the sign outside our church the video & powerpoint

Good News of Great Joy Springtime in Japan Seems like not too long ago I was enjoying the cherry blossoms in New Zealand (in September). But now, as the Japan spring wrestles with winter for control, one by one the flowers are snapping like popcorn in a microwave. One of the questions in my most recent lesson was 「どの季節が一番好きですか」 (Dono kisetsu ga ichiban sukidesuka) which season do you like the best? I suppose the answer depends on where you live at the time. Right now we are experiencing the “in between” season. Enjoying the chill of winter but happy to see colour again. It is a bit like life for me. This time in Japan started as an in between. But the longer I live here, the more it is becoming a new beginning, a new season. I suppose that is what a sabbatical is for – the chance to cleanse the palate so-to-speak. To have a change of taste and take the time to enjoy new flavours. A bit of “Team J2” serving together again! Earlier this month our pastor, Sato-sensei, was away for his ordination. He had asked me to share the message at Minami Chapel for the Sunday he was away. Thankfully, he gave me a couple of months to prepare. It was such a joy to pull the J2 team back together for the message. I shared with the congregation about the ministry of ISMNZ through a short video in which Masa & Nozomi helped me translate the captions into Japanese. They also helped me translate the Power Point slides into Japanese. On the day, Masa was my interpreter. It was a joy to encourage the congregation to “love the foreigners in their land like their own family” as we learn in Deuteronomy and Leviticus. I shared from Acts 2 that the first church of “The Way” was a church of “every nation under heaven”. Please pray that God will use the wonderful brothers and sisters at Minami Chapel to care for our neighbours, including internationals, in our town. It felt awesome working with Masa and Nozomi again to serve God together… not only did Masa help with the sharing, they led the worship too. That’s me! The sign outside our church The video & Powerpoint translation project

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Post on 17-Nov-2021




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News of Great Joy

Springtime in Japan

Seems like not too long ago I was enjoying the cherry blossoms in New Zealand (in September). But now, as the Japan spring wrestles with winter for control, one by one the flowers are snapping like popcorn in a microwave.

One of the questions in my most recent lesson was 「どの季節が一番好きですか」(Dono kisetsu ga ichiban sukidesuka) ー which season do you like the best? I

suppose the answer depends on where you live at the time.

Right now we are experiencing the “in between” season. Enjoying the chill of winter but happy to see colour again. It is a bit like life for me. This time in Japan started as an in between. But the longer I live here, the more it is becoming a new beginning, a new season. I suppose that is what a sabbatical is for – the chance to cleanse the palate so-to-speak. To have a change of taste and take the time to enjoy new flavours.

A bit of “Team J2” serving together again!

Earlier this month our pastor, Sato-sensei, was away for his ordination. He had asked me to share the message at Minami Chapel for the Sunday he was away. Thankfully, he gave me a couple of months to prepare. It was such a joy to pull the J2 team back together for the message. I shared with the congregation about the ministry of ISMNZ through a short video in which Masa & Nozomi helped me translate the captions into Japanese. They also helped me translate the Power Point slides into Japanese. On the day, Masa was my interpreter.

It was a joy to encourage the congregation to “love the foreigners in their land like their own family” as we learn in Deuteronomy and Leviticus. I shared from Acts 2 that the first church of “The Way” was a church of “every nation under heaven”. Please pray that God will use the wonderful brothers and sisters at Minami Chapel to care for our neighbours, including internationals, in our town.

It felt awesome working with Masa and Nozomi again to serve God together… not only did Masa help with the sharing, they led the worship too.

That’s me!The sign outside our church The video &

Powerpointtranslation project

Coming up in the next while:18th – 25th March – spring break. Spending time with Masa’s mum, Makiko-san, in Higashi-Hiroshima. Pray for a rich time of fellowship and mutual encouragement. 26th March – joining CURVES along with my Japanese teacher!! I will child-sit with Shino-chanwhenever Fumi wants to work out. Just one more ‘organic’ way learn about life as a mom in Japan. Mondays through Saturdays every week… STUDY STUDY STUDY! Vocab, grammar, Kanji, writing, reading, listening… I need to start TALKING!12th April – being God’s witness at International Friendship fellowship dinner, sharing “Why I became a follower of Jesus”. Pray for God to help me share caringly and with insight according to the people He is going to bring.

Discipleship Group… this is in the planning stages now. But there are several people who are asking to learn ‘how to’ grow in their relationship with God and one another, and also how to study the Bible. We will start after the academic year begins in April. I am excited to be a part of this, and help people dig into God’s word and learn from Him.

日本の春 Springtime in Japan

Praise & Prayer• I’ve been in Japan for nearly six months. WOW. Praise the Lord for this time. I have learned

a lot of language so far, but still have so far to go. I am asking the Lord for a miracle to take

all that I’ve studied and turn it into a wellspring of understanding, that He will give me the gift to be able to really begin to speak the language. (my reading and writing is good, and my vocab growing – now I need to TALK!)

• Please continue to pray for Minami Izumo Chapel, that God will awaken us to ways we can shine brightly in the neighbourhood, and that all those who are being blessed by the mom’s ministry, the English classes, and the teaching of God’s word would call upon the name of the Lord and be saved.

• Please pray for the all of the families, not just here in Japan but around the world, who face the loss of loved ones due to suicide. We learned this week of another dear brother who ended his life. It is heartbreaking to suffer from hopelessness and despair, to live in a such a state that the mind cannot find the light of hope and peace amidst darkness. Pray for his parents who are struggling deeply with the loss. Pray that the enemy’s voice of blame would be silenced. I have been reminded once again how much Satan hates humankind, and his attack on the minds of people is real. Pray for those struggling right this moment with darkness and despair, that the Light of truth would heal them. Pray that God will use each of us in the lives of people who need God’s love, truth, grace and light, that we would be driven by compassion and have eyes to see those in need, to intercede, and to help however we can.

• Pray for the Izumo International Friendship Church, that God would bring labourers for the harvest to help reach the nations living here in Izumo.

• Praise God for His incredible provision to allow me to be in Japan. I thank God for the

generosity of so many who support this time of ministry in Japan. Please pray that I will have more and more opportunities to serve the people here in Izumo and spend time with returned alumni throughout Japan.

• I am praying for God to bring kindred spirits into my life so I can build some deep friendships here in Japan.