; " '

please describe and give price. Address JD, thisoffice. : V - V-r:i;t^--i£i_:J.f --. -'

151 I

\\TANTED—One second-hand engine- lathe, withVV screw "cutting attachment. Address H C

Loomis, Volga, Dak. . :'.« -; 1 \u0084*.; \u25a0''\u25a0\u25a0 J

ANTED— shares National German-Amer-ican bank" stock. S S Stokes, broker, No 157

East Fourth street, under First National bank. , : •

IWANT to purchase a good second-hand officedesk; please describe and give price. Address J

D. Globe office. .;.,.\u25a0 • ;•;• -. ; -. \u25a0\u25a0_ . .j. .npo BUY a second-hand camera. L, care Globe. [

TTOUSS and lot wanted on monthlypayments, westXX ofRice street; real estate agents need not \u25a0 ap-ply. Address TJ T, Globe. . .1 -^

WANTED—To buy second hand furniture. Ad- ;dress R Casey, 456 Robert street. \u25a0/_._.

WANTED to buy, a small, second-hand safe. WE MagraW city circulator, The Globe. ~" . ,'.

W'ANTED to buy— for cash. vRF Leask &VV Co., 132 East Third street. . ~ ••.-• ' . 126* ,


\u25a0"\T7" ANTED— furnished room or suite of .roomsVVV centrally located, references exchanged. Ad-dress MA,Globe. • - ' ;•• • \u25a0 '

WANTED—To rent, a tier of shelving, two showoases and a twelve-foot counter. Address B21, Globe. t .:-„.\u25a0.:.'\u25a0;.;-;'\u25a0.\u25a0'-•\u25a0.";\u25a0•. •\u25a0';; -"117"ANTED to rent, a small store in good location; w V.- for cigar business, or part of a store at moder-ate rent. "Address JW B, care Globe. ..,.,;., -WANTED—To • rent furnished ,or unfurnished, rooms ; and barn, 525 Burr street. , , vj»

T^URNISHEDroom by two young ladies in ' privateX: family, terms about $9. , Address] C \u25a0 A, tare.Globe. '...._ s,"-"i. \u25a0,..\u25a0;,"• \u25a0\u0084.;'.'\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0.'.'. \u25a0'-'

FURNISHED room wanted by "a young man withbest of reference)?, on Summit avenue or adja-

cent thereto: Address"box 2436, city. *.->•'-•--


: • . •' -X SITUATIONS OFFERED. \u25a0 '_.

1 1RL for general .housework in small family;no.VXchildren; 2'2(JO Fourth avenue south'. '

A First-class barber is wanted M Trunk & GUgpr-xx ick's shop, corner - Nicoilet avenue and Thirdstreet. \'j- '::j^:]..{..l, .:_.!. . . ".i"'S':

OFFICE man, #75 per mouth. .Apply, after 9o'clock, J H Whiteley & Co, 27 Washington ave-

nue south. .".: \u25a0-:'\u25a0; : . \u25a0.-,•\u25a0.''•...\u25a0..•." -


SITUATION as bookkeeper or clerk wanted by awell experienced Scandinavian who ' speaks four

different languages. Address Hoist, 1215 Washing-ton avenue soutii. \u25a0

t V ' ".

SiTUATIONwanted as nurse, by a man who hasO had both private and . hospital experience,' Ad- -dress Max.Blederirian, 730 Washington avenue north. _TO do writingor assisting in office by young lady '

-of'experience., Address P. O box 98, Minneapolis.

AS office clerk by an experienced lady. - Address; A E 9, Globe. <pi- .-._...;. ..-.:^ '\u25a0; .:. .

BYa young man. situation wanted to take "care of • ,horses, driVe, do chores, 1 etc. C E B, Globe of- . •

floe._ -^ ; '.. ,-.;,•-, 'j \u25a0

BY a young lady, situation wanted as waiter in aboarding house. Address EW S, Globe office.

TJX a man who thoroughly understands the'eare ofXJ orses, situation "wanted in livery', or street carstables of to drive team. HA, this office. -BY a first-class practical machinist, position as. foreman. WH W, Globe office. •-. . \u25a0 \u25a0•';--,\u25a0

SITUATION in wholesale grocery; thoroughly ac-quainted with the business: best of references.

Address JA, care Globe. - ;\u25a0

\u25a0 ..,..-. < .

SITUATION : as engineer, high or low pressure, onk3 lake or stationary, by experienced man holdingchief's license. . Address WH. Globe office.

: REAL, ESTATE.LL CASH—»3,OOO. to »3.500 for eight-roomedhouse and lot. .Address AlfredEdwards, police

headquarters, ..['' \u25a0'\u25a0 ' > • .\u25a0•\u25a0

FOR SALE—4O, 80 or 160 acres between the twin; cities •at low figures' arid easy terms. \u25a0 Games,

Magoon & Co.; 125 Nicoilet avenue. • \u25a0 "1 ,r"IORNfeR lot on Grand avenue at nbout two-thircU\y its actual value. Address PJ H, Globe office, ':'T' OTB m 811 p*rts of the city,to exchange for farm-X-i or wild lands. Robinson Bros'-. btilldirt?

\u25a0 MISCELiIjASrEOtJS. -'..' '-\u0084-.\u25a0

SAFE, counter, show case, etc. Inquire at 55 Boston.block- • . \u25a0 .;;.;. .\u25a01;..;. ,

ANTED—A good second-hand butcher's coun- •ter scale. Address Cl, Globe. .-- • '

A LADYwishes a gentleman with small capital to, accept the management of a light, eaSy, profit- \u25a0

able business. Address VA,Globe office. *, ;., .-- - .FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room, very cheap,

. for one or two gentlemen; 255 Eighth." avenuenorth.

THREE : furnished roomS with first-clnst • tsbl.-;X' terms very reason 610 Henneplil avruue. ~pi F/STLftMAN wltli small capital to accept »>art- 1vT r.erslilp and ttiansgemeut of business uiicqnaleaIn the West. ;.Address V A. Globe office. .

\u25a0' ; "'":":BUaiyEa9~ditAV6ES; ;;;.'• -: V

WANTED—A man of means to fake partnershipI with hie In ' lutrodiicln.',' an article in •_: the i mar- v'• ' .

ket which willpay 25 to 50 per cent, on the • invest-ment. Call at 21(tS Seventeenth avenue south. ;., \u25a0'•\u25a0_[TMPORTANT announcement to householder's, busi- \u25a0

Aness men, 1 official assignees, . the public generally,and the citizens In jMinneapolis iii•\u25a0 paHictriir* We ' \u25a0 ' ' -beg to inform you that we have lcasoil the premises. 'No 202 Nicoilet avenue (bridge. square)) ; whera. twewillconduct a re«! estate, 'autlohcerlng and general "

commission business. Our large and 'varied exper-ience ;•! tlie?o lints fornearly twenty -years", shouldbe a guaranty 11s to our ability, and we hope by strictattention to business and honorable :. dealing with ailwho Miay favor its with their business .to. merit vliberal share of your pntronage. Our motto will boever "quick sales and immediate. returns." By kindpcrii'.is.aion we take"' pleasure in referring you to th«followingKentltjuch as to our ability-' and integrity:Gen L Rossie*. Eton W S King, D A McArthur,Ksq, Journal, X A Caiiipbcil, ,E»«1> -attorney -at law. .Give Us a trial and judgefor yourselves. ; T'P. Mur- \u25a0

ray & Co; auctioneer; real estate agents. ,; : ; .'— ~ .. FOR SALE.,- '.:.'.'- r HUNTER'S \u25a0;\u25a0 ; ' ,'- ''Great Medical Hot Springs ]^

Is on the main lino of the N. P. It., Spring-akle' station; twenty miles east of Livingston, . \u25a0

the gateway. tbHho eat National Park ; fend ;the prosit Health R»*ni't of the Northwest. '-S3 This valmible property; is now for sale with \i*160 acres of goocj land, government title, to- >,gether "with a hotel. 25 rooms; pantry,' kitchen ''.--aami Well' furnished."" three bath houses, nil infS-ood order. • ; i'.will ytv terms on sale. ', Iwill griv^tt Immediate possession. . Ccrrespoud-

invited. A. J. HUNTER, M. D., Hunter's -.. 'Jiot Spi!u£S, Moutui..:,


:STLKMA!«r.eißlilp aiidi