the shalom · shalom has planned a wonderful year ahead for adult learning, with opportunities for...

The Shalom Dear Friends, L’shanah tovah! I hope you’ve had a won- derful High Holiday season. The start of the year 5776 offers a perfect opportunity for each of us to choose a goal for our own growth. Some choose a rela- tionship to strengthen or repair, a skill to develop, a new role to begin. This is also a perfect time to pick a new ar- ea of Jewish practice or study. Fortunately, our Lifelong Learning committee at Oseh Shalom has planned a wonderful year ahead for adult learning, with opportunities for Hebrew study, book lectures and discussions, film screenings, and much more. Most Saturday morn- ings, when we don’t have a bar or bat mitzvah that Shabbat, our service includes a time for Torah study and discussion, led by me, Cantor Charlie or knowledgeable members of our synagogue. This year, I’ll also continue to teach adult classes on a number of Sun- day mornings. Here is my Sunday morning teaching schedule so far: Marking & Elevating the Cycle of LifeWe'll explore some key practices, ancient and modern, for common life cycle events such as bar/bat mitz- vah, divorce, mourning, and more. We will read and discuss diverse viewpoints from A Guide to Jewish Practice, volume 3: The Life Cycle, an important new resource from the Reconstructionist Movement. Rabbi Doug Heifetz Cantor Charlie Bernhardt Executive Director Barry Nove Religious School Director Renee Richards Volume 49, No. 2 October 2015/5776 Oseh Shalom’s Monthly Newsletter Content Highlights Rabbi Heifetz’s Monthly Word NEW AND PROSPECTIVE MEMBER BRUNCH SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2015 AT 9:30 A.M. OSEH SHALOM 7515 OLIVE BRANCH WAY, LAUREL, MD 20707 FREE Please RSVP by November 5, 2015 to Ann Wittik-Bravmann, (410) 792-2868, [email protected] or call the synagogue office at (301) 498-5151. 1 Rabbi’s Monthly Word 2 From the Executive Director 2 Letter from President 3 News From School 3 LARS Board Member Needed 10 Birthdays 11 Yahrzeits 16 Oneg Sponsors 17 Contributions 19 Anniversaries 20 Oseh Shalom Calendar 21 Candle Lighting Times Social Hall looking better than ever for B’Yachad Back to School Continued on back cover

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Page 1: The Shalom · Shalom has planned a wonderful year ahead for adult learning, with opportunities for Hebrew study, book lectures and discussions, film screenings, and much more. Most

The Shalom

Dear Friends,

L’shanah tovah! I hope you’ve had a won-derful High Holiday season.

The start of the year 5776 offers a perfect opportunity for each of us to choose a goal for our own growth. Some choose a rela-tionship to strengthen or repair, a skill to develop, a new role to begin.

This is also a perfect time to pick a new ar-ea of Jewish practice or study. Fortunately, our Lifelong Learning committee at Oseh Shalom has planned a wonderful year ahead

for adult learning, with opportunities for Hebrew study, book lectures and discussions, film screenings, and much more. Most Saturday morn-ings, when we don’t have a bar or bat mitzvah that Shabbat, our service includes a time for Torah study and discussion, led by me, Cantor Charlie or knowledgeable members of our synagogue.

This year, I’ll also continue to teach adult classes on a number of Sun-day mornings. Here is my Sunday morning teaching schedule so far:

Marking & Elevating the Cycle of Life— We'll explore some key practices, ancient and modern, for common life cycle events such as bar/bat mitz-vah, divorce, mourning, and more. We will read and discuss diverse viewpoints from A Guide to Jewish Practice, volume 3: The Life Cycle, an important new resource from the Reconstructionist Movement.

Rabbi Doug Heifetz Cantor Charlie Bernhardt

Executive Director Barry Nove Religious School Director Renee Richards

Volume 49, No. 2

October 2015/5776 Oseh Shalom’s Monthly Newsletter

Content Highlights Rabbi Heifetz’s Monthly Word


SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2015 AT 9:30 A.M.




Please RSVP by November 5, 2015 to Ann Wittik-Bravmann, (410) 792-2868, [email protected] or call the synagogue office at (301) 498-5151.

1 Rabbi’s Monthly Word

2 From the Executive


2 Letter from President

3 News From School

3 LARS Board Member


10 Birthdays

11 Yahrzeits

16 Oneg Sponsors

17 Contributions

19 Anniversaries

20 Oseh Shalom Calendar

21 Candle Lighting Times

Social Hall looking better than

ever for B’Yachad Back to School

Continued on back cover

Page 2: The Shalom · Shalom has planned a wonderful year ahead for adult learning, with opportunities for Hebrew study, book lectures and discussions, film screenings, and much more. Most

The Shalom Volume 49, No. 2

Page 2

Welcome to the October is-

sue. With Rosh Hashanah

and Yom Kippur now behind

us, I can almost catch my

breath. I hope you have en-

joyed our new Sound Sys-

tem, the new flooring in the

Social Hall, and are looking

forward to our upcoming B’Yachad Simhat Torah

Pot-luck Dinner and Services.

Ron Benton-Klein is the new Buildings and Grounds

Chair. He’s really been working on sprucing up the

grounds. He planted lovely flowers, and he and his

son Aaron repainted the curbs, parking space lines,

and even the disabled person parking decals. A

number of Religious School families painted class-

rooms, alongside our Religious School Director,

Renee Richards. Renee went above and beyond to

make certain that the children’s experience in each

classroom would be the most wonderful ever. Her

leadership made it possible to create a new com-

puter lab with new laptops.

There is a lot of love and dedication involved--and

no few angels in the Oseh Shalom community who

have sought to improve and make our experiences

all the better through donations. And, I do mean

angels. The Sound System; our ability to now Live

Stream; our new flooring in the Social Hall, and

much more would not be possible without a bit of

being an angel. The congregation can “fly” higher

than ever before, due to these improvements. We

have been able to bring you the Shalom In Brief

through seed money to restart a print edition of the

much longer online version of the Shalom. The

Shalom In Brief is now a benefit of being a member

of the Oseh Shalom community and is funded

through the Oseh Shalom budget as a successful

and popular means of communicating.

That brings me back to our B’Yachad program,

launched two years ago. We have never seen so

many people joining us in recent years for Shabbat

From the Executive Director

A great joy of being part

of the Oseh Shalom com-

munity is coming togeth-

er for life cycle events.

Witnessing the baby

naming of our youngest

members, usually at a

Friday night service, adds

a great sweetness to that Erev Shabbat.

The convocation of our first graders is another

milestone in the lives of our religious school

children and their families. It is marvelous to

see the adorable faces of the group as they line

up on the Bima.

Skipping ahead several years, a true source of

community “naches” or pride and happiness is

attending B’nei Mitzvah services. I am awed and

amazed at the accomplishments of our stu-

dents. The Shabbat service with the gift of the

tallit, the transfer of the Torah, and the person-

al stories of the parents and those of Bat or Bar

Mitzvah always inspire me. I truly am grateful

for the opportunity to see the Torah portion

through the fresh eyes of the next generation.

As President, I have also had the privilege of

being part of the Oseh community as we gather

together to support one another at Shiva ser-

vices. The warmth of these gatherings has been

very moving. At such a difficult time, communi-

ty means so much.

I look forward to being with our Oseh Shalom

congregation to celebrate and support each

other, together as a community, in this Jubilee

year for our synagogue and as we embark on

the next fifty years.

Lynne Gaynes-Kaplan

Continued on page 4

President’s Letter

Page 3: The Shalom · Shalom has planned a wonderful year ahead for adult learning, with opportunities for Hebrew study, book lectures and discussions, film screenings, and much more. Most

Volume 49, No. 2 The Shalom

Page 3

Now that the race through the

holidays is behind us, the reli-

gious school is ready to settle

into a smooth groove of learn-

ing and fun. This past month,

our students have blown the

shofar, decorated Sukkahs,

danced to Israeli music, creat-

ed Deborah trees, recited blessings, practiced He-

brew, discussed the meaning of tzedakah and so

much more! What makes my heart warm is hearing

the students talk about how much fun they are hav-

ing and how they “can’t wait” to see their friends

again next week. When they tell me they are excit-

ed to come to Oseh, then I know we are doing

something right. Our phenomenal teachers have

poured their passion into each lesson, and it shows.

Looking ahead, the religious school has a lot

planned. First, there are the community-wide

B’Yachad. Every month we will have an entire-

synagogue event. Sometimes these events will fall

on a holiday, and sometimes they will simply be a

way for us all to get together. I have two main

goals for these events. First, I want the students to

experience Judaism as it happens. It is not just

something to be learned in a classroom. Second, I

want the families to connect. With each dinner,

each service, each event, it is an opportunity for

Oseh Shalom to grow together as a community.

The religious school PTO is off and running too. Our

Parent Teacher Organization is a very important

part of our religious school. Why? Because it takes a

village to raise our children. We are all in this to-

gether, and I need your help. Just like B’Yachad, it

will be another opportunity for parents to connect.

Our children are bonded. They come to Oseh and

are happy to see their friends. But what about our

parents? The PTO will be creating monthly pro-

gramming, like yoga, and running Café Oseh in or-

News From the Religious School der to offer parents the opportunity to hang out

together. My goal? I want the era of ‘dropping

off’ kids at Sunday school to end. I’d love to see

entire families coming to Oseh on Sunday morn-

ings—the kids in the school wing, the parents in-

volved in activities in the social hall.

I’m looking forward to an eventful October. As

always, stop by to say hello!


Renee Richards

Oseh Representative Needed

The Laurel Advocacy and Referral Service (LARS) – is seeking an Oseh Shalom

representative for their board.

This exceptionally important service, located not far from

Oseh Shalom, works with local homeless and low-level individ-

uals in helping them attain self-sufficiency. LARS provides ser-

vices such as food pantries, employment services, housing,

health care, counseling, help with the Winter Shelter intakes,

etc. For more information about the position, please contact:

Helen Lowe Metzman, [email protected],

Felicia Friedman, [email protected],

or Linda Bergofsky, [email protected],

Below is a description of the board position:

Member of the Board of Directors

Job Description and Expectations

Mission: To enable homeless and low-income people in Lau-

rel who are in crisis to achieve stability and long-term self-


Position:The Board will support the work of LARS and pro-

vide mission-based leadership and strategic governance. While

day-to-day operations are led by LARS’ Executive Director

(ED), the Board –ED relationship is a partnership, and the ap-

propriate involvement of the Board is both critical and ex-

pected. Specific Board responsibilities include:

Serving as a trusted advisor to the ED as she

develops and implements LARS’ strategic plan

Reviewing outcomes and metrics created by

LARS for evaluating its impact, and regularly

measuring its performance and effectiveness

Continued on page 6

Page 4: The Shalom · Shalom has planned a wonderful year ahead for adult learning, with opportunities for Hebrew study, book lectures and discussions, film screenings, and much more. Most

The Shalom Volume 49, No. 2

Page 4

and holidays like Simhat Torah, Hanukkah, and Pu-

rim as we have through B’Yachad. We had 180

people join us for a free dinner at the B’Yachad

Back to Shul Night. The program has been expand-

ed this year and still requires angelic support to

make it happen.

So, I’m sharing that on the Oseh Shalom “Wish

List.” Oseh Shalom still needs angels from the con-

gregation to help us continue this program, which

requires a part-time coordinator for each event and

the covering of catering costs. A donor sponsored

the catering of the Back to Shul Night Dinner. Our

Simhat Torah B’Yachad is a pot-luck dinner be-

cause we have not been able to secure funding.

Our November B’Yachad Shabbat Kiddush Lunch-

eon is being underwritten as part of the Bar Mitz-

vah being held that Shabbat. However, the

B’Yachad on the calendar after November, includ-

ing the Hanukkah B’Yachad Dinner, currently needs

help from angels. The cost of these dinners is over

$1,500, sometimes significantly more depending on

the number of people we are expecting, the menu,


Oseh Shalom does not have funding in the budget

to cover these programs. I truly wish we did. So, if

you are in a position to feel a bit angelic and help

us underwrite one or part of one B’Yachad for the

remainder of the year, please contact me or Kelly

Benton-Klein, Development Chair.

Finally, I would like to thank all those who have

helped in the office for this summer: Judy Arnoff,

Mona Davis, Lisa Karpf, Doris Kirschbaum, Mariyan

Kolev, Yannet Pena, and Pauline Pivowar.

L’Shanah Tovah,

Barry Nove

Executive Director

[email protected]


Continued from page 2, Executive Director Would you like to SAVE money while EARNING

money for Oseh Shalom? Who would say no to

that question? Let me tell you how!

Even though I volunteered to head up the development

committee (think fundraising) I really despise most

fundraising programs. I am guessing I am not the only

one who doesn’t want to spend twice the amount on

pizzas or gift wrap or cookie dough just to support

something we care about. So my main focus for year

round fundraising (still have to do some traditional

fundraising) is to offer opportunities for members to

help Oseh financially without spending more money

than they do in their normal day to day spending.

AND, there is a way for you to reduce what you may

owe for building fees. Please look below to see some

of the ongoing ways you can help Oseh. I will keep it

brief and then you can contact me with questions or

look at previous editions for more information.

Do you ever shop at Giant?

If so make sure you have registered your My Giant

Card with their A+ School Rewards program to

support Oseh’s Religious School. You earn

points when you shop that is turned into cash for

the school. If you have a child in public school,

you can link two schools to your card and earn

money for both. Let’s get 100% of the congre-

gation linked in to this program.

If you purchase Giant gift cards from us, we can earn

more money (4-5%). You buy the cards for face

value from one of our programs (SCRIP or Giant

Bucks) and we earn a rebate. Win/win option.

Do you ever shop on Amazon?

Then please make sure you are linked to Oseh with

AmazonSmile. This is Amazon’s program

where they donate a percent of your purchase to

your designated organization. Again, no extra

cost to you.

You can also purchase Amazon gift cards through

our SCRIP program that you can load to your

account and pay with that instead of your credit

card. This would earn Oseh an additional 3% of

your purchase. So a double earning for Oseh and

nothing extra from you.

BoxTops for Education-Do you have these labels in

your house. I am pretty confident you have a cou-

ple at least.

Go to

Participating-Products to see the products and

what the label looks like.

Page 5: The Shalom · Shalom has planned a wonderful year ahead for adult learning, with opportunities for Hebrew study, book lectures and discussions, film screenings, and much more. Most

Volume 49, No. 2 The Shalom

Page 5

Please collect all the Box Tops that are in your

home and friends’ homes, and bring them to

Oseh whenever you can. Each label is worth 10

cents and if we all collect, we could earn a lot of

money. Just think if every family collected just

100 Box Tops this year we could raise $2500. I

think we could do more than 100 each - are you

up for the challenge?? Remember collecting

from friends and neighbors is fair game.

So now you may be asking how any of this can save

you money. I have explained how it doesn’t cost

any extra but what about a direct benefit to you.

The answer is fairly simple. We have decided that this

year, 50% of the rebate you earn through SCRIP pur-

chases can be used to OFFSET some (or all) of your

Building or Maintenance Fund. So if your rebates to-

tal $400 this year, than $200 would go to covering

your building fees and $200 would go to general fund-

raising. So, not only are you helping Oseh’s fundrais-

ing goals, you could reduce your expenses. Of course,

you could opt not to offset your building funds and

instead have 100% be in support of Oseh Shalom. (We

wouldn’t fight you on that).

So as you can see, the SCRIP program we have been

using can actually save you money and Oseh receives

a rebate, too. It’s a win/win situation. Please contact

me or talk to anyone who was at the Annual Meeting

who heard a more detailed presentation about

SCRIP. Let’s get full participation. Even if you only

buy one card a month that would be helpful. I have

huge goals in mind and hope that this is so successful

we won’t have to raise dues next year. Who’s with me

on that?!

So if you haven’t signed up yet, please go to to learn more, then sign up

with our enrollment code- 9B386B1A3985L. Once

you fall in love with the program, please talk it up to

other members as well as friends and neighbors. They

can sign up to participate and help us, too. Remember

it doesn’t cost anything more than you would be

spending normally. If you don’t want to do this online,

there is a paper option or you can call me directly with

an order.

Kelly Benton-Klein

[email protected] or 301-490-7764

Page 6: The Shalom · Shalom has planned a wonderful year ahead for adult learning, with opportunities for Hebrew study, book lectures and discussions, film screenings, and much more. Most

The Shalom Volume 49, No. 2

Page 6

mittee meetings being held on the months that do not have

full Board meetings.

Qualifications: This is an extraordinary opportunity for an

individual who is passionate about LARS’s mission and who

has a track record of leadership. Selected Board Members

will have demonstrated leadership in business, government,

philanthropy, non-profit, or other sector. His/her accomplish-

ments will allow him/her to attract other well-qualified, high-

performing Board Members.

Ideal candidate will have the following qualifications:

Extensive professional experience with signifi-

cant executive leadership accomplishments

in business, government, philanthropy, or

the non-profit sector

A commitment to and understanding of LARS’s

beneficiaries, preferably based on experi-


Diplomatic skills and a natural affinity for culti-

vating relationships and persuading, conven-

ing, facilitating, and building consensus

among diverse individuals

Personal qualities of integrity, credibility, and a

passion for improving the lives of LARS’s


Service on the LARS Board of Directors is without

remuneration, except for administrative support and

accommodation costs in relation to Board Member’s


Thank you for your consideration.

using those metrics

Reviewing meeting support materials prior to

board and/or committee meetings

Approving LARS’s annual budget, audit re-

ports, and material business decisions; be-

ing informed of, and meeting all, legal and

fiduciary responsibilities

Contributing to the annual performance evalu-

ation of the ED

Assisting the ED and board chair in identifying

and recruiting other Board Members

Serving on at least one committee or task

force and taking special assignments

Representing LARS to stakeholders; acting as

an ambassador for the organization

Regularly attending full Board meetings

Fundraising: LARS Board Members will consider LARS a

philanthropic priority and make annual gifts that reflect that

priority. So that LARS can credibly solicit contributions from

foundations, organizations, and individuals, LARS expects to

have 100 percent of the Board Members make an annual

contribution that is commensurate with their capacity.

Board Terms /Participation: LARS Board Members will

serve a three-year term to be eligible for additional terms.

After having served two (2) consecutive terms, in order to

be re-elected for an additional term, a Director must be

elected by a two-thirds majority of the full board. Generally,

Board meetings will be held every two months with Com-

Continued from page 3, LARS Member Needed

Come Dance with the Torah!!Come Dance with the Torah!!Come Dance with the Torah!! Sunday, October 4thSunday, October 4thSunday, October 4th

6 pm6 pm

Potluck Dinner Potluck Dinner

Arts & Crafts ActivitiesArts & Crafts Activities

7 pm7 pm


Music & DancingMusic & Dancing

Oseh ShalomOseh Shalom

7515 Olive Branch Way7515 Olive Branch Way

Laurel, MD 20707Laurel, MD 20707



Page 7: The Shalom · Shalom has planned a wonderful year ahead for adult learning, with opportunities for Hebrew study, book lectures and discussions, film screenings, and much more. Most

Volume 49, No. 2 The Shalom

Page 7

New flooring installed in Social Hall

Consider Oseh Shalom when planning your Simcha’s needs!

Reasonable and competitive rates for use of our Social Hall,

Kitchen, Rooms, and Sanctuary.

For details and availability contact:

Barry Nove, Executive Director

@ 301-498-5151 or [email protected]

In time for B’Yachad Back to Shul Night and the High Holy Days, Oseh

Shalom recently renovated the Social Hall’s original flooring with new

Armstrong Luxe Plank, a vinyl flooring product. Special thanks to the

Aesthetics Committee and to the angels in the congregation, who con-

tributed, making this beautiful renovation happen as our congregation

enters its 50th Anniversary year.

Page 8: The Shalom · Shalom has planned a wonderful year ahead for adult learning, with opportunities for Hebrew study, book lectures and discussions, film screenings, and much more. Most

The Shalom Volume 49, No. 2

Page 8

The Shalom is a great place to advertise!

If you know someone who is interested, please


Barry Nove, Executive Director, at

[email protected] or (301) 498-5151

Hello. To add to my Bar Mitzvah prepara-tion, I am running a mitzvah project to col-lect books to donate to the Maryland Book Bank. A mitzvah project is a program where you try to make the world a better place by taking action and doing what you can to promote a cause that you feel strongly about. The Maryland Book Bank is an or-ganization that supplies kids in low income families, libraries, and schools all around Maryland with books. Their mission is so important because the average number of books in a low-income household is 0-2. I am running this book drive because I am a huge reader and I would feel terrible if I lost my access to books. I want to help kids by supplying them with the books that they need to have a happy childhood.

I am looking for books for any age, any genre, fiction or nonfiction, from kid to adult (adult books are sold to help the pro-gram), in good condition, with minimal rips and tears and no missing pages or food stains. If you want to donate, you can drop off books at the collection box by the en-trance to the synagogue, or you can con-tact me at:

[email protected]

or 410-531-6590.

The box will be out from the beginning of October until my Bar Mitzvah date, Novem-ber 21, 2015.


Jonah Richardson

Jonah’s Mitzvah Project

Do you know someone who is shul shopping? If so, please make sure to mention Oseh Shalom to them. Don’t worry about being an “expert” about all as-pects of Oseh Shalom. We have staff and volunteers available to answer any questions that they have about the synagogue.

Any prospective members who call the office, indi-cate their interest via the website (, or sign the guest book (which is kept outside of the sanctuary), are contacted and can be mailed a membership packet. We also add them to our email list so that they can be aware of upcoming events. Anyone who is interested in speaking to our Rabbi or Renee Richards, the religious school direc-tor, is welcome to do so. Also, I am always available to answer questions, as is Barry Nove, our Executive Director. I can be contacted by email at [email protected] or by phone at (H) (410) 792-2868 or by (cell) (443) 812-5469.

The Membership Committee is also hosting a New and Prospective Member Brunch on Sunday, Novem-ber 15, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. The purpose of the brunch is to orient and provide new and prospective members, answering all their questions about Oseh Shalom. The brunch is complimentary to new and prospective members—anyone who wants to attend simply needs to RSVP to me or the synagogue office at (301) 498-5151 or [email protected]. So, please feel free to invite anyone who interested to the brunch.

Ann Wittik-Bravmann, Membership Chair

Do you know potential congregants?

Page 9: The Shalom · Shalom has planned a wonderful year ahead for adult learning, with opportunities for Hebrew study, book lectures and discussions, film screenings, and much more. Most

Volume 49, No. 2 The Shalom

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The Long and Short of Noodles: Lessons in Kugel

Sunday, October 18 at 10:00 am

Reservations are encouraged to make sure we have enough food. Contact [email protected] or call Judy at 301-460-6928.

After last year’s suc-cessful cooking class on the Sephardic seder, foodie, caterer, and cooking teacher Susan Barocas will again share her expertise and good humor with Oseh Shalom members. She will give a talk, cooking demonstration, and tasting of some of the best Jewish food around—kugel.

Back by popular demand!

Susan will discuss the long and fascinating his-tory of noodles, from an-cient China to ancient Persian palaces and all along the Silk Road, to connections with East-ern European Jewish homes, other Jewish communities, and on-wards to our modern life, as well as the evolution of both the noodle and the kugel as we know it.

Page 10: The Shalom · Shalom has planned a wonderful year ahead for adult learning, with opportunities for Hebrew study, book lectures and discussions, film screenings, and much more. Most

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1 Ann Wittik-Bravmann

2 Rabbi Gary Fink

2 Julianna Magnus

4 Kara Beakley

4 Sarah Biederman

4 Jill Booher

4 Anne Hilsenrath

4 Kara Kramer

4 Martin Makovi

4 Evan McRae

4 Marilyn Wilder

5 Robert Ginsberg

5 Dylan Holzman

6 Lissa Friedman

6 Martin Levy

7 Joshua Nachman

7 Michael Nathan

8 Geoffrey Berman

9 Jonathan Levine

9 Phillip Meyerson

10 Eric Nathan

10 Joseph Solomon

10 Rich Thomas

11 Mark Dziengiel

11 Benjamin Kleinberg

11 Jamie LeRoy

11 Stephen Urman

12 Eric Simon

13 Brooke Rankin

14 Joshua Bers

14 Noah Bers

14 Scott Holzman

15 Jason Firestone

15 Donna Greenwald

15 Valerie Kaplan

15 George Stone

16 Daniel Greenwald

16 Levi Gruhn

16 Alan Wilder

17 Kaila Friedman

17 Dan Glaser

18 Jessica Bird

19 Bill Putman

19 Pat Young

20 Jules Goodman

20 Jean Schnurr

21 Roman Kowalczyk

21 Eve Robbins-Spevack

22 Michael Fleishman

22 Jamie Gabel

22 Sandra Gordon-Salant

22 Darlene Grossman

22 Sara Shine

23 Alan Friedman

23 Phyllis Kramer

24 Robin Gilbert

24 Jacob Wasserman

24 Jeremy Weissenburger

25 Marlene Newman

28 Leon Litow

29 Paula Finedore

29 Laura Menyuk

29 Zoe Sheppard

30 Dan Fox

30 Matthew Loeb

30 Michael Shugar

31 Cody Brick

Page 11: The Shalom · Shalom has planned a wonderful year ahead for adult learning, with opportunities for Hebrew study, book lectures and discussions, film screenings, and much more. Most

Volume 49, No. 2 The Shalom

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10/1/2015 Robert Clarke Booher, son of John and Jill Booher

10/1/2015 Anna Butler, grandmother of Valerie Kaplan

10/1/2015 *Jean Myers, mother of Carolyn Makovi

10/1/2015 Philip Pokodner, father of Gary Pokodner

10/2/2015 Elizabeth Levin, grandmother of Gary Gaines and Elizabeth Gaines

10/3/2015 Frieda Magnus, grandmother of Gary Magnus

10/3/2015 *Hyman Eisenblatt, great uncle of Mark Pomerantz

10/4/2015 Ed Steinman, uncle of Patti Taylor

10/5/2015 *Helene Berz Bonnie, mother of Karen Bonnie Eaton

10/5/2015 *Evelyn Klein, mother of Stephen Klein and grandmother of Kelly Benton-Klein

10/6/2015 Sadie Kay, grandmother of Linda Bergofsky

10/6/2015 *Malcom Neil Liebroder, cousin of Mark Pomerantz

10/6/2015 Doris Jaspen, aunt of Beth Souba

10/7/2015 Jane Schimel, mother of Ronald Schimel

10/8/2015 Albert Butler, father of Valerie Kaplan

10/8/2015 *Frances Braunstein, aunt of Stephen Schoenfeld

10/9/2015 Lora Riehl, mother of John Riehl

10/9/2015 Ruth Springer, stepmother of Gail Schimel

10/12/2015 Joseph Wexler Eaton, father of Seth Eaton

10/12/2015 Zina Hirsh, mother of Don Hirsh

10/12/2015 Rita Pauline Lann, aunt of Helen Lann

10/14/2015 Regina Greenspon, mother of Susan Wilson

10/15/2015 Sylvia Feldman, mother of Paul Feldman

10/15/2015 Elisa Friedman, niece of David Friedman

10/16/2015 Herb Cohen, stepfather of Andrew Friedman

10/16/2015 Sonia Rosenblum, mother of Pauline Pivowar

10/18/2015 Helen Gordon, mother of Elissa Karpf

10/21/2015 Julius Levin, grandfather of Gary Gaines and Elizabeth Gaines

10/21/2015 Clara Lechter, mother of Amy Lechter-Siegel

10/21/2015 Alvin Shapiro, father of Eileen Pokodner

10/22/2015 Beverly Remer, mother of Laurie Remer

10/23/2015 Jules Finkel, father-in-law of Hillary Finkel

10/23/2015 *Satoshi Kondo, father of Hideko Fox


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10/23/2015 *Gladys Helman, mother of Joan Magin

10/23/2015 *David Stoler, father of Martha Pomerantz and grandfather of Mark Pomerantz

10/23/2015 *Abraham Schoenfeld, father of Stephen Schoenfeld

10/25/2015 Emily Velelli, grandmother of Eileen Hollander

10/26/2015 *Karen Fox, daughter of Eugene & Hideko Fox

10/26/2015 *Jack Fox, father of Eugene Fox

10/26/2015 Ruth Goozman, mother of Marty Goozman

10/28/2015 Raymond Clamage, father of Larry Clamage

10/28/2015 *Karen Seigel, wife of Alan Seigel and mother of Jessica Seigel

10/29/2015 Roslyn Gladstone, grandmother of Bobbi Adams

10/29/2015 Barbara Frost, mother of Betsy Adelman

10/29/2015 Minna Lincoln, grandmother of Andrew Lincoln

10/30/2015 David Bacharach, father of Richard Bacharach

10/30/2015 *Gayle Petroff Thepaut, cousin of Karen Bonnie Eaton

10/30/2015 Sylvia Freiman, mother of April Koeppel

10/30/2015 Larry Katz, brother-in-law of Ann Wittik-Bravmann

10/31/2015 Victor Newman, father of Marcia Dresner

10/31/2015 Ida Finkel, mother-in-law of Hillary Finkel


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Rabbi Rabbi Doug Heifetz 301-498-5151 [email protected]

Rabbi Emeritus Rabbi Gary Fink 301-498-5151 [email protected]

Executive Director Barry Nove 301-498-5151 [email protected]

Cantor Cantor Charlie Bernhardt 301-498-5151 [email protected]

Bookkeeper Audrey Klein 301-498-5151 [email protected]

Education Director Renee Richards 301-498-7004 [email protected]

Religious School Assistant Jovette Solomon 301-498-7004 osrsassitant

Director Teen Connect Mikey-Hess-Weber 301-275-7849 [email protected]

Shalom Editor Carolyn Makovi 301-236-4411 [email protected]

Shalom Layout Adam Goldfarb 301-498-5151 [email protected]

Shalom Advertising Mona Davis 240-423-0049 [email protected]

All Publicity Chairs [email protected]

Webmaster Melody Magnus 301-622-2947 [email protected]

Oseh Shalom WHO’S WHO LIST for 2015-2016


President Lynne Gaynes-Kaplan 443-864-1935 [email protected]

Administrative V.P. Allison Holtz 410-531-0757 [email protected]

Financial V.P. David Argue 301-625-8136 [email protected]

Education co-V.P. Leslie Kornreich

Reenie Kraft



[email protected]

[email protected]

Religious V.P. Andy Friedman 301-776-4672 [email protected]

Membership Ann Wittik-Bravmann 410-792-2868 [email protected]

Secretary Heidi Rhodes 301-317-0944 [email protected]

Treasurer Gary Gaines 301-937-2010 [email protected]

Past President Karen Meckler 443-812-2414 [email protected]

Financial Secretary Adam Reese 301-942-0594 [email protected]

Building and Grounds Ron Benton-Klein 301-490-7764 [email protected]

Contracts Coordinator Karen Bonnie Eaton 443-326-6326 [email protected]

Community Services Felicia Friedman 240-786-6274 [email protected]

Life Long Learning Judy Katz 301-460-6928 [email protected]

At Large Marc Litz 410-531-0757 [email protected]

At Large Elliot Malumuth 301-483-6384 [email protected]

At Large John Riehl 301-490-3645 [email protected]

Development Kelly Benton-Klein 301-490-7764 [email protected]

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High Holidays Karen Meckler 443-812-2414 [email protected]

JRF Representative John Riehl 301-490-3645 [email protected]

Policy & Procedures

Publicity Elaine Povich 301-490-2832 [email protected]

Youth Liaison Doug Kornreich 410-379-6459 [email protected]



President Carolyn Makovi 301-236-4411 [email protected]

Recording Secretary Rochelle Sypes 240-264-1281 [email protected]

Corresponding Secretary Judy Arnoff 301-490-6207 [email protected]

Treasurer Pauline Pivowar 301-604-8954 [email protected]

Treasurer Margrit Assaraf 240-280-7259 [email protected]

Gift Shop, Chair Lisa Karpf 301-262-5581 [email protected]

Membership Chair

Oneg Host Chair Lisa Karpf 301-262-5581 [email protected]

Oneg Sponsors Chair Mona Davis 240-423-0049 [email protected]

Program Chair

Tributes Chair Leah Young 301-498-4251 [email protected]

Oneg Food Chair Lisa Karpf 301-262-5581 [email protected]

Catering Marilyn Riffkin 301-384-8667 [email protected]

President Alan Seigel 301-490-0057 [email protected]

Past President Michael Becker 443-474-7374 [email protected]

Treasurer Art Solomon 240-280-2067 [email protected]


[email protected]—this email address reaches all lay leaders of the Oseh Shalom Congregational

board. Many conversations can be shared with the Rabbi and Barry. However, you must explicitly include the

email address for the Rabbi and Barry Nove.

[email protected]—this email address reaches all of the leaders of our various media, such as,

Shalom editor, list serve, Publicity chairs, Facebook, Web site, Bima Notes and Barry Nove. When sending pub-

licity, be sure to specify which (or all) forms of publicity desired.

[email protected]—this email address reaches the Membership Committee chairs

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August 28

Anonymous in honor of Susanna Joel, Barbara and John Margolis' new granddaughter

Anonymous in honor of Maurice and Margrit Assaraf ’s newest grandchild, Noah

September 4

Lili Barouch and Steve Muchnick in honor of their wedding

October 2

Makovi family in honor of Marty’s birthday

Doris Kirschbaum in honor the birthday of grandson, Ian

October 9

Ginsberg family in honor of Robert’s birthday

Solomon family in honor of Joseph’s birthday

Leah and Patrick Young in honor of their anniversary

Bers family in honor of the birthdays of Noah and Joshua

October 16

Lili Barouch and Steve Muchnick in honor of Isaac’s Bar Mitzvah

Elmina and Ernest Hilsenrath in honor of the birthday of their grandson, Zachary Arthur Russell

Urman family in honor of Stephen’s birthday

Maryrita Wieners in honor of Dan Glaser’s birthday

Lara and Jody in honor of the birthday of their mother, Val Kaplan

Stone family in honor of George’s birthday

October 23

Lynne Gaynes-Kaplan and Steve Kaplan in honor of their anniversary

Margrit and Maurice Assaraf in honor of their anniversary

Elaine and Jim Firestone in honor of their their anniversary and the birthdays of Deborah and Jason

October 30

Litow family in honor of Leon’s birthday

Finedore family in honor of Paula’s birthday

Menyuk family in honor of Laura’s birthday

Ronnie Brown and Toni Goldberg in honor of Dan Fox’s birthday

Oneg Sponsors

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Rabbi’s Discretionary


Rafaelle & Ronald Brooks

In memory of Robert Forbes

and Kenneth Brooks

Lynne Gaynes-Kaplan

In memory of George Gaynes

Steve & Nancey Parker

In memory of Ann Parker

Nancey Parker

In memory of Evelyn Cohen,

mother of Nancey Parker

Alan & Marilyn Wilder

In memory of Max Wilder,

Beloved Father of Alan Wilder Yartzeit Fund

Nancey Parker

In memory of Evelyn Cohen,

mother of Nancey Parker

Steve & Nancey Parker

In memory of Ann Parker

Holly & George Stone

In memory of Avrum


Religious School Special

Events Fund

Steve & Nancey Parker

In memory of Ann Parker

John Riehl

Camp JRF Scholarship


Beryl & Gerson Kramer

In memory of our beloved

son, Arthur H. Kramer

Gary & Debbie Richardson

In honor of Jonah’s Bar Mitz-


Gary & Debbie Richardson

In memory of Bobbi Adams’


Restricted Gift

Lynne Gaynes-Kaplan &

Steve Kaplan

Allison Holtz & Mark Litz

Karen Meckler & Brad


Donna Potemken & David


Sheila & Stephen Urman

Sharon Stern Garden Fund


Library Fund


Community Services Fund

(Social Action & Caring &


Ellis Schlossenberg

In memory of Sidney


Kol Haneshama: Prayers

for a House of Mourning


Mike & Patti Taylor

In memory of Uncle Len


In honor of Myron Finer

Life Long Learning Fund

Neal & Mary Meyerson

In memory of Irving Meyer-


Nancey Parker

In memory of Evelyn Cohen,

mother of Nancey Parker

General Gifts

Denise Kanuk & Stuart


In honor of the birth of Su-

sanna Joel, granddaughter of

John & Barbara Margolis

Tzedek Fund


Steve & Nancey Parker

In memory of Ann Parker


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High Holiday Appeal


Shari & David Argue

Emily Blank

In memory of Annette Frank-

lin Blank

John P. & Paula Goodman


Judy Arnoff

In memory of Howard Arnoff,

Irving Brenner, and Zella


Stephen & Marjorie Aug

Linda Bergofsky & Don


In memory of our parents &

grandparents and in honor of

our children & grandchildren

Sarah & William Bieder-


In memory of Peter Weit-


Larry & Bella Clamage

In memory of Ray & Lil


Marcia & Norman Dresner

In memory of Max & Blanche

Dresner, and Evelyne & Victor


Jay & Cindy Feinberg

In memory of Myron Feinberg

James & Elaine Firestone

In memory of Abraham I.

Kimmel and Roslyn Stewart

Dan Gabel and Jill


In honor of Cantor Charlie


Lynne Gaynes-Kaplan &

Steve Kaplan

Shulamit Giles

In memory of Goldie Sarah


High Holiday Appeal

Dan Glaser & Maryrita


In memory of Roberta Laric

Rebecca Kemp Goldfinger

Stuart Greenbaum

In memory of Alan Green-


Donna & Gary Greenwald

In memory of Ernest Green-

wald, Lillian Greenwald, and

Sol Krasner

Ernest & Elmina


Susan & Martin Hoffman

In memory of Willie & Rose

Hoffman and Henry & Ethel


Val Kaplan

Wynne & Robert Klein-


In memory of Bernard and

Selma Kleinberg

Helen Lann & Bill Frelick

Larry & Paula Levy

Beverly & Hal Ludwig

In memory of Sidney & Anne

Reamer and Lucille Ludwig

Sharon & Howard Mager

In memory of Alfred Selber,

father of Sharon, and Roke

Lieberman, stepfather

John & Barbara Margolis

In memory of Joel Margolis &

Claire Broad

Claire & Curtis Menyuk

In memory of Leon Schwartz

Susan & Tom Northcutt

In memory of Frank Feldman

Elaine Povich & Ron


Annette Rankin

Steve Salant & Sandra


High Holiday Appeal

Lorraine & Stephen


In memory of Rose Schoen-

feld Miros

Lorraine & Stephen


In honor of our children

Alan Seigel

In memory of Victor Seigel,

Jerry Seigel, and Karen Seigel

Holly & George Stone

Judy & David Swanner

In memory of Lawrence Paul


Linda & Ron Tobin

Cathy & Robert Weiss

In honor of our children, Ben

& Michele

Vaughn & Celia Winchell

Andi & Jeff Zolt

In memory of Richard Rohan

& Nathanael Rohan

Diane & Andrew Green

Hideko & Eugene Fox

In memory of Karen M. Fox

Lynne Masterson & Sid-

ney M. Kirschner

In memory of Carl & Freda

Kirschner, parents of Sidney


April & Jeffrey Koeppel

In honor of Morton Koeppel &

Joe Freiman

Marjorie & Martin Levy

Robert & Joan Nachman

In memory of Sue Nachman

Carole & Robert Nathan

In memory of Ezra Eisenberg,

Betty Nathan, Dick Nathan

In honor of Evelyn Eisenberg

John Riehl

High Holiday Appeal

Gail & Ron Schimel

In memory of Ruth Springer,

Sam Springer, Arnie Springer,

Belle Springer,

Leo Schimel, Jane

Schimel, and Louis


Sheila & Stephen Urman

In memory of Linda Rashba

Bryna & Howard Weiss

In memory of Rose & Irving

Brodie and Rose & Emanuel


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When you receive your email or letter notifying you

of your scheduled date for hosting an Oneg, WE

NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU as soon as possible,


We need time to find an alternate to take your

place if you cannot keep your assigned date, and

we will reschedule you if possible, or put you on

our reserve list for a future opening.

Please respond to Lisa when you receive your email

or letter. You can reach her at:

(Lisa Karpf) [email protected]

Thank you for your prompt response.

Lisa Karpf, Chair, Coordinating Oneg Host

Baruch Dayan haEmet

The congregation sends its deepest sympathy and condolences to the Lessler family on the passing of Dora Bloom, z''l, the grandmother of Sara Lessler and great grandmother of Evan, Jenna, and Matthew Lessler.

The congregation sends its deepest sympathy and condolences to Bob Fleishman on the passing of his mother, Doris R. Fleishman, z''l.

May the mourners find comfort within the gates of Zion and Jerusalem.

Mazel Tov!

The congregation sends its congratulations to Shari and David Argue on the birth of grandson Ezra Micah Purves, son of Julie Argue.

The congregation sends its congratulations to Barbara and John Margolis on the birth of granddaughter Susanna Joel Schiffer, daughter of Sara Margolis Schiffer.

May the children grow up to Torah, chuppah, uma'asim tovim.

8 Tim Livengood & Gwyn Fireman

8 Pat & Leah Young

9 David & Betsy Adelman

9 Eric & Jackie Land

10 Marty & Jill Goozman

11 Marc & Laura Applestein

12 Edward Cheng & Tamar Eskin

14 Benjamin & Stefanie Fogle

16 Melvin & Laura Stern

18 Maurice & Margrit Assaraf

18 Lee & Tammy Goldberg

19 Steve & Ida Lenet

20 Jeremy & Amy Weissenburger

21 Tim & Darlene Grossman

22 Robert & Joanne Berger

24 Jason & Kara Beakley

24 James & Elaine Firestone

24 David & Elizabeth Leight

27 Andreas Anwander & Talya Frelick

29 David & Judy Swanner



If you are interested in helping us plan this ma-jor fundraising event please contact me as soon as possible. We will need volunteers to help with different aspects of the night so let me know what you are interested in doing and how much time you have to offer. We need help now with planning the event and booking what-ever entertainment/activity we choose to be the best idea. We will need help with invitation de-signs, food planning, and much more.

Kelly Benton-Klein


To Gary and Susie Horwitz in memory of Gary’s mother. Leah and Patrick Young

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Oseh Shalom Calendar Highlights

October 2015

October 7,14,21,28 8:30 PM Israeli Dance

October 9,16,23,30 8:00 PM Shabbat Evening Services

October 7,14,21,28 5:00 PM Lower School

October 2 6:00 PM Men’s Club Sukkot Dinner/Campsite

7:00 PM Shabbat Family Services

October 3 10:00 AM Shabbat Morning Services

1:30-6 PM Sukkah Hop

October 4 1:30-6 PM Sukkah Hop

6:00 PM B’Yachad Simchat Torah Dinner

7:00 PM B’Yachad Simchat Services

October 5 10:00 AM Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah, with Yizkor

October 6 7:30 PM Kadimah Meeting

7:30 PM Sisterhood Board Meeting

October 10 10:00 AM Shabbat Morning Service—Robert Northcutt Bar Mitzvah

6:00 PM Farm to Sukkah Dinner (reservation required)

October 11 10:00 AM B’Nei Mitzvah Prep Retreat w/ Rabbi

11:45 AM Homeschooling Meeting

11:45 AM Upper School Torah Study

October 13 7:30 PM B’Nei Mitzvah Nuts & Bolts Parents Orientation

October 14 7:15 PM Executive Committee

October 15 7:30 PM Religious Committee Meeting

October 17 10:00 AM Shabbat Morning Services—Isaac Uy Bar Mitzvah

October 18 9:30 AM Pre-K

10:00 AM LLL—Cooking Demo with Susan Barocas

10:00 AM Shaharit Class Retreat Meeting w/ Rabbi

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Dates Lighting Time Havdalah Parsha Haftarah

October 2-3

Sukkot 5-6

6:30 PM 7:36 PM

October 4

Hoshana Rabah

6:27 PM

October 5

Shmini Atzeret

Simchat Torah

7:33 PM

October 9-10 6:19 PM 7:25 PM Bereshit

Genesis 5:1-6:8

Isaiah 42:5-43:10; Isaiah 42:5-21*

October 13-14

Rosh Chodesh Chesvan

7:15 P

October 16-17 6:08 PM 7:15 PM Noach

Genesis 11:1-32

Isaiah 54:1-55:5; Isaiah 54:1-10*

October 23-24 5:59 PM 7:06 PM Lech Lecha

Genesis 16:1-17:27

Isaiah 40:27-41:16

October 30-31 5:50 PM 6:57 PM Vayera

Genesis 21:1-22:24

II Kings 4:1-37; II Kings 4:1-23

* The first haftarah is read by Ashkenazim, the second by Sefardim.


dle L



g T



11:45 AM Teenconnect

7:00 PM Board Meeting

October 21 7:30 PM Lifelong Learning Committee Meeting

11:45 PM Teenconnect

7:00 PM Board Meeting

October 24 10:00 AM Shabbat Morning Services—Sasha Bird Bat Mitzvah

October 25 10:00 AM LLL—Rabbi’s Class

10:00 AM Membership Committee Meeting

11:45 AM Upper School Torah Study

7:00 PM Kadimah Meeting

October 31 10:00 AM Shabbat Morning Services—

Lily Cohen Bat Mitzvah

October 2015

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24

25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Page 22: The Shalom · Shalom has planned a wonderful year ahead for adult learning, with opportunities for Hebrew study, book lectures and discussions, film screenings, and much more. Most

Oseh Shalom

7515 Olive Branch Way

Laurel, MD 20707

Phone: 301-498-5151

Doug Heifetz, Rabbi

Carolyn Makovi, Editor

Adam Goldfarb, Layout Editor

Mona Davis, Advertising

[email protected]

Oseh Shalom is a vibrant, inclusive Reconstructionist synagogue, with members throughout the Baltimore

-Washington area, dedicated to providing a supportive community for celebrating Jewish life through

prayer, learning and social action.

Sundays, October 25, November 1 and 8, 10:00-11:30 a.m.

Midrash: Reading the Bible with Questions—What gives us the freedom to creatively re-interpret, repurpose and renew Jewish practices and beliefs from the past? Shouldn't we feel more tied to the 'fixed' practices and beliefs of long ago? (The answer is 'no'.) For thousands of years, the most dedi-cated Jewish scholars and teachers have read the source texts with incredible creativity. They stud-ied the Biblical source texts with incredible devotion and diligent insight, but also tremendous imagi-nation and passion for its potential relevance to their generation. They combined their studious in-sights and creative interpretations in an ancient genre called 'midrash'. We will examine and discuss some wonderful examples of this genre. We'll use the recent book Midrash: Reading the Bible with Questions, as well as some outside readings.

Sundays, March 6, and15, April 10, 10:00-11:30 a.m.

I hope to see you at as many of my classes, and our other many learning opportunities, as possible. Best wishes for a sweet new year!


Rabbi Doug Heifetz

Continued from page 1, Rabbi