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© 2016 - 1 - The Shawshank Redemption ESL Lesson Package

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The Shawshank Redemption

ESL Lesson Package

© 2016 - 2 -

Shawshank Redemption Lesson Plan Note: The following is only an example. Instructors should feel free to add or remove activities as needed. Day One 1. Tell the class they are going to be watching a movie. Introduce the

characters and explain the slang expressions for Part One. 2. Assign the Part One Mix-and-Match vocabulary exercise (page 8) for

homework. If you wish, you can ask them to write ten sentences using ten different words from the list of new vocabulary.

Day Two 3. Mark the Mix-and-Match homework in class. If you assigned the

students sentences for homework, collect their sentences to mark later. 4. Have students complete the vocabulary Self-Test for Part One. (page

6) 5. Split the students into two’s or three’s and have them discuss the

Conversation Questions for Part One. (page 7) 6. Watch Part One of the movie. (Start 00:00:00 End 00:46:11) 7. As the students watch the movie, have them complete Who Says It.

Also give the students the Who is it? to complete and reference. (page 9 and page 5)

8. Have the students complete the Listening Close and Song sections

once you reach that part of the movie. (page 10-17)

9. After the movie, have students complete the Comprehension Questions in pairs or assign the questions for homework. (page 9)

10. Assign the Mix-and-Match exercise (Pt. 2) for homework. (page 20)

Day Three 11. If you assigned vocabulary sentences to the students, give back their

homework. You may want to have the students work in pairs to correct sample incorrect sentences that you have taken from their homework, this can also be done on the board as a whole class.

12. Mark the Mix-and-Match vocabulary homework in class. If you

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assigned the Comprehension Questions for homework, you will need to mark these as well and return them to the students.

13. Have the students complete the vocabulary Self-Test for Part Two.

(page 19) 14. Watch Part Two of the movie. (Start 00:46:11 End 01:32:05) Pause at

the appropriate time in the film to have them complete the Listening Close (page 22) and Back Talk (page 24).

15. After they watch Part Two of the movie, have students complete the

Comprehension Questions in pairs or assign the questions for homework. (page 23)

16. If there is time, you may want to choose one of the supplementary

activities (Hot Seat, Typhoon, Murder, etc.) to reinforce the vocabulary you have covered so far. (pages 42-45)

17. Assign the Mix-and-Match vocabulary exercise (Pt. 3) for homework.

(page 26) Day Four 18. Mark the Mix-and-Match Homework. If you assigned

Comprehension Questions for homework, mark those in class as well and return to students.

19. Choose a supplementary activity (Hot Seat, Typhoon, Murder, etc.) to

reinforce the vocabulary you have covered. (pages 42-45) 20. Have the students complete the Self-Test for Part Three. (page 25) 21. Watch Part Three of the movie. (Start 01:32:05 End 01:18:18) Pause at

the appropriate time in the film to have them complete the Listening Close and What Happens Next? activities. (page 28)

22. Have the students share their responses to What Happens Next?,

they can do this in partners first and then the entire class or in small groups, each group then choosing one to share with the entire class. Collect from the students.

23. Have students complete the Comprehension Questions in pairs or

assign them for homework. (page 29) 24. Complete the Story Scramble in class (pages 38-40) or use it as a

warm-up the next day before mark Comprehension Questions (if you assigned them for homework).

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Day Five

25. Complete the Story Scramble in class if you did not use it yesterday this can be done in teams as a race or as a whole class if the class is small.

26. Mark the Comprehension Questions for Part 3 if you have not done

so already. (page 29) 27. Choose a supplementary activity (Hot Seat, Typhoon, Murder, etc.) to

reinforce all the vocabulary you have covered. (pages 41-44) 28. Assign the two Crossword Puzzles for homework. (pages 30-31)

Day Six 29. Choose a supplementary activity (Hot Seat, Typhoon, Murder, etc.) to

reinforce the vocabulary you have covered. (page 42-45)

30. Mark the Crossword Puzzles in class.

31. Return What Happens Next? homework, and discuss in class.

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Who Is It?

Instructions: Write the name of each character under his picture.

Tommy Brooks Hatlen Andy Dufresne Bogs

Heywood Red Warden Norton Byron Hadely

_____________ _____________




_____________ _____________ _____________

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Self Test – Vocabulary Preview - Part One

Are you ready to watch the movie? Complete the quiz to see if you will understand the vocabulary in Part One of the film.

1. “Mr. Dufresne, describe the confrontation you had with your wife the night she was murdered.”

a. a medical word that means “heart attack” b. an unfriendly or hostile meeting c. a chocolate desert with lots of whip cream on top

2. “He strolled like a man in the park without a care or a worry in the world.”

a. to talk slowly in a relaxed way b. to walk slowly in a relaxed way c. to whistle like a bird in a relaxed way

3. “I could see why some of the boys took him for snobby.”

a. describes someone who is very careful with money b. describes someone who has a runny nose c. describes someone who believes he is better than others

4. “But a toothbrush is a non-lethal object, isn't it?”

a. without any sharp edges, smooth b. harmful, destructive, or deadly c. used every day

5. “Everybody in here's innocent.” a. young and fresh smelling b. hardworking c. not guilty of a crime

6. “I'm up for rejection next week.”

a. covered with powdered sugar and licked clean by puppies b. the refusal of a suggestion or idea c. a trip to a new and beautiful place

7. “You are convicted felons.”

a. criminals who have committed serious crimes b. people who love books c. the guards who work in a prison

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Shawshank Redemption – Part One Characters  


Andy A prisoner at Shawshank Prison who is charged

with killing his wife and her lover Red A prisoner at Shawshank Prison

Norton Bryon Hadley

The Warden of Shawshank Prison The main guard at Shawshank Prison

Conversation Questions  

1. What is a prison for? Is it meant to punish people? To re-educate them? To train them for a new life? Do you think prisoners should be allowed to earn high school diplomas or college degrees in prison? Why or why not?

2. In the movie, one character collects rocks. Another has a pet mouse. If you had

an unlimited amount of free time, what would you do? What hobbies or interests would you pursue?

3. Some people in prison hold on to hope by playing music, thinking of people they

love, or caring for animals. Do you think hope is necessary for people to survive? Why or why not? What gives you hope when you are feeling sad, scared, or lonely?

4. Imagine you had to go to prison. What do you think the most difficult change in

your life would be? What are three things you’d miss the most from your old life?      

Slang Expressions   Your teacher will explain what these expressions mean:    “tall drink of water” “eyes in the back of your head” “go behind your back”

“the joint” “cold fish” “life on the inside ” “roll out”


START 00:00:00 END 00:46:11

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 Mix-and-Match   Match the following words to their definitions.  

1. confrontation (n)__ 2. intention (n)__ 3. stroll (v)__ 4. hazy (adj)__ 5. riddled (adj)__ 6. coincidence (n)__ 7. condone (v)__ 8. rehabilitate (v)__ 9. warden (n)__ 10. smuggle (v)__ 11. blasphemy (n)__ 12. lethal (adj)__ 13. sweepstakes (n)__ 14. fairy-tale (n)__ 15. ignorant (adj)__ 16. felon (n)__ 17. discipline (n)__ 18. locate (v)__ 19. homosexual (adj)__ 20. snobby (adj)__ 21. convenient (adj)__ 22. innocent (adj)__ 23. rejection (n)__ 24. con (n)__ 25. strategic (adj)__

a. to restore someone to health or normal life with the use of training after imprisonment, addiction, or illness

b. the act of speaking without respect about God, or religion

c. a children's story about magical and imaginary beings and lands

d. a criminal who has committed a serious crime e. a person who is sexually attracted to people of

their own sex f. not guilty of a crime or other wrong act g. the head official in charge of a prison h. harmful, destructive, or deadly i. carefully planned j. an unfriendly or hostile meeting between

individuals or groups who are in serious disagreement with each other

k. full of a lot of small holes, usually made by bullets

l. lacking knowledge or awareness in general, uneducated

m. a person found guilty of a crime or someone who tricks people into believe something that is not true

n. a purpose or reason to do something o. when events happen at the same time that

seem to be connected but are not p. the belief that you are better than others q. r. s. t. u. v. w. x. y.

to walk slowly in a relaxed way not clear, confused to accept, allow or overlook behavior that is considered wrong to move things secretly or illegally a kind of gambling where a prize or money is given to a winner based on luck or chance the practice of training people to follow rules by using punishment to correct bad behavior to discover where something is the stopping of a suggestion or idea fitting in well with a person's needs or plans

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Who says it?   Write the name of the character beside each quote:   “Mr. Dufresne, describe the confrontation you had with your wife the night she was murdered.” “I get hazy where the cleaning woman shows up the following morning and finds your wife in bed with her lover riddled with.38-caliber bullets.” “Since I am innocent of this crime I find it decidedly inconvenient that the gun was never found.” “You are convicted felons. That's why they've sent you to me.” “I believe in two things: Discipline and the Bible.” “There must be a con like me in every prison in America.” “So when Andy Dufresne came to me in 1949 and asked me to smuggle Rita Hayworth into the prison for him I told him, "No problem." “I'm known to locate certain things from time to time.” “But a toothbrush is a non-lethal object, isn't it?” “Don't suppose it would help if I told them I'm not homosexual.” “I could see why some of the boys took him for snobby.” “He strolled like a man in the park without a care or a worry in the world.” “I'm innocent, Red.”

Comprehension Questions     1. What is Andy’s crime? Why is Andy sentenced to prison?

2. What do Red and the other prisoners bet on when Andy and the new felons arrive? 3. What does tool does Andy ask Red to get him from the outside? What else does he

ask for Red to bring him? 4. Why do the prisoners want the job of re-tarring a roof?

5. What does Andy ask Hadely for in exchange for doing paperwork that will help him

keep money that he is inheriting? 6. What does Hadely do to Boggs? Why does he do this?

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Extra Activity 1 for Part One Listening Close Instructions: Prepare the students by dividing them into pairs. Tell them that they must not share the information on their sheet with their partner. Then hand out the worksheets with each pair receiving a worksheet for character “A” and “B”. You can then prepare the students for the listening close by setting the context – describe briefly what happens in the scene you will be showing them. You might opt to show it to them twice, or three times, or whatever you think they can tolerate. If this in your intention, then you might have them just listen the first time around and not fill in any of their blanks. The second time they can fill in blanks. The third time, they can double-check answers or fill in any blanks they missed. After completing the Listening Close, you can have the students sit with their partner and each of them read their character’s part (the part they were filling in blanks for) aloud to the other. During this dialogue, they should not show each other their sheets, but their partner can verbally correct them if they think an answer is wrong. This will give students practice with listening, reading, pronunciation, and spelling. (If you are pressed for time, you may dispense with this part of the exercise and just hand out the answer key right away.) Once the students have read their dialogue to each other, the pairs can either check their answers by comparing their sheets or by referring to an answer key that you provide. An alternative to the above is to split the entire class into “A” and “B” students rather than into pairs. The A’s and B’s can then check their answers together, in a large group, before you pair A’s and B’s into couples. A good follow up exercise could be having each pair of students make a sentence using one of the slang expressions. They can then write them on the blackboard / wipeboard and have the rest of the class check them for accuracy. Or, have student pairs make their own short dialogue using 2-3 slang expressions and then get them to read them aloud to the class.

START 00:24:49 END 00:26:58

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Extra Activity for Part One – Character A Listening Close    

Andy: I'm Andy Dufresne.

Red: Wife killing banker. Why'd you do it?

Andy: I didn't, since you ______.

Red: You're going to fit right in. Everybody in here's innocent. Didn't you know that? Heywood, what you in here for?

Heywood: Didn't do it. Lawyer fucked me.

Red: Rumor has it you're a real cold fish. Think your shit smells sweeter than most. Is that right?

Andy: What do you __________?

Red: To tell you the truth, I haven't made up my mind.

Andy: I _________________ you're a man that knows how to get things.

Red: I'm known to locate certain things from time to time.

Andy: I wonder if you might get me a ________ _____________.

Red: A what?

Andy: A ________ ____________.

Red: What is it and why?

Andy: What do you care?

Red: Well if it was a toothbrush, I wouldn't ask questions. I'd just quote a price. But then a toothbrush is a non-lethal object, isn't it?

Andy: Fair enough. A ________ ____________ is about six or seven inches ________. Looks like a miniature pick ax.

Red: Pick ax?


For __________.

Red: Rocks. Quartz?

START 00:24:49 END 00:26:58

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Quartz and some mica, shale, limestone.

Red: So?


So I'm a rock hound. At least I was in my old ________. I'd like to be _________ on a limited basis.

Red: Or maybe you'd like to sink your toy into somebody's skull.


No, sir. I have no enemies ________.

Red: No? Wait a while. Word gets around. The Sisters have taken quite a liking to you. Especially Bogs.


Don't suppose it would help any if I explain to them I'm not ________________.

Red: Neither are they. You have to be human first. They don't qualify.