the smaller moths of staffordshire updated and revised edition

The Smaller Moths of Staffordshire Updated and Revised Edition D.W. Emley 2014 Staffordshire Biological Recording Scheme Publication No. 22

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Page 1: The Smaller Moths of Staffordshire Updated and Revised Edition



The Smaller Moths of Staffordshire

Updated and Revised Edition

D.W. Emley 2014

Staffordshire Biological Recording Scheme

Publication No. 22  

Page 2: The Smaller Moths of Staffordshire Updated and Revised Edition

The Smaller Moths

of Staffordshire Updated and Revised Edition


D.W. Emley


Staffordshire Biological Recording Scheme

Publication No. 22

Page 3: The Smaller Moths of Staffordshire Updated and Revised Edition

Published by Staffordshire Ecological Record, Wolseley Bridge, Stafford

Copyright © D.W. Emley, 2014

ISBN (online version): 978-1-910434-00-0

Available from :

Front cover : Beautiful Plume Amblyptilia acanthadactyla, Dave Emley

Page 4: The Smaller Moths of Staffordshire Updated and Revised Edition

Introduction to the up-dated and revised edition ............................................................................................ 1 Acknowledgements ......................................................................................................................................... 2

MICROPTERIGIDAE ...................................................................................................................................... 3 ERIOCRANIIDAE ........................................................................................................................................... 3 NEPTICULIDAE .............................................................................................................................................. 4 OPOSTEGIDAE .............................................................................................................................................. 6 HELIOZELIDAE .............................................................................................................................................. 6 ADELIDAE ...................................................................................................................................................... 7 INCURVARIIDAE ............................................................................................................................................ 7 PRODOXIDAE ................................................................................................................................................ 8 TISCHERIIDAE ............................................................................................................................................... 8 PSYCHIDAE ................................................................................................................................................... 8 TINEIDAE ....................................................................................................................................................... 9 ROESLERSTAMMIIDAE .............................................................................................................................. 11 BUCCULATRICIDAE .................................................................................................................................... 11 GRACILLARIIDAE ........................................................................................................................................ 11 YPONOMEUTIDAE ...................................................................................................................................... 14 YPSOLOPHIDAE .......................................................................................................................................... 15 PLUTELLIDAE .............................................................................................................................................. 16 GLYPHIPTERIGIDAE ................................................................................................................................... 17 ARGYRESTHIIDAE ...................................................................................................................................... 17 LYONETIIDAE .............................................................................................................................................. 18 PRAYDIDAE ................................................................................................................................................. 19 BEDELLIIDAE ............................................................................................................................................... 19 SCYTHROPIIDAE ........................................................................................................................................ 19 AUTOSTICHIDAE ......................................................................................................................................... 19 OECOPHORIDAE ........................................................................................................................................ 19 CHIMABACHIDAE ........................................................................................................................................ 20 LYPUSIDAE .................................................................................................................................................. 20 PELEOPODIDAE .......................................................................................................................................... 20 DEPRESSARIIDAE ...................................................................................................................................... 21 ETHMIIDAE .................................................................................................................................................. 22 COSMOPTERIGIDAE .................................................................................................................................. 22 GELICHIIDAE ............................................................................................................................................... 22 BATRACHEDRIDAE ..................................................................................................................................... 25 COLEOPHORIDAE ...................................................................................................................................... 26 ELACHISTIDAE ............................................................................................................................................ 27 PARAMETRIOTIDAE ................................................................................................................................... 29 MOMPHIDAE ................................................................................................................................................ 29 BLASTOBASIDAE ........................................................................................................................................ 29 SCYTHRIDIDAE ........................................................................................................................................... 30 ALUCITIDAE ................................................................................................................................................. 30 PTEROPHORIDAE ....................................................................................................................................... 30 SCHRECKENSTEINIIDAE ........................................................................................................................... 31 EPERMENIIDAE ........................................................................................................................................... 31 CHOREUTIDAE ............................................................................................................................................ 32 TORTRICIDAE ............................................................................................................................................. 32 PYRALIDAE .................................................................................................................................................. 44 CRAMBIDAE ................................................................................................................................................ 45

Records requiring confirmation ..................................................................................................................... 49 Recorders ..................................................................................................................................................... 49 Gazetteer ...................................................................................................................................................... 50 VC39 Staffordshire ....................................................................................................................................... 53 Plant species referred to in the text .............................................................................................................. 54 Bradley Number to Aggasiz Number Reference .......................................................................................... 56

Page 5: The Smaller Moths of Staffordshire Updated and Revised Edition


Introduction to the up-dated and revised edition

It is 25 years since Richard Warren (RGW) produced his Smaller Moths of Staffordshire and it is now long out-of-print. It was a monumental publication whose small size belied the work involved in its production. Richard was "into" micros at a time when few others were. His knowledge of the Micro-lepidoptera of the county was encyclopaedic, which is remarkable when you consider that he did not drive and his main source of identification of the micros was Meyrick's Revised Handbook of British Lepidoptera which, as those of you familiar with it will know, contains no illustrations save a few showing wing venation! Later there was the two volume British Tortricoid Moths and the first volumes of the The Moths of Great Britain and Ireland but these still covered only a small part of the micro-lepidoptera. He made regular visits to the Natural History Museum and consulted frequently those legends of Lepidoptera; Agassiz, Bradley, Heath, Pelham-Clinton, Tremewan and the like.

Richard could not have foreseen the rapid growth in interest in Lepidoptera that followed the sudden availability of identification literature, both traditional and on-line, as well as the advent of digital photography, all of which have contributed to a surge of interest in Lepidoptera and in the Micro-lepidoptera in particular.

A significant number of his records have not been confirmed in the past 25 years. Whether this is because the species are no longer present or that the sites have not been re-visited is hard to say. Conversely there are a number of species that were unknown to Richard but which are now common and widespread; the Horse-chestnut Leaf Miner Cameraria ohridella for example.

With the recent publication of Field Guide to the Micro Moths of Great Britain and Ireland by Phil Sterling and Mark Parsons it seems an appropriate time to produce an up-dated version of Richard's work. Up to the end of 2013 over 143 species of Micro-lepidoptera have been added to the county list since the first edition in 1988!

In his introduction to the first edition Richard said "Coverage of the County has been very uneven. The northern two-thirds, approximately north of Watling Street, has been fairly well covered, while to the south of this line records are very scanty." While the first statement still holds true, the second does not. Indeed, the situation is now reversed thanks largely to a band of keen moth hunters in the south of the county. Their names will become obvious when reading the text but Dave Grundy (DG) is worthy of special mention; his contribution to our knowledge of micros across the county has been substantial. So too has that of Mike Dale (MD) and John Bryan (JB) in the north and Darren Taylor (DT) in the south.

The data from the first edition has been retained with an additional statement by myself bringing us up-to-date. The records are arranged as follows :-

a) Records in the Victoria County History (VCH), 1908. This contained records from Edwin Brown who provided a list of Lepidoptera from the Burton District published in Sir O. Moseley's Natural History of Tutbury in 1863; Burton Natural History Society published a list in VCH covering the period 1885-9. C.G. Barrett provided a list of sixty species in the Cannock area in 1886 which was published in Transactions of the North Staffordshire Field Club 1887. Rev. T.W. Daltry published records in the NSFC Transactions between 1880 and 1891 while Dr. R. Freer listed 131 species from Rugeley and adjoining parts of Cannock Chase. Other contributors are noted in the List of Recorders.

b) Records between 1910 and 1950, including those in HW Daltry’s list in the Transactions of the North Staffordshire Field Club 1925 to 1929.

c) Records 1950-1987, including RGW's assessment of the species’ status at the time.

d) Records subsequent to 1987 added by DWE.

Richard Gordon Warren 1912 - 1999

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Unfortunately Richard did not give dates for many of the records but merely quoted the period over which the recorders were active. This means that for many species we have few dates for "first records". However, his collection is housed at the Potteries Museum and Art Gallery so this data is not lost! Recorders are referred to by their initials and a list of these is given, also there is a gazetteer indicating the 10km squares in which localities are situated.

The taxonomic order and nomenclature of the previous list was that of Bradley & Fletcher (1986), An Indexed List of British Butterflies and Moths . The species numbers used in that list are widely referred to and are a handy aid when adding data to computerised systems. However, late in 2013 came the totally revised checklist by David Agassiz et al featuring a new numbering system and a rearrangement of the taxonomy. I have used that checklist here but have retained the Bradley numbers for ease of reference. English names have never been widely used for the Micro-lepidoptera but I have included those in common usage.

A brief description of each family is given, then each species is listed with localities and recorders or, in the case of the commoner species, an assessment of their status. Food plants are given where this is relevant to the distribution of the species.

Any reference to "county" refers to the vice-county of Staffordshire (VC39) which comprises the boundary as it was in 1852; prior to the changes of 1974. It thus includes some areas such as Saltwells Wood, Sandwell Valley and parts of the Wyre Forest that are no longer within the current county boundary.

As with the first edition, this one contains no distribution maps. In this digital age there seems little point as they are all available and regularly updated on the Staffordshire Moth Group web site. Also, while a selection of images has been included, the UKMoths website contains photographs of most of the UK species.

UKMoths :

Staffordshire Moth Group :

The list makes no claim to be exhaustive, many gaps remain to be filled but it is an attempt to summarise the present state of knowledge of the smaller moths of Staffordshire in the hope that others may build on it. Hopefully we can start to make this current view of the smaller moths out-of-date.


My thanks go to the Potteries Museum and Art Gallery and the Staffordshire Wildlife Trust for permission to produce this updated edition.

Thanks are due to Craig Slawson for his diligent checking of the data and arranging publication; to Mike Dale for his continuing help with dissection of problem species; to John Bryan, Dave Grundy, Les Hill, Steve Hind, Mark Parsons and Dave Skingsley for commenting on the text; to all the many recorders for their unstinting efforts; to the photographers who have kindly let me use their work and to my wife Sue for being so patient and understanding when I'm stuck in the study for hours on end!

David Emley

Staffordshire Moth Recorder


The author by Sue Emley

Page 7: The Smaller Moths of Staffordshire Updated and Revised Edition


The list that follows is based on Agassiz, D.J.L., Beavan, S.D. and Heckford, R.J. 2013 Checklist of the Lepidoptera of the British Isles. Royal Entomological Society of the British Isles.

Family names end in -IDAE; sub-families in -inae and tribes in –ini. The integral part of the species number denotes the family and the decimal part the species number within the family. So, 1.001 denotes family 1, species 1 in that family. The Bradley (2000) codes are given in brackets after the name. Readers are directed to Agassiz et al (2013) for the full authorship and synonomy details for each species.

With so much under-recording and an over reliance on light trapping, resulting in lack of larval records, mines etc, comments on abundance are unreliable. To help I have quoted in square brackets the total number of 10km squares from which a species has been recorded and the number of squares recorded from 2000 to 2013 inclusive e.g. [5,1] means recorded from five 10km squares in total but from only one between 2000 and 2013. An asterisk * indicates an addition to the county list since the first edition.


Very small purple and gold moths, distinguished from all other families by the possession of mandibles in the adults, which feed on pollen. Little is known of the early stages. They can occur in large numbers, swarming over sedge flowers or sitting on buttercup flowers. All five species are represented in the county.

1.001 Micropterix tunbergella Fabricius (1). Henhurst (EB) VCH. Dovedale (HWD); Burnt Wood (HLB). Local, chiefly in woods on limestone, Dovedale and Manifold Valley (RGW). Only one record since 1974; one at Wren's Nest 16/6/2009 (DG). [5,1]

1.002 * Micropterix mansuetella Zeller (2). Saltwells Wood 20/4/1993 (DNF) [1,0]

1.003 Micropterix aureatella Scopoli (3). Burton (EB); Cannock Chase (CGB) VCH. Burnt Wood, Maer, Madeley, Swynnerton (HWD); Churnet Valley, Ipstones Edge, locally common (RGW). Eight records since 1988. [11,5]

1.004 Micropterix aruncella Scopoli (4). Henhurst (EB) VCH. Madeley, Manifold Valley, Dovedale (HWD). Loynton Moss, Trentham, Chartley Moss, locally common (RGW). Twenty records from 12 sites since 1988. [15,9]

1.005 Micropterix calthella Linnaeus (5). Henhurst (EB); Burton (JTH, DrM); Stafford (CGB) VCH. Very common, especially in marshy places (HWD, RGW). Recorded at only 11 sites since 1988 but common where it occurs [21,14].


Small purple and gold moths, day-flying in spring. The larvae make large blotches on the leaves of trees, especially oaks and birch. The adults of some can be difficult to identify and may require dissection. Seven of the eight species are represented in the county.

2.001 Dyseriocrania subpurpurella Haworth (6). Henhurst (EB); Burton (JTH, DrM); Hopwas Wood (WGB) VCH. Common on oak (HWD). Widespread and common in oak woods (RGW). Status appears unchanged [29,26].

2.003 Eriocrania unimaculella Zetterstedt (8). Very common locally on birch (HWD, RGW). Just one recent record of two mines on Highgate Common 8/5/2010 (DT) [5,1].

2.004 Eriocrania sparrmannella Bosc (9). Maer, Craddocks Moss, Madeley, Cannock Chase (HWD). Burnt Wood, Swynnerton, Trentham, Downs Banks, Churnet Valley; local and uncommon (RGW). Burnt Wood (JB), Highgate Common (DT), Sandwell Valley (MGB, JRo), Rudyard Lake (SH), Swynnerton, Wyre Forest (DG) [13,5].

2.005 Eriocrania salopiella Stainton (10). Burnt Wood (HWD, RGW); Cannock Chase; local and rare (RGW). Cannock Chase 2008 (DJ, MD), Sandwell Valley 1991 (JRo), Talke 2005 (MD), Wyre Forest 2003 (JRu) [6,3].

2.006 Eriocrania cicatricella Zetterstedt (11). Loynton Moss, Burnt Wood, Cannock Chase, Needwood Forest, locally common (RGW). Bunkers Hill Wood and Norton (DNF), Kinver Edge (PC), Saltwells Wood (AGB), Sandwell Valley (MB), Wyre Forest (JRu) [9,2].

Micropterix calthella, Jackson's Marsh,

Dave Emley

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2.007 Eriocrania semipurpurella Stephens (13). Rugeley (RF) VCH. Very common on birch (HWD, RGW). Noted at only eight sites since 1988 but common where it occurs [12,6].

2.008 Eriocrania sangii Wood (12). Burnt Wood, Cannock Chase, Needwood Forest (RGW). Cannock Chase 2008 (DG), Kinver Edge 2010 (PC), Saltwells Wood 1996 (TB), Wyre Forest 2003 (JRu), Silverdale 2013 (DG) [7,4].


A large family of 100 (58 in the county) very small moths including the smallest moths known to science. Some are unicolorous but many have brilliant metallic markings. The larvae are miners, mostly in leaves, a few in soft bark. The leaf mines are much more readily found than the moths and many of the species can be identified from the mines alone whereas identification of the adults often requires dissection.



4.002 Stigmella lapponica Wocke (116). On birch. Burnt Wood, Madeley, Maer Woods, Swynnerton, The Cloud (HWD). Common and widespread (RGW). Status probably unchanged but most recent records are from the north of the county [17,11].

4.003 Stigmella confusella Wood (117). On birch. Widespread and common. Status probably unchanged, most recent records are from the north of the county [9,7].

4.005 Stigmella betulicola Stainton (110). On birch. Gailey 1976 (AME); Black Firs, Churnet Valley, Cranberry Bog, Madeley (RGW). Kinver Edge 1987 (AGB), Cannock Chase 2007 (DG), Hawkbatch 2011 (RWina) [7,2].

4.006 * Stigmella sakhalinella Puplesis (113). On birch. Maer Hills 30/10/2006 (DG), Downs Banks 14/10/2010 (DG, SH), Hawkbatch 02/11/2011 (RWina) [3,3].

4.007 Stigmella luteella Stainton (112). On birch. Madeley, Maer Woods, Swynnerton (HWD). Gailey 1976 (AME). Widespread and common (RGW). Noted at seven localities since 1988 [10,6].

4.008 Stigmella glutinosae Stainton (114). On alder. Coombes Valley, Alton (RGW). One further record at Beech 27/9/2009 (DG, SH) [3,1].

4.009 Stigmella alnetella Stainton (115). On alder. Betley Mere, Trentham, Stafford, Seighford (RGW). No further records [4,0].

4.010 Stigmella microtheriella Stainton (111). On hazel. Burton (JTH, DrM) VCH. Madeley, locally common (HWD). Widespread (RGW). Status apparently unchanged [21,17].

4.013 Stigmella malella Stainton (97). Apple Pygmy. Burton (JTH, DrM) VCH. Chorlton Moss, Barlaston, Consall (RGW). Kinver Edge 1992 (AGB, EBl), Saltwells Wood 2001 (DNF), Beech 2009 and Downs Banks 2010 (DG, SH) [7,3].

4.015 Stigmella anomalella Goeze (92). Rose Leaf Miner. Burton (JTH, DrM) VCH. Alvecote Pools 1970 (RJT), Wilnecote 1984 (G & MA), Saltwells Wood 1985 (AGB), Crakemarsh and Foxt 2001 (SH), Hollinclough 2009, Rudyard and Hulme End 2010 (SH), Wren's Nest 2009 and Ossom's Hill 2010 (DG) and Baggeridge CP 2010 (DT) [11,8].

4.017 Stigmella centifoliella Zeller (93). On roses. Madeley (HWD). Hem Heath Wood (RGW). Fradley Wood 18/9/2004 (JC); the only recent record [3,1].

4.018 Stigmella ulmivora Fologne (80). On elm. Gailey 1976 (AME); Swynnerton, Copmere, Trentham (RGW). Two subsequent records at Walsall 22/9/2005 (DG) and Lloyd Wood 10/10/2010 (DT) [6,2].

4.019 Stigmella viscerella Stainton (95). On elm. Madeley (HWD). Great Haywood, Swynnerton (RGW). Two further records at Orton Hill 19/9/2012 (DT) and at Northycore Farm CP 2/11/2013 (IL) [5,2].

4.020 * Stigmella paradoxa Frey (82). On hawthorn. Cheddleton Heath and Basford Bridge 10/8/2001 (SH), Hollington 2001 (SH), Fradley Wood 2002 (JC) and Barr Beacon 2006 (DG) [4,4].

4.022 Stigmella regiella Herrich-Schäffer (107). On hawthorn. Madeley, Dovedale (HWD). Only one record since 1924 – Hawkbatch 2/11/2011 (RWina) [3,1].

4.023 Stigmella crataegella Klimesch (108). On hawthorn. Widespread and common (RGW). Status probably unchanged [7,6].

4.024 * Stigmella magdalenae Klimesch (104). Cannock Chase 12/09/2008 (DG), Brand Plantation 09/09/2009 (SH), Downs Banks and Barlaston Common 14/8/2010 (DG, SH) and Rudyard 9/9/2010 (SH) [5,5].

4.025 Stigmella nylandriella Tengsdtröm (103). On rowan. Madeley, Maer Woods (HWD). Talke, Churnet Valley , Burnt Wood, Swynnerton (RGW). Noted at 18 additional localities since 1980 [18,15].

4.026 Stigmella oxyacanthella Stainton (100). On hawthorn. Burton (JTH, DrM); Tixall (EDB) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Widespread and common (RGW). Not as widespread as previously suggested but can be common where it occurs. Apedale 2005 (JB), Hollington 2001 (SH), Marquis Drive 2007 (DG), Beech 2009 (DG, SH), Sandwell Valley 2010 (ANBS) and Baggeridge CP 2010 (DT) [11,7].

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4.030 Stigmella hybnerella Hübner (99). On hawthorn. Burton (EB, JTH, DrM) VCH. Caverswall, Coombes Valley, Hem Heath Wood, (RGW). Noted at 15 sites since 1977, mostly in the north of the county [15,11].

4.032 Stigmella floslactella Haworth (75). On hazel. Burton (EB, JTH, DrM) VCH. Madeley, Whiston Eaves (HWD). Common and widespread (RGW). Status unchanged; recorded at 18 widely separated sites since 1987 [20,16].

4.034 Stigmella tityrella Stainton (77). On beech. Maer Woods (HWD). Widespread and common (RGW). Status unchanged; recorded from 23 sites since 1987 [26,21].

4.035 Stigmella salicis Stainton (68). On willow. Burnt Wood, Manifold Valley, Morridge (HWD). Common and widespread (RGW). Seemingly common but all recent records, except one, are in the north of the county [12,9].

4.036 Stigmella myrtillella Stainton (72). On bilberry. Cannock Chase (CGB) VCH. Burnt Wood, Maer Woods, Swynnerton (HWD). Last seen in 1924 until 13 were found in Brocton Coppice 23/9/2007 (DG). Then at Hednesford Hills and Anson's Bank 2008 (DG), Brand Plantation 2009 (SH), Barlaston Common 2010 (DG, SH) and Hawkbatch 2011 (RWina) [8,6].

4.038 * Stigmella obliquella Heinemann (70). On willow. Wren's Nest 23/9/2009 (DG), Baggeridge CP 10/10/2010 (DT) [2,2].

4.039 Stigmella trimaculella Haworth (73). On poplars. Burton (JTH, DrM) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Last recorded in 1924 then at Tamworth 1986 (G & MA), Harborne 2005 (C & JC) and Barr Beacon 2006 (DG), Baggeridge CP 9/10/2010 (DT) [6,3].

4.041 Stigmella sorbi Stainton (66). Burnt Wood (HWD). Widespread on rowan (RGW). Recorded in eight localities since 1987, mostly in the north-east of the county [11,6].

4.042 Stigmella plagicolella Stainton (67). On Prunus sp. Henhurst (JTH, DrM) VCH. Hem Heath Wood (RGW). Recorded at Crakemarsh 2001 (SH), Walsall 2005 (DG), Marchington 2006 (RA), Wren's Nest 2009 (DG), Beech 2009 (DG, SH), Sandwell Valley 2009 (ANBS) and Barlaston Common 2010 (DG, SH), Baggeridge CP 2010 (DT) [8,6].

4.043 Stigmella lemniscella Zeller (63). On elm. Burton (JTH, DrM) VCH. Hem Heath Wood 1983 (RGW). Saltwells Wood 1985 and Kinver Edge 1987 (AGB), Combridge 2001 (SH), Fradley Wood 2002 (JC), Hollinsclough 2009 (SH), Wren's Nest 2009 (DG), Beech 2009 (DG, SH), Sandwell Valley 2009 (ANBS), Rudyard 2010 (SH), Ossom's Hill 2010 (DG), Lloyd Wood 2010 (DT) [14,10].

4.044 Stigmella continuella Stainton (64). On birch. Chartley Moss (HLB); Trentham, Talke, Alton (RGW). Saltwells Wood 1985 and Kinver Edge 1987 (AGB), Fradley Wood and Alrewas 2002 (JC), Cannock Chase and Maer Hills 2006 (DG) [9,3].

4.045 Stigmella aurella Fabricius (50). Burton (EB, JTH, DrM) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Widespread and common on bramble (RGW). Status unchanged [30,27].

4.047 Stigmella splendidissimella Herrich-Schäffer (53). On bramble. Burton (JTH, DrM) VCH. Trentham (RGW). Sandwell Valley 1981 (JRo), Fradley Wood 2002 (JC) [5,1].

4.052 * Stigmella filipendulae Wocke (57). Fradley Wood 18/9/2002 and Alrewas 19/9/2002 (JC) [1,1].

4.053 Stigmella incognitella Herrich-Schäffer (78). On apple. Madeley (HWD); Chorlton Moss (RGW). One subsequent record at Baggeridge CP 29/5/2009 (DT) [3,1].

4.054 Stigmella perpygmaeella Doubleday (79). On hawthorn. Burton VCH. Madeley (HWD). Norbury, Uttoxeter (RGW). Fradley Wood and Alrewas 2002 (JC), Hednesford Hill 2008 (DG), Brand Plantation 2009 (SH), Swynnerton 2009 (DG, SH), Ettingshall and Lloyd Wood 2010 (DT) and Hawkbatch 2011 (RWina) [11,7].

4.055 Stigmella hemargyrella Kollar (81). On beech. Branston VCH. Dovedale (HWD). Trentham, Churnet Valley, Hopwas Wood (RGW). Status unchanged; noted at 15 locations since 1988 [19,13].

4.056 * Stigmella speciosa Frey (65). On sycamore. Crakemarsh 22/9/2011 (SH), Sandwell Valley 10/10/2009 (ANBS), Rudyard 9/9/2010 (SH), Orton 2010 (DT) [4,4].

4.060 Stigmella ruficapitella Haworth (84). On oak. Burton (EB, JTH, DrM) VCH. Recorded from 10 sites across the county [14,10].

4.061 Stigmella atricapitella Haworth (83). On oak. Probably common; records pre-1971 are unreliable because the distinctions between this and the following two species were not understood. Hem Heath Wood 1977 and Burnt Wood 1980 (RGW), Saltwells Wood 1985 (AGB), Orton Hill 2009 (DT), Sandwell Valley 1991 (JRo), Marquis Drive 1999 and Fradley Wood 2002 (JC), Orton 2009 (DT) [8,2].

Stigmella aurella mine on bramble

Dave Emley

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4.062 * Stigmella samiatella Zeller (88). On sweet chestnut. One Cannock Chase 23/9/2007 (DG), then at Postenplain 2009 (OW), Sandwell Valley 2009 (ANBS) and Hammerwich 2010 and 2011 (RS) [5,5].

4.063 * Stigmella roborella Johansson (86). On oak. One Hammerwich 19/8/2009 then 2010 and 2011 (RS) [1,1].


4.068 Trifurcula immundella Zeller (46). On broom. Madeley (HWD); Burnt Wood, Leycett, Trentham, Downs Banks (RGW). Only one post 1988 record; Hednesford 3/6/2007 (JB) [5,1].

4.071 Bohemannia pulverosella Stainton (40). On apple. Madeley, Mucklestone (HWD); Chorlton Moss (RGW). Cheddleton and Crakemarsh 2010 (SH), Downs Banks 2010 and Swynnerton 2009 (DG, SH) [6,4].

4.072 Bohemannia quadrimaculella Boheman (19). On alder. Madeley (HWD). Burnt Wood (RGW). No recent records [3,0].

4.074 * Ectoedemia sericopeza Zeller (21). On Norway maple. Hammerwich 2010, 2011 (RS), Penn 23/7/2012 (DT) [2,2].

4.076 Ectoedemia decentella Herrich-Schäffer (20). On sycamore seeds. Newcastle (RGW). Harborne 2003 (C & JC), Orton Hill 2009 (DT) [3,2].

4.077 Ectoedemia weaveri Stainton (43). On cowberry. Henhurst (EB) VCH. Burnt Wood (WM); Maer Woods (HWD); Swynnerton, Cannock Chase, Oakamoor (RGW). Confirmed for Cannock Chase 2006 (AG) [5,1].

4.078 Ectoedemia septembrella Stainton (42). On St. John's-wort. Burnt Wood (HLB); Trentham, Coombes Valley, Needwood Forest (RGW). Hollington 2001 (SH), Barlaston Common 2010 (DG, SH) [6,2].

4.082 Ectoedemia intimella Zeller (25). On willow. Burton (EB, JTH, DrM) VCH. Alvecote (RJT). Baggeridge CP 31/10/2010 (DT) [3,1].

4.085 Ectoedemia argyropeza Zeller (23). On aspen. Burnt Wood (WM, RGW); Madeley (HWD); Swynnerton (RGW). Saltwells Wood 1985 (AGB), Tittesworth Reservoir 2006 (SH), Wyre Forest 2011 (RWina) [6,2].

4.089 Ectoedemia albifasciella Heinemann (37). On oak. Gailey 1976 (AME); Betley Mere, Trentham, Moddershall, Tamworth (RGW). Recorded at 12 sites since 1988 [17,13].

4.090 Ectoedemia subbimaculella Haworth (38). On oak. Burton (JTH, DrM) VCH. Cannock Chase, Madeley, Swynnerton (HWD). Gailey (AME). Noted at nine sites post 1988 [11,7].

4.091 * Ectoedemia heringi Toll (39). Maer Hills 30/10/2006 (DG), Hawkbatch 2/11/2011 (RWina) [2,2]. 4.094 Ectoedemia angulifasciella Stainton (28). On rose. Burton (EB, JTH, DrM) VCH. Madeley (HWD).

Alvecote (RJT). Kinver Edge 1987 (AGB), Wyre Forest 2009 (OW), Wren's Nest 2009 (DG), Lloyd Wood 2010 (DT) [8,3].

4.095 Ectoedemia atricollis Stainton (29). On hawthorn. Madeley (HWD). Norbury, Hanchurch, Churnet Valley, Uttoxeter, generally common (RGW). Hollington and Crakemarsh 2001 (SH), Beech and Swynnerton 2009 (DG, SH), Sandwell Valley 2009 (ANBS), Baggeridge CP 2010 (DT), Downs Banks 2010 (DG, SH) and Hawkbatch 2011 (RWina) [12,6].

4.096 * Ectoedemia arcuatella Herrich-Schäffer (30). On wild and barren strawberry. Sandwell Valley 14/8/1993 (MB) [1,0].

4.099 Ectoedemia occultella Linnaeus (34). Burton (EB, JTH, DrM) VCH. Very common on birch (HWD, RGW). Recorded from 15 sites since 1988 [16,12].

4.100 Ectoedemia minimella Zetterstedt (35). On birch. Gailey 1976 (AME); Leek (RGW). Burnt Wood 1991 (RGW), Hollington 2001 (SH), Flash 2009 (SH), Swynnerton 2009 (DG, SH), Barlaston Common and Downs Banks 2010 (DG, SH), Rudyard 2010 (SH), Baggeridge CP 2012 (DT) [8,6].


Very small white moths found in grassy places. We have two of the four species.


5.001 Opostega salaciella Treitschke (119). Madeley (HWD). Trentham, Chartley Moss, Coombes Valley (RGW). Hammerwich 2009-12 (RS), Ossom's Hill 2010 (RHe), Brown End Quarry 2011 (MD). Cannock Chase 2011 (NDP et al) and Penn Common 2011 (DT) [8,5].

5.004 * Pseudopostega crepusculella Zeller (121). Penn Common 14/6/2011 (DT) [1,1].


Very small day-flying moths; the larvae of Heliozela mining the petioles of oaks, birches and alder and those of Antispila mining the leaves of dogwood. We have four of the five species.

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6.001 * Antispila metallella Denis & Schiffermüller (158). One at Priory Wood 1/4/1989 (MB) [1,0]. 6.003 Heliozela sericiella Haworth (154). Henhurst (EB) VCH. Burnt Wood (WM). Widespread and

common (RGW). Recorded at 10 sites since 1988 [17,9]. 6.004 Heliozela resplendella Stainton (156). Madeley (HWD). The only record until one at Cheddleton

10/8/2001 (SH) then at Hollinsclough and Brand Plantation 2009 (SH), Beech 2009 (DG, SH), Sandwell Valley 2009 (ANBS), Barlaston Common and Rudyard 2010 (SH) [6,5].

6.005 Heliozela hammoniella Sorhagen (157). Craddocks Moss, Maer Woods, Chartley Moss, Hawksmoor (HWD); Burnt Wood, Apedale, local and uncommon (RGW). Brand Plantation 2009 (SH), Swynnerton 2009 and Barlaston Common 2010 (DG, SH) [8,3].


We have 10 of the 15 species of this longhorn family. The antennae can be up to four times the length of the forewing. In some species the wing is metallic green, in others bronze with yellow cross line. They fly in the daytime, the males of some species often swarming round the tip of a bush or tree branch. The larvae construct portable cases of leaf fragments and live among the leaf litter.


7.001 Nemophora degeerella Linnaeus (148). Cannock Chase (CGB); Rugeley, common (RF) VCH. Common, Loynton Moss, Madeley (HWD). Common, flying in sunshine in woodland glades (RGW). Status unchanged [30,22].

7.003 Nemophora cupriacella Hübner (146). Manifold Valley (HWD). No further records [1,0]. 7.005 Nemophora minimella Denis & Schiffermüller (145). Burnt Wood 1938, Barlaston 1949, Downs

Banks, Coombes Valley 1960, Oakamoor 1974 (RGW). No further records [5,0]. 7.006 Adela reaumurella Linnaeus (150). Cannock Chase

(CGB); common Rugeley (RF) VCH. Abundant (HWD). Widespread, mating swarms of males over tips of branches in sunshine (RGW). Status unchanged [27,21].

7.008 Adela croesella Scopoli (151). Cannock Chase (CGB) VCH. Kinver Edge 1984 (FAN), Hawkbatch 2006 (KMcG) [3,1].

7.009 Cauchas fibulella Denis & Schiffermüller (153). On flowers of speedwell. Madeley, Dovedale (HWD). Burnt Wood (HLB); Manifold Valley and Dovedale 1985 (RGW). One at Northycote Farm 22/5/14 (IL) and Grindon 6/6/14 (JB) [5,2].

7.010 Cauchas rufimitrella Scopoli (152). Needwood, common (JTH, DrM) VCH. Burnt Wood (HLB); Madeley, Dovedale (HWD); Cheddleton, Doley Common, Downs Banks, Dydon Wood, Trentham, Churnet Valley (RGW). Recorded from a further eight sites since 1977. Common on garlic mustard [22,11].


7.012 Nematopogon schwarziellus Zeller (141). Burton (EB); Cannock Chase (CGB) VCH. Widespread and common. The few recent records suggest a decline. Talke 2003-5 (MD), Brindley Ford 2005 (JB), Cannock Chase 2007 (DGG), Swynnerton 2012 (MD), Creswell's Piece 2013 (JB, MD) [19,5].

7.014 Nematopogon metaxella Hübner (143). Burton (EB) VCH. Cannock Chase 01/07/2006 (DCG) [2,1]. 7.015 Nematopogon swammerdamella Linnaeus (140). Burton (EB); Cannock Chase (CGB); Rugeley

(RF) VCH. Widespread and common (RGW). Status seemingly unchanged [25,16].


Small moths, with a wingspan of 3-8mm, that fly in the sunshine. The larvae start as leaf miners then all but one end by cutting a case from the leaf. All five species are represented in the county.


8.001 Incurvaria pectinea Haworth (129). Hopwas Wood (RCB); Rugeley (RF) VCH. Burnt Wood (WM, HWD); Maer Woods, Swynnerton, Cannock Chase (HWD). Kinver Edge (FAN); Burnt Wood, locally common in woods (RGW). Noted at eight sites since 1981 [12,8].

Adela reaumurella, Cannock Chase

Dave Emley

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8.002 Incurvaria masculella Denis & Schiffermüller (130). Henhurst (EB); Cannock Chase (CGB); Hopwas Wood (WGB); Rugeley (RF) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Widespread and common (RGW). Recorded from only half the squares [26,12].

8.003 Incurvaria oehlmanniella Hübner (131). Burnt Wood (WM, HWD, RGW); Chartley Moss (HWD); Swynnerton, Trentham, Churnet Valley, Needwood Forest, local and uncommon (RGW). Noted at 11 sites since 1988 [11,6].

8.004 Incurvaria praelatella Denis & Schiffermüller (132). Sinai Park (EB) VCH. No further records [1,0]. 8.005 Phylloporia bistrigella Haworth (128). Burnt Wood (WM); Chartley Moss, Madeley, Swynnerton

(HWD). Widespread but infrequent among birch (RGW). Noted at 15 localities, mainly in the north [17,13].


Very similar to the Incurvariidae, flying in the sunshine. The larvae feed inside fruits, stems or shoots of plants; one even forming a gall. We have five of the seven species.


9.001 Lampronia capitella Clerck (133). Currant Shoot Borer. Tixall (EDB) VCH. No further records [1,0]. 9.002 Lampronia luzella Hübner (135). Burton (EB) VCH. Burnt Wood (WM, HWD, RGW), Chartley

Moss, Madeley (HWD); Churnet Valley, Coombes Valley, The Cloud, local and uncommon (RGW). Confirmed for The Cloud 25/7/2011 (JB); the only additional record [9,1].

9.003 Lampronia corticella Linnaeus (136). Raspberry Moth. Tixall (EDB) VCH. Common on raspberry, especially the wild form (HWD). Burnt Wood, Hawksmoor, Coombes Valley, Needwood Forest (RGW). Acton Trussell (SP), Clayton (CP), Mill Green Park (DW-J), Norton (DNF), Saltwells Wood (DNF, TB) [10,2].

9.004 Lampronia morosa Zeller (137). Madeley (HWD). Moddershall Oaks 1988 (RGW). No further records [2,0].

9.006 * Lampronia fuscatella Tengström (138). Forms a gall on birch. Hammerwich 27/5/2012 (RS) [1,1].


Very small unicolorous moths that rest with the front end raised and wings at a narrow angle over the body. The larvae form blotch mines in the leaves of various trees and shrubs. We have four of the six species.

10.001 Tischeria ekebladella Bjerkander (123). On oak. Burton (EB, JTH, DrM); Cannock Chase (CGB); Hopwas Wood (WGB) VCH. Burnt Wood; rather common in woods (HWD). Widespread (RGW). Status unchanged [21,16].

10.002 Tischeria dodonaea Stainton (124). On oak. Burnt Wood (HWD); Trentham, Cannock Chase; local in oak woods (RGW). No further records [3,0].

10.003 Coptotriche marginea Haworth (125). On bramble. Burton (EB) VCH. Madeley; very common (HWD). Widespread (RGW). Status unchanged with the majority of records from the SE quarter of the county [20,18].

10.006 Coptotriche angusticolella Duponchel (127). On rose. Madeley (HWD). No further records [1,0].


Also known as Bagworms, this is a highly specialised family of small to medium-sized moths. The larvae feed in cases constructed of bark, lichen or grasses. The females of most species are wingless and do not leave the case. Some species are parthenogenetic. The family is much under-recorded and we have seven of the 18 species.

Lampronia fuscatella, Hammerwich,

Robert Sharp

Tischeria ekebladella,

Hammerwich, Robert Sharp

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11.001 Diplodoma laichartingella Goeze (180). Cannock Chase (CGB) VCH. Madeley, two examples in house, possibly introduced (HWD). No further records until one in Himley Plantation 30/6/2009 (DT) and on The Cloud 23/6/2011 (JB) [4,2].

11.002 Narycia duplicella Goeze (175). Cannock Chase (HWD). The only record until one at Fradley Junction 27/07/2004 (JC). Then at several sites on Cannock Chase 2006, 2007 (DG, DGG, AG), Needwood Forest 2009 (DG), Highgate Common 2010 (DT), Kinver Edge 2010 (OW), Hammerwich 2011 (RS) [7,7].


11.004 Dahlica inconspicuella Stainton (177). Lesser Lichen Case-bearer. Hopwas Wood (EB); Rugeley (RF) VCH. Burnt Wood (HLB, RGW); Swynnerton (HWD, RGW); Cannock Chase, Dovedale (RGW). Only one recent record on Hednesford Hills 29/6/2008 (DG) [8,1].



11.006 Taleporia tubulosa Retzius (181). Cannock Chase (CGB, WGB); common Rugeley (RF) VCH. Burnt Wood (HLB); Cannock Chase (HWD, RGW); Bishops Offley (RGW); Kinver Edge (FAN). Cannock Chase 2006, 2007 (DG, DGG, AG), Orton and Highgate Common 2010 (DT), Kinver Edge 2010 (PC) [5,3].



11.009* Luffia ferchaultella Stephens (185). Highgate Common 7/2/2010 (DT) [1,1]. 11.012 Psyche casta Pallas (186). Cannock Chase (CGB, RF); common Rugeley (RF) VCH. Burnt Wood,

Swynnerton, Cannock Chase, Dovedale (HWD); Kinver Edge (FAN). Common, cases frequently to be seen on tree trunks and fences (RGW). Cannock Chase 2006, 2007 (DGG), Postenplain (DG) and Hawkbatch 2007 (AF, GF), Highgate Common (DT) and Himley Plantation 2010 (DT, LB) [9,4].



11.016* Acanthopsyche atra Linnaeus (191). Male and female cases at Knotbury 29/4/2006 (SH) [1,1].


The family includes the ‘Clothes moths’ and several others associated with human activities. The larvae feed on stored matter of animal or vegetable origin, some in nests of birds or Hymenoptera. Some are pests of economic importance. We have 23 of the 59 species on the UK list.


12.010* Morophaga choragella Denis & Schiffermüller (196). Hednesford 3/6/2007 (JB), Marquis Drive 29/6/2008 (DG) [2,2].


12.011 Triaxomera fulvimitrella Sodoffsky (225). Burton (EB, JTH, DrM); Cannock Chase (CGB, WGB); Rugeley (RF) VCH. Cannock Chase, Craddocks Moss, Madeley (HWD). Burnt Wood, Chorlton Moss, Trentham, Needwood Forest, Coombes Valley (RGW). Since then at Burnt Wood (JB) and Chartley Moss (JC) 2005, Loynton Moss (MD, SP) 2006, Needwood Forest 2009 (DG) and Brankley Pastures 2011 (DJ) [10,4].

12.012* Triaxomera parasitella Hübner (224). On fungi. Harborne 26/4/2004 and 21/6/2005 (C & JC), Brocton

Triaxomera parasitella, Harborne,

C & J Chance

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Coppice 30/6/2006 (DGG), Needwood Forest 22/6/2009 (DG), Northycote Farm CP 12/7/2013 (IL) [4.4].

12.014 Nemaxera betulinella Fabricius (223). Rugeley (RF) VCH. Burnt Wood, Cannock Chase (HWD). Not common, Loynton Moss, Maer Woods, Swynnerton, Trentham, Needwood Forest (RGW).No recent records [8,0].

12.015 Nemapogon granella Linnaeus (215). Corn Moth. Burton (JTH, DrM) VCH. No further records until one at Saltwells Wood 1985 (AGB) and 1996 (TB) [2,0].

12.016 Nemapogon cloacella Haworth (216). Cork Moth. Burton (EB, JTH, DrM); Cannock Chase (CGB); very common Rugeley (RF) VCH. Very common generally (HWD, RGW). Status appears unchanged with 37 post 2000 records[19,12].

12.019* Nemapogon ruricolella Stainton (219). Brankley Pastures 21/5/2011 (DG) [1,1]. 12.021 Nemapogon clematella Fabricius (220). Henhurst (EB) VCH. No further records [1,0].


12.025 Trichophaga tapetzella Linnaeus (234). Tapestry Moth. Burton, common (EB, JTH, DrM); common Rugeley (RF) VCH. Madeley (HWD). No further records [3,0].

12.026 Tineola bisselliella Hummel (236). Common Clothes Moth. Tixall (EDB) VCH. Madeley, once only (HWD). Trentham, Coombes Valley (RGW). Once a pest in houses, now rarely seen. Walsall 2003 (AC), Hammerwich 2008, 2010 (RS) are the only recent records [7,2].

12.027 Tinea pellionella Linnaeus (240). Case-bearing Clothes Moth. Burton VCH. Madeley (HWD). Trentham, Wall Grange. Very common in houses (RGW). Recorded at Brindley Ford 2007 (JB), Ettingshall 2008 (DT), Ball Green 2010-11 (JB) and Penn 2012 (DT) [7,3].

12.029 Tinea flavescentella Haworth (244). Burton VCH. No further records [1,0]. 12.030 Tinea pallescentella Stainton (245). Large Pale Clothes Moth. Burton (JTH, DrM) VCH. Leek (J &

WH); Hanley 1944 (HWD); Trentham, Coombes Valley, Alvecote (RGW). No further records [6,0]. 12.032 Tinea semifulvella Haworth (246). Henhurst (RB); Burton (JTH, DrM); Tixall (EDB); Rugeley (RF)

VCH. Leek (Hill); Burnt Wood (WM, HWD, RGW); Maer Woods, Madeley, Cannock Chase (HWD); Trentham, Coombes Valley (RGW). Recorded at 15 sites since 1988 [19,9].

12.033 Tinea trinotella Thunberg (247). Burton (EB); Rugeley (RF) VCH. Burnt Wood (WM, RGW). Madeley, Whiston Eaves (HWD); Trentham, Coombes Valley (RGW). Widely distributed, 53 post-2000 records [18,13].

12.034 Niditinea fuscella Linnaeus (237). Brown-dotted Clothes Moth. Tatenhill, Burton (EB, JTH, DrM); Rugeley (RF) VCH. Madeley (HWD); Trentham, Coombes Valley (RGW). Once common in houses but only recorded since 1988 at Walsall 2003 (AC), Hammerwich 2009-2012 (RS) and Ball Green 2011 (JB) [7,3].

12.035* Niditinea striolella Matsumara (238). Trentham 9/8/1991 (RGW) [1,0]. 12.036 Monopis laevigella Denis & Schiffermüller (227). Skin Moth. Burton (EB, JTH, DrM); Cannock

Chase (CGB); very common Rugeley (RF) VCH. Common generally (HWD, RGW). Only nine records from seven sites since 1988 [11,6].

12.037 Monopis weaverella Scott (228). Burnt Wood (HWD). No further records until found at three sites on Cannock Chase in 2007 (DG, JC), Burnt Wood and Needwood Forest 2009 (DG), Swynnerton 2012 (MD), Blackbrook NR 2013 (DG) [6,6].

12.038 Monopis obviella Denis & Schiffermüller (229). Cannock Chase 1952; Newcastle, Trentham (RGW). Millfields 28/6/2008 (DT) and Hammerwich 20/7/2008 (RS) [4,2].


12.044 Haplotinea insectella Fabricius (212). Tatenhill (EB); Rugeley (RF) VCH. No further records [2,0].


12.047* Psychoides verhuella Bruand (199). Mines hart's-tongue. Baggeridge CP 23/1/2010 (DT) [1,1]. 12.048* Psychoides filicivora Meyrick (200). Mines various ferns. Baggeridge CP 23/1/2010 (DT), Ball

Green 25/5/2012 (JB), Fordhouses 12/6/2013 (IL) [3,3].

Tinea trinotella, Sandwell Valley

Mike Bloxham

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The adults, which fly at night, have bronze wings which are held roof-wise while the larvae start off in a mine then feed externally on the leaf. The only other species in the UK is a 19th-century record.

13.002* Roeslerstammia erxlebella Fabricius (447). Hednesford Hills 14/7/2008 (OW) and 27/7/2008 (AP), Needwood Forest 2009 (DG), Penn 14/8/2012 (DT), Northycote Farm CP 8/6/13 (IW) {4,4].


We have nine of the 13 species of these small day-flying moths with a wing length of 3-5mm. The larvae begin as leaf miners before feeding externally on a range of trees and shrubs.

14.001 Bucculatrix cristatella Zeller (265). Madeley (HWD). Sandwell Valley 1/6/1987 (JL), Pelsall North Common 12/7/1992 (JL) [3,0].

14.002 Bucculatrix nigricomella Zeller (266). Dovedale, bred 1967 (RGW). Bemmersley Quarry 17/5/2007 (JB), Needwood Forest 31/5/2009 (MD), Penn 20/7/2010 (DT) [4,3].

14.005 Bucculatrix humiliella Herrich-Schäffer (268). Alvecote Pools 1964 (G & MA) [1,0]. 14.007 Bucculatrix albedinella Zeller (271). Burton (EB) VCH. One at Penn 2/6/2010 (DT) [2,1]. 14.008 Bucculatrix cidarella Zeller (272). Madeley, Cannock Chase (HWD). Barlaston Common and

Downs Banks 14/8/2010 (DG, SH), Rudyard and Hulme End 2010 (SH) [5,3]. 14.009 Bucculatrix thoracella Thunberg (273). Burton (EB) VCH. Alrewas 19/9/2002 (JC), Penn 15/8/2004

(DT), Ashwood Nursery 22/8/2006 (RHo), Hammerwich 31/7/2011 (RS), Northycote Farm CP 30/8/2013 (IL) [6,5].

14.010 Bucculatrix ulmella Zeller (274). Burton (EB) VCH. Burnt Wood, Madeley, Swynnerton (HWD); Trentham, Cannock Chase (RGW). Wolseley Bridge 2003 (SP), Postensplain 2003 (DG), Consall Woods 2005 (DG), Hammerwich 2010 (RS), Kinver Edge 2010 and Penn 2011 (DT) [11,5].

14.012 Bucculatrix bechsteinella Bechstein & Scharfenberg (275). Burton (EB) VCH. Just one further record; a mine at Leekbrook 22/9/2013 (CWP) [2,1].

14.013 Bucculatrix demaryella Duponchel (276). Burnt Wood, Chartley Moss (HWD, RGW). Fradley Wood 18/9/2002 (JC), Hednesford Hills 1/10/2008 (DG) [4,2].


A large family of small or very small moths, some of which have greatly extended their range. The Gracillariinae are brightly coloured and many have a characteristic posture with the front end raised at an angle on extended fore and mid legs. The larvae mine at first and later feed in a folded or conically rolled leaf. The Lithocolletinae mine leaves - bark in one or two species - and in leaves they form a hollow chamber, arching the leaf in a characteristic manner. The moths are very pretty with a typical pattern of white or metallic strigulae. We have 70 of the 95 species on the UK list.


15.002 Caloptilia cuculipennella Hübner (280). Henhurst (EB) VCH. Dovedale, 1954 (RGW). No further records [2,0].

15.003* Caloptilia populetorum Zeller (281). Hawkbatch 13/4/2003 (JR), Hednesford Hills 2006 (DG, AP), Barr Beacon 2006 (DG, DH), Cannock Chase 2006, 2007, 2008 (DG, DT, MD, AP, GF, SF), Weston Sprink 2013 (DG), Sandwell Valley 2013 (MB), Northycote Farm CP 2013 (IL) [6,6].

15.004 Caloptilia elongella Linnaeus (282). Burton (EB, JTH, DrM); Cannock Chase (CGB, RCB); Rugeley (RF) VCH. Rather common generally (HWD). Some of these records may refer to C. betulicola, since the two species were not formerly separated. Trentham, Churnet Valley, Dovedale (RGW). Ten additional sites since 1988 [15,8].

15.005 Caloptilia betulicola Hering (283). Burnt Wood, Maer Woods, Trentham, Downs Banks, Swynnerton, Cannock Chase, The Cloud, common on birch (RGW). Twelve additional sites since 1988 [13,9].

15.006* Caloptilia rufipennella Hübner (284). Crakemarsh 22/9/2001 (SH), Fradley Wood 2002 (JC), Hawkbatch 2003 (JR), Hednesford Hills 2004 (DG), Harborne 2004 (DG, AP), Sedgley Beacon 2008 (DT), Wren's Nest 2009 (DG), Beech and Swynnerton 2009 (DG, SH), Barlaston Common 2010 (DG, SH), Rudyard 2010 (SH), Fordhouses and Northycote Farm CP 2013 (IL) [10,10].

Roeslerstammia erxlebella,

Northycote Farm CP, Ian Lycett

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15.007* Caloptilia azaleella Brants (285). Azalea Leaf Miner. Hammerwich 19/8/2012 (RS) [1,1]. 15.008 Caloptilia alchimiella Scopoli (286). Henhurst (EB) VCH. On oak, rather common generally (HWD,

RGW). Status unchanged. Note: records prior to 1972 may refer to C. robustella [17,14]. 15.009* Caloptilia robustella Jäckh (287). Harborne 8/8/2004 (DG, SH), Apedale 2005 (JB), Cannock

Chase 2007 (MD), Burnt Wood 2009 (MD), Keele University 2009 (DWE), Dovedale 2009 (DG), Orton Hill 2009 (DT) [6,6].

15.010 Caloptilia stigmatella Fabricius (288). On sallow. Henhurst (EB); Rugeley (RF) VCH. Madeley (HWD), Burnt Wood (HLB, RGW). Widely distributed; recorded from 25 additional sites since 1988 [23, 18].

15.012* Caloptilia semifascia Haworth (290). Acton Trussell 6/8/2003 (SP), Wren's Nest 23/9/2009 (DG) [2,2].

15.013 Caloptilia hemidactylella Denis & Schiffermüller (291). Henhurst (EB) VCH. No further records [1,0].

15.014 Gracilllaria syringella Fabricius (293). Burton (EB) VCH. Abundant on privet, lilac and ash (HWD, RGW). Status appears unchanged [23,18].

15.015 Aspilapteryx tringipennella Zeller (294). On plantain. Madeley; general and rather common, especially on the limestone (RGW). Status appears unchanged; noted at 19 sites since 1988 [14,10].

15.016 Eucalybites auroguttella Stephens (297). On St. John's-wort. Henhurst (EB) VCH. Dovedale (HWD). Coombes Valley; very local (RGW). Sandwell Valley 10/10/2009 (ANBS), Himley Wood Landfill 11/9/2012 (DT) [5,2].

15.017 Calybites phasianipennella Hübner (296). Madeley (HWD); Loynton Moss, Maer Woods, Trentham (RGW). Since noted at Acton Trussell (SP), Penn (DT), Queslett (DG), Hammerwich (RS), Cannock Chase (DG) and Wolverhampton (DG) [10,6].

15.019* Acrocercops brongniardella Fabricius (313). Hednesford Hills 1/10/2008 (DG) [1,1]. 15.022 Callisto denticulella Thunberg (310). Rugeley (RF) VCH. Madeley, Whiston Eaves (HWD);

Barlaston, 1940 (RGW). Cheddleton Heath 10/8/2001 (SH), Crakemarsh 22/9/2001 (SH), Swynnerton 27/9/2009 (DG, SH), Downs Banks 14/8/2010 (DG, SH), Orton Hill 2012 (DT) [8,5].

15.024 Parornix loganella Stainton (300). Burnt Wood (HWD). The only record [1,0]. 15.025 Parornix betulae Stainton (301). Cannock Chase (CGB, WGB) VCH. Burnt Wood (WM); Madeley,

Maer Woods, Swynnerton (HWD). Generally common on birch (RGW). Still common – most recent records from the south-east [14,10].

15.026* Parornix fagivora Frey (302). Mines found at Hednesford Hills 1/10/2008 and Wren's Nest 23/9/2009 (DG) and at Northcote Farm CP 2/11/2013 (IL) [3,3].

15.028 Parornix anglicella Stainton (303). Burton (EB); Cannock Chase (CGB); Rugeley (RF) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Generally common on hawthorn (RGW). Status appears unchanged [22,18].

15.029 Parornix devoniella Stainton (304). On hazel. Madeley, common (HWD); generally common (RGW). Status appears unchanged [17,13].

15.030 Parornix scoticella Stainton (305). On rowan. Madeley, Maer Woods, Swynnerton (HWD). Churnet Valley, Ipstones Edge, locally common (RGW). Eight records since 2000 [13,6].

15.032* Parornix finitimella Zeller (308). Crakemarsh 22/9/2001 (SH), Beech 27/9/2009 (DG, SH), Himley Wood Landfill 11/9/2012 (DT) [3,3].

15.033 Parornix torquillella Zeller (309). On blackthorn. Burton (EB) VCH. Madeley (HWD); Burnt Wood, Needwood Forest, Manifold Valley, locally common (RGW). Saltwells Wood 1985 (AGB), Acton Trussell 2003 (SP), Hammerwich 2008-13 (RS), Barlaston Common 2010 (DG, SH), Baggeridge CP 2012 (DT) [10,4].


15.034 Phyllonorycter harrisella Linnaeus (315). On oak. Burton (EB, JTH, DrM); Cannock Chase (CGB) VCH. Probably very common generally (HWD, RGW). 27 post-2000 records [21,11].

15.035 Phyllonorycter roboris Zeller (316). On oak. Cannock Chase (CGB) VCH. Burnt Wood (WM); Swynnerton (HWD, RGW); Trentham, Moddershall, Churnet Valley; local and scarce (RGW). No further records [7,0].

15.036 Phyllonorycter heegeriella Zeller (317). On oak. Burton (ES) VCH. Burnt Wood, Maer Woods (HWD); Trentham. Local (RGW). Saltwells Wood 1985 (AGB), Kinver Edge 1987 (AGB), Sandwell Valley 1991 (JRo), Hollington 2001 (SH), Hednesford Hills 2008 (DG), Orton 2010 (DT) [10,4].

15.039 Phyllonorycter quercifoliella Zeller (320). On oak. Burton (EB, JTH, DrM); Cannock Chase (CGB) VCH. Probably very common generally (HWD, RGW). 32 post-2000 records [26,13].

15.040 Phyllonorycter messaniella Zeller (321). On holm oak. Burton (EB) VCH. Madeley, Whiston Eaves (HWD); Loynton Moss, Barlaston, Ilam (RGW). Recorded at 12 sites since 1988 [18,11].

15.041* Phyllonorycter platani Staudinger (321a). Bilston Road 16/9/2010 (DT) [1,1]. 15.042 Phyllonorycter muelleriella Zeller (322). On oak. Burnt Wood, Madeley (HWD). Dimmingsdale

1936; Loynton Moss; rare and local (RGW). No further records [4,0].

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15.043 Phyllonorycter oxyacanthae Frey (323). On hawthorn. Burnt Wood (WM); Madeley, Cheadle (HWD). Possibly common generally (RGW). Status appears unchanged [19,12].

15.044 Phyllonorycter sorbi Frey (324). On rowan. Common (HWD, RGW). Status appears unchanged [18,14].

15.046 Phyllonorycter blancardella Fabricius (326). On apple. Burnt Wood, Madeley (HWD). Possibly generally common (RGW). Kinver Edge 1987 (AGB), Fradley Wood 18/9/2002 (JC) and Orton Hill 13/4/2009 (DT) being the only additional records [7,2].

15.047 Phyllonorycter hostis Triberti (327). On apple. Burton (EB) VCH. Craddocks Moss, Madeley (HWD). Kinver Edge 1987 and 1995 (AGB), Orton Hill 2009 (DT) [5,1].

15.048 Phyllonorycter junoniella Zeller (328). On cowberry. Maer Woods (HWD); formerly Burnt Wood; Swynnerton, Cannock Chase, The Cloud, Churnet Valley, Leek Moors (RGW). Knotbury 2006 (SH), Sherbrook Valley 2006 (AG) [6,2].

15.049 Phyllonorycter spinicolella Zeller (329). On blackthorn. Rolleston Road, Burton (JTH, DrM) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Swynnerton, Alvecote Pools (RGW). Harston Wood 9/8/2001 (SH), Beech 2009 (DG, SH), Hulme End 2010 (SH, SAO) [6,3].

15.050 Phyllonorycter cerasicolella Herrich-Schäffer (330). On cultivated and wild cherry. Kinver Edge 1987 (AGB), Marquis Drive 23/9/2007 (DG), Wolverhampton 2008 (DT), Beech 27/9/2009 (DG, SH), Sandwell Valley 10/10/2009 (ANBS) [5,4].

15.051* Phyllonorycter lantanella Schrank (331). On guelder-rose. Sandwell Valley 10/10/2009 (ANBS). 15.052 Phyllonorycter corylifoliella Hübner (332). On birch and hawthorn. Burton (EB, JTH, DrM) VCH.

Madeley (HWD); Downs Banks, Moddershall, Bagnall, Churnet Valley, Chartley Moss, (RGW). Noted at 11 further locations since 1988 but in only two of the previous squares [16,7].

15.053* Phyllonorycter leucographella Zeller (332a). Firethorn Leaf Miner. First noted in 2000 at Barr Beacon (DG) and Meir (JK) it has spread across the county and is now common everywhere the foodplant grows [19,19].

15.054 Phyllonorycter viminiella Sircom (333). On willows. Burton (EB, JTH, DrM) VCH. Aqualate, Madeley (HWD); possibly widespread (RGW). Additional records from Brand Plantation 9/9/2009 (SH), Downs Banks and Barlaston Common 14/10/2010 (DG, SH), Baggeridge CP 10/10/2010 (DT) and Northcote Farm CP 3/11/2013 (IL)[12,4].

15.056 Phyllonorycter salicicolella Sircom (335). On willows. Burton (EB) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Generally common (RGW). Only noted at Saltwells Wood 1985 (AGB), Harston Wood, Froghall and Hollington 2001 (SH), Leekbrook 22/9/2013 (CWP) [10,3].

15.058 Phyllonorycter hilarella Zetterstedt (337). On goat willow. Burton (EB) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Burnt Wood, Trentham, Chartley Moss, Churnet Valley, Hamps Valley, Loynton Moss, Hem Heath Wood, locally common (RGW). Only recorded at Hednesford Hills 14/7/2008 (OW) since 1977 [9,1].

15.059 Phyllonorycter cavella Zeller (338). On pendulous birch, rarely on downy birch. Madeley, Maer Woods, Swynnerton (HWD). Burnt Wood, Trentham, Cannock Chase, Churnet Valley, The Cloud, Needwood Forest (RGW). Fradley Wood 18/9/2002 (JC), Seven Springs 12/9/2008 (DG), Swynnerton 27/9/2009 (DG, SH) [12,3].

15.061 Phyllonorycter scopariella Zeller (340). Trentham, on broom in garden 12/7/1968 (RGW). Remains the only record [1,0].

15.063 Phyllonorycter maestingella Müller (341). On beech. Burton (EB, JTH, DrM) VCH. Madeley, Maer Woods, Swynnerton (HWD). Generally common (RGW). Status appears unchanged [27,22].

15.064 Phyllonorycter coryli Nicelli (342). Nut Leaf Blister Moth. On hazel. Burton (JTH, DrM) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Common (RGW). Status appears unchanged (18,14].

15.065* Phyllonorycter esperella Goeze (343). Crakemarsh 22/9/2001 (SH), Sandwell Valley 10/10/2009 (ANBS), Belvide Reservoir 13/9/2011 (KC), Pendeford 17/9/2011 (KC) [3,3].

15.066 Phyllonorycter strigulatella Lienig & Zeller (344). Burnt Wood, Loynton Moss (RGW). Hendesford Hills 1/10/2008 (DG), Rudyard 9/9/2010 (SH), Northycote Farm CP 3/11/2013 (IL) [5,3].

15.067 Phyllonorycter rajella Linnaeus (345). Burton (EB, JTH, DrM) VCH. Generally common on alder (HWD, RGW). Status appears unchanged [18,12].

15.069 Phyllonorycter anderidae Fletcher (347). On pendulous birch. Burnt Wood, Sandon (HLB). Craddocks Moss, Swynnerton, Chartley Moss, Wall Grange (RGW). The only recent records include Chartley Moss 20/6/2003 (JC) and Leekbrook 22/9/2013 (CWP) [6,2].

15.073 Phyllonorycter lautella Zeller (351). On oaks. Burnt Wood (HWD, RGW); Needwood Forest, Brocton Coppice, Copmere, Stone and Whitgreave (RGW). Burnt Wood 2/6/2009 (MD), Brand Plantation 9/9/2009 (SH), Parrots Drumble 2/8/2013 (JB) [7,3].

15.074 Phyllonorycter schreberella Fabricius (352). On English elm. Brocton, Copmere, Stone, Stableford, Whitgreave; (RGW). Saltwells Wood 1985 and Kinver Edge 1987 (AGB), Fradley Wood 18/9/2002 (JC) [4,1].

15.075 Phyllonorycter ulmifoliella Hübner (353). On birch. Burton (EB, JTH, DrM); Cannock Chase (CGB) VCH. Very common generally (HWD, RGW). Status appears unchanged [23,16].

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15.076 Phyllonorycter emberizaepenella Bouché (354). On honeysuckle and snowberry. Madeley (HWD); Burnt Wood, Swynnerton, Moddershall, Churnet Valley, Kinver Edge, locally common (RGW). Kinver Edge 2010 (DT), Ball Green 2011 (JB), Hammerwich 2011 (RS), Sandwell Valley 2011 (MB), Northycote Farm CP 2013 (IL) [12,4].

15.078 Phyllonorycter tristrigella Haworth (356). On both wych elm and English elm. Burton (EB) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Locally common (RGW). Reported from nine additional sites but from only two previous squares [18,10].

15.079 Phyllonorycter stettinensis Nicelli (357). On alder. Madeley, Cannock Chase (HWD). Burnt Wood, Trentham, Downs Banks, Churnet Valley, Dydon Wood, locally frequent (RGW). Not recorded from earlier sites; new records include Fradley Wood 2002 (JC), Seven Springs 2008 (DG), Sandwell Valley 2009 (ANBS), Barlaston Common 2010 (DG, SH), Lloyd Wood 2010 (DT) [17,5].

15.080 Phyllonorycter froelichiella Zeller (358). On alder. Madeley (HWD). Moddershall, Churnet Valley, Needwood Forest, local and uncommon (RGW). Recorded from a further eight localities 2008-2010 [13,7].

15.081 Phyllonorycter nicellii Stainton (359). On hazel. Burton, common (JTH, DrM) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Common (RGW). Status appears unchanged [19,15].

15.082 Phyllonorycter klemannella Fabricius (360). On alder. Burnt Wood, Madeley (HWD). Dimmingsdale (RGW). One additional record Sandwell Valley 10/10/2009 (ANBS) [4,1].

15.083 Phyllonorycter trifasciella Haworth (361). On honeysuckle. Burton (EB) VCH. Burnt Wood, Madeley (HWD). Trentham, Churnet Valley, locally common (RGW). Kinver Edge 1992 (AGB, EBl), Swynnerton 27/9/2009 (DG, SH) [8,1].

15.084 Phyllonorycter acerifoliella Zeller (362). On field maple. Burton (EB) VCH. Dovedale (HWD, RGW). Castern Wood, Alvecote, local and scarce (RGW). Combridge 22/9/2001 (SH), Tittesworth Reservoir 2006 (SH), Sandwell Valley 2009 (ANBS), Rudyard 2010 (SH), Hammerwich 2011 (RS), Northcote Farm CP 2/11/13 (IL) [10,7].

15.085* Phyllonorycter joannisi Le Marchand (363). On Norway maple. Barr Beacon 22/10/2001 (DG), Cannock Chase 2009, 2009 (DG), Wren's Nest 2009 (DG), Swynnerton 2009 (DG, SH), Baggeridge CP 2010 (DT) [5,5].

15.086 Phyllonorycter geniculella Ragonot (364). On sycamore. First recorded Coombes Valley 1937; now possibly widespread and common (RGW). Noted at 10 additional localities 1987-2010 but from only one previous square [14,8].

15.087 Phyllonorycter comparella Duponchel (365). On aspen. Burnt Wood, (WM). No further records [1,0].

15.089* Cameraria ohridella Deschka & Dimic (366a) Horse-chestnut Leaf Miner. First recorded Walsall 24/8/2006 (DG), now widespread and abundant; possibly on all horse-chestnuts [28,28].


15.090 Phyllocnistis saligna Zeller (367). Loynton Moss (HWD). Ashwood 25/7/2008 (RHo), Sandwell Valley 18/10/2011 (MB) [3,2].

15.092 Phyllocnistis unipunctella Stephens (368). On poplar. Loynton Moss, Madeley (HWD). Oakley Park, Trentham, Needwood Forest, probably common (RGW). Barr Beacon 22/10/2001 (DG), Millfields 14/6/2008 (DT), Rudyard 9/9/2010 (SH) [7,3].


We have 15 of the 24 species of these small to large moths with wing lengths ranging from 4-13mm. They include the distinctive Small Ermine moths whose web-spinning larvae can cause serious defoliation.


16.001 Yponomeuta evonymella Linnaeus (424). Bird-cherry Ermine. Near Uttoxeter (EB) VCH. Madeley, Whitmore (HWD). Bishops Offley, Churnet Valley, Caverswall, locally abundant on bird cherry (RGW). Status unchanged [32,30].

Cameraria ohridella mines, Dave Emley

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Yponomeuta malinellus/padella (425x). It is not possible to separate these two species, even the genitalia are said to be identical, so all records are reported as the aggregate. Burton, common (EB, JTH, DrM); Rugeley, very common (RF) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Burnt Wood, Trentham, Needwood Forest, stretches of hawthorn hedges appearing brown and leafless from the attacks of the larvae in some seasons (RGW). The aggregate is common [26,19].

16.004 Yponomeuta cagnagella Hübner (427). Spindle Ermine. Burton (EB); Rugeley, very common (RF) VCH. Dovedale, on spindle (HWD, RGW). Needwood Forest, larval webs on a single bush of spindle, 1985. More common and widespread than previously with records from 10 sites [11,9].

16.005* Yponomeuta rorrella Hübner (428). Hednesford Hill 10/8/2008 (MK), Ossom's Hill 31/7/2011 (MD) [2,2].

16.009 Euhyponomeuta stannella Thunberg (432). Dovedale, first British record, 2/7/1926, four examples swept. Traces of larval webs on orpine seen near Thor’s Cave in the Manifold Valley. Fairly common in Dovedale at three stations (HWD). Dovedale, common in one restricted area in 1973; still present but at low density (RGW). No recent records [2,0].

16.010 Zelleria hepariella Stainton (435). Henhurst (EB); Shobnall, Burton (JTH, DrM) VCH. Only one further record at Fordhouses 21/8/2013 (IL) [2,1].

16.014 Pseudoswammerdamia combinella Hübner (436). Henhurst (EB); Rugeley (RF) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Meaford, Oakamoor; local and scarce (RGW). One further record; Acton Trussell 12/5/2004 (SP) [6,1].

16.015 Swammerdamia caesiella Hübner (437). Henhurst (EB) VCH. Burnt Wood (WM); Chorlton Moss, Madeley (HWD). Generally common on birch (RGW). Status appears unchanged [20,17].

16.017 Swammerdamia pyrella Villers (438). Burton (EB); Rugeley (RF) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Generally common (RGW). Only common in the far south, no recent records north of the A5 [12,9].

16.018 Swammerdamia compunctella Herrich-Schäffer (439). Coombes Valley, July 1971; Burnt Wood (RGW). No further records [2,0].

16.019 Paraswammerdamia albicapitella Scharfenberg (440). Burton (JTH, DrM) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Norbury, Fairoak, Downs Banks, locally common on blackthorn (RGW). Only one recent record; Hednesford Hills 18/7/2005 (AP) [7,1].

16.020 Paraswammerdamia nebulella Goeze (441). Burton VCH. Madeley (HWD). Common on hawthorn (RGW). Status appears unchanged with 21 post-2000 records [8,8].

16.021 Cedestis gysseleniella Zeller (442). Burnt Wood, Maer Woods (HWD); Swynnerton, Cannock Chase, on conifers (RGW). Hednesford Hills 2004, 2006 (DG, AP), Katyn Memorial 2007 (JC), Needwood Forest 2009 (DG) [7,3].

16.022 Cedestis subfasciella Stephens (443). Maer Woods, Hawksmoor, common (HWD). Trentham, Coombes Valley, common on conifers (RGW). Bishops Wood 2006 (JB), Brindley Valley 2007 (DG, MD), Seven Springs 2008 (JC, MD), Sandwell Valley 2011 (MB) [10,4].

16.023 Ocnerostoma piniariella Zeller (444). Burnt Wood, Madeley, Maer Woods, Chartley Moss, Whiston Eaves (HWD); Trentham, Swynnerton, The Cloud, common on pine (RGW). Not noted at previous sites and only one further record; Katyn Memorial 21/6/2007 (JC) [8,1].

16.024* Ocnerostoma friesei Svensson (445). Katyn Memorial 22/8/2007 (JC), Hednesford Hill 2008 (DG), Needwood Forest 2009 (DG), Kinver Edge 2010 (OW, MD), Fordhouses 1/8/2012 (IL) [5,5].


We have 13 of the 16 species in this family, split between two genera. Ypsolopha are particularly distinctive with the wings closely pressed against the body and sometimes with a hooked end – like a quiff! The antennae are held forwards like that of a caddisfly. The larvae feed on various trees and shrubs.


17.002 Ypsolopha nemorella Linnaeus (452). Henhurst, scarce (EB) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Burnt Wood, Trentham, Swynnerton, Chartley Moss, Churnet Valley. Needwood Forest, local and uncommon on honeysuckle (RGW). Hednesford Hills 2006 (AP), Postenplain 2009 (OW), Needwood Forest 2009 (DG), Ilam 2009 (MD), Burnt Wood 2009 (DG) [13,5].

17.003 Ypsolopha dentella Fabricius (453). Honeysuckle Moth. Henhurst, common (EB); Tixall (EDB) VCH. Common on honeysuckle (HWD, RGW). Status appears unchanged [26,10].

Yponomeuta evonymella, Keele

Dave Emley

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17.005 Ypsolopha scabrella Linnaeus (455). Forton (ESL); not uncommon in hawthorn hedges (RGW). Fairly common and widespread [24,20].

17.007* Ypsolopha lucella Fabricius (457). Highgate Common 24/7/2010 (DT), Kinver Edge 26/7/2010 (PC) [2,2].

17.008* Ypsolopha alpella Denis & Schiffermüller (458). Swynnerton 24/8/1989 (RGW), Penn 17/8/2004 (DT), Needwood Forest 31/8/2009 (DG), Sandwell Valley 19/8/2011 (MB), Northycote Farm CP 2013 (IL) [5,4].

17.009 Ypsolopha sylvella Linnaeus (459). Jackson's Coppice NR, 24/7/1976 (RGW). Kinver Edge 1986 (AGB), Barr Beacon 2002, 2005 (DG, DH), Harborne 2004 (DG), Hammerwich 2010-13 (RS), Sandwell Valley 2011 (MB), Northcote Farm CP 2013 (IL) [6,4].

17.010 Ypsolopha parenthesella Linnaeus (460). Henhurst, common (EB) VCH. Common generally (HWD, RGW). Status unchanged [27,23].

17.011 Ypsolopha ustella Clerck (461). Henhurst, common (EB) VCH. Burnt Wood, Maer Woods, Madeley, common in considerable variety (HWD). Common in oak woods (RGW). Less common today with records from the NE and SW of the county but none in the centre [15,9].

17.012 Ypsolopha sequella Clerck (462). Needwood Forest, 1946; Dovedale; probably established in these places on field maple. Churnet Valley, first recorded 1957, becoming frequent on sycamore and Norway maple; also since 1960 at Loynton Moss and Trentham (RGW). Common and widespread [22,19].

17.013 Ypsolopha vittella Linnaeus (463). Henhurst (EB) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Swynnerton, Trentham, Churnet Valley, Needwood Forest, Castern Wood, locally common on wych elm (RGW). No further records [8,0].


17.014 Ochsenheimeria taurella Denis & Schiffermüller (251). Madeley (HWD); Alvecote 1967 (G & MA); Cannock Chase, Castern Wood (RGW). Pelsall North Common 2000, 2001 (DG) [5,1].

17.015 Ochsenheimeria urella Fischer von Röslerstamm (252). Hawksmoor, Morridge, Dovedale (HWD). Downs Banks, Cannock Chase, Knypersley, Churnet Valley, locally common especially in upland grasslands (RGW). Only additional records at Bareleg Hill 13/8/2009 (PC) and at Highgate Common 25/7/2012 (DT) [9,2].

17.016 Ochsenheimeria vacculella Fischer von Röslerstamm (253). Cereal Stem Moth. Madeley, Burnt Wood (HWD). No further records [2,0].


These are small to medium-sized moths with wing length of 6-12mm. Most fly at night and one is a well-known migrant. The wings are held roof-wise and antennae point forward. The larvae feed on members of the Brassica family. We have three of the seven species.

18.001 Plutella xylostella Linnaeus (464). Diamond-back Moth. Burton, common (EB); Cannock Chase (CGB); very common, Rugeley (RF) VCH. Very common everywhere (HWD). More common in some seasons than others, depending on migration (RGW). Status unchanged [34,27].

18.003 Plutella porrectella Linnaeus (465). Burton, rare (JTH, DrM) VCH. Madeley, common on rocket in garden (HWD). Newcastle, Trentham, Coombes Valley (RGW). Harborne 2005-6 (C & JC), Little Stoke 2008-10 on dame's-violet (DWE), Hammerwich 2008 (RS), Sandwell Valley 3/7/2013 (MB) [8,4].

18.007 Eidophasia messingiella Fischer von Röslerstamm (469). Churnet Valley (HWD). Bishops Offley, Trentham, Knypersley 15/7/2068, Shugborough 19/7/1977, local on large bitter-cress (RGW). One further record; Swynnerton 27/7/2012 (MD) [8,1].

Ypsolopha sequella, Keele, Dave Emley

Plutella xylostella, Sandwell Valley

Mike Bloxham

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Small, bronzy-metallic, day-flying moths with a characteristic habit of fanning their wings while at rest. The larvae feed in stems or on seeds. Nine of the 14 species are represented in the county.


19.001 Orthotaelia sparganella Thunberg (470). On bur-reed in ditches. Burton (JTH, DrM) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Bishops Offley, Eccleshall, Trentham, Jackson's Coppice & Marsh 13/8/1980 (RGW). No further records [5,0].


19.002 Glyphipterix thrasonella Scopoli (397). On rushes. Very common (HWD). Common but local in boggy places (RGW). Mottey Meadows 1988 (RGW), Talke 2006, 2007 (MD), Cannock Chase 2006, 2008 (JB, DG), Burnt Wood 2007 (JB), Perton 2008 (DT), Postenplain and Hawkbatch 2008 (DG, DS), Chatterley Whitfield, Creswell's Piece, Ford Green and Sneyd Hill Park 2013 (JB) [12,7].

19.003 Glyphipterix fuscoviridella Haworth (396). On field woodrush. Burton (EB); Cannock Chase (CGB); Rugeley (RF) VCH. Very common locally (RGW). In eight additional sites from 2005 [13,7].

19.004 Glyphipterix equitella Scopoli (393). On biting stonecrop. Burton (EB) VCH. Dovedale 1984 (MJS). No further records [2,0].

19.005 Glyphipterix haworthana Stephens (395). On cottongrass. Craddocks Moss, Chartley Moss, Morridge. (HWD). Balterley Heath, Cannock Chase, Goldsitch Moss, Ipstones Edge, local (RGW). No further records apart from Wetley Moor 30/4/1990 (RGW) [7,0].

19.006* Glyphipterix forsterella Fabricius (394). Pound Green Common 6/6/2007 (DG) [6,6]. 19.007 Glyphipterix simpliciella Stephens (391). Cocksfoot Moth. Burton (EB, JTH, DrM); Stafford (CGB)

VCH. Abundant on cock's-foot (HWD, RGW). Status unchanged [25,10].


19.011* Acrolepiopsis assectella Zeller (473). Leek Moth. Penn 9/4/2010 (DT), Sandwell Valley 22/8/2011 (MB), Wednesbury 2/9/2013 (AJW) [3,3].

19.014* Acrolepia autumnitella Curtis (476). Crakemarsh 22/9/2011 (SH) [1,1].


Small colourful moths with a wing length of 3-5mm. The wings are held close to the body and they rest characteristically with their rear ends raised and front end lowered. Larval habits vary but they all feed internally. Twenty of the 24 species are found in the county.

20.001 Argyresthia laevigatella Herrich-Schäffer (401). On larch. Burnt Wood, Maer Woods, Swynnerton, Whitmore Common (HWD). Trentham, Churnet Valley, Needwood Forest, common (RGW). Not common today; Penn 2009 (DT), Burnt Wood 2/6/2009 (MD) [9,2].

20.002 Argyresthia glabratella Zeller (403). On spruce. Bishops Wood, Swynnerton (HWD). Burnt Wood, Coombes Valley, local and uncommon (RGW). No further records [4,0].

20.005 Argyresthia trifasciata Staudinger (409a). On garden cypresses, junipers etc. Brierley Hill 29/5/2003 (LS), Acton Trussell 2005-2010 (SP), Penn 2005 (DT), Ettingshall (2008 (DT), Hammerwich 2009-2013 (RS), Sedgley 2009-2011 (AJ), Cheadle 2012 (LHi, AE) and in 2013 at Keele University (DWE) and Basford (CB). This species was only recorded in the UK for the first time in 1982! [7,7]

20.006* Argyresthia dilectella Zeller (407). Acton Trussell 26/6/2009 (SP), Penn 8/7/2010 (DT) [2,2].

20.007* Argyresthia cupressella Walsingham (409b). Cypress Tip Moth. Penn 28/6/2009 (DT) [1,1].

20.010 Argyresthia ivella Haworth (409). Madeley (HWD). Baggeridge CP 22/5/2009 (DT) [2,1]. 20.011 Argyresthia brockeella Hübner (410). On birch. Henhurst (EB); Tixall (EDB) VCH. Common

generally (HWD, RGW). Status unchanged [27,24].

Argyresthia brockeella, Keele, Dave Emley

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20.012 Argyresthia goedartella Linnaeus (411). On willow. Henhurst (EB); Rugeley (RF) VCH. Common generally (HWD, RGW). Status unchanged [32,26].

20.013 Argyresthia pygmaeella Denis & Schiffermüller (412). On willow. Henhurst (EB); Chartley (RCB) VCH. Common generally (HWD, RGW). Not common today; only recorded at Hammerwich in 2008, 2013 (RS) [12,1].

20.014 Argyresthia sorbiella Treitschke (413). On rowan. Burnt Wood (WM, HWD, RGW). Madeley, Swynnerton (HWD); Maer Woods, Chartley Moss, Churnet Valley, The Cloud; local (RGW). Hednesford Hills 2005, 2006 (AP,VW), Acton Trussell 2005 (SP), Burnt Wood 2006 (JB), Dovedale 2009 (RHe) [10,4].

20.015 Argyresthia curvella Linnaeus (414). The Oaks, Burton (EB), very common, Rugeley (RF) VCH. Rather common on apple (HWD, RGW). Only five recent records: Marchington 1982 (RGW), Penn 2003 and 2012 (DT), Burnt Wood 2005 (DG), Basford 27/6/2013 (BC) [12,3].

20.016 Argyresthia retinella Zeller (415). Burton (EB) VCH. Very common on birch (HWD, RGW). Status unchanged [20,13].

20.017 Argyresthia glaucinella Zeller (416). Trentham, Cannock Chase, on bark of old oaks (RGW). Highgate Common 4/4/2010 (DT), Northycote Farm CP 12/7/2013 (IL) [4,2].

20.018 Argyresthia spinosella Stainton (417). Common on blackthorn (HWD). Likewise (RGW). Only two recent records Walsall 8/7/2002 (DG), Wednesbury 18/5/2011 (AJW) [5,2].

20.019 Argyresthia conjugella Zeller (418). Apple Fruit Moth. Very common on rowan; the larvae sometimes attacking and riddling full-grown apples in orchards with fine bores (HWD). The form aerariella Stainton occurs frequently with the type (HWD, RGW). Status unchanged [13,10].

20.020 Argyresthia semifusca Haworth (419). Henhurst (EB); Rugeley (RF) VCH. Chorlton Moss, Madeley, Maer Woods, Swynnerton (HWD). Locally common on rowan and sometimes on hawthorn (RGW). Acton Trussell 2009 (SP), Burnt Wood 2005 (DG), Hednesford Hills 2006 (AP), Belvide Reservoir 2006 (A & MW), Northycote Farm CP 22/8/2013 (IL) [13,5].

20.021 Argyresthia pruniella Clerck (420). Cherry Fruit Moth. Stapenhill (JTH, DrM) VCH. Common on rowan, Madeley (HWD). Locally common, Trentham, Stone, Bar Hill Wood (RGW). Perhaps more common now with records from 12 additional sites [13,11].

20.022 Argyresthia bonnetella Linnaeus (421). Henhurst, common (EB); Cannock Chase (JTH, DrM, CGB) VCH. Abundant where hawthorn occurs (HWD, RGW). Status probably unchanged [18,12].

20.023 Argyresthia albistria Haworth (422). Henhurst, common (EB); Tutbury Road, Burton (JTH, DrM) VCH. Common on blackthorn (HWD, RGW). Only noted at four sites since 1988; Acton Trussell (SP), Harborne 2004 (C & JC), Hednesford Hills 2006, 2008 (AP), Hammerwich 2011-13 (RS), Himley Wood Landfill 2012 (DT) [11,5].

20.024 Argyresthia semitestacella Curtis (423). Madeley, Maer Woods (HWD). Burnt Wood, Trentham, Downs Banks, Hopwas Wood, locally common on beech. Only recorded at Bagots Wood 30/8/1989 (RGW) and Ashley Heath 1992 (IOJ) and at none of the previous sites [7,0].


Small or very small day-flying moths, largely white in colour with patterning towards the wing tip. The larvae mostly mine leaves or stems. Four of the nine species have been found in the county.


21.001 Lyonetia clerkella Linnaeus (263). Apple Leaf Miner. Henhurst (EB); Burton (JTH, DrM) VCH. Rather common generally (HWD, RGW). Status unchanged [26,24].


21.004 Leucoptera laburnella Stainton (254). Laburnum Leaf Miner. Burton, common (JTH, DrM) VCH. Generally abundant on laburnum (HWD, RGW). Not common; only at three sites, Hollington 22/9/2011 (SH), Hammerwich 2009-12 (RS), Biddulph 10/9/2013 [3,2]. f. wailesella Hübner (255). Madeley (HWD); Wall Grange (RGW) Very local on dyer's greenweed. No further records [2,0]. Some authors consider this to be a separate species.

21.005 Leucoptera spartifoliella Hübner (256). Burton (EB) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Generally common on broom (RGW). Not common – only one further record: at Hednesford Hills 20/7/2005 (AP).

21.008 Leucoptera malifoliella Costa (260). Pear Leaf Blister Moth. Burton (EB, JTH, DrM) VCH. Crakemarsh 22/9/2001 (SH), Marquis Drive 6/11/2006 (DG), Downs Banks and Barlaston Common 14/8/2010 (DG, SH), Orton Hill 11/8/2012 (DT) [5,4].

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We have just one of the five species in the family. It is a medium-sized micro whose larvae initially mine ash leaves before feeding in the bark of a twig.

22.002 Prays fraxinella Bjerkander (449). Ash Bud Moth. Henhurst (EB); common in Handsworth, both type and black form (CJW); common, Rugeley (RF) VCH. Madeley, rather common on ash (HWD). General (RGW). Status unchanged [17,14].


A small micro whose wings are rolled round its body while it rests with the front end raised and hind end touching the surface. The larvae mine the leaves of bindweed. There is just the one species in the family.

24.001 Bedellia somnulentella Zeller (264). Needwood Forest, 1969, bred (RGW); mines seen in hedgerows, Alvecote (G & MA) and Eccleshall (RGW). No further records [3,0].


There is just the one species in this family – it was formerly in the Yponomeutidae hence its similarity to the Small Ermines. Adults have an inclined resting posture while the larvae feed on hawthorn, blackthorn and cotoneaster.

25.001 Scythropia crataegella Linnaeus (450). Hawthorn Moth. Dovedale, one at light 7/7/1984 (MJS). A dramatic increase and it is now seemingly widespread across the county [11,11].


Medium-sized micros with wing length 5-8mm. The adults sit flat to the ground with overlapping wings. Oegoconia are difficult to identify and require dissection to be certain. The larvae live amongst leaf litter and dried vegetable matter. We have one of the four species in the family.



27.001 Oegoconia quadripuncta Haworth (870). First recorded from Tipton, 15/8/1986 (AJW), now widely reported [9,8].


A diverse family of which we have 15 of the 28 species. They are are small to medium-sized moths whose larvae feed mainly on fungus, rotten wood or dried vegetable matter and include two familiar household pests, Endrosis sarcitrella and Hofmannophila pseudospretella.



28.003 Schiffermuelleria grandis Desvignes (634). Needwood Forest (J. Sang, Ent.Mon.Mag XX 41, 1883). Never found again and presumably extinct (RGW). Refound at Brankley Pastures 10/6/2000 (MB) and in 2005, 2006, 2009 and 2011 (MGB, DG, GCS) [1,1].

28.004 Denisia similella Hübner (636). Cannock Chase (CGB); Rugeley (RF) VCH. Swynnerton, Trentham. One found in City Museum, Hanley 1980, probably brought with pine log, in bark of which the larvae feed (RGW). Bishops Wood 10/6/2006 (JB); not noted at previous localities [5,1].

28.007 Denisia subaquilea Stainton (635). Ashenhurst, 1945; Leek Moors, 10/7/1983 (RGW). No further records [2,0].

28.009 Endrosis sarcitrella Linnaeus (648). White-shouldered House Moth. Tixall (EDB); Rugeley, very common (RF). Common in buildings and sometimes outside, probably from old bird nests (HWD, RGW). Status unchanged [30,23].

28.010 Hofmannophila pseudospretella Stainton (647). Brown House Moth. Burton (EB, JTH, DrM); Tixall (EDB); Rugeley, very common (RF) VCH. A destructive and much too abundant pest in houses and outbuildings (HWD, RGW). Status unchanged [30,23].

28.011 Borkhausenia minutella Linnaeus (645). Henhurst (EB); Rugeley (RF) VCH. No further records [2,0].

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28.012 Borkhausenia fuscescens Haworth (644). Burton (EB) VCH. Burnt Wood, Needwood (RGW), Wilnecote 1955 (M&GA). Fordhouses 2008, 2013 (IL), Penn 14/7/2008 (DT), Hammerwich 2008-13 (RS), Walsall 2012, 2013 (RO), Penn Common 2012 (DT), Ball Green 2013 (JB) [10,6].

28.013 Crassa tinctella Hübner (637). Madeley (HWD). Trentham, Shugborough 26/6/1974 (RGW). Walsall 14/7/2012 (RO); not recorded at other sites [4,1].

28.014 Batia unitella Hübner (642). Madeley (HWD). Noted at Sandwell Valley 16/7/2002 (DG) and has now spread widely northwards [20,19].

28.015 Batia lunaris Haworth (640). Rushall 1983 (GR), Gnosall railway line 24/7/1991 (RGW), Sandwell Valley 1992 (MB), Hednesford Hills 2004, 2006 (DG, AP), Harborne 2005 (C & JC), Penn 2009 (DT), Hammerwich 2011-12 (RS), Fordhouses 2013 (IL), Keele University 2013 (DWE), Newcastle 2014 (RG). [8,7].

28.019 Esperia sulphurella Fabricius (649). Burton, common (EB); Cannock Chase, Stafford, everywhere (CGB); Rugeley, common (RF) VCH. Common generally (HWD, RGW). Status unchanged [21,14].

28.022 Alabonia geoffrella Linnaeus (652). Burton (EB, JTH, DrM); Rugeley (RF) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Loynton Moss, 23/7/1979 (RGW). Acton Trussell 2005, 2006 (SP), Orton Hill 30/5/2009 (DT) [7,2].

28.024* Tachystola acroxantha Meyrick (656). First recorded at Harborne 30/6/2002 (C & JC) then widely in south of the county before one at West End 27/6/2011 (NDP) [7,7].


28.025 Pleurota bicostella Clerck (654). Cannock Chase, common (CGB); Chartley Moss (RCB); very common, Rugeley (RF). Very common on heather (HWD). Locally common on heather (RGW). Status unchanged. Since found at Highgate Common 2010 (DT), The Cloud 2011 (JB) and Blackbrook NR 2011 (MD) [10,7].

28.027 Aplota palpella Haworth (653). Sandwell Valley 25/7/1994 (MB) [1,0].


The family contains only three British species of which we have two. The males are of medium to large size but the females have abbreviated wings and are incapable of flight. The larvae feed in spun leaves.

29.001 Diurnea fagella Denis & Schiffermüller (663). Burton, common (EB); very common, Rugeley (RF); probably common everywhere (EDB) VCH. Very common generally (HWD, RGW). Status unchanged [30,23].

29.002 Diurnea lipsiella Hübner (664). Common Rugeley (RF) VCH. Fairly common, Madeley (HWD). Common in woods (RGW). Certainly not common now as it has not been recorded since [8,0].


We have three of the four species in this small to medium-sized family. The larvae live in silken cases amongst the leaf litter.

30.001 Pseudatemalia flavifrontella Denis & Schiffermüller (661). Maer Woods (HWD). Burnt Wood, Swynnerton (RGW). Needwood Forest 2009 (DG) [3,1].

30.003* Pseudatemelia josephinae Toll (660). Consall CP 2/7/2005 (JB) [1,1]. 30.004 Amphisbatis incongruella Stainton (659). Cannock Chase (HWD). Downs Banks, Swynnerton;

local and scarce, flying in sunshine over heather in mid-April (RGW). Only one additional record; Kinver Edge 10/4/2010 (PC) [4,1].


There is a single characteristic species in this family. It is found in a range of habitats where the larvae live in a silken web on the undersite of leaves.

Tachystola acroxantha, Harborne,

C & J Chance

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31.001 Carcina quercana Fabricius (658). Burton (JTH, DrM); Cannock Chase (EDB); very common Rugeley (RF) VCH. Madeley, common (HWD). Widespread and common on oak (RGW). Status unchanged [31,23].


Members of this family were formerly in the Oecophoridae we have 27 of the 51 species. They are of medium to large size and are of characteristic shape with rounded termen and flattened abdomen. They appear in late summer and autumn and hibernate in thatch, haystacks etc., the moths being often seen at lighted windows in the spring. The larvae of many of the species feed on Umbelliferae.



32.001 Semioscopis avellanella Hübner (666). Hopwas Wood (WGB); Rugeley (RF) VCH. Burnt Wood, Maer Woods, Madeley, Swynnerton, Cannock Chase (HWD). Kinver Edge (FAN); Churnet Valley, Needwood Forest; locally common in woods (RGW). A dramatic decline. Highgate Common 21/3/2010 (DT) and confirmed at Kinver Edge 28/4/2010 (PC), but not found at any previous site [14,2].

32.002 Semioscopis steinkellneriana Denis & Schiffermüller (667). Henhurst (EB); Rugeley (RF) VCH. Cheddleton, 1918 (J & WH); Eccleshall, 1983 (G & SM); local and rare (RGW). Kinver Edge 1992 (AGB, EBl) and 2010 (PC), Bishops Wood 2006 (JB, MD) [6,2].


32.006 Exaeretia allisella Stainton (687). Trentham, 1959 (RGW); Blythe Bridge Mill 1970 (JAH). Wednesbury 17/7/1986 (AJW). Only one further record: Highgate Common 24/7/2010 (DT) [4,1].

32.007 Agonopterix ocellana Fabricius (701). Henhurst (EB, JTH, DrM) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Bishops Offley, Swynnerton, on willow (RGW). Fradley Junction 2002 (JC), Walsall 2004 (A & MW), Knypersley 2005 (JB), Hazleslade 2006 (AF, GF), Hednesford Hills 2009 (DG), Blythe Bridge 2010 (IB), Hammerwich 2011 (RS), Festival Park 2011 (JB), Swynnerton 2012 (MD), Ball Green 2013 (JB), Northycote Farm CP 2013 (IL) [12,9].

32.008 Agonopterix liturosa Haworth (709). The Oaks, Burton (EB) VCH. Madeley, Dovedale (HWD). Chartley (RGW). On St. John's-wort. Park Lime Pits 2001, Ossom's Hill 2010 (DG) [7,2].

32.009 Agonopterix purpurea Haworth (691). Henhurst (EB) VCH. No further records [1,0]. 32.010 Agonopterix conterminella Zeller (710). Madeley (HWD). Downs Banks, Trentham, Chartley Moss,

Loynton Moss, on willows (RGW). Swynnerton 27/7/2012 (MD); no records from previous sites [6,1]. 32.011* Agonopterix scopariella Heinemann (704). Tipton 1991 (ANBS), Hednesford Hills 2008 (MD, DG,

AP, VW, MK), Ettingshall 2009 and Penn 2012 (DT), Kinver Edge 2010 (MD) 4,4]. 32.013* Agonopterix carduella Hübner (708). Norton April 1996 (DNF), Dudley Wood 1996 (LS) [2,0]. 32.015 Agonopterix subpropinquella Stainton (692). Trentham, 1950/51 (RGW). Acton Trussell 26/7/2006

(SP) [3,1]. 32.016 Agonopterix propinquella Treitschke (696). Henhurst, common (EB); Rugeley (RF) VCH. Madeley

(HWD). Trentham, Needwood Forest (RGW). Saltwells Wood 1985 and Compton Park 1999 (AGB), Castern Wood 2000 (JC), Betley 2006 (GS), Hammerwich 2010 (RS) [9,3].

32.017 Agonopterix arenella Denis & Schiffermüller (697). Henhurst, common (EB) VCH. Leek (J & WH). Madeley, Manifold Valley (HWD). Swynnerton, Trentham, Alvecote, common (RGW). Status unchanged [25,20].

32.018 Agonopterix heracliana Linnaeus (688). Burton, common (EB); Rugeley (RF) VCH. Very common generally (HWD, RGW). No change in status [23,19].

32.019 Agonopterix ciliella Stainton (689). Henhurst, plentiful (EB) VCH. Saltwells Wood 1985 (AGB). No further records [2,0].

32.024 Agonopterix assimilella Treitschke (702). Rugeley (RF) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Trentham, Churnet Valley, larvae in stems of broom (RGW). Barr Beacon 2001 (DG), Hednesford Hills 2003, 2006, 2008 (DG, AP, A & GF, MK), Coombes Valley 2008 (DG), Hammerwich 2010 (RS) [8,4].

32.026 Agonopterix kaekeritziana Linnaeus (698). Burton (EB) VCH. Madeley, Swynnerton, Trentham (HWD). Coombes Valley, common; Ipstones Edge (RGW). Park Lime Pits 2004 (DG), Hednesford Hills 2004, 2005 (AP, DG), Brown End Quarry 2011 (MD, NDP) [7,3].

Carcina quercana, Keele, Dave Emley

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32.029 Agonopterix umbellana Fabricius (705). Cannock Chase (HWD). Kinver Edge 1980 (FAN), Cannock Chase 16/4/1983 (R & AN), Barr Beacon 1994, 2000, 2001, 2005 (DG), Brownhills Common 1995, 2000 (DG), Pelsall North Common 1996, 1999 (DG), Rough Close 2010 (AM), Kinver Edge 2010 (DT) [7,6].

32.030 Agonopterix nervosa Haworth (706). Burton (EB); Rugeley (RF) VCH. Very common on gorse, also as a variety on dyer's greenweed at Madeley (HWD). Generally common on gorse (RGW). Status seemingly unchanged [12,6].

32.031 Agonopterix alstromeriana Clerck (695). Henhurst (EB) VCH. Dovedale, larvae common on hemlock (HWD). Trentham, Tamworth (RGW). Rushall 1994 (GR), Saltwells Wood 1996, (TB), Compton Park 1999 (AGB), Acton Trussell 2007 (SP), Stafford 2012 (SM) [10,2].

32.032 Agonopterix angelicella Hübner (713). Henhurst (EB) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Burnt Wood, Waltons Wood, Moddershall, Coombes Valley; locally common on angelica (RGW). Acton Trussell 27/7/2004 (SP), Swineholes Wood 27/7/2004 (JC); no records from previous sites [7,2].

32.036 Depressaria radiella Goeze (672). Parsnip Moth. Burton (EB); Rugeley, common (RF) VCH. Abundant on hogweed (HWD, RGW). Status unchanged [17,10].

32.038 Depressaria badiella Hübner (674). Leek (J & WH); Trentham, Wetley Moor, Coombes Valley, local and scarce (RGW). Sandwell Valley 29/7/1985 (MB). No further records [4,0].

32.039 Depressaria daucella Denis & Schiffermüller (670). Saltwells Wood 1985 (AGB), Acton Trussell 2004 (SP), Hammerwich 2010 (RS), Wednesbury 18/4/2013 (AJW) [4,3].

32.040 Depressaria ultimella Stainton (671). Madeley (HWD). Castle Mere 2/6/1978 (RGW). No further records [2,0].

32.042 Depressaria pulcherrimella Stainton (676). Madeley, Morridge (HWD). Trentham, Coombes Valley, Roches, locally common on Chenopodium (RGW). Only noted at Ossom's Hill 2010, 2011 (DG, MD) [4,1].


32.050 Telechrysis tripuncta Haworth (646). Madeley (HWD); Allimore Green 1969 (RGW). No further records [2,0].


A small family of six British species, two believed extinct, of which the sole Staffordshire example is Ethmia quadrillella, a striking black and white moth.


33.002 Ethmia quadrillella Goeze (719). Consall, 1921 (J & WH). Dovedale, probably on forget-me-not (HWD). The food-plant is usually given as comfrey but the moth occurs in several places along the Churnet Valley and also in Castern Wood where there is no comfrey and the larvae have been found on forget-me-not (RGW). Consall CP 3/9/1980 (RGW), Ladyside 4/6/2006 (JB) [4,1].


We have three of the14 species in this extremely variable family.


34.001 Pancalia leuwenhoekella Stephens (899). Dovedale, common on hairy violet (HWD). No further records [1,0].


34.004 Limnaecia phragmitella Stainton (898). Madeley, Cannock Chase (HWD). Loynton Moss, Trentham, Oakamoor, probably in most places on bulrush (RGW). Cannock Chase 2004-2007 (various), Hammerwich 2009,2012 (RS), Ossoms Hill 2009 (DG), Dovedale 2010 (DG), Acton Trussell 2011 (SP), Fordhouses 2013 (IL), Park Hall CP 2013 (JBK). Status probably unchanged [10,6].

34.005 Cosmopterix zieglerella Hübner (894). Brereton 1/10/2009 (JC) [1,1].


A very large family of 161 species, of which we have 65. They are small to medium-sized moths. Few are brightly coloured and the markings are often obscure, making identification difficult. The hindwings are broad

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in comparison with the forewings and have a characteristically produced apex, like a pointing finger. The larvae are either miners, or feed within stems, roots and seedheads or within web spinnings on leaves. Many are restricted to just one foodplant.


35.003 Syncopacma larseniella Gozmany (844). One, Loynton Moss 21/7/1955 (RGW). Postenplain 3/7/2010 (ANBS) [2,1].

35.010 Aproaerema anthyllidella Hübner (843). Burton (EB) VCH. Trentham June 1968 (RGW). Penn 9/9/2010 (DT), Ossom's Hill 31/7/2011 (MD) [4,2].

35.011 Anacampsis populella Clerck (853). Rather common, Burnt Wood, Madeley (HWD). Generally common on poplar and sallow (RGW). Status unchanged though all recent records are in the southern half of the county [12,7]. Ideally dissection is needed; most of these were not.

35.012 Anacampsis blattariella Hübner (854). Bagots Wood, 1972; Chorlton Moss, Caverswall, Hawksmoor; locally common on birch, previously not distinguished from A.populella. Status probably unchanged [8,7]. Ideally dissection is needed; most of these were not

35.017 Neofaculta ericetella Geyer (797). Cannock Chase, swarming (CGB); Rugeley, very common (RF) VCH. Very common everywhere on heather (HWD, RGW). Status unchanged [19,16].

35.018 Hypatima rhomboidella Linnaeus (858). Henhurst (EB); Rugeley (RF) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Common in woods (RGW). Status unchanged though no records from many previous sites [18,10].

35.020 Anarsia spartiella Schrank (856). Railway cuttings (JTH, DrM) VCH. Madeley (HWD), Trentham 29/8/1972 (RGW). Pelsall North Common 2000, 2001 (DG), Gentleshaw Common 2003 (DG), Hednesford Hills 2003-2008 (DG, AP), Kinver Edge 2010 (PC), Ossom's Hill 2011 (MD) [5,4].


35.022 Dichomeris marginella Fabricius (862). Juniper Webber. Burton (EB) VCH. Acton Trussell 2001, 2003 (SP), Beacon Lodge 2001 (DG), Hammerwich 2008 (RS), Sedgley 2010 (AJ), Walsall 2011 (RO) [4,4].

35.026 Acompsia cinerella Clerck (855). Burton (EB) VCH. Dovedale (HWD). Loynton Moss 7/8/1948(RGW) Local and uncommon in dry grassy places. Milford Quarry 2008 (DG), Ossom's Hill 2010 (RH), Brown End Quarry 2011 (MD, NDP), Dovedale 2011 (MD) [5,3].

35.028 Brachmia blandella Fabricius (866). Burnt Wood 5/7/1968; Trentham 11/7/1977 (RGW). After one in Sandwell Valley 1992 (MB), widely reported from the south of the county with records from Ossom's Hill in the north [11,9].

35.031 Helcystogramma rufescens Haworth (868). Burton (EB) VCH. Madeley (HWD); Blythe Bridge Mill (JAH); Cannock Chase 1973, 1977, Swynnerton 1990, Tamworth 1979, Uttoxeter 1978 (RGW). Now widely distributed [18,14].


35.032 Pexicopia malvella Hübner (809). Hollyhock Seed Moth. Burton (EB) VCH. No further records [1,0]. 35.035 Chrysoesthia drurella Fabricius (746). Seighford 4/9/2006 (CD) [1,1]. 35.036 Chrysoesthia sexguttella Thunberg (747). Cannock Chase (CGB); Rugeley (RF) VCH. Madeley

(HWD). Wilnecote (G & MA), 1965. No further records [4,0].


35.037 Thiotricha subocellea Stephens (840). Burton (EB) VCH. Dovedale (HWD). Brown End Quarry 2/7/2011 (MD, NDP) [3,1].


35.038 Bryotropha domestica Haworth (789). Burton (EB) VCH. Barr Beacon 2001 (DG); then noted in thirteen 10km squares across the county [14,13].

35.039 Bryotropha politella Stainton (788). Cannock Chase (CGB) VCH. Morridge, Dovedale (HWD). Cauldon Low 1962, Castern Wood 1980, Dovedale 1958, 1978 (RGW). Blackbrook NR 12/7/2011 (MD), Rue Hill 21/7/2012 (JB) [5,2].

35.040 Bryotropha terrella Denis & Schiffermüller (787). Burton, common (EB); Cannock Chase (CGB); Rugeley (RF) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Very common generally (RGW). Status unchanged [22,16].

35.046 Bryotropha senectella Zeller (782). Burton (EB, JTH, DrM) VCH. Burnt Wood, Swynnerton, Cannock Chase (HWD). Rather common generally (RGW). Status probably unchanged [15,9].

35.047 Bryotropha affinis Haworth (779). Burton (EB) VCH. Madeley, Swynnerton (HWD). Rather common generally (RGW). Status probably unchanged [10,6].

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35.048 Bryotropha umbrosella Zeller (778). Swynnerton (HWD). No further records [1,0]. 35.049 Bryotropha similis Stainton (780). Madeley, Swynnerton, Cannock Chase, Dovedale, Manifold

Valley (HWD). Rather common generally (RGW). There are no further records so RGW's statement is rather odd [5,0].

35.050 Aristotelia ericinella Zeller (752). Tixall (EDB) VCH. Maer Woods, Whitmore Common, Cannock Chase (HWD). Burnt Wood, Cannock Chase, Chorlton Moss, Chartley Moss, locally common on heaths and mosses (RGW). Status probably unchanged [9,5].

35.056* Metzneria lappella Linnaeus (724). Acton Trussell 2/6/2006 (SP), Orton (larva) 9/1/2011 (DT), Seven Springs 25/6/2011 (NDP) [3,3].

35.058 Metzneria metzneriella Stainton (726). Madeley 22/6/1946 (HWD). Burnt Wood 1982, Trentham 1977, Allimore Green 1977, Coombes Valley 1969, 1976, Keele 1966, Newcastle 1983, Trentham 1977, locally common on knapweed (RGW). Status unchanged [11,6].

35.065 Monochroa cytisella Curtis (728). Madeley, Hawksmoor (HWD). Bagots Wood 1970, Cannock Chase 1978, Trentham 1969, Oakamoor 1984, common on bracken (RGW). Sherbrook Valley, Seven Springs and Hendsford Hills 2008 (DG, MD, JC), Kinver Edge 2010 (PC) [8,4].

35.066 Monochroa tenebrella Hübner (735). Ideally dissection is needed to confirm identification. While the following have been dissected: Talke 22/6/2006 (MD) and Penn 3/6/2011 (DT); the remainder have not : Burton (EB) VCH. Madeley, Upper Hulme, Hawksmoor (HWD). Burnt Wood, Trentham, common on sheep's sorrel (RGW). Ball Green 2010, Chatterley Whitfield 2011 and Silverdale CP 2012 (JB), [9,3].

35.071 Monochroa lucidella Stephens (736). Burton (EB) VCH. Madeley (HWD). No further records [2,0]. 35.081 Eulamprotes atrella Denis & Schiffermüller (731). Burton (EB) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Burnt Wood

(HLB). Hawkbatch 2007 (OW, DG, JW, RWa) [4,1]. 35.085 Athrips mouffetella Linnaeus (762). Burton (EB) VCH. Burnt Wood, Madeley (HWD). Downs Banks

1974,Trentham 1949, Coombes Valley 1971, local on honeysuckle (RGW). Fradley Junction 2004 (JC), Bishops Wood 2006 (JB), Knightley Grange 2011 (MRG), Festival Park 2011 (JB), Acton Trussell 2011 (SP), Penn Common 2011 (DT) [11,6].

35.089 Prolita sexpunctella Fabricius (794). Cannock Chase, common (CGB); Rugeley (RF) VCH. Maer Woods, Cannock Chase, Chartley Moss (HWD). Burnt Wood (WM, HWD, RGW); Swynnerton 1935, Ipstones Edge 1978, The Cloud 1940, Chartley Moss 1949, local on moors, less common than formerly and no longer at Burnt Wood (RGW). Only recorded since from Swineholes Wood 25/5/2012 (MD, JB) and Brund Hill 8/6/14 (JB) [7,2].

35.091 Sophronia semicostella Hübner (841). Maer Woods, Cannock Chase, Dovedale (HWD). Burnt Wood 1938, Loynton Moss 1948, Downs Banks, Trentham 1951, Wall Grange 1972, in grassy places, local (RGW). Several sites on Cannock Chase 2003-2008 (DG, AP, OW), Wetton Hill and Ossom's Hill 2010 (DG), Dovedale 2011 (MD) [9,4].

35.092 Mirificarama lentiginosella Zeller (793). Madeley (HWD). No further records [1,0]. 35.093 Mirificarma mulinella Zeller (792). Madeley (HWD). Trent Vale 1977 (DWE), Downs Banks 1950,

Trentham 1953-1977, Coombes Valley, Newcastle 1983, common on gorse (RGW). Not noted at previous sites. Only recorded from Hednesford Hills 2008 (DG, MD, JC) and Cannock Chase 2010 (DT) [6,1].

35.094 Aroga velocella Zeller (796). Cannock Chase (CGB) VCH. No further records [1,0]. 35.097 Gelechia rhombella Denis & Schiffermüller (800). On apple. Rugeley (RF) VCH. Madeley (HWD).

Trentham 6/8/1960 (RGW). No further records [3,0]. 35.099* Gelechia senticetella Staudinger (801a). Sandwell Valley 22/8/2011 (MB) [1,1]. 35.101 Gelechia sororculella Hübner (802a). Burton (EB) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Cranberry Bog 6/8/1962,

Downs Banks, Loynton Moss 1975, Trentham 1949-1960, local on sallow (RGW). Fradley Junction 11/8/2002 (JC); not recorded at any previous sites [8,1].

35.107 Psoricoptera gibbosella Zeller (859). One, Burnt Wood, 12/9/1937 (RGW). Hawkbatch 17/8/2007 (DT) [2,1].

35.109* Scrobipalpa acuminatella Sircom (822). Queslett 16/8/2004 (DG), Hammerwich 2009-2013 (RS), Penn Common 18/7/2011 (DT) [3,3].

35.117 Scrobipalpa atriplicella Fischer von Röslerstamm (818). Burton (EB) VCH. Alvecote 15/5/1979 (G & MA). No further records [2,0].

35.120 Scrobipalpa artemisiella Treitschke (820). Thyme Moth. Burton (EB) VCH. Manifold Valley (HWD). Dovedale 1972, 1977 (RGW). Wetton Hill 2010 and Bunster Hill 2010 (DG), Ossom's Hill 2011 (MD) [3,2].

35.123 Scrobipalpa costella Humphrey & Westwood (819). Maer Woods, Madeley (HWD). Balterley Heath 1961, Chillington 1977, Trentham 1959, Shugborough, on bittersweet (RGW). Generally distributed [14,9].

35.129 Caryocolum viscariella Stainton (828). Stapenhill (JTH, DrM) VCH. Ossom's Hill 26/7/2010 (DG), Swynnerton 2012 (MD) [3,2].

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35.132 Caryocolum fraternella Douglas (830). Burton (EB) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Downs Banks 21/7/1949, Trentham 16/8/1973, local and scarce (RGW). Highgate Common and Kinver Edge July 2010 (DT), Ossom's Hill 21/7/2011 (MD); no records from previous sites [7,2].

35.133 Caryocolum blandella Douglas (832). Burton (EB) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Swynnerton 24/8/1939 (RGW). No further records [3,0].

35.137 Caryocolum tricolorella Haworth (834). Tatenhill, common (JTH, DrM) VCH. Needwood Forest, one, 2/8/1954 (RGW). No further records [2,0].

35.141 Teleiodes vulgella Hübner (765). Burton (EB) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Fairoak, The Cloud 1939, Cannock Chase 1977, Newcastle 1961, common generally (RGW). Status probably unchanged [13,9].

35.143 Teleiodes luculella Hübner (774). Cannock Chase (CGB); Hopwas Wood (CJW) VCH. Burnt Wood, Madeley, Swynnerton (HWD). Burnt Wood 1991,Trentham 1950-54, Ashenhurst 1943, Coombes Valley 1971, local and uncommon (RGW). Only seven records since 2000 [12,5].

35.145 Teleiodes sequax Haworth (775). Dovedale, Manifold Valley (HWD, RGW). Locally common on rock-rose (RGW). Wetton Hill 2010 (DG), Ossom's Hill 2010, 2011 (DG, MD), Dovedale 2011 (MD) [2,2].

35.146 Teleiopsis diffinis Haworth (776). Cannock Chase (CGB) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Downs Banks 1939, Trentham 1939, Coombes Valley 1971, Colton 1980 (RGW). Not uncommon; recorded from 11 sites [9,7].

35.147* Carpatolechia decorella Haworth (767). Sandwell Valley 2/7/2011 (MB) [1,1]. 35.148 Carpatolechia fugitivella Zeller (772). Burton (EB) VCH. Madeley, Dovedale (HWD). Rather

common generally (RGW). No longer generally common. Acton Trussell 2003 (SP), Hednesford Hills 2005 (AP, VW), Dovedale 2009 (MD), Penn 2011 (DT), Hammerwich 2011-12 (RS) [12,5].

35.149 Carpatolechia alburnella Zeller (771). Cannock Chase 1956 (SEWC). Downs Banks 1966, 1984; Maer Hills 1978, Trentham, Cannock Chase 1976, 1984, locally common on birch (RGW). Status probably unchanged [8,5].

35.150 Carpatolechia notatella Hübner (768). Burton (EB) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Burnt Wood 2/6/1940, Cannock Chase 1953, local on willow (RGW). Hednesford Hills 14/7/2011 (DG), Baggeridge CP 25/6/2009 (DT), Swynnerton 1/6/2012 (MD) [7,3].

35.151 Carpatolechia proximella Hübner (770). Cannock Chase (CGB); very common Rugeley (RF) VCH. Very common generally on birch (RGW). Status unchanged [15,9].

35.152 Pseudotelphusa scalella Scopoli (764). Burnt Wood (WM, HWD, HLB, 1936, 1950 RGW). Maer Woods, Trentham 1942-51, Cannock Chase, in oak woods, local and scarce (RGW). Postenplain 2007, Needwood Forest 2009 and Dovedale 2009 (DG) [6,3].

35.153 Pseudotelphusa paripunctella Thunberg (773). Rugeley (RF) VCH. Burnt Wood (WM, HLB, 1937-38 RGW); Swynnerton (HWD). Coombes Valley 16/6/2003 (AP, DG), Hednesford Hills 2003, 2004 (AP, DG), Hazleslade NR 2006 (DG), Creswell's Piece 2007 (JB) and 2013 (MD), Seckley Wood 2007 (RWa), Hednesford Hills 2008 (OW), Kinver Edge 2010 (DT) [7,4].

35.154 Xenolechia aethiops Humphreys & Westwood (763). Cannock Chase (HWD). Wetley Moor 19/5/1937 (RGW). No further records [2,0].

35.157 Recurvaria leucatella Clerck (758). Kinver Edge 1957 (SEWC) [1,0]. 35.159 Exoteleia dodecella Linnaeus (760). On pine. Burnt Wood, Maer Woods, Madeley, Swynnerton,

Churnet Valley (HWD). Chartley Moss, Swynnerton 1937, 1940, Madeley 1957 (RGW). Cannock Chase 2007 (MD, JC, DG), Sandwell Valley 2011 (MB), Blackbrook NR 2011 (MD) [9,5].

35.160 Stenolechia gemmella Linnaeus (755). Burnt Wood (HLB). Downs Banks 1957, Maer Hills 1941, Swynnerton 1937, Trentham1984, Needwood Forest 1949, on oak, local and scarce (RGW). Sandwell Valley 30/8/2011 (MB), Hammerwich 3/9/2011 (RS). No records from previous sites [7,2].

35.161 Parachronistis albiceps Zeller (756). Hawkbatch 12/7/1983 (ANBS), Penn 8/7/2010 (DT) [2,1].


We have two of the three species in this family of small micros. The quite long forewings are wrapped around the body and the adults rest with their front ends raised. One feeds on willows and the other mines the needles of conifers.

36.001 Batrachedra praeangusta Haworth (878). Burton (JTH, DrM) VCH. Madeley, Armitage (HWD). Trentham, Hardiwick Heath, Cannock Chase, not uncommon among sallows (RGW).

Teleiodes luculella, Keele, Dave Emley

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Wolverhampton 1990 (LCR), Queslett 2004 (DG, AP), Hednesford Hills 2004 (AP), Apedale 2005 (JB, NDP, MD), Seven Springs 2006, Ossom's Hill 2011 and Swynnerton 2012 (MD [11,6]).

36.002 Batrachedra pinicolella Zeller (879). Oakamoor 1949, Burnt Wood (RGW). Bishops Wood 11/7/2006 (JB), Hednesford Hills 2008 (DG), Seven Springs 2008 (JC), Penn 2010 (DT) [5,4].


Small to medium-sized moths, narrow-winged, unicolorous or with obscure lines or pale streaks. The antennae, often distinctively ringed, are porrect in repose. The adults are difficult to identify and dissection is generally needed. The larvae, mine at first, then construct a case from leaf fragments or excavated seed-vessels, and these cases are often distinctive for the identification of the species. Of the 109 species we have 47 in the county.

37.005 Coleophora lutipennella Zeller (490). Madeley (HWD). Generally common (RGW). This is not the case; all further records come only from the SE of the county [13,8].

37.006 Coleophora gryphipennella Hübner (491). On rose. Burton (JTH, DrM) VCH. Madeley, Dovedale, (HWD). Wall Grange (RGW). Fradley Wood 18/9/2002 (JC), Swynnerton 2009 (DG, SH), Rudyard 2010 (SH), Ossom's Hill 2010 (DG), Hulme End 2010 (SH, SAO), Lloyd Wood 2011 (DT) [8,6].

37.007* Coleophora flavipennella Duponchel (492). Hazleslade 13/6/2006 (DG), Seven Springs 2006 (DG), Hednesford Hills 2006, 2008 (AP), Orton Hill 2009 (DT), Hammerwich 2011, 2012 (RS) [4,4].

37.009* Coleophora milvipennis Zeller (496). Hednesford Hills 14/7/2008 (DG), Hammerwich 6/6/2011 (RS).

37.011 Coleophora badiipennella Duponchel (497). Burton (EB, JTH, DrM) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Brocton Field 20/5/2007 (DG), Orton 15/1/2011 (DT) [4,2].

37.012 Coleophora limosipennella Duponchel (499). Burnt Wood (WM); Swynnerton (HWD). Only two further records: at Lloyd Wood (a larval case) 2/1/2011 and Penn Common 14/6/2011 (DT) [3,1].

37.013 Coleophora siccifolia Stainton (501). Tutbury Road, Burton (JTH, DrM); Tixall (EDB) VCH. Madeley (HWD). No further records [3,0].

37.014 Coleophora coracipennella Hübner (494). Burton (EB); Cannock Chase (CGB); Rugeley (RF) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Trentham (RGW). Barr Beacon 27/7/2006 (DG), Penn 23/7/2012 (DT) [7,2].

37.015 Coleophora serratella Linnaeus (493). Burton (EB); Rugeley (RF) VCH. Madeley, Dovedale, abundant (HWD). Widespread and common (RGW). Status unchanged [22,16].

37.016 Coleophora spinella Schrank (495). Apple & Plum Case-bearer. Brownhills Common 1995, 2000 (DG), Park Lime Pits 2001 (DG), Hednesford Hills 2008 (AP), Lloyd Wood 2011 (DT), Swynnerton 2012 (MD) [4,4].

37.019 Coleophora trigeminella Fuchs (502). Madeley (HWD). No further records [1,0]. 37.022 Coleophora lusciniaepennella Treitschke (504). Burton (EB) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Trentham;

cases not uncommon on osier (RGW). Hednesford Hills 29/6/2008 (AP), Baggeridge CP 2/5/2010 and Himley Wood Landfill 21/7/2012 (DT) [6,3].

37.024 Coleophora vitisella Gregson (506). Maer Woods (HWD). The Cloud, Oakamoor, Swineholes Wood, local on cowberry (RGW). Swineholes Wood 2001 (SH), Knotbury 2006 (SH), Sherbrook Valley 2006 (AG) [6,3].

37.028 Coleophora juncicolella Stainton (510). Whitmore Common, Chartley Moss, common on heather (HWD). Swynnerton, Roaches (RGW). Chartley Moss 2005 (JC), Knotbury 2006 (SH), Highgate Common 2010 (DT) [5,3].

37.029 Coleophora orbitella Zeller (511). Maer Woods, Swynnerton, Chartley Moss (HWD). Only one further record: Penn 3/6/2011 (DT) [4,1].

37.032 Coleophora albitarsella Zeller (515). Burton (JTH, DrM) VCH. Dovedale (HWD). No further records [2,0].

37.033* Coleophora trifolii Curtis (516). Large Clover Case-bearer. Stourbridge 29/6/2006, 2010 (PC), Hednesford Hills 2008 (OW), Burnt Tree 2009 (PC), Wren's Nest 2009 (DG), Baggeridge CP 2009 (DT), Keele University 2009 (DWE), Hammerwich 2010-12 (RS), Brown End Quarry 2011 (NDP), Norton Park 2013 (JB) [8,8].

37.035* Coleophora alcyonipennella Kollar (517). Hammerwich 24/5/2009, 5/8/2013, 12/8/2013 (RS), Sandwell Valley 1/9/2011 (MB) [2,2].

37.041 Coleophora genistae Stainton (546). Cannock Chase, one at MV, 1973 (RGW, det. J.D. Bradley). A surprising record, as Genista does not grow in the area. No further records [1,0].

Coleophora alcyonipennella, Hammerwich,

Robert Sharp

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37.042 Coleophora saturatella Stainton (545). Madeley (HWD). No further records [3,0]. 37.044 Coleophora discordella Zeller (547). Madeley, Dovedale (HWD). Locally common on bird's-foot

trefoil (RGW). Not common today, only one further record: a larval case at Baggeridge CP 28/4/2011 (DT) [6,1].

37.046* Coleophora deauratella Lienig & Zeller (519). Queslett 25/7/2004 (DG), Brindley Ford 2006 (JB), Ettingshall 2008 (DT), Ossom's Hill 2011 (MD), Apedale CP 2012 (JB) [5,5].

37.048 Coleophora mayrella Hübner (518). Madeley (HWD). Coombes Valley, Trentham (RGW). Park Hall CP 1989 (JK), Compton Park 1999 (AGB), Queslett 2004 (AP), Marchington 2006 (RA), Hammerwich 2009-13 (RS), Wren's Nest 2009 (DG), Dovedale 2009 (DG), Brown End Quarry 2011 (MD), Ossom's Hill 2011 (MD), Keele University 2014 (DWE) [9,6].

37.049 Coleophora anatipennella Hübner (533). Pistol Case-bearer. Madeley (HWD). No further records [1,0].

37.050* Coleophora albidella Denis & Schiffermüller (532). Penn 24/7/2012 (DT) [1,1]. 37.051 Coleophora kuehnella Goeze (537). Madeley (HWD). No further records [1,0]. 37.053* Coleophora betulella Heinemann (536). Seven Springs 13/7/2008 (JC) and 25/6/2011 (MD) [2,2]. 37.054 Coleophora currucipennella Zeller (534). Cannock Chase 22/7/1977 (RGW). No further records

[1,0]. 37.055 Coleophora pyrrhulipennella Zeller (541). Maer Woods (HWD). Milford Quarry 17/6/2008 (DG)

[2,1]. 37.061* Coleophora lixella Zeller (530). Wetton Hill 8/6/2010 (DG), Dovedale 11/7/2011 (MD) [2,2]. 37.063 Coleophora albicosta Haworth (544). Burnt Wood, Doley Common, Trentham, Cannock Chase,

Coombes Valley, locally common on gorse (RGW). Status unchanged [12,8]. 37.066 Coleophora laricella Hübner (526). Larch Case-bearer. Generally abundant on larch (HWD,

RGW). Status unchanged [9,8]. 37.069* Coleophora caespititiella Zeller (587). Talke 13/6/2005 (MD), Bishops Wood 2006 (JB), Hazleslade

LNR 2006 (NS), Hednesford 2007 (MD, JB), Katyn Memorial 2007 (JC), Needwood Forest 2009 (MD), Burnt Wood 2009 (MD), Penn 2010 (DT), Ball Green 2011 (JB), Hammerwich 2012 (RS) [7,7].

37.070* Coleophora tamesis Waters (583). Apedale CP 18/6/2005 (JB, NDP), Seven Springs 1/7/2006 (MD), Hednesford Hills 14/7/2008 (DG) [3,3].

37.071 Coleophora glaucicolella Wood (582). Madeley, common on hard rush (HWD). Trentham (RGW). Consall CP 2005 (JB), Bishops Wood 2006 (JB), Loynton Moss 2006 (MD), Talke 2007 (MD), Penn Common 2011 (DT) [8,5].

37.072 Coleophora otidipennella Hübner (578). Burton (EB) VCH. Bishops Wood, Madeley, Mucklestone, Cannock Chase (HWD). Generally common (RGW). Not recorded from previous sites; Apedale 2005 (JB), Thorswood NR 2007 (JB), Highgate Common 2009 (DT), Kinver Edge 2010 (PC) [13,4].

37.073 Coleophora alticolella Zeller (584). Burton (EB); Cannock Chase (CGB) VCH. Very common on Juncus (HWD, RGW). Status unchanged [17,13].

37.074* Coleophora taeniipennella Herrich-Schäffer (581). Postenplain 10/7/2009 (OW) [1,1]. 37.080 Coleophora virgaureae Stainton (564). On golden-rod, Wall Grange, 1970 (RGW). No further

records [1,0]. 37.083* Coleophora saxicolella Duponchel (565). Millfields 2008 (DT), Hammerwich 2011 (RS) [2,2]. 37.087 Coleophora vestianella Linnaeus (572). Henhurst (EB); Burton (JTH, DrM) VCH. Madeley (HWD).

Loynton Moss 30/7/1971 (RGW). No further records [3,0]. 37.093* Coleophora peribenanderi Toll (559). Lichfield 11/7/1994 (AME), Consall CP 2005 (JB),

Hazleslade LNR 2006 (DG), Hednesford Hill 2008 (OW), Beech 2009 (DG, SH), Penn 2009 and Himley Wood Landfill 2012 (DT), Hammerwich 2010-12 (RS) [6,5].

37.095* Coleophora trochilella Duponchel (556). Sandwell Valley 17/7/2004 (DG), Hednesford Hills 14/7/2008 (AP) [2,2].

37.099* Coleophora striatipennella Nylander (553). Bishops Wood 24/6/2006 (DG), Hednesford 2007 (JB), Millfields 2008 (DT), Seven Springs 2011 (NDP) [4,4].

37.102 Coleophora argentula Stephens (563). Burton (EB) VCH. Coombes Valley (RGW). Combridge 22/9/2011 (SH), Wordsley 2006, 2010 (PC) [4,2].

37.103 Coleophora follicularis Vallot (555). Madeley (HWD). Needwood Forest, Allimore Green (RGW). No further records [3,0].

37.106 Coleophora paripennella Zeller (560). Burton (JTH, DrM) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Swineholes Wood 26/5/2011 (SH), Parrots Drumble 2007 (LHo), Baggeridge CP 3/5/2010 (DT) [5,3].


Small moths, mostly dark with pale spots, but some white with or without markings. The larvae mine leaves, chiefly grasses or sedges. We have 33 of the 49 species recorded.

38.001 Perittia obscurepunctella Stainton (590). Madeley (HWD). Kinver Edge 28/4/2010 (PC) [2,1].

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38.003 Stephensia brunnichella Linnaeus (592). The Oaks, Burton (EB) VCH. Dovedale (HWD). No further records [2,0].

38.004 Elachista argentella Clerck (610). The Oaks, Burton (EB); Cannock Chase (CGB); Rugeley (RF) VCH. Very common (HWD, RGW). Status unchanged [20,15].

38.005 Elachista triatomea Haworth (611). Manifold Valley, Dovedale (HWD). Trentham, Cannock Chase (RGW). Winterley Canal 10/8/2001 (DG), Acton Trussell 2006 (SP), Longsdon 2011 (JBK) [7,3].

38.007 Elachista subocellea Stephens (613). Dovedale (HWD). No further records [1,0]. 38.008* Elachista triseriatella Stainton (614). Ossom's Hill 31/7/2011 (MD) [1,1]. 38.010 Elachista bedellella Sircom (616). Dovedale (RGW). No further records [1,0]. 38.011 Elachista littoricola Le March (616a). Whiston Eaves, Dovedale (HWD). No further records [2,0]. 38.012 Elachista obliquella Stainton (617). Burton (EB, JTH, DrM) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Dovedale

11/7/2011 (MD) [3,1]. 38.016 Elachista subalbidella Schläger (621). Burnt Wood, Whiston Eaves (HWD). Sherbrook Valley

20/5/2008 (DG), Satnall Hills 2008 (DGG), Blackbrook NR 2011 (JB, MD) [5,3]. 38.017* Elachista adscitella Stainton (622). Ossom's Hill 10/7/2011 (MD) [1,1]. 38.018 Elachista bisulcella Duponchel (623). Burton (EB) VCH. Loynton Moss, Trentham, Coombes

Valley, Needwood Forest, local and uncommon (RGW). Priory Wood 22/8/1990 (MB), Hazleslade LNR 2006 (DG), Dovedale 2009 (DG). No records from previous sites [8,2].

38.019 Elachista regificella Sircom (593). Dovedale (HWD). No further records [1,0]. 38.022 Elachista gleichenella Fabricius (594). Dovedale (HWD). Fradley Junction 14/8/2002 (JC) [2,1]. 38.023 Elachista biatomella Stainton (595). Tixall (EDB) VCH. No further records [1,0]. 38.024 Elachista poae Stainton (596). Cheddleton, common on reed sweet-grass by the canal; Trentham

(RGW). No further records [2,0]. 38.025 Elachista atricomella Stainton (597). Burton (EB). Madeley (HWD). Downs Banks, Cannock

Chase, Coombes Valley, Dovedale, locally common (RGW). Hednesford 2007 (DG), Dovedale 2009 (DG), Orton Hill 2009 (DT), Ossom's Hill 2010, 2011 (DG, MD), Northycote Farm CP 29/6/2013 (IL) [10,5].

38.026 Elachista kilmunella Stainton (598). Chorlton Moss, Morridge, Roaches (HWD). Chartley Moss; locally common on moors and mosses (RGW). Still at Chartley Moss 20/5/2008 (PC) but not reported from previous sites [4,1].

38.028 Elachista alpinella Stainton (599). Madeley, Goldsitch Moss (HWD). Trentham, Cannock Chase (RGW). Hammerwich 19/8/2013 (RS) [5,1].

38.029 Elachista luticomella Zeller (600). The Oaks, Burton (EB); Henhurst (JTH, DrM); Rugeley (RF) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Widespread and rather common (RGW). Not widespread today; Priory Wood 11/7/1991 (MB), Castern Wood 2000 (JC), Hednesford 2/6/2007 (DG), not found at previous sites [8,2].

38.030 Elachista albifrontella Hübner (601). The Oaks, Burton (EB); Burton (JTH, DrM); VCH. Madeley, rather common (HWD). Widespread and common (RGW). Only found at Sandwell Valley 1/7/1988 (MB), Hazleslade LNR 2006 (AP), Mere Valley 2008 (DG), Penn Common 2011 (DT) [11,3].

38.032 Elachista apicipunctella Stainton (602). Burnt Wood, Madeley, Chartley Moss, Manifold Valley, Dovedale (HWD). Loynton, Churnet Valley, Needwood Forest, local and not common (RGW). Not reported from any previous site; Brindley Ford 10/6/2005 and Festival Park 23/4/2010 (JB) [13,2].

38.033 Elachista subnigrella Douglas (603). Burton (JTH, DrM) VCH. Manifold Valley (HWD). No further records [2,0].

38.036 Elachista humilis Frey (606). Burton (JTH, DrM) VCH. Madeley, Manifold Valley (HWD). Hazleslade LNR 13/6/2006 (AP), Doxey Marshes 2006 (DG), Burnt Wood 2009 (MD) [6,3].

38.037 Elachista canapennella Hübner (607). Burton (EB, JTH, DrM); Cannock Chase (CGB) VCH. Common generally (HWD, RGW). Probably still common and recorded from seven new sites but not noted at any of its previous stations [19,10].

38.038 Elachista rufocinerea Haworth (608). Burton, very common (EB, JTH, DrM); Rugeley (RF) VCH. Very common (HWD, RGW). No longer very common. Seen at few of its previous sites; Orton Hill 2009 (DT) [15,6].

38.039 Elachista maculicerusella Hübner (609). Burton (EB, JTH, DrM) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Trentham, Great Haywood, Coombes Valley, Hamstall Ridware (RGW), Tipton (AJW). Locally common on reed canary-grass. Status probably unchanged but only noted at one of its previous sites [14,5].

38.042 Elachista serricornis Stainton (626). Cranberry Bog 1973 (RGW). Chartley Moss 4/7/2008 (PC) [2,1].

38.044 Elachista eleochariella Stainton (628). Craddocks Moss, Cannock Chase, Whiston Eaves, Morridge (HWD). No further records [4,0].

38.045 Elachista utonella Frey (629). Downs Banks (RGW). No further records [1,0]. 38.046 Elachista albidella Nylander (630). Morridge (HWD). Downs Banks, Balterley Heath, Wetley Moor,

Cannock Chase, Chartley Moss, locally common on cotton grass. Still at Chartley Moss 2003, 2008 (JC, PC) and at Swallow Moss 2001 (JC) but not noted at previous sites [7,2].

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38.047 Elachista freyerella Hübner (631). Burton (EB) VCH. Madeley, Maer Woods, Dovedale (HWD). Coombes Valley (RGW). Bescot railway sidings 1996 (GR) [6,0].

38.048* Elachista consortella Stainton (632). Woodgate Valley CP 5/7/2004 (DG) [1,1].


We have three of the six species in this family that once formed part of the Elachistidae.

39.001 Blastodacna hellerella Duponchel (905). Lives in hawhorn, whitebeam berries. Burton (JTH, DrM) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Generally common on hawthorn (RGW). Status unchanged [15,0].

39.002 Blastodacna atra Haworth (906). Apple Pith Moth. Burton (EB), Rugeley (RF) VCH. Madeley, 1950 (HWD). Bunster Hill 12/7/2010 (DG), Sandwell Valley 19/6/2011 (MB) [4,2].

39.003 Spuleria flavicaput Haworth (904). Lives in hawthorn twigs. Burton (EB, JTH, DrM) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Craddocks Moss, Barlaston, local and scarce (RGW). Swynnerton 1/6/2012 (MD) [3,1].


Small to medium-sized moths, some brilliantly coloured and including some of the most beautiful of the micro-lepidoptera. The narrow lanceolate hindwings distinguish them from the Gelechiidae. There are 13 of the 15 species in the county.

40.001 Mompha conturbatella Hübner (885). On rosebay willowherb. Madeley (HWD). Not uncommon generally RGW). Sandwell Valley 1992 (MB), Hazleslade LNR 2006 (DG), Northcote Farm CP 12/7/2013 (IL) and Parrots Drumble 16/7/2013 (JB) [9,3].

40.002 Mompha ochraceella Curtis (886). On greater willowherb. Madeley (HWD). Trentham (RGW). Sandwell Valley 1995 (MB), Hednesford Hills 2003 (DG), Doxey Marshes 2006 (MD), Hazleslade LNR 2006 (DG), Hammwerwich 2011 (RS), Fordhouses 17/7/2013 (IL) [7,4].

40.003 Mompha lacteella Stephens (887). Dovedale (HWD). No further records [1,0]. 40.004 Mompha propinquella Stainton (888). Burton (EB) VCH. Madeley, Dovedale (HWD). Loynton

Moss, Burnt Wood, Trentham, Oakamoor, not uncommon on greater willowherb. The only additional records come from Hednesford Hills 2004 (DG) and Hammerwich 2010 (RS). No records from previous sites [9,2].

40.005 Mompha divisella Herrich-Schäffer (889). Burton (EB) VCH. Burnt Wood 5/8/1974 (RGW). No further records [2,0].

40.008 Mompha subbistrigella Haworth (892). Wall Grange, Trentham, hibernating in houses (RGW). Scattered records across the county [8,6].

40.009* Mompha sturnipennella Treitschke (891). Fradley Junction 26/7/2004 (JC), Bentilee 2/6/2011 (JBK) [2,2].

40.010 Mompha epilobiella Denis & Schiffermüller (893). Burton (EB) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Rather common on greater willowherb (RGW). Status unchanged [12,6].

40.011* Mompha langiella Hübner (880). Penn 17/3/2005, 9/8/2012 (DT), Needwood Forest 31/5/2009 (MD), Sandwell Valley 21/8/2011 (MB), Hammerwich 2011-2013 (RS), Northycote Farm CP 16/7/2013 (IL) [5,5].

40.012 Mompha miscella Denis & Schiffermüller (884). On rock-rose. Manifold Valley, Dovedale (HWD, RGW). Wetton Hill 2010 (DG), Ossom's Hill 2010, 2011 (DG, MD) [2,1].

40.013 Mompha locupletella Denis & Schiffermüller (882). Cannock Chase (CJW) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Downs Banks, Cannock Chase, Alton, Coombes Valley (RGW). Confirmed at Coombes Valley 2008 (DG) and Ball Green 17/8/2013 (JB) but no further records [8,2].

40.014 Mompha terminella Humphrey & Westwood (881). Rolleston Road, Burton VCH. Madeley (HWD). No further records [2,0].

40.015 Mompha raschkiella Zeller (883). Madeley, Cannock Chase (HWD). Widespread and common, leaf mines on rosebay willowherb (RGW). Status unchanged [26,21].


Very distinctive if easily-missed species. The adults rest with their wings wrapped tightly round the body. They are adventive species, probably introduced by the horticultural trade, and have spread rapidly across the county. The larvae feed on a wide range of plant material. We have two of the six species recorded.

41.002* Blastobasis adustella Walsingham (873). First recorded at Lichfield 1992 (RGW); now very common across the county [27,27].

41.003* Blastobasis lacticolella Rebel (874). First recorded at Ettingshall 29/6/2008 (DT), now widely reported [19,19].

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The adults rest in an inclined position with wings held close to the body. We have just the one old record from a total of 12 species.

43.002 Scythris grandipennis Haworth (911). On gorse. Cannock Chase (HWD). No further records [1,0].


This family is represented in Britain by a single species, readily distinguished because each wing is divided into six lobes.

44.001 Alucita hexadactyla Linnaeus (1288). Twenty-plume Moth. Common Burton (BNHS); occasional Dove Valley (FJ); Alstonfield (W.H. Purchas) VCH. Madeley; rather common generally (HWD). Generally common on honeysuckle (RGW). Status unchanged; often in houses [23,21].


The ‘Plume Moths’, medium-sized moths of characteristic form the forewings being cleft into two lobes and the hindwings into three. The body is slender and the legs very long. Many of the larvae are short, stout and hairy and the pupae, often also hairy, are attached to a leaf or stem rather like those of a butterfly. Many are restricted to a single foodplant and this can aid identification. We have 22 of the 45 species recorded.


45.004 Platyptilia gonodactyla Denis & Schiffermüller (1501). Triangle Plume. Near Burton VCH. Madeley (HWD). Forton (ESL). Widespread and common on coltsfoot (RGW). Status unchanged [18,10].

45.006 Platyptilia isodactylus Zeller (1502). Hoary Plume. On marsh ragwort. Aqualate, 16/8/1980 (RGW), Doxey Marshes 20/8/2011 (NDP) [2,1].

45.008 Platyptilia pallidactyla Haworth (1504). Yarrow Plume. Leek (J & WH). Madeley (HWD). Trentham, Apedale, Churnet Valley, locally common on yarrow (RGW). Appears less common today [15,9].

45.009 Gillmeria ochrodactyla Denis & Schiffermüller (1503). Tansy Plume. Great Haywood, on tansy on river bank, 1969; Halmerend 1975 (RGW). Saltwells Wood 2003 (DG), Wolseley Bridge 2005 (SP), Stourbridge 2006, 2010 (PC), Festival Park 2011 (JB), Hammerwich 15/7/2013 (RS) [7,5].

45.010 Amblyptilia acanthadactyla Hübner (1497). Beautiful Plume. Burton, Cannock Chase VCH. Wetley Moor, 1947; Cheddleton Health, 1956 at light (RGW). Now common and widespread [17,16].

45.011* Amblyptilia punctidactyla Haworth (1498). Brindled Plume. Seckley Wood 17/6/2003 (DG) [1,1]. 45.012 Stenoptilia pterodactyla Linnaeus (1509). Brown Plume. Burton (BNHS); Tixall VCH. Madeley,

Dovedale, Manifold Valley (HWD). Widespread and common (RGW). Only three post-2000 records [15,3].

45.013 Stenoptilia bipunctidactyla Scopoli (1508). Twin-spot Plume. Tixall VCH. A common species; Burnt Wood, Craddocks Moss, Madeley, Morridge, Manifold Valley (HWD). Widespread and common on devil's-bit scabious ; on the limestone, a large distinctly-marked form on small scabious (RGW). Locally common but recorded from fewer 10km squares [16,8].

45.014* Stenoptilia scabiodactylus Gregson (1508e). Gregson's Plume. Butterton 6/7/1989, Sugarloaf 10/5/2008 (CH) [1,1].

45.019 Stenoptilia millieridactyla Bruand (1506). Saxifrage Plume. Wall Grange in a garden, 1973, no doubt introduced with saxifrage plants (RGW). Ball Green 1/6/2008 and Castern Wood 23/6/2010 (JB) [3,2].

45.021* Stenoptilia zophodactylus Duponchel (1507). Dowdy Plume. Wilnecote 28/4/1989 (M&GA) [1,0]. 45.028 Capperia britanniodactylus Gregson (1494). Wood Sage Plume. On wood sage. Cannock Chase

VCH. Maer Woods, common in a restricted area (HWD). Trentham, Dovedale (RGW). No further records [4,0].

45.029 Buckleria paludum Zeller (1493). Sundew Plume. Cranberry Bog, 1964 (RGW). Tutt, in ‘Pterophorina of Britain’, 1877, refers to a report of this species from a small bog near Crewe by a Mr. W. Thompson between 1850 and 1860, and no doubt this is the same site . The larva feeds on sundew. No further records [1,0].

Alucita hexadactyla, Little Stoke, Dave Emley

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45.030 Pterophorus pentadactyla Linnaeus (1513). White Plume Moth. Burton, common (BNHS); Hayfield, very common (FJ) VCH. Generally common on bindweed (HWD, RGW). Status unchanged [17,12].

45.032 Merrifieldia tridactyla Linnaeus (1511). Western Thyme Plume. Dovedale 1930 (RGW). Wednesbury 25/9/1984 (AJW) [2,0].

45.033 Merrifieldia leucodactyla Denis & Schiffermüller (1510). Thyme Plume. On thyme. Burton (EB) VCH. Dovedale (HWD, RGW). Wetton 8/6/2010 (DG) [3,1].

45.034 Merrifieldia baliodactylus Zeller (1512). Dingy White Plume. On marjoram. Dovedale (HWD, RGW). Confirmed at Dovedale 5/7/2009 (DG) [1,1].

45.037 Oidaematophorus lithodactyla Treitschke (1523). Dusky Plume. On fleabane. Near Burton (BNHS) VCH. Allimore Green 27/7/1968 (RGW). Saltwells Wood 1985 (AGB) [3,0].

45.040* Hellinsia lienigianus Zeller (1518). Mugwort Plume. Wednesbury June 1989 – September 2013 (AJW) [1,1].

45.041 Hellinsia osteodactylus Zeller (1520). Small Goldenrod Plume. Loynton Moss, 1976 (DAD). Trent Vale, several at light, 11/8/1977 (DWE). Trentham, Apedale, 1982 (RGW). The usual foodplant, goldenrod is not present in these places and the probable alternative is Senecio. Saltwells Wood 1985 (AGB), Chatterley Whitfield and Festival Park 2011 (JB) [4,2].

45.043 Adaina microdactyla Hübner (1517). Hemp-agrimony Plume. Dovedale (HWD). Allimore Green 1969, 1977 (RGW). Saltwells Wood 1985 (AGB), Apedale 18/6/2005 (JB, NDP), Broad Heath 2009 and Meir Heath 2013 (MRG), Stourbridge 2010 (PC), [7,4].

45.044 Emmelina monodactyla Linnaeus (1524). Common Plume. Burton, common VCH. Dovedale; emerges late and hibernates, but examples of partial summer emergence at light at Madeley, 17/7/1934 (HWD). Widespread and common in some seasons (RGW). Status unchanged [25,22].


A single British species which occurs in Staffordshire, a small day-flying moth with narrow pointed wings. The larvae live in a net-like cocoon on leaves of raspberry, bramble and hazel.

46.001 Schreckensteinia festaliella Hübner (485). Henhurst near Burton (EB) VCH. Madeley, common; Mucklestone (HWD). Widespread and rather common (RGW). Talke 2005 (MD), Hednesford Hills 2008 (AP), Bishops Wood 2009 (DG), Sandwell Valley 2009, 2012 (ANBS, MB), Baggeridge CP 2012 (DT), Leek 2013 (MP) [11,6].


Eight small moths, of which we have four, mostly associated with Umbelliferae. The forewings of some species have prominent scale teeth.



47.001 Phaulernis fulviguttella Zeller (478). Henhurst (EB); Hopwas Wood (WGB) VCH. Madeley, common on flowers of hogweed and angelica (HWD). Trentham, Moddershall, Churnet Valley, Needwood Forest, apparently less common than formerly (RGW). Last record Hem Heath Wood 1977 (RGW) [9,0].

Adaina microdactyla, Meir Heath,

Mick Green

Schreckensteinia festaliella, Sandwell Valley,

Mike Bloxham

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47.005 Epermenia chaerophyllella Goeze (483). Madeley (HWD) High Offley, Downs Banks, Needwood Forest, local and scarce (RGW). Ettingshall 2008 and Orton 2009 (DT), Wren's Nest, Needwood Forest, Consall CP 2009 (DG), Beech 2009 (AP, DG), Sedgley 2011 (AJ), Weston Sprink 2013 (DG) [8,5].

47.006 Epermenia falciformis Haworth (481). Burton (EB) VCH. Only other record, Jacksons Coppice and Marsh 1975; very local in a small marsh (RGW). Needwood Forest 30/8/2009 (DG) [3,1].

47.008 Epermenia profugella Stainton (480). Hamps Valley 1954 (RGW). The only record [1,0].


We have four of the seven species of small, dark, broad-winged moths. Adults sit with wings flat and slightly diverging.

48.001 Anthophila fabriciana Linnaeus (385). Nettle-tap. Burton, very common (EB, JTH, DrM); very common Rugeley (RF) VCH. Common everywhere on nettles (HWD, RGW). Status unchanged [35,28].

48.002 Prochoreutis myllerana Fabricius (388). On skullcap. Cannock Chase (HWD); Trentham, Churnet Valley, Rudyard Lake, locally common (RGW). No records since 1977 [7,0].

48.003 Prochoreutis sehestediana Fabricius (387). Cannock Chase (HWD); Loynton Moss (RGW). No further records [2,0].

48.007* Choreutis pariana Clerck (389). Apple Leaf Skeletoniser. On apple. Kinver Edge 10/10/1992 (AGB, EBl), Acton Trussell 2002 (SP), Warstones 7/8/2003 (DT) [3,2].


The largest family of the Micro-lepidoptera with 394 species of which we have 239. They are mostly medium-sized moths, many with yellow or orange forewings with dark or metallic markings.


49.001 Olindia schumacherana Fabricius (1013). Madeley (HWD); Burnt Wood (HLB); Churnet Valley, Hamps Valley, Dovedale, Dimmingsdale, Needwood Forest, Loynton Moss, local and uncommon (RGW). Only two additional records; Seckley Wood 17/6/2003 and Needwood Forest 2/6/2009 (DG) [7,2].

49.002 Isotrias rectifasciana Haworth (1014). Burton, common (EB, JTH, DrM); Stafford (CGB); North Staffs.(TWD); common Rugeley (RF) VCH. Rather common (HWD, RGW). No longer common with no records from earlier squares; Compton Park 1999 (AGB), Castern Wood 2000 (JC), Seckley Wood 2003 (DG), Marshes Hill Common 2012 (JB) [8,3].


49.004 Ditula angustiorana Haworth (1010). Red-barred Tortrix. Burton, common (EB, JTH, DrM); North Staffs. (TWD); Rugeley (RF) VCH. Madeley and probably common everywhere (HWD). Generally common (RGW). Status unchanged [27,24].

49.005 Epagoge grotiana Fabricius (1006). Cannock Chase (HWD); Forton (ESL); Loynton Moss, Allimore Green, Chorlton Moss, Swynnerton, local and scarce (RGW). Not uncommon on Cannock Chase (DCG, DG, AP, OW) also at Brindley Ford and Bishops Wood (JB), Postenplain (OW) [10,6].

49.008 Philedone gerningana Denis & Schiffermüller (1008). Chorlton Moss (TWD) VCH. Cannock Chase, Swynnerton, Whiston Eaves, Morridge (HWD). Chorlton Moss, Fairoak, Stockton Brook, Coombes Valley, Wetley Moor, c.1933, not seen recently in any of these places but still occurs on Leek Moors (RGW). Only one recent record; Blackbrook NR 31/7/2010 (DG) [7,1].

49.009 Capua vulgana Frölich (1007). Cannock Chase (CGB); North Staffs. (TWD); Rugeley (RF) VCH. Rather common, Madeley (HWD). Widespread and common in woods (RGW). Status unchanged [20,15].

Anthophila fabriciana, Keele, Dave Emley

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49.010 Philedonides lunana Thunberg (1009). Chorlton Moss (TWD) VCH. Roaches (HWD, RGW). The Cloud, Ipstones Edge, Leek Moors, locally common (RGW). Knotbury and Goldsitch Moss 2006 (JB, SH), Blackbrook NR 2010 (DG) [4,1].


49.011 Archips oporana Linnaeus (976). Chorlton Moss (TWD) VCH. No further records [1,0]. 49.013 Archips podana Scopoli (977). Large Fruit-tree Tortrix. Burton, common (EB, JTH, DrM); North

Staffs. (TWD); very common, Rugeley (RF) VCH. Very common, black form frequent Madeley (HWD). Widespread and common (RGW). Status unchanged [25,19].

49.014 Archips crataegana Hübner (979). Brown Oak Tortrix. Hem Heath Wood 1976 (RGW). Saltwells Wood 1996 (TB), Himley Plantation 2009 (DT), Sandwell Valley 2009 (AC) [4,2].

49.015 Archips xylosteana Linnaeus (980). Variegated Golden Tortrix. Burton (EB, JTH, DrM); North Staffs. (TWD); Rugeley (RF) VCH. Rather common, Madeley (HWD). Widespread and locally common (RGW). Only noted at seven sites [15,6].

49.016 Archips rosana Linnaeus (981). Rose Tortrix. Burton, common (EB, JTH, DrM); North Staffs. (TWD); very common, Rugeley (RF) VCH. Madeley, rather common (HWD). Eccleshall, The Cloud, Dovedale, locally common (RGW). Little Stoke 2004 (DWE), Harborne 2006 (C & JC), Rough Close 2010 (AM), Eccleshall 2011 (G & SM) [10,4].

49.018 Choristoneura hebenstreitella Müller (983). The Oaks (EB); Burton (JTH, DrM); North Staffs. (TWD); common, Rugeley (RF) VCH. Rather common, Burnt Wood, Madeley (HWD). Swynnerton, Trentham, now scarce (RGW). Still scarce; Kinver Edge 1993 (AGB, EBl) and Hednesford Hills 2008 (AP) are the only additional records [7,1].

49.019 Choristoneura lafauryana Ragonot (984). Kinver Edge 1980 (FAN) [1,0]. 49.020 Argyrotaenia ljungiana Thunberg (974). Whiston Eaves (HWD). Cannock Chase, The Cloud, Leek

Moors, Ipstones Edge, locally common (RGW). Status and distribution unchanged [7,5]. 49.021 Ptycholomoides aeriferanus Herrich-Schäffer (987). Burnt Wood 10/7/1982 (DWE). Now generally

distributed [10,8]. 49.022 Ptycholoma lecheana Linnaeus (1000). Cannock Chase (CGB, RCB); Hopwas Wood (WGB); North

Staffs. (TWD); Rugeley (RF) VCH. Rather common generally (HWD, RGW). No records from most of the old sites. Apedale 2005 (JB), Talke 2005 (MD), Loynton Moss 2006 (MD), Dovedale 2009 (DG), Brankley Pastures NR 2011 (MB, GCS), Walsall 2013 (RO) [14,6].

49.023 Pandemis cinnamomeana Treitschke (971). Maer Woods plentiful (TWD) VCH. Burnt Wood, Madeley, Swynnerton (HWD). Locally common in woods (RGW). Status unchanged [16,12].

49.024 Pandemis corylana Fabricius (969). Chequered Fruit-tree Tortrix. Henhurst (EB); Burton (JTH, DrM); Swynnerton Old Park (TWD); common, Rugeley (RF) VCH. Common generally (HWD, RGW). Status unchanged [29,26].

49.025 Pandemis cerasana Hübner (970). Barred Fruit-tree Tortrix. Burton, common (EB, JTH, DrM); North Staffs. (TWD); very common, Rugeley (RF); VCH. Common generally (HWD, RGW). Status unchanged [30,26].

49.026 Pandemis heparana Denis & Schiffermüller (972). Dark Fruit-tree Tortrix. North Staffs (TWD); very common, Rugeley (RF) VCH. Common generally (HWD, RGW). Status unchanged [27,24].

49.028 Syndemis musculana Hübner (986). Burton (EB, JTH, DrM); Cannock Chase (CGB, WGB); North Staffs. (TWD); common Rugeley (RF) VCH. Common generally (HWD, RGW). Status unchanged [33,23].

49.029 Lozotaenia forsterana Fabricius (1002). Burton, common (EB, JTH, DrM); North Staffs. (TWD); Rugeley, very common (RF) VCH. Madeley, common (HWD). Widespread and common (RGW). Status unchanged [20,15].

49.030 Cacoecimorpha pronubana Hübner (985). Carnation Tortrix. Rushall 1983 (GR), Brownhills Common 1995, 2000 (DG), Short Heath 1996 (SP), Fradley Junction 2004 (JC), Rugeley 2004 (GL), Bradnop 2005 and Broad Heath 2006 (MRG), Wednesfield 2007 (DG), Orton Hill 2009 (DT), Madeley 2010 CS) [9,8].

49.031 Aphelia paleana Hübner (989). Timothy Tortrix. Burton, rare (EB, JTH, DrM); North Staffs. (TWD) VCH. Madeley, Whiston Eaves, Morridge, Manifold Valley (HWD). Leek (J & WH); Forton (ESL); Trentham, Churnet Valley; locally common in grassy places (RGW). Status unchanged [27,18].

49.032 Aphelia unitana Hübner (990). Appears to be restricted to the limestone, where it occurs along with A. paleana. Manifold Valley, bred from angelica at Dovedale, 1964 (RGW). Confirmed at Dovedale 2009 (DG) [3,1].

49.033 Aphelia viburnana Denis & Schiffermüller (988). Bilberry Tortrix. Burton, rare (EB); Cannock Chase (CGB); Rugeley, common (RF) VCH. Abundant amongst ling and bilberry (HWD). Chiefly on moors, but also Dovedale so must have other food plants (RGW). Swineholes Wood 2000 (JC), Marshes Hill Common 2006 (JB), Cannock Chase 2006, 2008, 2009 (DGG, DG, DT), The Cloud 2011, 2013 and Marshes Hill Common 2013 (JB) [10,4].

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49.035 Clepsis senecionana Hübner (991). Cannock Chase (CGB) VCH. Loynton Moss, Downs Banks, Cannock Chase, local in boggy places (RGW). Sherbrook Valley 2006 (AG), Harborne 2007 (C & JC), Mere Valley 2008 (DG), Gib Torr 2010 (DG) [6,3].

49.037 Clepsis spectrana Treitschke (993). Cyclamen Tortrix. Henhurst (EB); very common, Rugeley (RF) VCH. Rather common in marshy places (HWD, RGW). Status unchanged [25,17].

49.038 Clepsis consimilana Hübner (994). Burton, common (EB, JTH, DrM); Rugeley, very common (RF) VCH. Common generally, often on garden privet (HWD, RGW). Status unchanged [26,20].

49.039* Epiphyas postvittana Walker (998). Light Brown Apple Moth. First recorded at Rushall 1999 (GR), it has now become very common across the county [23,23].

49.040 Lozotaeniodes formosanus Geyer (1001). First record at light, Scot Hay, 13/8/1981 (GB), Keele University 1981 (DWE), Ashley Heath, 1985 (IOJ). Now not uncommon across the county [17,15].


49.042 Neosphaleroptera nubilana Hübner (1027). Burton, common (EB); common Rugeley (RF) VCH. Madeley, abundant where it occurs but exceedingly local (HWD). Gnosall, Allimore Green, Trentham, Needwood Forest, Hamstall Ridware (RGW). Only one recent record; Seven Springs 1/7/2006 (IF) [8,1].

49.043 Exapate congelatella Clerck (1026). Madeley; common in Burnt Wood (HWD). Maer Woods, 1933; sometimes common on moors, The Cloud, Leek Moors, Oakamoor, Ipstones Edge; no longer at Burnt Wood; one at light, Trentham, 26/10/1974, Oakamoor 1976 (RGW). Keele University 2009, 2012 (DWE), Knightley Grange 2010-11 (MRG) [6,2].

49.044 Tortricodes alternella Denis & Schiffermüller (1025). Henhurst (EB, JTH, DrM); North Staffs. (TWD) VCH. Common generally on oak (HWD, RGW). Status unchanged though often missed because of its early emergence [11,6].

49.045 Eana osseana Scopoli (1029). Burton (JTH, DrM); North Staffs. (TWD); Rugeley (RF) VCH. Common in dry grassy places (HWD). Locally common, especially on moors (RGW). Swineholes Wood 2004 (JC), Wolseley Bridge 2006 (MD), Manifold Valley and Blackbrook NR 2010 (DG, GF) [5,4].

49.047 Eana incanana Stephens (1030). Burnt Wood, Madeley, Churnet Valley (HWD). Swynnerton, Needwood Forest, local and scarce (RGW). Sherbrook Valley 11/7/2008 (JC), Wetton Hill 27/7/2010 (DG), Penn 27/7/2012 (DT) [8,4].

49.049 Cnephasia incertana Treitschke (1024). Light Grey Tortrix. Burton, common (EB, JTH, DrM); North Staffs. (TWD) VCH. Very common generally (RGW). Status probably unchanged [22,12].

49.050 Cnephasia stephensiana Doubleday (1020). Grey Tortrix. Rugeley (RF) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Widespread and rather common (RGW). Status unchanged [20,18].

49.051 Cnephasia asseclana Denis & Schiffermüller (1021). Flax Tortrix. Burton, common (EB, JTH, DrM); North Staffs. (TWD); common Rugeley (RF) VCH. Madeley, common (HWD). Widespread and common (RGW). Status unchanged [25,16].

49.052 Cnephasia pasiuana Hübner (1022). Tixall (EDB); Rugeley (RF) VCH. Allimore Green 1968 (RGW), Wightwick 1985 (AGB). No further records [3,0].

49.054* Cnephasia genitalana Pierce and Metcalfe. (1023). Hammerwich 12/8 and 19/8/2013 (RS) [1,1] 49.056 Cnephasia conspersana Douglas (1019). Madeley (HWD). Leek (J & WH); Wetley Moor, The

Cloud, Coombes Valley, Dovedale; locally common (RGW). No further records [2,0]. 49.057 Cnephasia longana Haworth (1016). North Staffs. (TWD) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Leek, Wetley

Moor (RGW). Fradley Junction 2002 (JC), Hammerwich 2008 – 2013 (RS) [5,2].


49.058* Spatalistis bifasciana Hübner (1034). Seckley Wood 17/6/2003, Consall LNR 2004, 2005, 2009, Postenplain 2006, 2007, Needwood Forest 2009 (DG), Kinver Edge 29/5/2010 (DT) [3,3].

Lozotaeniodes formosanus, Keele,

Dave Emley

Exapate congelatella, Keele,

Dave Emley

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49.059 Tortrix viridana Linnaeus (1033). Green Oak Tortrix. Everywhere very common (EDB); Burton (EB, JTH, DrM); North Staffs. (TWD); Dydon Wood (FJ); Rugeley (RF) VCH. Abundant everywhere on oak (RGW). Status unchanged [33,23].

49.060 Aleimma loeflingiana Linnaeus (1032). Henhurst (EB); Burton (JTH, DrM); North Staffs. (TWD) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Moddershall Oaks (RGW). Saltwells Wood 1985 (AGB); now not uncommon [12,9].

49.061 Acleris holmiana Linnaeus (1037). Henhurst (EB); Burton (JTH, DrM); North Staffs. (TWD); common, Rugeley (RF) VCH. Madeley, Dovedale (HWD). Stableford, Meaford, Needwood Forest, Loynton Moss; in hedgerows, uncommon (RGW). Status unchanged [11,6].

49.062 Acleris forsskaleana Linnaeus (1036). Burton, common (EB, JTH, DrM); North Staffs. (TWD); very common Rugeley (RF) VCH. Common (HWD). Widespread and common on maple and sycamore (RGW). Status unchanged [25,23].

49.063 Acleris bergmanniana Linnaeus (1035). Burton, common (EB, JTH, DrM); North Staffs. (TWD); common Rugeley (RF) VCH. Very common (HWD). Generally common in hedgerows on wild rose (RGW). Sightings much reduced; only seen post-2000 at Norton (DNF), The Dingle (DG), Brindley Ford (JB), Northycote Farm CP (IL) and Walsall (A & MW) [16,5].

49.064 Acleris caledoniana Stephens (1040). Maer Woods, Goldsitch Moss, Morridge (HWD). Wetley Moor, The Cloud, Swineholes Wood, locally common on moors (RGW). Blackbrook NR 9/9/2011 (MD) [5,1].

Acleris laterana/comariana (1038x) The two members of this aggregate are difficult to separate without dissection, so without that all records are assigned here. The aggregate is widespread and common and most records probably are A. laterana [29,23].

49.065 Acleris comariana Lienig & Zeller (1039). Strawberry Tortrix. There are no records confirmed by dissection.

49.066* Acleris laterana Fabricius (1038). Records confirmed by dissection include Bishops Wood 16/9/2006 (JB), Marquis Drive and Brocton 2007 (MD, JC), Hednesford Hills 2008 (MK), Coombes Valley 2008 (MD), Dovedale 10/8/2009 (DG, MD), Needwood Forest 2009 (DG), Ossom's Hill 31/7/2011 MD) [6,6].

49.069 Acleris sparsana Denis & Schiffermüller (1041). Rugeley (RF) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Widespread and common on beech and sycamore (RGW). Status unchanged [17,14].

49.070 Acleris rhombana Denis & Schiffermüller (1042). Rhomboid Tortrix. Burton, common (EB, JTH, DrM); North Staffs. (TWD); very common, Rugeley (RF) VCH. Very common generally (HWD, RGW). Status probably unchanged [19,9].

49.071 Acleris emargana Fabricius (1062). Henhurst, common (EB); Burton (JTH, DrM) VCH. Rather common (HWD). Widespread and common on willow (RGW). Status unchanged [19,12].

49.073 Acleris schalleriana Linnaeus (1047). Burton, common (EB, JTH, DrM) VCH. Dovedale, on guelder-rose (RGW), Alvecote Pools 1955 (G & MA). Needwood Forest and Burnt Wood 2009 (DG) [4,2].

49.077 Acleris variegana Denis & Schiffermüller (1048). Garden Rose Tortrix. Burton (EB, JTH, DrM); North Staffs. (TWD); very common, Rugeley (RF) VCH. Very common in many forms (HWD, RGW). Status unchanged [31,28].

49.078 Acleris aspersana Hübner (1043). North Staffs. (TWD) VCH. Madeley, Cannock Chase, Manifold Valley, Dovedale (HWD). Downs Banks, Coombes Valley, Ipstones Edge, locally common (RGW). Wednesbury 1985 (AJW), Park Lime Pits 2001 (DG), Postenplain 2010 (AS), Wetton Hill 2010 (DG), Ossom's Hill 2010, 2011 (DG, MD) [9,3].

49.080 Acleris hastiana Linnaeus (1053). Madeley, Whiston Eaves (HWD). Swallow Moss; local, on willow (RGW). Saltwells Wood 1985 (AGB), Hawkbatch 2003 (JR), Wolseley Bridge 2003 (SP), Acton Trussell 2004 (SP), Harborne 2007 (C & JC), Ettinghall 2009 (DT), Festival Park 2010 (JB), Hammerwich 2011 (RS), Sandwell Valley 2011 (MB), Great Bridgeford 2012 (CW) [13,9].

49.082 Acleris hyemana Haworth (1055). Maer Woods, in heather (TWD) VCH. Burnt Wood, Cannock Chase, Coombes Valley (RGW). Hawkbatch 2003 (JR), Goldsitch Moss 2006 and Brund Hill 2007 (JB), Hammerwich 2007, 2009 (RS), Hednesford Hills 2008 (MD, DG), Mere Valley 2008 (DG), Kinver Edge 2010 (MD, PC), Back Forest Ridge and Marshes Hill Common 2013 (JB) [10,8].

Acleris ferrugana/notana (1044x). The two species that comprise this aggregate are difficult to separate without dissection. All records not so checked are listed under this aggregate which is common and widespread [21,16].

49.083 Acleris ferrugana Denis & Schiffermüller (1044). Dissected records include; Butt Lane 24/9/2005 (MD), Orton 2009 (DT), Kinver Edge 2010 (MD, PC), Sandwell Valley 9/7/2011 (MB) [4,4].

49.084 Acleris notana Donovan (1045). Dissected records include; Hednesford Hills 2005, 2006 (AP), Bishops Wood 2006 (JB, MD), Seven Springs 2006 (MD), Brocton 2007 (JC), Marquis Drive 2007 (MD), Sherbrook Valley 2008 (JC), Postenplain 2009 (MD), Dovedale 2009 (MD), Himley Plantation 2010 (DT), Kinver Edge 2010 (MD) [8,7].

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49.087 Acleris literana Linnaeus (1061). Burton, rare (EB); Madeley, Swynnerton (TWD) VCH. Burnt Wood (HWD, E.G.Warren); Forton (ESL); Handsworth Wood, one at light, 1982 (R & AN). Saltwells Wood 1986 (TB), Penn 6/4/2010 (DT) [8,1].


49.090 Eulia ministrana Linnaeus (1015). Cannock Chase (CGB, RF); North Staffs.(TWD); var. ferrugana Burton (JTH, DrM) VCH. Common generally, both forms (HWD, RGW). Status probably unchanged, though not noted at many of its former sites [17,9].

49.091 Pseudargyrotoza conwagana Fabricius (1011). Burton, common (EB, JTH, DrM); Stafford (CGB); North Staffs. (TWD); common Rugeley (RF) VCH. Very common (HWD, RGW). Status unchanged [24,20].


49.092* Phtheochroa inopiana Haworth (921). Orton 2009 (DT) [1,1]. 49.094 Phtheochroa sodaliana Haworth (923). Dovedale, 7/7/1984 (MJS) [1,0]. 49.095 Phtheochroa rugosana Hübner (925). Burton (EB, JTH, DrM); one at Handsworth (CJW) VCH.

Armitage (C.E. Stott, In coll. HWD). One, Dosthill, Tamworth, 1984 (PBD). Restricted to the southern part of Staffordshire in which its food plant, white bryony, grows (RGW). Status unchanged [9,4].

49.096 Hysterophora maculosana Haworth (924). Rather common in woods among bluebells (HWD, RGW). Only one further record – Orton Hill 25/5/2009 (DT) [3,1].

49.097 Cochylimorpha straminea Haworth (936). Madeley on thistles (TWD); Rugeley (RF) VCH. Madeley, Manifold Valley, Dovedale (HWD). Trentham, Wetley Moor, Coombes Valley, local on knapweed (RGW). Status unchanged [15,9].

49.101* Phalonidia manniana Fischer von Röslerstamm (926). Doxey Marshes 24/6/2006 (MD) [1,1]. 49.108 Gynnidomorpha alismana Ragonot (930). Madeley

(HWD). No further records [1,0]. 49.109 Agapeta hamana Linnaeus (937). The Oaks (EB);

Burton (JTH, DrM); Rugeley (RF); North Staffs. (TWD) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Trentham; widespread and common on thistles (RGW). Status unchanged [28,24].

49.110 Agapeta zoegana Linnaeus (938). Burton, Sinai Park (JTH, DrM); common, Rugeley (RF); North Staffs. (TWD) VCH. Madeley (HWD); Whiston Eaves (HWD). Trentham, Cheddleton; old railway line near Chartley Moss; more local than the last species (RGW). Status unchanged [16,8].

49.111 Eupoecilia angustana Hübner (954). The Oaks, Burton (EB); abundant on all heaths (TWD); Cannock (RCB); Rugeley (RF) VCH. Swynnerton, Cannock Chase, Whiston Eaves (HWD). Trentham, Wetley Moor (RGW). Generally distributed, especially on heathland [20,11].

49.114 Aethes hartmanniana Clerck (941). Craddocks Moss (TWD) VCH. Dovedale (HWD). Manifold Valley (RGW). Saltwells Wood 1996 (TB), Castern Wood 2010 (JB) [3,1].

49.115 Aethes piercei Obraztsov (942). On devil's-bit scabious. Madeley, Whiston Eaves (HWD). Consall local and scarce (RGW). Milford Quarry 17/6/2008, Wetton Hill 2010 and Ossom's Hill 2010 (DG) [5,2].

49.120 Aethes smeathmanniana Fabricius (947). Trentham, Coombes Valley (RGW). Tamworth 1959 (G & MA). Now generally distributed [14,9].

49.121 Aethes tesserana Denis & Schiffermüller (939). North Staffs. (TWD) VCH. Manifold Valley, one (HWD). No further records [1,0].

49.127 Aethes cnicana Westwood (945). The Oaks, Burton (EB); Colwich (CGB); Cannock (CGB) VCH. Madeley, Cannock Chase (HWD). Downs Banks, Trentham, Churnet Valley, locally common on thistles (RGW). Status unchanged [22,12].

49.128 Aethes rubigana Treitschke (946). On burdock. The Oaks, Burton (EB); North Staffs. (TWD) VCH. Hawksmoor (HWD). Loynton Moss, Madeley (RGW). Wednesbury 1986 (AJW), Penn 2003 and Orton Hill 2009 (DT), Knightley Grange 2010 (MRG), Northycote Farm CP and Fordhouses 2013 (IL) [10,3].

49.129 Cochylidia rupicola Curtis (959). Allimore Green 27/7/1968 (RGW). No further records [1,0]. 49.132* Cochylidia implicitana Wocke (956). Hammerwich 5/8/2013 (RS) [1,1]. 49.133 Cochylis nana Haworth (968). The Oaks; Burton (EB); abundant, Cannock Chase (CGB); very

common, Rugeley (RF) VCH. Swynnerton, Whitmore Common (HWD). Burnt Wood, Trentham,

Agapeta hamana, Keele, Dave Emley

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Churnet Valley, widespread and common on birch (RGW). Only nine additional records so perhaps not as common as thought [13,5].

49.134 Cochylis roseana Haworth (962). The Oaks, Burton (EB); Shobnall marlpit (JTH, DrM) VCH. Saltwells Wood 1996 (TB), Belvide reservoir 1999 (DMcD), Walsall airfield 2000, Park Lime Pits 2001 and Sandwell Valley 2003 (DG) [5,2].

49.136 Cochylis hybridella Hübner (965). The Oaks, Burton (EB); on heaths (TWD) VCH. No further records.

49.137 Cochylis dubitana Hübner (964). Rugeley (RF). Burnt Wood, Trentham, Marchington, Alvecote (RGW). Wednesbury 1985-91 (AJW), Hednesford Hills 2004 (DG), Queslett 2004 (DG), Dudley 2006 (PC), Ettingshall 2008 (DT), Lichfield 2012 (DB) [9,5].

49.142 Falseuncaria ruficiliana Haworth (960). Stanton; Dovedale (HWD). No further records [2,0].



49.144* Eudemis profundana Denis & Schiffermüller (1113). First noted at Kinver Edge 1992 (AGB); now found more widely in the southern half of the county [11,10].

49.145* Pseudosciaphila branderiana Linnaeus (1088). Ossom's Hill 26/7/2010 (RHe) [1,1]. 49.146 Apotomis semifasciana Haworth (1089). Burnt Wood (HLB); Loynton Moss, Forton (ESL).

Sandwell Valley 6/7/1983 (MB) [3,0]. 49.149 Apotomis turbidana Hübner (1092). North Staffs. (TWD); very common Rugeley (RF) VCH. Burnt

Wood (WM, RGW). Madeley, Swynnerton (HWD). Cannock Chase, Wetley Moor, Churnet Valley, local on birch (RGW). Status unchanged [20,15].

49.150 Apotomis betuletana Haworth (1093). Burton (EB, JTH, DrM); Cannock (CJW); very common Rugeley (RF) VCH. Burnt Wood, Maer Woods, Madeley, Swynnerton, Cannock Chase (HWD). Generally common on birch (RGW). Status unchanged [28,21].

49.151 Apotomis capreana Hübner (1094). Bagots Wood, 1970 (RGW). Kinver Edge 1980 (FAN), Saltwells Wood 1985 (AGB), Chartley Moss 1999 (JC), Sandwell Valley 2009 (AC), Penn Common 2011 (DT), Stafford 2012 (SM) [6,3].

49.152 Apotomis sororculana Zetterstedt (1095). Cannock (WGB); North Staffs. (TWD); common Rugeley (RF) VCH. Never seen in Staffs. (HWD, RGW). No further records [2,0].

49.153 Apotomis sauciana Frölich (1096). Plentiful Maer Woods (TWD); Cannock (CJW) VCH. Burnt Wood, Swynnerton (HWD). Trentham, Stockton Brook, Churnet Valley, The Cloud, Leek Moors, local on bilberry, apparently less common since c.1965 (RGW). Marshes Hill Common and The Cloud 2011 (JB) [9,2].

49.154 Orthotaenia undulana Denis & Schiffermüller (1087). North Staffs. (TWD) VCH. Common, especially among bilberry in woods (HWD, RGW). Status unchanged [23,18].

49.155 Hedya salicella Linnaeus (1086). Burnt Wood, Madeley (HWD); Balterley Heath, Mottey Meadows 1983, Coombes Valley, local on old willows (RGW). Hednesford Hills 2003 (NS), Sandwell Valley 2003 (DG), Queslett 2004 (DG et al), Harborne 2004 (DG, AP), Penn 2009 (DT), Hammerwich 2010 (RS), Swynnerton 2012 (JB, MD) [12,6].

49.156 Hedya nubiferana Haworth (1083). Marbled Orchard Tortrix. Burton (EB, JTH, DrM); very common Rugeley (RF) VCH. Very common on Rosaceae (HWD, RGW). Status unchanged [30,26].

49.157 Hedya pruniana Hübner (1082). Plum Tortrix. Burton (EB); North Staffs.(TWD) VCH. Common on blackthorn (HWD, RGW). Status unchanged [24,21].

49.158 Hedya ochroleucana Frölich (1084). Tixall (EDB); common Rugeley (RF) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Eccleshall 1982 (G & SM); Allimore Green, Blore; local, in hedgerows (RGW). Acton Trussell 2000 (SP), Brindley Ford 2005 (JB) [8,2].

49.159 Hedya atropunctana Zetterstedt (1085). Cannock Chase, Morridge (HWD). Maer Woods 1938 (RGW). Brankley Covert 1981 (RGW) and 1997 (MW) [5,1].

49.161 Celypha striana Denis & Schiffermüller (1063). Burton, rare (EB, JTH, DrM); North Staffs. (TWD) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Coombes Valley, Needwood Forest (RGW); Wednesfield (AJW). Much more common and widely distributed [22,19].

49.166 Celypha lacunana Denis & Schiffermüller (1076). Burton, very common (EB, JTH, DrM); Cannock Chase (CGB); North Staffs. (TWD) VCH. Very common generally (HWD, RGW). Status unchanged [36,32].

Cochylidia implicitana, Hammerwich

Robert Sharp

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49.167 Celypha rivulana Scopoli (1068). Burton (EB); Cannock Chase (WGB) VCH. Madeley, Cannock Chase (HWD). Allimore Green, Trentham, Needwood Forest, locally common (RGW). No records from former sites. Dudley Wood 1995 (LS), Saltwells Wood 1996 (TB), Bunkers Hill Wood 1997 (DNF), Norton 1996-2000 (DNF) [8,2].

49.172 Phiaris schulziana Fabricius (1073). Craddocks Moss, Chartley Moss (RCB) VCH. Craddocks Moss, Morridge (HWD). Fairoak, 1933, since extinct; Cranberry Bog, Chartley Moss, Goldsitch Moss, Swallow Moss (RGW). Confirmed at Chartley Moss 20/7/2008 (PC) but no records from other sites [5,1].

49.173 Phiaris micana Denis & Schiffermüller (1075). Downs Banks 1947, Needwood Forest; common in a restricted area, becoming scarce and now probably extinct (RGW). No further records [2,0].

49.178 Stictea mygindiana Denis & Schiffermüller (1070). Maer Woods, Swynnerton, Cannock Chase (HWD). Caverswall, The Cloud, Leek Moors, Swineholes Wood, Oakamoor, locally common on cowberry (RGW). Status unchanged [8,5].

49.179 Olethreutes arcuella Clerck (1080). Cannock Chase, abundant in June (WSA); North Staffs. (TWD) VCH. Maer Woods, Cannock Chase (HWD). Abundant at Maer Woods, 1937; single examples at Swynnerton and Trentham; not seen recently in any of these places (RGW). No further records [4,0].

49.180 Piniphila bifasciana Haworth (1079). One beaten from Scots pine, Cannock Chase (WSA) VCH. Chartley Moss (RGW). Sandwell Valley 2003 (DG), Wolseley Bridge 2004 (JC, SP), Cannock Chase 2007, 2008 (JC) [4,4].


49.183* Lobesia abscisana Doubleday (1108). First noted at Fordhouses 21/7/1996 (IL), now widely distributed [14,14].

49.184 Lobesia reliquana Hübner (1106). Swynnerton, Burnt Wood (HWD). Not seen at Swynnerton, last at Burnt Wood 1958 (RGW). Bishops Wood 2006 (JB), Kinver Edge 29/5/2010 (DT) [2,1].

49.185 Lobesia littoralis Westwood & Humphreys (1109). Trentham, on thrift in garden, probably introduced with plants, first noted 1940, still present 1975; single examples also at Cheddleton Heath, Coombes Valley and Burnt Wood (RGW). Clayton 1983 (CP), Fordhouses 2013 (IL) [5,1].


49.186* Endothenia gentianaeana Hübner (1097). Larvae in teasel heads Baggeridge CP 23 and 25/1/2010 (DT, LB) [2,2].

49.187 Endothenia oblongana Haworth (1098). Burton, rare (EB) VCH. Only one additional record : Himley Wood Landfill 21/7/2012 (DT) [2,1].

49.188* Endothenia marginana Haworth (1099). Wolverhampton Parkfields 28/8/1990 (LCR). Since then widely reported in the south of the county with records in the north from Creswell's Piece and Chatterley Whitfield (JB) and Ossom's Hill (MD) [9,9].

49.191 Endothenia nigricostana Haworth (1102). Burton (EB, JTH, DrM) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Burnt Wood, Hem Heath Wood 13/6/1971, scarce (RGW). No further records [4,0].

49.192 Endothenia ericetana Humphreys & Westwood (1103). Madeley (HWD); Burnt Wood (HLB); Trentham, 1959 (RGW). No further records [3,0].

49.193 Endothenia quadrimaculana Haworth (1104). Rugeley (RF) VCH. Trentham, Allimore Green 1977 (RGW). Acton Trussell 2002 and Wolseley Bridge 2003, 2006 (SP) [5,2].


49.194 Bactra lancealana Hübner (1111). Cannock Chase (CGB); North Staffs. (TWD); very common Rugeley (RF) VCH. Very common on rushes (HWD, RGW). Status unchanged [26,15].

49.195 Bactra furfurana Haworth (1110). Madeley, on spike rush (HWD). Bagots Wood, Rudyard Lake 1985, Mottey Meadows 1988 (RGW). No further records [4,0].

49.199* Eucosmomorpha albersana Hübner (1217). Needwood Forest – Brakenhurst 30/5/2009 (DG) [1,1]. 49.200 Enarmonia formosana Scopoli (1216). Cherry Bark Tortrix. Burton (EB, JTH, DrM) VCH. Madeley,

in bark of rowan; Armitage (HWD). Hem Heath Wood 1977, Stone (RGW). Sandwell Valley 2001 (DG), Penn 2003 (DT), Harborne 2007 (C & JC) [8,3].

49.201* Ancylis unguicella Linnaeus (1117). Blackbrook NR 13/7/2010 and 31/7/2010 (DG) [1,1].

Lobesia littoralis, Fordhouses, 2013,

Ian Lycett

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49.202 Ancylis uncella Denis & Schiffermüller (1118). Chorlton Moss, Craddocks Moss, Chartley Moss (HWD). Burnt Wood (WM, RGW); Maer Woods, Swynnerton, on birch, local and uncommon (RGW). Swineholes Wood 2001 (JC), Burnt Wood 2005 (JB), Chartley Moss 2005 (JC), Highgate Common 2009 (DT) [6,4].

49.203 Ancylis laetana Fabricius (1123). North Staffs. (TWD) VCH. Common on aspen, Burnt Wood (WM, HWD, HLB). Becoming scarce at Burnt Wood and none been since 1956 (RGW). Baggeridge CP 26/5/2009 (DT) [2,1].

49.205* Ancylis comptana Frölich (1116). Ossom's Hill 16/8/2010 (DG) [1,1]. 49.206* Ancylis upupana Treitschke (1121). Hednesford Camp 2/6/2007 (MD) [1,1]. 49.207 Ancylis geminana Donovan (1119). Cannock Chase (RCB) VCH. Cannock Chase 1956 (SEWC)

[2,0]. 49.209 Ancylis diminutana Haworth (1119a). Burton (EB) VCH. Swineholes Wood 27/7/2004 (JC) [2,1]. 49.210 Ancylis unculana Haworth (1125). Burnt Wood (HLB). The only record [1,0]. 49.211 Ancylis myrtillana Treitschke (1128). Cannock

Chase, Rugeley, abundant (RF, CGB, WGB); Maer Woods, Craddocks Moss, plentiful on bilberry (TWD) VCH. Common on bilberry in woods and on moors (RGW). Among old records only confirmed for Cannock Chase. New localities include Blackbrook NR, Marshes Hill Common, Swineholes Wood and Wolf Edge [11,5].

49.212 Ancylis apicella Denis & Schiffermüller (1129). Dovedale (HWD); Craddocks Moss (HWD, RGW). No further records [2,0].

49.214 Ancylis badiana Denis & Schiffermüller (1126). Burton, common (EB, JTH, DrM); Stafford (CGB); on trefoil (TWD) VCH. Rather common (HWD). Widespread and common (RGW). Status unchanged [25,20].

49.215 Ancylis achatana Denis & Schiffermüller (1115). North Staffs. (TWD) VCH. Needwood Forest, 1954; Keele, one at light, 1968; since 1975 more widespread and common, Aqualate, Trentham, Cannock Chase, Rugeley, Oakamoor (RGW). Status unchanged [18,11].

49.216 Ancylis mitterbacheriana Denis & Schiffermüller (1120). Burton, common (EB, JTH, DrM); North Staffs. (TWD) VCH. Burnt Wood, Madeley, Swynnerton (HWD); Trentham, Hawksmoor, Needwood Forest, on oak, less common than formerly (RGW). Coombes Valley 2003 (DG, AP), Seckley Wood 2007 (AF, GF), Marquis Drive and Hednesford Hills 2008 (DG), Needwood Forest and Burnt Wood 2009 (DG), Kinver Edge 2010 (DT) [11,4].


49.220 Rhopobota myrtillana Humphreys & Westwood (1162). Burnt Wood (WM, HWD). Blakelow, near Stanton, 1984, Wetley Moor 1990 (RGW), Burnt Wood 2005 (DG), Marshes Hill Common 2006, 2007, 2012 (JB), Swineholes Wood 2007, 2012, Creswell's Piece 2007, Blackbrook NR 2011, Mow Cop and Wetley Moor 2012 (JB) [7,6].

49.222 Rhopobota ustomaculana Curtis (1158). Gun Hill, bred from cowberry, 1970 (RGW). Hednesford Hills 20/7/2005 (AP) [2,1].

49.223 Rhopobota naevana Hübner (1159). Holly Tortrix. North Staffs. (TWD); Rugeley (RF) VCH. Common generally on holly; f. geminana plentiful, often very abundant, wherever bilberry grows (RGW, HWD). Status unchanged [19,19].

49.224 Spilonota ocellana Denis & Schiffermüller (1205). Bud Moth. Burton, common (EB, JTH, DrM); very common Rugeley (RF) VCH. Fairly common (HWD). Status unchanged [20,17].

49.225 Spilonota laricana Heinemann (1205a). Common on larch (RGW). Kinver Edge 1954 (SEWC), Cannock Chase 1985 (RGW), Hawkbatch 2007 (RWa), Hednesford Hills 2008 and Needwood Forest 2009 (DG), Postenplain 2010 (ANBS) [5,3].

49.228 Epinotia sordidana Hübner (1153). Madeley, Cannock Chase (HWD). Loynton Moss, Downs Banks, Hem Heath Wood, Wetley Moor, Churnet Valley, Dovedale, on alder, local (RGW). No further records [10,0].

49.230 Epinotia trigonella Linnaeus (1151). North Staffs. (TWD) VCH. Common on birch (HWD, RGW). Status unchanged [11,6].

49.231 Epinotia brunnichana Linnaeus (1155). Burton (EB); Rugeley (RF) VCH. Maer Woods, Cannock Chase (HWD). Swynnerton, Trentham, common (RGW). Status unchanged [19,13].

49.232 Epinotia maculana Fabricius (1152). Burnt Wood (HLB, RGW). Swynnerton, Coombes Valley, Needwood Forest, local on poplar and aspen (RGW). Beaudesert 1989 (IP, SMB) and Penn 4/7/2012 (DT) are the only post-1989 records [15,7].

Ancylis achatana, Keele, Dave Emley

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49.233 Epinotia solandriana Linnaeus (1156). Henhurst (EB, JTH, DrM); Madeley, on birch (TWD); Cannock Chase (WGB); very common Rugeley (RF) VCH. Common in great variety (HWD, RGW). Status unchanged [15,7].

49.234 Epinotia abbreviana Fabricius (1150). Burton, common (EB, JTH, DrM) VCH. Leek (Hill). Common on elm (HWD, RGW). No longer common; Cheddleton Heath 2001 (SH), Loynton Moss 2006 (MD), Penn 2009 (DT), Northycote Farm CP 2013 (IL) [8,4].

49.238 Epinotia cruciana Linnaeus (1147). Willow Tortrix. Henhurst (EB); North Staffs. (TWD) VCH. Burnt Wood (WM, RGW); Madeley, common (HWD); Churnet Valley, Swallow Moss, Aqualate and Hem Heath Wood 1977 on sallows (RGW). Remarkably, no further records [10,0].

49.239 Epinotia mercuriana Frölich (1148). Morridge (HWD). Very local on Leek Moors (RGW). No further records [2,0].

49.240 Epinotia immundana Fischer von Röslerstamm (1136). Madeley, Cannock Chase, Dovedale (HWD). Locally common on alder (RGW). Status unchanged [21,15].

49.242 Epinotia nanana Treitschke (1145). Burton (EB, JTH, DrM); VCH. Swynnerton, Chartley Moss, Hawksmoor (HWD). Burnt Wood, Needwood Forest (RGW). Not reported from any previous square. New records: Kinver Edge 1986, 1993 (AGB, EBl), Wyre Forest 1983, 2009 (AS, OW) [8,1].

49.243 Epinotia demarniana Fischer von Röslerstamm (1135). First recorded at Seven Springs 1/7/2006 (MD, DCG); now common across the county [10,10].

49.244 Epinotia subocellana Donovan (1132). Burton (EB, JTH, DrM) VCH. Common on sallow (HWD, RGW). Needwood Forest 1990 (RGW), Apedale CP 2005 (JB), Swallow Moss 2005 (JC), Hednesford Camp 2007 (MD), Bishops Wood 2009 (DG), Baggeridge CP 2009 (DT), Hartshill Park 2013 (DG) [11,5].

49.245 Epinotia tetraquetrana Haworth (1137). Burton (EB, JTH, DrM); Cannock Chase (CGB, WGB); Rugeley (RF); North Staffs. (TWD) VCH. Very common on birch (HWD, RGW). Still common though not seen at some older sites [18,8].

49.246 Epinotia pygmaeana Hübner (1130). Maer Woods, Whiston Eaves (HWD). Burnt Wood, Swynnerton, Churnet Valley, Needwood Forest, in spruce plantations (RGW). No further records [5,0].

49.248 Epinotia tenerana Denis & Schiffermüller (1139). Nut Bud Moth. Burton (EB); Cannock (RCB); North Staffs. (TWD) VCH. Common (HWD, RGW). Status unchanged [18,10].

49.249 Epinotia ramella Linnaeus (1134). Burton (EB); Hopwas Wood (WGB); common Rugeley (RF) VCH. Very common (HWD, RGW). Status unchanged [25,18].

49.251 Epinotia rubiginosana Herrich-Schäffer (1146). Burnt Wood, Chartley Moss (HWD). Cannock Chase 1958, Burnt Wood 1984 (RGW). Bishops Wood 2006 (JB), Hednesford Camp 2007 (MD), Seven Springs 2008 (JC), Kinver Edge 2010 (DT), Keele University 2012, 2013 (DWE) [6,5].

49.252 Epinotia tedella Clerck (1142). Burton, common (EB, JTH, DrM); Milford (CGB); Maer Woods, abundant on spruce (TWD) VCH. Very common on spruce (HWD, RGW). Compton Park 1997 (AGB), Coombes Valley 2003 (DG), Festival Park 2010 (JB), Hammerwich 2010-13 (RS) [9,3].

49.253 Epinotia fraternana Haworth (1143). Burnt Wood, in spruce plantations, 1954-58 (RGW). No further records [1,0].

49.254 Epinotia bilunana Haworth (1133). Cannock Chase (CGB); very common Rugeley (RF); Hopwas Wood (WGB) VCH. Common (HWD, RGW). Status unchanged [18,15].

49.255 Epinotia nisella Clerck (1138). Burton (EB, JTH, DrM) VCH. Common on sallow (HWD, RGW). Status unchanged [20,17].

49.257 Zeiraphera griseana Hübner (1166). Larch Tortrix. North Staffs (TWD); Rugeley (RF) VCH. Rather common on conifers (HWD, RGW). No longer common; Saltwells Wood 1985 (AGB), Swineholes Wood 2001 (JC) and Blackbrook NR 2013 (DG, CW) are the only additional records [8,2].

49.259 Zeiraphera ratzeburgiana Ratzius (1163). Spruce Bud Moth. The Oaks, Burton (EB, JTH, DrM) VCH. Burnt Wood, Cannock Chase 1978, Coombes Valley 1964, in spruce plantations, local (RGW). Blackbrook NR 27/8/2013 (DG, CW) is the only other record [5,1].

49.260 Zeiraphera isertana Fabricius (1165). Henhurst (EB, JTH, DrM); Hopwas Wood (WGB); North Staffs (TWD); Rugeley (RF) VCH. Abundant in great variety, on oak (HWD, RGW). Status unchanged [17,9].

49.264* Eucosma obumbratana Lienig & Zeller (1202). The Dingle 18/7/2000 and Sandwell Valley 13/7/2002 (DG) [1,1].

49.265 Eucosma cana Haworth (1201). The Oaks (JTH, DrM) VCH. Madeley, Manifold Valley, Dovedale (HWD). Widespread and common (RGW). Status unchanged [28,20].

49.266 Eucosma hohenwartiana Denis & Schiffermüller (1200). The Oaks (EB) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Locally common on knapweed (RGW). Status unchanged [20,15].

49.267 Eucosma fulvana Stephens (1200b). Originally a form of E. hohenwartiana. Manifold Valley, Chartley Moss 21/7/1961, Allimore Green 9/7/1968, Coombes Valley 1971, Cannock Chase 1977 (RGW) [4,0].

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49.269 Eucosma campoliliana Denis & Schiffermüller (1197). Cheddleton Heath, 1956 (DHT). Castle Mere 1977 (RGW). Following the next record at Compton Park in 1997 (AGB) it is now found across the county [13,12].

49.276 Eucosma aspidiscana Hübner (1190). Saltwells Wood 1985 (AGB) [1,0]. 49.277 Eucosma pupillana Clerck (1199). Clay Mills, 1973; common on wormwood, Bemersley near

Biddulph, 1976; Stafford (RGW). One at light, Trent Vale, 1977 (DWE); Tipton 1983, 1989 (AJW), Himley Wood Landfill 2007 (DT) [8,3].

49.279 Gypsonoma dealbana Frölich (1169). Madeley, Needwood Forest (HWD). Common generally (RGW). Status unchanged [24,18].

49.280 Gyposonoma opressana Treitschke (1170). Loynton Moss (HWD). Needwood Forest, Castle Mere 10/7/1981. (RGW). Penn 21/7/2012 (DT) [4,1].

49.281 Gypsonoma sociana Haworth (1168). Burton, common (EB) VCH. Alvecote Pools 1968 (G & MA), Cranberry Bog 1972 (RGW), Keele University 1979 (DWE), Wolverhampton 1990 (LCR), Queslett 2004 (AP, DG), Wolseley Bridge 2004 (JC, SP), Harborne 2004 (DG, AP), Little Stoke 2006 (DWE), Hednesford Hills 2008 (DG), Baggeridge CP 2009 (DT), Kinver Edge 2010 (PC), Sedgley 2011 (AJ), and in 2013 at Hartshill Park (DG), Holden Lane Pools (JB) and Northycote Farm CP (IL) [14,11].

49.283 Gypsonoma aceriana Duponchel (1167). Armitage (HWD). Eccleshall 1981 (RGW). Wednesbury 1985, 1991 (AJW), Weeping Cross 2010 (JBe), Penn 12/8/2012 (DT) [5,2].

49.284 Epiblema sticticana Fabricius (1186). Burton (EB, JTH, DrM); Rugeley (RF) VCH. Common on coltsfoot (HWD, RGW). Sandwell Valley 1995 (MB), Wolseley Bridge 2005 (SP), Chatterley Whitfield 2006 (JB), Bewdley 2008 and Himley Wood Landfill 2012 (DT) [14,4].

49.285 Epiblema scutulana Denis & Schiffermüller (1184). Burton (EB, JTH, DrM); North Staffs. (TWD); Cannock Chase (CGB); Rugeley (RF) VCH. Widespread and common, including f. cirsiana (RGW). Only recently noted in six 10km squares [15,6].

49.286 Epiblema cirsiana Zeller (1184a). Larvae common in stems of marsh thistle (HWD. Downs Banks 1930, Coombes Valley 1960 and Hem Heath Wood 1977 (RGW). High Carr Tip 9/6/2006 (JB), Keele University 9/7/2013 (DWE) [4,2].

49.288 Epiblema foenella Linnaeus (1183). Madeley, at light, 1934 (HWD). Trentham, 1952, 1967 also Rugeley, Halmerend, Chapel Chorlton; on mugwort. (RGW). Generally distributed [13,7].

49.289 Epiblema costipunctana Haworth (1187). Rugeley (RF) VCH. Madeley, Dovedale (HWD). Loynton Moss, Cannock Chase, Manifold Valley, local, commonest on the limestone (RGW). Pensnett 2006, 2010 (PC), Millfields 2008 (DT), Bemersley 2012 (JB), Newcastle 2013 (JB), Hammerwich 2013 (RS) [12,5].

49.290 Epiblema turbidana Treitschke (1182). Dovedale, Manifold Valley (HWD). Manifold Valley, 25/9/1984; very local, on butterbur (RGW). No further records [2,0].

49.292 Notocelia cynosbatella Linnaeus (1174). Burton, common (EB); North Staffs. (TWD); very common Rugeley (RF) VCH. Common throughout on rose and bramble (HWD, RGW). Status unchanged [27,21].

49.293 Notocelia tetragonana Stephens (1180). Burton (EB) VCH. Madeley, Waterhouses (HWD). Needwood Forest. Local and uncommon, on rose (RGW). Saltwells Wood 1996 (TB) is the only additional record [5,0].

49.294 Notocelia uddmanniana Linnaeus (1175). Bramble Shoot Moth. Henhurst (EB, JTH, DrM); Burton (JTH, DrM); North Staffs. (TWD); common Rugeley (RF) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Generally common (RGW). Status unchanged [27,24].

49.295 Notocelia roborana Denis & Schiffermüller (1178). Burton, common (EB, JTH, DrM); North Staffs. (TWD) VCH. Madeley (HWD). General (RGW). Status unchanged [14,8].

49.297 Notocelia rosaecolana Doubleday (1177). Burton, common (EB, JTH, DrM); very common Rugeley (RF) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Generally common on rose (RGW). Most records are now from the south of the county [13,7].

49.298 Notocelia trimaculana Haworth (1176). Burton, common (EB); Tixall (EDB); very common Rugeley (RF) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Common (RGW). Status unchanged [23,18].

49.299 Pseudococcyx posticana Zetterstedt (1208). Pine Shoot Moth. Swynnerton, 1940; Burnt Wood, Chartley Moss; Swineholes Wood; Trentham Park 28/5/1976 (RGW). Cannock Chase 1955 (SEWC). Blackbrook NR 9/5/2011 (DG) [7,1].

49.304 Clavigesta purdeyi Durrant (1207). Pine Leaf-mining Moth. First noted on Cannock Chase 1982 (TW); since then at Brownhills Common 2001 (DG), Acton Trussell 2005 (SP), Sandwell Valley 2011

Notocelia cynosbatella, Keele, Dave Emley

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(MB), Fordhouses and Northycote Farm CP 2013 (IL) and at a number of sites across Cannock Chase [6,6].

49.305 Rhyacionia buoliana Denis & Schiffermüller (1210). Burton VCH. Chartley Moss 1919 (J. Douglas) and 1946 (RGW). Burnt Wood (HWD). Cannock Chase (RGW). Saltwells Wood 1985 (AGB), Kinver Edge 1992 (AGB, EBl), Dudley Wood 1996 (LS), Bunkers Hill Wood 1997 and Norton 2000 (DNF), Hednesford Hills 2004-2008 (DG, AP et al.), Brindley Valley 2007 (DG), Parkfields 2008 (LCR), Penn 2004, 2009 (DT), Needwood Forest 2009 (DG), Knightley Grange 2010 (MRG), Silvertrees Holiday Park 2013 (RWins) [11,6].

49.306 Rhyacionia pinicolana Doubleday (1211). Chartley Moss, 1919 (J. Douglas). Craddocks Moss, Maer Woods (HWD). Swynnerton (RGW). Kinver Edge 1957 (SEWC), Kinver Edge 1980 (FAN), Ashley Heath 1992 (IOJ). Now common and generally distributed [15,10].

49.307 Rhyacionia pinivorana Lienig & Zeller (1212). Spotted Shoot Moth. Beaten from Scots pine (TWD); Rugeley (RF) VCH. Burnt Wood, Whiston Eaves (HWD). Generally common on Scots pine (RGW). Status unchanged [15,10].


49.309 Dichrorampha plumbana Scopoli (1285). Burton VCH. Madeley, Manifold Valley, Dovedale (HWD). Very common locally (RGW). Not seen at any previous 10km square; only two additional records; Dudley 2006, 2010 (PC) [7,1].

49.310* Dichrorampha sedatana Busck (1286). Dudley 2006, 2010 (PC) [1,1]. 49.311 Dichrorampha aeratana Pierce & Metcalfe (1287). Brownhills Common 23/5/2002 (DG), Pensnett

and Dudley 2006 and 2010, Burnt Tree 2009 (PC), Penn 2010 and Himley Wood Landfill 2012 (DT) [4,4].

49.313* Dichrorampha acuminatana Lienig & Zeller (1279). High Carr 22/5/2007 (JB), Penn 2/6/2009 (DT), Hammerwich 19/8/2013 (RS) [3,3].

49.315 Dichrorampha simpliciana Haworth (1281). Great Haywood, 1969; Clay Mills, Enville, Marchington 1978, Trentham Park 1988; local (RGW). Sandwell Valley 2003 (DG), Hednesford Hills 2006 (AP), Millfields 2008 (DT), Acton Trussell 2009 (SP), Kinver Edge 2010 (PC), Ball Green 2013 (JB), Northycote Farm CP 2013 (IL) [11,7].

49.316* Dichrorampha sequana Hübner (1278). Dudley 2006, 2010 (PC), Millfields 2008 (DT) [2,2]. 49.318 Dichrorampha vancouverana MacDunnough (1284). On yarrow. Wrinehill, 1974; Swynnerton,

Marchington (RGW). Kinver Edge 1992 (AGB, EBl), Millfields 2008 and Penn 2011 (DT), Wordsley 2006 (PC) [6,3].

49.319 Dichrorampha flavidorsana Knaggs (1275). Great Haywood, 1969; Clay Mills; local, on tansy (RGW). Saltwells Wood 2003 (DG), Stourbridge and Dudley 2006, 2010 (PC) [4,2].

49.320 Dichrorampha alpinana Treitschke (1274). Madeley, Dovedale (HWD, RGW); Gnosall 24/6/1982; local, on ox-eye daisy (RGW). Harborne 2005 (C & JC), Dudley 2006, 2010 (PC), Biddulph Grange CP 2007 (JB), Burnt Tree 2009 (PC), Himley Wood Landfill and Penn 2012 (DT) [8,5].

49.321 Dichrorampha petiverella Linnaeus (1273). Burton (EB) VCH. Madeley, rather common (HWD). Widespread and common (RGW). Fewer records today; Fradley 1992 (NP), Sandwell Valley 1992 (MB), Saltwells Wood 1996 (TB), Rushall 1996 (GR), Acton Trussell 2004 (SP), Wednesbury 2011 (AJW), Penn 17/7/2012 (DT) [13,4].

49.322 Dichrorampha plumbagana Treitschke (1276). Burton (EB) VCH. Manifold Valley (HWD). Brownhills Common 1995, 2000 (DG) [3,1].

49.323 Dichrorampha montanana Duponchel (1283). Rugeley, very common locally (RF) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Widespread, often common locally (RGW). No longer widespread; only two additional records Blythe Bridge 2011 (IB), Marshes Hill Common 2012 (JB) [11,2].

49.324 Cydia nigricana Fabricius (1257). Pea Moth. Burton (EB) VCH. Rather common (HWD). Fradley 1992 (NP), Stourbridge 2006 (PC), Baggeridge CP 2009 (DT), Apedale 2012 and Silverdale CP 2012-13 (JB), Northcote Farm CP 2013 (IL) [6,4].

49.325 Cydia ulicetana Haworth (1255). Burton (EB, JTH, DrM); on gorse (TWD); Cannock Chase (CGB); Rugeley, very common (RF) VCH. Abundant on gorse (HWD). A small form noted at Stanton among petty whin (RGW). Common generally [22,14].

49.332 Cydia coniferana Ratzius (1268). The Oaks, Burton (EB) VCH. Craddocks Moss (HWD). Burnt Wood, The Cloud, Chartley Moss (RGW). Bishops Wood 2006 (JB, MD), Seven Springs 2011 (NDP et al.) [5,2].

49.334 Cydia cosmophorana Treitschke (1267). Burnt Wood, Chartley Moss (HWD). One further record : Kinver Edge 4/6/2010 (DT) [2,0].

49.335 Cydia strobilella Linnaeus (1254). Spruce Seed Moth. Maer Woods, larvae in spruce cones (HWD). No further records [1,0].

49.338 Cydia pomonella Linnaeus (1261). Codling Moth. Burton (EB) VCH. Madeley, one only; no affected apples in my orchard, 1924-50 (HWD). Newcastle, Trentham, Tamworth, common (RGW). Status unchanged [23,18].

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49.341 Cydia splendana Hübner (1260). Burnt Wood (HWD). Swynnerton, Cannock Chase, Churnet Valley, not uncommon in oak woods (RGW). Common and more widespread [28,26].

49.342* Cydia fagiglandana Zeller (1259). Corporation Wood 30/6/2001 (DG), Loynton Moss 2006 (MD), Dovedale 2009 (DG), Penn 2009 (DT), Northycote Farm CP 2013 (IL) [5,5].

49.345 Lathronympha strigana Fabricius (1219). Burton (EB, JTH, DrM) VCH. Madeley, Dovedale (HWD). Burnt Wood, Trentham, Churnet Valley; generally common on St. John's-wort (RGW). Status unchanged though not seen in many previous 10km squares [18,7].

49.347* Grapholita compositella Fabricius (1241). Apedale, 1981, no previous record, then in subsequent years commonly, also at Trentham, Swynnerton, Walton’s Wood, Gnosall (RGW). Commoner in the south of the county; still at Apedale [11,7].

49.349 Grapholita internana Guenée (1242). Kinver Edge (SEWC), Cannock Chase, bred from pods of gorse, 1954; Trentham 5/6/1965 (RGW). [2,0].

49.351* Grapholita lunulana Denis & Schiffermüller (1252). Sneyd Hill Park 27/5/2006, 2012 (JB), Bemersley 2006-13 (JB), Cannock Chase 2007 (DG), Norton Park 2010, Apedale 2011, High Carr 2011, The Void 2012, Swynnerton 2010 (JB), Northycote Farm CP 2013 (IL), Silverdale 2013 (DG), Audley and Sneyd Hill 2013 (JB) [6,6].

49.354 Grapholita jungiella Clerck (1251). Burton (EB) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Widespread and common in grassy places where vetches grow. Status probably unchanged, though only seen in one previous 10km square [14,7].

49.356* Grapholita lobarzewskii Nowicki (1249). Penn 25/7/2012 (DT) [1,1]. 49.357* Grapholita funebrana Treitschke (1247). Plum Fruit Moth. Orton Hill 2009, Penn Common 2011

and Penn 2012 (DT), Hammerwich 4/7/2011 (RS) [2,2]. 49.358 Grapholita tenebrosana Duponchel (1246). Burton (EB) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Burnt Wood

(RGW). On wild rose, local and uncommon. Only two additional records; Orton Hill 2009 (DT), Biddulph 2013 (JB) [5,2].

49.359 Grapholita janthinana Duponchel (1245). Burton (EB, JTH, DrM); Rugeley (RF) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Acton Trussell 5/8/2007 (SP), Millfields 24/7/2008 (DT), Northycote Farm CP 4/9/2013 (IL) [6,3].

49.360 Pammene splendidulana Guenée (1223). Madeley (HWD). Burnt Wood (HLB). Trentham, Churnet Valley, Dovedale, local and infrequent (RGW). Essington 7/5/2009 (DT), Kinver Edge 24/4/2010 (MD) [8,2].

49.362 Pammene giganteana Peyerimhoff (1227). Swynnerton Old Park (TWD) VCH. Burnt Wood (WM, RGW). Madeley, Cannock Chase (HWD). Churnet Valley, Needwood Forest, local and uncommon on oak. (RGW). Only noted at Kinver Edge 2010 (MD) [8,1].

49.363 Pammene argyrana Hübner (1228). Burton (EB); Cannock Chase (CGB); Needwood (JTH, DrM); Hopwas (WGB); North Staffs. (TWD) VCH. Burnt Wood (WM, RGW). Madeley, common on oak trunks (HWD). Trentham, Moddershall, Churnet Valley (RGW). No longer common. Only three additional records; Baggeridge CP and Orton Hill 2009 (DT) [11,1].

49.365* Pammene albuginana Guenée (1229). Saltwells Wood 1996 (TB), Orton Hill 4/6/2009 (DT), Sandwell Valley 28/5/2011 (MB) [3,2].

49.366 Pammene obscurana Stephens (1225). Craddocks Moss 25/5/1976; Burnt Wood, Trentham 3/9/1979 (RGW). No further records. [3,0].

49.367 Pammene fasciana Linnaeus (1236). Cannock Chase, one at light, 1977 (RGW). Now widely distributed [11,11].

49.371 Pammene rhediella Clerck (1239). Fruitlet Mining Tortrix. Rather common on hawthorn (HWD). Bagnall 1978, Churnet Valley, Downs Banks, Hopwas Wood 1982, Manifold Valley (RGW). Pelsall North Common 1996-2000 (DG), Sneyd Hill Park 2006 (JB), Orton Hill 2009 (DT) [8,3].

49.372 Pammene populana Fabricius (1232). Madeley (HWD). Downs Banks, 1948-53, not seen recently (RGW). No further records [2,0].

49.373* Pammene spiniana Duponchel (1231). Pelsall North Common 1996, 1999 (DG), Wolseley Bridge 29/7/2004 (JC, SP) [2,1].

49.375 Pammene regiana Zeller (1234). Madeley, on sycamore (TWD) VCH. Whiston Eaves (HWD). Burnt Wood, Trentham, Churnet Valley, Needwood Forest (RGW). Saltwells Wood 1996 (TB), Brindley Ford 2005 (JB), Fordhouses 2008 (IL), Himley 2008 (DT), Fordhouses 2013 (IL) [9,3].

49.376* Pammene aurita Razowski (1233). First noted at Fordhouses 17/8/1996 (IL); now widely distributed in the southern half of the county [9,9].

49.377 Pammene germmana Hübner (1237). Madeley, Swynnerton (HWD). Burnt Wood, on oak, local and rare (RGW). No further records [3,0].

49.379 Pammene aurana Fabricius (1272). Burton (EB) VCH. Common on cow parsley flowers (HWD, RGW). Not seen in most of the previous squares. Sandwell Valley 1987 (R & AN), Baggeridge CP 1990 (LCR), Kinver Edge 1992 (AGB, EBl), Compton Park 1996 (AGB), Dudley 2006, 2010 (PC), Cauldon Low 2011 (JB), Longsdon 2011 (JBK) [14,4].

49.380 Pammene gallicana Guenée (1271). Burton (EB) VCH. No further records [1,0].

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49.381* Strophedra weirana Douglas (1221). Rudyard 9/9/2010 (SH) [1,1]. 49.382 Strophedra nitidana Fabricius (1222). Burton (EB) VCH. Burnt Wood, Swynnerton (HWD). Maer

Woods, Burnt Wood 1993, on oak, local and rare (RGW). Seckley Wood 17/6/2003 (DG) [4,1].


A large and diverse family of 86 species of which 33 have been recorded in the county. Many have a southern distribution but some are spreading northwards. The larvae of many feed on dried vegetable matter, some are considered pests of stored food.



62.001 Aphomia sociella Linnaeus (1428). Bee Moth. In wasps’ nests; comes freely to light. Burnt Wood (HLB). Madeley, 1948 (HWD). Loynton Moss, 1971; Cannock Chase, Oakamoor (RGW). Eccleshall (G & SM). Now common and widespread [30,29].


62.005 Achroia grisella Fabricius (1426). Lesser Wax Moth. Madeley; Burton (JTH, DrM) VCH. In bee hives. A few at intervals of years in my garden at Madeley (HWD). Burnt Wood (RLB). Fordhouses 16/8, 26/8/2013 (IL) [4,1].

62.006* Galleria mellonella Linnaeus (1425). Wax Moth. Fordhouses 17/8/1996 (IL), Penn 2003-5 (DT), Fradley Junction 2004 (JC), Acton Trussell 2005-6 (SP), Barr Beacon 2006 (DG, DH), Little Stoke 2006 (DWE), Wednesbury 2013 (AJW) [7,6].



62.007 Cryptoblabes bistriga Haworth (1433). Hopwas VCH. Madeley, 1925 (HWD). Burnt Wood, Trentham, in oak woods, local and scarce (RGW). More common, especially on Cannock Chase [10,7].


62.011 Ortholepis betulae Goeze (1450). Swynnerton VCH. Chartley Moss, 1917 (J. Douglas). Burnt Wood, common (RF). Maer Woods, Trentham, Churnet Valley, locally common on birch. Last recorded in 1961 [8,0].

62.012 Pyla fusca Haworth (1451). Common on heaths, Swynnerton, Cannock Chase VCH. Chorlton Moss, Madeley, Maer Woods (HWD). Trentham, Stockton Brook, Coombes Valley, Leek Moors (RGW). Trent Vale 1976 (DWE). Bishops Wood 2006 (JB), widely on Cannock Chase 2004-8 (DG, AP) Keele University 2013 (DWE), Hammerwich 2013 (RS) [12,5].

62.023 Pempelia palumbella Denis & Schiffermüller (1442). Swynnerton, Cannock Chase VCH. Burnt Wood (HLB). Maer Woods (HWD, RGW), Kinver Edge 1984 (FAN). No further records [4,0].

62.024 Rhodophaea formosa Haworth (1445). Penn 10/7/2009 (DT) [1,1]. 62.025* Dioryctria sylvestrella Ratzeburg (1454b). Seven Springs 26/8/2008 (DG) and 25/6/2011 (NDP et

al) [2,2]. 62.027 Dioryctria simplicella Heinemann (1455). Kinver Edge 1986 (AGB), Loggerheads 1989 (DWE),

several sites on Cannock Chase 2003-9 (DG et al.), Burnt Wood 2009 (DG), Highgate Common 2010 (DT) [5,4].

62.028 Dioryctria abietella Denis & Schiffermüller (1454). Swynnerton, 1933 (E.G. Warren); Burnt Wood (HLB); Cannock Chase; Chartley Moss, 1962 (RGW). Ashley Heath, 1983 (IOJ). Common and widespread [15,13].

62.029 Phycita roborella Denis & Schiffermüller (1452). Swynnerton VCH. Burnt Wood, Madeley, Maer Woods (HWD). Trentham, Coombes Valley, Chillington, common in oak woods (RGW). Status unchanged [20,16].

62.030 Hypochalcia ahenella Denis & Schiffermüller (1457). Dovedale (HWD). No further records [1,0]. 62.034 Acrobasis repandana Fabricius (1436). Kinver Edge 1984 (AGB, FAN), Saltwells Wood 1985

(AGB), Pelsall North Common 2000 (DG), Hednesford Hills 2004 (DG), Harborne 2005 (C & JC), Burnt Wood 2009 (DG), Sandwell Valley 2011 (MB) [7,5].

Achroia grisella, Fordhouses

Ian Lycett

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62.035 Acrobasis advenella Zincken (1439). Rugeley VCH. Blythe Bridge Mill (JAH). Trent Vale (DWE). Now common and widespread [25,23].

62.036* Acrobasis suavella Zincken (1438). Hammerwich 17/6/2008 and 22/7/2012 (RS) [1,1]. 62.037* Acrobasis mamorea Haworth (1440). Tipton 9/8/1984 (AJW) [1,0]. 62.038 Acrobasis consociella Hübner (1437). Common, Swynnerton VCH. One at Kinver Edge 1986

(AGB) then becoming common and widespread [13,11]. 62.042 Myelois circumvoluta Forceroy (1458). Thistle Ermine. Blythe Bridge Mill, 8/7/1977 (JAH). Now

common and widespread [15,10]. 62.048* Euzophera pinguis Haworth (1470). Handsworth Wood 1/7/1988 (R & AN); now widespread and

common [22,21]. 62.054 Homoeosoma sinuella Fabricius (1481). Gnosall, 1985, common on disused railway track (RGW).

Cannock Chase 2004 (DG), Apedale 2005 (JB), Hednesford Hills 2005 (AP, VW), Burnt Tree 2009-10 (PC), Fordhouses 2013 (IL) [5,4].

62.057* Phycitodes maritima Tengström (1485). Seven Springs 26/8/2008 (DG) [1,1]. 62.058 Phycitodes binaevella Hübner (1483). Alvecote, 1979; Tipton 1985 (AJW). Now common and

widespread in the southern half of the county [15,12]. 62.062 Plodia interpunctella Hübner (1479). Indian Meal Moth. Madeley VCH. Penkridge 1980 (GW).

Hartshill 28/8/2004 (GCS), Brindley Ford 11/5/2006 (JB) [4,2]. 62.063 Ephestia kuehnieila Zeller (1475). Mediterranean Flour Moth. Leek, on walls of corn mill (J & WH).

Madeley (HWD). Tipton 1984 (AJW). No further records [3,0]. 62.064 Ephestia elutella Hübner (1473). Cacao Moth. Burton (JTH, DrM) VCH. Spread by commerce, but

taken in the fields at Madeley, perhaps from old birds’ nests (HWD). Trentham, Dane Valley; frequently reported as a pest in stored products. Rare (RGW). Penn 5/6/2011 (DT) is the only other record [5,1].

62.065* Ephestia unicolorella Staudinger (1474). Penn 19/6/2011, 4/7/2012, 23/7/2010 (DT). [3,3].

62.068 Cadra calidella Guenée (1478). Dried Fruit Moth. Madeley VCH. Madeley (HWD). No further records [1,0].

62.072 Pyralis farinalis Linnaeus (1417). Meal Moth. Common throughout the county VCH. Once common in stables, now scarce (RGW). Dosthill Quarry, Staffs/Warwickshire border, 1981 (P.B. Darch). Again fairly common and widespread [16,12].

62.074 Aglossa pinguinalis Linnaeus (1421). Large Tabby. General, Burton, Madeley, Rugeley VCH. Now scarce; Trentham, 1952 (RGW). Kinver Edge 1987 (AGB), Norton 2000 (DNF), Penn 2002-2004 (DT), Blythe Bridge 2010 (IB) [7,3].

62.075 Hypsopygia costalis Fabricius (1413). Gold Triangle. Locally common, Trentham, Keele, Cannock Chase, Chartley Moss (RGW). Blythe Bridge Mill (JAH). Ashley Heath (IOJ). Widespread and common [7,3].

62.076 Hypsopygia glaucinalis Linnaeus (1415). Burnt Wood; Burton (BNHS) VCH. Following one at Rushall in 1983 (GR), it is now widespread and common [22,18].


62.077* Endotricha flammealis Denis & Schiffermüller (1424). Chartley Moss 25/7/1999 (JC), Harborne 24/7/2004 (C & JC), Ball Green 1/6/2011 (JB) [3,2].


A large, diverse family of 145 species of which 59 have been recorded in the county. It includes the familiar grass moths and the china marks which have aquatic larvae. The family also includes two common migrants; the Rush Veneer and Rusty-dot Pearl.


63.003 Pyrausta cingulata Linnaeus (1367). Dovedale VCH. Manifold Valley, locally common on thyme (RGW). Dovedale 2010 and Ossom's Hill 2011 (MD) [2,2].

63.005 Pyrausta despicata Scopoli (1365). Weaver Hills, Dovedale VCH. Madeley, Swynnerton (HWD). Fairoak, Churnet Valley, Manifold Valley, locally common on dry grassy banks (RGW). Wetton Hill, Ossom's Hill, Bunster Hill 2010 (DG), Dovedale 2010 (MD) [7,2].

Endotrichia flammealis, Harborne,

C & J Chance

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63.006 Pyrausta aurata Scopoli (1361). Dovedale VCH. Common on the limestone on marjoram (HWD). Manifold Valley (RGW). Common and widespread especially in gardens where it visits mint, etc. [22,20].

63.007 Pyrausta purpuralis Linnaeus (1362). Not common, Craddocks Moss, Cannock Chase, Dovedale; Knightley Park (EB) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Wall Grange, Needwood Forest (RGW). The Gorge 1990 (IL), Kinver Edge 1992 (AGB, EB), Norton 1999 (DNF), The Dale 2000 (DNF), Walsall 2004 (A & MW), Parkfields 2009 (LCR), Postenplain 2010 (AS), Bunster Hill 2010 (DG) [9,4].

63.014* Sitochroa palealis Denis & Schiffermüller (1370). Sandwell Valley 15/7/2003 (DG), Harborne 1/8/2005 (C & JC) [2,2].

63.015 Sitochroa verticalis Linnaeus (1371). Stone (EDB) VCH. The only record [1,0]. 63.016 Anania fuscalis Denis & Schiffermüller (1386). Common in meadows VCH. Manifold Valley, 1938,

not seen since (RGW). The decline of this species is no doubt due to the elimination of its food plant, yellow rattle, from meadows by modern agricultural practice. No further records [1,0].

63.017* Anania lancealis Denis & Schiffermüller (1377). Kinver Edge 1984 (FAN), Seckley Wood 2003 and Postenplain 2004, 2007 (DG) [2,1].

63.018 Anania coronata Hufnagel (1378). Common on elder VCH. I have not found it so at Madeley (HWD). Occasional, Craddocks Moss, Trentham, Chartley Moss, Alvecote (RGW). Widespread and common [25,21].

63.020* Anania perlucidalis Hübner (1380). Hazleslade NR 13/6/2006 (AP), Broad Heath 2006 (MRG), Keele University 2009 (DWE), Knightley Grange 2011 (MRG), Hammerwich 2014(RS) [4,4].

63.022 Anania crocealis Hübner (1385). Madeley, Cannock Chase VCH. Madeley, 1935 (HWD). Cannock Chase, 20/7/1963; Allimore Green, Fauld (RGW). Very local on fleabane. No further records [4,0].

63.025 Anania hortulata Linnaeus (1376). Small Magpie. Common on nettles VCH. Widespread and common (RGW). Status unchanged [34,32].

63.029 Paratalanta pandalis Hübner (1373). Bordered Pearl. Tixall VCH. The only record [1,0].


63.031 Udea ferrugalis Hübner (1395). Rusty-dot Pearl. Burnt Wood VCH. Madeley (HWD). Trentham, Keele, Eccleshall, a common migrant (RGW). Status unchanged [16,11].

63.033 Udea lutealis Hübner (1388). Common VCH. Generally abundant (HWD, RGW). Status unchanged [32,26].

63.034 Udea prunalis Denis & Schiffermüller (1390). Common VCH. Generally common (RGW). Status unchanged [29,21].

63.037 Udea olivalis Denis & Schiffermüller (1392). Common VCH. Locally common (RGW). Status unchanged [29,26].

63.038 Pleuroptya ruralis Scopoli (1405). Mother of Pearl. One at Little Madeley; Rugeley, common; Burton district (BNHS) VCH. Very common generally on nettles (HWD, RGW). Status unchanged [35,32].

63.048* Palpita vitrealis Rossi (1408). Bunkers Hill Wood 7/9/1997 (DNF), Broad Heath 26/8/2006 (MRG), Northycote Farm CP 4/10/2013 (IL) [3,2].

63.052 Nomophila noctuella Denis & Schiffermüller (1398). Rush Veneer. Madeley; Burton (BNHS) VCH. Madeley, Betley, Cannock Chase, Needwood Forest (HWD). Forton (ESL). An immigrant species, common some years (RGW). Status unchanged [26,20].


63.057 Evergestis forficalis Linnaeus (1356). Garden Pebble. Common VCH. Widespread and common (RGW). Status unchanged [28,26].

Anania perlucidalis, Keele, Dave Emley

Palpita vitrealis, Broad Heath, Mick Green

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63.060* Evergestis pallidata Hufnagel (1358). First recorded on 16/7/1988 at Chillington (RGW). Now common and widespread [15,14].


63.062 Scoparia subfusca Haworth (1332). Fairly common, Cannock Chase VCH. Leek (J & WH). Roaches, Whiston Eaves (HWD). Trentham, Coombes Valley, Hanbury (RGW). Common and widespread [16,10].

63.064 Scoparia ambigualis Treitschke (1334). Common VCH. Widespread and very common (RGW). Status unchanged [34,29].

63.065 Scoparia ancipitella La Harpe (1335). Wood near Uttoxeter (BNHS); Cannock Chase VCH. Needwood Forest (HWD, RGW). Manifold Valley; on trunks on wych elm (RGW). No further records [3,0].

63.066 Scoparia pyralella Denis & Schiffermüller (1333). Common, Dovedale, Cannock Chase VCH. Swynnerton, Trentham, Cannock Chase, Manifold Valley; most frequent on the limestone (RGW). Common and widespread [22,20].

63.067 Eudonia lacustrata Panzer (1338). Rugeley VCH. Dovedale, on old hawthorn trunks; Burnt Wood (HWD). Waterhouses, Manifold Valley (RGW). Now widespread and common across the county [30,30].

63.068 Eudonia murana Curtis (1339). Burton, Cannock (BNHS) VCH. Leek (J & WH). Madeley, Dovedale, Roaches (HWD). Werrington, Stockton Brook, The Cloud, Churnet Valley; frequent on stone walls in the moorlands (RGW). Not seen at any of the previous 10km squares; Alton 1998 (JCL) and Lichfield 2007 (SP) are the only other records [11,1].

63.069 Eudonia angustea Curtis (1342). Leek (J & WH). Madeley, Whiston Eaves (HWD). Trentham, Wetley Moor, Churnet Valley, Roaches (RGW). More widespread and common today [14,10].

63.071 Eudonia lineola Curtis (1341). Trentham Park 11/7/1953 (RGW), Kinver Edge 1980 (FAN). No further records [2,0].

63.073 Eudonia truncicolella Stainton (1340). Common in woods VCH. Loynton Moss, Burnt Wood, Swynnerton, Trentham, Cannock Chase, locally common (RGW). More widespread today [23,19].

63.074 Eudonia mercurella Linnaeus (1344). Burton (EB) VCH. Leek (J & WH). Madeley (HWD). Widespread and common (RGW). Status unchanged [31,29].

63.075* Eudonia pallida Curtis (1336). Dovedale 5/7/2009 (DG), Keele University 3/7/2014 (DWE) [2,2].


63.077 Chilo phragmitella Hübner (1290). Forton (ESL). Loynton Moss 7/7/2006 (MD) [1,1]. 63.079* Calamotropha paludella Hübner (1292). Wednesbury 1/8/2011 (AJW), Doxey Marshes 20/8/2011,

12/8/2012 (NDP) [2,2]. 63.080 Chrysoteuchia culmella Linnaeus (1293). Garden Grass-veneer. Abundant VCH. Widespread and

very common (RGW). Status unchanged [34,31]. 63.081 Crambus pascuella Linnaeus (1294). Common VCH. Locally common in the western half of the

county in boggy and heathy places, scarce or absent in the east (RGW). Common and widespread [32,26].

63.083 Crambus uliginosellus Zeller (1297). Tixall, rare VCH. Allimore Green, Downs Banks, Cannock Chase, very local In bogs or wet meadows (RGW). No further records [4,0].

63.085 Crambus pratella Linnaeus (1300). Alvecote Pools 1955 (M & GA), Kinver Edge 1980 (FAN), Hanchurch Hills 1983 (CP) [3,0].

63.086 Crambus lathoniellus Zincken (1301). Common in grass fields VCH. Very common generally (RGW). Status unchanged [32,27].

63.087 Crambus hamella Thunberg (1299). Cannock Chase (HWD, RGW). Kinver Edge 1955 (SEWC). No further records [2,0].

63.088 Crambus perlella Scopoli (1302). Burton (JTH, DrM); two at Swynnerton, Rugeley VCH. Madeley, Cannock Chase (HWD). Locally common (RGW). Status unchanged [28,21].

63.089 Agriphila tristella Denis & Schiffermüller (1305). Common VCH. Very common generally (RGW). Status unchanged [34,28].

63.090 Agriphila inquinatella Denis & Schiffermüller (1306). Rugeley; Sinai Park (JTH, DrM) VCH. Whitmore Common, Cannock Chase, Manifold Valley, Dovedale (HWD). Swynnerton, Trentham, locally common on dry grassy banks, colonising old pit mounds, as at Leycett and Hanley Forest Park (RGW). Status unchanged [21,13].

63.091 Agriphila latistria Haworth (1307). Chorlton Moss, Whitmore Common (HWD). Swynnerton, Trentham, Cannock Chase (RGW). Burnt Wood, 1975 (DWE). Very local in sandy places (RGW). More common and widespread [15,11].

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63.092 Agriphila selasella Hübner (1303). Doley Common, 1972; Bishops Offley, very local (RGW). More common and widespread [8,6].

63.093 Agriphila straminella Denis & Schiffermüller (1304). Abundant VCH. Abundant generally (RGW). Status unchanged [35,33].

63.095 Agriphila geniculea Haworth (1309). Cannock Chase; 1929-31 (HWD); 1937, 1976, none seen in intervening years; no other records (RGW). Common and widespread today [13,11].

63.099 Catoptria pinella Linnaeus (1313). One in Burnt Wood; common Cannock Chase VCH. Downs Banks, Trentham, local and scarce but more frequent on Cannock Chase (RGW). More widespread today [18,12].

63.100 Catoptria margaritella Denis & Schiffermüller (1314). Pearl-band Grass Veneer. Common on mosses, Chorlton, Cannock Chase VCH. Maer Woods (HWD). Forton (ESL). Balterley Heath, Burnt Wood, Downs Banks, Chartley Moss, Wall Grange; locally common peat bogs (RGW). Status probably unchanged [10,5].

63.102 Catoptria falsella Denis & Schiffermüller (1316). Rugeley; Burton (JTH, DrM) VCH. Dovedale (HWD, RGW). Harlaston, from a street lamp, 1980 (per G & MA). Common and widespread [18,17].


63.114 Elophila nymphaeata Linnaeus (1345). Brown China-mark. Common VCH. Widespread and common on pond weeds (RGW). Status unchanged [24,22].

63.115 Acentria ephemerella Denis & Schiffermüller (1331). Water Veneer. Common on the Trent, Burton (BNHS) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Copmere (HLB). Loynton Moss, Trentham, Keele, Knypersley, Cannock Chase, Chartley Moss, Oakamoor, at light (RGW). Widespread and common [27,22].

63.116 Cataclysta lemnata Linnaeus (1354). Common on duckweed VCH. Widespread and common (RGW). Status unchanged [19,16].

63.117 Parapoynx stratiotata Linnaeus (1348). Ringed China-mark. Madeley; Burton (BNHS) VCH. Loynton Moss 1975, Trentham, local and scarce (RGW). Wolseley Bridge 29/7/2004 (JC, SP), Broad Heath 18/6/2006 (MRG) [7,2].

63.118 Nymphula nitidulata Hufnagel (1350). Beautiful China-mark. Madeley; Burton, common (BNHS) VCH. Leek (J & WH). Trentham, Stafford, Wall Grange, locally common on canals and sluggish streams (RGW). Status probably unchanged [13,5].


63.120 Schoenobius gigantella Denis & Schiffermüller (1328). Burton (JTH, DrM) VCH. No further records [1,0].

63.121 Donacaula forficella Thunberg (1329). Burton (JTH, DrM) VCH. Madeley (HWD). Colton, Alvecote (RGW). More common today [9,6].

63.122 Donacaula mucronellus Denis & Schiffermüller (1330). Rare, one at Madeley; one at Rugeley; Shobnall canal (JTH, DrM) VCH. Broad Heath 10/6/2007 (MRG) [4,1].

Acentria ephemerella, Keele, Dave Emley

Donacaula mucronellus,

Broad Heath, Mick Green

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Records requiring confirmation

Records formerly on the county list but which require confirmation, ideally by dissection, because of possible confusion with similar species.

4.059 Stigmella svenssoni Johansson (87). Mine at Leekbrook 22/9/2013 32.020 Agonopterix curvipunctosa Haworth (711). Kinver Edge 1980. 35.002 Syncopacma cinctella Clerck (849). Burton (EB) VCH. 35.135 Caryocolum proxima Haworth (831). Burton VCH. 35.139 Caryocolum huebneri Haworth (837). Burton, Hopwas Wood VCH. Madeley. Bagots Wood, 1971. 62.056 Homoeosoma nimbella Duponchel (1482). Madeley 1925-29. 62.073 Aglossa caprealis Hübner (1420). Small Tabby. Ashley Heath 14/7/1985. 63.019 Anania stachydalis Germar (1384). Kinver Edge 1984. 63.024 Anania funebris Ström (1381). Loggerheads 1989. 63.036 Udea decrepitalis Herrich-Schäffer (1391). Burnt Wood. 63.063 Scoparia basistrigalis Knaggs (1334a). Kinver Edge 1980); Coombes Valley 11/8/08, Swynnerton

27/7/2012. 63.072 Eudonia delunella Stainton (1343). Saltwells Wood 1996, Weeping Cross 2/7/2010, Madeley Mill



G & MA G. & M. Arnold WSA W.S. Atkinson RA R. Austin SMB S.M. Barnes CGB C.G. Barrett JBe J. Bennett TB T. Beynon LB L. Bird WGB W.G. Blatch MB M. Bloxham AGB A. G. Blunt EBl E. Blunt EDB E.D. Bostock RCB R.C. Bradley EB E. Brown IB I. Brown DB D. Brumbill JB J. Bryan GB G. Burgess HLB H.L. Burrows BNHS Burton Natural History Society List SEWC S.E.W. Carlier BC B. Carthy C & JC C. and J. Chance KC K. Clements PC P. Clements JC J. Clifton AC A. Cole MD M. Dale HWD H.W. Daltry TWD T.W. Daltry CD C. Darbyshire PBD P.B. Darch DAD D.A. Dawson

DWE D.W. Emley AME A.M. Emmet AE A. Evans IF I. Ferguson AF A. Finch GF G. Finch SF S. Finch RF R. Freer DNF D.N. Friday DCG D.C. Gardner RG R. Gillibrand AG A. Graham DGG D.G. Green MRG M.R. Green DG D. Grundy JTH J.T. Harris CH C. Hart DH D. Haslam HCH H.C. Hayward RHe R. Hemming JAH J.A. Herbert J & WH J.& W. Hill LHi L. Hill SH S. Hind LHo L. Holloway RHo R. Homan DJ D. Jackson AJ A. Jones IOJ I.O. Jones JBK J.B. Kemp MK M. Kennard JK J. Korysko ESL E.S. Lewis

JL J. Little IL I. Lycett AM A. Magnay DrM Dr. Mason WM W. Mansbridge SM S. Maybury DMcD D. McDermott KMcG K. McGee G & SM G. & S. Moss FAN F.A. Noble R & AN R. & A. Normand SAO S.A. Orridge RO R. Orton NP N. Packer SP S. Phipps CP C. Plant NDP N.D. Pomiankowski IP I. Popple MP M. Preece AP A. Prior JRo J. Robbins GR G. Robinson JRu J. Rush CS C. Sargeant DS D. Scott RS R. Sharp GS G. Shufflebotham ANBS A.N.B. Simpson GCS G.C. Slawson LS L. Southall MJS M.J. Sterling DT D. Taylor

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RJT R.J. Thomas DHT D.H. Thompson VCH Victoria County History

OW O. Wadsworth CJW C.J. Wainwright RWa R. Ward RGW R.G. Warren JW J. Watkins MW M. Webb

A & MW A. & M. West VW V. Weston RWina R. Winnall RWins R. Winstanley AJW A.J. Wood DW-J D. Wynne-Jones


Acton Trussell SJ91 Allimore Green SJ81 Alrewas SK11 Alton SK04 Alvecote SK20 Apedale SJ84 Anson's Bank SJ91 Aqualate SJ72 Armitage SK01 Ashenhurst SK05 Ashley Heath SJ73 Ashwood SO88 Back Forest Ridge SJ96 Baggeridge CP SO89 Bagnall SJ95 Bagots Wood SK02 Ball Green SJ85 Balterley Heath SJ75 Bareleg Hill SK06 Barlaston SJ83 Barr Beacon SP09 Beaudesert SK01 Beech SJ83 Belvide Reservoir SJ80 Bemersley SJ85 Bentilee SJ94 Betley/Betley Mere SJ74 Biddulph Grange CP SJ85 Bilston Road SO99 Bishops Offley SJ72 Blore SK14 Black Firs SJ74 Blackbrook NR SK06 Blythe Bridge SJ94 Blythe Bridge Mill SK02 Bradnop SK05 Brand Plantation SK06 Brankley Pastures SK12 Brereton SK01 Brindley Ford SJ85 Broad Heath SJ82 Brocton SJ92 Brocton Field SJ91 Brown End Quarry SK05 Brund Hill SK06 Burnt Tree SO99 Burnt Wood SJ73 Burton SK22 Bunkers Hill Wood SO88 Butt Lane SJ85

Butterton SK05 Cannock Chase SJ91/SK01 Castern Wood SK15 Castle Mere SJ82 Cauldon Low SK05 Caverswall SJ94 Chapel Chorlton SJ73 Chartley Moss SK02 Chatterley Whitfield SJ85 Cheadle SK04 Cheddleton SJ95 Chillington SJ80 Chorlton Moss SJ73 Churnet Valley SJ94/95; SK04/05 Clay Mills SK22 Clayton SJ84 Cloud, The SJ96 Colton SK01 Combridge SK03 Compton Park SO89 Consall SJ94 Coombes Valley SK05 Copmere SJ82 Corporation Wood SP09 Craddocks Moss SJ74 Crakemarsh SK03 Cranberry Bog SJ74 Creswell's Piece SJ94 Dale, The SO99 Dane Valley SJ96 Dimmingsdale SK04 Dingle, The SP09 Doley Common SJ82 Dovedale SK15 Dovecoats SJ80 Downs Banks SJ83/93 Doxey Marshes SJ92 Dudley Wood SO98 Dydon Wood SK14 Eccleshall SJ82 Enville S088 Essington SJ90 Ettingshall SO99 Fairoak SJ73 Fauld SK12 Festival Park SJ84

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Ford Green LNR SJ85 Fordhouses SJ90 Fradley Wood SK11 Forton SJ72 Gailey SJ91 Gib Torr SK06 Gorge, The SO99 Gnosall SJ82 Goldsitch Moss SK06 Great Bridgeford SJ82 Great Haywood SJ92 Halmerend SJ74 Hammerwich SK00 Hamps Valley SK05 Hamstall Ridware SK11 Hanbury SK12 Hanchurch SJ84 Handsworth Wood SP09 Hanley SJ84 Harborne SP08 Hartshill SJ84 Hartshill Park SJ84 Harston Wood SK04 Hardiwick Heath SJ93 Hawkbatch SO77 Hawksmoor SK04 Hayfield SK14 Hednesford Hills/Camp SK01 Hem Heath Wood SJ84 Henhurst SK22 High Carr tip SJ85 Himley Plantation SO89 Himley Wood Landfill SO89 Hollington SK03 Hollinsclough SK06 Hopwas Wood SK10 Horseley Fields SO99 Hulme End SK15 Ilam SK15 Ipstones Edge SK05 Katyn Memorial SJ91 Keele University SJ84 Kinver Edge S088 Knightley Grange SJ82 Knightley Park SK22 Knotbury SK06 Knypersley SJ85 Ladyside SK05 Leek SJ95 Leekbrook SJ95 Leycett SJ74 Little Stoke SJ93 Lloyd Wood SO89 Loggerheads SJ73 Longsdon SJ95 Loynton Moss SJ72

Madeley SJ74 Madeley Mill SJ74 Maer/Maer Woods SJ73/74 Manifold Valley SK05/15 Marchington SK13 Marquis Drive SK01 Marshes Hill Common SJ95 Meaford SJ83 Mere Valley SJ92 Milford SJ92 Milford Quarry SJ91 Mill Green Park SJ90 Millfields SO99 Moddershall SJ93 Morridge SK06 Mottey Meadows SJ81 Mucklestone SJ73 Needwood Forest SK12 Newcastle SJ84 Norbury SJ72 Northycote Farm CP SJ90 Norton SO88 Norton Park SJ85 Oakamoor SK04 Oaks, The SK22 Orton Hill SO89 Orton SO89 Ossom's Hill SK05 Parkfields SO99 Parrots Drumble SJ85 Pelsall North Common SK00 Pendeford SJ80 Penkridge SJ91 Penn SO89 Penn Common SO89 Priory Wood SP09 Postensplain SO77 Pound Green Common SO77 Queslett SP09 Roaches SJ96/SK06 Rough Close SJ93 Rudyard Lake SJ95/96 Rue Hill SK04 Rugeley SK01 Rushall SK00 Saltwells Wood SO98 Sandwell Valley SP09 Seckley Wood SO77 Sedgley SO99 Sedgley Beacon SO99 Seighford SJ82 Seven Springs SK02 Shobnall SK22 Short Heath SJ90

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Shugborough SJ92 Silverdale Void SJ84 Silvertrees Holiday Park SK01 Sinai Park SK22 Sneyd Hill Park SJ84 Stableford SJ83 Stafford SJ92 Stanton SK14 Stapenhill SK22 Stockton Brook SJ95 Stourbridge SO88 Sugarloaf SK05 Swallow Moss SK06 Swineholes Wood SK05 Swynnerton SJ83 Tamworth SK20 Talke SJ85 Tatenhill SK22 Tipton S099 Tittesworth Reservoir SJ96 Tixall SJ92 Trentham SJ84 Upper Hulme SK06 Uttoxeter SK03

Wall Grange SJ95 Walsall SP09 Walsall airfield SP09 Waltons Wood SJ74 Warstones SO89 Waterhouses SK05 Weeping Cross SJ92 Wednesbury SO99 Wednesfield S099 Werrington SJ94 West End SJ84 Wetley Moor SJ94 Wetton Hill SK05 Whiston Eaves SK04 Whitgreave SJ82 Whitmore Common SJ74 Wightwick SO89 Wilnecote SK20 Winterley Canal SK00 Wolseley Bridge SK02 Wolverhampton SO99 Woodgate Valley CP SP08 Wordsley SO88 Wren's Nest SO99 Wrinehill SJ74 Wyre Forest SO77

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VC39 Staffordshire

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Plant species referred to in the text

The list is in alphabetical order of the name given in the text followed by the corresponding common or scientific name as the case may be. The common and scientific names names have been taken from Clive Stace (2010) New Flora of the British Isles; Third edition.

Alder Alnus glutinosa Angelica Angelica sylvestris Apple Malus spp. Ash Fraxinus excelsior Aspen Populus tremula Beech Fagus sylvatica Bilberry Vaccinium myrtillus Bindweed Convolvulus, Calystegia Birch Betula spp. Birch, Downy Betula pubescens Birch, Silver Betula pendula Bird's-foot Trefoil Lotus corniculatus Bitter-cress Cardamine spp. Bitter-cress, Large Cardamine amara Bittersweet Solanum dulcamara Blackthorn Prunus spinosa Bluebell Hyacinthoides non-scripta Bracken Pteridium aquilinum Bramble Rubus fruticosus agg. Broom Cytisus scoparius Bryony, White Bryonia dioica Bulrushes Typha spp. Burdocks Arctium spp. Bur-reeds Sparganium spp. Butterbur Petasites hybridus Canary-grass, Reed Phalaris arundinacea Cherry, Bird Prunus padus Cherry, Wild Prunus avium Cinquefoil, Marsh Comarum palustre Cock's-foot Dactylis glomerata Coltsfoot Tussilago farfara Comfrey Symphytum spp. Cottongrass Eriophorum spp. Cowberry Vaccinium vitis-idaea Cuckoo-flower Cardamine pratensis Daisy, Ox-eye Leucanthemum vulgare Dame's-violet Hesperis matronalis Duckweed Lemna spp. Elder Sambucus nigra Elm Ulmus spp. Elm, English Ulmus procera Elm, Wych Ulmus glabra Firethorn Pyracantha coccinea Fleabane Pulicaria spp. Forget-me-not Myosotis spp. Goldenrod Solidago spp. Goosefoot Chenopodium spp. Gorse Ulex spp. Greenweed, Dyer’s Genista tinctoria

Groundsel Senecio vulgaris Guelder-rose Viburnum opulus Hart's-tongue Asplenium scolopendrium Hawthorn Crataegus spp. Hazel Corylus avellana Heath Erica spp. Heather Calluna vulgaris Hemlock Conium maculatum Hemp-agrimony Eupatorium cannabinum Hogweed Heracleum sphondylium Holly Ilex aquifolium Honeysuckle Lonicera periclymenum Horse-chestnut Aesculus hipocastanum Knapweed Centaurea spp. Knapweed, Common Centaurea nigra Laburnum Laburnum anagyroides Larch Larix spp. Lilac Syringa vulgaris Ling Calluna vulgaris Maple Acer spp. Maple, Field Acer campestre Maple, Norway Acer platanoides Marjoram Origanum vulgare Mint Mentha spp. Mugwort Artemisia vulgaris Mustard, Garlic Alliaria petiolata Nettle Urtica spp. Oak Quercus spp. Oak, Holm Quercus ilex Orpine Sedum telephium Osier Salix viminalis Parsley, Cow Anthriscus sylvestris Pine Pinus spp. Pine, Scots Pinus sylvestris Plantain Plantago spp. Poplar Populus spp. Privet Ligustrum spp. Privet, Garden Ligustrum ovalifolium Ragwort, Marsh Senecio aquaticus Raspberry Rubus idaeus Reed Sweet-grass Glyceria maxima Rock-rose Helianthemum nummularium Rose Rosa spp. Rowan Sorbus aucuparia Rush Juncus spp. Rush, Hard Juncus inflexus

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Sage, Wood Teucriurn scorodonia Sallow Salix spp. Saxifrage Saxifraga spp. Scabious, Devil’s-bit Scabiosa succisa Scabious, Small Scabiosa columbaria Sedge Carex spp. Skullcap Scutellaria galericulata Sorrel, Sheep’s Rumex acetosella Speedwell Veronica spp. Spike-rush Eleocharis spp. Spindle Euonymus europaeus Spruce Picea spp. St. John’s-Wort Hypericum spp. Stonecrop, Biting Sedum acre Sundew Drosera spp. Sycamore Acer pseudoplatanus Tansy Tanacetum vulgare

Thistle Cirsium, Carduus Thistle, Marsh Cirsium palustre Thrift Armeria maritima Thyme Thymus polytrichus Vetch Vicia spp. Violet, Hairy Viola hirta Whin, Petty Genista anglica Willow Salix spp. Willow, Goat Salix caprea Willowherb, Great Epilobium hirsutum Willowherb, Rosebay Chamerion angustifolium Wood-rush, Field Luzula campestris Wormwood Artemisia absinthium Yarrow Achillea millefolium Yellow-rattle Rhinanthus minor

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Bradley Number to Aggasiz Number Reference

Numbers in bold indicate that there is a change in name; either a new genus, new specific name or a change in spelling. The Bradley numbers with an "x" indicate an aggregate. This suffix is a Mapmate feature only. NE indicates that there is No Equivalent in the Agassiz list.

1 1.001 2 1.002 3 1.003 4 1.004 5 1.005 6 2.001

8 2.003 9 2.004 10 2.005 11 2.006 12 2.008 13 2.007 19 4.072 20 4.076 21 4.074 23 4.085 25 4.082 28 4.094 29 4.095 30 4.096 34 4.099 35 4.100 37 4.089 38 4.090 39 4.091 40 4.071 42 4.078 43 4.077 46 4.068 50 4.045 53 4.047 57 4.052

63 4.043 64 4.044 65 4.056 66 4.041 67 4.042 68 4.035 70 4.038 72 4.036 73 4.039 75 4.032 77 4.034 78 4.053 79 4.054 80 4.018 81 4.055 82 4.020 83 4.061 83x NE 84 4.060 86 4.063 87 4.059 88 4.062 92 4.015 93 4.017 95 4.019 97 4.013 99 4.030

100 4.026 103 4.025 104 4.024 107 4.022 108 4.023 110 4.005 111 4.010 112 4.007 113 4.006 114 4.008 115 4.009 116 4.002 117 4.003 119 5.001 121 5.004 123 10.001 124 10.002 125 10.003 127 10.006

128 8.005 129 8.001 130 8.002 131 8.003 132 8.004 133 9.001 135 9.002 136 9.003 137 9.004 138 9.006 140 7.015 141 7.012 143 7.014 145 7.005 146 7.003 148 7.001 150 7.006 151 7.008 152 7.010 153 7.009

154 6.003 156 6.004 157 6.005 158 6.001 175 11.002 177 11.004 180 11.001 181 11.006 185 11.009 186 11.012 191 11.016 196 12.010 199 12.047 200 12.048 212 12.044 215 12.015 216 12.016 219 12.019 220 12.021 223 12.014

224 12.012 225 12.011 227 12.036 228 12.037 229 12.038 234 12.025 236 12.026 237 12.034 238 12.035 240 12.027 244 12.029 245 12.030 246 12.032 247 12.033 251 17.014 252 17.015 253 17.016 254 21.004 256 21.005 260 21.008 263 21.001 264 24.001 265 14.001 266 14.002 268 14.005 271 14.007 272 14.008 273 14.009 274 14.010 275 14.012 276 14.013 280 15.002 281 15.003 282 15.004 283 15.005 284 15.006 285 15.007 286 15.008 286x NE 287 15.009 288 15.010 290 15.012 291 15.013 293 15.014

294 15.015 296 15.017 297 15.016 300 15.024 301 15.025 302 15.026 303 15.028 304 15.029 305 15.030 308 15.032 309 15.033

310 15.022 313 15.019 315 15.034 316 15.035

317 15.036 320 15.039 321 15.040 321a 15.041 322 15.042 323 15.043 324 15.044 326 15.046 327 15.047 328 15.048 329 15.049 330 15.050 331 15.051 332 15.052 332a 15.053 333 15.054 335 15.056 337 15.058 338 15.059 340 15.061 341 15.063 342 15.064 343 15.065 344 15.066 345 15.067 347 15.069 351 15.073 352 15.074 353 15.075 354 15.076 356 15.078 357 15.079 358 15.080 359 15.081 360 15.082

361 15.083 362 15.084 363 15.085

364 15.086 365 15.087 366a 15.089 367 15.090 368 15.092 385 48.001 387 48.003 388 48.002 389 48.007 391 19.007 393 19.004 394 19.006 395 19.005 396 19.003 397 19.002 401 20.001 403 20.002 407 20.006 409 20.010 409a 20.005 409b 20.007

410 20.011 411 20.012 412 20.013 413 20.014 414 20.015 415 20.016 416 20.017 417 20.018 418 20.019 419 20.020 420 20.021 421 20.022 422 20.023 423 20.024 424 16.001 425 16.002 425x NE 427 16.004 428 16.005 432 16.009 435 16.010 436 16.014 437 16.015 438 16.017 439 16.018 440 16.019 441 16.020

442 16.021 443 16.022 444 16.023 445 16.024 447 13.002 449 22.002 450 25.001 452 17.002 453 17.003 455 17.005 457 17.007 458 17.008 459 17.009 460 17.010 461 17.011 462 17.012 463 17.013 464 18.001 465 18.003 469 18.007 470 19.001 473 19.011 476 19.014 478 47.001 480 47.008 481 47.006 483 47.005 485 46.001 490 37.005 491 37.006 492 37.007 493 37.015

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494 37.014 495 37.016 496 37.009 497 37.011 499 37.012 501 37.013 502 37.019 504 37.022 506 37.024 510 37.028 511 37.029 515 37.032 516 37.033 517 37.035 518 37.048 519 37.046 526 37.066 530 37.061 532 37.050 533 37.049 534 37.054 536 37.053 537 37.051 541 37.055 544 37.063 545 37.042 546 37.041 547 37.044 553 37.099 555 37.103 556 37.095 559 37.093 560 37.106 563 37.102 564 37.080 565 37.083 572 37.087 578 37.072 581 37.074 582 37.071 583 37.070 584 37.073 587 37.069 590 38.001 592 38.003 593 38.019 594 38.022 595 38.023 596 38.024 597 38.025 598 38.026 599 38.028 600 38.029 601 38.030 602 38.032 603 38.033 606 38.036 607 38.037 608 38.038 609 38.039 610 38.004 611 38.005 613 38.007 614 38.008 616 38.010 616a 38.011 617 38.012 621 38.016

622 38.017 623 38.018 626 38.042 628 38.044 629 38.045 630 38.046 631 38.047 632 38.048

634 28.003 635 28.007 636 28.004 637 28.013 640 28.015 642 28.014 644 28.012 645 28.011 646 32.050 647 28.010 648 28.009 649 28.019 652 28.022 653 28.027 654 28.025 656 28.024 658 31.001 659 30.004 660 30.003 661 30.001 663 29.001 664 29.002 666 32.001 667 32.002 670 32.039 671 32.040 672 32.036

674 32.038 676 32.042 687 32.006 688 32.018 689 32.019 691 32.009 692 32.015 695 32.031 696 32.016 697 32.017 698 32.026 701 32.007 702 32.024 704 32.011 705 32.029 706 32.030 708 32.013 709 32.008 710 32.010 711 32.020 713 32.032 719 33.002 724 35.056 726 35.058 728 35.065 731 35.081 735 35.066 736 35.071 746 35.035 747 35.036 752 35.050 755 35.160 756 35.161

758 35.157 760 35.159 762 35.085 763 35.154 764 35.152 765 35.141 767 35.147 768 35.150 770 35.151 771 35.149 772 35.148 773 35.153 774 35.143 775 35.145 776 35.146 778 35.048 779 35.047 780 35.049 782 35.046 787 35.040 788 35.039 789 35.038 792 35.093 793 35.092 794 35.089 796 35.094 797 35.017 800 35.097 801a 35.099 802a 35.101 809 35.032 818 35.117 819 35.123 820 35.120 822 35.109 828 35.129 830 35.132 831 35.135 832 35.133 834 35.137 837 35.139 840 35.037 841 35.091 843 35.010 844 35.003 849 35.002 853 35.011 854 35.012 855 35.026 856 35.020 858 35.018 859 35.107 862 35.022 866 35.028 868 35.031 870 27.001 873 41.002 874 41.003 878 36.001 879 36.002 880 40.011 881 40.014 882 40.013 883 40.015 884 40.012 885 40.001 886 40.002 887 40.003

888 40.004 889 40.005 891 40.009 892 40.008 893 40.010 894 34.005 898 34.004 899 34.001 904 39.003 905 39.001 906 39.002 911 43.002 921 49.092 923 49.094 924 49.096 925 49.095 926 49.101 930 49.108 936 49.097 937 49.109 938 49.110 939 49.121 941 49.114 942 49.115 945 49.127 946 49.128 947 49.120 954 49.111 956 49.132 959 49.129 960 49.142 962 49.134 964 49.137 965 49.136 966 49.139 968 49.133 969 49.024 970 49.025 971 49.023 972 49.026 974 49.020 976 49.011 977 49.013 979 49.014 980 49.015 981 49.016 983 49.018 984 49.019 985 49.030 986 49.028 987 49.021 988 49.033 989 49.031 990 49.032 991 49.035 993 49.037 994 49.038 998 49.039 1000 49.022 1001 49.040 1002 49.029 1006 49.005 1007 49.009 1008 49.008 1009 49.010 1010 49.004 1011 49.091 1013 49.001

1014 49.002 1015 49.090 1016 49.057 1019 49.056 1020 49.050 1021 49.051 1022 49.052 1023 49.054 1024 49.049 1025 49.044 1026 49.043 1027 49.042 1029 49.045 1030 49.047 1032 49.060 1033 49.059 1034 49.058 1035 49.063 1036 49.062 1037 49.061 1038 49.066 1038x NE 1039 49.065 1040 49.064 1041 49.069 1042 49.070 1043 49.078 1044 49.083 1044x NE 1045 49.084 1047 49.073 1048 49.077 1053 49.080 1054 49.076 1055 49.082 1061 49.087 1062 49.071 1063 49.161 1068 49.167 1070 49.178 1073 49.172 1075 49.173

1076 49.166 1079 49.180 1080 49.179 1082 49.157 1083 49.156 1084 49.158 1085 49.159

1086 49.155 1087 49.154 1088 49.145 1089 49.146 1091 49.148 1092 49.149 1093 49.150 1094 49.151 1095 49.152 1096 49.153 1097 49.186 1098 49.187 1099 49.188 1102 49.191 1103 49.192 1104 49.193 1106 49.184 1108 49.183 1109 49.185

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1110 49.195 1111 49.194 1111x NE 1113 49.144 1115 49.215 1116 49.205 1117 49.201 1118 49.202 1119 49.207 1119a 49.209 1120 49.216 1121 49.206 1123 49.203 1125 49.210 1126 49.214 1128 49.211 1129 49.212 1130 49.246 1132 49.244 1133 49.254 1134 49.249 1135 49.243 1136 49.240 1137 49.245 1138 49.255 1139 49.248 1142 49.252 1143 49.253 1145 49.242 1146 49.251 1147 49.238 1148 49.239 1150 49.234 1151 49.230 1152 49.232 1153 49.228 1155 49.231 1156 49.233 1158 49.222 1159 49.223 1162 49.220 1163 49.259 1165 49.260 1166 49.257 1167 49.283 1168 49.281 1169 49.279 1170 49.280 1174 49.292

1175 49.294 1176 49.298 1177 49.297 1178 49.295 1180 49.293

1182 49.290 1183 49.288 1184 49.285 1184a 49.286 1186 49.284 1187 49.289 1190 49.276 1197 49.269 1199 49.277 1200 49.266 1200b 49.267 1201 49.265 1202 49.264 1205 49.224 1205a 49.225 1207 49.304 1208 49.299 1210 49.305 1211 49.306 1212 49.307 1216 49.200 1217 49.199 1219 49.345 1221 49.381 1222 49.382 1223 49.360 1225 49.366 1227 49.362 1228 49.363 1229 49.365 1231 49.373 1232 49.372 1233 49.376 1234 49.375 1236 49.367 1237 49.377 1239 49.371 1241 49.347 1242 49.349 1245 49.359 1246 49.358 1247 49.357 1249 49.356 1251 49.354

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1334a 63.063 1335 63.065 1336 63.075 1338 63.067

1339 63.068 1340 63.073 1341 63.071 1342 63.069 1343 63.072 1344 63.074 1345 63.114 1348 63.117 1350 63.118

1354 63.116 1356 63.057 1358 63.060 1361 63.006 1362 63.007 1365 63.005 1367 63.003 1370 63.014 1371 63.015 1373 63.029 1376 63.025 1377 63.017 1378 63.018 1380 63.020

1381 63.024 1384 63.019 1385 63.022 1386 63.016

1388 63.033 1390 63.034 1391 63.036 1392 63.037 1395 63.031 1398 63.052 1405 63.038 1408 63.048 1413 62.075 1415 62.076

1417 62.072 1420 62.073 1421 62.074 1424 62.077 1425 62.006 1426 62.005 1428 62.001 1433 62.007

1436 62.034

1437 62.038 1438 62.036 1439 62.035 1440 62.037

1442 62.023 1445 62.024

1450 62.011 1451 62.012 1452 62.029 1454 62.028 1454b 62.025 1455 62.027 1457 62.030 1458 62.042 1464 62.043 1470 62.048 1473 62.064 1474 62.065

1475 62.063 1478 62.068

1479 62.062 1481 62.054 1482 62.056 1483 62.058 1485 62.057 1493 45.029 1494 45.028

1497 45.010 1498 45.011 1501 45.004 1502 45.006 1503 45.009

1504 45.008 1506 45.019 1507 45.021 1508 45.013 1508e 45.014 1509 45.012 1510 45.033 1511 45.032 1512 45.034 1513 45.030 1517 45.043 1518 45.040

1520 45.041 1523 45.037 1524 45.044