the shalomthe shalom . dear friends, i hope you’re having a wonderful summer. although i’m...

The Shalom Dear Friends, I hope you’re having a wonderful summer. Although I’m enjoying the season so far, I miss seeing the children and families who come to Oseh Shalom far more often during the academic year, when Religious School is in session. They bring much life and energy to our community, and they represent the future. Oseh Shalom therefore wants to include our young children and their parents in syna- gogue life in as many ways as possible. In response to much recent feedback from our recent Vision Forums, we’ve decided to adjust the schedule for our Shabbat Evening Family Services to better allow them to participate. The Family Service always occurs on the first Friday evening of each month. Beginning on Septem- ber 4th, the monthly Family Service will begin at 7 PM instead of 7:30. We hope and believe that this small schedule adjustment will allow the families with young children to attend. In many cases, our Religious School classes will help to lead these Family Services on the first Friday evening of each month. As usual, most other Friday evening services will still begin at 8 PM. Please note that we’ll again begin our monthly Tot Shabbat services al- so on September 4th, to occur during each Family Service. Tots (approx. ages 2-7) and their parents gather in the sanctuary for the be- ginning of the Family Service, now starting at 7 PM. At 7:15 we will in- vite these young children into the Quiet Room for the Tot Shabbat ser- vice. The children are invited, but of course not required, to join in the program, which lasts about 25 minutes. Afterwards, the Tot Shabbat participants may return to the sanctuary for the end of the Family Ser- vice. Please spread the word to anyone you know who has young chil- dren! If you have any questions, suggestions or concerns, please contact me Rabbi Doug Heifetz Cantor Charlie Bernhardt Executive Director Barry Nove Religious School Director Renee Richards Volume 48, No. 11 Summer 2015/5775 Oseh Shalom’s Monthly Newsletter Content Highlights Rabbi Heifetz’s Monthly Word Find additional news in the online edition @ 1 Rabbi’s Monthly Word 2 From the Executive Director 2 Letter from President 3 Birthright Israel 6 School with Renee 10 High Holidays Guide 19 Candle Lighting Times 22 Contributions 23 Shabbat Meditation Services Announcement 26 Oseh Shalom Calendar Continued on page 3 Grapevines growing in the Sharon Stern Biblical Garden

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Page 1: The ShalomThe Shalom . Dear Friends, I hope you’re having a wonderful summer. Although I’m enjoying the season so far, I miss seeing the children and families who come to Oseh

The Shalom

Dear Friends,

I hope you’re having a wonderful summer. Although I’m enjoying the season so far, I miss seeing the children and families who come to Oseh Shalom far more often during the academic year, when Religious School is in session. They bring much life and energy to our community, and they represent the future.

Oseh Shalom therefore wants to include our young children and their parents in syna-gogue life in as many ways as possible. In

response to much recent feedback from our recent Vision Forums, we’ve decided to adjust the schedule for our Shabbat Evening Family Services to better allow them to participate. The Family Service always occurs on the first Friday evening of each month. Beginning on Septem-ber 4th, the monthly Family Service will begin at 7 PM instead of 7:30. We hope and believe that this small schedule adjustment will allow the families with young children to attend. In many cases, our Religious School classes will help to lead these Family Services on the first Friday evening of each month.

As usual, most other Friday evening services will still begin at 8 PM.

Please note that we’ll again begin our monthly Tot Shabbat services al-so on September 4th, to occur during each Family Service. Tots (approx. ages 2-7) and their parents gather in the sanctuary for the be-ginning of the Family Service, now starting at 7 PM. At 7:15 we will in-vite these young children into the Quiet Room for the Tot Shabbat ser-vice. The children are invited, but of course not required, to join in the program, which lasts about 25 minutes. Afterwards, the Tot Shabbat participants may return to the sanctuary for the end of the Family Ser-vice. Please spread the word to anyone you know who has young chil-dren!

If you have any questions, suggestions or concerns, please contact me

Rabbi Doug Heifetz Cantor Charlie Bernhardt

Executive Director Barry Nove Religious School Director Renee Richards

Volume 48, No. 11

Summer 2015/5775 Oseh Shalom’s Monthly Newsletter

Content Highlights Rabbi Heifetz’s Monthly Word

Find additional news in the

online edition


1 Rabbi’s Monthly Word

2 From the Executive


2 Letter from President

3 Birthright Israel

6 School with Renee

10 High Holidays Guide

19 Candle Lighting Times

22 Contributions

23 Shabbat Meditation

Services Announcement

26 Oseh Shalom Calendar

Continued on page 3

Grapevines growing in the

Sharon Stern Biblical Garden

Page 2: The ShalomThe Shalom . Dear Friends, I hope you’re having a wonderful summer. Although I’m enjoying the season so far, I miss seeing the children and families who come to Oseh

The Shalom Volume 48, No. 11

Page 2

Welcome to our summer is-

sue. This has been and con-

tinues to be a very busy time

for us. In addition to prepar-

ing for the High Holidays, we

have had increased rental ac-

tivity, always a welcome

source of additional revenue,

as well as a recently held

special program, the Religious School’s family Camp

Oseh experience held in mid-July.

For my part, I would be remiss if I did not thank Ad-

am Goldfarb, who has been designing the Shalom In

Brief since we introduced it in February. Adam has

been wonderful, working on the Shalom as a volun-

teer, helping us create the new look and setting the

monthly design of the In Brief and online editions.

Adam is moving back to New York, where he will be

going to graduate school, earning a degree in crimi-

nal justice. He has been a delight to work with and

we’re going to miss him. He’s leaving us with a style

guide and some tricks for working with Publisher, our

design software, which we plan to put to good use in

maintaining the high bar Adam has set beginning

with the September issue.

In this month’s Shalom In Brief, you will find a

“center-fold” of sorts, featuring the High Holiday cal-

endar. The Quick Guide to the High Holidays is being

provided in this issue and the September issue rather

than being mailed on its normally heavy card stock

with all the forms we normally send out. This not on-

ly is saving Oseh Shalom money, but is helping us

mail out our High Holiday packet with all the forms

you know and love for the first time this year First

Class Mail, affordably, while keeping within our budg-

et. The High Holiday Forms, as ever, are also availa-

ble on the Oseh Shalom website.

As promised, among our accomplishments this sum-

mer, we have installed a new sound system in the

Sanctuary. Special thanks to some angels in the con-

gregation for underwriting this endeavor in its entire-

ty. You can expect to enjoy the High Holidays with a

sound that should make every seat in the Sanctuary

From the Executive Director

This summer I have enjoyed

the somewhat slower pace,

but events are now gearing

up for the fall. In late June

and July, a new sound system

has been installed at Oseh

Shalom. The sound from the

Bose system is incredibly

clear and will extend from the sanctuary, to the

Social Hall, to classrooms 10 and 11, and to the

Quiet Room.

Back to Shul Night on Friday, August 28 is a won-

derful opportunity to experience the new sound

system and re-connect with your Oseh Shalom

community. The following Friday, September 4, is

Labor on the Bimah, another wonderful Oseh Sha-

lom tradition, celebrating workers and bringing our

attention to social justice issues.

A fun event in August is Jewish Day at Nationals

Park on Sunday, August 30. It’s a great opportuni-

ty to get together and enjoy a baseball game as

summer winds down. Please contact Heidi Rhodes

[ [email protected]] for information.

Meanwhile, throughout the summer and into the

coming year the Kadimah (Strategic Planning)

Committee is continuing to meet. Please contact

John Riehl, the Kadimah chairperson, to give your

input, as we all move forward together.

Lynne Gaynes-Kaplan

Continued on page 4

President’s Letter

Page 3: The ShalomThe Shalom . Dear Friends, I hope you’re having a wonderful summer. Although I’m enjoying the season so far, I miss seeing the children and families who come to Oseh

Volume 48, No. 11 The Shalom

Page 3

([email protected]), or Education Di-rector Renee Richards ([email protected]) or Religious Vice President And Friedman ([email protected]).

Best wishes for a wonderful summer, and I hope to see you soon at Oseh Shalom.

Rabbi Doug Heifetz

Continued from page 1, Rabbi’s Word The Shalom is a great place to advertise!

If you know someone who is interested, please contact:

Barry Nove, Executive Director, at

[email protected] or (301) 498-5151

Adam’s Birthright Experience card. Several months and a few administrative

forms later, I met up with a group of twenty other

American Jews at JFK Airport and flew directly to

Tel Aviv and spent the next two weeks getting an

intensive tour of the holiest place of the Jewish


As I said in my second paragraph, I felt some ap-

prehension before my flight that I would come back

with regrets or without having felt like the experi-

ence was of import to someone like me, a recent

college grad whose interests lie in comedy, politics,

and generally secular pursuits, with the occasional

philosophical and religious discussion thrown in for

good measure. Nevertheless, as someone who went

in with an open mind and a keen interest in the his-

torical and political aspects of the trip, I was over-

whelmed with the amount of understanding I

gained as a result of my experience in Israel.

Beyond being able to meet, befriend, and learn

from the IDF soldiers (all of whom were younger

than me), who were a part of our trip as much as

me or any of the other Americans, I was able to

truly consider the significance of Israel in terms of

its sanctity to modern Jewish life without much of

the ideological pulls the media here impart. That is,

I was able to contextualize Israel in a modern his-

torical context as well as see the region itself in a

new light, personally.

Beyond the existential realizations I myself experi-

enced, we, as a group, were able to travel the en-

tire country during our two week stay. Starting in

the northeast, in the Golan Heights, we were able

to get a sense of the chaos running rampant in Syr-

ia and its effect, not only on Israel, but on Israel’s

ally Jordan to the east. Traveling south from there,

we went through the West Bank, passing the caves

Continued on page 4

Shalom, fellow congregants. I’m Adam Goldfarb, a

new member with my father, Steven. We moved to

Laurel within the past year, and since December I’ve

been volunteering at Oseh. I work in the office with

Barry, our Executive Director, designing the Shalom.

I’ve recently returned from visiting Israel to find my

acceptance letter to Hofstra’s graduate Forensic Lin-

guistics program. So, I may not be doing the layout

for the Shalom come September, but, before I de-

part, I wanted to impress upon members my age to

consider participating in the Birthright Israel pro-


When I told Barry a couple months ago about my

upcoming Birthright trip, he asked me, upon my re-

turn, to write an article explicating my experience

with the Birthright program so that other young peo-

ple in the congregation might consider the trip.

When he asked me to do so, I agreed instantly, yet

there was a part of me that felt I might have to

stretch the truth or abscond from some of my expe-

rience in order to promote the program in a truly af-

firming way. But, once I was there and upon my re-

turn, I felt no ambivalence about my decision to go

to Israel; it truly is one of the rare gems and privi-

leges of coming from the Jewish people in this day

and age.

For those of you who aren’t as in the loop of the

Birthright program as others, I’ll simply say that the

birthright program is a way for Jewish youth (18-26

year olds) to travel to Israel at no cost and experi-

ence the country over a period of 10 days. All I had

to do to enroll was go to the Birthright website, sign

in through my Facebook account, pick a trip, and

place a $250 deposit (fully refundable) with a credit

Page 4: The ShalomThe Shalom . Dear Friends, I hope you’re having a wonderful summer. Although I’m enjoying the season so far, I miss seeing the children and families who come to Oseh

The Shalom Volume 48, No. 11

Page 4

not only a good seat, but those sitting in the Social

Hall and classrooms 10 and 11, even the Quiet

Room, will find the sound much crisper and clearer.

The ceiling speakers are from BOSE as are our new

Sanctuary speakers. In addition, we now have live

streaming capability in the Sanctuary; just give us a

few days to iron out that process and learn how to

offer programs and life cycle services (and hopefully

a lot more over time) from our website.

Is I mentioned in the June issue, we are in the pro-

cess of moving forward with replacing the Social Hall

floor. The original tiling is in desperate need of im-

mediate replacement. Decisions on the type of floor-

ing have been made and funding is being sought

since this project is beyond our standard mainte-

nance schedule’s ability to cover. Our goal, God will-

ing, has been to have a new floor in time for the

High Holidays, which may not be possible. One thing

is clear: the 50th Anniversary of the congregation is

this coming spring, and new flooring will be in place

by then. However, activities in the Social Hall may

have to be curtailed for up to a week or two.

Planning for the 50th Anniversary has also begun

and you will be hearing more about that shortly.

I hope to hear this month about the grant I submit-

ted in May to the Department of Homeland Security,

which was offering funding to upgrade security cam-

eras. A million dollars have been made available for

the Washington D.C. metropolitan area. If it is

awarded, installation of new cameras will take place

within a six month period.

Finally, I would like to thank all those who have

helped in the office for this summer: Judy Arnoff,

Mona Davis, Adam Goldfarb (layout designer for the

Shalom – In Brief and Online editions), Lisa Karpf,

Doris Kirschbaum, Mariyan Kolev, Yannet Pena, and

Pauline Pivowar.

Barry Nove Executive Director

[email protected]


Continued from page 2, Executive Director

where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered, as if

the historical significance of such a place were

merely a passing fact on our trip. In a sense, the

caves in the West Bank were a passing fact, rela-

tive to the in-depth historical inundation that

comes with traveling back up the northwest to-

wards Jerusalem or any of the other 2000+ year

old sights that are ubiquitous in Israel.

I’ve always appreciated the fact that Judaism is so

enduring despite its lack of proselytization, so I

don’t want to come across as a proselytizer in this

instance. But, I also do think that endorsing a pro-

gram like Birthright is important simply because, as

Jewish youths, young people like me have an op-

portunity to experience a place like no other in a

way that few will ever be able to. The amount of

care and resources that go into this program is

astounding to me.

On my last night there, several Birthright groups

had been coordinated to participate in several pro-

grams together in Tel Aviv. As I was standing in a

crowd of hundreds of Jews, listening to a private

concert of a hugely popular Israeli band, hosted

just for the sake of us, I felt a kinship that was am-

bivalent in its impact. I guess realizing that the

program was a tool for giving Jews from around

the world a chance to experience our homeland,

our birthright, in such an extravagant way, after

the centuries of oppression and debasement at the

hands of tyrants and bigots, was such a revelation

of the power of our people, of myself, and of our-

selves as Jews, that I felt overwhelmed. I’m not

sure I can put into words all I’ve learned from the

experience, but I know that I don’t regret my trip

and I feel bad that my siblings (all older than me

by a few years – I’m 24) will never be able to re-

ceive such a gift. I know that as I progress in my

life, I will always be able to learn from this experi-

ence and look back with satisfaction that I was

able to go to Israel through such a program.

Adam Goldfarb

Continued from page 3, Birthright

Page 5: The ShalomThe Shalom . Dear Friends, I hope you’re having a wonderful summer. Although I’m enjoying the season so far, I miss seeing the children and families who come to Oseh

Volume 48, No. 11 The Shalom

Page 5

Opportunities for Social Service

For probably at least 25 years, that I know of, Oseh Shalom has had a team of volunteers who serve dinner to clients who come to eat at Eliza-beth House. Our shift is the first Monday of every month, from 6:00 to 8:00, including any federal holidays that fall on that day. We switch with a church if our time slot falls on a Jewish holiday. Sometimes a church will ask us to take Xmas Eve. Dinner is already preheated; we serve the meals restaurant-style, take Wednesday's dinner out of the freezer and put it into the refrigerator, take the trash and garbage and recycling to the curb, and clean up.

Elizabeth House is run by FISH of Laurel. It is not affiliated at all with LARS, although both have a food pantry, and some of the same clients are helped by both organizations. LARS is a very wor-thy organization, but I confess I am not overly familiar with it (a situation I may rectify at some time). So if you have ever considered helping Eliz-abeth House, please do not think you have done so by helping LARS. (Of course, don't stop help-ing LARS if you have started!)

The make-up of our team at Elizabeth House has changed over the years, as people's schedules change, but we have always been able to meet our commitment. We would love to have new vol-unteers! You don't have to commit to coming every month, and you can ask to be a “stand-by” volunteer, if doing so suits your needs better than a firm commitment.

Children are welcome to help! My youngest volun-teer was six years old, and she was great! I find that children can carry a plate or a cup of iced tea to a client. They can even wash dishes and actu-ally get them clean (although we mostly use Styrofoam plates and cups now). Of course stu-dents can earn community service credits for school, so they are welcome to bring their forms with them, and I will gladly sign them.

Please call me to volunteer or to ask any ques-tions. It really is rewarding to serve the clients of the soup kitchen, and they are always very grate-ful!

Carolyn Makovi

Page 6: The ShalomThe Shalom . Dear Friends, I hope you’re having a wonderful summer. Although I’m enjoying the season so far, I miss seeing the children and families who come to Oseh

The Shalom Volume 48, No. 11

Page 6


It’s back to school time, and I

want to take a moment to

paint an image for you. It’s

something I’ve seen, unfortu-

nately, over and over again

during my years as a public

middle school teacher. Imagine the excitement of

the first day of school. You get to see friends you

hadn’t seen all summer long. While you enjoyed

your summer off, you were starting to get rest-

less, so the familiar routine of school is a wel-

come change. You walk through the door and

hug or fist bump friend after friend. You see last

year’s teachers and quickly tell them you had a

great time this summer as they tell you that

you’re going to do great with your new teachers

this year. Then you get to class, and your new

teacher tells you to take out a pencil and a piece

of paper. If you’re lucky, you were able to find a

pencil at home before you left that morning. You

knew you were going to have to borrow paper

from a friend. As you look around, you see stu-

dents pulling out brand new binders and bright

new pencils from the latest style backpacks. You

have nothing. And this is the bitter sweet start of

your school year.

This might not seem so bad. Coming to school

the first day without supplies is often not noticed.

However, by the end of the week, those students

already start dreading coming to school. During

that first day, their teachers tell them all of the

items they will need for the school year. When I

taught 8th grade, here is what my students need-

ed for all of their classes: Large binder, 3 4-

subject notebooks, 2 folders, loose leaf paper, the

latest Texas Instruments calculator, pencils, blue

AND black pens, and highlighters. Students also

needed internet and computer access outside of

school in order to do research and type papers.

Many times, teachers would count gathering

these items as the first “homework” assignment

of the year. Now imagine what that’s like for a

student who comes from a family with little to no

money. Not only can their family not afford to get

them the items they need for a successful start to

the school year, now they are being doubly pe-

nalized for it.

Now I want to take this one step further. Usually,

teachers will single out students who had not

brought in school supplies. “Jimmy, where is your

notebook. You know you need a notebook for this

class. Make sure you have your notebook by to-

morrow. That notebook is a huge grade in your

social studies class.” No student is going to look a

teacher in the eye and say, “my family cannot af-

ford it.” Trust me. It NEVER happens. Instead,

the student says he forgot it at home, or they are

planning to go to the store that night.

If the family is lucky, they may have a few dollars

and will head over to the Dollar Store. Okay, I

know what you’re thinking, this is a good solu-

tion. At least now the child will have his supplies.

Now I want you to think about your own children.

How many times do they want the newest or

coolest items? Why? Because it makes them feel

good—special. These children who come from

poverty do not get a chance to have that feeling.

They will get the items from the Dollar Store and

be grateful that they won’t be singled out in class

anymore, but they will also “size up” their school

supplies against their classmates. They will know,

and their peers will know, that they have Dollar

Store supplies. They don’t have the fabric colored

large binder that will last all year. Instead they

have the plastic covered 4-inch white binder that

may last the marking period, if they are really

careful with their materials.

News From the Religious School

Page 7: The ShalomThe Shalom . Dear Friends, I hope you’re having a wonderful summer. Although I’m enjoying the season so far, I miss seeing the children and families who come to Oseh

Volume 48, No. 11 The Shalom

Page 7

Consider Oseh Shalom when planning your Simcha’s needs!

Reasonable and competitive rates for use of our Social Hall, Kitchen, Rooms, and Sanctuary. For details and availability contact:

Barry Nove, Executive Director

@ 301-498-5151 or [email protected]

It is for these reasons that these students already

hate school by the end of Friday on the first

week. The struggle to get supplies. The shame

for being called out by their teachers. The already

“zero” marked in the grade book for the missing

homework. And finally, the feeling of everyone

knowing they are the “poor student”. It doesn’t

take long before these students give up. Some-

thing as small as school supplies can be the barri-

er that perpetuates the poverty cycle.

Now, some schools, like the one where I used to

work, trained teachers to keep an eye out for

these potential students on the first day of

school. If we thought a student may struggle to

get supplies, we would quietly ask them if they

needed school supplies. We had backpacks al-

ready filled with all the items needed for students

in each grade, and we would give them to stu-

dents. But these supplies had to come from

somewhere, and this is where I ask for your help.

Every year, Oseh Shalom collects back to school

supplies for LARS. I’m asking you, on behalf of

my former students, to put an extra binder or

pencils or any other school supply in your cart as

you get items for your children. Make it a teacha-

ble moment and have your children pick out an

item. If it is good enough for your child, it will

mean the world to a student in need. On Back to

Shul night (or before), drop off your supplies in

Oseh’s coat closet. Help us help local students

start the school year off on the right foot.

Renee Richards

Another way you can help Oseh is by collecting Box Tops for Education. Box Tops are printed on the label of many products that are probably in your house now. You may not know them if you haven’t looked for them before, but are easy to find when you know what to look for. The label looks like this and can be found on over 100 different prod-ucts. If you want to see a current list of all prod-ucts that participate, please visit Please collect all the Box Tops that are in your home and friends’ homes, and bring them to Oseh whenever you can. They raise money for the Religious School which helps the school and the shul. Please don’t ‘recycle’ money we can use to help our students (and budget). If every family collected 100 Box Tops this year we could raise $2500. It’s not hard to do; I know that during this past school year, my family has collected at least 300 labels. You can ask friends and family to bring you labels also if they don’t donate them elsewhere. Imagine how much we can earn then. Ten cents per label may not seem like a lot, but it does add up. Finally, AMAZON shoppers—when you shop Am-azon are you shopping through Oseh’s Amazon Smile? If you shop Amazon and use our code, then Oseh earns money through your shopping. To get DOUBLE EARNINGS, you can purchase an Amazon gift card through SCRIP, and earn even more for Oseh without spending anything extra.

Kelly Benton-Klein [email protected] or 301-490-7764

Fundraising with Kelly

Page 8: The ShalomThe Shalom . Dear Friends, I hope you’re having a wonderful summer. Although I’m enjoying the season so far, I miss seeing the children and families who come to Oseh

The Shalom Volume 48, No. 11

Page 8

L’Shanah Tovah and Best Wishes for a Healthy and Happy New Year

From 335 Main Street

Laurel, MD 20707


Page 9: The ShalomThe Shalom . Dear Friends, I hope you’re having a wonderful summer. Although I’m enjoying the season so far, I miss seeing the children and families who come to Oseh

Volume 48, No. 11 The Shalom

Page 9

Page 10: The ShalomThe Shalom . Dear Friends, I hope you’re having a wonderful summer. Although I’m enjoying the season so far, I miss seeing the children and families who come to Oseh

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Page 11: The ShalomThe Shalom . Dear Friends, I hope you’re having a wonderful summer. Although I’m enjoying the season so far, I miss seeing the children and families who come to Oseh

Volume 48, No. 11 The Shalom

Page 11

Page 12: The ShalomThe Shalom . Dear Friends, I hope you’re having a wonderful summer. Although I’m enjoying the season so far, I miss seeing the children and families who come to Oseh

The Shalom Volume 48, No. 11

Page 12

The Laurel Advocacy and Referral Service (LARS) – is seeking an Oseh Shalom repre-

sentative for their board.

This exceptionally important service, located not far from Oseh Shalom, works with local homeless and low-level individuals

in helping them attain self-sufficiency. LARS provides services such as food pantries, employment services, housing, health

care, counseling, help with the Winter Shelter intakes, etc. For more information about the position, please contact: Helen

Lowe Metzman [email protected], Felicia Friedman [email protected] or Linda Bergofsky [email protected]

Below is a description of the board position:

Member of the Board of Directors

Job Description and Expectations

Mission: To enable homeless and low-income people in Laurel who are in crisis to achieve stability and long-term self-


Position:The Board will support the work of LARS and provide mission-based leadership and strategic governance. While

day-to-day operations are led by LARS’ Executive Director (ED), the Board –ED relationship is a partnership, and the ap-

propriate involvement of the Board is both critical and expected. Specific Board responsibilities include:

Serving as a trusted advisor to the ED as she develops and implements LARS’ strategic plan

Reviewing outcomes and metrics created by LARS for evaluating its impact, and regularly measuring its per-

formance and effectiveness using those metrics

Reviewing meeting support materials prior to board and/or committee meetings

Approving LARS’s annual budget, audit reports, and material business decisions; being informed of, and meet-

ing all, legal and fiduciary responsibilities

Contributing to the annual performance evaluation of the ED

Assisting the ED and board chair in identifying and recruiting other Board Members

Serving on at least one committee or task force and taking special assignments

Representing LARS to stakeholders; acting as an ambassador for the organization

Regularly attending full Board meetings

Fundraising: LARS Board Members will consider LARS a philanthropic priority and make annual gifts that reflect that prior-

ity. So that LARS can credibly solicit contributions from foundations, organizations, and individuals, LARS expects to have

100 percent of the Board Members make an annual contribution that is commensurate with their capacity.

Board Terms /Participation: LARS Board Members will serve a three-year term to be eligible for additional terms. After

having served two (2) consecutive terms, in order to be re-elected for an additional term, a Director must be elected by a

two-thirds majority of the full board. Generally, Board meetings will be held every two months with Committee meetings be-

ing held on the months that do not have full Board meetings.

Qualifications: This is an extraordinary opportunity for an individual who is passionate about LARS’s mission and who has

a track record of leadership. Selected Board Members will have demonstrated leadership in business, government, philan-

thropy, non-profit, or other sector. His/her accomplishments will allow him/her to attract other well-qualified, high-performing

Board Members.

Ideal candidate will have the following qualifications:

Extensive professional experience with significant executive leadership accomplishments in business, govern-

ment, philanthropy, or the non-profit sector

A commitment to and understanding of LARS’s beneficiaries, preferably based on experience

Diplomatic skills and a natural affinity for cultivating relationships and persuading, convening, facilitating, and

building consensus among diverse individuals

Personal qualities of integrity, credibility, and a passion for improving the lives of LARS’s beneficiaries

Service on the LARS Board of Directors is without remuneration, except for administrative support and accommo-

dation costs in relation to Board Member’s duties.

Page 13: The ShalomThe Shalom . Dear Friends, I hope you’re having a wonderful summer. Although I’m enjoying the season so far, I miss seeing the children and families who come to Oseh

Volume 48, No. 11 The Shalom

Page 13

July 3

Susan and Marty Hoffman in honor of their anniversary

Menyuk family in honor of Claire and Rachel’s birthdays

Assaraf family in honor of Caroline and Eric’s birthdays

July 10

Linda Bergofsky, their children, and grandchildren in honor of Don Street’s birthday

Argue family in honor of Robert’s birthday

Sandy and Steve Salant in honor of their anniversary

July 17

Kelly, Ron, Aaron, and Samantha Benton-Klein in honor of Elijah’s birthday

Edelberg family in honor of Robin’s birthday

July 24

Doris Kirschbaum in honor of granddaughter Meira’s birthday

Holly and George Stone in honor of their anniversary

Schimel family in honor of Gail’s birthday

July 31

Stan and Ruth Brodsky in honor of Sarah’s birthday

Pauline Pivowar in memory of the birthday of her daughter, Linda

Hollander family in honor of Eileen’s birthday

Sisterhood in honor of Paula Peace’s birthday

August 7

Rosenberg family in honor of Jean’s birthday

Gail and Ron Schimel in honor of their anniversary

Doris Kirschbaum in honor the birthday of her grandson, Asher

Vaughn and Celia Winchell in honor of their anniversary and Rebecca’s birthday

August 14

Sisterhood in honor of Judy Arnoff’s birthday

Hollander family in honor of Leah’s birthday

Beryl and Gerson Kramer in memory of their son, Arthur

Hilsenrath family in honor of the birthday their granddaughter, Emily Faith Russell

Ronnie Brown and Dan Fox in honor of their anniversary

August 21

Margolis family in honor of Sara’s birthday

Marilyn and Charlie Bernhardt in honor of their anniversary

Susan Levine in honor of Norman’s birthday

Robin and Barry Mauk in honor of their anniversary and Julia’s birthday

Helen and Eric Metzman in honor of their anniversary

August 28

Karen and Seth Eaton in honor of their anniversary and the birthday of their granddaughter,

Julia Eitanna

Argue family in honor of Shari’s birthday

Paula and John Finedore in honor of their anniversary and John’s birthday

Robin and Barry Edelberg in honor of their anniversary







Page 14: The ShalomThe Shalom . Dear Friends, I hope you’re having a wonderful summer. Although I’m enjoying the season so far, I miss seeing the children and families who come to Oseh

The Shalom Volume 48, No. 11

Page 14

3 Larry & Debbie Friedman

3 Will & Barrie Hershkowitz

6 Jorge & Yvette Moreno

8 Annette & Stewart Rankin

8 Ronald & Gail Schimel

8 Allen Wolf & Judi Davidson-Wolf

9 Vaughn & Celia Winchell

13 Ronnie Brown & Dan Fox

14 Michael & Tamara Fastman

14 Jeffrey & April Koeppel

14 Brian & Penny Kritt

17 Charles & Marilyn Bernhardt

19 Emily Blank & John Dillon

20 Peter & Shelley Dreifuss

21 Gary & Donna Greenwald

21 Eric & Helen Metzman

22 Robin & Barry Mauk

25 Robin & Barry Edelberg

25 Gary & Stephanie Fink

26 Seth & Karen Bonnie Eaton

26 Brian & Myra Snow

26 Ann Wittik-Bravmann & Daniel Bravmann

29 Jules & Carrie Goodman

31 John & Paula Finedore

August Anniversaries

1 Martin & Susan Hoffman

1 Howard & Beth Krakower

3 Larry & Paula Levy

4 Doug & Leslie Kornreich

4 Stanley & Fany Kusnetz

7 Peter Gruhn & Bobbi Adams

9 Mike & Patti Taylor

10 Richard Cerkovnik & Sharon Cohen

11 Steven Salant & Sandra Gordon-Salant

12 Gary & Robin Gilbert

16 Robert & Judith Miller

20 Mark & Cyndi Pomerantz

21 Brian & Renee Richards

24 George & Holly Stone

25 Eugene & Hideko Fox

27 Peter & Eilene Brocenos

27 Susan & Kenneth Wilson

31 Frank & Sharon Coale

July Anniversaries

Page 15: The ShalomThe Shalom . Dear Friends, I hope you’re having a wonderful summer. Although I’m enjoying the season so far, I miss seeing the children and families who come to Oseh

Volume 48, No. 11 The Shalom

Page 15

7/2/2015 Kenneth E. Brooks, father of Rafaelle Brooks

7/2/2015 Ida Deitchman, grandmother of Arthur Solomon

7/3/2015 Seymour Hopman, father of Susan Burger

7/3/2015 Esther Alpher, mother of Beryl Kramer

7/3/2015 Rose Malumuth, mother of Eliot Malumuth

7/4/2015 Harry Levine, father of Norman Levine

7/5/2015 Joseph Lann, father of Helen Lann

7/6/2015 David Eric Katz, nephew of Stephen Klein and cousin of Kelly Benton-Klein

7/6/2015 Harold Whitman, father of David Whitman

7/7/2015 Flora Wechsler, grandmother of Seth Eaton

7/7/2015 Dora Kramer, mother of Gerson Kramer

7/7/2015 Jean Litow, stepmother of Leon Litow

7/7/2015 Myron Finer, uncle of Patti Taylor and Michael Taylor

7/12/2015 Celia Lefkoff, grandmother of Roxanne Lefkoff

7/12/2015 Leonard Pearlin, uncle of Michael Taylor and Patti Taylor

7/13/2015 Rhoda Lenet, mother of Steve Lenet

7/14/2015 Hy Weiner

7/14/2015 J. Bernard Siegfried, father of Barbara Scissors

7/15/2015 *Boruch Eisenblatt, great grandfather of Mark Pomerantz

7/16/2015 Shirley Bergofsky, mother of Linda Bergofsky

7/16/2015 Bennett Bernhardt, father of Charles Bernhardt

7/16/2015 *Lillian Greenwald, mother of Gary Greenwald

7/16/2015 Morris Josephson, grandfather of Ann Wittik-Bravmann

7/17/2015 Nathan Porter, father of Shawn Kramer

7/17/2015 Bessie Pokodner, mother of Gary Pokodner

7/17/2015 Gustave Diamond, grandfather of Cathy Weiss

7/18/2015 Mary Helen Ysla, sister of Elizabeth Leight

7/18/2015 *Rose Urman, mother of Stephen Urman

7/20/2015 Ilse Einstein, mother of Ted Einstein

7/20/2015 Milton Goozman, father of Marty Goozman

7/20/2015 L. Howard Shulman, stepfather of Susan Rapp

7/21/2015 *Harry Isaacson, father of Micki Goldstein

7/22/2015 James Finkelstein, father of Laura Finkelstein

7/23/2015 Esther Novick, grandmother of Phil Victor

7/25/2015 Beatrice Horowitz, aunt of Susan Levine

7/27/2015 Fred Goodman, father of Jules Goodman

7/29/2015 David Dick, grandfather of Cathy Weiss

7/30/2015 Irvin Bergofsky, father of Linda Bergofsky


* Yahrzeit Board

Page 16: The ShalomThe Shalom . Dear Friends, I hope you’re having a wonderful summer. Although I’m enjoying the season so far, I miss seeing the children and families who come to Oseh

The Shalom Volume 48, No. 11

Page 16

8/3/2015 Sara Solomon, mother of Arthur Solomon and mother-in-law of Linda Solomon

8/4/2015 David Koenigsberg, father of Eilene Brocenos

8/4/2015 Rose Kleinman, grandmother of Stephanie Fink

8/4/2015 Albert Miller, father of Robert Miller

8/4/2015 Dorothy Kalman, aunt of Annette Rankin

8/5/2015 Jeffrey Salvin, brother-in-law of Patti Taylor

8/6/2015 Petra Gordon, mother of Marlene Stringer

8/7/2015 Irma Wolf, grandmother of Richard Bacharach

8/7/2015 Arthur Stern, father of Ellen Goldberg

8/7/2015 Seymour Kritt, father of Brian Kritt

8/8/2015 Elaine Snyder, mother of Susan Romm

8/8/2015 Elizabeth Jean Schnurr, mother of Jean Schnurr

8/9/2015 *Haruko Kondo, mother of Hideko Fox

8/9/2015 Carl LeVine, father of Lissa Friedman

8/9/2015 Ellen Friedl, sister of Mary Meyerson

8/10/2015 Adelaide Gabel, mother of Daniel Gabel

8/10/2015 Charles Gilbert, father of Jeff Gilbert

8/10/2015 Rose Makovi, mother of Martin Makovi

8/11/2015 Robert L. Forbes, stepfather of Rafaelle Brooks

8/11/2015 Rose Goldfine, mother of Debby Kover and grandmother of Jackie Land

8/13/2015 Irving Brenner, father of Judy Arnoff

8/13/2015 Jack Lichtstrahl, grandfather of Hillary Finkel

8/13/2015 Reuben Dicker, grandfather of Valerie Kaplan

8/14/2015 Thelma Frankel, aunt of Seth Friedman

8/14/2015 George Gaynes, father of Lynne Gaynes-Kaplan

8/14/2015 Louis Schimel, brother of Ronald Schimel

8/14/2015 Sylvia Wolinsky, mother of Lyle Wolinsky

8/15/2015 Sidney Garfinkel, father of Shelley Dreifuss

8/15/2015 Irving Schwartz, father of Susan Hirsh

8/15/2015 Ruth Rapp, mother of Harvey Rapp

8/15/2015 Samuel Springer, father of Gail Schimel

8/16/2015 Martha Ellen Myers, sister of Carolyn Makovi

8/17/2015 Helen Brown, mother of Ida Lenet

8/17/2015 Marta Ramos, mother of Jorge Moreno

8/17/2015 Rita Grunbaum, grandmother of Yvette Moreno

8/18/2015 Sheila Applestein, mother of Marc Applestein


* Yahrzeit Board

Page 17: The ShalomThe Shalom . Dear Friends, I hope you’re having a wonderful summer. Although I’m enjoying the season so far, I miss seeing the children and families who come to Oseh

Volume 48, No. 11 The Shalom

Page 17

8/18/2015 *Rose Miller, mother of Irvin Miller and Lorraine Schoenfeld

8/19/2015 Ann Parker, mother of Steven Parker

8/20/2015 Howard Arnoff, husband of Judy Arnoff

8/20/2015 Tema Fastman, mother of Michael Fastman

8/20/2015 Muriel Stern, mother of Ellen Goldberg

8/20/2015 *David Pomerantz, husband of Martha Pomerantz and father of Mark Pomerantz

8/21/2015 Claire London, mother of Janis Horn

8/21/2015 *Sarah Leah Pomerantz, great grandmother of Mark Pomerantz

8/22/2015 Myron Feinberg, father of Jay Feinberg

8/22/2015 Harold Gabel, father of Daniel Gabel

8/23/2015 *Esther Fox, mother of Eugene Fox

8/23/2015 *Arthur Kramer, son of Gerson & Beryl Kramer

8/24/2015 Gene Lavinia Weissman, sister of Louise Weissman

8/26/2015 Susanne Glaser, mother of Dan Glaser

8/26/2015 Charlotte Doris Lomke, mother of Mitchell Lomke and grandmother of Jonathan, Joshua, David, and Sarah Lomke

8/26/2015 Marian White, sister of Pauline Pivowar

8/26/2015 William Taylor, father of Michael Taylor

8/27/2015 David Eskin, father of Tamar Eskin

8/27/2015 Donald Narcisenfeld, grandfather of Matthew Levine

8/27/2015 Cecile Shulman, mother of Susan Rapp

8/29/2015 Bella Sussholz, aunt of Emily Blank

8/29/2015 Joseph Barer, uncle of Valerie Kaplan

8/29/2015 Moe Katz, father of Judy Katz

8/29/2015 Abraham Deitchman, grandfather of Arthur Solomon

8/29/2015 Avrum Gudelsky, brother of Holly Stone

8/29/2015 Hilda Unger, mother of Marilyn Wilder

8/31/2015 Leon Schwartz, father of Claire Menyuk



* Yahrzeit Board

Page 18: The ShalomThe Shalom . Dear Friends, I hope you’re having a wonderful summer. Although I’m enjoying the season so far, I miss seeing the children and families who come to Oseh

The Shalom Volume 48, No. 11

Page 18

How would you like the chance to RAISE money for our synagogue while possibly SAVING YOUR-

SELF money?

Sounds like a trick question, doesn’t it? Well, it’s not. For this fiscal year, we are making it possible for you

to OFFSET some (or all) of your Building or Maintenance Fund & contribute to general fundraising, all while

not adding to your regular spending. Even if you don’t have a Building Fund to pay down, you can still help

earn money for the synagogue without contributing a penny.

At the recent Annual Meeting, I announced that beginning June 14, Oseh will be adjusting how we use our

SCRIP program for fundraising so that it can benefit both the synagogue and our members directly. We will

allow you to use part of the rebates you earn this year from SCRIP to offset your building/maintenance

fund. 50% of the rebate you earn will be used to pay down your annual building or maintenance fund and the

other 50% will support Oseh Shalom’s programs and activities. You can also opt to have 100% of your rebate

for the congregation be in support of Oseh Shalom and not use any of it to offset your Building Fund.

So if you haven’t signed up yet, please go to to learn more, then sign up with our en-

rollment code- 9B386B1A3985L.

Remember it doesn’t cost anything more than you would be spending normally. The next order date for physi-

cal cards and/or orders paid by check will be July 13. You can start placing items in your cart over the next

few weeks so you aren’t rushed. If you use PrestoPay, you can order electronic cards whenever you want and


Below, we have included a paper order form with 10% of the retailers to help get you started, especially if you

don’t want to order through the computer. You can fill that out and mail it to shul or call me to give me the


Kelly Benton Klein, [email protected] or 301-490-7764

Family Order Form

Oseh Shalom

Thank you for helping support Oseh Shalom with the shopping you do. We are glad you are part of our community. This is a small sample of the over 300 retailers you can choose from. You can look up all the retailers online or request a print out from me. Please order by paper or if more convenient for you, through the website.

Name Customer #

Check # Order Date

Product % QTY Total $25.00 3% $

AMC Theatres $25.00 8% $

Applebee's $25.00 8% $

Barnes & Noble $25.00 9% $

Bath & Body Works $25.00 13% $

Bed Bath & Beyond $25.00 7% $ $50.00 10% $

Bertucci’s Italian Restaurant $25.00 10% $

Bloomingdale's $25.00 12% $

Crate and Barrel $25.00 8% $

CVS/pharmacy $25.00 6% $

Disney $25.00 2% $

Exxon $250.00 1% $

Food Lion $25.00 3% $

Giant Food Stores $25.00 4% $

GNC $25.00 8% $

Product % QTY Total

Kohl's $25.00 4% $

Lord & Taylor $25.00 8% $

Mobil $50.00 1% $

Office Depot $25.00 5% $

Royal Caribbean $100.00 9% $

Safeway $25.00 4% $

Sam's Club $25.00 2.5% $

Sephora $20.00 5% $

Shell $25.00 2.5% $

SUBWAY® $50.00 6% $

Talbots $25.00 13% $

Target $25.00 2.5% $

Texaco $50.00 1.5% $

The Home Depot $25.00 4% $

ULTA $25.00 4% $

Page 19: The ShalomThe Shalom . Dear Friends, I hope you’re having a wonderful summer. Although I’m enjoying the season so far, I miss seeing the children and families who come to Oseh

Volume 48, No. 11 The Shalom

Page 19

Dates Lighting Time Havdalah Parsha Haftarah

July 3-4

8:19 PM 9:26 PM Balak

Numbers 22:39-23:26

Micah 5:6-6:8

July 5

Tzom Tammuz

July 10-11

8:17 PM 9:24 PM Pinchas

Numbers 26:52-28:15

Jeremiah 1:1-2:3

July 17-18

Rosh Chodesh Av

8:13 PM 9:20 PM Matot-Masei

Numbers 32:1-33:49

Jeremiah 2:4-28, 3:4; Jere-miah 2:4-28, 4:1-2*

July 24-25

Shabbat Chazon

Erev Tisha b'Av

8:08 PM 9:15 PM Devarim

Deuteronomy 2:2-30

Isaiah 1:1-27

July 26

Tisha b'Av

July 31-August 1

Shabbat Nachamu

8:02 PM 9:08 PM Vaetchanan

Deuteronomy 5:1-6:25

Isaiah 40:1-26

August 7-8

7:54 PM 9:01 PM Eikev

Deuteronomy 9:4-10:11

Isaiah 49:14-51:3

August 14-15-16

Rosh Chodesh Elul

7:45 PM 8:52 PM Re'eh

Deuteronomy 12:29-14:29, Numbers 28:9-15

Isaiah 66:1-24

August 21-22 7:36 PM 8:42:00 PM Shoftim

Deuteronomy 18:6-19:13

Isaiah 51:12-52:12

August 28-29 7:25 PM 8:32 PM Ki Teitzei

Deuteronomy 23:8-24:13

Isaiah 54:1-10

* The first haftarah is read by Ashkenazim, the second by Sefardim.

Candle Lighting Times

Page 20: The ShalomThe Shalom . Dear Friends, I hope you’re having a wonderful summer. Although I’m enjoying the season so far, I miss seeing the children and families who come to Oseh

The Shalom Volume 48, No. 11

Page 20

1 Jay Feinberg

1 Jason Levine

1 Gail Whitman

2 Eilene Brocenos

2 Andrew Green

3 Rivka Anwander

3 Claire Menyuk

4 Eric Assaraf

4 Jenise Klein

5 May Benatar

5 Simona Haver

5 Gary Pokodner

7 David Goodwin

7 Andrew Schoenfeld

8 Stanley Kusnetz

8 Heidi Rhodes

8 Erin Shugar

8 Donald Street

8 Randy Webber

9 Doris Kirschbaum

9 Rachel Menyuk

9 Robert Nachman

10 Robbie Argue

10 Mark Cook

12 Seth Friedman

13 Jared Goodman

13 Elijah Klein

13 Ashley Romm

13 Judy Swanner

14 Shelley Dreifuss

15 Daniel Gelfand

15 Jacob Kavalsky

16 Robin Edelberg

17 Danielle Bacharach

17 Maya Fuller

18 Caroline Assaraf

18 Karen Snow

18 Richard Stringer

19 Megan Allen-Kingsland

19 Isabel Beaudry

19 Penny Kritt

21 Michael Hess-Webber

21 Kay Taub

22 Danielle Berman

22 Joshua Berman

22 Jared Ginsberg

22 Elijah Hernandez

22 Amy Kowalczyk

22 Stewart Rankin

22 Peyton Richards

23 Gail Schimel

24 Amy Colman

25 Michael Aug

25 Deborah Richardson

26 Jessie Gabel

26 Brandon Murveit

27 Jeryl Baker

27 Julia Morgenthau

28 Jason Beakley

28 Renee Richards

29 Marcia Dresner

29 Eileen Hollander

29 Shawn Kramer

29 Paula Peace

30 Arianna Berman

30 Sarah Brodsky

30 Rebecca Goldfinger

30 Steven Ludwig

30 Jonathan Metzman

31 Jeffrey Koeppel

July Birthdays

Page 21: The ShalomThe Shalom . Dear Friends, I hope you’re having a wonderful summer. Although I’m enjoying the season so far, I miss seeing the children and families who come to Oseh

Volume 48, No. 11 The Shalom

Page 21

August Birthdays

1 John Finedore

1 Allen Kampf

1 Jorge Moreno

3 Benjamin Adelman

3 April Koeppel

3 Jennifer Nathan

3 Jamie Nelson

3 Jean Rosenberg

3 Lysandra Sarantos

4 Julia Mauk

4 Lorraine Schoenfeld

6 Sharon Coale

7 Sara Koeppel

8 Natalie Biederman

8 John Booher

8 Phoebe Sunshine

9 Zachary Cheng

9 Kelsey Gilbert

9 Louis Kramer

9 Alex Krieger

9 Jane Morse

10 Jackie Land

10 Matthew Levine

10 Eliot Malumuth

11 Leah Hollander

12 Judy Arnoff

12 John Clemens

12 Jill Goozman

12 Evan Krieger

13 Jeremy Kirsch

14 Kelby Brick

14 Elizabeth Leight

14 Julia Pomerantz

14 Rebecca Winchell

15 Cindy Urman

16 Judith Bacharach

16 Len Newman

18 Rebecca Greenwald

18 Elizabeth Gayle Kornreich

18 Howard Krakower

18 Noah Lincoln

18 Sara Margolis

19 Robert Northcutt

19 Mark Pomerantz

19 David Susseles

20 Ron Dziengiel

20 Elena Everett

20 Alexander Gilbert

20 Lynne Masterson

21 David Adelman

21 Daniel Goodwin

21 Norman Levine

22 Brett Fastman

23 Jessica Dreifuss

23 Victoria Pokodner

24 David Friedman

25 Ellen Bacharach

25 Samuel Levine

25 Molly Wood

26 Carly Hirsh

26 Jonathan Lomke

26 Susan Rapp

26 Phil Victor

28 Joshua Baker

28 Julie Finkel

29 Kenneth Dziengiel

29 Marty Goozman

29 Amy Shugar

30 Shari Argue

31 Melyssa Koffman

31 Bobby Mitchell

Page 22: The ShalomThe Shalom . Dear Friends, I hope you’re having a wonderful summer. Although I’m enjoying the season so far, I miss seeing the children and families who come to Oseh

The Shalom Volume 48, No. 11

Page 22


Community Service Fund

(Social Action & Caring &

Patricia Eisen

In memory of Steve Urman’s


Judy Swanner

Tzedek Fund

Allison Holtz & Marc Litz

Doris Kirschbaum

Terry & Steve Klein

In honor of the Benton-Klein


Terrie & Jeffrey Manches-


In memory of Linda Rashba

Claire & Curtis Menyuk

In honor of Jeanne Schwartz

Karola & Stanley Miller

In honor of Samantha Miller

The Northcutt Family

In memory of Frank Feldman

Harvey Rapp

In memory of Ruth Rapp

Gail & Ron Schimel

In memory of Belle Springer,

Samuel Springer, Ruth

Springer, Leo Schimel, and

Jane Schimel

Jean & Ari Silver-


In memory of Lillian Leopold

Linda & Art Solomon

Mel Stern

Patty & Bill Taylor

Cathy & Rob Weiss

In honor of our children, Ben-

jamin & Michele

Yahrzeit Fund


Barbara & John Margolis

In memory of Buddy Roogow

Nancey & Steve Parker

In memory of Milton J. Co-

hen, father of Nancey Parker

Martha Pomerantz

In memory of Julius Pomer-


In memory of Esther Stoler

Rabbi’s Discretionary


Karen Meckler

In memory of Alvin Meckler

Rafaelle Nyrop Brooks

In memory of Martin Nyrop


Nancey & Steve Parker

In memory of Milton J. Co-

hen, father of Nancey Parker

Gail & Ron Schimmel

In memory of Belle Springer,

mother of Gail Schimel

Louise Weissman

In memory of Henry Weiss-

Life Long Learning Fund


Marty Hoffman

Lisa Karpf

In memory of Yehuda Ach-


Music & Arts Fund

Beryl & Gerson Kramer

In memory of Esther Alpher,

Beryl Kramer’s mother, and

Dora Kramer, Gerson Kra-

mer’s mother

Rich Parson & Family

In memory of Ben & Min Par-

son’s 1st Anniversary togeth-

er in 39 years

Kol Haneshama: Yamin

Nora’im / High Holy Days


Elaine Povich, Ron, Mark

& Kenny Dziengiel

In memory of Donald M.


Building Fund


Linda Bergofsky

In memory of Bessie Bergof-


Eilene & Peter Brocenos

In memory of Buddy Roogow

Rafaelle Nyrop Brooks

Sandra Gordon-Salant

In memory of Morris Horowitz

General Gifts

Joyce Fishman Klein

In memory of Rose Fishman

Israeli Dance Group

Lorraine & Stephen


In honor of the 60th Anniver-

sary of Dr. & Mrs. Jerome

Green Fund

Holly & George Stone

Sharon Stern Garden Fund


Kol Haneshama: Daily

Prayerbook/Shabbat &

Elaine Povich, Ron, Mark

& Kenny Dziengiel

In memory of Donald M.


Camp JRF Scholarship


Beryl & Gerson Kramer

In memory of Esther Alpher,

Beryl Kramer’s mother, and

Dora Kramer, Gerson Kra-

mer’s mother

Religious School Special

Ronnie Brown & Dan Fox

Torah Repair Fund

Nancey & Steve Parker

In memory of Milton J. Co-

hen, father of Nancey Parker

The Paulson Family

In memory of Rosallie Paul-


In memory of Sunnie & Wil-

Restricted Gift

Tamar Eskin & Ed Cheng

John Riehl

Tzedek Fund


Kelly & Ron Benton-Klein

In honor of All the Members

of Oseh Shalom

Robert Berger

In memory of the rabbis I’m

told I’m descended from

Jessica Bird

In memory of Daniel


Emily Blank

Rafaelle & Ronald Brooks

In honor of Rabbi Doug Hei-


Tracey & Steven Cohen

Marcia & Norman Dresner

Lynne Gaynes-Kaplan &

Steve Kaplan

Diane & Andrew Green

Helen Lann & Bill Frelick

In honor of John Riehl for his

continuous contributions

Page 23: The ShalomThe Shalom . Dear Friends, I hope you’re having a wonderful summer. Although I’m enjoying the season so far, I miss seeing the children and families who come to Oseh

Volume 48, No. 11 The Shalom

Page 23

Shabbat Morning Meditation Services

We've begun a series of Shabbat morning Jewish meditation services. The services focus on silence, aware-

ness, walking meditation, and chanting. They also include the main Shabbat morning prayers. When we hold

these meditation services, no other separate Shabbat morning service will occur that day. A light kiddush

(refreshments) follows the service. All are welcome, members and non-members alike.

The meditation services will occur on Saturday, August 29

We are asking congregation members to sponsor the kiddush after each of the upcoming meditation ser-

vices. Kiddush sponsorship will cost $50 per occasion. If possible, please sign up to sponsor kiddush after

one or more of these meditation services. To sign up, please contact Barry Nove ([email protected]).


When you receive your email or letter notifying you

of your scheduled date for hosting an Oneg, WE

NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU as soon as possible,


We need time to find an alternate to take your

place if you cannot keep your assigned date, and

we will reschedule you if possible, or put you on

our reserve list for a future opening.

Please respond to Lisa when you receive your email

or letter. You can reach her at:

(Lisa Karpf) [email protected]

Thank you for your prompt response.

Lisa Karpf, Chair, Coordinating Oneg Host

Community News

Mazel Tov!

Michelle Lenet Grillo, daughter of Steve & Ida Lenet, recently had a baby girl, named Hadley Rose Grillo. May she grow to Torah, chuppah, and good deeds.

Daniel & Anne Gelfand recently had a baby boy. His name hasn't been announced yet. May he grow to Torah, chuppah, and good deeds.

LARS: School Supplies

It's that time of year again, time to buy school

supplies for our children. While you are out buy-

ing pencils, pens, glue, etc., please think of the

children who are not as fortunate as ours. Please

consider buying something for the children at

LARS. Please place your “extra” supplies in the

boxes marked “School Supplies for LARS” in the

coat closet. In addition, we will also collect Ziploc

bags, tissues, hand sanitizer , and “gently used”

backpacks and lunch boxes. Boxes for collectiton

will be available in July. Lastly, if you would like

to purchase gift cards through the Scrips program

to donate to LARS, please go http:// Collection will take

place until Friday,August 28, at the Back to Shul

night B'yachad. After that time, you may donate

items directly to LARS. Should you have any

questions, please feel free to contact me:



[email protected]


Felicia Dannick-Friedman

Social Action Chairperson

Baruch Dayan ha'Emet

The congregation extends its deepest sympathy and condolences to Steve Urman and the entire Urman family on the death of Linda Rashba, z''l, his sister.

May the mourners find comfort within the gates of Zion and Jerusalem.

A LARS Board Representative for

Oseh Shalom is needed, please see

page 12 for full information.

Candidate with leadership accom-

plishments in business, government,

philanthropy, or the non-profit sector


Page 24: The ShalomThe Shalom . Dear Friends, I hope you’re having a wonderful summer. Although I’m enjoying the season so far, I miss seeing the children and families who come to Oseh

The Shalom Volume 48, No. 11

Page 24

Rabbi Rabbi Doug Heifetz 301-498-5151 [email protected]

Rabbi Emeritus Rabbi Gary Fink 301-498-5151 [email protected]

Executive Director Barry Nove 301-498-5151 [email protected]

Cantor Cantor Charlie Bernhardt 301-498-5151 [email protected]

Bookkeeper Audrey Klein 301-498-5151 [email protected]

Education Director Renee Richards 301-498-7004 [email protected]

Religious School Assistant Jovette Solomon 301-498-7004 osrsassitant

Director Teen Connect Mikey-Hess-Weber 301-275-7849 [email protected]

Shalom Editor Carolyn Makovi 301-236-4411 [email protected]

Shalom Layout Adam Goldfarb 301-498-5151 [email protected]

Shalom Advertising Mona Davis 240-423-0049 [email protected]

All Publicity Chairs [email protected]

Webmaster Melody Magnus 301-622-2947 [email protected]

Oseh Shalom WHO’S WHO LIST for 2015-2016


President Lynne Gaynes-Kaplan 443-864-1935 [email protected]

Administrative V.P. Allison Holtz 410-531-0757 [email protected]

Financial V.P. David Argue 301-625-8136 [email protected]

Education co-V.P. Leslie Kornreich

Reenie Kraft



[email protected]

[email protected]

Religious V.P. Andy Friedman 301-776-4672 [email protected]

Membership Ann Wittik-Bravmann 410-792-2868 [email protected]

Secretary Heidi Rhodes 301-317-0944 [email protected]

Treasurer Gary Gaines 301-937-2010 [email protected]

Past President Karen Meckler 443-812-2414 [email protected]

Financial Secretary Adam Reese 301-942-0594 [email protected]

Building and Grounds Don Street 301-257-4711 [email protected]

Contracts Coordinator Karen Bonnie Eaton 443-326-6326 [email protected]

Community Services Helen Metzman 301-854-2613 [email protected]

Life Long Learning Judy Katz 301-460-6928 [email protected]

At Large Marc Litz 410-531-0757 [email protected]

At Large Elliot Malumuth 301-483-6384 [email protected]

At Large John Riehl 301-490-3645 [email protected]

Development Kelly Benton-Klein 301-490-7764 [email protected]

Page 25: The ShalomThe Shalom . Dear Friends, I hope you’re having a wonderful summer. Although I’m enjoying the season so far, I miss seeing the children and families who come to Oseh

Volume 48, No. 11 The Shalom

Page 25


Oseh Shalom has reserved 40 tickets for Jewish Community Day at Nationals Park. If you are interest-

ed in attending this baseball game with us, please click on the link below to register. Remember the

deadline to purchase tickets is July 30th. More information on the event is below the link.

The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington presents Grand Slam Sunday Jewish Community Day at Nationals Park

August 30, 2015, 1:35 p.m. first pitch Activities for all ages begin 2 hours prior to start of game: tailgate, arts and crafts, contests, fun with

the Jewish Food Experience, and more!

For every 10 tickets we sell, we’ll be entered into a raffle to win a bagel breakfast for our staff (up to

50 people!) along with other special opportunities on game day.

For more information on this event contact Heidi Rhodes at [email protected]

High Holidays Karen Meckler 443-812-2414 [email protected]

JRF Representative John Riehl 301-490-3645 [email protected]

Policy & Procedures

Publicity Elaine Povich 301-490-2832 [email protected]

Youth Liaison Doug Kornreich 410-379-6459 [email protected]



President Carolyn Makovi 301-236-4411 [email protected]

Recording Secretary Rochelle Sypes 240-264-1281 [email protected]

Corresponding Secretary Judy Arnoff 301-490-6207 [email protected]

Treasurer Pauline Pivowar 301-604-8954 [email protected]

Treasurer Margrit Assaraf 240-280-7259 [email protected]

Gift Shop, Chair Lisa Karpf 301-262-5581 [email protected]

Membership Chair

Oneg Host Chair Lisa Karpf 301-262-5581 [email protected]

Oneg Sponsors Chair Mona Davis 240-423-0049 [email protected]

Program Chair

Tributes Chair Leah Young 301-498-4251 [email protected]

Oneg Food Chair Lisa Karpf 301-262-5581 [email protected]

Catering Marilyn Riffkin 301-384-8667 [email protected]

President Alan Seigel 301-490-0057 [email protected]

Past President Michael Becker 443-474-7374 [email protected]

Treasurer Art Solomon 240-280-2067 [email protected]

Page 26: The ShalomThe Shalom . Dear Friends, I hope you’re having a wonderful summer. Although I’m enjoying the season so far, I miss seeing the children and families who come to Oseh

Oseh Shalom

7515 Olive Branch Way

Laurel, MD 20707

Phone: 301-498-5151

Doug Heifetz, Rabbi

Carolyn Makovi, Editor

Adam Goldfarb, Layout Editor

Mona Davis, Advertising

[email protected]

Oseh Shalom is a vibrant, inclusive Reconstructionist synagogue, with members throughout the Baltimore

-Washington area, dedicated to providing a supportive community for celebrating Jewish life through

prayer, learning and social action.

Oseh Shalom Calendar Highlights

August 2015

Shabbat Services

August 14,21 8:00 PM—Shabbat Services

Saturday Shabbat Services—Every Saturday at 10:00 AM

Every Wednesday at 8:30 PM—Israeli Dancing

August 4 7:30 PM—Sisterhood Board Meeting

August 9 10:00 AM—Kadimah Committee Meeting

August 12 7:15 PM—Executive Committee Meeting

August 16 7:00 PM—Board Meeting

August 19 7:30 PM—LLL Committee Meeting

August 23 10:00 AM—Membership Committee Meeting

10:00 AM—Religious Committee Meeting

August 27 7:30 PM—Kadimah Meeting

August 28 6:00 PM—B’Yachad Back to Shul Night Dinner

7:00 PM—Back to Shul Night

August 30 11:30 AM—Jewish Day at Nats Baseball Game

August 2015

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