the si unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3...

The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

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Page 1: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

The SI unit of charge is the

a. ohm.

b. joule.

c. coulomb.

d. ampere.

e. newton.

ans: c

obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law

key: unit, charge

Page 2: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Kinetic energy of an object is equal to

a. its mass multiplied by its acceleration squared.

b. one half the product of its mass times its speed squared.

c. its mass multiplied by its speed.

d. one half the product of its mass times its speed.

e. its mass multiplied by its acceleration.

ans: b

obj: 9.5 kinetic energy

key: unit, charge

Page 3: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

A girl whose weight is 500 N hangs from the middle of a bar supported by two vertical strands of rope. What is the tension in each strand?

a. 0N.

b. 250N.

c. 500N.

d. 750N.

e. 1000 N.

ans: b

obj: 2.2 mechanical equilibrium

key: weight, tension

Page 4: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

A sportscar has a mass of 1500 kg and accelerates at 5 meters per second squared. What is the magnitude of the force acting on the sportscar?

a. 300N.

b. 1500 N.

c. 2250 N.

d. 7500 N.

e. none of the above

ans: d

obj: 6.3 newton’s send law of motion

key: mass

Page 5: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

A girl pulls on a 10-kg wagon with a constant force of 20 N. What is the wagon's acceleration?

a. 0.5m/s2

b. 2 m/s2

c. 10 m/s2

d. 20 m/s2

e. 200 m/s2

ans: b

obj: 6.3 newton’s second law of motion

key: acceleration, force

Page 6: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

The higher the satellite is, the ______

a. less its speed is

b. greater its speed is

c. longer its period is

d. both A and C

e. both B and C

ans: d

obj: 14.2 circular orbits

key: satellite, speed, distance

Page 7: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

When resistors are put in series next to each other, their overall resistance is

a. the same as the resistance of one of the resistors.

b. larger than the resistance of any individual resistor.

c. smaller than the resistance of any of the resistors.

ans: b

obj: 35.3 series circuit

key: resistor, series

Page 8: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

A frictionless inclined plane is 8.0 m long and rests on a wall that is 2.0 m high. How much force is needed to push a block of ice weighing 300.0 N up the plane?

a. 37.5 N

b. 75.0 N

c. 100.0 N

d. 300.0 N

e. 600.0 N

ans: b

obj: 9.8 machines

key: incline, plane, force

Page 9: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

The total resistance of a 10-ohm resistor and a 7-ohm resistor in series is

a. 2 ohms.

b. 3 ohms.

c. 7 ohms.

d. 17 ohms.

e. 70 ohms.

ans: d

obj: 35.6 combining resistors in a compound circuit

key: resistor, series

Page 10: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Suppose a moving car has 3000 J of kinetic energy. If the car's speed doubles, how much kinetic energy will it then have?

a. 1000 J

b. 1500J

c. 3000 J

d. 6000J

e. 12,000 J

ans: e

obj: 9.5 kinetic energy

key: kinetic, speed

Page 11: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Coulomb's law says that the force between any two charges depends

a. directly on the size of the charges.

b. inversely on the square of the distance between the charges.

c. both A and B

d. none of the above

ans: c

obj: 32.3 coulomb’s law

key: coulomb, charge

Page 12: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

In 2004, the number of electrons delivered to an average American home by an average power utility was

a. zero.

b. 110.

c. 220.

d. billions of billions.

e. none of the above

ans: a

obj: 34.10 source of electrons in a circuit

key: electrons, utility, power

Page 13: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

If you plug an electric toaster rated at 110 V into a 220-V outlet, current in the toaster will be

a. twice what it should be.

b. the same as if it were plugged into 110 V.

c. half what it should be.

d. more than twice what it should be.

e. none of the above

ans: a

obj: 34.5 ohm’s law

key: current, voltage

Page 14: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

What is the maximum resultant possible when adding a 2-N force to an 8-N force?

a. 2N

b. 6N

c. 8N

d. 10N

e. 16N

ans: d

obj: 2.1 force

key: force, resultant

Page 15: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

When a wave passes through an opening, some of the wave is bent. This phenomenon is called

a. polarization.

b. reflection.

c. diffraction.

d. refraction.

e. interference.

ans: c

obj: 31.2 diffraction

key: wave, opening, bent, diffraction

Page 16: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

When an object reaches terminal velocity its acceleration is

a. 0 m/s2

b. 4.9 m/s2

c. 9.8 m/s2

ans: a

obj: 6.7 falling and air resistance

key: terminal velocity, acceleration

Page 17: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Acceleration is defined as

a. the rate at which distance is covered

b. the rate at which an object freely falls from rest

c. the rate at which velocity itself changes

d. the distance an object has fallen

ans: c

obj: 4.9 how fast, how far, how quickly

key: acceleration

Page 18: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

A diffraction grating consists of

a. many closely spaced parallel slits.

b. a criss-cross of narrow slits.

c. two closely spaced parallel slits.

d. a single narrow slit.

e. none of the above

ans: a

obj: 31.4 young’s interference experiment

key: diffraction, slit

Page 19: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Suppose two people, one having three times the mass of the other, pull on opposite sides of a 20-meter rope while on frictionless ice. After a brief time, they meet. The more massive person slides a distance of

a. 4m.

b. 5m.

c. 6m.

d. 7m.

ans: b

obj: 7.3 identifying action reaction

key: mass, force, distance

Page 20: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Which one of the following steps is NOT a part of the scientific method?

a. Perform experiments to test the predictions.

b. Repeat the experiments until the answers match the predictions.

c. Formulate a general rule based on the predictions and experimental outcome.

d. Make a guess about the answer to a problem and predict its consequences.

e. Recognize a problem.

ans: b

obj: 1.3 scientific methods

key: scientific method

Page 21: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

A 15-N force and a 45-N force act on an object in opposite directions. What is the net force on the object?

a. 15N

b. 30N

c. 45N

d. 60N

e. none of the above

ans: b

obj: 2.1 force

key: force, opposite

Page 22: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Newton hypothesized that the moon _____.

a. is a projectile

b. is falling around Earth

c. has tangential velocity that prevents it from falling into Earth

d. is actually attracted to Earth

e. all of the above

ans: e

obj: 13.2 the falling moon

key: newton, moon

Page 23: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

An arrow in a bow has 70 J of potential energy. Assuming no loss of energy to heat, how much kinetic energy will it have after it has been shot?

a. 0J

b. 35J

c. 50J

d. 70J

e. 140J

ans: d

obj: 9.6 work-energy theorem

key: potential, energy, kinetic

Page 24: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

A weight on the end of a spring bobs up and down one complete cycle every 4.0 seconds. Its frequency is

a. 0.25 hertz.

b. 4.0 hertz.

c. none of the above.

ans: a

obj: 25.2 wave description

key: spring, frequency

Page 25: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

An ampere is a

a. unit of resistance

b. unit of current.

c. type of charge.

d. voltage.

e. current.

ans: b

obj: 34.2 electric current

key: ampere, unit

Page 26: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

The law of inertia applies to

a. objects at rest.

b. moving objects.

c. both moving and nonmoving objects.

ans: c

obj: 3.4 newton’s law of inertia

key: inertia

Page 27: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

An explosion occurs 340 km away. Given that sound travels at 340 m/s, the time the sound takes to reach you is

a. 10s.

b. 100s.

c. 1000s.

d. 2000s.

e. more than 2000 s.

ans: c

obj: 26.4 speed of sound

key: time, distance

Page 28: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

A ball is thrown into the air with 100 J of kinetic energy, which is transformed to gravitational potential energy at the top of its trajectory. When it returns to its original level after encountering air resistance, its kinetic energy is

a. 100J.

b. more than 100 J.

c. less than 100 J.

d. Not enough information given.

ans: c

obj: 9.6 work-energy theorem

key: kinetic, energy, potential

Page 29: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

The Doppler effect is the change in observed frequency due to

a. the original frequency of the source.

b. the type of medium the wave is in.

c. the motion of the source or observer.

d. the type of wave.

e. all of the above.

ans: c

obj: 25.9 the doppler-effect

key: doppler, frequency

Page 30: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

If you double the frequency of a vibrating object, its period

a. halves.

b. is quartered.

c. doubles.

ans: a

obj: 25.2 wave description

key: frequency, vibrate, period

Page 31: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

An airplane whose airspeed is 295 km/h flies parallel to the direction of a wind with a speed of 40.0 km/h. What are the two possible speeds of the plane relative to the ground?

a. 255 km/h

b. 335 km/h

c. 11800 km/h

d. a. and b.

ans: d

obj: 5.2 velocity and vectors

key: vector, speed

Page 32: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

A pulsating electric field can travel through a wire at a speed of

a. less than 1 cm/s.

b. about 100 cm/s.

c. the speed of sound waves in metal.

d. nearly the speed of light.

ans: d

obj: 34.9 the speed of electrons in a circuit

key: pulsating, field, sound

Page 33: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

In a good insulator, electrons are usually

a. not moving at all

b. free to move around after an impurity has been added.

c. free to move around.

d. tightly bound in place.

e. semi-free to move around.

ans: d

obj: 32.4 conductors and insulators

key: insulator, electron

Page 34: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Which one of the following problems would NOT be a part of physics?

a. Calculating the average density of a person

b. Calculating the amount of energy a person uses while listening to a lecture

c. Calculating the instantaneous velocity of an accelerating car

d. Identifying all the forces acting on a person who is walking uphill

e. Identifying all the bones in a human body

ans: e

obj: 1.1 the basics science-physics

key: physics, science

Page 35: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

In order for there to be a flow of charge from one place to another, there must be a

a. conductor, such as a wire, connecting the two places.

b. potential difference between the two places.

c. Both A and B above

ans: c

obj: 34.1 flow of charge

key: flow, charge

Page 36: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

A ball is thrown straight up. At the top of its path its instantaneous speed is

a. 0 m/s.

b. about 5 m/s.

c. about 10 m/s.

d. about 20 m/s.

e. about 50 m/s.

ans: a

obj: 4.5 free fall how fast

key: instantaneous, speed

Page 37: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

A ball is thrown upwards and caught when it comes back down. In the absence of air resistance, the speed of the ball when caught would be

a. less than the speed it had when thrown upwards.

b. more than the speed it had when thrown upwards.

c. the same as the speed it had when thrown upwards.

ans: c

obj: 4.5 free fall: how fast

key: air, resistance, speed

Page 38: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

A pencil lies on your desk. If the Earth is moving around the sun at a speed of 30 km/s, how fast is the pencil moving relative to the desk? How fast is the pencil moving relative to the sun?

a. 0 km/s; 0 km/s

b. 0 km/s; 30 km/s

c. 30 km/s; 30 km/s

d. There is not enough information to answer these questions.

ans: b

obj: 4.1 motion is relative

key: motion, relative

Page 39: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Sound waves in air are a series of

a. periodic disturbances.

b. periodic condensations and rarefactions.

c. high- and low-pressure regions.

d. all of the above

e. none of the above

ans: d

obj: 26.2 sound in air

key: sound, pressure, disturbance

Page 40: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

The gravitational force between two massive spheres

a. is always an attraction.

b. depends on how massive they are.

c. depends inversely on the square of the distances between them.

d. all of the above

ans: d

obj: 13.4 newton’s law of universal gravitation

key: gravity, sphere

Page 41: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

An unfortunate bug splatters against the windshield of a moving car. Compared to the deceleration of the car, the deceleration of the bug is

a. larger.

b. the same.

c. smaller.

ans: a

obj: 7.3 identifying action and reaction

key: acceleration

Page 42: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Suppose the gravitational force between two massive spheres is 100 N. If the distance between the spheres is doubled, what is the force between the masses?

a. 400N

b. 200N

c. 100N

d. 50N

e. 25N

ans: e

obj: 13.5 gravity & distance: the inverse square law

key: sphere, gravity

Page 43: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

A tennis ball and a solid steel ball with the same diameter are dropped at the same time. Which ball has the greater force acting on it?

a. The steel ball

b. The tennis ball

c. They both have the same force acting on them.

ans: a

obj: 6.6 free fall explained

key: force, mass

Page 44: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

A train travels 6 meters in the first second of travel, 6 meters again during the second second of travel, and 6 meters again during the third second. Its acceleration is

a. 0 m/s2.

b. 6 m/s2.

c. 12 m/s2.

d. 18 m/s2.

e. none of the above

ans: a

obj: 4.4 acceleration

key: acceleration

Page 45: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

If you wished to produce a sound with a wavelength in air equal to the length of a 5-m room, what would its frequency be?

ans: 68 Hz

obj: 26.4 speed of sound

key: wavelength, frequency

Page 46: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Heat travels from the sun to Earth by

a. conduction.

b. radiation.

c. convection.

d. insulation.

e. vacuumization.

ans: b

obj: 22.1 conduction

key: heat, radiation, sun

Page 47: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Electromagnetic waves with higher frequencies have wavelengths that are

a. shorter.

b. longer.

ans: a

obj: 27.3 electromagnetic waves

key: frequency, wavelength

Page 48: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Two forces of 10 N both act on an object. The angle between the forces is 90°. What is the magnitude of their resultant?

ans: 14N

obj: 2.3 support force

key: force, resultant

Page 49: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

A woman's hair stands out when she is in contact with a charged Van de Graaff generator. The reason her hair stands out is because

a. hair strands are at a high voltage.

b. she is in a strong electric field.

c. like charges repel.

d. hair is a good conductor.

ans: c

obj: 33.7 the van de graaff generator

key: hair, generator, charge

Page 50: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Which of the following is NOT an electromagnetic wave?

a. Sound

b. Radio

c. Light

d. Infrared

e. X-ray

ans: a

obj: 27.3 electromagnetic waves

key: sound, electromagnetic

Page 51: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Which of the following are fundamentally different from the others?

a. Gamma rays

b. Radio waves

c. Sound waves

d. Light waves

e. X-rays

ans: c

obj: 27.3 electromagnetic waves

key: electromagnetic, sound, wave

Page 52: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

The speed of a satellite in a circular orbit is _____.

a. constant

b. not constant

c. constantly increasing

ans: a

obj: 14.2 circular orbits

key: speed, satellite, orbit

Page 53: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

A singer shattering crystal glass with her voice is a demonstration of

a. beats.

b. sound refraction.

c. an echo.

d. interference.

e. resonance.

ans: e

obj: 26.8 resonance

key: resonance, crystal

Page 54: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

How much force is needed to accelerate a 4.0-kg physics book to an acceleration of 2.0 m/s2?

a. 0N

b. 2.0N

c. 0.5N

d. 8.0N

e. 24.0 N

ans: d

obj: 6.3 newton's 2nd law of motion

key: force, acceleration

Page 55: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Suppose you touch a negatively charged object to a metal sphere so that electrons move from the charged object onto the sphere. After the charged object is moved far away, electrons on the sphere will be

a. distributed in small bunches over the sphere's surface.

b. distributed evenly over the sphere's surface.

c. pulled off the sphere along with the charged object.

d. located at the place where the charged object was.

e. all of the above


obj:33.3 Electric shielding

key:negative, electron

Page 56: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

A clothesline is stretched between two trees. A tire hangs in the middle of the line and the two halves of the line make equal angles with the horizontal. The tension in the line is

a. half the tire’s weight.

b. is less than half the tire’s weight.

c. is more than half the tire’s weight.


obj:2.3 support force

key:tension, clothesline

Page 57: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

As the sound of a car's horn passes and recedes from you, the pitch of the horn seems to

a. increase.

b. stay the same.

c. decrease.


obj:25.9 the doppler effect

key:doppler pitch

Page 58: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

A projectile launched horizontally hits the ground in 0.8 seconds. If it had been launched with a much higher speed in the same direction, it would have hit the ground (neglecting Earth's curvature and air resistance) in

a. more than 0.8 s.

b. 0.8s.

c. less than 0.8 s.

ans: b

obj:5.5 projectiles launched horizontally

key: projectile, resistance

Page 59: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

As a pendulum swings back and forth

a. at the end points of its swing, its energy is all potential.

b. at the lowest part of its swing, its energy is all kinetic.

c. kinetic energy is transformed into potential energy.

d. potential energy is transformed into kinetic energy.

e. all of the above


obj:9.6 work-energy theorem

key:pendulum, potential, kinetic

Page 60: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

If you exert a force of 12,000 N on a 3,000 kg car and a 6,000 kg truck that are both originally at rest, what will be the resulting accelerations of the objects? a. The car and the truck will both accelerate 12,000 m/s2.

b. The car will accelerate 1/4 m/s2 and the truck will accelerate 1/2 m/s2.

c. The car will accelerate 4 m/s2 and the truck will accelerate

2 m/s2.

d. The car will accelerate 36,000,000 m/s2 and the truck will accelerate 72,000,000 m/s2.

ans: c

obj: 7.4 action and reaction on different masses

key: action, reaction

Page 61: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

One possible unit of speed is

a. miles per hour.

b. light years per century.

c. kilometers per hour.

d. all of the above.

e. none of the above.

ans: d

obj: 4.2 speed

key: speed, unit

Page 62: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

A book weighs 4 N. When held at rest in your hands, the net force on the book is

a. 0N.

b. 0.4 N.

c. 4N.

d. 39N.

e. none of the above

ans: a

obj: 6.1 force causes acceleration

key: force, weight

Page 63: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Which of the following is NOT a transverse wave? a. light.

b. radio wave.

c. sound.

d. all of the above.

e. none of the above

ans: c

obj: 25.6 longitudinal waves

key: transverse, wave

Page 64: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

An apple weighs 1 N. The net force on the apple when it is in free fall is

a. 0N.

b. 0.1 N.

c. 1N.

d. 9.8 N.

e. none of the above

ans: c

obj: 6.6 free fall explained

key: free fall, force

Page 65: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Whenever an object exerts a force on another object, the second object exerts a force of the same magnitude, but in the opposite direction to that of the first object.

a. Sometimes true

b. Always true

c. Always false

ans: b

obj: 7.2 newton's third law

key: force, opposite, magnitude

Page 66: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

A ball is thrown into the air at some angle. At the very top of the ball's path, its velocity is

a. entirely vertical.

b. There's not enough information given to determine.

c. both vertical and horizontal.

d. entirely horizontal.

ans: d

obj: 5.4 projectile motion

key: projectile, velocity

Page 67: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

When a car’s speed triples, its kinetic energy

a. remains the same.

b. triples.

c. increases by four times.

d. increases by nine times.

e. none of the above

ans: d

obj: 9.5 kinetic energy

key: speed kinetic

Page 68: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

How many joules of work are done on a box when a force of 25 N pushes it 3 m?

a. 1J

b. 3J

c. 8J

d. 25J

e. 75J

ans: e

obj: 9.1 Work

key: joule, work, force

Page 69: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

If the force of gravity suddenly stopped acting on the planets, they would

a. spiral slowly towards the sun.

b. continue to orbit the sun.

c. move in straight lines tangent to their orbits.

d. spiral slowly away from the sun.

e. fly straight away from the sun.

ans: c

obj: 3.4 newton's law of inertia

key: gravity, planets

Page 70: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

How much does a 3.0-kg bag of bolts weigh?

a. 7.2 N

b. 14.4 N

c. 22.8 N

d. 29.4 N

e. 58.8 N

ans: d

obj: 3.5 mass-a measure of inertia

key: weight, newtons

Page 71: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Compared to the wavelength of ultraviolet waves, the wavelength of infrared waves is

a. the same.

b. shorter.

c. longer.

ans: c

obj: 27.3 electromagnetic waves

key: wavelength

Page 72: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

A radio station broadcasts at a frequency of 600 kHz. Knowing that radio waves have a speed of 3.00 × 108 m/s, what is the wavelength of these waves?

a. 500m

b. 2 x 10-108

c. 1.8 x 10114

ans: a

obj:25.4 wave speed

key: radio, speed

Page 73: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Sound waves cannot travel in

a. steel.

b. air.

c. a vacuum.

d. water.

e. Sound can travel in all of the above.

ans: c

obj: 26.3 media that transmit sound

key: vacuum, travel

Page 74: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

The unit of the period of a wave is the hertz.

a. True

b. False

ans: b. False

obj: 25.1 vibration of a pendulum

key: period, hertz

Page 75: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

How much work is done on a 20-N crate that you lift 2 m?

a. 0J

b. 1J

c. 2J

d. 20J

e. 40J

ans: e

obj: 9.1 work

key: lift, work, distance

Page 76: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Electromagnetic waves are

a. transverse waves.

b. longitudinal waves.

ans: a

obj: 27.7 polarization

key: electromagnetic waves

Page 77: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

The law of inertia states that an object

a. will continue moving at the same velocity unless an outside force acts on it.

b. will continue moving in a straight line unless an outside force acts on it.

c. that is not moving will never move unless a force acts on it.

d. at rest will remain at rest unless acted on by an outside force.

e. will do all of the above.

ans: e

obj: 3.4 newton's law of inertia

key: inertia, force

Page 78: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Sound is an example of a

a. longitudinal wave.

b. constructive wave.

c. Doppler wave.

d. transverse wave.

e. standing wave.

ans: a

obj: 25.6 longitudinal waves

key: sound, wave

Page 79: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

If the mass of Earth increased, with no change in radius, your weight would _____.

a. stay the same

b. decrease

c. increase also

ans: c

obj: 13.4 newton's law of universal gravitation

key: mass, earth, radius

Page 80: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

A scientific hypothesis may turn out to be right or it may turn out to be wrong. If it is a valid hypothesis, there must be a test for proving that it is

a. right.

b. wrong.

ans: b

obj: 1.5 scientific hypotheses

key: hypothesis, scientific method

Page 81: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

How much (in newtons) does a 10.0-kg bag of grass seed weigh?

a. 19.81m/s2

b. 98.1 N

c. 9.81 N

ans: b

obj: 3.5 mass-a measure of inertia

key: weight, newton's

Page 82: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

What would a person who weighs 610 N on Earth weigh on a planet that has the same mass as Earth but half its radius?

a. 2,440 N

b. 610 N

c. 1,220 N

d. 305 N

e. 93,025 N

ans: a

obj: 13.5 gravity and distanceL the inverse-square law

key: earth, radius, weight

Page 83: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

The reason an ocean's temperature doesn't vary much from one season to the next is that _____.

a. oceans are located in mild regions of the Earth

b. oceans are located next to large land areas

c. water has a high specific heat capacity

d. water has a low specific heat capacity

e. there are a lot of fish in the oceans

ans: c

obj: 21.7 the high specific heat capacity of water

key: temperature, ocean, specific heat

Page 84: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

You are helping your aunt move a piano on wheels from one room to another. When you push the piano horizontally, it moves at constant speed. What can you say about the piano?

a. It is in static equilibrium.

b. It is in dynamic equilibrium.

c. It is in equilibrium because it doesn’t experience a friction force.

d. It is in equilibrium because it experiences net force opposite to the friction force.

ans: b

obj: 2.4 equilibrium for moving objects

key: equilibrium, dynamic equilibrium, static equilibrium

Page 85: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

What is needed to describe a vector quantity?

a. only magnitude

b. only direction

c. both magnitude and direction

d. neither magnitude nor direction

ans: c

obj: 2.5 vectors

key: vector, magnitude

Page 86: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

The time needed for a wave to make one complete cycle is its

a. frequency.

b. velocity.

c. amplitude.

d. period.

e. wavelength.

ans: d

obj: 25.1 vibration of a pendulum

key: time, period

Page 87: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

If Earth's mass decreased to one half its original mass, with no change in radius, then your weight would _____.

a. stay the same

b. decrease to one half your original weight

c. decrease to one quarter your original weight

d. none of the above

ans: b

obj: 13.4 newton's law of universal gravitation

key: mass, earth, radius

Page 88: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

If you stood atop a ladder on Earth that was as tall as Earth's radius (so you were twice as far from Earth's center) your weight atop the ladder would be _____.

a. one-eighth its normal value

b. one-quarter its normal value

c. half its normal value

d. none of the above

ans: b

obj: 13.5 gravity & distance

key: radius, weight

Page 89: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

True/False. When scientific findings are expressed mathematically, they are easier to verify or disprove by experiment.

ans: T

obj:1.2 mathematics, the language of science

key: science, experiment

Page 90: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

The main difference between a radio wave and a light wave is its

a. speed.

b. wavelength.

c. both A and B

d. none of the above.

ans: b

obj: 27.3 electromagnetic waves

key: radio, light

Page 91: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Noise-canceling earphones are an example of

a. constructive interference.

b. destructive interference.

c. beats.

d. resonance.

ans: b

obj: 26.9 interference

key: cancel, noise, interference

Page 92: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

A person is attracted towards the center of Earth by a 440-N gravitational force. The force with which Earth is attracted toward the person is

a. 440N.

b. very very small.

c. very very large.




Page 93: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

A difference between electrical forces and gravitational forces is that electrical forces include

a. infinite range.

b. repulsive interactions.

c. the inverse square law.

d. separation distance.

e. none of the above




Page 94: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Friction is a force that always acts

a. perpendicular to an object's motion.

b. opposite to an object's motion.

c. in the same direction as an object's motion.




Page 95: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

A 10-kg brick and a 1-kg book are dropped in a vacuum. The force of gravity on the 10-kg brick is

a. 10 times as much as the force on the 1-kg book.

b. zero.

c. the same as the force on the 1-kg book.




Page 96: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Diffraction occurs for

a. radio waves.

b. X-rays.

c. light.

d. electron beams.

e. all of the above.




Page 97: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Speed is

a. a measure of how fast something is moving.

b. always measured in terms of a unit of distance divided by a unit of time.

c. the distance covered per unit time.

d. all of the above.

e. none of the above.




Page 98: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

If a ball were equipped with a speedometer and allowed to fall freely on a planet where the acceleration due to gravity is 23 m/s2, the reading on the speedometer would increase each second by

a. a rate that depends on its initial speed.

b. 10m/s.

c. 12m/s.

d. 23m/s.

e. 46m/s.




Page 99: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

An oceanic depth-sounding vessel surveys the ocean bottom with ultrasonic sound that travels 1530 m/s in seawater, and finds a 10-second time delay of the echo to the ocean floor and back. The ocean depth there is

a. 1700 m.

b. 3400 m.

c. 7650 m.

d. 15,300 m.

e. none of the above




Page 100: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Suppose a particle is accelerated through space by a constant 10-N force. Suddenly the particle encounters a second force of 10-N in a direction opposite to that of the first force. The particle

a. is brought to a rapid halt.

b. theoretically accelerates to speeds approaching the speed of light.

c. continues at the speed it had when it encountered the second force.

d. gradually decelerates to a halt.

e. none of the above




Page 101: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Where does a satellite in an elliptical orbit have the greatest kinetic energy?

a. At the point closest to the planet

b. Exactly at the point halfway to the planet

c. At the point farthest from the planet

d. Anywhere -- its kinetic energy is constant

e. More information is needed




Page 102: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

On the surface of Jupiter, the acceleration due to gravity is about 3 times that of Earth. What would be the mass of a 170-kg rock on Jupiter?




Page 103: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

An object is dropped and falls freely to the ground with an acceleration of g. If it is thrown upward at an angle instead, its acceleration would be

a. 0.

b. larger than g.

c. g upward.

d. g downward.

e. none of the above




Page 104: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Which of these is a scientific hypothesis?

a. Atoms are the smallest particles of matter that exist.

b. Albert Einstein is the greatest physicist of the twentieth century.

b. The universe is surrounded by a second universe, which cannot be seen.




Page 105: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

An object following a straight-line path at constant speed

a. has no forces acting on it.

b. has a net force acting on it in the direction of motion.

c. has zero acceleration.

d. must be moving in a vacuum.

e. none of the above




Page 106: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Which of the following is a device used to either cut off or allow electrons to flow in a circuit?

a. battery

b. switch

c. resister

d. connecting wire




Page 107: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

A 230.0 kg bear grasping a vertical tree slides down at constant velocity. What is the friction force between the tree and the bear?




Page 108: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

A player hits a ball with a bat. The action force is the impact of the bat against the ball. What is the reaction to this force?

a. The force of the ball against the bat

b. The weight of the ball

c. Air resistance on the ball

d. The grip of the player's hand against the bat

e. none of the above




Page 109: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

If you lift one load up two stories, how much work do you do compared to lifting one load up only one story?

a. One quarter as much

b. One half as much

c. The same amount

d. Twice as much

e. Four times as much




Page 110: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

In physics, work is defined as

a. force times time.

b. force divided by distance.

c. distance divided by time.

d. force divided by time.

e. force times distance.




Page 111: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Compared to its weight on Earth, a 10-kg object on the moon will weigh

a. the same amount.

b. less.

c. more.




Page 112: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

If a projectile is fired straight up at a speed of 30 m/s, the total time to return to its starting point is about

a. 3 seconds.

b. 6 seconds.

c. 30 seconds.

d. 60 seconds.

e. not enough information to estimate.




Page 113: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Suppose a bug is jiggling up and down and swimming towards you at the same time. Compared to the frequency at which the bug is emitting waves, the frequency of the waves reaching you is

a. lower.

b. higher.

c. just the same.




Page 114: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

If you comb your hair and the comb becomes positively charged, your hair becomes

a. uncharged.

b. positively charged.

c. negatively charged.




Page 115: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Compared to the speed of light, sound travels

a. faster.

b. at about the same speed.

c. slower.




Page 116: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Suppose you take a trip that covers 180 km and takes 3 hours to make. Your average speed is

a. 30 km/h.

b. 60 km/h.

c. 180 km/h.

d. 360km/h.

e. 540km/h.




Page 117: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

To say that electric charge is conserved means that no case has ever been found where

a. the total amount of charge on an object has increased.

b. one object has more charge than another object.

c. the total charge on an object has changed.

d. net charge has been created or destroyed.

e. none of the above




Page 118: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

How far is a light-second?

a. 5000 km

b. 300,000 km

c. 9,000,000 km

d. 18,000,000 km

e. 95,000,000,000 km




Page 119: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Electromagnetic waves

a. need a medium to travel through.

b. can travel through a vacuum.




Page 120: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

When something falls to the ground, it accelerates. This acceleration is called the acceleration due to gravity and is symbolized by the letter g. What is the value of g on Earth's surface?

a. 0 m/s2

b. about 5 m/s2

c. about 10 m/s2

d. about 20 m/s2

e. about 50 m/s2




Page 121: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

A package falls out of a helicopter that is traveling horizontally at 70 m/s. It falls into the water below 8.0 seconds later. Assuming no air resistance, what is the horizontal distance it travels while falling?




Page 122: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

The speed of a satellite in an elliptical orbit is _____.

a. independent of the height of the satellite

b. not constant

c. constant




Page 123: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

The fastest moving planet in a solar system is _____.

a. the most massive planet

b. any planet (they all move at the same speed)

c. the smallest planet

d. the planet nearest the sun




Page 124: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Which of the following would NOT be considered a projectile?

a. A cannonball thrown straight up

b. A cannonball rolling down a slope

c. A cannonball rolling off the edge of a table

d. A cannonball thrown through the air

e. All of the above are projectiles.




Page 125: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

You push with 27 N on a 10-kg chest, and there is a 7-N force of friction. How fast will the chest accelerate?




Page 126: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Suppose the gravitational force between two spheres is 30 N. If the magnitude of each mass doubles, what is the force between the masses?

a. 8N

b. 15N

c. 30N

d. 60N

e. 120N




Page 127: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

When one light bulb in a parallel circuit containing several light bulbs burns out, the other light bulbs

a. do not burn at all.

b. burn brighter.

c. burn the same as before.




Page 128: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

A piece of metal will feel colder than a piece of wood at the same temperature. Why?

a. Metals, in general, have a higher specific heat capacity than wood.

b. Metals, in general, are good heat conductors.

c. Metals are colder than wood.

d. Wood, in general, is a poor insulator.

e. Metal atoms are moving more slowly, on the average, than wood atoms.




Page 129: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Electrical forces between charges are strongest when the charges are

a. far apart.

b. close together.

c. The electrical force is constant everywhere.




Page 130: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Aunt Minnie throws a rock downward, and air resistance is negligible. Compared to a rock that is dropped, the acceleration of the rock after it is thrown is

a. less.

b. the same.

c. more.




Page 131: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Sound waves are produced by

a. radio stations.

b. vibrating objects.

c. soft objects.

d. objects under pressure.

e. none of the above




Page 132: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

What engine thrust (in newtons) is required for a rocket of mass 35 kg to leave the launching pad?




Page 133: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Two charged particles held close to each other are released. As they move, the force on each particle increases. Therefore, the particles have

a. opposite signs.

b. the same sign.

c. charges that cannot be determined




Page 134: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

A pulley system can

a. change the direction of a force

b. multiply the force

c. increase the amount of work done

d. both a. and b.

e. both b. and c.




Page 135: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

A force is exerted on the tires of a car to accelerate the car along the road. The force is exerted by the

a. road.

b. engine.

c. tires.

d. air.




Page 136: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

T/F Mass is a vector quantity.

Page 137: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Power is defined as the

a. force on an object divided by the time the force acts.

b. work done times the time taken to do that work.

c. work done on an object divided by the time taken to do the work.

d. distance divided by the time taken to move that distance.

e. force on an object times the distance the object moves.




Page 138: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

When a sound source moves towards you, what happens to the wave speed?

a. It decreases.

b. It increases.

c. It stays the same.




Page 139: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Two like charges

a. neutralize each other.

b. repel each other.

c. must be neutrons.

d. attract each other.

e. have no effect on each other.




Page 140: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

The amplitude of a particular wave is 4.0 m. The top-to-bottom distance of the disturbance is

a. 2.0 m.

b. 4.0 m.

c. 8.0 m.

d. none of the above




Page 141: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Radio amateurs are permitted to communicate on the “10-meter band”. What frequency of radio waves corresponds to a wavelength of 10 m? (The speed of radio waves is 3.0 × 108 m/s.)




Page 142: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

The weight of a person can be represented by a vector that acts

a. in a direction that depends on where the person is standing.

b. perpendicular to the ground underneath the person.

c. parallel to the ground.

d. straight down, even if the person is standing on a hill.

e. all of the above




Page 143: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

If you push off the ground with a force of 350 N when you jump upward, what force pushes Earth downward?




Page 144: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

A 680-Hz sound wave travels at 340 m/s in air, with a wavelength of

a. 0.5 m.

b. 5m.

c. 50m.

d. 500 m.

e. none of the above




Page 145: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Constructive interference occurs when

a. the crest of one wave meets the trough of another wave.

b. two waves of the same color overlap.

c. the crests of two waves overlap.

d. all of the above

e. none of the above




Page 146: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Energy transfer by convection is primarily restricted to

a. gases.

b. liquids.

c. solids.

d. fluids.

e. none of the above




Page 147: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Mechanical energy can be in the form of

a. kinetic energy.

b. potential energy.

c. both kinetic and potential energy.

d. neither kinetic nor potential energy.




Page 148: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Suppose the gravitational force between two masses is 70 N. If the magnitude of one of the masses halves, what is the force between the masses?

a. 280N

b. 140N

c. 70N

d. 35N

e. 18N




Page 149: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Waves in a lake are 1.5 m in length and pass an anchored boat 0.5 s apart. What is the speed of the waves?




Page 150: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

A 15-ohm resistor has a 5-A current in it. What is the voltage across the resistor?

a. 5V

b. 15V

c. 20V

d. 25V

e. more than 25V




Page 151: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

You drive past a farm, and you see a cow pulling a plow to till a field. You have just learned about Newton’s third law, and you wonder how the cow is able to move forward if the plow is exerting an equal and opposite force on the cow. Which of the following explains the movement of the cow and plow?

a. The force exerted by the cow on the plow is equal to the force that the cow exerts on the ground to move forward.

b. The force exerted by the cow on the plow is larger than the force that the cow exerts on the ground to move forward.

c. The force exerted by the cow on the plow is smaller than the force that the cow exerts on the ground to move forward.

d. More information is needed to answer this question.

ans: obj: key:

Page 152: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Accelerations are produced by

a. forces.

b. velocities.

c. accelerations.

d. masses.

e. none of the above




Page 153: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

The ratio of output force to input force of a simple machine is called the

a. fulcrum.

b. efficiency.

c. pivot point.

d. lever arm.

e. mechanical advantage.




Page 154: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

What is the wavelength of an electromagnetic wave that has a frequency of 1 Hz?

a. More than 1 m

b. Less than 1 m

c. 1m




Page 155: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

The distance between successive identical parts of a wave is called its

a. frequency.

b. period.

c. velocity.

d. amplitude.

e. wavelength.




Page 156: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

How much power is required to do 40 J of work on an object in 5 seconds?

a. 0W

b. 5W

c. 8W

d. 40W

e. 200W




Page 157: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Which has greater kinetic energy, a car traveling at 30 km/h or a half-as-massive car traveling at 60 km/h?

a. The 60 km/h car

b. Both have the same kinetic energy.

c. The 30 km/h car




Page 158: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

The amount of potential energy possessed by an elevated object is equal to

a. the power used to lift it.

b. the distance it is lifted.

c. the force needed to lift it.

d. the work done in lifting it.

e. the value of the acceleration due to gravity.




Page 159: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Galileo found that a ball rolling down one inclined plane would roll how far up another inclined plane?

a. The ball would not roll up the other plane at all.

b. To nearly its original height

c. To about one quarter its original height

d. To nearly twice its original height

e. To nearly half its original height




Page 160: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

The symbol used to represent resistance in a schematic diagram is

a. two straight lines.

b. a single line that is broken and has a bend in it.

c. one straight line.

d. a zigzag line.

e. none of the above




Page 161: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

An interference pattern is produced when

a. two or more light waves meet.

b. the crests of two waves meet.

c. the troughs of two waves meet.

d. light passes through two narrow slits.

e. all of the above




Page 162: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Destructive interference occurs when

a. the crests of two waves overlap.

b. two waves of the same color overlap.

c. the crest of one wave meets the trough of another wave.

d. all of the above

e. none of the above




Page 163: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

As more lamps are put into a series circuit, the overall current in the circuit

a. stays the same.

b. increases.

c. decreases.




Page 164: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

If two negative charges are held close together and then released, the charges will

a. accelerate toward each other.

b. accelerate away from each other.

c. not move.

d. move at a constant speed away from each other.




Page 165: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

A volt is a unit of

a. charge.

b. electric potential.

c. energy.

d. work.

e. current.




Page 166: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

An object in static equilibrium is in a state of no motion.




Page 167: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Forces always occur

a. as single quantities.

b. by themselves.

c. in pairs.

d. in triplets.




Page 168: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Which of these electromagnetic waves has the shortest wavelength?

a. Infrared waves

b. Light waves

c. Radio waves

d. X-rays

e. Ultraviolet waves




Page 169: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

FM radio waves are not received as well as AM radio waves are in mountain canyons because

a. they have a higher wavelength.

b. they have a shorter wavelength.

c. they do not have a high enough amplitude.

d. they do not refract as well.




Page 170: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Consider drops of water leaking from a water faucet. As the drops fall they

a. remain at a relatively fixed distance from each other.

b. get farther apart.

c. get closer together.




Page 171: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

Two people have a tug-of-war on low-friction ice. One person has 2 times the mass of the other. Compared to the lighter person, how many times as fast does the heavier person accelerate?




Page 172: The SI unit of charge is the a. ohm. b. joule. c. coulomb. d. ampere. e. newton. ans: c obj: 32.3 Coulomb’s Law key: unit, charge

At the instant a ball is thrown horizontally with a large force, an identical ball is dropped from the same height. Which ball hits the ground first?

a. Neither. They both hit the ground at the same time.

b. The dropped ball

c. The horizontally thrown ball


