the sound of big data - soundcloud case study

THE SOUND OF BIG DATA Combining Big Data with mobile diaries to create contextual customer profiles

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Post on 20-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. THE SOUND OF BIG DATA Combining Big Data with mobile diaries to create contextual customer profiles
  2. 2. On Device Research uses the mobile internet to gain access to consumer opinion at any time or location. Mobile-only audiences Emerging / growth markets In-the moment research Advertising effectiveness
  3. 3. Mobile research panels10 million mobile surveys in 57 countries. Focus on emerging markets and mobile-only audiences.
  4. 4. A platform to discover new, original music and audio, to build an audience, and to share online and on mobile. * 200 million users per month * 12 hours of audio uploaded every minute
  5. 5. The Challenge With Big Data Velocityreal time near real time Marketing is 4Ps Product, Promotion, Place and Price Big Data is 3Vs Velocity, Volume and Varietyperiodic batch MB table data base unstructuredVarietyGBTBPBVolume
  6. 6. The Challenge Context of current users interaction Missing market insights Resource intensive to access and analyze
  7. 7. Principal AimsTime Understand the time spent on listening to audioMotivation Explore dimensions of motivationsImpact Impact in consumers everyday lives
  9. 9. How a mobile diary looks Mon Intro surveyTuesWed7amThuFri7amSatSun7am 9am 11amTime of day of encounters 12am12am4pm 5pm5pm 6pmExit survey
  11. 11. Link Server Data + Research Data to Create Enriched Data User IDs to link data Big DataResearch DataEvery participant agreed up frontData Consolidation
  12. 12. THIS IS CYRA
  13. 13. User Profile
  14. 14. Data on CyraDiary Creator25,923 Follower Played User Downloaded 49 Sounds 6 Sets Reposted 931 Likes Liked 8,698 Comments Commented 1,631 Following Add to sets Creator Pro Account Country High Engagement Mobile or Web Segment 6 Genre Big DataDemographics Online habits Competitive use Social sharing Feature Diary Content Genre Device Location WithBig Data Research Data
  15. 15. Creator / Listener Like Cyra 1 in 4 of SoundClouds most active and engaged listeners are also creators, like CyraLove to share online via multiple social mediaWhen not listening they are active social people, preferring sports and socializing in their offline livesMost listening happened via mobile on their ownListener
  16. 16. Joe listens to Cyra Male, 28 Spends $24/m on music Lives in US urban area Aware of 10 services Uses 5 in parallel: Youtube iTunes, Pandora, Spotify SoundCloudI know what I want to listen to: artists I like. I choose consciously what I want to listen to next its part of my daily life to discover new content and listen to music that I like.I have an emotional connection to the music I listen to. This helps me relax, fill time or concentrate on work.I use SoundCloud to listen to music and audio. I also actively share content.JoeSC UserUS Listener Consumer
  17. 17. A Day in the Life of a Listener Peak listening time of the day and transactional listening though social sharing Lunch CommuteMost 3-5h listening sessions start around 10am Back home Good morningCommuteGood nightLive audio on their own in the car4AM-6AM7AM-9AM10AM-12AMAt home via home entertainment with friends & family throughout the evening1PM-3PM4PM-6PM7PM-9PM10PM-12PM
  18. 18. Mobile Survey Chunking We are the pioneers of survey chunking on mobile splitting traditional 30 minute surveys into several phases to help you meet your project requirements.SMS INVITE #1SMS INVITE #21st CHUNK2nd CHUNKDAY 1Get the free report from 2
  19. 19. Completion Rates of Long and Chunked Survey are Comparable 92%80%15-QUESTION SURVEY Source: On Device Research, August 2013 N=2324, UK30-QUESTION SURVEY79%2-CHUNK 30QUESTION SURVEY
  20. 20. % of Respondents Who Fell for Trap Question 9%4%30-QUESTION SURVEY Source: On Device Research, August 2013 N=2324, UK4%15-QUESTION SURVEY2-CHUNK 30QUESTION SURVEY