the sign of jonas

THE JONAS SIGN an exegesis revealing the sign of Jesus by James R Brown February 2015

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an exegesis

revealing the sign of


by James R Brown February 2015


The end of the age will

close at the sounding of

the midnight hour, and

according to Jesus we

are the generation to

witness his return in

power and great glory.


Daniel asked, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these

things? And the Lord answered, Go thy way Daniel, for the

words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.

Many shall be purified, and made white, and tested, but the

wicked shall do wickedly, and none of the wicked shall

understand, but the wise shall understand (Daniel 12:8-10).

The fear of the Lord caused a disobedient prophet to change course 180 degrees and go in the direction given him, east to wicked Nineveh. Upon reaching the outskirts, Jonah then made a full days journey to reach the heart of the city. It would have been evening when this vain man, whose name meant a dove, cried out an eight word proclamation: yet forty days and Nineveh shall be overthrown. Great fear soon caused Nineveh’s king, and all his nobles and every Ninevite to repent in the space afforded them. When God determined they repented, He then repented of the evil He had prepared for them, and thus occurred the greatest revival in all of history . . . 2,800 years ago.

Even by faith one is hard pressed to believe the Ninevites heeded Jonah. How could eight words, from a harmless dove sent into the midst of 60,000 ravenous wolves, cause them to cover themselves in sackcloth, their beasts and flocks, and for none to eat or drink till all turned from the evil and the violence in their hands? Something seems to be missing in the Jonah account, but in the Gospels the key to the mystery is found: Jesus not only attested to this revival being an historical event but let it be known that one greater than Jonah had been there.


What really caused Nineveh to repent ?

Corruption caused man to be lost, even though he was predestined to have eternal life. Finding the way back home is all about Jesus. He is not a religion, he is the Light that shines in the darkness so all might walk the pathway that leads to Heaven. In explaining the mysteries of his kingdom, Jesus used interrelated parables, one being about ten virgins and another the prodigal son.

The Light of Jesus is needed in the darkness

The parable of the virgins is of having oil to light the way through the darkness after hearing their bridegroom call, but the wise had refilled their vessels while the foolish let theirs run dry. The oil symbolized the Holy Spirit which they could not give away, buy, or sell. Before the bridegroom called they each had oil, likely when in their mother’s womb as with John the Baptist, but even John had to be born again as did the five wise virgins. Likewise, the prodigal son, whom depleted his original inheritance (oil) given him by his father, then feared for his life and chose to repent and go back to his father to receive an eternal supply.


The heavens one day will be shaken

In November 1833 a spectacle in the heavens woke up all America. Though awesomely beautiful, many feared it an apocalyptic event like found in Joel, Matthew, and Revelation preceding the return of Jesus: when the sun becomes black, the moon turns to blood and the stars are shaken from the heavens.


a sign that changed America On this night those of every color and creed perceived this

spectacle as a sign. For seven hours a million shooting stars

so saturated the night skies one could see inside the home to

read a book, and some decided to dust off their bibles. The

fear of the Lord had come upon many; they convicted to pitch

out their whiskey jugs and cast their playing cards into the

fireplace, and fall on their knees and faces to seek

forgiveness while time remained. Native Americans perceived

this event heralded the end of an age, and slaves felt it

foretold their deliverance. Despite what scoffers think of

signs, this night in 1833 precipitated a twenty year revival that

changed the heart of America. It was this night a young

Abraham Lincoln never forgot, for he was awaken by his

innkeeper and told the day of judgment had come.



In his message on Mount Olivet Jesus warned of the terrible events to transpire at the end of the age. He also revealed there would be a sign of his coming to precede a glorious spectacle in the heavens. In Matthew 24:29-31 we read these words:

Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken. And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then all the tribes of the earth shall mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.


To not heed a warning is dangerous

Jesus said he gives to a wicked and adulterous generation the sign of the prophet Jonas to heed


Unending warfare

Though the signposts of the world speak of great trouble ahead



Jesus provided a signpost to watch for

Jesus said in the last days there would first be sorrows and then great sorrows, and not only would his people be hated by all nations but they would be killed for professing his name, and so Jesus warned his own to prepare. Today we are seeing such sorrows, and so are we now living in the last days? Is our generation the one to enter into the great tribulation?

So to know, Jesus provided a signpost to watch for, and in this presentation one will see that we have been shown it already. Great tribulation must be near, so what are we to do? Jesus provided the answer: if we hold fast to him (Revelation 2:20-25) he will take us through the darkness to behold his coming in power and great glory.

Following his ascension to Heaven, the disciples went to the upper room to undergo a great transformation. There they quit their doubting and bickering and chose to love one another as Jesus commanded. When they came to be in this one accord, they next received the glorious filling of the Holy Spirit and went forth to do the will of the Father. While doing this, their every earthly need was met by the Lord.


On the eve of the

crucifixion Jesus said do this in

remembrance of me 12

and do this as I have done to you


This do to be part of him

In bible times one bathed in the morning, and at night washed clean the feet of the filth from the daily walk to keep the bed linens clean. Jesus made analogy of this practice to spiritual cleansing. After serving bread and wine, signifying his body and blood, he disrobed and girded himself. He then poured water in a basin signifying his coming crucifixion, and washed his disciples feet, saying unless he did this they could have no part of Him, but those already bathed (bathed in his blood) must yet wash their feet and also the feet of each other (read John 13). Jesus then said they would later be given understanding of all these things.

On the day of his ascension we read from Luke 24:44-48 that Jesus gave them understanding of the scriptures: I spoke these words while yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, written in the law of Moses, by the prophets, and in the psalms concerning me. It behooved me to suffer and rise from the dead the third day: And repentance and remission of sins should be preached in my name in all nations, and ye were witnesses of these things. They understood he gave his flesh and blood so they could forever be with him, but because they possessed a fleshly nature, they must examine themselves each day to ask forgiveness and to also forgive one another (see Exodus: 12:22-24, Job 19:4, Psalms 19:12, 1-Cor 11:28).



Two days before his crucifixion Jesus spoke of coming tribulation and his imminent departure, and the disciples got concerned for their well being. Peter, James, John and Andrew went to him in private and asked for the sign of his return, and Jesus said it would be the sign of the Son of man.

For two thousand years this prophecy has presented a mystery: how can one expect to know the return of Jesus is near if one does not know what the sign is? Since God is not the author of confusion, one would think Jesus, the greatest teacher of all time, would have sat down with his disciples and given them understanding . . . and he did.


He went there to sit

East of Jerusalem rises beautiful Mount Olivet. After pronouncing judgment in the temple, Jesus went here to sit and wait for his disciples, symbolizing his sitting in Heaven. His own then came and asked him privately when he was to return and what would be the sign thereof. From this mountain he ascended to sit at the right side of his Father’s throne, and to this mountain his glory shall return as he sets his foot at the very place he revealed the sign of Jonas.


In answering this question Jesus was not ambiguous; he defined several end signs to precede a final sign, his personal sign, the sign of the Son of man. Since the disciples had no further questions, this suggests they had previous knowledge of this particular sign, likely having asked Jesus at the time he told the Pharisees and Sadducees of the mysterious sign of Jonas.



The definition of a biblical sign is something of an action or event to indicate something else exists, is true, or about to happen. To discern the sign of the Son of man, theologians must first discern the Sign of Jonas. Some think the Jonas sign was the resurrection of Jesus, but this thinking presents a glaring problem: for a sign cannot be the indicator of itself. As for example: the phrase red skies in the morning is a sign of a coming storm, but it is not the storm to come.

Genesis states God created the signs in the heavens, and Jesus revealed one to be the sign of Jonas, and in so stating personified this sign in the scriptures. Being that Jesus is preeminent in all things, he was in truth speaking of his personal sign and provided clues to discern this sign in accordance with others given by Jonah, Amos and Joel. When all these clues are fitted together, they present a clear picture of the Jonas sign . . . the sign of the Son of man.




For eons seafarers heeded a sign; do not sail if morning skies are red, but if evening skies are red sail on. Today, science has proven the ancient seafarers correct. In truth, light from the sun gets refracted, bent by the atmosphere to travel long distances under low hanging storm clouds. Storm clouds have high moisture content, and this moisture filters out short wavelengths of light, leaving only red to remain. Jesus, the creator of this phenomena, attested to such when he connected red light warnings to the story of Jonah in answer to the Pharisees and Sadducees request for a sign.

The atmosphere acts as if a prism



The hypocritical Pharisees and Sadducees were corrupt self-righteous rulers. Sadducees were like the politicians of today: outwardly supporting scripture but denying spiritual truths as miracles, angels, demons, the resurrection, and signs. Pharisees were like the religious bigots of today that act spiritual but hold tradition greater than the authority of Scripture. Jesus became a threat to their control as he at Passover cleansed the temple of money changers and then on the Sabbath did wondrous miracles and led his disciples into the fields of harvest to pluck grain. When the people perceived Jesus to be the son of David, the self serving rulers conspired to cut him off.

Matthew gave two accounts of the Pharisees and Sadducees setting traps to tempt Jesus so they might destroy him; they first addressed him as master and then asked he provide a sign from heaven. In answer, Jesus said a sign was already given which they needed to discern so they might repent as did those at Nineveh. Later, this sign appeared at the crucifixion, one he prepared at the time of creation, the sign the disciples asked to know of, his personal sign, one Jesus called The Sign of the Prophet Jonas.



An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, but no sign shall be given but the sign of the prophet Jonas. As Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it because they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and, behold, one greater than Jonas is here (KJV-Matthew 12:38-41).

When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather: for the sky is red. And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowering. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times? A wicked and adulterous generation will seek after a sign but none shall be given to it but the sign of the prophet Jonas (KJV-Matthew 16:1-4).


Jesus connected his sign to Jonah

Jonah refused the Lord’s direction to go east to wicked Nineveh and preach repentance. He instead fled, booking sea passage to go far west to Tarshish. At the start of the voyage his vessel likely sailed with fair skies, considering the crew’s later reaction and Jesus confirming seafarers heeded red sky warnings. When a mighty tempest arose, the crew perceived someone onboard angered God. When all drew lots, Jonah came up short and was cast overboard and swallowed by a great fish, and God then calmed the seas. In attesting to this story, Jesus also provided clues to discern the sign of Jonas, a sign of coming judgment to those which will not repent.


WHY TRUST SOLELY IN JESUS ? Jesus made analogy of red skies and tempest seas to the Jonas sign: those that do not heed it will be cast into the tempest, as had Jonah, but those that do heed will be given safe sailing, as had the crew. The disciples ceased to trust in Jesus after learning he was leaving, despite his proving to meet their every need. On their own accord they went forth and acquired purses, garments, and swords, and thus placed their lives in deathly peril. In the great tribulation many are martyred, but Jesus promised protection, like to Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, to those that solely abide in him and are his testimony.

Settle it therefore in your hearts, to not mediate when they come to take you for my namesake, for I will give you a mouth and wisdom to confound all your adversaries . . . But there shall not a hair of your head perish (Luke 21:12-19).

And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall grow cold, but he that endures to the end, the same shall be saved (Matthew 24:12-13).

I say unto you, those who do not heed false doctrine, and have not known the depths of Satan, as you speak for me, I will put no other burden but which ye have already, hold fast (to me) till I come (Revelation 2:24-25).


A Face to Discern

• When it was to be revealed: Jesus associated his three days and three nights in the heart of the earth to Jonah's time in the whale; thus in looking for the Sign of Jonas one should expect it to appear in the period from the moment of Jesus’ death up to, but not including, the resurrection. Jesus also said to watch for the sign of the Son of Man before he returns, and this would include his return from the grave as well. We shall see these two signs were both of the same (Matthew 24:30, Luke 21:25-28, Joel 2:30-31).

• Where it was to be: something in the sky above

• What it was to be: Jesus said there was one greater than Jonah at Nineveh, and the face in the sky and the key word red are descriptors.

When Jesus told the Pharisees and Sadducees there had been the sign of Jonas for them to discern, he the same while provided them the clues as to when, where, and what to look for.


10 25

Genesis says “in the beginning the earth was without form and void.” Interestingly it tells of two faces and a spirit: and darkness was upon the face of the deep, and the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters”. Psalms 104.2, Job 9:8, and Isaiah 42:5 says he then stretched forth the heavens, as if merely a curtain.

Physicists are perplexed the heavens remain in expansion, for the law of physics demands they come together. There is, however, an infinite power that precedes and is above the law of physics. Colossians 1:17 says by him all things consist. This incomprehensible power keeps the heavens in place, but the time is near when he will decide to shake them, and then roll them back as a scroll, as Jesus said will happen when he returns in power and great glory (see Matthew 24:29 and Revelation 6:13-14).


He said, Let there be lights in the firmament to divide the day from the night; and let them

be for signs and seasons, and for days and years.

In the beginning the lights in the heavens were created by God for man to heed


Psalms 19:1-6 reveals the heavens declare his glory and the work of his hands. Day unto day they utter speech, and night unto night show knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them he set a tabernacle for the sun, Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoices as a strong man to run a race. His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from its warmth.

10 27

They declare the bridegroom to come

The stars declare his glory and the one who set in place the majestic processions of the Pleiades,

Orion, Leo, Aries, Virgo, and Taurus is the true Light which lighteth every

man that cometh into the World: his name is


10 28

The stars declare his glory and the one who set in place the majestic processions of the Pleiades,

Orion, Leo, Aries, Virgo, and Taurus is the true Light which lighteth every

man that cometh into the World: his name is


10 29

The stars declare his glory and the one who set in place the majestic processions of the Pleiades,

Orion, Leo, Aries, Virgo, and Taurus is the true Light which lighteth every

man that cometh into the World: his name is


10 30

The stars declare his glory and the one who set in place the majestic processions of the Pleiades,

Orion, Leo, Aries, Virgo, and Taurus is the true Light which lighteth every

man that cometh into the World: his name is


3 31

The stars declare his glory and the one who set in place the majestic processions of the Pleiades,

Orion, Leo, Aries, Virgo, and Taurus is the true Light which lighteth every

man that cometh into the World: his name is


10 32

The stars are about


10 33

Colossians 1: 15-19 reveals Jesus created all things in the heavens and

in the earth for himself; it was for his purpose to declare all things by him consist so he might have


10 34

The Heart of His Creation

Psalms 147:4 says he gave each star a name. Our Milky Way galaxy contains 100 billion stars as our Sun, and there are in total 100 billion galaxies, which astronomers have now proven revolve about the Milky Way. This means the earth is in the heart of the Creation, to where Jesus goes to seek and save the lost.

the Sun


At creation, Jesus not only gave each star a name but he made each to be different. Job 38:7 says the stars represent the sons of God, and of these there are some called morning stars which sing in one accord and shout for joy. The Bible confirms the stars symbolize man, all men which at their birth were given the light of Jesus as John 1:9 so states: light to every man that cometh into the world.

The Light of Jesus



How the heavens declare glory

Psalms 19:1 says the heavens declare his glory, and in 1-Corinthians 15:40-53 Paul was given to show how. He said there is one celestial glory and one terrestrial glory (earth): the one celestial glory being comprised of three: a glory of the sun, a glory of the moon, and a glory of the stars, and he emphasized each star was different.

Paul in essence showed the heavens declare the Trinity. The sun symbolizes the face of the Father, his glorious light too bright for mortal eyes to behold. The moon is the face of the Son that reflects the light of the Father that mortal eyes can see. The twinkling stars glorify the Holy Spirit. They symbolize all ever born in water, this when He moved upon the face of the waters, they the stars which one day might choose to become temples of the Holy Spirit. These are the stars Paul associated with the resurrection of the dead in Christ Jesus, the ‘twinkling of an eye’ moment which follows the last trump.


the heavens declare his righteousness


Besides declaring his glory, Psalms 97:6 says the heavens declare his righteousness. To better appreciate how they can do such, one should first investigate as to the meaning of the word righteousness, for it tells of an attribute of God. It is found over seven hundred times throughout the Old and New Testaments. Righteousness speaks of his perfect justice and his actions that never change in his treatment of all peoples both rightly and fairly. Because of his righteousness, God at the creation planned for all men to be treated as equals in his family that was to come forth, and for the heavens to symbolize every man, woman, and child ever to be born into this family. Genesis 5:1 confirms this truth.

the stars symbolize the Book of Life

Genesis 5:1 reveals God created a book of the generations when he made Adam. This is the Book of Life, a family tree of man, with names on the branches being assigned a star (Psalms 147:4). Being man would corrupt himself to cause his death (pictured in Exodus 32:7-10), God predestinated all might be reborn to eternal life, made pure and white through the atonement of his son. Jesus, later went to the heart of his creation to die so all might become his eternal shining lights, but, on the Day of the Lord, all who refused him shall fall (study Matthew 24:29, Hebrews 12:25-27, Revelation 6:12-17).

Jesus said the stars will fall at his return. These are the corrupted men that refused His merciful gift of salvation, their stars literally being shaken out of the Book of Life before it is rolled up as a scroll. Those, however, which chose to put on incorruption (1-Corinthians 15:54) do not fall for they belong to the Bright and Morning Star, they sealed in the Book of Life the day they became reborn (Ephesians 1:13). On the Day of Judgment this book of glory is opened by the nail scared hands of the worthy one, purchased in full with his very blood. Hallelujah, praise the glorious name of Jesus.


At creation Jesus set the earth to revolve about the Sun for there to be life


called the Solar System.

He set the planets and the moon to work as if jewels in a perfect time piece


and to show his pre-eminence he set the majestic moon to dominate the night




Genesis 1:12 lets it be known the lights were created as heavenly signs. The moon is certainly the most beautiful and intriguing of all the heavenly objects. It provides light in the darkness, it affects all of nature, it controls the tides, and it is even the foundation of our calendars.

the moon was created as the symbol

of Jesus

And the moon was definitely

made to be a sign


the moon passes through a cycle of phases


The cycle begins with a New Moon



followed by a Crescent Moon

The moon has ever been a dependable sign in the heavens, as its cycles are the basis for the Hebrew calendar. It is perhaps the most beautiful of heavenly bodies in the nighttime sky and seems to possess even a mystical nature. . It is perhaps the most beautiful of heavenly bodies in the nighttime sky and seems to possess even a mystical nature.


then a Quarter Moon 49

next a

Waxing Moon 50

And ends with a Full Moon 51

When full the reapers use it’s

light to harvest


When full it affects all of nature 53


in ages past its once pristine surface

became bruised and scared

can you discern the face in sky ? 55

this face having eyes and a mouth ? 56



even having a nose with a pronounced bridge and nostrils.


can this face on the moon be more than just a coincidence ?


Genesis said the moon was created to be a sign


And did not Jesus connect ‘a face’ to the signs of the times ?


Besides lunar phases there are also lunar eclipses, as well as solar eclipses

Lunar Eclipses occur 1-2 times a year

Solar Eclipses occur on the average

every 18 months

The Sun


this is a Solar Eclipse 64


Lunar Eclipse Geometry

Sun Earth Moon

Red Light Phenomena

Eclipses happen on average 1.5 times a year. The red color is created by red light phenomena, the same effect causing red skies which Jesus mentioned when revealing there existed the sign of Jonas. When a blood moon occurs, a series of events transpire as if clockwork: the sun first sets (becomes dark, Matthew 24:29) and after the eclipse begins the bright reflected light of the moon is no more (the moon does not give its light), and then becomes pitch black before turning blood red.

When eclipsed the moon turns blood red



NASA has calculated and archived 5000 years of solar and lunar eclipses dating from 1999 BC to 3000 AD. Shown here are the penumbral, partial, and total lunar eclipses which occurred in or around the time of the crucifixion of Jesus.


The central UMBRA portion lasts about 3 hours

, 2014


The first of two total eclipses in 2014

Note the characteristic deep red of the total eclipse on 4/15/2014. The red line indicates the eclipse directly overhead in North America, and the blue line shows where it rose from below the horizon in China.


Partial lunar eclipses

In comparison to total eclipses, partial eclipses are not as deep in red, as this from August 16, 2008 shows. There is something, however, which makes partial eclipses become breathtaking: they have a white crescent that give the lunar surface the appearance it is being flooded by a mixture of blood and water.


NASA has sent men to the moon and land rovers to Mars, and got them there placing Kepler’s calculations in their computers. These programs can not only animate sky maps in real time, but they can wind back the clock to show precise positions of planets and stars from any place on earth just as they were thousands of years ago. When the sky is pictured above Jerusalem on the day of the crucifixion, on April 3rd, 33 AD, something shocking is seen, and in consideration of the circumstances, it is the sign of Jonas.

In 1571, less than a century after Columbus discovered America, a genius mathematician and astronomer named Johannes Kepler was born. It was the Renaissance, a phenomenal period of discovery and enlightenment in Europe, during which Kepler developed the laws of planetary motion still used today.

Modern computers unseal history


Fitting the pieces together

Jesus said the Jonas sign was to be given, but none of the crucifixion events within the Gospels speak of it; however, In Acts 2:19-22 Peter vehemently connects another event that day to a sign which will occur also on the Day of the Lord. His account not only fits the mysterious Sign of Jonas, but connects it to the very sign of the Son of man.

What did Peter see? At his ascension Jesus spoke these words: While I was yet with you all things were fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and by the prophets, and in the psalms concerning me. According to Jesus, the pieces of the Jonas sign are throughout the Old Testament. This author has thus far presented pieces given in Genesis, Psalms, Jeremiah, Job, Isaiah, and Joel and now takes you to the prophet Amos.


Amos prophesied of the Jonas sign Amos Chapter 8 foretells a riddle: when will something called the new moon be gone so the corrupt merchants can continue their evil money practices?

When will the new moon be gone? that we may sell corn? and the sabbath, that we may set forth wheat, making the ephah small, the shekel great, and falsifying the balances by deceit?

The answer to the riddle is knowing a lunar cycle begins with a new moon and reaches its zenith at the full moon. At Passover, the moon is full, and did not Jesus cry out it is finished. Amos also provided other prophetic clues to the sign of Jonas:

Shall not the land tremble (earthquake), and every one mourns that dwells therein? and it shall rise up wholly (a full moon rising from beneath the horizon) like the Nile flood and it shall be cast out and drowned as by the flood of Egypt (Jesus crucified)

As the shepherds staff of Moses turned the flowing life-giving waters of the Nile to blood, this symbolized the blood and water to issue from the pierced side of Jesus, one who first gave birth to man in water and died so all men might be born again in his precious redeeming blood. These prophecies of Amos paint in blood and water a rising full moon on the day of the crucifixion: And it shall come to pass in that day I will cause the sun to go down at noon, and will darken the earth in the clear day.


The Day of the Cross


In the third hour of the morning the innocent Lamb of God was taken to the place of the skull and crucified. His execution was by those wanting to prevent his taking the throne, but in truth it was the will of the Father for his son to suffer in our stead. Before this was done he went to Gethsemane to pray.

Elijah and Moses had previously appeared to Jesus at the transfiguration to talk of the things to happen at his coming crucifixion. Now he prayed in great agony; sweating great drops of blood so to be strong and of good courage, to set his jaw as a flint to not waiver or be ashamed in doing the will of his Father (Luke 9:30-31, 22:44, Isaiah 50:5-7).


while he was being arrested


and tried as guilty


rejected and condemned


beaten and scourged


and crowned with thorns.


having his beard plucked

and spat upon 81

and mocked


and forced to bear the burden of his cross to the hilltop called Calvary, and stripped of all his garments to shame him, and lastly . . .


nailed to a cross


to suffer agony and be uncomely to look upon



bruised for the iniquity of us all

but it was not yet finished



Three hours later the noon hour arrived and the day turned to night, but this was no solar eclipse. Isaiah said the Father, in sacrificing his innocent son as an atonement for us, laid on him the iniquity of us all, and Amos said he caused the sun to darken the earth in the clear day, to make it like the mourning for an only son. Perhaps in unfathomable grief, the Father covered his face with a heavenly black sackcloth. Three hours later Jesus cried out in a loud voice it is finished, then bowed his head and gave up his spirit, his sacrifice complete so all might be purified and made white. In three days he would resurrect from the grave to go home and sprinkle precious redeeming blood upon the mercy seat of God.

Upon his death the shroud of darkness lifted, but then more strange things happened: the temple veil rent from top to bottom, the earth trembled, the rocks split, and many graves of the saints opened. The next three hours passed without incident as his body hung on the cross.


THE SOLDIERS AT THE CROSS Isaiah 1:18 says sin has a color, it is scarlet - red like crimson, and Proverbs 1:9 says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom’. While stationed at the cross, the Roman soldiers experienced these literal truths.

On a clear day the morning sun would have heated the rocks for the soldiers to comfortably sit upon and cast lots for his vesture. Suddenly it turned pitch black, the air chilled, and stars appeared at midday. In this eerie stillness the Gospels speak of no more mocking; the soldiers likely worrying this one they crucified was in truth the Son of God. When he yelled out it is finished, great fear came upon them, even though the darkness ended, for the earth began to tremble and cause the rocks they were sitting upon to split apart.

The Sanhedrin begged Pilate to end the crucifixion before sunset, for they did not want the body of Jesus seen at Passover and cause an uproar among the people (John 19:31, Matthew 26:5). To cause quick death, the soldiers broke the legs of the thieves, but Psalms 34:20 said not one bone of Jesus was to be broken. Knowing he passed, one soldier was moved to pierce his right side and testify of the blood and water that issued to prove Jesus had died.


As per their oath, the soldiers

swore an allegiance to the

Emperor of Rome and had

been ordered to worship him

as a god. Despite knowing

Pilate might very well order

their executions, they chose in

the early evening to openly

repent at the cross of Jesus.

Matthew 27:54 says they did

so after they witnessed all the

things that were done, and

the grand finale did not begin

until they pierced his side.

Every tongue will confess


and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him as one mourns for an only son (Zechariah 12:10)

When taking down the body of Jesus, the soldiers hearts must have sunk as their eyes beheld the sign appearing in the east. Psalms 50:23 says, Who so offers praise glorifies me: and he that orders his conversation aright will I show the salvation of God. The scriptures reveal the centurion and his soldiers got born again, for they not only ceased mocking but glorified God and declared Jesus to be truly the Son of God. What was it they saw in the east?


And it rose up wholly (Amos 8:8)

85 92

a blood and water moon appeared

And it rose up wholly (Amos 8:8)


rising up wholly


Just two days previous, Jesus sat on Olivet, and told his disciples the very place from where his sign was going to appear: For as the lightning comes out of the east (Olivet) and even shines to the west (Jerusalem), so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. (Matthew 24:27, John 1:5, Amos 8:8, Zechariah 12:10).

According to Amos and Zechariah everyone that was dwelling, this the estimated three million in and around Jerusalem during the crowded Passover, mourned as for an only son as they looked upon whom they had pierced. The only way possible for all to look on him that evening was to behold the face rising in the sky.


And the light shineth in darkness

Science proves the sign of Jonas appeared at


When astronomy software is given the coordinates of Jerusalem, and the day of the crucifixion, and then forwarded to early evening something breathtaking is found. As the blood and water flowed from the side of Jesus a blood and water moon is seen to rise from beneath the eastern horizon. The symbolism of this is shuttering: the failure of the wicked to hide from the masses the crucified body of Jesus, the life giving blood and water flowing from the pierced right side of the throne of God, and the rising full moon the promise by Jesus that in three days he would rise from the grave and defeat the sting of death.



Jerusalem Australia

NASA data of the partial eclipse on the day of the crucifixion shows the central viewing area to be centered in the middle of the night sky above Australia, but in Jerusalem it would be seen to rise up from beneath Mount Olivet situated to the east.

This author rightfully calculates the chance of it to occur in the hour Jesus was removed from the cross as one in 51,840, and the chance of a sizable earthquake three hours earlier as one in 923,000. The odds for both to have occurred: one chance in 48 billion.



Joel 2:31 says the moon is as blood before the great and terrible day of the Lord. On April 3rd, 33 AD there was a blood moon at the beginning of Passover that rose above Olivet in the east, as Jesus stated, as Amos prophesied, and as Peter testified of in Acts 2:19-22. The Ancient of Days planned this in the beginning, so the world would know this was the sign of his coming at the end time . . . the sign of the Son of man.

the Sign of his coming


This exegesis reveals the sign of the Son of

man to be a blood moon. In Luke 21:25 and

Matthew 24:15, Jesus said there shall be signs

in the sun, moon, and stars before his return,

and for understanding to read what Daniel the

prophet had written concerning this time. Daniel

12:4,9 states in the last days knowledge would

increase and understanding would be unsealed.

If this be the generation to see the return of

Jesus, one should expect to not only see his

sign but to have a clear understanding as to its

message. And to know if these are the last days,

Jesus provided a signpost to look for.


The MARK of the final generation

When asked Tell us, when shall these things be, and what shall be the sign of thy coming at the end of the age, Jesus was faithful to provide the answers to his disciples in his message on Mount Olivet. He revealed not only a specific sign but the historical event a future generation was to witness: this being the time of the gentiles fulfilled that precedes great tribulation (Luke 21:24). Furthermore, to seek and find this understanding Jesus said to read what Daniel the prophet had written (Matthew 24:15).

Daniel witnessed the House of David fall and sovereign reign over Jerusalem transfer to Babylon, the first of four gentile empires. Their dominion continued for 2,500 years until the Jews returned back home in 1948 to reestablish their nation and in 1967 take back sovereign authority over Jerusalem. Our generation witnessed this event, and so must prepare, as according to Jesus, for his return. Daniel (12:9) said understanding would be unsealed in the last days, and the excitement generated over the tetrad moons is none other than the sign of the bridegroom’s coming.



A TETRAD is a rare occurrence of four lunar eclipses within two years. Of the fifty-six since the crucifixion, eight are highly peculiar in that their eclipses fall on major Jewish holidays to form a pattern attesting to the PREEMINENCE OF JESUS. In addition, the 5th, 6th, and 7th tetrads are sign posts that mark three monumental events of the return of the Jews to Israel. Since the time of the gentiles is fulfilled, the eighth tetrad, which began April 15th, 2014, likely heralds the Seventieth Week of Daniel. In the midst of the seven years occurs the Abomination of Desolation, and on this day Daniel says an hour glass will start counting down 1290 days till Jesus returns in power and great glory.



FIRST 69 Weeks Daniel’s Mystery Gap 70th Week



OM Hosea’s 2000 years

For two days (2000 years) Israel will sleep till the time of tribulation, repentance, and then return of the Lord and the resurrection (harvest time)

(See Hosea 5:15-6:1-2 / 2-Peter 3:8)

Time in wait for the First Triumphal Entry of the Son of David

into Jerusalem

The decree of Artaxerxes to rebuild Jerusalem

Messiah Cut-off (the crucifixion)

The Day of the Lord

444 BC 33 AD


Time till the covenant with many is made by Antichrist. (See Daniel 12:8-9)

483 years 7 wks -- 62 weeks --

7 – years

the tribulation

The Seventieth Week (2520 days)

Beginning of Sorrows

A covenant by Antichrist

Daniel says the 70th Week begins when the man of sin makes an agreement with many; Isaiah calls this a covenant of death. At 220 days the sacrifice begins in the new temple

See Daniel 7:25, 9:27, 10:41 Isaiah 28:15, 18

Matthew 24:1-20

The Great Tribulation

Abomination of Desolation

At the desecration of the temple,

the antichrist declares he is Lord and orders all to worship him. Archangel Michael, the hinderer, stands aside (no hedge) and the tribulation of the saints begins.

In their great affliction the wise seek His face early, and all that repent are wondrously spared death to await the Lord’s coming

See: Daniel 10:14,20,21, 12:1-7, Matt. 24:21-22, 2-Thess. 2:1-12 Hosea 5:15, Revelation 12:14)

The Day of the Lord the last trumpet Jesus returns on one of the last 45 days to take his kingdom and begin the Harvest, first removing the tares, those that offend him.

Finally the last trumpet sounds the resurrection of the dead. Then those alive and remaining are caught up with them in the clouds, all given new bodies and taken by the bridegroom to the Marriage of the Lamb and Wedding Supper

See 1-Thess. 4:15, Daniel 12:1-13, 1-Cor. 15:51-52, Matt. 13:30, 36, 41 24:31, 36 Revelation 11:15-19

1290 days


2300 days (Dan 10:14)

(From the beginning of the daily sacrifice

till the temple is cleansed by Jesus)




220 days

1285 days 1335 days


Depicted by the vertical green bars are 56 tetrads since the crucifixion, the tall ones being eight spiritual signposts, with 5, 6, & 7 the historical markers signifying monumental events concerning Israel. Tetrad 5 (1493-94) marks the discovery of the New World and conception of America, the nation God prepared to protect the Jews in their journey back home. Tetrads 6-7 mark the re-birth of Israel in 1948 and the taking of Jerusalem in 1967, in anticipation of rebuilding the temple for the Messiah to return to take his throne . Tetrad 8 has begun.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Temple Destroyed 70 AD Israel erased 136 AD 1948


The times of the Gentiles fulfilled - Israel reborn

Discovery of New World



Tetrad #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8

P1 P 2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8

P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 P16

An array of three events suggests a pattern and five makes a pattern definite. Shown above is series of SIXTEEN PASSOVER MOONS, each being the first in each year of the eight blood tetrads. Such a pattern is not randomly possible, and so must have been ordered at the Creation, when Colossians 1:16-8 says all things were created by him and for him to show his pre-eminence.


Year 1 Year 2



15 Apr 2014 Oct 08-2014 20 Mar 2015 04 Apr 2015 13 Sept 2015 28 Sept 2015

Jewish Feast of Jewish Jewish Secular Feast of Passover Tabernacles New Year Passover New Year Tabernacles

It is impossible to calculate the probability of the tetrads marking the birth of America, the rebirth of Israel, and the taking of Jerusalem. Most mysterious is Tetrad-8 that began in 2014, for in 2015 are two rare solar eclipses six months apart, on either side of the Passover moon. Solar eclipses do not track with the lunar calendar, but these happen to fall on Jewish holidays, making this tetrad unlike any in history. Tetrad-8 is likely the sign of Daniels 70th week, the final seven years before Jesus returns.

The 2014 -2015 Lunar / Solar eclipse schedule


the temple builders are ready

The blueprints to erect a new temple directly in line with the Eastern Gate and be clear of the Dome of the Rock are complete. The temple stones are now prepared; they readied without the use of metal tools as God directed King David to have done. The builders now wait to start.


Preparing for the bridegroom is all about living, not for ourselves but for Christ in us. In Psalms-19 David asked the Lord to reveal to him his secret faults and for the Lord to not allow presumptuous sins to have dominion over his life. John the Baptist gave personal testimony as what must be done to receive joy in the Lord, he stood and listened and heeded his bridegroom’s voice so that (Jesus) increased as he (John) decreased. In the Upper Room, the one hundred and twenty did likewise as John to become in one accord with Jesus, they giving up their wills so the will of the bridegroom might be accomplished in their lives.


One must prepare for the bridegroom

Jesus twice cleansed the temple. The first time he made a scourge to drive out all that offended and give pointed warning to those selling doves, take these things from here and do this no more. Upon his return, those he found still doing he cast out. In Revelation 2:21-25 Jesus said I will cast many of the church into great tribulation, but not those which rid themselves of the depths of Satan, for as you speak (testifying of me) I will place no other burden but exhort you to hold fast till I come. So what are the depths of Satan and how can we hold fast to Jesus?

and do this no more

take these things from my temple



Mark 11:16 says Jesus did not permit any to carry any

vessel in the temple. These vessels are depths of Satan

we must rid from our heart so we may be filled by the

Holy Spirit with peace, joy and power so we can hold

fast till Jesus returns. We must get rid of


We belong to him and not ourselves


To hold fast means we must love and worship him in spirit and in truth and acknowledge him in all our ways. The psalmist said, Oh how I love thy law, it is my meditation all the day long. I restrain my feet from every evil way, and thy words taste sweeter than honey, they are the lamp unto my feet, the light unto my path.


His word will show us the way

The Grand Finale The crimson moon is all about the blood of salvation, about the Light of the World and his call to come to repentance. Those through the ages which heeded this call are soon be taken into the Kingdom, but the doorway will shut without mercy to the foolish which neglected to be washed in the precious redeeming blood of the Lamb of God. The heavens will soon erupt into glorious splendor as the grand finale of the ages heralds the coming of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords in power and great glory, after the time to repent has ended.

That to unfold sounds terrible, but it is written. In Joel 2:30-32, Matthew 13:30, 24:29-31, 1-Corinthians 15:51-53, and Revelation 6:12-14 we read: the sun shall darken and the moon not give its light and the stars that bore no fruit shall fall, they literally shaken from the Book of Life whilst the Holy Spirit rolls up the heavens as a scroll. Then appears the sign of the Son of man, and all hear the sounding of the last trumpet before the Son of man is seen coming in the clouds with power and great glory. There is then a resurrection of the dead in Christ, and all the living will mourn because the angels first separate from out of the wheat the tares, bundling them to be burned. Then the Hope of Glory shall receive the family of God into the glorious place he has prepared.


“When ye shall see these things, know my return is near, even at the doors”


the remainder of this presentation is for praise and worship to celebrate his coming in

accordance with the song

"We Shall Behold Him"


The skies shall unfold






the end




God said if a nation, against whom he has pronounced {judgment}, will turn from their evil, he will repent of the evil he thought to do unto them (Jeremiah 18: 8).

In 2-Chronicles, God gave his people a solemn warning: If they turn away, and forsakes his statutes and commandments which he set before them, and go and serve other gods and worship them; Then he will pluck them up by the roots out of His land which he gave to them, and he will cast them out of his sight.

In the past generation America turned to evil, and so now His righteous judgment has come. Our republic is dying, and no power on earth can save it, for this power is reserved to Lord Jesus in heaven. He is about to return, and he will destroy not only the unsaved but America as well, unless we his righteous people do that which his Father commanded.

The ones who know the Lord must in one accord humble themselves, and pray, and seek his face and turn from their wicked ways. If they do, he will hear their pleas and forgive them and bless America now.

God Bless America

land that I love

stand beside her . . . and guide her

through the night with the light from above

from the mountains

to the prairies

to the oceans

white with foam


Bless America

my home sweet home

from the mountains

to the


to the oceans white with



my home sweet home


my home sweet home


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To contact author James R. Brown

email: [email protected]

or write: PO BOX 825, Belle Vernon, PA 15012